vv.y,;urT ;- i .-,- --yv'jr' 'sv f it""" u jjvpein isjbii Hi. a , v. 't, SET V 3& rs- . v v - -; -;, ,?r-- . - ? -1 .--. -r? - - - y .' j., . . n t- j trr'Ai CJP , ?ytj !$? e" .y,V ""- THE IiANOAJSTER DAILY INTEIiLIGENCJER, FIUDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1860. ' 2t" -,-" -,".'r n.t.u Pally Intelligencer. umcsMnm. brcat s, , ,r Ifta Neaktae Amies. Jfne Jfna alto k teMreased with Cfte AorteeBtoffa of the telephone service -atatselty, the lmnedeece of Its tease H tAd the aeed f or such a hill as . KmSsma proposes. This oemmunlty Battel long Jrefferlni hbkJm Us mlsera twBjuuuiscrvkeaad it is time that . fa) law it breaskt te bear te secure reas. waawe serries acu reasonable rales from m tfatwIK aoenopoly. It will net probably be a monopoly I, aiaee the United States has its patent for fraud in the ap- fMsatleB for it, and a fair presumption is fait the fjOTernmeatsuit has net been samnarht arithmit amm. ranan ami will net iK Z'ZT'ZZ Z ------ i - no. .Never before naa ice government '"''l iailal an . Hiinl nalAnf f.Ktalne.1 tiv :IBd. This ignominious aspersion rests ''tuMmtfceBsli telephone monopoly alone of . jail these that have been created by the SahaatiE law nf Mia nfiiintrv. fliar. nrA -leased upon the belief that the exclu alv creation of a man's inventive thoughts .r.aSMM belong te him, as well as these of rauMBas. & Bat they did net aim te build up crefl- . tuna that would claim te be greater than , qm people who permitted them their ex. awn privileges; their conduct neeaa 10 f 'aw reasonable te be permitted, and when .; as unreasonable the courts of justice jwuioeuaemnic. ' jfjSWede net doubt that if the fact stated ?J$m7 tee Aew jcra, ana which we ana an funvt our readers who use 'the telephone KkaeW te be a fact, that the best telephone L'i-tastrumenta are net uied in the Lancas. eF'tM . ... . ... .. 7. iwi ecift;e, auuuiu ue uiuugui. llJU fattentien of the court br a proper com- f7aliit thn rnmntinr wnnlil hn fliililpcted r J ?'ie we payment or damages for lis failure U', perform what the very nature of its X vnaeriaKing implies mat it snail per. hflferm, namely, supply the best Instru- vV.asents te all its customers tbat I'klt anywhere uses in its service. V'-There are certain thlnirs we knew te be ' law as seen as they are stated ; and ene p- of these is that the law will net permit a rifraud te be practised unen the country . nW Ift la ItttfAVnil affntnct If an1 Aanajtlnllfr : v'jaifuivwt ogekuiav , auu vwmii . 7 ABUItirttmlaMl hv ? rnrrtnrat.1nn rrAnlcd 4M the people for the better service of their .i"tMtAa anil atrerv nna icnda tfilla titm .-'- I UTV.J WMW U MW 1. uu . -ithat a telephone company, unless it spe .fatally stipulates te be permitted te sup- Tffy peer instrument when there is a ,":. fcuttarnnn. npmptralpa n fraud nnnn Hn Piaustemers in uting the peer instrument. ?. AM flltltlt.mAM AAVW AA'd BAtlDft tll '."till Mn lli.t nli . .1nhnnn nnmnnnn 'Syj wu uwi nucu t KJiccuuuu vuuj'aii ;,vM its customers te sign nn agreement, 1 ftBarrenderieg the exemption from execu. : .tten, given te every one by the law, of tSOO iQerth of his property, as a condition pre--aiant te granting the use of a telephone, thTnmrniTiTT makpRn ilflmanrl nn linlaurfnl v it is indecent and impudent; and one toarefere that the law will net permit it te make. It is truly an outrageous thing .'.".that this foreign corporation should come "tC. ..t. J .-.-..- - .! jfi iumj uur eiiuat uuu unueruise 10 eei wa: and te cast an imputa- , 'Mea upon the honesty of our community XiByaaatrting mat it is necessary, for their .&MkAAtf nt lt AnllAMllnra (Iml.mAnMf 4liA 1 aluiwahAiiM hnva nlA1(A1 fn Ihnm nvurv ifxtm that their customers own; and this F's't when they,1 ask payment In advance. 