- 'T,'... .V, . fTl - Uf. . 0.7 v.: j . jv'r"' wi-, jv - -:. 'j nv . -' ," --- tv-ir vFf iinJSKOASTEh BAIL INTEtXIGENCfiR, TRQUSDAT. MATtCB ?, IV, . k-H-'. 'ji 'At "-iJJ JJ - -J.- .,. L, B5?e r St., K?. v 'M V ,V . t. HIty lntl!lffncei MmAwna. aecm. t. m. JtM Ccr Calls. Stttotfeipated collapse of the great i H heard or wim ml pieu- E.'tthlfeyatMTOMbutlheM wueareinUr. IttMMbeae. Bowenisthoueaa- et Urt eoteper industry, and i, It much aottew. Tbe ibave been bavin fine dlvi- Halliwmnjli eentracUwlththerrench 'A r !, wMefabas covenanted te use an Si"- Ait mdnet at a hUrh price. The tempt. afairwaaen-wlilch none of them, & " BMWve,ws rdm te resist, xessi- IIUjrdMl set believe, any mete than MBMnu puDiic aici, was inerowewu M many yean of such dividends ter thMBY although they made their bargain Ataaai trim w i tvnf- lliAn tltminrif titiv. . w i ivi jnun i uu upj nivalin ! BwVMMbS a geed thine while masted Wltkat they would be sharp enough te , MH at before tbe crash came, l'reb- -MTIHT nave Men aiMroreintett tust u f-vtatimiia te ariv and has cauehl them "J-jwUh their stock en hand. , .jjX Tbe scheme was magnificent in its i .; repsttkm and eminently Frencby. It PiS.iU. a fine but ancient flavor about kJt. It simply proposed te gather nlUlie . :. - - - t.M m-a-I.! ttf1nt nna pnntml. a J te be sold te the consumer nt a profit fftUafactery te the owner. There was kething new in the idea at all ; it was only remarkably because of the boldness withwhlchsoelda game was played. It Is hardly conceivable that its originators had any ether purpose than te held It up long enough te gather their profit and get out. They were successful in pufllng up fiatr shares and In creating for them n Market ; and the collapse may only catch their dopes. Tbe scheme is one which should have brought its projectors under the whip of tie law. It is intolerable that a set rf Jjreign speculators should be let loose upon the country, te take control of its keines of copper and todeublo the natural price te the consumer et se necessary nn article. It should be punished ns a con piracy against the public geed. The f set that the project would necessarily be ft failure in the course et time, made It a.ly the mere necessary that the law should forbid it, te save the Invester as well as the consumer. It is time that the taw does net propose te protect the stupid iavester, save from direct robbery and fraud ; but In this case there is reason te believe that the scheme was fraudulently eoDeelved te entrap the Invester. All experience teaches that such pro jects te control the market have but brief existence. This one premised te control the copper market for many years, and no one of geed judgment should bave been deluded by it. When it Is finally disposed or, the price of cop per Is likely te fall te a very low figure, until the surplus that has accumulated has been disposed of ; which may be et advantage In the end te the producer, ns It will stimulate Us use and inctease tie consumption. m m m Herrla and Her King. Milan, et Servla, has performed almost tbe only praiseworthy act et his 17-year reift-n by abdicating in favor et his son and like the granting et a liberal consti tution tbe abdication was probably forced upon him by the real leaders of his dis gusted people. He bad a very small land te govern rilh a population net eiuul te that of New Yerk and Brooklyn nud much mere easily controlled. In fact his melancholy failure may have been partly due te lack of spirit en the part et the Servians who have been whipped with singular regularity en many battlefield?. Under the command of u Itusslan general they were overwhelmingly defeated by the Turks In 1872 and a few weeks later were again defeated though stroegly reinforced by Kusslans. They acted with the Kusslans in the Itusse-Turklsh war, but with no great effect, and their miser able failure against the Bulgarians is fresh In public memory. Perhaps all these disasters were owing te a lack of faith in their government similar te that which has been held se largely responsi ble for the failure of the French in their tat great war. Milan was called te the throne when a boy of fourteen and he new, with the reputation et a gambler, abandons his royal title In favor of his thirteen year-old-eon who will actually assume his executive power when he is eighteen years et age , the ngeet majority under Servian law. A geed many things may happen in the next Ave years and the chances are hardly even that the bright faced boy Alexander will ever be king of Senria. l'es'llily by that time Turkey will be dlvldid and the lUlkau states will bave lejt tlteir present unnatural Importance. They are et Interest new because no one can tell hew big they may grew when Turkey finally gees te pieces. Milan has been one of the worst, or want abused meu in Europe, aud has been accused of nearly every meanness from personal