Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 23, 1889, Image 4

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" i J.'rt 3.rt r ' v V. . YttJ-v " m&
IGVSmh. tfATUfttt&Y, feDIItJAIlY 2;f3
r ti 7-.-5Ti-'
- ! jy iHijf
-Si JV- " fl
. Jir -?.;
V f l KWT. tc
.. liMfcrtfiMiiirt and mystery M
lMlMWbttaM, tfweertai n rose upon
nea'es tarve? tbe castle, a dim dls-
WMtfAaM lcbt fining upon Its fretted
MRHd maft Of faintly glooming steel.
m MM Which followed, 111 which the
.Cwitw Hikla, Jl'giiljctl ns the traditional
'ulnti nf Dm ITiihr-ni-ellerns. whosenrnTear-
"'-M bodes misfortune nnd death te theso
'" iwhobtheld It, throws herself across the path
' rlvnl In the hoi of elrivinn her and
$ f'ajij Interested In her hy sheer force of tcr-
,. TOT ireni me coeue will irem uenui, unu
" 'I MM poetically conceived, and It rurnishcel
i"': TRihiM-tnn trilli nn nilmlralile onner-
,.- lenity. A the White Lady, gliding between
&& Wwtet armed and spectral figures en cither
: It ,: . . T... t i- - .k..
, efttoenlicht across tbe fleer, she was ence
ftetfotbertpresentaUvo of nil thnt Is most
rr.PMQUciil RQil romantic In pbjfilcal beauty.
'n-Ti lA. t Al..... 41.1. MM l.A (tllHff tin .(-lilt..
'sH3 ame above her head, or pointed te the
-Sr e.n ok find fainting flgure of her rival
?, whlle she uttered her wnillng traditional
'S-sBrepbecy of wee, her whele personality
5? seemed te be invested with n dramatic ferce
'' et which there had been no traee In the long
and violent secne with the prince. It was
,jt, as tbeugn sue was in soma soncapnuie ei ci
&',R ting herself In action nnd movement.
4'' while In nil the arts of EDCech she was a tncre
.tfSViWnde novice. At any rate, there could be
A, .jiodeubttnatinims-ouo scene sne reaiizeei
r - AI A 1 III4a h' a.a ...I1.'i. t.lnnl iml
5 iBOUliaiAtuuiluiui mu uuwu' f" weu, ......
fie WDetl BOO laueu liuu wiu uai kih- wj uim iue
5 fBoecllght in which she had first nnieared,
igf' tee beuse, which nail been breathlessly
-aeriiig vue progress ui ujej ui'iieuuiuu, umei
ad Kendal heartily joined.
"JEriifslfrJ satd Kendal
"Exquisite!" said Kendal in Mrs. Stuart's
car, m h steed behind her chair. "She was
romanee itself! Ucr acting (heuld always
tinsjfcl ' et glorified and pectlcnl pantemine;
slsWeuld be inlmltalile se."
Mrs. Btuart looked up and smiled ngrcj
ment. MYes, that secne lives with one. If every
thing clse In the play Is ioer, she ii worth
seeing for that nlene. Itcmembcr ill"
The llttle warningwas in season, for the
peer White Lady had but tee many after oj ej oj
pertanities Of blurring the Impression she
bad made. In the great situation at the end
of the second act, in which the countess has
te give, In the presence of tboceuit,a sum
mary of the suppose.! story .of the Wblte
Lstdy, her passion at ence of leve nnd hatred
charges it with a ferce and meaning, which,
for the first tlme,(reusc3 the suspicions of the
prince as te the reality of the supposed ap
parition, la the two or three line and
ttraraatle speeches which the situation In
volved, the actress showed the tame nbscnee
of Jtnowledge and resources as before, the
same powerlessncss te create a personality,
tbe same lack of all these quicker and mero
delicate of perceptions which we include
under tbe general term "refinement," and
' which, In the practice of any art, are the out
come of long and complex processes et educa
tion. There, indeed, was the bald, plain f act
the whole explanation of bcr failure as an
artist lay in her lack both et the loner and
of the higher kinds of education. It was
evident that her technical training had lecn
of tbe roughest In all technical respects,
indeed, her acting had n self taught, pro
vincial air, which showed you that she hed
natural cleverness, but that her models had
been of the poorest type. And in all ether
respects, when it came te Interpretation or
creation, she was spoiled by her cntire want
of that lnhrritance from the past which is
the foundation of all geed work in the pres
ent. Fer an actress must liae ene of tbe
two kinds et Lnonlcdge; she must have
either tbe kifbw'edge which comes from n
fine tralnlne In ibclf tbe outccme et a lew:
K5 . tv .
FSi i
KW' I..J i.l.. n. tin mii.f !.... '! l'.mmlmlr .
which comes from tncre living, from the tic tic
cumulatiens of personal thought and experi
ence. Miss Drelhorten had neither, bbe
bad extraordinary beauty and charm, ,nud
certainly, as Kendal admitted, some original
quickness. He was net inclined te go se far
as te call It "power." Hut this quickness,
which would hftve been premising in a debu
tante less richly endowed en the physical
Side, secmcHl te bun te havu no lutui e In her.
"It will be checked," he said te himself, "by
ber beauty and atrihut flews from It. Hue
must uome te depend mere und mera en the
physical chann, and en that only. The
whole pressure of her success Is and will be
that way."
Miss Brcthcrten's Inadequacy, indeed, lo le
camo mero and mero visible ns the play wau
gradually and finely worked up te its climax
in tbe last act. In the final tcene of nil, the
prince, who, by a scries of accident, has dis
covered the Countess Hilda's platu, lies in
wairterhcr in the armory, where he has
reason te knew the means te try the cITect of
a third and last apparition upon the pi luects.
Bhe appears; he suddenly coufrehts hir; nml,
.dragging her ferwnid, unveils before him'.eif
and the primvil the death like features of
bis old love, Uecocrlugfreiu the iheck of
detection, the countess pours out upon them
both a fury of jealous passion, sinking by
degrees iute a pathetic, trnuce like in oca eca oca
tiea of .the past, uuder the spell of which the
prince's auger melts away, and the llttle
princess' terror and excikment change Inte
eager pity. Thcnwheu the sees him almost
recenquered, and'her rival weeping U'slde
ber, she takes the poison vial fretnhcr breast,
drinks it, amhdJcs in the arms of the man
for whose sake the has sacrificed beauty,
character and llfe itself.
A great ectrees ccAald hanll) have wished
for a better opportunity "I ln seene was se
obviously beyond Miss lirltherteit's rejjurees
that even the cntbudaEt.5 Iieum;, Kendal
fancied, cooled down during the progress of
it There were signs of restlessness, there
was even a little talking insomecf the back
rows, and nt notlnie during the scene wa3
there any of that breathless absoiptien in
what was jiasslug en the stage which the
dramatic materiul itself ninph deserved.
