PTW X V.s ff T" HilWHlMBBa J- -- r , T,--l, lSrTJ ."OS! vT-r- "! v rAT'-V-"- 'SV v w r vi-t - 'V- ," iv JTHE LANCASTER DAILY INTELUGENCEB, SATURDAY; FEBBUABY 0, 1889, BURIED TRIiSDRI. tus hea imemi tmbt bwbiib f ... . T - . . A IwrlMHM at Maehaey, VrtMM U lnM stores' Tieacafe r AteWeg 'tea AreBtVeeelaOeeSl Wreak el Ml CM HMlt, TM MM Of Kdger A. PO fdBBOtM tery el "TaaOeld Bag" te m Balllvaa' Wm4, mm Uharlestea, aad a aomMea aemMea aomMea deatettbe 2fw Yerk 21mi reeer the dleeeveryef derataaats eaaoelaMreerd etthecfflse et the pteMM jedg ef the elty tMt ptfRably Ms-geed lb bests of th iwf. ,- Fleet there It published em af a amber rtatasller affidavits by tbe erew et a pilot beet. IisBtesthtabeat6 eeleek la tbe Btoratea-Aef the let of September, 1745, waaesTSaliiva Island, aeoheoaertlylag a Mitk flag saade tewarda alas aad bate blM lower ate aaBiaaall, "Dpca tbet be tackt ud steed away from hies, tipea whieh taw fired from the scbeeaer both aaesqoef aad reaad abet with tee Spanish ptndant alae fit lac, ape, whleh this deponent mode tbe Mat el ale way ep te tewa." a Bat ieraie another sffldavit, wbleh'teaa fellow t. "Je Oarvln, a fall amok pilot, betag wen ea tee ueiy uvangetieeaei Airnignty Qed, dspesse tbaf very late ea tbe algbt of Auwii, ue, woes coating ut robs aaa aid when off tbe there of tieng Island, ttMre balag a partial fog, be suddenly, when teirlag weal, ran Inte a great number of email beats, one of wblcU be eapelsed. He Immediately tackt aad fetched np abeat a quarter et a mile te the westward aad el meat la apaaklBg dtotaaeo of a brlgaatiae. Itwaatoelataiohant tff and hte course brecgat blm oleae aloegaldeandeaeof hie erew read the title uid Oaapeader.' Thla dependent knewa that the KM Oaaopeeder, H a Bfaalah brlgaatine, tbe oemnuader of whleh le Tatlen de Vega. "Tata depeneal farther avera that abeat fifty yard te tbe northwest of the brlgea Uae lay a eeboeaer. The wind at tbia time waatiafeverable te entry, and ha (tbe de ponent) tbeagbt if. beat, in Ged's grace, te put back te ear, la whteh respect he waa elded by a presidential wlnd,tha brlgantlna opened fire, bat tbe ahet waa wide or the range en aeoeant el the fog, end the mere beoBeaa tbe deponent had quenched the llghte, whteh he had banlea down. He farther avers that be kept ea hla way along tbe oeaet and pnt Inte Waeeamaw bay, and begaatamake bta way back te Uharlee Tewa ea September the 15th. On reaching Waeeamaw Point, where the Kleg'e read suds, and where la Grlmbeck'a torero, where the mall coach pata op, and la carried aoreaa the rlvr te make the Journey geed te Obarlaaten, thla deponent waa In formed that a Spanish brlganllns waa aahere en Beeth Island. Thla deponent with hie own men and anndry of the geed people from the tavern, aalied down te tbe laland and found that a brlgantlna had been eaat away and waa en her beam eeda eyer against the red aaad bluffs. The brlgemine' waa bearded and there waa faaad thereon only (ear men, the oom eom oem atinder, Jallande vege, Aironae Kealta, tbe eaeend mate, and two Bailers, The commander annandered te ea la the name of the king, and he waa taken en beard with na and all hla man. Tbia deponent, deposing fnrtber, ealth that tbe Oapk da Vega en the voyage te Charleston related a meat lnorednlena story. He ewere that the brlgantlna had bean leaded wlthaUver end geld, tbe earn thereof In English eteillng being 5,800,000. That he and the first mete, Miguel tAretine, bed agreed te make geed te tbemaalTae thla money aad that ' they ahenld bury It ea .Leng laland. That they had boldly permitted tbe whole erew Inte the conspiracy, and ea the afternoon of the Slit of August the captain and tbe mateeandthe erew want aabear In the small beat. That the mate aeleeted a large pine tree near tbe shore, which waa bltsed with a olrele with two Inner ereaa marka ea the aide of the tree turned from tbe ahear. That from thla tree the mate took a bearing with a land compass northeast 24 deg. ISmln. The esptaln next measured a distance of about 90 ebatne, or nearly a quarter et a mile, the end thereof being In a marsh. Tbe oem mander and the aklpper had made onto tbemeelvee an agreement that the oem msader ahenld keep the memerandam of the distance secret from the eat and lerew, and that the cap tain ahenld keep tbe bearing te that there ahenld be no foul play or treachery, At about 1 o'elook