S.VAV HS '-' Mf--'tf r'&3 7.r5-v3"i. . t-j m TUT. LANCASTER DAILY INHSLUGEKCER, TUESDAY; JANTXABY 15, 1809. WQ i Dally InUIIItncr, , PABOAftY M.MM. -t ?- attesters! CeUttrai titm flat U gsujBet. wte MuwriMwg yterday te N tem te mm eojeyea ' W. etaiar that Itier did fMMbM te 4e, bb4 apsvrfated SaaataSaaaa. aaf mi tsudi. whaM I Aa.itaai miIh atamaltthai nmlt ttitticM IheHarrisbari potteOce, ntSea Waaaahurtaii and tit detvatlft htm J Batter in Philadelphia. MMtrin ?wiw mw imse were the Ffartliamotttetteteraleollegewlio lira arl llh exhaaetlre duties: ftkAttiMofletncItbeoollfcebadaa F tUM m the awBben, tbera being IMOftwrM, two Bentenwt-ftrmi, i-aoeneepen, ana two messengers i te asm. Basra ana Doner tbe cel- I t thirty Bemben. Ths high Might with which the mim. MfMaewa te attend te their If net severs duties. Is tes. by ths fact that ther were nil htd but two , and this though there I M banquet. Tbe sole entertalement the cellec was the re of, and a speech from, the and feed Governer Heamr. who Invited te visit the body and who and Bade a " short and felicitous "declaring that as an individual I waste heart? accnr J with thn i-miiH lifts work. .erkMulywe wonder whether the sen. IwiiewaHr. up the Capitel Hill. than walk down Benin. a lssBters of the electoral college, de , lew tee teny or. weir doing. i is BMHsnger work. It would be as t done, in fact, by a two-cent stamD a letter cenvevlnir their ballet : & U wenld be better dena sill) bv amend. pjkf tbe law se as te abolish net only the tsetlBg of the college but the college iwmu; wnica aees net at all carry a te object or its creation and has be i se thoroughly useless that no sen- AMI. Mn t.A mt m.mIimi . It vlkl..... B4 a,aaB uu w m uinuua uk niwuub tellnjr of dlsaust that he la farced te Ejtsj se silly. Let us abolish the electoral siiega prempuy ana nave a direct vote mk ma people en we candidates. t&- i sTaral Fewer ef France. : ' f.Tha verv naacefnl snatch of Emnr-mr j ,WUlla at the opening of the Landtag Is l! . iiaai. uia i ji m .. . -vihw vbiub as an indication or me sbift of eventp.theugh it quiets any appre- MSBnonsei immediate danger te the eeace. ; Ik disposition te calm public anxiety at l aaa abroad mav be d ue te an earnest 1 te' Dostnene the inevitable conflict Mtil the fatherland is in a better state of j Jteparatlen, for if the emperor traveled who nis eyes open he must have dls dls evered that the strength of the German -.'jenny Is net se overwhelming as it ; Jaypears te be from a home point of view l mat the uerman navy Is se hopelessly lahind tbe times that in a few days from t declaration of war France could have W fcte coast blockaded, his ocean commerce fjareukd and be levying tribute from r seanert of the Baltic and the "North AnntftkrMtlltnf thUrarfnln aiirreaa t, SjC the French by water would be an upris- MCOt the Danes against their stubborn i Jtinff. who has succeeded in culllvatlnir a ejesiecratlc cpirit in his people by sustain- Jtmm m. nlnfctf if tha llltm.wik kn. fntla . elinanosef the constitutional powers of tb e saaemblr. DentnarklsriDefordemecranv. K'lmt revaltv is secure H. lenir n thn IOerman empire in Bismarck's bands Vtranadews and controls the destinies 'kf VnMnk Tfa1 lkt. ,.. ..l if,vy would probably have te be reckoned ''"' an Bfltlvn allv nf flnrmnnn in anw SirUPfflA with FranfA. hilt thn Ttallan rraperatlens would at first be chlpflr win. radioed te tbe Mediterranean and, as ape. g jwmuujvy et tuu x reucn navy is me arm- i-i-ir or iartre neaies or bine imitAta fnr bs'aben duty, a French and Danish force of fetnrableseme size might annoy the Ger- OfAMakeat V.. . U.1.1 I tt.ii . fiYmmuiB vj way ui. ocuieowig xieisiein ue Fatura uwy uau a caance w uznc a d&uia in LmsaUft TlhlvtA AAiinifn Tx.nHA l. t....a hf-JLW aSMWO WUUIrawa X lAULD liiia H.LH1UL fs SS,000 men afloat and 8,000 mere con- E' atajltlt llnflAr 1 nkt mnt Inn In knM..1.an..j 'forts en