s t-Ww rifi twfrini ."-' vr;w; vfi- i,i '-n'iv f ,vvr.it.- .- : ivBf'n.rjt', r.--'--. ,, J " ii 4 "" 'uf Si Tmi 1 e ASTim D AILY PTTELLIGEKCgR, SATURDAY. JANUABY 19.1889 , irbup !M mwmvi Tvn rrar rrtkIvmti 1 wsaStt wm feaa Beyewd tfed HmhHI gates Turnuwi iMMMTtMl ikeee whs their Or,tf,waath4yatleAttfcvei im eiata eaeepe Thtwavatesssk wMki nmnwHiHf, itfiammrrtn .--- . - t It SwWth M. WStB I lata aha raatai tawa M aafstt aa Mr At aval sea taa eta keaNB MBS Teasaeaa tx mmhnitiwiH mbwb. . -Afty JeV, ,. AMfktalA. It m Mm right Mas aaa lever part at feat hbn0ft, tkMgk htayfawyaNMNaaaa. llrerea.b calculate te evoke rtvtaeKy treat BektpnnrheMliTcrlMtCr4er. When that region tt tort aaa eemrtit Beats BteM aesalsh. took at a aaaa anwaliaiaae art yen prod aim sneer the ribs. Ukutklaaaa eyeballs tare , eattew Bags, yea May laftr also that kU tongue U furred, hat breath apt te be tour, that he hat paint Ml eaiy beaeeth hU ribs, bet also trader the right ahefllatr blade. Alse that ht bowels BialrregBlar aaa his digestion Impaired. Instead of iaaklag a iocese demonstration en Mi rltii. rr ceuibii at him te take, and steadily Bertttt Mi takrae. Hosteller's htemach BlttersTtha teen aatK bilious niiil alterative medicine extaat la comparable Is It. also, ler dyspepsia, rheu matism. nerraunctJ, kidney treabie, aaa fever and ague, ' m "waMei"Mjav,ltjflbette aaxt Pratt dent 7" "eh I tdent knew and don't ear I'm nut looking for riaideat t'es looking tar a bettia et ealratlea oil. i kills peta every Una." t scents. one of our most etimab1e eltfttna warts thmtfal ler the introduction of Or. Bella i-eughayrup, for lu Use y as baa saved kia Hi- Wet incipient coaauaptlea It It aeer. Uta remedy, Price Uceate. Rapier tare gueraatecd by Or. J. & Mayer, sti arch attest, Philadelphia Base at met, no operation or delay from bntlneee, attaatad by theasaads el eerea alter ethers fan, advise free, send for circular. aaarltiydAw BPBVIAL BOTWBK. Sptaka Marat Dp. Rave tried Themas' AWeetrie Oil for creep and oeldt, ana Had it the best remedy I be eyer used la my family." We. Kay. 510 rjy rjy menth Aye , lluffa e, . T. Fer asla by B. ft. Cochran. draggi! leaaliBr. street. Las couau.rBeoriReoooaHaia neaehfait mmedlalalvralleTedbTflBileh'aOnra. Bniaa ilyreueyed H. B. coehraa, drnlst, Wee. UT and l Menk Qnera at. Laaeaster, Ml JCST AB GOOD. Don't allow anyone te make yen believe bbv ether remedy la J nit aa aped for sick heartache aa Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription, for tt la net trie. This la the only remedy tn the world that strikes at the root et the disease ana drtreelteat. Olye tt atrial. Mrs. lagtry( And eibf. r famous women wen a reputation for t telel beanty. A flee completion makes onekandsemeteathnnalitbri taeals notel parfret moeld. BurAeeh Bleed Sitttrt act dl rctiy npen the drcnutlen, and se alvetke ahln a eleatness and tmeetbnets ethtrwlse unattainable. Fer sale by B. H. twekraa, drnnist, W and IB) North Queen ttreet, Laav easier. 8UlkPi.BM miuhtb. made miserable by Oat terrible cough. BhUeh'a Bnre U the remedy loryen. Beld by H. je. ceahran, drug-gist, Me. in and lit Menk Oueen BU iAaaaater. Fa. (1) Metlt Wins. We desire te say te our ettlten', that ter for yrare we have been telling Or. Klng't Mew Discovery for Consumption, Dr. Klng't Me Life PUlt, Bueklin'a Arnica Balye and ale trio Utters, and hare never bandied remediee that sell aa well or that have given such uni versal satlsf i ci Ien. We de net hesitate te guarantee them every time, and wa stand ready te refund the purchase priea, if aaUtme tery raselta de net fellow their ate. These ramedlaa have wen tuelr creat Doeularlty