en the morning of Septem ber 1 tbe first mate bearded the brlgantlne'a companion aoheoner and oeaveyed eight aaall beatt leaded with the oein te the aberr, and It waa burled, The captain farther Bald that when tbe small beats and aoeToy were en tbe way te the ahere they were ran through by a aoheoner, aa he thought (the same being my Teaeel),wblch waa blown alongside and en which be fired, Bnt the meat villainous part of the captain's tale la that It had been agreed that whan the fleet of small beatt should return from tbe shore the brlgantlna and the aoheoner ware te bear away from tbe fleet, the aame te be leat. The commander farther eaid tbat ea tba return tboeehooner mast, have been frightened away by the fear et the veeael en wbleh he had fired and kept well away. Thla deponent farther etatee that en passing In te Charles Town yesterday he aaw the wreck of a aoheoner en the beach et Sand Island (Merris Island) and plekad up one el the costs el tbe Via Osaspseder la wbleh a ahara of the Bpanisn King'a money naa oeca esrriea w the Leng island. Ha hath no denbt and verily bellavea that the aoheoner drilled westward toward Selllvan'a laland, and waa east aahere en Band laland. Tee mate en beard the aoheoner, who waa lest, had with htm tbe bearing et the geld end silver where it waa burled la tbe maiaa f en the pine treet and paradventare It would bs Idle te eeareb therefer without the eharr. Bat by Qed'e greee thla deponent datireth an order from the kleg'e lawful officer te March therefer and will true return make te any magistrate et tbe king." Anether of tbe papera reeltea tbe grant ing of the order, bat no return has yet been made; nor deea It appear en there oerdownat Deeame ei juiianue vegaana the three ether wreaked Bpenlah marines. It la easy te understand wny the schooner, wbleh fired ltt last abet at the Charleston aoheoner en the morning et Sept. 1, 1745, waa flying a pirate flag. The above records are only new given te hew that Eigar Allan Fee had a fair groundwork for his story, and that there la pearly 180,000,000 In geld and silver some where en Leng Island. Tbe wreck of tbe brlgantlna off Seuth laland la a matter et undoubted history, aa era tbe fact i above given from Probate Judge Qleasen'a court. m m x One of the tnest useful articles that we knew of Is thai isneui household rtmedy for the baby, Br. Bell's aaby bjrup. it costs edIj acenia a bottle. ..... Neone can adequately describe the iuffer Ins Imposed by eytpepila It darkens life's pathway and mikes existence almost unbear able t but Lnzader will net only allevta'e the tertaiti eraypeptla. but will cure thedt. eAie. tfrtce only Hft cents. fXOTOOBAPUS. e OR IL0O A '.DOZEN Cabinet Photographs Are Mounted en rina Geld Serrated Assert cin Mounts. Twe tilling Allowed en All Three Dellar Werk, ROTE'S, WO. 60 1-2 NORTH QTJB1N BT. Kext D jer tetue Foitefflce JanT-tmd BWYCLKH. -DlUYOLES,TRIUYOLES, TANDEMS. COLUMBIA Bioyeles, Tricycles, Tandems. y UDKABLK, BIMPLB. UCAKANTBIDUIUUEST SHADE, ' ILLU&TBATKD CATALOG OB FUBB. POPE MF'G. CO., 73 FUAMKLIN ST., BOSTON. BBABOQ HODSBB-11 Warren SL, New Tork t 1 Wahaak Ave- thleare, ,. Fer Sale by JOHN B. ateesca, . IJferth getluelBa.VU. eeA-lyaeea QCTIOUBA BaVaSDIJew. ETIII tVaSt 1 KaUTCIU tfatti the With assise Lake eaata et m ytae 1 sal get ate tell retaa te tell leaet the aawaeffavary aar OUT1COHA. TkBHaDtailr HHIf ion nedewaae.. Aknat.wha Ja of Aatalaett aet iea aeaae vsa Mssaaaa sane eeBsac ;eai tiy body, bafikesakt aethlag el Ki se flase latir en, wean It ttgaa te k alt anus tnafe lite speta et atettir a ste ea. aa whlea eamte en i a Myera. aeei I wemM aatatehavery then tbe aanakhtll sasaaawd wltanaMag. alajhtwaW I waa raw. the sea lea, balac terased BHinH UaweiiOikkMiitutli. iBVata did 1 eeaaalt aU the aeaaeta la tbe eeantry. batwitfeewtese. Attar gtviagapaU hopes M crsr:;wa77ryw.rssTaeSs BBMBbtaeTaM pnrebased thesa fraaa my Sregslat. tcaaaebtaiaia etaaam issaiaassia ia baaan te be' tea that tta eaalvaraa- mi, m, tleaa aiadaaM v ditmaaa aaT and disappeared eae bf one, aad have bean rally eared. " ilea taa.dleeata thareata ataaths baton I aeaaa taking tea vtmutiAA aaMaDia ajaeTja fear ar ave weeba waa aataMyevwaav My disssss wss ecBsaee aadjsemata. lsaaaaa. steaded the OUticOma, KaMiDttS te all la aty vicinity, aad k knew of a great ntaay whe have taaaa" t a. akittavnfe aaa for tba kaewl- edge of .tkeaa, aspsiilay metkers who have kales with seal v ataptfceia ea their teade aad ueaisi. aaaaBOfaspiaaaiaiwOT te yea fee what the tluflOOBA aTwavaaasaaa. aiy aewy waa aealea. and I waa aa awial aaa keld. kew m akin U aa alee aad neja aav.wmi , , Metrtuv7te. . taa tJrn.