'xz; rtf " V i Jim THE IiANOASTER DAILY INTBXLIGENOEK, THURSDAY FEBBtTAHY 28, i860. V' -rii' daisy uxaK. Her dimple cheek M rale, fchc'aalllyetthe vale, Het a rots. In a mntlta or a lawn Baa u ratter tana tan dtwn. Te her txaur liar te-JU arnsllea and nest, 8be It vain about her fee 1, HHiald, 8 ha amputate kar rj, Batter eys are Ilka the atari. Overheat. rrrmthi Philadelphia Pren. m ss a aBoepiaas. The atermjr pflrel aklma the ocean foam, 1 ha vessel aalli along her lenely way I The tailor thtnka et wife, and child, and home; The inn tails in the weat, and ends the flay. There l no moea te land a friendly light, The w l iwleuj howl, the blllpfra roil and rear i - The ship a nlna every nerve till lata at nigh, And then gets dewD.atbcuiand sallei freaa there. At home a pile and sad wife Hit, and by ller aide a little fallow from hit play Leeks np, and, wendt ring, ask hu mother why UU father tys te long, te long away I Geerge tfewell lAvejey. mm si Bemsthlag Maw Oader the See, A novel wedding le oelored aoelety la Richmond took plaee at the otanreb of tba Kay. Jehn Jasper, the famous author of i Da tun de move" theory. The bride waited at the palplt while the ten virgin, with their lampt burning, went down the Me te meet the groom, who Meed at the deer. Aa they walked the lam pa of the five foellah vlrglna went out, whereupon they wereeamnarlly expelled from the bnlld lnr, and were forced te atand en the pave urnl outside dnrlng the entire ceremony. Tbla.vae, et course, aoeordlog te the pre- firamme. Then the five wlae virgins, wheee ampi were burning brightly, eeoerted the groom up the aisle, where he waa met by the bride, while the choir aaug, "Beheld, the Bridegroom Cometh." ' st m A Diaokae Maa'a Itide. A man who refuted te give hie name crawled en the truek of Ltblgh Valley pMaeeger train at Hlatlngten en Tueedey night, lay faee downward, and remained In that position until the train arrived at Bethlehem, where he waa dlsoevored by the engineer, removed, almett aa stiff aa an Iren rail, and taken te the polies etatlen te thaw out He aald be made several attempta te crawl out at etatlene along the read, bat waa unable te move. He waa drunk when he bearded the truek, aeber when removed, and again drunk when thawed out Next morning he gave hie name aa Daniel Sdmundr, and waa tent te Jail ter tea dayr, m mm, m Asa lnrns and cattle lotion Sa'vat'en nil hit prevan itseir an Infallible rtnedy. it hm re. eelrcd th hearty I nderaeienta of many old and well known hersemen. fries IB cantt a be' tie. Mothers de net let your darlings inffar with the whooping oeuali while you have a i .steady se near at hind. Use Dr. llull't Cough Syiup and the litUe tutTerer will toen and relief. Price '.5 cent j. "The Bert Laid riant of Mice and Ken Gang aft aglee." Net se Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. It gees right te the spot It Is designed te beneficially affect, and there Is no tardiness in its action. Dut while it relieves censtt. patlen In common with dyspepsia and liver complaint-associate evils the griping and abdemlnal'dlsturbance produced by drastic purgatives cover precede Us operation. Its thoroughness Is unmarred by violence, the chief characteristic of most laxatives, and one that Is highly prejudicial te both bowels and stomach. It Is (only by Invigorating the In testlnal canal, and thus fitting it te perform Its office as a natural sluice .for the effete matter et the system, that Itt regularity can be perpetuated. Te weaken by drenching ts te Insure Its relapse Inte disorder. This lhe Bitters never does. CIiUU and fever, ncrveui. ness, kidney complaints yield te the Hitter. ae.4 appetite and sleep are improved, by it. Knpture enre guaranteed by or. J. B, Mayer, tui Arch street, Philadelphia, JUae at once, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands of cures after ethers