7L And tlild 1 tint thnnnlv nntuarnintpi! fftUpulatien that tbey demand from these ck,rhe US3 tee telephone; which, remember, 'kw become a public need; and which mryonewhels willing te pay for, is as auch entitled te get, as he is te have !. fi ailvnSAlf w litu nn.rAa n.wtiul An ItiAnll E,sead upon paying the fair charge and obey mtractij net easily understood, as U ,u been composed by one net expert in v'.the use of words te express bis Ideas and iwae consequently leaves them very lnuell- .Xlte; but it is Intended te b3 n contract Xet at least a year and it tries te tie up and nmxi we use or we insirameni man exas i'varatiug way, and such that no customer 1 well observe. The man who presents !Jt for signature should be ashamed te be "jibe slave et se mean a monopoly; and we .mat tbat the monopoly itself will be se Vlfttuud with penaltlts by tbeLeglalatuie fkS te be taught te practice decency in its 'JslaallDgj. This Natien's Altltuac. i -. jt WhanV0r nur nutlnn 1iuinm.i lmAltrifl tf--. ..w"w wm mmm.vm uwwww tuiuiuu fVaiai AAvIaiiH aHamifah ..(ttlk nrrH,r,m. .!. raKiwuii uuvun nibu nuubuci, bue i. , , . . .MMwtpspers nave no Bcrupies wuaiever If 'JaNaeut giving plenty room te coesldera- , tkwi of the possibility of war, mid an elaborate exposition of all the aggravating fliituiBStances. This is net from nny With te prejudice public feeling and the Journals are net as a rule careless of tbe atult of their news. It is slmelv in the ;iaaef business for the paper te give te Kiln public all the news and te stlmula'.e E;.csaiere in maiiers 01 importance by ativing prominence te graphic nnd . .Beiting details. There Is little danger that the people will ever ru3h Xasadlv te war under the excite. 1 'laent of craDhlc newannner wrltlnc f-9A te admit such danger is te confess .the failure of cereremeat bv thn nemtln. -Ifkt nation has tee much intelligence te I TM open te the Insult of any such fear for 'jMMir-conirei, aua mere is net en earth, U probably never was, a people mere Uy conscious of the fearful respenaibil- lefau UDjust war, or mera anxious M avoid such a cataitrophe. rnrthij Hamean bmlnes, for example, re has been a manifest, deti-rmiimtlen keep cool, and encourage every eejul tuert for arresting tbe a!gres. operations et the Germans. Public en might hi condensed in the stute- f that Bimca Is net worth ftahtfmr t$, tut our flig u ; theujh we have net remotest t-xpectallen that any r will be fcellsh eneueh te iptl us te fight for it. It seems te be l enough that, however badly Ger- py may want Samoa she will net fljht Mt it and it ought te ba even me b I far that no matter hew slight the pa'n, I unen cm net auerd te let a slap en I Pacific face go unnoticed. We claim ha a Christian nation nnd a brave oue rspared te enforce the came respect for ClBt tbe people as ether menatchs Uy demand. Ihteeed Cbrbtlans de net newa- I (urn the left cheek when the right I'tten, but remembering that tLe i when se abused remenstraUd his assailant, they accept I. iajuactlea as teichtnj iu a f& way' that anger and re it should et all times be con- s, n iakji auu ivKieu ituaua- .. .. .i 1 1 1 Mar.a '..-, VtVttr thai au aegry rendering of evil ferevll. IatbeBasaean matter wa have at leagth coupled our pretests with a very plain lntiautten of a readlnesa te enforce them with vigor. Dlrectert aad Sfperlateadeat. There aeema te be soma friction be tween members et the school beard ard CitySuperlntendentBuehrle. The latter it seems took the female teachers with him te Washington, te acquaint them with the superior school practice of that city. He appears te have violated a rule et the beard ln.thus closing certain schools for two u3S, without getting the permission et the nrnnpr member or members of the SUDfcr- intending committee. lie get the atsent of two, but net the right two, it seems ; and herein Mr. Buehrle appears te have done wrong. But It is net denied that his object was geed, and that the teach era who went with him, at their own ex pense, will profit therefrem in the fu ture discharge of their duties. And new that we have occasion te speak upon this matter of the conduct of school beard members, Bjhoel teachers and school superintendent, and in view et tbe coming election for school directors, we desire te say that the con. ductet the superintendent towards the teachers should be overlooked by an en tlrelv disinterested beard : and that there should be no teacher held under the particular wing of a school director who Is a close relative. We suggest te these who will vote at the nominating meetings of the two parties, that they inquire what persons placed in nomination as school directors are related te school teachers, or