shore, besides 1.400 hevs in icalnlng. A high naval authority has weenuy expressed tbe opinion that in iw training or every kind that could be i" ataaawfll tr aavav dtM Mti1n bIIu j) ii.. jflPiench navy are far ahead of any ether KMUen; and as they eerve for a regular W"" w """! "".UUBMUU ui nat WUU1U QfM followed by a sudden multiplication et atae force by the calline te the flur of ail s&j; ww wu wxu uniucu uuuer it. x ranca tUaUu. ka.1 kkiua k.lJ .. .a. jwb a large neec or torpedo beats se built that they can be carried by rail from the fetv' Mediterranean te the Eegllsh channel ; .-nauaa two snips nearjy completed, the HS' " "" vwukc, wurcu uie numuiea uy ;-,..ujuu cavils superior te anyiuing .t'laA. aml .hn t. K. I .. t , , kiu oue u uuw ui active servica 1MB inincladfl nf varlntia rlaet.i At -.. . - w- .et.wu WHAVl! W klkl- g. iwu cruisers, aupreieciedgunbsaUand sioeps and 40 tralnlnc Bhlns. :t$t armor and guns of these ships are the i mat could be produced bv that w.ipn. B-' llSflavnrrv and nnlarnn n. t.ii. ...t-. .. - ..? "." p ' -c renca are xameus. xnis superiority yS tt the French navy, overshadowing even m jungiasa, is eneuga te make Germany juunx cautiously of tbe consequences of a-r . t. , :. . :. ,?, w M.w wm WJGUUJ Uk. UkClililM, O&U LI1B a new x renca rme.me navigable war i-f MUMoeiu.uikie system or raiireaa meull. w. U.Ma. Il.1. A....M kk.. .t.J .. b fktMkwu, ucii wi ujjje we wuuetn or peace- i-'Ut iu. 1 fcaakless StaekhalilerR. gp Pteeldent Cerbln, of the Beading em- ' y, sent a " sassy dispatch te the jiiaalgn heWeta et the far away " pre- ,niuiK imk. ui me company, wne are- Ji"" "-" b -i (me cent, amaend taafem Ihn nnarfrr nntntu.iAi .A lBkget7i. He told them that if they laaamt mat mey could get mere in the ewts thy should come and try It en. - av vir i ii n urua nn rniuk i - 9 ;fctdttfe be had stretched the cloth ! jfcttr tbe breaking point te .aa-A. ikt nntr .lle'Anrl sf -.11 .. E', -i' ii.iM . wi ler f w w uunu fkckckeuue biuu, ttuil ae L dBMeted a vote et thanks instead of an Ef iaVac for mere. And (hen he felt inriY- lrtrlakl.kA9ktft ' ,... ..,A-i III Htlli f .1 r I M-.a wn IIIkH MkO WUUkD DU;ik. S)ClfeaeMM.Dy for four years mere: and ItMealet that time he knows that it aWMr be Smashed te SmUherenna nr .tW,baBBlBf along with dividends for 1. HlHlai. The UsUw.ra Republicans have re- lea Ulgglea for senator, sernamed .' AaUway UImIes is net a rf Mt'aaaM, though it covers in this larymart'Mw who practicts law at the Wilstlagtea bar, and knows eaoegh te go te tbe Senate, as that fcodyteatiiraisat aepstHated. It does net la these days ra.ul a high etd or gtsat qsanttty of sease m ekQ.ueaee te be a senator; and a taaa maeb atere than' moderately endowed would be a startling contrast te the general tone of the body. Higgles will de. Delaware Is a Utile state and we de net care te have her put big men in the Senate when the big state by her side persistently sends little one A Seed Practice Settled. Attorney General Klrkpatrlck has given what seems te be a well considered and sound opinion, declaring that the governor should issue a commission te Jehn F. Metzger, who appears en tbe face of the returns te be elected judge in In the 29th district, but whose claim is contested by W. S. Bentlcy. The attor ney general holds that the retiring judge, having been commissioned for ten years and net until his successor is chosen, is out et office at the end of the ten years and cannot sit pending a contest. He holds also, that it is necessary that tbe efllce should be filled ; that there is no vacancy, and therefore the governor cannot ap point. There has been -an election and some one has been elected. Tbe law requires the governor te commission j udges as seen as practica ble after the election ; the commission being but the evidence of title and net the source of it. The returns made te the secretary of thecommenwealth show ing the