cowardice down, yet he retiree te the dignified pest or cemmander-ia-chlef of the army and will be well eared for by the Austrians in any event. Hebasantagenbed the Itussian influences ,1a bis court and his (juarrtl with his queen was ascribed at first te her llussian sympathies, se that his fall Is regarded as aBussian victory. Of the three regents Mr. Bistics will be the real holder of sewer and he has always been trlendly te Russia. Net for Wagons. We learn with surprise, from the coun cil proceedings, that the MUlersville street railway is se entrenched In its control et the streets which it traverses that tbe city cannot require it te put down a flat rail upon its tracks. We congratulate the MUlersville railroad fx its position, and suggest te it that it shall at once secure u turnout from the Heading railroad tracks at Water street and take its loco leco loce asetlves and cars out te MUlersville. It was with a view te this business, we pre MUU, that put it down T rails en Oranpe treet; and new that the permanency of ts roadway is assured, we think it might WIl fxecute its original iuteutlen. jif jmiwy it utu ueiiiyeu be tar uecause it "feared that the city authorities might "Ajeet te trains et cars being taken out Ouage street by steam or mule power ; tat it cerla'nly need no longer entertain f'ithli fear. We have every confidence ''"that our councils will net interpose 'Aiiy objection te any incumbrance 'A AMU nnlnta wli.tair.. ImUi. tjatt wn aw """ nunKxn uciug aiu curstreeH This confidence is based H liffiiil-- fittf- ? Wa 'wsrSJrSttr t.;. their undisturbed Irecerd. They will let ji railway turnout be built any when en the streets; and will premlt any number of rails te be laid sids by side ; nor de they care hew high the rails stand above the street level, nor what boles exist because of them, nor hew wide the gauge is. Ths councils have altogether forgotten that the streets were ever made for wagons and have dedica ted them te rails forever. Let us net swear. The Cabinet. Mr. Harrison's secretary et state was selected by him, net because he loved him, but because his party did; which may be considered by the politician te be a geed reason. We will wait patiently te nee Its result. , Mr. Harrison's secretary of the treas ury seems te have been chosen because his party wanted nn Eastern man and he wanted a Western ; se he took Wlndem, who lived in Minnesota while a politician and In New Yerk while a financier. The secretary of war was recommended te him as an original nnd persistent liar liar rlsen man at Chicago, with n geed record at home. The secretary of the navy, who knows nothing about ships but a great deal about law, was taken te represent N jw Yerk, which he does very creditably. The secretary of the intei ler came in because he was a college mate of Harrison and ns a very geed man who stands en the border land of the Seuth; and near enough te Dixie te rcpresent It. The postmaster general stands for Philadelphia nnd Quay; as he entered Inte politics for the first tlme in this campaign nnd his sole achievement was the collection of the money that enabled Quay te win the fight, the general In In ference that the postmaster generalslilp is the reward of this service seems te be justified. The attorney general Is the pcrsemil choice and representative of the president; and the agriculture man was thrown In te fill up and because the ether applicants had people come up te kick them out. IHi.l.AM, Texas, bun decided that It needs direct jllre(l te the coal fields in the Herthwcut, and also te the timber lands et the Houlhweat, and lMt week tbe enter prlilng citizens ralied a lean of f 125,000 and a oath benua et about 160,000 te posh the work te completion as fast aa men and menny can. Ilaltimere A'un. Lancaiter wants decidedly connection with the Ilaltimere .t Ohie ayitem and varleuH ether things, se abe KOta te work and establishes bank a. Til 8 supreme oeurt el lieulslana has J ust (loslded that pastengera oreaalng a railroad track at a atatlen, In order te leave or beard a train halted (or that purpote, are net held te the exercise et the tame care and dill genre whleh are ordinarily oxacted from periena oresalutc traeka, but are authorized te assume that tbe railroad oarperattona will se erder Ita train n that they will be aate from harm en tbe track whleh they are thus Invited and required te cress In erder te soeure their passage. Hat whnrea persen atlempta te beard tbe train wblle moving and after It has left the atatlen, lie no lenger aets en the Invitation or atande under the protection et the com pany, and wblle oreislnc or occupying tbe traek la bound te use proper oare far bis own protection, Tbe moral of wbleli la that It la well te form tbe bablt of keeping oil tbe tracks unless It Is absolutely neeessary te cresa then), and uover under any circumstances attempt te beard a moving