. ? -f. 5 ..- ,"-. "-i " -.. . ni - "T.'-nia. .-ww . Vl ?'- V TA-WJBr."MW-enFr , 'I lit' i t '" rs V ., ? :. H " r3C -.- v " UN f . LJ.C?.lVaTSrlB-ti ".. J t. ,"f -iv . J rniistef VOLTOIE XXV-NO. 163 LANCASTER, PA., THURSDAY. rTEBRUABY 28, 1869- PBICE TWO CENTS, 1 v! EMHHHMp! 1 Ik te ! REUNION OF FIRE LADDIES. TBB BMP1BB BOM MBKT ABOUND TBB BAXQOBr BOABD LASriUBBT. MaarOf Taesa Who Used te Kea With the Sta-Slas" Attend Bad Be j 37 the Beset- A rerntsueat Orgaali ttlea IIMIM and tbe Association te Matt Aaaaaltr. On Wednesday evening the members of tba Kmplra Heik aud Lilder company bald their drat reunion atnea tha old vol unteer fire department neat eat of existence. This oempany waa organized ia 1850, aad waa ena of the Madias orgaalcitlena of iu kled In tba city. Oa March 0, 1882, tba call system want late oparatleF, and tba Empire eeaeed te exist aa a Are company. Tba truck waa after- warda aeld te tba city, and Jehn 1 Arneld purehaaed tha Una large building ea Nertb Dege attest Fer some time put tbtre baa bean a feel ing emeag aema of tba old member that tba oempaay tbeuld ba gathered together again at ena of tba old time enter talaments, for wbleh tbey were noted. Something ever a week age W. J. Fordney, who wee one et thai 111 alent chief of tba old Telunteer department, and Tbemaa O. Wiley, both very aetlve members of tba Kmplre, came seresa an old book of the oempany. TAey then concluded te take atepa te have a reunion and went te work stones. They sent notice te all the ac tire, honorary and contributing member, and In fact te everybody who ever bad any connection with the Empire aa far aa tbey knew, inviting them te be preaent at the reunion, which 'waa held at Jehn A. Hnyder'a hotel, en North Qaeen etreet, laat evening. Tbey aikad every parson te whcin a letter waa sent te notify them wbether or net tbey would be present. The result of this call waa that many members and friend of the old Empire gathered BlSayder's,where they frequently bad ammbled In former J ears, laat even ing. THOSE WHO ATTIiNDKT). Among the number were the follow ing : Win, J. Fordney, T.O. WIley.Rlebard MeGraun, B. Frank Trout, David K. Winter , 'J. A. K. Carpenter, Charles Martin, Reab F. Wilsen, of Yerk, William Arneld, Harry N. Hewell, B. J. Brown, Frank Sblndel, F. Eck. Siaymaker, Harry Ii. Trout. H. V. Demutb, Jr., A. F. Hblrk, Ferd. Uemutb, Harry H. Hensel, Jacob t . Helllnger, Rebert Clark, Philip Lebzelter, W. T. B:own, Jebn H. Rlden Rlden eur, Jebn U. Biumgardaer, Cel. B. F. EshlemaTi, Jehn a; ttayder, B. Frank Bayler, Jacob Hblrk, Herace Martin, We. Blaymaker, A. S. Edwaidf, Harry Car. penter, Jebn O. Carter, H. W. Boeklus, Andrew J. Ilbley, B. Clay Miller and William TresU This waa certainly a very geed representation el the company, and It looked like old time teaee them gathered together. About 10 o'clock the whele parly pro ceeded te the rear room of Mr. Hnyder'a hotel, where an elegant eupper bad been prepared, te wblcb ample justice waa done, l.tqnld refreshments abounded and during the remainder of the evening but few left tbe room until there was an adjournment. When tbe supper bad beenabouteoccluded Mr. Fordney arose and In a abort speech told bow tbe meeting bad been called, and It waa thought beat te have it held at Mr. 8nyder's hotel, as It waa tbe place tbe beya were In tbe habit el holding their meetings when tbey were In active service a firemen, and Mr. Bnyder, who waa a member of tbe company, waa about te leave tbe place. He read lettera of regret from the following persons who were unable te be present : Majer C. M. Hewell, ter many year president of tbe Empire, Christian Widmyer and Henry Oast, two of it eldest memberp, J. Hareld Wleker. sham, B. W. Altlek, Majer B. Frank Brcnetnan, J. K. Metzar, of Washington, D. 0., J, 1m Perter, H. K. T.eaman, D. W. Patterson, Jr , of CharlestewD, W. Va, H. Weed Fltnn, O. H. King, l)u Bels Rebrer, O. Walter Reed, Jeseph Bewman and ethers. He alto stated that en account of slekness Israel Carpenter and Jehn Cop land, two popular member el tbe company, could net be present. Antheny Lecbler another old member of the oempany waa unavoidably absent. OROAMI7KD PKIIMANRNTI.Y. Mr. Verdney thought that It would be well for tbe member of tbe company te form a permanent organization, for social purposes. He desired te eiler a few sag. gestlena and thought that It would be proper te elect permanent officers at once, Including a president, vice president, sec retary, treasurer and an executive beard. He auggeated that tbe beard Include tbe otbeera and besides these consist of three ether member. He thought the organiza tion abeuld consist of these preaent and the ones who were unavoidably absent and believed It would be a geed Idea te have an annual eupper en some day te be Axed, for instanee Feb. 27ih. Tba membera Boomed te favor tblstea man and H, F, Bayler, P. Kek. Hlaymakcr, A. H. Udwardr, Jebn U. Carter and Harry Carpenter made speeches In support of It On motion of Mr. Hlaymaker, Mr. Ford ney waa chosen chairman of the meeting. it was then agreed te form a permanent organization and held a supper and reunion en the laat Wednesdsy of each February. The next business was te name the organization and en motion of Mr. Carpenter It was sgreed te call it the "Empire Heek and Ladder Asscclatlen." Permanent ottleers were then chosen and the following were unanimously chOBen: President, W. J, Fordney; vice president, Themas C. Wllev ; secretary, Hsrry Carpenter ; treasurer, H. W. Altick; executive beard (te aet In conjunction with tbe cfUeer), P. Eck. Siaymaker, Harry N, Hewell and Jacob Bblrk. gPKGOURS AND MUSIC, Tblswts about all tbe business tnnsacted and speech making followed. CeL B Frank Etbleman was called upon and be congratulated tbe membera of tbe Empire en tbe move tbey bad made te get together permanently, and rpeke of tbe many happy beurs that be bad spent whiles fireman and especially aa a member of tbe old American. Jebn H. Baumgardner, who was the first ublef engineer of tbe volunteer department in thU city, spoke feelingly of tbe geed old day. He thought the movement started by tbe Empire boy waa an excellent one. and hoped mat ii weuia reiuii in me for mation of a veteran fireman association te Inelude membera of all tbe old companies of tbls city. There Is such an organization in existence In tbe oily of New Yerk, and It does mneb te keep up tbe old enthu siasm. Speeches weie alie made by Harry N, Hewell, A. H. Edwards, B. F. Bayler, J. A. E. Carpenter, PcilJent Fordney and ether. Heme, who were cot orators, were compelled te ting a aeng or tell a story, but iticte; wte were unable te de either ieundlta very easy matter te "set em ue." Vfi health of tbe absent and de parted members wai drank many different times, and there wai a great deal of tun until a very late hour. Tbelrcquels band arrived shortly alter ten o'clock and tbey dlaoeuraed excellent muale during tbe evening. Several mem bars of tbls organization formerly belonged je CJomee' old city bud, wblcb alwsj aoaeaipaaUd tk Kajptra ea their trips and MaMad la BMktaR lata at faa. The aaeetlag el lest evsalag waa aa excelleat eaa aad the people who wan teatraaMBtal la getting U ap art deserving eteredlt Tbare la be deabt that H will de Bwah geed la tbe falare aad the ataaabera BUI bat oeeaalea te laal pread of laat Bight's work. A TBBBIBLB BBILBOAD WKBCU. Baht rersaaa Killed aad Tblrtj Injered. Three Cars Break Threat BrMge. Tba Bllxmla Kxpreaa, pasalDgBt.aeerge, Oat., eastbeuad about C o'clock Wednesday night, went through tbe bridge jest east of tbeetaUeB. A broken lire ea the engine eaaaed tbe ratla te spread, aid the flret rasasagsr ear, tbe Pullman ear and dining car weat through tbe middle section of the Bridge. The Pallman car, eeatalatnj the aaeat Paaaeegera, waa thrown clear off tbe bridge, iaralag completely ever aad lighting right aide up. The dining ear atanda en and against a pier, sad the passenger ear reaaala en the bridge, having stripped tbe nee ahead of It ever the aeouea that cel. lapsed. About thirty wounded bare been aajcea eaa aaa eigna or tea oaae, Tbe train consisted of five coaches, bag gage, passenger, ameklng, Pullmsa and dtalagean. Aa near aa eaa be ascertained the accident happened la tbe following manner : The piston red broke Just ai the train paasad tbe station, causing the rail te apread. Aa it proceeded, the engine, leader and ameklng ear crossed tbe bridge la safety, but Just aa tbe passenger coach waa near the oentre of the bridge tbe terrible affair occurred. The Bremen, It appear, noticed tbatall waa net right and Jumped, receiving a severe ecalp wound. The passenger car went ever tbe bridge, turning a somer semer aault and landing flatly. Tee Pullman remained en tbe bridge. The dining ear contained about aeven people beside tbe waiter. Bepper bad J net been aanoaneer', and In a few minute tbe car would have been filled, and all must bava perlabed. Following la a list of killed and Injured : Killed Qeerie LgBetf, of Mitchell'; William W. Wemp, Londen; Dr. Swan, A. W. Freed, or Woodstock; Mr. McLean ; of the Urm of McLan fc Beeeher, Detroit, Bains, of Londen; and Captain Moere, a Salvation Army lass, from Brentford; Mr. Patera, of Woodstock. Injured Themas L. Deubtney, temper enee lecturer; Mrs. and May Jennlng, Paris; Mr, and Mrs. Buddlu, Dorchester; Mr. Higgle, Reesln beuse, Terente ; Mr McCeed Ingeraell; Mlaa Cbauee, Fontlae, Michigan ; James Hyslep, Goedsrlob ; Daniel Peacock, R. W. Wright, Woodstock; Jebn MeKinley, Detroit; Fred Hanoeok, Londen; Geerge Ferbes, New Yerk; J. B. Marshall and Mrs. J. R. Marshall, Reglnta; J. H. Wilsen (colored), Chatham; Mrs. Evan, Hamilton; Geerge Margotte, dining ear oendnator, Niagara; Rebert Hilten, Bt Catberlne'a; Mr. MeLaugblln, Londen; Conductor Revet!, seriously; D. W. Kara, Woodstock; W. M.Bennett, Sarnlao,Mleb,; Dr. H. Lequensnr, Cleveland, O.; A. W. Kraaees, Woodstock; Mrs. A. B. Sendall, Detroit. R. Barnes, general aterekeeper of tbe Grand Trunk, and W. M. Wemp, travelling agent for the Chicago, Mtlwsukee &. Bt Paul read, from St. Geerge, are among tbe killed. Oondnetor Reveil and Frank Mc laughlin are In tbe wennded list. Detroit, Mich. Feb. 28 Mr. Sendaland bride, of tbls city were en tbe wrecked Bt. Geerge train. Tbe bride was in tha coach wbleb fell ever tbe aide of tbe bridge and la seriously hurt. She haa a scalp wound aad ie Injured Internally. Tbe report that aba waa killed la untrue. Doutney, tbe temperanee ice'urer, bad bla leg broken. Tbe oerreot number killed and wounded la about thirty. Dktreit, Mich , Feb. 28. A special te the Hews from Hamilton, Ont, ssys : Tbe. L. Doutney, the temperanee lecturer, says when the passenger ear went down be get Jammed in among tbe heavy timbers and one of bla lege get se wedged In among tbe debris that It was Impossible te move It, Tbe car caught fire in bla neighborhood, and aa tbe fiamea rapidly neared him a bereulean effort was made te rescue him. It was necessary te break his leg in order te bend It sufficiently and save bis Hie. Bt, Geerge, Ont, Feb. 28 Mrs. Hlg glns, who wss one of these injured In tbe railway accident last nlgbt, died this morn, lug at 6 o'clock. Mis Andrews and Mis MoLeed are In a critical oendltlon as also la Dr. Lequesne, of Cleveland. Messrs. Ksrn and Peacock have gene te their homes and all tbe ethers injured are progressing nicely. The bodies have all been sent te their bemea with thee xoeptlen of Mrs. Hlg. gins. Her remain will be forwarded te Terente this afternoon. Her husband reaebed here before abe passed away. Ml Evan, of Hamilton, 1 Improving and will be sent te her friend this afternoon. Tbe coroner opened tbe Inquest tbls morn leg. Tbe evldenee se far gees te abew that the disaster waa purely accidental and could net have been prevented. William Black well waa the driver, having taken charge of tbe train at Londen. The engine bad been examined by tbe driver at Pari. Tbe tire of the drlvlngwbeel waa found en the op posite aide of tbe track In an adjoining field. It bad broken near tbe station, thirty or forty yards from tbe bridge, and evidently something else bad broken, aa the sign and lamp en tbe elation building were knocked down. Tbe V.K.U. Aonnal.Kspert. The director of tbe Pennsylvania rail road met en Wednesdsy and beard read tbe report of President Reberta tbat will be resented et tbe stockholders' meeting en sreb 12 Tbe statement has been In print for several days, but corrections bave been made from time te time. It was unani mously approved and will be published en Monday next Tbe statement of earnings for January was also presented te the directors. An In crease In both gross and net earnings wss reported east of Pittsburg and Erie, and there was also a surplus In the Western Itnes aa compared wun me menin or Janu ary, 1888 The Eastern reads show : Anlncre&satnirresi earnings of a.1!i,7M An lbcreatelu expense or Oi.teil An lncreuelnnetrarrilnRser 171.971 All lines west of Pit'H&urg and Erie for the month of January, 18S9 showing a sur plus ever sll liabilities of f 13.913, being a lets aa compared with tbe same period of 1833 of f lS.Gta Ulusa at the Whits Heess. Preeldent-eleet and Mrs. Harrison dlued with President and Mrs. Cleveland and Mrs. Folsom at tbe White Heuse en Wednesday nlgbt TbearUlrwealnlermal, and no etber guests were present The President and Mr. Cleveland (tbe latter attired In a light- blue. Ilk brocaded in mera reaebuda, with sleeves and drapery of light blue China erepe, and abeulder knot of bronze green moire ribbon) received President-elect and Mrs. Harrison In tbe red parlor. Mrs. Uarrlaen was dressed In black allk, with a diamond star en velvet around hertbreat They chatted for awhile, and then President Cleveland, with Mrs. Harrison, led tbe wsy te tbe private dining room, where a fine dinner waa served, wbleb tbey all thoroughly enjoyed. Mrs. Cleveland and Mrs. Usrrlseu, like their husbands, bad nerer met each etber until Wednesday. Tbey get en famously, and were tbe Hie of tbe party. A Slaadtr Salt B. P. Menlzer, Jere Rife and Jeffersen Hbenck, are arbltratera lu a slander suit brought by Geerge F. QreB, of Barevllle, against Wenger Orel!. Tbe plslntlft alleys that tbe defendant circulated report effect ing tbe cbaatlty of bla children, Frank and Hue. Tbe defendant denies having attr'e 1 tbe iterlea. B. F. Fableman represents tbe plaintiff and B. F. Davis the defendant math et a Yeung Uadf. Mlaa Ella Wlasler, eldest daughter of Benjamin Wlssler, of Clay township, died en Tuesday nlgbt after a brief lllnee, aged SB year. NOT DISTURBED BY DEFEAT. PMB8IOBNT ULBYAXaND GIVES BIS V1BWS ON rUPLtO QUESTIONS. 'tree Priaelplss el tha Dtmecratie fartr Baaaatlal te tha fltgbsit Well BId of This Count-" Dang-sreua Iinpslet te Moaepollci, Traits and Combines, A New Yerk TitraXA correspondent In tertlewed President Cleveland en Wednes day. Here 1 part of what tbe reporter sent bis paper: "1 save bad a long, and 1 need net add a very Interesting tslk with President Cleveland. It waa really a talk, for Mr. Cleveland objects te a formal interview. He preferred teAbat In a familiar and friendly way about tie vsrlen topic wbleh Involve the national welfare, end then give me a free pen te describe both wbat I saw and what I heard. 1 waa anxious te knew what he would aay et tbe tnture prospects et tbe republic. He ba oceupled a vantage ground from whleh Jae could view the whole country and sweep the horizon from Maine te uaiuernia ana irem ine lanes te tne guir. I therefore 1k1 the conversation te subjetr bearing upon tbe question. He spoke wltb the utmost frankness. He said : I am a Demecra', with all the word Implies. I am, moreover, an Intense Democrat, In that I believe that the true principles of the Democratic party are eeeential te tbe highest wellbelng of this country. "During the war," he added "the Re publican party had Huprerae and un questioned control et publle polley. Ne one will question the service It rendered at that time, but the rank and 11 te of the army was oampesed largely of Democrats. The generate who wen renown were also many of them Democrat. While there were among the Republican a small minority of hothead who found fault with the Lincoln administration, and among tbe Dsmecrata an equal number et fossil whose timidity was a national misfortune, the great bntk of the people from East te West, wlthcut respeet te party affiliation, were solidly patriotic any ready for any necessary amount of aacriflee for the pres ervation of our institutions. It 1 felly te claim tbat tbe war waa fought by either Republicans ei Democrats; It was fought by the American cillzsn of tbe North." But It u plain, be said with great serious net, that under Republican administra tion there has been given a fresh and dangerous Impetus te monopolies, trusts and combines. Immense fortunes bave been accumulated, unknown In the day of our fathers. They are a peculiarity of post pest bellum times, and tbe control wbleh they arbitrarily exercise ever tbe cost of exist ence la a direct menace te the welfare et the werklngmen and of our farmers. Mr. Cleveland has very decided opinions en thta enbjeet The party, be declares, whleh willing encourages these evil ten dencies 1 net worthy te be called tbe party of the people. Aa a Democrat the president believe strongly in the masces, and haa a very large sympathy for tbe working elassee. What ever Interferes with their interests inter fere with a great majority et our cltlzens. A combine or trnst msy begin with tbe simple purpose et making money without oppression et the people, but It tends te put tbe consumers et our country under tribute te a greed constantly Increasing. Commenting en tbe wonderful recovery of the Seuth from a condition approaeblng ruin te a degree of enterprise wbleb rood reed era It In some Industries a competitor of tbe North, he said tbat this sadden and mar mar veleus recovery was a matter et pride ter tbe wbele nation. The Demucratle party must therefore be true te itself whether In power or out It must keep Itself the representative of tbe rich and pecr alike, and maintain a solid front against tbe ruthless encroaebments of combined espltal which result In dividing enr population Inte the abnormally rleb en tbe one band and large multitudes et un protected and laboring matsaj en tbe etber. Tbe country wants mere of the spirit of true Democraey, end tbe Domccratle parly, If loyal te itaelr, must win In tbe long run. There never was a tlme when wise coun sels and harmonious action In tbe Deme cratte party were mcre important te the peopleof tbe country than new. Toe new relations botween tbe wulte-i and the negrees at tbe Seutb are gradually arranging themselves. It must, howevor, be a work et time and of a long time be bo be fere an entirely satisfactory result cau be reaebed. While Mr. Cleveland believe tbnt mani fest wrongs, either te white or blackp, should net be tolerated, be bha by no mean lest confidence In the fslr mluded average publle opinion et tbe Beutb te de the best wbleh tbe circumstance allow. They knew tbe situation In all Its bearings and te distrust their ability te deal wltb It 1 te distrust tbelr sincerity and falrneas. He Is downright geed nalured ever his defeat Tbe people alone, be said, bave a right te rule tne country, and their will la law. There Is no appeal from tbelrdeclalen, and there should be none. Tbe people oannet be deceived by false logic in tbe long run, bowever. The werklngmen eeem already te understand pretty well tbe question submitted te thorn at tbe last eleotlen. The action or the farmers of the country presents tbe strangest oendltlon of affairs whleh the eanvasa developed. Tbey de net seem te realize yet hew lmpoitabttbequostlon of paying Immense additions for alt tbey uce upon tbelr farm and all tbey wear upon tbelr backa 1 te their prosperity, if net te tbelr very existence, and bow much tbey are neglected In the distribution et tbe pre tended benefit of blgh protection. Retleo Retlee Retleo tlen and experience tbe hardest of teacher must set tbem right, for tbey certainly belong in tbe ranks of tar 1 11 reformerf. Mr. Cleveland baa no fear tbat tbe Democratic polley of an adjustment of the tariff te tbe wants and clrcumatarces el these of our peeple who work for tbelr living, with a due regard te all ether legttimareinteresta and enterprises, will net ultimately commend itself te tbe Amerlein people. Wbat will help tbe peeple and make tbelr burdens lighter Is what tbey will bave lu tbe end; and there need be no fear that tbey will net discover tbe way te tbls end or tbst tbey will fall te attach them selves te tbe party whleh consistently aud honestly effers tbem relief. A Hr.KIO.lS KllltOIt. It Puts rttla ami Trnti Gennlc- lu a Had I'eililnn. liarvUbar Dlapatcb te I'hllsu American Seme of tbe Philadelphia title aud trust com pan lea are In danger. It appears that alter the passage of tbe general Incorpora tion law of 1871, a title and trust company was formed In Philadelphia, which la new tbe old real oiute title company. This com. pany came te the LggUlature alter the for mation and had the act amended he as te provide for the Incorporation of sueh companies, and wltbla tbat aet this was tbe only company incorporated. In ii neuaier nugnes ana upreseniauve Franklin Hall, et Philadelphia, conceived a plan te Incorporate another title company, but wented additional powers te go secur ity. Tbe act el 1871 was again amended, whleh la new tbe aet et May 21, 1S81 But tbey were careless in wording tbe aet, aud instead of saying "All companies Incorpo rated under tbls aet," used tbe words "All companies Incorporated under said act," whleh points only te tbe est of 1874, thus granting the powers te one cempiry, tbe old Real Estate Title company. Under tbe tiugnes suppiemeur, newever, a unmoor or title oempanlea were Incorporated and are new doing butlneHt by virtue of tbat ac Teeae companies are the Oily Trust com pany, New Real Estate Title company, Commonwealth Title company, Solicitor.' Title company and Land Title and Trust company. A bill la new before the Heme te remedy tbe matter, but en Its pastage all of tbe companies u ill have te again ror rer gaulzj and probably take out new charters. Tbe state department refuses te laaue any mere charters granting any of tbe power conferred by the aet of Msy 21, 1531. Arrested ler Barn Deming. Tbe barn en tbe farm et Jebn Herr, In Adatcn oeunty, was burned en tbe 10:b Inst On Wednesday Levi Herr, the tenant and son of the owner, was arrested and held In 12,000 ball te answer tbe charge of bavlng set tire te tbe barn, He was saspeeted Iren lbs first AFfalRfllN MADAM tSOAB. Urgent Nd for aa Asastleaa ship et War en tbeeeast. The president ea Wednesday ent te the Heuse an answer te the Heuse resolution of December last, calling for any recent In formation In the department of state touoh teuoh toueh log affaire la Madagascar. He transmits a dispatch from Mr. Camp bell, United Btalea consul at Tamstave bearing date October 12, last Tbe secretary of state aays tbat eleee the reception or tbat dispatch the department haa been informed of the killing of Mr. Btauwoed, tbe United HtatM oensntagent at Andshabe, by a Mr. Da Verge, said te tie master et an Ameilcan schooner called the Belllelre." Aa the account of thlalneldent In the possession of the department Is yet Imperfect It will be necessary te make It the utJ set of a further communication. Mr. Campbell, In hi dispatch, oemplalns or the failure of tbe Malagas minister te observe tbe forms of ofuelal and International oeurtesy and reply toeommunloatlonafrom tbe United States representative. He I sat lafled that Mr. Stan weed Justly oemplslned et tbe British anbj set en the weat coast who would atop at nothing te drive him ent of the country In order tbat there might be no obstacle In tbelr way te use our Hag and threw the oppreblum et their nefarleua work (slave dealing) upon Americana and ethers. He also speass of a class et British ubjeets engaged thete by American houses wbe uae their knowledge after warda te de fraud Amerlcanmanufaoturera by Imitating trade marks. Tbecensnl also ray tbst when he applied for a renewal of bla oxequsterhe was threat ened with cffielal suspension by Influence Dreugnt te Dear upon mis gevernmentanu hla aeta misconstrued. In regard te United State elalma upon the native government Ceniul Campbell ssys he feara tbat It will take a creator pre-sure tbsn Is In tbe power of the consulate te bring the govern ment te a nae et It dutlea in the fulfill ment of It treaty obligation, for It will evade If possible, by equivocations and de lays, It treaty responsibilities. He there fore suggest tbat a naval vessel be sent thereto abew the government tbat the United State mean that tbe claims must be settled and also te visit tbe west coast end see wbat can be done in thoGrevle and Hei lib case. CUSAIIBU MY DKTECIIVJE3. Jehn Itarrr. Who Waa Santsnced te Eight Vcar for Burglar, Vindicated, aud tbe Qelllj -can Uaptuitd. rrr.m tbe Philadelphia leqalrer. Tlitcugh the thorough werklugs of tbe deteetlve bureau, Jebn Barry, who was convicted and sentenced te eight year by Judge Flnletter last Friday en the charge of robbing dwellings en Woodland aveuue, baa been completely vlndleated. Net only has Bsrry been cleared of the accusation, but tbe resl burglar has beeu arrested and a portion or tbe booty recov ered. Tbe guilty man Is Charles Hralth. wbe was shot In Delaware oeunty several weeka age while In tbe act or enterlng a bouse and wbe has been under piilee surveillance at tbe University hospital. The credit for this really exotllent work Is due te Chief of Dsteetlves Weed, who was ably assisted by Deteetlve Gey er. Wben Smith was taken Inte custody Csptsln Weed came te tbe oenoluslon tbat he was tbe West Philadelphia thlef,althettgb Barry bad been Identified by people living en Woodland avenue. Aa tbe luiplolen grew wltb the ehlef he atslgned Detective Geyer 'te investigate the matter. While working en the case the cllieer called en Smith and Informed him that another party bad been adjudged guilty of the crime which be wai believed te have committed. After a short talk tbe man oenfeaied and told where he had pledged a watcband chain and Masonic mark which had been stolen. Yesterday tbe matter was called te the attention of Judge Flnletter by Chief Weed, and a new trial was granted Barry. Smith Is totally blind from tbe effect of hi injur ies, but aside from tbat he fa pbysleally healthy. The evidence against blm will show tbat he eommltted seversl burglaries in Delaware and Chester count le, in addi tion te attcrapllDK te kill tbe man who shot him, The Telephone Hill, Following Is the telephone blll.iotreduoed In tlie Legislature by Representative Knuffman, of J.aucasler, and entltled "An aet te prevent discrimination In and le rogulate the rental allewed for the use of telopbencs, and tiling a penalty for It Violation :" Hbotien 1. Be It enacted by tbe Henate and Heuse of Reproaentattvoa of tbe com monwealth et Pennsylvania In general asaemby met, aud It la hereby enacted by tbe authority of the same, that no lndl vldnnl, oempany or corporation heretofore or here after created, new or hereafter owning, controlling or operating any tolepbono line In operation In this common wealth, doing a general telephone buatuejs and every telephone oempany, corporation or association new existing, or hcroafler organized and doing business In this com monwealth shall be allewed te charge, collect or receive a rental for the nae el such telephone, a sum net exceeding tlirce dollars per month where one telephone only Is rented by one Individual, company or corporation. Wben two or mnre tele phones are rented by the same individual, company or corporation the rental per month for eaeh telepbone se rented shall net exceed two dollar and fifty cents per month. Hbotien 2. Every such telephone com. psny whether owned by an Individual company corporation or asioelatlou new ex- isung or nereatiorcrcaiea wun wirei wholly or partly In tbls commonwealth and engaged in a general tolepheno bualnesa shall within tbe local limits of tueh tel tel tel epboeo company's business supply all applicants for telephone connections and facilities wltbsueh connections and facili ties without discrimination or partUllty, provided ueb applicants comply or eiler te comply with the reasenable reulatloiiHef tbe company; and no auch company shall Impose any conditions or rostrlctleu upon any auch applicant tbat aie net lujeHed Impartially upon all persons or companies in like situation, nor shall such coin pantes dlaorlmlnate sgslnst any Individual or oempany engaged In any lawful budlnem or between individuals or com pan Us ongegod In tbeiBme tmaineas by requiring a a condition ler lurnlablng aueb fecllltli'i tbat tbey shall net be used In the limine ch of the applicsut or etbervclau for aay lawful purpose, Hkotien 3. When eny two cltifH or villages are concocted b wire epe- rated or ewned by any ludlvldual, company, corporation or hiucUiIeii the prlce for the uaoet any tbiephone fur tbe purpose of conversation txittvten such cities or vlllages shall net exceed tun cents ter the first five minutes, end for nuti additional Uve minutes no sum e-xceedlug live eents shall be charged, cjUcceI or received. Hketiun 4 Any Individual, o.rperatlor, association or any owner, operator, agent or ether person, wbe Bball vlolate any of tbe previsions of this act shall be doemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and en conviction thereof shall be lined In auy mn net ex. coed lug five hundred dollars. Hilling Hdidmi Henes, It Is reperted tbst the pollce have un earthed a gang of Juvenlle grave robbers In Wllmlegtcn, Del., but as yet they bave net been apprehended. Down town a Juuk dealer banded ever a human skull te a policeman en Wednesday, stating that a gang of small boys had otlered for sale a quantity of human bones, among wbleb be found tbe skull. He refuted te purchase tbe bones and loqulred of the enys wuere uiuy oeuineu iutm, wnereen tbe latter Had leaving tbe '.skull In hla poise slen. Inquliy reveals tbe fact tbat the boys are an organized band et young dep. reitaters, and have been robbing graves for seme tlme, turning thelr con tents into cash. The pollce are uew in search of the gang. Thrsa Hniltfc" Were lu. This merulng there were six ledgers In tbe station beuse, three of whom weredlr- cbarged. Fred. Smith tnd hla wlfe Ada, who leek very peer, were among the number. Tbey bad applied for lodging before and bad atnoe beeu leiklng ler work, wblcb tbey could net find. Tbey get 0 days in tbe workhouse. Jehn Smith, who wu lick, wat tent te the hospital. DOWN WITH TOE WIRES! A HILT TO RBBOVB TUB MUH&NOKS IN TBOOUCKD IN TUB BHNAtIC, Sanater Marian ceeatrnrti Mis Meatnra te Apply e Philadelphia Onlj-tlsaf rrn ally Provided for Failure le R'tnevs tha Unsightly Veles and Win HARRtSBtiRti, Feb, US. In tbe Senate to day the following bills were favorably reported 1 Autherlrlng oeurts te order the recovery et bodies burled In coal mint, With an amendment giving tbe court dis cretionary power ; onabllngcennty cemmls. Blotters te pay rewarda for tbe arrest of tneendlarlea. The following bill were Introduced : Harlan, Chester, te prohibit after tbe first of August next, tbe maintenance In cities containing ever 300,000 Inhabitant, any overhead telegraph, telephone or electric light wire, under penalty et I MO for each day the wire are kept above ground. Allen, Venango, making It unlawful te transport ever tbe timber brldgea et any publle read any vehicle which con tains Art, or le wbleb fuel la In Ignition or atate of combustion ; providing a peualty of from 50 tef 100. Green, Berk, authorizing school beards te award the collection et school taxes In borough and townships te any responsible person In tbe district, the oempenssllon net te exeeed five pereent Martin, Adams, granting oensent et tbe atate te tbe acquisition et land by tbe United Statea for tbe purpose et ereetlng monument or tibleta for marking tbe command et the Union army engsged in the battle of Gettysburg, opening ayenues and roadways and for preserving tbe bsltle-field for bis. terlcal purposes. Senater Hlnes faotery In-poeilon bill and aet te Incorporate stroet railway oempanlea were passed second resdlng. In the Heuse bills were reperted favorably t Providing for the relief of wives, widow and orphan of Midler and Bailers, levying a ene mill tax for the purpose; providing ter a naval battalion la National Guard; prohibiting dishonorably discharged mem bera of the National Guard from becoming commissioned or neu commissioned offieers; making appropriation for tbe ercotlea of tablet et Uettsburg te Indicate the high water mark of tbe rebellion. Bill were Introduced as fellows ; Talbot, Chester, te prevent deallng In margins. Walk, Philadelphia, for tbe establish ment et mutual bencilt associations by manufacturer. Mlsalmer, Berks, le Uberallre tbe act te abolish Imprisonment for debt The bill providing for the printing of 10,000 copies of the bird book was passed second reading. The bill authorizing school directors te held stated meeting at publle exponie was defeated. Beth branches adjourned until Wednes day evening next FAT ITJUElt I-OITER. Ue ualltars an Address Btrere the llf .mbll .mbll eu League Uon-sntleu. BAr.Tii.enw, Feb. 28 The annual con vontlen of tbe Republican League of the United Statea was called te order at 12:11 p. m., by President J. P. Feslor. After prayer by Iter. A. T. Preudflt, President Fester delivered hi annual address. U e said that InOblekerlng hall, New Yerk, last year they pledged themselves te oxpeso the Democratic skeletons of discarded princi ples, broken faith, corruption and Intimi dation at tbe polls, and te further blest the bereay of that free trade decument issued front the While Heuse In December, 1887. Tney premised te support the platform of the party and the candidates, whoever tbey might be; that pauper labor and pauper wages should never be tbe berltage of American workmen. Tbey kept their pledges. After referring te tbe work of the League d urlng the y ear, he said no better report wt a needed than te go le the reviewing stand In Washington next Monday and see the living evldenee of the work. A year age they bad JOO clubs, but the Ictugural precession would be the work of ten thousand club and net lees tban 12,000,000 membera, Tbe Democraey flaunted tbe red bandanna, but the atari and atrlpe were still geed enough for Republican. In answer te tbe question et Demoeraoy as te tbe surplus be said tbe people can spend It; they oeuld give some et It te the widow and orphan of dead soldier and build coast defences; Improve tbe river and empley our people and keep every dollar lu America. He made a atreng appeal for tbe oeutlnu. anee of the work et tbe Lesgne until tbey bad every state In tbe Union In, and said that It was thtlr duty te wheel tbe state en tbe southern border Inte the Republican oelumn. As te tbe future, tbe League bad a destiny. Let it stand for a true and strong government. Tbey were assured tbat the foreign polley of the country would be an Amerlcau poller,tor Bgreat man woe'd be secretary of state, and tbe American fiahermen will get all tbe protection he needed. Let tbe League proclaim In favor et America for Americans and thus main talu national dignity aud oemmerolal pros parity. The future looked bright, for as tbe first century begsn with Washington, he whose centennial we celebrate In April, ae tbe second century opened with loyally and love et country ence mero at tbe bead el tbe national government Committees were thou appointed en rules, credentials, etc. The oemmlttces en credentials and reie. lutlenseacb cenaltt of ene delegate from oaeh state A motion was carried that all reiolutlen ellered shall be referred te the oeimnltteo en resolutions without debate, The convention adjourned at -30 p. in. until te-morrow at 10 a. m. Hlera Charges Jtgalatt Them, New Yerk, Feb. 28, Four new Indict- ments hsve been erdeied sgslnst Ives and Btayner, two for grand larceny and two for fraudulent laaue of stock. The number of ludletments against the men new, Is eight, four et whleh are for grand larceny, tbree for fradulent liwue et stock and one for mlademesner. The district attorney ex pects te try tbe prisoners en at least three Indictments. Bookkeeper Woodruff, ever whose bead bang seven Indictment-, has accepted the premise of Immunity from proaecutleu, aud he Is new undergoing tbe process et revealing te tbe district attorney hlH early lire, his connection with Ives and Btayner with the various deals le which he was a party In tbe glgantle swindle, Where Are llie Eighteen Uuudred? Lohiiew, Feb. 28. The Chronicle las news of tbe missing of 1.S00 Russian troop ea tbe Afghan frontier, . m lu Columbia litis Ktsuteg, Cot Wu. R. Aylett, of the Virginia supreme court, together with bla son, Patrick Henry Aylett, will be In Colum bia te-night, wbere be lectures en Re-uultlng Blue end Gray. " If the evening proves pleasant Columbia will turnout lu full force te greet these de de de Boendenta et tbe Illustrious Patrick Henry. Frem Columbia tbey go te New Yerk, to morrow, and en Monday return te Lin Lin eatter and appear le the opera beuie, JnOg slttchall ea Reform rreeedar. The view taken by the lust lee of the suprems oeurt of the several accomplished aad proposed changes In the methods of legal procedure waa forcibly expressed In n opinion delivered by Judge Mitchell In tbe case of Hubbard vs. Tembreek, appealed rreea common plrasNe.3, Philadelphia, Tbe plaintiff bad filed a "statement" under tbe new proeedure act passed by the last Leg islature. "The statement" says Justice Mltehell, "la at least tbree times ss long aa a declaration In the established form would hsve been, and about ene half et It I occu pied, net with the averment el fact, but wltb a recital of evidence." Tbe defendant put In an affidavit et defense, setting up tbat the platntlil'a statement had net dis closed any geed cause of aotlen, bnttbe oeurt thinking otherwise Judgment was rendered for tbe plaintiff for want et a sufficient affidavit of defense." The supreme oeurt affirms the Judgment, but, In delivering tbe opinion, Just loe Mitchell says: "Thlsoaseafferdsoneamong many examples or the failure et the so se called reform procedure te accomplish anything towards the brevity, the clearness, the accuracy or the convenience et legal forma Se long a the fundamental principle et our remedial Jurisprudence shall be, that upon conflicting evidence, the Jury, aball ascertain the facta, and upon ascertained facts the judges ahall pronounce the law, se long will It be a cardinal rule of pleading, by whatever name pleading shall be called, tbat tbe line of distinction between facta, and tbe eyidenee te prove tbem shall be kept clear and well defined. Tbe notion of the reforming enthnstast that the average litigant or hla average lawyer can make a shorter, clearer, or less redundant atate ment et hla own case If left te bis own bead than If directed and restrained by the settled forms, girted, tei'.ed and condensed aa tbey have been by generation of the aeuteat Intellect ever deveted te a logical profession, Is as vain as tbat et any ether compeunder of panaceas." Ths ''Time a-" Editorial Apology. The Londen 2'ime- te day, In It leading editorial, quotes IB full the apology tendered by Attorney Generat Webster before the Parnell commission for the pub lication of the ferged loiters, and centinues: "We desire te endorse as appropriate every word of the foregoing statement It la our wish, ss It Is our duty, te de se. Moreover, Mr. Parnell having In the witness box stated tbat the letters are forgeries, we must accept In svery respect the truth of tbst statement In these otrcuuiatanee we deem It right te express our regret, most fully and slneerely, at having been Induced te publish the letters as Mr. Parnell'a or te use thorn In evidence sgslnst him. This expression of regret Includes also the lettera falsely attributed te Mr. Kgan, Mr. Davltt and Mr. O'Kelly. It la seareely fitting new te enter Inte the olrctimstaneoa under whleh we received and published them. We are bound, however, te point out that Plgett was net tbe persenalia whom we oommu eommu oemmu nloeted. Moreover, we must add that wa firmly believed tbat the lettera were genu ine until the disclosures made by Plgett en Creat-examination. It mutt be evident te all reasenable parsons tbat if a conspiracy existed the 'Imcs was vlet m zsd by and net a party te It "Errors of judgment may have bean emitted, and ter them the penalty must be paid. It must be clearly understood that what we have done la altogether upon our own motion and our own responsibility and In the publle Interest alone. This withdrawal, el oeurse, refers exclusively te tbe Icttera obtained from Plgett" Tb H-ndleat schools Bluet Ue, Tbe result of the meeting of ths soldiers' orphans school Investigation committee la Harrlsbnrg en Wednesdsy sight waa that the syndicate aoheola must go, and the ene at MeAlllstervllIe at once. The oemmlttee bad a general discussion of tbe question as what te de with ths 1,800 scholars la ths soheols en tbe 1st of next June, and It waa tbe unsnlmeua opinion tbat tbe present system must cease. General Gebln likened the working et tbe system In some of tbe schools te the chain gangs of the Southern state, and offered a resolution, wbleh waa adopted, tbat there be prepared a tabulated atatement by counties of the number et children at prosent In the schools, wbleh shall be ferwarded te the Grand Army pests of the several counties, aaklng tbem te Inquire, first, whether these children bave fiarenta or guardians who sre cspabloet aklng oare of thorn without assistance from the atate; second, whether or net tbe parents are eapable et taking care of tbem w Ith assistance from tbe state, net te exeeed tbe amount new paid by tbe state for tbelr care In tbe schools; third, whether. In tbe Judgment et tbe pests (centldentally), tbe parents or guardians are proper authorities te bave tbe care and ouatedy of the children under these circumstances, and tbat the pests report te tbe oemmlttee as speedily aa possible. Tbe oemmlttee then adjenrned te meet at Grand Army headquarters In Philadelphia en Saturday, March 9, at 11 a. in. The wadding Ceremony Cost SI 0,000,000 Ths ceremony of tbe marriage of the Em peror of Chins, en Tuesday, was performed with unusual splendor. The request of the foreign ministers tbat they be allowed te tender tbslr congratulations te ths em peror was politely refused, but they were all Invited tea grand banquet wltb tbe Chi nese ministers, and received rich gilts. An estimate of tbe cost of the elaborate cere monies, places tbe sum at net lea a tban 110 000.000. Tbe Imperlal brldogreom, wbe succeeded te the throne en tbe attainment et bis majority, only a few weeks age, Is net yet 18 years of age. He Is a eonet PrlneeChun, and was proclaimed emperor en the death of tbe Infant son of tbe former Imbecile Emttorer Tungnhlh, January 12, 1875 Tbe brlde Tet-He-Na-La la a daughter of Deputy Lieutenant Governer Kuel Italang, and the special edlei of the dewager em press, wbleb named her as empress, also seleeted twoetherdaughtersofthoManchus as "secondary consort of tbe first rank," and "imperlal concublne of the second rank." F!el Accused, Leenard Setfert, who was recently par, deued, left the Kasten Jail en Tuesday sod hurried te tbe bedside of bis wife, who Is dying at the home et her parents, at Quekertcwn, of consumption. Helfert wss sent te prison for six years and four months en a charge of Indecent assault en a llttle girl en the Lehigh mountain. Tbe charge was brought by the girl's father, who, en bis death bed net long age, stated tbat he bad madetbeoemplalnttoget Helfert outef the way, and bad prompted his daughter ii swear falsely at the trial. Tbs VIeurulilBg Clie, from the Uofenned Church Moiaengcr, The Cllosepbtc, com pored of a number of Ue premlueut families In tbe elty of Lan caster, these of the faculty and theological seminary and college belug among tbem, la new In Its eleventh year, tbe present one being the most nourishing of all. Dr. Tbes. O. Apple, presluent of tbe college, recently read a paper berere It, and Dr. Dubbs will read tbs next one. Its meetings are much enjoyed by Its members, end prove te be very Instructive and Interesting te Uem. Cut. Filter Met lu Contempt The Senate committee wblcb haa been engaged In an Investigation et tbe admin istration et tbe supervising architect's offiee bas decided that It baa net tbe autberlty te compel Chief, Clerk Fitter, or tbat cilice, te appear before tbe bar of the Senate for eon oen een tempt, for refuting te answer certain ques tions propounded te htm by membera et tbe committee. A Mew uburcb ter St Jehn'. Fer some time past tbe congregation of St Jehn's Lutheran church en West Orange street has been centemplstlng the erection of a new church building. The present edlilee is tee small, and especially tbat part uaed by tbe Sunday school. As It Is Impossible te make It larger a new building will bave te be erected. A meeting et Ue oengregatlon te tske some aotlen In tbe matter was held last evening at ue cnurcr, It was agreed that Ue beard of Uusteea shenid leek arennd for a suitable site for a church and report at the next meeting. AN OLD MAN MURDERED. his wira wirxBssEs tbb Brunts, Mft 'fi COULD BOr 1NIBBTBBB, Tne Msn Ents- Iks Hern aad Pretead te Sssklag Stelen Jawslry-Thsy SaVse the s-anaer aad Oarry Awe' BlS.eee The Community Brsatlj Bssttea. , JIM I.tnnuiwn it. V.U no . a --j Jk. .Ui uu.iiani I TBJlt 0 -fli WsBsbbbjs,,-;V--J ...,, VHSHSK, UW UUUSTWJ Wi UniOn Wset- rSi IsAtPSMt at aaawsh) .... il-l... - .B-a Vr?M nerstewB, tea miles east of this pkmt, watii entered bv two msakad man wttnalafeneaA rwiBVas SBtU SBBKBria iBBIBBinra 11W1HBBT BBBBBBSr -BtBBBkSB jtTT' te have a seareh warrant for Jswswe' TEi HMltl lint. . . ...... ' n'ti. - .nnvu a, WW m niHUIl, V Mr. UBsberger laaeeHUy snnesHsBiHi them through bU house, aad wksa ha waa oempeUed te open a trunk eeataMag , uuu ne piara ine aaeeey in m pmmm. fyi Ths robbers at tha pout et their sMsta Wft aemsnasa um money, S1?.'5 Umbsrgtr ebj soled and aght sasaU la -'vK wniea ue vuiaiaa Bred five skew. IsHsVnl mm-m-n puuji -.mm; SUBS fSBBBIIJ. ?i xuey ansa stearcu tee sssasy bbB -JaV escaped. m tbe aged wu wiuaeaaed ue ardsr, tat waa tee feeble te reader tstlstaaee l Br SI hiiahaml. 3 j ins murderers are suprsed te twM ha W the community. "M If discovered they wUl usdeabtsdly feaJb lynched by the exelted neighbors. Tbaaklag largsea aeaeral Washington, D. O.. Feb. 38 I dener! Hamilton, of tka Butrtaal aervles, Is In receipt et a letter treat Mf. Chsrles A. Finley, secretary of tha bnbMM ., u, uib maw ui .r.enu, ia wsnea ) wiBBB a,s: a fellows t By order et the Isgjrtsjsjte, Hvj erjthe tat ofFlerlda,!! Is my plssaaal a.1,:; a.1,:; te transmit te yen aa eoteUed eea-r mti thanks, unanimously teadsrsd yea by aaVV?., body for your untiring latersstsad Ibssmb ,ff j in Denaiier ear beloved end affileted .' 1. ... . ... . -... .- V jcTery ueart in rieriaa, aew epldemle Is ended, Is busily wreathing a garland of gratitude, wktaa Mm multiplicity or years oaanet bum or Mssaaav Tbe resolution breathes the ssausasat at "&' very man, woman aad ehlld la Um sS&f'a The l'oer BfOKANB Falls, Wash. Tec., Fea.Bf. Great exeltemeat exist at WaUasa, IbbbP IbbbP evsr the decisions of ths aserssary at !' Interior la the eass of Aiwa tb alaRttt. Ja rowing the validity of lead assa war Sioux half-breed serlp, WalUn WBiUssHy with this scrip, sad a few mlaaMs art It news waa received at Wallaes attMsM clsien, ths entire town was ihsbbssL All Carter boese, the leediag flret property seised. and a oemmlttee appointed te tat' tba matter visited tha United offiee la Coeur D'Aleae eeaatv.aaa Ue town had beea loeatoa wMBbsbbbBs-S bad been oaaeelled. It wsaaataat taat MM - ,f parties abeuld retain Ieta wHa aaiUtaMaast ' them, bat be eaa should hare seere bbbbV, fenr leta. Maar Mrseaa tsuacM ta'-fea very rich are bow beggars, walla people have Juraped lata wealth. Killed Ih BbMitraad I WlMONA. Ma. Fab. aeV-TBa aaMruTvef. O.rier county waa iMteatly killed aavi V: aepnty rauuiy weaaswa ysssscswy ssa aeswd Wassia, a satall ataUea ea Um CbissH; River railroad uBhaaaoaeeaaty. a, MB' aamed Thompson waa waa tad tar tssfarf ' sad tba sheriff a.tew.ptea te Mifat a.. Thompson shot tha sheriff tear sMMs,! killing blm lasteatly. Taea Um dsfatjr, cams up aad Thompson shot hlM alaa. Avt posse has gens tat pursuit. -'V- use does la aad Anether ceases Oat, M SUH.n, i-fH mj H-Hn vw.., jvm,- 5 priest ei avoe, was srrsstee us bsbbbbj t s under the crime set, and will aadaraa Ms W week' Imprisonment la Wexford JaiL ;""' te-day. the term for whleh ha waa seavSi tsnnad hnvlns? xDlrad. He was taSSSa;it .. .."T. "IJIZI ZZ .-- -i r.T-'. .t BBB lis SB I.XaBBJU HMBBBBB UV BBI MSBS 1 S BBB BBBBBBB BsBBMBr ns H ..... I.... m.A aa Isawawsta jbbasbsI sreABji A.ffV uutfAilBtluu miu as) ) wufi sbbbb w aaBBH-styj tn hn'fil. whai-t. ha maul a anaanh a' - fj3 . ..... .-...-.. -. -.s WN.VIW1V. mm ). j j.AT,AMAzge, asies. ran. as. sbjbb; Jennie Bweetland wsa oeavleted of I In the olreult oeurt yesterday Bha owned tbe abetraet offiee of UM i and forged tha discharge of mnrurure erlvea hv har. Bha rei asms end furnished a perfect aliMiaat staler be might borrow money am UMBMMf, af w 3 kaaahai'd security. v,.j - .. u . . 5--J, wir ua mmrmj w ra: IfevTOK, Mass., Feb. 38 At a aasattasK t, yesterday of tba baekaraef "Ike" Wear, 1 """H " ""rwi H-t i a new match was arranged betweea pugllurts ter tba feetberwelght ehaa hip et tha world, tha aght te ha tea I wltb akin gloves betweea tha 15th aad of March at a place wlthla i0 miles af OM otge, for 11,000 a side. Premier CrUvl iteui:. Feb. 28. Sbraer Orlspl signed bis offiee la order te avoid a haatliaiJl vote in Ue Chamber of Dsputles am tha i question of additional taxaUea Hi assli budget, it is expected that Kiag aaMaati will request Hlgner Crlspl te ferBia saw ministry, , Awarded B14.000. HoeiissTErt.Ind.. Feb.28.-Ia thaFaUaB - ,. ..,.., . i nli iiit.m y circuit euui. j " j, .u-u. e,i- w jtjjj given a veruici ei tn,wi 7w v vlvenls comeanv for the less Ota ISB. Tha A i.i.. .. .nd.l-d h. kl iruk h- n lUJUl ,, !.. w Mw.ai.www j J J" train at Plvmenlh. In Deeaanbar. UkT7. ? m " Werk by Oe-ajreta. Washington. Feb. 28. Tha Beaab ptsed Us postefflee approprlaUea bill. , i'i j I a tbe Heuse te-dy Ue Senate blU fat svtr protection et tbe salmon fisheries la Alaska, wss passed, with as ameadment. vaaaM , bin rer ua ereoiiea et a puuna utuiw-awae- KaUmatoe, Mleb , waa passed. It afffO--'y nrletee 175.000. ij.-a i i frlBce Uecar U a Sather. HToemioi.M. Feb. 28. Priaeaas 1 dot', Ue wife et Prlne Oeear, of Baadea, : . ...M a!imH rkt m AmnmHtMr. line uc- wmi vvim w , .,, - . -w WBATBBB lamOASTOBs. PWA-uiNaTen.D. C, Feh. -fs Eastern Pennsylvaala t lAaat rasa ; or snow, clearing Tharsdsy Bight I ' nesrly sutleasry Umperature; TartasVe wind. A Colored WeaaM U Treabl. Mary Lloyd, a colored weaaaa who has. franuanUv figured la OOUrt, IS trouble. BbeAMrjepiw-aeu.MvysaBBsa Stephenson 'or larceny and drsakaa aaa disorderly oenduot Jehn Uvea aear tfea Buek-nd Mary cams down te vkathtaa, When sbs left shs stele a let et oleshsBf. , Hhe wa oemmltted ler a haarlag. ,rt -'- .v-ey weaa stems. Henry M. Relgert, wbe bas beea la Uaw . eaater for sevsral weeks vlattlueM. rttSBSB.' . inr hla tinma. ml (lllntnei Jaaaslesl. Bsast '-J ccuaty, WtaoeasiB,uuattanaoa. - ' sels- te the laaagaratiea . Tickets for Wasblagtea are already tiatag unA at ths Panaavlvaala railroad eta. ,e. tlen. and quite a Bumbaret pereeas bbbb,v aires 1 v left te bs pretest at tea Huagat- tlea. It Is expected that there wUt MBA rush ea Saturday, .f! -a I A- . ?& v& Fa. -a Vi