Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 12, 1889, Image 1

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    . pml ' iLwwta59r5s7WRPEawBj rarw.v .. -h - s ctl" wrsr ar
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tt&ife&'&V.s ? .''J"KVie,
Sk Jmtlatl lef
a.j n
rnamrmtM mini
These SThe BesgM ena Ik MniTHr
rat for Mew Tsaeeee Desaettlfl
OlKllHUI. Mew IM.
Dating the pM weak about 900 ease of
ImI tobaeoo el the crop of '87 war handled.
Of that aamber 520 wen purchased by B.
a Ksadlg Oa, f mm M. S. Beeehrlst, of
Silver Borings. Tata firm aeld abeat 300
eaaaa la amall leta.
Buyers ara atlll driving eyer the country,
bat ara net making many purchases. Bena
few axeglTlng attention tossed leaf, aad
tbsy kaTaBe trouble la earning te tarma
with farmers who have aecd lead leaf.
Farmers who have payrasnts te make ea
April lt ara getting uneasy, and their
aaeaaatUea may compel tbem te take laaa
for tkelr tobaeoo than they ara bow willing
te aeil for.
The following aalea have been made In
Eist Hemptleld tewnahlp : Albert Qraber,
2 aeraa eeed, at 6j round te Bamnel
Mamma ; ltaae Brnbaker, 1 aera aead at
b round, te same ; Henry Hertcler. 1
acre Havana at 22f sound le aame ; Ang,
Blnehart, 4 aeraa Havana, at 18, 4, 2, te A.
B.Krsiderfc Ce. (Henry Btaafler, 2 aeraa
aead, at 6K eund, te Samuel Mamma ;
David Ntealey, 4 aerea aeed, at 6K round,
te aame ; Jioeb Kurtz, l aera Havana, at
18, 8, 4, 2, te Jehn H. Btaufier ; Geerge
Hees, 2 aerea aeed, at b round ; Jehn
Lump, 4 aerea Havana, at 18, 4, 2, te A. B.
Krelder&G&s Ben. Beer, 1 aetea Havana,
at 23 round, te Daniel Leng; Martin Hetter
4 aerea Havana, at 18, 4, 2.
The following aalea have been made in
Paradlaa tewnahlp: Ohriatlan Harab, 4
aerea, Havana, at 27, 0, e and 2 te Shirk A
Ce. Mr. Harah received for tbla crop
between 11,600 and 11,000. Eutlaa Den
llnger, 4 aorta, te aame purehaaeraat 25,6
and 2. Jehn Godiehalk aeld hla orep at 22
eenta round.
The following aalea or teed leaf ara
reperted from Smith vlll : Abram Miller, 1
acre, teStcrneman for Conn at 8, 2 and 2;
Lswls Miller, i acre, te aame buyer at 8;f ,
2 aad 2 ; Benjamin Blnehart, Ijf aerea, at 9,
2 and 2 and Dinlel Slekte, 2 aerea, at Gi
eenta round.
Mw Yerk BUrhsts.
Frem tlie U. 8, ToUatce Journal.
The activity in our market Blackened
allghtly during the pis, week. The prln prln
elpal demand new la for old aeed fillers ;
but these who want them will have te wait
yet a while, till the '87 crepa are a little
mere aeaaened with age. Filters of crops
prevleua te the '87 are very acareeand
there la net a auperabundanee of '87 filler,
aa Fennaylvanla, tbe principal eouree or
aubatantlal aeed filler., produced very
llttle of the oeveted filler In ita '87 orep
The aeed orep el that jetr wa tee light,
tee large, and tee fllmay te oerreapond te
the manufacturer desires ler a heavy
bodied, lull-flavored leat It will have te
ha aubatlluted largely thla year by the
Onondaga. The price ter It la therefore
properionately advancing. The aalea el all
aind. of aeed amounted te about 1,200 eaaea
ler the week. Seme fine leta or New
Kegland Havana wrapper are atlll waiting
In what orep te Invest tbla year, aalde
from the New England Havana, la a hard
problem for our pecker. There la hardly
aaatlafaoteryoropgrown,and comparatively
Utile of the new crepa haa thua far been
secured. Tbe.ecrap.may all de for binder,
filler and expert purpeaea, but they will
hardly yield any wrappers. Tne pre sped h;
therefore, for a ruiblng Sumatra bualneaa
are again exceedingly favorable. With
aeme obeloa leta of Havana aeed wrapper
atlll In the market, the eaiin el Samatra, aa
aoen aa the duty la aettled, are going off
amoetbly and satisfactorily. Salea ler the
week, about 400 balea.
in the meat satisfactory oendltlon, hew
ever, la atlll the Havana market. There la
net a rlppte te dlaturb Ita even flew el aaler.
The '83 waa a remarkably geed crop of
Havana, of excellent burning qualities, and
people are willing te pay ler It in lull value.
Saua for tbe week, about 1,000 balea.
from the Tobacco Leaf.
Very little can be remarked upon tbe
market tbla week. The amount of tobacco
aelllng waa net large, and what aeld wai
only in a email way. In the country there
aeeme te be a little mero activity, but the
amount of tobaeoo purchaaed up te date or
the new crop la net large.
Sumatra A geed business baa been done
during tbe paat week In all grade of thla
article. Bualneaa for tbe month of January
V waa very aatlalaotery, and the Indication
are IBat tbla month will be mueh better.
The aalea alnee our last report were 376 balea
at II 20 te II
Havana About 700 balea or nllera
changed hands at 083 te Jl 10, The demand
ler talla la very brlik.
8. dans' Hen' K.pert.
Following are the aalea el leat tobacco
reported by J. S. Qana' Ben, tobaeoo broker,
Ne. 131 Water atreet, New Yerk, for tbe
week ending Monday, February 11, 1889:
200 eaaea 1887 Wlsoenaln Havana, 93'
liue : 100 eaaea 1887 Pennsylvania Havana,
16220.' : 100 eases 1837 Nbw Kngland Ha
vana. 1435c ( 150 cam. 1887 atate Havana,
13(5)10 1 ; 200 CMea 1887 Pennsylvania aeed,
ejUJX&. 100 caaea 1883 Fennaylvanla
aead, l(Xjil24e ; 160 cuee aundrler, &)($
28ia Tour, 1.0C0 eaaea.
Tbs rbilad.lpbla Harkst.
JTrein the Tebicca Leaf.
The handling of leal tobaeoo suitable for
elgara the paat week continue te move
moderately. The demand la oenfined te no
particular grade, while the prlee aaked and
obtained anewa that figures are fully sus
talned. S took a en band are net heavy, and
yet a general aaeertment can be found In
the handa or eaeh dealer.
Sumatra moves In and out el store dally,
and brluga ita prlee without a murmur.