fall, advice free, tend for circular. marte lydAw BPXOIAL MOTJOJCeT. Grins, Pleasant, healthy gilns are reen only en the facet of healthy persons. The dyspeptle and debilitated can smile only In a hall-bearted way. Purllyihe bleed, tone the stomach and strengthen fie tissues tltn Burdock Bleed BMeri.lt you wish te Uugh welt and often, for tale by 11. II. Cochran, druggist, UJJ and St North Uueen street, Lancaster. AM UMTOUTUNATB PKUSON, The most unfortunate porseu In the world It one afflicted with sick headache, but they will be rei leved at once by using Dr.Leslle's Special Prescription, bee advertisement In another column (4) All Admire a tlaudseuia trace. A pure, cUiarskln will n-ake any face hand some Munlleitly anything which slrengthent and enriches the bleed will directly affect the whole person. All eruptions of the skin dls apprar when Burdock Bleed Bitteri are em ployed. 1 bey area vogelabie remedy of In estimable value, rorssle by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13:) Werth Queen street, Lan Lan caster. A Weiuan'a Dlsoevery. " Anether wonderful discovery hat been made and that tee by a lady In this country. Disease fastened tta clutches upon her, and for seven years ahe withstood the severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and ddath teemed Imminent. She benghta bottle of Ur. King's Mew Discovery for con sumption, and was se much relieved en taking nrst deae that ahe slupt all night and with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Iter name It Mrs. Luther utc" Thue writes W. O. Hamrlck A Ce , of Bbel by, M. C. Oot a free trial bottle at 11. 15. Cochran's Drag store, 117 A 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. Fa. ) postmaster Sain'l A. Hewitt, Of Heuterey, Micb., delivers himself In this wise: "or colds, burns, tore threw, and rheumall.m, Thomai' Sclectrie Oil cannot be beuten. I say keep It up te the sundard, and 11 will satisfy tee people. 1 tball tend ler a new supply seen, ter sale by 11. B Cochran, druggist, U7 and IS) North Queen street, Lan caster. The Verdict tusimeu. W. U. Butt, Druggist, Ulppus, InCL, testlflet : "I cau recommend slectrle lilt ters as the very best remedy, Bvery bottle sold has given relief In every case One man took six bottles, and waa cured of Uheuiuatism of 10 years' stand ing." Abraham liare, liollevllle, Ohie, affirms : " l he best soiling medicine I have ever han dled In my 20 yuan' experience, Is Klectrle llttters." Thousands of ethers have added their testimony, se that the verdict Is unani mous that Klectrlc Hitters de cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidney or llloed. Only a halt dollar a bottle at II. II. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 1X North Quuen street, Lancaster, Fa. 12) lliuuuer It bone the Ag.s, That for lamcnefg for rhetimIUm, foracbes, ter pains, and for sprains, Dr. Thomai' jeelee jeelee trie OU Is n poslttve ana rellab'e remedy, "Dr. Themte' hclectrloeil can be purchased of any druggist Fer tale by 11. 11. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. ttneklan'a Arnica Halve. Taa But salvi in the world for CnU,Brnttea Beres, Ulcers, Bait Ubaum, rever 8erea,Tetler, Cbapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Bklu abruptions, and nesiuvely euros File, or no na.v rut ulrud. It Is Knaranteer) te stive eer. tbct satlslictlen, or money refunded. Frlce ts eenta per box. Fer tale by U. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Net. 187 and 13? North Queen street, Lstnewter. Fa. InneCT-lyn Vau'c Sty Kuuagb. ' I cuu't speak tee highly et Burdock Bleed Bitten, they have been u great blessing te ins Cured me of billen absa and dyspepsia from which I had autten d ter years." sir. J.Marse, Hank of Terente, One. Fer tale by U. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and VU North Queen street, Lancaster. Metbai Mowers It Meltaera I II Are yen disturbed at- night and broken el your rest by a tick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain el cutting teeth t if se, go at once and get a bottle of MBB, WINBLOW'S SOOTHINU BYBUP. It wUl re lieve the peer little sufferer Immediately de pend upon it i there U no mistake abenttt. There la net a mother en earth who baa eve nted It, who will net tell you at onee that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic, it U perfectly safe te ute In all casus and pleasant te the taae, and la the preacriptlen of ne of the eldest and beet female physicians and nurses la the United state. Beld everywhere, as eenta a bottle. maylMydAw A Werd el Osullen. Htilreail men, mechanics, commercial trav elers, base balltits, f aimers, and ethers slii labor out of doers, are specially liable te acci dent and injury. TAemai' Melectrie Oil fer bruises, burns, bite and sprains. Is one of the naeat-app ttatlens te De Jul red. Fer aula by U. B. cechran, druggist, 137 and 1S North Queen street. Lancaster. 8ALE8MKN WK Wlbll A FKWUKN te seltourgesdsby sample te the whole sale and refill traju. 1 argiu manufsctnrers In ear line. Knclesa Scent stamp. Wages 14 per day. l'ermsuent position. Me pestals an swered. Meney advacc d for waves, adver tising, fte UkfMTXHaiAL UANU-rO JS (,-inclnnati, Ohie. JanJWOteea tJOnm XKBUMATlMat. Rheumatism Aceatdlat te teeeat trnTeettgatleae la eaasea by exetee ef htetse aelec ta tste bleeCTMa aeM attaefeethe ahreaa ttetuaa, ssitileilarty la the letate. and eameee the leeei tsaalHetatlBai et the tleeaae, yiM and MMilttttsttkut eheaidera, and la the jetata at the knees aaklee,atpaaadwntte. Thenaaaae of people have feaad ta Heedw aartaparilla a peatUf a and pensaaaat care ler thenesaUtsas Shta saedlctae,byitatrsmfylaaaTttaUatageeuea aeutrallseatheaeMltyefUa Meed, and alto uauaa ap anaatzeagiaeaa tae waete neay. Boed'a MursWpetflU 1 waa laid up ler tic taeniae witt raeaxaa Usm, and need many kinds et madietae with with ent geed raaait till eaecftay neighbors told ate te take Boed'a aarsapanila. When I had sued half a bottle I felt better, aad after tak ing two bettlea 1 think 1 waa entirely eared, ee I have net had an attack of rhenautism sine." Kuetn II. Dixea, Kotsvllle, SUtea Ulaed.K. T. Onrce) Rhtramatkm " I had attacks of rheueailtm which ln created la severity. 1 took three bettlee et Heed's Bartaparuia aad t am pteteed te nay the rheumatic pains eeeeed, my appetite aad digestion became better, aad my general health greatly Improved. I am firmly eon een eon vlneed that Boed'a Bartaparilla enrtd me, at I have felt no recurrence , "of thU bleed ;dU eaee." WSLBoeoa,Qeaeva,M.T. Hoed'a larMparilla eldbyalldrugglstt. B stxfern, rrepared only by 0. 1. HOOD CO., Lewell, Mate. 100 Deses Ob Dellar. 0 A TKR'8 HARSAPAR1LLA. High Pressure Living characterUes these modern days. The result it a fearful Increase et Brain and Heart Disease General Debility, Insomnia, Paral ysis and Insanity. Chloral and Merphia aug ment the evll. The medicine beat adapted te de permanent geed It Avert Bartaparilla, It pnrtflas. enriches and viullset the blesd, and thut ttrengthant every function and faculty et the body, .. " I have used Ayar'eSarsaparllla In my fam ily, for yews. I have found it Invaluable at A CURE for Nervous Debility caused by an Inactive liver and a low state of the bleed."-Henry llaoen, Xenla, Ohie. " Fer tome time I have been troubled with heart disease. 1 never found anything te help me until l began using Ayeit Bartaparilla. 1 have only used thU medicine ttx months, but it hat relieved me from my trouble, and ana bled me te resume work."