V Cf'f wr''"" Vft' is -. ,' . r V ir m - t 4 i-" h ;5 " N 1HE IiANCASTEB DAILY INT 1HE XtAUCASTEB DAILY ISTEUJGEyClER, SATOB&AY. FEBRUAgg 9. 1889? bW.iA.jsCTi AiMiMMf rMMMWr. itN jm ummt Bl Ban. N' " COLUMBIA, VtB, 9. IMVtllB, Bettara MkK,M tha Mil weikb, wh pre I Mfc a parr of get glsaeee jeeurtiav I an apnea te reade by Jacob X. CB MMU 01 U" iayMOtMr, Dr. T.tf. Livingston, J. ,IHNllDlIHi W. U. iieisnBy, krJlMmT aa ' " BioeauHa llfiratewa m Bandey morning for IH Ul At BCBBIliiVai SM iQen. Welahpeat. Baadalla wm aaed by Bemuel I for Maanlt m battery and aaraly petet before Bqulre Selly. Tbla J ABI09 WM Beat 10 Jill 10 answer n karlmary raeellngae! tha Democrats keheld thai evealng at tbe following u First ward, Black Bern hotel t I ward, Wagner'a betel ; Third ward, a'abetei; iprlsjery meeting et the Third ward MtcanawIU ba bald at Mechanic l tale evening. am Tjraea broke through me ice abating yesterday atternoen en the He west la erer bta bead, and waa I out by be trie-be J a. tie Bsretbelstl, aged 11 month, ahlld of leeae Betntbeltel, died en ay evening. Dsath resulted from con- of tha brain alter an tunesa e tweeka The funeral will bebelden r afternoon at 2 o'clock. O. W. Adams, of WaahlDgten Kb', Will preach en Hunday morning Itte Methodist church. Rev. The. i will preacb In the evening en the ,Tne Water of Life." Bar. WMIe B. Hlnmarj,cf the Second Xntheran ebnrcb, will preaeb en r morning en tbe aubject, "Christ's e and Bew te Retain Tbeai." R ven- teabjeet, "Rsltglen ai a Principle." . O. u. Bella, or the Uburcn or uoe, ImmaH nn Mnnilav mnrnlna nn tha jeet, "The Bjwlng and the Reaping, " Hag autject, "Take Bead Theu ait Jaev. K. I.ndwlck, of the U. B. church, . 'meacb en Holiday morning en tne tjeei, "Oed't Special Care for bta ne," evening su disci, "A unmpeoei I Jedgment. " Bev. F. J. Olay Meran held tcrvlcca te r tt the mission at Ssfe Harber. ha regular monthly meeting of the I Alliance will be held en Hen. t evening in 81 Jehn'a Lutheran church. litters, supervisors and visitor a are I te be preaent. Aa caasake kith labeemy-. i Inf Man ammd Fer tha T lit It of Lead Bad Belder. Jfmt aeme time paat Jehn P. Sehaum A a, plumbers aDd gi a altera, wbeaepuce ' baalnuili at Beeth Qaeen and Mifflin , have been mining large nuantltlea !lead, Belder and elber article. Laat itaMtbagateln the rearet tboaterewaa I open, and the window of the plumber ratted. The tblevea eQected an en. la tbla manner and atolealetof Tbeeaae waa given Inte tbe banda of able Eiehelts, who tbla forenoon ar- Jehn Kennedy, David Ohie and iFralleyen the charge of larceny. ij waa formerly an empleye or lea'a bnt baa net been working for a i or mere. The three men had been for aeme lime patt Eighteen la el lead waa found at tbe home et KreckeL a Junk en Beaver atreet lead waa sold te Ereckel by one Xb parly. Twenty-one pounds of lead I Med at WlUlam Hennrcke'aen Weat (treat. Tbla atternecn Officer Elcbeltx about one bnndred peunda of lead Sawduat Ball," an old two-atery , along tbe Qiarryvllle railroad, near Igaa werka. Tela bulldleg la occupied r MM aeeuaed and tbalr Irlenda aa a aert of lb home, and It la a very tough retort. tbe lead found waa Identified by earn A Sen, although the tblevea bad I bard le diBtrey marka ufen It. TkaflfMd ArawBtaie TM atata BaeaifaiaaH af MMUraad Amy el the BapeibUe will eaTaaje la the eyera beaeeat Krle eat Tueaiay aaeralag at 10 o'elockaed tbe lepiaaaateAlvee from tbla city will leave for Krle at 1 eeteek .Meet day aaeralBg. TM Baaae of Dr. J. A. K. Keed, of Peet 81, will b preeeated aa a candidate for medleal ellreeter, Obaplata A. C. Leenard, et Peet 406, la cbelraaea et a oemmlttee te aeeertaln aad report tha Bom Bem ber et peaaleneia who are laaatee of tha different aeldler' hemee, aad Comrade Wlekenham, of Peet 84, ie a meesber of tbe eldlera' erDhaaa eemailUea, Aaaletant Adjutant uenerai TBemaa j. Stewart la a candldaU for departmeBt.com departmeBt.cem aander. The repreeenUtlvea from Lane alter are t Peet 84, Dr. J. P.Wlekeraham, Dr, J. A. K. Reed, HrJ. O. B. PaaBaeht, Jamea B. Mataball, J. D. Iitadli, Oapt H. R. Breaemas, Kdwla Bookmyer, Daniel Rice and Uapt. W. D. Btanfteri poet 406, A. O. Leenard, W. F. Hambrlgbt, Jehn . Schnm and O, W. Baflaagla. Aa aaatag With Brraal. Following waa tha tngraaame et the Oreenwald Literary eedety en Friday evening! Eeeey ea Bryant, by Mlaa Ada Oechrani reetullen, lOJe te the Water Fowl," by Mlaa Ella MeOaakeyi reading, 'ThanatepaK" by Rev. O. L. Fry reelu reelu tlen, "Antiquity of Freedom," by Mlaa AdallneSplndler "tiymn te me rorw, rerw, by Elmer Bwllt. A eeclable followed tbe