"V.itrWiKra -s.r T ' ' :: iiW$ifC.s "l.W?? ". " .-. i&. i. a., 's ,-,- vnn1 fif0" r7t ' WLT ' 1 seyis i VOTB IjANrASTEB PAHiY DgTEBlMQlC TUESDAY. FEBBUABY 5, 1889. 'i- ' ? i4. -r '-. i ' MMW Lee ha the eaewfeHe aad fella Oa the tare kMiMtf Hi the tetd pay walls i TBI every kwk ea the ret sat sawss With, asef, White WUNlt BOM Ut BaS Till erarr tils neea il en inlina. wMla atllew Mi teUMI teaa t Ae tie eatldren erf te the ashes that an hked Frees thewtatrysky o'er thewlatry want : i M ob I tell whether, aa we tare heard. Tee an eta the feather et seats let Mid That eta Mjther Ueese, wham aha hWe tar dneks ter old rather Chrlsfaa. p'uehs ait plaets I, Orareyea wee piece of wool that Are, Whea they eUp the clead aeaeesea Cleadlatd Tep, or aaew, dr enew, are your flakes the a aware That fl utter be! w te thlt e irth of ears. Frem the gllttertag sjerlaads the Bagels weave ia eur er-atanaaa treat atera is ere I" The ene w kisses, ta answer, the lattery Baas, Then-darts- daacer la air again. -Alrrd rtrttmt Orates. At a hmae aad eat tie leUea tJelratlea nil ha pruren ltat-tt aa lnfetllbie reaiedy. It hia re erlTtd tbe heertr tBdoneaeaU ef taaay e:d ana weiMraewa keiiuaea. rr.'ee lleaataa beita. a Metbna. te aet let your dtrttsfi rater with the wheeplag eeaah whUe you lure a reaeeay e near at hud. flee Or. ftnll'e Ueagh Brap, aaa the iltte acffexer wlU axa aadreilai. rrieeDetaa. The CkaaVarW Tartar U the aparfeat te whlafc the unhapt y nf. rarer treat Inflammatory rbeeautleat Umc taal. li, ere tba erUla of pala lareaehed,. that Aaa anrnttra, Beatttttrt aHeataak Bitten, la ued by perteaa of tiraaaatle tendeney, ainek mnineniry eaferiag te reided. Nerrtnei, aaedyaca aad eadaUrea, while harln none bat a tpeelle eSeet, are yet varydMiraSleaiNaMM. Yeteanthtyproaaee aplaeUag efleet apea rEeamattek. heeeaee .9ie.iaT no power te eliminate freaj the t Weed the rheaaudeTtraa. HoitetUrtBtom HeitetUrtBtom HoitetUrtBtem ach Bitten deea this, and checks at the eutaet a dlieate which. It allowed te cam headway.lt It next te lmpei iibie te duledca or te de mera than rellere. Bbenaiatlwa, Tt tbeeld he - Bambered, U a diteaie with a fatal tendency from lu prenenesa te attack the heart A retort te the Bitten aheuld. therefen, be prompt Djipepela, kidney complaint. Wr teru BBa.DtrrewBtM an rtUtred by it, - - tiaptan eaMgnaramtead by Or. J. B. Mayer, an Arab, atreat, Fhiiadelphla, Ban at once, no operation or delay from bnalneaa, atteated by thenaandi of enrea after ethen fall, advtee free, aend for elrenlar. marui-lyOAw BPMOIAL Kerivmm. ealied te Prteen. .We feet ealied npontepreaehafewfcapel ftcte-faeti that are worth Jrnewlna. We want eTeribeay te enjoy all that U petfible la thla weila. we want all tbaee who are eafferlnf from rhenmatiam. neuraiyta, and all achee, tpmni and peine te knew lh rheeuu' JMe art OUIm an unfailing and splendid care. Cor aele byH. KOeehna, drnggiet, U7 aad 1 Merth Qneea street, ijmeaater. AM UNrOKTUNATB FBKSOW. The meet nntertunate person la the world is one afflicted with sick heedaebe, butt bay will be rellered atonee by naluy lir.Leslle'sapeeUl rrrecriptien. Me adTWiisement la another column (i; 8i.BBFi.aMU) KiauTs. made miserable by that terrible cough. Bhlleh'a cure la the remedy ier yen. Beld by H. & Oeehran, druggist, Ha 187 and IB) Henk Onnen Bt Lancaster, Fa. (t) Eapapiy,' This Is what yen ought te hay. In faet, yen most bare lu te fel'y enjoy lu Theuiandsare iearehlng ter It daily, and mourning because they And It net. ThenssnOs! npen thousands of dollars are seent annually by ear people la the hope that tbey may attain this been. And vet It may be bad by all. We guarantee Urn Jtiectrie Bitters. If