"I d jn't thi..k this w ill laa ery leug,"und
Kendal iuWalbce'sear. "Tin re is something
tragie in n popularity like this; It rests en
something unsound, and ene feels that dii-
. aster Is net far elT. The whele thing im
presses me meat painfully. 8ue has soma
capacity, of course, if only the conditions
bad been ditrtrcnt-if she 1. .d U-en lern
within n limwl i-cul mflt nf i ti. I . Ili ,-..iL1..In .
& . telre, if her youth had been passed in it so se
f, cietyef mere Intcllectual welht-but, as it
is, this very unnlause is ominous, for the
..'. h&utv mtlsl r-n fintn.t m lMti.p n.t.l ,!....-. tj
r r7u,' ", -,? '"" "" "
V-5 uvuiu vic
" - ou retuemljer Dosferc ta in Uj Is tunje tbca
Wallace, "What a cult between the right
thing and t ife wrong! But come, we must de
our duty;" and he drew Kenihil forward to
wards the front of the ber, and they saw the
t hole house ou its feet, clapjiiug and shout
lug, and the curtain Just btlns drawn U -
te let the White Lady and the Frlnce npjicr
before It. llhe was very fmle, but the iterm
of anplause which erected her see med te re-
fas- Tire bcr, and she swept her smiling glauce
ieH- reuml the theatre, uutil at last it rested with
tpucM gleam of recognition en the jarty
,ln the box. csiciallv en Ferbc-s. who s
& outdelu-r himself lu tuthuilasm. Bhe was
F ,i eal ltd forward again and again, until at last
g fj tbe heu was coutent, end the centra exit
r Th.) Instant after her white dress lutddis
?:. afpuuvd from the stage a llttle jtige luy
t". knnckalat the deer of the box withames-
V'lVt"" fetberten t tin I'jb.
nef."" Out they all trooped alenjt a Barrow
"passage and up a'shert staircase, nntiTa
rough temporary deer was thrown open, and
they found themselves in the wings, tbe great
stage, en which the scenery was being hastily
rhif ted, lying te their right. The lights w ere
being put out; only n few gas jets were left
burning round a pillar, beslde which steed
Isabel Drcthcrten, her long phantom dress
lying In whlte folds about her, her undo and
unt and her manager standing near. Every
detail et tbe picture the spot of brilliant
light bounded en nil sides by dim, far reach
ing vistas of shadow, the figures hurrying
across the back of the stage, the moving
ghest-like workmen all around, nnd In the
midst that whlte heeded, languid flgure re
vlvcd in Kendal's memory wbenever in after
days his thoughts went wandering back te
the first mement of real contact lictween
his own personality and that et Isabel Drcth Drcth
creon. CHAPTEn IV.
A few days after the performance of the
"Whlte Lady," Kendal, In the ceurse of ha
weekly letter te his Bister, sent her n fairly
detailed account of the evening, including
the Interview with her after the play, which
had left two or three very marked Impres
sions upon him. "I wish," he wrote, "I
could only convey te you n ncnse of her per
sonal charm such as might baLince the im
pression of her artistic defects, whtch I sup sup
pese this account of mlne cannot but lenve
en jeu. When I came away thnt night
after our con creation with bcr I had en
tirely forgotten her failure as an actress,
and it is only later, slnce I have thought
ever the evening In detail, that I hne re
turned te my first standpoint of wonder nt
the cesy toleration of the English public
When you are actually with her, talking te
her, looking nt her, Ferbes' attitude is the
nnttt iintvllilA nml rp.isnnnble ene. Whnt
j does art, or cultivation, or training matter J
I found myself saying, as I walked home, in
echo of blm se long as nature will only
condescend ence in n hundred years te pro pre pro
ducefortu n creature se ierfect,se finely
fashioned te all Uuutlful usesl Let ether
licople go through the tell te acquire; their
dim is truth: but here is beauty in Its quin
tessence, and what Is beauty but tlnee parts
eftruthl Iknuty Is hni'meny with the uni
versal order, n revolatieu of laws nnd infec
tions of which, In our common groping
through a dull world, we llnd in general
nethiug te remind us. And, if se, what felly
te ask of a human creature that It should be
mero than bcautlfull It is n messenger from
tho'geds, nnd we treat it ns if it were any
common traveler along the highway of life,
and cross-cxamlne It for Its credentials in-t-tcad
of raising our nltnr and sacrlllcing te
it with grateful hearts. -
"That was my latest Impression of Friday
night. Hut, naturally, by Haturdny morn
ing I bad returned te the rational point of
leiv. The mind's morning climnte is re
moved by many degrees from thnt of the
evening; and the ciiticnl revolt which thfi
whele epectacle of the 'WlJte Lady' had
originally reused In me revived In nil Its
foiee. 1 liegen, Indeed, te feel 03 if 1 and
humanity," with its long, laborious tradition,
were en ene side, holding our enn against n
young nnd arrogant nggrcsser namely,
benuty, In the person of Miss Urcthcrten.
Hew many men and women, I thought,
ha ve labored utid struggled and died lu the
effort te reach n higher and higher j'crfec j'crfec
tieu lu ene slugle art, and are they te be out eut out
deno, eclipsed jin n moment, by something
which is n mere freak of nature: something
which, hke the lilies of the field, liiu neither
toiled nor spun, and yet claims thesieclal
inheritance and reward et tbesa nbebavel
It seemed te me ns though my feeling In her
proscuce of the night U'fore, as if the sudden
overthrew of the critical resistniiee in me,
had been n kind of treachery te the hnnnii
caum lleauty has power enough, I found
myself reflecting with some fierceness let us
withheld from herasnny and n prerogative
which lire net rightly hers; let us defend
ngalntt her that store of human sympathy
which is the proper reward, net et her facile
and heaven born infections, but of labor
nnd lutolllgence of all that is complex and
tenacious in the workings et the human
"And then, ns my mood cooled still fur
ther, I began te recall many nn evcnlng at
the FraucaWa with you, and ene part after
another, one actor after another, recurred te
me, till, ns I realized afresh whnt drnmatie
intelligence and dramatic training really
ere, I fell Inte an angry contempt for our
lavish English enthusiasms. 1'oergiill it is
net her fault if she Iwlluves herself te be n
great nctrcss. Hi ought up under mis
leading conditions, nnd w ltheut nn but the
meht elementary oducntlen, hew is bhe te
Knew what the real thing means! lilie finds
herself the ragu within a few weeks of her
nppcarnnce In the greatest city In the world.
