Ht &I8LY f( --r.' f . rEtfCER, MOmAYPEBRUAIlT 4t880. WV'f f fntellitpnc-tr. iWMPtWK MH. Watt Ik hniifi leal r eta kflNti' lat.tuWj af Lib. WtH s te wwlan this week, and ai te Meeme m edaMMlOMl f eras te keartUjr etMOtsrsM. That et this co-aetr. and is fact wHte eouatnrKareBersty tasked t baa ten cieariy 1'tt balk !ae ! e tot' Mtte oemnombcm of error M te 4awn veea teea than by their t earacK eon-penucai am. ttetr ewa practical affairs. aad political faith have te. se great a degree matters of i and. prejudices that it re- NtTjoteat wrench en the lever et te Drug men te oensiaer ( afalrs with reasonable coolness and thev wenld the que) I of draining land oref potato pill, tin; baiter making. There are many I en the pregramme et the instt l that must, if bandied fearlessly and r, bring up the tariff issue of the last i ; net an issue of free trade, but ! a mere Just and and healthy tariff. ilvanli with her fertile soil and tannufaelures eusht te Illustrate I tba beauties et protection; and by the I of Ugh tariff men tbe value et farms Lite wealth of her agricultural classes 'bare grown with her Industrial anient; but the cause of the present alies In the value of real estate in er county is a tepi J our farmers IdlscuH. This depreciation is peiei- apparent than real and may ' be one of tbe signs of the bafd looming, It the nation continues te r taxes In exeess et the needs of govern- at and te keep needed millions piled I she vaults of the cellar of the treasury, i stubbornly persist in keeping a t Bpen raw material with which urepe ;pay for the agricultural products I would buy from us. f Among the questions te be discussed :, If v, time permits there Is this: "De i pay tee large a proportion of the i ?" which is comprehensive enough take in the whole question of the laid upon land directly and etly by the government, and the lien made against the farm I m Pennsylvania by the practice of railroads chartered by Pennsylvania tsjbarglDg nearly aa much for the car- tot Pennsylvania goods te Atlantie they charge for taking the products of the Mississippi 4 Ve this fact Is principally due the de- ln tbe value of Eastern farm Xhey cannot compete with the i farm buds of the Northwest, be- i they are deprived et the natural otlea with their proximity te i gives tbem. by the railroad policy carries goods net by a rate per per mile but by a rate br competition; which is steadfast, but which practically is I at what can be get, and which often below the cost et carriage. Tbe I may profitably consider whether situation is fixed by their e&d fate, or It has net bean unnecessarily put tbem by their, Stupid legislators. farming community of lVnnsvlva- .ia generally 1 Republican In politics, itl party is tbe one that has gev- tbe state for many years. They are sustained in it all its corrupt corper- Mssen legislation, and have been as Btetp lu the hands of their shearers, j While tbelr heritage has been given 'way. rennsjlyanla, which is richer In frits soil and in Us minerals than any ether Jetfate, ought te have had such protection ; t its interests from its own legislators as ;J have made it the great seat of snfactures and have glven a teanufacturtr'j market te 1!b farmers, I se have conferred urenita cl .iz na the blessings which the Republican pelltl- loudly proclaim te flew from the 'high tariff taxes, of which the farmer artainly piys a full share. RutPenn- fawivanla legislation has let this peculiar ;,idvantage In manufacturing, naturally given te the stute by Us depes- of petroleum, ere and coal, mainly away xrem It. Its lwtreleum r IsM passed under the control of a for- i eorperatlon and is refined and ex- cd outside its limits. Its coal is ilshed te Bosten nearly as cheaelv as : e Philadelphia, whereverjlt is notoriously at a less price for expert than for sumptien. m. j uvua ieieiaviun ia rennsy