Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 09, 1889, Image 1

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Oat." Bed RmM
The trial' of "Kea-aeaen Mikelseae
m mm Baps nrnwi imu Wales ever hap-
8S WUkesbarre. Oa Friday, Mo Me
. Fsddea, tbe contractor, testified 10 finding
the dead bodies of MeOlure ud Flualgea
2" e aeratng or taa atardar. Several
beak efflslaU Identified tba ew?M bag aad
paperwrsppeie of tell of cola aa havlag
contained aoue of taa money carried by
MeOlure ea the morning of the murder.
The bag and papers wara found by Oaptaia
Linden In the woeia by Mlke'a direction.
Evidence la tale direction waa Tary oom eom oem
plete. Several wltaeeiei testified te M Iks'spres.
aaea near tbe eoeoeot tba murder at taa
Ume It was eemmttted. Wm. Opliager, aa
old hunter, testified te Mlke'oahewlaghlai
a rifle purchased la August last, aad ea
being abewa tba rifle found by Oaptaia
Linden la tba weeds, Ideatlned It peel.
lively m being tba aama eaa Kdward
Ktmmerer, et Wllkeabarra. teeUfled te
having aeld tba title te Mike and hla
oempanlons. Antonie Happellelle, a bright
5 nana Italian, 10 yeeta of age, aeya tbat ea
ul j lt Mike tated him te uke part In tba
muraer ua sooner y or tne paymaster ; no
rsrused aad Mike warned him net te tell
any one under ptln of death.
Twe deye afterwarde Mike and Beverlne
again approached blmen the subject, bat
b refuted, whca they again threatened
him with death. Wltneae aeen after lttt
there and went te Shenandoah. He never
told any one of Mlke'a preposition m ha
waa net tare that Mlka had done the mur
der. Three witnesses teatlfled te Mlke'a
having admitted oemmttUng the murder
since betag la Jail, but aajra that
be elalma te have dena It beeauae he
waa atratd te refute, for tear of a
eeeret Italian society, wheaa head
qnartere are In New Yerk. Be aald fie
would eoener eemmtt the murder and take
hleobaneea with the law tbau refute and
Uke oheneee with the aoelety. Franelaoe
Obtvlaoeo, of Philadelphia, who bad been In
Jail la WUkesbarre for a month, waa Intro Intre Intro
duead te Mike by Baverlne, and later en he
and Mike were out together, when he aald
te Mlka: "Baverlne told me all about
V' meaning that Baverlne bad aald that
ke waa tba bead offieer of a eeeret Italian
aoelety, whleh la very atreng In Chicago at
present. Mike, auppotleg that Ohlvlacoe
wta referring te the murder, told him the
dreumatancea, and bow be blmaelf (Mike)
wta the Inatlgater. When Oblvlaoeo told
Mike that bit oenrederatea had gene te
Italy Mike cried and aald that the fatal
taheia were fired and te no purpose, atnee
they bad taken all the money and lett him
here pennlletf, He then had the wltneae
write te partiea In, Italy, who aent btek
money for Mike te eteape the country.
Wltneae aald be bad been arretted and kept
aeveral daya In Oaptaia Linden's cfllee in
At Friday evening sewlen Captain
Linden waa put en the aland. He detailed
all of tbe olreumatauoes, hew be eaptured
'Bed-noted Mike, "and hew bia oeafeealon
waa made. It wat read In evidence, and
"" oceoplee about two oelamna of printed
matter In a newspaper. It detalla one of
the meat horrible and diabolical aebemea
ever perpetrated. Mike waa alto pet en
the stand. He merely testified at thla time
te what took pleee la Captain Linden's
office while la Philadelphia. Detective
Frank Tnayer, of Philadelphia, teatlfled
hew he had taken ctre of "Red-nosed
Mike" while nnder Captain Linden', eare.
Captain Linden than detailed bow. after
tbey lett Palladelpbla undercover of dark
ness, MUte led tbeoate the meuutala spot
and there aeme of the money, the rifle,
aatebel and aeveral etrtrldgea were found
among the rocks. He knew everything.
Captain Linden's atery eaused the meat
latente cxetteuient la court, and the
wretch, ae be att at the defendtnt'a table,
waa a pletare of utter dlamay. The atery
of the planning and ahoetlng reads Uke a
"I bad aeme trouble with my alater'a fel
low, Kcbart Pletrelle, beeeuw he waa going
te marry ber. One day, about two month,
before the murder, Antonie Nepolelle,
Bevnrlce and myaelf went down te the
creak and abet aeme dynamite In the
water te kill fish. While there Baverlne
and I bad a revelver, and both of ua aald
If any one wab sear ua new we would lick
them, cud we tbn ahet from ear re
yelvere at a tree. Then, when v e went up
te tbe read tewarda the abaaty He 7, Ba Ba
verleo bad a bandkerehlat In hla hard,
and cleaned tbe revolver alter he ahet from
If, and while patting It In hla pocket and
while running for fan, be aald : By ,
we ought te get tbat money from that pay
master when be cornea up the read. The
three et ua can de It without being die die die
oevered. ' Antonie and I aald, Tea, we
are aatiafled. ' We weut te tbe ahanly, and
ter two or three daya aald nothing about
tbe propeeed robbery, and three or four
daya alter Baverlne came te me and aald :
Buppcae we buy tbat gun whleh Am Am Am
broale Garlene (the Italian baea) baa. ' 1
aald ! If you de auy thing like that, you
feel, we will bedlaoevered right away. ' On
my telling blm tbat, we did net buy the
gun. la a few week, altar be ctme te me
again and aald, What, are you acared
about what I aiked you a few weeka age T
for If I badjgoed gun I cenld de tbat alone.
-' Z often theugbt I osuldde tbte Jeb alone.
While I waa la the blaekemlth abep Mo Me
Clare walked alew, and one man could de
Ibat ' Then, en Sunday, about three
weaka after tbe firat talk at tbe creek, An An An
toneo came from Laurel Run, where he
waa living.
'ueepoaeie -aevonne eeama we uhk
of Ne. 7 abanty. I went ever and aaked
Baverlne what tbey were talking about
He ettd be waa aatlatled te help de the Jeb,
and te waa Antonie. I aaked Antonie what
BeverlnoaaldtehlD. lie told me he would
net have anything te de with the Jeb. 1
aald te blm that Baverlne told me tbat be
waaja.t theutnfer tbe Jeb. 'He can de
what he pleeete, but I won't have anything
ioaewltbitjUutUtheJibie done I won't
eey anything about It, beeanae I am afraid
Of blm. Yoe fellewa de It.' I aald I did net
like te de it either; but he waa talking a
mueh about It aa if be waa eeared of doing
the Jeb and never be eaugbr, and he
meaefnnef mebeeauee 1 waa afraid. I
told blm I waa net afraid In a fight, but
hla kind of DUiineae i never uia oeiere,
and be aald : ' It you were aa big aa I am,
and belonged where I belong, you would
bava mere courage, but you are young and
I can't tinat yen.' Then about a couple of
beura alterwarda he apake about aeme rob
bery be had did with aeme ten or twelve
ether men and atele about 200 franea. He
aald Italy waa no plaoa'te de a Jeb like tbat
beeanae It waa all for .mail money, but we
oeuld de tbla alone. If tbat waa In Italy
about CO men would de that Jeb, while
wa oeuld get tbe money, both of ua,
without any trouble. I aald be waa very
ahrewd and agreed. Ue told me te keep
oeuragei that he would fix It all up ae I
would net get hurt. He would get In front
of tbe bone with a gun and I oeuld J net
wateb en the read te aee If anybody waa
oemlng. I did net give him yea or no for
newer, but atepped talking of It then.