Naturally she paj'B no heed te licr critics
why would she I
"And she is indeed a most perplexing mix
ture. De what I will, I cannot hnrmoulze
nil my ililTereut Impressions of her. Let me
begin ngsin. Why is it that her acting Is se
IKXir? 1 never saw a mere drmualle Jier Jier
seiialltyl Everything that she sa) a or does
is raid ordeno nithu wrath, n foiee, n viva
i ity that makes her smallest gesture nnd her
lightest toue Impress thuinsilw-s upon you.
I felt this ery strongly two or three times
after the piny en Friday night-In her talk
with Feri, for instunce, whom she has
oltegethir in her toils, uud whom she pluys
with as though he weie the gray headed
Merlin niidshe nil innocent Vivien weaving
I harmless s;ells libeut him. And then, from
this mocking wnref w erds nnd leeks, this gay
cainarnderle, in which there was net a scrap
of coquetry or self conscieflsiK'Sg, the would
inss into n tudileu euthuist of nnger as te the
iiii'icrtiiiuucu nf English ilch people, the im im
licitluciire et lich millionaires who bne
tried onceortwico te 'elder' her for their
evening patties ns they would erdir their
Ices, or the iin-.rtlnenoe of the young 46will
about town' who thinks she has nothing te
de behind the scenes but receive his visits
mid provide him with ciitvrtuliimenc And,
as thu irnick, ImjH-tueiu words rnme rushing
out, jeu felt that hire for uueu was a woman
tjieukiug Iht mind te you. nud that with
n Hashing eje and curving lip, nn iuluni
graeM and rutrg)' which made iverj verl
meiuonible. If the would but leek lll.e that
or speak like that uu the stage! Hut Hare,
of ceurse, is the nib. The w liole dillleulty of
art consist in losing jour own jierseuulity,
be te speak, and finding it ugaili tnintferiiied,
nnd it Is a dillleulty which MI18 Hutherteu
has never even understoel.
"After the Impression of spontaneity nud
natural force, I think what sttuclc me ineit
was the phj sical elfeet Ijundeu has already
exercised upon her lu six vii-eks. Bhe leeks
suiierbly sound and healthy; she is tall and
fully develejuxl, nnd her color, for nil us
delicacy, is pure nnd glow lug. Hut, after nil,
she was born in a languid, tropical climate,
nud it Is the net veu ttrtiln, the rush, the in
cisbant occupation of Louden w hieh seem te
be telling ujien her. Khe gave 1110 two ur
three tiuiesu jialnful impression of futlgui
en Friday fatigue nud something like di di
pressieu. After twenty minutes' talk she
threw herself lack ngainst the iron pillar be
hind her, her Wlute I.adj's heed flaming a
face se jiole aud drooping that we all get up
te go, feeling tint It cruelty te levp lur
uji a iniuute leiigvr. Mitj. Stuart asked her
alwut her tiuudaj s and vi hether the ev er get
out cf town. 'Oh, ihe said, with n sigh and
uloekut her untie, who was standing near,
'I think Bunchy isthe hardust day of nil. It
is our "at home" day. and such crowd coma
1 just te leek nt me, 1 6upiose, for 1 cannot
lam w n quarter 01 tliem.' bcreujieii Mr.
Wemill suid lu Ids blaml eemmeieinl way
that society had iU buidens ns well as its
pleasures, and that his dear uicce could
liardly encapu her social duties alter the flat
tering manner in which Londeu h.ul wel
comed ber. Miss Urctherten nnswerwl, with
a sort of languid rebellion, tliut her social
dhtles would seen be the death of her. Hut
evidently she Is very docile at home, and
they de what they like with her. It seems
te me that the undo and uuut nrouge.l dual
ihiewder than the Londen publle; it is berne
in ujwn me by various indications that they
knew exactly what their niece's popularity
depend! ou, nud that It v ery possibly may
net be a leug lived One. Accordingly they
lave determined en two things: first, that
she shall make as much monevfor the famili
al ecu by any menus be made, and, secondly,
that she shall Hud her way into Londen sed-t-ty
nnd secure if jiossible a great parti before
the enthusiasm for her has had time te chill.
One hears various stories of the uuele, all in
this seiisu; I cannot say hew true they are.
"However, the ujishet of the supper party
w as thnt next day Wallace, Ferbes and 1 met
1 at Mrs. tStuart's houie cud formed a Sunday
iiaaTuu ret'tM newtuni of mom smMrSM
from ber family; in ether words, we mean te
ecure that she has occasional rest and coun
try air en Sunday her only free day. Mra.
Btuart has already wrung out of Mrs. Wor Wer
rall, by a little judicious scaring, crmisslen
te carry bcr off for two Sundays ene this
month and ene next and Miss Brcthcrten's
romantic side, which is curiously strengfln
ber, bes been touched by the suggestion that
the second Sunday shall be spent at Oxford.
"Frebably for the first Sunday a week
lieuce we shall go te Surrey. Yeu remem
ber Hugh Farnham's property near Lelta
2 1 ill r I knew all the farms about there from
old sheeting days, and tlure Is oue en the
edge et some great corameu which would be
perfection en n May Sundaj-, I will write
you a full account of our daj. TI10 only rule
laid down by the laague is that things are te
be se managed that Miss Bretherton Is te
have no osslble excuse for fatigue se long as
she Is In tbe hands of the so:iety.
"My book gees en fairly well. I have been
making a I0U3 study of DoMusset, with thn
t csult that the poems seem te me far finer
than I had remembered, mil the 'Confessions
d'un Enfant du Slccle' a mlsernble per
formance. Hew wns it it Impressed me se
much when I read It first! His jxiems have
reminded me of jeu nt every step. De j-eu
remember hew you used te rend them nleud
te our mother nud me nfter dinner, whlle the
father had his sleep before going down te the
Ten daj-s later Kendal spent n long Monday
evening in writing the following letter te his
"Our yesterdnj's expedition wns, I think, n
preat success. Mrs. Stuart v.111 happj, lic lic
calise she bad for unce Induced Stuart te put
away his paxTBmnl allow himself nhelhlny;
it wns Miss Brcthcrten's first sight of the
genuine English country, ami t-lie was like n
child nmeiig the get nud the hawthorns,
whlle Wallace nml 1 nmuseel our lunuly selves
extremely well in licfricndiug the most beau
tiful woman lu the British isles, in drawing
her out and wnUhlnghcr strong natve Im
pressions of things. Stuart, I think, was net
qulte bappj. It is hardlj- te lie expected of n
lawyer lu the crisis of his fortunes that ha
bheuld enjoy ten hours' divorce from hla
briefs; but he did hlj U-st te reach the com
mon .level, nnd his wife, who Is devoted te
him, nnd might ns well net be married nt all,
from thopeiutot vlowef marital companion
ship, ev Ideutlj' thought lilm )ierfi'ctlen. The
day mere than cenflrmed my liking for Mrs.