used according te dt rjetlensand the nte pertlstsd In. will bring you Geed Digestion and enst the demon Dys pepsia and Install instead Xnpspsy. wane emxend Aleetrie Bitters for Dyspenelaaad all diseases el Liver Stomach and Kidneys. Beld at bee and tl 00 per bottle at If. B. Cech- raa's Drag Btere. UT and IN Merth Qeee street, Lancaster, Fa, () Het a case. Het a ease of rheumatism, net a eae of neu ralgu net a case of lameness, net a ease of pain or aerale-notene-bas filled te go whea attacked by nema' Meltetrie Oil. Fer sale by H. a. Oeehran, druggist, iff andlta Menk Qaeen street, Laneester. Prem Olevslaed, Onte, CeTnes a let'er signed T. Walker, saying: "about six mentbs age commenced taking Berdeefc Bleed BUtr$ for protracted ease or lnmbsge and general debility, and new am pleased te stale hvre noevered my appetite and wonted strength, reel batter altegether.n rer sale by U. a. Cochran, drnggisu U7 and W North Qaeen street, Lancaster. COCGH.WHOOPlNUCOUOUana Bronchitis ImmedlatelyrelleyedbyBhUeb'sCure. Beld by U. B. Ceehran, drutrgUt. Mea. U7 and IS) Hertk Queen su Lancaster. Fa. (I) A Berap of Fapar Saves Her Lite. It was Jnst an ordinary senp of writing paper, but It saved her lite, hbe was In the last stages of consumption, told by physicians that she was lueurablu and could live only a ebon timet she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper sbe read et Dr. King's Mew Discovery, and get a ample bbttle It helped her, the beugbta largM bettle, It helped her mere, bought another and grew better last, continued lta use and 1 new strong, healthy, reiy, plump, weighing Its pounds. Fer f uliar particulars send stamp te w. II, cele. Drnggisu Fert Smith. Trial Bettles of this wonderful Dli eeverv ree at H. B. Cochran's Drug Btere, 117 and 1M Merth Queen street. Lancaster, Fa. W r Honesty the lieit roller. In edyertlitng a medicine it la beet te be bonetdiejpUon will never defc the people won't stand It. Let the truth be known that Burdock Bleed BUtiri cure scrofula, and all 'eruptions of the skin. Tals medicine Is sold every when by druggls's. Fer sale byH. B. ceehran, druggist. In and 19 Merth Qneea street, Lancaster. - What Can't Be Oared Most lie Badared." Shis e'.d adsge does net signify that we mnst sutler the miseries of dyipeptla. when a medi cine with the curative properties of Burdock Bleed BUtfi is available, it la one et the most substantial and reliable nmedkssild today. Fer sale by U. B. Cochran, druggist, 17 and 1 Merth Qneea street. Lancaster. i rill lain Ilia am Id fin rule Wnilaaa ores. Ulcers, Bait Bheum, Fever Beres,Tetter. Chapped Bands, Chilblains. Cerns, and all akin eruptions, and positively cures Files, or ae pay required. It uguarenteep te give per fect saUatectien, or money refunded. Fried eeaupoxbex. Fer sale by B.B. oeehraa. Druggist. os. 117 and 1 Merth Queen street, THAT HACKING UOUQB can be se quickly 1 1 abileb'a enre. Wesmarantee s n. eeia by H. K. oeehran drugglsLMes. 117 aadlSJ SOnS WNS b UDDWWi n. Ill 8111 LeU's CUUGU and oensumptloa enn la sold by us en a guarantee. It cures Cen sumptien, bold by H. B. Cochran, druggist, Mea. 17 and IS) Merth Queem at; Laneaster, Fa. (i) ' Bpent ruty liellars In doctoring far rheumatism before I ttled Tkemat' Atlictrie OU. Used a 80 eent bottle et tals medicine, and get out in one week. Fer burns and sprains it is excellent." J as. Dur ham. Bast Pembroke, M. Y. Fer sale by tt. B. ceehran, druggist, 137 and 158 Merth Queen street, Lancaster. ill Mothers I U An yen disturbed at-sight aad brekea et ear rest by a eick child suffering aad erylag with the aicrnelaUng pala of cutting teeth t If ae. go at once and get a bottle et