T - it je l VOLUME XXV-NO. BRAM GREEN C0NV1CTID. f Ha RKeurM a MMrsjien or ? tbb abb six ttOHrau, nrw mm Was iwwim Ami rareaaai sa HwtN KMw latfetaaaaia am hwl aiHr-OM. a. Uiimmn mtfi aUtyte Attartsg Bsllrea Ttakats, ITilf ay 4crnoe WiUlsm Walks) oily, who wm brought fieat WeretaUr, M, ltwet te answer Besarp b4ag . ths father etEt'xibeth Reta' IllsgMaMt .JBi2d'.?!?Srt gBllty te the OflMlM usdJaf. Adasi Fulmar, convicted at the meralng tnsslen of etnaling fsnee rait, m sen. toneed te undergo aa Imprlsonmeater sixty day. The santeae wai made light after a)aael made a pis that Falmur waa of waak mind. Abrani Green, a colored resident of tha Welsh mountain, was pat en trial for fslaaleaa salt and baUtry'and aad carry. 1t oeaeealed deadly weapons, Iaaaa Fat teraen, the proseeaior, aUe a e jlerad mam, testitled that oath 15th Deesmber, Grssa pulled out a platet aad without any provo prevo prove eatlon ahet at him. Tha ball aalarad hla arm and these sultssrs ths retail. The defendant dented being guilty of tba efTenee ebarged, bat tha Jary took no atoek la bu denial, for they promptly rendered a verdict of gnllty. He waa eenteneed te undergo an linprleonment of flrayeara aad six months In tbe Eaatern penitentiary. Elward Hamaker, Harry Find ley, Jehn Btete and James Hlskle, four Columbia n, were called for uial ea ohargee of suit and battery preferred by Frank Foreman and Edward Keller. The faeta of tha ewe aa prayed by the oemmonwaalth'a wltneesss were thaea : Than waa a etrlke at the Columbia rolling mill about a year age, aad tbe oempany rnnoleg the mill sdver tlaed for faande te Uke the places of the strikers. Among tbete who were em ployed te take tlia atrlkera' plaeaa war the proweator In thle ease. Theea four defendant are employed at tbe Keeleysteve werke, .Columbia, end are memeera of the Xalgbta et Laber. On the night of Osteber se, tha proiseotora' with tbelr alatere, went te Wright vllle te wltnest a political pared. While etandlng near Heke'a hotel at Wrtghtayllle a orewd approaebed the proe pree proe eeatera and ealled them ngly namae ; one ueed waa "high bat eeaba." The deleadaata denouneed Foreman and Keller for taking bread out of peer men'a meutba and threat ened te de them great bodily harm. Cel. Magee and two ether men of Wrlgbtsvlile, aaw that Foreman and Keller were in danger and they eeoerted them te tbe WrighUTllle end et tbe bridge. They oreaaed te the Columbia and and when they reached there they found all the de fandanta welting for him. H Inkle began a row by knoeklog Foreman down. Stain truck Keller ea the headwlthablaokjaek, knocking him senseless, Tha ether de fendant Joined te the fight and Keller aad Foreman were atruek and kleked by all et tha aoenaed and badly need up. The defenae waa a dental by the aoeeaed of tbelr guilt et the shargea agalnat then, ltwaialae ahewn by a large number et wltaeaaea that the defend anta were net at tba Columbia end of tbe bridge at tha time of tha alleged assault, but were at WrighU Tllle, a mile and a quarter away. Tha theory et the defenae la that prosecutors were aaaaalted by ether partlee, but tha defeadanta were aned beeauae they had ealled tbe prosecutors "blaek abeep." Wednesday Evening, All Wedneedey evening' aeaalen of court waa taken up In hearing teattmnny In tbe sasault and bat tary eaeea brought by Frank Foreman and Edward Keller, and the argument of oenn. eel after wbleb court adjourned, OBAND JUUT RETURN, True milt Martin Blzler, Jehn W. Ramsey, fornication and baitardy. Ignored Bills K. C. Black, keeping a gambling heute ; J. Milten Rcep, celling llqaer te person visibly atleoted and te Intemperate petaina, with Jame Jackaen ter cost. Thursday Morning Th Jury in the aeeault and battery eaiea against Edward Hamaker, Jehn Stein, Barry Flndley and Jamee Hlakle redered a yerdlct of guilty. Sentence waa defej red. Henry McGurk, of Reading, waa pat en trial en a charge of adultery. The com monwealth proved that be waa Intimate with Mr. Lydla (Haas, a widow, living la Brecknock tewnablp. Tbeaalt waa brought byaaonefMra, Glaes, who left borne en aoeountolthe relatiene existing between MeQurk and hla mother, Tbe defenae waa a denial et tba common wealth' allegation. It waa teeUOed that MeQurk wai employed by Mia.Glaaate work en her farm, and that hla presence there made her eon engry andcauaed them je make till confounded complaint, The Jury rendered averdlet et guilty, and the oeurt aen toneed him te undergo aa Imprisonment of aeven month. Geerge B. Longenecker pleaded guilty te altering a railroad ticket. Hehadpur Hehadpur ebaaed a tleket at Ronreretewn for Mount Meunt rllle, and altered tbe word MeuntvlUe te Steelton. He wa aentenced te undergo an imprisonment of eight month. Jehn Kane, oelored, oenvloted onTuea enTuea day of aaaiult and battery, wa aenteneed te pay a flae et 130, and cost of proaeou preaeou proaeeu tlon, a RAND JURY RETURN.. True mils Jehn K Shirk, fornication and bastardy; Mifflin Wetzel, er.aLlareeny, three Indlctmtnte; Mlfllln Wette), larceny; Leepold Wickenhelaer, nuisance; Edward Cenner allaa Edward Bundy, violating elaellualaw; E. Galea Barr et. aL, violet violet leg election law, two Indletmentt; Chris ttaa Haewalter, rape; Daniel Brenner, et. ai.t nwlleteus mlaehle'. CURRENT BUSINESS. A rale was granted te ebew cause why ae muea of tbe finding of tbe grand jary aa ImpeMd ceata en Jame H. Jackaen, in tba eeee of commenwealln va J. Milten Roop, vielatlDg tbe liquor law, aheuld net ba attleken cfl. BIOIINO IN WEST TIBQINia. F ttblie Mn and Twe Macre Killed Ilartng tbe Flsbt. Beperla et a riot en Elk horn, in tbe Weat Virginia emI region, have reached Roanoke, Va., causing mueh excltemenf, aapeelally among tbe oelored people, who have many klnspeeple working In the tnlnea. Railroad men wbe arrived In Roanoke en Wednesday from Ibat f otten report that a fight occurred about 4 o'elock In trie morn ing between tbe Focanenta (Va) and Kiabern miner, in which five white men aad two neareea were killed and aeveral wounded. The conflict we brought by tbe Poeabentaa miner again antpendlng work aad gelag te