About two or three daya afterwarda I want
te Wllkaabarre en batlceaa. Barerlne
went ltb me, and ;wblle going down tbe
read be waa loeklna for a aoed plaee te de
tbe murder. He mentioned two or three
p;eea aa geed enee, and 1 aald j . Then
when get In town he waa looking In the
wladewa irhere ilflee and guna weie dla.
played, and be aald that while he waa eat
of work he would like te buy a email enot enet
gun. We went !nii gun atere and bought
Than wa ltft tbe atere and went te Par
one, Eiemlhjre we went te tbe ahanty.
I carried the riila. It wat a il calibre
Wlaeheater rlflf, IS abcta. Oa the way te
tbe abanty Baverlne waa buuileg for a
plaee te blda the rifle. Ue found a place
about a quarter or half mile from Ne. 7
aaanty, eloapldeef a creak, under a big
atone or reek, under a big atree. Tbla tree
atgnda en tbe reek. He put Ua rifle under
ike rock, and alee tha etrtrldgea. He
aeid nothing about the murder from that
Bmeunvll two or three daya later, Then
j wet away It PaUatJelaif te nag gbect
BW She iMtlt
MM aad mm
work. Ha returned oaMeaeay. Tkeaext
aneratag I weal Inte WHkbarre wn aad Vieeaij Vilalle. We
weal te the Jewelry atere where
the gun waa. Neither of theat would
Retaetda, butaeataae la. Baverlne aaaet
hive told Vlleue about the Jeb aad the rifle,
aa he teemed te knew all aoeat lb I get
the rifle, aad all three of aa weat baek te
the hldiag plaee aad atoned Mm rifle agaJa
uader the bag ateaa. Taea we weat te ear
ahaaty, aad attar that all urea of aa, Bavar.
lae. VUeile aad aayaalt alwaya weat to
gether. Nothing waa aald about the pre
peaed mardet aatH the 17ea af Oeteaar,
whea the three of aaatoed la Ma. 1 ahaaty
taadapokeabeatltaadBererlaoaald we
win nave ae ae oewn ue reaa to-aaerrow
or next day.' Taea Vllelle eeemed te Icaa
eeurage, aad Baverlaeeald, Tae aaaa who
loaeaeeurage gala killed.' Who la te de the
anoetmgr ataverine aara, a wm ae iv
and he aald te Vllelle, AUyeu get te de la
te take anything I hand yea,' aad he aald
tome, 'Mike, yea go dewa the read and
let ea knew whea ther are eemlaa.' He
aald, 'I've get a geed tint aad oeuld ahoet
mere tnaa two men.'
Ontbemoralagef the murder Z weat
down te my falher'a ahanty, Ne. a, aad get
a aete tbat MeClare had eaat, aaylag he
wanted te aee ate about 270'a meaey. It
waa raining aad I did nettalak thay would
go te get the money, ee I weat te the elam pa
ua saw laem atari, a met mem oieeo ey
em atari, a mat mem oieeo ey
by tbe bridge. It waa raining
fl, aoed marnlegi It la a bad
The old man aald, It la raining.'
tna tunnel ey me
ana i eaia.
morn tee.'
neming mere waa aaia. wnenigotaewn
te the plaee where we were te wait, they
were net there. Then I weat te Mlner'a
Mill., te Qutgiey'e and Inte the ataUen at
Mlner'a Milla, and aaked what time they
went mi wiiKeautrre. tteuiure eua iau
nlgaa paaaed me, but I did aet apeak te
them. Whea they get te a Utile hill they
went alew and I followed them. I aaw
Baverlne nema up and ahect from the
bnabea. He abet MeOlure talie la tbe
back. Then be abet tbe ether maa, but I
think he lilt him. Tbea Vlilele eame up In
front of them and ahet the ether man twlee
In the faee.
"I bad a revolver la my hand, running
after them. The herae raa away and Mo Me
Olure waa banging with hla feet under tbe
wheel. When tbey bad gene about twenty
or thirty yarda tbe old maa fell out, and
Vllelle ran away dewa tbe read and
Baverlne looked at me and told me te
oeuie. I went te him, and when they get
te tbe plaee where they aOerwarda found
the herae be atepped, aad then Beverlne
ahet the herae and ahet MeOlure again
la tbe faee. He then ahet a geed
many tlmee at the 'herae. I waa
atandlng atill, and he euraed me and
get very white and aald : 'Hare, you held
mil gun, and It anybody oemea you kill
them.' I bald it, and with tbe knife be out
theatrapa tbat held tbe valiae te the buggy,
then pat tbe value en hlaabonldero and
aald : 'LU ua go through here.' It waa
raining and muddy, and we went up and
took the money and hid It a couple of mllea
from the ecene of tbe murder; alae tbe gun.
I ahet four tlmea i don't knew whether I
hit anybody, llsverlne fired about 15
MIebael Blualle, tbe prlaener, aaaerted
that tbe atatement waa true, and bad made
it voluntarily.
fetlke Brtak. Dewa
WlLKBiBiRRM.Pa., Feb.9 "Red Neaad
Mike" took theatand thla merlnlngand told
hla aide of tbe atery of the murder et Mo Me
Olure and Flannigen. Ha broke dewa
when reeltlng that part of hla atery relating
te tbe eetnal killing, and It wee aeme
mlnutea before be waa oempoaed enough te
reaume. He bad net completed hla
atery when the time for adjournment eame.
He pnta tbe blame entirely ea Beverlne
tbe blacksmith, who went te Italy, who he
aid waa a member of tbe New Yerk ae ae ae
oretece'ety and If be ("Bad Neaad Mike")
basked out be waa afraid Bevtr '.no would
kill him. Mtka'a father teatlfled tbat tbe
prlaener waa only 19 yeara of age. He
loekt te be S3.
An El.vat.d Rallreta CMMer a Hnv C-
fatatt.r Tbe Manhattan Company of
Ww Yerk.' tbe Tletlm,
Anether eaahler haa fled, probably te Jein
the oelony of American abacendera in
Canada. The leaer la tbe Manhattan Kle
rated Railway company, et New Yerk, and
A. H. Qoektn, Ua eaanler, la tbe defaulter.
The apella amount from 160,000 te 170,000.
Three daya age Mr. Qoekln failed te appear
at the oempany'aefuoea.and an examination
of bia boeka reaulted In the dlaoevery of
the defalcation.
Aoeordlog te atatementa It appeara that
Mr. Qoeklu bad entire charge of the pay pay
rella of tbe company. There are four of
theae pay -rella, one for eaeb of tbe elevated
liner, and eaen la treated aeparately and
dl.tlnetly from tbe ether -.bat la, the
Sixth Avenue read, ae far aa paying the
employee la oenoerned, la treated ealf It
were a diaUnet oerporatlon by Itaelf, and
tbe name thins, appllea te the ether linea In
tbe ayatem. In thla way It waa peealble at
all tlmea te knew what tbe comparative
oeat of tba maintenance et each line waa.