ivania i would nave Kept te tbe state the Cerel advantages which its blind aud reawrupt legislators have be cruelly eacrl- 'iri.u-i..i.i.i.. b , .was icKuisvuiB neig lOlLUfra. UJiluy ; kf tbem; and the majority have been mem- IJsm of the farmers party. The farmers sseve distinctly brenght upon themselves i depreciated value of their lands; and i they conclude that they have been luly taxed and discriminated against, r must confess that it is due te tbelr ra felly, as a first step towards showing ; they are wise enough te seek the remedy for their injury. They i find out what has hurt them before Bverlng the cure ; and we hope that ' will develop the needed wis J am. 1TI11 It Profit Them, holders et tha third preference cemplala that in tbe reeent divl divl ef Reading's profit, they were gWen half ai much as the d prtference bondholders, and propose te examine tbe and Me whether they have been ly treated ; a privilege which is given under tbelr ugieement with the ,ny. It Is these peenla in Eurenn Brbem President Cerbin lately cabled tba Pennsylvania courts were open. eeem disposed te accent their bm-. ,aad VermlJ)e&(Jo.,ef New Yerk tag uie bait lu motion. Ic is a very movement, and it would be well if ana bondholders generally were te examine their company 'd books. tela ease.bewever. without uretemiw kaew mere about the matter than any. wuu eiiiy sees wnat u en tbe .a . .ii i . . , no me tu- uuraxu w ueneve tha third preference people will Uke or their motion : and thav mav Sad that the 31 Der cent, that tii hi a back-keepuig profit. President 'i dispatch te them seems te been inspired by a cenvic teat they were an ungrate. art Of dogs, in net hna itfettitganjthing.when be bad Mesixe te give tUtm aeytblnir. preference Is a treferene vtH 4ebb, we believe, and cekm la Btiag bi prefereace at all. w fateed te be petied pBrt'cuUrly M te tbe conditie and baaaty et eeefc of the auaetetu claaaM et tba Beading ladabtedeaaf, but we BBienUad that ia tba demnltlea total " tear are. a goodly sum, that la able te keep tbe eeatpaay buzzing about te aake both ends sleet; and tbatwbea a Ag strike aueh aa It bad laet year, and a warm winter, each ae it his this year, come together te diminish its coal sales, there la net much room for big div idends te low down preference share holders, In the immediate past ettyreaent income. Oarmdx again te holds the ptlm aa tbatgrMteat advertiser ia tba show frail ness for tie has Juit regained It from Fora Fera ptueb, whose magnificent tilt of elephants te Philadelphia and New Yerk made a fine sensation. Birnum'a plan Is much lets expensive but quite aaeffcetlTr. He bad hla animals shocked With powerful electrle currents and tbe interesting story et their behavior Is telegraphed ever the oeuntry, the performance btleg In trod need ai a aerlea il electrical experiments con ducted by a party et scientists from Mew Yerk whose names are strangely withheld. With oteatlue gravity the ohms or rests I ince are Riven, but the ehlel object of the mysterleua scientists appears te have Been te make the anlmala dance and hewL As a rule the wild beaats did net like the trial and a baboon made lurlousreslstaaee while a wolf sat upon hla baunebss and cried plteeuily. The monkeys screamed aa though In pain and when released showed great curiosity. "A large bine monkey wits se Interested that when released he aelzed Ibe large sponge et the eleotrede, and In a second was tearing It apart aa If te find tbe current Inside. The elephants proved the star attraction a et the day. Tiiey actually enjoyed tbe sensation In every Instance except when a strong current was pasted through tbe trunk. When a few cells were employed tbe huge beasts did net seem te feel tbe current, but wben tbe full battery was ap plied they rubbed tbetr legs together, caressed visitors and keeper allke and Kiuealtd