purely en their mente. II. B. Cochran. Drug gut. UTandlW MerUi Queen street, Laaeaa c pa. tn THATUACKtMO QOUQHoanbeaeqmlekly and by BhUeh'a Care, wa guarantee It, Bali by h. . cecaraa exuggiet, stea. un aaa wr aenn vmm bi imnvmrnvrnx, raw De It With risasnra. Wangler Bres , druggists ,et WaUiloe, Iowa, write i "We can with pleasure say that Themas' Mtltctrie Oil gives the best tlsfae tlen. of anyliolmeatweiell. K very be 3 y who buTtwill have no ether. This remedy la a eeriatn cure for all aches, apralni, and puns. Fer sale by B. B. Cochran, druggist, W and UB Merth Queen street, Lancaster. My bay (three years old ) was recently takra wltn eeid In the Head, it seemed Anally te aettle In his nose, which was stepped up for Oats and nights se that it waa difficult for him te ureathe and sleep I called a physician, whopreacrlecd.butoldhlmnogood. Finally 1 went te the drug store and get a bottle of Bit's Cream Balm. It seemed te work like maale. The boy's nose was dear In two day, and be has been all right ever since.- J. Hastird, Mew Xerk. J7 2wdeedw SHIbOH'B COUBH and consumption Cere It told by ut en a guarantee. It cures Con sumption. Beld by H. a Cochran, druggist, aes, in and ua Menk Queen bl, Laaeaster, Fa. (i A Ulergjman'a Testimony. W. M. Uioerd, pastor M. M. ctaureh, Beth- well, Ont , was for two years a suffer with dye- pepiia in lie wexvi lerui.unui iu ue aiKia life became an actual buidtn." Taree bot tles el BurOeek Bleed Buuri cured him, and ae tells us In a recent letter that ha considers It the oeet family medicine new before tee country for dyspepsia and liver complaint. Fer sale by H. &. Cochran, druggist, 17 and lit north Queen street, Lancaster. Ajsafe Investment Is one which fs guaranteed te bring yen sat isfactory results, or tn ease of failure a return of purchase prlee. On this safe plan you can bay from our advertised Druggist a bettia et or. aving's new umcetmj iur unuuiuyuiH. rami in avery i en of Threat, Lungs ipuen, utraiaiwia Asthma, Whooping Of LU! Bronchitis, cough. Croup, eta, etc It tt pietaaat and agreeable te the taste, pertecUy sale aadeaa aTwava be depended apeu. rcrpui Tnti bottle free at H. B. Cenhraa'a Drag tore, Mea. 187 ana Ut aertk Queen street, Laneaster, Pa. (1) aw Mas KaiiTa la the world for Cuts.: Beras, Uieara, Bait BAeum. Fever Beree,Ttter, flhmnniid f klB BrupUens, and pesitlvaly curse Flies, or uiuvmuhi mwra, iw au Twintmn. it la enaraatteeD te wv requuea. uaiuniwipw guaraateep te five per- fact aattttaotlen. or money refunded. Price Besnia per dex. Fer aale by B. B. oeakcaa, Druggist,". Maa.U7aa41 Merth Queenstreet, Laneaster. Fa. uneSMyd Threw Away Bis emtches, " Buffered from rheumitltm se btdly had te ate crutcbes, but threw them aw.y after ap plying Themas' Xsleetrie Oil te my llmbs .1 new l?el better than I have ler years." F. L. Qlbbs. M Klk street, Buffalo, M. Y. Fer sale by uT B Cochran. druggUt, UI and U Menk Queen street, Lancaster. De Net Move Blindly. Ge carefully In purchasing medicine. Many advertised remedies can work great Injury ate wane than none. Burdock Bleed BlUtri are purely a vtgtttble preparation t tae small- eat enud can taae them. They kill elseaseand aura the patient in a safe and l ;e iea suii tdlvi way. Fer Dy u. a. uccnraa, i . druntt tt,U7 ana ut Merth Queen street. Lancaster. II Methersin Are yen disturbed at-night and broken el our rest by a sick child suffering and crying wltk the excruciating pain el cuttlag teeth t If se. ke at once and get a bottle of MBS. WIMBLOW'B SOOTBIMU BYBOP. It Will la tieve the peer little suOsrer Immediately de pend upon it there la no mistake about It. Theralaneta mother ea