election et a candidate should serve te secure him a commission from the governor ; which commission may be superseded when the result of the con test is declared. Doubtless this is the beet practice. The atterney general might have decided it either way under the law, which leaves tbe matter in the discretion of tbe governor. But as a district should net be without a judge pending a contest, it is better te held that the prima fade title draws the commission. Grklt appeais te think that we will have an early aprlng. Walt a tew weeks and wa will beir from the ground-hog. m m Tiik Philadelphia Timts' almanae la up te the atsndtrd el former years and baa several new and valuable faateref. There la nothing rusty about the Timts. Tug IUltlmore Sun almanae ter 1889 has a a honttsplseo a pleating photogravure portrait et the Isle Mr. A. a Abel), tbe widely known founder of that paper, who aesumulated a large fortune by thrift and honest enterprlae. A coxbeienck contribution of $200 hat been received by the secretary of tbe treasury In an envelepe, poatmatked Hyra curb, N. Y., containing also the following note aliened "Leyal": "Mr. Fair Ubllda Treat pleas put the within 1200 Inte tbe United HUlm treaaary where It belongs (I think)," Washington Star, Frem tbe expression of denbt In brackets tbeconitelence-iraltleu writer was evidently letb te oentrlbute te the Increase of the surplus. It will be remembered that a certain Mr. Hwenaen net long age secured a patent for a method of manufacturing sugar, dis covered by him while working ter the government for that very purpsae, at a government expetltnent atatlea. CoramU CeramU CoramU alener Celman promptly requeatad the attorney general te bring anil for tbe an nulment of this patent, and a demurrer of riwonten having been overruled by the court, the right et the government te bring sulta of the kind Is settled, Hereafter em pleyea et the government cannot patent dlBC3verlea made while working for the government without considering the changes et a aelt for cancellation of the patent. Tub state et Pennsylvania turned out from the oince et the state printer, In 1S87 and 1833, 405,700 reperia and ether decu menta, uet eauutlng the geologic! survey reperia. This la an Inerease of 105,000, as cemp.red with the two years preceding. The oeUof printing and binding In 18b8 was f 209, 001. The geological reports alone ceitM5,3it. We ead net dodge a painful suspicion that this Is largely waste litera ture, nnd perhaps the sacred writer had In mind aeme report of this sort when be ob served : " e; making many books there Is no end." La Mone Kew, Chinese agent In Brit ish Columbia, in an Interview the ether day said that tbe Kmperer et China has Issued a proclamation recalling all tbe Chinese In United HUles, that 11 wenld be obeyed, and that in ten years all the Ohl. nese In this oenntry would have returned te China. If this report Is true and the mandate Is accompanied by a penalty euch as there fasti of burial at home It la quite probable that It will be obeyed by all but an lntlg nlllcant number et Chinamen. Then the people or the l'.olUe ceatt will have te learn very rapidly bow te get along without Chlnete servants and laundrymen. PHHBONAL. Memiiis M. P. Hamiit and J.mea R. Yeung bare been dealcnated by UeTerncr Heaver at aldct-de-camp en hit atall duilng tbe Inaugural precession. Bbuubrt C. Lkwis baa been chosen c.shtttr et the Pint National hank, or WxlRbUvillp, succeeding Om K. Hben barker. He It a native of Kllutethtewn. tbla county. ' BAMuet, It. Wilsen, tbe dean of the I!eavr county bar, Hud the leading oeuntel for Mrs. 1.. A. Hlbbard In her breach of premUe tult agaleat H. Fry, la lying: at deatn'a deer, lie wa a atudent of the late Judge Jeremiah Ulck,acd ls07yearaef sge. Hkv. Keukrt A. Kdwauds, who cele brated tbH tenth aunlveraery et bis rector, tblp of ht. Matthias' P. K. ehnrcb, Pbll.delpula,en