Efcbore te induce a number of Btlaera wbe returned te work en Tues day te again etrlke. a refusal te comply preetpltatedthetUbt. Tha Foeabonta miner have been fur. BlablBg euppllea te tbe atrlkem There are fire hundred ears in Roanoke aa the yard awaiting transportation te the Ikaera region, batlnoeruquenoeor tbe trouble there the Norfolk x Western rail. read oempany ha Issued orders te held them. Tbe Reane ke Daily Herat J baa eent a apeelal oerreepoBdent loKikeern, wber. pert that tha governor of Weat Virginia waa asked fortreopa, bat declined te furnish theea natll the otvlleathetUiaadaaionat rated U4r laaMUty te acaaarva efdar. It 1 UssaffMtMMtOMn Will HI MeVtttM ftarffegfcf 133. a iietr. it ha aaamal rratislai at tha aaw et in am aa VMae. Jadg MePbanea'a deelaten ta ta II- aaebsrlaaT Itbaaea ta baaeRv of Um tktrd etaaa, aaya tha Phttaaalaala Press, ta pleaalag te tha eitlaeaa gaaerail r , batvaryaaweteeaaateth liqaer atra, Mae H raleea thalr lleaaaaa from UW te few, la tha axhaaeUv opiates filed by the eaart ta deeMen la Ayara' appeal, deeJar la aa aaeoaaUtaUeaalHy of ta aet of MOT, la followed, aad ta eity of Laaaaaa la unwNin eava eaaa ineorperaaea aaaar thaaet of 1874, wUea provide for bat Urea Ajaaajja (h OltSwatV The eeeapUlat that tb chaagafrefli ea .Jjaaj toaeother ImpoaeebardeoeBottaeoa ImpeaeebardeoeBottaeoa ImpoaeebardeeeBottaeoa templaltoa it tht TCHara. when they elected te belneorperatadaaaolty Jadiaaalaaaal with the eataaaeat that as each eaaa baa arteea, for tbe reason that Lebanon aa a dty of the third elaea differa ae little from Ijebeaea ae a city of tha firth elaaa that tba nam or daaerlptlea la net a aaatter et anbetaac. ,. Tha following extract from tbeeptateale Impertaataa dsflalng tha nreaentatatna et tha cltlee et the atate. alaea If tha aaasa laar la held by the auprem oeait tt will aettt a great deal et th eoafaateB which new azlaaa aa te tha Urm of mayor, eeaaeUaaea and ether elty offlelali, aaaay of whom are mppeaed te have been deprived of effle by teeent daelslene t 'It wcnld be aa extreme position te held thataa orgaalaatlea whleU fellow atrlctly the 14th ecotten of th act of 1874, aad can be eupperted by that aectlen without dlffl culty, la wholly void, almply beetusa th olaaalBcaUen aet of 1876 exceeded the leal, latlv power. It weald fellow et neeeaaity that ail ordinance, election end all mualei' pal action which reet upon th provlaleat and power of tha aet of 1874 at alae with out warrant ; and In view of oeneeqaene ae eetleus wa may wu feel obliged te eup- Krt tbe present eharter. If tbls eaa fairly dena under valid and applicable lealala tlen existing In November, 1885." With regard te the eaaa et Reading ra Savage, the deoleten In which baa bean looked upon ae overthrowing th niunlelpal law of 1874 and relegating the emaller cltlee et th Mat te th anteqaatad atatuts et 1861, Jadg tdoPhereen take th view that that aeetatea la limited atrlctly te ta clans et thataet with whleh It daala and only deeldea that that part of It whleh permitted eltlea whleh war already incorporated at th Urn et Ita paasece te aseept Ita provlalena wa unconstitutional, leaving all tb reet tbiiu auu ia luroe. i It la en this view et tha validity et th general prnviaiena et th aet of 1884 tbathe elde that Lebanon la a elty of a third clear, coupling It with tha admlsalen that If tha whole aet war void then Lebanon weald again become a borough. Having reached tins oeaolualona in tb condltlenof th atatntaath application te tbaqaeatloe of lleemsa fellow, and It la held that tbe Breeke law fixed tb license by elatee with the Intent that the license lee aheuld be fixed by the claaa tha city happened te be In at th time the license was applied for. Exoeptlene wer taken te the deolelen by the defendant, and the case will be carried te the supreme oeurt Orr UN A BB1DAI. TBIP. AVeasg Qlrl of Nsw Jarsay Blepaa With Hr rathtr's aasit. The aele tr.ple of oenvereatlon In Waah Waah Ingten, N. J , 1 th alepement of the young daughter of Edward Fiena, th organ manufacturer. Mr. Pletla haa had for hla gneet lately h. W. Celvey, of Maryland. Mr. Colvey le tlilrty-elgbt year old aad a bachelor, wlthaema money and geed loeka. He ended a two waska' visit en Tueaday la a manner that baa atarlled th town. Mr. Fletta haa a pretty dangbter et alx. teen jeara named L'czie. Bb waa oon eon oen aldared a mere ehlld by her family aad tba people et the town, and the Idea of any at. lectien existing between her and her father'a guest, who waa twenty two year her aenler, never entered any bedy'a head. Lizzie casually, aa abe madeli appear, went te tbe depot with Mr. Colvey. He waa going te Uke an evening train for Phillips, burg. She did net return. An hour later her lather received a telegram from Phillip, bar?, whleh la only ten miles away, an nouncing that abe and Mr. Colvey had been married and were cfl en a bridal trip. Lewer End Nswj. from tbe Oxford frrsi. Tbe trustees of Mt Zlonehnrob, Fairfield, have purchased et William F. MeSparran an acre of ground adjoining tbe church property for tbe purpose of enlarging th eemetery. Thorns Smedley, of Fulton township, eneya tbe mild wluter weather. He filled hla ice beuse check full in December with Ice ever four Inebea thick from hla mill dam. A aerlea et cervine, beginning, Tneeday, will be held in Little Britain Preabyterlan ohureh. Tb pastor, Rev. Geerge Beekie, win be aaslsted by Rev. O. M. Heward, of Virginia, wbe will preach flrat en Thursday evening. M r. He ward le a native of Penn sylvania. He haa bad twenty yeara ex perience aa an evangelist in the Presbyterian church and haa bran eminently eucceaalul aa a winner of aeula te Christ William Bewman la a oelored cltlaen of Arcadia. Eta brother visited him Saturday. Ha had net been in the heuae long before William waa abewlng blm a pistol whleh waa accidentally discharged, the ball enter Irg the gncai'a cheek neer tbe eye. Pbyslelsna probed for tba bullet but net finding It oeuoludcd tbe visitor must have awallewad P. Cor an tcdtutilii scnoel. Hen. Jacob Teme, a native et Pert Deposit, but for some j