It alae gave tbe eaahler an opportunity te
cheat tbe company vary eaaUy, alnee en
eaeb pay roll there could be eirrlednamee
of aeveral men who really bad no existence
and aueh aa consequently never parlor mi d
any aerviee for the read. Aoeordlng te the
employee who oeuld talk tbla waa tbe
manner in whleh tbe defalcation waa ao ae ao
eompllahed by Mr. Qoekln. If there had
been but one pay roll, any large lnereaae
In tbe number et namea It bore would
have been readily detected, whereat a
great many could be divided between the
rella witbeut ae much fear of detection.
Mr. Qoekln haa net been at theefflee
alnee Tuaaday, and the oempsny'e ctneara
aelemnly doelaro tbey are completely at a
leaa aa te hla whereabeuta. Mr. Qoeklu
waa vary popular with tbe offleera and
employee of the company. Mr. Qoeklu
baa been In tbe employ et the company for
aeveral yeara. He waa the bead eaahler,
and had numereua aaalatanta.
An Accommodation te Cracksman,
A builneaa firm In Portland, Oregon,
prints the following noUeeln tbe Oregenian:
We would like te Inform tbe gentlemen of
tbe light flegered perauaalen, aa our ia?e
baa new been drilled four Umee, that we
never leave a cent in It, aa we all
money taken in after 3 p. m. with a firm In
thla elty. We would be quite willing te
give the partiea In queaUen tee combination
of the aafe, te aave them tbe trouble of
drilling any nfbre belea, an, new having
four, we de net knew bow long It will be
water proof, te aay nothing regarding burg
lara or fire. We de net bear tbe atereaald
gentlemen any Ill-will, aa all men ahenld
love one another ; but the writer will be
happy te meet them at any time tbey may
appoint after 9 p. m , when they are en the
burgle," and will epea the atfe end
donate all eaab therein te the " Baralaia'
Heme," and pledge hit word of honor te
protect them during tbe meeting from the
atom eye et the law te tbe beat of bia
Sbe Wm Bateaeta V.mra.
The Berlin National Zextung aaya that
advlcta from bt Petersburg, which may be
regarded aa absolutely autheaUr, aaaert that
Count liejca and all the domestic at the
Meyerllng chateau aaw Bareneaa Vela era,
wbebad been abet, lying under tbe counter,
pane en Crown Prince Rndelph'a bed and
tbe crown prlnee lying eutaide tbe bed
clothes, and tbat tbey oenurm tha report of
family dUputea arising owing te the rela rela
teone of tbe crown prluee with the baieneaa.
Costly Baaeallty,
la Detroit, one Wm. Travis, a milkman,
get Insurance peliclea agaleat aoeidenta
amounting te (5,000. Tben be abet bia left
band through the palm and get the money
en meat of hla pellciea, aa be bad aubmlttel
te the amputation et the hand. New be
langulaheeinjall, and la likely te lese the
money aa welt aa tbe hand.
Cbargid With Hating THr.SU.
Jehn Weaall and Augustus Ear choir are
neighbors who realde en Clay etreet. They
bave bad aeiue dlffleuliy and Karchetf
aUegeathat Weaall threatened te aeblm
harm. He brought a cult for aurety et the
peaee before Aldermaa MoOeaoesy agalaet
J WOaaU, who hat lv eg baU for g hearkjg.
A BevefeHe of PMaeea.
Bea. Obaaaeey F. Bleak, aeeaklag before
the Oreeeeat aoelety of BaMaoreea Friday,
aald t Alexander Hamlltea waa the flrat
maa te try te eatahUeh pateraallem. The
BopmbUeaa party of te-day te Ua aaBeaaaai
of (he old party et Hamilton. It aeat a
heM ta auiMary eubjeeUea. Itaa aap.
ported rlaga aad monepollea te auppert
Maelf. la 1876 It Inaugurated a preeUeat
whom It had net elected, la lsSO It bought
a prealdent, and tried It again la 1084, Eat
feUed. IaU88Heppliedthemeaey of the
monepoiMa aad bought the vetea la bleaka
of five. It as aet theeJave party of 1890,
batapertyeftrueta, It favera aa Increase
of taxation te fatten moaepollate. la Ule the ahadowef the empire
atretehlag Itaelf ever the retieaneaa of the
party r la It therepablle of te-day the
republic of ear anoeetera or la it a repubUe
of prlaeee, aet Utled prlneee, but et prlaeaa
ewwg their power te their eorrapttea T The
Federallat party haa aet really baea eat of
power Maee I860. The power nan remained
In the haade of the buataeea mocK)peUee,
where It waa placed by that party."
Tn.y Waal a Maasenal Ball.
At the meeting of the Feaaaylvaala Ra
eervea la tbla elty, aeveral meatba age, It
wee deetdt d te aak the, Legtelature te change
aUw paaaed by the JUagtelature et 1887. Kx.
Goveraer Ourtla and the ether membara of
a oemmlttee appointed at that meetlag were
before tbe military affaire oemmlttee of the
Heuae ea Thursday advoeaUng a bill te
permit laem te ereet a memorial hall in
atead of monument a Tbey have the ground,
aad the hall, te be built of granite, Iren,
gleaa aad brata, will oeat 825,000. They wUl
eak the etate te farnlah 8 12 000 et the amount
Governer Ourtln aaya New Yerk la going
te appropriate 8100,000 for the purpeae.
They aay up there," he aald, "that New
Yerk haa mere aeldlara burled at Qeltye
burg than Pennaylvanla haa, and wbyt
Baoauae Z waa there te aend our beya home
by carleada te be burled."
htUMravllle Mall.
The eltlesne' meeting (In regard te the
new town hall ferMUleravUle, waa called
te order ea Friday evening by prealdent
Jae. H. Landla. The report of the eeaat
mlttae en aolleltatlon of atoek waa very ea
oeuraging, and upon motion It waa agreed
te add 81,000 te the capital atoek, making
The report of tbe oemmlttee en epeelfleev
ttenawaa read. The meeting waa very
harmonleua and everybody teemed favor
able te the ereoUen of a hall. A goodly
number of abarea were taken during the
evening. Tbe meeting adjourned te meet
ea Wedneaday evening, Feb, 30th.
Fat Raeaey and Laneaeter.
Last evening Pat Rooney appeared again
la tbe opera heuae te a email audienea.
The performance waa very geed and waa
the tame aa the night before exeept tbat
Pat introduced mera dancing. Thla after
neon a matinee waa given. Pat ta aet
tickled with tbe Idea of giving 'four per
formances in thla city aa be thinka it" la aa
overdeae of the aame artlele for tbe people
He aaya one night would have been enough
for him and that would bava beta big.
Mr. Rooney will have hla play rewritten
for next oeaeen, making It mere refined.
The ebaraetera will be changed and Mtaa
Katie wUl have a better part than at preeent.
Converted a Burglar.