Stuart; there nre certain llttle follies about
ber; she Is loe apt te regard everj" distin
guished dinner party bhe nndHtunit attend
ns nn event of enormous nud universal Inter
est, nnd licj'end Inden secictj- her sj-m-pa'.hies
linrdly reach, except lu Hint vngue
chnrltahle form vihlch Is rnther pity nnd
toleration thaiisympathj'. ButsheH lilndly,
wemnulj, seft: she has no small jealousies
nnd nene of that injtty self consciousness
which se many women wearisome te
Uiegirnt majeritj of plain men, who have
110 wish te tal.etlicir social exercises tee much
nu serleiix.
"I wns curious te seu what sort of n ivla ivla
tleushlp she nud Miss Brethcrteii had dove deve dove
epid tewant each ether. Mrs. Stuart is
nothing if net cultivated; her light individ
uality floats casllj' em the stream of Londen
thought, new with this current, new with
that, but nlwaj-s In movement, never left be
hind. She liim the usual llteinry and artistic
topics nt her Angers' end, and se she knows
every IrkIj. Whenever tin mere "nbstrnct
bides of a subject ln-gln te bore her, she can
fall back upon nn endless store of gossip as
llvelj-, ns brightly colored, nnd, en the whele,
ns I1.11 mlesNiis she liceelf U. Miss Brethcrteii
had till a week or two nge but two subjects
Jnmalc.i nnd the stage the latter taken In n
somewhat narrow sense. New she has nddtsl
te hir More i,f knew leilge n great number of
first Impressions of lmileii notorieties,
which naturally threw her mind nnd Mrs.
Sluart'n mere frequentlj Inte contact with
each ether. But I bee that, nfter nil, Mrs.
Stuart hml no need of nny bridges of this
kind te bring Ik r en te common ground with
Isabel Bretheiteu. Iler strong womanliness
nnd the leuvcti of warm licirti-d jeuth still
stirring lu her would be qulte enough et
themselves, nud besides, there is n rritienl de
light in the girl's beauty und the llttle per
sonal pride nnd excitement she undoubtedly
feels nt having, In be cicditnbla nnd natural
11 manner, secured n I10U en the most inter
esting jicrsen of the season. It is curious te
see her fergettius her enn sjiecinltlcii 111T1I
neglecting te make her own points that she
may bring her roni'Kimeu ferwnrd nml set
her lu the beet light. Mli llietliel ten takes
her homage very piettily, it iMiutuml te her
te be made much of, und blie (I v-. net rcfuse
It, but she in her till 11 ei,K M mliiui'e:!
enormously her friend's beeial eaiuhilitle-s
and clcvn ni'ss, and she is iinpulsively mgir
te make buiiiu ivtum for Mi-k rtiuuil's kind
ness 1111 eagerness which show 1 it .elf lu the
greatest complaisance! toward ull the Stuaits'
frieuds, nnd in n constant unti hiiilueis for
unj thing which will please nnd II .iter them.
"However, here 1 11111 ns usual misting
tlme in iiualjsis instead et describing te jeu
eurSuuilay. Itvwisone of theie lie'avenlj'
dajs with which May btmtliM in out of our
winteT pessiuiLui, sky mill e-aith seemed te
Ikj nliku clothed in u j euiug Iridescent luMiitj".
We found u carriage nn ting for us nt the
btatien, nnd we drevu nleiig a gicat main
reael until 11 sudden turn landed us 111 n
greiOli track tiuvciimig a laud of endless coin cein coin
iiiens, us wilil und ns forsaken of hiiniau kind
ns though it were a region hi bonie virgin
continent. Ou either haml the gerse was
thick ami golden; great euks, splendid in the
first dazzling sh-irpiivss of their spring gnx'ii,
threw vast shadows ever the fuh moist
grass lnqieath, nud ever the lambs sUvping
Usiele their lleecj' mothers, whlle the haw
thorns ro-e iute the bky In masses of rese
tinted Mievv, cuch tree n bhlulng mirnclent
whlte bet In the environing blue).
"Then came the farm heuse eild, ih1
brick, red tiled, cnseinctitcd every thing thnt
the lusthetlc soul dealres the farmer and his
wife looking out for us, nud n pleasant,
homely ivndy In tlie parlor, with its
la t century woodwork.
I 1 jiffeuant, homely tntal.
"l'erbes was greatly in Ins element nt
lunch. 1 nev er knew him mom 1 .icy ; he gnv e
I us biographies, mostly imagiiurj, illustrated
j by sketches, made In the intervals of eating,
j of the sitters vvluw) jwrtrmts he has con
, desevudeel te tske this jear. Tlny rnnge
j from a blsliep ami 11 le'-.iltj dnwn te a llttle
girl picked up in the IJii.luti ureeu. and his
I iiroseutatien of the chnracuristic uttltmles
I of each these uttitudes wlue-li, aeverdiug te
i him, Ik tray the 'inner uml nf the bishop or
I the foundling was iidimiuble Theu he fell
upon the academy that uspcvtcil budy of
I whiehlbupiK)vihowillbi)eiiboth. president
1 nnel tore It limb from limb. Wie.i what fuce
1 I shall ever bit nt the same talilu with bun at
iui iie.-uui.uj- uniuers 01 tne lutuie supjKM
iug fortuue ever exalts me ugaiu us she did
this j ear te thnt august 1ue.1l 1 hardly
knew. Mlllals' faces, l'ettie's knights or
Caldereu's beuutiesi- ull fared the sauic. Yeu
could net say it was ill nntuivd; it was
simply the bare trutli of things put in the
whimsical manner which is nutural te
"Miss Brethcrteii listened te and laughed nt
It all, finding her way through the creud of
unfamiliar iimnes nml allusions w ith n wo we
mau's cleverness, loekiug ndorable all the
time in a cloak et some brown velvet stutf,
uud a large hat ulse of bruwii velvet She
has a beautiful hand, ilue unel delicate, net
tiwclally small, but full of cLuraeUr, it was
pleasant te it playing with hereruuge,
or.sinpethJBg bacl every 'uqw nud thcu the
si! -Li. JV-f'JI
rscnotieciBi which wi-ray, et)
she will, beyond the boundaries assigned te
them. Presently Wallace wns ill advised
enough te ash her which pictures she hed
like the best nt the I'rivate Vieir; she re-
iilled by picking out n ball room scene at
'erth's and an unuttcrnble mawklih thing of
Ilalferd's a troubadour In n pink dressing
gown, gracefully intertwined with violet
scarfs, singing te n party of robust j-eung
woman In e 'light which never was en sen or
land.' Yeu could count all the figures
lullie first,' she said, 'it wai te lifelike; e
real;' and then Hal ford was romantic, tb
picture was pretty, and the liked It. 1 looked
nt Ferlics with soineninusemeut;it was grati
fying, remembering the rodomontade with
which "tVnllace and I had been crushed en
the night of the 'Whlte Iady te sce him
wiuca under Miss Brcthcrten's lilting of the
worst art in England I Is the critical spirit
worth something, or is It superfluous in the
atrical matters nnd only indhpcnsahle in
matters of painting I think he caught the
challenge, lu inj cye, for he evidently felt
himself in some, llttle dlfllculty.
