Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 07, 1889, Image 1

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Tii Hal way OHIcr. erterea te Sign
NWM le Comply WKB Oriiii,
The Oliy Tax KM le BhuI te Ban.
ae Met Teat
Tiie March meeting of oily council, wm
held en Wednesday evening.
la .elect oeuno'l there were preeent
Meesra. Berger, Halner, Leng, Remley,
Kiddle, Seham, 8terrnf.Hi, end Wlee.
Mr. Kiddle we. elected temporary ohalr ehalr
men en motion or Mr. Schum te nil the
vacancy caused by the absence of President
Evbub, detained at home by Ulnees.
In taking the cbair Mr. Riddle Mid It
wm remarkable for Mr. Evans te be absent.
Dnrlng tbe eight year, be had been a
member be did net remember that Mr.
Kvena was absent from a meeting. In 20
year, he eDly missed one meeting and In
the thirty year, that he waa a member of
council, he wm net absent mere than a half
der.n meeting Mr. Kvane wm never
late, alway. promptly en time and he hoped
be would be able te oeme te the future meet
lngs of council.
Mr. Riddle preeented the report of the
street committee for tbe month. The only
Item of Intereat In the report wm the rec
ommendation of the committee allowing
tbe We.t End atreet railway te lay two
turneuta with fiat rails.
A motion wai made that tbe action of the
comtnlttee be approved with the under
standing that tbeoempany'a ctlleera.lgn.
an agreement te maintain tbelr read In ao ae ao
eordance with the ordinance regulating
etreel railroad., and that a proviso bJ ln ln
eerled that the oltyean rewind tbe agree
ment If tbe company fall le live up te the
Mr. Haluea wm opposed te granting per
mission te tbe company unleu It replaced
ll. T with a flat rail, and conform te tut,
elty grade. He thought It unfair te allow
the company te bave a T rail en Orange
atreer, which wm a nnlaauee.
Mr. Kemley took the poeltlen that tbe
mistake was made when tbe T rail wm
first laid. Me did net believe tbat the
petition of tbe people in tbe West End
should be Ignored. They are Mklng for
these turnout., and tbe West End company
have no control ever tbe rail. laid. It
must use the rails put there by the com
pany from wbleb It let n
Mr. Haines ariued tbat tbe expense of a
list rail would be light bocause tbe expense
could be berne Jointly by tbe Mllleravllle
aud West Had companies.
The motion wm adopted, tbeenly dissent
ing vote being that of Mr. Ualnea. Common
oeunoll oenrurred.
Mr.Kehuin presented tbe petition of Fred
crick tiaade for tbe refunding of 25, paid
for a permit te enter tbe Water etreet se wen
be having a right le connect with tbe same
without cost. A motion was made and
adopted tbat tbe prayer of the petitioner be
granted. Common oeunoll oeuourrodj
Common council resolution transferring
16, 100 from tbe contingent te tbe waterworks
derloleney appropriation wm called up I y
Mr. Leng end concurred In. Adjourned.
Common oeunoll was called te order at 7
o'elook, and the following members were
preeent : Auxer, Bartholemew, Baumgard
ner, BertzBeld, Urlnten, Ebermari, Everts,
Fran 1 7, Freob, Frltacb, Krelder, Uerr,
Mayer, MeLanghlln, Miiey, Sbertzer, Zceb
and Beard, president.
The reading of tlie minutes was rilerenaed
Mr. Breneman presented the elty Iicm
uret's roperf, showing that tbe receipts for
tbe month wcre fl9,KCG3; payment.,
1 32,801.21 -The balance en band In llC.752.3li,
divided aa fellows :
Te nay interest en leinr, lncluKng
tunda ityrairi
rnncipaien leans
SUM) tux en leans
fci.-eet damages
Repairs nr streeU (Irem license tax .
Ueptlrs et tttoeta
Urnding, i?mterlrt'. cre.slng and ma
cadamizing raving wllU Asphut and liulL'liin
40 e ue
. G,4t4 10
1184 9
9,811 '."i
15 612 93
I.ajlng water pipes ,
Waterworks general
Felic ana turnkey
salaries 11 re Cep irtinant
Klre Oepartmeut general
Llir&llnir city
... 7,a i
... 11,1 tiVt
,.. 8.7 00
... 15,561 70
... f,(l 30
... 4.031311
Abu-emunl for meuint nuvtuunt or
water tax 1.(00 00
Eeweis and Inlets 5.0U) ou
lTlRtleR and stationery.. b8 72
(JentliiKencles 39 1M 48
Boweruudwa'erwmkalmpioveuiuuts iC'S 17
Ce lectlng city tax arrearages
Ueller andcruBber
Mowflre engine
Nertti Ouke street stner
North (jueen (treet sewer
flurn street sewn
433 51
7 84
am oe
37 34
45 07
Mr. Baumgsrdner presented the repert
of the finance csmmlttee, which was read.
Tbey report favorably en tbe ordinance
transferring unexpended balaneea of money
in dltlerent appropriation te the contingent
Mr. Brln ten presented a resolution author
Izlng tbe pteperty cctumtttee te rent te
U aer be M. ilerser the two rooms In tbe city
hall latelyccupled by the water commla cemmla commla
alenerp, and It waa passed. Tna lease te
Mr. Berger was read and approved. Heleet
oeunoll oenourrod.
Mr. Baumgsrdner presented tbe report
of City Solleltor Brown showing what had
been dene In tbe law department during
the year.
Mr. Biutngaidner proeentod a resolution
nxlug tbe elty tax rate at nlne mills en the
dollar for the year commencing June 1,
four mllla thereof te pay Interest, prlnelpal
and atate tax en leans and live mills thereof
for city purposes. The resolution wm
pasaed. Select council coneurreJ.
A resolution was presented by Mr. Kber
man tbat when tbe two branches of coun
cils adjourn they de se te meet en the
evening of Wednesdsy, Mareh '-7tb, te
take Inte consideration the question of tbe
new market house. The plans of the
building are te be placed in tbe mayor's
ctnee for Inspection In tbe meantime. Tbe
resolution was passed. Heleet council con
curred. Adjourned.
A Countries' Bad Ktseiltace.
Intelligence reached the friends of Miss
Kncx la Pittsburg en Wednesdsy that .he
applied for a dlvorce in tbe courts of Italy
from tbe man whom she married some five
months age as tbe Count dl Montereole. A
friend of the family states tbst "scoerdlng
te tbe developments te day, when Virginia
Knox arrived in Italy Bbe found her hus
band was a penniless Imposter, who bad
net a eent In the world, He derived bis
title from a deceased wife, but bad no estate
and no castle. He treated her se badly, se
tbe story gees, tbat she bad te leave blm,
and la new with bar uncle, E. F. Mattbewa,
et Phlladelpbla,ln Paris." It la said tbat the
oeuuteu will arrive In tblsj country In
about two weeks, aud will go te the planta
tion of ber uncle In tbe northern part of
Would Net Wear Beele.