-.iret a trees whatteeveref the dieeaaefrem wtlih lea sere kes aMrwaiajaU aiuee aty cure. aiaoTcef ar. We eaanet de Inttiea te the esteem ta which Orriecaa, tte great akta vara, aad Otrncvaa epir, aa aaquttlta eku BaautlBer, prepared from It, an cvrteVBA. aaseivarr, the aaw Blred fur fler, a a held by tba theutaade npea theusaadt whose lives nave been made nippy by tbe care et agentalar, bumlllUlng, Itchleg, scaly and plmpTy dteeaas el the skla, scalp aad biced, wltb leas el hair. w.-t .s wwn- .old ev Rlee, Cvrtctnu. Ml Bear, tea t Kasetvarr, iLee7 Preaarad by FUnik'MUd AJlbvHkMl0AL.OO4 "aaVaendfee Bew te Care sun Dleeeeee," etpagea, se lUastratieas. and loe taeUmeaiaia. VTBjrrXBS. btaek-haads, ret, teeght eaap Aim. ped aad ctly akin preveateCey Coti- ctnuteir. Oatarrh te Oonsumptlen. Catarrh In Its fle.trecttva force stands neat te and undoubtedly leads en te eoraumptlen. ltls thereforatlngaJarihattaeeesffltotedwlUi this fearful disease ahenld net nuke It the ob ject et thejr lives te rid thsirsslvea of It. 1'a- eepuve reraeeiea oenoooiaa dj ignerasi pra- tendere tn medical knowledge have weakened the confidence el tee great majority ef ear terere li all advaniaed remedies. Taevbe- oeme reilgned te a life of mliery rather than tortnrathemselveaiillhdeabtfal palltatlvee cuvinii wi i mtwiu uanimainiut at every stage and combated with all ear might. In many eesee tbe eieesse his assumed danrerens symptoms. 1 he benee and oarttlsge of the neee, the organs et hearing, of easing and of lasting se afleeted aa te be uielew, the uvula se elongated, the threat se Indamed ana li mated aa te produee a eeastant and dis tressing ceegh. 8 akfebd's judical cca meets every phaaa of uatairh. from a simple head eeld te the most loathsome and deetrueUva stages, ltls local and constitutions!. Instant tn relieving, permanent in caring, sate, economical sad never-falling, ' - kach paekare contains one bottle of the Radical cubb, one box CATAaaaai. tfetvaar, ana an lxraevan Ibbaxbb, with treatise t pnee,IU Femra Dica A CxnneAi. co Boarea. Pains and Weaknesses OPF1MALBS. . Instantly relieved by the Ontlenra Antt-Fatn Plaster, anew, meet agreeable, tastantaaeeu and lnt Ullble patn-klillng plaster, espeelally adapted te relieve Female rains and Weak- aessee. WarraatadvasUy superior te all ether plasters, and the most perleet Antidote te fala. Inflammation and Weakness yet com- Jienaded. At ail druggists, U cants t five for l.oe i or. postage t re, et form Pave Ann Cbkuieai. ua, Bosten- Mass. janttlydWhRAlyw FOR BALM OR JtMNT. FOR RENT-PROM APRIL 1, 1889, the store room We. tu Merth Queen Street. Apply te J.W.BTBMB, janittfds Kext Doer te Stere Uoeuu fJKOR RENT ON APRIL FIRST THK Ar Storeroom, Ne. 16 katt King street, aad the two rooms ea the secead fleer ever same, with the cellar room, will be ler rent en April I, Thesiorereom will be remedelled and en larged, Fer terms apply te WAI.TAJK M. FRANK MM. Attorney -at-Ltw, 111 Bast king Btrtafa Jants ,S8saieb2.v,i6,siman .18,23,) FOR RBNT FROM APRIL L THB large and convenient Dwelling Heuse i Muhlenberg property), Mes. H and 40 west liange street. AJie a large Btable In the rear en urantstreet, suitable foraLlreryez Beard. lngnuble. Apply te K, V. A, Ai,TICK'B BOSS. Jan2Uwaih8 JK) R RENT. A LAIUJB Three-Story Brick Bwellieg, With basement attaehed. situated en Iba oernerof mast Qrant and chsrry streets, with a te-horse power boiler and an elevator. Fersens wishing te view the eame wlllp:ease Call en L.KNAFP, decltfdS Ne. lit Bast King street. pUBLIO SALE OF CITY PROPERTY, Oa Fbidav, FaaaOAar IMS), by virtue of an order et the Orphan' Court of lAncister county, the undersigned, ezeentrlz or the will of FhlllD Ulnkelberg. deeeased. will Bzpese te publte sale, at the Leepard Hetel, the following deecrlbed property, en the nerthwett side et Lecutt suest. In the city of Lancaster, between Lime and Book Beok Boek land streets : a let or pleea of ground fronting en Lecuit street S3 teat, mere or less, and extending In drptblteieeu mere or lest, en which Is erected a two-steiled Brlek l welling