MBS, WIMSLOW'S SOOTBIMU 8YB0F. It WlU ra lleve the peer lttUesuffarer lmmedlately-e. pend apea lti then la ae mistake about It. Than Is set a mother en earth who has ava used It, who will actum you at eaee that tt wlU ragnlate the bowels, aad give rest te tka mother, aad relief and health te the child, operating like magic It te perfectly safe he nee ta all aaaaa aad pleasant te the taaa, aad la thaprcaertpUea of aae et the eldest aad beat fn-'t physicians aad nnrsee ta the United tataa. sold everywhere, ifleenU a bottle. meylMydAw OOALi T UMREK AND COAL. JLi TOBACCO SllOOKb AND CABBB. WBSTKUM UABD WOODS. Wholesale and Ketall, at B. B. MkttTIN A CO, . 2t Water sUeet, Lancaster, Fa. BJ-lyd TJAUMUAJJDIKBK'B WHfABTC, GOAL DEALERS. Osnea-Ma US Hertk ass Berth Frtnee street. aaa Me. Tease s-Berth Frtnee Street, a7l LAMOASTBB, FA ' - . n HAVK YOU UHKD TUKNKW HAND. herctaitf Extracts. Austrian Violet and Flerida Orange Bloisem. These, with oden like Mary btuart,Fede a. Fend Lilies, Clever Club and ethers lust as rich and delicate, give a variety that wlil suit tie meat fastidious taste. A large variety at MUBLBl'SOBUBSTOJU. WMtJUaUitmt, TM1 BUBsA AftIU.1. THIOLDDOOT 0; PwwMeai.aaalani eatefaalaaaia Hi aa thetaereaeed dssatad far AMaaaetvee. atkj new well kaeatAntetfttBeelBa an tee. set te ever ahaaaaaaa. abeaAaaee, kaitJefbiMrMy et the Kla ea,aBy waTI aftaiiie thai Be save at se ial lealnaa aa Ayereaer I fAisstrsaai MaAlakaa aTaapayw lINVnalBOT aaeanna, Meek itfehL rhUe,tBtnhlagke eere wwaM aharH Beta new wMaaf We aaagM taeiijfl i. aad were teu shet ta XXufSwSK ry. Ayefa Bareapamla betae Recommended " aeareau etaera, wa need it with aiarvaieai raaalta. Tea mm -- aasrThaaltn auaA swwaeth readily MaraetV W. J. Anaatnaw U lad Ayer'a ffersaparria as Mh Ma remedy for tba cure of Mced dial ataaanee it, aaa it does the wan stii. racer, m. w, seas "We save fold Ayer ererthlrtvvean. aad I " Ayaca saedlelaaa eeatteae te he the atsAj. art rises alia la apita et au eeapettUea.H T. W. Bltkaaeaa. Bear Lake, Mleh. Ayer's Sarsaparillai Dr. J. O. Atst Oa, tcy4l, -- FTjeeeitiiibeittee.as. WartbttabetUa. fsbJtell . I TK. SOHKNOK'S MBDIOIHKS. DR. SOHINOH'3 J' i SEAWEED TONIC Has no equal in natun aa a tbnleg and putl fylng agent. I BECAUSE ! Ithelpatheworker theMandnkaFlUa, Hustalns sysums weakened by elarase, j Fresei ves the tone of atematk, Uver aad bsw Pnrifles and enriches the bleed, Kaeeurages anpeute and helps aatrltlea, Braeee the organs till they aet naturally, i Bauds and itrengthens the whale man. De net. fan te tend for Dr. Behenek's new and admirable treatise ea .the Luaws. the Liver, and the stomach, with their diseases aad cure. It abounds la excellent Informa tion, aad will gtve you Ideas about these vital organs and the laws of health yea never had before. Sentfree. , Dr. Fchenek'i Medielnei. i rVLMOmO BTKTJF, SBAWBBD TORIO, n.... DBAKBPIU.l FCBKLT TKGBTABLB, Anfor sale br Drurglt ts. Full printed dine tlns with each paskdge. Adcrnaa aU commu nications te Dr. J. tf. Bchenek A Ben, FhUav delpbla, Fa. maylMjdAwf s. as. f SWIFT'S RPKnirin h rnrAJI mane atnal llgnant b reeking out en my le, which eaused intolerable pain. It as called Kcsema by the doctors lour of whom treated me with no re lief. I candidly confess that x ewe my pres ent geed health iflH.r.5, wbtcb la my esti mation la Invaluable s a bleed remedy. , atiea jelialbwitt, He 1 17 H. 10th St.. eu Leuis, Me. , Our baby when two months old was attacked wtihreiefula, whleh for along lime destroyed her eyetlghtenttnly and caused us te despair ether life. The doctors tailed te rellere her. andwegaveewiFT'e bpboifie, which seen cored her entuely, and ahe isnewhaiaand