Hunday, has received from bis conitifgatlen a meat substantial re cognition nr hlaaervleea In tbe ahtpe of a check for tl,000,coempanled by alx month." leave et autoaen. The reverend gentleman will vitlt Kxypt and the Hely Lend. Edward Hueiianan Cassatt, nf Hnvrr Hnvrr ferd college, Montgomery county, iv grandn-pbew nf President Buchanan and a eon et A. J. Cattail; David Hberldan Stanley. nn or Bilgadler General David H. Stanley, U. H. a., and Lincoln Kv Kll. beurne, seu of Lieutenant Charlea P. Kll Kll heur dp, were ou Monday appointed hy the Sinakuviiki vaiivii Bk-takKa hi uq unlleu Utcs military academy, Don't I tf a dealer ofTartyea a bottle of 81 81 81 vatlonetllu amntllatednrilefAccul pAckaire. (lea't buy tt at any prtee. It may ba a diDger diDger eut ana wenliiiin reuntarltlt. Intttt apea tct'lng aj)r rfc(, unbroken, eenuin pkekwe. raet charxe. mur Uruirglat will refand your rnoney it Dr. IluU'a Cough Syrup dot ret (,'Ivh you atttlitucuen and cure your ceuiih. Files 23 cnu. K" OKO hOAP. Koke Seap. If WILL ILOAT, IT WILL rj.OAI. ruKi. TTVirnuu and llimitll a, i , Ity, eccueintral In u,e. A vegeuble eU seen ,n- .tin l.kftutlUV nrtl wn j, .. T ,v. h. mw.'m, .v.ua. ana uaTJl. Adapted te gentrnl houteheld uie. or In Ml I.I,. MINK nr tKOP. Ilvnnr r-. w --a . ara-wwe g)tVt taUaarjg net keep It, tend ut 6 cenU for pottage, and w Wkkk kkkkk cav Jhaka,. Akkurrif, xx. csur. ja. Jtuavssrt, I aeTT lylB.T,S CINOIMKATLe. I M etigMVa IilVaW PILLS. maaiBsiDMBea.0. McLANE'S -CBLK BaATD LIVER PILLS. READ THIS I l-BOM DACOTA. Fleming Bres t Daiastaa. rera long time t mfrertd f ion tfcaaStcta of lndtftetvtcm and tick brrdacfe. and en trying enr Ur. O. BtcLane'i Celtbra W1 Ltvar rnTt 1 found quick and tattttaeteTT relief. A Tery few antes does the work and l wenld netbt nithsnt them. . .. UO.H.HAJUUJ. Slens rails, Dakota. naraa krewm te fail. Cere tisk headaeba, blilentnMt, liver eess ilalet. lBdUtttlen. drtBemta. hearibnra. ma plaint, ... uiupiBt un kaa iiMivanti uuur, inpHiv lant, pimple en the faee and body, tmpuie bleed, ite., ny Btlne regniany Dr. U. Metaea'a Celebrated Llrer Pi lit. vrepared only by Fjem- Jng llretbera, Flttiburg. Pa , tba market being foil of Imltailena of tbe name Meutne, ipelled einerenuy bat or the aama prenuncUlKm Alwayt leek for tbe algnatera of Slrmlng Bree. and C. Me Lane. tTiubnrjr, Pa., oaths wrapper. AllelBenarawnrlhlratwBen com pared with the gennlne BteLane's. novSO-lveedTu.l b,A w Si as, SWIM'S specific cured me or malign ant Bleed Pelton after I had bee treated In vain with old te-called remedies of Mercury and retaih. B. B. s. net only cured tbe Bleed Pol Pel Pol ten, bat relieved, tue BbtamaiUmwltieb. waa cAfleed by lbs pottes eat mineral t. UBO. BOVBLL, sl Sd Avenne, M. T. Scrofula developed en my daaahter-iwell-Ine; and lumpa en her neek. we gave liar nWir t'S spaTuiric, and the reault was won wen derfnl and tbe cunt prompt. s. a. DBAKlaUJiD, Cleveland, Tena; BWirrs SPBOirieit entirely a vegetable remedy, and la the only remedy which per manently cures Scrotal!, Blecd Humeit, tlan tlan eer and Contaatent Bleed PoUeo. Send for boekt en Bleed and Bkln Dtteatat, mailed free. TUKSWlfr SPBdiriuUU janlO-Tn.Th.B lirawerS. Atlanu, Oa COMPLUZIOK te WDMM, rtOMPLKXlOM POWDKR. LADIES WHO VALUB A BBriNKIJ OUMPLKXtOlf MUST USB ' POZZONI'S MBDIOATID COMPLEXION POWDER. it tnvnaru a brttllant trantparency te the akin. aemeTeiallplmplei.irueklai and eta eolerattona, and makea tbe iktn delicately ten and beanUfnl. ltoentalnt no lime, white, lead or anenle. In three ibadea, pink or Seen, whiw and brunette. rea BALB BT All DruggiatB and Fnney Goods Dealers alvorywhere. SSTBKWAKB Or IU1TATIONB.TBS aprjn-lvd TKUNKB w HOLKHALB HEDU0T1ON. CUAS. E. HABERBUSH, (Snectsser te M. Babtilash & Sed.) Wholesale Beductien. Te enable nt te make room for our new goedt we are offering epeUal Vargalns in ruit reues, PLU8U LA P KOBES, HLE1UU BELLS, JTJJK