-J. P. Carzanett, perry, 111. "I have been a practicing physician for ever half a eentury, and during than I me I have never found se powerful and reliable an alterative and bleed portlier aa Ayer'a Sana-parUla.n-Dr. M. Maxstart, Louisville, Ky. Ayer's Sarsaparflla. raaraiBD ay Dr. J. O. Ayar at Oe., trfiwell, ataa. Prien i ; six bottles. IV Werth S3 a betUe. feb.Ctemi S1 CHKNCK'8 MANDKAKKPILt. SOHSNOtl'd MANDRAKE PILLS F0H Bilious and Liver Complaints AHBTUaei.DKST FAMILY 8TAMDAKD. A Purely Vegetable Compennd, without mer cury or ether Injurious mineral. Bataandtnre nlwaya Fer sale by alt Druggist. Full printed directions for using with eaeh pack ate. Dr. Bchenck'a new bek en lhe Lungr. Liver and ateinaih BKNT fbkb Address Dr.J. H.SchenckAfien, Phtladelphla. maylMyddw TqUMPHKKYH' VETERINARY SPK0IPI03. Fer Horses, Cattle, Bbeep, Dogs, Hogs, and FOULTkr. BOO rage Boek en Treatmeut of Anlmalt and ChartBentFroe. CUUES Fevers, Congestion, Inflammation. A.A.-Bplnal Meningitis, Milk Fever. B. B. strains. Lameness, KhenmaUtm. CO. Distemper, Natal Discharges. D.D.-Beu or erubs. Worms. B.R. Coughs, lleavea, Pneumonia, P.F. Celic or Gripes, Bellyache. e.U. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. H.H. Urlnaiy and Kidney Diseases. LL KrupUvu Dlseates, Mange. J. K. Diseases of Digestion. , BTABLK OABK. with Specifics. Manual, Witch Ussel Oil and Medicated S7.00 PB1CK, Single Bettle (ever 00 doses) ee Beld by Druggists ; or Stnt Prvptid any where and in anytjuautlty en reeelpt et prlee. Unmphreyt' Med, Ce., 1( Fulton St, N. T. munBhrevs' Homeopathic Specific Se.28. In use 80 years. The only suoeettfnl remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness and Prostration from ever-work or ether causes. LOOper vial, or & visit and large vial powder, Boid a'r DBDeanvrs, or tent postpaid en re ceipt el price llUMPHUBYS' MEDICINE CO., Ne. lea Fulton Street, N. Y. marx7-lydAwTn.ThAB 1KKTHINQ BYRUf. TO MOTHERS. Kvenr babe should have bottle et DB. J P. Perfectl v FAUBNEY'd TkETllINU BYBUP, safe. Ne opium or Merphia mixtures. Will relieve colic, unpins In the Bowels and Pro mote DltUcuIt leethtng. Prepared by DUB. D.FAllttNKY A se k, ilagert te wn, Md. Drug gists sell It i cents. Trial bottle tent by mall 10 cents. jant lydeedAw w KAK, UNDEVKI.OPKD PARTS Of the Human Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc , is an interesting advertise ment long run in our paper. In reply te In quiries we will say that there ts no evldence of humbug about this. On the contrary, the advertisers are very highly Indorsed. Inter, ested persons may get sealed circulars giving all particulars, by writing telheKBIB MEDi cal, co. 5 Bwan Bt, Buffalo, H.. -Teledo Daily Bee. fll lydAw THUBKH "CTTHOLESALK KEDUOTlONr" CDAS. E. HABERBUSH, (Sotttsser te U. Hibirksh I Seb.) Wholesale Eeductien. Te enable ua te make room for eurnew goods we are offering Special Uargalna in FUlt ROBEH, PLDHH LAP KOBKH, HLEIQH BKLLB, tUR OLOVEd, In fact, enr Xntlre Winter ateck. LADIEU' POCKKTBOOKS, UARD OABE8, PUR KB AND BELTS AT COS r. Ne trouble te thew enr goods at Chas, E. Hatertush's B1DDUS, HABNESB: ABO TRUNK STORE, Ne. 30 Oentrt Squart, LAN0A1TBB, rA. Aystgn erihe Qelden Hene ueads.-vB J. HARRY BTAMM'S RTORR, J. HARRY STAHM'S Great Cheap New Bosten Stere I NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. TABLE LINENS. SVKCtALS I Leem Damaak, UXc A YAKD. CA YAltD. Oraam Damh)c, Orm Eatln Damaak, 5C AYABI), See Theee Bargainv. J. Harry Stamm's Lewest rUMBlTUMM, raiDMYKU'S OOKNER. Per Furniture! WIDMYER'S FUfiHTTIRE STORE. YOU OAN'X DO BKTU I UOOU WOBK I LOW l'MCES Ger. Bi&t King and Mi Sts. GHHINO HTYLKS. HEINITSH'S 27 and 29 Seeth Queen Street. lhe variety of rUBNITUKE wonreiliow wenreiliow wonreiliew Ing th's Bpilng has never been equalled ler btrle rtntsherDursbUity. OURSOLIDOSKBUIT fera small price Is the Best Bargsln offered, and ts a seller. BBO-BOOU 8U1T8. fW te KM. PAKLOB BUITS. 13) te ISM. CHAIttsfromtsee per half dozen upward. BXTCBSION IABLK8 from r. npwuid. OUR 1'UlCKS all through are LOW, VBKY LOW, for Geed, Reliable Furniture, A KKW I1AKQAIN BUITB 'left ever from last Feil, te be closed out cheap. 