Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 08, 1889, Image 1

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    a ",J, It
V- AgaV--M
h Ki
I .-
, itta stmoet, beabb dibbeti a com.
arena te tnYBsnaAta.
A Ttm M Ik OaBHal tASt Meath By Npr
-- TlTllS IITltTmililBMiii
Unite M ittauM PBSBItteB By tfee
OlfMlaM Oa Thantfay BvsatBg.
Ths February meeting of the LeaQetter
city school beard wn hstd ea Taarsday
evening la common oauaetl chamber, with
the following members present t Messrs.
Belenlua, Breaeman, Braerae, Ceearaa,
Dermttatttr, Kbsrmar, Krlaaiaa, Kraut,
Orlsst, Hantaan, Begeuer, Keats, Levar Levar
geed, Llebty, Llppdd, Marshall, MeBlll
BOtt)0ba,Owurl Peets, Raub, Beyaelds,
Bnbreyer, Shirk, HteuOar, Wetfel, Watte,
Wlckeisaem, Weblsea, Wolf aad Dr.
MiOoreilok, president
Thi minute of the laat regnlar aad
paetal meetings ware read aad approved.
auraaiHTiMDiMO oehmittbb bbpebt.
Mr. Warfal, acting chairman of tba
superintending oemmlttee, aaada tbe fob
lewlag report :
lllNOASTRR. PA. Vdh. 7. IftSQ.
Te trie Beard of tlchoel Directer:
- Ummtlkmbm In accordance with your
instructions, your superintending commu
tes gave the matter of overcrowding the
Intermediate acboela proper attention, and
unanimously oinelnded that the placing or
an additional teaeber la MIm Hater
room! la the balldlng at the oeraer of
Prlnee aad Oheetnnt street, te haveeharge
of thaazeeaa of pnpUf, waa a necessity.
They therefore dlreeted the oily superin
tendent te make the neeenesry arrange
ments and plaee MIh Cirrle Breneman In
eharge of the addtUieal dtssss
Miaa Halbaeh waa then appointed te the
Staee made vacant by the promotion of Mlaa
Mist Mary Zthm,aialttnt In Mlas Clara
U Bpladlers Weal Obsstaut street eoheol,
waa traaafarred te the plaee made vaeent
by MIm OnrUa' resignation.
Miaa Bertha Ooehran, of the Weat Oheet
nnt street schools, waa transferred te the
plaee made vaesnt by Mlaa Banb'a promo promo
Hen, In the Wett Walnut atreat building.
Mlaa Ada SDlndler waa BDtMlntari tn tha
jrtaee formerly occupied by at lee Zihm, In
Mlaa Clara O. Splndier'a room.
Miaa Belmenanyder waa appointed te a
plaee la Mlaa Bella Weltzel's school.
Thaae ehargaa promote Mlaa Carrie Brene
msn, Miss Mary,Mtsa Berths Oooh Oeoh Ooeh
ran, Mlaa Gertrude Halbaeb, Mlaa Ada
Bplndler, Mlaa Mary Belmenanyder.
Theaotlenof the committee In making
the above changes waa appre red by a
noanltneua vote :
B Qaetes the Bales or lb Beard aad Shows
Hew They War Violated.
Dr. Levergood aubmltted the following :
Lancaster, Feb. 7, 1888.
Te the liembtrietSt Scheel Beard:
Qentlbubn : Aa a member of the anper
Intending oemmlttee, 1 dealre te make a
brief report :
Beotleaa 13 and 14, of the ralea and regn regn regn
lalloneef the common aoheola of Laneae.
tar, axplleltly deUne the dutlea of the
auperlniendleg oemmlttee, and the man
ner in which these dntlea abenld be die
charged. Beotlen 14 nrevldea for the dlTlalen of
the oemmlttee " Inte five aub-oemmltteea
of one eaeb, te whom aball be Malaned the
anpervlelen of ene-Ufth of theaoheola." It Ll
alee aaya that " In eate of audden neeeatlty 'y
the proper aeb oemmlttee ahall autherics
the doting of any aobeol during the oou eou oeu
Unnanoe of aueh neeeatlty. " Beotlen 87
aaya any teacher "Intentionally violating
any regnlatlena of the beard " la liable te
bedltmleeed from ita employ, ltbeoemea
my duty te atate that three teaehera In my
aub-dlvlalen cleaed their aoheola en the
24 :h and 25th of January, net only without
any " audden necemlty " te Juatlfy their
oenduot, but in positive and abielnte viola
tions of the ruiea of thla beard. Kaeh
teacher la lurnlihed with a copy of the
.rulea, and eaeb. teacher knew, whenahe
oleaed the doen of her school and itarted
en her pleasure trip te Washington, that
ahe was doing what abe had no, the
allgbtest authority te de, and that
abe waa acting la open dedaaee of the
rulea governing her oaaduet as teacher In
the ozipley of the beard. It la well known
te every dlrcoter that neither the superintending-
oemmlttee nor any Individual
member of It his authority te close the
aobeol ; if it la done at all, it can only be
done by the "proper aub.emmituie, and by
htm only, la case of "auddeu neeeaalty.''
In my dlvlalen, the only neseastty fur
elealng their aoheola and depriving about
180 children of school prl vlllgee for two da;,
was a prearranged pleasure Joint te Washing
tee under the cue aad protection of the city
aanetlntendeat. Mr. Buebrle I paid a gener gener
eua aalary for hie aervieea by the tax payera
of liiueaater and he had no mere right te
daaert hi pest and negleet the perform
anoeet bis clllelal duties than had the ten
teaehera who aoeomptnled blm en this
exoarslen ; the consequence of which waa
the exclusion from tne public aoheola of
thla city oleema 000 children for two day,
a rather serious matter, particularly when
brought about without the aacotlen of the
Whether this open or flagrant violation
of Its rnlea will bocemplaoently acquleaetd
la la for the beard te determine.
Dr. Levergood aaid he bad made no
recommendation ; that be would leave for
the beard te determine. He moved that
the beard eenture the superintendent acd
teaehera for violating the rulea.
The motion waa seconded by a half a
deaea member.
Mr. Hartman aald he did net aee hew
the officer of thla beard could make affi
davit that the aoheola were open 200 daya at
the end of the term when Ien of theaoheola
were oleaed two daya,
Mr. Ooebrau thought that before Prof.
Baehrle waa censured be should be given
a hearing.
Mr.,Brelut aald the motion waa net In
order at thla time. The beard ought net
eenaure these parlies without a hearing
and be moved a an amendment that the
eecreiary be dlreeted te serve notice en the
teaobera and superintendent of the ehargea
made again as them end cite them toan tean
a war the accuiatlena made. If they have
any excuse te otlerUean then be presented.