ears a realdentet Washing ton, D. C, ba given bait a million dellara te found a free pen sectarian aemlaary In Wbleb the Industrial training of children will be made a feature. Te fand waa plaeed In cbarge of a number of p:emlnent gentlemen wbe have Incorporated the In stitution and will oem men ce work en It at once. Mr. Teme's resTdenee, one of tbe hand hand aemeet la Maryland, which la situated en a bill overlooking Pert Deposit, will probably be tbe site of the seminary. Mr. Teme, Who commenced lire a peer boy, baa made a large fortune la tbe lumber and banking business, and la Interested in almost every enterprise In operation In Cecil county. He la tha fathsr in-law of ez-Peatmaater-Gen-eralJ. A. J. Creaewell, and haa extensive buslneae connections In Waahlngten. Orr SC.OOO aie te Parade. HAnRiHnuRe,Jan.24. Governer Beaver, chief marshal of tbe coming Jnaugursl parade, haa Information that mere than 65,000 men will participate la tbe grand parade. There will be 20,000 o:mreied of marching elabt, 20,000 eivlllanaand me: than 13,000 troop i of the latter Pennsylva nia wlU lnrstah about 8.000. The aeelaty'a rrastdent Stabbed. IIDes Meinb, la, Jan. 24 A quarrel between two membera et a literary ao ae ao elety at Lrgan, Tueaday, resulted leth atabblng of th president, Sherman Gtrten, by Tem Kennedy. Glrten and Kennedy bad bad a difficulty daring tbe meeting and attar It .adjourned Kennedy stabbed Glrten three timer, He ia net expected te live, Liquor Daalara Net OrganUKl, Colonel D. C. Keller, et Reeding, fermtrly president et tbe Btata Liquor League, and bow preeldent et tba Berka Llqaer League, waa asked en Wedneeday whether there waa an organized movement among llqaer dealers te fight the paaasgeef tha prohibition amendment Tb State Leegue haa held no meetings for aeveral yeara, and he atated that he did net think that any organization of hotel and aaloen men would be formed te tight tbe amend ment, aa there la a very general disposition among retail liquor dealera te let tba people decide tba question without Interference. Colonel Keller la pereenally eppcaed te tba Skaaaga of tba amendment Tba Reading and Templera have Issued a can for a een etHuueaal amendment convention, aad tha Weaaen'a Carlatlaa Tamoeraae Union aav aaleyed Lewie D. Veil, of Pall.. MafcJ, b lead a Law aad Order aaetety THERE IS NO TREATY. A JOOKM AL AINrAlMCHHtBUKY B HOT BaHBKD neMIAatUA. Ma agraaaseat bsm t Kxkt Batwtaa h Osr- Bira aa MaVaHMaiatasKa. garatsg flsatrattty at ta aaaepea. daaee at the Istaaa rgaaaaa. Berlin, Jan. 2L-Th NalionalZtUune denies th exleteeee of a treaty ataeladlag any Kurepeen power freaa acquiring, or aeektng te acquire U aeceafleacy la Samoa, It alae dealea that Kaglaad aad America have agreed upon any proceeding for tt asftlmnent et affair In Samoa. Ta German agcaU la Samoa aaya that ea tb oeatrary aach a treaty weald aopeead te dlploaaatle etiquette, aad baaefflctally notified th foreign efflc at Brlla aeoord aeeord aeoerd lngly. The Zettung oentinuea: 'Th Ireatl between Bamet. Germany. Enaland aad America provide that Samoa beneadea te eaeh treaty power equal rlghta with any ether power, but no treaty regarding neu trality or the Independence et Samoa axUta between Germany and Amerlea." What earrnan Oflleere Bay. Ban Francisce, Cal Jan. 24 A copy of the Honolulu Bulletin of the ifi'.b Inst, received yceterday, oentalna a circular latued by tba Garmaa cfflcereautlenedat Samoa. It denlee that tb native ea tb Bamean Islands have been treated harably by th Germane. Tb German tfflrm th atatement that an American led tb Mataafa men In tbe recent battle In which 22 Germans were killed. ueasnl gewall'a Btttnasnt. Concerning the condition of affairs en hla arrival In Samoa Cenenl General Bewail aald that Mallete waa prepared te put down Iho insurrection of natlvee, bufEe waa restrained by tba oeoaule there, and notably by the tepreeentaUvea of tala gov ernment. H aald : "Th premlaea thatbava been given him and the Sameana are net fully reported and I de net knew that they are a matter et re esrd officially, bat It takee only a abort ret. luenee id oamea ta nna out mat Ihnee prom lee have been bold out te th Saseira oenatantly, net saying that thle gevernmeat weald assume a proteetorat ever Samoa, bnt alwaya and persistently that Samoa, or the Sameana, need respect nothing that waa den by th ether power without ear knowledge and our oenaent It la beosuMef th faith tha Sameana have In tbeae asanraneee gtven them by ear ofllelsla tbat tbey are being persecuted by the Germane, ana have been persecuted and punWbed tbat ail ucpa la thla belief may u orusnea out." Mr. Bewail reed t tbe oemmltte cable gram from Secretary Bayard received by him en tha dey fallowing hie arrival la Samoa. It waa dated June 20, 1889, and read aa fellows : "Treaty powers endeavoring te eecure permanent native government for Samoa. Strongly advlae natlvee te avoid reeert te force, whleh would endanger Semea'a beat lntereata. Bayabd." "Msltetea I net mentioned In that" ex- filalned Mr. Sewall, "but Mr. Bsyard had nfermed me explicitly a short time befera 1 lett that 1 waa te treat only with Malletea, that he waa tbe only reoegnised aeverelgn en the Island, and aa a matter et fact any advice, If 1 had given any te th Insurrec tionist, would be of no vain." Mr. Sewall explained that be had abewn thla message te Malletea and en tblaaa aurance Malletea refrained from crushing eat the rebellion. " I could net in any way better bay aerved tbe German purpose than by my mission ibat day, " aald Mr. Sewalt Malletea kept hla premise, and when the time came I waa net able te keep tba Bremlee or the assurance 1 had given him i tbe came etmy government "Tbe German ship went down the oeaat aa the admiral had gene down the year before, but tbla time it brought np Tamaaese and Brandels, ibe men whoa Uvea and lertunra I had taved by my In tercession wltb Mallotea only a month be fore, when he waa ready and oeuld have crushed them out entirely and destroyed thle basis for German operation "These men were brought upon tbe ablp. Tamaaese waa