V"W mvanvii 7W Fm-Wlirti' it An TV J -.Iv-rf'.VJt. -- ;r s f " FTT5 'Kf , - . . Vl f f "- -" Int)I.Lancer. AWtwCttai. y tetMea tfaeeveet warwKh ,UMgnviwa , t utet 1m4 ktMptnd up ffOCiUMSaOMMiftBdl H DNMte, pnU , g npUe i of the wwimw that lea tte. battle between tbe Gerawui laatftNlawMeaUiefeaaer IftlMM emeaKi.Jn eium na lA ,1faraw bow that tale was v i aaeMcatat occurrence due iisg or jnisonaBee, jsHtyit.TBw ,tha , kfltlaaate at ,iaiaaLagfrii upon um 2-jtapaaantbataauiar coenics the OariaaeK and the natives aaty been 'prevented by the de-, I aeuoaef the commander of the te,JSeefarad te tha German mat a were waa uneany i'aaitetaaee taniered by them te , tba AdaaM would take ahand WBfltet ; and when they proposed (Vevwa V bridge he advised them taflwoaldaetperaiUlt. Hia advice ham waa? te let the natives fight ent taMlaa by themselves 5 te which rzeeDOhded that they could aflgnaa, .because they had Invited 1 tobaehlef. And that te jnstthe Tamasese cannot stand with 1 aWef ate foreign patrons. He is rJa-tramerit. l latest news shows as that, since the ten sue Mauds, the Germans rbeen very aggressive. They have I a newspaper, searched vessels, I the natives and finally havede martial law. The departure of Ltary seems te have been sate; slnea he took a proper of tha situation, and acted In ieteratlaed and spirited way that I? the most likely te preserve He' has established our i policy. He went there, he says, 1 a hatfull of initruotiens adapted te tsiiMOf .peace; but which he threw f as net adapted te the scene of war Ine encountered. Secretary Bayard Senators Sherman and Hall seem te i that there is no war yet, and they I, doubtless still cram United States with pacific instructions. 1 net disposed te criticise Secretary l"s action, save te suspect that it 1 the snap that would have adorned ijtfeaaUoe, and that te se refreshing te l national Heart in the action of the for of the Adams. senator Jehn Sherman te a notorious 1 lewd and Senater Eugene Hale is a Leap bead. The honor of the r,ta in bad keeping in their hands. : Frve te chanted bv some Journals splaying a Jingo part in the Samoa 1; dus me pency ne advocates re- 1 itself te the popular sentiment t is theenly one that can be agreeable te and geed Beam. It is net atom te resist the German assumption apremaey in Samoa, where our right laarUmlyasgoed as hers; and better, think, by reason, first, of the early of the Islands by Captain and second by the greater ity of Samoa te our country and by '- - itlui .(I. . ... ..'.. pjywg u uw ft.u vi vui vuuiuiciku i lower California. If our rights are k equal; and our interest requires us te KBjM.le.tsln them, our honor demands that tahalldjse. And when Germany Btarts i with a declaration of war against the M, because of their resistance te its 1 of supremacy, it is necessary for us (.take a band In the fight, as the Adams Oder says: and we have a peer ie the Intelligence and patriot ic the man who thinks otherwise; la profound contempt for thejudg- n that finds any echo of jingoism in a land calm exposition of the steady 1 te preserve respect for our nation St par wherever its flitt floats. r-rrr ,Y veau Again. aeseathrennsyivanui railroad pre- i te said te have received the coup-tie- ;the Yanderbllts having purchased interests of their fellow stockholders, 1 the purpose of letting the project the sleep of ages. The trunk line te have lately been enjoying a re- t season of harmony, and a love ibis been partaken by the Yander- fcitandPennsylvaula railroad people, the atai condition of which was that ! Yanderbllts should comply with their agreement te sell the Seuth l te the Pennsylvania ; of which the forbade the execution, Whether l Yanderbllts buy out their fellows and i the money from the Pennsylvania, as ' be reasonably supposed, or whether r bny them out with their own money. jgWbtefa they offer up as a sacrifice upon t altar of railroad harmony, there te no ifoaeuucat aiiin&t meir acquisl- 1 of the stock te intended te step the Dg or tue Seuth Penn railroad. .Whether this can be done In the inter. jpB of the Pennsylvania railroad and ; that of the people, might be a ftoestlen In the courts ; but it all the faaakbelders are bought out, there will Itweqqy Due ine public te complain of Iwseagnd the public te quite generally iby ear courts, in