Mr. driest aeoended the amendment
Dr. Wlekerabam, a member of the super
intending oemmlttee, atld the resolution
waa net wide enough, Bought te embrace
tome membera of the auperlntendleg
oemmlttee aa well as the elty superintendent
and teaehera, and " we are probably mere
Dt. leverge9d asked who waa meant by
we, and Dr. Wiekeraban replied that he
could only apeak aa te himself. When the
enperlntandent called en bim he aald it
would be benehetal for himself and aeme
of the teaehera te visit the Washington
aoheola, where aeme imprevetuauta btd
bean made. He then told Prof. Baehrle te
aee the ether membera of the supirlntend supirlntend
leg oemmlttee, and underatoej htm te asy
be wenld. He particularly mentioned
Um same of Dr. lAvergoed te the auperln
teadent. He gave hie consent te the
aaparlntendent te go ta Washington oendl.
locally en hla getting the oenaent of a
aaajerity of the committee. He did net
consider the trip te Washington a pleasure
Janat, but a pnrely bualneca trip. Perbapa
be waa tee much In a hurry in giving hit
eeaaenb Aoeordlng te the rulea be went
t far In giving bia consent and waa willing
te acknowledge his error.
IB oenolusloa Dr. Wlekeraham aald be
knew great Imprevementa bad been made
la the Washington acboel and they are
TiaUed by teacbera from all ever the
Dr. bmrgoea nM ttat Mr, Srauawie
atraareHBaikiaaeyoaraaceaieaeel the
bear aaeettBaa wheat heeaM. Mthattka
beard aaada, aba'apatepilaaaeaie aa4 tta
taaeaere took the baUaee af taa aalaertty am
IbeaMelv." Pre BaebrtaBavareaaaete
aee blm. Ha would aet kavakaailllataal
klaaaelfthatBtuea. If the aapetiateaaaat
Bad premised Dr. Wlekershaa te U eat
btmhedldBetkeepbta'werd. la aeaelB aeaelB
ateaheeald be bad aet reeet vest' the ra ra
apeetf al traataaan t te which he was eaUtled,
la coaalderatlea of the explaaatlea aaade
by Dr. Wlekerabam be would withdraw
hla motion of eeneara aaa taa beard allowed
It te be wltbdrawa.
Dr. WlckaraaasaUeught that the teaebera
who oleaed their aoheola ea tbaaa two data
would have te make up the leaf Uaaa,
Mr. Eberaaaa did aet think that taa
ohUdraaef the aoheola weald attend two
daya after the ether are eleaad.
Mr. Rbermsa atld aaeh teachw aad taa
apetlatendant had a oepyof the rulea of
the beard aad tble matter afaeuld be la
Teatigated. He moved that a oemmlttee of
three be appointed te investigate taa dos
ing of the MhoeU ea tbaaa two daya and la
put the roepenalblllty where It belong.
Mr. Ooehran aald that Prof. Baebvle did
aet want the teacher censured.
Mr. Bbarman'a motion waa adented and
the ebalr appointed M sears. Eberecaa,
Haitman and Hegener aa the oemmlttee of
Mr. Oene, of tbe night acboel committee,
reported a falling oft In tbe attendance at
the Bight aoheola. Tbe beya aoheol baa aa
enrollment of 76, with aa average attend attend
ane of CI, and the girls 31, with ai average
altendanee of 29.
On motion of Mr. Cochran, tbe ears te M
of one of the teaehera la eaeb of tbe above
aoheola were dlspenaed with.
Tbe visiting oemmltteea reported the
aoheols in geed oendlilon.
The following la the report of the oily
auperlntendent :
Lancaster, Pa,, Feb. 7.
Te (As Beard of Eehoel Director :
Gentlemen Your oily auperlntendent
aubmlts the follewlna- raoert of tha nnbiia
obeola for the month of January:
The whole number of pupils in attendee ee
was 2ev in me uign aoneoiBHUs in tna gram
mar, 729 in tbe aeoendary, 978 la tbe Inter
mediate, SI In tbe ungraded and 1,424 tn tba
primary, making a total of 3,832, te which
may be added 110 attending the evening
aoheols, thus making a grand total of 3,063.
The average number la dally attendance
waa 255 In tbe high acboela, 364 In the
grammar, 650 In the aeoendary, 806 tn tbe
intermediate, 40 In the ungraded and 1,103
In the primary, making a total of 3,218, and
adding tbe attendanee of 82 at the evening
uuuuib, uie K rauu Hiuu was a,euu.
The average percentage waa EG. The
number of pupils in attendanee every day
of tha month waa 1,017. The number of
teaehera In attendance at the teaehera' meet
ings waa 65. The following were absent:
MlaaeaO. B Huber. M.MeNeaJ, D. Bmallag,
Ij O. Marshall, H, Fleming.
The number of vlelta made by the elty
auperlntendent waa 150; theae made by
dlreotera numbered 373 aa follews: J. Me
Kllllpa, 60; Q. N. Bayaelda, 38; Dr. J.
Irtvergoed, 31; H, Wolf, 20; 3. B. Warfal
and J. Pentz, each 18; Dr. M. W. Raub, 17;
C. Llppeld, 10; J. V. Kautx, 15; H. A,
Bhreyer, 14; Dr. D. R. McCermlck, 12; W.
W. Orieat, 10; J. I. Hartman, 4; J. Oehs, 3;
a, a Diauvuna, ; ur, J, r, TV ICaeranam,
and O. K. Urgener, 1.
Your city auperintendent.oenvlnoed of the
great advantagea te be reaped from vlalta te
aobeola famous for work and methods, aud
having been favorably Impressed by theae
of the city of Washington heretofore
repeaiemy viaited by him, conceived It
would be advantsgeeua te your aoheola If
the opportunity te de the tame were offered
te aeme of the meat progressive teacbera in
your employ, and having aubmltted a
preposition te thla ofleet te the acting chair
man aa well as te another member of tbe
uperlntendlng oemmlttee, and tbey agree
ing In this opinion, he took along with
himself en the 24th or January, te observe
the methods of tesehlng in the aoheola of
that city, the following teacbera: Misses K,
Powers, A. Carter, H. K. Flnsar, L It.
McMillan, 8. A. Htlflel, Bella Weltzel, K.
Brimmer, M- UumpbrevlUe, M. Under
wood and I Eaby.
Toe in neli praise oannet be awarded te
these teaehera for their zsel manifested In
the cause of education, net only by volun
tarily loeurrlng the expense neceeeary te
make tbla trip, but also for the dose
attention given by them te tbe work el tbe
acboela which tbey went te observe and
tudy ; and no doubt a rieh harvest will be
reaped by their own aa well aa by all the
acboela of the city ; and It la te be hoped
that ethers wilt in due time fellow their
example, and thus plaee our aoheola In tbe
front rank.