saluted aa he left the ablp, marched through tha town with th German cfflelal and hla fiig ereeted ever the capltel et Samoa and again eel u ted. " Mr. SewaU then described at length tbe occurrences which followed, tbe appeal mad te blm and lha BrlUsh consul by Malletca oenocrnlng the oenferenoe whlen he had aaaared the depeeed king waa taking place, hew Malletea finally gave hlmaelf np alter writing that It h algned hla name te a paper aarrenderlng hla aevereignty he would de It under com cem com pulsien, and then, at great length, of tba outrages en Amerletn eltlzen and Sameana committed by tbe Germena, he eald, gave no notlee te tbe Americana pre vleua declar ation et war aad gave no notlee alter tbe declaration of war until meat of tha forets were withdrawn. In answer te a question ocneernlog the eflect of the presone et the war veaasl recently ent te Samoa under lnstruotiens te protect Americana, Mr. SewaU eald: "These lnstrnotlena are tb ordinary Instructions that our vesaela whleh have been tbere dnrlng all th trouble have tad, and under theae our officers cannot etrlke at the cause of tbe trouble at all. It ia net ae mucb tbe actual danger te American lite and limb and te tangible American property tbat tbreatena our lntereata there It I the forcible aup- fireaalen of tbe Simesne and tbe oevert nfluenee of tbe German trailng firm and German otnelala which they have abewn they will us and usi effectively te disturb and deatrey tbe peace el tbe Islands and the trade of our own eltlzana. A vessel going there under these In In atructlena cannot help, because these are tbe very instructions Uurman ejmmandera expect our ahlps te have, and tbey knew nnder these Instructions Just hew far our oemmandera are allowed te go. 'J e protect the trade el our people you must proteet the Bemoans who trade with them, and te protect our treaty right tbeie and enr harbor faellltlea you must proteet tha neutrality of tbe Island upja which tbey depend. At least you must pat the position uaek te where it wss be. fore tbe German fleet arrived te the statue existing when I went tbere; when upon no repreeeotaiienr, wltb tt undersundlrg tbat the status ahnuld be maintained pend ing tbe oenferenoe, Malletea refrained from palling down tble Insurrection. "I think our Inteiferenee, or a firmness en tbe part of tbla government which ahewa that aucb interference might fellow, wenld undoubtedly fellow, le tbe only way ti proteet tbe Interest we have aecared through our treaty la Samoa." 600,000 for tba Bew In Samoa, The amendmente te tbe diplomatic apprc- Brlatlen bill, reported en Wednesday by enater Sherman from the commute en foreign relation, contained an appropria tion of $100,000 for a coaling atatlen at Samoa and the following : . Fer tbe execution of the obligation and the protection of tbe Interests el tbe United States existing under tbe treaty beiween the United State and the gevernmeat of tbe Bemoan Islands, (500,000, or se mueh thereof as may be necestaiy te be expended under tbe direction of the president, tbla appropriation te be immediately available. It la learned ibat the committee were of opinion that, under the terme of tha treaty with Samoa, It I tbe duty of tbe United Slates te Intervene by force, llneeeatary, te protect the ntcnemy of the Island agalnat the aggreaslena of any power. Tbe treaiy waa made by Secretary et Sttt Everts and Mr. LeMsmea, and declared la fnree February 13th, 1878 Article V reada : "If, unhappily, any dlnerencee abeuld have erisen.er sbsll bereetier arias, between tbe Stmeen government and any ether government In amity wltb the United Hi tea, the government of the latter will employ Ita Reed rtneee for tha purpose of adjusting tbeae dlllerenete upon a satisfac tory and eelld foundation." " Then tha amendments te the consular bill mean that th President la teaenda fleet of war ahlps or say ether ioreo ha may aaaieiMiytopretaetUlaaaoaagoT-nmalBtrikTMoiiie , KSMH LANCASTER, PA., THURSDAY, dMgarofwarr'waaaakedeaotthBaai. ewrm et ib coasBBlKee. "That la axaatlv what il a t . k.r.j. ' "' i w It IS aaderatOOd that tha enaatnlttan aaaalaaeas la support of th amendment. tBB FABMsata' iwatrreiB. rregtaaasas Fee th Tw Days' geeaten la Thla City Oa labreafF S aa , Ta UM tamers Institat of Ltaeaater wUltwkaldlaKahleman'a hall, this elty en aassasy aaw Wednesday, rebruiry 6 aad ft, Following la the prcgramm for th two daya' leasleaa t. Taasdsy tnernlag, Fabrnsry 5th. At ten geteek a. as., masting or th Laneutar Oeuaty Agrienttaral aoelaty. Tneeday Afternoon. At half past ena ?kaaSB8tlag et tha farmers' In, Utat Address el Welcome," by Jehn H. Laadis, Iprsaident et the Agricultural snsssty "Bem Adnrnineenl," y M. D. Kaadlg, Oreawei), Pa, ; "American Agtl eiwral, Past, Present and Future," by Themas Bikan Ooteraro, Pa. ; "Compare. Uv Vain efDlflerent' Feeds for stock," Hnisin macs, esq., .Lisncaeinr : ."unem. tetry of the Klteben," by Jehn C, Llnvllle, Gap, Pa. ; qaesUens and anawsrs, Tueaday Jfivenisg. "Cease et thePrsi, ntDspreeHUen in the Value el Real K tats In Lancaster ceauty," by An drew M. Frsctr, esq , Lancaster ; lj. iare, a, uompariaea ei tb Human Mind with tha .Mlnda of Other Animal," by Dr. Ellwood Harvey, member of th Btata beard of agriculture, Chester, Pa. Wednesday Morning "Petate Culture," by Casper Hlller, Oneatega Centre, Pa ; "Farm Fences and Gates," by Israel L, Laadis, Laneaater ; Butter Making With out Artificial Coloring," byHenry M.Engl, Marietts Pl "The Dairy," by Jehn 1. Carter, Chatham, Cheater county, Pa.; "Draining, Ita Ceat and Profit," by Themas J. Edge, ercretary of the state oeara ei agriculture ; questions and .an swers. Wednesday Artorneon. "Fiah Culture," by Hiram People, New Providence, Pa ; "Humer in tbe Houieheld," by Annie E. Cenrad, Bird In-Hand, Pat "Geed and Bad Reads," by Dr. Jehn P. Edge, member et th state beard et agriculture, Downing, town, Chester county, Pa; "Maintaining and Restoring Fertility," by Themas J. Aug, aeeraiary or me atate Beard et agrl culture; "Improved Methods of Celd Storage,' by Get Geerge F. MeFarland, Harrlaburg; questions