OLOVES, In fact, our Bnllre Winter Sleck. LADIES' POOKKTBOOKS, CARD CASES, PUitSKH AND BELTS AT COST. Ne treuble te the-r ourgeodt nt Chas. E. laberbush'B SADDLE, HARNE8H, AWD TRUNK STORE. Ne. 30 Centre Square, LAMOABTBB, PA. aBTBIgn of the Gelden Hene IleaOi-ca MXUUKBWNS. XAOATION KXUUK810NS. RAYMOND'S VACATION 1XOUR3IQN3. All Traveling Bxpentct Incluflcd. A Winter in California. The nrtb, Sixth and Seventh Farttetef the aeaien wljl leva f btmaelpbla In rebru&ry. All truvel boveno Chicago in apedal Tratua el MsanlBceDt Vettlhnltd Tnllumn Palace ruri wi,n ''.u,lm.n ''ct Ulntngcari Included. 1 Iih datea and rcutaa are aa fKilewi i Tnuradty, rebruary 7. Via w 11 ml n Eten. nalllmerA Wothlngten, Pltubnr.-, vhtbeHO. BauiM i City, LM Venea. Iles Sprln-i. 8nti r, Albuquerque, lUrttew, San ilernadlne. ete. Monday, rehruary 11. Via WllmlUKton.UU WllmlUKten.UU WllmlUKton.UU Unien,. WaalilufteD, ParknraburK. Clncln r atl. Mammoth cave, M e w Oi leant, Uel reiten, can Antonie, etc. Monday, rebruary 23. Via Wilmington, nltlnora,WMhtnRten,l,tttiburUncliknaU Mammoth Cuve. New Urleani, Oalvttteu. ban Antonie, etc Thu parly will be In Mw or. lean at tb Mardl Gras Carnival. Nirch 5. rilteen Keturnlna ParUve. under inedel Pacert, and a choice of rive DllTorentlloutin. Jtetarn ilcketB alie tread en all trln unill July. Independent 'JlekeU, coverlnir every exrunae both way. and Klvlnir enure frovdeui te tbe raiieuner wbtlu In California, andalan In inaklnK the homeward Journey. Het-l coupena luppllnd ter lelrvnr abort icjeurna at all tee leadlnK I'aclDe Crk&tt Ueru. Date el Other California Teur,Marcb7and Daiet el Mexico Teun. January It. Teh. ruaryn.andalarchll. "u mluth Annual Spring Bxcurtlen te Calirer- UlA Mky 2. incVraTd,rcuiaw'!e','t"t- RA.YMOND A WHITCOMB, 111 Seuth Ninth street, (UndorCenUnenuaUoUl),PniL4DiLrau, Pa. Jl03uilb.bTu MiLLiNtnyT B AHUAINh! BAHUAIN NOW Id TUB TIMB TO QET First Class Goods -AT- HALF PRICE. WEIKEL'S. SOKTUQUKEKST LAMOABTBK. PA. dU4 pAlKX'S OaCLKJIT OOatFODITD, MY POOR BACK. Teat's the common emciasMma of these snfferlne; with rhensnati or kktae troubles. Is either disease raise's Oetery Compound will surely effect a tar,Mi there will se loafer be any eause te complain et " peer backs." Hus4rss ef ksslt. menlahi like the follewfof cenOrm our claims for that grand old resseir, Falaa'a Celery Compennd: '; Twe weeks he I could net sleep mere than an hour at a time aajr Bleat, was constipated and kidneys did net set, and had a reed deal of rain la tbe beck. (Stee I took Palne's Celery Compound the pain left dot back, and I can sleep Ilka a ehUd." Zenas tJanderH, West Windser, Vermont. " Having been trenbled wHk raamsaa. tlsm for ne years, I waa almost unable te tret around, and was very eftaa eeaAaetl te my bed for weeks at a time. I have used nearly all mealclnes lassaabM), besides outside advices, but te no advantire. Havine; seen Palne'a Celery CessseaBd adver tised. I nave It a tr laL I have used only bottle and am perfectly eared. I eaa bow J amp arennd and reel lively as a boy." Frank Carell, Eureka, Nevada. Priee, l.oe. Six for 15.00. Sold bt DnuaeisTS. Send ren 8-paeb Testimonial Patxb. WELLS, RICHARDSON Be CO., Proprietors BURLINGTON, WAtlAUAKKten. PMiLADitrau, Tuetday, Jan. IS, 1R9. Bear in mind some of the points of special interest : Muslin Underwear. Women's Jackets. Girls' Dresses and Wraps, Men's and Beys' Clothing. Linens. Beeks. Upholstery. Furniture, Heuse Furnishings. And a dozen mere that haven't had a word in the papers. Dress Goods. As merry a tune for Dress Goods buyers as any. Stuffs of every sort have been crowd ed below anything that smacks of extravagance often away below cost. Black Stuffs. 44 inch Black Camel Hair Grenadine at 50c ! Lupin's at mat. ui course you never heard of the like. Fairly worth 75c, little as prices are nowa days. A new comer at our Black Goods counter. 