such cases, te the destination te -which it te said te 1 been warmly consigned by the late Milam II; Vanderbllt. Therefore we lude that we have teen all of the taPeantbat we shall see during the 1 of harmony and love that te adver- 1 having dawned en the railroad son. . That Amendment. The prohibition amendment that has vsd the approval of the Republican oaerine stave government testifies jtee boUewnets of that; approval, and 1 ne Daa raita 01 tne Republican essiy pweue me promemon sentiment, its failure te forbid the im- 1 and use of spirituous liquors. fits manufacture and fale being pre- Prohibition laws all fail of exe- i even when they prchibll: but when lattfeen te at liberty te brine a train lead f: whisky IntJ the state for the use of and anyone else who does net it tin tba state, what chance Is 1 that Its use shall be limited or its ha stepped? Very little indeed. 1 will lese its license revenue and I ever the sale of. liquor, whose ; will pass into the hands of these I at willing te beat the law and risk ion rer tha profit la the business. he faae of the verbiage of Ibis MMndBMat.lt te tkutbattlM lUpubll caa teidfra an aaaMaff tbalc ptohlMtieB allies with the ttadew et a ntbstartM tbatttMsraraiiotintaddtehTo. It te coaHjabaathatteMlBffptttnpcHi tba tat ta'BoawMietth aim, of the rascally Btptbltean leasers M eeeastngly Mat thatt publte premises. ' a. ' Tmxes de net leek very preeshlDg for brlillut .foreign policy by Blalae, with emtlotMBwalecBMrBaa at Mm heart of thecemmlltee ea ferelga affairs, but Oct raanyahewe be disposition te wait for tee Malae Btateaaaae ia take taeAsaetleee Mm, andwemaybeiaaflgbUag honor before the fourth of Mareh. Captain Xxart ateae up fcki mind that the Adsma eenld threw some shells, tee, tboegh the Adame has only six smooth bore guns aaa the Adlsr bet Krnpp breseh leading nasdesanen. HnrrahferLearyl Avohe the favors of aeotlUea denesd at tbe letldSBCS el Mrs. Stay vessat Flab, In Mew Yerk, a few nights ego were live ctnsriMln little glided ones hung upon glided trees la tbe corner of the ball room. Tbe birds would hardly cost mere than man? of tbeeMtMr mntebeard toys erdl narlly nsed for favors and the delight el having aemethlngnew most have made the throng In the lenls XI ballroom cackle. Imagine a glided youth of Mew Yerk with a smile and a golden canary bird In a glided etge skating dexterously ever a slippery fleer. Br reason of Its exelntivs publication of many important interviews, the Baltimore Sun bas oeme te be regarded as tbe organ of Secretary Bayard and that part of Its Wash Ington correspondence relating te foreign Ultra may be pretty ssfely taken as offi cial. Tbe following bit of Inside hUtery, se published, Is therefore of timely Inter est : ' When the treaty with Hawaii was extended, tbe Senate, at tbe Instigation of Mr. Edmnnda, wbe baa been particularly Industrious In contriving trouble for the Cleveland administration, inserted a elauie providing for tnecsstlen te theUnlted States of a harbor for a coaling station. Tbe almlhlstratlen opposed tbe senate amend. mtnt en tbe ground that it might cause tbe rajaotlen el tee treaty, which seeured most important polltleil and oemmeralal privi leges tethU oeuntry. Dnder that treaty Hawaii binds herself net te eals a feet of her territory te any foreign power without tbe oentont of the United States, and reciprocity el trade bstwean the two coun tries are established. Tbe constqaenee was that when tbe treaty was laid before KlogKalakauahecenoelved tbe Idea that tlie United States was seeking te acquire territorial rights la Uawall, and It was only with grest dlffienlty tbst tbe state department was able te convince him te tbe nentrary and bis assent te tbe treaty was scoured. About the same time Kale kaua attempted te form an alllanee with Samoa, and Plnee Bismarck, learning of this and el his cession of a coaling station te this oenntry, became suspicions and no denbt honestly believed that tbe United States was oevortly seeking te gobble both tha Sandwich and Samoans Islands. He at onee set te work te get control of Samoa, wbere the Germans hare large Interests.1! Se by tbe bungling or the Sanate we have been made appear eager te seizs tbe 1'aclfle IslandB. Se.vateu DeLvn, of California, Inilita that tbe Usinean question Involves