Is.1 x' v' . . "' y- . "! ,iA'T k. THE IiANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, SATUBDAT, FEBRUARY 0, IS?. -V ' pjy -.vv;,. 3, fflSr ffv Dally InUlllgtncer, , naaUABY S, MM, MreeUra Mi Teaeaeri. rial essea lists the eeeaaaUBlca at a ccrfarpecdeat, who takes taeee Me wwaitett that school directors iMklMMllOOl ttMbWldOWnt . Ha) Mmat doe aet skew m that iMmii udwtM MtMed that it laMMrltteaay0Uier tnpwjwucea Oh JadffiNat te ine Matter m aaa?jadleed. wedonctkaew shoal directors have relatives ratal teacher and we de net want We, Had thla moraine; a list tewtaUe glvlfif thla lafonnatien, kvedeeUaete nad it. We desire it I that ear eeauaent te entirely I bf the eoaaMeratleB et any eae aed te eatlrely geveraed paaroatekm apen the general eubjest. Wethlakit aawtee te elect school dl- wee have a particular interest, Ite eleee relation, la ssboel teaehert oeadaet and capacity is te be con t by them and by the superintend i whom they put ever them. Thedl- i elect the superintendent and the im. They put upea the former the nitty of seeing that the latter de tdaty: and they expect him te re lully concerning the conduct and of each teacher. It is net la i nature that a superintendent who i hie place at the will et the school i and whose successful conduct I, the aehoeto moreover requires him te I cordial relations with the supreme ity, should feel free te recem- tbe discipline or discharge a faulty or incompetent teacher, has a school director as a relative. I especially when there area number i atetected, and thenatnral prejudice of kfcoardet school directors, In favor of own bleed, It te be encountered, the school superintendent be ex- I te weaken in the discbarge et his and forbear from that strict crltl. let" the conduct of the teachers which a) geed of the school requires. Hkad furthermore, it is net seemly that (should be reason given for a belief teachers are pretectel by having Ives in the beard, even though there la fact no such protection afforded te. The question is wholly distinct 'from of excluding the relatives of Jren from the school Leard rfrem among the teachers. We advocated no such policy. It Jd be quite impracticable even it i : and we should net think It wise te Belade the parents et children from the el beard. On the contrary ,that la the for them. Sometimes trouble through the prejudice of a school r parent in favor of his disciplined I; hat it doss net often happen, and a may always feel a fair cenfl- that abe will be sustained by te f superiors in the proper discipline 1 even directors' children. There doubtless weak teachers who will r a director's chlld.but this evil is un it compared te that which tends such weak and accommodating i in the places that they are unlit (ft), and where they de injury te the i and damage te the cause of edu The Dcraecratle Aaeherage. -We note that there is a question raised l te whether the prohibition amendment 'be made a party question. Te eh we have te say that, se far ai the emtie party is concerned, the ques- t answers itself; since that party has ays opposed the prohibition policy, as te its fundamental doctrine. Democratic party is founded upon defense of the Individual liberty et I) cltlisn and upon opposition te eptuary laws that unduly inter- witb it. It proclaims tbat man is free te de as he te de, se tbat la se doing be net interfere with the earne right I by ether men.anu de them injury. I may get drunk, if he is a feel ; and tbe r cannot call him te account, unless he i public exhibition et his drunken- ,or many way offends against the at of his fellow te enjoy peace. Tbe Democratic party has never te deny tbe right of the law tq prohibit entirely tbe use et olio or any ether sort et l'quer : and If te safe te say tbat it never will. Its iventlens speak f jr it ; and when they I spoken in one tune throughout the of tbe country 'd existence, it be safely assumed that they will i up the air forever. Ne Democrat, fore.whe Is grounded in the first prln- l of bis party, can favor urohlbltlen. X coarse this is net saying tSat a great sy el tbe Democratic voters may net for It ; and de it without being l from the party. There is no such ; as ejecting a voter from a party for nereey. when be cemss back te welcomed and feralven. for no 'was ever known te reject a voter. of which does net alter tbe indls- & 'w ,B0" vua6 BD" -democrat, voting vii tuuen, votes against Democratic 'Ormmtund against tbe fundamental aC bis uartr. Ua mav dn it SSS ncn nr thmnrh nntrer hut. Ssmoe j,, if in,.i, , easMercd, at., H M, nim I Tete at me pr ."