library enterulnment, during Which re freahmenta were aeivcd. m Oibl BeeUly anatranaiT. The Laneaater City Bible aoelety will celebrate Ita aeveatletb annlvaraary en Sunday evening In Ibe following churehea: St. Paul'a Reformed, addreaeee by Reva. O Elvln Benpt and Jamee T. Mitchell, D. D s St. Jehn'a Lutheran, addreeeea by Reva. J. Max Hark, D. D., and J. M. Tit as, D. D.; St. Paul'a Melhedlit Eplaoepal, addrei.ee by Reve. U. L. Fry ana a. u. Wltmer ;Ht. Hlephen'a Lutheran, addreaata by Reva. Prof. R. O. Bheldt and Newton J. Mlller. m Ad amiih afaa leaaae. Shortly befere seen te-day an Amlah man waa admitted Inte the oeunty Inline aaylum. Tbla la tbe nnt time In the blitery of the county, ae far aa tbe roeorde abew, that anyone et thli rellglem denomination waa an inmate of tbe atylum, and Superin tendent Went eaya that in all hie vlilta vlilta tlena te lnaane aeyluma ha never before eaw one of tbe Amlih perauaalen In any of them. Irjarad In a Kuewy. The hone of AL Vellratb, bltebed te a milk wagon ran et tbla afternoon. At Oange and Water e'.reeta the owner waa thrown out and bad one arm very badly In. Injured. The herae waa caught, M ppolnted an Inaaenratlea Aid. Edwin 8. Stuart, of Philadelphia, Who will be chief of the olvle parade In Wash ington en Inauguration day, haa appointed Tbemaa U. Wiley, of tbla elty, one of bla aids. Kicenlledl Again! a rumir. Three execution aggregating In amount te t2,0S0, were Iteucd today agalnit Abra ham M. Weaver, a farmer or Eiat Barl tewmblp. Toateco Itnrer'a Contraet Boekr, Beeelpt Boeki, iiBUipla 1 eg). Ac, printed at the Imtbl-, uoiiein ufflcs a. ihert notlee. friretrta friretrta enable. Werk nut-cliwi. IeU7id itaiaUjr bsefhl by aaaawleateB aemeta. Tfcla eOkaM the weafcnan of the arageceaaa altheagh the bank atateaaiat waa Tarraaf. vetabie, ahewtag a deereaee ta the reaerva et ai,ite ie, prteee eleeea iteadr at about teat night'i Bgnrei. The aalee ameaated te lit,6ie ihini. ewW gTaWV Waw Teaa. Feb e riear raarket Hat Ctty Mill xuma, tes la i anperaae, at at ft t flne iiariest atr,tO(a)r ... . Wfaett ratlMi Ma 1 , Stat, tinif wo.de.tvei Ke a ad( winter, reb.oijiei Mat eh, MHc i Aprtl, two i May, Mfe ; mita sons t ablpmeata, anna. uetnflnnert no. a attxrd, eaah, Met afar. HeipMl.iMa May, JHe I rtelpt, ,ew ablpmeritt, lMiit. , uata armeri Al white Btate, a9)8t Ne flo.re j t e. i Miiea.ree, teKat t'.rei Miy.sie t roettpie,e;,otC ihipmintf, tw. Bte dall. IUr.ey qaHt Hat Ceaa,ant35. I'eikdalliBleia.eia coajuaifernawmeH. I.a-d qulet mr 7 tS AprU,l7 1 MelBMta ae tvet itnw Orieaaa, IteJtSe. Turpentine dull at I7i. Ketln dull at II OMejt 07K. latrelenm quiet I aUaaaa ta -bbl. 17 10. utter n nn i rai em emamv, at(f . Cbceae iteadr I Ohie flit. lOBJUKe. im arm t utata, leejUHei waetera, lC)(e. a Ice nominal. ? arurarquieti eanaryOatleatlJl eraaala. ted. 7e i Mould A, 7. TallewdaliiprimeitT,E-18a)SH0. .... OetMe ateady i rair Caratne. iu Ate. 17x era. WauateptrJipk. ........., 4eyl0e galaft'gf VI IHiti iiiitiiiiitiii leaiaaeaiiti CwOTSTayeMel bVayeeeeeeeeeaeeeaeee9ea fJlaBBBBdglaAaae t.iiMi.nti iuuiiiiitliitii TtlBOtJaiy fl tB4aaaeae4eaeaeeeaeeeaeaaeeeee SWwl titlM fl t)laleaee)eaaaaaeea eeei flttBfftaTtaBBaaaateaaaeteeeeeeeeaaeeeaeaavt'N ten lAwa eeeaaeeea 'eteeeeeeeeaeeeaeaVaV9lM iaiitiiiiiiiiiaaeaeiil & OjaUMafXaJP btltll6lBBeaeeeeeeeeeeeaee ? Rtmp, fl btltbvJeeeaeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaff ? riaVXtad( f bttA6leeeeeeeee eeee.aM.tS MUtetaVbalbM.e.e.t.eeeee.eaaaeaie.eteliVwVleH TtOC AtTB .M4tV m afaUBflf riOrP bU.......eee Batfw.Vt efaattCy "BOUT FJOIlTeeaa leeeeeeeeee)aiaa-M KTtt DUaVeeeeaeeeteeeaeeea ataeaWQ FlOUl PMT Qnatttefaeeeeeaaaaeeeeaeeeeeaeaae7iVS leTfetADCaeaaaaaaeeeeaeeeeeaieaeftateeeeieeaaeeaeeeeeSat WeaTMat bUf aeeteeeeeeaeeeteeaeaeeVOal .Tttate BaVlDIOfl V lbeeeieeeeeaeteeeeelOO OttR4h y KaVeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeieaaeeeeeee .IflO OyVtOn V lWeeeeeeeeaeeeeetaeW0ilJlO KOIS V eeeeeeeeeeBeeeeeeeaeeaeeeeaeeeeaelQ8 arOfBn09aaBeeeaaaaeeeeeeeeeeaaeeeeeeeeeaeeeluO MajSaaflaeeeeeaeeeeeeeeaeae aeete eeee10B BlyelQhlh MACatArAltaeeeeeea eeeeeeeaeee1zO Cape Mar uoeaiem g. ....... ..e.lle iVJrir AD VMMTMMMtm. QttoiftttsWabyHaMifMeargViia Oa, 'f -. - . mm . K M U 11 i ". r. nwrei Canada raeifle 0. O. Vt a) t. ... Colerado Ueal............. OenlnU Facine panada Benthera. UnUBt,uarbg ui 3- aeee i An. a ILlO ai.aii.iiitiiiii !lalia Waeeeeeeeeeeeaaeee HIM Ifll.kii.Aiiii.kitkiii mini avTA BrUl etealleeaaaafleflaafleeaaaa lta9 el 01" Oeeeeaeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeee ae Ka a fmHMiMttitlMitlt 'aee liCnie AMlMMtlMtlMOMM OOTf aUe ShOTS aeee eeeeeae aeee eeee ",. IIIOll CDteaeea.eeeaeaeeaa BUM MUtetirl facine...,! 