" 'Oh, j-eii couldn't, be said, with n groan,
'you couldn't like that ball room and that
troubadour, heaven forglve usl Well, there
must be something In it there must be some
thing lu It, If it really gives you pleasure I
darn say there Is; wo're se confoundedly up
pish in the way we leek at things. If cither
of them had a partlcle et drawing or a scrap
of tastu, If Iwtli etthem weren't as liare ei
n broomstick of the least vestige of gift, or
nny suspicion of knowledge, there might !e a
geed ileal te say for them I Only, my dear
Miss Brethcrteii, you see it's really net a mat
ter of opinion; I assure you it Isn't I could
preve te you as plain as two and two make
four, that Ilalferd's figures don't join In the
mlddle, and thnt Ferth's men and wjemen are
as flat as my hand there isn't a back among
tlieml And then tbetaste, and thocelor, and
the claptrap Idiocy of the scntimentl Ke, I
don't think I can stand It. I nmnll forpeeplo
Retting enjoyment where they can,' with n
defiant leek nt me, 'and Biinpplng their fin
gers nt the critics. But ene must draw the
line semen here. Thcro'ssemo art that's out
of court from the beginning.1
"I couldn't resist It.
'"Don't listen te him. Miss Brethcrteii' I
cried. 'If I were you 1 wouldn't let him spoil
your pleasure. The great thing is te feci;
dcfenil your feeling against himl It's worth
mero than this criticism.'
I "Ferbes' eyes looked laughing daggers nt
me from under his shaggj' whlte brews. Mrs.
Btuai t nnd Wullace kept their countenances
te perfection; but 1 had him; there's no
denying It.
' " 'Oil, I knew nothing about it,1 said Isabel
Brclhtrten, divinely unconscious of the llttle
skirmish going en around her. 'Yeu must
teach me, Mr. Ferlxs. I only knew what
touches me, what I like that's all I knew In
' " 'It's all we nny of U3 knew,' mM Wal
lace, nlrllj'. 'We begin with "1 like" nnd "I
don't like," then we begln te lw proud and
make distinctions nud llnd reasons; but the
thing lients us, and we ceme back in the end
te "I like" nnd "I don't like." '
1 "The lunch ever, we strolled out nleng the
common, through heather which ns yet was
a mere brew 11 cxpansoef flewcrles3 uuder uuder
grewth nnd cejies which overhead were a
canopy of golden oak leaf nnd carpeted
underneath with primroses and the young
upcurllng bracken. Fiescntly through n
llttle weed we came upon 11 pond lying wlda
nud blue before us under the broezj'Mny skj-,
its shores fiiugcdwith scented flr weed nnd
the whele nlralive with birds. Wosatdewn
tinder a plle of legs fresh cut nnd fragrant
and talked away vigoreuslj-. It was n llttle
lUincult often te keep the conversation en
lines which dlel net oxclude Miss Brethcrteii.
Ferbes, Iho Stuarts, Wallace nnd 1 ure accus
tomed te be together, nud ene never realizes
what n Frcemasenrj' the Interceurse even
of n capital la uutil ene tries te introeluce an
outsider Inte it. We talked U10 theatre, bf
ceurse; the wnju of dilTcrcnt ncters, the for
tunes of managers. Isabel Bretherton nat
urally has ns yet seen very llttle; her com
ments were mainly personal mulnll of a
fricndlj enthusiastic kind, for 'the pro
fession has been very cordial te her.
A month or flve weeks mere nud
her eugngctneut nt the CaHle.K) will
be ever. There nre ether theatres open
teher, of course, nml nil the managers ure
at her feet; but bhe has set her heart upon
going ubreid for seme time, and has, I
imagine, made ee much meney this season
that the family cannot In decency object te
her having her own waj 'I am wild te get
te Italy,' she said te 1110 lu her emphatic, im
petuous way. 'Sir WnlUr Iluthcrferd lias
Inlked te ine se much alwut It that I am bc bc bc
giunlngtodruanief It. Heng tohaveelono
with Londen nud boeiTI This English sun
seems te me be chilly,' nnd she drew her win
ter cloak about her with a llttle shiver, al
though theday was really nn English bummer
day, nnd Mrs. Stuart was lu cotton. 'I came
from such warmth, and I leveel It. I have
Wjii making nequaiutance with all sorts et
horrors slnce I came te Londen face nchqhnd
rheumatism and colds I scarcely knew there
were cuch things in the world And I never
knew what it was te be tired before. Homo Home Heme
times I can liardly drag through my work.
I lintoilse; it makes uie cress like n naughty
child I' J
" 'De you knew,' I said, flinging mj-sclf
dew 11 lie-side her ou the grass nud looking up
nt her, 'that It's nltegether wrong? Nature)
uevtr meant j-eu te feel tired; It's inon inen inon
btreus, it's against thu natural order of
" 'It's Londen, bhe said with her llttle sigh
nnd the drooping lid that Is se prcttllj
pathetic 'I have the rear in my earsnll day,
und it eeems te lx humming through mj
bleep nt night. And then the crowd, and the
hurry jieople ure in, and thev-qulckness nud
shaipnessef thlngsl But 1 have only n few
weeks mere,' she nddcel, brightening, 'and
then by October I shall Ik mera used te
Europe the cllmate nud the life.'
"I nm much impressed, nnd se is Mrs.
Btunit, by the stmggle her nerreus strength
is m iking ugnlust Londen.. All my nurs
ing of j-eu, Marie', and of your mother
has taught 1110 te nqtice they) things In
women, nnd I llnd myself taking often a very
physical uud medical vle.v et Miss Brethcr Brethcr
eoii. Yeu see, it is n case of n northern teni
lierument nud constitution relaxed by tropi
cal conditions, and then exposed ence mera
In nu exceptional degree te the strain nud
btrcisef nerthernlife, 1 ragewhen I think et
such a pluce et phj-sical escellence marred
and dlnuucd by our harsh English struggle.
And nil for what Fer n commonplace,
mike beliove nit, vulgarizing in the leiigruu
both te the artist nnd the publiel There is
nsense of tragic waste nbeut it, Suppese
Ixmden de.-trej-s licr health there are seme
ilgus of It what n futile, ironical pathos
there would le in it 1 long te step in, te
'h.ivent Bomeliody, te step it.