-""" -v ---aetiker or net tLed at the miserable ,:jraeeipermcaUreachery et tie ricterest. Ne doubt aareatmalerllv ! Democrats would cheerfully kick tbe liquor dealer into a eerar l than that of Lazirus. The Deme- I party ewes the liquor interest neth- S feat It ewes itself and its principles eg; ana it is these which demand jkMeady opposition te the prohibition r Of tbe use of any et the tblnsra that Almighty has given te bis creatures i or abuse, their cententments atioes. Bepublicau party dinars from 'Democratic party, in that its i,et opposition to,'negre slaveiy. i swept away from it. The neere s, and the negre anti-slavery parly laoaacberage. Its politicians favor ffaiicyirjat premises them a lem- Ftrlamph; and mar be found en Nssdss of any political question at It Uavs, or even at the same time. ratle ship rides safely, amid waves, athermoerincr tn in. IHherly. " Let Us Be UaderttAeJ )4e aet wish te be understood t a rBOMtea against tbe beard of giesrtwt, ia tbe toteeaudeaito the propriety of the school superintend eafseeadaetlatakiag aaumberef the teachers en a trip te Waehlngtea and thereby eaaeteff the eeheete tobeelese for two days. If tile enperinteadeat acted without proper authority, the bssrd of directors should certaiBly eall him te account for it. We be lieve In strict discipline being main tained throughout the Nhoel system; and as well by the directors ever the superin tendent, as by hiss ever the teachers and by them ever the scholars. If the superln tendent took the teachers away from their schools for two dayr, without the authority of the beard of directors properly given through their represeatatlves, there re mains no queetkw that he should be re buked therefer. And It does net seem te be denied that he did net ask the permis sion of one at least of the sub-cern-mlttee et the superintending com mlttee, in charge ;of a district some of whose schools were closed by hie action, and whose permission it was clearly proper that he should have sought ; and clearly D.r. Levergood was right In reporting te the beard that these schools had been closed without his permiieien. Such report the rules demand from the superintending committee whenever a school is closed ; and in this case, where schools had been closed in nearly every district, should net have been emitted. m Dn La Care, atlas Btaab, it, accord It g te bis own account, about as mesa a spy at era be found In hlitery. Men who bind themselves by oath te aeeempIUh brutal ranrders like these et Phenols Park, must expect In tbelr number all sorts et villains. The mystery is, whtt ean the bearing et bis testimony bs upon the Parnell forged letteisT A. btkam beating dovlea for railway trains Invented by Ur. J. It. Wilsen, et Pittsburg, Is seen te bs tested en the Peno Pene sylvanla railroad. A Fert Wayne engine bsa been remedelled te beat the water. In the dome ever the centre of the boiler, wbleb u formerly known as the sand box, celli of copper pipe will be laid' through tbl the water will pass. The steam olren latea around the pipes Inside the dome and It Is claimed tbe oeldett water ean bs asde e.ldlnj? bet In a fnw minutes. et m Tins drerei beet bill has bet n burled by the Heuse. Grangers are given notice that It Is net profitable te agitate the adoption of bills et tbat oharaeter. Tub Importance te this country of a sue. eesatnl manulaeture of cast steel gun Ilea In the saving et lime tbat would be possible If enr dittos and ses coast oeuld be defended by heary oannen made la this way, and tbe navy armed with them. Tbe built up guns, new considered by all governments the only kind tbat can be relied upon te resist tbe terrible wrench et tbe large charge of strong powder, take about twenty times a long te build as the cast guns would and, farther, It