7i K0CkVaUl7ea t? H Paaeaaeeeeaea J Ne la PrSfeeaaeeeeaeflaeaaaae .'g Rt Wftflteeeeeeteeeeee K6)t ffe YiUm iiliiiMl Hjw KnKl&na.eee 'H RMt TeOHMSOe.eeafle.eae OmeVllBeeaefleeeeaeeeeeaeB 'lH OTbKen Transportation.. stK OtltAXlO J. W 1HH raOlDO MaUI.ee.a 1 Elebmena XerminU W Stt lgtll.eeee.eeeee.eeeee ' TttSM faVClflO.ee. . .el S1X Colen PrNClflO..... ......... C44, WabASh COm.aeee.et.ete . frabaab FtM. ..... ..... SI Weatsrn U..... M Wwt Shere Itenfls. ........ ... TVILLBWLTUIA LIST. liCb Val. .... eee.eeee .. B..N.T. rtaia .... Fa R Rteeeaeeeeee. .. '"H ReaVfll&f ..tl N10 Uth MaT.eea.eeeea.eeee. 61JfJ Hestenr Faat Fe a liitlMMltllMlttttiti ei.e Ifi 061ae..eaeeeeaaeeateefl eeee FOOplM PaSliflflflflfleea R4f. 4aVeaflaeeeeeaeaaeee OU. .eaeee.ee eee.ee.aeeee a eeee vy XT HAS HO EQUAL FOR TUB MOHKT IX YBABULD rUKKBTK WU1SKKT-7V par quart. UOHKRB'S LlQtlUA BTOM, We. at Centre Bqnare. Laa Beater. n maw ABrmnrmajtann. J. B. MABTlMetCO. xaw AatamtMBMaim. rAAaM BJeOTHBR. (L3AUER KKAUT " at Kxoeliler atr.et. lt LUNCH TONIOHT ae. IU KMt Jllng 0. VeT, Froprttter. M( Cor lt COK TURTLE ROUP LUffOB THIS (alarday) evening at lb Wall Heme, Beuib gaeen and Middle itreeu. j eh a u. BOKuait, Prep. f-JRAND ROAST TURKEY LUNCH VJI thli evening, at tne National noose. He. Mt U Merth (Jatea uqneiBBtuut vmi, ale nn tap. ltd atreet chnlea wlnee aad AiaeBmlth'a Fhtladelpala M. BDBK8, Proprietor. FRIKD OVNTEBS FOR LUNCH TO. night, at the t:UMMBH01Ati nOTKt.,' Nei. ill and in North Queen atreet. Uaefneri and rpranget'alletrentap. ltd uuab. V. uens, Prep. OTSTKK PIE FOK LUNOB TO MIUUT at the Writtrn Iteteh corner of Oranasand Water aireeU. fttAHTZ A AUO lid HkUDOBF. Proprietor!. SAUr.lt KRAUT FOR LUNOB Til 18 evening- at thi RcnlUer Heme, nelb's T6rk liear, Uelker'a and Uaefner'i Beer ea tap. WM.BPAWOLKB, ltd Proprietor. DECORATED DINNER SETS French China, Carlsbad China, Porcelain, Iren atone At the very Lewest Prices. A printed guarantee that goods will never craze, given with every Dinner Set sold. iiS pieces English Ware Dinner Set, at $9.00 a set. , TOILET SETS. Decorations from Jesse Dean's Potteries that cannot be excelled, from $5.00 te $25.00 a set English Printed Toilet Sets, at $1.90, are below regular prices. Large line of JAPANESE WARE expected en Monday, will be en display Tuesday. ' J. B. MARTIN & CO. CARPETS! W kTt offered aad fcava aw e. gala qUITTl, TAPBSTMT MCMILS, BwttI IICMELS, TMUaVrLT IRG1AIS, BXTIA,SVrKS USIAIIri, misium wtmufltAisrs. CtTTSM CHIN IMaKAtHS, B& AKft MKHP CAIPBTC, HALL AHSTAtK CABfiTS. SaiKHACAlPltS AHw lUwf, BAQIISTAR ANUMfOUmrt ICSi, LA1BRK LIH9LECV, COBTICEKKAMDOIL CLtTMg, ' MARISQSAUB CIOSA HATTS. W wUl eaaat te Batlag gatea the) teaat line of QtrpaU avw egared hi Laaaatw - weU-toewaaadralkabetmakea. TryrloaahaillitewMMnrTa UPHOLSTERY. OawHaPIRsiWBl RRRaSsBaHQVVa HAGER & BROTHER, Nes. 25, 27 and 80 Wast King Strut. J. aLaJttY BTAMM'S STORE, Leeai BVeea BepOTtedbjrJ.B. Leng, aa BMiada. LaneM'r 0 rT DEAta or danikx bkewn Uri. Blilry Oleik at the I'o.temcc Mwlnger Alie I'bhm Awar, jjf;i;Dulel Brown, reglitry elerk at the pot pet Ptfllaei died at hla rcaldence, Ne. Ml North etreet, at 0 o'clock thin morning, r a lingering Ulneaa from consumption, I about SO yeara, Deeeaaed was a aen f Daniel Brown, a lifelong retlJent of tble Shortly after Formatter Slaymaker tha datlee of the pcwtofllce I wee appointed e aab-lettercirrltr. 7leTd that pcaltleu for eeveral ibedILi I antll there was a vaoaney In tbe clerl- Iforee, when be wav appelated registry K, U9 diaeharged tbe datlee et that iihfally. He remained en dety I Hew Tear'e day, when he wai obliged gobeaeon ecoeunt of bit lllnnu. lie rretaraedteduly. Be leaves a wife I ae children.. ,-S' ra. fhllllpana Blulraer. Atra. Phllllpena Hlailnger, widow of Jehn er, for eeveral years a hotel-beepor. ad at her residence, CIO r?L Joiepb etreet, rnwey aiiernoen, alter a long illnwa- I waa a native et Bavaria and Mine Htfe country In lSi3, After the death or raaabandlnlSTOahe kept tbe King of aaaia hotel for two yeara and iheu moved llaw Maner betel wblehabehad puiehaied. i uevauereurea from the hotel baalnen. leave, flve children, wtie mourn the lOfaalad and Indulgent mother. Tha I Jehn U., proprietor of the Maner bete, nw, aiary, jutie and Amilla. Her ral will place en Monday mernlnir. with Mermen tat St. Jeaeph'a eemetery. ;,"-;iain et Jolinliidcaeat'a tJietlter. 