earth whw hat ava BjadfijWhe will BottaUyeaat eaea that tt 'wm regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and raltef and kealtt te the child, operating ilka magic it la pertaetlyaaJe te aaa ta all eaaea and pleasant te the taaa, aad te the prescription of aneef the eldest aad bast liaitlt pkytteaaaa aad nursee ta the UaMat tataa. Beld evarywhera,l5eantt a bettia. maylt-lydAw COAL, VWWWkAMAAAAAA LUMBER AND COAU TOBACCO 8BIIOK8 AND OABBS. WBBTKUM UABD WOODS. WneUstlO and BataU,at B B. MABT1M A CO, Ut Water street, Lancaster, ra. ni-lyd J3AUatUAiUBUt'S OOMfAJIZ,, GOAL DEALERS. M4KSLrtS Taaaa-Bertt rrtuaa Street, -nr -ttaiag ? AHCABTBa. fa TT vVlEITPXY. IT WILL) PAT TOU A tovltitanlnUltutlenthathasfor its ob J tat theiralnlcgel our young men and women ta tbete branches thtt alii lit teem for the transaction el butlnet s In abuslnt stllke mis' aar. The LABOA8TBB B08IHB8S COLLXQB, kalOKBast King street, dote this, and does It thoroughly. Wa have ae Lite Bchelarthlp " ler aala here. Oar opinion of thu aathed waa glv a la a tetwt aestbar. Aaaltat, H. 8, WAUDLBaV, ritatlfBJ. QOTlOinU BWUMBa. BCItaUCAlMCCH BaMtJaaMBS) kka'wtemsm'etgeaBajfwtaaB.aaiy baawaa aamBl MVaaawe aaJ aaaa jfjkjtytai1pWaaaBTwav) -WJ,tr kaitayneeiitiiatal. aaajstsTgtsapata meatCenUmeeliaata4lMi graWtBtl let it. BMlOaT. laaaB Baeea, caaa. BtwaVeats Cvncraa aaata,ara alaaa aa aawtk MaA the at Halt wa aa taaa eaantrv. n ty years, aad ta taaiaM treat N. i tnntii wmm have aaved kerMas.. aTnaarw ran yean. whMtt weakiagiaiitvsa at Ban aaas heed the vmevaa kaaatvaaT " " - . w. ADAMf, Mtwark,e. arcd aaas I Mvkakwhaa twaalat wltk Feseaaa aa ears aaa eatua body. .Be Ma fan. naak. kaa. aana aad aat waa aae atasa ef eeabs. aalwa wata aajukat ta BteBaaa.bat aeA one cake of aUralveurea. I atmaetthtakyaa eaeagk Jafjkett. F, W. WOWSj ll Mall M . Broeklya, a. VH M. T. saBaaaalaaM.elmd. kite aaa i tire ik ei the hind. The dltitte aaxt appeared aamyUftktat. I Med ataay watlifet,but aea'sfflBdaeeaia aatH taMttaadtheCVii taMttaadtheCVii evaa Batraaiaa, whtek eCsataaa saeady aad peraaneateure. J4mFABET Mi Weed Aveaae. Breeklya. Beld eveTywbere. Filea, Canens, Mai aeAr, Me BaaeLvaaT, Lr Frejetred by the FUITBB DBUw AkO.CHBBICALCOBOf aaV Bead fat Bew te Care Bkta Diteaaea," apaga,MUattraUeas,aAdleateetiaealsu. Rl RYHJ "kin and Seal preserved and beautl dbdi OfledbyctmoTaahUeiOATBDtoAy. A Werd About Oatirrh MItltthemacettsmaatbraaa, tktt wendsr fal eeatt-luld envelope tarreaadlng the dtll cate Ussnee of the air and passages, that Ca tarrh atakca Ita stronghold. Oaea attabliakad, tt aass Inte the very vltalt, aad readers life bat a leag-drawa breath rf Misery anddl ease, dulling the senaeerheulag. trammel Bag the power nf ipeeeh. destroying the fae. aity of tmeU, talattag the breatk, and hilling the reload pleaaarea or tatta. lattaleasly, by creeping ea from a ttmpte odd ta the heaa. It assaults the membraneeus lining aadea valepea the bones, eating through the delicate eeets aad causing lnnamasauea, ateaghlag aad death. Mothleg abort of total eradication will eeeure health te the patl tat, aad aU aUe vlauvea are aimaiy areereaMaatea aaCarlagt, leading te a tatal tarmlaatlea. Bassoaea Madieal Cvaa, by inhalation aad by Jnfsrae! adatlnittrauea, has never tailed t evea whea the admlaittratlOBj kaa aever failed i evea whea the dltttss has madefrlgktfullaretde eai saaws oasutaueas. searing, smeii aua teat a have eeea recovered, aaa l HMHvageiy uhth imv aUneBB's BtiJieit. cm eeaalsts of one bot tle cf the hUDiau. cvaa, one box of Cl TABBJU& eeLVBBT, BUd I one i: laraevBD laaALaa, neitlv wraobedlnene nackaea. with foil Hi- rectienti prlae,tL rerraa Dave A Oxkieal Cel, Bones?. KIDNEY PAINS, BtTBilM) tma WB eTIBMsag, . Believed In one mleute by thatmarveleut An tidote te Fain. Inflammation and Weakness, the CuUcura Antl-Fata Plaster. The Brat aad only paln-hiiltng atreaathenlug platter. Be spedaUy adapted te Instantly relieve Bad speedily cure Kidney aad Uterine Pains and Weakness. Warrant vastly superior te all ether plasters. AtalldruggltLesntsi flvn for ttoe i or, postage frer. et Ferma Dace abb caaateALUa, Bosten. Hasa. JuaMiydWABAlyw DMT OOODB. xwvtta NKW BOSTON BTOBE. 