At a revival meeting in the Central
Methedlat church In Newark, N. X, en
Friday night, tbe Rev. Dr. Iglebart told
the atery of a remarkable conversion.
After tbe ajrvlee one night three or four
weaka age, aatalwartyeungmanwalkednp
te blm te thank him for his aermen. The
atranger walked home with him, and the
minister waa onrleua te knew mere of hie
hlatery. He aald tbat he waa a burglar, and
had gene te Newark that night te commit a
burglary. Aa be paaaed tbe obureb, he
aald, be waa tempted te atop In. He waa
Impreaaed by tbe aerviee, and hla oonver eonver oenver
alon waa complete. He added t "In proof
of my alneerlty I aurrender te you a platel
and a Jimmy, whleh I expected te nee In
my work te-night. I have no uae ter them
new." The weapene thua plaeed In the
mlnlater'a band are yet In hla possession,
Dr. Inglehart aaya tbat the young man ta
new earning an honest living In New Yerk
The New gcbeel BnUdlsg.
The property oemmlttee of the city school
beard met en Friday afternoon aad viewed
tbe alle of tbe propeeed achoel buUdlng ed
Weat Cheetnnt etreet. It waa net finally
determined whether one or two et the old
bulldlnga would be lern down te make
room for the new aobeol, whleh will be 76
or 80 feet tquare. Anether meeting will
be held In a few daya whan a report te be
aubmitted te the next meeting of tbe beard
will be agreed upon.
A Clever atiesp IrremJall.
Wm. Bayer, a colored man, committed
te JaU In Hageratewn, Ma., te await tbe no
tion of the srand Jaryontheeharceofataal.
4nga pair of pantaloons, escaped from Jail
Thursday night. The J all la provided with
aieei cages ana it is next te impaeaieie rer
anyone te escape from theae, butBeyer
put a dummy la bia hammock and ac
creted himself outside of the cages. When
tbe Jailer locked up the eella, seeing tbe
dummy, be tbeuitbt Beyer waa In bed and
locked bia eell. Beyer climbed te the top
of the eella, made his way up through tbe
celling, get from tbe garret te tbe main
ball, went out of a aide deer and la etlll at
Tary AObMU (leaininra.
With his olethea en El ward 8. Leftua
loeka like aay etber man, bat when bia
olethea are cfl he la a feathered biped. He
waa tarred and feathered laat Monday
morning at Fert Dnbsen Wy. T , and with
the exception of bia faee aed hands hi. entire
body la oevered with feathers. He aaya bia
feathered costume glvta him no uneaalnaaa
and cxpeeta te wear It for aeme time te
oeme, for tar la very adhesive. Leftua waa
euapeeted et assaulting a twelve year-old
girl and waa condemned te hla punishment
by the Impromptu court of the plalna.
Tbe Commedore's CbaueM Bllni.
Wathlngten Dlipatea te Philadelphia Times.
It baa leaked out among the friendeef
Representative Hleatand that the reason
he haa made no headway with hla petition
te aeeure the naval cffleerablp at Pnlladel.
phis la because tbe ground bad already
been occupied. It appears tbat ex-Corener
Pewere, et Phlladelpnla, haa received tha
Indersement et Senators Cameren and
Quay, and baa already aecured three out of
lour of the Philadelphia representatives In
hla behalf.
Tenag RhiIi'i Condition.
Himuel Resale, tbe young man who wta
ee badly Injured In a runaway accident en
the Willow Street turnpike yesterday,
waa taken te the reaidenee or Charles
Bchwebel, where be la getting along very
well. It le relieved that be will new re re re
oever. Int.rnsUenal Colen'. Koesas.
The brlektayera and carpantera et thla
elty, membara of the International Union,
bave aeeured roema la Watt A B bands
balldleg and bave bandaemely fitted them
up for meeting roema.
A BSJdsem. 8eu Btallisd.
The aupper for tbe benefit et the Infant
department of St. Jehn'a Eplaoepal aobeol
waa largely attended en Friday, tbe eleelng
evening. It baa been a grand aucceaa and
a handsome aum of money waa reaUiad.
An Kqalee Utte;
ii Old General, " a veteran who wai net
en tbe pension rella, waa abet dead at
Banger (Me.) this week, at the age of 55
yeara. He waa the equine here of Gettya
burg, where, the narrative tuna, having
lest bis rider, he headed a column of
troops aad lad a eharge, receiving a ball ea
jeait r. tbati Leam bis uri in
le Bweana Threagh tha lee Near Graefra
taaeiag Am Attawpt Made ts Hseeae
Blna-TO Tletlm a Sen st Jeehaa T.
Travis, sf rrederlek Street,
Wlthla the laat two yeara quite a number
of persona have drowned la the Ooaeetega
ereek. Thla morning another very end
eeetaeat eeeurred la whleh a bright young
boy lest hla life. Hla name, waa Jehn F.
Travis, aad he waa a eon of Jeabua T.
Travla, aa empleye of the LaaeaaUr elty
Passenger railway oempaay, who reatdee
ea Beet Frederick etreet. The boy waa
employed at HarryKlehler'a prelaal bakery
aad havlag ae work te de thla morning he
eeaeluded te go te the week te akate. He
left home between 7 aad 8 o'clock aad went
telOracfTa Landing, aoeompanled by a
boy aamed Lavaa. At the ereek. they
were joined by Letaea Wolf and
David Bartholemew. After putting ea
their akates at tbe Landing tbey proeeeded
apthe etream. Yeung Travla waa la the
lead, and whea be reached a point about
one hundred feet above Elllett'a tee house
the iee suddenly gave away. Be at osee
eank, and the beya who were with
him were 'almeat frightened cut et
their wits when tbey aaw blm go down.
Leraa aeeured a rail and tried te reeeue
him with It, But wm tee late aa he paaaed
under the Iee. After a Ume he arose and
hla upturned faee waa esen beneath the Iee
aeex the epeti.where be broke .through.
The beya were unable te reeeue him and
aeat word te town. In a abort time a large
crowd gathered at the plaee and every
effort waa made te recover the body.
Qua Ferreat, Jehn Uuber and Jainee
Ertaman procured a beat and, bi asking tha
loereraooneiderable dlatanoe, began tba
aeareh. Tbey uaed long hoeka and .broke
the Iee ae they paaaed along. About tan
cyoleok Hubet'a hook atruck the body,
which waa qulekly brought ashore. Coreaer
Heaaman, who had been aent for, waa seen
ea the ground and ha held an lnqueet, the
Jury rendering a verdict of aoeldeatel
drawing. t the plaee where the aoeldent
occurred the Ice waa quite thin, aa tbe
water, for aeme reason, did net freaae at
that point until night before laat The
beya who ware akatlng knew nothing et
thla, aad did net try te avoid the plaee.
After the Inqueat the bey'a dead body waa
taken te hie home. Tbe deceased waa tbe
eldest child of tba family and a very geed
and premising lad.
Tha Maa Who Wanted te fight Black born
Strlkea colonel Arsina.
A aeneaUrmal encounter occurred In Jonas'
aaloen, In Denver, Cel., en Friday between
Colonel Jehn Arklna, of tbe Neu$, and
Judge A. W. Rueker. At lbs time Colonel
Arklna, Chief of Pel Iee Qrady and Senator Senater Senator
eleotE. O. Woleott wete atandlng at the
bar. Judge Rueker entered and walking
witbeut a word up te Arklna atruek blm In
the faee with tbe palm et hla band. Fer a
moment Arklna aeemed te be atruek dumb
with amacetnent, and while be waa recover
ing blmaelf, JudgeBueker baeked off and put
bis hand, ae It ta aald, en hla revolver. At
tbla point Chief Grady felt called upon te
exert hla official prerogative. He arrested
Judge Rueker, and alter dlrarmlng blm,
marched bia distinguished prlaener ever
te the patrol box at tee oerner of Sixteenth
end Ourtla atresia, and called the patrol
Judge Rueker, wheee name haa become
famous throughout the oeantry from hla
recent tilt with Senater Blackburn, waa
taken te the city jail. He waa reglatered
ontbaJaUbeokand agalcat bia name waa
plaeed the charge "carrying qoneealed
weapena and disturbing the peace."
Tbe little " scrap" grew eat of the onee
fameaa Blaokbarn-Ruekerduel Imbroglio.
While thla long-winded affair waa In pre.
greet, Jehn Arklna made a visit te New
Yerk city. While there he told a reporter
tbat Judge Rueker would net fla-bt. that
hewaenet of fighting stock, or wordate
lOManeei. uemie juuge Mucxer replied
that Arkina waa neither a genUeman, a
aohelar, nor a Damoerat, and ha publicly
aatd at that time tbat fie would eetilawltu
Arklna when be wta through with Black
TBB FBIMAKT XLBOIION. forBcbeol uirs.ier. sad the Seventh
Ward Aldermanship.
The Domeoratlo primary eleotlena will be
held tbla evening at the places dealgnated
aad between the hours named by tbe city
executive oemmttteo.
la a number of warda there are oentesur
for aobeol directors and thla will bring out
a geed vote.
The meat lively oenteat wl 11 be for the
Seventh ward aldermanship, between
Alderman A. F. Dennelly and Ssloet Coun Ceun
cUman Qeerge M. Berger.
On eaeb tloket will be prlntedt "Fer
present ayatem of eleetlng aoheol dlreolera"
and "agalnat present ayatem of eleetlng
aobeol director.," Aa explained en Friday,
under the present ayatem eaeb ward has
two achoel directors, and warda name their
own directors aa vacancies oceur ; and under
the old ayatem, te whleh the Demecrata
will return If tbe present ayatem la defeated,
all the Demecrata of tbe elty will partici
pate In tue oheloe et alx dlrectera each
Tbe following named aa candldatea en
Wedneaday evening have withdrawn their
Jehn W. Lewell, common council In
Flrat ward ; J. A. Koller, alderman of
TbUd ward.
Tbe Louts Uj the Car Strlk..
New that the New Yerk atreat uir atrlke
la ever the lesaea entailed by Itsiertcelvlng
consideration, and nns estimate puta tbu
total leaa at almost 82,000,000. The auitletka
of the tie up abew that 1,200 eara were with
drawn from the aerviee of the public, Jan
uary 29, when tba atrlke began. The aver.
age dally reoelp'.aef a atrem ear amount te
liXX Se tha leaa waa 821 000 for eaeb of the
five firat daya ; deduction- expenaea, the net
lnsa la eatlniated at 881,000, te which la added
833,600 mere for four daya of tbla week,
beginning Sunday. Frem intervlawa wlin
ether persona wbeae business waa afleeted,
the follewlna fltrurea are arrived att Lraa
etatrikera, 850 400; retail trade, 81,600 000;
theatres, (9.000; liquor aaloena, (30 000,
making a total of 11,(49,100.
The degree ataffet Heraebel Ledge, Ne.
128, L O. O. F., visited Monterey ledgo en
Friday evening and conferred tbe flrat de
gree en one candidate. After the business
of the evening waa transacted apeechea
were made by a number of members et
both ledges, after wblch a banquet was
served te whleh all did Justice
Canten Lancaster, Ne, 25, Patrlurcha Mil
itant, are making arrangements for a grand
bazar te be held In March.
Llres BTd lly Cat and Deg.
The occupants of a crowded tenemint
house ta New Yerk were asved from suflo sufle suflo
eaUoaby tejaplng gaa en Friday night by
the mewing of a put cat and the persistent
howling of a poodle deg. Ter a l netaea
wakened aeveral sleepers wbe were almost
overcome by tte gaa, but aioeeeded In
opening doera and windows. There waa a
leak In the cellar gaa plpaa.
Anetb.r HoUewnar. Company,
There will be another hollow ware com
pany ergaalctd at Marietta In a few daya.
B. F. Hleatand will be at tba bead et the
oempaay, The capital ta.820,000, nearly all
of wbleb has baea Hbaaribed,
riles, et OeaaaaearUta Tnalag a Tem Co Ce
ward and the Tetanta el uarge,
Naw Yerk, Feb. 0 Following la H, Q.
Dun A Ce. 'a review of trade ter the weak
ending te-day t
Tba average price of oemmodltlee, whleh
had baea gradually declining alnee January
1 aad for some weeke previous te tbat dale,
haa taken a tuta upward during the peat
week. Tbe advance baa been about 1 per
cent, la the aggregate, and la ahared about
equally by speculative and non apaeulaUve
A ehaage for the better la thtareapeet,
after ae long a period of declining prleea
with a large business, la uaually a favora
ble Indication ter tbe future, but la thla
Inatanee the temporary leuueuee of a
change et weather and of eertaln apecula
Uve mevamenta muat be remembered. It
baa been a matter of- aurpriae, however,
Ibat tha volume of legitimate business haa
een tinned larger than In any previous year,
notwithstanding tbe uneeaaenabla weather
In January and the deterring influence) of
falling price. Outaide New Yerk the
Jaymanta through clearing houses ta
anuary oevor about 15 per eent. larger
than laat year, and the colder weather
teade te remove aa Important eaues et de
Tbeepseulattve markets are ml ted, aeme
weaker aad aeme etbere atrenger. Perk
baa declined ba't a dollar.
The Iren trade la thought by aeme fe
have touched bottom. Tbe Tbemaa Iren
oempaay has named IL30 as Itaeoatraet
piles for gray forge, whleh le called equal
te 816 fcr Southern Iren at tidewater, nut
baa net yet decided upon tbe opening prlee
for the foundry grades. Seme Seutnera
aellerahave withdrawn from the market,
and exeept for Beaasmer pig no further de
pression in prlee appeara, but et that grade
considerable aalee are reported at 816 by
manuraeturara wbe had taken larger etoeka
tban they are able te uae with profit, Ne
change appeara In ralle and It la claimed
tbat the only aalee below 827 were made
under exceptional olrcumataneaa, Ceal la
phenomenally dull and many oellerleaare
atepplng. Tbe mlnea at Plttaburg bave re
aumed and tbe coke atrlke baa been aban
doned. In miner metale there la little
Obange, but the ayndicata'e atoek of foreign
copper Inereaaed 1.300 tone In January. Tia
la aieady, and the lateet Bale e lead waa at
875, but It aald tbat banke have ad ad
vaneed en large etoeka at 4 eenta.
There Is newbere complaint aa te tbe
anppiy et money, but tbe eaae la generally
oenneotert with a moderate or alaefc de
mands Ne ad vanee In rates la noted at any
point, and tbe government report makes
the volume nf all klnda of money In otrou etrou otreu
laUoa 81.108.000,000, agalnat 81,400,000,000
January 1, ths Urger Ineresae being In geld
oertlfieataa, aad tne principal deerease la
allver and bank notes. Durleg tbe peat
week the treasury haa added 83,700,000 te
the circulation.
The etoek market haa been atrenger, with
an advance of about 81 per abare, but It baa
baea chiefly In epcetaltlee, wbien are aald
te "enjoy the advantage at leadernblp" la
etber werda, whleh are efleetually ell quad.
A general change In tone baa come, aa often
bappene, In eplie of leaa favorable uewe, for
the decision of Judge Brewer adverse te the
Iowa raUreada la of oenaeqaenoe net only
te tbem, but te etbera whieh bave hoped
that the principles of hla earlier decision
would shield tbem agaleat auto enactment..
Progress appeara la tbe agreement of rail,
read a en paper, bat reports of outUngef
ratea are mere definite and frequent. The
earnings are etill large, and there la a grow
ing belief that peaitiva Improvement will
In aeme way reault for shateheldeie. For
eign trade oentlnuee large, and for five
weeks Imports ahew a gain ever laat year
of 8 2 per cent and experla a gain of 17 per
Tbe baalnees failures occurring through
out the oeantry during tbe last .even daya
number far the United Statee 273 aad ler
Canada SO, or a total of 803, aa oempated
with 832 last week and 814 tbe week pre.
vleur. Fer the aame week of laat year the
figures ware 289, made up of 237 In the
United States and 62 In Canada.
Bemoan Proiecola Pnbll.ked.
The protocols et the oenfarencea held la
Washington In tbe summer et 1887, be
tween Bteretery Bayard and tba British
and German ministers, te consider plana for
establishing a stable natlva government In
Samoa were oemmunlcated te Cengreas en
Friday by Prealdent Cleveland, Seeretary
Bayard having previously obtained
the oenaent et tbe British and Oar
man ministers te their publication. Fer
mere than eighteen mentba they bave lain
In the private recesses of the state depart
ment aa confidential papers, Mr. Bayard
having up te the present time tried in vain
te have tte two negetlatsra remove the
Injunction of eeoreey from the papers.
Tneae proteoola oever alx conferences, tbe
flrat of wblch waa beld June 26, 1867, and
the laat en July 20 following. Tney contain
three different aebemea et government
ter the kingdom et Samoa, one aubmitted
by each et the three diplomats engaged la
tbe conference. In many linrertant is
spools tbe two aebemea submitted by tbe
German mlniater end British minlater are
In accord with eaeh ether, but at varlanee
entirely with tbe plan aubmitted by Seo See
retary Bayard en the part of this govern
ment. There Is nothing clesrer from the proto preto prote
oolr, whleh oentaintull reporieet tbe pro
ceedings, tban that the representatlvte of
Germany and Eeglaud were warning band
In band and under practically Identical In In
atrueUeas, A Baker's Desiu Bagged.
Pittsbuke, P.,, Feb. 0 Thirteen coun
terfeiters were arreaied laat night at their
haunts In Butler county by United States
detectives. The uainea of these srreated are
Jehn Dawsen, David Dunn, Jamei
Johnsten, Curtis Fex, Cbarlea and Jehn
Weed, Rev Wexter, Beb Montgomery,
Themas Stoughten, Alfred snd Frank
Crewman. Warren Blaek and James Prier.
The deteotlvesaslae get a large amount of
bogus money snd a complete set of tools.
Inspector Martin's Alltg.4 Blay.ra la Custody
Dublist, Feb. 9 Father McFadden was
removea early tbla morning from Gwee Gwee
dere, where he waa arreettd te Londenerry,
Few persona aaw tbe removal snd there'.waa
nocheerleg. Five persons charged with the
murder et Martin reached Londen te-day,
They were marched te tbe Jail. Berne
enthusiasm waa ahewn by tbe crowd snd
some attempt st cheering waa made.
A Banker Kills
Et. Leuib, Ma, Feb, 9 Edward
Brack, et the Commerelsl bank of
thla city, abet blmaelf through
the head at bia residence ahertly
after midnight last night. He died a few
mlnutea afterward, never having regained
oenaclouaneaa. Ne cause la asalgned for
the act.
Ua Will Met H. Lsulent,
Pabib, Feb, 9. M. DeFreyelnat, mlnia
ter of war, baa laiued a olreular calling ths
attention of army officers te the rule forbid
ding politleal demonatratlena by them. Tbe
elrcular aaya In the future tbe mtnla'.er et
war will be mere aevere in the aupprtsalen
et eucn casta.
Daatn et ITaaieus KehUd,
St. FxTnusBUBCi, Feb. 9 General Ka!a
kakents I, tbe well known artillery apee! alls!,
la dead,
Iba ILlehtt.g sojourns.
Behus, Feb. 9 Tbe RehhaUg te-day
adjeurnul Indefinitely.
Sheriffs Business Ooecl.
There are petted in tbe therlfl's cfllee
bills for tbe sale of personal prejerly of
thirteen peraena.
Bey SppU TtiUv.s.
A bent 12 o'clock last night a farmer found
three beya scarcely ever alx yeara of sge In
hla wagon en Dukeatreet near tbe court
home. They had tbelr pockets storied full
of apples, which tbey had atelen from the
wagon. Officer Steruitelts captured two of
the beya, snd the ether escaped. There
waa ae dlapoalUea te prosecute the young
tsMavea, agd they were dUeeUrgedt
a comtasrewDgNrs tibw,
Taking base With Oar ceneiaelea That D Irce
aeta ahesM Net B. Bebesl Teachers'
Cleae BalaUvaa.
Kditenb lNTaLLioa5eaa i X am aet a
reader of edltermls,but I read yeura almost
aa regularly as they appear, for I held tbem
te be, among all the oemmenla upea pass
ing areata with which I am familiar, the
ablest, meet Just aad beat considered. X
waa all the mere surprised, therefore, upea
reading your editorial laat evening upon
the school beard, eaUtled "Directors and
uperlateBdent" Hemer sometimes bees,
aad for eaea X believe that you bave aet
maturely considered the question you
dfseuaa, sad that your eonelualoa doss net
repreaaat your deliberate Judgment.
Year dictum, tbtt the oendnot of 'the
superlnteadeat should be overlooked try
an entirely dkuntereeted beard, In theaeaae
that ae director should be oheaea wbeae
relative la a teacher, seems te me te be the
strangest proportion ever put forth la the
lRTBLLiaaweaa, Wby net carry out year
argument te tta logical oenoluatoa, and ask
your readers 'firmly te rote agalnat every
candidate, no matter whet may be hie ether
quaunoaueaa it be is related la any way
te Ua aoheollohlldren T Perhaps this M wbst
you mean, ;whea you asyi "The public
eoheola ahenld aet be the aaylum (of direc
tors' relatlvea. The superintendent aheuld
aet be hampered la hla discipline by fear
of an lntereated dlreotet'a frown."
New, If he be hampered at all, tha men
who have the nearest relations te both
teaehera and pupils who, In short, have
the oleaeet possible lateiest In tbe wet wet
fare of both are the very men meat likely
te hamper him at tbe proper time and
Again, all who teseb, or wbe btve taught
In publle eoheola, will agree that the meat
frequent troubles whleh arlae In them are
oenoaralag discipline, and are between
teaehar aad pupil. New, your sdvlee te
the contrary notwltbatandleg, the people
wlU probably continue te eleet parents of
aoheol ehUdren te the aoheol beard. It la
only human nature tbat theae parents should
take the part of their children against the
teacher whenever the eblld'a complaint
haa the slightest eppaaranea of merit, la It
net Just, therefore, tbat the teacher also
should have representatives upon ths
beard who are lntereated In him, or hen
te the same extent that tbe majority of dl
reoterssre Interested la the eblldrenT Is
aet this both JuaUes and "common
sense "T
And here the last but net least Important
oenalderattoa presents Itself. By far the
larger number of our teaehera are ladles.
Many of them are the daughtere or near
relatlvea of our meat rcapeeied eUlsens.
Did It ever occur te you whet a poalUea
they might find themaelvee In If we eheuld
have a aupsrlntandent who was net la all
respects a genUeman, and there was ae one
In tbe beard eapeeUUy Interested In them T
FerDumaaf, Jebbx,
Ft laenere Fall te Baeepa,
Dkeatub, HI., Fab. V James Wilsen,
reetatly acquitted nl arson, snd then sr
reated for hlghwsy robbery, made aa
attempt te eaeape from JaU yaeterday. He
ellmbed te a plaee ever the deer opening
Inte the oerrldor. Over 12 prlaenera oon eon oen
osaled themselves, and wbsn Charles Hud.
dlestoe, the turnkey, went Inte tbe oerrldor
te leek them up Wilsen dropped
te the fleer and grappled with him.
The turnkey erled for astlalanoe,
Mrs. Sheriff Mauaaay ruined la and
belted tbe oerrldor deer before WUaea
oeuld reach It or tbe ether prlaenera oeuld
oeme te bis help. She tben aummened eld
and Wilsen was overpowered snd loreed
back into his cell.
He bad a knife with a four Inoh blade
wblch he had opened with the Intention of
ualng ea the turnkey. Wilsen la the meat
deaperate man tha offleera sver bandied.
This Is his seoend attempt te eaeape from
JaU. He alae aet lire te the JaU enae In she
hope of escaping,
Mtelatar Pfealpa Is Naw Tork.
Naw Yebk, Feb. 9. Mr. Kdward J.
Phelps, mlniater te England, and wife
arrived at Hoboken at 1 p. m. en the Labn
from Southampton. Beth were la tbe
beat of health and expressed them
aalvei as pleased te get back te
America. Immediately en their arrival
they were escorted te a earrlage and pre
eeeded te New Yerk. They will dine with
Mr. Samuel Barlew te-day and en Monday
wUl proceed te Waahlngten. Mr. Phalpa
aald be had a very pleasant trip and waa
but ellgbtly aeaalek, although the passage
waa quite rough.
He reluaed te confirm or deny the state
ment tbat the reason be bad left England
waa because tbe Engllah government had
aet aent a sucoeaeor te Mlniater Weat, aay
Ingi "My position is aueh that 1 cannot
oensistenUy talk ea that matter,"
He also refused te talk ea the Ssmean
A Befgn of Terrer In Item..
Bemb, Fsb. 9. The city ia atlll In a state
of panle ever the riots et the unemployed
workmen. The shops epeued this morn
ing but closed early, fearing that tbe mob
would loot them. Three hundred work
men assembled In tbe piazza Dl Dante, but
the eavalry charged snd dlapersed tbe
rioters, Air seta are numerous. The Isrge
buildings are all guarded bydetachmsntsef
Infantry. The government la taking the
atrengeet repreeelve measures agalnat the
rioters and will break up every meeting of
the unemployed men. A heavy tain pre
vails te-day,
The rioters lsat nlgbt tried le reteu tbe
Qulrlnal and offleet;of the Vatlean, but
were prevented by troops. A large amount
et property waa deatreyed.
Further rioting la expected te nlgbt and
tbe guarda wUl be Increased.
Uesrruatlvs Storm in Britain.
Loxden, Feb. 9 Tbe gale continues
throughout England and Scotland.
Many heuaes have been blown down
snd wires are prostrated. Numerous
veaaala bave been wrecked.
One bark la reported te have geue down
off Grimsby with all handa en beard.
England WUl Net Withdraw.
Lokdem, Feb. 9 The Standard's Berlin
correspondent denies the ssaertlen that
England will withdraw from tbe blockade
of the Eaat African coast wblch la- te te
raised conjointly by England and Germany,
but net before the arrival of Capt. Welaa
tnan. A Naw civil Brvice Commtsslensr.
Wasuisqiex, D. C, Fee. 9 Tbe preal
dent te-day aent te the Senate the nomina
tion et Hugh 8. Tbompaen, et Seuth
Carolina, te be United Statea elvll aerviee
oemmlsalonerla plaee of Alfred P. Edger Edger
ten, removed.
A rostetlce Bobbed,
Watsbka, 111 , Feb. (A Tbe poatefllcc in
tbla oily waa entered Thursday nlgbt and
robbed of ebeutl&W In atampt and currency.
Tbe ssfe waa blown open, Thla makes four
aarea that have been broken lute la this
ceuaty daring tbe laat four weeks.
Foeghl With Swords.
Paris, Feb. 9. roe poet Mendes sod
the writer LeBlsne fought a duel today
with: Bwerds owing te an arUele In the
Oil Mia rtfieeUag ea Meadss, LaBlue
RtiNTRNnirc DDnwnnvnarTi?
uuvuu auwnwuvay,s
Why Severer raatabaeeat Was Bel
the Teaag Men Whs sM
Qatatae-A Tarkey Tbtel
: i .3
Thirty Days lav two Oseatr Jala,
Court net at 10 o'eteek for the I
The third week of Marsh
court wes fixed ter the argnmealef
injanoueB granted ea the aaplleaslea
mi iwepaeae oempaay agsiasithe
jjigui company.
