PTTagffflTO t- .,.1 J- J - .?. rltltBlrfif .- miatx ft 1 8tf 4 - -NO. 143. LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1869. PRICE TWO C wr 4r; -. fesvxviiMuniffimBninifi4rHAv a j. gjv am llAHUUUIUKJUaiKAKl V sTM aa. A. - s-i-? F l all nim 4) gfflnteiue.rm9 i ii i i r ,S W J" l Ml I I II , , VOLUME XXV saryi - SUES OF OLD AND NEW LKAr. vb btjmdbbe ei rAMU boom belb was ran frlef a raid IN Stew reseSMarMI by The eateaef teef tobacco by dealers the test weestred sbeat 609 esse. 01 MMaaaBeTlMweraBoldrivHerrA-Deaa. edassBjrtowaeM&te Freak PMttarga.aM m by Basset Bstaearhlge,e FseasisylUe, te Yeeea Brethers, of Xaaatajr. The tabase wm sold by Leaasstsr testers la assail tots. Brewaetela hM qatt baying the hew arm i Jee the pressat All ha severed waa 16 eases, which haa baea peeked aad ehlppefi. Taara have baaa Bems buyers teaklag al taa crops the part weskj bnt very little has beea purchased. Thara la still loe aiaeh difference of opinion m te the vslaeef taa tobaeoo between Mller ead buyer. Fans. an are disposed te BMkaa aUght noanaalea from tba prieM erlglaally asked, yet aet eaengh te ladnes taa bayara te accept. Dealers atUl atlntsa that thay ara willing te give all that tba laar la worth, bat that H weald befally terthaai te bay tobaeao at tae prieM saked, became tbey would hara te aall It at a low. Thay aay fanatra ought at wall aak 1123 par baahai for their whaat tatbkJ oeanty, whaa It la ealy worth eaa dollar la Philadelphia. Bales la Me ceaatjr. la taa vlclnlly et Kpfarata bat Utile to te to beoao ha bean aeld, Geerge HlbshMtahM dlapeeed of hlaorep of 16 acne, Havaaa aeed, te A. W. Msatsu-, at 17 eeeta through. Waa. .Merris has parabawd K eoreaef aeed leaf, from Jeha Wltmer, of Paradtoe, at 6X eaaU threagh. Mr. Jehn Blekart, of aear LtaeelB, Ephrate tewniblp, has aeld 2 aerea at Ha Tana te Samuel iBaarely, of IilUtt, at 15 eeata threagb. la taa neighborhood of BmlthvlUe, the following aalae ara reported : Aaaea Heea, 2 aerea aeed leaf te BeaJ. MaUtager, at 10, 2, 2; Reary Baahmaa, i aerea aeed leaf te earns, at 8, 2, 2; Jae. Haber, i aerea seed leaf te Highland, at 8, 2, 2; l aera te aaaja, at 10, 2, 2; Kara Geed, i acre Baraaa aeed te While, at 16, 2; Martin GoeJ, e aerea aeed leaf te Highland, 12 round, and 2 aerea Haraaa te aaaae, at 22, 4, 2; Jno. Berr, aerea Harana te White, at 17, 4, 2; Christ Heea, seed leaf at 6 round. Jacob Themas, Ooaeatega township, aead leaf st 0 round ; Jamee Cramer, i sores sead lest te BenJ. Mellleger, st 12 eents for wrapper. la Ban sad Vicinity. The oemepoadent at Hart writes ss follews: The tobteoo crop la this section of the oennty Is the best grows for years. Haull crops hsTa sll beea stripped, bat theae having large crops hare about one half te strip yek There hsve beea a few bayars looking up tht best orep'atrlag ap the rleke ler the grower but msklag thsss no offers. Following are a few leta bought by II. x. Peters for Brabsker: Chsrlss Qalgley, a sere Havana, 18,. 4 and 2 ; Jeha Keyler's crop Havana, 22, 8, 3 and 2; B. F. Bead, 1 asra seed lesf, 8 sad 2 1 Newton Brysea, 1 aera assa issf, 8, z sua a. Was. IilBTllle purehaaed for Wlloex the following leta : Jeseph Kemler, Ji-ftere seed leaf, 8, 2 sad 2 : Jeoeb Hantaan, 1 sere aeed leaf, 8, 4 and 2 ; htlehaal Beott, 1 acre teed lesr, 10 snd 2 ; Richard Gumming, l acre aeed leaf,8, 4 aad 2 ; Jeoeb Bauehman, X aere seed lesr, 8 sad 1. FereliaaM by Jehn H. Da Have. Jehn H. De Haven, of Honeybrook, who has bought 100 sores, reports the following purebsses : In Honeybrook tewnihlp,Oheeter county. G.,Glven, 5 sores, st 22, 8, 4, 1; Jas. Given, seres, 25, 10. 4, 1; G. Allen MeFetrldge, 2 seres, 24, 5, l; Ames Miller, i sores, 24, 4, 1; A. U. Greenlesf, 3 acres, 20, 8, 4, 1; Was. K. Given, 3 sores, 25, 10, 4, 1; Jes, O. Davis. S sores, 20, 8, 4. In BUltbury township, Chas. Spotts, 3 aerei, 24, 4, 1; J. B. Hurts, 1 aere, 24, 4, 1; (Abe Geed, 4 sere., "12 eents through! Wm. Delhin, 3 sores, 10, 4, 1. la Caernarvon township, si lltea Yohn, 3 sores, 23, 4, 1; Ivl Oe Haven, 3 seres, 25, 10, 4, 1. At Keaaelt Bqasre, Cheater oennty, Henry Paay, 7 acres, 28, 10, 4, 1 j' Chas. H. B Wayne, 2,scrts, 23, 5, 5, l; O.J. l,9venlte, 3 seres, 257, 2; Jenn B. Webb, 7 serei, 25, 4, 1; Pssehsll Werth, 4 serer, 23, 4, 1; O. J. Tetter, 3 sores, 22, 4, 1. Ttae ir.w Yerk Mark.t. Frem the U. 8. Tobacco Journal. Tbs market the psit week wss fairly active, though there Is no rush et business psrcapllble. Almest everything la la demand, but the Inquiries slier old goods forszpert purposes are rather mere eager ataea thesosrelty e! ssed leaf st the Eurepssa auurhsts hss beeems threagh ue mera generally known. Goods suitable for fine ssed fillers .find s rssdy sale, also fine seed lesf wrappers. We understand tbat there are aeme iota of aeleet Conneetlont Havana aad Houaatenio still In the market. The total sales el seedlesf for the week are net far from 2,600 eases. - Tba Sumatra passes out of the heads of ths Importers ss seen ss It gets ever the ordeal et the appralssmsnt What thla ordeal smeunts te Is made elear te ear readsrs in another place. It la net only the method snd tbs result of ths else. alfiestien whleh retards ths Sumatra bail, assa, buttbslmpoulbUltytegetitepprsised for months after lta arrival. Nevertheless ths sales ran up te about 000 bales. The Havana business is punning a steady aad eaUafsotery course. Almest 1.600 bales changed hands tbs past week without sny grasabllag at ths sdvsaeed priens, rrem ths Tobeeee LcaL Ths tens et the market this week wss of a geed ehsrscter, snd considerable tobacco was sold ; oenseqaently, nearly every body In ths trade is content, with the exception of these who were taken In by the abaoend lag Havana tohseoo merebsnt Penn.y ! vaala bread lest and Onondaga aeld te the greatest sstenl, but st such figurss that the aaeds eaa be used as s binder or s filler. It aartataly leeks swan go that, sosresss old tatesee Is getting te be, prleea ter the seme de net seem te sd vsnes. The ealy