tbelr apparent dellgbt Ne odder sight was ever teen than an elephant, with mouth wide open, with one scientist holding a sponge en tbe hogs tongue and a second applj leg soother sponge te tbe root of bit liny tall." We may expect te sea ibis spectacle repeated under tbe circus tent this spring. WniLBwehave been watching the tflert et IKrineny te gobble Bamoa tbe (Standard oil company has managed almost unob served te gobble Its only Important com petitor, the Amtea oil company. This company operated 0,000 acres et tbe most valuable oil territory la Ohie, altuated In Weed and Bandusky counties. It was or er ganised In last Juns by a number et Penn sylvania capitalists. Their capital stock amounted te 3CO,000, They had 82 wells drilled, and their monthly production la new 76,000 bsrrels et oil. Tbe Htandard foared that the Amazen might seen grew te dangerous strength and anclUcsoret tbe latter company aald they sold out beoiute at 15 eeuta a barrel for oil they did net think It would warrant them te keep up snob an Immense corporation. The work It required wan tee much and the profit were net large enengb. He added : " I ought te say tbat the outlook In the oil bealnesa la se unpromising at present tbat ws wero mighty clad te sell. A csneera like the Standard oil company can manip ulate the territory we sold te them with a great cleal rnore facility, and with leas expente." Of oeursa these reasons should be taken vrell Ballad, and It seems te pay te start a Htandard monopoly rival, as the aame offletal elaltned tbat tbe aale was "net far beluw tbe capital stock." and appesred fr 0""""-0'w ,-.-. Ifnhmrv number of the Varum. Prof. Cleveland Abbe writes about tbe weatbsrand particularly the ehangeablllly of ollmate which be says is a modern notion, la 181'.! Cuvler published his "DIeoeurse en the Korelutlons of the Burfaoe of the Glebe and the ebangea tbereby Produced In the Animal Kingdom." This was at tbat day considered Moeutradtollng undent traditions nnd the cvldeucia of the senses. Cuvler bad In mlud slew ebacgia which were In progress through long ages and resulting Ire-u geological alteration. Flofesjor Abbe sayv tbat as the averages and extremMOt tern perature, rainfall aud ether ntmospberle pbonemena dlUer from year te year and ene or two abnormal years may greatly atlcct tbe average et any short terun la whleb tacy ecaur, It Is neceesary, In erder te Kneir what tbe cllmate et any place really It, te oenMder tbe facta threueh long period et time. We have trust worthy records oaverlng periods of several yeara, but In order te knew that an actual ebauge of climate la In progren It would be neeetaary te examlne faets evor a long porled. Ha even says that It we htd records for a hundred yearn, tbe average of each quarter eentury anewlng steady change in one direction, wecauldnet atsume a ohangeet climate was In pregrea, unlets tbe movement was tty marked Indeed. He says tbat there la scarcely a alngle station with respect te which we have data competent te doelde the qnestlen as te whether the mean tern tern perature et any month may have changed one-twentieth of a degree Fahrenheit dur Ins the present century. The diUleulty la tbat thorearo no ancient records of tbeae matters, aud lu our perplexity te knew what aueteut climates were, recourse has been had te tbe periodic phenomena et animal and vegetable life, the flight of birds, and tbe ripening of plants. Bat Prof, Abbe holds that there lsnoevtdenee et any sen&lble cuauite lu the climate at any pelm of the earth's surface during the past 2,euj ycair. The uei that Uhaldee, Egypt. and Arizona contain deierts, where there was formerly cultivation, Is no evidence et a chsuga of cllmate. The ancient ferlll 1'y of these countries may have been due te skillful irrigation ruber than te mere abundant rains. 