hearty. bs.v.dblk. Will's Felnt, Texts. sar send for book giving history ef Bleed Diseases and advles te autferers. mailed frea.l . THBbWirTBFBOlFIOOO, ' (4)Tu,Th,B Drawer J, AUaata, Qa H UMPHREYS' BPK01F1C8. HUMPHRBYfl' Da UcursseTS' Bnoiriee an scientifically aad careluuy prepaiea prescriptions i used for many i ears in private practlee withsuo withsue withsuo eats, and for ever tstrty years used by the people. Bvery single Bpeclfle la a speclalctue for the disease named. These Specifics cure without drugging, purgln or reducing the system, ad arefe net and deed the bevsbbiqh BsKscisserTn Webld. List of Principal Hee. Cures. Price. L Favaaa, congestion, Inflammations 9S t. Weaaa, Werm Fever, Werm Celic ..SB A CariaeCoue. or Teething of Infants... .as A Di.nanaa.ef Children or Adults at 6, Dtbbbtsbt, Griping, BUleus Colle B. CBOLBaa Meaars, Vomiting SB 7. Cocoas, Colds, Brenchltl IB A Nbubaleia, Toothache, Faeeache as A Haanaeaa, Sick Headache. Vertigo SB 10, DrsnTsia.BUIousBtemaoh SB 1L BoTraassaner FarnmFaaiens St 11 Warrae, tee Prefnse Ferleds SB is. Caecr. Cough, Difficult Breathing SB 14. Balt Khstm, Bryslpelas, Brnpuens .SB 19. BBatrstATiea, BheumaUe Fains SB W. fbvbb aud Aeca, Chills, MalarU B0 17. Filbs, Blind or stieedlag. at 18. Catauui, Influenaa, QeB In the Head... .te se. Waoerne coves; Violent coughs be at. GasBSAt Deattrrr, Fhyatcal Weakness.. M S7. Knurr disbisb.. .,,,,.. ,.;, te tB.HaavoeaDBBiUTT.H....; u saoe n. yaiBARTWBAaBsss, Wetting Bed.;. m Dubasbs evtsb Bbabt, Faipitaaea....ti oe Sold by druggists, or snt postpaid ea re ceipt efnrtce. Da. HnMraaars' Maacat, (1M pages) richly bound In cletb andtgeld, mailed free. UUMPUBKY8'MBDlClMBUe7l Ful ton su. m, y. 8PE01FI03. Tn,Th,BAw(S) - R?.?JJii IQH A MABTIM. ChiDi, Glass and iQneen&ware AT- CHINAHALL. Our B took for the Spring Trade contains aa usual the Best makes of White Btene China Beml Foreelain or French China In the mar aeu Plain or Decorated, In Tea, Dinner or Toilet tets, at the Lewest Prlees. " ; Our assortment of Glassware la large, and contains many New Patterns aad Designs. Our stock el Lamps ts large. AmingltwIU be found the Becheatar, which has ae supe rier. Persons wanting a new outfit, replacing or Oiling up sate, will And tt te their advantage te give us a call. High & Martin, Ne. 15 East King St. eeua-Ud runs, ac. pUBLIO MUTIOK. TUB Second Big Gut -OH ALL Fur and Winter Goods. Never Eeldat Such Bnrpnslsgly Lew Figures. BOBE8 Lewer than Bver. A Mice, Fine JAPAN WOLF BOBB at tltJ. Cheapest ta the city. r LADIBS' FDBI. MBR'i OLOVJU, COL LABS, Ae, at and Belew Ceat. Men's HATS aad OATS at tee la Large Aa- aertment. Leaden et tow Prices In TBOHKS aad TBAVBLIMO bags. ssyaighett Caih rrleea paid for Furs, ive for Beat Muikrau. Stauffer & Ce., SI sa KerU QeatMi Btrtwt, LAM0ASTJUt,rA, A S&!JT Saiaaaarma awn tar pA JTi'daiJaKt OOMFOUKD. IT MAKES YOU HUNGRY. I hare eetd fataa'a Qatary eaaapaaat eat ft has hat a. ealatary eflttt. M aavtaeaaus taeyeteaslfeelHaa aewaaaau It let peeves the appetna as faeuttetee titeauea." - 'J.r. Ceaauaa, rrtatae, a. a. Palntj't Clry Compound Ja: jhHa Tea and AtpeUser. Fleaeant Hwwii.iwia lie aeciea,aasi wnaias '." vwrmi, n aivae uses reave teste geed. di'eilaea. djipepsla and fcWirew preeettee it, ai.a. su nrts.ee. tTMlLt, BieABDS?H A CO, BaMagtaB, " Tt. IWssj Celer aasthtag aay eeter. N" MevwFeJJslllwayaSunl -r our LJJAQJM BROTHstR. r i ! aaaaa Csyaieiaaa aJaMjWavlal ' LADIES' WINTER CLOAKS ! 4 4 TBS LABT MASK DOWN. flush Coats, Plush Wraps, Plush Jackets, Cleth Raglans, Cleth Jackets, ' Misses' Havelecks. te cost fler ftm thU t- lh balncef our Winter QarmenU wlUieut ttgtrd ' PRICES TO SUIT 9T EXAMINE THEX.