will take ue sevsral years te establish tbe plant necessary te make built up guns et large calibre. If we esn man sge te mcke reliable east steel gene we will bave achieved what Krnpp, Armstrong and tbe Cronxet engineers gave up long age,and we will save great deal of money and mere valnable time. It will bsa grand triumph of American Ingenuity and we hope It msy seen be assured, but It Is net tlme te brsg J eat yet. It may be safely predleted tbat the In augural parade In Washington will net be worth anything. There will be tee mueb etir. A OKNTLKK&N wbe recently died In Hartferd, Oonneetlont, Mr. Waller Keney, intde a girt te Trinity college In bis life time In a way tbat would, If mere generally followed, largely Increase tbe actual usefulness et gilts te Institutions of learn ing. Every oellrge In the country, no matter bow wesltby, will be found lame In seme ene department, becsnse theexpendl ture et Ita Inenme la hampered by state ments as te hew it aball be used. The University of Pennsylranla bss long beasted flue library, but for many years It was aoceaslble only te tbe pro pre fessjrwbecause there was no fend provided for tbe psyment of a librarian. Our own Franklin and Marshall college has tbe nucleus eta library, which bss only litely been made properly available by the volun teer labor or a professor. These Instances are cited only as samples of tbe many points at wbleh an unrestricted legacy or gllteiuld be etfeottrely applied, and yet gifts of this kind are se rare tbat Dr. tJmllb, of Trinity college, was astonished when Mr, Walter Keney gave him a chrck 'with tbe simple dlrcotlen : "Hpend that meney rer wnatever you think best for tbe O)llg0." m KvKiir Democrat snoeld attend the prl prl mtrlestbls evening. A full Tete Insures tbe ssloetlon et tbe beat candidates. Last fall tbere was opened with great ceremony a line et railway about twenty, tire milts leuy rrjolelng In tbe ambitious name et the Royal Trans-Afrlean railway. This read la In the Pertugese provlnee of Angela and runs from IiOanda through a very fertile and highly cultivated country teAinbaka. ita buildlntr linniinnMama of tbe superior energy of tbe Pertugese iu A-.nat, uui or ine terriDie ravages of tbe elave trade and particularly of ita enceurancment bv tha Pntiimu Trie read was built chiefly becanse of the great scarcity ei native camera wbe bave for many years been used te transport the products et this ferllle Pertugese territory te the coast. The Pertugese traders bare long been Infamous for their barbarous pirt In tbe slave trade, but thla hminui baa grown te sueb great proportions with tne recent progress or Mohammedanism In Afrlea tbat alavea are becoming scarce among the Pertugese traders. Whole dls. trlcta dercpalated by the slave rai.tnr. n net recover and In thla part of Afrlea at leaat, the Inhuman business la wnrkim, nm lis own oeom. -mere is tee little confi dence In the energy of the Pertugese te warrant any oepe mat tne royal trans African railway will fulfill tbe premise et Its namr, but It baa already replaced an army el roleeablo slaves and beasts one train a dsy. PERSONAL. PneF E E. Hiquii, superlntea dent et public Instruction, according te a dlspstch iretn Barrlsburg, will net be reappointed at tbe expiration of bis term. Hew. licuis A. Maekit, president of the litla Kagle Valley railroad company. dlaoVet heart disease In Leck Haven en Prldav. He was born In White Deer town ship, Unity county, In 1810. He graduated fiM?1011..00"69 Soheneetady, N. V In 1837, and was admitted te tbe bar la 1810. HeaetUedlnlSU in Leck Haven, where be practiced bta protesalen and became In 1874 he waa elected te Oongrese and served four year. " a.tL?n,.IiCKCeBM,c,mJlNl " "bQ died the ColumbUAPhlladslpbtaraUreVd fw several years, and tbe past 40 year be was conductor en the Cemberland Valley rail l0!" ".! wWta driving the auge between Oettyebug and HarFlaburg that be waa engaged te carry President Van Buren'e Ont maaatige fresa Yerk te Harrla. burg. He was lastrneted te carry It In an benr and a half, If possible. Horses were statleaed along tbe route at different points for blm, and bis only delsy was In dlimnitnllnc .....