tbe free dom of our oemmorce en the I'aclfie, and that a retreat from the position assumed by Mr, Bajard In his deelaraUena in refer refer refer onee te a preserved autonomy of Hamoa would be an almeat absolute rotlrement from tbe Farina, no was thoroughly familiar with tbe qaeatlent discussed It etlmly and historically, and with gravity demanded by tba occasion, assured tbe Senate that tbe Interests of tbe Amerlean pejple demanded the restoration of tbe ttatus quo, PERSONAL. Oavtain BiiAnnunr, a veteran of (be waret 1812, died nt Farmlngten, Ma, en Thuradsy, Bged 03 years. Rev. II. C. I'ABTemua, of Jjyken. Fa., lira accepted tbe call from HL Faul'a Episcopal cbureb, et Manhelm, and will Baumi) his duties en the first Sunday in Marcb. Hieiiaud Oathse, Inventor of tbe Gal ling gun, has devloed a pollce son for use lu riots, wbleli will Ure 1,10 shots a minute. High cxplcalves, be thinks, will be tbe dfistruetlfa loreo employed In future warfare. Mn, Austin Ceninrf, wbe sailed for Europe Just prier te the holidays, is said by tbe maritime fiesalpa te have gene in the Interest of that ott-anneunced and mueh talked about proposed new line et transat lantic steamships whose pert "en tbe ether aide" will be Mllferd Haven. Jaueh K IiAMnDiN,aeelebrated portrait and landscape painter, waa found dead In a ear of tbe Heading railroad, en the arrival nfthetralu in Qermantewn en Thursday. Death is cup posed te have been dun te apo plexy. Mr. La'JibdluwasbarnlnPittsbujg in lbu7, and at tie age el 12 began atudyleg art. Ha hns been a resident of Philadelphia alnee 1837. Mr. Ltiubdln waa one of tbe oammlaalenera appointed by President Buebanan in I860, en the reoemmendatlon el a national convention of artlata, te super intend the interior deoeratlon of tbe capital at Washington, lie frequently visited Lancaster and had many warm friends here. Ills paintings of the late We, A. Wilsen and Bishop Bewman were recently exhibited here. He leaves a widow, two sens anil two daugbteie, Geerge C. Lsmb din Is an artist el wide reputation aud Dr. Alfred O. Limbdln la managing editor el the Philadelphia Timt. Aitanltcd Ills Lawjer In Court. There was a (sensational tcone In Judge Nerinlle'e court, in Br. Inula, en Wednes day. Ed Kelly, alias H lattery, charged with highway rubbery, and a desperate obaraeturwho bas asrved time, bad Just consented through hla attorney, Jeseph tfutllnir, toae-eptaten year term in the penitentiary for his erlmes. Ten years?" asked Judge Nermlla hes itatingly, as he was abnut te Impose that sontenea en tbe man. Kelly, seeing what waa oetniug, nerved himself like a python abcut te cell Itself about some animal it meant te crush, and the next moment he dasbed forward at Purling, wbe saw atara as be reeled backward, stunned by a pow erful blew delivered ever his left eye by tbe desperado, bis mouth was bnrt, loe, by tbe prisoner's thumb. Mr. ifnrllng was picked up and taken te a waah room te bathe bis bead, bleed trickling down from bis whlbkera meanwhile. The feu-years' sentence waa imposed.and tbe prisoner went back te J all te be brought out again later te be tried for robbing an Olive street car conductor named Pat Ital ian of all bis fares and bla waten. The charge would have been passed generally but for bis asiault en Furling. Judge Nor Ner mile made tbe aentenea fifteen yeara, te it cost Kelly just live yeara te strike hla attorney. m m Itswards far Heneii Bf te. J. Devlin, a tialn empleye en tbe Mew Yerk Central & Hudsen Klver railroad, found a poeketbook containing 130,000 last Bnnday In a seat of a drawing-room car at tacbed te tba east-bound train, due at Albany at 430 p. m. He returned tbe money te Its owner, J. K. Lef tus, a Bos Bes Bos tenlsu, who waa returning from tbe West. Mr, Loftea handed Devlin f 1.0C0. Autbur Tutten, an engineer wbe bas been out el work all winter and bad spent many daya looking for a job, stumbled ever a package containing $7,467.40 in Ohloace en Wedneaday. He took It home, opened It and discovered that It belonged te O. t Flrmeulcb, a wealthy manufacturer, The next morning he returned it te Ftrmenlcb. Tne manufacturer was overjoyed nt hla lucky escape from a heavy Iecs. Heahewed hla appreciation of the peer engineer's hon esty by cnerlng him a bright, new twenty. flyu cent pleee. m m Ur Bnll's