The annual examination of the claaaea la
physiology and hyglene will take plana In
tbe girls' high acboel room en tbe lath Inat,
beginning at 0 o'clock a, m. and 2 o'clock
p. m. Tbe member of tbe superintending
oemmlttee, well a of the beard generally,
are respectfully invited te be present en the
Circular Ne. 8 la herewith prelected te
the beard for consideration and aueh aotlen
aa It may deem advisable. The matter
therein presented mutt receive immediate
attention if anything 1 te be done, lour
city auperlntendent will be pleated te carry
out whatever the beard may dlreet te place
our acboela and system properly before the
world lu the Parla exposition.
What your city auperlntendent haa
reeently seen and learned In tbe city of
Washington of tbe work and organization
of training schools ter teacbera, encourage
blm te give expreaslen te the view long
alnee entertained by blm en thla eubjee,
and te suggest te tbe beard that a aoheol be
erganised In our city, in whleb the
daugbtera of our eltlcen, who may dealre
te become teaehera, mty be properly trained
for the work. Tbta need entail no addi
tional expense, and haa proved a anoeees
wherever tried. He must also cenfeaa that
tbe work and organization of tbe manual
training aoheols ter beya and of tbe cooking
aobeola for both aexea haa made tbe meat
favorable Impression en blm, and be ean
but bepe that tbe time la net far distant
when tbe beard shall aee Ita way clear te ae
modify ita course of atndy aa te Include
these auhjects Very respectfully your
obedient servant, R. K. Buebble.
Mr. Warfel (aid there was a misstatement
of facta In tbe report If he, as the aetlng
chairman of the superintending oemmlttee
waa referred te. It deea him a great lojua lejua
tlce. He moved that part of the report In
reference te tbe Waabtngten trip ba re
ferred te the special oemmlttee appointed te
Investigate the ehargea again! the superin
tendent and teaehera. The motion waa
Mr. Warfel otlered the following :
Jlttelvtil, That the oemmlttee en build.
Inga and grounds ba Instructed te procure
Elana and specifications for a new school
ulldlng en tbe grounds en Weat Chestnut
street, at present used for acboel purpose,
and report their action with the plana and
apcolncatleus, and alto estimates of tbe oest
efbulldlug, te the bearl at 1U next regular
Mr..Hartmin aald the resolution wai a
bread one. The kind of acboel, number of
rooms, Aa, should be designated.
Dr. Beleniua moved te amend the reso
lution ae as te make it read an eight room
building. Tbe amendment waa accepted by
Mr. Warfel aud the resolution adopted.
Te fill the vacaney In the previsional
teaehera' leres all tbe candidate were placed
In nomination and Mlaa Kate Sharp was
elected ea firat ballet
The following visiting oemmltteea were
announced by President MoOermick, for
the months of February, March and April :
Northeast Dlvleten-Q, Edw. Hegener,
chairman; Charles J, White, Charles
tenka Dlvialoa--Gerg w, Key.
old, eaatraaaa; Waa. B. Bhlrk, Jaeeb F.
Bpathweat Dlvtea-W. W. Orteaf,
ehalraaaa; Jaenb Peata, K. K. Baader.
. Northwest Dlvletee-H. R. Breaeaaaa,
ehalraaaa : S. I, O waa. Heary Welt
iKsaxB rateai rsAB.
Aageat Bsykaeka Mm a BMvtag ateaaee by
ra or m Vtsii trraat wan eaaa.
Tbe White Cap agltatlOB which ha beea
pravallleg la I.shlgh oeaaty for eevaral
weak, ha made Aagaat Haybeeke a ray
lag taaalae, aad ha la bow ha btbwb at
aumwwn aaa preasmta a eorrewrat eeae.
taela, Ha laOermaa,46yereface,aad,
asaeataat Baplember, baa beea etajileyed
la a ateaa nuarrv at WalaatiMrt. atal
-whbebi . a ramuy or a home.
uvea aiena la a abaaty. Bear taa
quarry. He waa a peaceable but rather
oesaino reiiew, ana wnsa taa waits Cap
erase sprang up ba beeasae vary aaneh
exesataed, Imagining ha would ba viaited
by the regulator, This fear haaated hiss
altht aad day. aad soma foolish maai aad
-T ra aa - . T-.TW-
, boys eaoeuraged blm la tha thought that
no weuia aoen de vwtaa ey US WB1M
Oape. A few daya age ba weat ea a spree,
aad, while la thU state, ha was mere thaa
aver fearful of tbe vlalt he se much dreaded.
Hla mind save wav under thla atraln. aaa
be was takea la charge by aa officer, at
Blatlngtea, and takea te the prison.
AtO o'clock Wednesday night the Bight
watchman beard a peculiar thumping aeias
In tbe cell, aud, summoning the wardea,
an examination was made. A terrible
slaht met their eves. Tee western wan nt
theeell waa bespsttcred with bleed, ahewlng
that Hey baeke had attempted te daah out
hla bralaa. Ha wss In tbe aet of making
another spring when the cell deer was
opened. Hrybteke'a method or procedure
was te stand about in the middle of the
eeiL then run toward the wall, agalaat
which he atruek hit head with terrlfle
Tba prlseaer was covered with bleed.
buu um unu waa a uuriiuiesigni le oeneio.
He waa with dlffleuliy held, aud tha prlaea
phyalelan summoned. The latter found the
Wbde of the muaanlar tisane nvar tha inn
of the head lacerated and contused and ta
sueh a condition aa te make It utterly Ira.
possible te atlteh up tbe wound. Dr.
Martin alae found evidence that Heybacke
had tried ether mesne te end hla life, be.
aides daableg out his brains, Aaeld table
knife waa found en the fleer. With this
instrument the prisoner bad triad te out
tale threat, but the out are ealy akla deep.
Biz gaahes were discovered ea his lsit
wrist aad three en hi riant wrlat. Tha
knife, however, waa te dull te de Ita work
efloetoally. It Is feared tbe man skull la
iractureq ana that he will die. He talks
inoeaaantlyef the White Caps, and says
100 of the villains after him.
Blooded steek Sent Seeth,
The pair of Guernsey calves forwarded
by Mr. B. B. Speneer from hut herd of
Guernsey cattle en bis stock farm near thla
city and consigned te Mr. Jsnklns for hla
plantation of Elgin, near Natchez, Miss ,
arrived at their long journey's end of two
thousand miles In geed condition.
A trough had been oenetruoted In their
erib te which a ean efmllk was attached.
Tbey were four days la transit.
They are a playful aa kittens and are
much admired for beauty la their new
home In tbe Sunny Seuth. .
KaMrtalaed tba Circle.
MKCHANicsnuRe, Feb. 8. The Mli
Ida and Klla Weldler, tba accomplished
daugbtera of Dr. Carpenter Weldler, gave
an enjoyable party laat evening la honor of
tba Meobanietburg Reading Olreie. It was
the Important feature In social life here
for aeveral wlntera. Nearly all the mem
bera were present, Ineludlng A. & Jehns, I
esq, of Lancaster, who always presided at I
the interesting clrele meetings, which were
held weekly, Refreshments were served,
Charged With Larceny as Bailee.