- steed. He dashed into Herrietmrg la one vL k7 ."lew view teevieg Yerk, hsvlng tear mutates te Sfera sn o)BRres or nertLSL Tktre a queer UtUe bottle stat hersea sayOatir, It Is shape Uksfl a beat ana Ii quite ptetnrte- qae. WlthaBtnrc-aeid Jait Ihi Isait trifle re- tetqae. ItbotatlalifCeptai.theujh yea never may kaewit, Anfl I tsar et wbelly bs ebls te ikew It, TbstraMurtiet romuieir, binatt aaS pet. Tkers are atald, aeber faeti for the tdlsaan aa wits. Ana f.b'e far taew wbj like trath In eu gaUet Tbera are wetdrtaai ana fanelettktt petat te tbs tklet. There are imcf that are awestai the voles of tbeltrk. There are JesU that belong te the dayi of the ark. There are arrows of wit that fly straight te the mark. And tale or darotlen ana honor ant troth, AnatterlMOf danger and beantr ana rath That qnlekea the pnlte la tbe besom of yeutfc. There are troths that flaih ent like a sword la theflght, Tbat shine like a star In the darkness of sight, Te guide straying feet from the wrong te the right. There are sweet psilmief faith, foil many I ween, Ana telsee ter sorrow, and praises serene, And glad songs of strength whereon weakness mar lean. All this In the bottle, although Ican't prere It, And the gielas stanOs there la hu glory ebere It, This strange little belt'e. Ah, me I hew I lore It I Ana whatever he gtyes of I's marvelous stsrf, With pride that Ii humble tbrleg te your deer, Ana grattfal ana happy I pny evermore. O Genius that stands en thti Strang) bottle's brink, O aid me for eyer and evr te link aty heart te the world In this bett'n ei Ink. Ciirletta l'trry. mm The Tlmt honored Notre Dame, BalUmlrt, UU We hare hul amiite eppnrtunlty tocenylnoe ourselreael Ihseffloatyef hulvot'en Oil. Wa ebeet tally submit our uatuestu the publleaa retarenee. JMspsettully, alsler of Metro Uame. Aliqutth A KKrSt naHlmere, ltd. Ne wonder people hive ounflaence when tbe best phttlclans are proserlbtng Dr. ilell's uengnnymp. KJPMOIAL HOTWK9. Galled te Prracli, We fuel callea upon te preach a few gospel ficts- facts tbat am worth knowing. Wi want everybody te enjey all that ! pesilblaln this world, vve want all theso who are suffering from rbenuiatiam, ncuralKla. rd all acties, sprains and pains te knew thtt. Themat' Jlelec Me Oil Is an untalllrg ana sp'endia cure. Fer stle by U. JL Uoehran, aniRKlst, 137 and US Werth Uuiwn straet. iAneastnr. Xt UMrOUTUMATK l'KKSON. The most unfortunate person In the world is one afflletnO with sick hnaaache, but tbejr will be rellevad atonee bv nstng ur.i.nnlle'a Beelal 1'resorlpUen. Hee advertisement In another column (I) WrtY WILL TOU COUGH when Bhlleh's Cure will give Immediate roller, l'rlea 10 eta., eecu.aadu. rorsalabyJI.U.Oochran,Urug rersalabyJI.U.Oochran,Urug rorsalabyJI.U.Oechran,Urug gist. Me. 1S7 North Queen street. (8) BCIsctrle llllwra. This remedy Is becoming se well known ana se popular as te need no tpeclal mention. All wbe have used Blectrte Jlllteni sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does net exist, and It Is guaranteed te de all tbat Is claimed. Kioctrte Hitters will euro all diseases et the Liver and Kidneys, will remere Pim ples, neils, Bait llbeutn and ether affeotlena caused by Impure bleed. will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well aa cure all Malarial Cevers. Fer aura or Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Kleouie llltten-Bnllre satisfaction gnatanteed or money refunded, l'rlce tee. and Sl.ue per bot tle at il. H. tloebran's Drug store. ibi Met a Case, Net a case of rheumatism, net a ea'e of neu ralgia net a case of lamenais. net a cass of patu or spratn-notena-bai ftlte i te go when attuckftd by Tliemai' Xeleclrie Oil. Fer sale by H. U. Cochran, druggist, 17 and 138 Merth Queen street. Lanoaiter. BTem Olavalana, Ohie, Temes a lct'er signed T. Walker, saying: "About six months age commenced taalng BurOetk Steed BUtere for protracted ewe or lombsge and general debility, and new am pleated te state bave recovered my appetite and wonted etrenglb. Feel better altegelbsr." Fer sale by li. Ii. cechran, druggist. 