and answers. xr urns permits, me following questions will be dlscaaaed, te be taken np ea mo tion Can Farming be mad mere Profitable than It new la In Eaatern Penn sylvania T" " The Education et Farmers' B Ma. " De Farmer pay tee large a pre. portion of th Taxee T " Why ia Feed ing Cattle lee profitable in Lancaster oonn eonn oenn ly thau formerly f" What haa caused tha Depreciation In the value et enr Fleur lag Miliar" "Hew esn an Orchard b made a Profitable Appendage te a Firm T Oar and Treatment et Farm Auimsls in Winter," "Hew te make Farmers of Teresa-' Bans." "Tbe Farm aa a Scheel. " Tha paper read at the Institute will be open te dlscntsinn. Th exercises of Tueaday evening are especially designed te interest the eltlzins of Laneaater. Ladlai will be weloeme at all th aeaslena. Laneaater waa the first oennty In Eastern Pennaylvanla te bold a farmers' institute. They ax new held annually In almb.t vary oeunty of the oemmonwealtb, and have com te be considered et se mueh Im portance tbat the atate contributes largely towards their expense. ST. LOTJIS HSB a BRK8ATIUN. PrsUsr'a Cneasy Ohet Ueld High Carnltal In Ueul. A ghost atery of large proportion ba been radiating from tbe Southern hotel, St Leuie, for three daya. In room 144, la April, 1885, Maxwell chloroformed C. A. Preller te death. Then after robbing tbe body be packed It in a trunk, where it ley for two weeks. Since then the gu:sts who have occupied tba room have had atrange experisneei. The hotel people at Ural laughed at their fears, but tbe laugh seen turned te a sickly amllewhen eeme of tbe brave empleye tried te eleep all night In tbe psrtmiml. Greana and frightful noises, alternating with tbe opening and shutting et wardrobe deer, created a psnle among the empleye and guests. Finally tbe reported horrera of room 144 aptesd te such an extent among the traveling publie tbat the room could no. ea ewgnea. Then tbe hotel pteple changed the num. bar,and ealled It 133. Thla bad net float en tb circus. List woek one of tbe beat known men In tbe city occupied tbe room for three nights, and waa then forced out. He le a man of aeund aense aud reliability. He aald s "I did net knew or tbe Maxwell murder In connection with tbe room until alter tha exhibition. Tbe flrat night I waa awakened by rapping. Tbey were Just aa plain aa paaaible. Then the bureau urawera would cp'u aad close. Rspa weald aeund all along th i walls aud celling. I rushed down te the ntght clerk and complained, sad be thin told me the history el the room. I went back tbe aecead night, and tbe samn tiling waa repeated, only mere violently. About 1 o'elook, while I waa sitting up awake, two oxpleelona occurred In the fireplace, and a pleoe et Hats snd plaster aa big aa my hat cams rattling down iron, tbe celling. That settled It, sad 1 left" Beadtcg Oests th Turnplk Company, A Jury or view en Wednesday beard tea tlmeny In tbe case et Reading against tbe Perklemen Turnpike company te abew cause why tbe defendant abeuld net relin quish Ita rights te tbat part et Ita read within tee elty limits. The Jury, alter bearing tbe evidence, condemned tbat per tlen or tbe turnpike In question and awarded the compsey (5,000 damages, it waa testified tbat though the turnpike waa epsuel ler business In 1815 tt never paid any dividends until 1883.: Tbe decision or tbe Jury wlltremovea brte the develop ment et tbe eastern aectlen of tbe elty, Tbe turnpike wasapirtorParklemen avenae, whleh la being rapidly built up. A rbrtteiait's ratal l'4il. Dr. Charles HUm, while going down te the cellar of tits rnatdence, Ne. 235 West Fllty.flrst street New Yerk, en Wcdceiday morning, stumbled and full a distance of alx leet, reoelvlng Injuries from which he died an hour later. Dr. iillsa was a peitly man, welgblne about 50 pounds. He waa bernlnLee, Mis.,43yearaKa Reserved In tbe war, enlisting aa a volunteer from Massachusetts, and in a year alter held Iho rank el colonel. He leaves a wife and three children. Dr. HUm waa the de fendant In a suit ler $10,000 brought by MUa Bessie Hubhell, wne alleged breach of premUe of marriage. Tbe case waa set for uial te-day. , m lha Urtsnwald Llttrary Seclsly, Tbe young felka or Trinity Lutheran church aasem bled in the chapel last evening te organic) a literary seclitty, Alter adopt ing a oenailtutlon tbey organized a society, nnder tba nsuieet "The Green weld Literary Sxlety," In honor of tbelr late pastor, Emanuel Greenwald. The meetlega are te beheld monthly. The following officers were chesen: President, Mr. Herace D. Styer ; vice president, Mr. Che. Leenard ; secretary, Mis Uatlle Villee ; assls'ant secretary, Miss Ada Cecbrau ; ucsr, Mr. Frank Rudy. A Lamp's fjeeer Action, There waa atmeaia tireat tbofurnl'.ure store el J. M. Helper, en North Queen street, early last evening. Mrr. Kelper bad Just lighted a coil oil lamp and when she lowered tbe wlek the II trues ilubed Inte tb bow I. Tbe lady then blew It, wblch only made tbe fltme worse, Mr, Kelper aaw what waa wrong and ruunlng te hla 'wife' aula'anei' picked up tbe lamp and threw It out of tbe window. Ne aoener had It touehed tbe atreet than It exploded. Ne damage was dens la tbe store. Captured lu Tcxaa. "Red Bill," who murdered S. Merrla Wale, of Philadelphia, and Livinaatan Blroag.ef Nw Yerk, la Wyoming tmllcry, I aaUBsSMasftajediaTajeA " " W,Ki taaJawBe. kg tar r-,A . pmeuxetigc JANUARY 24, 1889. PASSED SECOND READING. TBB FKOBIBttlON AMBNOHRRT BAIL 1MB TBKOCQH TBE BKHATB, ktaal raataga of ah Beaalauaa te eeear an Waaassssswatr. KaaeTasaa freeeat a Bill te rrevMt Dlaertaataatlen by ! Bheaa OempBlt-Otatr BUM. Habbtsbube, Pa., Jan. 31 Ia th Stast today bill war reported faverably: Kxtaadlsg Midler' orphan schools te Jobs 1st, 1805 providing for aa asalstsat orphans' court clerk la counties containing leas than a hundrtd and fitly thousand la hablteats. Bills were Introduced as fellows : Penrose, prohibiting tb Insuring of miners nnder etxteen yeara of g unless anlherleid by th orphans' court. Greene, Berks, autherising the election of constables ter three years. Mstsfer, Lyoeming, te make