have relations aiming te be school teach ers ; and that they firmly vote against such candidates, no matter what may be their ether qualification for scuoei uirec uirec ter. The public schools should net be the asylums et directors' relatives. The superintendent should net be hampered in his discipline by fear of au interested director's frown. Is it net the command of geed sensa ? If se, act upon it, voters I 1 KeMK et tbe pesters tbat have been dls plnjed la Iiincuter tbli winter would fall under tbe bill prepared by Mr. LteJi for tbe consideration of tbe Legislature. Its previsions nre mainly as fellows : 11 l!e It enacted tbat any person or persona who shall print, uttar, publish, or otherwise prepare, or who shall put up, or cause te be pat up In soy public place, any circular, band-bill, or show-bill, represent ing a parson In tbe act of assaulting another In a threatening, brutal, or Ravage manner, with a pistol, knife, dirk, dagger, or etber deadly weapon, shall be dsemed guilty of a mlfdtmoaner, and en oenvlotlon thereof shall be lined net lesa than twenty ttve dollars nor rcore than three hundred dollars." Perhaps this Is all right, but It begins te leek as though we went getting tee careful or our feelings, nnd a people who can net even bear te leek upan plcturea of violent deeds will hardly be able te de serious vlolence te an onemy If tbejr should ever gotlule a war. If things keep drifting Chlnawanl In this way foreigners may ilnd us going te the war with dragon painted banners te aoaie the tee. Medern warfare way be a long raage bustneas, but It will certainly need brave men ; and though pictures way net produce thorn, they help te fanilllarlze people Tlth tbe Idea of bold action In Ue face et Imminent danger. When it lad sees two men with crossed bay knives glaring deflanee at ene another en the tbeatrleal bill pester, he realizes that there may be positions in which nerve and read let si of hand and eye doclde In one acoend an luue et llle or death, The aver. ogeyenng wan ene meets upon the city atreetH appears te be In need of neivea and ph j lcal prowesi ; in fael the Ameri can appears te be running te brains at tbe expense et overjthlng else, and If athletic conleats or football matches ero tucre popular It wight be belter for us. m m Tin: Pittsburg JJiipalch publlnlies a lengjelter from n correspondent who ban visited Linoaster te woasure the feeling en tbe prohibitory amendment, and he epsne his letter with tbe rirer of "a chew of tobacco or n gift's et ber;" asserting that this Is the bill of faie Lancaster county lays before the world : " Tbe two stimulants are tl9 llfe of l.wcister. Without them alie could net exist. They will Immortal Immertal Immortal Jze her name long after the fertility of her celebrated farm has been lest In barren ness. President Jimmy Iluchanan'a qaalnt home will crumble with the decay of age, and tluib'a ravages wsy some day crTacethe name et Tnad. Htovena from that great commoner's tombstone ; but lithe constitu tional amendment does net wreck her bre"?erle, and Impair the market for her tobaceo, .LincMter muat always be fameur." Tela Is rather sweeping and hardly tbe Judgment that would beglvenbya man who had wero than three day's knowl edge of his Mitiject; but the correspondent publishes Intervlewa ullh W. U. lien eel, eiq , Uharles I. Landls, ecq , County (Solicitor Uoerge A. Line, 11. M. llouser, esq , and tbe ven erable Menenlte MlnUter Abraham Mar tin. Jlev. Martin ndmltted tbat his ehurch had within the last two yeare taken quite advanced Heps Bgalnst the liquor tratlle by net allowing any wember te sign a petition for a hotel lloenae, but was dcold dceld ly opposed te tbe amendment, en tbe greuuri tlut It would Inke from thepoeplo their pergenal Ub'rtle, and might finally lead te worse resultr mch as religions persecutions All predicted the defeat of the amendment. J am us Welvknuun, an cnglucer and niecbauioet Loek Haven, has bent au ap peal te the L9rfltlture for the oetablUh eetablUh oetablUh meot of u new atate capital acoerdiiig te original nnd progreetilve Ideas of his own. He wents the statu te net aslde a eectlen et country two miles square and have It graded and laid out like the city