Coeifh Byrup U fut tlkfnu tbe n'aoaef sji ilieeia JitMioeaeugbioinedli'. It never fall in riJluethemcMl violent cola. una ler threat dbeaaea It la Invaluable, l'rlee i5 coals. Thus am I doubly anned-my death ana lire, My bane ana antidote are both bstere me-' VThatiitr te ait alone (offering with nearaisU or buy one betUe of selvsuen w. BOOKS AND AUI1I0RS. JOWA.TKAW AWD BIS C05TIHX!T,Mfl- Mes ihrenRn American society by Max O'ReH aaa Jaek Allya, tranaUusl by Madam Pant Blenet. Oases! & Ce., Maw Yerk. Tkte book already fameae beeaaes of tba wide reaewa of tee author's abarp satire ea "Jehn Ball and his Island," la tally up te that work la wit and ability, bnt fortunately for Americana, la written m a mere pleasant temper. It therefore, makes dellgblfnl reading, and the criti cism of American fanlta are angar.oeatea with en evidently genuine admiration and astonishment ever the works and ways el Jonathan and the wonders of hta continent. The eriap, clear etyle of Max O'Rell, bis keen senM of hnmeraadtbe general feres of his criti cisms have assured readers for whatever he writes, and thengit we are net tela wbat partJsek Allynbad In tbla work It will all pass for tbe Vreaebmaa'a and be remesa bend ss the beat treatise ea a abort visit te as ever published by a foreigner. Cap. tleus erftlss have found fault with tbe frequent appearance of sayings that are ehwtuuty," but It mnat be remembered that the book was written by a Frenehsata ostensibly for Freneb readers and these sayings are net Freneb ebeatnuta, Tbe genial author is quite as unsparing In his comments upon tne fellings of the Freneb as be Is upon these of foreigners snd notes tnelr narrow ness aaa meiancneiy ignoranes 01 BTery thing outside of Franee. Tbe book Is net all Enmor and burlesque, but there le plenty of strong thought in It, as In hla comments upon hanging In Ameriea atd capital punlanment In general. In ebarm and brilliancy of atyle it la se excellent that tbe temptation te quote Is atreny, but there are se many geed passages tbst we bae oenoluded te quote the whole book. Jonathan and ma continent ny Max CKell will be published In tbe Imtelli. obnebb complete, with tbe exception of a chapter en Ingersoll net of Interest te Amerlean readers. The flnt part will appear in te-morrow's anpplement. This eper has aeenred tbe exclusive right for e publication el tbe book In this city. It is announced that D. Lotbrep company have In press a remarkably streng: story by a Mew Yerk lady which is said te be a refutation or muen 01 "iionen xismere.' ifuUtlonef mnehet "KobertKlitnere." I Tbe January Wide Awuk hua stories by I Irs. L, B,Walfprd, M. K. M. Davis, author Mrs. of "in War Times at LnKcee Blanche:" Hezeklah Bntterwertb, Mrs, jossie Benten Fremont and etbera. Fire-building, as taught in tbe bosten publte schools, la described minutely, and tha Legend of William Tell ia very fully considered and Illustrated. A delightful book Is Horaea Lunl'a Acress Lets," wbleh hai mueh of tbe quaint ebarm and out deer feeling et Jehn Burroughs. It will recall te many a tired buaineas man happy heura spent in the weeds when be was a country lad. The"Btoryet Louisiana," the third In tbe notable aeries or the "Hlery otBtale," la from tbe pen of Maurlee Thompson. Hla record of tbe varying tortnnea of the Pell can atate la full of romantie and readera of Cable will find It faselnatlng and luatruo luatrue tlve. FAVOniTR AUTHOnS FOH LITTLE FOLKS, published by tbe Intorfitnte Publishing company, Bosten and Chicago. A email volume maaa up or Drier Diegrapnica or authors wbe bave made tbcmsel ves familiar toyeungreadorsby their stories and poema. It ia prepared by Mrs. Francis A Hum phrey. The contents include sketches with En ti alts of Longfellow, Whlttler, Luey arcem, T. B. Aldrleh, J. T. Trowbridge, Mrs. Btewe, Dr. Helmes, Mrs. Aloett, Haw thorn, Alies and Pbcsbe Uaty, W- O. Bryant and Margaret Hldney, These abort aketches, with extraati from tbe writings el some et tbe authors, are told In tbe attractive way which has made Mrs. Humphrey ae popular a writer for the little folks. Tbeyare of the highest degree cf literary excellence and cannot fall te fur nish delightful pictures of the human and sympathetic nature of our brat writers especially In thelr relations with eblldren, and in this