"A little Incident later en threw a curious
light Ueii her. We had moved en te the
ether side et the pond und were basking in
the tlr weed. The afternoon suu wasblant
Jug through the branches en te the besom of
the pond; a splendid Scotch flr just boside us
tesseel out its red Imibed brnuches ever u
great lied of green reeds, starred here nnd
there with yellow Irises. The w 0111.111 from
the keeper's cettage near had brought us out
seme tea, und most of us had fallen Inte a
sjbaritle framoef mind in which talk seemed
te be n burden en the blleuce and easeful
tieace of the sceue. Suddenlj- Wallace uud
Feibes fell upeu the question et Balzac, of
whom Wallace has been making a btudy
lately, and were seen landed lu u discussion
of Balzac's method of character drawing.
Are Eugene de Hastlgnac, Le l'cre Oorlet
uud old beings or mere lucar lucar
natiens of qualities, mathematical deductions
from 11 giv en point At last I was drawn lu,
nud theStuaits: Stuurt has trained his w ife
in Balzac, nnd she has 11 dry, original way et
judging 11 novel, which Is stimulating nnd
keep the ball rolling. It was the first time
that the talk lead net centered in oue way or
another around Miss Bretheiteu, who, of
course, was the first consideration through
out the day In all our minds. We grew vo ve
hemeutnud forgetful till at last n little movo mevo move
meiituf hers diverted the general current
Bhe had taken etT her hat and was lcanlug
back ug.IiM the oak uuder which she sat,
watcblug with parted lips und a gaze cf the
purest delight ami vv uuder the movemeuts of
u nut hatch evci head, a creature of the weed-
Jiecker kiud, nita delicate purple gray
luiuage, who was tapping the branch abeve
erfer insects with Lisl.irim illsnmtvirtinnnfn
bill, und thenskiiummg along te a land bauk
a llttle dutance off, where he disaiipeared
wit1- his ntv 1. . j . . . .
(t'enttuutd cut Satutdsy.)
tta In many ether ways HAVE Mentr, ana
n.mke tilings leek like M W, by nstnsT VIA
il0 efKS. The work Is easy, almpia,
titilck 1 ihs colors the ltesi and raauit known.
Atkler Iiiauiena UjreianataJtenoetber.
rcrOllrtlngorlli-enilns; raney Article UBK
(old, gllver, llrensa, Cepper. Only 10 Cents.
Baby Portraits.
A 1'oruellont biby pictures from
i lie. printed en linn ptnte psper by natant
Chotu ptneeis, sunt tree te Motheret any Uabr
prn within a year. ry Mether wants these
plcluri'si icna at onee, Ulve Baby'a same
WKbLs, uicHAunaan aoe-
Unrllnajten. ve.
.t!!.hat e;""i,lT u ItanlrrlUtloneftlai
threat and litns. What causes It t Ceatet
I en. Btnn the ennrritlen, the I'rltallen
nates 1 and tbe cough U cured. Jtnt hew te
sep tbe congestion r Ah, there U utt where
pbysletant hive always been pnzxltd. Bnt It
w list be checked, or pneumonia, qulek con cen con
nmptien er tome terrlble pulmonary treubln
w 111 fellow. Borao doctor glre cod flrer oil.
Mhert eeugh tyrnpt, but the most advanced
1 reteribe stimulant. Mature mtuf be as as
ttted. Fura whiskey wUl de It. Bee what
phytlelani say :
I'ref Anittnrimt.ef llelleTiie (Rew fork),
'Pllfge, ssts "The Judicious use of alee
hello HtlmnianU Is one or tbe sulking eharae
trusties of progress in the practice of aedl
cine during Iho last hlf ecntnry."
.. ''fefettnr Henry a. New Yerk, tay s:
"Tbe purity el UuUy'a I'me Malt Whisky (at
flmpie analytical tett will readUy oenTlneo a
I hyslelan or an expert) should certainly roc
1 nunnnrt It te thn highest pablle favor."
Untry'tfure Malt Whisky la a certaln cure
jnd preventive, of congestion and should bi
I opt In every fstnllv. ft It anld by all drag-,
el ti ana dealers. He sure and tecure the gen
uine. (S)
P. H.
IamtattsBed thst rancor It hereditary In
my family My father died of It, a titter el
'Aiy mother file. let it, and my own titter dlel
01 It y toelings may be Imagined Ibea
when the bnrrlbie dlsniun msile in appear
nncn en my sine. It wns a malignant Can cer,
uitlng Inwardly in tucli a way that It could
1 nt be cnt out- Nuinureus remedies were
nfeel for tt, bnt the Cancargrnwtteadtly worn
until It Boomed thvt I waa deemed-to fellow
ihe ethers of the family. 1 took Hwlft'aBpeel
flc. which, fr.ttn the nrst day, forced out the
poison and continued Its life until 1 had taken
revural bottles, when I found myself well. J
k new thst B. e. 0. cured me.
MHS. 8. M.1D0L,
WiNSTOir, N. c., Wet. se, 'g$.
fend for Becken Canceratid Weel Diseases.
Tub bwirr eracirie Ce., Drawers, Atlanta,
Oa- Tu.Tha(S)
"Try Ayer's Pills."
Ker Itheumatlsm, Neuralgia and Gout.
Stephon l.auslng, of Yenkers, H. Y., says:
' Uocemmondod ai a euro for chronle Cos Ces Cos
tlyenoss, Ayur's I'llis have relieved me from
that trouble and ulse from tlOUT. It every
victim of this dlsnusn would heed. only these
words nf mlne, 1 could bnulsh Gout irem the
ind. Thcse words would be-' Try Ayer's
" Hy the iise of Vynr'a I'llis nlene, 1 cured
myself. permanently of Hbenmatlsm, which
bad treuhlun inn several months. Tbese Pills
nre nt encii harmless and effectual, and, I bo be bo
licve, would preve a specific in all cases et
Ne medlclnu could havoserved me In better
Htead." u. C. ileck, Cerner, Avoyelles Par
ish, i-e.
C. r. Hepkins. Nevada Clly, wrltes: "1
have nsed Ayer's I'llis ter sixteen years, and
1 think they are the best l'lll in the world.
VV e keen a box et thorn In the heuse all thn
tlme. They have cured 1110 of tick headache
Mid neurufgla, Hlnce taking Ayer'a fills, 1
liave been free trem these complaints."
1 ,have derived great bone lit from Ayer's
Pills, flve yearn age 1 waa taken te 111 with
iheiimatlsm tbatl was unable te de any work
1 tonic three boxes or Ayer'a Pills and was en
tirely cured, flnce that time lam never with
out u. box or theso pills." l'eter Chrltlenten
Sherwood, Wis.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills
mirAxiD it
l r. J. O. Ayer At Oe., Lewoll, Maaa,
Pelil 'liy ull Dealers In Mcdlclne,
DR. S0HEN0K.'3
Are tlin tnftst, surest and speediest
vogeuilile niniiKjy in tbe world for
nil DiDeiuius et the Btemacb A Liver.
They clean Iho linings of Ptemnch and bowels
lleducH ceiiusistlna In sll tbe bowels,
ileal lii'ltatHlHndexeited-partt,
I'rometo heulthy nmlnniiud sweet secretions,
Correct thn lilie anil cum biliousness,
Make pure lilcel anil give It free Hew,
'l but send nuiilinent te every part
Dn net full te semi for Dr. Bohenck'tnew
nnd ailinlndile trnailse en thn Lungs, the
Liver, uud tln Hleumcli, with tbelr disease
und euro. It abounds In excellent Informa
tion, nnel will Kl-oyeu ldnas about these vital
nri;ius and thu laws el heal th you never had
beieiu. heittfreie.
Dr. tfchenck's MedioIneB.
re for hale bv lirugglfts. Knll prlnted dlroo dlreo dlroe
tt ins wllb en;cli packue. Address all commu
nications le in. J. II. Uclienck A Sen. 1'lilln
di'lphln, 1'a. maylMydAw
TlLMmitlSYH' Hl'KOlFlCa.
Ha. lliiMi-iiHiivs' HrtaincH are scientifically
and enreliilly jirepsie.l prescriptions! used
ler man v join In pi-ivnt-i pncllce wlthsuc
reft, nnd lur ever thirty veaig used lv tb 1
people. Kvery slngle SpeiciUc Is ti Hpecl cunt
ler Hits ill-own nauitil
Tliesn HrHx-ltle- euro without drugging,
rurgliiir or rtertuclng thn yslem. nnd welii
Hct and deed thu bevKimuiN UsusuiEaet-Tiis
1 Isitif I'rlnrlpal Net. Cures. Price.
1. Kuvkrh, itiiigestlen. In flam mil Ions iv
2. Weums, Werm Kevor, Werm Celic 25
x. Chyims Colie. erTeethlug of Infants.... 'A
4. Children or Adults S3
t, DvstKTiiKV, Griping, llllteus Colle IS
11. C110LXHI il eiiBtis, Vetulllng 3S
7. Cevens, Coin h, Jimnehltls '
K. NuuHALiiu,TiMitbschVi Kiiceache.........V5
i). lUADiuHn, Hick IlKidache. Vertigo t
10. Dvsi'Ki'giA.ltllleut Ueiuach 'i.
11. 8uri-HKanu or 1'aimtul I'aHiens '25
li Wiiitks, tee rieliiMi l'erltas 'St
13. Choup, Cough, Dllllrult Ureathmg..
II. Ssi.t KiiaiiM, Krysliwlas, Kriiptlnng 'JS
15. UUHBMAT13M, llheuiuatlc I'alus
it. vkk au Anus, Chills, XI ai aria ....Ml
17. 1'il3. Ullnd or ultwdlng M
l'l. Catakhh, lnnunnza, Celd In the llttad....W
90. VVBoeriNn Cecuii. VlolenlCeuzbs 60
'il. OaxKRAt. Dssilitv, Tbyslcal Weakness. .60
'.7. KlUNKV nifiKlB W
W. UniNAHV VVHAkMrss, WolUuglled 60
3.- UlMKASKHOVTHHltltAKT, Palpitation. ...II Ul
Beld by druggists, or nt postpaid en ie
celpt et prlcn. Uu. IHiMruRtvs' Mahual, Ull
iwges) richly bound In cloth and rgeld, untiled
N. V.
ill ihe Huwan lledy Knlarcd. Dnvelrp'd,
biieiiglbiiiied, ete , Is anlntoiostlnBalvdrilsu anlnteiostlnBalvdrilsu anlntoiestlnBalvdrilsu
meut leug run In nurpapnr In mply te in.
ciulrlOM we will Buy thai ibure Is no evidence
of bnmliiig about ihu On the ceuuary, thu
aelvi iitsuisi ure very hlghlv ludnrsea. Intur
esietl pen-nn may get suiled clreulars giving
all particulars, by uiltlug lotheKUlK JIKDi
l!li e. 5 avian rl, llutrale, N. Y. O0UU0
Daily lite. flllydAw
Kvery bulm should have u bettle of DU.
KAHUNhY'TKtTlllNl hVuUI'. 1'erlenliy
tutej. Ne opium or Merphia mixtures. Will
lellofe I'elle, lirlplna lu tee llewels and Pro Pre Pro
ueio Ulllicult Teething. Prepared by UKS.
i. rAIIKNKY A.sov,llugemtown.Ma. Druir
kltti sail It 1 S cents.
Trial bottle lent by mall 10 cents.
Cleanse the System
Wllb that most reliable saeaU
ctae PaltM'a celery Uotnpenn.
ltpurtflratha bleed, caret Coa Cea
tUpaUmi, anarritDlat tthellv-ir
ana ktdsera. effectually eloans eleans
Ins; thtsytuta of bll watt and
dead Batters.
Paine's Oelery Gompennd
remblnet trne nerve Innla ana ttrentrtalng
(.usllilcs. reviving thAenertet and spirits
" 1 hrs been troubled for sense year with
a complication et atfflenlttaa After tryleg
vs 1 lout remedies, and net flndlat; relief, 1
tried ralee'e celery Compound. Before tak
Ititf one full tMttla tee len- tronbleteme tymp
t me Tnetan te anbtlde. and I eaa mly tay
new. iht I reel like a sew man.
hsslmprered.andlaave gained ten pint
In weight tinea 1 hire ceiumenced taklp the
H.0O. BUforteOO. At Druggists.
Wills, Ktcnstosea Ce , Butllngten, Tt.
(Sot(sier H.HibirbiUu I Seb.)
Wholesale Seduction.
Te enable us te make room for our new gee Is
we are offering apedal ilnrgalnt In
In fact, our Xntlre Wln'.er Bleck.
Ne trouble te chew our goods at
Chas. E. Haterbush's
Ne. 30 Centre Squfu-e,
arsign or ihe Gelden llnne Heads "Sm
Heube Furnishing floods.
Lamps & Chandeliers
-Prompt Attention te Orders for Plumb
InK and lias rittlUK.
Me. 162 North Queen St.,
-Wft Tt-sTV
Ne. 20 East Kins Street,
U U N H K II. all persons ai e hereby f or
bidden te intpasann anye' tbe lands of the
Cornwall and spe d srel I rstules lu Lebanon or
Lancaster oenntlrs, whethnr I u closed or unln unln
clesed, either fcr the perprse et sheeting or
nablng, at the law will be rigidly s-n'ereed
agalnal all trespassing en said lands of the un
dersigned altr this notice
Attorney for K, W. Celeman't Uelra,
Hand-Made Tinware,
R i
B J ,H
B:i 4m
m- A
ArmzMB meiBm.
i XtH-BAXUMAtfT ,VMaKmli
m"tav?r1fpi.ik' .