117 and IS North Queen street, Lancaster. TUB BBV. OgO. 11. T1IAYBK, Of Bourbon Indsays: "Beth myself and wife ewe our lives te BUlLOll'S CONBUMI'TIONCUBKS. Fer sale by H. U. Cochran, Druggist, Me. in Merth Queen street. JM Is ConsumptleD lecurable. Bead the follewing: Mr. C.II. Merris, Newark, Ark , says: "Was down with Abseess el Lungs, and friends and pbyslelans pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am new en my third bottle, and able te oversee the work en my farm. It Is the nneet medlclne ever made." Jeese Mlddlewart, necatnr, Ohie, says: "Ilad It net been for Ur. King's New ulscevery ter Consumption,! would nave died otLungTrou etLungTrou otLungTreu bias. Was given up by doctors. Am new In best et health." Try !U Sample bottles tree at II. B. Cochran's Urug Stere, Nea. U7 and in North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa: (&) BUtLOH'B GUUB will Immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and urencbltls. Fer sale by II. IL cechran. Druggist. Ne. H7 Merth Queen street. (7j Ilenesty the tmt Potley. In aaverllilng a inrdlclne !t is beat te be heneatt die ipuen will never dot the people won't Hand It, L'Htbe truth bd known that Jlurtleck Bleed Bitter i cure surelula, and all crupuouaef theskln. Ill medicine Is tela everywhere by drugpls'i. Fer sale by 11. B cechran, druggist, U7 and 13a North Queen street. Lancaamr. What Van's Be Oared Bait lie Kailurcd." Ihls old aduge riots net slgnl fy tbat we must tuner the inUurlti el dyspeptla. when a uitdl ripe with the curative properties of Burdock Bleed Bitter i Is available, it Is one el the mest subiianllal aud tenable retnedlte sold J?.0'; .EPL1? d u' u- Ooehran, drnggut, 157 and tl Merth Queen street. Lancaster? ' AnlM ! TWHW..IIIMM .1 .. ,. . Seros, Ulcera, Bait Bhenm, Fever Beres.aettM. Chapped Hands, OhUblaLTs. CernsTanfl llil Bain BrupUens, and positively cores Piles, or nepiy ruQulred. Itlsgnaranteepteglvaper. teet satlslaotlen, or money refuuded. Prtee SB eenta per box. Fer sale by u. b. cechraa. urnggul. Ne. U7 and US Merth Queen street! Lancaster. Pa. lune.lya U.K. Cochran, Nea. in and lSJ North Queen f-??i..iS?ft,ier' " u selling BUILOU'B COUGH CUUB as a guarantee te cure all hreat and lung treubles. "si " Spent Filly ueilere In doetorlng f jr theumaum befrfre I tried 37temas' . tteleetrle OIL Used a M cant betUe el tnls medlclue, and Koteutluoue wiek. rer burnsundspralusitlt eacellent." Jas. Dur. nam, Bast Pembroke. N. . Sersale byli.B. strStTLcaitSr. flu"a vueen Mothers atetbemi Metnerslli Are yen disturbed at-night and broken el your rest by a sick child suffenng and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth t If se, go at once and get a bottle of MUS. wiNai.iiW'flarwtTiiiuiinvitnu .. ... ' lleve the nenrlittlA !! imn.i,..i - - " w a,H V, .1.1 HHn.... JTiy pond upon it there Is no mistake about It. .wivuuukR uiuworue carta wne aas eve OSedlLWhO Will nntlnlltmn.t nn. ..... .. - - m m ,i4v tat ewv raa vtj wAaAaij will regulau the bowels, and give rest te the .wmmm, 4.v cv,iim un neaiui te ine cUld, operattng like magic, it la perfectly safe te use in all cases and pleasant te the Use, and Is the prescription of raeetthe eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Beld everywhere, Steenu a bottle, saayis-lydaw veMriiHxwn re wdmk. QOMTLKXION POWDKK. LADIES WUt) V ALU It A BKF1NBU COMPLKXION MUST USB w"1r POZZONI'S MBOIOATKO COMPLEXION POWDER. It tmparta a brilliant trausparency te tha HS.?emoveiJkl,P,I,,P,',',roai6j and OJ colorations, and mikes I be skin delicately sort aud beautiful. ltoentAlns nellm&whiu lead or anwnla In three shades, pluk or Besh, white and brunette, " WOU BALK bt All Druggists And Faney Ooeda Dealara ssrerywharw, ,$$" or UTATIOJ.T juauwiwes, OKLIQIOUB ItlVIOM WILTj KM XV heietatke seuewiaw ehurekeeew Baa- s?Tii? XnBxgtt&yfs:& liar m iisnrmi n is spneiailj a kf !. 