Havana baa the lead en aalea. Consider,
able haa been handled the past week,
Wisconsin Tobacco,
correspondent wrltaa from Edgerton,
aa te the crop of WUoenaln tobaeoo. Hi
This baa been the busiest week In thla
market thua far of tbe eeasen. Several
Hundred aerea have been contracted ler,
many or them large crops. Since the
growers bsve shown a disposition te so se
espt the offers made them, mere el the
bnyers have exhibited a dealre te take held
of the orep. There eeems te be a way open
bow for the mnvsmsnt or quite a portion of
aba '88 crop, provided It can be bought at
tbe present quotation. While tbe prieea
paid are net large, In meat Inataneea they
ara fair, and wnen It la taken Inte con cen con
alderatlen that aalea are made In the bundle
aad many of them at a round prlee, tbe
figure ara equivalent te receiving 2 te
go advance three mentha later.
The 'Deves' In aslen.
The monthly meeting of tbe 'Deves" wai
held at tbe residence el Mr. Jehn Grady,
Marietta, en Monday evening. Tbe feature
of the evening waa a piper by CeL Jacob
Thnma en the rise and fall or the Marietta
Beard or Trade, The Introduction et dec dec
trie light and ether Improvements necesssry
1b the borough or Marietta were dlacusaed.
Dl4 la failsd.iphlh.
Mrs, Ptrlek Rehlll, widow of Mr.Petrtek
Rehlll, a well known railroad contractor,
died at St. Jeaeph'a hospital, Philadelphia,
ea Monday evening alter a lengthy illnete.
She waa well known In tbla city, where aba
frequently visited and where she bad
numerous relatives.
Otwrj.rlr st the Opeia HOB...
Fred Turner waa arrested last evening by
flinaiaVla Plnknl If v pfttfilnv a fllaturliannfl
at Procter's opera house. He waa locked
op at tha station beuse sad
td oempUUat mads
varaaAWi ib oenvaamoM.
seat . A at. at Be
Erib, Fate. 11 The aaaaal eoavaaUea
of the Peaaaylvaata department of U
Oread Army ef tka Repabtle 1b program
Tka bbssIebb wHl likely eeaUaaa naUl
Friday boob. A majority of lhadslegstss
arrived yeaterday, aad te-day they ara
errtvlagea ovary trala. Taa people of thla
city ara gtvlag tka vetarana a warm
Dapartmaat Oemmaadar Mage opened
the oeavaaUon aad delivered as addreaa la
wbJsh, after ealllag attaaUeB te taa hleceri.
eat aaaoeUUeae oeaaectad with Iiaka Kria,
where the gallant Perry ae aigaaUy defeated
tka BrtUah la 1813, ka apeka aa follewa :
" Important quaattena, whlek wtU Involve
lntereata dear te avary aeearata, eenfreat
ua, aad they ara te be, eeneMered aad
determined. Our oeaolaatoaa will no den b
have weight and lefiaeaee with leglautlve
bedlea el the commonwealth, aad It la
highly eeeentlal that we deliberate wlaely
and wall. Everywhere throughout the
oemmoawaalth tbe Oread Army of the
Kepablle meeta the latelllgeat and patriotic
appreciation of the people. Ita ataadfaat
fealty te dety haa wen the hlgheat oem
maaaauea, ana no oenvinosa tne ieyu
people that ear prefemlene ara net
myihleei or pretenUeas, net a en
tlmeat, but a atertlag reality, and
that taa orgaaiutlea haa engaged In a
work, none ether mero honorable, none
ether mero merltorteua, aad aeae ether
mere exempliflea ihoae nebleet Impulaea
which only geaoreua kaarta can feel.' If,
therefore, we oentrlbue te oenduet enraalvea
In Ike future aa te Invite the oleaeat aeratiay,
wa will aet ealy maintain ear honored pe.
Bltlen, but richer fruition awalta aa and
new and warm frlenda will espeuae our
eauae, and the Grand Army of the Repub
lic will oentloue te march forward with
oeaquerlng foree te a glorious, patriotic
and honorable ending."
11 There are no w before the Iegliiature el
the commonwealth aeveral btlEa of para
mount Intereat te the aeldlera of the late
war, and whleh await a deUvereaoe from
thla encampment before final action will
be taken thereon. The meet Important and
of the greateat Intereat te the comrade of
the Grand Army la the legislation new
pending relative te the oentlnnanoo of the
aeldlera' erphana echoela. By an aet of
the assembly, approved May 15, 1874, all
children were te be dlaebaraed and the
aoheola oleaed Mav Slat, 1879.' Thta law
waa repealed In 1878, aa It waa found im im
peaalble te cleae the aoheola, owing te tka
number el children In tbe aoheola. Aa act
el assembly, approved Jane 11, 1870,
provided 'that there aball be no admlaalena
alter June 1, 1882, and the aoheola clcae en
June 1, 1885' in 1883, It waa found lm
practicable te cleae the aoheola at the time
contemplated, and In that year aa act of
aseembly, approved J one 28, 1883, provided
there eball be no admlaalena alter June 1,
18S7, and tbe ichoela ahall cleae Junal,
"The acla of aaaembly, tha meat Import
ant, are cited that we may the better under
stand tbe legislation enacted for tbe oon eon oen
llnuanoe of theie schools. la 1883, whea
e Hurts were aneeeaalally made te repeal the
law and continue the aoheola, It waa urged
that 1,770 erphana would be without hemea
If the echoela were oleaed j the eltuatlen
waa appreciated, and the echoela een tinned.
Te day we are ataln confronted with tbe
fact that ever 1,600 children will be home,
leaa II the aoheola are oleaed aa provided
by existing law. I presume It will net be
denied the lawa relating te the establish,
ment et tbese aoheola and their oentlnuanoe
have been enacted through the Influence
and with the approval . el the Grand
Army or tbe Republic, and that la
aueh lawa, three different timea have been
appointed ler their termination, and,
further, that when theae datea for olealng
the aoheola were fixed, they ware ae deter
mined upon data Intelligently obtained.
If aueh la the ease then the Grand Army
haa tacitly, If net actually, pledged Ua faith
te the previsions of tbe existing law. And
?ret 1 appreciate tbe perplexing eltuatlen
n whlcb we find ourselves, and feel the
Imperative necessity of asking for further
legislation te provide and protect the 1,600
orphan children, who will be without hemea
and means et support If tbe aoheola are
cleeed and no previsions are made ter them.
It la fearful te think el tbe evil that may
befall many of them; therefore their con
tinued care and protection, nntll able te
provide for themselves, la deaervlng el our
beat thought and consideration."
In hla report, tbe assistant adjutant gen
eral aald : " During the year thirteen new
pests bve been mustered, alx have been
reorganized and lour have been disbanded.
Many el the pest in the department ere
experiencing dlOleulty In keeping up the
attendance at meetlnga. Tbla la noticeable
In the mere aparaely aettled dlatrleta, where
oemradea' are compelled te go long dla
tancea te attend the pest meeting. It la
net an uncommon or an unoaeal thing for
oemradea te travel from four te alx mile te
be present at the muster of the pest.