of Watu. Ington. llera the new state buildings would be loejto.I, nnd In time a town would spring up. The proceeds from the sale of let, he thlekH, would bd sutllelent te repay the etate for all the money expended. Aa proof et his position, Mr. Wolff mien cites tbe example of Plerre LeMllanJ, who bought a wild tract et country lu the northern wcuntalna of the state, made n park out of the barren wastea, built a hotel, and as a summer resort it la a lluau clal success and unsurpassed, There are no railroads In the csntral part of the state, but they could be oxteuded through C'en tre, O.eailield and Clinten, and the nat ural wealth of tbe teotlen developed and the wage workers tutlerlng from Ihe ef fects of tee much concentration In tbe luge cities could be leattend tbrcugu tbe Bute and rm'erlally beneflted. lie aiys that be mentioned his Idea te Qorcr Qercr n r Beaver, but It was net received with mica favor In his last wetaige tae gover nor recommends that f l.COO.OOO be spent te baud additional buildings at JlarrUburr-. With this money a tract et land two miles square could be bought and some et tbe buildings put up. He says In hie appeal. 'We stand te-day apparently at tbe pmlng of two trays 5 one U the equitable plan te biealea the people's earning capaelty by executive leadership, te obtain a metro, pelltau atala capital and bulla an Kattern aidWesern Pennsylvania Central read thoeihe.-way Is te submit te the wonepo! ly route of oue railroad, having- its first conception ai a competitor of river and canal transit for lumber, eta, trade new almost ex llnet, which can only be revived by building ether read. This particular toad will aet braaeli eat, aid does all la It power te prevtat ether parallel Uaea frets btag baUt" Mr. Welfeadea tt vMeaUy laellaad te be vWeaary, bat he seys aeM things lerelbly. m m ' rERSOKAL. FATncn Cevkskt, tbe lrieh prlea4. denies that in a pnblla prayer na expreastd tbe hope that Almfahty Ged weald atrengtben the band that wardered Polie Inspector Mart! a. Dn. L A. HArt.Kian, of Ptoeslxvll was en Wednesday night almost Instantly killed by falling down a flla-ht of Main at nia nema, lie waa bdeui x yeare or age, and was a graduate or Jefloraen college. He was a native of Pennsylvania, and at one tlsaa was a teacher la the soldiers' orphan eoheol at Cheater Spring. PaxstDiNT CLvkLAWD gave a state dinner te lb Justice of the supreme court 00 Thursday Teeing. The Whit Beuse waa handsomely decorated for tbeoceaelefi, with the usual arrangement of palmafena, evergreen and cut flower. Mrs. Fuller occupied tbe place nf honor en tbe right et the president and Mm. Miller the place en tbe left The chief Justice and Justice Miller had seat en the right and left, re spectively, et Mrs, Cleveland. Krv. DR, Hunrt V. Battkiclke, who hts been eUetid bshep of tae Kaattrn dloeeee of Mleblsan, I a man of atrlklngly handseme presence, atandlng evor alz feet in neigni ana praporiienea like an atnieta He la a One pnlptt orator and a maa of exceptional ability. The salary et the position la 15,000 and Is exceeded In but two dlesesea In the United State, and. what I mera, regular payment 1 Insured by a fund of 140,000, well Invested, Then there la residence In Detroit which Is as geed aa f 1,000 additional. II Joined tbeVeelaas te Itetray Secrets. Ileaeb, alias Le Caren, before the Parnell commission en Thursday, testified that t went te America In 1801 and Joined the army. He became a Fenian in 1S05 while still in the army. HI object was te obtain all the information possible. He awore te fight for Ireland' Independence, and took the Fenian military eatn or allegiance He did net Intend te keep the oath. He never forget that he wasau Knglleh subject and Ilrltlth born. Frem 18115 witness tried his beattoebtiln theconlldeneo et these coo ceo coe neoted with Ihe organization for the purpose of betraying It te evnry extent he could. "I never bad tbe slightest sympathy with the movement," he aild. " I was ence adju tant general or Ihe Fenian Military llrotberheod. and attended a council of war. I consider myself a military apy In my ceuntiy'fl service. Frem 18C8 until February 1, 1889, 1 communicated dltcetly with the British government. My useful ness