reason that we eaa give for this state of afltlra Is, that what tobaeoo la new la the market oeatsuis such very email pjreentage of wrapper leaf that unless euea goods eaa be bought se ss te be ntllls a tot a binder or a fillet they find no Bale. la aaw tobaeao vsrylUtte la being done, paAsrs fss ling laeilaed te wait swhUs befeia making B. esas Beb's Bpeit. Following ara the sales of lesf tobaeoo repot tad by J. S. Gens' Ben, tobaeoo broker, Ne. 131 Wster street, New Yerk, for the weak ending Mendsy, February 4, 1889: 500 eases 1937 Wisconsin Hsvans, 9)4 liwcs 100 eases 1887 Pennsylvania Havens, 1426e; 100 eases 1680 Pennsylvania Ha vana, p.t; 300 eatee 18S7 state Havens, ll15e; CO eaass 1B86 aute Havtna, p. t; aoeoasas 1887 New England Havana, 11 82e ; 200 ebms 1887 Pennsylvania MM, KUJi": 100 OMSS 1885 Peansylvsnls ssed, lle i 150 eaiss sundries, 7),'2Se. AUUU, l,IMI The rhltadelphls HarBM. VreaOhe Jeursal. aTnalBBsa.has been mere brUk slsee my last report, snd Jobbers are bsppy. Old goods such ss will eult for binders aad liters are la deeasnd, and ourtrsdsheldlng old goods have done a fine business. Bet It la strsngs prices de net sdvsnee, ss assree as old goods sre, but the Urns is aet far off when priess will have te advaaee. Frem ths Lest Taa ttaasaetlwie tolesitebsceowhieheaa aa msalpnliua lata stasia saaaet he aallad brtllswit, aa yat la tad bbbibbsIi hat total MtnAMMii et i . j aa a mi eqwat te the wseal sAshed la she IM aeaa al tee yea. Prices are held firaly. Masks ea kaaflanfait and jru tqaai aa atarlnt a ewAamt Afsset'sisatsasatsaya lasaa Aaateaaeamethe Oaaea Thara .was a great ecewd atTaHea aaaae last aveattg, waaa Hsward's Mff srtaqMaeaBaay ehaBsaiahatSBaaaaafe aaaassiaBai aa ssrBFS3 BfjpBFayfHvMeWV swWnMvisl Taa heass was crowded, taagaUerlea haWff safeassiiy heavy. Thara ara warn a auihar af laaja seielsthy aesapaalsa awiaafera asm gyttMawBBaMaH M WBlBwl O0bMM wsMbsbMNTwW te taa .larger cities ptay!agtwsek stsada. svsrslatthesebesrtheaassssef wesaaa' whoaavMextetsd,batittsBtaewt4h taa' eaa of last alght. la It Miss Heward Is eaa of the leading esrds. Baetaaaaeeiaier aad actress, aad aha has mads ssvsral songs famous by her rendltlea ef-taaar.- - Ths wiifaay surrenndlsg her la eas of ths bast at Kb htad that has bsaa assa hers la a leres Urns. The audience was ksptattrrsdap all taa Urns aad every set want "With a rasa. Thara wss aethlag alew la the whole aarfarataaea aad It gsvs great satis faettea. The show opened with., what ths bills cell "A Kemaa Fete," la which the whole oempsay were assa, taa ladles wearing very beauUrul ecstnmce, A aumberet special eete were glvea. Miss Koward aad Fsnay Lewis ssag aeags that galasd for them plenty of appiaaaa. Thara was stagtag by ethers, laeladlag a fsensis qasrlstta. Harry Merris waa faaay as ScAultzmttr and J. M. Deaer gave a very, praiseworthy piece of aetlag as Irving,' Miss Geergle Bisks, Badla Isne aad ether girls wera clever. The second' part of ths perfermsnee was opened by Fester sad Hughes and Fsnny Lewis, who sre new known aa "The Three Cards." Thsss Laaeaater people end their work le aa ptess. lBgBssvar.TheylnUoduesaoags,dsBoissBd people arsaet strangers by say mesne te lets of funny business. Harry Merris esma nextiahisDutchaet. Hslssnexeeedingly faany man sad by his singing, danetagand "skating" soersdablghlt. The audlsaea anoered him again snd again until hs refused longer te respond. Miss Heward appeared in a beautiful eult et black, msklag a Una appsaranee and singing ssversl Bengs eemmecdsbly. The "Grand Mslange" aet was well dena aad pretty girls, dressed la oestumes et diner- eat nations, were seen. Lew .Hawkins aad Pets Msek sts s asw firm of fun makers aad they area great snots ass. Ths number of bright snd witty sayings thsy had snd their f nnny acting brought forth thunders et sppisnse. Oaa et the big festurss et the evening wss ths character impersonations of Mens Balboa. This gen tleman, by means of wigs, whlskerr, Aa, whleh ha qutekly adjusts ea ths stage, parsenstee a score of prominent men of this country snd Europe. Among ethers last avenlng hs gsvs Cleveland, Harrison, Thur., msn, Bismarck, Boulanger, Henry Wsid Basehsr, Mayer Hewitt, Aa. All ware vary geed, bat the best wea tbat of the '01d Reman" of Columbus, whose tsee Is, familiar te many laaesstrlsas. Ths perfonasnee concluded with a aew berlssqua snUtlsd Threa Card Meats." The oetapsny, with the exception of Mr. Merris, wss seen again, snd much fun was mads. Misses Heward, Keith, Blake, Bkuse, Walling snd ethers looked wall la beeutllul but semswhet sesnt costume-. Messrs. Msek, Dener and Hswklus furnished the fun,snd tbs scenery wss very geed. There eaa be nothing bnt words of praise for the entire show. draat.d by tbe Reauter. The following letters were granted by the register of wills ter tbe week ending Tues day, February 5 : Administration. Jehn Beloa, da da eessed, late et Upper Leacoek tewnehlp ; Emma Beloe, Upper Leacoek, admlnlatrs trlx. Augustus Btener, dfleeased, late of Mt. Jey borough ; Silas U. Stener, Mt. Jey, administrator d. b. n. e. t. s. Tbstamkntabt Mary B teffy, deesassd, late et Esrl township ; Careline Btefly snd Ellen Bteffy, Earl, exeouters. Jeseph Herat, deceased, late of Cwrnar Cwrnar vea township ; Aaren G. Weaver, Cwrnar von, executer. Edward Seegewalt, deceased, late of East Earl ; Dr. Barten M. Winters, East Karl, executer. Albert F. Ebermsn, deceased, late of Lancaster etty ; the Fidelity Trust and Bats Dapesll company of Philadelphia, Mery Virginia Hawthorn snd Jeoeb U Bteinmets, city, executers. Gsthsrine Will, doeeased, lata of Ksst Denegal township ; Daniel B. Will, West Denegal, and I. N B. Will, Ellzibelbtewn, executers. Resd the ObargM rreta the ralplt. .The century-old Presbyterian onureu of Dever, Del., was the scene of greet excite ment en Sunday morning. The pastor. Bev. J. F. Stoneelphel, a talented and popular young msn, who hss been loeeted there ss pastor of the chureu for six years, It aeema has given etlenae