Heuse, wtib bsck building-the premises ueleg known as Ne. til Locust street. sale te at 1 o'clock p. m, whan terms will be nude known by CATUAlilWKDlNKaLBtBB, Bxecntrlx of the W1U of i hlllp LUnkelberg, dacpased. Jeill.Haikxs, Auctioneer. J22-7ldWA $5)f5,fe,5. OITY BUHDIITIt I0TS BBCUBKD BT FATIRQ Five Dollars Per Menth. THIRtYFIVE CHOICE LOTS LEFT, At the following Lew Prices : le Leis for. ...... , lise e Leu for lee 8 Lotsfer tee e Lotsier tM 6 Lets for , SU) All situated tn the most rapidly-growing portion et the city, street car facilities, paved sldawaiks, city water supply, aewersge, gas and elcoule light. The cheapest leta new offered in the city, and bound te Increase ia value. Alse, a number el Dwelling Heuaca en Bam Plan. The bfst chance ever offered ler a person of email means te secure a home. Apply imme diately te ALLAN A. HBBB, Beat Kstate and Insurance Agent, 108 Mttt king BtreeL pUBLIO BALE. TacMDAY, FaaavAar 11,189, by virtue of tbe directions and powers given under tne will et Uae lei A. Altick, deceaied, we. the undersigned executers, wlll.ezpeee te public sale, at the Cltylietel, tbe following real estate, te wit: All that let of ground, commencing at the nertnwest corner of rrlnee and Chestnut streets, fronting en ranee street it feet, 4 Inches, tbence west S3 feet, tneaceseuih S feet, theace west te Water aireet, thence alenr maier street n iest, lacuna, uenoe along Chestnut street Hi feet, en which Is erected a three-etery Brlek Mansion Henae. wltb three story bilckbtckuuUdleg, No.KBBertkFrlnce street, the whole containing twenty-two roenrs. Including parlor, library, sitting-room, cloak room, dlnlug-roeu, with butlere pan try, bath-room, sewlnc and store rooms, beau tifully pipe red throughout, containing almost every anewn improvement for human com fort. Me. t. All that Let et Ground, adjoining Be. 1 ea tbe north, Irentlng en Frlnee street la feet, thence along Me lit feet, thence seuths feet, thence farther along said line te Water street, thence along Water street li feat, a inches, and thence east te Frlnee street te place of beginning, en which areereetedtwe two stray and an attic Brick Dwelling Bouses, Ke.ana 8 herth nines street i Be. Sue contain, eight room, bath, gas. het and cold water. wur I hu-ses contains fle rooms, nheseare hou.ellke,cenventnt dwell ings. Alse, mere te a one anda-hall etery Frame Dwelling fronting en Water itreet, iheee properties wlU be sold as a whole or a Ut be divided te soil purchasers. bale te begin ttTUe docs p. bl, whta eon eon dl'.tens will be made kaewa by WILLIAM H. ALTICK, ktAKra. ALTICK, BAMUSL W.AL11CK, U.S. ALTICK, J. J. ALTICK,' xzaeaters. JcabL.Batrid,At. jMMtfikt,,,l aaMiwauaa ABMBDUBa esaaaale be aiaacaaa pAIK m eaQJuur comieuhd. IT MAKES YOU HUNGRY. M I bat need Feme's Oetery Oaatpeaa and H has had a eelakary eahek It tavUraraws tlMiayetemalftelKe a aewaaaau Htav atetaa the appetHe ea meiiMawa igeatiea.H 'J.t. CerttAka, FrUsaa, a. a, Pain't Ctlery Compound fa a naiaae Teade aad Appaatter. Fieaaant tetaataata.aalakta Ma aaWna.aaA wliaat any lajatieae eaVet, it gtvaa that raagid BalUwhlch aaabae everything taeta geed. t earaa dyseapsia aa kindred dt.erlate. QgadeaaaiB presetlbe it. blejl SU for, WBLLt, B1CHABDS.7N- co, Bar.tagtea, T KJMt4 Djal &,.', FaffiwyaStr? mmr JjAJIDAMeEUlOY. Bard & Mm. U tti SI SMtk 4mm Street, eaehT"leuV5ae5.E -Wtaew ..CAKPBt.-We aame soma prices en rarnete which can't t e beet at the nriea anvwhaea We ask you te eeme aad aee for yourself. lagrala uanetsatse. tt trLt canti a nZwatSa lV2Lm&&MJSSl&S 1W Tyonratenr sVanafclTeaat uSJUtnf Ta"?? !e?TA7?f Eg,!'!82L'Pfu ertee,aad Ue patterns are beauu"l?BtalJ SaWwwJeSlS- wide la wool or eottea strlea. Carpet Bags taken ta exchange. Headiueitertfjr OU clothe .-99IULSTTXm'r B0W ta teek the beat selection of Panting for Summer wear te Sft aa. sal nSlZtSAK!titS Kw-w tS El-8affl3a taat yea are het able te get later ta the aeasen geed washing eoler. double andtwut and fSMearaadBeaa?e?BaataA IU!vSS!tifSiiJ.0JihBt MttIL.hS"r O'ngham VSSu hit anVH :tIt2".0iJ"!.5 aargalaa we have ever offered, and se dn our customers, some bay SO and 0 yards at onetime. Heavy yard wide Unbleached Mutiin ftamnantaatawa Kligag any,iM!pt"nVbwy.mnewr.P,0amtm en"r- "Ten need Bard & McElroy, Net. S3 and 35 Seuth Queen Itreet, Oppeelte Fountain Inn. JMWMLMT, JJ. KHOADB BOM. W deslr te call attention te our large variety of STABLE WARE.t BACCARAT GLASSWARE. All the site of GUawsaand Decanters. Housekeepers wlU find a ?h5 "55 w?.6!"7?' 