'JTehaH. Bldeneur, one et tbe propnetora laawuity neiei, wee nae eeen quite ill ter -weex cr were, ncelved a telesram tbla eaatatlng that Heward Kidenear, et lertck City, Maryland, died tbla morn- U Baa bten alck. for lome ilue wltb t'e dlaeaee. total at fob lie Bala. J fit ob B Leng, broker, will tell en Monday February Uih. at 1:T0 p. ni, at the Loejior home. Wett King itreet, Ceanty, rnlten, reepleiand Unlea (Mount Jey) llank. South ern and Northern Market, Llllta and rralt rralt rralt llloTurupllP.l.ancMterCHy Street Hallway inquirer rriniing and Mlevenj lleuia Stocks andllendt. DBATHB. MeRli.Liri In Hit. elty, en tha 71 h Imt, I.MiMi K .only diuuhttr of Jehn and Buaiu UcUUJlpi. The mlatlvei and friends of the family are retiectfally lnvlUil te-attenll tbe iuneral tram her late leildence, Ne. 131 WritWatnnt ticet,en Monday atternoen, February 11, at ZoVieok. Inteiinental Lancatt.r eeinetvry. ltd Bimikeeii 'n Ibis Oltv, February 8, Phlln penu lli.Hluirer, vl n of the low Jehn illi InKer, bri d CI years, ft mouths and s days Tha lo'atlve and friends of the faintly are reapectlutly Invited te attend the tuner), from her late lo.tdeiiee, Me. B43 81. Jeisph slroeUon Monday mornlDRatSe'o'ork lltirh rnais at tit. Jeiep's church. flnUvaient attst JcsrpU's cemetery. HisDKSN.-rfuruary . 1839, In this city, FmdiliH iinndiun, lulint son et Jotephaud Mary tleuflren 'ihe relatlT.i and friends of the family are respectfully Inrlted te attend the :iunetal, from the patent' rtsldnce, Me. (20 Bast Wal nut street, en Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Interment at Woodward lltll cemeUry. majikktH. X DUUW. 1KTV... ......... low iuu Bchoel leanltfJS 100 In 1 or JU yeara. 100 In B or au years. 100 Inioeraiyears. 100 In SerSOyeaxa. 100 Unnbolmlterongh lenn 100 laoaLLAraeua btoebb. Siaxryvlile U. U....M.......... ...., UleravUle Rtrret Car InanlrtnR Printing Company....... UaaltRht and Fuel Ceinpany.. ...... Savens Mense (Bends) Columbia Uu Company... ceiuinma naier company Par Last VftlUJ. sale. 100 jn.oe Baaqnohannalren Company Marietta iltoUew-wara 8te Tens Ilcuae... ....., MUleravtlle Nermal Scheel.... Northern Market Eastern Market... Uu Company Henda ,. Columbia Uoreueh Henda.... Unnirvrllle B U 7a Iteanine A Columbia U. It.. 5'a.. BdUen LUht Company femjmiinifHb.i ...mih M BO BO as 100 10 IX Vt Ml at BO BO ion tee lue leu Ml te 61 Ml re M lue A Juk.r Injured, , Berjimla a. Uerr, who Uvea near Ce Hies enice, below Qaarryvllle, Is a joker. I ewna a traction engine with which be While he waa running the mi- l .along tbe reid he theueht It would Itaaay te Irlguten a let el oelts that were lleld by whistling. He did ret think I Ma ether band while one Lad bold il the ie. Tee reault waa tbbt be had It at in the co wheel, w hen he witt- rttlroueaBlovethetbninbwaimlstlEir, gpeenptccbedttl. Berjtmln Is net blag te-day. vniu rredue asarass. Caicaee, Feb. , i.X a. m. Market enenN): Mrhiuii-rth.1Kc;March,lciJici Maj.tleJHi Juun. !0Xe. cefn-teb., )i0 Mar.,W)iei:May, tse-, June, 8j?(c. Oaut-reb, t.,'ni Mar.8fct June, S7e. Perk-rib., ill Oil May, il7rx. Lard-rb , 0 ee, MareD, j May, 13 87H 1 Jnn, 17 10. "ion uies-rcb., ie 37X f Marcb.ts vn i May, tO 21. cLeeias. , Whcat-Ftb . II ,i Mar., 11 CI t May, II 03 June, IsVc Cern-t'eh.SUi March, SIJJij May, SIHei June, 8Vi i.!-Keb, 23j;Murab, WeiMay, 27Kci Jeuu, Kc, i-era-reb. sili March, eisi May, 111 BJi June. Ill 77K Lard rb, HIS, Match, tC 73; May, Wj June.lC67K. flhtiri me Feb , IS CO; Mar., IS CO ; May, MIS; June, M2J. ... ... aouthern Market rneur city etrvut Hallway Ce.. Kant and HUrwt Hallway I.ancaater Steam liadlatorCe Ilelvi.t'a Lfalhorce Watch rectory C' Tvaarisa btoebb Big Spring A Beaver Valley a Hridneperi A Horseshoe) uu Columbia A Uhestnutlllll ... ai Columbia A Washtna-ten... ai Coneatoxa A UU Spring SB nuioiuianeiiiii J"y Lanc, Ml. Jey A Kllsobethtown... uuioasver m nmvuie Lancaster A Lltlts Lancaster A Wtlllamstewn Lancusler A Manbclm., Lancaster a Marietta Lancaster A New Helland inoMtera Bntqnunanna. iwu Uincnater A MewUanvllle, SB Oelnmbln A Marietta 2A Maytown A KlUabothtewn ia LancasUir A Kphrata 29 Lancaster A Willow Street 95 ntnubnrs A MUlpcrt., MorletlaaS MavUiwn. .......... ....... ....... ............ '26 100 BO V, BO a. loe .el. ii i. .... BABK BTOCKB. First National Boek 100 Farmer' National Bank.,. BO Fulton National Bank..... loe Lancaster County National Bank... BO Northern National Bank loe Poeplea' national Hank loe KejBtenu National Bank, Manhelm loe Columbia National Benk. ....,,,,.,. lue Christiana National llrnk , 100 lue 100 loe 100 loe 100 100 100 BO .1UB JlthllUlMU iMUKut u, First National Bank. Columbia First National ltank.Btnuburg First National Hank, Marietta FlrstXaUenal Bank, ML Jey Lttlta NatlenalBank MenntvUle Nallcuel Bank... Manhelrn National Bank Union National Bank. Mount Jet.. iedju uank ion ltu New Helland Natl ubii nnuiuiei uut.... .. ..., uuarrrvllln National Bank loe kliabethtewn JtaUcraalBana 123 118 103 100 100 HSU 103 3 wa i. a B3 at loe SB 11 K0.K ae.iu 10)8 ta 71 B123 101 13J.W 110 100 B7B0 fOBJ 11 M M IB 101 a ste 20 BO 21 61 BO 7B 101 1 40 SI tl 3j 11 3J 10 41 tin CO aa us m 115 re 1212) 121 lit 1SJ 191 117 1M its 210 1M IU luu lit M.tO H 117 Hi main aua fietsians. Fumlehed by H K. Yundt, Breker. Ouuuoe, Feb. v, l.oe o'clock p. m. ttuimiu vi'i. umia. 2exa unk 31W ..... 101X Mvi S3 4 tins bH W 35H !! KM I.......... .... Februer'... March April May June July BeplcmlKr. uruaetni... CODHOlS. 11.70 11. VI e7 7 7 OJ ...............,,,,,. uiesmK rnces z:i3 ocleek p. in. n nnat. uern,uau. Perk. ,.td VIP -8 . . ar.cn Ececch le b Iu Trrubl. JU. Green, a cej per-uilei(d d mi key, who paaaiineu te en very irei.li, was beard last iieg oerere Aiaeranu Haen en a let assault and battery prelerrtd I y re UaliateLk. urcua waa oemmtttid rlrUl at court. 1 3Pbre Ie anotLer ault against Grctn, ting blrn wltb embtMlotnent of ?4. tproarculer la Hairy Huiltb and some ra two dollar inule la mixed nplntLe ThfJOiwas a hfir;cc UU evthleF. I Aldt ruiau J)0en reserved hfi decMcu Ifjlve the caae aeuae tiudy. ,i Uild for a U.arlrn aa Wllsca, Jehn Kelan. Jehn llewera Vsek Ualute were arrested by Cen- iXateleyaadRuib, for being dmnk dlaeidsily. Alderman Dren com- itLttuierabearlng. atbirea That Is Being Dellf erd. laquaalliy of tobacco haa already I'sarcbased In the county, and yester. I te-eay a great deal waa delivered, i aaeralag wageaa were aeea at quite a rtn wereirnse, aad tbeetreeia In MtM f)h rli Fbrnary.. Match April Mav... June July i-epieuibtr Year Crude ml.. Coasels.... Winter Wheat.... Spring Wheat Cern , cats................ i.l'OVt "IH "ieiii Mi 31 3IVJ 81k it 21 27 u.re 11.83 1107 11 77 11 73 .KSW 15-lb lard. 73 0.74 r6 0 87 accelpta. ...................... ...........,...... uyt Car Lnis. 21 11 IS l 1.0 Barley eaaeaeeeee.eeeeeee.eeeeeee.eee.ee aaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeaeeeeee llftw J pu Heb .....,. Heceipu-catue teeee. .. Hi. 2.0 0 BoejkShold Mark. I. LatieisrsB, rub 9. pptne, virM pk saiO) Ai'ple. iK'rliuih wfe Apples (dried), per qt ttfie Apple Butter Sji pt 1O0 Apple llutiurper crock 5rQWc uunanas v aei litfir iieAus i i.iuih), iier qi, iiuina innupj, perqi. ............ ............ ................ ............. .... Ueuns idrlid) per plata. IHIUItVUJIKW d Beef, rea't Irlb). ur a II et. reat lohuek), per a j.ei, urifu (piece;, per a ( Beef dried V yr , Beet, corned, par a ...., Hoef, trout qi JKMir, muuqr ........,.,... e oaieo . .701(10 30 .UQlBe ,.120130 .lutJl.'O 0 100 .lcat.-e ...CO70 ...7OV0 .23010 .... 40a .230230 r7e 3(830 ..K)WC l.'Ume DO 5a Uoleana W BelrHcna (cUlpjHid), er a uuiusr y m Butter cre.uu.iry ft a...... CabbUKeV head , Carrel-V bunch ClervW buuah Cboete teiTuuinry). l a .... CheeKU (sealded), ai i lumps Cheese, twr bowl Chtm Dutch lump s for loe Cherries (dried s.edle,.), Qt 83 Cheatnuls ft qt Qte Chickens r pair (live) Buu60e unicaeni w piece icieaneai , BOrtKJe Chuw-chew, f) bowl e J-'ern V bas..... 6V1 Cern (ahclled) bus me Cern dried IB qt Uge Cernireaifl qv fc Cranberrle. f qt 10O120 Coceanuta lUOlia uucks. ach tsSdOa ";it pur Nggs V dus KtfK Plants each Uerse, ullyneaeh llripw, V b um.uvm .ww. ,re. IMUt....... ........ . .......... JeatecB saarkMa. Chicago, Feb. 8 Cattle Becelpts. V.300i Ihlpmenu. 4 00; market steady) beeves, chides teiitri beeviM-, 4 40O4 73 1 steers, 13 uea 42,sleckerkMnaitederallua448 oewa, bulls and mliba, 11 3ua:&j 1 Texens steer, 13 toss Be. HnuB-Hicelpu. 19.000 head 1 hlniueuu. IIOX11 market higher I Inlxid, II B3fj4 81: ofie7, "0i 7 ' 1W' ' 7a ,,, PU'' " W heep KecelpU. 8 OM head t shipments, IBM 1 market -steady l nattyes, Fl Wai W 1 WiMHern corn ltd, HKd)i;ei nxae shorn, t3Ma23i lambs. It 7541010. ' Kiev libbstv. CatUa Beelpu, lTfOi shlpnujnU. J. UJ 1 market steady prlusB. 14 2HI 6 f.lr te -e(d,J6 8B3; cnmm-iii,l2a3i siccser, rrjnjJ 73 1 feeders, flteai 1 no cms et ciit'e shipped te New Yerk U-dj.y. ..J!.',., JteeelptB, 18X1 bead shlrm-nU 18.0 t Imarket latr i PhUadelpblas. M rm W 1 pUaatd Yerker, esejsja 10: no cars 01 co shipped te New Yerk i33ay. Bhaep-u-sebipu. 10001 shipments. 