train. Don't glve tbe corporation a chanoe te kill a man without paying for him. Tin: New Yerk )ferltl Is publishing aa a aerial a story purpeillng te be feunded upon noten banded te the exoeutlonor by tbe famous murderer I'rade Just befere be waa guillotined In l'drla last Doeembor. The Btery, cntltled "AHervant of Kitnn," la a draiuttle rejIUl et a aorlea el cold celd cold beooded vlllolnlea mid In llttle olse than an aid te education In crlme. The latest Us no, for" oxample, tells bow I'rade murdereda gontleman by ntabblng him from the rear whlle coated at a table reading. Ills wespDU waa n long, Miarp-polnted pin which be wero te keep bla tte In plaee,and waa thrust Inte the back of the neck In such a way aa topreduuo Instant deatb without loaMeg any trace el lolenoo except a mlnute punotuie preduced by tbe pin. Tbe ll'urM abenld toetuoa patent en this aystouief oxeoutlon whleh appoint te beat tbe uew electrical methed all boltew. It will net b very surprising It the minute description In the paper should be UBed byaeme villain. It Is carefully shown bow tbla pin was used ; and the truly etarlllng result, fol lowed by the assertion that deatb would probably be attributed te heart failure, may enceurK an attouept te perform a similar erlme. Heclety baa enough te de In guarding against tbe ordinary murdorer, but If acnsatlenal papera furulsb froe In struction lit the art we will bave a bard time, l'esslbly tbe next exploit of tbe 11'uiM will lis te Boeuro and publish re ceipts for deadly pitseua whleh may be ad. ministered with gaiety, oertalnty and dis patch. mm TilintK is danger that the aucceaa or tbe dramatzed "l.tttle Lord l-'auntlorey" will ciusu a rush of children te the atage aud the creation of pUjH te suit tbeui. I.lttle 1-lsle I.otslle, who has bcoemo famous In the character of Mrs. Iturnett'a boy liore, Jls new study Irg number part aud I t,la reported that Mrs. llurnett lias been engaged te write a play espseUlly ler ber, In whleh abe will appear next soaen. Moanwblle tbore la a dutnaud for bright boy a aud girl te star aa Little Lord Kauntlereys. PERSONAL. Kav J. It Kseuweln, of Mllloravllle, wis icoeived Inte the Itinerancy. Jehn IIaiidks', Democrat, has been elected uiaver et Ithaca, N. Y,, eer War ren Hunt, Hepntillcmi, by a majority of & In a tout poll el li.'-IV. Dit. David Hii,i.i:ii, for many yeara a practicing pnyHclan at Yerk .Springs, died m u uuggy wuue en uia way te attend u intlent en Wednesday arteruoeu. Me was &J yeara of age. AuausrF. Taymiu, ex-mayor of New HrunawJek, N. J , dled In that city cm Wednesday, at tbe age of W jeara. lie was a Oaltternla ' l'erty-nlner." lie bad been blind for 20 yeara. Oeokek O. 1'attkrsen, the agricultural editor et tbe lHtlliuere.Vim for tbe past 17 yeara, was killed by a train at Keckvllle, Maryland, en Wednesday, lie was In tbe 7&tb year of bla age. HlHiiei-O. Ei. ItKiNu-B, of the Moravian obureb, has resigned tbe pastorate et tbe Moravian church at I.ltltz, and accepted a call te Watertown, Wis. ltev. O. U Meencb, of tbe Hoeond Moravian church, or I'blladelphla, basaoeepted the pas'.erate of tbe I.ltltz congregation, Mr. Wiutnky's administration of the navy department bat net only beenohar beenehar acterfzsd by great ability, but bla treatment of theemplo68ettbatdepartmentbM been marked by a degree et kindness and gen. ereatty that la very unuaual, and whleh wen for him the respect and gratitude el all who aerred uuder blm. This kind entitd. oration for ethers waa exhibited by Mr. Whitney te tbe very cleaa of bla aduilnls. tratleu. Three regiment of I'dnnsvlvanla troops were quarttred In tbe building co pied by tbe navy department, and en Mon day laat they were abundantly supplied wltb geed warmoeflee by Mr. Whitney at bla own expense. Tbe dtnieulty of aaintnUierlng tnedlclne te young- chliertm U entllrly ovxrceoiu by uulu Dr. Hull'- "bvSjrrup, iliuftttot,mest liieml aui una eillcieui rdiuedy ler the mils unea. Baa breathn most ul wars cauaed by a sick atomaeh. ThU can eittly be cured. Laiaaer II tbe lunuay ler inch caiei. irtce 25 centi, BOOKS AND AUTHORS. TltR DttSl'OT OF UnOOMIEDOK COVK Ohnrles Ketmrt Craddock. llnuabten, Mlflllct Ce , New Yerk. Te these who have. read Mist Murfret's writing, no descrip tion or praise of this work la neeessary save the atntement that It la cxaetly the same aert et atery that first made her famous, ndlaaa thoroughly masculine and idl ing h anything she has written. 1'arbapw, It is an Improvement en the llrst work, but the meat fasclnallng parts of the book auggeat scenes in the ether alerlsa of the aatna author, who la a refined and regulated llrete Harte. Iler de scriptions of mountain aeenery are sublime aud one cannot help wishing that she would travel and apply bergirta In thla line te the portrayal of mountains really great In their awe Inspiring contrast of eight and deptlu Heme critical appeal te this gifted authoress te abandon her moun taineers and try her genius upon tbe mere ocniplex characters e( civilized life, but we bolleve ibat she Is (julte right In sticking te the simple back woedsmonjust as Dickens stuck te the peer of Londen. Jtlsgeneraliy true tbnt a wrlter la most Hucceaaful In the comparatively narrow Held of bla own experience and cannot get as geed a literary crop from any otber without giving It as many yeara of careful thought and observation. Aa Longfollew baa It: "Ob thou sculptor, palntnr, pnat, 'Inte tlililciDsnn tutliy limut That Is lt ulileS lleth iic.ir.t, Slispe from thU thy work et art." Hlr 1-Mwln Arneld has Just bad a large tumor roiuevod from bis head, and be will seen discard the skull cap he has long been wearlng. II e reeently undorwent an operation for hepatle abaeasa. TAni.nTAi.K ter March has a blight new cover and In aa bright as ever In ether waya, thanks te Mlsa May Ferney, tbe famous Mrs. Itohrer and poet Wbltten. In tbe latest voltime of Mncmlllan'a " Dictionary el National Hlegraphy," tbere la the following summary et tbe charaoter ofciueen Kllzibetb. "II or llfe was the llfe of a man, net of a woman ; alie neuld hunt all day, dance. or watcb masques and and psgeants all night, till the kneea of strong men troinbled under thorn aa they wearily waited In attendance upon her poraen ; yet abe never aeemrd te su Ifer from the Immonie tcnleu at which sbe llved. Wltb ber amazlug onergy, her want et sympathy for all woaknesies, ber llerea wlllulnessand aelf. assertion, and a certain oearso'noss of Ilbro, It was Inevltable that abe should be unfemlnlne. Hbe swere, she spat upon a oeurtlor's coat when It did net ploase ber taate. she beat her gontlewomen soundly, aheklssed whom she pleased, she ?;ave 1.310X geed atlnglng blew en tbe ace, sbecalled tbe mombera of her privy counell by alt aorta of nloUnameat but wee te blm who should prosmue te take liber ties with ber, forget that nhe was bis queen, or dare by word or doed te cress lier wben ahe was bent unen any oeutsi." Tbe notlee et Uovernor Kndlcett la by Mr. Gorden Uoedwln. Tbore la an interesting sketch of Tbemaa of Krceldetine, and the volume Is completed by the annals of tbe Kraklues. a notable and actlve raoe, prelltta In useful work of many kinds, and with a family bablt of pashlng te tbe front and staying tbere. Moneuro I). Conway, tbe hlstorlan.vlalted Iiiltlmore In war days aoeotnpatiled by several el bla fitther'a alaves and a men oame very noarhanglughlmheroro be could explain that be had net atolen thorn, Moiir.usKciu.Nei: in IIiiii.b IAniis Hiir per ItretherH, by Hlr Jehn IMaieii. The au thor for many years bold the chair of goolegy at Mctllll University, but his book Is unencumbered with dry detallH and rnaken u very lutercstlng application of bla special nnd varied learning te tbe many (piestlena areused by a vltlt te Hlble lands. Net only In the geology but In the many ethor branches of learning having a boar bear lug en tbe buIijecIh dlscutMBd, tbe book gives the bent and latest conclusions el Boltnlllle experts In their aevnral lines and does It all In a pleasant way. When writing of the haunts and habits of primitive men and traclugthe losBena glven by Egyptian atenes be contrives te make thla work aa lvldand faselnntlng as any wild pages of Itlder Uaggard. One startling teature la bla orthodoxy en the Old Tealament, for It Is a very romarkable thing uewa-daya te find asclentlHt honeHilyand warmly dofendlng the account of the doluge et Neah. Hut blrJelin believes wltb many ethers that aclonce Is tdeadlly pregraming te a v Indica tion of tbe truth of scripture Vivian llurnett, the yeunger son el Mrs. 1'rnnoes Ilodgseu lturnutt, Is, nays "The llaberdasher," the real llttle Lord Kauntlo Kauntle Kauntlo rey. It Is generally known that bla character aud many of his odd sayings are put In the story, but It U net gouerally known that the pictures were taken direct from his photographs. Mrs. IliirniU'a two boys, new twelve aud fourteen yearn old, arc both haiultome children, and until two yeara age they wero alwaya diossed allke In velvet millH, thelr curls falling down te the Hbeuldere. Tliey wero photegraphod toaetber as the prluiws In the Tewer, aid aru known by that nume new In Warning, ten. In the March Humer thore Is the fellow, lug pen portrait of Kdgar Allan Tee, drawn by Mary : "Mr.l'oe was nheut 5 feet8 Inohea lu height, and had dark, nlmest black hair. Which he wero long and blushed back In student style ever liti eara. u was aa line as silk. Ills eyea wero large and full, gray and piercing, llewaa thun, I think, en. tlrely clean ahaveu. His nese was long and straight und bla featuica llnely cut. Tbe expression about bla memh was beautllul. lie waa pale aud bad no oelor. Ills akin waa of a clear, beautlf ill ell e. He bad a sad, melanohely leek. He was very slender when I Ural knew blm, but had a tlne