'J lie one natural pbeuom pbeuem pbeuom nen whleb, his had earer ul observation in an cient and medbtu timer, la the rite and fall of tbe Nile, aud it records of tblaabeuld be feuud upon menumenti et Egypt, tbe ancient and modern climate of the Nile Yalley could be compared. r Tiieru bat been an absurd row In a Cln clnnHtl Iljptltt eburch ever the color line, and if it bad happened en tbe ether bank of tbe Ohie rl or we would hear mero wild talk et tbe rase Intolerance of tbe Menth. With questionable taste a colored woman and her daughter teugbt te take part In tbe seed rites of Christianity as observed In a fashionable cbureb and a number of mem. bars who had deubtleu paid their abare te support African mlulenarlea were foolish enough te object. The pastor seems te have been a man of obaraetor and managed te brln.? tbe objectors te their senses. PERSONAL. Dn. JertN It. Deavku, of tbe Fnlrcralty cf Penni-yivanla, intends ehertly te publiiu anew text-book en topographical anatomy. Hut, MATir.nv Gkisweld riiBtise. mnsi;!, widow of tee late ex-SocreUry of Htaie Prederlck T. Krellnghuyaea, died en Buuday at Newark, N. J. ' Max O'Beli. gleefully announce that hla book en "Jeuathan an 4 ills Oeritl nenl" Is enjoying a marveleui suoe..t in lu French edition. .L..nD. SerETOD; "eectly dltoevered, accldeutaUy, in tha library of hit country !?-, lchh".l,M "inotseld ler 1,000, All the Impecunious peers la this kluKdem are new overhauling ibtir llbmrlM 15 thl hope of mcklOK an equally valuable And. Pbksieent ULKViiLAsfD and Becretary Whitney have each gtvun f25 and CeL Lament 10 te the fuud belug raised bv Hava'jnati newspaper men for the family of the late Edwla Martin, who died Uurlua Jlie late Jacksonville yellow ever epidemic? The nresldeni and fa's party met Mr. Martin last February when tiny were In Viertda east were nty favssaWy tsspf eased with atlas. abm KsucsKerr lectured te Palladet. phis ea Baaday ea the disposal et tee stead, aasl la tea asvrwer fcla reaaarBs aMsad tee ssjBjast or eiauisatea aa tea revival of aa eaeleatMee,. Inaswdseades,kabetlvs1, It weaM be geeersiiy popular. Beetstlss, said ke, are sprleai" up avavywBsra. iaelaesBiBf are erected la all the targe ctUesi Mteeea Indorses tr, and assay eiergy sees, both Christian sad Jewish, Bare gtVM It the stamp of tbslr approval. Peeea la. tea grave, said the rabM, Is aa lllnetea. After talersseat m latest as repalsiv activity csns. Baaltaty aslsase knows sssay raasena la favor of eesmstlea. Dr. Kranakept noticed some of the objee tlear, and replied te thssa with streag reasons ea the ether aide. A STKaSIP. Wal, beH, yer may be right i Spe ie it de lesk ou t e' place, Thtt ring ea say paw, a sight. Yet, I am a tough old cats, Been through ablt e' lift Been a heap e' trenbl a, tes, Tliht places, whar ray kntte BorterfrlendJy pnUed tneth'engb. Ten ain't ther fmt ter tneer 1 hat thtt Utile golden band Leeka out e' place and queer Oa any old meaalv hand. Bat say, brsi.dees yer Speie 1 war born Uke thli-a tramp r Otnt Wal, yes, and here goat TherrospeaUef ttfuit-elajt senmp. The rt net Wat, boa, don't mtnH jstellln'yeu.thlarlna; were A woman's, aa trne and kind Aa ever breathed the air. And the war my f ntt love Her Ilea the tutt I kitted. She war gentle, like a Cere Ana-wat, beat-she's inltitd. Uy sweetheart t Ne, bow. nor She war mere than that te me, And I tayt it ai I oegtter knew, 'Cante she held me en htr knee Leng 'fore I eeuld even creep, And she uied te neirly smother He with love 'fore I ceul i peep. She's dead new, beit-my metbir, 1 didn't get her bIeistn',besi. rore the died. I war miles away When 1 heard she'd gene acrets Xher holy river of life. But tay, Bess, you be kinder chicken-hearted, You're weeptn', else your eyes are b&l. Net you don't, uy they've Jest carted Away your mother t Wal, that's asd, Frem tht American. Dr. Bull's Cough Kyiup ts particularly re re re eommended for children. It curat coughs, colas, oreup, sere threat, and whooping ceugb. It It pleatant t the taite, and net like a ebarm. 