-xoseonn maae aa order ap
io,eoa irem the eeaaty treaanrr
melasesMuaes of the OhUdrea'a Hcassi
lag the year 1880, H. R. Feltea aad A. M
Peeeeak were appointed trustees, aatS
Mrs. M. m. Shirk aad Mrs, X. FsaaasaBak
m.ntMra. , ax ;
Louisa Jacobs, oily, was appataMSTC
guardian of the miner children et Jeesaaf
Huber, of Logaa oeuaty, Ohie, who )
tvgaias di uiuHnas oeawiure, CMOSaSeg, ; )
.vji Arun mL
mram inemaa, oeavntea some Ubm age)
of stealing turkeys, was aeat te JaU tarM
daya &
J. Heward MlUer, oeavleted et isettiaag
Themas F. Brndaatanvh. ,'
InvAlnntmr mattlAnlitA la A-nM n4
desthef Jeha Weader, of Oelaaihle, hgr
giving merphia for qulnlae, was aes8;
called for eanteaes. A streaa apnaal wag'"
tde te the court foreiaaeaoy la behalf et
fkauMH.1 TmJm DtiA-Aa d. - - - - -. F
aentenes, reviewed the fasts of the eaaaS"
and oemmented ea the aeesselty of the hwr
under whleh the defendant was eoavlsasal, eeavlsasal, eoavlsasal,
beeauaell had ateadeeey te make bbeb'
who headle polaeee mere esretaL
did aet believe there was aay wUfat
::. tt rm". "- "W "
lira, nm tnea aaataaeaa BraaeaasMgais)
pay a fine of 81, eoete of proseraUea. eae te
undergo aa lmprieenmaat of SO daya,
The extreme peaslty for the eJteaeB wa 8)
fine of 81 000 and two vssia Imailsnamaai"
KsaeeBB for a new trial were Blet Bt
tbeauttetN. N, Beader vs. LMtta May
Uenalbank. M:
Levi BarUe was graated a tnUlaVa Mi
etnae te atddls.
Anlasue waa graated te
owaershlp of a team levied upea as taw
property et James carberry, ta
frann, miin wm mwam pwiawrr maa W',
u, m aaaet uerenaant. -
- , . . . mm ?t.T J mi sssjsb tv
Xbavbhwebtb, Keas, Feb, . A atlr-.
euiuub wmmym inimm aaaui wwa waas , &
meraiag by aevea mea eeeupylag a aaaa
ea the reeervattea aear this etty. TaoaaeB
are engaged la gradlag a railroad taress taw
reaervstlea aad la addiUea te the teat aeaaa
uted ter Bieepiagj purposes it was i
atore-beuss for dyaamlte used ta I
Yesterdsy meraiag. without a i
Mrnlil. Va twtnBitn nff atA mmmtt walaaii1, '
with terrific effect,
Thsteatwasteeawahredsead the
and buaks were brekea aad i
dlreotleaaaadaholeover etgbt laat Has
for saversl yards was excavated by at
sxpIoeieB. jfi ,
Btrsnga te say, aet oae or ue asea
Injured, with the exespUoaef their I
oevered with dirt, aad havlag their I
Int. hAlf IW iAVH- AtiAW UMAUilrtMbarf IAB.A
t m -l wj saiaiau- mmmjs.-m
uauauiwuiB m mm Buiiuna pssi ui sets mwmf-!"
iviitneroreeoi tae.uoeK, auamueaaiasa
-- . if, J
M. Tarasar sad BU. Ban. (aaatnnd anA WiBBaa
FiMDt.AT, O., Fsb. 8. A wealthy lajrtaert
named Omen, et Tsglat tewaahlp, that
nnnntw. waa llllnap with hla thraa ansa .
tbelr flreplaee Thuraday evealag who,!
- - --- -. - -w .... ,.
euht masked mea suddenly buret lata haa
room with revolvers aad covered the whole fe, '
party. Before the farmer aad hit mvmi
mwiM ai.y.Tai (mm Hial. Iril.hM.Ml Ih aai
VV-... wwvw- wwa , 9waawMBsaaw "y
were ell bound aad eewed with the eaaea!
Uea of Eddie, Uteyeuageat, whewseheliffl
by tbe leader of the gaag aad saked what f
hla falher'a mensv maa hU. Taa lad tsk.
rated te tell uatil a red-het poker we'!?
rereatediy applied te btabare legs. Ua
torture,he oeafesaed that hat feaassmeaey s
was ia aa eia aaaa aumaiagwaetsBOivx
mm.-i hju, waa want mwau aaw BPaa m,mm'JC
wuwu turn wa hum taw mm , j ,
in menay aad 88,000 la notes were askea. p
as is auenyjiy auapsaasa saas sae luaaaja s -7'
were neighbors of Mr. Oman. ;; : -
A PaSiwasr eaarg.d witat Batskmait
Chioaqe, Feb. 9. A apeslal from M.
Paul Bays tbat Jamaa X. Barns, paMksser
of Ue au Paul Strata, waa enostet
yesterday ter blsekmaU, praterred bjr
Jeha L Blaek, chief of the St. Paul flre
departmeat. Burns, Ilia alleged, threat
ened te publish la tbe JxeraM eaartuM
retleeUng ea tbe cbarseter and dosuestle
atlalra of Chief Blaek, If money was aet
paid te him. Through the medium et a
detective Burns paid 8100 te have the ar ar
teole Buppreaaed, secured a reeelpt frees
Burns and afterwards bad blm srresttd.
Burns was arranged ea the charge aad la
default of 81.C00 bend; was reauaded te
A Teasg Weasaa CeuatsrSSMev.
uctobimbew, Asatas, jree, a prawy ii
13-year-old girl, wbe gives her aame as
Cera Wilsen, haa been arrested here far?
nu.ltia AnnH(Afal( CttAMAw fittat aIkIbbj, -V ft?
nuns from Hallnsu but tha trims wna &' 3
mlttiut In TAnitialvmi. If mils, wliaia, .j!-d
ssaartsd that she had been maklaa $T7
among tha eueeeptible young ma-AareT
leg tbe Swedish Lutheran Myttea
place. Ths girl admlta lhaf'" t ia,.
net Wilsen and says she l'e,e0te i,
a Presbyterian mlnlata" O '"'Stq.
She wUl net talk et tff-iV. ."
Awards the Ceal Ceasteel.
adelpbla A Reading Ceal and IroaeomPBiF
haa been awarded tbe oeatraot of eesptyiag
the United States gevarameat wUh 8,888
tone of aathraelte oeal delivered at satanes.
Ths only oendlUon whleh the oempaay arO
net quite prepared te oeaply with H
prompt deUvery. Yesterday MgetkUeeM
were being made for Teasels, aad If ttaas ttaas ttaas
portaUeaa la aeeured, the oeatrast wttl be
sleaed st onee. The oeal la le be stored ea
tbe Island le aupply viittlt of the aavy.
Could Net veaeaalsTJS Oaab.
Wabasu, Ind., Feb, 9. A dsrlng
bery waa reported here yeaterday
LUeten, near here. HenryOgdea,a
chant. ditDesed of his stcek and, aet
able te out tbe money, nearly 82,000, ta
bank, he plaeed tbe esah la hla bed. Xa
morning be waa reuau in a ateny v
s.ble oendlUon, havlag haea drugged.
money waa gene.
m ii
A New syataaa. a
PaiLADBLraiA, F., Feb. 9 Cem
leg with-the bastaeta of the mcath
Fearuary, the Peanaylvaals railroad
paey will divide the rtetipta from
Uena for exetaa baggage pre rata
all Ua oenneeUoaa eaUtled te abare la
relying en their geed faUh for equally
treatment la return.
IWASBMareN, D, O., Feb. ft Fer
Bswtera PeaaaylTaalat- qieatbjaj
'eeUer. wtaastly wasaa
mmtm .k- -. UmA I-.. M--kM TiS la1
V- -J1-S !1.
t. .?vfi
', ,if$i.
, . -. 1UferA?- '
v- f- K T " ' J