te a few leading members, snd these persons wrote him a letter requesting hie resignation without calling a meeting of the congregation or the official beard of tbe obureh. The pastor resd tbe letter st the morning service snd also read his reply, in whleb be snnouneod his determination te withdraw from tbe obureh. The scene whleh followed wss Indescribable; tbe women wept aad mea spoke tbelr indignation at the Insult the pastor bad received. The most serious charge tbe matcontents urge acslnst the pastor la that be preys tee long." A con gregational meeting la te be hild te discuss the matter. Bismarck.' Preposition for a Cenr.rsnce. Count Ven Arce, tbe German minister, called at tbe state department en Monday, sndhsdBoenlerenoe with Secretary Bayard in regard te Sameau affairs. Hs Informed tbe secretary that he bad reeelved a com munication from Prinee Bismarck te tbe efleet that the German government prepusee a resumption, st Berlin, of the eoaauitetlene whleh took place la Washing tea between reprsssntstlvee of Gsrsasay. Great Britain and the United Blstss la 1887 ea the subject of Semoe. Theebeve Information wss furnished te ths press by Sacretary Bayard,' with ths statement that It was all hewenid say en tbe enbjeet at present it wtu B. BBllt. Frem the Patriot. O. W. Raymond, aeerelery of IheMId IheMId dletewn Sc Hommelstewn railroad, eeys they haveaecured tbe right et way for tbe proposed read snd thst the work will new be pushed with sll possible vigor. The company baa been besieged by ether lines msklag overtures tbat sre very tempting, but sll ths sstlelaetlen given your reporter when be pried Inte these sldeiaiuee was ths assurance that the resd would be built m Adjutant Osneral Dram's Repert. The secretary et war en Monday aent te Congress the report of Adjutant Gensrsl Drum, giving the etrength of the organ! asd militia of the various states snd territories, sad the foree of men available for military duty bnt net entanlztd. The totals sre: Commissioned officers, 8,397; saliststl men, 08,109; number et men svsusbls but net organized, 8,104,628. Divorces After Sixty Tears, Aa aged couple were divorced in Reading en Monday. Jehn Miller was granted a divorce from hie wile, Elizabeth. The tss tlmeay showed tbst they were married la 1829; that la 1813 she refused te work for hiss, threw his deibss eat of the house aad laid alas te leave, Malar. Bothof thesa DEATHS IN HE COUNTY. BUKMY bwjBbmW. WbH WAS A off raw rBAaai evtut s ; Hes)ryfhretner,aaoideMseaelMeahetia tewashl, died at his reaMsaea aa Meaday ansraaaaMas'eteek. ua died af old aga aad had baaa stek aheat twa weeks, ;Mr.''freaer was aera ea the fasttly haseatsad laMaaaalBi tawasalp, aa Aprtl 6, ,1804. Hs eatslasd a geed adaeatlea ss taa aahoela.ol his asUvetewaahlpaadst ts ss of 19 wm Bleacher. Ial8Z7aaaMr rledMery,dsaghteref Oeerge aad Bllsa .beta Bard, of Upper Leaeeek tewaahla, -Their eldsst bob, Adsss, Is dseeassd. The aarvivlagehlldrea ara, Elisabeth, wife af A , W. Bheser, et Lltlls ; Haary a, a fsnaer of Msahelm tewasalB, aad Israel B, a resHiat of NsptsrvlUa, llllaela. Oessssed laharlisd a fans, aad was sa gagad la that buelasss from 18Z7 te I860. Frent 1821 te 1892, la addhlea te a farmer, he was a surveyor, aad had a reputsUea for praelseasss aad asra ,ta sstsbUeblng beandsry Uses. Gov eraer Wolf appeiatsd him a Justice of ths pesos eaJnly 30, 1893, sad hshsld that 'offles by appeistmsat uatU 1860 aad by alsetlea aaUl 1876, a period of 4S years. His judgmeat of tight betwsea parties was aoknewledged by hie eoatlaaaaes ,1a offles forsemsay yasra aad veryssldeas were ale deotsteBS appasled from te ths higher courts. The faasral will tsks pises ea Thandsy morning at 10 o'clock with Inter ment st Klseel HUI. I AJJlf w!2? ZJtlHS -fSiSlTSSliSff-?!!?! an, Earl, dlsd ea Mendsy morning at his home near Wsaverland. Hehsd bsensioksbent tea days, the result of a oeld contrasted Bems time ego. Deceased wss born la tbe asms tewaship la which ha dlsd aad was 89 years of aga la November last. He was a farmer but rstlrsd bems years age, Ha was married three times. Hahad thrse children te tbe seoead wife bataoaetetha first sod lest His lest wlfa was sslstsr of LsvlBenssalg'e mother sad she sarylvss him. The' three children are: A. M. Wssver, M. M. Weaver and Mrs. Bass Btsufler, all of whom rsslds near the old homestead. Death of Wemaa. Mrs. Jeha Buekwalter dlsd this mera lng at hsr horns, nssr Ressvills, ea the Reading A EphraU turnpike. Bha was 80 years of age, snd leaves a hnabsad aad asversl ehlldren. She will babarled at Lendls Valley ea Friday morning. Death era Yeasg Weaaaa. Bluk Bali- Feb. 4. Mrs. Flera Wsl- lses, sgsd 28, wire of E. U. Wsllsee, died yesterday. Bhe had been la peer health for the last three years. The faasral will take' pises from hsr lata rsetdeaee assr Blue Ball, en Wednesdsy ; Inlermeat at Cedar Groye eemetery, obusdbe bx a waixime waix. Sevea feraoes KlUMI saa Bight lajarea at Omaha. High wind at 2 o'clock Mendsy aitaraoeB blsw down the Isrge section e! the seat wsll of the Msx Meyer brick balldlag, en the corner of Fsrnum and Seventeenth strsets, Omaha, Neb., whleh was recently gutted by fire. Twe buildings ea the cast side wera wracked. One et the crushed build ings wss brick, occupied by P. Beyer A Ce., sals dealers, snd D. Dunbar dt Ce.. sngrsv are, snd the ether wss a trams building oeoupled by Edwsrd Olesea, clothing dealer. Oleson was taken from the rains crushed, eeverely bumed snd dsad. Mrs. Henoher, wbe lived In the seoead story et the frame building, died shortly sftsr being taken from the ruins. Mike Msrtln's body wss found under the boiler In tba basement of ths brlek building crashed Inte a shape less mas. Themas Housten, empleye of Dunbar & Ce, died In the arteraoea. The bodies of Pater Beyer, senior member of the firm cf Beyer A Ce., Themas Lembsrd, their boeksspsr, snd Rndelph Miehssl, sn insuranee agent, were also taken from the ruins. Ths Injured, se far ss known, are Q. H. Silver, engraver, shoulder