A strike oceurred at tbe Columbia Iren
work, at Uatnespert, Barltngten county,
N. J , ea Tuesday, bseauae of an rrder tbat
airempleye. should wear beets. The order
was le.ued, It Is stated, because se many of
tbe empleyes were laid up by burns en
tbelr feet caused by mrlten lien, while
tbeae wbe were beets etcaped. Tbe pro
prietors et tbe works ettered te tarnish
Leets free of charge te these wbe Celt
unable te pay tbem ler tbem, and also te
Ky tbem for lima lest en account of
Juries received. Tha men would net
consent te tbla, and wMt out.
Annaal Recerd of the KIIIM aa Waunded
Kiimm la Oar OowpUBg-lusal.tleBi
el rraetieal Hen. "
Tha acoend day's eeaslea of tha general
oeafareaoo et tbe railroad commissioners et
tha several atetes with the commissioners
et the Interstate commeresoommtssloB be
gan In Washington en Wednesday morn
lag. ;
The meeting wm a very harmonious and
auceeeaful one. A oemmlltea en bow te
obtain harmony In railway legislation wm
appointed te report sueh suggestions m
they might agree upon, bnt merely In tbe
line of progress, m no Immedlste definite
purpose wm outlined for tbe action of the
convention. Tbe following resolution wm
"Resolved, Tbat we believe that still
further advanee toward uniform olasslnoa elasslnoa olasslnea
tlon of freight will promote the welfare
and oenvenienoe et shippers and et tbe
railroad oempanlc-a, and we reoemmend
a conservative but persistent effort te that
The following resolution was also uranl uranl
meusly adopted without debate :
Unsolved, Tbat we de respectfully and
earnestly urge tbe Inter-state oemmeros
commission te consider wbat can be done
te prevent the leas of Ufa and limb In coup
ling and uncoupling freight ears used in
Interstate commerce, and in handling the
brakes of ttieh ears, and In what way the
growth of the system of heating psmenger
cars from tbe locomotive or ether single
tonree can be promoted, te tbe end that
aald comm'Mileu may mska recommenda
tions In the premises te various railroad a
within I (a jurisdiction, and nuke sueh
suggestion si te legislation en aald
subjects m msy seem te It necessary or ex
pedient. Tbe aeesten closed with an address by
ex-Rsllrea'l Commissioner Collin, of Iowa,
new reprtaentlng the Brotberbeod of
Brakemen, which was received with
marked attention. In tbe course et It the
gentleman said :
" Were It net that I wm requested by
this very Important body et men tbe
Brotherhood et Kail Brakemen In tbe
United States te be here 1 certainly would
net, after the passage of tbe reaolntlen tbat
you have adopted, tblnk of cecupylng your
time ; but 1 simply want te state eeme
facts that 1 bave learned by very bard ex
perience, wbleb, probably, none of these
gentlemen would like te go through in
order te learn w bat I bave learned in regard
te lb
" 1 want te sir te this fact, tbat any labor
looking toward tbe passage by tbe nations!
legislature of a law compelling tbe adop
tion of safety appliances en freight ears will
ba In the proper direction, and tbat If such
law were paseed It would net at all be de
trimental te the railway oempanles. In
faet it Is perfectly practicable. That 1 bave
learned, and It bas been generally learned,
and Is an undisputed faet. Tbe only ques
tion Is tbat of dollars snd cents.
" I will make a few remarks before you,
gentlemen who are commissioners from
tbe several states, tbst you are perhaps net
aware of. 1 refer te tbe wonderful slaughter
of men by tbe old link and link coupler
and the hand brake Oar commission in
Iowa hu caused a law te ba made tbat has
been en the atalule books ten years, te the
eUect that tbe railroads shall report te tbe
commissioner the accidents occurring along
their lines, and it Is shown tbat In ten
years we have killed and maimed 2,421
men In tbe atate of Iowa by these two
eauiea alone.
"These are astounding facts. The aver
age would be something like -10 a year.
These reports commenooa wbeu we only
had 0 000 mites of railway, whlle new we
have 8,000. The commissioners' report last
year shows thst there were killed and
wounded by these two causes alone 319.
We think lu Iowa our reads are managed
asearetully as any reads. We aroatem areatem aroatem
peraneo state, and cur railway men are
temperate and careful, and still last year
tbere wote eyer 310 men kilted and maimed
by tbe two causes I bave spoken of.
"There are 150,000 miles of railroad In the
United States, and ever alx thousand of
these setlve, strong men were either killed
cr maimed for llie trem these two causes
alene last year. I state theae facta se ts
te InBplre aeert et enthusiasm en the part
et tbe inter state commerce commissioners
te lndune tbem te use their lnllaence te
pass an set by the national legislature
compelling tbe adoption et asfety appli
ances. I' bave a table In my band In
condensed form, showing that In all the
great aecldenls lu the last titty years there
were less killed and maimed than there
were killed and maimed by the two causes
I bave spoken of lest year. These facts are
"The resolution wbleb you have passed
leeks te-vard national legislation In regard
te these Hafety appliances. Tee only legis
lation needed, In my judgment, take It for
wbat It It worth Is that In regard te
couplers and brakes. The matter of heating
eara will take care et Itself. As a matter of
advertisement every main line will bave
these safety heating apparatup, but you and
1 will send i u rear lead et boss or ateers,
or vi hatever it msy be, en any train en any
read tbat will take them, no matter If a
half dozen brakemen are killed at a time
In coupling the ear In wbleb our freight is
te another car In a train Uat la te carry the
lead en.
"Let me glve you another faet, Last year
in tbe state et Iowa there were l,425,&!0
paaaengers who travelled. Net one was
burned by a Ure beating stove. While at
the same time we killed and Injured in tbat
state by tbe pin and link coupler 350 "
People Flecking- te tbe Hoppeeed New
Uuradu In Lewer California.
The people of Lewer California are evi
dently laboring under the Impression that
anew EI Derade bis been discovered.
Tbeexoiteinentcauted by tbe reports et
fabulous discoveries of wealtb at White
Pine tome twenty years age was no greater
than tbe fever wbleb tbe aoeounta of tbe
richness of tbe mines near Ensenada Is
new creating. The excitement in Lewer
California especially is Increasing dally,
andDeoDleareleatieirHan Diege by tbe
I hundred for tbe geld flelda. Werk en tbe
Cuyamaca, bin Diege k eastern raureaa
Is stepped as tbe workmen are all going te
tbe uitnes. Steamera between San Diege
end Easenada bave doubled tbetr rates,
but tbe rush continues, and the stages are
crowded dally.