provlalena In ths Brooks high license law aa te psasitiea. Hlnee, Luzerne, relating te employment of women In manafeeturlngeatabUahmant; providing sanitary regulailoea through In spectors, atee te enforee th provlalena of constitution prohibiting common earriere from engaging and manntaeturlng. Mecferlane, Philadelphia, te facilitate tb pnrchaae of homes, snd te prevent bribery st elections. Weed, Mlfllln, te roduea the collateral Inheritance tax freaa five per cent, te two per cent. Delamalsr eilled up tbe prohibitory amendment en second reading and It waa paaaed without opposition, sud a speelsl order waa fixed ler Ita final passage ea Wed ae day next Senate bllia were paasM finally te repeal the aet abolishing distinctions heretofore existing between aotlent; for sppelntment or law library librarian ; providing for th punishment of insolvent bankere, broker and ether effiasra for receiving depealtr, In the Heuse bills were reported favora bly for the prohibitory amendments te data en Jan 18 1 te prevent adulteration of drags appropriating $50,000 te transport aldlera te Gettysburg during the dedica tion et monuments. Bills were introduced at fellows : Kauffmen, Laneaater, te prevent discrimi nation by telephone companies. Barnes, Dauphin, for the removal et th oipltel fence. Bean, Montgomery, eklng an appropria tion or $2,000,000 for common school. BUI te prohibit baia fishing until July 11, waa Indefinitely postponed alter a eproeb by Kauflman, of Lancaster, In op position, m A COMBOriON IN TUB BOUSE. Berrteeatauve Han fata r. Brews, et Beavar, DUvsr Spnad-Kaal" Speaeh. Whan the set providing for the purebsas, maintenance and dstly display during school se slens of the Amsrlcan flag ever all publie nhoel bulldlnga In ths state earn up la tb Uenss ea Wsdneedey, Mr, Hind, enaeh oppeted tba meaaure neon th ground tbat It wa merely sentimental legislation ; that It would oeat th state $213,000, aad each common display of th flag weald lower Its dignity In the eye of ths children and of tha poepie. Mr. Brown (Beaver) vigorously stlacked Mr. Hlndenaen snd in opponent et th mssaurs. Mr. Brown said i 1 am net aarprleed at thla When th capital of th Union trembled wlthtn machination s of treason, when the existence et th government Itself waa threatened, tbe flag of ear country was net Insulted by a Republican. He who tore tb American llig from the masthead and trampled it In tbe dual In tbe daya et the bloody sixties waa net a Republican, nor at thla let day la tha man a Republican who weald reach np hla grimy hand sod tsar bis country's II eg from tbe public eoheol beuse of tela great commonwealth. Here he elta and eojeye the distinction II it be no honor of representing tne Democratic aluma of Bueka. Beheld the man who weald rob tbe youth el thla oemmonwealtb of tbe patrlotle eduostlen tbla bill would allerd; Kiaa upua aim a ue oreuoaos id nis ( unlike the rebel guerrilla only In tbat be shows hlmaelf te be tbe very peraonlUeatton of exaggerated dignity. Men talk about the expenee it would entail upon tb atate te paaa tbla bill. We areamszed te find In tba reperta tbat have gene forth through tbepreaa that there are ever 22,000 aohool aehool aoheol bulldlngi In tbe stste. wbsn, In fact, thsrs are net quite 14,000 all told, and many et these are slresdy supplied wltb flag by tbe different patrlotle organization, w ex pend about $10,000,000 annually ea ear public school. jPerhapa if the "inquiring mlnda" aheuld maku n study .et u thsy would find Ihst It weald be s greet ssvlng te th state te abolish the system entirely, sad pleee Ita work ia tbe hand a et th parochial acboela of Reme. We have enforced reaped for our llig en many bloody fields et battle ; and let ua new, In mera gentle manner, teaeh reapeet for it and love of country in tbe pubile schools. Let thts be done while tbe goddess et pesc smliee aweetly o'er tbe land, ae tbat If tbe storm cleuda abeuld ever break, and tha thunderbolts of battle ehae each ether ever tbe field of camera around tbe citadel of American libtrtlu; aheuld War rear high hla horrid front and abake alett hie dlrelul creel et bristling btyeneta, tbat emblem eball ever continue te ea a standard et vic tory in tbe forefront et tbe fray. Mr. Zlegler sstd that iu claiming for the Repubtlesn patty all of tbe patriotism of country he mut nave forgotten tbat tbe vie ter el Fert DontHeu, Vlcksburg and Ap pomattox wa a Democrat wheu tbeee great evenla happened ; that tba hereea of some of the greteat battles of tbe war were Dem ocratic Union soldiers, and fought aa bravely and well aa tbe Republlean. He waa heartily In favor el tbe bill under dl. cusslen, but he thought tbat tbe gentleman wbe was championing tbe bill abeuld hel hel tate before be insulted tbe patriotism or gentlemen wbe were aa alnoere levers el tbe old llagaatbe meat bigoted Kepubllcaua In tbe laud. Mr, Farrell etld that the gentleman from Bearer bad gene out or bla way te ctsl re fit c-iena upon a religious denomination which never furnished a traitor te tbe old flag, Heropedlatel tbe thought that lha Reman Csthnlic bad any desire te control tbe public rchoela, and thought tbat tbe introduction or religious dUcdsslen Inte tbla matter wa uulertunste sud without sxcuse. Upen the passage of tbe third section or tbs bill, which provides tbat tbe public aobeois shall receive no prt et tbe state appropriation until the beard of dtreotera baa certified te the superintendent et publie Instruction tbat the prcvlslilena of the act have been emplied wltb. Mr. Brown demanded tbe yea and nays, and the vote was; Yeas, 107, nsys, 72. Mr. Marland ettered an amendment te tbe bill providing that tba werde and no ether " be Inserted In the fourth aectlen alter the werde " a II tg et the United tttatee et America." When the third section of the bill wsa retched, Mr. Few raised tbe constitutional otjectlen ibatas tbe constitution provided ler a apealal appropriation te tbe public school of tbe statu theLeglslature could cot Impose any conditions upon aucb appro priation a contemplated. The chair de cided tbe orjeetlon net