Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 15, 1889, Image 1

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The Beard BMm lynwii mm riepeitj
aTamAMBmteh aBaaTataaa Bwaa V i attjkanaa
j-gmmMwpgea a aaaaa, wmw vnw bb vmmi
IMaM et Mr. 4. M.
A.pBetalmuUag of the Liantter etty
MbOOl beard WM Mid Ml eMagaOB eOwBeU
ehembnea Meaday efealag with thelel thelel
lewing mmi pmaati Meean. Breetas,
Ceehrar, Kberaaeti, driest, Hertmaa,
Hageaer, Kanta,ltaaty, Llppetd, Marahall,
MeElllgeU, McKliUpe, Oehe, Oweae, Peate,
Sohreyer, White, WolfMdDr.MeOermfek,
Dr. MoCermlek stated tbe ebjeet at Ik
meeting te be te take action ea tbe sulk of
J. M. Johnsten, for many yean hi aetlve
member of the beard. In referring te the
dnth of Mr. Jobatien, Preeldeat MoObr MeObr
mtck paid eaeteqasat tribute te ate worth
aa a friend et education.
Mr. MeEtllgett moved the eppelalmeet
of a oemBBlttae of tbraa te draft appropriate
reeoUUeas. The motion wm adeptad aad
tba chair appelatad Maaart. MeKlllgett,
Bberman and Grlnt aa tte commute,
Tba oemmtttee retired, prepared aad ra ra
perted tba following reaolutlena t
Whbbbas, Tba beard baa beard with
regret of tba ajntb of their late fellow
member, J. M. Johneteo, therefore be It,
Bttelvtd, Tbatdurleg Mi. Jobnaten'a
IS yeera earvtea la tba Lenetater city aetaoel
beard ba waa as active, conscientious and
Intelligent worker ta tba oauuef education,
using hie beat eaduvere In behalf of tba
Snblle aboeta of tbla elty. la bla death
laaataier baa lrt a geed cltlEii, aad the
publle eohcelaa aaalena anpperter aad ad
vocate, Suelved, That aa a mark of reepeet te
bla memory tbla beard will attend hla
taaeral a a body.
Tba resolutions ware uoaalmeualy
adopted, altar which Dr. Wlekereham aald
ba preferred hearing ether mciabera who
aerred longer la tba beard with Mr. Jeba
aten than ba did, bat aa none deelred te
apeak be weald aay a word is bebalf of ala
oeUeagna aad friend. He endereed every
word la tba resolutions.
Mr. Johnaten waa a aaalena, warm
hearted friend of the publte schools, aad
did aet eeeaa le ba a friend whoa ba retired
from tba beard. Be waa mueh mera tbaa
a aoheol dlreoter. He waa a pabUe-aptrlted
oltlten, alwaya for lta beat Intonate, aad
always took a deep Intereat la the eH'a
prosperity. He waa a man of atreag oon eon oen
lotlons, but waa alwaya willing te ba
oenvlnoed that ba waa In error.
He waa oeoaeoted wllb tba 79th Regi
ment and waa aa exeellent Beld lex. Few
did barder wetk In the aervlee than ba did.
He waa brara la notion j w mourn bla leaa
aa a aeldler, citizen and teboel dlreoter aad
we will fellow hit remains te the grara
with aad hearts.
Mr. O arena moved that tba beard meet at
11:16 en Tneaday te attend tba funeral of
Mr7 Johnsten, and tba motion waa adopted.
The aecend object of tba meetlag waa te
enaalder tba petition of tbe uveral oeae
eila of Amarleaa Meobanlea and the
Patrlotle Bena of America of tbla city for
permission te place American flaga ea the
high eobeol and each atndy ball.
Their petition la aa follewa :
Te Prtildtnt and Mimhtrt ejlh Laneaiter
Oily Scheel Heard.
Obntlbmbn The following joint ocm ecm
mlttee appointed by Ooneatega Oounell Ne.