2? taUie Standara PUted Wares. Alse Dining. uoea aad Elteben Clocks. HfPlataUUiHteby competent workmen, and all work war- H. Z. RHOADS & SON. JEWELERS, Ne. 4 Wtt Kins Street. CABTMT BAHtlAlHUI SHIRK'S CARPET HALL WILTON. VMLVBT, BODY BRUSSELS, Tiputr j, lejnli, Dihisa tad Yenetlin, RiJ ind GtuiD Ctrpett, OIL OLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, eV. W lUtww MM LaVgWt aM gawt atteOk IB tlM Oltj. H. S. SHIRK & SONS. OenatWliHiii Wibr KmU, Iijuistff, Pfc. WATOBl m-ATOHKB AMERICAN ! watches, oeahe, jg Optical Ooeda. Talegrapk Time Deny. Bvery Article in una Uae Oarataily Bepeired. iiOUia waian. Be. ihk . Qneea Bt.lTear F. X. 8. atatlea. TB WKLKB AND OPTICIAN. GILL. Jeweler and Optician. If your syes trouble yen attend te them Im mediately. Tba use of FBOPBB QLAB8BS restores tights, gives comfort and pleasure. Lancaster baa long felt the need et aSPB OlAL urxluIAM. fe are new prepared te measure your eves, with the FKB CIBION OF AM OUULleT. having a full and complete outfit of test leases required la per. feet measurement Satisfaction guaranteed in every Instance. OIABLES S. GILL, Ne. 10 West King Street, LAWOAOTBB. FA, WORD. WBAHBMOWOrrBBIKO ASLAKaKAMD FLNKAL1MBOF WATCHES AND JEWELRY As can be shown, and at LOWBB FB10BS than have ever been o.ueted for goods el equal quality. COMB AND BK XOUK OWN JDOBB. Walter A. Herr; MO. 101 NORTH QUkTlN 81., OOBRBKOFOBABQB. WE CAN HERVK TOD WKLIj AND aave you money in adrerUelag. Bstl matas tree. ADTEKTIBING GUIDE-D00K8. The meat cempleu aad original ever leaned. Bent en receipt of Mcenta te pay ler packing and forwarding. Apvaanauia wamae a araeuirr. The U JeaLmnbeBTBe AdverUatag Aeeaey. uf aad laTBatt Baltaktere StaeeBaltieee' aprtag midtem aaaaae mere aeee-dayg Vata tt did ten years age. Thewlateref teem has left the aerves all fagged eau The nerves meet he streagtheae, the bleed partda. liver aad beareia regelated. Fatae'e Otlery Oawpeaad-the Baring meatata ef today teday dere ell this, as nothing alee ran. Freserlaed by Fhyettlsas, Beeemraeeded by Prarglet, Baeerea by Ministers, Qaanateed by tte MaaeJaeterers te be The Best Bftlis HiIeiM. HlatheiprlBgoflsTIwaaallranewa. X weald gat up la the morning with ee tired a taellag, aad waa ee weak thatl enald hardly eat atwaad. t bought a bottle, of Palaai Oel ery oeeareand, and batere I had tskaa it a weak 1 Sslt vary much better. I eaa eaearfally tmmmmu at hi mi w.n mmmt m waitausm aw streBabealagmeaiclna." MSS.V, a. new, BurUagten, TL TAMalAa ffVtftl Wenrtahee bablee perfeetty. leKaMel IWl iheFhysletan-atoveilter!!!. moons. ii'i.1-V' ' McElroy, Off Mite lam. e. Bprtng rtztntai, Full BUa, only see MALL. BAltaAlBlBI MLKCTIONB. J)SMOOKATIO PBIMABY KLEO- Tbe Democratic voters of the eltv of Lancis Lancis terarareciuejtedte meet at their reape-ttve wards, Saturday evenlnir. f ebruarv a. batwaan tha hours of e mev s n'cloea-, except in the. BIghth ward, where thev win de aept open from S te 8 o'elock, te f'laea in aumlraUen candidates for thedll rent Ward officers and echoed Ulreoters. as wmi un 10 aoDeoi Ulreoters thla year are i Twe from the Sixth ward i two from treauMgifth1 Um Xb 8eoeaa' ntt en" S?2pifSS,,0',neUngar as follews: FlKsT WAKD-Bhebera Hetel.: BBUOJID WABD-wendlta' taloen. THIKD WAKU-Bfflnger'a SaloenT FOUBTH WaUD-JerTn PentaV saloon. Firru WABe-Phtiip wwrsiietei. B1ITU WABO-Sehllftr HOuseT BBVBNTU WAUD-Kiihlman?! Hetsl. KIOUTB WAUU-Kehlhaas Hetel. 1NTH WABD-Arneld Uses' Hetel. -v -- mi. ieui.k uieuiuer or tee uiiy Bxecutlve Committee te serve during the en suing year, By order of the JAiraaB.Deaaaur, Ohatrman.MMITn5!d JgJLKOTION OF HOHOOIiDIBKOrORa The quallded electors of tbe city et Lances, ter areliereby neuflnd that an eleellen will be 'l"?.'." ssveral wards, at the utual places of holding Biata and i ouetv Kluctlens, en TOkSDV,FBBnUAttY 1. 