character tbey will be welcomed. Thla book oemes as tbe youngest of series of three books, "About Authers." Tbe second, 'Kngllah Authora for Yeung Felka" and the third, " Amer.'ein Authora for Yeung Felks." Cenklin's Handy Manual of Usn- VOL lNFOIlMATlON AMI ATLAS OV TUB World, Laird A Lee, Chicago. The edition of thla little book for 1889, has juit neen issuea i it contains wunin iisiiu page a a mine of useful Information en thousands of dlrlerent topics. Asa political encyclo pedia it appears thorough and comprehen sive. The volume contains fifty maps. In the polltleal Information given are the following facta of espeeial Interest at this time. The party that carried each state, and by what maerlty from; tbe time tbe atate began te vote; tbe papular and electoral votes for president from Washington te Harrlien; thona'.urallzitlen laws cf each et tbe atatea; the cilleera of tbe United Utates government and salaries paid them. WANDKitBRa, Belng a colledion of the Seema of William Winter, Bosten, Tlokner Ce. Thla la a beautiful little edition of poems by a man who might have turned out a strong poet If he had given mere tlme te work In that line. He certainly writes with great smoothness and beauty, and baa the geed sense toaveld long poems. Mr. Winter's verse often suggests the beat known work of early Knuiiah poe's and r. may be that It would lake better II mere in sympathy with tbe spirit of the age and lesa olaaaieal in form. A orltle aptly aaya of Iheini "They are redolent el that old faablened, high minded courtesy which la ait se mueh formal as self-respeellug, and which Is especially fsaeinitlng in a rerlel when tbe cultivation el manners Is te negleeted, aud a brutqne aud aeml bar bar lareua directness is thought te consist with geed breeding." TTOOD'B HAliSAPAKlLLA. THE PLAIN TRUTH Is that noed's Baraaparllla ;haa cured thou, sands et people- wbe safTered severely with rheumatism. It neutralises tbe lactic acid In the bleed, which causes these terrlble p&ln and actie, and Rlse vitalises and enrlche, tbe bleed, thus preventing tbe recurrence et the dlseoee. These (aels warrant ua In urging you, II you suder wlib rhuuumlistn, te Klve Heed's E arsaparllla a trial, " JTer 23 years :i have suffored with cclatle UhenuiMlstn. Last Novumber 1 was taken werre than ever, and was unable te get out of the house. 1 was almost HXLfLK8 fOE 40 DAIS surfertng grout agony, in December I com menccd taking Uoed'D Sarsapartlle. Alter the second bettle 1 was abla te be. out and around and attend te business. 1 took flve bottles. and am new se lroe from rheumatism that oniyecoaslonaiiy i reel it slightly en asud dun change of weather. I have great conO cenO conO dencoln lloed's earssparllla. Cuaslss HAS kau, Christie, Clarke Ce, wis. lNlCLAMMAaOHV 1UIKUB ATISU " lluvlng been troubled with tmoauuualery rteumntUm for many years, my laverable attsntlen was called te Heed's Pareararllla by anadvortljemontof cures It had effected. 1 have cow used three bottles of Uoed's Bursa patlllt and can alresdy testily tebencOetal results. 1 highly recommend It as a blecd pu rifier." J. C. AT lis, West lllcemnelS, N. Y. Heed's Sarflaparilla Beld by all OruggUU. SI i six ter t5. Vrepxrcd only by C. I. .UOOU A CO, Lewell, Mass. 100 Deaea One Dellar. gempl Hxieir re WD UK. jMPLKXiON POWDKU. LADIES WUU VALUE A KKFINKU COUI'LKIION etuax US POZZONI'S SIBDIUAIXD COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brilliant transparency te the skin, uomevob nil pimples, ireckles and Ols Ols Ols colerations, and makes the skin delicately se!t and beautiful, llceutalns no lime, white, lead or arsenic In three shades, pink or flesh. wbltQ and brunette. reu BALK ur All Druggists and Fancy Qoeda Dealera Avorywliere. . JSP! WASB XMITATWJIB.1 VAXAUAK9X JraxLaasaawu, Shares?, Fab. 1, IBS. Boek News for February It ready. Dullest time of year with Bookmakers, and yet Febru ary Boek News tells of seventy eieht new Beeks, and civea clews te the drift and worth of most of them. Very likely net 10 of these 78 Beeks have any special interest te you ; another 10 appeal te some one else, and se en. Somewhere there is a mind-niche for everyone of these new Beeks. But hew many of you have the time or the chance te dig into the Beeks of every month and make a choice ? The com mon way is te buy