erushed : E. A. Fbllse, sagravsr, bruised: Jehn Jacksen snd Mls Kmms Oliver, slightly Injured ; Chsrlss Blake, a draughtsman, Injured sbeat ths face, sad will less his left sys ; Chsrlss Ctssar, foremen of Dunbar's srt department, badly bruised, bat succeeded la getting out without ssslstsnee. Bev. Iieeper te aaarry suae Vergoeea. Oneet the curious but plssslng sequels te tbs recent Presbyterian church fight la Reading is the snnouneement et the aa gsgsmsnt of Rev. Harper Leeper, a brother of the Rev. James L. Leeper, te Miss Laura Fsrausea.dsushtsr of Nathaniel Farausaa. .Reading's only millionaire. " , iPh.MMMMM1... lllnaftMllMB At. fact that love net only Isughe st locksmiths bat at obureh quarrels bb wsll, slnes the Fergusons wars among tba strongest of ths sntTLsepsrs. Yeung Herbert, whole silll a theoleglosl etndent st Prlnoeten, came te preach for his brother daring the troubles snd met Miss Fergusen by secldent, snd la spits of ths nnfsversbls circumstances sn attach ment waa at once formed, which was in a very short Urns followed by en engagemsnt Miss Fergusen, besides being aa heiress, is a very soeompllsbed young lady, sad was a classmate of Mrs. Cleveland st Wells college. Os-lng te the circumstances no engagement for many yesre faae aroused se anaeh interest Tbe marriage will net take place until Mr. Leeper has completed his studies. Wblrltd aroeud Shaft aad KlUad.J Antheny Nlobels, employed in ths mill of Caldwell Moere, at Cain, Chester oennty, en Saturday morning waa standing near a shaft tbat wee making 175 revolutlene a minute, when a set screw caught in hla blouse, and In an instant Nichols was whirling around the shaft Tbs apses be tween the ebalt and a gtrder above la only twenty two inches, and when tbe Bssebtneiy wss stepped N lohele wee taken out ehoehlngly mangled, but atill sllvssnd oensolous. His right arm waa erushed from the eheulder te the elbow, hie left arm frcm elbow te wrist, and hla spins broken Just above the email el ths back, while the flesh wss tern from the bones. Be died Saturday night ( stius g.ntsncM te 14 Tears. On Monday James Mills, ths colored man wbe feloniously eesenl ted the young girl, Berths Hewsrd, tn Wllllstewn township, Chester oennty, about four months age snd attempted te take her life by throwing her Inte a pond et water, waa eentenced te 14 years Imprisonment end hard labor by Judge WeddelL Tbe court house wea densely crowded by sn excited throng and tha sentenee wss universally approved. Mills le about 32 yesre of sge snd hss beea en offender In tbe eyas of the Isw before. He la a married man, his wile new being saiamsta of tha county almshouse. Be wss srrested la Cranberry, N. J,, shout a month slier ths perpetration et his crime, i A IMtnre Coen. On Thursday svsnlng tbs college Y, M. O. A. will begin a oeurse of lecturss te he delivered la the college ehepeL The ides is te hsve tbe isctnrss st Intervals of three weeks. Tbs fiist leetare will be delivered by Rev. J. O. Bewman, of Hanover, Pa, His subject Is, "Seme Reoelleotloae of Londen," There are te five lectures la tha course. Death el a Moted "Snaae" Docter. Michael Heller, known throughout Berks aad neighboring counties as the possessor of a nssady for Make Mies, died la Read lag ob Meaday et heart aJstsss, aged 89 yaiia, . i i - aa ag aissiisBS at alaaSsim tewashtf isfaatia STMM Mli-ianlTmJIi mmM SjaSSBBi htee. Jeaa slaikaaiisi, Aged aa. arieeseeart. The salt at Haary S, Faisal vs. Ahrsm waa siisehid for trlei la tasapser aaeera J negs PsHsrsea aa This wss a salt te alleged te be das for labor by plelatlfl ea tha fares of t ta tha yean 1867 aad 1888, te C1G.03. At tha cea- of plslaUt's essUaieay. eeaa sat far' dstsadsat aaeved for a asa-eaM am taa greaad that Hershear had brought a suit for breach of oeatrect aaatast Felpel, growing out of tha prsssat dlsaala, aad at tha heerleg before tha jaaUee Fslpsl fslled te pressat hie daiai for wages sasaeriset Ths motion for a bob salt was argasd at length, and tha court treated K. A asotlea te strike eff thsaen salt WU1 be argasd at the March term. B. F. Dsvla for pUlatlft ) Brown A Heneel for Ths suit et OlivsrP. Brnbtkervs. David a Theaus, executer or Chrtetisa L. Sea ssaleh,wasasxtstteched for trial. Thle waa aa appeal from thejudgmentef Justice A. W, Saadsr, glvea favor of plaintiff for 64.45. Thsfaotsefthsoeee, ss proved by atalatlff, wera these: Bems yssrs age Oaerga Russell, of Besrtewn, became in debted te a P. Brabsker snd gsvs him a Judgment for 1444 85. Mr. Russell wss la straightened olrcumatsness sad sold te Baassalch some property sad Beassalch sasaaaed tha payment of '.the Judgmeat glvsa te Brabsker snd did pay 1300 ea scoeuat et It He refusexWepay tts.balsnee aad for It this suit wss brought. tTha defease was thst 1390 psld ths clslm la foil aad that It wss se understood at ths.tlme. BBBOBK JCDO.B LIYINOSTON, The salt et Samuel Sheaffer ve. Barten Wessen was sttsehed for trial In ths lower oeurt room en Monday afternoon. The facts et tha eass as proved by plaintiff were these : Ssausl Begle wsa tbe tsnsat farmer of Welter Sutten, in Paradise township, and whaa aa wss sbent vacating the farm ha had pablie sale. Among tbe artlelea sold was ths grain In the ground, whleh wea purchased by BheeOer. After the wbest purchased by Bhsafler wss threshed Wsssea, who Is the tax oelleotor of the district, sold the grain for taxes due ea the Bnttea farm, aad Sheaffer brought this suit agsiast ths tax oellectortoreoover Its vslus. The defense wss that under the sgree teat Begle was te pay tba taxes en tha farm, that the sale wss fraudulent snd thst property ea the whest la the ground never vested la the plaintiff. OORBENT BUSINKSS. Reasons for a naw trial ware filed la ths Bait of Ward vs. Montgomery, tried lest week. A seldler'e license was granted le'peddle goods In ths county et Lancaster te Emanuel Klltlnger. A DKOIStON KKVKKSKD. aapreaas Court Bahag by Whlen tbe H.yers ei maaiug, narntDarg ana Utb.r eiuas WU1 Held ea Twe Tears Lenger. A