'im. Bnatk Qeeew sat set, Taeeaes theespee Meter. Preaching at ifcssa. m. aaa ins pTatT BteeaU school atl:SB.. Toeeg people's read teacher aa aaaH . as. Water wthagi frsenasSiT avaalav. Osnraew or Ouet-Oenier of Prtaee and Op aaga. r reaehlagat te-jea. as-aatt atTHSp. m. bv the waster. Babbat ssboel at 1: p. as. rrayar tnMUag at S p m. CaaMr.tmuaaa uaeacw West Klag street, B. UHeeaVeaster. eervies at lojea ta.and 7.1s p. m. anaaay aeneei at l. p. uarrae Hasraaaw ta Cxaisr fcevawawrl. West Orange and Ooaeera streeu-acv. 1. B. renkvpaater. FreaehlagatlO:Sia.m.and7:lS p m. BaDaar school at fiat p tn. rralsemaet. tag at SslS p. m rrayer service Wedaeseay evening at 7:ax Toneg people's group r rid ay evralag v. sramas's (Baveasrae) Catraea Cettaea Cunt. imlnn srviea at WJO a, sa. Beratea by Mar. Alfred Nnvle, D. II. ItvAaeaueav-rirat Oaureh (Ssrman) Werth Wateraireab nev.r.r. ahr. naster. irsaeh- ln at 10S0 a. a in tae uermaa laagaagv, and 7: Sp m. In tha angllsh langaage, bbb' day school at Sa.m- 1 euag people's saseUag, a. l.traa'aRaveawas htartetu Avenue, av. Win. W. Uchllter. naater. Divine service as liMea.Bxanaat7:iip. m. Sunday scnoei ats J i m. service in the German language at M p. m , vtat. K. C. Behledt, officiating. Ouvbt Barrier cacaex. aast Viae aear Duke street. Preaching at 10-4J a. as. ana 7:i p. m. by Mr. T. J. isowerm, of Kefermea ThioiejlcaTssmtnary. Bunaay soheolats p. sn. Fiasi Bavtist. Preaching at 10 JO a. m. and 7.1S p. m. by Uvr, J. u. Beemer. Sunday school atS p. m. eaoean BvAaeatteAt ratracw Presehtng morning and evening by Bev. J. P. Miller, of Mtnheim. sanday school at l p.m. young jteepla's meeting at S:top. m. rrayersaeetlDge en 8t. Jeaa'a Lxmni.w.hmT. B. r. Allaataa. II. 1. pastor. Bemees at 10J0 a. n- and 7.1S p mi Anniversary el Lancaster city Bible so ciety at 7.IS p. m. Babbath school at St. Jehn's atliU,and at Uetwald Memerial chapel ats p m. Lecture and prayer meetleg en Wed nesday evening at 7 JO. cateohetleal lectures Frtdty aventng at 7.1B. riser Baveaatan uavatm. Bev. J. M. Tltsel, D. P, pastor. Servleae te-morrow at 10JM a. m. Me services In the evening en aoeennt e f tbe Bible society anniversary meetings. Boa Bea day soheol at lisp. m. St. r art's M.B. Cavaea-Charlea Beads, pas ter. rreachlng at 10 se a. m. by the paaer. nnlverratyet the Laneaster nibla Betlety, Wltmer. eanday school at 1:10 p, in. Teung peepia'p meeting atS p m. WasTaaa M. B. Uacaeii B. W. Burse, pastor. Class meeting ats 30 a a. rreachlng atisse a.m. ana 7 se p. m. by tin pastor, enn asy school at l:is p. m. Yeung i eepie's class at 6 ee. 1'aiter's class en Tneeday at 7:80. 1'rayermeetlng en 1 bnrt day at 7:50. BasTMusieaM. B. CHtraca.-Sanday soheol ats p.m. Bt. rACL'a Rsvoane Bev. J.W.Vemlnger, paAter. fcervlcesat 10 80 a. in, Sunday soheol at lis p.m. eeng service at:isp.m. City nieie society anniversary at 7 is p. m. aa. dreisis by Key. Ur. Mltehell and KbV. neupt. ORAea LtrrnaaAK. Cerner et Merth Queen and James street. Bev. O. Elvln Ileupt, pas tor. Usual divine service at loje a. m. and 7:15 p in. Paster's morning Ulbla class ate-ts am. Sunday school at 9 p m. Paster's adult eias t p. m. usual mid-week services en Wf dneiday evening. TaisiTT LcruaaAa-Mernlag and afternoon services conducted by tbe patler. Me service In the evening, en aoceuulot the Bible society aunlversaiy. A Id society en Wednesday eve ning after aemce. Vateohemens' elaas ea Thursday at 7 SO p. m. I'aasBTTBatAM-Preaching lit the morning by the pastor. Bev. J. Y. Mitchell. D. u. he evening servles owing te Bible society anni versary. Meaaviaw. J. Max Hark, 1. D pastor, 10 J) a. re. Litany and sermon, a p. aa. Sunday school. e evening servlce. fisat M. B. Ca vaua. Kev. J. B. T. Gray, pas tor. Class meetings at 8 a. m. 10:30 a. m. and .7.15 p.m., preaching by pastor s 1:45 p. m. Sunday sch"el S.15 p. m. Christian endeavor prayer muetlngi 7:JJ p. m., Monday and Tnuraday, clas meeting i 7.S0 p. tn.. Tuesday, helness mefttngt 7Su p. m. Wednesday, prayer meeting) 7.30 p. m . FrlOay, young people's meitlng; Sp. in., Uhnrsday, pau,r's alais. fMWAO VHRT1SKMBNTB rpHK PEOPLE'S CASH STORK. Onr Merchant Tailoring Department. We ctTer Epoelal Prloeaall through thla department at this season of the year In order te Beduee Btoek and make room for Bptlnn Goods, There ia yet plenty or time te wear an Ovoreoat and a Winter Eult be fore ?prlngr. All goods made up by ub are made in tha most substantial manner, and aattsriotlen guaran teed in overy particular. We atlllhave a numbar of Ready Made Overoeata of our own manu manu manu fitoture, whieh we will aell