2S rents. "Jae shall pipe and QUI thill dan co" Juit aa long eat In tha open barn as iliev Ptea'e. The ire born AmarleAnctttzun rton'ifeir nonrnl nenrnl gla with EalvaUen Oil te the front. frlceiU cents. COUtLBXlUN BO WOHK. '-, pWri 0 MPLBX10N POWDKK. LADIES tVUU VALUK A WtriNKl) COMt'LKXIOM MUST USB POZZONI'S MBDICATKU COMPLEXION POWDER. It lmnarts a brilliant traninirencv te the sktn. llmnyes all pimples, irunklet nnd Ola- eoierntions, ana makes me skin anucatciy soft and beautifuL It con taint no lime, rhltn, leftd or arsenic. In three shudet, pink or nosh, white and brunette. JOB BALK BY AU Druggists Dealara and Fancy Qoeda Bverywbore. sariiKWAua or imitatieks.- kprslvd DRY UOOIW. I'TKU HXO0K TAKING L wk errKU Special Bargains -1N- LA.DIKS' AND OUILUUKN'H COATS. l'LUSU COATS, l'LUSll MODJKHKAB, CLOTH NEWMARKKT3 JAOKETf. All Kew Thtt reiBOn. Atuit be told If Frlces will de It. UOUBLS AND SINGLE Ell IWL? AT UAU UAlNfltlOkS. JehnS.Givler O Ai 8 North Queen Btreet, LANDASTaB,rA. G HKATHALK -Ot MDSLIN UNDERWEAR -AT TUB- New Yerk Stere We gave larje erdcrt for thejn rcvxIs itui Ing; tne Oull jn, nua nuir ettur a clieli. rtieon rtieen luent at little ubevu lhocet et lnntvrlala All nre maati en lock stitch mm Ulan a id uru re-. fitetlnflt undfialih, LOT HO. 1. Ladles' Night Ureftes, White Ehlrls, DHem. tis, 1'rawcrt, Const tevr. Child in' JJiawer. intanfa mipj. children's White l);ejus, Ladies' Uvu Apreut, etc. ALLATO.NEriUOE, 2!e KAC1I. LOT NO. 2.,,.nm'a N,ht Dressea. Tuenl Bktrts. CliemUesana Dmwers, Cei.ul tevcrj. tnluut't blips andLhUdreu's Urtsi. ALL ATONK FttlOrf, e KACI1 LOT NO. 3. Contlatsef NfRht nrei'ei, V hlte skirts with Kiubtetdtiry, CbemUrs cut I'cmpadnar Style. IJ'aseraieruaich aud Otr.etCevcitlu various ALL AT ONB FBIOK, We Al'IEOK. LOTNO.4. Mihtewra. Mether Hubhard style, trim inea whh Ambieldeiy end lorcheti Lsce. W hlta bkirts, Lheuitsr In new stj !,, Uiaers te metro, Ucrtet cetl In all elupes, wuu Kmbiotaery una i orchen 'i rluiuiug. ALLATOXEruiCK,7:e KAC1I. LOT NO. 6. Klght prcties, Whlta Skirls. Ctemltei. rrt .if.',."?V a". '"0l tt. all uude I urn .?. .1 bT.,1.5 .,.. lu'i u ie, lortnen "WW HUW asiuitwiuQt Jf ALL AT OJi E I'iUCa-, II W BACH, ATTUK New Yerk Stere, 6, 8 aud 10 East Elng Street, LANOASTtU.i-A Wll.n (JHKKKY. BLORBEKHY, tllnger, BlminU and OrueKe llrandy. JACOB F. SHBAFFER, epUvtld KO. U UIMT11K SUUAKB. WAWAltAttm (.hlHIk We knew of no ether reef that covert such a stock of Black Dress Goods. We are all the time gathering from French, German and English looms whatever sort you can most wisely buy. Take what one manufacturer sends us as a ample of all : Silk-and-Wools : Henrietta, 8 te tutt. u. Diap d'Aima, St 29, fl SO. II ?S, Si and SI SO. Venetian Cletb. II, II 4, It 61'. IS. isirevie, si, ti zs.miei, ii jsl si. Tamlse,ll.tlss,ilM. Content Cleth. SI, l M, II 37K M- Hatlayerl,l,l. B iltlnfr, II 13 'nutel Hatr II S3, II M, II 73, It, IS M. Menrnlng Cleth ( aiys), f 1 29, It U), II 75. I, Vtllle'f r,ll23.IU0tel Veils ( 'i te x yarit), W te 111. All-Woels: Taiitte, 69c. 7Be, II. Albatres. 013, tic. His, II. camel Hair Uratiaalne, 79e te II 79, India Strlppn 11. InSIa i nmtl Uatr, lightweight, II te II SO. Menrntn cloth 7tote19i. finiiiiia,69atiil3S V I Ings for drmmi, COe tj II, Molrne.78etoll. i trap d'Aima, Ce te II. Ve ettan Lleth. II te II te. 1 willed surah, Kc te II Ce. We stand behind every stuff en the list weave, color, finish, wear. Three mere lines nearly as full. Have you any doubt where the Black Dress Goods trade is being done ? Northwest of centre. We will sell today at the Chestnut street end of the store 233 Men's Jersey or Stockinet Coats for $2 each ; have been $375. $5. and $6. 75 Blanket Bath Wraps for $5, from 9 and $10. 