& HAGER & BROTHER, 25 rVest King Street. gAHDAMeELHOr. Bard & Net. SS acd 15 Built qiSM BInet, ySilTJnAH1'",wlnacw a each. FlaiaorDade. waTirB.utzEt9SJ?!M W16?? C"1 wkiofceanttebeat at the prlee anywhere. JiS5 T12 5R.'5? J t0J yeawelf. Ingrain Carpets at V, n. tl. I7K cent? and up, WhUe SSSSKaifcM.tii.p.l2?ei!Jlll, wt L?f? yourattaaueao our as andftu cent JfTA ?.,ffl?TtTtag ever Mtered atom prlee, aad the patterns an beantllul. stair carpet at ia. is. lO.ti rents up. Hall earpat front Se up. asst careet at sa s nisasB ?.!i.?--.'t,i:.!?ee!5u,?, OarpeBte. Bs Stair &rpstaadi Sim &net evii a yard wide la wool or cotton stripe. Carpet Begs taken lnexehaege. TMeadAiUwtS OUCIeilfc T .nS5IIJS.5S5?itw,iT" "w In stock the beat selection of Panting for Summer wear la iiSiJh5?.Si?b.n3r.fri'll,ftP,uP bten rm weather u ben, will de well te SJt".KI'L,i5Ju,liTatX0o-BMtP,,OB,,Ha.geod heavy goods at pMeei next grade gtJSirbtrA.. as1MeiAS5few."nlT,CPJn,Moth8rD1aefthoee extra heavy Qlnghau Bemaaata.at SU". iSt K.Ui,,i!on,.er ;.6ast bargains we have ever efftredjend se de our eustemeri. some buy 80 aad 0 yards at one time. Utavy yard wide Unbleached Muilln Kemnantiatswe fltSiSEWRHfW- ""nsLhammTanuat7oie?th5?. The Ast te Kl CoMea' ta the e-ty, fsTyaMa en aaah spool. Mew Drees Ginghams, at aC, te and up. l "" aay'thuIplll'bBjm ;. ""' 0a " bHi rU,M, tot ,hert tlm9 m)r- "en " Bard & McElroy, Nee. S3 and 35 Seuth Qaen Street, Oppeeite Fountain Inn. H OVSBKBEP1NQ QOOD& METZGER & HAUGRMAJ5 CALL ATTIRTIOK TO TU41B FULL LINK OF Housekeeping Goods I AT BOTTOM PRIOE3. BbMtlBflB. Pillow Oaalnsra. Tlelrlnsra far ffsalhsM nnrf. umii.. n OeuatsrpAnssj, Oomrerta Bad BlanketB. aiattiKuu me sew pnessi. 1st ttstvc ctwtun uutsxi fdatuarfl. Metzger &Haughman, Neb. 38 ft 40 WMtKlng Strwtt. Lancaster. Pa. BSrOFFOSITB THB JMWMLMT. TT. & bheadh a bem. We desire te call attention te our large variety et STABLE WARE.I Bterlleg SUw Table Waie, cernprUlna; the Utest patterns et Spoeru, Ferks, Knlres and Celd anrf Het Dish Services. BACCARAT GUSSWARE. All the sizes et Glasses and Decanters. Housekeepers will find a ehesp line for everyday use In the Standard Plated Wares. Alse Dining. Beem and Kitchen Clocks. .BwIrUigUaU kinds by cttnpetent workmen, and all work warranted. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, JEWELERS, Ne. 4 West Kins Street. OAMrmr BAKUA1HN I SHIRK'S CARPET HALL BOB WILTON. VBLVsaT, BODT BBUSSBLB. Tapestry, Ingrtln, Duutk and Venetian, R ind ChilQ Cirpeli, i OIL OLOTBB, WINDOW SHADES, tfe. We lutwa tae Issvgean aad Beat atoek la the Otty. H. S. SHIRK & SONS. Den Wart Kief ul Witar Stmla, Uncutir, Fa, rilOTOOHAPUU. QDR ILOO A vSOZKM Ctbiiet Photographs are'steanted 00 Fine Geld Serrated Amen cie hteanta. Twe SUUegi AUewcd ea All Three U eiler Werk, AT ROTE'S, MO. 60 1-3 MORTH QUBBN ST. . .. wextDoertot'uePostoffloe, jaaT-tatd i snmstaaasa Baahaaiai ta sash a sa IftrllsM naaaa asM Vkasilalaaal shaaiaakW. aw saeew awei cwaesi wasjp aasare wesSBan. VI sssspsyV eSSBBj left the aerraa all fagged eau The aervee meat he atreagtheaea. tka ktead parlded, liver aad bowels regelated. Patae'e Cslery OampaaBd-the Bpriag meatatM et today data all this, as aetMsg else eaa. Fnsetlbed by Physicians, Kseemsaeaded by Druygiste, Baaateed by Mtnlatecs, Saanateat by thu hUaaJsctaren te be Hm Bt 8iii MetUelM. HIathe rprtagrttlirriwaaauraadewa. i would get up le the merateg with ae tiled a feeltsg. aad was se weak that I enald karety aw aremma a oedko nwi w rainee vl ery oeeatesad, end .befme 1 kad ukea it a weak I felt very much better. I aaa cheerfully reeemsaend it te all whn need a batdlag np Mdetnagthentegjaedtctne.'' " uttTB. a. Dew, BnrltagtOB. VL UcWfci fbei WVttt&VSygjZr'' aoeDM. PURCHASERS. McElroy, OBBWite FeaiUlm !. aradta, Spring Ffxtntei, Full Site, only tee BsvgBinB In Table Linens, TewbIbJ OOOPBB HOCBB. w i ( m van maia. BAUUA1HH I BiercLKu. 