Ham Gruel waa heard last evening before
Alderman Decn en a charge of larceny aa
bailee. The presecutrix waa Martha Auxer,
who allege that ahe leaned Gruel a sliver
watch whleh be premised te return In a
eertaln time. Falling te de tbla ahe had
blm arrested. He 'has alnee restored tbe
wateh and the alderman gave no decision
In tbe case, which la new likely te be fixed
Itsv. lienmaii't Iolera.
" Reoelieotlona of Londen " waa the aub
Ject of tbe first lecture df the course institu
ted by the College Yeung Men' Christian
association for thla winter. Rev. Bewman
poke one hour aud forty-five minutes. His
leeture waa very Interesting and wss closely
followed by en attentive audlenee. Ksv.
O. S. Gsrbart, or Reading, will deliver the
next lecture.
Tna Kirk weed Vex Una.
There waa a fox ebaas at tne hotel of Jeser h
Roop, at Klrkwoed, Celeratn tewnahlp, en
Thursday afternoon, and, although the
weather waa very cold, the attend attend
aeoe waa quite large. After an ex.
eellent dinner had been aerved the fox was
dropped near tbe hotel. In a ahert time
60 fine dega were put upon tbe trail. Tbe
fox took a aeutberly oeurae and auceeeded
In getting away.
An Accident te an Ksgtne.
Engine Ne. 1,093, of the Pennsylvania
railroad, which waa drawing Harriaburg
Expresa Eaat laat evening, broke a atrap en
the main red, at the Harrisburg turnpike
oreaalng, Just west of Dlllervllle. A freight
engine was secured, whleh took tbe train
through te Philadelphia and It waa an hour
and a half lata leaving Lancaster.
Jtsnted a Columbia Belal.
Charles Franolaeut, of thlt city, has
bought the stock and fixtures of tbe Conti
nental hetel, en Frent atreet, Columbia,
from Harry Shell, who wilt retire. Mr.
Franelscua la a eon of Mrs. Suaan Francis.
ous,ef tbe Ccneatega home en Seuth Queen
atreet. He Is well known as a gunner, and
haa been brought up in the hotel business.
Iroquois Club Uanqqet,
The Iroquois club gave a banquet ca
Thursday evenleg, In tbe Urge room en the
aecend fleer of Bettley & Butheng'a hotel.
Nearly all the membera were present and a
geed lime waa had. It la tbe Intention el
the club te held these banquet quarterly.
Contributions Fer in Soep read.
The mayor aoknewledgee tbe receipt of
tbe following contribution for tbe aeup
fund : S. Olay Miller, (3 ; J. F. .Heennlnger,
55 leavea of bread ; Philip Ltbzslter, a lead
of weed.
Ucain el a Mala.
Daniel Brown, of 017 Maner atreet, lest a
valuable mule by deete laat night. Thla
makes four that have died for blm In eight
On a Menth's TUIt.
Mlaa Alice I. Danlap, of Lineaater, and
Miss R. M. Hastings, of Oxford, left Lan
caster this afternoon for Pnilalelphta and
Wilmington, where they will spend four
weeks with relative.
A Spelling He,
There will beaspelilng bee In Mlllersville
en Saturday evening for tbe benefit of the
Jublle aobeol library. Iherearetan prlzae.
. H. Laudle will deliver an addree en
aeme edncatle nal anbjtct and Mlaa Amanda
Ltndea will recite.
Kegsgsd le N OlrU.
JobnMateen bat disappeared from Peugh
keeptlf, N, Y., after engaging hlmaelf le
marry seven girls. He borrowed 1500
from one of them.
A BaUe Kpert.
A dispatch from Olevenvllle, N. Y says
tbers la ae truth In the rumors of the
drowning of seventeen men by teems
breaking through tha let en aUeaadaga
mKMrstal aaya age,
WklU Wetklag On a Bridge Kaar Blghtplre
the Bay Kxprass Raas Btaa Uesra,
Thrawa Agatasi a Til of Lambar
Treas vTBIch Be Halh) Ovsra Baak.
Heary Harrison Krelner, a resident of
Mt Jey, Bast with a terrible death at White
Reaee, ea tba Pennsylvania railroad,
betweea Mlddlstewa and Ulghsplre aad a
sails seat of tba latter place, ea Thursday
At White Ueute there hi a bridge ea
waiea taa passenger traeks of the Peaasyl.
vaala railroad pass ever the freight Hacks.
Krelaer was at work with ether earpeaters
ea the bridge putting down a plank walk
te reader It mera safe for people te cress.
About 6 o'clock Krelner was struck by
tha engine of steead section of Dsy Express
east. Ha was standing en the eastern end
of the bildga ea the south side. A freight
trata waa passing west, and the smoke and
noise made by it prevented Krelner from
seeing or hearing the express train, whleb
was bearing down upon blm from the
weat. On aoeonut of tbe smoke tha
eagiaeer of the passenger train could cot
see Krelner, who waa atruek. Ha was
thrown with tremendous force against a
plls of lumber, from whleb he rolled dewa
tbe embankment, a dlstanee of 22 feet.
Ba waa Imafadlately picked up by hla
fallow workmen and tbe men employed
ea the train, whleh was stepped. He wss
found te vary badly Injured and waa
plaeed en tbs train te be taken te his
home, In Mt. Jey. In leas than fifteen
mlnutea alter the train atarted be breathed
hla laat.
Several of his ribs were broken and he
waa Internally Injured by the blew of tbe
engine. Hla faee and head were also badly
eat la falling down the embankment The
body was taken efl the train at Mount Jey.
aad removed te the man's late homeea
Marlstta street The coroner of Dau
phin county was notified te held an ln
Tha deeeaaed was sbeut 45 years of age.
Ba wasa son of Jehn Krelner, an old cob
traoteraad builder of Mt Jey. Bswat
employed by Matter Carpenter Beard, of
tbe railroad company, In June, 1887, and at
tbe time of hla death he waa working In a
gang of men of which Allen H. Kline wss
foreman. He waa known among hi
acquaintances as Harrison Krelner. He
served la the late war and waa a member
of Uent Nlssley Pest, Ne. 478, 0. A. R., of
Mt Jey. He leave five sons and one
daughter. The eldest of these la a young
man u yeara of age.
Patricias Boen Appeers In Bis Comedy te
flood Hatlntsi.
Last evening, Pat Rooney, whose faee Is
familiar te everybody end la very herd te
forget by anybody, appeared In Fulton
opera house te an audlenee of very geed
slat, Tbe play was "Pal's Ward
robe" wbleh haa been seen here several
times before. It contains little but fun
and a great portion of that la made by
Rooney hlmaelf aa Tat O'HoeUan, an
Irlahman, who whlls In seareh of work la
mistaken for an English lord and ether
distinguished people and becomes Involved
In mueh trouble. The play allows Pat te
give tba specialties, which have made him
famous, and although some of them ars
dd, they are still geed. He sings a new
song entitled Helle, Maglnnla," In eep.