There era eeven pesta In the depart
ment that will probably have te disband at
an early day. I have oemmunloated with
tbe oemradea of theae pests and endeavored
te have them renew their interest In the
organization. In each caae they premised
te de ae, but have evidently taken no no
tion In tbe matter. Tbelollewlng ten peeta
ahew the laraeet galna during the year :
Pests Ne. 68, 72; 128, 00: 87. 61; Id. 60; 84, 60;
203, 30; 317, 30; 19, 31; 37, 31; 63, 34. ' The
following ten ahew heaviest leaaea : ,Pe't
Ne. 07, 43; 20, 34; 40, 34; 180. 84! 240, 34; 511,
32; 100, 31; Ci, 23; 217, 28; 167, 20. Pest Ne.
2, et Philadelphia, U ettll the largest pest in
the department, reporting 613 membera In
geed standing. Pest Ne. 339 la the amalleat,
reporting 10 membera. "
The number in geed atandlng Deeember
31, 1883, 41,830; number el peata January
31, 188?, 681; number oleemradea dropped,
2.291; number or oemradea relieved, 2,409;
amount expended for relief, 138,422 81.
There were in 1874 72 peata and 3,033 oem.
radea. In 1870 they had increaaed te 150
pests and 13,313 oemradea. Five yearn atre
tbe whole number waa 482 peata and 31,920
The report or Assistant Quartermaster
General H. G. Williams present the fol
lowing aa hla account with the department :
Te balance en band January 31, 1838,
12,129 04; total receipt, 12,209 61; aggre.
gstp, 114.393 65; total disbursements, 112.
117 70; balanee en band January 81, 1889,
I2.2S0 85.
II for the Msjrer.
Twe of the lnmateaef theatatlonheuae
were men found drunk en pavementaln
different seollens of the city. One waa
Jehn B. Gardner, of Christiana, and tha
ether Nathan Rtttanheuae, el tbla city.
Beth were discharged with a reprimand.
Bam Craig, an old offender, waa arrested by
Officer Bslgler ler fighting, and waa aeat te
Jill for 20 daya. One bum waa aent te tha
workbeuae and four ledgera wera dis
charged. Tbs Wst Bad Ge,' Taraeat.
The atreet oemmlttee met en Monday
evening and the petition of tbe Weat End
street rail way for permission te lay down
turneutawaa considered. It waa decided
te appeluted a aub-oemmlttee te confer
with Jehn C. Hager, the president of the
read. Meaira. Kemley, Leng, Auxer and
Riddle were appointed aa a aub-oemmlttee,
and they will meet Mr. Hsger en Frldey,
N.w Matte.
Willis a Woodward & Ce., New Yerk,
have Just Issued a abeat et music entitled
Seng et the Stranger Minstrel." The
words are by G. O. Prentlee and the mu.te
by A. W. Woodward, el thla city.- On tbe
cover la a beat portrait el Laneastet's com
peer BslsasMl ea Uall.
Annie Dunle, who wai sued for $5,000
damagea for aland erlng Sarah Geldberg,
waaarreeted by the ahatltf en Monday
afternoon. She was taken before the court
I and ea motion of her counsel her ball was
I reduced te $400. That aaaeaat of secertty
1 Ska gar tad was Wllatla taw eaataaj,
MaBtDinaaatjAMga ats dbbusben
A Daaeeaaaat ! taa rtsaaeta of reeaea Tal
lay a law Higeat, aae Qraatiy
miaaii BHtsaa at Bess laasaiMt.
ABktteh atBlaBvaatlalOavaer.
Tha away frleada la thla elty ef Oel. Joel
L. Iilghtaer, of Boadaraearg, Kent Lam
peter tewnahlp, one of tha fcremeat ettlzsaa
ofklaaeetleaof tbe county, ware aaeeked
thla morning te bear tha aawa of hie death,
whleh occurred at hla home ea Meaday
evening at 7 o'clock. Fer aeveral mealha
ha had beea alllag slightly, aad durlag the
paat few daya of colder weather ha deemed
It prudent te atay lndoera. Bat hla oendt
tlen and aymptema were by be meaaa
alarming ; and It baa only been a few weeke
aiaee, at tha January quarter eeealeaa, he
waa a member et tha grand Jury aad dla
charged hla dutlea with hla wonted energy
aad efacleney. Indeed ap te tha time et
hla death ha bad beea altUng la hla chair,
reading tha aewapaper. Hla wife looked
up during a pause la the eonvemaUen, and
he waa dead. Heart trouble waa the oauie
of hla andden taking off.
Det Ltghtaer waa e!xtynlae yean of age.
Ha waa a native el laneaatar county tha
waa born and all hla lire reeldedoathe
apet where ha died, tha home of hla
lathera. He waa a member of that large
and well known family of Llghtaara
founded by fuglttvee from tha religious
paraecutlena en tha Rhine, who ae largely
peopled f Lancaster county. They were
among the earliest aetUera la tha Piquea
valley and ara atlll te be found la large
ncmbera Iq tha ;dlfferent tewaahlpa et
eastern Lancaster county. The father of
tha aurject of thlanotlee, Joel by name; tee,
waa a man of mark and Influence. Hla aen
Inherited hla natural Intelligence and foree
et character aad turned te geed advantage
tha eduoatlenal taellltlea put at hla oom eom oem
mend. Frem hla youth np Joel L. Lightaer
waa aa apt atudent of man and thlaga, a
thorough reader of boeka and newapapera,
aad a speaker w lth unusual pewara of for
cible expression.
Hla family were attendanta et and
prominent membere la the Eplaoepal
parlih of All Batata at Paradlaa and Oel.
Ltghtn'er was full el geed werka In charity
and the promotion of the moral lntereata
of the oemmunlty In whleh he lived.
He early became a member of Pequea
ledge of Odd Fellows and waa for many
year a representative of the order In ita
atate assemblies, few man being better
known than he In connection with thla
wldeepread and honorable organlzatlea.
Espousing the faith of the Democratic
party, he bravely upheld the organization
In 'a tewnahlp la which he waa la a amall
minority, and though he never aban
doned hie prlnelplea nor faltered In hie
devotion le them, he commanded the re
aped of hla opponent, and by Republican
veteabe waa cheaen a aoheol dlreoter in
East Lampeter. He waa nearly alwaya a
member el the county committee, and a
delegate te county oenventlone ; he fre
quently went te the atate convention, and
alwaya and everywhere hla preaenee waa
notable and hla speech effective.
CeL Ltgbtner waa widely known, be
loved and respected. He waa treated
thoroughly by hie nelgbbera and frlenda.
Few men In the oeunty aerved mere
frequently aa read viewer, arbitrator,
Jurer in the courts and oeucaellor In
general affalra. He aettled many eatatea
and dlsebsrged numerous trusts aa execu execu
eor, administrator, guardian, trustee and
assignee. He waa a director In the Peeplea
National bank or tbla city.
Like his fathera and en their hemeatead
he waa a farmer ; he loved the oeuntry and
Ita . people. Hla home en the turnpike
between Seuderaburg and Paradlaa wa the
aeat el refined and genial hospitality, and
he took great delight in the great balaam
tree that atoed In front of hla residence, and
whleh aa a mere twig hla father had
brought, before the seu waa born, from
Virginia while en a visit te that then far
distant region.