Tbe San Diege papers declare tbat the
development covers one hundred square
miles and that piaeer miners are maainga
great deal of money. Thirteen thousand
dollars In geld dust waa brought Inte
Ensenada snd Han Diege yesterday. Nearly
allot the California papers bave urged the
people te be cautious about rushing into the
mines, owing te tbe tact tbat many of these
recently reported In California failed te
carry out tbe first lndlcatlena of wealth,
DUl mere l. no lesuuu tuai ma poupie m
tbe southern portion of the state new believe
tbat a new and really profitable geld Held
hM been discovered.
Ktqueat Frem the Uclsbl. or Labsr,
The names et H. McUarvey, Wm. H.
Lewis and C. J. Andrews, a committee
appointed at the recent convention et tbe
K nights of Ltber ln Harrlaburg, are signed
te a circular beaded : "Headquarters Legis
lative Committee Knights of Laber," which
hM been mailed te the senators and repte
aentatlyem. Tbe clicalar states: ''We desire
te call your personal attention te tbe follow
ing bills new pending ln tbe general assem
bly, and Mk for 3 our support and lnfiuenne
In securing tbelr enactment: Heuse bill, 01,
Cellins, amending semi-monthly pay law;
Jls, uaurey, ancaage uiu; vi, note bin;
lilnes bill regulsttng liability of employers
of workmen te make compensation for
Injuries j Hlnes bill regulating employ
ment et women and ehlldren. providing
inspector., Xi. Alse bills wbleb will be
introduced te amend bituminous check
welgbmen and mine ventilation laws ; te
regulate licensing of stationary engineers ;
Heuee bill 271, providing for examination
et miners In anthracite region ; an act le
make election daya legal holidays ; an act
te regulate elections according te tbe Aus
tralian ayatem ; an act giving lumbermen
lien en cat Umber ; an aet against convict
Fer Naval Oltlcrr.
All tbe members cf the last Heuse from
Pennsylvania bave recommended Uen.
Jehn A. Uleetand, el this city, for naval
cmeer at Philadelphia,
a(eig;e Drlmmrr, Fainter, Uxta His Ute Mear
Mtddletewn William H, Trentinan
Knocked Fiem HI. Ttala At the
lennt)laata station lu Ttile Olty.
Twe terrible railroad aoeMonli1, In which
two men lest their live, have occurred en
the Pennsylvania railroad slnee yesterday
morning. Late yesterday afternoon a tele
gram reaebed tbta city atatlng that Edward
Brimmer, of this city, had been killed by
tbe eara near Branch Intersection, east of
Mlddletewn. Further Inquiry develeped
tbe fact tbat the dead man wm Jehn Brim
mer, son et Uoerge Brimmer, beuse painter,
of Ne. DO Locust street. Jehn wm about SO
years of sge and a painter by trade. He has
been employed by Bolehler, Bewman A
Brimmer, a Arm of which his father wm a
member, and ter some time he had been
working at tbe new houses et Samuel H
Martin, en Eat. King street, near Plum.
He went te tbe houses yesterday morning
but ter some reason did net go te work.
Later he went te his home snd soma time
during the foroneon went te Dillervllle.
Abent half-pant ten o'elrck he wm seen
bearding a freight train at that place, whleh
wm going te Columbia, lie arrived In tbat
town shortly before neon and was seen In
company with Samuel Read, a young
fisherman of tbat place. Tbe two
crawled Inte a box car and started for
Harrlsburg atter dinner. Prank Uemper
llng, a well-known oenduotor en tbe
Pennsylvania railroad, formerly et Lin
caster, Is married te a sister et Brimmer,
aud It Is supposed that be was going up te
visit tbem. It was shortly after 3 o'clock
when the train reaohed the point wbere
tbe accident occurred Brimmer was en
top et a refrlsorater car and he attempted
te atep te another. In doing this
he slipped and fell between the ears.
One ear passed evor him and he
was then thrown from the traek.
His body was almost out In two and terribly
mangled. He wm InBtantly killed. Read
told the railroad people Brlmmer's name but
it was mixed np In aendlng. An inquest
was held last evening and this morning at
8:50 tbe body was brengbt te Laneaster by
Mr. Qemperllng and taken te the late home
of the deceased. Yeung Brimmer wm well
known in tbe city. He wm something of a
base ball player and played In dltlerent
clubs In this elty, Columbia, Christiana
and ether places. He wm considered a
very tine base runner and oevored second
base In geed style. He wm unmarried.
Tbe ether accident occurred In this city
and it was similar te tbe one which cost tbe
life of young Brimmer. This morning
about 3 o'clock engine Ne. SO, drawing an
extra freight train west, arrlvedln this city.
The second section of Philadelphia Express
wm eiandlng in tbe station at tbe time and
tbe freight tratu wm ohllged te step, as they
are net allewed te pais through the
station while passenger trains are la.
The freight train stepped at the
eastern eud et the station. One et
the empleyes cf this train waa W.
H. Treutman,abrnkeman. He wm stand
ing en top of a box car when his train
pulled out rather sharply after tbe express
bad gene east. Near him was another
brakemac, te whom be was talking. Tront Trent
msn did net seem te roe tbe covering el the
station and Just as bis car entered It
he wm struck by tbe heavy Iren girder
overhead. He fell from tbe top of tbe car
and landed under the wheels. Several
cars passed ever bis body and be was
dragged some distance. The ether brake
man witnessed Ibe accident and be quickly
yelled at the top of bis volee and signalled
tbe engineer te step, which he did. The
train was baakcil and Mali Weigher Frank
Brlnkman and Night Uaggage MastorGco MasterGco MastorGce
W. Huflnoule pulled the man's body from
underneath the train. These gentlemen, an
well as several ethors, witnessed the acol acel
dent and It was a terrible sight. Tbe cars
had passed dlrestly evor tbe man's abdo
men, cutting blm up terribly. The body
wm picked up and taken te the undertak
ing establishment of L. R. Rote.
This morning Corener Uenaman Im
panelled a Jury consisting of Jehn Llebley,
M. Kublmsn, Obarlei V. Smith, A. W.
Baldwin, Henry Cooper and William
Flnelreck. Tbey rendered a verdict of
accidental death, with no blame te the
The deceased wta about 21 years of nge
and lived In Harrlsburg, whero be bad a
wife but no ehlldren. lie formerly wasem wasem
pleyed intbe Middle division and bad but
tecently gene en the Eastern division. It
Is suppfiBed that he had but little knowl
edge et theoverhead struoture.