well taken. Mr. Wherry snggesttd Ibat If tbe flag was te be OUpUyed It would be better te have it abewn within th school houses, sod net upon tbe exterior. Mr. Hsil, while supporting tbe general features of tbe bill, thought that Mr. Wberrs'e suggestion, waa a geed one. Mr. Marland'aamtndmeut waa adopted and the bill waa passed and erdertd te b transcribed for a third reading. Oenla Uld Net Boapead. The work of ereurlngajary for "Beedler" Cleary'a trial waa resumed ia New Yerk en Wedaeadsy. Th flrat panel et 100 waa exhausted, in lha aaw panel wer tha namae el Jay Gesld aad Herman Ostrich. Tasy did sat ami war, aad aw UaM te te BSSJ Vj. TBB f, B, B. AHNPAt BTAxsMsBWr. N Bataiaajs or Neatly Bis,, an th Btstera UiM-tUNWiH st FHttbarg. At tbs semi-monthly masting of th PsaasyivaBla railroad dlreeteraTw PhUa. drkis. ob Wedsesdsy, tha nseaeiel re re re sultaofmsyeat'aeperailnBa war inbBBlt- 'wrev oenaiaeraiioa. Thera was aa m ewe of shout 5 per eent la gross earalBg ps te Eastern line sad a saaall laersaa la ast earnings. Tha Western reads did net pay their way, bat the bnslneee tbey taratabed te th Eastern read mera thai compensated for tb dltteme. The atatement of th baetaeaa of all lis 2J S?.5?"m',,ta ""wad oempaay, aaat of Pittsburg and Kr for Deesmber, 'lewt, sajoeatparsd with the ssas month la 1887; snow i A dseraaas la gross earnings of.. $ R4,R7l Aalnereaaelnexpsnseaef 101,175 A decrease la net esrnlngs of. . . . ise 048 Ths twelve months of 1RSS, as compared with th aama period et 1887, show i An lnereas la gross earning of .$ 2,600,764 ABlnereasala sxpanseeef 2,244,688 An Inereaas In ast earnings of... 366,190 Allllneaweat of Pitlebnrg and Erlsfer ;" waive menin vx jasa snnw m neaeieacy n meeting sll liabilities of $100,647, belaga i?S!'a,??.,?r?wltu " pMiodef 1887, Ot $1,430,010. . During Deesmber the Western read raa about $46,000 behind their obligation Thla wa largely das te tbs rate war whleh pre vailed at tp time, and te whleh la sttrlbut abls te th asw degree tb falling off In r elpt la th Eastern line. AoeroparaUva statement of tb earning and expenaee of tb line east of PitUburg and Erie for lbs year fellows, It oempriaes th traffic en the main line, Philadelphia & Erie divi sion, United railroads of NswJetaey aad Delaware and Rarltan canal, etbar lines la ths system reporting sspsrstsiy t fl.'.?trn,n WM7W77 r.IH Operating executes ta ail.ua 87,(fc6,M Net earning! ti8,sic,9n tu,(Wi,7 Tnia la almply the return from operating, snd does net Include lntereata en Invret. Si 7l!5,w,,,en wm neunt te between $0,600,000 and (0,000,000. m i BAD DlgABTEK AT NANtlOOKB. Baploslen la lops Me. a, KUllag aa Mortally Woeaaiag Tare Bagtaaara, About 12:30 Wedneidsy Bight, aa ex. plosien occurred la elope Ne. 4 at Nantloeke, where a geag of engineer wr st work making survey. Behsrsuas, aa engineer, waa blown te pleee. Obtsf Owens, another engtawr, was la stantly killed. Jobs William, a third, wai fatally hurt Several ethers wer mera or less seriously barnsd. BebarsDas was mauled aad lived la wllkeebarre. Owena wsa a resident et Nantloeke, All th men were wall kaewa sod highly respected eltUeas, Th oenonssion was ae severe a te attract general attention. Th man had chosen th night for their work bieauee their operation could be carried en with leaa interference from workmen. Th party auddanly snd without warning ran Inte a large accumulation et fir damp with Bkd lamp. MKRI,Y A BlOr. an lustMN Orewa Atwupu te Hasese Waa.vj O'Bilsn Breaa lb PeBss. Debun, Jan. 24. William O'Brien's trial began te-day at Carrlok-ea-Salr, Ceaaty Waterford. Tha gevernmeat had proclaimed th demoaatraUea whleh waa being ergsBlced te weloeme th Irish lssder, Bsvsrthslsss 20,000 psepls gatherad about th oeurt bona te see him when fa cams. Biz hundred pollesmsa wltb draws slabs charged upon tb orewd,htttlng right and left, bat they wer ensbl te dlspera tb throng, who exeltement begaa te srew Isverleh. 'When Mr, O'Brien sppearedend n(rl tb oeurt the crowd oheered loudly. Mr. Tlnktky Hsaly, M. P., dsfended Mr. O'Brien In the tttsL. Messrs. Dennta KlibrMe, M. P., aad Jamee L, Carew, M. IV, Aavn refuted te anawsr summenees for etTsnees nnder th oeerolon act Warranta for their arrests hsvs been Issued byaKlldsr magletrate. As Wm. O'Brien ws trying te pais through the orewd and enter the oeurt bona b waa impeded by the preee of tb throng, and an lnapecter seised upon snd drsgged blm for abent SO yards, Maddened at this sight th peepl pressed forward te reeeae O'Brien, bat ware repalaed by th polio who formed around tbe lnapecter and his prisoner, Mr, ueaiy bad a bayonet pointed at bis breast, butltdldnotsntarhlselotblnir. Ths nswsnsnsr renertera wars alae treated with vloienee. Aa aoen as Mr. O'Brien entered tbioeurr bs complained te ;the magistral that th polio were trying te Incite th people te a bloody riot. Tbs Trstsmaa'a Ala Waa flood. BTANreBD, Ky Jan. 2L Last evening asOoadaetor O'Malley'a south bound freight train was passing Pittsburg, Juat abev hers, Jame Balnea, a brakaman, was fired upon by two desperadoes, Tem Stringer and Bsm Grsggs. Ralnea returned tb fir, both balla taking efleet and both striking Graggi; en through th heart aad ths ether In ths tempie, anting mm almost instantly. namea luna aiarieu luwaru uu oaDeoaarTat u police O0arrWaB WlvaaaV wueu OU(U,I MIOU lUVIUSE TUtlO, striking Kslnee in tbe hip. Rains waa brought te thla place and la la a serious condition. Considerable eioltr eieltr raent prevail, as It li reported tbat a number et Grsggs' frienda are expected to night, who will attempt te take Raines. Ha 1 at bla father's home and Is gusrdsd by s aet of resolute railroad mee,nd should tbe mob try te Uke him away, there is likely te be bloodshed, A Heetcb'trlsh Const". Columbia, Tenn., Jan. 21 There will assemble at Celumbls, Tenn., en May 8th next, acongreaaot tbe Scoteh-Irieh race. Every state In tbe Union, Canada and tb United Kingdom will be represented by promlnent representative of this race, who will participate In the exerclecs et tbs congress. Tbe objeet et the congress la te revive memerlee