.Oel. Ltgbtner waa married lata in life,
when about 60 yeara of age, te Mlis Juliet
Hoever, sister of Dr. Gee, I, Hoever, of
Paradlaa. Hla widow and one aen, Lewis
DuBela, aged 14, aurvlvehlm.
,. A Geal and Iren Company raits.
iThe Ohie & Western Ceal and Iren oem-
Sny filed an aaalgnmant In New Yerk en
enday te Jamaa A. Hall without prefer
ence. The mlnea aad fnmaeaa ara at
Fioedwood, Shawnee, Para, Orblatea and
Monday, O,
The deed or aaalgnment oenveya te the
aaelgnee all the lande, f urnaeaa, bulldtnga
and appurtenancea et tbe company, aubjaet
te a mortgage te the Bosten Sate Deposit
and Trust company. The president, Jehn
M. Olldden, waa el the firm or Qildden A
uurua, ei Bosten, whteu railed laat week,
and tbla failure precipitated the aaalgnment
of the company.
According te Brad $t recti', tbe Ohie and
Western Ceal and Iren company la a re
organization or the Standard Ceal and Iren
oempany, whleh waa aeld out under fore
closure la 1883. Aoeordlog te the com
pany's annual report en January 10, the
itablllttea were $3,309,000, or whlen tbe
bended debt wai $2,399,000, and ether debta
with collateral aeeurlty, $910,000. The assets
oenalatot 7,000 aerea or coal land In the
Hooking VaUey, Ohie, valued at $400 te
$500 per aere; about 300 beraea, three large
eteres, 400 railroad ears, four mil el track,
three oeal mlnea fully equipped, four
furnaeea, and a large amount et miscella
neous cqulpmentr.
Strange fatality has been connected with
tbe property out of whleh the Ohie aud
Weetern grew. J. me L. Burkey, who
oemmlttea aalclde In a St. Leu la hotel, waa
narraeaed te the laat by thoughts of the for fer
tunea he bad leat among the Hecking hill.
Oeerge Lee, who killed blmeelf In iN
Yerk hospital, waa haunted In hla dvtna
hour by the spectre ef ruin la the coal
UWIH Ul V.UAW. nu.u ruuMi IU
leunder of the Boaten Herald, took hla
own life aeme mentba age, and though be
bad many ether bualneaa complications te
J mil' him down, he, tee, had aeugbt tbe
ablad pet or geld tbat waa aald te be burled
at the feet of tee 'rYeetere rainbow.
A BUt Factory Ioipicter,
Seme premineut legislator have recelvf 1
a circular from the Knlgbta of Lit.?,
tlgntd by L. M. Barry, general director et
woman's work, and T. V, Powderly. gen
eral master workman, calling for the ap.
peintment or a state raciery inspector, in
treduxd by Senater Hlnes, In tbe In
terest et women and children, te enforce
tbe law with regard te sue, heura and con
ditions et employment"
Theolreular saya: "The large number
of ehlldren nnder 15 yeara of age employed
In our oem men wealth make auch a law aa
thla bill prerldea for a pe. live necessity,
Inasmuch aa when a gross Injustice u
being done our helpless little ones, either
by the avarice of employ era or tbe Improvi
dence and Ignorance of parents, tbe law el
our commonwealth aheuld atep between
and protect Ita children, who must become
men snd women el the future. Employ Empley
ment of children drives sdulta te enforced
Idleness, eventually awalla the army el
tramps snd crlmtnala and adde te tha
burden of taxpsyers for their support. Em Em
pleyment of ehlldren deprives the child et
the opportunity te cultivate snd develop,
mentally, physically snd ws might say
morally. It alvea ns men sneT women
wasting tha strength aad vitality aeeeaaary
lae of laaeraat, muscat msa aad women,
I a asanas te
( aaeawtalta.
taa yvuspatiiy w ear eesa-
aOLOiBRa' QKraana schools.
Why Oeaetat Wagaat Kepett Waa gap
uses araaa air. aaaataaa ears.
Theexeaae made by tha aeldlera' erphana
department for euppreaslng General Wag
aer'e report of the bed oendltlon of the
soldiers' erphana soheols, saada la April,
1887, is that It was net made te tha depart
ment direct, but te Ooverner Beaver ; aad
that as ha had Ignored the department It
oeaia aet ea expected inai ina report oeaioj
be printed as a part of tha departmental
report. Thereetoauseef theauppreaalenlc
that Wagner recommended that the aoheola
be taken from Hlgbee'e ebarge, because he
waa Incapable of doing the work, and that
they be placed In ebarge et a separata
Tka upholder of the aoheola are endeav
oring te explain away the attack el Insanity
at MeAlllstervllie by aajlng that they really
de aet amount le anything, were only a
apeetea et byaterle, and that there ara but
tares eases new la the aoheol.
Mr. Kauflman, who la the father et the
rsaolntleaappolntlngaoommlttee te Inquire
late the advisability et continuing the
soheols, said that MoAlllatervlUe matter
came la tha nick et time te abew np the bad
management el the aoheola, and would re
sult lu their entire abolition.
The chair laid before the Heuse en Mon Men
day afternoon a communication from Gen.
oral Leuie Wagner, submitting a report
upon the oendltlon or the aeldlera' erphana
aoheola aa he found tbem In 18S7, when he
made aa Inspection, and whleh he deelarea
was euppreeeed by Superintendent Hlgbee.
Tha communication, together with the
report, waa rererrna te tne apeeuu com
mittee, of whleh W. F. Stewart la chair
man, appointed te Investigate theeoheoli.
Grant sd by the ntitr.
The following letters ware granted by the
reglater of wills for the week ending Tuea.
day, February 12 :
Tkbtamkktary. Samuel Flloktegar,
deoeaed, late of Kaat Earl township ; Dr.
Isaac D. Win tare and S. B. Felia, East
Earl, executera. '
Annie M. Welgand, deeeannd, late of
Lancaster city ; Mary E. Welgand, city,
Jeseph Rutt, deeeased, late el KlUibeth KlUibeth
tewn borough; O. B, Hedman, Kllzt bath
town, executer.-
Washington a Wole, deceassd, late of
Columbia borough ; Jacob S. Btrine, Col
umbia, executer.
Ernlstlne Kuwaleb, deeeased, late of
East Hempflald township : Ames Harry,
Eat Hemptleld, and A. e. Ilyur, Manhelm
tewnahlp, executera.
Edward B. Blurgl, deceased, late of
Lltlta borough; Reainna L, Bturgla,
Lltltx, exeeutrix.
William Mebn, deceased, late of Adams,
town borough ; Henry G. Mehn, el Ad Ad
amatewn and Jeremlau G, Mehn, Reading,
Administration. Simen H. Glbbenr,
deeeased, late etE tat Hempneld tewnahlp;
8. P. Gibbens, East Hemptleld, adminis
trator. Jehn B. Glbblc, deeeased, late of War
wick tewnahlp; Ellztbeth M. Glbblc
Wsrwtek, administratrix.