41 Londen made Steamer, Lap or Carriage Robes at 2.50 ; price has been $5.' Wet of Chestnut street nilfldle ontranee. January was a month of rush, crush and scurry in Lin ens as well In ether goods. Clearing eutthe old te make place for the new. Always new things in Linens, but most sorts come thickest new. Prices ground te a razor edge. Among the latest comers are six geed patterns 63 inches wide Deuble Damask Table Linen at $1,10. Matching Napkins are 2. 2"? for s,, and 3-Se for Y. . - w One of the richest and finest Table Cleths we have (new de sign) is 5 yards long and 2 yards wide. Napkins te match. $4S for the set. 8xie Colored Table Cleths, borders in delicate shades, $3.50. Deylies te match. The new Fleer Linens are in sight. Mere novelty in them and mere kinds te be novel with than for many a day. Btnlr L'nens, extra heavy, exelu'lve deituns. It te as Inches wide, U te SOe Had asd brown ttiutr Liners (old fiiends), It te 27 lushes jltofBe. Ilrewu Rud-wMte rloer eanintk, two new patterna, teven wldthr, M telSO lnchiv. Sua te II "5. Turki y na ana-brewn Fleer I'auiaaki. 8 ani 1 0 Inebes, II 11 and II se. TwIUmH eic l)dumk, with red rheetr, 101 110, and UOluchet, 13 I17J, and i23. Yeu can't well go amiss of ex tra attractive prices all through Linens. Here are five special things almost at random : 72 Inch 1116801011 Table Llnen, 70a. H Napklnr, flue Heublu Dauiatk: 2) luetif square, II 0. 18 Inch D.iyitei., pUIn white, II adecen. dttokJlnehrienoh Llneu tthevtlng, 03a. Plain WMte Damask Tewelt, knotted frlngu, 2Vi each, Seuth wett of centre. JOHN WANAMAKER. WUShFimifJSUIJU. rjntiK I'KOl'Lili'b OAH blOHK. Tbe People's Gash Stere, Ke. 25 East King Street. SPRING OPENING or HeusefurnisluDs: Heeds. WS OFFER: A etoetc cf Table Linens In all tbe doairable otylea and qualities -wrileh la net uneurpaesed, If cqualled by any bouse In tte elty. Turkey Bed Damasks from lOe te 871-2e per yard, geme new designs In the botter goods whleh probably oannet be found olsewbero. Nottingham Laee Curtains and Curtain Materials In great variety at very mederate prices. Ourtnla Serlms la Orenm and Celers In new designs. Bcme styles of wbleh oannet be found In any ether Heuse In this elty Prices the laweat te be found any whero. Gee. P. RathYen, riO. 35 13AHT KIHO STB12BT, lAMOAHTKB,l'A. Trl4.1rtiw . U'lrsUhH, JiKMllUT. w 1'artlculer Attention aiven te ClUnj and preterrlnK the jiaturul teeth. 1 kare an tne utest linpreveinunta ter detna nice work at a very ruttjsotmble ceet. HavlnKyoarsef ex perlenee In Uie larve clUm I amanretOKlve the beat 01 sautlatuen ana kayo you money ulaxuaelalteeihtuily a.ue per set. rl-lyd Ha. U MQUXU QVMMM Vt, pAI Kan OtCLBRT OOttFOUHA IT MAKES YOU HUNGRY. -1 have M r-atre'a Celery Osssseaad sat It kaa had a aalataty eShcr. it tavtamaSM the system smdl feel He a aewaeaa. Ittsv pieres the appetite aed fie'lltasee CiieeWem." J.T. leriLAa,irriaaas.a.a. Palne's Csjltry Compound ts a aniama Taala aad am npefsse. neaeant eUea,aw4 withiat Ivaa tli&t ! te tea testa anlckla tu eel Hr,.L"J.B,l!?,jet irtvae that.rmta makee verytMear taste aeC It cures ayapemta and kindred di-ei rayaieiass prescribe it. slw. ux tat ureen. Miuamtmt WIIM, UOHAROS-'N Vt. A CO, BsKlagtea, DiimeBiDjM ieVKn?,-!,;. DRT B lO BARQAIMS IN DRY GOODS. Big Reductions! BWaeaSJBMSBBBBBBlBBBtBSBBlBBISBBBBBt 75c, $1 00 Blaek Bilk down te 6O0, 75e a Taid. 37 l-2c 6O0 BUek Oavthmtrt down te 2Be, 37 l-2e a Yard, $1.00. tl.26 Blaek Rhadamai down te 76e( $100 a Yard. 6O0 Henrlttta Oleth down te 3712e a Yard. COe, 75e Fer Tritnmleg down te 260, 37 l2e a Yard. 17c, 25c Table Lint n down te 12 l-2e. 17c. 10e,12 1-20,170 OhUds'WhlU Undrwar down te 80, We, 12 12e aeh, 20e. S5o371-?e OhUd's Scarlet Underwear down te 15c; 20. Me aen. r 76e Ladles' Scarlet Underwear down te 37 l-2c $LO0 Ladiee' Searlet Underwear down te 