1M9. between the hours of 7 o'clock in the morning and 7 o'clock In the evenleg of said day, for the purpes of electing twelve persons te serve as school Di rectors ler the term et three years from ths But 1 hurt day in November t.ext and the election officers in the several wards am here by required te make the neceiaary official re turns et the election te the Prothenotary. .v,,... WABIBLB.110COKS11CK. fetXlltd rreitaeat DROOLiAMATlOM, eiiy BLncrneN. Ths quallfled voters of the City of Lancaster sre hereby notified that aa eieetten will be bald In the eeveral wards at the utual places et holding state and county Xlectlens, ea TUESDAY, FBBltUAUlf 1. lt, between the hours of 7 a. m. and 7 p. m.. for the purpose et electing lea a general itlcketl Twelve Scheel Director., and ths quallfled voters of the several wards .hill at the same place elect ether officers a. fellows : F1K9T WAuD. reur members of Common Council, one constable, one Judge, two In spectors, and one Assessor. aOUMI WAKD.-Three members or com mon Council, one Constable, one J edge, two inspectors andone Assessor.! TillKD WAKD.-Three members of Cem. men Council, one Alderman, one Constable, one Judge, two Inspectors andene Asse sier. JTOUkTH WAKU.-Threemembeieet Com mon Council, one Cenitable, one Judge, two Inspectors and one Assessor. FIFTH WAUD-one member of select Coun cil, two membars of Common Cernell, one Constable, one Judge, two Inspectors and one HLXTU WABD Ihreemamheranf nnimmnn Council, one censuble, one Judge, two In In In soscters and one Assessor. akVKHTU WAUU-une member et Select Ceunell. three members of common cenneii. one Aleerman, one constable, one Judge, two Inspectors and one Aseiter. BIOHIU WAttu-'lhree members of Com mon council, one Constable, one J ucge. two Inspectors and one Atseiser. MiMTU WAUD One member of Select Council, three members of Common Couneil, one Constable, one Juege,twelnspeetMS and one Assessor. The election officers of the several wards ate hereby required te make the neestarj re turns of the election, and te notify the person elected, within twenty-four hours alt-r such eleellen shall have been elated, and the num ber of voles for each oandiaate or perten voted for ascertained. Ulren under my hsnd this tweatv-elshth day of January, A. U. l:9 , -,.k.e,. BOW.BD8BBLBY, an.ftbi.a.ied Mayer. 8ALKSME.S-WK WlHH A FICW men te sslt our goods by sample te the wholesale and ret air trade. Largest menu frs In our line. Bnclese 9 cent stamp. Wages Vyviuv a.tlUMI.U. (najllige. flOPOSiaiS answered. Meaey ad vaneed ter wages, adver. gjgjA CBhTlBMBlAX 22&a?dJ' DMT VOOBB. SAeaaaawwwawa waaaevaeaaiateaweea VMBBSUAJIT 1AHQAIHB AT If. 6 uid 8 North Qumd St. QIYLIWWWBT0I1. Udltt9 lid Clildrtl'l CMll 'biqardlms of cost. A Few Flae FLUSH OOATS at Ceat aad Lees. BLAMKKTf, COMFOBT", FLAMNBUI AMD TJBDBBWBAB, DRKSd aoeoa at Bargain rrtets. TABLB LtBBNa, MAFKIBB MUSLIMS AMD SHXBtlRas at Olty FrletSi Jehn S. Givler OcaeMerUt Qwaaa avaTwts, LABOArfBB,FA. JJIRAL OLOB1MQ OUT BAL OF ATTHB New Yerk Stere. We have marked down every garaitnt ta stock te prleea that will make (beat quick Bailers i LADIBV BLACK MBWM AKKBTS Bcdaeed from lie ten. BLACK ABD BKOWM BASLABB BedaOSd from 19 te tfl. BTBIPBD ABU BLACK BAQLABS BB dueed from U toss, BTBIPBD MKWhtABKBTB Kedaced freat It toss Back. One Let Of LADIBS AND hltBSBB' BBW- MamKBTS stedueed freat 19 te as Back. LApinr FLVIB JACKBTS ledaeed te BL W Bach. aBAIi FLUSIt WRAPS AND BACQUXB Ceduced te sltse. , eta aad sib. LADIBS CLOTH MODJXBKABXedatedtO 95 4BAbeve are all Fraud Mew floods, made for thla season's trade. aaeaaawaaa QRIAT R1DUOTIONS IM CHILDREN'S COATS; FBOkUteSTIABS, WATT t&SH AND 6,8u10KurtIiigttttMt, X,AMOASTBB,FA. eLOTBiaa, me. w.v'waiel''vwea.awwvv T OLOTHINaBUIBRS. LGansian&Bie. 68 NORTH QUON ST. 68 MediurLeg Departments Our great Fanu Sale is attraettng bayars from every quarter el the elty aid eenaty. All enr pantaloons heretofore sold ter It, is, Haeaad 99 Over ftaolBerentetyleite sslset from. Wall made and trimmed, aad guaranteed a perfect at our balance el wlnur stock must te olesad, regardless of arstoeet, Baa i ear great Unas of Man's, Bey's and Chll- Snn'. Paula Vrtm K- .bIii -aTk,h - --. -- v tmmm wm aawiaa jwia. Bee our afen's Pante at 7e,91,00, sndBUe. WotthdenbMtheasoslly.' ' Bee enr Bey 'a Feats at SSe, 7Be and 91.00. Oar redactions mean a big eaving by buying bow. Overeaata-heavy and mtdtum welaht-at prices almost eat In two. Anlnveatmantthat wUl pay ye nig interest u yen pnrekate tua kth. men Fer Bargains el Men's, Bey's and Children's Clothing, call AT L. GANSHiN A BR0 Manufacturer of tine Clothier, LAHOABTB,rA. AWThe Cbeaprst Bxcluslve Clotbleg Heuse f7gg.dO. NOVEL) WAT -OF Making Meney! Ne doabtyen have often heard people