12 nothing ceing 1 uclhleg ler JJ';JU'OUM' "" new lock atecas. Nsw Ten, Feb. e, 1 p. nu-Many dus el at t per cent. t azchance tteady 1 posted rates, 84 16X91 l actual rates It 16 J I f Qi t or en day 1 and It f IKtM &Ji for demand j Oevernments dosed steady 1 currency it's tl 20 bid 1 t's oenpoo, U 17 M'a ae. n u bid. The stock market thli morning wis only tneecretely aeilve while price, were feverish h Uransers were fitely te'.A by Chliijie pait'er, but ihe r.Baauatr et the 1UI weie ...... ............1 11ed. pnrut, lIamia,whole... Ilam at a. Uleed... HertluK ai bunch, llemlny t qt...... Heney V a LmL. , Lard tier a 1 rd (klinmtns;s), per B Livtuuua f, uue Milk nwett), per qt,... ailia tuuuerj,. ....., Mutuuiya Uaubas Onions t pk UrunKestldes Peais VI H pk Pears, dried, w qt., Pear buf.ir, V jt Peppers 1 erpimmem, per box....... Plcklis peraez Pigeons (llve)ir pair..... Pigeons (dreated), uplece., Plnla.vt Jelly. ptr dUh.... Perk (rib.) V B rera uiaes ana nucen) ren jenepf j, w Perk (pig's leet), W pair, rotates rXpk..r. ...... Potatoes tier buah Pal alee 1, sweet, per X pk. ruuuiuj f a HadUhus y bunch iUd beets J bunch stbebarbfj bh...., $Plxl? P'r Belad Head Bauer Kraut ft qt BanaageW a Uauiag. (iinekrd) a. jena-ve Dcuea w a Tongue smoked, whole, per A .1.1,1 . ,., ............ 7O7&0 . .ll(t Ma ... 3060 .I1Q1 BO l'HOiBe tee ....'.'O-le ..ll(ji7e 2le lue .160 230 10UAO .80120 . ...ba sotrae i............... ec Jqts. for 00 ...01HO .. 3Vs 200 Bnafaoe 20r3e ......... .......... .......... ........... ......... 3426c loeviie 1 ter te 80 . POtoe 00 l&e ..eaioe ..8ji0e 120 140 103 ...EtilOO .Mtliii .1C.1123 iuc ,...... ....Be (C ........... .Be 40J240O SdjBa e.eeee....r'0 teeee.IOAlSO Vitilba ....330 h rurktiafi 1 ivtii. aia.eh u ah a Turnliis k pk... tu tee ToiuaietHPk tSike Veal (hind quarter), B.... iea VeU(i-Aak), per a.,,,,,.., u4 VKORTABLK BOUP POB LUNOH this evening at Hetel Veteran, Net. 89 and 41 North Queen street. Choice wines and Liquors at the bar. prenger's Celebrated Bxatliler Boer en tap, drawn direct from the ltd R KTLKT ft BU8IIONO, Prep's. T OST A NEWFOUNDLAND DOQ. ll reward will he nald by retnrnlna te M). 424 WK8T LKMUN BTRBET. FOR KENT. PIVK AND 8IX-KOOM llonses nn West New and North cherry streits f8 2td apply te OEO. SHULMTEB, LO.Vf BLAUKTKKKIBHJUOO, POUH months old, named "Jlc" Uaaatreakef mbnge en baea. Beward at It NO.1MNOHTIIQ0BEN8T. DVNOINO AT THE MANNEROHOK Hall en Saturday evening.. Bteey's Full orchestra will furnish music Alse a grand Masquerade Ballen Monday evening. . fefc8 21 AMU a u UOWAUU, Manager. HUH LEY '8 have been TOO TU AC UK DROPH tntted and net found want- Ina Try them whin yen want relief from yoaracnina-ieoiu. UUBLEY'S DKUO BTOBE, SI WMt Kins- StreeL KKK OUANOE. A Yalu.ble Patent Bight for sale. H. M. Powers'. I lue Id Pnmnlnir Machine la en ex hibit at tha cut Hetel, Bud la for isle In State lUbt Ita Call and ses IU H. M. FOWEB9. BlQUESr MARKET PKIOKB PAID f r Old Hraii and Copper atlhe Diamond Bnss Foundry. RT.ATMAKBR A 71 A KEY, Nes U8 and 240 Ncrth Arch Alley. Mm. Jbhieud, aup't. lid OUBLIU X HOUHKH. HALE OP ILLINOIS On Mendav. F, brnarv 11. lfSO. will be sold at I. Legan's HalaBlablei, MarLet atreet. rear of Meurann Heuse, J ancaster. Pa.. 20 head et Her.es. 1 hey are hoary boned feeders and some fine driving horses and geed stepping horses Bnl e te commence at 1 o'cleok p. m. A credit of ee days will be given. ltd DANIEL LOO AN. -pOIl ALDERMAN, QKO. M.110HUKB, of the Ssventh Ward. city. Having faithfully eerved as councilman el this ward ler eletea yaiT, I new announce myself as a candidate ler aluerintn. Subject te the decision el tbe Uemecrucv of said ward. 114 tId-M,W.81l OWNKKH OP lilVE STOCK CAN In-ure Heram, Celts. Mules and Cattle AdAtNSP VKA.1U and tukfp IkTHB U0NK1TO3A MUTUAL MVK BTOCK IN dblliNOK COMPANY and Save Meney, verclrcu'ars explaining new ftatuiej, Ac, please c.l en or aedrru. 11KNHY BKOHTOLD, Agent, It Ne. II North uueen at., Lanrasier, Pa. ylAMOND BRASS POUNDRY, XU-!40 NOHTU ARCH ALLEY. The finest kind et Fr.ns. tjennan silver and Ilronxe Cattlngit made at the shortest notlee andar the cheapest poaslble prices. Addrtsi all eider. te Lancaster. Pa VT. D. Asnrone, Snp't. lu-lwd JAONT FAIL TO HEAR Cel. Wm. R. Aylett, or THI VIRGINIA HUPBEMB 00UBT. OVER A UOUSE, MOKDA Y, A1AXOU 4. SUBJECT "BLUE AND OR AY. " a-TlOKBTS, BOn; Gallery ti Fer sale at Boek Htoresenundaftar 'Oidiy. Feb. II, and from tha manager who will eill ptr.enally en tha citizens, tecure thorn t any. Oriiieits or tub Pants Phlladrlphta'j citizens avowed their appre elatlnn 01 tiua elrquenCM by crowding ihe Academdref MmiIe ta-tntspt tihear'el. W. It. Aylett, A fit tilbuta te Patrick Henry's u,OD. : grand -Phlialluita, May. T5UY THE BEST 1 AndTfcoje Win Have Uned It for leura Ue ciaiu that LEVAN & SON'S FLOUR U TUB BEST