Ital style. Katie Rooney, Pal'a daughter,
plays the part of Christopher and appear
with her father In a sketch In the laat act
She le getting te be a young lady very fast,
but Is as bright and fall of mischief sa ever.
One of the best people In tbe show la Jamea
Vincent, who playa te perfection the part of
Lionel JCuitaeh, a aeedy and hungry but
high-toned actor, The Quaker City quar
tette, composed of Messrs. Laird, Ernest,
Plerl and Graham, whleh haa been aeen se
often en tbe minstrel stage, la with tbe
company and all tbe members hsve parts.
Their singing, Imitations and instrumental
musle are exeellent,sad they rccslvcd quite
a number of recalls.
Walter Wentwertb, tbe old contortionist,
who In yeara gene by waa a great favorite
In Lancaster, where he atlll haa many
friends, playa tbe part of tbe Wi(l Man In
tbe piece and deca well what little he ba
te da
A Bill Tfaat aneuU rats.
from the New Bra.
The bill te regulate charges for telephene
ssrvlee, Introduced In the Heuse by Repre
sentative Kauffmsn,and reported favorably
by tbe general Judiciary committee, ought
te be pressed te Ita final passage. The
telephone la tbe subject of one of tbe meat
unreasonable monopolies tbe business
publle new have te contend with. It baa
become a publle neeeatlty In tbe transaction
of business, and could be made a
popular as it Is convenient, without
detracting from the Just profits el the
owners or controllers of the patent. A
J;oed aerviee and reasonable chargea.weuld,
n a ahert time, mere than double tbe num
ber of patrena. Bur, Instead of Improving
the services snd reducing the charges, we
are compelled te put up with inferior
Instruments the best being assigned te
larger cities, where still greater extortions
ean be practiced with Impuulty, simply
becauae ft la a monopoly while the com
pany controlling tbla district have recently
compelled their patrena te sign an Iron
clad contract ae one-sided that an honest
man abeuld be ashamed te present It, aa
It Ignerea the exemption law which waa
framed as one el tbe few statute preventing
tbs laat dollar from being filched from
ths wife and children of tee man who la
ae unfortunate aa te fall in business. The
writer of thla haa occasion frequently te
uae or observe the use of tbe telephone in
Philadelphia and Wilmington, and knewa
whereof he attlrma that the service there ta
Inoempuably superior te that In thla
elty. Instead of giving us new snd im
proved Instrument, tbey try te tinker up
ths old spdegies, aud with It all a severe
strain la almost dally Imposed upon the
antl'Swearlng proclivities el these who uae
at. Jehn's latAnt Scheel Entertainment.
The supper given by the infant depart
ment of St Jehn's Episcopal church, at
Koae Bres. & Hartman'aatere en Thursday
evening, waa a great financial success. The
supper waa in charge of the teacbera of thla
department of the Sunday school, aaslated
by the teachers of ether departments, and
from early evening until 11 o'clock at
night the attendanta were kept busy, A
supper, firat elaas In every particular, was
aerved. There will be another opportunity
te patronize tbla en tertalnmenttblt evening.
The amount realized will be applied te the
purchase of furniture for tbe Infant depart
ment Sals el Iltal Busts. "
Allan A. Udrr, real estate aed Imuran ce
gent, aeld at private aale te Geerge Mlller
the two story brick store and dwelling en
aeutbeest corner of Prlnse and Llbeity
streets, owned by Edwin Ebermae, fcr
m i
Death of Kir. Win. A. Grleg,
Rev. Wm. Augustus Grlng, brother of
Rev. A. D. Grlng, mlsilentry of tbe
Reformed church te Japan, died thla morn.
lag, after a lingering lllneea, at hla borne
Bear Frederick Oily, Md. Tbs fuaersl will
teka place en Monday at one o'clock at
aoetelaaarehttesiLiteta, watatagtea dm
eatsed Bv tats rreratasat Besun.
Mrs. Belva Iockweod was greeted with
a large andteaee at the court house ea
Thuraday evening. 8 he haa been written
and spoken about mera thaa any woman
la America, aad there was a great eutleelty
manifested te see thlsohampleaot women's
rights te vote. Shortly after 8 o'deok Mra,
IiCokweod made bar appearance aad was
Introduced te the audleaea by Dr. J. A. E.
Reed, the representative of Ueorge H.
Themas pest, under whose auepleaa aha
lectured. Mra Iiockweod I about 69 yeara
old, of geed sppearanee and was richly
dressed, She at once plunged Inte her
subject, whleh was "Secial and Political
liltelu Washington." Hhe fluently deaerlbtd
thebceuty and Importance of Waahlngtca
lire, its Duiiaings and streets. She referred
te sems of tbe very important events of that
elty, among which waa tha impeachment
trial of Andrew Jobnien
In discussing tbe women el the White
Heuse he paid a ttlbute te Mrr. Lney
Webb Hayes, who had tbe courage of her
oenvlotlonr, and abolished tbe use of wlae
at atate dinner, Her example bad a geed
effect en these In high life, sod bad tha
praotlee she lasugursted been continued
tneefleet en tbe country at large would
have been benfllelat. Bbe had nothing but
wetda of praise for Mia. Cleveland, whom
aha designated aa tbe meat pepnlsr mlstreta
of tbe White Heuse In the history of the
When opportunities presented them
selves, and tbey did frequently, shs
managed te refer te her great bobby,
women's rights,
Mrs. Lockwood Is a forcible, etequent
speaksr and held tha oleassl attention of
the audience for nearly two hours. At lis
oenduslon theae of tbe audlenea who ds
sired were Introduced te tbls distinguished
woman aad many availed thsmselves of tba
opportunity. The leeture was atlnanelal
euoeess for the pest and was highly en.
Joyed by the Isrge audience.
In dear, logical language abe told of the
struggles and trial of the office seeker, aad
me ie. or ins loeoyisi. she reviewed at
length tbe great quarrel between B tains
and Conklleg, wbleh aha clalme resulted la
the election of Grever Cleveland te the
She also referred te the efforts being made
te prevent danelng at the coming Inaugura
tlea ball by ministers of the gospel and
arguad that mere geed might result If these
ministers made their eruaade against tbs
prevailing aty le of wemen'a dresses en aueh
Ths Tbnrlew steel cast Bin Appear
siaad the Tssr.
The Tbnrlew ateel east eun waa triad nn
Thuraday afternoon at the naval proving
ground at Annapella and It endured the
statutory teat of ten eervloe rounds without
sppsrsnt Injury. The gun will be star
gauged te day te discover whether there Is
permanent enlargement of the chamber or
bore, aad the result will be msde known te
the naval bureau of ordnance at Washing,
ten. Until tbla examination baa been
made there ean be no absolute certainty
that tbe gun has suceisalully steed the test
Naval effleers are susploleus of east steel
guns, Ths gun new In vogue is ths high
injffvr, uuutup, Draeonieaaioarrius, vary
ing In calibre from five te alxteen Inebes,
and in weight from three te one hundred
and flfty-aix tone. With Ita development
the coat ba risen enormously, owing te tbe
labor of catting, forging and tempering
large masses of metal, it la spparenr.
therefore, that there la Incentive for great
efforts en tbe part of Inventors te simplify
and cheapen the process.