-" - "s. lie, (SOO.
?... A.M. .
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a.ra. r..
"WUUl fAHf
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OeTsiw T'' 2-S
Utllitiis 1JJ1
s.5 in
U7 Wll
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L0 .U 1
ftKr,:v ? i
iv. JK5"" 7.W lime
a. at via.
UsIeaVSV 2-5S T
(tie ,
s.m tja
t. 01
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watiFlts U -.
RKhi,iIa?,,?,S2KDMBia niviweN,
'."aJaK. '"
f"8.,,"-v" --ll.W.
Mi" i-"' M "' 8as .andiai
r ftjh?!nr .-M' aw w. na ue p m.
rer Lebanon at XUanU 6-3 p bJ. p
: KINO 8TEKET (LancasUr.)
r2J JtfSdin,t tAS0 m' "-"and s top. m.
JS unHSSSS.?.1 7t? m. lK and iuw p ii7
n.m, n4r'TUieat 8v,jeam,andi.
LKAV- PB1N0- 8IBBET (Lantttter.)
Rl . al1"" 7- w. llRf and i. p tn.
IS.I benen tt 7.07am. UMandeWpm
P m y"riT VU1 " "" MOMD
1. m. ',J8yvlile at 7.11 a m and uw and 7 st.
R J6-1.'.1 7S0 a m and 3.10 p m.
Fer quarryvllle at 3.10 pm.
TBAINS I.KAVM lilliiiifvvii t
ITer Lancoster, Ibanen and Ueadlng at 7 la
TBAINB 1.KAVJC KINO ST. (Lancaster.)
Fer ltfULiVlncr nnt 1.l.aMA mt e nm- . ua-
n "i-uAuuu Kb s. in Ann VI
Fe'r Quarryyllle at 5.10 p m.
1 ij J. ' ""bt ou BDanen at 8.13 a man
Leu p m.
rer yuarryvllle at 6.01 p m.
rer tAncaster at 7.86 a in and 3.45 p m.
Fer quarry vllle at 8.45 pm.
1 1 ""nnecUen at.cplnmbla, MarietU Jnnc Jnnc
tlen, Lancaster Juactlen, Manhelm. Beading
and Lebanon, tee time table at all stations.
A. M. W1L8UN Buperlntendent
BC'Ut.DUL-fn effect from Het. y,
Tratnt taivi LAtTCAem ana leave and er.
rive at fhlladelphla aa fellows :
racue Kxpreett..,.,
ewi Kznreaat. ......
;aeP. ni.
4.30a. in.
4:30 a.m.
7SV10. tn.
i:i. m
6: a. m
6)a Ui
9-Slm. ui
0:36 a. ni
9-M. m
iSO p. in
110 p. tn
2:50 p. m
5:30 p. m
7:40 p. m
7fSO n ni
Way Passenger
U all tralnvlaMt, Jey I
su. V IU 'XT 1)f..,
Niagara Kzpreaa....
Hanover Accetn
rest Ltnct
via Columbia
7:40a. m.
via Columbia
il.NlfA m
"rederlck Accem....
la Columbia
e-anraaier Accem..
Uarrlsbunr Accem.
via u Jey
Colombia Accem..,.
kid p. in.
4:40 p.m.
6:80 p.m.
9:20 p.m.
1:911. m.
B.-efia. m.
8:10 a. m.
8-55 a. m.
ms. m.
11:10 a. m.
2:05 p.m.
Bsep. m.
aniseurg Kzpreu
Western Azpreas..,
Phlla. Kzpruse
rait Line
Ilanisbnrir Iinnua
11:10 p m
4 la. ui.
B:A- m
IftMK ,n
Lancaster Accem....
e-oiumeia accem...,
Atlantic Express). ..
Seashore Kzpresa...,
Philadelphia Accem
Sunday Stall.. .
t'av Kinross 1
11:45 a. ui.
1: p. m
3:15 p. 10
6:00 p. in.
6:45 p. ui
6:50 p. tn
Harrlsliurg Aocem..
t:ta p. m
6:45 p. m
:te p. in.
n 8nnday the Mall train west runt by wa
et Celnmbla.
J. B. WOOD, Uenaral Passonger Agent.
CHAS.K.I'Uuh.Uener- Manager.
IV'ha nnlw Ivuln. S.,m. w.. i.,i
The V. Schiiinaker Jsew Precess Fleur pre
neunced the host ever placed upon them tr-
We make tpeclalUes of FINB
The best Kic ceiree In the city. All we ask is
a til erder. oke. W1ANT,
.,- . .. Np. lis West King Btreeu
moods delivered.
lereljn nnd Demestic. We would Call At
tention te our
California- Eviperaltil Aprieets aid Peicbes.
Kgg end DatnHen Plums. Bnlslrrs, entrants.
Prunes, rrencb Prunes of all sizes. Pitted
Cherrltis, Dried BNckbonles, rigs, Valencia
Balslns, iTunillas, Ktc.
Canned Goods I Canned Goods I
We have loe many, and are still selling f if
enns Feil's Cern fur 2ie. Three quart cm.
fell's Toinstees for 25c. String Uesns, thre
cans, 25c uheip feas. three cans for 25e. Flne
'eas. and canned Cnru A full Hue el the best
tirocerles at Lewest I'r.eej.
innauien 8 lbs for f 100
Cleves 4 ft i for 1(0
Allspice S ftsler HO
Ginger 11 fcster 100
Mace IX as for loe
Nutmexs 1M fas for 1 10
Pepper IX u. for 1 (-0
Baking beda 20 Its for l.en
Cream et Turtur 3 Us for 1 00
Ci-yennu Pepper 5 is ter 1(0
lhateurHI..lAY IIABQAIN BALVs will go
en. whether we leso uier.ey or make men- ,
anil ciireuleiis competitors, who talk or els
e untln our 111(1 BAKU AINS, are at liberty
t dn se nt all times. They have our b..(
wllif8. 51 y success alteud them.
1 nly ene el the thtee homes eirered Istt
vii t-k lull-a'lwo-stery Hrtck, at Ili per month;
ui e. Large, Commodious Knnui nn beennd
rliiuriK i.urtterti Building, with Bleam lltat
and Hater.
Seven Dwelling Hemes, with and without
Ci uvuiiieiiers. In QuslruDle putts el the cliy,
n 1 easy terms.
Northeast Carrier
ft est Kltt; aid l'rlur Ntrret.
-TJf nben.i and Fisxi Unlivery
BicycluB, Tricycles, TandumB.
-UANCU IIOUSKS-u Warren flL, New
Yerk : 291 Wabash Ave.. uhlmKe,
rerBaiebyJpUH8.MUS3KK,Na a North
Street, Columbia. auj-lyQeea