at Very Lew Prleea la order te make a clean weep. Gee. P. Rathven, NO. 95 BABT KXUQ BXRHEIT,, PA. marlt-lvdatw jyjYKKS A KATUVON, REDUCTIONS! VXAUI.VB euu stock op CLOTHING, AND COMl'AllK.OUU UEOUOriO.IB. Toil..MTB:,peel'romU Kverjthln thtt U HKLIAU1.K ANUDUBOHY, ata VUkY UOUBUATB cei!r. HancUems Ulsters for Med, AT VKKY LOW PBICBS. Handsome Drees Overcoats, ATyUIOKSILLlNQ PKICBS. .,?,15J.gv1., won't be cwled ever: they're piked tu tcil quickly. ' Myers & Eathlen, BBL1ABLB CLOIUIBBS, NO. 18 MAST KINO ST tABOASTBB PA. WAMAMAKMKM SsaerBsa at. e. la. iz z-"- " , The new urtm Goetlf. Peeplep; out from the isBelT iag, looking down from fixture tops, disporting en counter ends, they smile, almost laugh, at you as they say, " We are here." They speak with a voice which Is net heard, but every woman listens, every dry goods man is alert. With bated breath he pauses te hear what his Spring-tide styles say te the lames, ana eacn one 01 tne lat ter listens for Fashion's edict from beyond the sea. This is but a fraction ei the thought el our Dress Goods counters. We pause at the truth lest we have a leek of brag exaggeration. But the fact is that each day brings scores of new styles te the Dress Goods, and the trophies of each week count hundreds. Dav hv rlav wr etiall nertfv. but already tne'exquisite prints. Challis, Mehairs, Sateens, Cam brics. Calicoes : the wool Nev- elties in robe patterns with garnitures and decorations in orders, bands, and stripes ; the plaided and striped Worsteds ; demure Tricots and plain Wools; Henriettas and Cash meres in shades enough te give a catalogue maker a headache ; Ginghams in which colors and cotton are fitly wedded ; India allies et nues and neures nu mereus; all are here an In In ternatlenal Congress of We men's Dress Stuffs. Last Autumn our collection el Dress Goods was our pride. This Spring, if possible, we have mere te be proud of. Fur Shoulder Capes are the latest agony. Werthy the fuss they are making. Blocked te fit the figure in front Seal, Per sian Lamb and Astrakhan. Seme with pointed fronts and high shoulders. A few Fur-lined Circulars, with fine Sicilian covers, marked down te dose.. $18 te $35. Second fleer, Chestnut street frost. Take ele vators. Galloping prices en Men's Furnishings. 4,000 pairs English Merine Half Hese, 15c, from 25c." 2,400 pairs Fewne's Cleth Gloves, i2lc, from 25c. A let of 25c Cotten Half Hese in plain colors at 15c. About 100 Men's Gray Flan nel Shirts at $1.50. The $2 kind. Middle Market street entrance. Half or third for the wind-up of Children's Heeds. Fair as sortment. Black Felt Hats for women. Enough styles te make your choice certain. Merth from Thirteenth and Chestnut streets corner. Let one Sideboard point the Furniture moral te-day. An tique Oak, quarter sawed te show the grain. Four feet and a half long. Beveled plate glass back, with four small beveled plate mirrors at Jep. Heavy oxidized trimmings. All the drawers and closets lined with oak throughout. Seft weeds has been the rule, save in very high cost work. The price $70. Plenty of cheaper Sideboards of course, and up te $315. Third fleer. Four elevators. Newest conceits In Valen tines. Levely bits, hand painted or lithographed, and with just the words that fit. Flat cards, mounts, celluloid designs, and the always-looked-for lace affairs. In a case you may see a Valentine 50 years old. Rich then, but 'tweuld be voted tame new. Seuth of Ihtitcenthslrtetentrsne. JOHN WANAMAKER. BOOKS, me. mttK'd BOUKSTOKK. ,f KBttUABT 7, 1SW. VALENTINES ! Very Fine Una I A Really ArUatle Una I THBBtLKOrTALBKTINBSBAS UKKTAINLYMOTDBOLINBD. OVBUOS QUOBS IIATB ALBBADY BEKM BOLU HBBB. Many Wholesale, or eenrse. but It shows the aTYLBB AMU PB1CAS are Just what you want. Thanks, for saying you are always mated well here. Ii. B. HSHR, NOJ. 91 UK. ejUKBN BT. augis-tye w ATCHSPR1NQ COR8ET. BUYTUBrAUOUS WATCIISPRJNC CORSE WILL MBVKK BKBAK. aCABABTBBn TO OOIWEAB ANT CUS- leu-HAUK co asar. Mayer, Streuae Ce., MAHUFACTOKIBS. iltBBOAOWAT, ST.T. eetRli,TB,ieew DMT QOMBTS1 COMETS 1 OOMBTBt TADTFIS, ATTENTION ! JtELIKF AT LAST. Quick Detachable Olwpi en Tricon Oeneti . This Oliepereat) a wttat CORSET MARTYRDOM I ,03 tiMiyssgSfKi jar sa?as- eWSa lay CwfSe!s Willi Qilek Detaekafcle Clstpe, FROM Charles Stamm. 