75c. 6O0, 87 l-2e, $1.25 Gente' Scarlet Underwear down te 25e, 67c, $1.00. Charles Stamm, 35-37 North Queen St. BOSTONSTORE. JTKXT DOOtt TO COURT HOUBB, Jerseys. We are prepared te give special values In Jerseys, having Just Beeured the bal ance let of a manufacturer. The following- are the prices, but you muat see the qualities te appreciate their cheapnew. Ladles' AU-WoelJeraeya, 75c, ll.00,t1.25, 11.60 and 12.00, In Black, Cardinal, iirewa and .Navy Slue in many designs et Yeat Fronts and Braiding. One Letet Children's All-Weel Jeraeys at 08e. One Let of better quality at 03c. FAHNESTOCK'S, K08. 80 t 87 BA8T KJJTO BT., B ABD Jl MeELKOT. Bard & McElroy, Neb. 33 acd 35 Seuth queen Street, Opposite Fountain Ian. CAUI'KTB. We name some prices en rarpete which ean't te beat at the price anywhere ",? y2 "PI"0 Bn? ,ee ,or yenraelf. Ingrain carpu at te, 9, 31, 87K cent and up. While every number at tn price Is cheap, we ean't help bat call yenr attention te our It and t7U eant numuers, whieh bat brery thine; erer offered at the prlee, and the patterns are beautllui. Btalr caipetat 10 ij. se, at reuta up. Hall Carpet from tee up aaa; Carpet at IS. Je S7H.40, 4J cenu and up. All-Weel snipe Bsr carpet, BOa Ba Bulr Carpet and V, Carpet eyer a yard wide in wool or cotton stripe. Carpet aags taken In exchange. Ueidinaiier?,rjr Oil Cleth. eaon'walner SadO,8'W,na0W lh,lae, BMt 0rae, Bprtna- 'Utntej, ull Bice, only Me COTTONKTTBa. We have new in stock the beat seleeUonef l'anUni for Bummer weat In 1 ..etX Tnte who buy early te make up before tbe warm weather u here, will de well te call aud tee our line, aiarung at 10c . next prlee 13Xe, K'wd heary goels at price ; next grade loe. extra taeary. as geed aa some eoKLatSOet at tee we hare the ehelcett llneel patterns, some tnat you are net able te get later in the aeaaen j geed wathtng oelor-, double and twist, and rl Z'SFXS tli"? " lT llaL,,ftl0t.,0n-. We can Plee yu in An-Wooi or Halt- Weel caaatraere ftr Men and iwjr'a Wear, at Bargain rrlees. RiBKwA?l?.T.w.anT?pS,leM2tn6rDlaoflne extr vr atngham txe. We think this It one of the best bargains we hara ercr offered, and iedn our tuatemers. t?A.J?L10 na.' !"?" m,,JIt"'Tra''la9 Unbleached Mutlle Kemnanu at te .'?SI Ln.?mKa,i.ltV 60, J,ne Utntham Kemnanu at 7e t worth er. Tbe bast te Bpoel Cotten In the elty, .e yards en eich spool. JlewDieateingliamt.atejic, leandup. ..5ftlPf BS.-Speelal Lew Vrtees en the beet raathen for a short time only, if you need any this spring bay them new. Bard & McElroy, Neb. 33 and 35 Beuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. rOUSEKKEPlNQ GOODS. METZGER & 9AUGHMAN CALL ATTENTION TO TUA1U rULL LINB OF Housekeeping Goods I AT BOTTOM PRICES. Bheetluga, FJllew Oaalnga, lleklnge for Feathers under regular prlee. Counterpanes, Oomlerts and Blankets. Bargains In Table Zdnena, Towels, Napkins at low prlees. Tbe Best Bteeun Cured Faathers. Metzger & Neb. 38 & 40 West Kins Street, avopreeiTa ths UAMfMT UAIUIAIHU I .rje SHIRK'S CARPET HALL WILTON, VBLVBT, BODY BRDSBftLB, Tapestry, Iograle, Damask and Ycectiin, Rag and Ghaie Carpets, OIL VLOTSS, WINDOW SHADES, Ac We have tka Largest aad Bast Btoek la tka Olty, H. S. SHIRK & SONS. Cerntr Wet Jug mi Wit StrntB, Lunstfr, P. SALKHMEN-WE W1SU A FEW men te till our sceds by sample te the whelnaaltt at, a retail trade Lanital, menu. Ira In our line. Enclose a cant atawp. Wacet alrerdav. I'ermaneut position. Me pestals tmnwerca. aitney aavancae or wiih, aeTSf. tuinir. etc. CKMTaMMAL If as'i e CO., Cincinnati, Ohie. janaVKtaed Byiteg ssmsssississasaeta asrsMasa ism liaMteayeawara swtatrsr sssumss left Ska terra all faffed aW Taarvee saae be stream taeaaa. the bteel wkSat. uvsc aa bewses regatsaed. Faisays Ctisty OestpeaaA-tke apta aeeSJetaa cf tedaew Cats aU this, as aatMag ease eaa. FiasstlksS b7 Fhysklsna, eeeatsaeadad by armttMs, aletasa