'Twill be one of the liveliest stuffs there, once the women find it out. Kerthwcit or centre. Flannels. Finest Ceylon Flannels 37c from 50 and 65c. Wind-up of last season's styles. We want te clear them out before the new ones show up. Plain Stripes Corded Stripes Jacquard Stripes These are the handsome, tough, 3e inch Flannels that won't shrink. Favorites for all sorts of outdoor knockabout wear. The styles we start jumping to day are as neit as need be, Kertheast of centre. Rich Novelties. $5 Frisc Novelty, in evening shades, for S2.50. A 24 inch stuff, with bread stripes of looped silk tailing in masses. A gorgeous fabric ; heliotrope, cream, salmon, and light blue, en cream ground. NertheaU of contre. Most of the Paris Novelties are at another counter. The same low-price streaks runs through them all. Beuthweat of centre. India Silks. It didn't take half a glance yesterday te tell whereabouts in the Silk and Velvet and Ribbon-gay Transept the bril liant flight of gay Indias had fluttered down. A breath of Summer seemed te cling te them. Fer in the house and out, for bits and whole costumes. 75c to$i.5e. WcjtTrantept. Robes. We take it there are twice ever the number and kinds of rich Dress Robes en our coun ters than you'll find under any ether reef in America. We hear it all around from folks who ought te knew. However that may be, there's no question about prices. Yeu can today get the stuff for a rich Combination Dress for less than half what the yard-cost would have been a very little time back. Ne finer, richer Novelties are made than get into some of these Kobes. 1 he plain stuffs are of the same grade. Color Coler Celer matching perfect. Price-scale runs line this : Robes at $4 Robes at $7 Robes at $5 Robes at gS Robes at $6 Robes at $9 Robes at $10 One has told another what we are doing in these things, and the fame of it has spread far and wide. Our doing and your response are both unprece dented. sentLM dot el ceutie Umbrellas. We have picked out 15S Umbrellas from the stock at Chestnut street front. Net one of them is elder than Decem ber. Net one is behind the precession in any way. Style, stuff, handle?, frames every thing just as it should be. We whack a third from the price of VERMONT. WANAMAMMM each. This is the way they steed yesterday : 26 inch rinett gleria, u ver Bandies. H. r Inett gleria, nuer and geld fcaadlf a, SS. rinett gleria tllrerandceldkaadles.17. s" ml nMDtml liver ataiieS, Oxidised tUrer canal ti, as. 28 inch Plnettsleria, Hirer handles, as SS. Fineit gleria, tllver and geld handles, lle. Fine ilia, tllTer and geldTjaediea, SS. Vine lUk, geld oreok-, T. Viceat tuk, white bueahern aaasles, SS. Figure It out Twe dollars of money shall wipe out three dol lars of price. That brings the Umbrellas lower than they can be made for. Chettnnt ttreet side, west of main able. Women's Jackets. Fer half of already-moderate prices. That's the way the Berlin Jackets are going. Styles till you weary "of com paring. Mostly one of a kind. That's the trouble. $4 Jackets for $2 $6 Jackets for $3 $8 Jackets for $4 $10 Jackets for $5 Second fleer, Chettnnt t treat tide, four alt vatera. Blankets. One Blanket is as geed as ten te measure the stock by. Take the $5 a pair, 7 pound peund ers. We knew of nothing se geed outside for a half mere. Twe-and-a-half yards wide and generous in every, way. Near Women'e Waiting Roest. Engravings, etc. Artetype Engravings, framed (25x31 outside measure), down from $5 te $3, Frame alone would cost mere te make.JJ Panel Photecranhs. lvwVrl edge glass, down from $2.50 te $1.50. Pastels down from $6 te $4, and from $7.50 te $5. Prices swing just as low en many ether sorts. Frames of all styles te order. Basement, Market tlret tide, northwest of C ttIlaO JOHN WANAMAKER. CAMPJCTtl. J B. MAHTIN & UO. LANOASTRK, JANUARY 12, 1889. er DEPARTMENT. We havelutt completed enr Inventory and cuve a irieat many tseninantt of Wall Papers