haphazard or go without. Of course when a book is in everybody's talk as Rebert Elsmere, or Jehn Ward, Preacher, are just new curi osity pricks you te read it But that's a slew way te get a hint. Boek News readers see the light of new genius at the dawn ing. Newspaper men are in the full sweep of the new-Boek current. Ne one knows better than they what is te have the drudgery of Boek looking and .? j u .:.. j v.. Weighing and CllOOSing done by a saJe Iriend. Hrft !q what I a sale triend. Here is what some el them say : He better glance at literature from month hi ui'nua ca-i ue nsa pteusuiy Brooklyn iflr. Y.) Eagle. Jan.lt. ISS9 i or prompt, cnbUied ctltlclsm of the row beets in an latenstlag form, this magsxlne can bn raited upen.-t an anclice Ad vocals, Jan t.l8i. in every roipect a mtrreT of the llterstnrn of the rtiy. 1'MladtlpMa A'ertlt AtnirUan, Die. in, 1 Hi Tiie bst epitome of all that Is new and best In the world of buo&sfurfinefon itl. J.) As As perier, Jan e, 16S9 1 1 Heet kiwi gives in cenclte form perfectly accurate Information regarding ullnew books; b luting Dielr eblect. charactar, and all tha facts neceinir; te get an excellent Idea et a bv0v bfere vMtieg it Jiotten Ctommon Ctemmon Ctommen wialth.Jan t,lSS9 lloeaSiKwslsihobest and choicest thing of thu kind published. Ittt Avottello Uutdt. Atilttn. Ttx. nee.QI. IS.9S. The worth et Heek mw is far greater tlian anv elalms made for It by tbn publisher American C'Aurek Sunday tthoel Jfagatln. No'leve'ror books will willlegly pass It by unnojlce(lj-i'Aadfi)ftla plieejial Mtcertttr, The detached plate - paper portrait this month is of Mar garet Deland, author of Jehn Ward, Preacher. Scattered through the number are three striking illustrations from Beeks of the month, and a breezy sketch of Alphense Daudet at home is enriched by a geed likeness of that famous novel ist Boek News is 5 cents a num ber ; 50 cents a year. Near Thirteenth strcatentranca. Crochet Bed Spreads ier$i. New and then a drop of oil from the machine has touched them. Big pay for the bit of soap and spoonful of water that will make them worth $1.25. Near Wexcn's Watting ltoem. Second Edition of Diary day. The Diaries are here in as many get-ups as you'll care for, 35 te 75c. Blank Beeks begin net a step away. Frem neat little Shopping or Visiting Lists for " milady " te an Soe-page Led ger, full-bound. All the be tween grades. Juniper end Market streets earner. Think of an Ink that from the first stroke Is black as mid night; that flews freely and doesn't corrode the pen J When you tire of making' sickly streaks, ask for the " Wana makcr." 10c a bottle. Hew geed lead gets into geed cedar in geed Pencil shape for 5 cents a dozen is a wonder. Try a handful. Janlpsr and Market streets. JOHN WANAMAKER. fOK BALK OR RKNT. VWHHVArtlMfc' MI $ CITY BFILDHTG- I0TS BKGUBKD BY PATINQ Five Dollars Per Menth. TUIIU'Y FIVE CUOIOE i.OTH LKFT, At the lollewlng Lew Prices: 10 Lets for , tise n i.ets ter.. S l.e-afar.. 1H0 , 101) , :je , SCO C l.ut. ler.. 0 Lets for.. All sllaated In tbe most rapidly-growing portion et the city, street car facilities, pavei ea BiuKwtuss. city wttr supply, mworsue, gu and tlcctile liicat. Ibe chuapust lets new nieniuin moony, una oeuaa te lacrease la value. Alse, auuiuberel Dwelling Houses en Bame Plan. Thn brst cbance ever offered ler a person et small menus te tecure a borne. Apply liuuae dlatcly te AIiI.ANA.UBUU. Ueal KiUte and Insurance Agent. lea least King atreet COAJL, LUMIIEK AND COAU 1OI14CC0 8UI10KB AND CASKS. WKSTKltN UAUU WOO 03. WboleasJe and UeUU, at U II. M AUTIN A VOH U4 Water street, Lancaster, Fa. nS-lyd OlUMUAltUNEU'B VOHVABX. COAL DEALERS. eiias:-Ha i KerU QueenStreet, and Me. sei Sert.t rrtneu street, rinrn; Nt.rUi l'rlnea Street, near JteaAisa Ill0t. KVt I'.lm AJtCASTBK. r A rpEETUINQ BYHU1'. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should bave a bottle ei DR. f'AUttNfc.Y'dTlcaTUINUBYnlll'. 1'errecUy sale. Me opium or lerpn!& mixture.. Will relieve colic, Urlplnvln tb liewels and fro fre fro lueUi Dlffleult 'Ituthle. Prepared by DK8. i. rAHUMKY A ON,Uagertewn,Md. Drug. gtstiSBllIti St cents. - Trial bottle teat by mall 10 cents. jast-ijaeeatw slXsT OMUMfcT OOMFOtJX&, r RHEUMATISM AND These ssHaWssasaai ae ae thtir vaewate. ralaem Oslary eess aeaaa ass aeraaaaiesiiy awtea aae wesss a a aasswausm ant sektlgla-eessytl wasaaveaaeaK. 