8PBCIALVKICE3 lO I10YKB9 Or emnia. Heiniteh's Furniture Depot, LAMOABTKB.fA. 1CTBNITDRB I KUHN1TURK I TUB UNDBBSIUMBD HAS BBOFBBKU BIB BTOUB AT TUB OLD STAND, le. 38 East King Street, Which waa destroyed by Ore teme time age. and kaa a perfectly Mew bteck of all kinds of FURNITURE. PABLOB 8UITKB, UKOBOOU 8UITX8, TABLE8.1CUAIB8, (TO, UPHOLSTERINQ In All lit Branches. Alte fainting and Or namenting Old Chairs. HENRY WOLF, Ne. 38 East King Street. lei tfd e OHM ft UIBBB. Ochs & Gibbs, IUUNITUUS-, 2d, 3d and 1th rioers, MO. 31 EOUTU gUKKN BT WB'BK AUKAO. WE TAKE THE LEAD IN NKWMTTYI.K8. 1MMKNMK H'lOrK, LOWBaTl'ltlCE". VKLLUA1IE FURNITURE. ay Call and be convinced. Ooeds stored nntll wanted. Beinember lhe place : Id, 3d A 4th Floers, MO, 31 BUUril O.UBBN aT. OCHS cTOXBBS. aprll-lyd Manufacturers and Dealers, IIAKDWAKK, Vf-AHHHALL ft RENU1ER. Hardware! Hardware! JUST UgCIlVED AT MARSHALL & RENGIER'S, 9& 1 1 Seuth Queen St., A I.AUOKIN01CKOr T03AGC0 TWINB & TOUOCO PIPER, Held at the Lewest Market Prices. Alte, large tscorlmentef EOUSE-STIRE G00D3 ! BOLKAUKMTS JTOU1IIK Butcher Heuse Bene. tebe-lya I DJir UOODB. Just Splendid ! euu- Celebrated 50c. Corset. TRY Tit EM. Comfert, and lfeaey Savers. "JTKWt NEW! NKW! NKW 1 NEW MESS GOODS Side Bande Dreas flood a, G2)a, isa. ILOO yard. French Btrlpe Ureaa Uoeda, tCr 7Gv, 1 00 a yard. Fine Plalda Ureaa aecda, 37 ua, 60a, 75&, 1 00 a yard. French HenrlUtat Cleihe, 37)c, 60..,76a,fl.00a jard. Lsrge aMertment Dress aoede, 10&. 12" fa, 2T.e a yard. Cream, Ucurletla, Trloet, Albatreee, Caabmere ClethA 21-Inch Blaek Hllk. Plaid and Persian Btrlpe Bnrah Bllka, Blaek Faille and Satin Lnxer Bllka, fit -Inch Blaek All-Weel Berge, I LOO a yard. 60 -Inch Black Henrietta Cleth, 7&e a yard. Plalda, Btrlpee, Bwlaa Muiilne, 12e., l'e , zr a yard. gharles 35-37 North Queen St. LANUAHTHK, PENN'A. BOSTON STORE. ST WRITE B ARl) ft MCELROY. Bard & Neb. 33 aad 35 Sentii qneen Btreet, OUIBB QINU1I AM8 We have new In stock for your inspection the beat Una of patterns In DresaUlrghamaandTeltedu word In the city of Lancaster. De net buy your Ilrata until you have satlsded yourself by looking them ever. We start the line at Clie, nmt grade at te, tiezt at loe. Heme sljles we show you, you will net be able te tee elsewhere We claim wa bava Ilia choicest, the nowest patterns und blending of sbadet that have been put en the market this season. TOIL! OU NOKD in Telledt NerdntllXc, what a quantity were told last season, and hew soraeof the best styles were sold ent early In the aeasen and unable te get them later. Yen will be surprised at the beautiful stylus In this very dnstrnble Dress gabrfe that we can thew you. InUietilngham Kemnants, th.t we have told te many of at SKa and 7e, we would only say that we can new accommodate you again with any quantity you may want. BniKTB-Men'a ITnlaundrtcd Whlte BhlrU at lUXe, We, 7Ke and ui. lien's Laundrti d White Bhlrts at OOc, 79e and 1 U). lien's Oalloe ehlrtt at sec. 110SIKUY in Hosiery wn are headauartera for ths best value in thu city for Ladles, lien and Children In cotton or Weel. ncATUEHH-De net fall te tike advantage reatheis. Bard & McElroy, Nes.33 and 35 Beuth Queen Btreet, Opposite Fountain Inn. e ARPETS ! CARPETS. METZGER & HAUGEIMAN 1 1 nve New Open a Large Assortment of Uantliome Brussels, Ingnle, Rag, Hall and Stair Carpets, BOUQUT AT AUCTION AMD D1UKCTKUOMT1IK M ANUrAtTUItltlte.CIIBAP FOB CA8U. CABPBTB.. OAUPBTB.. C'AKPBTB.. OAKPBT8.. UABPAT8.. At K) Cenu At UX-'nt at 16 Cents , At ze Cents At .5 Cents 8traw Mattings, ( besp. Table.Btalrsnd JTIoerOll Clelbs. Window Shades, Curtain Pelea and Lace Curtains at Lew Prices. Our Pmneus Bteam Cnretl realtors, for whleb there It such great demand, always en baud. Carpet Hags taken In eichange for carpet I. Metzger it Haughman, Neb. 38 & 40 WesTKlng Street. Lancaster. Fa. aaroppesriK iuk loepbu ueusk.