010YCLKJ,TRIOYOI.K8, TAUDKaU. COLUMBIA Bieyclet, Trleyclet, Tandemi, DDBABLB, SlhtFLK. ODABARTBBD B1QBBBT SBADB, ILLCBTBATBO OATALOUUB tMU. POPE MFG. CO., 7 fBABKLIN BT., BOSTOH. BBABCH HOOSKS-11 Warren 8t, Bew Tersr i M Wabesh Atb- uhleage, FerealabyJpus.sOS3iu7sja 1 Kerth treat, geiaiubi. aut-lyaaea mneQMMiwB. JjjITXMr JTaJbULT OTJIiO UN CAM AmDt MILD COBHD Aat. TkeF.Sehesaakar Mew.Preeaaa Flearpr. heuaeed the kertavar piasJedupW tka sear. we asake pekaUM ef FIM1 TBAS,aa heiee ul sVv a ana Mdch a oeffII. beat leecesTeeU the etsy. AUwaaahte atMUerder. ae. wisBt. He, ut West Atag a tree, leeda leilvered. c MKAP OKOOJBK1M. Selling Off Belew Oeit Tea. ws are f-eiiregOkT Belew Ceat ta Bedaee ear Steek. Mew la the Uata ta bay Oaaaed aad Dried Fralte eheay. We have aa laaBeaae ateek, ear pnaetpei bread helag DBW IBOF, whleh wa aula leads Ua world. Ten, (Met. led Sigin. TBAft-iBspeila, Oolong, Japaa, Teaag By. eea, endues lets t Beglteh Breakfast tee la thaelty. COFFBBS-Try ear Java aad hteeaa Ce tea. Alse the Beat Blet aad Lagaayra la ateek. UQAJUatceat. Sugars at Cost. araiva us a tbial okekb.-c W.A.Eelst&Ce, OROOMM, Cor. kst Kief Ukl Dnki Stmts. AT BURSK'B. CISCO HERRINQ. Aaether Involee of theie Sn htrrlag jnst rpee'l wa t gire theat atrial. Flee Large Fat htaeherel. Beaeleas CedSsh. BTiLLfeUBi.iPr of these rplsaatd can. dies that told at tee a pound t hew islllag at Xoapeund tiwrareablg bargala, praagas, Lemens, Baaaaai, IWalte Srapsa, e, Saratoga Chips. gDntubheaO, rintappla, BapssgsiaedCrsua BURSK'SI NO. 17 EAST DNQ BTRUT, LANOABTBB, FA. rroe much soap and tee makt A UANKBD UOODS. REISTS Bargains Fer the Nut Thirty Dy. BBAO VBUY OABBFOLLT.SO TOO FULLT UMUBBBTAJID. SOAPS. t Large cakea BarekaSeap for net 0 Large Cakas Beat Boapier 4100 ae cakes LltUeUtaat Bea at Lane Cakea Bleaehar aD WfMUMnmilll .Seap for......,...i rer,. be Large cakeeTem. uiek aaa Berry Sety.il te 10 Large Cakes Beady Beav for .tits Large cakascireaa soap ter net M Large Cakes Star soap ter J100 M Large cakes Aeme Seap for .Mae SJ Large Cakea OlslaeBeep for si 00 Large cakes auii.r Borax reap for tioe JS Large cakes True foapter .....,. 00 j Large Cakes Snow Flake Seap ( White) .11 tt at Large cakes Bbsesp for i.aioe 2 Si't"" LT0JT "ap er it 00 tscakee Boke Seap for iiee IS Cakes Tar Boap t or ehapped heads, for. . tl 00 CANNED GOODS. 11 Cans Solid Heat Tomatoes for tloe 10 cans Feaehes for..... , 41 CO .! 'ni fasehes for, l oe (Cans Cera for tlOJ ll(JansFas for ..1100 t cana HaiBoafer ,,, iioe J. FRANK REIST, WHOLBSALB AMD KBTAIL QBOCXB, Mertheatt Ceraer Weit Elag aad Priaee Btreets, , LABOASTBB FA. SayTelephene aaa Free Dellrery. WATOBM0. TTTATOHJSS AMERICAN ! Watches, Clocks, Jewelrr, Bpeea, Xya-Ola BtC, at LO WBBT FsUOBl. Optical Ooeds. Telegraph Ttate Pally. Bvery Article la this Line Carefully Bepalrad. LOUUWIIU, Bes IBM BT. Qneea st, Bear F. a. B. Btatlea. JKWKLBB AND OPTIOIAN, GILL. Jeweler and Optician. If your tjres trouble yea attend te them lav snedfately. The u.e of pbepbb OLABSBS restores sights, glrea comfort and pleasnre. Laneasur has long felt the need et aSFS ClAL OFTlulAM. 