't M Bar tea b;ea txeabled wltk a: attaekasa aad feit tar Bra yean, I waa aa saesraasble te get ateaaa, aaa was very efiea asanas ta say feed far weshsatathaa. I iel eaiy ewe besua at raiaa's eawry essa. amtad aaa was perfeetty aatea. lean new iampareaa4,aaaiaataa Uvatyasaaey." wmAmm oaaebi 11.0s. aufevatte. DraatUta. Mammoth TsaUaeelU Faaar free. DUBOlilrnl g0l?nTaairHkarrir asase BBtssa sssasiaB. s rata Qatar Daasae na - aaa aayjaBls taenia-. I eeag ea ma. fa the asm twt inaianva OZ.OTHIK9. aVJtV.n, H AQEtt A BKOrUKB. AWiaVwwiVVwwvSVVVViWVWwVM 3 DECIDED -IH- MEN'S PANTALOONS 1 Stylish Cheviots, AJI-Weel, S2.75 2.75 All-Weel Kerseys, Geed Styles, $2.00 2.00 A Serviceable Beaver Cassimere. 1.75 t.75 Youth's Stylish Cheviots, All-Weel, S2.50 2.50 HAGER ft BROTHER, vAmrmt UABUA1N8 I SHIRK'S CARPET HALL WILTON, VMLTBT. BODY BRUSSELS. Tapestry, Iegnln, Dinaik ud Tenetlu, Rag ud GMIb Carpati, OIL OLOTSB, WINDOW SHADES, x. We Bve the Larcetrt tad Beak H S. SHIRK & SONS. Ooreir Wrst liif ui Wat Btmtg, Iueutff , Pi DRY UOODB. J. B, MARTIN & CO. Cut Prices ON- MUSLI NS AND- SHEETINGS. We villi dutlDgthe month of February rell Muslins and bbeatlngs at Manufacturers' Frtefs, and are ettering Inducements rarely Heard el In tnete staples. FllUlT Or TUB LOOM MUSLIM, Bleicned. one yard wide, by the full pleee or by the yard, at B&c a j ard. We will sell yen any of tha following brands of Bleaehed Muslins at Jess than tegular prices: PBIDBOFTUB WEST MUSLIN, LOMHDALB MUSLIN, WAMSOTTA MUSUN, W1LLIAMSVILLB MUSLIN, UU.L. OB 8BMPBB IDBM MUSLIN, D WIOUT ANCBOH MUSLIM. UNBLIACBBD MU8UNB; Five Thensand Yards of Appteten "A." in remnants of one te ten yards, at He a yard. All prominent makes of Unbleached Muslin at Out Prlees. 8UEBTINQ AND PILLOW UABB MUSUN. Utlea In all ntatb. Bosten In all widths. Lancaster in all width Mohawk Vallsy In all widths, our 10 4 Ulesched bbtetlng at 2Se hsa no equal. Kztra Heavy Pillow eaae Muslin at leeayatdt riga'ar price. Me. Unblaach.d khaettngs, all widths suid makes, at Cat Prices. 4V-SEND reB PHICES.-W J. B. MARTIN &CO. MRU, tO. IU11L1U NUflOK. -TUB Second Big Gat ON ALL Far and Winter Goods. Never Sold at Bueh Surprisingly Lew Figures. BODES Lewer than Bver. A Nler, Fine Japan WOLr BOUE at W.83. cheapest in tbe city. LADixa1 rum. men's qlevbs, cel LABS, At, at and Belew Cost. Man's UATS and CAPS at 85c la Large As sortment. Leaders et Lew Prices In TBUNKS and TKAVEUNQ BaOS. Stauffer & Ce., 31 83 North Queen Street, LANOASTBB.PA. ATXOMMMTM. TT UTHBR 8. KAUFf MAN, ATTOBBBY-AT-LAW, Second Fleer Bsklaaaa Law BaUdlaf , be. fl Menk Daka street. ilyAw . ' . ,1 neasiwaa, xwataagaa at ins xwasvaestsa' aeSS I fa maimim - m- " m ik - -y m PAIMI'S CKLIBT CvHrOUXal. "1 have ksm BtMMy aSltetaa wl kAeass Bkaawaaiasa,MaaeaYaaa a tataai aaittl ssaratsWs Celery pasaaaaaC. Arter tag mwm wi ! mnwM k bib hw emiva vi MSB" aaBrjsu, atrrcatnae IB. . eetasaa, M. a. irrntTg Latniti tvmmi r Fa,ae,a Catety Caaasjeaaa aaa BarftiraMt maay asher aafas-aa maiTSfeae aaast eeftsees iiiih art), hat aiaeswca, Mtehait. mat loafer with VuftlSSLTJSt' BARGAINS 25, 27,29 West King St. MALL. AKOAIXBI Meek la tka Otty, JDKT OOOV8. A TER BXOOK TAXIKQ WB OFFBB Special Bargains IN LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS. FLUSH COATS, FLUSH MODJKSKAS, CLOTH NEWMARKETS A JACKETS. All Mew Thl. Season. Must be sold If Price, will de it. DOPULE AND SINGLE SHAWL". AT BAH OA1NPB1CES. Jehn S. Givler O 8 North Queen Street, LAN0A9TEB. PA. UROQMRIES. E VERY FAMILY SHOULD USB OASSABD'S MILD CUBBD HAW. The F. Behumaker Maw Precess Fleer pro pre pro neunoed the beat ever placed upon the mar- w'e make apeetalUes of FINE TEAS, and ChoieeeLU Java ana mocha oeffbbb. The best tee Coffee In the city. All we ask Is a trial order. obe. Wi ant, He. 1U Wait Klna- Street. oeds delivered. e HEAP QROCERIEB. Selling Off Belew Cost Yea, we are Selling Off Belew Cost te Bednoe our stock. NewU the time te bny Canned and Dried Fruits cheap. We have an immense atesk, our prf nelpal brand being DEW DBOF, wbleh we claim leads the world. Teas. Coffees and Sugars. TEAS Impetlal. Oolong, Japan, Yeung Hy Hy eon, and the s lne.t English Breakfast Tea in the city. COFFEES-Try our Java and Mecha Cot. fees. Alse the