- T3AHNE8TO(JK'H OARPKT ANNOUNOEMENT. 1Q80-3PBINQ 8BA.BON-1Q89. T APESTBY UI1UA8KLB OA II 1' HT'.-I at vear was enr nnt exnerlenea with Brussels Csr- lt. and our success far exceeded ear expectations As a result we have put In fully twice as much stock for this season's trade. Our in Ices en Tapestry Urassels Carpets are 600, dlKe, 73c, and super Quality at a.e a jard. Avery palteru a bright, new, fresh one of this season's pro duction. BODY BBUBBKLB. We have added te enr extensive stock several new lines of Bedy mus sels of the best known mikes In mus nlflccnt colorings and designs, suitable for Parlors, Libra ries. Balls and BUtlri. OurllUUiradc are the beat ever offered for that money, while the 11 55 quality Is the best manufactured 1MUUA1N (laUl'KTH -The iminutnrturers of Ingrain rarpeu have surpassed themselves this season In the production el b-uiullUil designs and colorings, lllue. Green and Oafe, and all ihadesel Ued.uaraetand llrowu,aile be found here with belter goods for tb money than ever etfeied before. Our lugraln f.arpels ure !0c, 'Xe, 31c. Sic, 7Xr. 40c, tie. We. tee, (.V), itnd the Hest Quality All Weel at 7lc a yard, we makes. apeU<y of our doe line, and It has mere wool In It and Is heavier than any goods ever xeld before at that price. VBLV AT C aupbth.- We have Hecured ter this se son's trade a Bargain In Velvet Carpets of superior quality, nev.r sold ter lest than fl 35, which we are selling at II W, with our without borders. BTAIB OAUPKT8 BtAlr Carpets In qnanUttet-le, 17, 15. 20, IB and up te 75 cents. Many things In Btalr Beds and Buttens NOiP We have secured the services of Mr. Teblaa Beyer te sew and lay our carpeU this teaer, which menus skilled workmanship. BAOUABPaTS ciur Heme-nalH itigcarpe's are tee well known te need much said et them. The qualities this season are fu ly up te the standard, while the priers are lower en all lower grades. Bsg Carpets at 2J, su. 5 aa, le. tb, te, te and U) cenu. Yeu will find tn our stock et stag CarpeU upward el 75 plBies te select from, lhe All-Weel tjtrlpea at and W cenU are beauties, Bsg CarpeU 11 yards wide in both cotton and wcel slrlpes. Carpet Btga Taken In AAl'UBUgU. Net. M A 37 JUWBLHT. H; . RUOADfc) ft SUN. We desire te call attention te our large variety et STABLE WARLI .Sterling Silver Table Ware, comprising the latest pUtetna of .Spoons, Ferka, Knives and Celd and Het Dish Services. BACCARAT GLASSWARE. All the sizes of Glassea and Decanters. Housekeepers will And a cheap line for everyday use In the Standard Tlated Wares. Alse Dining Roem and Kitchen Clocks. Repairing 1h all kinds by competent weikinen, and all work warranted. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, JEWELERS, Ne. 4 West King Street. BPiOlAt,. Dress Goods I nAUQAINS. Freneb Heullns Stripe, at inches Wide, 4c a Yaid, H-Weel Trloeta, Si lnchu, CSr, Werth hu. Iaauguratlen Plaids, M Inches, 7JC, Werth II ej. These Goods Can BsWaahad. Priced Stoie. I 7Se, a yard. Black Hurah. C2a, 75a, II a yard. Blaek ana Colored Hstln Rbadatnei. mm I FOR SAMPLES. McElroy I Opposite FesbUIm Iid. of the low prlee we areglvlng en the licit GABPKTS OABPBTB UAUPBT8 OABPBTB At Cenu Alse Cenu At 60 Cents At 03 CenU OABPBTB., .At7centa FAHNESTOCK'S, last King 8L, Next Doer te the Court Beuse. CLOTIUtfU. TX1K8H ft BROTHER, A PCBMCT FIT, TBE BIST WORK MM, TBBLOWhST 1'BICES. It Hay Seem PreTites ! HUT TUB Inch Jestliy tht Mmqb TURrACTIIIATOUB Spring Stock ei Goods roil MADK-TO OHDBB WOBK ltellcltlngtheadmtratlen and pralKs of all whohareseenit. Worsteds, Cuslrseras, 7tl PANTS PAT1KHN8 Alpines, cuavleu tee SUIT PATTKKNB Silk BtrlpM, Plaids, Bread-Wales, Marrow Wales. Spring Overceating. Large WKCOBDlaLLT INVITE TBB 1'OBLIOTO CALL AND IMSPBCT TUKM. atoanwhlle onrWtnterHteeklsbelogrlearcd