24 CENTRE SQUIRE. NEW CHEAP J. HARRY STAMM. $1.00 60ES FOR 50 CHITS. Here are Seme et the Ihlngt la whlth FIFTT UBNTBer LeaiGeea ter one Dollars WOMEN'S JACKKT9, WOOLKN HOSIERT, OLOYKS, b MITTENS, LEQU1N3, PLUSH ORNAMENTS, BIBBONS, SHAWLS, UNDEKWEkB, AND A GUIAT 'xUhtBLB OF PKI0B8 IK -.LL Dress Goods, VIZ: UKe PLAIDS Bedueed te Xe a Yaid. Ue PLAIDS Badncaa te Ue a Yaid. 750 PLAIDS and BTBIPXB Bedaeed ts S7K a Yard. tee ALL-WOOL OLOTIIS Beduced toVea Yard. BSTAnd One Bncdrad Different Bargains for you whea you come. BPBOIAL 1HDUCBMBNTS. BL10K HEIinETTlS. Theaa Qoefla were Imported te our tpeclal Order. The Jlal-h Is Buuial and Weight ParBseailence Bee them. Our Bargains Are Real And Art Sold In flood Faith. Ne. 24 Ceitre Faaare OLD BBABS WANTED THE HIQH eet cash prlee paid for old Brass and Cop Cep Mr. The Bnaat brasa caaiinsa atada te order. etai pattern work aaisad at reasonable ASA. At. W. VBAlk'BLeek werts, fclW . tkUutH. aaaaaMaia. " Jsnf,s-iBT 9weaaaakBalhiiraaBaa Bhaauth eat ea my right haaa. it appeared la w bUatara, attaaaed by ternMe Heklag, aradaaBw immS natil tt eavared the at bat iiimStere, NEW BOSTON STORE aVTa.TaaVHM 6.1 BMT rAQll SAOTMlB. 1889-HAGER & BROTHER--1889 W 0b Te-y let Salt r Sdrasg iaMkwt EMBROIDERIES I Which for bmty mmI exeHtaaea NiIdwA Stttp. Otmbrle Settf , Cwlti Ititi, Biby Ctitf , BwiBB,wlthiBetkFteBWiBB. TbBBpeMjlMtarBefJmMMearaReM. Mttekatl efecu wltk betbI ebbIsbb. Dm Haahi, Cetata ba4 Wetbb Uaadg beCwcm XhakntdMT, HeaMUtebtd lecks,Bte. DIRECTOIRE Fleuncings and Sheetings. Tba KeTBltlM of the Seatea. We lavltt ecetal cxaBloktleo, bi wuaj et the 4tgBf etnae te aUBUeatai taia LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. New aad eeaplata Una aew epea, taleetsd with Bfeclaleare MtoquaUtyef Bat ferial aal aawlng. Ne. 25 West King Street. MO BARGAINS IN X.1HBM AND OOTIONS. Big Seductions! -IN DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Ia thu impeiUnt departBaent of enr MAMMOTH DBr GOODS STOCK we display aeme Bemaikably Choice "Value In Seasonable HoeaB-FurBlb.lBfB. Oar faeUltlea for handling enortneua qaantlttM of theaa geed enable ea te offer, the Beat QeaUtlea at prices generally asked for Inferior grades, and this aaeath we aaaka Specially Lew Prices en the following lines : Table Linens, Napkins, Tewftlt, Towdllegs. Mailing, Flannel-, Blanket, Qnilta, Comforts. Tickings, BhwStiegSs Oalloess. Charles 35-37 North BOSTON N XXT DOOR TO COURT HOUBB. FAHNESTOCK'S. JANTJART SAIE we offer te flay, aa Immense rteek of Bemnants of BLACK AND OOLOBBD DBBBB eeODH, ihsacoamaiaUdneltoeseesoalatt closed, whleli are maikadaHtoKeC taetr origi nal prices. Alse l.Bfe Tarda of the Beat BLKACHKD HUBMH IV Bill HANTS very f heap. BeisnanU efBAlCBUuaBliaiMasaadBMttBOluBaUAB. ktaay Important MednoUensla BvaryOe partment. AW Tne Balance of enr Ceat Stock geet at Half Price. FAHNESTOCK'S, HOB. 80 87 BAST KING ST.. OAurar HA KQ AIMS I -GO SHIRK'S CARPET HALL WILTON, VMLV1T, BODY BBDS8ML8, Tipntrj, Iagrtlnt Dtmuk ind Yeeetltn. Rig ud CbilD Garpeti, OIL OLOTHB, WINDOW SHADES, Ac Wa bat tae Laurfae tut Beet SJaoek la the