9 are new erenerad te BJtasnre your eyed, fltglesaes with the FBB CIBlON or am OUULIbT, having a fnU and complete outfit of ten leases repaired la per fect measurement BaturacueQ guaranteed In eyery Instance. OIAELES S. GILL, Ne. 10 Went King Street, LANUABTBB.FA. WOKD, WB ABB MOWOrrBBIKO AB LAKQX AMD F1BBAL1MBOF WATCHES AND JEWELRY As can be shown, and at LOWBB PB10B8 than haye ever boenqueled for goods of equal quality, COMB AND UB TOUK OWN JUDAS. Walter A. Herr, NO. 101 MORTH QUBBN BT., COBBBItOFOBAKOB. AFFUJUTJIFS. Iyvyw ' TUTHJtK & KAUKyMAN, ATTOBBBY-AT-LAW, saeeBd Fleer Bshleaaa Jw Balldlaf , Be. at Berth oaks street. Wittf M0OtW AM$MOi Q .OnaTOBTAlt Going te Stay. As t etmle aet eeetyute atyar raasaaaaata far the aaaaafeetarlag a Sheas at pieeeet, t wtu eea tlaaaaatheretelltaa et Beets aaa 8heea,aawtUaeatlaaeteglyayea sesas at .Nte twHtaitalas ta BOOTS and SHOES tka aaa eras beaa esferad ia tals atarhet, 1 have aat the yrleaa la aearty averythtag, aad U the aaev tMaaUay the greater the redae Mea 1 ae asaaa aatty aat we wUI try aadyiiaaayia. D. P. 5TACKH0USE, M a. M sUsff aturti.aT, XJUrOASTBB.FA. aBHydS). I0OTB AND BHOl Whit Cuh WlU De I It Has Baabled rata Bay it Caats et m Fairs et ChUd'aaadLadiee' " SHOES A GREAT SACRIFICE, Which were Made te Order for aaether am bntwhehada't the aaeaey te pay for taaaa wham they were ahlDeed te him 1 aad there beug aaaha large let of geeda with aaether Btaa'a aaata atastped ea taaaa they ware aeld te as at a raatsaerllcete thaasaaafaetatar. Aaaaa of ear taettastalwaya has beeaaleat salaa aad aaaaU predta," aaa eae of ear rales always has beea "te gtya'.eaeteaesathead. vaatagoefoaryarehaaa,"wa wtu aare yea tee, ttaorateper pair hybailag el Ola let BlyAlrs Child's Pebble Battea Baal sheea, with worked hattoahetaa, alsae Stel0M.Sl.0l per pair 1 wen.aaadeteaeuettl-it. It pairs Ohlld'aaPebble BattsaSprlag Baal Sheea, with worked battoaheles, alaea I te tftt tl.oeperpalrj ware aaaaa te aaU at aua. in pairs Ladles' OongeU Battea Opera Tee Sheea, saw per patri ware mode te sell at SO pairs Ladles' Doagela Battea Shoes, square tees, MOO 1 wereaeaAeteeellettBta, te pUra Ladles' Doagela Battea Sheea, with faaoytlpaadaquaretee,efweoi ware asaAate aaUattlN. Tl pairs Ladies' Pebble Battea Opera Tee Shoes, MAO 1 wareaaadetoaeUUtB.ea. It pairs Laaiaf Pebble Battea Opera tee Bheta,eat0 wantaadateaaUatatte, Tl pairs Ladlee' Pebble Battea Coataaea seaee Shoes, wtth iewheela,SlJ0 waraasaAa toaeUataue, 71 paira Ladles' :Psbbla Battea Cesasea sense Shoes, Stee 1 wareatadeteteUattUS. SBTWa have our show eaee la front of the store AlleA wlU these goods, with thepAece attaeaed, haewlng Bargataa Meat be aeee te beAppraeiatel. After theee goods are all eeia we oeald set guarantee aay mere bargains like tests, ae dea'tblaaaauslf yea fall te hay any of that let. The OsW-IaicB Csasi Hwate, & Taw iBsisTI Of LOW FriOM BOOTS 8c SHOES Ks p lut KlBg Stmt, LABOASTBJLrA. Ssrstera Closed Bvery Bvsalag at S Celsek Bzaapt Meaday aad SaMrday, MMATItHt. a eaj jssasaa ttaja -DUNN t BKBNKMAN'B OBLBIBATBU OLD STYLE Hand-Made Tinware, IS THB BEST IBTBBMABKBT. BABOAIHS IB STOVES ABD Heme Fernlihlnf floedi. Lamps & Chandeliers JaVPreapt Attention te Orders for Plumb, lag endues Fitting. FLINMBRENEMAN, Me. 163 Merth Qasea St., LAKOASTBB. aAMMlAVi STANDARD OARBJAOB WOBK. BDW. XDGERLBT, Xet, 40, U tl. Market street. Bear etFceV ofdea, Laaeasier, Pa, I new have ready for the Fall aad Winter Trade the dncet and most eeleet llae of Oar rugae aad Biaigba of all daaarlpUeaa lathe nsarfcet. . Bew u the time te hay a ales Carriage or Slelgb. special Bargataa ta BeeendHaiid Werk, both ankhederanSnlahed. .. . A tew mere et these aae Bead Carta left at prues te suit the times. . All work fully guaranteed. My priens for thesamequaUtyeI work are the eheepest la theetata. - . Please call aad examine ay work before go. lag elsewhere, llavttethe most crlUcal ex- Beaatrtae; and Bapalatlng premplly. av tended taw Owe est of werkBiea aspesltlly saiyiefeTtWwiMyaryeBe. FREY EGKERT TUATMLMtm mVMMM. L LBBABON lAJIOABTsW . I UaBBAlLBOAts. (',, F.tt, T,Um-l9 its aTeeeaee TW B.BW leeeeeeeesee 7-B M VWBlBBaeatseeeeeae fasBB 1.BJBJ XssssaVB. A.H. 9.BB. aeeeeeeeteee 7H tf ff leaeeeeaee 79 '5 keeeeeeaeeee 9 Caaeeaeeeeee tVesf ssttt HI. IstaBBBw fJsl til tAWitf.ynv0 WADIMO COLUMBIA Dl mmmssaM &YjmttJ3tt .SlSrlVlMIUiaBe feeaSaanyi ! uara uubUaVMA ? et:i ai'-T , b a bbbj s aaasj aa,BBBk BS.SB aaBaa SI Aaa asBBi a a lsisitt!aIiM,u wa m mxmm ansvasrr f 1 y.aa. , LlinllnHni . eS'JTrS" TBA&MB LBATB LBBABOB.r;;('' "hM?