out at pi ice t which talk ler themselves, H1RSH& BROTHER, ONK-PBI0B Olethlen and FurnitberF, OORNBROF N. QUMMN & OBNTBB BQUABB, LANCAHTKK.PA. me OI.OTU1NUUUYKRS. LCansman&Bre. FINAL OLE Afillf& SALE or euu WINTER SUITS AM OVERCOATS. OurVlntstanlts. heretofero sold at II J. US and Ke, today raduoedtolll and 111 Astra ordinary Bargatna II wa can fit you. Our most lepular styles heretofore at III, 111 and III. Today put down te as, Oyerceata, heayy and medium weight, at alaughtertng prices, 800 ou r niormOTereoatt new reduced leta., Men's Pants te Orter, tttlctly all wool, at M, 14, stw and ft. Large assoitment, geed styles. Big value for the money. 1 000 Men's l'anu selling from 75a te S3. All uanutaelated by ourselves . Weil tewed and geed rilling. They are Uenulue Btrgalut. Come At Once ter ClieictHt b'lylea. I GANSHAN & BRO., Mannfactnrarel rtna Clelblnr, 68 NORTH QUUN BT. C8 LAMCABTKaPA. aTha Cheapest Exclusive Clothing ileuse M TstRH st KATHFOW, IE HAVE THE KNACK OF IT. Wa have the knack or knowing Juit hew le buy te suit the trade-lust what teglve you In style, nt and flnltk. It seems se atlesst. It seems at If the people appreciate our efforts te give l bent GOOD, R1LTABL1 CLOTHING AT JlONJiST I'HWKH. BVKUV LOT Or Winter Suits Reduced 25 Fer Dent, in Price. Kvery Suit an acknowledged geed value at Its former price auwly a llnrgsln new. Myers & BatMen, BKLIA11LB OLOIlltKBS, NO. 13 BAST KING ST., LABOABTBU PA. QUMHSaWAHK. TXIUtt A MARTIN. GLASS & QUEENSWARE -AT- CHINA HALL. Housekeepers and Baw Beginners, here are a few fact for you : Inthecboieo or wares see that you get the beat makes. Crating or cracking of glazing Is found principally In the low grada of goods, tte make u entirely free from It except riench umna. The reputation et the manufacturer makes or spoils luepnarket for his wares. We keup the standard slakes. I en can select what you waut and gel what you select. Our ware are guaranteed or exchanged If net satisfactory.; (ive ua a cell before purchasing. High & Martin, Ne. 16 East King St. nctlt-tfd AWTUUMMtB. TT DTHKK B. KAUirMAN, ATTOBBBVWtT-LAW, second rioer Bthieaan Law BaUdlng, Ne. is f' ly Werth Dnke Street, trlyaw TMATMLMM SfcfcglWsS'SSltSMSSSJtWI LBBAMOM IsAMOABnft UMBBALbBOAB. Amaitanat et Paw sag sr Tiijas atMsr, aeaaAT, nor. M, Maa . fJ BOBTHWABD. Lava . a, r.. P2wit M.BCU7M K lias MAeBBnsBTtaaaa 74H 'l&K Ussjb LSS lMl9 1M USUI WalsWBs MSMHI iJSt Uarawau jm Arm at Ubaaen an - aOUTBWARD. ,.lava - a.w. r.B, Sygwaew T.1S IS oemwau... ray u. 'aaaalBa.,.,. ...... vas 1.1 BUSS..... in ita , Arrive at Slav street. Lane. S.M tn P.&aTsbTBs 1 All ... J ' IMltl law- us una P 3 m r.MPkii m v, i BsBassi AwB JlBBB 'V ,J9 iSS 8 V" :1 K -.."" UULaUMBLa, UlTlBtSMS. 'V AlTnrBBABSS'1i.n rV-VMS 'iftl LANCA8TBB Jein Linn n-sl ', OH AMD AfTIB IDXD1T. inv. M. taatjnVj stu.tM Zu.S.'... .-.jn- , uiauiai.wiaiiua, 'tcrr' ,'"rt?!"--t--.- p m and s.10 p 1 rergutJnrwieat7.a,ltpat,Bsrilltai rer Ohickies at 7.K, liie p at, S I.M a. it. K. i.SHklX.lU1lbBHaH.SVS..JJl TBAIBS LBAVB COLUMBIA. lJiiVl 12! PS"1 at 7. a at, 1141 aaa us a, ss. rer Lebanon at Ills ana aM paa, ' TBAIBS LBAVB ODABBTTILLB. - ' Pet Usiutur si. mta aassian''. s.qsp.as. --N roTLebaneaatlsoaadltspsa. ' ,fF LBAVB XlOSTBBBT(lAmesar.) Jf! S2 Ptf1" " aa s ela. at. i1 for Lebanon at 7.00am, n.SiaaslM4au?'5,5 ret guarryvuiaat aajeaBa,MSiaaMIjp' ' LBAVB PBUCBBTBBBT TSBISSlStTl & Fer Beading at 7.40 a m, lies tat Ml a aa.- ... J- rorLetnenat7l7aSSl5eSBjE Xh, for unarryvuia at Muk a at, in tUwl . TKAIMS LBATB LBBABOB. X," I m aa uamiiusssnajaaar ssva. i.isb asssu 1 sn tavisaaBi - ssssi sst. ' ? for Quarry vula at 7.1t a at aa 114S aa Tji.V , f Ula BUBDATTBAIHS. TBAIHS LBAVB BKAOIV0. for Laneasler at 7 JO a at aat iM p as. rer Ouarryville at S.10 p at. tbainh lbavsi ertABBvvtt.T.ss . ret Lancaster, Lobaaea and Baadlac at ? M '& . m. .