Uat I J and Jeseph Nicely Ideutlllmt aa
Mayers of Parmer UnberBr.
Werd baa been recelved from Jenners
town, Horaerset county, which Is ten u lies
up tbe mountains from a railroad station,
tbat en Tuesday the preliminary examina
tion of David and Jeseph Nicely, under
arrest for the murder and robbery of
Farmer Umberger last Thursday night,
wm oenduotod by Squire Kiuen. The
bearing amounted te a sensation, Inasmuch
m Miss Ella Htt-arner, aired 20, and little
Nannie lit ruer, aged 0, who were In the
beuse at tbe time of tbu murder, positively
Identified the men as tbe murderers.
They were held for trial and censtables
started with tlie prisoners te Somerset.
When they arrived there the entire popu
lation turned out le receive tbem, and It
waa with difUciilty that they were landed
In j ill. Oa Tueaday the Nlcelys house
was searched, but nothing crlmtnallnie was
It la balleved the (11,000 stolen from the
murdered farmer Is burled In tbe moun
tains. Beth et the accused have unsavory
reoeids, having served lu tbe Western
penitentiary and are ballovei te ba the
leaders of aganget desparadoes who have
been epsrallug here for some time.
llrgular Mealing el Ooclere.
Tbe Lancaster City and County Medical
society met mated ly en Wednesday after
noon, wltb tbe following members present:
Doctors Black, Blackwood, Beardmau,
Compten, Craig, Davis M, L., Herr A. J.,
Uacee, Helm, Keabler, Kantfman, Lines
weaver, Livingston, Llghtner, Leaman J
K., Miiwer J. II., Miller, Mowery U. A.,
Roebnek, Kelsnd, KehrerT., KehrerO.R,
Rlngwalt, Welcbans, Weaver J. (.,
Weaver D. H-, Wiseman and Wltiner I, M.
Theiepirts made showed that tbere was
bat little slckuess ln the county or city, ex
cept ln Lampeter township, In which dis
trict tfcorearo a large number of persons
111 with pneumonia.
Doctors Miller, Craig, Leaman, and Koe Kee Koe
buelc reperte! a number of Interesting
Doctors Craig, Livingston and A. J,
Uerr reported a series of resolutions as te
tbe death or Dr. Jehn i. Ibompsen, of
Wrlghtsvllle, oneet the eldest members et
tbe society.
Dr. Mowery read an interesting paper en
diseases of the liver.
Iltlere the ale) or.
James Kyan was the only Inmate of tbe
station beuse en Wednesday nlgbt. He
was drunk according te the ollieers' state
ment, but Blck It the prisoner was te
I be believed, Tbe mayor sent blm te tbe
I workhouse, and if be is sick be will be
trausfirred te the hospital.
The Aaiertate el Uen. II. O. I.ens; Adept A
Btlnnt.nt Httprct Fer tlie IXctnefxt.
A largely attended meeting of 'the Lw
eMter bar was held In the mam court
room en Wednesday afternoon te take
action en tbe death of Judge Leng. Oj
motion of Mr. Reynolds, Nathaniel Kll
maker was elected prcaldent and Walter
M. Franklin secretary.
In taking tbe chair Mr. Ellmaker roterred
te his long acquaintanceship with Judge
Leng, paid an eloquent trlbute te bis worth
m a and his purity as ajudge.
Mr. Reynolds followed In n brief address
euloglstle et deceased. He said :
" 1 have hesitated considerably wbotber
1 should ssy a word en this occasion, fear
ing tbat I should be se overcomo by my
feelings as te be unsble te glve even a
faint Idea of the sorrow that filled my
heart when 1 heard the announcement of
tte deith of my dear old frlend, Judge
I de net propose te Indulge In the lan
guage et psnegyrie. My regard for the
memory et the dead and ter the ebllgv
liens of tbe living equally rebuke aucb a
course, yet my relatleus for yesra with our
departed friend demand tbat I shall be
mere than a .Heet spectator of this tu:lan tu:lan
chely aeene.
"I wm admitted te the bar thirly-three
years age by bis permission. In his pros pres pros
eceo and under his diioeilon and Judlelal
guidance 1 fenght many hard battles with
men of acknowledged ability and great
distinction In their time sueh men as
Stevens, Frazsr, Ulcoier, Dlckey and
ethers, whose names 1 will net step
te tell, who were long alnce called te
their everlasting home, leaving immor
tal namea upon tbe psges of history, t
WMaboytben; they were giants. Not
withstanding auch a contrast, 1 bIwbjh
felt sate when my cve was Jmt
lc tbe bands of a Judge with unstained
ermine, whose honesty was never ques
tioned whose Christianity, humanity and
integrity were tbe leading features of his
mett estimable character. Tliesoqualltle',
coupled with a vigorous Intellect, trained
by indefatigable Industry in tbe oenlosts of
a stirring life, Joined wltu an at dent love et
bis rrofessten, were tbe eloments of IiIh
scoeesi, and we dwell upon them with
mernfnl gratification new as we are about
te fellow blm te tbe cold and silent .grave.
"I knew him well socially. Ile wai kind,
frank and a true and faithful friend. Hew
often I bave ponderod ever tbe advice and
words of encouragement he gave me In the
days of my early struggle for a pi cee
among lawyere. I ahall miss him we will
alt miss bfm. Ile has passed bnyend tbe
reach of censure or et iiralse. His virtues
and his legal fame still live, and will tie
cherished and remembered wben tbe
stately walls of Ibis temple shall bave
crumbled and fallen, leaving nothing but
broken fragments le tell the story of tbelr
former beauty.
"It is sad, but It li true tbe frlends cf
my youth are last passing nwny, My time
wilt seen oeme; when It comes msy It be
said et me and of all who hear iny voleu
te day as we all ssy of the distinguished
dead be was honest, pure and Just.
Jlequietcat in pace.
Mr. Llghtner moved tbe appointment of
a commlttee et seven te dralt suitable
resolutions. Tbe motion was adepted and
tbe chair appointed as tlie committee
Messii. Newton Llghtner, D. 0. Ksbleman,
H. II. Swarr, Geerge M. Kline, A, J.
Eberly, W. A. Atlce and J, Hay Brown,
The comtnlttee rellred, prepared and
reported tbe following minute, which was
adopted :
The bar of Laudater county having
learned with profound sorrow et the death
et thelr late associate, Hen. Henry U.Leng,
for twenty years presldent Judge of tuW
district, and desiring te give expression te
tbelr eense of the leas sustained by his
death, niake the following minute:
Bern In this elty In ISOl.ln 1327 at mature
life be became a member of this bar, and
from tbat time until called te the bench In
15I be praotleed as an attorney among ua
with distinction and fidelity te ovary trust
committed te him.