and te compile a history of the rsce,shewlng lu impress en Amerletn olvlllzstien. It will be devoid et religious or political algnlficanee, The Information thus gathered wilt be compiled into a bit tery and perpetuated te posterity. Tbe cpenlng addresa wllf be delivered by Cel. McGlure, et Philadelphia. Dr. Jehn Hall and ether eminent divine and acheltra have accepted invitations te apeak, A feature et especial Interest in tb con gress will be a reunion of ex-Confederate and Federal soldier. Jsmrs Talked Wtlhoet Authority. Londen, Jan. 21 In an interview to day tbe manager et tbe Hepe Iren 4 Tin Plate oempany, et Tipton, aald that Edward Jatnea, who waa in Plltaburg, Vs., claiming te represent tbe Hepe oempany, waa wholly without authority te represent tbe oempany In America. Tbe manager also atlgmatizsd Jsmea' statements abent English tin plat firms sending $1,000,000 te Amerlea te defeat tba pauag et a bill te place a duty en tin plat as absolutely un true. Ac quit tad et Manslaughter. Fbekfebt, III., Jan. 21. ebn Brek, Geerga WlUlama and Jehn Hill, were last evening acquitted by a Jury or tbe charge el manslaughter. Tbe partlaa wer from Je Davie county and were oueei that. The aupreme oeurt aent It back aad a ebange of venue waa taken te thla circuit. Th trial lasted evar a week. Th defend, anta war ebsrgsd with th death of Mia Abb Bme, by drivUg into bar vaolel at a M JWsaMtei daly W, r U IS ; VM -J$l r : ; PRTCE TWO CONGRESS IN M0URH1 cr BOMg BBABOBB AaMOOaWtl Siaina! . W , wmvK UH A Mill ? Kstreisatsuvss ataad WhBa ban DaUvera aa lasssssstvs Ksttrsass t Iks WASBtNOTON, Jan. M-liiN tv v . "saata aa Hene aav ad: P te u memory tts g BtatSMV Baraas. The laaailaa a Wast te-alahL f" A asmara pall haag evar aha rsprsBsetsUvss whsa Mmt that xam aeeg or tha lata Jaaaaa N. draped 1b black, sua . u alia Iillsa aderasd It, Aatas) gvl nil, th mssabara of ta s bsbki a seisma sUeaea, eara ta a aaaarana nia -', imiavni naA, t . Almighty Ged, etae Jam watr ia this plie a nrnsaiilsllia f peepls ha fallen at hi ass M datymaafally aad mttsji soenga ae Bed auisB la te oaaaeB's meulk or la tka breach aad tarfer Mtlttad te ana Bonersois rteogBltleB and ration. As wa leek at tha dak ati blaek aad at tha tnpty aaat aad talak " wne eniy yestaraay waa wtta la te-day beyond tka stars, ami seisma mssaiBg aad myatwy of ttmi en en every nsan, notteaaarv pair, ouiienx laavery breast tb oivaie uv aeniy, traly-aM mm oeoniry-a iatrat aad welfare et enr fellow Bass shall wslk berer .Tar, u all Tat waaiameDia, DiamsiSSa, BM OBT patltKwe la beball of ta ,wtts besa wldewsd, te ehUdns tk fstasrlma ehtldrM wbe thU bait arthly frtsaidl tMter. Oomtert aad aaaar basaaah Thaa. aat maw Sha faith aad la tha piesnea tk Oki eaiy oeoaoiauoa wklsh eaa dlsoevsr ea tela arte waany saw awarea name or enr MVSW, aa Th pakar tbsa dlraessd1 tka te bs resd, whtafc eeeapted aaBt tw): biss, aiter wbmb bu. iMtkary i mid h had bssa sppelatad by te esisgaNOB Ktaaaeaa te dsathofhlseellesga, ' At eeme tuna ia tka fntar Mlsaearl dslegstkm weald atk tot) te BBipsna iu ordinary pay tribal te te lata aalaaat whose death wsa aeslsmltrsad oniytethMathsrvdbttato t larga, H aar. aiescary taa aaafM at hob which war Baaalmeasiy aj ana saa aaeuss at latw B, Ba, asj latawgeaaes. Teaehaplala la ktaararar fsallBg maaner te te dsath of UvaBarBss. ?''fi: aar. waaaraiaB- eaiiCB BHSBWCB Bs lisMd rasBsrks of Mr. QMbbm am Intlea forth la vamlgalteaet ten vtsQueaa. naaauth bBBud la Beaat sattli:' a aetzaaua tnri van. se wiiaanw te aaeusa UIIQlfehOldbBrSSBk (, iW Ameag ua bill rapotted wssatl mis aninofiuagtMeawtratloBtl aoreai th Mlsaearl rtvsr i aerea th Mtaataalpsi at La amsndlag tha ast graatlsei te teat uraaa irerss, e. T., te right te I rre bridgea aerea th Sd;tirai, Bntatl25p. m.adjearasd. 'r$ Th Hen ferslga affairs morning adopted te Beaat Fa iutlea, A"bh.oemmlttf, eamBesad of Merrow, MrOrtary sad RassaU, yvtasvw tu oueaiqar Bit 0ErasBmBl te th oemmltt Oh HaaBeaa satslrs. j.mw BaiBis) approptuilens. wiursperi ravoraeiy ea bmvk approprtaUens proposed tateaaV ferslga rslaUeu oetaaaltt, ysswVty, . &am ATsiWBs Naw Yebk, Jeb. 24. Ta Jadg Wheeler la ta sH of aami sforsmatlataBt,Lel,IaaB k Beatksra railroad far of $850,000, wa ntd ta te. Stats elreart Mart te-day. decision la a vry sxbaasUv eaa a victory for tha ear tras. Jadaa 1 deciding mat th plalatMte at a j augment. c ; r.' "I v-HK 5 - .3 WlLKBSBABBB. P. JaB. It- Llndsn arretted another ItaUaa l In th MeCiura-Flaaigaa marasra I H rsfusss te dlvalgate Bam of' I priaener. Th hearing aeoerdad te 1 believed, however, that a la Fetrelle, Red Nosed Mike's bretbaKla TnirtrNias Buaaaj ret Aer. f BPKiNarixr.D, ill., Jsa, B.-TMI crop ei lass was rspertsd te te i el agriculture aa yielding la te 277,270,441 bushels, valued at $7,S The Bversgs for 1868 isported by sssssaerB u 7,f 'u.sie. TbeetaUa'.tc srsaet all prsparad tbs orep rspert of tbs beard, bat tnwix ueiee as lar as oempietad, it is i thattheaverageyieldperaeralat bushel. Tbs Curme I IU. St. Peteb8bdbe, Jaaauy 24. fruition of tha csulua'a hopes of i sojenra In Nsple Is bow xlrmely i certain, una m ainietsa whb a resembling pslsy aad I slowly werae, sn use eeea sbdism te 1 et nervous prostration aad ftt of Hag aver sine tha railway BerkL ArrtttefaBaakl Cuicaqe, Jan. 24. J. B. MeOay, i of th Park National baak, et tots alty, 1 arreetea yseterasy en a warraati him with embeaalemeat, Tha waa sworn eat by ths Amerleaa oempany. Thssmeust lasbeat$l,B'i neusy himssit has eealasasd taken at dlffereat tlmss anaaai about $1,100. m w Waaaaiafear'a e sat as, Pittsbcbe, Jan. 24,-Mra xUrriaaal Mta McKes, wlla sad deaghtsr at dent-elect Harrlte. seeeasaaalrd a Wansmaksr paaaed ttreagh tela est tt! o'clock ui meraiag. ab bound for rnueaeipaia., vv i AUsgs KvKtenss Trees $ Dublin, Jbb. 24, Ta Dahlia aaaerta that tha Loadea Tuna has frssh decameats of great tmnartei Amarlce which will b Band la te. tlen of IU eaa baton te FraU slea. land' rata ha bwa rsdoesd MIX WASBIBwTMr, n,a,Jaa.i IH '. C " tr- t'; J& r - - .- .. ,-- a ,-t";P , . Mil.. s,. rP If -. - ' .VA U ,, j"5-1 ' av- J-'-j-' K-