by atiattters, Saaruitsaa by tka iumiui 10 ee Ike Bt Ifrlag HtiielM. "Jatke tprfawertarf iwaaaJlraaSewa, wsmm (,( imm wnin him evtiieuB Ifi lisav aa eras set weak that 1 etaM karsir teiajrStiBa l kewgjH a teeueet rSae-a 0f 5Z. Ofwiteaaa, ak Jtafsr im take it a week t Stit very aiaeh better. I aaa eeerfalty rseetaaaaaa it ta all who weedakaiairgBa aaattftagthMlscaMSietBe.'' " ' ass. m. a. vow, Bnnuatea. vt. I jutafal VmJ Sjearfekaa !v-3Sry' Ikegaysleawasa' QOODB. Jerseys. LANOABTBB, PA Haughman, oeopib heusc Lancaster, Pa, MdML. HAitUAXNS I WANTKD-RKIilABLK LOOAIi AND TraTellngr aalnemen. fotltlens par par aeanenu apeclal Indueemente new i taat-aell. ln specialties. lent delay, ealary (reta Start. iillOtTMBlfOS., aaaaae4 nurserymen, KecheaUr, M, T rre OIXTTBUNlBOTsMIl LGammni&Bre. 09 MOKTH QUflBN T. t8 UTstHMTiiie) KAtaAiae in twdhm MADB CO OKBKB. We tare 4esM from a yresaUeat lazireaaaflaeilaael foots la tka a table for treasen.aae ta order e 1 haada fall dihA wa - - - - Jir..w?ft,,&'Bkttrt,,ine-' u flW Ti eaten te Order, Alt.Wee', WetU pea t ee Trensers te uraer, All-Weel, Werth M M. M w TTeaaen te order, Ail-Weel Werth ss es. t.80 Treasers te order, AU. Weel, Werth te I'M ami Aaaaal taJe of llea'a. egrt rUdrea'a Olethlai, at halt prtee Mfll ," Oraeeeata at M m. ttaa, at, at, ft. H aa ktea's lalta at ft, at, as, aa, at, sm. Be1 Orereeatt at atTMt H, aj.aa( at. Set's Butts at IM0. as, at, H. Cklidrea's SalU and Orerexu fMaa 11 aad ap wards.; KBhrewd borers wUl Had it te taste Mrs. taete call aad exarclae these (oeaa, as the Lewest meet wlU preraU. L. GAHSMAH & BRO., MerchaatTallers and Manafceturera of Mea'a, Bej's aad tall drea'a Oletalaf , B. W. COB. NORTH QTJMK OBAJiaB IT. . SBfThe Cheapest Kzelealre Cletalag Heuse lattaettty. e lB-PaiUB OLOTH1KR& Storm Overcoats ! IiAHT COT FOR THE SEASON IN "FRXOKH. III00BTOBUOVBB3OATR KOWltOO UCQRTOUICOVEKUOATB MOW BOO laoearoKHOvsHOOATa mew tm aroareituovjtftuoATa new eee eeoBTeaatoTiRuoATa new isi BCOBTOKHOVKUCOaTa MOW SbO HOSTOHBlOTKBCOATS MOW tsO THET MU8T BK BOLD, and thete low prices will make them ee. call at encb if you wantanXXl'KAOBUlMAaT BAKSA1N. Ohildren's Overcoats I Parent?, hate it the greatest chance yea've erer had at Ten yen. We WUl sell you any CHILD'S OVBUOOAT la enr Stere at a BBDUOTION or ONE xatBD from the Ticket Friees anarked en the aarment. " THEY asUST BE BOLD AHD MOW IB THE TIKI, se call at onee en Hirsh & Brether, ONK-PRIOB Olethiers and Furnlehen , . CORNER OF K QUEHMBT.&OBNTBHBQUARl. LANCA3TBH.PA. SSBasement cnler our Stere Beem for Bent, is suitable for Bareer or Shoemaker. Apply at our store. M TKKS ATUFO Onr Get in Prices. A UOOD UKUUCTIOM IN ttBaDAB or ALL OOB CLOTHING. The Ucduettnn it Apparent te XTerybedy Who teee the oeoflt. YOU'LL NOT DOUBT That We nays Made a Geed Ktduotlen. EVERY OVERCOAT UAH 11EEH- LOW1SBBD IM PRICE Frem the Original. They were a cod Valuta at tne Original Price. They Are a Decided BargUn Mew. Myers & Rathfon, BELIABLK CLOIBIEBS, NO. ia BAST KINO il'l. I.AVCAHTBTl FOKS, &C. IUBLI0 NOTICE. TUB Second Big Gut OH ALL Far and Winter Goods, Meyer Seldat Such Bnrprlslegly Lew rig area. BQBB9 Lewor than Ever. Nlee, fine APAM WOLr BOUE at HIS. Cheapen In tha alty. LADIES' IURS. HES'3 QLOVB9, COL LABS, Ac at and Selow Ceat. Men's HATS and CAPS at auc In Large At At aertment. Leaders et low Prices in TBUNKS and TBAVELINQ BAGS. SsTUlgbtat Caih Prices paid for Furs. 19c ler Beit Muikratt. Stauffer & Ce., 81 33 North Queen Street, LAMCABTEB.PA. WK CAN SERVE YOU WELL AND saye you money la advertising BsU BsU mateefree. ADTEBTISING GUIDK-BOOKK The most complete and original erer laaued. Sent en receipt el fie cents te pay ter packing and forwarding. Anrarruiaa warriaa A BraciALrr. The L. Jen, alllbenrne Advertising- Agensy, Ul and Its East Baltimore Street, Baltimore' asskera Mts ami. MBtir isaraiw 1 .