Otty. H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Ceres Wist KieK isi Wit 8tmLt. UaflaMaT, Pa. lUtmJU, MUXSOMM. E8TATB OP THADDRUS ROTH, lata of IneaaUr city, deeeated. letters testamentary ea said aetate having been J ranted te the undersigned, all persons In stiled thereto are requested te make Imme diate payment, and iheae htvlng claims or demands against the same will prevent them without delay ter leiuement te the under signed, residing ta the city of Laneuter. MAST . BOTH, BBNBY BAH B IMS, Jae. A. Cctls, Axecuters. Atteruey. declfrftda NOTICE IS HBKEBY GIVEN THAT en MOKDAY. JANUABY V, IMt.at 10 . an application will be made te the Court 01 wuaner cession s.ei uiueuhi euuuit. iur uui annelntment of a lerv te view ana con demn the whole of the Maner tnrnplke read, located within Laneatter county, and extend ing from the commencement or Maner street, wheretbesame Intersects West king street. In the city of Lancaster, te and through the village et Mtllersvllle, te the end that Ue tame may Dt for pub le use. free from tells and toll tell toll satee; andtoassesstnedamageateahlchthe owner or owners thereof may be entitled therefer, . uttuwa a 111 UaUWM A UBNSKL, rolleiters for the fetiileners. LAactsTBB, Ft. , uec 90. Jtst. dn-iwdsitsr rueTOOHAPm. -nTK HAVE JUST BEOEIVED Twe Back Grounds, M ADB TO OOB OUDBB, ESPECIALLY FOB CDILDREN. If you with te have a QOOD PHCTOef your Bey or ttlrl bring him or bar te ROTE'S, NO. 60 1-2 KORTH QU1SN tT. Jaa74atd WE CAN HKRVK YOU WELL AMD aave you money la advertising. Bstl ADYESTISIMe GUIDE-BOOKBL The most complete and original ever Issued. Sent en receipt e! se eents te pay Bar packing aaa forwarding. ABvaanaiae Warnaa Sraeuurr. The L. Jet, Mllbeurne Advertising Agenay, Ut aaa 1M Bast Baltimore BtreetTSalUmera1 Md. MMmMv WU FIBHER, OKMTIHT. e Partieuiar attention givaa te BUlng preserving tae aaturai teeta. t aava au ilateetlmprovemenuierdotog alee work ' reasonable oeat. atavtagyeaneiex la the lane olUeelamsuretesiva t aaat at TttB$mWman9t, thi aaa van pertenna EXSiSJS mOOBB. att fsrtaft effiiiBft. OUR - Stamm, Queen St. STORE. OP REMNANTS. LAMOASJTSK, PA halu BAROAUiSI VAOS-MJA-SJ. WS M TBKCI KATJtrea. CLOTHING AT- AFTER CHRISTMAS PRICES. This U the Time You'll Want le Buy at Lew Price.. We're Prepared for Your Demands With GOODS WELL MADE -AMD- PRICES RIGHT. AB You'll net expeet tueh a large atserv ment at this season, but there's enough yet te please i ea. Myers & Mhfen, BBLIABLB OLOIBIBBB, NO. 18 MAST KLNO BT i.AMnaaraa fa. mEETHINQ BYRUP. TO MOTHERS. Bvery babe should have rtutstinTitTHiMuaiKur. rerfaeuy aaie. Me opium or Merphia mixtures. Will reltere tvtlle. uriplng la tae Bewala and Pre mete IMffleuit TeeUiti mt Teeiaina- Prepana by DBS. D.PAUKMBY A aek.Magarf uwa,Md. Drag' BUU sell It 1 M cents, Trial bottle teat dljat eeaU. .lyaaedAw tad FOB BALBOM BBBT. etVMayaiaarfaas'iaaat Tten mcwT-A twotert brick ju weaea with Baitatr w Meats) with BaiiBit aad. eeraar ef at. Jeatpa aad Betwart street ataaag.ataejataaaateea. A aaa barwart etrsata laaCBetwartttrtetatsitagatwaeaaa, . aaalvta BBf LOsaBBB, Jll-aeaaf,W,at Me. ! Chare Rtrtet jwei H KENT. ALAB9B - TkiwS4Nwry Brkk Swellts. WKh baaaataat attaeheC tl'aatcd ea the aeraatef Bait araat aad rhrfty ttreete, wltk a ethetae power bet'er and aa efavater. reraeBB wtsalag ta view the aaiaa wlllplaast aallea L.KNAPP, decttfas K0.1M Bast Blag Btrtet. pEREMPIORT FDBLIO SALE. OB TvaSBAT, JABTTABT M, 1MB, Wni be tela as the Blester Huta,tfceTwe. ' aaa ataaaara aoer aeeiarnoe. me, i Jaatea attest, let H-IO by l teat, with ana alia. The heaaa hat tea toens, la Bstt a latsea allaw. parlaet eoatliiea. Bee quality