-aae.lseaTJI) awwwatTyyaueat7JsaBiaa last pat. BPSTPATTBAMS. nitMIBiwa.Binwa FecOarryTtUeaUiOpiBu ""'" TBA1MA LBAVB qOABBlTTLLI A "t t- wsuuste laavb bib bt. (Laaeaf reasiagaadLahaaeaiatattasaa mL. ';- FecQaarryytllaattJOpat. 'a' e x.aATA FAiaea bt. (Laaeag s?JtMtta' Msabeb attuiata FeruaanyTlUeatatifBs. jk . Tsuuaa LBAVB LBBABTOsT. ,,;: FflT f Aiinaaf r itia ZZimSmZl S"v terQaaimlllausAaM: " s" Bj tie7Luaaalaraaeakasra fc- tsa a 1 aad Lebaaea, see ataea tattsataU 'l,-' A.au wAfaaea aa DBBTNBTJLTANIA a. fMWBDObhv-ia essM taaaa Bey. iaets I Laadena t S-5: I 1HSA IB. gahBkBpyjBBBT sBtBBsBBjaeeeesel ysawasasai MftWmmfmmm sBmsfvbbI RKSF MsWtBjr emBBJUBBlea! tTsWDBirV ABBierasase mmb4 AMern... kaCaa. tm eVBjf ee e a e e e BfkrrtebvvCl5SlaB JAasBsVBfjaV AsMO0)tf s sj BuTrtthmiw rahya,: TUUMMM wAaa.eviMaj w OJUMAIJI XBDUOTIOM. ft- j CHAS. I HABER6USI 'ft (SHtYtlH.bsvfFlBhlSll.) (Si Wholesale Reduction fav . v. Te aaabla aa tomakereoat feaawraawssaaaa weareeaTsrlngBDeclalBergalaaU S1 rCMXOBBBL 'M FLUSH LAP B0BB8, m T.VTrlCT Wr T 0 -w sTUB QLOTBAV m mnt Hwa jt uw meeab 1. V ' LADIBS' FO0KXTB0OKB, i- . rv1cl riAnn nmmm ail 1 aaa VtW VJM VHU(UIB.n ANDBBLT8AT00BI, rt BetreabUtetheweargeaeaat Sim. Es llabeTbxiali1 . 4I . . rt.j NIDDLI. BLiBlBBBBf m TRUNK STORK Ne. 30,Otctra iQaara. LABOASTBB. PA SfrBign of the Oeiflta Bene Bi MAfJBlSBRT. HMWeMV t 8 ITKAM. BTKAhC Bngiaea, BeUera, ripe, Valvea aad liutag a 1 Asbestos and Bnbber Valy a and Bed Faektea. ,: Asoastee ana AUODer aaeet aaa auu-swsra Faeklng. VULOABBBTON aa.&&A.JB OaB Batsilswaaeei SVfkaa Dm! B sTaBaBB msewa?rhTsg ParawS atsHnasT at t.bi a aa. issa eaa aaa L -. rnrlsaaaiiistitMairhsas. T TBAUTB LBATB QVABBTTIUja a a -- aad. SI BA SBBBI a.. esakBaB WJfrTWABP. sPL wKEHP VAIIVBSVMasBFt e ) e m MrfRM ! --" - fig 'flTntsBTieaet BnsasBlBaaV&BBVBBPBBBBsi.... aBswawaaaawaaBawe fffa.aa. MSB. at. . UBBBBIBBiBBBJI sBMSfSBBI sCbsbaSbbbbsb aKSSSf JWPJJP wMkiti BWeeeteeet SJXSSmmmm Wm WSFaBBSBBBBB 'tS, T t mmmmcmBmmcsssasasacaameaBBalm ReiapayaBUAU sasva awwaasaeajan eiAeew a, aasasi say was j- ,.v Asbestos recked oeckftaad Asbestos Beaew.-. Steam Basra eaa aare aaeaey by baylag their 'MA sappisse mm . TmmiMimmtMwmanmmmttii tae east woees aaa iae iieweet rncee. a f nil llae of MaehlnA Cee and set 1 Blew aad BeoeBd-Haad Bat laee aad BeUera est' asjiakaadturelehed preaaptiy. " LIGHT OASTIBQS, By special arrangemeaU we are able ta:far aish Light wreyir enalitv and Flalah Iren CesUaani of Bansrlnr aad Flalah etLew Katee,ta Qaeati. Use. Alse, Brass .caaUngs of every desetiy-g tlea, tloeft Werk, Baaieaabls Caares,riesaawj Central Machine Works Itl A IBS NnBTR mTBTBTTSW .. iS'-'S? hAMiimmTA. M, MwassrFsjsjrMaBW B; - w w w BBBBsSssBsswSsBPaeaaaskj..BWBi aswatVsMMsksas'waawat 1 , QALL ABDBBB ROCHESTER LAMP Sixty rjeadisTlaatiBaaasthaat aB. iAtet aBBAFMBHBBfcejasaBi: ramunamn ,ii MBTAL MOOUHBB B BPBBBB (WaBSBB nTCSTOrD CTDID - ! BB BE A VEU A XVI A fstt?1; Aaywae aaaaawly it-aAweita asrat ATthrrwsria Jehii P. ScliaiLm ft mi 84 sVOOTH QUsasW Win dSBSBaBBStsSBBSBSBtgW wBay BBeahtm ; raaAsaSa'! ektaska c esteja) y aTahhaaev vl in it v J . . - ifc . jS&.