Jeseph B. Limll., deeeased, late el Ceney
tewnahlp ; Catherine K. Landls, Ceney,
Magdalena Bmltb, deceased, lata of Col
umbia borough ; Geerge Bmlin, Columbia,
Ames D. Ueak, deceased, late of Maner
tewnahlp ; Careline, Ueak, Maner, admin
iatratrlx. Christian Kllheffer, deceased, late et
Maner township ; Abraham B, Bausman,
Maner, administrator,
Tne BIKged Hlsa arlsat and Hli Dtlad.d
Victim. IaTB Do.ien.
The gathering aterm around tbe bead of
Hiram E. Butter, the high prleat et the
lafameua G. N. K. K. association, wheae
detestable praotleea nnder the cloak of
Theoaepby were se lately exposed, haa
caused him te take alarm, and en Monday
he and hie deluded fomale neophytes lied
te parts unknown.
Na 478 Sbawmut avenue, the aoene or his
baoehanallan orgies, la deserted. Gone
with him la Ell Clinten, Ohemart, who
played tbe part or the mysterious vidyo vidye
nyslka, tbe prephet,lnd also Mlsa Flera
Manning, wheae poerfatherls heartbroken
In hla home In North Adams, longing hooo heoo hoeo
lessly for hla daughtet'a return.
Thla girl la a vietlut of Butler'a amlles,
and the fascination be exerted ever her still
continued until she has become like him,
thoroughly bad, aud te her deer la laid the
ebarge of aellve participation in the con
spiracy tbat led te the ruin of no less than
led them te place themselves in Butler'a
power in the vague hops et becoming
It waa te escape the vengeance of the
relatives el these victims that led the
swindle te take safety In flight. What
haa become el tbe large sums of money they
collected from tools all evor tbe country for
their begua Ooeult college can only be
Twe Sl.n Blabbed aud a Ttilril Knetksd
Twe Itallana employed aa eirtera at the
Star glaaa werka at Norrlatewn, became en
gaged In a quarrel en Monday and oue el
them, Jehn S. Pantallane, atabbed tbe
ether, Franoeeeo Lemen, In tbe abdomen,
lclllellng an ugly wound. The murderous
attack waa wltneaicd by ether Italians.
Pletre Petronelll, when he aaw Patallane'a
dirk plunged into Lemeu'a body, rushed
Inte tbe melee te prevent a aeoend thrust,
when he received a torrlble stub wound In
the lower region et tbe back.
A young brother et Lsmen new ap
proached for the purpose of avenglug
Franoeseo'a wound, when I'antallanu
knocked him senseless with a ueavy bar of
Iren. The bloodthirsty Italian then darted
away from tbe ero wd aud was seen speeding
across tbe fields ln;tthe direction uf Ply
mouth township. A police cfUcer was
aummoned at once, and mounting a herse
atarted In het pursuit of Pantallane, who,at
last account, waa atlll at liberty. Dr. L.
W. Read, who waa called te treat tbe
wounded men, sajs it la impossible te tell
for aeveral hours what their chances for
reoeyery are. It la belleved the man Loinen,
who waa cut, will die.
A lttpert by Ueu.ral OrMljr Tbat I. Net fiat fiat
Ul.cterjr. The aeeretary et war has transmitted te
tbe Heuae a statement et the olilef signal
olheer et the army aettlng forth the very
oasitUfaetory oendl'.loa of tbe signal e:rp i
and tbe IneuTclrncy of the present lleuton lleuten
snts et thst oerpa. The secretary luvltea
attention te tbe reoemmendatloua of tbe
mejer general commanding tbe army as te
tbe noeeesity of a amall apeclal signal cerjn,
General Greely aava :
Tbe failure of Coegreia te transfer tbe
dutlea et tbe algnal corps te thnrgrlcultural
department appears te ronder It neceasiry
tbat proper ate pa aueuld be taken te reduce
the unnecessarily large number et oflieera
and men and te ae arrange tbe corps as te
Insure the mental and physical oempctonoy
of the oflleers connected with It. The oerpt
py law cecsuta ei iu aecana uenienants, iwj
aergeants, mi osrpereia ana mv privates.
The physical and mental competency In
whole or part et 11 of 10 lieutenants of the
alanal oerpa baa been Impugned by offlelal
action and reports, while of the remalnlng
nve two have Deen pronounced competent
oflieera lu all respects and thiea have had
no critical test except In the performance cf
ordinary cilice duties.
In conclusion General Greely urges the
paaaage of a reorganlzttlen bill for tbe lm,
prevement et tbe aervlce generally.
Fex Cba.0 To-Werroir.
The fox chase at Butler'a hotel will be
held en Wednesday afternoon. The bwt
hunters in the eastern endct the county
will attend.
Hern, aad Cbtldrse Herntd.
The beuse of Jeseph Orover, atTarpnrt,a
sueuru e: iiraaieru, ra., was uurneu en
Mendsy night, and two children twins,
aged three yeara perished In the IUuhh,
Naaily 7,000 caiUiea,
Miss Ids MeadenbeU, et Klrkwoed, haa
a quilt eeatalntag 6,980 patches, She mads
The r.Bs.jlTSBta Tat.pheaa Company
ThreataB te Rsaaeve tbe lastrasaeal
Becaa.e tha rreprteters el tha Msara
paper Ueteis te stga a eaatraet.
Judge Llvlngatea thla afternoon granted
a preliminary Injunction restraining tka
Pennsylvania Telephone company from
removing Ita Instrument frenf the efllee of
the iNTHLLictKNCRn. The bill of
oemplalnt filed by the owners of
the lNTKLi.teKKOBR eels lerth that
aa agreement wis presented te them
for their slgnaturee and tha threat waa
mads thst unttsa that agreement was algned
the taatrament would be removed ; " that
said agreement le Illegal, arbitrary, un
just, unreasonable sad contrary te common
right and tha demand for the sign
lng et lbs aald paper Is oentrsry te
law and agalnat ths rights of ths said plain
tlfla and they have refused te algnthe
Ths petition en whleh the le Junction waa
granted waa presented st ths opening of
oeurt this afternoon by Geerge Naumaa,
esq. The motion te dissolve will be argued
In live days.
in common ruses cetmr.
A Belt en Trial le KceT.r Damagss ker tha
Opsnlng el Olaj Btrssl,
Theaultef the exeouters of Geerge W.
Smith, deceased, vs. the exeeuturs of Henry
Sheaff, deoeaaed, with notice te Jsceb
Hebble and Emily Uebble, hie wife, was
attached for trial thla morning before Judge
Livingston, but before the examination of
any witnesses the deolaiatlen was amended,
defendanta pleaded eurprlaa and th case
wsnt oil st the oests of ths plaintiff.