8 O. U. A. M , Q sorge Sblfller Council Ne.
177, Ooneatega Council Ne, 22, Kmplre
Ooenoll Ne. 120, Jr. O. U. A. M. and
Waihlagtea Camp Mr. 27, P. O. S. A, te ask
K mission from the Lsn caster city school
ardtoplaeaao American flag, and atari
ever tbe boys and girla high aoheol, and
also one flag In the stnlv bailer each pnblie
school In thUclty, en February 22d, 1889,
tba annlTeraary of tba blrtb of him wee
waa "flrat In war, first In paaee, and first
la tbe haatts of btsoenntrjmea," with tba
ael Idea of Inculcating Inte tba mlnda and
haarta of tba youth of the present genera
lien that love of America and her Institu
tions whleh will bear fruit in tbe yearate
oetne and te teach them te lore, revere,
admire and. If needs be, die In defense of
these prlnclplca of wbleb that Utg la the
We, tba undersigned representatives of
above named American orKacltitlen In tbla
oily, would therefore respectfully requtat
tnat tba foregoing petition will be granted.
We are yeuca very reepeetluliy,
J. Q. Geedman,
Randelph Bufflkb,
Jacob H. Givlkb,
Habrt M. Utauffbb,
Mr. Hartmeu moved tnat tba prayer of
tba petitioners be granted and that flaga ba
allowed la tbe school rooms en Washing
ton's birthday.
Mr. Broalea aald be did net underaUnd
whether tbe ntga are te remain prmanent
ly la tbe aobeola. If thsy were an lmper
taat quertlen was raised. He bad every
reepeet for the national flig, but there was
aeme objection te aurrandlng control of tbe
aoheol room te outside organlaitlena. That
eurrender Involved peesibllliiea of dam
age. Flaga must ba replaced occasionally
aad tbe right te tbeea organUatleaa te
replace tbam earrlea with It tbe right of
their representative te enter our aoheol
rooms at their pleasure. If tba placing of
tba Amarlean flag la a proper mode of dis
playing our patriotism, tba beard abeuld
place these niga in tbe school roema and
dlsebarge tbetr duly, 11 It la a duty. He
waa opposed te establishing a dangerous
.Mr. Ooebran aald be bad voted against
tba Grand Army committee being allowed
te aell tickets la our aoheols aeme time age,
for the same reason stated by Mr. Brealua.
Ha moved tba matter be referred te the
auperlnteadlng oemmtttee with power te
Mr. Hartman ta'd Mr. Breslua bad
misunderstood bis motion. It waa te
grant tba committee permission te
plaea the fUga en tbe soneolt for
one day only Washlngten'a birthday.
Mr. Oejbran'a motion waa amended
te refer the pstltleu te tba property oem
mlttae, that being tbe proper committee te
which it abeuld be referred. Tba motion aa
amended waa adopted.
The property oemmtttee met after tba
adjournment "Of tbe beard and by a
(unanimous rote deelded te grant tba
prayer of tba petlUenera.
goesg Blalae aa Apprentice.
Jamn G, Blaine, Jr., began bis einer ea
Monday as an apprentice InWatervlllr,Mr.,
In tbe repair ahepa of tbe Maine Central
railroad, clad tu tba regulation overall.,
wbleb contrasted atrangaly with the dainty
cigarette wbleb be eufied
throughout tbe day. Otherwise hie oon eon oen
daet wm in keeping with hi obeeea weik.
He areaa bright and nrly aad trudged te
Cbeehopaat70e,olooklika aay otter ap
HewM first placed under Jehn Kills,
masltr wbtkmaa-et the locomotive depart,
mant, wnere be will ba instructed la the
various technicalities ul the department.
He began werkalltUe awkwardly. His
haadliag of tbe toela wm nor, ofcenrae, m
assy It might have been, but showed a
determination te muter tbe wetk.
Tmaaacte Reatlaa Be.tans.
The atreet oemmltUe of oeuaolla met ea
Meadey evnlag, bat Uasaaeted ealy
soauece mum vaiaMiaaBn.
mass Asfeaabf garmets Are
r gatm a raefead beat
TImn waa eemaaraalvaly llttle deae la
eM aabaeaa tba peat weak. Oaly two leta
of aabeeM war dteaeaad at by aaekaaa.
ktlaaAFtay aeld 149 eaam of aaad aad
Mavaaa, axd S. H. Brabakar 9M aaaaa of
-A fair aaaall tote of aaw labaaea war
bwagat ariag the week. Tba greater
ready far mspaeUea, bat tba bayara an
law. Browaatata,whe aemally la threagk
with ala baying baton etaar daalara begu,
drara two or t ht ae day a threaajh tba aoaa aeaa
try aad baagataaly mar ar lta leta, Ha
baa qalt for the praaaat, aad la aew la Mew
Yerk. He my ravaraatafew daya, aad
may aet for a few meatba.