la new stepped. My communication number hundreds et thousands. They were very numerous up te 1870." i m Thn mild powers enre. If a cilhanie U neodeltorld the bleed of linpailty and te ml 11 nl te tbe action et the II for use laxader. I'rtcnSScenM. lr there wero called a maHlrg ej babies and young children and the qnoatlen put te vels wlse wai ihelrur atestbenrict"r,"thBlniid nnd unaiilfieui vote would be "Dr. Hull." ler begave us hts wonderful "Unby yrup." HPHU1AL NOTJUKir. Called 10 I'rtacli. We fuel called uien te jireach n few -napel ficta-facli th&tnre worth knuwlni?. Wu want overrbeJy te enjoy all that I) pcinlbln In this weiia. We wnntell thoe whinra anHeilng frcm rtenmatiam, neiiralKla, And nil acties, sprains aud pains toknenrthu 7Aemaa' JCctre trie 1X1 la an unf alllrn and sp'cndia euro, for sile by It. It. Cechiun, dniKKist, 137 and 139 North Qnoen atrent, l.aneuiUir. AN UNrOUTUNATK PKUSON. The most unfortunate person In the world Is ene aullcUtd with sick hcaOactiu, tint they will boretlflVcaatoncobruilnRDr.Lofllo'abpectal l'acr1pllen. Boe adverusonient In anuther column. (i) WHY WILL YOU COUGH when ShUeh'a Cure will Hive Immediate relief. 1'rlce loots., te cu , and 11. rer sale by H. 11. Oechran.Dmg;. Klt.H(.U7 North Unoen atroet. (6) Klectrle IlltK-r. This retnndy la becoming se well known and an popular us te need no ppeclnl mention. All who hnvu used Klectrle Hitlers sln the siime song el praise. A purer medicine does net exist, ana It Is fruarantued te On all tbat Is clatined. Klectrle ulttnrs will euro all dtaeascs ottbe Ltver and Kidneys, will rntnove Plm plea. Itella, Halt Itheum and ether affection b onused by Irapuru bleed. Will drive Malaria from the ajratum and ..vent as well as euro all Malarial levers. for enra et Headache, Constipation and Inat-roatlen try Klectrle Iilttnra-Kntlre afttts tactien (jimninuvcd or money refunded, l'rlea Mie. and ILW per bet tie at II. II. Cochran's Droit Btore tfli Nut a Uaas. Net a case of rheumatism, net a eve of ncu rvla net a caaa et luii'iiu?. net a cuan of piuu nraprnln-noteno-hui M'e 1 te ke whan attacked by 77omei' Jiclectrie Oil. Fer Rain by 11. II. Cochran, druKRlal, 137 and 1W North (Jueen atroet. Iinnuiter. from Ultielaad, Ohm, Cernea a lefer signed T. Walker, anylng: "About nix months age commenced takliiK Uurdeck Jlloetl MUeri forpretnetod cose of lumbiKe ana gunvrut debility, and new am pltoued te atate hive reenverud my nppetlte And wen tee atreuuln. Keel bettar ultOKetfaur." Fer Biln by H. li. Cochran, drnKglat, 137 and ISi North Uuoen Blroet, Uiucaster, THK UKV. OKO.ll.TlIAYKU.nf llonrben Indaaya: "lJ.uh iny?plt iinil wlfe ewe nur Uvea te BIIII.OH'3 CONSUMl'TIONCUKKS. Ker eule by H. 11. Cochran, UruKglst, Ne. 13 North queen atroet. (5) is Consumption Incuntbla, Ileed the follewlnK: Mr. C.H. Menls, Newark-. Ark , anya: "Was down with Abscesa et Luiiks, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive, llciran taking; Dr. King's New Discovery for leueuinpllnu, am new en uiy third bottle, una able tee von,eo the work en my farm. It Is the dnwl medlelne evur niafle." Jussu Mlddlewnrt, Decatur, Ohie, Rnyi: "Had It net b)en for Dr. Klnn'e Nuw liltcuverv ler Consumption,! would havedted of LunKTreiw blcs. WasKlvenup by doctors. Am new In beat el health." Try It. Bample bottles true at II. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, Neg. 137 and 13 North guoen atroet, Lnnciister. fa: (B) N ALA.KM1NU BUOW1NO. The flreatctt Danger New Threatening the Ceiinuuulijr and What the Lcaalug rapers tiavetu Sj 011 the Beljecl. 1 he leading qnestten or the 'day among set. emnia men, and lu tholendlsg papers Ih the elaru lug lncreaae of pnoumeuU. tne duth duth rnte ahewlng an Inrreavu of ever nve hundred rer cent, within the last low years, liectnr Uouyerueur M. Smltb, In nn anlcle lrith MtiUcal Jitceril, says that whlle medical art haauavaneed of recent yeaisln many otrec tlena, " se Jar a rnoiimenln It concerned vcl- nre ha shrivelled." The New erk Aim, writing en UilKtueitlen fays . "Thonreatlu "Thenreatlu "Thonreatlu cjeeso In the tauiltty et pnnumnntA la very alarmlng.'espectally 'aa the dHeate currlei en. te liuny In tke lulliieia el llle and hialth " T he New erk JliruUt say a . Lenslderlng the linpeiidlng w.ttlher change. It Is te be 1, nred this dreed (IIscase will open lla campaign very VlgoreualjV turgODnee-ucral Moere. ottbe Army. tu tils anuuul lepert bu a : " The prtu. clpa oauaeotaoathlii the army la pneuuic- 'ihore la one thine that evcry doctor, every surgeon nnd every iiiirsu aet upon the Unit appearancu of pneiimeiila, anil Ih tt Is teatim. uluteithesystrin. 