and Oarpeti. Which we will make a Bneclat Sale et te close and make room for Mew Btoek. itemnantt of Tapestry 5 te 85 yardt, 10 te eee, llemnanta of Bedy BrntaeU, 8 t J SO yarda, SOoteSOot wernstPUte I1S9. Bemnanu or Velvets, 10 te SO yardt, 80e t were St S3. Hennianta of Ins-tatm, K te X off regular price. Smyrna Rugs and Hatts. AM UNUSUAL ers-BBisu. its is inch x re inch, i n wereii.re Slum Inch z 4U Inch, 1 S3 were a.Sa Site M ilnch x 61 inch. ISO LwiE sis s lae si inch xu twit, a 10 were se Hi9SMnchx7ilnsh. SIS were 66s SUe llaal x 7 toot, bid were seg I.Brni.i!6cr wool Bordered, cocoa, Bub her uud Wire tkOKt. WALL PAPERS, WALL PAPERS, It E UN ANTS. Uoldandlilanki'apen.iotoao plecri, all at Kprck. Houin even lui. Almeei every pat urnoflatttceaon. , Prices or Hanging at a Lew FJgue. Have your work done new and areld the ru.h of thu Hu,y bouen. ieu avoid ettap. pelutmciit The werauiuu can give mere can. Yeu need net 10 nova carpel!. We have heavy canvas fleer cevcttn.i te protect yenr carpets 1 f veu wnt them taken np we will de te. hive thorn cleaned and relay them at no extra expoete te you. This offer will net held Ren for a very long lime. Hetter take advan tage el It new. J. B. MARTIN &CO. HlCrCLK8, SMCYULEM, THIUYCLEB, TANDKMH, COLUMBIA Bicycles, Tricycles, Tandem DUKABLK, llHrLS, OUAKANTKKO U10UK8T QRAUK, ILLUSTUATaDCATALOOUB VtUlaT, POPE MF'G. CO., 73 rUANKLIN ST., flOBTOM. BUAWCH UOUBKS-U Wane St. Mew Yerk 1 sat Wabash Ayt uaisace, aas-iisa Carpet and Wall Pap BMT jBouenoM ur ruem, LADmr cinteBaara oeam, 9LVM OOAT, PtkUisiiiecJi ATBsKA1f OOATS AMD MOD. Mzanv emiLDBiir oeat, Mtwdiasjsj or ecs. BTtryesatMaai MIMit FrteeiwH Heusekwping Drj Goedi ATBAB0ArBIOM. Jehn S. Givler 0BM6rtsi Qsm utnt, QLKARlMaSALB. Clearing Sale of Sur plus Stock. FfttmeCS IO ISJYXNTOftT, AI THE New Yerk Stere. . -PJL8' "LACK MBWMARKBTS at 17.00 and as 00 eaek. sold tkts saatea at SU.80V dnstatoS7.eeaadSS.ooeaek. LSDIKV BBAL BEOWST WEAFS. Hand. seaaalT Trtmtaed, redaead te ssml aime soedtaro rminm this seaaea usuLsu. LADIES' ALL-WOOL BE ATX E JACKETS redaoedteS.0te4kek -'- mlK1iViTPi,n,ilx AI- FLUSH ACQUES. JtadBeed eats, ajeand SSeach. a"e'eSH U0DJUK raflneaateSlS tf i7r-r"'; - nuusid ire Vt,tw WW SJV.WW aJu23per?e ta " "rt,t'rt LADIES' FLEECE-LIMED HOSE, regular made, reduced te ISHe. MISSES' OOMBII) OA8HHEBB HOSE. redaeedfroms:eandS7XotoU)ianas8c. S"iII?!.,.0,IEtJ,, H111 HtIP HO rednoedte llHe a pair. asrBpeclalBarialruln Kyery Department. WATT & SHAN D 6, 8 EHd 10 But I !g Street, LAMOASTEE.FA. Z.ADIMV OOATB. rjlHB PXOPLK'8 OAtJH 8TORJE. Reduced Prices -AT Tbe People's Cash Stere, Ne. 35 But KlnB Etra-st, WKOrrXttOUBBMTlUEBTOCKOr Ladies' and Childree's U ATQBBATLY KKDUOKU.FEIOKB. Ladles' Plush Oeata, Plush Jackets, Plueh Medjeskas. Cklk Mrijisku ud Jukeb, Ladles' ft Misses' Neimirtcts, UdiM UtTcIas ud Qretebtu, Gee. F. Bathven, NO. 25 BAST KIHO.BTBBBT, LAMOASTBE, FA. marla-lrOAw QUMMraWAK. flQH MARTIN. CblDt, Glass and QaeeD&iare AT- CHINAHALL Onr Stock ter the Sprtna; Trade centalntas vtnal ths Beat makea or White BtenaOhtnt, Bern! Porcelain or rrench China In the Boar Bear aeu Flaln or Decorated. In Tea, Dinner or xeuet rait, at tse Leweai nieee. Onr assortment of Q last wara la larg-e,and eentalna many Mew Pattern! and Dealgna. Our stock el Lampi is large. Amsngttwlll be found the Bechetter, which has notupa netupa notupa rler. Persona wasting a new eulOt. replacing or filling np tats, will Bad It te their aUrastage te give nt a call. High & Martin, Ne, 15 Eut King St. raruns. M AKTIH BBOU tBafB aH Mi TweTImei lift AriTtn. sy a SllMlM a treea ksta tsatr. ems Is aaateas issa aaeaey. getmtana la staaetsH'twIte. Tawtw ts a bats ef aeUrriy snsssaaiusstsst. TMs weed ia tkt tap, assasw asttaTttalsaaler yrn te pros t ths Xtsfs IMteai sal Kanty OrereeauatCStrMaliT.SiSaM SBiaNsjesat SMt. ASteadBaTecOTarsesAsAsaa.ate Ska big Talaas la Beys' aaackUdras's Salts aa