-Vk. TBAIBS lbavb xiBQ BT. (Laaeaattr.) 4V":-1 tot standing aaaLabaaeaatUlaaiaaBtal p at. . vfj TBAIBS LBAVB PB1NOB BT. If saaastssr I 'v IB aa Lebanon at HI ass aa . rorMuarryviiiaaiaeinm. ' . TBAIBS LBAVB LBBABOB. for Lancaster at 7.H am and 14tpm. rer unarryvuia at 14ft par, rer connection atoelabahja. Uen, Laneaatar Juacllea, Maaaelas. and Lebanon, sea ttma UWaataU wiusum am PKNNBTIiVAIflA KAIIJIOal " a0HBO0LsLU SOwtt ftiat BwtVtJ TralntfraiI(uaTBB aa Ma aM BsVi mi as ynnswisi aa mwvt I Leave WBBTWABD. raeua Bxpratst BawaBajsMHt.....k MailtsavwatJevt ratitaalnkia, u:tsa,ai, Asa a. at, U0B.BI. Mti. aa. BataiAUTralnh.... VUOOlUBM Blacara Lraazpreaa 7:sea.ai. taealaaiM taat Llaaf. rredertokAeoom.... Laneaatar Aoeem.... liisea. ta. vlaCelaMbta vwatixief', ttamsenrg Aeeem. Columbia Aeeem.. Marrlsbttn Bxpreaa. Waatara Bzpreatt... fcseKas. sal p. at. aieasa BABTWABD. lShJSr.:::::: VHarrlabart; Brpraea. t:ie a. at. sts 5: lMa.as. jcea.tB.' llssia.ai. ifBI issaeaatac Aoeent... , VWUBIUS) CBIMa... Auanue ainraaaf.. Baaakera Bxpreaa... rkiisAaiBhiaAoeeai saaaay luii..M..... I'ay siawraaar.. ...... tasfcnt. S:4tf.at. ITha amy tratna walehtaa Baar. laaaatey.UktlbaiigasB watt rasa fry an el Celnmbti. $1 j M8K (taaaral OB AS, aHoemMiaa. Vj'l lVKKIf KAM1LT should ubk , OABBABD'fl MILD ODBBOHAbT. The r. achumakar Maw Preeasa riawaaa neunced the beslaver plae n paja tM awa wa make teaelAltlaa ef Choice 01.0 Java ana MOOBa xaa eesi sue uerree in tae eriy sinuiHUBr. HCJ. WSAV. X .l J!?-1" wtBiiiBirH;'fH .IP"""Bf zsau&. ) w LssJs -? awr-j ate- taaaa,'. Saga, at j. aamvsst. msmw 8kai . ATBURSlfa MX TABLE FRUITS. rerelzn and Bemaatlc. Wa weaia Call At-'L tentlen te oet Califtnii Evipentii litrii ni tmki Kgg and Damsen Flnms, Balaiaa, ffijffi s-runes, rrancn rrnnes 01 au am Cherries, UrUd Btaekbanlaa, !, BalstnsrJrruMllaa,Bt. v 4.v . Canned Goods I OannBd Goealfl I Wa have tee many, and are still M cans rell's com for Ste. Three a rail a Tomatoes for ate. Btrlasi Bs cans. Me. cheap Peat, tkraa aaaa far Veas. and canned Cern. A tall llan i uroeenetat Lewest rncei. BURSK'SI NO. 17 1ABT KING LABCASTBB.PA. -DAKUA1NB D DAYS! FOK THK HEIST'S Bid BARGAINS IM PURE SPIGES FOR SIX DAYS ONLY I Cinnamon......................... 8 ksfariLM Mfac IMi BstBMf lM Cleves ......................... ft Allspice..... . S Qlnaer. .....................,.. .11 Mace.............. ........... ...m lis asts Bntmect IMMl isv aatv aaaa"- assa. saassa . BtaWkSJ BTRBtT. ; NEXT nXi Jt 1 rs4? Pennar IKBlSsr II n.kine anil. a Aaes maSr Cream et Tartar 3 Bater 10S'J.1 cayenne repper mm mm s. unArL ir ayaiiav -y. that enr 8IX-DAY BABflAIB BALBS WBII en. whether we leae money or aakei ana 1 ceue te wishes. May 1 Jur envious compeuMK,wue tmimmmmmmts ilingenrmu UASMSAiaa. are at iisasv w w e se at all times. They have our Mai , i luceesa attend them. ?l T. FOB RMT. ftii Only one of the three houses etTerac lattiS. 1 ukifit.iTsiviuirr mieK.aiBSBSv also. Large, commodious Beem tm aaeesBB , . jrioerof our store BaUding, with BteaatBaat, ana water. .t FORCJAIsBl. .wn DwAiiln Honus. Willi and conveniences, tn desirable parts Of the , en easy terms, '' J. FRANK REIST, WUOLB8ALB AMD BBTAIL aBOOBB, MsrUaut Canar West Krat s4 rrbkM Mmll, LAB0A8TBB PA. asrTsJepbena and rraa Pllvarr. OAHH1A91 QTANUAKU UAHHiAua weaa. Standard Oarrlaa Werk. KDW. KDQERLBT, Met. 40, 1 41, 48 Market street. Bear of oflea, Lancaster, Pa, De net fall te call and are m IXSmVVmX raava raaSy Saw "of Laust style Buggirs. Pteat. naay a , thPiSgTreae. AU the .Utsstaaalfaa free. , lectlrem. Tharaaranenner veaststawtaa, sUta. ... ..., w. U A Una Hue of secena-usna n et aet mmm My prices are the lowest ta tha stats nrrfuMwetk. au work guaraataad. tn&w&uss$ ter mat purpose. 3 C.J .v f Zii f .T! i 1 : M j . a. ' m !r W is H rv jm Rr : 4- J hi, t sj ,r k-i ;. ..i-" i.j Nna.Cl KaYta WMlJ ft' !.., y 1:1 itfri :tv v: