Jt.. It" '-Nf r -?W x k . vHr h X :'Vtef y ,.?'? "tf'i c-i: A1Z "t. . .iHiBV . . '. n T'rij.7. ..vs ft'.msu.a "-i MLtlfr-' t i r- -. V-J v, . ' iv '"J1"; - &' ? ft fcTT ' J fcL j " ?5fc?T' r . v . w-- w v ' M ' .-IK tx . ..' .jU- - "V '4 "9 ' -"'TtM.ar T( I'vai&Tj - " r THE iiANOASR DAILY INTELMaENOETi SATUBDAY. FEBKlTiBY 23, 1880. . - w, v MMMBV LCIXABT. erttnaraira tech m tteae Lull bow the steal! MeEete, When waves of tileacs deep Creak ea Ui abeces el Heap i HiHh.aa'llrci, rtanotrta'. rtanetrta'. rtanotrta'. Uejtnew, each precious p-.t, uraadpa't new Cabl iet la asuca belated. itoek-e-bv-tareugh 1 h flu ik - ailnmtr the eye of Etui, filler the corn will assu ror that he's elated. wtadim nay kaap the eat a ( Dream prate each dropping lash) t Up Mem each alata 1 ttsash Basil's Wanamaker. . Blaine's ghost Wen the lawn, ttee's hat come and gene eoen they'll ba catching ea Te Uncle Barn's pay-car " Frem the Chicago Ktxci. SsrHei Mattare. An elephant 300 yean otekreceatly d'ed In Bimbey. Takntrearr, General Haritaoe, Blaine la mortal I A diplomat, aa (JrOned by tha New Orleina ricayunt, la one who can receive an Inialt w Kneut letting, everybody knew about It. The prima denna who wblitic-a Inatead of warbling la announced te give a coeeert for tbe benefit of ehnrcb In atald old Lancas ter. It la te be hoped It la net te ralae thai wind for a pastor who la whittling for dm mTy. Philadelphia North AiJtcrUan, Be kind te the little ones. Ten ean't develop children aa veu de oetaa with loot Binghamton Republican, Tramp "1'leasr, air, giaame a penny." Uounellman If you want money work for It J don't believe In giving things for nothing." Millionaire ' Beg pardon, lr, but I'd like a francblae te de what I rleae with all the atreeta of the oily ; won't pay the elty anything (or If, though." Philadelphia Recerd. The Boranten Truth dUeuaaea the Im portant question whether It la beettoehooae ler a national btoeten the reee or the golden red. We suggest a note bloeaem blown by 40 red whisky aa an antl-piohiblilen com promise. A certain politician holding cfllee new In Washington esmea from Qllead antl he la proud of bla native town. It waa told of blmtbaten ene coeaslon a visiting clergy man prcaobed In tbe village chureb, and during the course of bla remarks he ex ex eielmed: 'Is there nn balm in UlleadT' Mr. Blank Jumped te b'a feet at ei ex "Ol course there la," he sung out, te the horror of tbe congregation, "but you can't get It en Sunday. "Washington Critic, "Hew's bnslnet?" asked an lreu man of an electric Illuminator. "Light," waa the reply; ''bow'ayeunT" "Heavy." "That's geed. He long! ' Frem the New Yerk 8 an, Elderly Bplnster (In upper berth of Bleep ing car, peering ever)" Bsouse me, air. " Man in lower berth "Certainly, madam. What eau I de for you ? " Elderly Bplnater "1 was looking te ate If there waa a man under my bed. That'a all, air. " Very mur het human misery and amresi Is caumd by slckness. Tha true, method Is te prevent slekcess. which can be safely and t heaply accomplished by the use of Laxnder. Price only 25 cents. a word te young me' hers De net dose veur darling's with every old grandmother's receipt (no disrespect, bat use thattnvalua be preventive of children's diseases-Dr. Hull's lluby ayrup. Kuptnre eare guaranteed by Or. J. 11. slayer, 8.11 Arch street, Philadelphia. JCase at once, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands of euros after ethers fall, advice free, send for circular. marlO-lydAw BPEQ1A.L NOT1VK8-. Called te Preach. We feel called upon te preach a few gospel facts- fuel?, that are worth knowing We want everybody te enjoy all that Is possible In this weild. we wuutall these who sre suffering from rheumatism, neuralgia, and all aches, sprains and pulns te knew th t Themat' KeUc trie Oil Is an unf atlf r g and sp'endld cure. Fer ssle by H. it. Cochran, druggist, 187 and U Merth Queen street, iancaster. AH UNITOUTUNATK l'KKSON. The most nnfortnnate person In the world Is one afflicted with sick headaobe, but they will be rollevedatoncoby using Dr.Leslle'sBpeclsl frescrlptlen. Bee adveriisement in another column H WHY WILL YOU CuUOU when Bhlleh's Cure will Rive immediate relief. Fries 10 ets. , aecU.,andll. ForsalebyiI.il.Cechran,I)rug gist. Ma 187 Merth Queen street. (8) A.Saf Invcstinent Is one which is guaranteed te bring you sat isfactory results, or In case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan jeucan buy from our advertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. It Is guaranteed te bring relief in everycase, when nred for any affection of 'I lireat, Lnngs or Chest. such as Consumption, Inilammatten of Lungs, lirenchltla. Asthma, Whooping Congh, croup, etc, etc. It Is pleisantand agueable te the taste, perfectly safe and can always be depended upeu. Trial bottle free at 11. 11. Cochran's Drug Stere, Nes. 137 and 13J iertU Queeu street, Lancaster, l'a. (1) Met Vase. Net a case of rheumatism, net a c&'e nf neu ralgia net a case of lameness, net a case of pain or sprain-net one -bai fnt'e t te go when atucked by Themas' Kclectrie Oil. Fer sale by It. iJ. Cochran, druggist, 187 and 134 Merth Queen street, Lancaster. UHILOH'8 CUUK will immediately relieve Croup. Whooping Cough and urencbitis. Fer sale by U. B. Cochran, DrngglsU Me. 117 Merth Qtleen street.. (7) Frem Ultv.UDd, Ohie, Cemes a let'er signed T. Walker, saying: About six months age cemmenctd taking Burdock Bleed Bitter t for protracted case or lumbago and general debility, and new am Blessed te state have recovered my appetite and wonted strength. Feel better altogether." Fer sale by H. a. Cochran, druggist, 187 and is Merth Queen street, Lancaster. TUB UKV. QKO. 11. TUAYEB, of Bourbon lndsavs: "Beth myself and wife ewe our lives te SUILOU'S CONSUMfTIONCUHKS, Fer sale by tt. B. Cochran, Druggist, Me 187 North Queen street. (S) Kpech. lhe tianUtlen from long, lingering and Dalntul sickness te rebuit health mirks an epoch in the lite of the individual, buck a re re martableevent is treasuree in the memory and the agency whereby the geed health has been attained la gratefully blessed. Hence it is that se much is heard la praise of Xlectrtc slitters1 se many leel they ewe their restora tion te health, te the use or the Great Altera tive and "I onto. If you are troubled with any a'sease of Kidneys, 1.1 ver or Stomach, of long or short standing you will surely find relief bv use of Hloctue Blturs. Sold at bee. and (1 per bottle at 11. U. Cochran's Drug Stere, 187 and 13a North Queen Street, Lancaster, l'a. (1) llencsiy tbe uest reilcy. In advertising a inedlclne It is best te be honest; dt option will never de; the people won't stand It. I.etthe truth be known that Burdock Bleed BlUert cure soref ula. and all eruptions of the skin. TUg medicine Is tela everywhere by druggls's. Fer sale by u. ii. cechran, druggist, 187 and 189 North Queen street, umcasvur. . u..-- .... u fln..rf ftVna, IIm HnifntM, H This old adage does net Blgnlty that we must sutler the miseries et dyspepsia, when a medi cine with tbe curattve properties or Burdock Bleed BUtwi is avaUabie. it is one et the most substantial and reliable remedies sold te nay. Fer sale by H. xt Cochran, druggist, 187 and HB Merth Queen street. Lancaster. Haekisn'a Armas fselve. Hi bbst Baits in the world for Cuts, Hrnisea eerue, Ulcers, salt ttbnam. Fever Beres,Teuer, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, corns, and all aatn Kmptlens, and positively cores i'Ues, or ue pay rtxiutred. it is guaranteep te give per loot suUslacUen, or money refunded. Frice u cants per box. Fer sale by IL IS. Cochran, DrugiclstrMe3.UIandia) North Queen street, Lancaster. FA. luneW-lyd 1MB. Cochran, Nes. 137 and 189 North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a., is selling SUILOU 8 COUUU CUUK as a guarantee te cure all ureatand lung troubles. 16) - Spent Ftliy Hollars In doctoring for rheumatism berore I tiled TAemas' Acisclrfe Oft. Used a &0 cent betue of this medicine, and get out In one week. or barns and sprains it H excellent." J as. lur- ham, Bast Fembreke, N. x. Fer sale by U. ii. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13a Merth Queen street. Lancaster. ateibeva atetnarail Bethers lit Are you disturbed at- night and broken et yenr rest by a sick child suffering and crying with tha excruciating pain et cutting teeth! If se, go at onee and get a bottle of MM. WlNBLOW'SSOOTUINeBYBUP. U will re lieve the i-oer little sufferer immedlately-4-pviid upon it i there la no mistake about it. luuietsueta mother en ea.-thwhe has eve useVrivwhe- will net tell you at onee that it wui rogeiato the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the caUSL operating like magic. It la perfectly safe te use in all caeca and pleasant te the tasa, and la the prescription of jne et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses la the United states, teia avarrwhara,4aaBtt a kettle. maylMyOAw QtmCUBA KBMED1BB. EVE1T RIGHT 1 KsUTCHM CaUl mm taata waa Maw-Sawy CeTStad Wrta asalsaUfeaeawtaet aletww-SJetMl by the caMcata RaaaasMaa. I smgolegtetellloaot the ulrserdlsarv chaegs your CUTlCOkA KBMkDlSW. per per lemadeesae. Abcmt tke 1H et April last t notleM some nAmplsa Ilka eesalag out ell ever my body, bat thought aetht age! itunttl ansae time latr en, wain It brgsn te K-ok like pea of aaeittr saetasd ea. and wkiea eaase tiffin layers, accessvpaavstev wttk Itebtag. I weald eerateh every night aatH I waa raw, then the next night the aeaiee, bstng formed meanwhile, were scratched off again. In vain did I consult alt tha aoetora ta the eeaniry. bat without ate. After giving np all hopes et recovery, 1 happened te ate an adverUseaient In the newspaper aheat your CUT1CUAA UBMBDlste, and purcha'ed them front my drnggltuaadtbtained almost imataduta re lief. 1 began te te' lea that tie seely erup tions gradaally dropped etr and dlsappaarea one by one, atd have been fully eared. I had the disrate thirteen tueatbs before 1 began taking tha eurtuUKA BaMBDlEe, aasflu four or live weeks waa entirely cored, aty disease was eessma and psoriasis. 1 recom recem mended the cuticUka HBstBUiBBteaiiin myvlclntty.andlknoiref a great many who have taken them, and thank ma for the knowl edge of them, especially mothers who hire babes with seal t eruptions en their heads and bodies. 1 cannot express la words the thanss te you for what tbe CUTICUKS, KBMBDtia have been te ase. My body waa eevered with aeatcs, and I was an awful spectacle te be. held. Mew my skin ta tsnleeandeiearaaa baby's. "v!JOBrA,. Barr. a. 1897. Vletrlll, wis. Fib. 7. 18. Net a trace whatsoever of the disease from whlih ItufTered hss shown itself alucemycure. tsKU.COXar. We cannot de tntttee te the esteent In which CCTtoeaa, e gTeat Bktn core, and Ctrriecna heir, an exquisite sain Beau'lfler, prepared from It. and CuTictrsi. Baaeivsirr, tha new Blcea Fur tier, a e held by tbe thousands upon thousands whose lives have been made hippy by the core et agonizing, humlllitlng, Itching, scaly and pimply dlneaes et tbe skin, cslp and bleed, with less et hair. Sold everywhere. Price, Ctmemu, Met Seap, Ve i KaseLvaaT, II 00 Prepared by the POCTBK DkUO AMU CUEUiCAL CO., Bos Bes Bos eon, atass. earsenafer "Bew te Care Bain Diseases," (I pages, SO illustrations, and loe testimonials. TyrajrpLKS. blsck headf, red, rengh, chap J: 101 ped and clly skin prevented by Ctrri Ctrri etraa teAr. Catarrh te Oonaumptlen. Catarrh In Its detractive force stands next te and uneenbtedly leads en te consumption. it is therefore singular thatthosearalnted with this fearf nl disease should net make it the ob ject et thtlr lives te rid t hairs si ves or It. Vo Ve Vo eeptlvo remedies oenoocted by Ignorant pre tenders te medical knowledge have weakened lha confidence et the great majority at suf ferers la alt advertised remedies. They be. oeme resigned te a life of mifry rather than tertura themselves with doubtful palliatives. hut this wl 1 never de. Catarrh must be met at every stage and combated with all our might. In many eases tbe disease hss assumed dangerous symptoms, l he bones ana cartilage et the nose, the ergsns of bearing, of seeing and of tasting se affected as te be uiclew, the nvu'a se elongate!, the threat se Inflamed and Irritated as te produce a constant and dis tressing cengh. BAHVeaD'estiDicALCcaa meets every phase of eatatrh, from a simple head cold te tbe most lrathseme and destructive stages, itls local and constitutional. Instant In rellavlnr, permanent in cur,ng, sale, economical and never-falling, kach package contains one bottle of the Hadieai, ccbb, ena box cataxkhal Heiybht. ana an IsfraevaD Ikhalbk, with treatise t prise, II. Ferm Doe A ( bihieal Ca, Eoste. Pains and Weaknesses OF FEMALES. . Instantly relieved by theOntlcnraAnll-Psla F Uster, anew, most agreetble, lastantanceu analntUllblepaln-klalng plaster, especially adapted te relieve Female Fales and Weak nesses. Warranted vastly superior te all ether plasters, and the most perfect Antidote te Fain, Inflammation and Weakness yet com pounded. At all druggists, 21 cents: five ter 11.00 1 or, postage free, et Fettbb Dboe ad Cbbmieal ca, Bosten, Mass. junlydWASAiyw FOB aALHOKRBNT. FOKKENT-TWOBTORE ROOMS AND Basement In Southern Market. Alte one 'tore Beem en Vine strfet, suitable for any business. Inquire at Lard A McKlrev'sDry Goods Stere, Seuth Queen street. flS-tfd A FEW MORE OP THOSE GREEN STOWk FBOMT UOUSBS, North Duke street, for sale or rent. Heuse Ne 713wilbe open for inspection fiem 8 e clock a. m. te 6 pTm.Oslly. KDWIM BBBKUAN. Iebl0 28Am2 FOR RENT FROM APRIL 1, THE large and convenient Dwelling Heuse (Muhlenberg property), Mes. 33 and 40 West O.angestieet Alse a large Stable in the resr en Grant street, suitable for a Livery or Beard. IngBtable. Apply te it. J. MelRANN, or D. A. ALTICK'B bOMS. Jan2t SwdThBS FOR RENT ON APRIL FIRST THE Storeieom, Ne lejXaH King street, snd the two rooms en tbe second fleer ever same, with the cellar room, will be for i ent en April 1. Thesorereom will be lemedulled and en larged. Fer terms apply te WAI.-ta.il H.FBANKLIN. Attorney at-Law, 12)BaBt Ring Bluet, Jan23 2b 28.30lebi a,lR,t3mar2B,lC,!:),3J FOR RENT THE HTOKE AND three large rooms or the Ilandieme Mew Bulldleg et the Feltz K state en Chestnnt street, opposite the Fennsylvanla Kallreafl. 1 bird and Fourth Fleer Kcemsthe full width and depth or the bulldtns (23x70 teet ) Steena Steona Stoena story Frent Ueam sifeetdeep. ttoreetfull width snd ceetb, with excellent cellar, plenty of room at the tear alley te chestnnt street, and drtvewAy te t bristlau street. The build lng It heated by steam. febll 3td F OR RENT. ALAUUK Three-Story Brick Swellleg. With basement attached, situated en the corner or Fast Grant and cherry streets, with a 40 horse power boiler and an elevator. Persons wishing te view the same will please cell en L.KNAPF, decStfdS Ne. 1(3 Fast King Street. DOR BALE. A VERY SUPERIOR V GRAZING AND BTOUK FABM, In Fau quier county, Virginia. Situated en the line el the Piedmont Air Line railroad, forty tulles south of Washington Llty, and one mile from Worrenton Junction (Virginia Midland runway.) this Tract contains 1.008 ACKK?, ever tee or which is highly Improved, Is ft Superior Qual ity for Grass and Grain, is well watered, has a Handsome and Commodious Besldence with mednrn improvements, all necessary out buildings, none Grist Mill, Cattle liouse, Ac Twe large stnams run through the farm. This flne body et land will be sem at a sacri fice as a whole, or in two or three parts. Fer lutthur Inlermat en address, A.N. LABlABLk. Ne. 27 W. Ferth Avenue, Baltimore. febll-liueed&w VALUAHLE OlTY PROPERTY 8UI table for Manufacturing or ethsr Busi ness Purposes at Public Sale. OalUVKSDAV, FaSRUABY 24,1839, will be sold at public sale, by order or tbe Or pbanw' court, attheuoeperilouse, all that Let el Ground, Nes. 12), 12iand lit North water street, bounded and described as fellows, te Witt Commencing at the southwest corner of Water and Marlen streets, extending south, fronting en Water street U tret, thenee west 111 feet.tbence north 12 teet 10 leches, thence west 101 feet, te Arch alley, thence north alen g Arch alley 10 feet, thence east along Marlen street its feet, te place of beginning, en which are erected a large one-story Stene Heuse, a one-story Bough cast and a iwo-stery Brick, alt fronting en Water street, and two one story Frame Dwellings, irentlng en Arch alley, and a two-ateiy Frame Cigar Bhep, fronting en Marlen street. lbs is an opportunity seldom offered; a large plot of ground located about the centre or the tliy, containing about 13.0CO square leet or ground, having a frontage en three streets, with the very best Beverage and an excellent spring et water snnlelent te supply the large: t demands; suitable for a coal or lumbar yard, or any manufacturing business. The Bead ing A Quarryvllle railroad pa'sea the property en Water street from which a siding con ba run Inte the same. t ale te commence at 7 3) o'clock p. ru , en sail dav. when the property still positively be sold. Conditions mode known by B1ISAM KaPNXB, Administratrix of Jehn Kepcer. On'd. JexlL.Uainbs, Auct. febl,?3x?7 15, 5, f 6. VO; OITY BUILDING LOTS BKCUBKU By PAYING Five Dollars Per Menth. A few choice lets left at prires ranging from 1130 te tbue per let. All sliuntea in tbe mest repiaiy-grewlDg portion of Uie city. Street car facilities, pared iiaewalki. city watr sup ply, sewenge, gu ana electric light. Tbe cheapen leu new offered in the city, ana beuna te Increase in value. These wishing te avail themselves of tbls excellentnppeitunllv of securing ler themselves a tome, should apply at once. Dwelling Houses en Bame Plan. The bf st chance ever offered ler a person of mall means te secure a home, applf Imme diately te ALLAN A. IIKKU, Beat Jfttata ana Insurance Agent, sHl sta iei uit King street. tAtiD a Mcelrey. Bard & Mm. S3 sua 95 8wtk ty.er Stmt, DRR88 niMQ U AM We have new In stock ter yenr Inspect Ien te beat Hee et pitteins in nraasGlT ghams and T, lie de "erd la the city of Lancaster. Ve net buy yenr Dress until you h iv tallsatd t enrtair by looking them ever. We start the Una at 6le, neat grade at be, t.ext at Me. nema st i lea we show yen. yen will ant be able te see elsewhete Wa claim wa have ths choir et, the no west pilterni and blending of shades that have been pnt en the market this season. , TOI Lit nu NOKn In Tolled 1 Nerd at UXe. what a quantity were sold last season, and hew some of the bst sty cs were sold out early in the season and unable te get them later. Ien will be surprised at the beautiful styles in this very deitrabla Dree rabrle that wa can show yen. In thefalngham Kemnants, th t we have sold se many of at Ke and 7a, we wenld only say that we can new aocemtcoaate I ou again with any quantity you may want. BHIRTB-Men's Unlanndrlcd Whtte Bhlrts at 7Ke, te;, 73e snd up. Men's Laundrled Whlte Shirts at tee, 73c and 1 1 te. Men's Calice Shirts at Wc. UOSIKKY-ln Hosiery we are headquarters for lbs best vilue In the city for Ladles, Men and Children In cofeu cr Weel. FRATBR1S Featheie. De net rait te tike advantage Bard & McElroy, Neb. S3 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. Opposite Fountain Inn. JTAHNESTOUirS CARPET ANNOUNCEMENT. leee-apniNO biaVhok-ibse. TAPKSTKT BKUMKLBCAHl'ITS.-Lastyear was emrflrstexpetlence with Brussels Car pets, and our success far exeeeded enr expectations As a result we have put In fully twlee as much stock for this season's trade. Onrnrloeaen Tapestry Brussels carpets are Bus, axo,7e, and Super Quality at 3 c a yard. Jtvery pattera a bright, w, fresh one of this season's pro duction. BetY BRDPSBI8. We hive added te enr extensive stock several new lines of Bedy Brus sels of the best known mtkes In masnlDccnt colei lngs and designs, suitable ler Parlors, Libra ries. Balls and Stairs, our It oe graces are the beet ever offered for that meney, while the 11 S3 quality Is the best manufactured. lNUHAJN iiatil'stTa. -The manufacturers of Ingrain rarpets have surpassed themselves this season in the production of beautllut designs and colorings. Bine, Green and Oak, and all thtdeaet Ilea, Garnet and Brown, are te be found here with better goods for tha money than ever offered before. Onr Ingrain Carpets are B0c, 250. 31c. 83c, 37HC, 40c, 15 a, &3e, eee, 0V and tbe Best Quality All Weel at 73c a yard, we make a specialty or our we line, and It has mere wool In It and is heavier than any goods ever sold berore at that prlee. VBLVBTOAUPBTS. We have aeenred for this ses son's trade a Bargain In Velvet Carpets of superior quality, never sold ter less than II S3, which we are selling at ll oe, with our without borders. STAIR CARPRTSBtair Carpels In qnsnUUes-10, IJ. 13. 50, 93 and up te 75 cenU. Mtny things in stair Neds and Buttens. MerK We have secured the services of Mr. Tobias koyer te sew and lay our carpete this season, which means skilled erkmanshtp. BAG UAltPBTB uur Heme-slaan Big carpets are tee well known te need mneh said et them. The qualities this season are fully np te the standard, whUe the pilots are lower en all lower grades. Bsg carpets at JS, 80, M, as, 40, 4 5, te, S3 and Ge cents. Yeu will And In our stock of Bag Carpets upward of 73 pieces te select from. The All-Weel Stripes at 43 and CO cents are beauties. Bag Larpjtsli yards nlde In both cotton and weel s'.rlpes. Carpet Bags Taken In BAVIWUgV. Nes 83 A 37 gait QaRPETS I CARPETS. METZGER & HAUGHMAJS Have Mew Open a Large Assortment of Ilandieme Brussels, logrtie, Rig, Hall and Stair Carpets, BOUGHT AT AUCTION AMD D1KK0TFBOHTHB MANUFACTUltKttS.CHBAFFOU. Uibll. CARPKTS At 10 Cents CAKPKTS AtUXCenta f'AUPBIB At 13 Cents CAKFBT8 At SO CenU CABPAT3 At.B Cents Straw Uattlngs, cbeip. Table.Stslrnnd Fleer Oil Cie'hs. Window Shades, Cnttiln Peles and Lace Curtains at Lew Prlces. Our Famous Steam-Cured Feathers, for which there Is such great demand, always en hand, carpet Bags taken In exchauze ler carpet i. Metzger & Haughman, Neb. 38 & 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Fa, BVOPPOSITB TUB COOPKB UOUSB.fjg a JMWMLMT. H;v . RUOADS 4 BOM. We desire te call attention te our large variety of STABLE WARE.1 blerllng Silver Table Ware, cemprUIntj the latest patterns of Spoons, Ferks, Knives and Celd and Het Dish Services. BACCARAT GLASSWARE. All tbe sbes of Glasses and Decanters. Housekeepers will Had a cheap line for everyday use in tbe Standard Plated Wares. Alse Dining ltoem and Kitchen Clocks. Hepaltlng in all kinds by competent workmen, antl all' work warranted. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, JEWELERS, Ne. 4 West King Street. VAMPBT bargains i 00 SHIRK'S CARPET HALL WILTON, VELVET. BODY BRUSSELS, Tapestry, ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW BBADM8, Ac. We have the Lrtrgert tand Beet Btoek In tbe Olty, H. S. SHIRK & SONS Cerner West King mi WtUr Klmls, Uncuttr, ft. MVUWAL. JTJ.RKAT RKDUOTION IN AUTOHARPS. Three Bar. tioe Four liar BW riveitar 11 WJ Anyle3y ran leirn te play a tnnulDflftten minutes. Drep tu tbe store ana take a leek at theui. TO AUS.TKUU1 ana I'ROrKBRlON AL" : Wehave at p'tstnt the finest elccfcofUAH-MONICA-tevnr seen lu LanciBUir una at sur prisingly low piiecs Have tevtil eccenl-Hana Planei ami Organs in i'eriect CodJIUej, wlilcn we will sell at Bargain l'Uces. l'Unes, urxani, Sheet Mus'e ana Mulrul May), lu geceml-ln tact every iuIdk puttatu lng te a flf st clais ausla heunu, AT Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., 24 WEST KINO BTRISBT, LANOASTKU, PA P. 8 Vlanes ana VurBltu'e Moved. Get a copy of rrea. i'. liakert New Walls, The Deves Heturu " DM-iyd&w MU.i.i.&nr. jOARUAINHI "uARa'AlNH Great Bargains CAN UK li&DIN fine SeurniDg Goods 1 -AT- WEI K EL'S. 81 MOUTH QUKKN ST., LANCASTER, PA. ds-tfa PROP09ALH. l here will be received at the olllce nr tbe City Treiaarer, pluip, specltteattnns andc.U. mate ler a new Cential Market Heuse en grounds belerglng te tbe City el Lancaster, en which are new erected two Market Houses. Bach plan and specification must ba accom panied with an estimata showing tbe Drebible cost ana expense of the building Tbeplaes, specifications and eitlmales will besubulttrd te councils, ana the one adopted will be paid for. Tha above p'ans will be rectlredjup te7 o'clock p. in, atareb 5, V6i, By order or U AKk ST CO M MlTrK E . J, u tUTHf-ef, Olerki itblt lQta BM.Y 9001)8. McElroy Opposite FemUIm Ium. of the low price we are giving en iheL'eit FAHNESTOCK'S, King St, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. CAKPKTS , At 31 Cents eaBPKrs at 40 cents CAKPKTS At AC Cents CAKPKTS At 63 Cents CABPJCTB At 7B Cents UAl.L. BAUUA1NH I TO OARPKTB. c AH1'RT.S. McOallum & Slean 1012 ana 10U Chestnut Kt. I'UILADELPHIA ilanufacturcrs ana Uea'ers In CARPET S Axmlnster V ilten Mequette, EruBsela Tepestry, Ingrain In new Designs ana Coletlnut A Special Line of run VAIID. Wllleniut 81.75 2.00 '2.2' Mequette at 1.2.1 Urusselsat 1.00 1.10 1.2& Tapestry ut .CO ,r, .75 Ingrain at .00 . j ,75 ART SQUARES OIL OLOTHS LINOLEUMS JoL3-3mace3A1mw MOTOURAPJIS. QUlt 11 00 A .DO.KN Cabinet PLotegraphs Are Uonnted en Fine Geld Berrated Atcert cm Mounts Twe slitlugs Allowed en Al Thre Dellar Werk, AT ROTE'S, HO. 60 1-2 NORTH QUHBN bT. Next Dser tetue Poiteruce, jtn;-ema ZCtOTlttNU. M ARTIM BRO'H, Taihi't no Simpler nor Raster Way te Bave Meney. II ere's a Ltttla l.'stthvt Tells thoBtety auatUs Vfny. Bie Over. Thtili A Rare Opportunity. coats ana Butt, 7 60. Ill and IIS 0 veroeats and Suits t. liarineDrci Suits JtV These prices clearing the Ubles doublequlck. Ill Hey's BOW Suits and overcoats, 15. Bis lieyi 111 Suits ana OvetcMU, H te. uijr liey's Kxtra 1'anttloens, blf pick or itylw, Me te 3 te. You'd guest the prlca a third mere from the styles. Uay'a Blert Paul Bulla and Ortr oeat, 3M allies will inrprtte yen, and IB qualities that you've often paid IT for, 11 IB and 13 te buys a steed Bull or Overcoat. Istra Breeches, Sflc,3:c,H J, GSe, 750, It 00, II S3. 11 te Many, Many, Many riaurea and Patterns te roaeh your boy's suit. Men's and Bey's Car dlgau Jackets tee, n'e, 7.'c, 1100, II 50, W te Ihtve values usually sell (or a thtid mera. Jersey and Reme Coats tee. A bl Bavins' te you en your needs In Underwear. It will pay te invest rer next seasen. four suits new for the cost of three. Visit tha Custom Dspitt meat, tt the prlets and be fcrlunat. MARTIN BRO'S GUthlBg BBtl FarnlshlDt; Uesdi, NOS. 20 AND 23 NellTlt QUKKN STRKKT, I.iNUASlKlt, PA. H IKHH .V URUTUKR. Oar Great Redaction Sale Continues Until K very l'lcce of Winter Goods IS SOLD. MKN'S OVftUCOATS at ptleta which will surly pay you totntestnew. Overcoats at 12 60. M. I . 17 18, 18. lit), 112, and up te re. a rina iis run liRaVBUuVKUCOATre. ducedtolie. Ccleraillack or Brown. MKM'S SUITS, all our own mk, in Cast! mem, WrrjUifls, cheviets, UteaC-Wales and corkscrews, l te te rw. B.V8' ANU.CIIILDBKN'B Suits and Overcoats ATC03IPB1CUS. Btyle, Quality, Make, Asie'.tient, Plica, All will suit yen. ill KIcds FDRN1SHI SOS All Prices Bhlrts. Ulovei, IlestviT, Uandkerchtefs, Underwear, Cell art. Neckwear, iuU, Husprnders, Jnwelry, Knl: Jackets, overalls. U-WK AUK YOUK 1NBPKCT10N. TUB 1'UlCk.S WILL BUIV VOU, H1RSH& BROTHER, Oletblcrs and Furni&ber, OORN1R OF N. QUHBN & OBNTRH BQUAHV. LANCABrEU.l'A. aarPantalean Makers Uasemeut for Kent. Wanted, rrent w ILI.IAMHON & KOBTKR. DRAW Ourllbetal discount or per cent from regu lar prices en special quantities of Vina Dieis Suits ana Overcoats ter Cents, Beys and Chil dren has created snch a stir amongst Bargain lluyers.andhasdrawnsemany people te enr Stores that at times the scene waa quite excit ing We Intend te keep It np by filling vacant 8 laces with freih Bargains, making this tbe randest Sale of ClothlDguver known. Just received a let et Men's Bnamless Laes Ehoestesellatll BO. these goods srenrsurh special goedquallty that It will pay you te see them before purchasing elcewheru. We also bave a flnefirnss shoe for Gents In Laee or Congress for II 10 ana Jl 23. la OBr-Furnlsliler Department We are showing an elegant line of New Spilng Neckwear in medium and light shaded for Karly Spring Wear, in 'leeks, Fenr-ln- Hands and Puff i-carls. Alse tome extra value in Black Btring Ties one let et One Black Bilk Ties reduced from 75otetoo. Welsh Margelsen Bxtra Bleb Blsck Ties down te Hec, wee and II oe according te alze of Ue. uenta' new white Lawn uresi news. All tbe Latest spring styles In (loots' Linen and Celluloid Cellars and Cuffs. in White Dress shirts we are showing an cleaant valne in the W. A r. Shirt at II fib or &40 perhairdez'n. It la made of the Beat Wamsutta Muslin, rinest 4,1(0 Linen Bosem, and for fit and werkncanshlp I' Is unequalled. Alse an Bxtra Geed white Sbtrt at 5SC, tee and 75c uenls Full Dress BMrli in Plain, Pleated, Pique and Kmbreldered rrents. Berne Bimetal Values In Underwear, Cardigan Jackets, uilevet, Ac. The Hat Department If as a let of Children's Fancy Caps and Hats tbat we are trying te dlitioseof at this rate. Cleth Plnsh and elvet TamO'Hhanten that wete tl, new (Oc; best grade at II S3, new 7c. Steamer Caps at I0jand79c,new:sc, Twe leta nf Cleth Hats at two ana tie. new :Mc. one let of Beys' fur sun h au at ll m, new II. MKN'H II ATM. One let of Htltr Hatsatr.fe, reiucd totite One let of Stetson'sSeftUatsatll W, reduced ten oe. One let of Btltf UaiaBtM oe, reduced ten fe. oualetof SHIT HatsatilW. reduced tell w. One let or Stilt U at, at 12 te, reduced te 11 00. una Williamson & Fester's, S3, 31. a ii 8 E. KING ST., IMHCASTEIt. l'A. AND 31S MAUKB.T ST, ItAUUluttUHl', PA MAUJtlXHltr. s TKAM. STEAM Kngines, Boilers. Pipe, Valves and Fillings t Asbesteeand Uubber Valve und Ited Packing, Asbrates and BubDer sheet ana AlUl-Ueiud Packing, VDLOABE8TON Shuotend Hed Tacklngs. lhe Pratt A Cady Asbestos Hacked Cecksana Asbestos Uonewa. ble Disc Ulobe and Angle Valves. Steam nars can tiave meney by buying their supplies from ut. The Largest Assortment, tbe Best Goods and tbe Lewest Prices. A fall line of Machine, Cap and Pet Screws, Hew and second Hand Knglnes and Boilers en hand.andturnUbed promptly, LIGHT (JAST1MQH, By special arrangement! we are able te ;rur. alie Light Orey Iren Castings of Superior Quality ana Finish at Lew Uaws, In Quantl. ties. Alse, Brass castings of evety descrip tion. Geed Werk, Ueatenable Charges, Prompt ness. Central Machine Works m A 153 NOHTII CHRISTIAN ST., l.AtlAT8, 1'A. Idecs-Ud VOAL, LUMHKll AND COAU lOllACCO SHOOllS AND CABKB. WERTK US UAUD WOODS. Wholesale and Retail, al B 11. MAUJIN A CO, 421 Water street, 1-anuuttir, Pa. nJ-lyd WAIJMUAUDNKK'H COMPANY COAL DEALERS. Oincr-Ne. le North gu6sn3treet,i.ua He. IM Merth Prince street. ZAase: Mena rnuse street, uair ueatuug auglkis LAECABTEU, PA MOOTS AltD BBOUm. G OINQ TO BTAT I Going te Stay. As I could net complete myar raaaanaanu for tie tnamnfaoturleg of Bheea at present, t will con tinue la the retailing of Beet and Shoes, and will centiaua te give you aema et.tae beat bargain! la BOOTS and SHOES that hat aver been offered In this market. I bava cut lha prteea la nearly everything, and In tka finer the quality the greater tbe reduc tion t te eetan early and we will try and pleate yen. B. P. STACKHOUSE, 10 80 BABX acuta, R. LAKCABTBK. PA. a-Utst IOOTS AND 8UOK3. THl 14 OASIS OR 585 MRS -or- Ladies' & Gbildren's Shoes en which you en save it 3,, tee. or 11 .(Oner fislr, and whlrli we have been advertising for be past month, am telling very fast. Se Don't Blame Us IF YOU QKT LEFT, by nor buyinq or TUIB LOT BIFOIIK THEY AM ALL BOLD, yery ptlr Is worth thaprlcotheywaretaade te tell for, but remember waate toiling them AT AM) liKLOW WUOL1BAI.C PU1UKB, The Oie-Fttce Cuk Heue. d The Leiden of Lew Prices IN BOOTS & SHOES Ne. t East Klas Btreet, LAMOABTKE. PA. gaystore Closed Every Kvenlng at 8 O'clock Exeept Monday and Saturday. rUMNlTOHM. Cl'KINU HTYLKH. heinTtsh's 27 and 29 Seuth Qaeea Street lhe varlety of FUKH1TU11E we are i bow ing this Bptlng has nerer been equalled for Style, Finish or Durability. OUB SOLID OAK SUIT for a small price Is the Bast Bargain offered, and I atelier. BED-BOOM 8UITB, DO te 1239. PAULOR SUITS. 3) te ISM. GHAlKSfromtste per btlf deren upward. EXTENSION TABLES from f 5 upwind. OUE PU1CES all through are LOW, VEKY LOW, for Geed, Miable Furniture. A FJBW UAKQAIN SUITS left eyer from last rail, te be closed out cbeap. SPECIAL PKICKS TO BUYER? OF OUTFITS. Heinlteb'i Furniture Depot, LANOABTEB.PA. F UKN1TUKK ! FDHN1TURH I TUB UNDEUSIOMED HAS UEOPEMED UIB BTOUE AT Til OLD STAND, tfe. 38 Eant King Street, Which waa destroyed by Bra some time age, and sa a perfectly hew Stock of ail klndael FURNITURE. PAULOR SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, TAULES.ICUAIHS, ETC, upheiStering In All Its Branehea, Alte Painting and Or. nameuTing Old Chain, HENRY WOLF, Ne. 88 Hut King Street. letitM e OHH A QIUBH. Ochs & Gibbs, rURMlTURE, 50, 8d and its rioers, NO. II COUTU gUEEN ST WK'llK AHEAD. WETAKETHELtD IN NEW aBTRTYLEri, 1MMKNHK HTOrK, LOWEST PKI0ES, WELL MADE FURNITURE. aarcail und be convinced. Ooeflt stored until wanted. Kemember tha place : ad, 3d A) Ith Floers, MO, 21 bUUrli UUREN BT. OCHS aTOIBBS. aprll-lyd Uannfaciurer and Dealett, WE (JAN SERVE YOU WKI.L AND save you money In adveruting. Esti mates free, ADVERTISING GUIDE-BOOKS. The most complete and original ever latued. Bent en receipt el SO cents te pay ter packing and forwarding. AevatTuiaa tWarrira a SraerAiTT. The L. Jet. HUbenrne Advertising Ageney, 111 and 1 Stat BalUmere Street. Baltimore' Md. tmaw A Aemindei FREY ECKERT sir aiawtavsi. - ''ii. .. . M.!. ! ... .HiWSNiiIWWWyl COMMENCING SATURDAY, FIR 234, ma rmoTLxmeABunumm ; m Remnant W 2. hi TU CUITIIIII ITsVTII. ALT. W Bern nits or Draw Gtttii, atattlatita af swhlta OaaA v. v mw' ""' fS, . . . .. i,Sj. PtuBtasiia ttr tyrtsiEtsiiiti . ,. w -w.-,,,, ,,, turn REMNANTS Of. MllllDLfiiiihiiLTIeklilLlI . u ixv l k'. , u j.w ,,,. A.- 1 ALIO I?, J $S4 A BIG BARGAIN W -in- 4Jrj iijN DRESSBUTTONS -yf f 1 t- ' te. A card or a dezeea 'Mt i REQOLAR PRIOR. 16a. TO SBe. PRE DOEfestX? i ,;?? . IS LtM-M LntnffUVt. fVwstAa ' . ...-w-. w.. ""J.il Wl TQ. iASfA A Law Let of 11.00 Oefwta rw-V-, dOOwd te 700s &c TiSi i rmM V7 &'i Gee. P. Eathven, iu& v ;.' w HO.MMAMTKIUQWmmn. sim W r"ti J&w v.naSMS TS?e.j taaMM IT! OLOTM1IT0, sta BW4 ' f W W'l.1S-iJ"MNlJ'fcXfc''-W-H'lStW me ULOTH1NQ BUTKM. L.CinsiMiBre. W "itKI p. m i 8 l FINAL OLEAEIHft 8111 -or our eti ' WIMTFR QillTft 1 ARD "! OVERCOATS, ourlatstBulta,hereUrereBeM et ana tw, uaay raaaeaa v an east pi ordinary Bargaiaatt we east tt yew. OtstsMSt M pepalar stylet Mretefete at iWSttssssllRC 1 'i'o-typutewmtew. &, 1 .OrereraWB, fcaavy aa asedlasa wwJgM,' M tlaughutrtaf pneet. SeecurBt(arOiwNMi nowredaetdtole. t afen'a Pants te Order, aartetlw ill sill al" B. m, aM aadH. Large aatettaMtm e avj iwaw rvs law 1 or ilea's Pants telling freatTta MM. MUX BtannfaetnraslbTeurialvaa. Wailaawasiaa2f. geed titling. They are titnnlua Rargaiaa., 41';.. Come At Once for Ckelettt BljltmVii li ' "', " - "iW L. GAUSMAN A BB0 Maanractnreref riae OletataTs r' . 69 NORTH QUON BT. C8 . ........ HV! t. AV sstfflsBwEftw t A R.l f i . 3jl JsTXht Cheapest Bzeltulre Ctetklac mmme 7s WATORMm. TETATOtiKB. AMERICAN I OwtiealDoeda. Taltgriejak Tttte PeRy, Artlele tattle uUTSswiVmUy Reaii m LOUUWUsOe, 0. IRK M. Qaeea St r.B.B. feS fEVVKI.BR AND OPTICIAN. GILL. Jeweler and Optician. If yenr eyes trouble yea attend te mediately. The use of PROPER OLASSBB t ignu, gives oenuort ana pietenre. Laneteur bat long (all ike aeed et a 8P B C1AL OPTIuiA. We are twwpraaareiee, mrasure yenr area, flt jlaasea wilt tie PBB. Cisiesf OP Ait OUULIaT.vtaJrafaUa eempitte eatm of tett leases reqaKed ta ye. feet measure mant Batisuctien guaranteed ta erary lattamee. OIABLES S. GILL, Ne. 10 Wat King Street, LANCASTER. TA. A WORD. WE ARE NOW errBKlka AS larse abb riNEAlOBROP WATCHES AND JEWELRY At can be shown, and at LOWBB PRIOBS than have ever bees quoted for goods et eael quality, COUE AD BE YOUR OWN JUDflB. Walter A. Herr; MO. 101 NORTH QTJaOM ST., CORNER OF ORANQR. T" UTHBB a KAUMMAM, ATTORNET-AT-LAW, Second glow Bahieman Law Bmliataf North DuktSireeL BB-ll 1MB .i n w" m . M &J ' i 'M :m. b,nm JsJiB 9 IVi.C8 M Vi4i .?, 'Y t .