dlanalOt rmiwmA It. Riullnsnii Um.. day aftsmoea, announcing the supreme oeurt's decision In the case of the city of Beading vs. R. H. Savage, caused tbe liveliest hind et sensation. Upen this dsetslea depended the question whether or net there eneuld be an election for mayor in thst as well ss a Han Han oi ethsr cities. In Rssdlng, Msyer Kenny was sleeted in 1887 for four find tha ant nf laev hiMh - ww- M.WW WW wv avuv, w.wu . supplement te the set of 1874, under which a nnmberjef cities sre governed, The oily et Beading Drought eult against R. H. Savage, te recover the coat of grading a street en whleh property owned by hun shetted. Tbe suit wss brought under the set or 1874, and thla Judge Kr Kr mentreut, of tbs Berks county oeurt, deelared unconstitutional. Tbe unconsti tutionality el its supplement el 1885 fol lowed, et oeurse. The supreme oeurt sfflrmed this a few mentbe Later, snd the decision crested great consternation In the cities afleeted. The terme et the mayors wera then regulated by an old set which nude tbem two years. In Reading claims for grading amounting; te f7,000 were bung up; la Bonnten fOO.OOO, end larga amounts in ether cities, whleh wera Erie, Alteena, Willlsmspert, AUentewn, Tltasville, New Castle, Carbondale end Oil City. In Rssdlng both parties regarded the question ss settled that tbe term of tbe mayor wee but two years, and en Saturdsy night sleeted delegates te their conven tions te be held thla week te nominate a emdldste for mayor, in the meantime a rssrgument took place in the Savage esse ea Saturday before the supreme oeurt, and Meadny tha news esms thet tbat body bed reversed itself. Of course, neither parly Will new put ap a mayoralty candidate, and Msyer Ksnny, et Rssdlng; Mayer Frltehey, of Hsrrlsbcrr, and tbe mayors In tbs ethsr cities will remain la offleo two years longer. Lancaster city Is aet afleeted by the above decision as It was net nttrnnl h thn ant of assembly of 1874,11 never hsvlng aoeeptod its previsions. TBB BUDO-PM WO-WOAU A Beeatiral Toeog Compelled, te Commit Hatcld. by Il.r Hatband ad mother. Advice from private eoureea of Informs, lien In Vienna give aema startling facts in regard te tbe beautiful bareness who com muted eulclde ebeut the same time tbat the orewa prinee met ble death. The husband of the lady and ber brother are aald te have oeo fronted her with Indisputable proof et their knowledge of ber Infidelity. Bhe was thsn urged by her husband, who la as proud a nebis ss tbe empire beasts, snd also by her brother, te redeem her feull in tbelr eyes by taking her life. The husband le eald te bave told her that It abe refused te fellow this advice be would sheet the archduke dead ss readily as he would hie own gamekeeper under similar olreumstanoee, and that he would publish her crime st court by proclaiming it te Franels Jeseph and tbe oeurt dignitaries. . The peer women cowed at tbe thought et disgrace, which would blight her proud name, and believing tbat, by acceding te tbe demands of her infuriated husband, abe would retain ber honor before tbe world and ssvs tbe life of the crown prinee, for whom she eeems te have had a pas sionate regard, acceded te ber husband's desire snd took s dose of poison before bis eyes, her brother looking oeldly en, The family te which tbe bareness belonged, It la said, waa or a rank and prlds little below that of her husband's, which eoceunts for this brutal oenduot en her brether'e jart Aa seen ss they were sisured of the death of the bareness they mounted tbelr horses and reds la het haste te the hunting ledge of tbe archduke. There they fully caneeled tbe blight cast upon their family honor by blowing out the ercbdnke'e brains aa he lay prepped up with pillows in bed wslting for his valet te bring blm his oetlee. Thtn tbey rode futlensly off returning at once te Vienna. Blnoe then neither Baren nor hie brother ln-lnw have sengbt oeucealment st sll, or sltered tbelr usual hablta of daily life. ' The emperor la believed te be aware of the facta In the cae, and hi order te publicly declare tbat the crown prince's death wan anlclde, sn order Issued by tbe emperor without say consultation with Tln, tbe Austrian premier, la regarded as an attempt te screen the greater scandal. A BurpiUe fartr. A number of friends of Christian Uoeb, of Ne. 602 Seuth Queen atrect, aurprlaed hla last night. The oecsilon was hla birthday. During thu evening he was pre sented with a cane, made from a piece of tha old organ of Trinity chureh. Mr. Boen received tnepleoeof weed two years ego, aad his wife bad It made Inte a cane without his knowledge. Anniversary Eet.rtalmn.ut I'oupened. Empire Council Ne. 130, Jr. O. U, A, M, was te have celebrated lta seventeenth snnl varsary ea next Friday svsnlsg, but tba asalr has baaa postpeatd aatu Friday, s-sbrurylS, LANDIS TARIFF CELEBRATION TBB AGRtOTJUtUKSt, gOOIwTT UMAMt OCStVr BKDOBSB HM BOHBBB. ABsgTlaaa Looked Fer la This City Oa Jets 4ta, tbe C.aUaaiat Astvsraary et the Btgalag t the first rratccMva Saris? ay rresMent Wssatsgtea. Ths February meeting of tha Leaesster Ceuaty Agricultural aad HorUeBltarsl soelely was hsld this morning, with Prest dsat Lsadls la the chair and a geed aUeadanes uf mea ber a Mr. Hlller, of Coaesteaa, reported that ihere wss an npprehsaalea la tha salads et sems that the epes winter would be lejar. Ions te the growing crops, Utaeeaervstlca was thst tha wheat looked well. Tha ground hss beea aelet aaeagh te prsvsat say daasge being dose. Tha yeaag clever la his neighborhood loose welt Thegreuad was net frozen deep eaeugb te hsavs pleats out, Mr. Begle, of Maristta, aald It was sum prising hew well the wheat crop looked. It ha net beea Injured by tha frost. Mr. Bieslus, et Drumore, reported that the grata fields la his vicinity looked well. Mr. Llnvllle, of Salisbury, thought the grass crop next summer weald be light. Mr. Lendls eald tha wheat leeks fins la Maner te wc ship. Ha never saw It leek as fins st this nessen of tha yssr. Mr. Hlller reed the