The next ease attached waa that of Jehn
K. Diem va. Annie Huber and B, H.
Beller, owners, and B. H, Beller, con
traoter. Thla was a autt te reoever 1300 ea
a meobanle's.llen for lumber furnished by
plaintiff te defendanta living at Gordoa
villa, At tbe oenoluilon el plaintiff's
teettmeny oeunael for defendants moved
for a nen-anlt en the ground that the title
te tbe property never waa In Beller'aname,
who ordered the lumber. The oeurt
granted the nensuit. B, F. Davla for
plaintiff ; D. MeMullen for defendants,
nsFena Junau fattbrhen.
The .enlt of L. W. Beaker va. ths elty
and oeunty el Laneaster was attached for
trial In the lower oeurt room thla morning.
Thla waa sn Issue te determine the smeunt
et damagee sustained by plaintiff b," reason
cf the opening or Weat Olay atreet through
his premises. The witnsases who were
examined at the morning session testified
tbat the dnmagM auatalned ranged be
tween $2,600 and $3,000. Oa trial.
In the aulta of Jaoeb Penlz vs. Israel V.
Mayer, Judgment by consent was entered
In favor of plaintiff for $121,
Wa. B. Given, Columbia, was sppelnted
guardian of the miner ehlldren of Mary
Whalen, deceaaed,
James J, Ferd, Columbia, was sppelnted
guardian of tbe miner ehlldren of Martin
Ferd, el Columbia,
llebut d et ail Wit as.
CnsvaNNK, Wye., Feb. 13. Gibben
Condle, s wealthy Mermen, leaped from
a rapidly moving Union Paclfie train yeater
day between Weber and Fateraea, Utah,
and will likely die from bis injuries,
Condle has been Buffering from dementia
from a pueultar occurrence of three weeks
age. The men bad three wives and lived
happily until a daahlng brakeman appeared
en the seene and engeged In a flirtation
with Condle's barem. The huaband ob
jected but was auppreaacd by tbe women.
The brakeman finally eloped with all three
wlvea, but abandened two and la new In
Washington territory with the youngest
snd prettiest. The ether two returned,
but were set adrift by Condle, Condle has
aeven ehlldren en hie hands. But they and
hla property will be cared for by tbe church.
Nole. Frem Japan,
New Westminhtxb, B, O., Feb, 12.
The ateamer Abyialnla has arrived bring
ing Japaneae advices te January 21.
The present population et Japin by of
ficial returns la given st ever 38,000,000.
The activity In tbe Bilk market haa net
waned alnee tbe beginning et the year.
The tendency, If anything has been other
wise and Blocks from the Interior have al
most all been collected into Yokohama.
Aa tbeaupply, however, doe notexeeed
13,000 or 14,000 bales, natlve morehants ara
very firm In their demanda.
The war authorities are oenalderlng the
organization el oeaat artillery snd troops te
be stationed at various fortresses.
l'rsinlaius en Tbslr Beslpi.
Kanhah Cur, Ma, Feb. 12 Three
very excited Cbleameu vliited Chief
Bpeera yesterday. They wanted protection
from tbe chief, a they feared they would
be killed. They aald tbit Wab Lee and
Wah Sing bad offered $1,800 for the three
aeilps, or $003 eaeti te have them killed.
They claimed te be euro et thla, and
lurther stated tbat,ln response te telegrama
aent te Ban Franclsoe, Hlghblndera were
en the way here from that elty te kill them
ler the premium offered. The chlet sent
tbem te the prosecuting atterney te state
tbelr case.
Tbe Uoedler.'
Nkw Youir, Feb. 12 The extraordinary
term ct tbe eyer and terminer court waa
In session only a short time tbla morning.
Judge Daniels received the' formal notice el
venue In the and OoLFellewa
then meved ter the trial el T, B. Kerr, who
la Indlettd for bribing the aldermen for
their votes In favor of the Broadway
franchise. After aeme consultation ths
trial waa set for Friday.
O'flrl.n. HtijuMt
DunuN, Feb. 12. Mr. Wm. O'ilrlcn
was taken te-day from the Jail at Tralee te
Klllarney, where he waa arraigned en tbe
reoent summons issued against him under
tle crlmea act. Mr. O'Brien appeared pals.
He asked for au adjournment of his case,
aa he hal net bad Itlme te consult hi
oeunsol. The court granted bis request
and aet tbe bearing for Monday,
A Valeabl. I.kbiraterjr liernsd.
Celumdl'h, e, Feb. 12, The chemleil
laboratory- et the state university was totally
de.troyed by lire this morning. Less $50,.
COO. The firemen bad great trouble In
saving the main building. The origin el
the tire is unknown.
A Prominent Manaractur.r.OMs.
Bosten, Mass., Feb. 12 Orray A. Talt,
Jr., aen of O. A. Taft, of Point Shirley,
died auddenly In tbla city tb!a
morning at tbe age et 49 year. Tfaedt
ceased waa for many j ears a prominent
mauttfacturer in Providence, K. 1.
Te skat, en u.ergVa Birthday,
Kkwiiubuii, N. Y., Feb. 12 Tee Naw-
burgh Skating association haa decided te
csllibe national akatlng racea for Wish Wish
lngteu'a birthday,
Hri, IJiowe Clallty,
Masen City, la, Feb. 12. The Jury in
tbe Brown murder trial returned aver aver aver
dlotet gutlty, Mra. Brown rcealved tha
bswh eflmly, Tha verdict gives general
s Ian t Cssspel aa AceeaaWg;
Closely roilewtog the oemmntatloa of taa
asBlaaus of James D. Flab, former praatdant
of the Maria beak, New Yerk, somas a
salt at taa iasaraea of Jeseph W. Yates aad
Rebert Porteraald, creditors of Great A
Ward, against J alien T. Davlea, amlgas of
taa Una. te eesapel htm te glvs aa aeeoaat aeeeaat
lac et all hla traasaeUeaa In conneeUoa with
taa affairs of the firm alnee he aoeepted ta
asatgaseshlp, May B, 1881,
Thaoemplalat reolteatbateartalaelaisM
et perseaa war praferred as oradlters of
tasasstgasd firm without destgaaUag taa
parsons by asms or the ameaata du te
iasaa, aad that lsrgs elatma have been pro pre
aaatsd te tha ssatgne. aad ths complala cemplala
aats bauara that dlfflenit queetlene wlU
arisala ascsrtslalag who ara tha persons
aad ocrperaUoBS snUUed te prafsraaea.
Fer Wees reasons ths oemplelaanta do de
maad that tbs llabllltles of tha surviving
msmbers of tha firm et Grant A Ward may
be Bseartslssd nader the dlreoUea of tbe
oeurt, that tha oradlters may be required te
oeme In sad exhibit their clalma, and that
the persons or corporations entitled te pre
ference may be Judicially determined.
Beat Bargtars eaptarad.
BBipaareBT, Ct., Feb. 12 A gang of
five burglars vlaltsd Nswtewa last Bight
aad bum a whelesals raid ea the town bat
without securing say plundsr. Among tha
plaeea they attempted te eater was taa
Savings bank. Gray's esrrlage shop wm
enured aad ths safe blows open bat
nothing of value found.