Best Bies and Lagnayra te atoek. BUUAB3 at Cost. Sugars at Ceat. "GIVE US A TBIAL OBDEU.' . A. Reist ft Ce., QRO0VR8.' Cor. list King ui Me Streets: WANTED RELIABLE LOCAL AND Traveling salesman. Positions par. mananu BpecUd Induoementa new t fast sell. In specialties. Don't delay. Salary from Start. BslO TN BBOB- dismdeed Mnrsarymen. Bechester. N. T fflHE LATEST IN PEHFUUES ARK X Gey's Lily and Linden Bleem. The former waa made famous in Elder Haa-fard's "Allen Quatermaln," la whleh It U'deseilbsd in It. native Attics. The latter . a mut deli cate, esqui.lte and lasting perlume and Is destined te hive qultea run. FBAILBY'8 EAST END PBABMAOY, (Opposite Eastern Market,) Fralley's Blltsr Wins or Iren Is the best tee te. It puts color In the cheeks and la the best for the least mensy. tee. M.W.FAw WE CAN SERVE TOU WELL AND sava you money in advertising. E.U matasrrae. ADYERTI8ING GUIDE-BOOKa The aaest eempieta and original ever issued. Bent en receipt el te eenta te pay ter packing and forwarding. ADvaanaise Warrraw a eiweultv. The L. JeB. MUbeurna Advertisrn 111 and m Bast Baltimore etraet. Baltimore Md. SALESMEN WK WIBH A FEW msn te sell our reed, by sample te the wholesale and retail trade. Largest manu rrs la our line. Enclose a eent stamp. Wages Mperdav. Permanent position. Me pestals answered. Meney avaneed ler wages, advar. tislag, ate. OBNTBMBIAL MAtPva CO, ClnefaaatLOhVe, jaaSI-Ntae ' Bsf1 T OliOTaUMOaUl L. Cusmtii ft Bre. es MOftTH QUaVN sYT. C8 rj eanaasass. iMTtnnsmsrei naiainrf in xneusin M ABB TO 0ADBE. 1 fl t' . f . We ftaveeleeM treat MS UM BM IMS) I laser tteaaars.i As fail ftimsa. Z2lSttl&""a' AUl IM'PH lUMOrlie. All.Wan. Watt SB as MS ae Tins is 1 11 1 11 1i 1 All-Waal. Wmk My. MMTmeretoetear,H.Weel Wetikifaa. gue Treeaera te urtar, AU-Weet, Wetik it es. TbaUnat Aawasl Staisaf afaa. Bkwa mmM OstMratt'e OseUlaw, at half artee aUU earn- .' Oveeeeaai . ua, at, , n, mj m MmSBalUatsa,I.SB, aj,aj,iit. Bey's Overeeats at $lh, eate, am, ai. . Bey w Satta M HM. , at, M CsMrrt ealta aaA evereeau Crem 11 aataywarea.; BkrawC bayara will tad It tetkttraCvaa. tags te call aae axaaniee these goees, aa tae Mweat rncea wtu prevail. L GAHSMAN & BRO., Merchant Tailors ana Manntaeterers of Men's. I, Bey's and chbdrsn'aOietArng, , W. COB. KOBTH QOBBK OB AWOB ST. JVTha Cheapest Bxelnalve CletMag Bease la taw city. M TUB at KATaUrON. Seasonable Clothing ! YIS. TIB UAVB BVBB1THINO SUtTA BLB FOB SUCH WBATHEB IN HBM'B WIAB. ALLOUB OVERCOATS Reduced in Price. A BBDUCT10N, TOO, THAT TOBOMETBINOl AMOUNTS OUB WHOLE LINB OF MEN'S SUITS GOT IN PRICE FBOM THE BBTTBB GBADES TO TBI LOVfEB. YOU'LL PKOriT BY A VISIT TO OUB BTOBB. A LOOK AT OUB PBXCE8 ISSUES TOMAKBABUYBBOrYOU. , Myers ft BatMen, BBL1ABLB OLOXU1EBB, NO, 19 1A3T DNO ST. LABOASTBB FA. HO VSBFUSltJaBISa. 1HE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. Tbe People's Cash Stere, Me. 25 Bast King Street SPRING OPENING OF WB OFFER: Btoek of Table Llnena in all the deeirable etylea and qualltlee whleh It net unsarpweeed, If equalled by any house In the elty. Turkey Bed Damasks from lOe te 87 l-2e per yard. Berne new deelsna in the better goods whleh probably oaaaet be found elsewhere. Nottingham Laes Curtains and Curtain Materials in great variety at very moderate prices. t """"" Curtain eerlms in Cream and Celers in new deelgns. Eeme styles of whleh oannet be found in any ether Heuse in this elty. Prleea the lowest te be found anywhere. Gee. F. Rathven, MO. fl5 HAST bUKQ BTatWrT, LABOASTBB, PA. mArlt-lvdAw MVSJOAL. VtaitAtsa 'mrvn G REAT REDUCTION IN AUTOHARPS. Three Bar. UfO Four Bar, ..Moe Five Bar.. HU Anylady can learn te play a tuneln fifteen minutes. Drep In the .tore and take a le)k at them. te AMATEUR) and PBOFESBIONALa ; We have at present the finest stock of BAR MOM1UA ever seen In Lancaster and at anr prlslngly low prices. Organs In Perfect Condition, which wa will 0ire HT.i aceuun-nKuu ruuui IHU u at nara-ain rr.ees. Planej, Oraans, Bheet Mu.le and Mnlcat Mdse.ln Kereral In tact evarrthlnir neitaln- lng te a Sistclaas music house, Kirk JoLmsen & Ce., ' 24 WBST KIHQ BTR1T, LAXOA8TEB.PA P. 8. Pianos anfl Furniture Moved. Oat a Spy of Fred. T. Baker'aNew Waltr, -The ivee Bsturn ." BM-tyeA w Ssrt&vs wa ssiswia r- HeusefarnishiDg Goods. J.. "JL'il.? M ,ir 2aafiaa.i' y "r -"- ? "- ''