aaa axturea, tatta. gas, ant aad ee!d water, water eleeet, keaauTal slate atantais, wash kttekea with rata etetera aad imp. There la aa elegant veranda la treat of haute It at aa elegant aeata, ta a artVeltss aelshboraeod. Bale at 7Je p. at. D.e.KBMDIO, Jets. L. BUrata, AaeU lanT.t.ll M,lt, PUNLin SALE OF A FRAME BTJ BUBBAM QUBBM ABM OOTTAQ A Oa WasaatDir, Jabvabt M, MS, At the Leepard Hetel, tltutted about K feet beyead the aeiervelr greaads, oath aertk atae el the Philadelphia pUe, let ta bv t Mat te mark street. Tre house m a ttyiitB aesae, mx reeens. gnsd trasee stable la rear, well aad pMasp. hyeraat la yard, a petfeet little or er ekeri ai trait treaa. aad lawa haa cheteett ekrabbery. This aelghbotbeed M rspMly betagballtupla aae houses, kast Bad rail way psssts deer Alse, pavement te eadef basta grounds. Plsaaegeseelt. JACOB FB.BLIOM. Jeat L. EAtvas, Aact. j tn7.H,lM,M PUBLIC BALK-ON WEDNESDAY JAnUAkYtt, law. willbaaeid at pablie aala ea the premlws, la the village el Quarry vine, Laaeaatar oeualy, Pa, taa faQewlag raalee'aietewtt COAL AMD LUMBBB TABD eentalntrg Vi Aeres, mera or Use, with Thraa Hundred teetef Ceal Mdlag. Ineladtng Trestle work, aeerly new, with eapaelty for IBM toss et eeal, Twe Baadredieet Lumber aidlag, two-story PBAMB WABBHOUBB, OM Hat, Witt a BlvfeMetae Power Baglne aad Blavater. for hclttlag grata aad teed. Lumber ahtd. ice tatloagithiaateiaetBoalaa la geed repair) staMlng for two horses, wagea abed, aad all nseseerry Improvement! ea the property. TMe neafaad Lumber Yard la the best slana, aad also the most conveniently arranged ea the line of the Laneeeur A Quarry vine rail road. Alse at the stmt time aad plaea will be eeta the following personal property, wist Apalrefeiae Mulct, a years ojaieaeeieigB, baggy pole, aear y naw two uu two-hone tagODS. two geed seta or bat Beta, naaieea in. two ha waeena. small seale. oeil ahevela. two hay wa screens, safe, desks, rem e ante of lumbert also Poed lumber, such aa atees beards, aaisbing amber. oMleit, meuldings perch peite, aad saaey einer arui-ina net manueneau sale toeemmenea at lo'eleek p. tanas aad oeaditloas will be made t whea known bv fT. n, muummt, AMlgnet of P. Beaaanyar. Jt-WASts rUMfiTUMB. iMMIMAfliMMV'M QLBARINO PRIOEM, WIDMYER'S CORNER, But King and Ditt Stmti Clearing Prices. N EW KURMTURE. Ntw Spring Stylet -IK FURNITURE. ALL O0MPLBZB ABD BBADY FOB IIUSL MB8B. TABIBTY KBVBBSO LAB8K. PBIOBt MBVBB 80 RIASOaTABLB. BPBOIAL PBIOES rOB OUXPIT DUYBBS. HEINITSH'S FUBN1TORESTORI, KOB. 17 A SOOTH QUBBM STBBET tburn; ITURE ! FURNITURE 1 TMBUMDBBSIUMBD BAB KMOrBMBO BIB BTOBB AT TUB OLDBTAMD, le. 38 East King Street, Which waa destroyed by are some time age. aad kaa a perfectly Mew Bleck of all kinds el FURNITURE. PAKLOU SUITES, BBDBOOM 8DITBS, ABLBB,iOUAIBB, BTO. UPHOLSTERING la AU IU Branches. Alse fainting aad Or namenting Old Chain.; HENRY WOLF, H. 18 Eut Klftc BtreH. tM tlAOHXNBRr. 8 TEAM. STEAM Bnglnet, Boilers. Pipe. Valves and Pittlnga 1 Asbestos and Rubber Valve and Bed Packing. Asbestos and Bubber sheet and MUi-Beara Packing. VOLOABE3TON Sheet and Hed Packings. The Pratt A Cady Asbeetes Packed Ceckshead AsbtstosBcnewa AsbtstesBcnewa ble Dlse Olebe and Angle Valves. , Bteam ueers can save money bv buylngtbelr suppllee from ua. The largest sseitmeat, theBst Uoeds aad the Lewest Price. A full line or Machine, Cap and ret screws. Be w and Becead-Uaad Mnalnee and Hellers ea aaad.aadlurnlshed promptly. LIGHT OABTIBQB. By special arranaements we are sble te 'fur alsh Light urey Iren CssUngs el Superior Quality aad Finish at Lew Katsa.lnUaantl ties. Alse, Brsts caaUaga of every dcterlp dcterlp tlen. ttoed Werk, Beatenable Charges, Prompt- Cantral Machine Works 1M 116 NORTH OHRI8TIAB ST., Labuiiibb,Pa. aaat-Ud FURNITURE. BOOTS AND BHOBB. G .OIROTOBTATI Going te Stay. At I ceaia aei compute myar raasaatenU for Ua ataaataetarlag of Shots at pwsaat, I will eoa eea tlnaalataarataillag at Beete aad Sheat, aaa wHl aeatlaaata gtva yea aetna et tta hart bargtlat ta BOOTS and SHOES that aat aver beaa offered la this Btarawt. 