Watbbbubt, Ct, Feb, 12 Act
ing under advices from Sheriff Glever,
et Newtown, ofnesrs ta this elty
ma dewa the Nswtewa burglars as
they alighted from a train this morning
aid after a hard struggle, la whleh r;
velvers wars used, captured tour of them.
Ths Nswtewa savings bank offered a re
ward of 1600 for their capture,
Ths Railroad Men meagre.
Chicago, Ilia, Feb, 12, The Tribune
thla morning says Prestdsnts Hugltt, Cabls
sad Streng appointed te seeurs ths algae
tares of th presidents of the TStleus reeds
named la ths sgrsamtnt havs made
no progress whatever, during tha last
wsek aad tha preapecta for tha ooaaumma eoaaumma oeaaumma
tlon of ths nsw scheme ara peer. Tha
reads whleh refused te Jein ths eemblai
tlen wberi they wera first aaked, ara atlll
out aad aet one of thsm has thus far shewa
any lnollnaUeatoJoln or alga tha sgrs
meat. Flftssn of ths twsaty-twe reads
have signed. Tha seven reads whleh have
aet slgatd ara tha Fert Beott fc Gelf,
Qulncy, Burlington A Northern, WU WU WU
eonaln Central, Denver A Fert Werth,
Illinois Central, Kansas A Texas,
Tried te Bill the noetor,
Omaha, Nsb,, Feb. 12, Twe men at
tempted last evening te aaaasilrate Dr. W.
W. Kelly, superintendent of the Nebraska
lnssne aaylum at Norfolk. Kelly wsa
struck, by three ballets, one of which
esrlensly wounded him In tha shoulder,
One week age Kally was arrested ea a
charge of murdering, by criminal mal mal mal
preotlee, OaroUae Bheudsr, a domsstle ta
tha aaylum. Tha town haa a large popu
lation who took tbe matter np and showed
astrcmg disposition te show tbe superin
tendent no merey. He waived examina
tion aad waa released ea 110,000 ball. Tha
people have been greatly agitated aver
since. Tbs paraeas who did ths sheeting
wera arrested and ara ta oustedy,
i m
The Hsarlag Adjesraed le March 1.
Wasuinoten, 1). O,, Feb. 12. Th
hsarlag before the laUraUtsoemmsioi
oemmlmtoa la the oemplalnt of Cox
Bres, agalnat th Lehigh Valley rail
road oleaed temporarily this after after after
aoen. Prealdeat Wilbur and Jehn
Tayler, traffic manager of ths Lehigh
Valley, wsrssxamlnad te-dsy about oeal
transportation rata. This oleaed the sab
mission et testimony. Oeunael were given
nntll Msrch 1 te print tbe testimony sad
prepare their arguments aad the hearing
was adjourned until that date.
Its BtulBOU Datawral.
H Anniauuaa, Pa., Feb, 12, The Dauphin
oeunty oeurt In th ease of tha common
wealth va ths Mutual Aid Union and
Beneficial association el Philadelphia says
It is forced te the oenolaalon that tha oom eom oem
pany U unlawfully engaged In bualneaa of
lisulng policies el Ills Inauranoe and tbat
therefore the commonwealth Is entitled te
Judgment of ouster.
Th opinion applies te ether companies
doing a similar bailae,
A Preposition te ths Slaggsrs.
Londen, Feb. 12. Ths SperUman prints
a letter from Ben Hyatt, whleh saya: "If
four out of five of tbe undsrmentlened man
will staks 200 aeen, viz: Sullivan, Bmltb,
Kllratn, Mitchell and Jaoksen, te box with
ordinary gloves four rounds, three minutes
each, and tha final of flvs rounds en Friday,
April 20, at Agricultural hall, I will add
2,000 te bs divided as follews: First prise,
1,600; second prize, 700; third sod fourth,
300 eaeh. Entries must bs mads te the
&ler(smun net later than March 1."
An BogiBesr rfillad.
LYNennuiici, Va., Feb. 12. A collision
occurred yesterday en tbe Norfolk &
Weatera railroad near Pearlaburg. Owing
te a mlaconatrnctlen et orders en th part of
the men In eharge of an eaelbeund train,
two freights oame together with Urrlfle
foree. Engineer Llnewoed waa instantly
killed, and tbe firemen et both trains srs
reported seriously hurt. Beth trains were
badly wrecked.
Illalaa Ltfcalf te Urn H.tact. J.
Wahuinhten, Feb. 12. General Alger
will net be a member et tha cabinet el
President Harrison. That is one of the
two thlnga aettled In the minds of these
whesre Intimate with General Harrlaea
and hla advlaers. The ether thing which
they believe te be aettled la that Mr. Blaln
will be aeeretary el atate.
A Herdir.r KUI.d.
Tei'cica, Kane., Feb, 12. The report
was received here yeaterday of the killing
el Charley Stsre, a;reuegade, In Oklahoma
en Saturday. Stern bad killed Deputy U.
B. Marahal Jehn MeAUlater a few daya age
at Eufaula, A party pursued him without
a w art ant H fired st them snd they rt
turned the fire, killing blm Instantly.
Te Joia Twe Beas.
St. Pktkrsuure, Feb. 12 The govern
ment has granted a eoneesalon for a period
of 81 years te a oempany which proposes
te Jein the Blaek Sea and the Sea of Asev.
The company baa a capital of 85,000,000
franca. The Grand DuksofLsutehtenborg
la chairman.
KUled bj Burglars,
Pittsbcbu, Pa,, Feb, 12, Wm. St.
Olatr, proprietor el a gentleman'a furnish
ing store at Williamsburg, a auburb of thla
elty, waa fatally abet by burglara lu hla
atere early tbla morning. The men es es
etped. .1
A CntsaBartae Diss,
Rochester, N. Y Feb. 12. A arecbd
from Medina say i : "Mrs. E. P. Helms, of
Lyndenvllle, died this mernlng,agd a few
mentha ever 1W yeara. Up te within a ft W
week of her death, Mra. Helma had enjoyed
the beat of health.
Most AD.wtrSer UU UtUranc...
Kemk, Feb. 12. Signer Costs, s member
el tbe Chamber et Deputies, Is te be proas preas proas
euted for making a revolutionary speech,
Portugal's Cab but sUsiges.