Otssssass. Wa arc met sjeJag tt) ssaka kts story la ths papers bbjfwthtA ths har galas, ataek we'll kafs for yen te see wheat mstMsa. SS or BIS wiu de sane for yea 1 SI Bsassi Ftes Mlk Eaekwaar stantsg eat tsy at SM 1 Talas SSs. Mea's ctuhawra Vadst waaxuaHcMafcafailMciftkaptlea. Easy tesMUktsatlsf whs yenTs htrt, Batjrta (isnlttdasieagtkemanykladt SH sstel sat for aa's Salts aaa IS Faau te Ettas ara at ssa tertal amt style that you'd asrer expert te tray at that price. MARTIN BRO'S ClattlBf as raralsklsc arSwSS, SS B SS KOBTH QOBBM ST. TyiLLlAliSON A FOSTEB. Interesting Ewrjbe j. Wa are hound te get plenty' of bastness by tnpplytng.perlect fltUng aarmeete of Baa qnatity at low prteas. The ladoeetneata we are efltrlag laelade Beys' Overeeats, ektldreal OrareeaU, Mae's suite and Odd Panu. Men's storm orereoata, Beys' Leng pant autts. Men's Dress Orer Orer eeata. Children's short Pant suits. Brery garment marked ta plain flgares: The reanler prlee en the Oarmant Sleket. The reduead nnea en tka 1 mm. Vent's rtne Buck Worsted Drees SaekSnlti. Begular prlee, no 1 redueed prtee, lis. a CLOBIBQ BALE or LADIES' F UBS. A let of about SM or Idoaenel OhUdren't Faney Caps were Me aaa Tte, au rtdueed ts 100 or S ler tse. Anether let of Beys' SUIT Hats redaeetle tse, J7c and sec Ladlat' imitation Seal Muff! reduned from S17S tell SB, and a let of Oauerea'a MnSk re slaeed toste. We hare made piieee ea these goods la order te etear n p enr stock by tke first of Feb raarr (stock taking time ) Ladles' Astraehan Mufls down from II B3 te OSeeecB. Ladles' Menkey Muffs, SS 00. ImtUUea Menkey Mulls, 11 00. EITBAOBDIKABT erFBKS. Men's QannUet Working Qleres at ISO, re. dncea from its. Men's Buektkln QaunUeu at tee, redactd from si 00. Men's eatsldn Sleres at 75c, reduced from l CO. Men's Scarlet All-Weel Underwear at sic, resnerd from 8O0. Men'a scarlet All Weel Underwear at Me redueed from 783. Men'a Weel shirts at tee, reduced from 7M. Men's Weel Bete at S pain for no. . Men's Merlte Hese at S pain for tie. i BOTB' AHD YOUTH'S SHOES. Besides enr Men'a and Ladles' Shoes we carry a roll line of Beys' and Teeth's Shoes at low pilese Tit: Beys' end Youth.' Bait at Me. Youths' Fine shoes la Late and Botten, at H,Si7Jandssoe. A line Hots' Shee In Laee, Bntten an A Con Cen grass, at IIM. Williamson & Fester's, I1.J4.36&I8B.KINQ8T.. i.ABUABTBB, FA. NO. 818 BTABBJrr STBMTJrT, HASUUSKOBS. FA. M TKBS HATHFOB, CLOTHING AT AFTER CHRISTMAS PRICES. This U ths Time You'll want te Buy at Lew Prices. We're Prepared for Yenr Demands With GOODS WELL MADE AMD PRICES RIGHT. BSr You'll net expect such a large assort ment at this teaten, but there's enough yet te please j en. Myers & BatMen, RELIABLE CLOIUIEBS, NO. 12 BA8T KINO ST.. .awnanTaTK p, me oLeraiNo iiuykus. L.Gansman&Bre. 68 NORTH QUi?2N ST. 8 IMTKBBSriNQ BAUOAINS IN 1BOUSEBS MADB TO OUDKU. We haTe cleted from a prominent maker a larve and nne line e( goods in the piece. sul table for trousers, ane m order te keep our hands fully employed, we make te measure these goods at slaughtering prices, All Fresh and Mew styles. SB.S0 Ti eatert te Order, All-Wee', Wetth SS.re. M oe Trensert te order, All-Weel, Werth is te. St 60 Trousers te Order, All-wool Werth 17 en. S6.C0 Trousers te Order, All-Weel, Werth CO. The Great Annual sale of Men's, Bey's and Children's Clothing; at half price ttlll con tinues. Mt n-s Orerceets at 1 S3. tlW, It, S, ta, f S and 110. Men's SnlU at SJ, M, S3, as, 18. 110. Bey's Oreroeats at H.79, IS SO, is 60, II. Bey'a Bulls at Si 50, S3, it, ss. Children's Butts and OrereaU from II and upwards.; Shrewd buyers will And It te thrtr adren tagete etll and examine tbcie goods, aa the Lewest Prices will prtYUl. L. GANSMAM A BRO, MerchantTallera and Manufacturers of Hen's. Bey's and children's Clothing, S. W. COB. KOBTH QUEKK OBAHSE BT. . SBFThe Cheapest Xxelutlre CleUlag Heuse U the city. i. v-a'-'- , w jV-M'. &?-