figure, an ertct military cwrisge, and n quick Btep, Hut It was bis manner that most cbarmed. it waa elegant. When be looked at you, it Beemed aa It be could read your very thoughts. Ills voleo was pltaiant and musical, but net decp. He always were a black frock coat, buttniied, with a oadet or military cellar, n low turned evor military ablrtoellar, and a black ciavut tled In u loeso knot. He did net fellow the fashions, but bad a style or bla own. Ills was a loeso wuy of dresslng, as If be didn't care. Yeu would knew that he waa very dltrerent from the ordinary run et young men. Atfoetlonatcl 1 should think he was; be was pasilonate In bis love. My Intlmaey wltb Mr. l'oe Isolated moageod deal. In faet my girl friends wero many of them afraid of blm, and forsook me en that account, lknewuoneof bis uiale friends, llode llede llode spUed Ignorant poepto, and didn't llke trilling aud small talk. He didn't like datk-skinned poeplo. When beloved, he loved dcBporately. Though toedor and very affectionate, he had a quick, paaslrn paaslrn ate tomper, and was ery Jealeus. Ills feelluga wero Intense, aud be bad but llttle control et them. He was net well balanced he bad tee inueh brain. He Bcelled at everything Biered, and never went te church. If be bad had religion te guide blm be would bave been a better man. He said often that tbere waa a myatery bang, lng ever him he could never latbem. He believed be waa born te sutler, and this em Littered bis whole life." Mra. jrelda Wallace, mother of the author of " Han Hur," U loeturlug In Uiu. cluuatl en Weman Mullrage. Auiung uiuer puoiicauena shortly te ba ntlrn faata never leada ber amlis in making her aelco aelce aelco tlens, and the nevela of Werner are always readable and in the highest degree entor enter talnlug. Mrs. Wlster U ene of tbe beat translators from the Ucrmanln thlsceuutry and the fellclteun manner lu which the work en the present voluuie has been done adds te the charm of a truly agreeable romance. ' In the "Correspondence of Jehn Lathren Metley," seen le be publlibud by Harper mother, thore Is an account of a jenversa tlen with the crown prlncuM of I'ussla, new the Uiuprcas froderlek, who talked te Motley about his works, and expressed warm admiration for Quern Kllzibelb. Mr. M41ey naturally concluded that the princess had net read what he bad written of that lady and eutured te disagree. He was net a thick and thin admirer of Kllzibetb, be said. The rrlneeg qulekly changed thn topic te C'arlyle arid bis hlatery et I-'rederlck the (Ireat, but even bore Motley oeuld net seoend her praUea. He Bays: "I said that Carlyle's works aeemed te me magnlUcent, weuderlul monuments of peeiry and ImaL-lnMtn,, profound reaeaich aud most original humor." ,.X1? .Mre,, number et Ilally, Itmks A. Hlddle'a UOnueweur la beautifully lilim. trated, and has a number of cxcelleut articles en artistic manors. Tin: Cosmopolitan for March Is rmlte up te tbe level of recent numbers anu the magalue stands In the first rank of the Illustrated inoethllw. The leading article la a beautifully Illustrated eatay cu Wagusr'a maitirplece. " "j u.ci.i. j. jj. ijippinenu company is a new traualatien by Mrs. Wlster, irem tbe Herman et K. Weruer, ontltled "The la Aiiuue ray.-- uer renned anil WAttAMAKBlVa rnunarsru, IharsSay, atarah 1, 1R9. Here's a Cashmere that we never had the like of before under ft. The price is 75c, Lift a fold ; every ounce of the weight comes from geed, fine wool honestly put together. Try the yard stick ; 46 Inches, plump. Test the dye; every shade shows as evenly as sun shine en a quiet peel. Sixty seven of the newest tints. A fit fellow for the famous 65c Cashmere at 50c. Near centre of the store. In the last week or se heaps el new Dress Goods have come in. The Spring gathering is at its flood. Take any sorts you please cottons or woolens, or the doubly graceful silk-and-wools. Full ranks. Gloriosa ; shimmering, iri descent, delicate Gloriosa shares the counter with Printed Chal- lis and Mehairs like a bit of the city amid pastures and hay fields. 4S inches wide, $1.50. Such a jump into your :liking as Gloriosa took ! ravente shades went in a twinkling. We've mended the assortment. Southwest of centre. Sixty-four styles and color ings of 75c Side Band stuffs. The Spring shades, of course. Maybe a dozen varieties of bor der. A word must de. 42 inches wide. Southeast of centre. Let two of the newest plain stuffs stand for perhaps a thou theu sand: 1 Fifty-inch, fine, all-wool French Surah Cleth at $1. Weave like surah silk. Wonderfully fine and firm. 12 shades. A stuff that you've only begun te hear of. 2 A grand, 48-inch Feule at 75c. 14 colorings. aoulbuistet centre. Anether let of these genuine India Striped Leng Shawls, $30 quality for $15. India Chudda Leng Shawls, largest size, all colors, $30 and $25 qualities for $15. Second fleer, Chealnut street fetde. four ele