35-37 North Queen St. BOSTON STORE. If W AD rMMTIHBMMATB. QHORT BUT TO THE POINT."' Mrs. Jacob Blehelbarger, of raraersvllte, &S"fir ?nnif .p eaught a bad oeld. aha iwtk fAA Mail(ilaAt.S u . m IBSMB AbV. Tl'W It KM A WIM war 1 1 aMHsaaMMlt.aa Hies ii?Biesee.r AT eaia at ' """ ,- ,cii0Ji.,,' OaUB BTOBB, -JFA1!? Meru QeeeaBt, Laaeaeter, Pa. Tn,xn,e,K R VAD THIS. OVBBOOATS OHBAP, DUBBB SUITS HB AT, BUBlNBSS bCITS PINB, AllataDlsoeantof One Dime. Pantaloons of Cheviot, Worsted, and Pasta Pasta Pasta Ioebs of Cleth. Oeme and take advantage of the 10 per cent esr. MeHssANN Sc HOWLIN'B, BO.UWBST KlflttBTBBBT. JDEMOVA1V. Additional NEW BARGAINS AT THE GREAT REMOVAL SALE, AT ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION 13 East King Street. Lancaster, Pa. LINEN TOWELS. Our iec Towels for 8c 0 13c " IOC I2C I2C I5C I9C 5c 18c 20c 25c i 30c 22C Stamped Splashers, reduced te 10, 13, 20, 21, 22, 25, 44 and 63c. Sideboard Cevers and Wash stand Cevers, 21, 25 and 35c. Memie Cleth Cevers, 50, 75c and 1. Initial Handkerchiefs and Linen, hand embroidered, will go back te 25c next week. One let of Astrachan Cleth, colors, dark, green and navy blue, at 19c a yard. On Saturday, February 9th, and en this day only, we will sell all our high-priced Um brellas, fancy exydized and sil ver handles, at $2 apiece, for this day only. One let of Fancy French Sateen Lining, at 5c a yard, until further notice; original price 25c. Our whole stock of Barege and- Parisienne Veiling, in brown, myrde, navy, grey, etc., in two lets. Ne. 1, at iec a yard. Ne. 2, at 15c a yard, for next week, ending February 16th. Te-day we place en our counters a very larjje let of Cambric Embroideries, of all widths, which we will sell at prices which will astonishyeu. Elegant Narrow Edpincr. at r. 1- .. -e e' 5c a sinp, 01 4j$ yards. A large let of fine and showy edging, at 5c a yard; special prices at iec a yard. Wide Flouncing Embroidery, at 25c a yard. Yeu will be surprised at the remarkably low prices en these goods. ASTRICH BROS. mill war r. JARUAINBI BARGAINS MOW 18 TUB TlStB TO QST First Class Goods AT HALF PRICE. WEIKEL'S. SHOBTHQUEBBBT, LABOASTBB. PA. res-iM ""' weiuiuiaiBj uue ku worn um wgrss, UBU1 iImwu given m te ats. Bbe tertanatelr btXTtn Utttc COUHfc&fTS coueu CUKK, aVfia It smrsaA sawks evtial Bilses la aa. earshll wrAwaatt a. aOOBM. laMea wherewer ebewa, fceesnw It ceeaawtfy reHiriTVRB, r-IDMTER'S CORNER. "Let Us Reason Tegetber." lfTeaRgb?Jh?n0,?h"iXf "" t SBuw&ruifire'jofde.wof-,6"T pUM iiiABT5!?ea ,ou the'"M aerd1CHBapa't(la9,Ue,n BSrAJlTiAli .asWalte DO NOT DELAY MAEINQTOOB SBLBCTlOaB. C.Kn0S,onhnadAwhe'A.BetU,tl,,0rtBe,l JUST THINK OF US And make npyenr mind te try us. and you will be mere than satladed. 3 WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, BABT KINO AMD DDKK STBBBTS. e OHS ft GIBBS. Ocbs & Gibbs, fUBMlTUBf, Sd, 3d and eta floors, RO. II EODTH QOBBH BT TOU ItB ALWAYS WBLCOMB Te Call and Examine Onr New TpriDgStyles In Furniture. i.ew'ij'imV.IE ""'Prtsedat Onr Wenderfnl OCHS a GIBBS, M.SdAlthl'loers, HO, SI SOUTH QUBBN ST. apru-lyd Jl UBNITDRK I FUitNITTJBH I THB UBIJBUS1UMBO HAS BBOFBBBO UIB BTOBB AT THBOLDSTABD, le. 88 East King Street, ..Ty was destreved or ere some Ume age. and as a perfeeUy Mew Stock el all ktndset FURNITURE. FABLOBBU1TBS, UBUttOOM SUITES, TABLBS.ICHA1ES, BVO, UPHOLSTERING In All iu rtTanches. Alse fainting and Or namenting old Cheirs. HENRY WOLF, Ne. 38 East King Street lee tie JTEW FURNITURE. New Spring Stylet IM FURNITURE. ALL 09MPLBTB AMD BBADT FOB BUSI. MB98. VAUIKTX NBVBK BO LAK8K. FBICB3 MBVXU BO RKABOMABLB. BFBC1AL FBICE8 FOB OUTFIT BUYBBB. HEINITSH'S e FDRN1TDRB BTORB, NOS. V SOUTH QUBBN BIKBET WILD CHERRY, BLAORBERRY, Ulnger, Kleiinel and Orange Brandy. JACOB F. BHBAFJam, leplVtld MO. 15 CBMTBB.BQUABX. w. Im FISHER, DEHTIBT. Particular attention alvea te ailing iereservlnKthenaturalataeth. I batb an tha latest lmpreremente ler Oelng alee work at a Tary reasonable eeat. Havtagyearaef ex perieaee la the large eltteelaaaenretegiTe taeheetei eatisfaettea a save reetaaeaejr '-! t . ,,