following paper: "At the lest meeting Mr. Breajas brengbt some apples whleh Henry Helaas seat hla asmed Nottingham Brown. Tha committee into whose hsnde the applet were plseed pro pre pro Beunoed them King el Teapklaa Oeaaty. Ths oemmlttee was miitsksn,ss the NetUng. ham Brown haa been traced te Cecil county, Maryland, ss long sge as 76 yssts and hss been known In lower Lancaster oeaaty long before King of Tompkins Ceuaty wss hssrd of. Mr. W. P. Boltea writes that tha Nottingham Brown Is a much better resrer and keeper than the King and ha oensidsrs It snpirler te any ethsr sppls la seuthsra Laneaatsr oennty for marhst purposes," Mr. Cooper, one of tha oemmltlee re ferred te, said he wss settafled that tha oemmlttee was ra error la naming tha apple exhibited. Mr. Hlller exhibited a number of winter spplss, Among them ware Yerk Imperial, Smith CUer, Wltaiap, Deminie, lawks- nary mush and aeut's Winter. These spplM he highly recommended. Kneaser, Wine or Hayes and Baldwin wera reoom reeom reoem mended ss early winter apples. Mr. Cooper, through theoeortcsyof Ttet J. Edge, eeeretary of the stats beard of agriculture, presented the society with a copy of the book " Birds of Pennsylvania" recently Issued by the stela. Mr. Cooper also states that the aeeretsry reported te hla thst the books were scares aad requests for ths same could net be granted. OtlAIBUAN LAMMS' TABIF BBSOLUTIOW. President Landle callsd Mr. Cooper te the ebslr and offered tha following resolu tions! Jteaelvtd, Thst the beard of msnsgsrs of the ABtleuitural and Horticultural society et Lancaster oeaaty asms aad apaetat a oemmuws ei ens nuaurea ismers ana businessmen of Lenesstsr oeaaty, which oemmlttee shall oeaaider plans aad methods ter holding a protection esateanlal la Laa esster eitv en the 4th at Jalv. 1889. II balaa ths esntennial aanlversary of tha atgalag et tha first protective tariff law aaaeted la this country, which at the time was ballad by tbe fathers et tha republic at a aeeend Declaration of Independence. Jleaelvcd, Thst ths Beard et Trade of Laneaster city be Invited te co-operate with this oemmlttee et one hundred la making the occasion a suesesa. In support of the resolution, Mr. Lsadls Mid hs hsd consulted leading mea la the elty and county, snd they eppreved of tha proposed celebration. He slse resd lstters from the following prominent Republicans fsvering tbe scheme : Senater Frye, Sena Sena eor Hear, Congressman Reed, Senators Dawss snd Chaes, ex-Mlnlstar Dudley, of New Jersey, Senators Sherman and Quay, Editor Charles Emery Smith, ex Goveraer Alger, Congressman Burrowes andBou andBeu telle, Senators Cellum and Allisen, Judgs Res sntt Senater Hawley. Oa motion of Mr. Brosius the resolution was adopted. Tha oemmlttee will be named st ths March meeting. Mr. Engle referred te the pregramas of tbe Institute being monopolized by tha members el the society, and in hla Judg ment membere should stand suds sad leave the Urns' te these from a distance whs hsvs papera te read. On account of the inauguration of Preei dent HarrtaeB occurring ea the day et tha March meeting of the society a rssolutlea wss sdepted designating the seoead Mon day of March as the tlme for the March meeting. Tbe rarm.ra' militate. The tint session of lbs farmers' institute la being held thle afternoon st Esblsmsa hell. Anether session will be bold this evening and two sessions te-morrow. TUB SfltlNU KLKUTIUN. Nomination. TUU W..k-Tba rsepls Whe VTant te Be Oeaatables. At a meeting of tbe Republican city oom eom oem mlttee held last evening It wae decided te held tbe general nomination en Thursdsy evening et this week. On nsxt Tuesdsy evening tbe tickets will be settled. The Democrats ei tbe elty will meet at the places wbere primaries sre usually held te pleee in nomination persons who will be settled en Saturday evening. The Democratic primary la likely te be exciting in tbe Seventh ward, where there will be a oentost for tbe oflleo of alderman. The Republicans will have a similar tight In the Third ward. There seems te be a great desire among men In the dlnerent warts et tha city te run for constable, as they think these ctflesrs will become members of tbs police foree. In tbe Sixth ward there msy be quite a lively time between tbe Republicans. Tha nomination of Constable Barnheld will be contested by William Michael, Daniel Glass and James Ebrman, and tbe leading politicians don't knew who they ara for Last year, when there wae no chanee for a position en tbe police force by the officers, Michael was the only man te be found who would run egatnit Barnheld. He thinks tbst Glasaand KUrinau should new keep out of tbe fight Cm.tery Treated Kl.ctM. At a meeting of let holders of Laneaster eemetery, held st tbe otnee of tbe Laneaster (Jan company this morning, Jehn D. Sklles, Jehn I. Uartmau and William A. Heltsbue were elected trustees. Besides these three gentlemen the beard consists of the follow ing ; Jehn II. Baumgordner, Jacob Bans man, M. F. Ste-igerwalt, J. H. Byrnr, Christian Gast aud Jehn B. Wsrfet Three trustees are eleeted each year. Tb.7 Had a Qeerr.1. Lut evenings number of young men wbe stteaded tbe Mwanercber hall became involved in s quarrel. Tbsy went outside of the building, where blewe were etruek. Jacob Brnbaker was bit by B. W. Hlrsh and A. Bitter then hit Hlrsh. Different parties tell different stories oeaoernlng tha affair and each man engaged la It elslaa te hsve beea la tba tight. Ne salts bars rsBBitad frag tha (raas, iramArta raeput qvabkbl. hs rreaJSMlea Basest! re nsasaHess Hoot Hoet Heet . leg Tery Uwly-A sjeavsallea te Be Held. Habbisbobe, Feb. 5. Tha aiitlag af ths state PrehlhiUea exeeattva Beaaittn wasexeeedlagiy bretry eaaasd ay taa ra. VrssMiaiiea eta large eleatsat aet ta lever af tha aethede at taa third asrtv. Vlea Oaatrawsa Btsvsas waa ertUelssd far act havlag Issued tha sail far UHceafar aaei by Mveral atelstera aad he waralyrespeaded toUsUrafleetieBslstugthMBMwasgaldsd eaUrely by a desire te help thaeaasaef