The daalara who aava looked at tba
tohaeoo atrlppad an of tba optalea tbat but
little of it will be purchased at tba prieM
asked by farmara, aad they predict tbat
tba crop will remala la the farmara'
haada unites they come dewa
materially la tba prices asked. They aay
they are willing te pay a ielr price, bat de
aet an their way clear te' pay tba high
prien aew demanded. Aa one of tbam
pata It, "a dollar la worth 100 eente, but aet
TBe Xaw Yerk Market,
Frem tbe V. 8. Xobaaeo Journal.
Tba first working week of tba year hat
aet oreved very nremlslna te tne trade.
Than la hardly a traosaetloa of any Bete te
npert. The ba.y appeereaee of taeatreet
le dM te tbe fillies: of. bank order. Bat
tba market la net dlaoeuraged. A rushing
business la ezpeeted later en.
from the Tobacco Leaf.
Tba first weak In tbe year 1889 for tba
tobaeoo trade waa a dull one, ana the
amount or tobaeoo aeld waa indeed very
email. However, all leaf bald by paekara
aad dealete will, In the oeuree of Una,
command a figure Batlafaotery te them.
Tba aaw orep la net turalng eat very wall
la fact, tba propertloa of fine goeda will
be very limited. Buying et tbe aew orep
baa almost eeaatd In all aeotlena, and from
praaaat tndtcatlesa tha bulk of tba orep
will aet ba purchased until warm weather
Havana Tba quantity of tobaeoo aeld
aun tba let laat. ameuntt te ever 1,100
belee, which la a oenaldanblalnereanovar
tba bualneea trsnsaetad during tba aama
Ume laat year. The outlook ier the year la
ivtj noearagina.
Sumatra about 200 bain changed banda
at 1 25 te 1190. ttblpmanu during tha
past week have be n quite heavy, but they
wen chUfly oempowo of goeda purebaaad
last j ear, and erdtred te M ablpped altar
no. a bed. mau iota ceia inia wax at
from $1.05 te 91.12
J. 8. eeee' Ben's Ktpert,
Following an tba sain or leaf tobaeoo
npertad by J. B. Gene' Boe, tobacco broker,
Ha 131 Water alreet, Mew Yerk, for the
week ending Monday, January 14, 1889:
260 eian 1887 Wlaoensln Havana,9k;llW;
ICO eases 1887 Ohie p. t.t 100 eases Peensyi.
vaala Havana, 1627c ;2fi0oaaee 1887, Penn
aylvanla Bead, 9K12Unt 160 eaan 1S86,
Paaaaylvanla eecd. 8M13e i 100 eaan 1880,
I.IU1' Dutch, 9HU ; ee cases 1886 Mew
Kaglaad, a. t.t loe eaan 1887 New Knglaad
Havana. ltS2; 160 eaan 1X87, state Ha
vana, 12(9 193 (lWaundrlee, 6i28i. Total,
1,450 easts,
WUeanata Totaeee,
Tbe Wlaoensln lnt dnlera begin tba aaw
ynr with smaller ateeka of old tobaeoo than
for many year, and comparatively speak
lng then ta but little nmatnlng In paekere'
bands, although then an eeveral packings
In tbe atate yet unsold. The country, tee,
Is barer et old stock tbsn was aver before
known alnea tbe state began growing
tobacco. Tha put ynr has been a fairly
aueceMinl one te local paekara and dealers,
as tba '87 crop moved rapidly at fair prleea;
at least their balann sheets show an Im
provement ever the two previous ynra.
Ua) ijtT.naar Seeds aad Harprti.s a
Btrasl Arab,
from tbs Washington Pest.