IN IHE MAllKEr. UU the s tme Klways, and alwaj s reliable. Use It Onc You'll Uselt Again. LBVAN & SONS. dccJlyd MEUCnANT MILLEB9. VTAKSHALL i REN01EK. reit HARDWARE AND. Hcnse-Farnishing Goods TSLY 9& 11 Seuth Queen St., Lancaster, pa. lellld XPOR ALDERMAN, A. F. DONNELLY. DAvlng faithfully performed the dutteaef wuca 01 amarraan 01 in. eeveaui ware, 1 new annonneo myt.if aa a candidate, for re election, subject tethe decUlea of the Deatoo Deateo Deatoe racy of .the Beventh ward, at tha primary elee elee lleu te be held ea Saturday even leg, February . law, between the hours et a and o'eleea P.m. jie-tid-M,W.e PUBLIC BALK OH THURSDAY, FBB BUABY it, at 10 o'clock a. at at Ne at Couth Limn etreet, the late iw.ld.nee of Mrs. Anna M. Wet.and, deceased, large rreaeh plate mirror, 8 feet 11 lnebes by 61 laeaee wide, patler init, hall stand with large glass, heater, ell reeding stove, raar a, maxhlVtep tables, chairs and ether ublee, Brnssela aad Ingrain carpet., wathatanda, areasleg and ether bureaus, let ofetshee, aad a genaral variety or household and kltchaa tnrnltirre. i9itds.Tuaw b. f. aewa, Auctioneer. PAYING INVESTMENT. XveribeSy desires the beat return ea ta veitmente. Nene pay better thaa th. money spent for a com ss at the Lancaster Business college. Yeung ladtesand gentlemen. remem ber this, If you seekabuslnees education. Lib eral terms. Evening Ses.lens en Tnesdaya, Wednetdays and Fridays. Fer lntormstien addr.se. U. C. WA1DLEB, Laneuter Baslnees CeUege,Lancuter, Pa. jse lwd TINKNS-OP A KIND THAT YOU XJ have net aeen la Laneaater are hare at the scoring prlee We ate marking all goedi ataPUIua TO MAEB THaMMuYX ratAer than te have te move them with aa In the aear future. That we mutt move la se very prob able that wa are reducing stock at radaeed priers. A thousand things ter Valentine, Presents all at Lew rncei. nent send a lovesiea pteoeer ma chine poetry en the 14th te anybody. M8. M. M. wbODWABD, mayU-ydWA9 S8H Eaat King atreet. e UTHPOKEN BOIENOE. The following statement came voluntarily te the proprietor, of the great preparation of which it apeaks. They have never had the pleasure of meeting 'the eminent aeteatlet who wrote It, but appreciate the heneat eaa der which prompted it 1 Te Wne It Mat Cebcbbh : This may certify that as the remit et ex tended researches I am able te atata that, la the Duffy Malt Whisky alene, there Is te be had such a pure article aa I have described la my paper en " A Scientific Bpeetfie for Intem perance." In the Jftrth Amtrtcan Ktvitw for July, 1888. It Is, et course, a well known loot that we may procure, as a laboratory product, a whliky that shall he free et Intel oil ; but tt la wltb pride that 1 elate that alone of com merclal jrhtskl.s the Duffy Malt declines te n)ure the brain and the system. WILLABD it. MOBSB, It. D.. (3) VTestfleld, N. J. ORPHANB' COURT SALE OF REAL K8TAT luisuant te an order el the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, tha un dersigned, administrator et the estate of Jeha W, Hubley, deceased, will Bell atpublle sale tha real estate of .aid deeeaaed, being a two story Brick Dwelling Heuse, with brick back building and ether improvements, and the let of gieuud thereto belonging, situated ae. 808 Seuth Prince street, Laneaater, Pa., contain ing In front en Pilnce street te feet aad ex innfllDg in depth of that width eastward lie feet te a six feet wide common alley running south from Conetesa stiest, together with blie i,ji, iu u.aiuu iiey. :src ir the The premises are sold subject te a aserti 01 vi.iiM. ruicaiH money ravaDia am 1889. One-third of nurehaaa mena attar payment of debts et said deceased te remain cliiraed en the preml.es as dower during the .11.MW1 w eiuu ... uuuief, wiuew, uw in tereat thereof rayahle te h.r annually, and at her death the principal te ba paid te the hairs of Jehn W. Hubley, deeeaaed. Bale te be held at tbe Fountain Ina Hetel, euth Queen itieH, Lancaster, fa, en Inure Cuy, March 7, l&ti, at 7 "'clock p.m. aABAIl L..HU r.LKY. Administratrix. Joel U Uaibbb, Auctioneer. f3,13.Aul yAOATlON EXCURSIONS. RAYMOND'3 VACATION HXODRBION8. All Traveling Extenaea Included. a WO ORsVND TRIPS CALIFORNIA The Eighth and Ninth Parttea of the season will leave l'hlltdelphla early In March The entire Journey beyond Chicago and Cincin nati will b made In fpaclal Trains of Mag rldceut V.stlbnled Pullman Palaeeuars,w!tn Pullman Pslse. Dlnlng.t'urs Included. The dates and routes areas fellows : Thursday, March 7. Via Wilmington. Balti more, Washington. Pittsburg, Chicago, Kansas city, Santa a e, Albuquerque, Ban ncrnadtne. te. Monday. March 11. Yla Wilmington, Baltl mere, Washington, Parkert burg, Cincinnati, MauirneUiCave, Mew Orleans, usiveeten. Ban Antonie, cte A Choice of Five Different Routes Ketnrn Ketnrn leg. liUrieeaBeturnlngPaxUesunderSpecial .neon. Keturn ticket a'se geed enall trains until Jnly. Independent Tickets, covering every expense both ways, and giving entire freedom te the putenxer while lu California, and also In making the Journey homeward. Hetel Coupens supplied ler long or short so journs at ail the leading Pacific Coast Besom. Third and Last Tour through Southern State and Mexico (emitting California). March 11. Ninth Annual Spring Tour through Coler-aaoandCalllornla.