1 have eut the arteat ta aaarlyavarythlBg.aiidlB aaa aaac Ua qaaJltp taa greater the redao redae redao tien te bomb early aad ws will try and please yea. D. P. STACKHOUSE, IS a. SO MABT atOCO.asT LAMOABTBB.PA Hyd lOOTS AND BHOflB, Ibtt Cash Vill De ! It Use Baablad Us te Buy It rates or MB Pairs el Ohtia'a and Ladies' SHOES -AT. A GREAT SACRIFICE, Which ware Made te Order far another arm but who hadn't the neaey te pay for them whea they were shipped te hint aad there being eaeh a large let of goods with another mane name atamped en them they wata sold te ua at a raat laatisce te Ua htaaaftetater. As oaaef oarMOtterialwayt has beaa "quick aalaa aad email preata," and eaa of eurtulee alwaya aaa been Mte give loustemers the ad vantage of our purchaats," we will aava yea o,erAUOperpatrby bujlag el this let M pairs Child s Pebble Battea VLmi. Sheaa. with worked buttonholes, sites ateWX.Si.w per pair j were.madeteteUatlLM. M ptirt Child's Tebble Battea Spring Heel Shoes, wtUt worhadbuttenholes, sites I te MM K.wperpelrt ware made te sU at tut. Ill pairs Ladlea'Dongela Battea Opera Tea Sheaa, Mjm psr pair were aaade te tell at MJ0. te pain tadlet' Doagela Battea Shoes, square toss, M 10) were made te sell at MM. nptlrsLadlss' Doagela Battea Sheaa. with fancy tip aad square tee, M.00 1 wars atadate aeUatgUO. 71 pairs TAdlee' Pabbla Battea Opera Tea aheee,tUQ were atadate aaU at N.M. M pairs Laalaa' Pabbla Battea Optra Tea Shet a, M 00 1 wart made te tell at M. Tt pain lAdlea' Pabbla Battea Commea Sense Shoes, with low heels, BLM weremtde tetsllatBUQ. 71 pairs Ledtrs' Psbbla Battea Commea 8taaa8hees,Birai waieadeteseUUU0. Bar Wa have ear show eaaa la front of the store filled with theet goods, with thaprleaa attaehad, knowing Bargalna Must be Beta le be Appreciated. rur these goods are all sold wa could net guarantee any aaera bargalna like thaat, ae don't blame us If you fall te buy any of this tot- Tke Om-FiIm Cue Hmm, d Tbi Lawiin of Lew Frieti BOOTS 8c SHOES Kt. t East IlBg Btnet, LABOABTBB.PA. aarstert Closed Bvsry Bvenlag at O'clesk Bxeapt Monday aad Saturday. HOUaUfUBNiaUMQ. rrWK FEOPLE'B OAMB BIORB, The People's Cash Stere, Ue. 25 Saat King etraat. NOW OPENING. HeuseFurnishing DRY GOODS Or BVBBY DBBOBIPTinN AT TBB LOW BSX CASH PBIOBS. Reduced Prices On Our BnUre Stock cf LAD1BB' COATS, MISSES' COATS, CBILDBBH'i COATS. aar We still have soma Choice Geeda In this line, which aie well worth an Inspection by these who may wish te purchase a Ceat. BBMaMBKB-keduetlOBStn Meat with ua mean Lewer Pilces. Gee. I. Bathven, NO. 36 BAST EIMO BTJtBKT, LAMOASTBB, rMlMwtMW w ANTEO-RBLIABLE IAiCf.UA.aU TnnlltK. blanu. VOaltlllBa Mn nt BpeeuIlndueementtnewiMat-eeu- fagspatttitUA 'JSbw'f&)g araaryaieat swawwi m, a. FREY EGKERT cLVTRiira. Fin Tailoring j. .' fawtaa Latest MevaHtea Largest asensaeat ef Ti atieaaaa lew aa any, gote H. OBRHARTS Oily Direct lRiBartlaf MMaBTBQOBBNSTBBBw. hi,-'- rne OLOTBINO BUTEB i.i M i i L, GinsmiD&Bre. ."K -'1 .13 . 