At 12:30 Mrs. Cleveland rode slowly down
the street In an open earilags alone. Al
bert Hawklna wm en tba box and tba aaal
browns In front. The oarrlage stepped at
tbe Palate BeyaL Albert wound tberelna
around tbe whip in Democratic atyle,
alighted and helped Mr. Cleveland te de
Aa aba stepped aoreee tba sidewalk a lit
tie ragged boy wllh a bnket of lavender,
held up bla goods and said : "Pleaae, lady,
buy a paper el lavender."
' What la your pries T" ukedMra. Cleve
land. Only five note, lady," wm tba reply.
Mrs. Cleveland took a paper of lavender
seeds and put tbam in bar bag. Tbaa aba
hunted bar portmeunale ever aad put a
dime In tba Utile alrty paw of the email
" if you'll bold my buket I gat you tba
ebange," nld tha soiled urchin.
Mrs. Cleveland laughed a merry, glrltah
langb, Mtha " lunnyntn" of tba ldn of
tha tint lady et the land holding a bnket
et lavender Beads ea tbe bldewalk of
Paaasylvanla avenue struck her, and aba
passed into tba big aten and out of sight of
half a hundred people who had paused la
tba promenade te watch bar.
Anether etrtet Arab, with a strleg of the
" miming link or White Chapel mystery "
puulee around bla neek, aald something In
tba ear or tba lavender Arab.
Me I " graaped tba lavender Arab.
Bare pep, " mid tbe puctle Arab.
Well, deg gene my button., " said tba
lavender Arab, looking regietfully at the
deer whan Mrs. Cleveland bad dtaappeared
and then at tbe dlma le bla black paw, If
I'd er knewed tbat I'd have gev it te her fer
aetbln'. "
Maws Wtem Bsplarsr Btaalsy.
A dispatch from Brussels nys: The
Meuvement Geegraphlque atnmer Stanley
bn probably brought newa of Stanley from
Stanley Falls te lieopeldvllte.
Tbe steamer lelt tbe fella of Stanley Peel
en September 30 with Lieutenant Kerk Kerk
heven, and tha vanguard of aa expedtil a
charged with forming a camp en tbe banks
of tbe AruwhlmL A dispatch relative te
Stanley left Banana ea Deeember 17.
The Londen Chronicle asserts that tha
government will be Informed or Henry M.
tan ley 'a safety long before tbe expedition
led by Mr Ttiet&M A. Stevens can reach
tba out oeMt of Africa, and tbat la tba
meantime recant letters from Stanley will
ba published In Londen. There an certain
reasons, the Chronicle says, for keeping
aeeret at present the wheraabente of tba
Bleetlea ana la.taUatlea.
At the regular meeting of Lancaster
Ledge of Perfection, 11, A. A. 8, K., held
in Masonic ball en Mend.y evening,' Jan
uary 11, 18S9, tha following were elected
aad Installed officers : T. P. G. M., J. Gust
Zk ; D. G. M., a Clay Miller ; V. S. G.
W., Richard BUekeaderler ; V. J. G. W.,
Heary Carpenter j G, orator, B. Frank
Breaemaa ; G trauurer, Henry B. Slay,
maker ; G. aceretary, R. M. Belenlus ;
trustees, B. Frank Breneman, Wm. A.
Morten, W. D. Btauffer.
geraasa a Teeal Class.
A vocal clan wm recently erganised In
the North star aoheol house, Dm mere
township. Tbe following effleers ware
elected: President, Mr. Wm. Morrison i
Tin president, Mln Laura Hen : secretary,
Mlaa uatue Bobineen ; treuurer, air. Jeba
D. Penny ; directors, Messrs. Wm. Penny,
Harry Maiah, Hugh Weals, Jehn Rohrer,
laaae Wenis, Addison Gambler, Mlebnl
Kelnhart, Hugh Armstrong and Geerge
Kvaea. Tbla class, which meeta every
Tuesday evening, bn a membership or
alxty. It la uuder tha Instruction et Mr.
Jehn B. Peeples, of Mew Providence.
Bater lb BUrer,
The mayor disposed of thrn cases this
morning, J. Maber, a tramp printer, wfce
spent Sunday night In tha atatlen beuw aa
a ledger, wm there laat night m a druuk,
1w wea
He wn Beat te Jail fer tea daya Twe
ptotaaaleaal buan were ewt te tbe work-
attx e awawir guma rea
vittaMDum eaiuMBx.