MADBiD,Feb.l2,-ThsPertugueae ciW-aethssrtsigBad.
l?m? Till? PsTCBDVattl '
Ths ssas Oeaamatee atsawrts It
Aa aaatwewat Apairefrtasisa st all
Ta B Qlvea Th BM
Westtag ... I
Habrisbure, Fa. 14 TM
slgasd the first MU ef IM aaaak
pravldtagret the baaiaahM af
BfflABM nf nl la ..---
,rzzvzr. L"r.--.:::irm
tmrn nirat. ei iiapiBBaawHiea ss
Us bill te saabl th Peamsjlvaala
aarvss e eaiia a memenai tan aa i
ban baUls-fiald, eat of faada i
ter taa erection of Baeaamsata, aai
addlUeaal approprlstlea of S1X0PA
rsperted sfflrawUvsly. '
BUIa wera read la ptsae aa fellasaji
sniraa, Aiisgasay, te sUew drttaataa
seu artlelss ea Bttaday that are aet mmi
classified aa aiesmltlss or aaanaarS
ameaaugtae aet of 17M LeJrsriy,.
gnsay, allowing wacea te be ataaaaM
beard sad olethlng : Hall, et Mans,
puroeeaa copyright of SmnU'a Haad aaasVt
for $0,000 1 Few, Philadelphia, sad battaVi
Moatcemsry. te nrsvaat nmahlasllsa at'
trusts; Few. Philadelphia, taqsanaattd!
eaaaed goods te b stamped with tstteaMMI
01 which they are canned 1 Th
Warrea, te prevsat sals of tobaeoo te
uadsr sixieaa years of at. v
BUts were fasssd anally t Raaafe
parseaa elalmlag tntsrsst or HUe ta :
estate who are aet la poaiesalea ssbrtaf-'
aotlea of ejectment wlikla alaety aagf
iter rate in ssrvaa ea uses
autemeats filed la thalasarsaai
ment evidence ; prehlbltlag aadar
perseaa net msmbers of the 0raa4
te wear the laalgala et the order,
Te Oeatrel ah rag Iren Mask, Zt(
Naw Yebk, Feb. U-It was eawat at
tbe New Yerk Metal Exeaaage tasi
lag taat taa maaagsrs ef en tec
baa asariy oemMMSd their
for sseartsg eeatrel of the whew i
aaarket. ueatrasts are astag
furaaee oempsales far a aerled ef
eaeh eempaay agreelag that M WtU-
plaessjiylreaagalastwalsk v.
te be Issued la ta bead of aay
warraateg eempaaiea, 11 is
that the prednesr la w pay yardage eaaahj
rate et an eeaa, aad 2 eeata per
earrylag aharges, The gradlag will I
guaranteed by the oempany. The at
yards will bs la oeavsaleat lemlwtsei
plaesd la the bands of the trasteaa at 1
nominal ranuu.
Le Osrsa Baamtaid ay lwassrs I
Londen, Feb. 12. That
of L Carea by Sir Oaariaa Kaaasii
oeaUausdattkis aaeraug'a sasslaa affl
ParaeU eommbalea. XaewM
that aslthsr O'Kslly or FarasU aad 4
wrlttea te him. The Faalaar, a aaaf 1
polled O'Kslly bseanss he jetaea taa t
mevsmsat headed by ParaeU. She 1
impertaat oeavsraatloa Mr, 1
with hla was, be said, the OMWhaaY
eeraea the Irish Maaer aa a
La Carea aald fteasilsesared hasMI
see why aa tasarresUeaweaJdaatbei
esssfaL Lsosrea said that freaal
low, te Aagast 1870 he rsesirei &,m,
of whleh a ansa asrimbUsBBifcaaa t
Laav wkMa ease. 'k
Wasash, lad., Feb. 13-The While 4
fever has spread te the Maaalsalathat
Joining oeuaty of Huattagtea. At.l
Etna aa eeUseabls yeaag lady hei
esl ved ths f olio wtagwaramg "Mt,
Ind, Miss We are sorry te aay that
leas yen mead your ways aad 4
from aowea yen will reserve raaa I
meat from the lady White Caps of tale
late, Yours truly."
The lady who Metived the aet la aet I
the least frlghteaed.
ew Flvs rsraeaa Wet BfltssV
Kr. Pase, Tex, Feb. 12. Aa aesKsal
occurred at YslsU, Taxss, ta whleh
Joasa, ex United Ststsa eeaeal la,
buahua, Maxles, hla three sans aad
Witt, 10 yeara old, were buried la
Twe of Jeaes ehlldrea aadaasWtet
were at play la a esve whea a auaa af
fell, barylag theaa. Mr, Joasa rai
their rsseus aad aaether fall af aaav
him with the ethers. Mr. Jeas
well known soldier aad aa editor.
They WW Ttttt la niiMsat, S
PH11.ADBLFBIA, Pa., Feb, 1Z Taeassav
bars of tbe Philadelphia Fredaee
chang left hare this meralag for Wa
tea by apeelal trala ever the slrnaefaat?
Ohlorallread te udaige taa two i
ouraiea la llsu et thstr osesl aaaaal I
oust. Th party eeaslets of 1
hundred persona Abeat 1 p. m.Wa
dsybaabsea sslsetsd for iMprsssi
VI uv mj v Jtmvm94tmiwmwM
.m ai.. ...A. I. TJaaaMaat aTaiAaleiaaaV
saa wa wimsh m aiaej ! as ass wbwbbtwwsb ,
ah aWjBimeiai aaiAjBaa allnlamaa
dks meinks, ta, rsn, u. it was
oeversd this meralag that a grave ka W
land cemetery had been epeaed
A lady's supper near the meaad gave tars
due, sad upon eptaiag tne grave gas
of Mrs. Gravt', who was baried a MW waaga)
age, was found empty. A elae wt
foUewad te a msdleel oellege, bat the body
found there had been mutilated bsyeat
Vreb.bly Killed by ale Sea-ls-lAW.
CALDWBLr,, O., Feb. 12. -Jehn KsUet,
age 76, residing near Ats, was saaaallaal 1
and robbed by hla sea-la-Uw,
Debbins, at ths termer'a resJdi
night, and abeat 1600 m money
The old man was sUuck ea tbe
with e gun and knocked asaaelees
probably dis, Debbins waa srrsstsd.
admitted tha crima
An Attaaipt ta Bans a Bask. . p-
West Botkbieb, Wis., Feb, 12 Aa aX-
tomet was made Ute Suaday sight le Isaaj
the bank of Superior. Kladllag sstaraaaj
with kerosene wm seattered eatawaaaaat.
fleer and ignited, bat was diseevsreths'
Isdy oeoapylag one 01 ue roesa
checked before great daaug was
Noela8 . ,4
AppreachM By a Bsihsr.
Aleant, N. Y., Feb. 12. Assam
Jehn Martin la open asssmbly
created a aensaUea. Ha said aa
bad been made la New Yerk te bribe
In referenee te the aaaembly eeuiag
Ha daellnad te alve the BSBM Of th
bs briber. In da Urn h saw he weak!
tell. . n
Berasd te Death Walls gftaaB,
Habbisbube. Feb. 12. Was.
aged 47, a cobbler, was found deed Ja
ahen. en ThUd street, late last algal
waa drunk and tsUapea the stevs eat
hed v waa terribly barase. He was a
in tha lata arar. and laavea a wlM sad
chUdteu. i't1-
Paia 830.080 sural
Ban Francisce, Feb. 14 Th
Woednutbasbsea sold te a aua
Steele, of Philadelphia, far .
J il WAaBXBOTOB,A O, Feh. 12,
awstsni resmawtvasMB 1 ar,
wastatiy WsaBBi
' -- yt.VrSi! Si V r-kJ-