'J he lite la eatened, and iiiusl beatlmuliWd te threw etf thla terrible rtl.oiae J'ure spirits de this : tmptue aplrtta V" nnt lb" amount of Dulty'a l'ure Malt ht iky used liy the doctors ana nurses cf the laud, lu casca of pneumenlt, la enormous. One doctor nates that he cured hlmielt or pneumonia three dluVrr ut lltuea by the uae nt ihuelieatitemedy. 1'iuilenl heails et lamll lea have feuna the honent of kenntnu tbli pnre preparation In their homes, te be tiled In caaea et emergency. TemiKjrunrm u-en und women, docteia of divinity, and the meat ad. yinci d thiukers unhejltitluitly endorse It. It Is uefl net aa a liHrAmuf. imi n .h...n,. Bclcnttflcreuie07el the day, audit cunbhew meru eurcs thanuny ethur known dlacevery bren care eheuld be exercUul lu hecurlii the genulne and great promptness lnUklnir It ou ihe approach 01 the nrat a; mpteini. (J OOMPLKXWX ru WDKK, LADIES U i VALUK A KKri.VKD COMl'LKIION MUai' UbK POZZONTS UBDIOATED COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a hrllllnnt transparency te the ,kJni...V,""eveilUll"mPIe.ics'us and OU OU OU eoleratlouB, and inibtis the shin delicately soft and beautiful. Itcentalna no lime, white, lejd or araenla tn three ahadea, pink or flush, white and brunette. --. OU BALK 111 All Druggists and Paney QoeCb Doalera Everywhere. apgifJWAmi ; or ihtatienb.- WAKJLMAKWKn raetvaswuwi, rrlaajr, re. S, lft.J Converted Mehairt. Per haps they started in the natural gray te be men's coatings, but here they arc exquisite dress goods. Converting Is impor tant in the evolution ei many dress goods. It takes a wool, cotton, or mohair fabric in the natural fibre, bleaches, prints, finishes, folds, and puts the stud, brightand beautiful, be fore you. This is the process that brings these white Mehairs, beautifully printed. The botany of the decoration we leave for your critical study. But the tone and the face ei the eoeds as a c round for exquisite color-work is the special point for your thought. The wiry' fabric, always lustrous, swinging back fair and smooth when crumpled: Only pure Mehairs will de this. 50 cents a yard. They are at the same coun ter with the Roubaix Robes mentioned yesterday. .. -V-. --. The Linens of all countries compared fand your money made te go as far as it can. Irish, Scotch, German, French, whatever is best for you. , And even then prices take unexpected tumbles. Here are two Handkerchiefs for men : 1 Fine white line, 23 inches square, tape bordered and hemmed, $2.25 a dozen. They've been $4.80. 2 Fine white linen, hem stitched, 2-inch hems, $2.60 a dozen. We've sold arm loads at $4.20. Southwest of centre. We are in grand shape with Furniture. Seme one else with two or three acres el fleer space might get as many pieces together. But that wouldn't signify. It isn't simply because you can walk through miles of aisics nnca wun mostly sam ples that we are proud of our Furniture. It's because there's mere of art and elegance, mere of money's worth for you in it than ever before. And we've done some won derful things in Furniture be fore this. Today a Bedroom There's no color te Frem what the paper Suite. words. shows you can only cuess at the Teality. There is only a hint of the beautitul antique oak finish; the Moorish design each line and curve perfect; the thor ough workmanship better than you are apt te see in ready made things. In this Suite we introduce the " cheval" dressing bureau, with roomy drawers, and with glass reaching se near the fleer that a lady using it can see from shoe te bonnet at a glance. Three pie c e s b e d s t e a d, "cheval" 'dresser, v and wash stand. $62. Eedroem Suites for as little as fit work and fit stuff can be get together for. 1 hlnl fleer, your elevators. Plain white Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs, y2 inch hem, and 19 inches square, 30c 1 Jap get about some pay as silk worm. Bouthweatef ceatre. Cheese-cloth Comfertables. Te soften a mattress with or te snuggle under. Seft, light, warm. Colored $2, white $1.75. Prettily tufted. Near Women's Waltiuc ltoem. Oxidized Jewelry. Pretty enough, even if you leek closely. Mere and mere, even in tasty places, are wearing it. New fashions with a world of quaint ness in them. A bright and interesting counter always. Rhinestones and Pearl Jewelry iiup. Southeast of centte, next Main i, i,ie. JOHN WANAMAKER. MVHWAL.. AJ.HKAT U130U0T1ON IN AUTOHARPS. Thieeltar. ... ,. (in reur inr "..."I!..! . .'