Ab a Judge be was pitlent, dlgulflcd,
upright aud coneeivatlvi; as n citizen tlie
Integrity of his ohsrncter and tbe purity et
bis life commanded the respect, contldenco
and esteem of all wbe knew blm.
After reading the resolution Mr. Brown
made an addrest. HehM:
"Nearly eighteen yeam age, when my
youth! til eybH were turned tuwardn this
gcedly town, and 1 cauie te this county
which for generations bad been the home
of my own people, 1 still came eh a
stram,er Inte a atrnnge land, but boleia
Ibe first day's sun bad set tbe geed right
band el tbe boievod man whose deatb
bas called ua here tc-day was extended
te me in fellowship and cordial klndneiM,
Ills bonevolont lace smiled upon me,
while from his pure lips foil words
of hope and encouragement; and I should
be talte te myself If I did net here
and new, within this sanetiinry whero he
se long word the spotless robes of a J ust and
upright Judge, at least glve expression tu
my gratlludn for bis goodness and my re
sre:t for his blewed memory. At that
time be was the bonerod prnstuent Judge f
this district, oejoylog, anne desorved, tte
unlimited oeutldenoa and respoet el all this
people. I remember blm well f.H he hat
there, tbe ombedlmont of kind nnd quiet
dignity, be considerate te thote before him,
1 tried my firct cam botero bliri,
Important et conrse, te me, nnd I bteas his
memory new, and always shall, for what
be then aald and did te onceuraga me te
go en with my own life's work.
" Afterbls retlroment from the bench t
wm my geed fortune le eoe much et hlti ,
for be was my neighbor. Day by day Ln
went up aud down tbostreet, the belevid
and veneiatcd frlend and citizen, and tbe
purity of his life waa like a bontdlctien le
tbe passer by, bowing le him with ut ut
ODvered head,
" He lived te mero than n ceed old eer.
and bis many years nre full et extinplit
te be folio nod by us all. Ills llte was oeu
"Of no dUtomper, of no blast he died
lint lull IK nutiiinn trull tint mellewcl Ijnp:
Even wonOiel at. bio.une he Crupt uu
"And new Let Is resting, having left us
his geed motnery as a heritage, and, If our
holy religion he true, having enterml the
Joya that awelt every well Epcnt ltfe."
Messrs. Heynclds, North and Lsaman
were appointed a commltteo te have the
nbove uilnules spread ou the records of the
court, lmve It published lu the three dally
papers and a copy given te the family et
The bar adjourned te meet en Saturday
afternoon at ":30- o'clock te attend tbe
funeral In a body.
The Oavtl UUappear.
At the expiration of each Congress (he
gavel used by the Hpeaker of the itouie In
presetvlng order is alwas prtisonted te
blm as s substantial memento et bis service
In tbe chair. Oa the adjournment el the
Heuse, Monday, Speaker Carlisle did net
Immediately take possession of the one he
has used, and en returning te tbe hall of
the Uouae a short whlle alt6r the clew of
tbe Inaugural ceremonies he was unable te
find It. Tee gavnl was made of un
elephant's teeth, is et pure Ivery, and Us
les Is regretted very much by Mr.
Carlisle. The gavel used en tlie rick et
tbe Honate has beeu there for 2.j years, and,
at the end of overy aeaslnn et tlm Henatn,
Is noletnly guarded by an clllslul who
makiH It bis business te leek alter it.
lirltlihersliailng Urenerlre.
It Is reported that tbree Chicago brewcr-
losbave been sold te a British xyndleatn.
The consideration named is fl,bGO,000
McAvey'a Brew'ug company, Wacker &
Hlrks sml tbe Mlcuael Brand cemtmnv sru
tbe establishments said te bave been pur
chased. The tbree leading breweries of Rochester,
N. "V , were en Wednesday purchased by
an English syndicate. The prices paid
were as follews: Ilartbnlemsy brewery,
J2tU0,CtXJ; tJenesee brewery,
Rochester brewery, 600,000.
cent. Is paid down.
1600,000 ;
Five per
Ecboel Heard Meeting
1 be March meeting et the Lincastrr city
school beard will be held this evening at 7
o'clock. Several Items of Important bad
ness will be considered.
ABptelal Vtuira lientd l'r the Court AH.r
Kit Are tlhoten-eiaeriie K. Kerj-, Artnued
or uemmttllng Larceny at Stores lu
ThliC'ly. le Adieltled Ily a Jury.
'iiimtfay .iforiiine Centt met at 1)
o'clock, and the jury In I bed sorge) H. Piery
laroeny case reiidered a verdict el net
District Attorney Weaver called the
Dellleger caie for trial, and Calvin M.
Delllngcr, Indicted for tbe murder of his
wife, Mary Catherine, en October -I, took
his seat at the prisoner's table.
Tbe prisoner was formally arraigned and
the Indictment waa read le blm by Clerk
Urban, ln a clear, distinct volep be
pleaded net guilty.
The clerk was about calling Jurers when
It was discovered tbat Henry Mullen, el
Columbia, oneet the Jurers en tbe panel,
waa absenb The cenrt lasued an attach
ment and dlreelcd tbe sheriff te at once
bring Mr. Mullen IntoceurL
Tbe prisoner is represented by J. Hay
Brown and W. U. Uensel, and E. K. Mar
tin Is assoelatod with the dlatrtet attorney
In the.proseoutlon,
Counsel ter the dofendant objeotod te tbe
calling of any Jurers nhtll Mr, Mullen wai
ln court, but tbe court 'everruled tbe objec
tion and the calling of Jurers was proceeded
The usual questions wero put, as te
whether the J mera had osneelonttous soru seru
pK Hen the subject et eapllal punishment ;
whether he bad formed or expressed an
opinion, as would lntorferowtlh hlsoenduot
as a Jurer; whether he had bias orpreju erpreju orpreju
dlenforor sgslnst the prisoner.
Following were tbe Jnrers called :
Jacob M. Uess, farmer, Manbelm town
ship, answered all tbe questions satlslao satlslae satlslao
terily and wai challrged porempterlly by
tbe prisoner.
Jehn H. Brendle, clgarmaker, Brock Breck Brock
neck, ftlee answered all tbe preliminary
questions, but was challenged by tbe
Christian Weaver, farmer, East Karl,
was exeusrd trout servlnr, be being tbe
father et District Attorney Wesver.
Rufus 11. Audorsen, oentcotloner, Third
ward, elty, had conscientious ssruples en
the subjoet of capital punishment, and was
ebaltenged for ouure.
Christian .. Martin, termer, East Karl,
wis challenged for a similar reasen.
J. Rebert Iieng, farmer, East Denegal,
was challenged peremptorily by the pris
oner. Jeremtah M. llihn, tobacco morebant,
Manhelni borough, bad formed an opinion
from what be read. Ue was oxeusod from
Arneld I as. saloon-keeper, Ninth ward,
city, bad conHcieiittous aeruples,
Sauiuel Klllett, loe dealer, Fourth ward,
elty, and Jehn E. Uershey, farmer, Klghth
ward, oily, also had oensoientlous scruples.
II. Frank Mueselman was challented for
came, his name being Frank B. Mussel
man whlle lie was snmmoued as B. Frank
Reland Ureluer, tobacco farmer, Upper
Leaoeck, bad read tbe nowapaper account
of the murder, but he bad net formed or
expressed an opinion m would Inlluonee
hlsoenduot as a Jurer. He was accepted
and sweru as tbe first Jurer.
S. S. ,ug, clerk, Rapbe, answored all tbe
questions satisfactory and was acsepted as
Ibe second Jurer.
Oeorge A. Wallace, coal aud lumler
dealer. East Karl, was challenged peroiup pereiup peroiup
terily by tbe prlsoner.
J. W. Sbewalter, olerk, Karl, wai also
challenged by the defendant.
Oscar M. Hamp, butcher, Eighth ward,
city, expresscd an opinion and wm chal
lenged for ottiae,
Albert KehlhauH, Innkeeper, Eighth
ward, elty, was excused from survlng ter a
similar reason.
Ooergo Hurman, farmer, Pdtin, bid or.
prnised an opinion.
J. Stebor, mlller, West Cocilleo, bad
conscientious ttoruple.
David Lovenltc, oeal dealer, Marletlt,
was accepted as the third Jurer.
Rebert Moutgnmery, farmer, KdcH,
was accepted as tbe fourth Jurer,
Jaoeb K. Hosteller, farmer, Manbelm
township, was cliallonceil poreinptorlly by
the prisoner.
Ames L. Shirk, farmer, Ciuruarven, bad
conscientious scruples.
Elmer E, Htelgerwalt, merchant, Fifth
word, city, expreiMjd an opinion.
nenry newinan, larmer, rroviuence,
wai excused from serving ler a similar
Oeorge II, Ulehards, boek-sollor,
Columbia, was challenged by the defendant.
Sainuel J. Peel, sexten, Sixth ward, elty,
expressed an opinion that would Inlluonce
hlin, nnd was excused.
Jehn E. Selium, manufacturer, Fourth
ward, city, wan challenged peremptorily by
tbe prisoner.
Jacob A. ISueli, lumbar dealer, Lltltr,
was accepted as the fifth Jurer.
Jehn F. Uerr, farmer, Hlrasburg town
ship, expressed an opinion.
Aaren lisrtman, farmer, Hart, was so se so
oen ted as the sixth juror.
Himuel Larzilerr, hotel-keepor, MarletU,
cxprcaiedan opinion.
Ucnry U. Rebrer, Justice, Paradlie,
answered all tbe questions, and was Bleed
oslde by the commonwealth. Ue was
recalled and challenged peremptorily by
the commeuwraltb.
David Hurk holder, farmer, Eirl, bad
conscientious scruple'.
II. F. Blnkley, larmer, I'rovldeuoi', waa
challenged by tlie prisoner,
Loaneor Hbode, laborer, Columbia,
ex pre Med en opinion.
Carsen O5el, clgarniaker, Manbelm
borough, bad expressed en opinion.
Jamess. iNowien, taiior,reintu warn, city,
wai exenced for the sumo reason.
Isaac Esknian, farmer, Pcquea, a eiunln
et the prlsoner, was oxeusea from serving
en aconuntel his relationship.
W. 1). Rell .si, clear insuufaolurer, East
Uemptleld, i xpreesed an opinion from
what he read In the 'papers and was
cballonged (oreauHi
This oencludod the examination et all
the jurors ptojent and the district attorney
meved for a special venire.
The court dlrco'.ed a vculre te Ihsue for
forty Jurers, returnable at 2:30 o'clock.
Of the 11 Jurers called alx were accepted,
ten challenged poreinptorlly by the prls
oner, one by the comment ealth, and
twenty lour had conscientious scruples or
bad formed and expressed an opinion.
The Jurers selected were taken ln charge
by Tipstaves Nsumsn and Wagner aud
the court reus until 2:30 o'cle.'k.
Arretted for hlenlug Can.
Foreemo lline past a nunibcref boys who
atteud the publle schools en Lumen street
bave been In the habit et slsndln;; ou tbe
L'me elreel bridge, ever tbe Pennsylvania
railroad, while en their way te aud from
echoel, and throwing stouts at the cars
which paH underneath. Empleyes en the
trains are In danger et being hurt by the
mlailleH. Last evening Railroad Olllear
Pyle arrested four or five yitingsters, wbe
will be beard befere Alderman McCouemy
en Saturday. Tbe boys wero badly
frightened at being arrosted,
I.njlug linpeil Dulles,
The state department Is Informed that a
decree has been Issued by the governor of
l'auama, te go Inte elleet ou tbe Ural et July
next, subjecting foreign rait, tobaeoo and
lermeuted liquors te Impert duty, The
rate of duty Is 24 cents per kilogram en
salt, 20 cents per kilogram en tobacco,
whatever Ibe quality, aud & cents per kilo
gram en liquors.
Heep Contribution!.
Jere Rlfe bas given -)f bushels et pota
toes te tbe major for the soup fund and
Charles HeJ'.er contributes ICO leaves el
The Erangtttlcal Aaeurlatieu Centerenc. Coo Ceo Coe
eludes lie Weikat a'eltulila.
At the Wednesday morning session of
the annual conference et the Evangelical
Association et EM'.ern Pennsylvania at
Petlaville the committee en resolutions
reported tba following t
WiiKnnAs, The Missionary soclety of
this conference bas debt In rennd unm unm
bera of (8,000, whleh debt should be re
moved as seen m possible ; and
Whkukas, We feel confident tbat enr
people will, If the matter lie properly pre
sented te tbem, respond liberally ler this
purpose j therefore
Rkief.vkp, Tbat we will make an
earnest ellert te materially reduce, and II
possible, cancel the Indebtedness et the
society during the conference year; that we
endeavor te raise at least 00 cents per mem
ber for the missionary work et tha confer
ence; tbat we held a missionary jubllee
service In every church In this oenterenoe
soma time dnrlng the conference year,
the time te be lett optional with the pastors
of the various charges, and that wherever
practicable we organize missionary auxil
iaries or women's mlislenary societies in
every congregation wbere sueh societies de
net already exist, especially since tbia ts
our year of Jubilee.