vators . Men's New Cellars and Cufis. Just here from Londen, Every thread best Irish Linen, and you pay no mere for them than ethers charge for the cot ton interlined goods. Ten styles of Cellars. Three styles of Cuffs. II Mh amis et the Btore, men's fur nlshlncj. Here's a little list of some of the tilings that make the Mus lin Underwear section se popu lar with thrifty women. Yeu can't put home work alongside such things and show any money saved. Mere likely te show money lest. Chemises : Mualln, ltli corded and luici ted yeke, ulioen ni'CKBiut tiltioves, eoe, Miintln, tlne ulila Hamburg edgn en eke, uaia 01 nwk ana slouvej, 63c. Miitiln, ueai Hamburg Inanrtlen, edgu una bunding ou yoke, cdfe en iiuek and sliuvei, were II, new 73c. Cambric, Terchnn lnirllnn, edge and liiudlngnnjeke, ede iu neen and aloevos, e3c. Drawers : M iiilln.w lib cmlnlc ruitle and 3 plaits, 8 Ht'llla IllPCHO. JV. Uamlirlc, nue wlUa llimbuirf rultls, ll.Dll Uamlirlc, ery tlne and wide IniarlOn and null j, J7J Gowns : Mutlln, I lows of Insertion en yee, kIbe en nurk uud slmvej, 7fc .Miitiln, 4 rows el 11 iiu Inaurttnn en yoke, una One eilt'J ou neck una fle.lMis, 1 25 Mujiln.u rows tnrerllnn en yoke. odVe en neck and alt uvea, tl. Cmlirlc.2ins Intcutniien yeke. udvs en nick ana aloevuj, sie. Skirts : MiHlIn, very line and wide Hamburg iiiiriH. r:.'ii. wer.iu Uamlirlc, linn wMu Hamburg i it tu . J. .1 Je, una J ?&. " ' ' .Mutlln, Unumirrew Hauiburg udoen Uaiubrlerunia.il 2V (. nubile, whlu l. laru aui Imurtlea en Uuiubilorume, ." i Aprons Law n Luu nl Law n HltlmlddheuiuudlJ plaits, 21j. Lawn, wlde nmu, alae heui ana J plaits, -.c. l.aunderud. Lawn, wlde nam, und IHudiurt; Inter. Hen all areunil, lie fcjceLluui. value. Cardigan Jackets : About ue. plain and striped, Cc, were llitudit.i. Yeu can save just as much ac cordingly en extravagant tilings. They are here. Sjcead U cer, flrjt K&lleiy. JOHN WANAMAKER. OOUPLKXWN VOWUHtt. C OM1M.KXION l'OWDKK. LADIES' WHO VALUK A llKMNKU COUfLEIIOM ilUbl' USK POZZONI'S MKUIO&TKl) COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brtlltant transparency te tbe akin. lUmiovea all pimple., irucklea ana OU OU OU oelorntlons, aud uiiktvi thu skin delicately aeit and tiuautiriil. ltcentaiua no 1 1 me, white, lead or ai-senlc. In three ahaaes, pink or nein. wblte and braueiUi. rOU BALK BT All Druggteta nnd Paney Qoedg Dotilera flvorywhero. ai5TlvdWAU,t r lulTATlON8.- gl'KCIAU Tholauel ourllei"vvToiBMaln i routers, HultlUKS and Overteil Patterns inada te your or 'or at your own pitui. MeQBAWN Ss KOWLBM, HlCCIUMT 1 Allots, NO, t WK8XKlNUBXUlCr. IAIKB'8 OJCOUtr OOMPOOM0. Sleepless Nights M for niarlr a mrmth t was net able te flea. bnt alter uilnf FAtaa s Caiamr tovrevxDfor two flays, insomnia flaA and slrength ra turned." X. U. SMITH, ClaBMtn, t. C. "1 have liken rnly a part of a bettU of Palne'a Celery Compennd, ana II bat entlraJy re'leved me cr slerpleatnets, from whlck 1 hare s offend greatly." una. k. AUTCtirr, Peoria, iu. I'alne's Cclnrj Uonpennd predneet aeaaal and retreahtng sleep, a pbystelan'a praaertp. tlen, It deaa net cju'aIii una hansinl drag, Like nelblDgelae.lt ts a gnanuitasa eura for alearessntsj,lf dtrectleiis are faithtuily fol lowed, lioe. in ler 5e Diuggiats. WLta.SicniueA Co.llnrllnglen. Vt, PUM08D DYKS 'JTJiILSSSlSS: JJ(M)U'M HAKMAl'AHlliliA. THE PUIN TRUTH Is that Heed's Baraapartlta ".his cured thou aands of people be anffered severely with rbeumatlara. It neutralize tbtlaetleaeMtn lha bleed, which eanaea theta Urrlbla pala and aehea, and alto vlUUUes and enrlchet the bleed, thus preventing the recnrreaeoef the disease. These facta warrant us la nrgtng yen, It yen suffer with rheumatism, te gire Heed's earsapartllaatrlal, "for 26 years I have suffered with actatle BhanmaUsm. Last Merember I waa taken worse than ever, and waa unabla te get ent of the house. I waa almost UBLPLUSrOBIO DAYS suffering great agony. In December I com cem com menccd taking Heed's Baraapartlla. Alter tha second bettle I waa abla te be, ent and around and attend te buitneaa. I took Ave betUe. and am new se tree from rheumatism that only ocaaateaally I feel It slightly en a aud den change of weathar. 1 have great confi dence In Heed's Barsaparilia. CBAixaa bah. mah, Christie, Clarke Ue., Wit. 1NPLAMMATOUT HHKUM ATIBH "Uavlngbecn troubled with tmfflammatery rbeumatiam for many years, my favorable attention waa called te Heed's Baraapartlla by an advertisement of carts tt had effected. I have new nted three bottles of Uood'tBaria Ueod'tBaria Uoed'tBaria partita and can already teitlty te beneficial resul ts. I htgtdy recommend it aa a bleed pu rttler." J. C. Atbm, West Bloemflald, N. Y. Heed's Saraaparllla Beld by all drugguu. n j ix for an. Prepared only by 0. L .HOOD A CO, Lewell, Matt. 100 Deaes One Dellar. TK U. MeLANE'H UKLEUllATEl) Vermifuge, for Worms. MOTUKK8 UKAD. Andrew Downing, or Craebnrg township Venango cennty, gave his child one teaspoon. fel or the genuine Dr. O.Mct.ane's Celebrated Vermifuge, and she nasaed 177 worms. Next mnrnlDRln ropetlUen of the dote ahe pitted HI mera. Jeseph 0. Allen, of Ambey, gave a dot of the genuine Dr. u. lie Lane's Celebrated Ver. tnlfnge te a child of alx years old, and It brought away 83 worms. He seen after gave another dese te thosamechtld, which brought away te mere, making Mi worms In about IS hours. Mrs. Qatgby, Ne. in Ksieiatreet, New Yerk, writes us that ahe had a child which had been, unwell for better than two memhi. ahe pro cured a bottle of tbe genuine Dr. C. Mc Lane's Vermifuge and ad'nlntstered It. The child passed a large quantity of worms, and In a tew daya waa as hearty aa ever it had been. rarenia wnn sucn leuaency netere them should net hesitate when there la any reason te auspect worms, and lese no time lu admin istering the gennlne Dr. c. MeLana'a Vermi fuge It never falls aud It perfectly safe. ThlslalecertllythUl waa troubled with a tape worm for mere than six months. I tried an me anewn remedies ler una terrible sanc tion, but without belna able te destroy it. I get a bottle of the genuine Dr. C alcLane's Vermifuge, prepared by jriemlear Brea . Pitts- bnrg. Pa., which I took accord leg tedlrac ttens i and the result waa 1 disci tenai arged one large upowerm, measurln g mere than a yard, ucBiutu H uuuiuvr vi auiiuiuii9. HUH. M. BCOTT. Prl'e S3 centa a bottle, genuine. Insist en having the HI s.a S. BWIKT'S 31'KCiric cured me of malignant moea i-oiaen aiier i naa ueen treated in vain with old se called remedies et Mercury and t-eiam. . s. ii. net only cured the Bleed Pel son, but relieved the Hheumatlam which was ciusea uy tue poisonous minerals. UKO. 110VILL, -Ml 2d Avenue, N. Y. Scrofula dovelepod en my danghter-swell lng and lumps en her neck. We gave her DTTir lenrnuiiiu, ana ine retuu waa wen derful and the cure prompt. 8. A. DKAiiiiOMD, Cleveland, Tennt BWirx'3 HPKCinu la entirely a vegetable reinsay, ana is tne only remedy which per manently cures Scrofula, blend Humors, Can cer aud Uontaiileut Weed PoUen. Bend for books en Uloed and Skin Diseases, mailed irce. iiit e ir r Bi-auiriu ue- JanlO-Tu.Th.a DraaerJ, AtlanU.Ua. ARK YOU CONHUMPT1VK T USK PAUKKU'S U1NUKUTON1U without delay. A rare medicinal compound that cures when all else falls. Has cured the w ersv unsea ei t,eugu, neat L.ungs, Astnma, .,iM,H'Biiu,i, iuwniu reius. j.AUlunuen, in- valualilofer KhgumaUam, Female Weakness, and all pains aud dlsordera-ef the Stomach auu cewuia. euc. at uruggiais. FI.OUKHTON COLOGNE. Hest rragrantaud Lattlngef Pertumet. 28c wrurgisui. it) UKY UUUUH. mtlK I'KOr'LK'H UAHU HTOKK. Opening Te-day ANOTimtlNVClUKOr French Satines! In a vailety of colors aud dealing which la unsurpassed It eiiialled by any house In the vikjr. AMERI0A1I SATINES Which rival the French goods In style snd uiiiurirgr, nesuii mum at i:hc. bold in Phil' adelpblaat 15c hOMtCUUOlCK 1II1KGS1.S Scotch Zephyrs I Atsoc.sje.sictoinc SPECIAL BARGAINS IN LAIHKS' 1H.AUK AND UOLOUICD Silk Taffeta Gloves At 21 centa per pair. Almest aa geed aa these told last noMenmtO coals Gee. P. Rathven, MO. 36 BA8T KINO BTRMHT, LANUABTKIt,PA. marlt-lydAw 9&t a tAtIV ttm ff wtaaAnMWm. nSI MB P" JkM I cool aet were 1 tried many madl- 2?.lS:J'Si.".lT raiiamatit I naa Pataat eatery (JoapennaV, watek at oaee atirtaWy,SyBt!TVi?,c" MABJUKg auiiaAaK, arUagiea, Vt. PftlM'a Otltry Oompennd SkJlBUt? " l"ttatt the aarrar, ?-"' or waakaaak tr OTanrerk. ax' eaaaMjUKaaa, er akeck. it caret nervous. sytttsa. TenM Up th Shattered Nitm fabutty, aad I tkaak Uea nod taa discoverer of taa ralaabla ramM smaaiv. ihit Piiea1. nu. unimiBa feralnsa. na carta as. Latanyeaa wiltoteme ajaeMa W. PocTea, Btamfetel, cenn. UCfATEB FMD S7; ttt ttlth Wtnk ttemath. etler Jnvalidt, MOOTB AHD BHOMB. JJOOTH AND 8HOK8. D. F. Stackhouse, 28 and 30 East King St 1 takepleuure In calling your attention te toy line of SHOES That I am receiving dally (or the Spring Trae, and all are made for these who require great durability and for elegance et style, fit and workmanship cannot be exeelled. Prleea Lewer Than the Lewest. Call and examlne my large stock and we will be pleated te try and ault you. D. P. STACKHOUSE, aa dl SO MA8T KINQ, BT LANCASTER. PA. aW-lyd IOOTS AND BHOKS. Tfll 14 OASIS OR 585 PURS OF Ladies' A CbUdren's Shess en which you cm save 2Ss tee. or 11 .te per pair, and which we have been advertising for the past month, are telling very fast. Se Don't Blame Us IF YOU 0 ST LEFT, BY MOT HUY1NG OF TU1B LOT BEFORE TUEY ARE ALL SOLD. Every pair ts worth the price they were made te sell for, but remember we are telllnirthem ATANDllKLOW WUOLEBALK PRIUiS. Tke Oae-Filce Cuh Hoase. Thi Leiden of Lew Prices -IN BOOTS & SHOES Ne. S East Kins Ntrtet, LANCASTER. PA. Btere closed Every Evening at C O'cleak Except Monday and Baturday. MXVUKBlONa. -yAOATION KXCURSIONS. RAYMOND'3 VAOA1ION JBXOURSIONS. All Traveling Exx enact Included, A Party will leave Philadelphia, Thursday, May 2, lera Tour of M Days through Colerado and California, with yIMta te all the leading cities, resorts, and places of picturesque luttrent, and a re turn through Utah, and ever the Denver A Rie Urande Railway the Cueat "Bcenlc Reute." en tbe tame date-Thursday, May 2-a party will leave Philadelphia for a Tour or ,i Days ever the same xeutua through COLORADO AND CALIFORNIA, Thenci through the Plcturoique lleuleua of the PAOIFIO U0ETHWE8T, And homeward evsr I be entire length of the Northern Paclneltillroae. with a week lu the Yellowatene National Park. Reth theae parties win travel lu Special Trains el Muinlneent Veatlbuled Pullman Palace Cars, with Pullman Palace Dining Cars included. Incidental Trips te the Vote Vete mite Valley and Big Tree Greves. Last California Excursions lu WluterBerlet, MaTch 7 and 11. ' ajTBead for descriptive circulars, designat ing the particular trip desired. RAYMOND WHITOOMB, 111 Beuth Ninth Street, (Under Continental Hetel), PniUDiLr-Hii. Pa. mai&3idlu,lh,S &IAOIUNMKY. s TKAM. 8TEAM Engines, Rellers, PlnA. VhIvas itnA Vlttlna . jasees itesand Rubber Valve und Und Parkins' Asbestos and Rubber Shout and Mill-Beard Packing. VULOABK3TON Sbeet and Red Packings. The Pratt A Cad v Aabestet Packed Cecka'and Aabestes Renewa ble utae Glebe and Angle Valves. "euuw Steam users can save money by buying their aUDDltea Irem ua. Thn l.ar.ru.f ..Intiiiuni the lUat Goods and the Lew eat Prices A run line of Machlne-Capand net screws, NOW and BOCOnd lland Knalnna ami llnllAri. nn hand and turnlabed promptly. LIGHT OABTINQH. By apectalarrangemenuwe are able te fur nlsn Light urey lrea Castings el Superior auallty and Finish at Lew Katre, in guanU et. Alte, Brass castings of every descrip tion. Geed Werk, Heaienable Charges, Prompt ness. Central Machine Works HI A ISa NORTH OHBIHTI AN ST., LABOAtrai. Pa. AtreMMMrt. T UTHKB B. KAUKKMAN, ATTORMEY-AT-LAW, -"I second Fleer Eshietnan Law Butlainx, Me jterta wast etreai. Btt-iyati A Reminder I FREY ECKERT cLersttte. MMWVrf JJIBflH A BROTHKR. Ftae ! EiptiT Bf ntUtal ! ..B?en ! tow of lha arrlftmatlnniefd. "nt which wa have li-nrd tiemcnr patrons aad ethers who hva inspectad our SPRING STOCK or Made te Order Goods. SD1TUU13! PANTALOONINOSI OVCKCOAT1NU8 1 In a Prolnalen Never Sean Befere in lADcatter. POUR HUNDRED 1'ATTKRNB Pell BOIT- INOB. wonted s. Marrow wales, Cetkterawr, Whipcords, Bread Wales. sua atripts, ktc Casstmeret, Chevleu, Alpines, Crepe. Bilk Mixturct, Etc. VN HUKDRED PATTRRNS f OR PAN TALOON1N03. Migelflcent Bilk Striper, Fancy Chevleta. Fancy Cheviot! aarea in laa&v Casslmeres In Faney atrtpet. Large Plaids In Light and Dark colon. Dark Bilk Mlxtares la Many Patterns. sTWe invite you te inspect tham whether yen wish te bay or nek BROAD WALR COAT AND VBST TO ORDER, 111.00. Onr Winter stock it ttlll golrgerrfaatat Hedneuen Prlees. H1RSH fS "BROTHER, ONE-FBIOB Olothlers and Furnisher, OORNIR OF If . QU1IN Sb OBNTRM BQUABB, LANCASTKU.PA. aWRAW PURS BODOHT-Mtnk Bats, J!e and 230 each. Skunk, 1 10 each, (or Flrat-ulaas Skins. me 0LOTH1N0 BUYERS. L. Cansman & Bre. FIMLOLEiEIIftSALE or our WINTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS. Our Finest Suits, heretofore sold at lis, 118 and 120, today reduced te ill and 112 a. x In In ordinary Bargains it we can tit you. Our most popular styles heretofore ut 111, 12andU. Te-day put down te H. Overcoats, heavy and medium weight, at tlanghierlng- prlcts. Bee cu r storm Overcoats new reduetd te 5.a Men's Pant a te Order, stilctly all wool, at II, 4B0 and Its. Large asaettment, geed styles. Big value for the money. 1 000 Men's 1'anU Belling from 75a te W. All manufactured by eurseu es. Wen sewed and geed tilting. They are Uonulne Bargains. Come At Once Ter Choicest Styles. L. GANSMAN & BRO., Manufacturer of Pine Clothing-, 63 NORTH QUffiEN ST. 68 LANCASTER, PA. WTheChaapcstBxcluslve Clothing Hense M YBKH KATIIFOn. WE HAVE THE KNACK OF IT. We bave llisknaak of knowing Jntt hew te buy te suit thu Irade-J ust what te give you In alyle, Ut and nnlili It nieiuf se utlei.it It seems in It the peopleappreclatuourotloitilo give thorn GOOD, RELIABLE CLOTHING AT HONEST I'JUCES. KVKItY LOT OF Winter Suits Reduced 25 Per Oent. in Price, Xverv Putt an arknnwlcdgfd geed value at IU iermbr price suicly a bargain new Myers & RatMen, RELIABLE CLOTUIKRS, NO. 12 BAST Kl&Q ST.. '.ANUAKTBK PS UK ATI NO. F LINN & HKKNKMAN'S CELKBRATEu OLD STYLE IS THE BEST IX THE MARKET. BAUUAINSIN STO Y E S AND Heuse Furnishing Heeds. Lamps & Chandeliers WPrerrpt Attention te Orders for Plumb. tngandUaa Fitting. FLINN&BRENEMAN, Ne. 163 North Quren St., LANCASTER. HUHLKY'H TOLU BXHKOrORANT 111 give you relief from that dltteailu cough, tilveltairuu. Prepared at HURLEY'S URUQ STORE, KYIM King street. Hand-Made Tinware,