arehlbuleB. BeT, eaa, Blegler, et Msehsaiabarg, created a esaasilea by latlSMUag that tha third party, PrahtU tlaaMa, wars aet prepsr aeaaaaa te lead 1a taa fight beesaas they stteaptedte defeat laa party which has subaltted tha aaead aent, -A eeasMersMe auabsr of party PrehlMttealats asllsd hla te order, ;sad boob afiar laa eoaveaUeB adjearnea, attar sderHlsg resolatieaa la favor of oe-opsrs. Uea with all taaaeraaee orgaalMUeas la tha fight for tha amsadaeat Tha aembers of teaperaaes aaoehlleas iBthsoeaJereaeaaregeasrslly la favor of beMiag a aoaveaUea eatalSUIaailaa tha saaa day of CoastHaueasl Aaaadasat aaoelaUea eoaveatlea, bat tha ProhlbttleB. lew ara shewlag aueh oppesiUoa tell be- caass taa prssMsat of that assoela has rejected all sflerts at oeaprealsa. L.uiberB.Kaffmaa, aq., af Lsaesster, who reprsseata Judgs Blaek, et Isaeastar, wsalB ths 221 of Fshraary fixed for ths eoavaatteBof Us orgsalzauea rsprsssated st this oea tereaea. a ceirraar iw baubbvbt. rive Oeagtsstss Waa Desire te Be JaeUee of ths resea. Pkquka, Feb. 8. Ths Republleaa primary election Is ealy tea days off sad se oemplleeted Is tha sHustlea ta Salisbury tewaship that a prephst peasssslag aay degree et eagaelly ea astters poUUesl csrss aet te stake hla repaavtleB ea theraalt Thara Is be sosrelty or esadldatas for tha dlttsrsat effless te be fllled, as tha tewaship ass a smaii saaaiag army or teeai ssajsa mea who ara always rssdy te serve tha pteplala aay oapseityfrea'JasUceof tha paea aewa w sews eterk, Baiiabary is ssUtlsd te two jasUeas etthe pesee aad,thtaa etg taa MMtai pnsM la tha eeaiag drawlagef the local lettary, ae leas thaa flvscsndldstes have already sppssred la thaaraaa. All laterestle eeatered la tha serambls for thsss twoeffloes, aad nalea prsssat ladteatteas fall It wUt be ths most hotly oentested fight recorded 1b thla tewa. ahlp for aeae tlaa past, The aest sanguine '.ssplraat la tha field for eaa et thsjostleesblps Is Frank B. Gteff, et tha Bprlag Gardsa district, whess aiequeaee and logic en Us slump, lnsllthsatstssnd aatlaaat eaapalgaB that hsvs oeeorrsd alaoe ha wsa old aaeagh te Hip tha alphabet, hsve convinced tha veetta et tha Welsh aeeBatala that tha whole salvation of tha aoeatry ilea ta ins Rspabiiesa party. Ha aaaeuacedhts esBdldsey early la the fight Hlaewadla. tilct will give hla a handeeaa vote, aad aaayeeaeaaathat ha will ba eaa of taa aea who wUI sails sfter the rstaras ara la. K, Baa EUaaksr, of Gsp, will earry hla aMtrtethyaasfsasjerity. p.p. tha prsssat laeaabeat, B. J, Hsadi sad Jehn Mast ara tha ether esadtdsias. Kaah la asklag aa aetive aaavar, aad has a following that te diffl- eult te estlaata. J. A. Waavar will sadeever te ratals the sBsassershlp la spite of thssffortsef H, B. Oofireatlt te wrest it frea hla. The latter wsa defeated by Waver last year by ealy two votes. Nothing definite eau ba aid oeoosralsg the ether offices. Tba fourth aanual saatea of the Gsp dls dls trlet InsUtuU wUI ba held la the Gsp M. E. ohureh ea Friday avsaing aad Bat urday, Febrasry 15 J snd 16. Mia Aaaada Lsades,ef MIllsrsvlllslBUte Normslseheol, aalstsd by ths PhllharmeBle Quintette, will give aa sloeutlonsry aad aasUai setsrtalnmeat ob Friday svsalng, aadDr, Baaasl Bssr, of Rssdlng, will deliver bis ltctara, "Heas Iafleaaes," en the fellow lag evening. BBITUHBUH ArgBBNTHB rBBBST." A Uvsly Hew rrealMd rMBsylraale Ball Ball read Haaag.ra, It was stated seae lias slaes that the Peansylvsnls railroad wm doing all la Its pewsr te aeeare a fall attsadaaea of lta stockholders at the annual meeting la Marsh asxt, aad thst It wm urging taess wbe eeuld net be prsveat psneaslly te maks ever proxies te the Peanaylvaaia railroad enlalala, Ths rsssalag of this Is test the prsssat Baaaaameat ara afraid of a Baited attack by English stoekbeldere, aad are aaxloea te pit holders ea this aide of tee water aaalaat thea, Tbe policy of the oempsay hitherto hM been te sseurs prextae extsnalvaly la Eag Isad, bat of lata thaa EagUebaea have tarasd ever their prexta te parties op ep op pessd te the prsssat aaaagaaeat Their grievsnee te thst they de aet rsestve large aaeagh dividends. If Eagllsh heldeis were a unit there la be denbt but thst tbey could unseat the pressat beard of directors, la s circular recently issued, Jeha Tayler, ths English banker, stated : "Our victory le saursd thla Urns," asantag a triumph ever Prealdent Roberts sad his manage, meat. Gossip brings A. J. Csseatt te the front m president ItusaMthatlf OassaU geM la Frsak Thomsen will go out, u he Em mads hla Una with thOM et Presldsat Roberts, Abeet roses. A somewhat rsmarkabls fox story coma from ths lower ead or the oeaaty. Oa Saturday Jerry Wright, formerly of this elty, snd Jeseph Osle, ss old colored msn, while hunting ran three foxes In one hole. They suoeeeded '.In taking them sll allvs snd they have been penned up te be used Inehsses. Oserge W. Worst caught s very fine fox several daye age, and It will be dropped st ths White Herse hotel shortly, Jeseph Roop, tbe popular Celeraln hotel, keeper, will held s fox ehase st his bona st Kirk weed, en Thursday afternoon. A very large crowd will undoubtedly be pres ant, m Mr. Roop IIvm right la the eentre of the fox hunting oeuntry. Te-morrow there will ea a cbsse at the hotel of Geerge Dlller, st Intercourse. A school QUI Slopes. A sanatien ba beea creeled la Reading by the announeeaeat etths secret marrlags of Jobs A. Wltmsn, of tbs firm of W. A. Wltman A Bra, oeal and flour dealers, sad MIm Annie A. Sbelt Mlee Shell Is sn helrea te ever 50,oeo, aad wm atteadlag a bearding school In Philadelphia M Ue time or hsr marriage, which took plses ta Camden. After the ceremony ehe retaraid te school sad remained there for ever a week, aet belngl allowed te lavs. On Saturday nigbt abe made hsr escape aad accompanied her husband te Rescuag. A Dry floods Dealer rails. Rebert Johnsten, doing bualneM M J. A C. Johnsten, dry goods, at Broadway aad Twenty second street, New Yerk, en Meb day made as aalgaasat Last July his statement