The Pennsylvania .ateel companies pre
aented a possible aolutlen of tbe gun
queatlen. They held that It was possible
te make a high power gun of a tingle, un
forged ateel esatlng that would compete
euoeeaafully with tbe built up weapon.
Congress bad slready provided en a limited
scale for the manufacture of built up guns
similar te tbe best made abroad, but it
was deemed wise te glve fair trial te a
eheme premising economy of time
and money, and in tbe act approved March
8, 1887, there waa a email appropriation for
three ateel cast guna of alx Inch calibre.
Of these one, te have bwn of cruelble ateel,
waa never contracted for; one of Bessemer
steel, known as the Pittsburg gun, felled
st tbe nsvsl proving ground en the 6th of
December, breaking into fragments at the
first reand with nanrvloeeuar-e: ti a third,
of open hearth ateel, is the Thurlerr gun.
Declinations and Csrrsctlent.
A number of candidates, who were named
for ward officers In this elty, have declined.
Among these are tbefollew Ing :
First wsrd, common ceundl, Geerge
Nelty; Feuttb wsrd, constable, William
Wenninger; Sixth ward, common oeuncll,
Charles F, Rsngler snd Byren Brown.
The candidate for constable In tbe Sixth
ward la Armle Hartman, and Geerge W.
Marlen, Inatead of Oeerge W. Morrison, Is
one of tbe common oeuncll eandldstes.
In the Eighth ward, In addition te Jehn
Myers, Samuel Huber and H. G, Keller
are candidates for Judge. Msrtln Dlllleh
is alae a candidate for city oemmlttee in
thla ward.
Jehn Keller declines the nomination for
assessor of the Third ward.
Henry Bllokenderfer, for select counell
of the Fifth wsrd, decllner.
Samuel Heward, for judge of tbe First
ward, decline'.
Ilsngaa Uluuslf le an Oatballdlag.
Archibald Brown, aged 02 yeats, com
mitted auielde en Wednesday by hanging
hlmaelf In one of tbu outbuildings, near hla
residence In Fulton township. Deputy
Corener Wesley Impanelled aa a Jury of
inquest Jeseph A. Jamisen, Wm. II. Grleat,
Jas. H. Hanna, Edward H. Patten, Vincent
S. Richards and Frank S, Wetzsl.
Tbe testimony taken did net develop
any motive for tbe rash act, and the Jury
rendered a verdict that he committed
suicide by banging.
The Mult ITas Withdrawn.
A resident of Brenemen'a court, when he
arrived home en Thursday evening, found
hla house deserted and hla wife gene. Upen
making an examination of hla effect he
found that ahe took with her a number of
articles that did net belong te her, Cem.
plaint waa made againtt her befere Alder
man Barr. She was arreated by Cenatable
Sbaub at Marietta and whoa abe and her
husband met this morning there was a
reconciliation and withdrawal flfue suit
Wanted at tMlbWbatn.
Chief Smeitz has received a photograph
and description of Charles Augustua Hell
master, allta Pluck, alias Buab, who la
wanted at Bethlehem for larceny, Tbe
Bstblebem authorities aty he may be an
inmate of ths workhouse, at he la a tramp.
Chief Smeitz will make Inquiry at the
prison aud almshouse.
Mail Au AMlutunt
Cbriatlan H. Haverstlck and wife, of
Maner township, made an assignment of
their ptepsrty te-day for the bone fit of
creditor te Cyrus Mann and Lsvl Haver
stlck, of the esme township.
te Ua Utld Oa tha ltlib.
A call for tbe atate convention te be held
In Harriaburg en February lll.b, te prepare
for the special election lu June, hat been
Issued by the Constitutional Amendment
rail On lb Favsintut. ,
Mrs. Naney Owens, mother of Steve J,
Owens, who resides at Ne. 130 East New
street, slipped aad fell ea tbe pavement and
eat bar leoe vary badly,
xa Msb Wha Will Be Tared far at tha
Primary ea TsssSay.
Tha Rspablteaaa held their aemmatlag
msetlags tastsvealng for tha primaries
whleh will take plaee en aext Tuesday
evening. Tba Republicans carry tha
mtjerlly of ths wards la the elty aad there
is s large number of people who want te go
te eonaeUs. la tha fifth ward J. Frank
Ramlsy is a candidate for re-slsetkm te
select counell, but O. J. Krlsmaa,
the builder, will give hlaa a oeatost. Thla
MiaecBrywaraia town la which there te
eeatsst for common eounelL Oaa of tha
candidates is W. P. Gumming, who prs prs prs
vloaateblsremovsl Inte the ward, about a
year age, was a member el common braneh
from tha Blxth ward. The Sixth ward haa
a big let of eaadldatea aad most of them
want te gat there tee. The fight In the
Third ward will be ever tba aldermaa'a
efflee, as Alderman J. K, Barr la betag op.
posed by Jehn Blsek, druggist Tha
delegates te be chosen will aemlasteslx
aoheol directors.
Oonamea Ceunell Jacob Qreenawalt W.
T. Rrjeraaaa, W. K. Beard, Jeha J. Hoever,
Abram Sheets.
Cenatable W. S, Weaver, Jehn F. Der-
Assessor A, C. Welehsas.
Judge O, O. Jehnsen,
Iaspeoter H. O. Rieksecker.
r.!,,,J?::H K' Msrtln, a. O. Jehnsen,
Clayten F. Myerr. '
Common Council A. M. Frantc, Frank
H. Bare, A. J. Auxer, Jehn O. Dlnan,
Aaea Grefl, R. K. Underwood.
Constable Jehn U. Sides.
Judge D. 8. Kettew.
Inspector I. O. Arneld.
Assessor Jereme Venderstalth.
DelagstesA. B. Hasalsr, Elmsr E Bew.
an, .laoeo naiDsen, riarry a. Auxtr, Jeff.
E. Shank.
Common Council James Etger, A. O.
Leenard, Martin Kreldsr, Ohsrles Toeksr,
sr., James D, Ltndls, BsnJ. F, Heary,
Jacob T. Bstemsn. Geerge p. King.
Alderman J. X. Barr, Jehn Black.
. Constable Jeoeb Sbaub, Lewis Lyens.
A. L. Redder, Henry Leenard.
Aassescr m. n. rkuns, j. at. ueroiereth.
Judge-Henry F. Metsger, L M. Lata.
Inspectors Samuel n. E'.ehelts, Charles
H. Felt
Delegates-Jehn W. Msalaar, Charles I.