."ism ir .......:.:....::::::Sie ,.,A.nylaay.?ml?irnte','ay tunelnflffen the! P UoBleru ttna le a leek at Te AMATKU1W and I'KUrKBBlONAUi 1 lj??y,0.ntIm'8e,lt tfi0 flne" stock of HAIL MUNlUAsuveraeen in l.uncuter uad at sur. prlsliiBlylewprlcea """ IJave several Uecend-Hand lManes and aa,ifar.a?Kalni?mUU0:,'WlllCl1 "Ul l'Uneii, ersans, Bheet Uuste and Haelcal M(V,. In Boeoral-lu fact everything poitatn peitatn poitatn lnuleaflut class wuale house, "'" Kirk Jehnsen & Ce,, ill wflDX JUHU fcJTBBBT, liANOASTKll, PA 1. 8 Vlanea and rurnltu'e Moved. Get a copy of rrxd. r. linker's New WaltE,"The Uevus lletntu " n'it-lydAw rpjSKTUINa SYIIUI. TO MOTHERS. ?Krr,Jl!i',-.nelI,a Lavu bottle et Utt. FAIIUNKI -dTf-K I lll.su HVhUf. Perfectly rate. Ne upturn or Merphia mixtures. Will it IIote colic, ejilptnir in tne iiowela and Pre. mete liinicult 'leethlnir. Preiiared bv OKB. TrUl bottle tent by mall 10 cents. Jana-ljdeedAw rvmnrvrnm. rii -in 11 fin ran ni isi w iDurmwt 00K11M. "Let Oi letiH Ttgithtr.'9 Tea wsalla way'rOKMreBI waMIIMHa. 11 in wa awai hj Mraaaaaaaiaa;, 1 en, ei aearr, arwew ax. iB4waw)Bw auauiaiuKsiuseia , Bat wkwre east yea ret tae'BMT lac Um abB ABaV BaaWftfeaMr .'ttaanatQaMUam. atTAITt4I alldCHKaF. we give e ear tuaraatee Uatt Mat cat e better and tae r1ee be lower aay wkeraT DO NOT DELAY MAJtlRQ.TOOB SBLBOTtOBS. Hew it the 1 Tlsaa. We Better aswertmamt Can Be rettatl abj where. JUaVTTBiinc or ui And Boaa-eep your nta te try me. aai fta WUl be sacra tB eaUsfle. WIDMYER'S FUJiiriTUIiE STORE, BABT XII Q AMD DTJKI SZBBBXf, e LORBstaiBl Ochs A GibbA, TOU'KK ALVTAY WXLCOMB rUBMlTUB. td,aaatttt Floers, HO. II tODTH qUBBK IT Te Call and Bzamtaa Onr New rprlDgStylet in Furniture. And you'll be Bui prised at Onr Wonderful le w Puicbs. Deu't at iss.ihe Plate or KeuTl Mlaa tne Bargains. OCHS a GIBBS. SO. MA unmoor, aPlU-lr HO. 81 SOUTH QOBIN ST. JTORNITURB I FUKHITUKB I THB UHOBKOIQHBD HAS BBOFBBBD HI BTOKB AT THB OL.DBTAHD, He. 88 East King Street, wnien was oeatroyed by are eeme time ae. ana fee a perfecuy Mew Stock ex ail ktaOa el FURNITURE. FABLOKBUITKS. BBDHOOM SUITES, TA1U.BS40HAIKS, BfO. UPH0LSTEEING In All lu Br&nebet. AUe ifalatlaff aatt Or- lUUA.UUtj.Ilg U1U UAZUXV HENRY WOLF, Ne. IS East KlHg Street Ise-ttt N KV? FURM1IURB. New Spring Styles IN- FURNITURE. ALL C0UPLBXB AMD UKADY FOB BUSI NESS. VAIUSTi- NKVKB BO LABSK. PUIOK9 NKVBtt 0 UKASOMABLB. UPXUIAL PKI0KS FOB OUTFIT BUYBBS. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE BTORI, HOS. 7J A S9 80UTU QUBBN BTBBBT rOH BALK OR RUNT. $5, fCi &, 15. OITY BUILDITO LOTS BKCUUBD BT FATINS Five Dollars Per Menth. THIRTY. FIVK CHOICE LOTS LEFT, At the following Lew Price a: 10 Lela for ia 8 J-0." Jer 1W s Lotsfer tea I j-eje for , aw 6 Leu for due nlL'JJt .1 thB mett rapiaiy-BrewIn portlenpt the city, fetieet car facilities, paved iiTrt .r.;in y.1.7 "i j,",:c- "' offered in the city, and bound te lnereaae In aM sstev, uuiuuer UK Dwelllns Houflea en Bams Plan. The brat ctance ever offered ter a person et Suttel mEai ,eeu home. Apply luime. . . . ALLAN4.HBBH, Keal Kstate and Insurance Agent. tin east Jung- Direst. 1'llOTOUKAPlla. QUlt 1 00 A .DOZEN Cabinet Photographs o.i.r.Meu?tedn "" 0eI, Serrated Amem Uhretll0.XVwTe7eUUnK$ A,,ewea m " AT ROTE'S, NO. 60 1-2 NORTH QD1IN ST. .. ,. yeitDwtoUielestomee. B10YCI.K8. J31UYOLKS, TBIOYOIiKS, TANDKMH. OOLDMBIA Bicycles, Tricyclet, Tandenu. DUKABLB, BlatPLX, aUAKANTKKO U1QUK8T SKAUB, ILLCSTUATBOOATALOaUB VBBB. POPE MF'G. CO., rKAMKLIN BTH BOSTON. BKAHCII HOUSES -II Warren BL. New Ynre-1 Wl Wanash Aev. uhleace, rer sale by JOHN B.MDB3BB.Ba S Nartk Street, ueiBttbia. nil lriiee JtMT ja MAjar BTAMifa nema IP THIS OOLD MiF KKM1KM TOU THAT YOU MID ADDITIOH AL OOMVOM COMB TO US I GREAT BOG1INS Comforts AT SALT VBtOB. Flannels. a MAT BBDUCTIOXS. Muffs and Furs ATBAUTPB1CB. Mufflers ATHALFFBICB. Dress Goods. QBBAT BBO0CTIONI. -AT- BARGAIN STORE, 24 Centre Square, NEW BOSTON STORE, rAGER A BROTHER. Clothing at a Great Eeductien i CLOTHING. MontMMe Beams, Quilted Sstln Lined t Bed ueed te 130.00 Flae Par Beavers, Satin Sleeves Bed tiecd te 117.00 Fins Heavy Kerseys .....ReduoeatelHOO Storm Overoeats, All-Weel, Lined with Flald Flannel Reduced te 112.00 Black Diagonal Beavers, All-Weel Bedneed te $12 00 A Geed Black Fur Be ver Seduced tot 8.00 SUITS. Excellent Cheviot and Cassimer Suits Reduced te 10 00 All-Weel Cheviot Suits, Geed Styles Reduced ee 8.00 MEN'S PANTALOONS. AH Weel Cheviot Pantaloons, Geed Styles Beducedtei 2 08 AU.W00I Kersey Pantaloons, Geed Styles Beducedtei 2.00 Serviceable Beaver Casslmers Reduced te 1.76 HAOER & 25-27 West JMWMLMT. H. . & RH0AD6 A BON, We desire te call attention te our large variety of STABLE WARE.I Sterling Silver Table Ware, comprising the latest patterns of Spoons, Ferks, Knives and Celd and Het Dish Services. BACCARAT GLASSWARE. AU the sizes et Glasses and Decanters. Housekeepers will And a cheap line for everyday use in the Standard Plated Wares. Alse Dining Beem and Kitchen Clocks. Bepairlng la all kinds by competent workmen, and all work warranted. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, JEWELERS, Ne. 4 West Kins Street. WATVHKH. nTATOHES AMERICAN ! watgiTiSeau Oytteal Sorts. Telegraph Time Daily. Jtvwy Article la this Line CarareJly JtepalreO, LOUIS WIBUt, Ke lsa v. Qvaaa St, Near r. B. B. Statlea. TKWKLBR AMD OPTICIAN. GILL. Jeweler and Optician. If renr eyes trouble yeu attend te them lm medUtely, The use of PBOPKR GLASSES restore lfhta, gives oemlort and pleaanra. Laaeaater baa long felt the need et aBPK. OlAL utTIulAN. Me are new prepared te measure your eyes, fit elu.es with the PKK 01S1ON or an OUUlTlBT. having a full and complete outfit et test lenses required tn per fect measurement SatUfactlOH guaranteed In every lnstanee. CHARLES S. GILL, Ne. 10 West King Street, LAM CABTXB, PA. WORD. WBAUBNOWOrrXUINO ABLAUQKAMD riNKALIMMOr WATCHES AND JEWELRY As eau be shown, and at LOWEU PH1CE3 than have ever been quoted for goods of equal quality. COM E AND BK TOUU OWN JDDQK. Walter A. Herr; NO. 101 NORTH QUaWN BT., OOBNBB Or OBANQB. Nl OT1UK TO TKKSPA83KKH AND miwwwtMLAll naraflna ueherebv fet- bidden te trespass en any et the landa of the Uernwall and Speedwell estates lu Lebanon or i.ascaier ceunuea, vuiwu "" ; uu.u uu.u cleeed. either rcr the purpose of sheeting or flshleg, aa the law will be rigidly enforce! acalnst all tree past Ing en aald landsef the un aeralraea aUtr this Betlee neraiguea vwrJ5OI,BMAj r KB EM AN, B.PBBOYALDBN. BDW.CBVKEataM, Attecaeys sk n. W. cmemsn-e Heir. OOOBB. STAMM. Blankets ATHALrrBIOB Underwear at half rate. Hosiery and Gloves aBIATRIBVCTtOHa. Mittens ATBAUrrBIOB. Steckinett Jackets ATHALFPBICB. - J. Harry Stamm. CLernma. BROTHER, King Street. I JievawyuRNitiiuja. T UK PEOPLE'S CASH STORK. The People's Gash Stere, Ne. 36 Bast King Btraat. SPRING OPENING OF I s ISIllDg WE OFFER: A stock of Table Llnena In all the desirable etylea and qualitiea wnleh is net unaurpaaeed, if equalled by any house In the eity. Turkey Red Damaaka from lOe te 87 l-2e per yard. Berne new designs In tbe better goods whleh probably cannot be found elsewhere. Nottingham Laee Curtains and Curtain Materials in great variety at very moderate prices. Curtain EcrJms la Cream and Celers in new designs. Be me styles of wnleh oannet ba found la any ether Heuse In this eity. Fiiees the lowest te be found anywhere. Gee. F. Bathven, MO. 26 BAST atlNO BTBBBT, LANCABTBB.PA. mAMm aaarlMraaw UROOMSIMU. vll'' E VEKV FAMILY SHOULD USE niasiKD'8 MILD CUBED BAH. Ihe r. Bchumaaier jiev Preeeas Ifleur pro nounced the bast ever placed upon the mar ket We mite speeUlUca of FINE TEAK, and Choice old i av a ana mocha ixurraBa. The beat tee Coffee tn U city. All we as Is a trial order. aae. WIABT. uiwii. w.iiswaatJnaret. aatiTfevt. If f 1 ' Ms Heusemrn " s W. V -- 'ks V.4 - 'Jt " l