5 68 NORTH QUHN IT. IMTBBBSTlMa BAkQAIMS 1M l MADB TO OBDBB. . Wa have closed freat i ana and flne line el goeda la thai J"'w"r trousers, aae ia erae aa , bande fullv laiinnS. w .ain ih2?S!AtUkBu,, A' mrnmwtmW bbb,jbvmbw S- The Great Aaaaal aala of El si tsjtMfaJ Chlidraa'a Clothing, at half prlee suu aaa , Haa0rareeaUatt1M.M.M,M,l.KIfBB lie. ?. htaa's SalM at (t, M, m. M, m, fH. Bart Ovareeats at SLTt, nm, MM, u. Bey'a Built at UM. M. M. M.1 I! f A" aa Cbiidrea's Bulla aad ovareeats Bad upwards.: 8-5 n ,0 enm, AU-wea. warta sua, M Trousers te order. Ali-Wooi; WanS taZ - Jroeten te Order; Ait-WeeL Werth if M.Q8 xreatan te order, All-Weel, Werth UM. -? 1 .J!5?WB S"? wMl tt tetewMtTBAV taaa te eall ana avsnilna -- :rr J wm- wVjr..Tznrr.T "? winiiunnnupmav , W tim UNwaT a sm. awha, J: '3 l. uflneMiAii a Dflu.t l MsrehantTalleTsand Maautuitnreeaerf aieavLs'1 Bey'a aad LhUdraaa Ctethtac. ,'i 'S B. W.COB. BOBTX QUBBM OB ABES IT" . r The Caaapatt Bxalaaiva Cteihsac aaa awwv tj w ILLI AMBON reSTBB, i, a, A OOB DISIBB TO - -J' ddDbImiTiti mnu YmVmitvj HJQUJjXX XJLft rAuriiJi? Waa aava Bad leek na aver aad wa tTit strrst nl anair aaaktaw t eieusly beaaht are era aaahtad te faaaVawv low, alwaya taraiageur tieekqalek. Ltaea wa Oeavert lata Ureat kaataa galas, cutting the Prleee aa Law taa aa tar aew amau taa nuraataa, Bava Meaey by the Trans tetlc Oeate' riaa etl-Woel Ovareeat. aek larougaeut-Begaiar mea, tat I rnea,ti.i GUT PKICKB IN BOB! aa AMti BLAMEBTB. Onr line nf t ffntvia have detenalaed Wham wa sail aat aaa Haa, kellae-iaaaaaA e7h a are reduetag the aasrt hatter t We are aailtagwaaa BahaaTam nrlee. Wa are aalllaar Ueat B bieiw ww an EaaraeiaaT law for SI. A lane aUea Baaala Bake asvBM. anna haa-rr llnna Biaahat ta MaaaaaaSeaW eteat Whip ler Me. ear prleee ealhMSgsaat? wui aurptMe yea. Ask te tee thaat. AwSa' . navvaa tobavier aaxtwlatac .in -..-. .-- .. . iJ VHaUaialtW iniUVaiBiBtHBE Um 4Bt a-lWeB."- , BBB, OP BAJMAIMB. Men's Deatat Shirts. Me t Cswa i Maa'a Weel Mixed ShUte, Mat aawal llMhWiUitlltml ! Ml. ! t mr m. -., v-? weava rate aia uisvas. aaa i eewa treat tea,;; Meat Heavy Wetklagwlavaa at Ma. X-m Man's Heavy Brer sains aaa Diawata,Ma eaeh four pteeee for 7ee. ;.,;, Heavy unyiama aaa srawara, mi wtsa. Me. .-? Men's Bad All. Weel Bhlrta aad Bamwaaa: AMI C ' immS areBawatB-j, !. MOEUI "i It taaaaaiaaa. Si nHHavr down freat tie. 5 ft. abim Hu WmM. faat at aaa. 'JS' , ear lAaiaa' uoageia.iiexiBie awtaaaMtaM t' Doaaela. flexible Bove BtUag, with worked butts At, oaaaeT be execlied aaa M .ww . - m w - . -- . . .t 1 aaa.es., aaw j warME.at.'if yoarlaapeetlea. Villlimsen ft Fetttfi, n, ti, M ft 18 E. UM T 1AMOABTBB.PA. NO. 818 MABataTT tnitaaaT. MABBiaMOBd). PA. WATCH B9. 0rmt -yyTATOUBat AMERICAN 1 Optieaiaoeds. Talegn ArUeletathleL!ae leum waiim. Bat uatf B. Qaaaa at. Bear r.B. B. JEWELER AND OPTIOIAB. GILL. Jtwtler and Optician. ir year eyes treabls yea aUead te tAtat Ua mediately. The ate Of PBOPBB aLASSBS IBBMBBS Mlaa-BBCM awlwiaaaVwrffAl aBlf1 1ibBmb1VbB Taaeatr aaa ion; MitBaiaAet &? OIAL errlulAM. wa are aew nuuanmnr.TM. at aleeeae wit TSZtL ClSlON OP am OuULUT. havlagal com plate eats ter test laatas reqaCea feet measurement Batitttouea QuaraaUwd la avary lastaaaa. OHAELES S. GILL, Ne. 10 West King Street, LABCA8TBB.PA. WORD. WBABKMOWOrrBBIMO ABLABBBABD " PIMBALIMBOr WATCHES AMD JEWELRY As can be shown, aad at LOWBB PBICBS than have aver beaa quoted for goods et aqaAl quality. COMB AMD BB TOUB OWNVDOBB. Walter A. Herri MO. 101 KORTH QTJBMM R., COBMBBOrOBABQB. KTOTIOB TO TRBBV. ABTB XI wUBMBBB-All SwBil. aaaawawaaawBBBW.aB -, taaaaa te miss ass ea aay.ws 11 1 i.wwe .-. CaaawaMaBysarrwaiwaaatasjgamwews , MMiVaaBawaayaBTpaiaawi 8SWaMBBaWrgaSBBjBMBB.i gjuUBAJaV - 'ty 1 tL ' -. " r mC w&sbEbKbbwBbbbbbbbbB L1-: I lT I 1 til ITlJ BllBBTlBBHaaBBBM ??' l" & u r tiW "Jl W,6 TJS i3 A 4i m m J. AO"- J&, t i.v-stvVt il v -frts3.jaJ Vf? j