showed easts et 8500000, et whleb 1300,000 wm ta stock aad ths it,. maladsr In outstanding aaoeaato. eas el the rrbaeee betters. Vienna, Feb. f, The letter whleb Crown Prince Rudelph addressed te Herr Vea Bseaasavll, the attache who attended te the priaes's private affairs aad who holds let ters aad private papers lately drawn up, bM beea published. ' I entrust you with ths Brraagemeat of thsm," oe&Usum the totter ; ' use your own Judgment m te what of them vea will pabllrn, I osanet Uve longer. Remember as te sll geed -' Oed bIem tha sathaelaad.' THREE VOTES AGAINST, T, J "k rss cfaaira.r, Btu. rAgaa m BOOM Off BUSSJUMBBTAtiVBBl HABBtSBt7BO,Fa,,Feb, fc-Ttw tasKeBMWM laraalr aaaBsadsa eranen of the MU far t eliHaaf the third dsas, whieawaai wsuy. snsuiaraeuen was bmteasMaarbwtBeeteeeleaefi thrae years. Wherry, Oaasaaandt; J m. aiwupua, aaa weaes, Airsraaayf we vmij peraeas IBM vM thtrdelMBeity MIL Few weatd aet vale far aaythag taatv.! asecasiHvnaasi. $ ABseag taa uiis utreduatd ware aet I wwaari ,? Mecenaeu, Caester, prehrheag lasaleean Wllllaaw. Lsserae, te aaaelatal railroad neaaawsaasta. itY W TBB HOOSB at aataTdawnsat , latraeed aaa i . IathsHcaMenMcsMsynlgMtfael lag blue ware tatrednesd: Aaseadb asrrlage llceaaatowse utoprevaai sttaer party aaa aetata a Hams 100 Of tne ether, that aarrieM i ih.iei m new eeaattMi ue tiBSBM was eMswsa aaa r . v. aotbagivaa,sxespf thatttl leaal age te jravaat thenar, fiaaaj en BBBdsy la etusa et ! Ulai . mt. .Tsgaart prsstaled a rmuiUm.i-Z asve tee aaaraasa beer htuptM eslMdar. Taa resolution went overt we rates. vV. . Heum bill tersaralstathetxteatefi iMBuiiy aaaer taa peneta at Bawuaa buudiaga wm rasesnatlttsd, : A eeaearrsat naotattea reqa sylvaala melon aad nnasrsss a oerviaa fssbbssb au wm aaaasan, . xaaHCHSMpsassdqniaaaaaharefl a ssecaa rssaisg, aaseag thea tetei tagt AIUwlactJ0c4-selsBearasi wixevisHjiarasHtirera eena or nra asaiaaea. aaewa aretMBOBOt fishiteatevMelWBMi poratten of fMeadly sestattea, eta, tot aaauraawei obebbosuob or a detag bnstaea In etaWa ef first i oisMTer the aslslMsaa of the fitat i ceBBirjaauira tbb TABirr Btu. Vaeasaate aasewsta Baaa She rtre'et Warssaa esasOssssssMea, , WABBIXOTOW, U. U, JTSB. a-IM eammitteee en ways and asaaa a aeattagtaai sBeralag rsadlag ef the Bsaaie arlff atU.' At Mr. smssTaraaaaaveBAwa i wenid sahaM al the- te atrlhs eat the sbbm The assstlegta aUU waMag tee aorrew when It la sxssstsd tae'eaii tttaefUabmwtllpriiiidrsytdly.y ina aaasa mis aaawg rsttrlag Gea. W. F. Bana. AU his reltraaeat wwh the reek; of OleOOIQ 1 TSlO OiMiaMM... ! .1 SlMM.II. kill ... tiMa '. ..f lh IMftawte te-day IswaTesBefswit aent ta Oklaaeaa waa iwhwred. t $',; a nmi en usee ainiary ibh aeraiag agrsea a easrasve rasats tethearayaUl when It for oensMsration tn t arevasa lav.fiM te gaaa; oaeappreprlaai llAett oeavsmag rteaasa gaaa into hewltsets. The gevsvBBMat bm already prepsratleas te aae the haber of Paaa m a eeauag aauea. xestaraay were aaas wia tne sum Pseksrd end the a a Pseksrdte o000teaaofooslfnaPhUssMpJato PsgoallSsarsmtsaeealte be daU frMOfexDeaMteahlBa. '-' : i Aa AsBsrreM'sgwtwaaay. -, LoBDer, Feb. 5.-AI hvday'e aswawa" thaParaaUeoaalasteaBlrXhaaedWe aid that he had finished wish taa portion el the saa sad wenid i wltethaAaurlesa tsstlaeay. A aaasdtieaohwMtheapiMedeaUMi HstsstlfiedlhstaehadJetaedthe ta uea. aim the uvasiea ef Jelaeda sssret eeelety sailed the -M. a, ue eajest a waiea wm i salparsMtelrslaad. raraeil he eald, vatated AaerMa ta prssat at a assUag axslaalvaly by the Clsn-ae flssi, The wttnaa Mhtba), BSMataaasn several assuage a, et wuen paraeu aaa duieb ' Beach showed the court a eepy ef bat oeasutauoa and hy-isws, in Ists, JeWk Dsvey ead Gea. MUlsn were east ea delegstes te lrslsad, aad get f LQN , taa ssirmisning ruae. bit s. thearead the reperts, shewlag saattaar wsated delegates seat te lrslsad te priaare lnsnasn wr we aa or aras. that Fat Egsn had told hla that Ma, raraeuwHisatojeiaiBSinshii but thought that such sa aet weald i hla BMfulnsa taeUsr dlreetleas. This, i eviaeneewM net suewsa by tas oeurt. , Hr. rev, ef rsiBttal.aas, BesrSWi Messars ss Be nTiigiaaf "-"-r" gifinliiaiv "- - ' !. fv TA TKUCaHATHIO TSTB. The Edinburgh oeart bm dsetdsd thst st Al bM be JarlsdletiOB la the astlen for libs brought by Mr. ParasU agsiast the leaaan . TimtM. i . . ak..nuu. - 1 m.A.4 v.b DkUMi Aiicy.!, mitwmmu tm rvn land for forging a cheek for 11.500. ha. dt fsultsr te the sxient et 18,009 whlah he'' i tcKjktrcwthsMMoateQrssulLocigswCaU. tern Is, The New Yerk ear eeapsalM report i wa wwe ujinaiN jwnetumjt m.iBW lsaderseftheeUUe still refuse tedaskM the"tlsup" off. The geaersl opateals,V hew ever, taa taa ombbebb w taa BHiae m . ..mIvmb mmA tkaA ! m ff. il... mm. M 11 WIMM..i"nn wy.Mmi.WN,., be a thing of the paw. a assry snow swra m ragtag out tee upper pealasala ef Michigan. It la; .mnannaaltd bv hlch wad saa a I tempsrstare than aay yet this winter. " Mr. Wm. O'Brlen'e elathtag, of whlah as) wm forcibly stripped by the aateartttMBt, OleaaslJsll. WMBStaraed te hla te-dasi. After ha had nat his ainthlsur ea ha WM M''' .: aevsd tethe JsU lafixasry. - Tbe presldeat te-day seat the rwlewasj' - .. . " . il noalnaUeaa te the geaate ; Faataasssrs, Psaa'a, R, & Bewaaa, BsiwIskiX.a, PattOB, AltOOBS. s A Nsw Yak itrlker this rYj bearded a Ma street ear end sttiajp tog ha asaalt the driver. Offlear HshaaHer. wten wm ea ths front plsifera.diew hie revet ret sad shot tee driver's bbbmIbbI dsad. $& newv. i WAsauaaieaT, A O, Feb. V MBhwlera rwawylrnais: Lsabt aaa taralag Inte aaew stessagTaasap- alght, laaeh solder, high auitewssatiy wuds; aaiM en tha Jersey eeeaa v-' The vTU. el the Nsw rassHsat. Aaeactbe nsasad threaah thle city at U:M I were the wile ef Presldait-etest I km daagater, Um. ateKet, I TT.-. .TZLi .n. I was"apaTrBa) wl awaasnaBBj e BBBHsaaBBBBBi waaaasj ?v sr '' I--... ",r-.v f. 1 ,--t- Af . . V Ki -l -,?.- , '-sarwy fr. -ft- -aV -,-.... r . ..1 -t . ' , n. ix f- '" " ! J.J..1.J' SMS-i " hv Vnv. i'-wy'v.,-' .?. 'f.imn