The report of the committee en tbe atate
et the church wau read, and proved te ba a
comprehensive and very lengthy report,
and whleh created n long and warm discus
sion, but was finally adopted.
Tbe assignments of preaehera for the en
suing year was announced, after whleh
the oenterenoe adjourned te meet atSha atSha
raeklu en the fourth Thursday of Febru
ary next.
The local appointments are as follews:
Adamstown, Rev. N, A. Barr ; Terre Hill,
A. B. Hay ler; Coneatega, W. Bhulsr
Brownatewn, D. Lentx and A. H. Hardier ;
J, 7.:rn, Torre Hill quarterly conference ;
A. M.SarupMI,Mf.Nobe and Fredericksburg;
D Keniblp.Wllllamatewn; W.W.Waifel,
Lltltr. ; I. V. Reyer, Manbelm ; F. P.
Lehr, Water atreet, Laneaster ; D. B. Al
bright, Mulberry street, Lancaster ; C. J,
Warmkessel, Cress wet I ; W. U. llehney,
Mt. Jey ; J. N, Molrger, Manhelm quar
terly meeting.
C. 8. Uamen Is the presiding elder et the
Philadelphia dlatrtet; A. M. Stark, of tbe
Readlng ; II. J. Smcyer, et tbe Lebanon ;
A. Med den, et the Peltavllle, and C. S.
Chubb, of tbe Mlltersbnrg.
U. Is Captured and Kent le .fall -Tha Sblrt
Vacteiy Location Selected.
Cer.ujiuiA, March 7. A tramp, giving
his name as William Robinson, atele a red
flannel undershirt this morning at the store
et Celin A. Meyers. He wm seen coming
out and ba started te run aoress Bank alley,
OiUcera Seblll and Wlttlek were close at
hand and seen bad the fellow In oaatedy.
Ue wm committed te Jail by Squire Evana
le answer the charge et larceny. Tbe
undershirt wm found In his possession.
Oillcer Heh 111 arrosted a German namel
Charles T. Geed, at the P. R. R. atalten this
morning, en suspicion of being concerned
In a robbery committed near Reading. He
wm taken belore Squire Selly, where be
gave an account et Dimwit and wm dis
charged, Ue had beeu working en a farm
uearMaytcwn, tnd was ou tbe Journey te
The new council will meet for organiza
tion this evening.
A congregational meeting watlield ln the
Second street Luthorauehurob last evening,
whan the plaus for tbe new parsonage were
adopted. Tbe plana were piepared by C.
E. Urban, et Laneaster.
The M. 1. society will meet en Friday
evening, when "Merchant et Venice" will
be discussed.
The beard of directors et the shirt fac
tory doclded te loeate ln tbe Hhlllew
bulldlnp, at tbe Five Points. A new por
tion of -IS feet will bs added, making the
building 100 feet In length, Werk will be
commenced at once.
The large Btable of J, K, Flury, situated
In the middle of bis oeal and lumber yard
en Union atroet, was totally destroyed by
tire this afternoon, A Isrge quantity et
hay and teed waa burned. Hew the lire
originated la net known.
Married at Neeu Te-day,
Edwin R. Garvin, was married at neon
te-day te Miss Ida L Caldwell, daughter of
Mrs. AnnaM, Caldwell, etU2'J Seuth Queen
.troet. Tbe ceremony took place at the
residence et the bride's mother and It wm
performed by Rev. Themas Thompson, of
the Presbyterian Momerlal church. Only
tbe relatives snd a few frlends of the couple
were present. The bride and groom lett
this afternoon en a trip te Norfolk, Va.,
and ether points In tbe Seuth. The groom
Is a aen of James R. Garvin, of tha
Intklmuknukii, a clerk In the FJrat
National bank and a well-knewn young
A BlacbliiUt Injured.
Jehn Brua, a machinist ompleyod at
Henry Martin's brick maehlne manufac
tory, ou James street, met with an aceldent
en Tuesday, Ue was assisting te pet up
an Iren wheel, le be used In tbe machinery
which weighed r03 pounds. The cbaln
suddenly broke and tbe wheel fell, catch
ing Brua's feet and leg under It. He had
a gash evor five Inches long and very deep
out ln bis leg, and Dr. J. A. Reed dreaaed
It, after which be was taken te his home,
A ltlllug Accident.
This afternoon Samuel Muaketnuss, a
boy about IGyoarseId, and a companion,
wm riding en horseback out North Duke
atroet Tbe horseof Muaketnuts frightened,
Jumped aside and threw the rider oil. Tbere
wm a two horse stage passing at tte tlme
and the lad was thrown against tbe end cf
the tongue. He was very badly bruised
about tbe legs and body and was taken Inte
the heuse In tbe neighborhood, whero he
w&s cleaned up and put ln better shape.
lie's All ltlglit."
Deputy Register lsaael Carpentor, who
wm se badly Injured two week, age In a
driving accident, Is able te be out again.
Ue made bis appcaranoe at hta otlles In tbe
oeurt bout e te-day. Ue la attll obliged te
wear a skull capon his bead, whleh hM
net entirely heiled, bat he Is looking
remarkably well and Is worth a wbole
ward of dead men yeb
Hull or Damage.
Michael L. Beiler, through hla attorney,
Wm. A. Atlee, te-day entered a Btilt for
damages against Orlande W. Loushey and
Annie Leushey. Tbe parties te the suit
live at Smokotewn and the allegation is
tbst tbe defendants have dammeu me
natural water course en tbelr premises by
reason of whleh plaintiff, well of water
bas been rulnel and cellar damaged.
Tlie Cocaine Main at Washington.
Laneaster wm sgsln victorious In cock
ing main near Washington, yesterdsy, Tbe
birds from here wen lour out or nve nguue,
but In two fouls were claimed by tbe Wash
ington people and they weregtven te tbem.
Lancaster bad mneb tbe bait el tbe fight fight
leg all through.