-May2. etxtb Annu.ldpilng Tour through Oo'erado, California. Pa-.Uc Northwest, and Yellow stone National I ark - May 2. 9end for descriptive circulars, deslgnat Ing ths pu-tlenlar tour regard lug which luler. tuktluuls dallied. R A.YMOND "dTwHlTfJOMB, ill Seuth Ninth etreet, (Under Continental Hetel), PauAnkiraiA, Pa, 18JU1F.M.W JDEST K1TTINO CORSET. c7b. C. B. a la Spirite C.B. THE BEST F1T1INO COUSET IN XH1 WOULD. Fer Bale by Leading Merchants. If bVYBJI, afZSOUSB eV OO., "e-te,Taaww4UJ0ADWAT',,-T' 24 Centre Square. EvBiijiiedu CemB Next Week, BEGINNINa MONDAY FEBRUARY lltb, -WE WILL OFFER Odds and Ends AT HALF PRICE, Ne Matter What the Ceat te Us. BIG BARGAINS FOR ALL, J. Harry Stamm's - NEW BOSTON STORE, 24 Centre Square. WE have received a large, fresh stock of Agate and Granite Ware,1 which we are prepared te sell at the lowest prices that can be obtained in this city. The superiority of these goods ever all ethers for house hold purposes is seen en first examination. Take a leek at them in our window. Reilly Bres. & Raub, Hardware and Heuse-Furnishing Goods, 40 and 4a N, Queen Street, (Next Doer te tbe Fcstefflce.) eetS-Tal QARPETSI CARPETS. METZGER & HAUGHMAN Have Mew Open a Large Assert meat et Handsome - Brussels, Iognie, Rig, Hill ted Stair Carpets, BOUGHT AT AUOTIOX AMD D1UKOTFKOMTUE MAN UFAL1U1IIJK", CHEAP FOK C ABH OAHPET8 AtlO Cents GAHl'KTS CAKPara Atiwcenu eaki-kts .... cAUraia atu cunu caupkts OAUPETS AtW cents OAKPETd OAMPATd At IB Cents CAKPEra Straw Mattings, cheap, Table, and Laea Curtains at Lew Prlcer. great demand, alwajs en band. Carpet Kags taken In exchange ler uaipeti. Metzger & Haughman, Nes. 38 ft 40 WtatKing Street, Levnc4a8ter, Pa, ...........AtBiCenu At e Cents -...at se cents At 65 Cents At 7 Cents Table,Btslrsnd Fleer oil Cleths, Window Sheers, Cnittle Pelee unr jt ameus nwam unrctt reamers, ier wnicn mere is snea agrorPesiTB the coepku house.' N KXT DOOK 1X1 COURT HOTJHK. FAHNESTOCK'S. BLACK GOODS. BLACK GOODS. Onr Boperler Lines of Black floods, consisting of Lupin's Black Cash meres, All-Weel Henriettas and Esrges, andrnestli's sua Warp Henrietta and Veilings are Justly celebrated for their sopeiler flnlih and exeellsnt weartag qnaUtles, both in Bine aud Jet Blacks. We have J ust received enr prlag Importation of these gecdi at a less cost than any provlena season, aad are prepared te give some ezeeedlngly Sced Bargains. Lnptai tingle aad Deuble Black ThtbetBaawls In every quality. Oeurtauld's Beat English crapes for both Trimmings and Vit legs- FAHNESTOCK'S, MOS. 80 est 87 anABT OHO SI., lVaVNOABTBR, PA WBW AD rMMTJaMMMRTU. FOR RENT. STORK ROOK WITH OR without Dwellteg, Me. 601 Wtst King street: also Btoek and daturas lerstln. ap plvat XtEAaTUtMOSTKEEt'. (end -DIOR RENT BAKERY AND CANDY JZ Factory, lee Heuse ana SUbls (formerly Spaeth's), la raar of Me UQ North uueen street, new eccarlad as a cigar facte ry. Alse dwelllags at low rents with and without con cen con Vsnlenee. Apply te BAD8M4M A BUBMB. Insurance and Seal Estate Agents, wa la weet Orange etrtet feb7 3tdtt OOe FOR FULIj DAY COURSE ; 120 sJOU for the Bsanleg Ceane Yeung man and laalss. tha Xejateae auslness celtrge taachae yen abort ana practical methods In Deuble and 81"gle Batty Beik-Keeplng that are dally aecd ta ear BBalnass houses kere ad all ever the seu a try. abort band and typewriting taegav, Pieaae eau or wrtie te w.it.Meaaaa. IMI Weat Ksaf Sttaati M aer, Jaaeaate 17UK RKNT STORK BU1LDINO. JD Twe floors each S2clai feet, and two rooms en third fleer, known aa ABTUlcUat'ALAUtO. FASHION. feb7ecdildU Me. M East Etng at. A NOTUKK MKW ABdOrtTMKDtT OF STUDIES -AT- Helnitsli's Faint Stere, Artists will find it te their Interest te ex. amine my stock 1 eichurs can boy as cheap of me ai they can In Philadelphia Why no te rhliadelptu te bsy your sup plies when you get anything you want AT Heinitah's faint Stere, IstKOKTBQUBaUC BTBUT. Met ka aad leak avat trft itx, ,ir.w-. J rt