Laadis, Frank F, Heffmsn.
Common Ceunell Edward P. Brtntea,
Daniel Sing, B,F.Bsrthnlemew, Dr. Walter
Beard man and Dr. B. F. W. Urban.
Assessor-Samuel W. Dlller, Abraham
Miller, sr.
Constable Andrew Ktchhelt.
Judge Marun K. Herr.
Inspector Geerge W. Huber.
Dalagstes Georae W. Cerraeny, A, K.
Spurrier, Edwin K. Snyder, O. A. D. VU
ter, jmiwi aa. uiiDsri, esq,
Selcet Council. J. Frank Remley, a
B. Ertamsn.
common Ceunell F, O. Sturgla, W. P.
Constable Gee, Yetslay, jr.
Judge Reuben S. Kauffmaa.
Iuspeoter Audrew M. Caldwell.
Assessor Harry Hartley.
Delegates Reuben S. Gambtr, W. F,
Beyer, esq, A. J. Treer, Wm. O. Mar
Common Ceunell Jehn H, Baumaard.
ner. Jehn McLaughlin, Jeseph 8. Zoefc,
Joel a Haby.Phlllp Lebstltsr, K. T. Frslm,
T. Park pntbrle, H. H. Fey, T, O. WW y,
William A ffisbaefa.
Assessor J. H. Leenard.
Constable DanIM Gists, Ed. Barnheld,
W. B. Mlebsel. J. Ehrman.
Judge D. P. Kesenmlller.
Inspector B. B. Jsflsrlss, D. E. Au Au
eamp, Delsgstet The. B. Ooehran, Edw. A.
Sbubroekt, H. H. Roadman, M. W. Frslm,
J. Hareld Wlekerabam, C. B. Lehman, Dr.
M. L, Herr, Harry Heldenrleh,
Ssteet Ceunell Rlebard Apperly.
Common Council Pranda Rieae, Heary
Glazier, Jamea Sweester.
Assessor Joneph K. Derwsrl.
Constable Ernst Arneld, Henry Dsre.
Judge Geerge Kauffman.
Inspectors G, Samuel Flick, L. O. Pal
mer. Delegates William J, Smith, Uenty
Due, Jacob B. Prlee, Chas. W. Sehwabel,
jr., C. G. Sirlekler, Jamea R. Dasa.
Common Ceunell Jehn Snyder, Am
brose Bltxer, O. O. Dsllsy.
Censtable-Obaa. Msy, Jesss Nye.
Assssser Hsnry Nlchel.
Judge C. F. Quads.
Inspector Frank M. Derwart.
Delegates Jeha Snyder, l'alllp Stuxpr,
Chas. Bllzsnburgert
Select Ceunell D. E. Leng.
Common Ceunell Reuben Btrlsfleld,
Jehn Oressbaugn, O. W. Bltaar, Adsm Del
ist, Hsnry Beao, Jaoeb MUey.
Constable Heary Rutb.
Assssser Linn ta aa Rath von.
Judge ft Bsusrs.
Inspector Henry Gress.
Delegates Milten Swope, Edw. FaJJey.
Jehn Jacobs.
la Btamertara.
"Panties for theughU" are the flowers
we would lay upon tbe newly made grave.
In memory of Rete E. Herr. "And tbey
laid her te reat." The words are often
written thus, but, friends, tbey are aet
true. Ah i Ne. She waa net there. The
brave, aweet spirit thst lived, sad loved,
sad suffered, the earnest Christian spirit
that bore with sueh patient enduraneeall
tbe pain aud sorrow that eame te ber, tbe
unaelhih kindly spirit that had always a
thought for ethers, the brave, pure
spirit thst triumphed ever tbe frail
body, even te tbe bitter end, ti wss net
there. The bind of the. Father of Infinite
mercies touched the shackles of flesh and
bade the purlfied spirit enter Inte life. "
Reverently we would pause, for la It net
written, eye bath net aeen, nor car heard,
neither have entered Inte tbe heart of man
tbe things which Ged hath prepared for
them that love Him. " Standing en the
further shore, theae who have leat their
loved enea can only wait and trust And
" Why should they net, fiein tbatmysterleas
We mticall "death" gala larger, ampler ran go
Te serve, as Oel's high ministers of geed,
Why net through slumbers sneak.
Stere tian our vrakenaa senses dirjdtebear;
Why mt, from sorrow's cheek-.
With unseen Segers, wipe away the teaxT
Why steall they nett Ob, am and unrc
veiled I
Uh) Inner from the enter sight cencealed I
W a wander still along the mist-hung river
That rolls between us nnd tbe dread forever;
And te Its wavttstbattliseur shrinking test,
Our vagae untutorel questionings repeat ;
And yet no sound
lirlugs answering ecte from the dark pro
found. Why should they net T Ob, nnlrcrial will I
JJtdlIsestrarge quelle of our fceatti "Ha
Teach us tbe trust which spurn the creed of
And epans wide doubt's interposing gate I
Iheu, Us all rather I We, thy children,
With upturned hand receive both 111 and
Undoubtleg still, till, crossed ihensrrewtise,
All It made p'atn upon the ether tlaa."
Pars el a Cotten Mill Burned.
Webcxstxb, Mass., Feb. 8. Tne River
dale cotton mtll.ewned and operated by tha
Paul Within Manufacturing company, was
damaged by fire st 0 o'elook this morning,
tothsexteatetMl,000. At least 160 aaada
w ,,. w- ---m-.-, , w - - - .
aaa tsuewa m aasBMrrgasmt t tM bn
Of ta tnaase naskHsg MtVl
" v siaaia srev street
atata-uaaer Dealers BaBsved tat I
Useaes TaxOfOae Haaatsd Dtasaav
- V
Habbmbqbe, Feb. a-la taa)
te-usy bins warn faverseJy
deereaslBB tha aDDronrlatlea te tha I
Oalrurgleel society from Ue.OOO te I
appropriating aw.oee te Beheal 1 1g
Art,of Philadelphia! Senate hill , ,
naauueai seaoeli sxetadlaa aata
ertmwel eeurt; snaking Mew YssaV
raary m. Mar Mia t Mesaartai nasi! ;
4th, sleeUea day, TbaaksgtvlBC Day
vuisncaaai tesju aeiiaaya, aaa
halt hdMays from Jaaa u ta Baa
Anether Mil faverablT laaaaasd
tum anmaai aaivsrsary Of IBS) I
uew or ueorge washtagtea asn
BlUs ware la trod Bead law tha i
dlreotera aad overseers of aha
superlBteBdeata of alawbeasea er
aaea at state oeaveatlons of dlreotera ej
peer sad satherlalsa theadlatant
as well aa the Inspector genera!, te
a'ata troops, !'