say, " If we coeld eolleet Inurest en wbtt money we must spend. Instead of what we eaa save, we would seen be In very comfortable etr etr camstaaecs." Oar p'an U exaetly that vary thing : Te Piy Yea Intarest n Whit Yea Spii Upen any purchsse made within one week trout our large Una of HATS, OAFS. rUBS, TBUNKS, TBAVBL1BQ BAUS, BOHaa. HUBBKB UOOOB, OLOVKs, Bra We will give you back In cub, upon men Uen of this advertisement, 6 reiUeau Uteres t en your Invesimsnt. Hoping you wiu favor us with a call, we re main Very Bcspectfnlly Tours, W. D. Stauffer & Ce., 81 83 North QBa Btraat, LABOASTBB.PA. rpEETHINQ BYRUr, TO MOTHERS. Bvery babe ahenld have a bottle of DB. FAUBHBY'STBBXHINUBtKUr. Perfectly sale. Me upturn Or Merphia mlaturea. WIU reltere celli, urlplng la tea Bewela and Pro Pre Pro mete ll fflealt Teething. Prepared by DBS. D.FAHBsiBy A bob, Bgetewa,Md: Drag gisu sell it i st cents. Trial bottle seat by atail H eeau . laalydAvdAw LADIES COATS oera asm bbebb. paataMalii,amai'.a wajiaJarfaji. Aja.ajaa-wai,,V G .OUOTOBTATt Going te Stay. As I eemld net eeaipUte myar myar raaajeaaeataferue maaafaetartag ef ghees at present, I will eea UaMsatheretalilag ef Beets and Shoes, aad will eenttaaa te give yen ) ef .the bMt.baxfkims la BOOTS and SHOES that has ever been offered In this aauket, I have cat the priens la aeexly everything, aad In the fleet thaqaaltty the greater the redne redne Uea i se essna early aad we will try aad please yen, D. P. STACKHOUSE, m ae aaAjrr anMfi.Bjt, tVAMOABTBB.FA aBVlydB IOOT8 AND BBOl hat Cisli III! De ! Itnu Baabled Us te Bay itraiea or M Fairs of CkUd's aad Ladles' Shoes! AT- A GREAT SACRIFICE, Whleh were Made te Order for another drat but who hadn't the money te pay for thesa wheat they ware shipped te him i aad there being eaeh a large let of goods with another aaw aame atsmpad en thesa they ware sold teas at a Oreat BaetUce te the ataaafaatarer. AseeefearBWttersalwayshasheaanlek salsa aad small predta," aad eae of enr rales always has been "te gve .customers the ad ad ad vaBtageofearparehAsts,"wa will save yea a ecaLM per pair by baying et this let 99 pairs ChUd'a rabble Butten Heal ahees, with worked buttonholes, elses StelOX.el.00 per pair i weiwjatadeteteUatAl.ts, Spain Child's rFebble Battea aprtag Seal aheas, wlU worked buttonholes, alaaa s te 10M. l.eeperpalri weremadetesaUatSlJa, IM pairs Ladles' Dongola Butten Opera Tee Bheaa, M0 per peiri were made te seU at 90 pairs Ladles' Dongola Butten Bheaa, square tees, saoe i were made te seU at at 99. 0 pairs lAdlea Dongola Butten Bheaa, with saaey Up aad square tee, Bt-oe were made te seu at 9949. spates Ladiee Pebble Butten Opera Tee Shoes, (UOt weteaaadetesaUatai.eB.j 9 pairs Ladles' Pebble Battea opera .Tee Bhew,S9.90 were atade te seu at et te, 71 pairs lAdlea' Pebble Battea Common gease Bheaa, with low heel L90 ware made n pairs Ladles' iFsbbla Butten Common gease Shoes, fAW i were autde.te sell at iue. gar We have enr show ease In front et the store filled with these goods, with the prleea attached, knowing Bargains Most be Been te fri Appreciated. After thee goods are all sold we oenld net guarantee any mere bargains like them, ae don't blaseans If you fall te buy any of this let. The 0--FrIce Qaik IImm. & Tki Uiiirs of low Prien BOOTS 8c SHOES Ra. 1 Eut Kliff Stmt, LABOASTBB.FA. geyatere Closed Bvery svenlag at 6 O'olesk Bxeept Monday and Betsrday. MMATiaa. F UHM A BBKNKMAM'H CBLKBBATBU OLD STYLE IS THE BEST 1MTUBMABKBT. UAKOA1MS IM STOY ES AMD AMD Heuse Farniihiec Goedi . BWBHBt Lamps & Chandelien AwTPrempt AtUntlen te Orders for numb ing end Wee Fitting. FLINN4BRENEHAN, He. 10a North Qutea St., LASOASTBB. CAUHIAOMB. CTANDAHD OARRIAQB WOBK. EOW. KDOERLET, Bea. 10. tl 11 Market street. Bear of Pest- oBlee, Lancaster, Pa, I new have ready for the Fall and Winter Trade the finest and most aeleet Una of Car riages aaa Sleighs of aU descriptions la the aiarket. Mew le the time te boy anleecarrlsge or 8 Bpacial Bargains la Seeead-Band Werk, both aatshed or unfinished. . AMwmoraet these flnaKead Carta left at prtcee te suit the times. ..,. AU work fuUy guaranteed. My prices tot the aame quality el work are tbe cheapest la "taeatate. Fleaee call and examine my work be lore go ing eisewkere, invite tae iue snuvw aad VNplr at. I teaded te.. One set eJ week vaeagyaiatA4PJaw. FREI EUT Hand-Made Tinware, v