A Vltltlng emctr,
J. P. Wlnewer, ata'e vle) counciller cf
tbe Jr. U. U. A. M., lett te-day ler EMt
l'rcsreef. Yerk county, te Institute Au.
rera council, Mr. 301, el tbat place, tbla
evening. On Friday evening be will visit
Empire council, et this city, oulelally, and
en Saturday evening will visit Riverside
oeunoll at New Cumberland.
tAttfa 1
eaix qrev-i
nssai.iw :
zrzzrsr. -'a
' WfKr;
Meth Rraashes rasa a
Oalekrete Kasattetk
Amfaasat te Ska
Uarrmbuke, Mere 7. Is after
s r'
the bill wm favorably rn
sent of tbe state te the bmb
United SUM of lead eat tk I
Gettysburg tortheereeUeeief i
The following bills wet
Martin, AdssBs, MUMrtetet
autherltlea te collect e IIbbbvbi taai
eles, earrying persene or lueenf Ml
wataen, Behuyikiii, BvaUagMai
meaner for persona te tIemm BarI
the etata beard of health.
aebin, of Lebaaeej, offered ai
which wm unaalmeeal edeeted. 1
that the members et the Mqsjbb mt I
eul la a body eat Qeaeral Mb
te-morrow, the ataetleta wlnmBt
ma Dtrtn.
r, renrew. nail Benaay assay i
defeated tbe second tlaae, whleh
It trem being take apagata at tabu
Tha hilt In tnafea miliMeiua aetA
of .treats and reads dedicated by ewam sl
land ever whleh they paea te pubUttMal
charge upon Interested tewaaiais;wa
ueieaiva. M..
cooper called ap tbe
amendment eleotlea bill, waea
Democrat, of Yerk, moved te i
oemmlttee of the whole te eajeatlasH
se u te provide for the eueaatetisei af 1
prohibitory and poll tax ameadaMat'at Mat .
general elections, which wee agree te ays
party vote. -' ,f
tub bill passu finally, f vK
There wm a long dleoaaHea aa I
et Uennlnger, Deaaeeret. te aa !
mlitee et the whole te aaaead the Mil I
provide that the prohibitory i
adopted, ahall aet go lata effeet
avnlMllAa tit ninSM IUmuha
" .v"rrrr: crrr". rrzr.
vupvennu .wBVr, sMumaanasaB)
Rew, Democrat, eUlased
adoption et the ameadBteataU
en the Bale of Uquore weald
law waa pasaed te enforce tha
amendment. .,
Hutan, Republic, meJatalaai
WMtelf enforelag and thatea Ma
whleh be predicted, evenr grecahM
be legally dosed. '-'v.
The bill then pasaed flaaliyih a
toIe. VA
in the Heuse, the Senate Mil la
the aale et inwxlesUna llqaera ea
Day wm favorably reported. ..;
The bill making aa appreprlalkM a
ladlea of tbe O. A. K ler elethraa'aal
widows and chtldrea was aMaaMvtj
ported. ,"jr
The grangers equalltaUea tu Mtlj
oerporatlooB for local peratsie, wm
second reading wttaeat
The Heuse oeaoarred ta thn Mtal
eren resolution and adjoeraea aatu
DK' t ' $
death or MB. wmiaBsgeW
ii r
Tha Venerable PhllMseehta re
Baccaaae. a. retaHetj., .r;fe
PBii.ADai.rHiA, Mareh 7. talah
Williamson, the aged phHaathwaastj
quietly away at hie reeldeaee, UaV
street, early this Bneralaa
Tbe newa ei sue aaata epraaa i
the atreet and soea reaaaed IH
et flnanee where, altheaih aet'
nnexpeeted, itoreatedeooaideraMei
Mr. Williamson wm several daya aaa
taeked by paralysis, bnt rallyiag ;
forenoon hta relatives were i
hope for hie recovery. la tha I
however, a ebange for the we
end he gradually sank after that east
Inte a quiet Bleep from whMh a
awoke, tbe ead coming peaearauy at 1
o'clock tbla morning. Yi
The crowning work of Mr. Wl
life wMthe turning ever of a property 1
t2.2SO.000 te a ward of
founding et a free aoheol for
It is supposed that tha aaUUassaJra!
aaw the bouneises eppensHusjea
for sueh ae Instltuttea
the effect of hie gift of 1100,000 te tha 1
of Refuge.
The Initial gift of two Bad a ai
millions wm generally suapaee la
beea merely aa earnest el what ha I
te give and tbat, la ail,
aoheol would be endowed te tha
12.000. ene. '1-r .
Twe Msa asaa Thetr Uvea.
Habbisbube, Mareh 7. 1
suicides la this elty leBtaJfht,
bodyet Aaren Lndwif,a
milk, wm dlfcevered thle i
te a beam la hie ateble
suburb. He leaves a family.
The atoend nafertaaate
Charles Warfleld, a colored barter, af 3
Harrlsbnrg, who oemailtted
Uklng laudanum. Me theory at at
m te the eause for the euleldes,
A large delegation et railroad
were among President Harrleea'si
Dr. Tanner, M. P wm
Tlpperary te-day te three oaeatha
Duke MoLaeblan, aged 22, who
from Paw Paw, Ilia, with Cera
aged 13, killed hie sweetheart i
near Earlvllle, Ilia, iMt night
The Yeung: Men'a Ohrlatlaa
building-. In Patersea. N. J.,
morning. Tbe 1em la abent tl,00a,l
insured. During tbe fire David
a siaoen-keener. west dewa
a keg of beer. Missing hla Heihaghai
and broke hla neck. Traade waa a,i
known base bail player. f,x
j, p. MeQarrahan dreppei dead ta
house in New Yerk thla aaerahM, 1
disease. Hie parenta reside la Oahtali
4t vaara old and a aiacta I
been working ea Ue Maw lark Mm
for Mveral yeare peat, a leag
nortins-editer et that paper.
Eluhty-Mvea mulea beraed wMbV'I
MetropellUn sUeet car Btahlee ta :
Cltv last nlgbt. Lese 950,000.
Mrs. Elizabeth Sand', BeltlBMee,
celebrated her 100th birthday.
Uea Hawklnr, aged 70, died la i
rifn Wasuinqten.D. C, Mareh. 7.
I 1 Eastern Pennsylvania t Fair, I
J cooler j neithaeateriy wtaaa, i
tbe coast.
Her. A. T. Stewart
Rev. A.T. Stewart, who wee
Westminister nresbviery a Itw
en a letter of dismissal frees tha
presbytery, wMlastalledM tha pal
M.Hatte Praabsterlaa ehaieh, a
riav avanlnr. la the preaaaee af
oengregatloB. Rev. O. W.
nrA.idd nnd nut the ceaBtltatH
1 1 vim, Rev. C. B. Oreaa preaehBal tha
. j. McDeuaall delivered thee
tbe people aad Kit. O, W. stay
pastor, f
The a
waa taa
re- -yt g'.jfnit-. v.
- an ;;, Out s i!tasie &$&