Taggart of Montgeassry, aasda an
ucosssiaisBento nava tha
dui ptsesd ea the ealeadar. 4:
uioeaa atietapssa te putawauiwi
veat tne printing aad pasting of i
aireular en the calendar. Ilssetai
fata. Adjourned until Meaday
Baldwin aad Smith, of the) La
members, voted te place tha dreaaai
dui en in calendar. Banes: voted
end Catchall, KauffaMa end
, jkaansaaBi lamvaa arssr.l
uouseeejourasd aad will have hhi
rsoerded ta tha afflrsaaUva. .,;
la tha Senata Hlaes. of Lsmbbbt. kt
duoedtwe MUa by request eanef wu
provides mesas te eeetpei laXUeted i
rations te appear la oeart,aal thai
twoaibHaaregglstsrrcaa seUtag i
pereeas anises en a afswrlpttea at a i
clan. .
Tha bill for tha anTaraaaaal i' i
dues of the third class was -T;i
ported with ameadsnals,
elause which prevldss for taa
aad re-asssMmaat of eesta far"
Imprevemeata already aaada j
tae mil te imprevemeata in i
structlens or beteatter te ba aaatla.;;
slight ehaags wss made aa ta..
power of two-thirds of oeaaauatai
the pavug of parte of streets i aal
dealers were relieved of a it
eaa buadred dollars, whleh tha Mil
eame from tbs hobos rsqalrM
psy. Adjearasd aaW Tasey arthaa .
T Ssy la Ossgasssi
Wasbimotek, D, a, Faa V
Bonate te-day tha aaval
bill aad taa forUBeatlon apatMiattaB
ware placed ea tha ealsaaar. J :?.
Mr. uaaadisr's roeotBRen as ta '
cmeerseiaimawas agreea ta, ea
of Mr. Flaasb the Oaaaa hUl ta )nat
or sstusrs ob taa um atetaea nvar
Iowa was takea ap, It was psawl. ft
Tosueuss aaa agrasa iota
report ea tha Mil for tha relief ef
Merrlweather of Ksateehy. mr
appropriation Mil waa takea ap ta
mltte of tha whole. -
Nbw Yerk, Fab. 8 -Tha oeroBor's wtl
aBtaBSSBBsaj sjjbbs aWWwVJaT. "
ta tae esse m aaoue waa, taa striBiag an
ear employs who waa kUlsd en Ta assay mVk
during sn sttsek by tha striken of a atssaal
car,te day brought Ins vsrd let thst MeOeweaVJ
eame te his death from a pistol shot at Its)
bsnes of oraeer ranyder. xu juryi
meadad tha efflcer, tha oeaiassar
driver of tbe ear for their herete seaanal MJ
repelling tba mob Ut Ita attsek aa tha ewsf 2
mu HussnuN soeaa uwbb au sasaaass j .
Tha LiabuiMM a utwa sTsliar
Woedsboli,. Maw.. Fsh, 1 Tha warhav"1
of the Padfle Guane eempaay hsswwtanVj
attached yrateraay ey tna Lyaa lasswasa;"
for ssviaga aaa taey nava sssfgasa M Jeaalt
c. Ropes, of ocstea. Liastutiea
11,000,000. Tba eempaay's
are at Boatea, sad besides tha werfea ,
vmj siavw anniw sn jipbiimbi, at. v. I
works at uoausaiea, b. v.
The seUing sgeate at tha
Gllddea and Oertls of Bosten who am
derssrs of their paper le a large aaseaat i
are Involved by their fslluresad aaaysssT!
Feaeh Tress la bTtB Blasts 'J
Dkktew, Md., Feb. &-TaepraaMteai?
saspbas dlapirlted tha passu gieassah;
tbu section. The pravteaaiy aaud
msdstbs peach buds a wall sad 1b aaa as--.
ehard tome of the trees were la fall saeaaa. -'
These tbe cold has killed aad II la A
thst all tbe budding trees are Boomed. ,
A. B. uoeBia, taanter ei taa niiaergi
Ktavated rillread. NawlTerk. la -'
te bave abeoended te Canada with MbbK
150,000 te 170,000 of tbe company's aaeasy.
Jeha H. MoDeaald, nn iissssssilBa ' 1
timni man of 23. ths ticket takar at LhA'"
world's museum In Bosten, haa UaerttaA
1100,000 under ths will of his nasi, Llaat-?''.',;
Governer J. B. MoDeaald, of Mlsblgsa.'; T
wee was siiusa iu a railway aeetassat ns:
January 20.
A Uh ft a si il nst BAaalaaaaaa Baa .
all. ABmias M9UMwmvl V vwvfaBKBtuBSja nVWef4
was burned te death la her bed laat Bight V
under olrcumatanees wbien point te .
dar. Her son Jehn, who was found aslsta SI
la a drunken stupor, In a roemsdJolaaBar
hla mnther'a. was arrested. Ha waa u-misS
drunk te talk. ,
xue uuimw j,Af9 . um sati'j
rsrneu-a nasuiu ta vary jukuhws aaa saaa , !
tha earrlaaa of bis pbyslelaa ta often aaan J.
at tha deer of bit villa front whaaswla
Irish lssdsr seldom emerges of lata. )
AilO pwiuwai waft. Mivupvenj ITT ShSy J U
ths nomination of Carrell D. Wright, of ;F
Msscnuteit. te de oemmissioBsr as aaanav , i
receiver of publle moneys at North Tsnaantt'
a.I H. sVa Vaiaaa bIabSbi av a- ,(
Jar. Ret, oelorsd, wbb hanged at Mxi
thlsmernlna at Branteaburv. Kv.. far
murder en April 0:u last, of Mr. Beatnuntl
Rhodes, a wealthy bachelor. Robbery was) : .j
iub uiuuin . y
-ins trial ei aaiesasi aissiue, auaa jtasa
Noae Mlks, at WUkesbarra. Pa, la rspteUy- ,
approaching a oeadBsioa. aiaewiiBtsisay
wers sxammsu was aaus-uBa- ""w(g
Oaet Llndaa. will take the stead aad teaa 3
the murdsrers oealestloa. i ,
t.-A-m - Wmwm mUm Ciiim. WT.-Jm
n. -rt- u.l -mIiu. had ftmftki Sua. mm '
iU . " .. w mt j ;
k.i. hxrnjiH aa tn ran ltln aaaiiwlaslasi "'
. ... , .t.-ii- M mji ui i-m ii.-?5'1
WOUB BBTISBi sua u mmmm mwmmm ji jj
wbeat doming were eavoiepea w
fltmet. Thsladywaaiessvsreiyl
tnsteier Oaaatr's w Jadsya.
Habrisbube, Fab, & Oevsraar J
thlamerniax appelated Taessssa.
Judge of Obeatar soeaty, hs bubb as mm rei
Fathsy, dseessed.
bb WASBinareB, O. a, Feb, &-
Bastarn PtBaaylTsBla : Baav, i
wsrmer, saaterly whssa.
sssiwswsa.t ,
.-.V"" -"