OLOTMirm iriB siUcatbbsT juuruc X ALL A U ABltUasfajawBga na vaniUUIl aafdv? rtaB7AlUBAaTw, n ereevae vesaea a heavy el Betadrtt-eaeseBrMeie far a am meaey. speetal aaaataeayeM jefij . jsjrenly Dtrtet impettleg Talief ha t wi naaeaeter. JARTIR BKOU Cat Fries fate I Wdilf ABfti Witk IicmsBl Iikmt. retry et. qtlkaay'j Furnishing deern't uteieatg tfF saead af th thetr taver hy hare aew. Buy aew If yen hay taw i BuyBewfevUeemtagaed.ItwBiaay! We ware aura that vad take eta aasveaae coats at all Iheyre getag taat. aaaai is eae at , aad the Btess aad aatta at 9S te M eCtheprlee; Us afeeryaaUvee-ihaeeealek en them. Caderwear, i7e aievee aad attsj pairs, ate. Better aad awtearMi andeeea. teat deUaraatees eaaBaltefMiwaraaeTwwart lee Beys' I ChUdrea's Bxsra Btetihsa. ge hteaw ; FhatUeeas. It deeam't take BtnehBM C ah.. tw..A A a aa. a-. a. .',) J way mm awaa mwi aaw pnes eamiia, -, aJ -4 MARTIN BRO'l Jfi Clatttsff aai hnlehjgai attjg, S-x 11 NO. S6 AMD 1 KOKTK qPBBM iBBJBB LAMOaaiBB.FA. w' "w H IBBH BKOTHKB. THE GREAT 5 PANTS SAU OOMTIMUga TO.ATTBAOT TIB tVi Aa'CSiaAtUSI. 4i .V s xamsnse TalnH la BOr AMD DBBN'e FAM1B. MBR'B FAMTB at Jfe, 990. Sis, BtBhS tjkte, IBM, N.9a,9eMtey9ia9aaAap aetjM v we aFBeiALa atBLia and avc. 4- BOT'g FAMTB at7a, Ne, fiJBL BtM e atfA,' J-.i"' fe TUB LABQBST ASBOBTMBBC IB Li b TaUStOF tvi2 . .'" BOY'S KNEE PA y tte, tM, af, wVe, W. ate, A iLtajBte. r , h aarrae W te t per eealBslassjaa saj Men's, anw aad Chtlatea'B HnswaOl eeamslUleeatiaaes. AejdtwaUBByw. IS Eirsli & Biel T ?H 0 OmmMMWQPAaM, M. QUaTMM AMD UAMXXt Wtm T LAM0A9TBB.FA, ryrent Basentfat Uadec Iter fetl Pantaleon Makers Waatad. w ILXilAMION FOSTKK. i ta aeatethlsg te wreaf with thawa, aw.tBay never weald au tsoeSt at ane ateatawatwj fleaa. lt'a nethlng ef the triad. Wei all rtahA only we like te keep baataass eat the ;' Junlp. Tarn ear eapltel talahy Uah9gBwfrf Itaab aamatatwa at anal eaAaw ..mW: waa ajaWaBBa eyaw, aaeatm aavevw Te de thle we mast give the shrewd ha aeaaaeeteaaveaathaybay. Hetelea! killer and meaey saver. . 91190 chtachlUaBeaver Itersa Oveswetss aaeaateesAa, v ij seat's tiexe aad tarn OnUway OeMl au leaaveai at, i . The best aus Ladles Bheeta the 4 found la ear ateak la tana atvlaa. theettsaha mw3 MJne ea. ujmsb) Tee Tfa Jajaa AfaSBAawMBTa wFABBaAaa aga SBtFBBI BBBB AY CI V aaaae..aa Ba.eAaa da wear baiter aad will net tans Mrple. Theje, have flexible selas, whleh makwttemeeads -te aaa work. Fee Matters eadVflt tawFMew aers aa ariwasa mmwmu netneeaeaua. "i -. Ouallt tka Maaa. aialaaSBa Valsat V, & aent'a Draas Ktd Qlevea at ta Beat's Dreas Kid Cftevcs, heavy stKshat , Huia f Mae's Fax Tep Sieves, pateat sprtag, H. Men's lUe Far Tey Bleves, psieal aatlag, tLt. - Mae's Angera Weel Jarssy Ciett aad leetatl ' If anSi Flaa Weel rsskmara aad BOkMhwA3 fremMeap. "f- '$ We ere skewiag a aoed Heavy swaBem-; BBwBIsMae .. - - - fW S;S '. V -arilg.WL99. J M.n'i Sll Wnnl Ian1larsn ,1s strata 11 - T' AU-wool cardigan Jeekeu, 91 at ap. , an..l.1 Iiw aEiaaa la nnlllaillt SfaalaSW andahlrta. f tl in Maaurwaav era ara aaewtaw tka IAMB' atyiae in Tacks, Four-la-Mand. aad FmBS a i prleea from 9 Je up. . 'f Bobet and Merse Blankets. . . There Is no better time than the praseatte buy these feeds, as yea can buy thsat new a f greatly redueedptleee. . t Beres Biankeu from 70 np, aaa Fas Beb h ' frometaeap. Flask robes from n.BBaja, -? loci. swu u .a ikiudn vm usiSKi lev quaiiuea irem na. win uuuara aaca, we .; kavaaisomadesemebigoataoaFaroievaav , atuouieveaaraeuttokiou. :i 94 09 fllevea te 99 90 and 99.00 Bad SI.90 )lTg' tossseaikdatoo. - & our Feet warmers are aii reaueta tetsja. y ft 4k- 1BTIIIIaaeaMAa BL Tlaaaigsaalai "I Bimuiuiuu a rwiixi. LAMOAaTBB,FA. V AMD BIS BaBKST ST. MaafaOBWBW, WM, QUMMITBWAMM. HlUli A MABTIN. CbiM. Glass ud QiNiiwifi AT CHINAHALL. Our Stockier tae sprue -wrmum wiawsij nsual the Best makes of White Stan Chla St Bami Porcelain or French China ha tbe I gat. Flala or wecerawm, awe. . Teuet seta, at tte Lewest Frleas. enr assortment et aieasware te 1 MBtaina maav Maw Falters aad enr stock et Lamp Is large, AmeagttwW be found th Jtechaster.wkleh has awsee rter. , M ParseaawaaUnga aew entaiieplsslagat- ailing np l aaaa bsmI,. liiag np sets, wttl gad It te thetr edveakwB, - te gire us aeall. Sigh ft Martin, Ne. 16 Eut lief ' - WfWaBw' wwBw Kt - it ') f ( is. K" .. isir-".- r.vj:.r "-- r f , - kY Tr" '