. BtaaaTwaa latradaera the Minna ta tba
PrekiMMaa Aaaaaaaaeat
flaverabty-BatdwIa g.
earaa 8aMlal Order gwr Bla 8MH.
Habbisbubq, Pa Jan. IS Among tba
bllle latredaeed la tbe Heun te-day ware
tba follewing: AppreprlaUag f 16.500 te
tha beard of ehantlns Mlnera bnpltal,
AahUad, 159,900; atan lunelle hespllal at
Harrlaburg, 5S4,6OO-f50O,O0O of which la
for tha ereotlen of aaw bulldlaga i Fraakllas
Xaenter, IVaaoaater Hema for Frleadlen
Oklldraa, 16,000.
Among tbe ether Wlla lalroduead la the
Heun te day wan tha following t
Reper, Lehlgb, autherlalag tba paymaat
of distributive aharn or administrators,
exeoutere, and trnatsn of deeedaata' ntatta
without requiring a refunding bend, and
providing tbat revival of elalma barred by
atatuteef limitation muat ba endorsed In
wrltlBg (two bills).
Kauta, Berks, te npeal the aet ragnlatlag
the collection of bun la boreugha and
tewaablps, approved 1885.
MoCulleugb, aulherlalng councils of
boreugha te mtabllsb lieenaa tax rates ea
wagena aad ether vablelea.
Bitter, autberlatng oeuntln te erect
oeunty brldgn overluavlgable atraama.
Graham, Allegheny, for the better pro
tection of wages.
OaOrey, Iinesrne, providing for the ap
pointment of!et Inspeotera of echoela
la boreugha and townships, who shall
monthly Inquire Inte the sanitary oendltlon
of schools and tbe character of work dena
by teaehera aad shall receive t2 a day.
Hayes, Venango, validating taxes levied
and assessments mads for the ecat of local
Improvements and autherising eltlm te
make assessments ea re-eeeeaamenta for
cost of loeel lmprevementa already made
or le proeen of construction.
Farrel), Clearfield, te prohibit mining
aad manufaelurtng corporations from
earrylng ea company atena.
Bllla ware nperted favorably te make
the term of assessors three years ; tha pro
hibition amendment and the Grangara'
equalisatien tax bill.
Tbe bill prohibiting the peeling of nnn
tlesal hand bllla wm negatively nperted.
Baldwin had a special order fixed for
consideration et the bill te npeal tbe read
lawaet Fulton and Salisbury townships,
tomorrow, Thursday, and next Monday
The Senate wm net la session.
M Number et M.w Ullls Iatrodeerd In lb
lien. of BprntatlTM.
. Tbe Heuse beld a brief senlen en Mon
day evening, and apent a geed abate of the
time in the Introduction of bills, among
wbleb were then :
' By Mr. Qalgley, regulating the revoca
tion of rotaiillqner licensee by tbe courts.
Requiring an ttUdavit te be made and filed
by record before any rule te abew nun
anall ba grante J, and also requiring a oepy
of tha same te be served upon tbe lleensee
or Ileenwr at least five days before the return
day of stld rule.
By Mr. Keyser, a bill providing tbat
bicycles, ttlcycles and vebleln propelled
by toot or band, aball ba entitled te tba
ume restrictions in tbe use thereof m an
prescribed by law for drawn by
By Mr. Pagh, a bill prohibiting any kind
et casualty insurance company etber than
life, fire or marine, te transact business in
Pennsylvania, unlMssueh company bu a
paid up capital of f ine,000, and haa lnveated
1100,000 In nrst-elaaa securities.
By Mr. Wllletr, te prevent any person or
corporation from interfering with a farmer
disposing of Ins fsrm prpduee in the
markets el any city, or te deprive him el
the right te occupy the streets In resting
bla horses for such tl me m msy be neeeuary
te enable blm te get te any market aet
apart for tbe sale of aueh produce.
By Mr. Russell, te provide for the con
demnation of real estate for aoheol beuses
and etber aoheol purposes In cities of tbe
first clase.
By Clay, of Elk, making It a mlsde mlsde
mnner for any unautherised person te wnr
tba Insignia of either tbe O. A. R. or Leyal
Legien. Tbe bill provides that any person
who la net a member of tbe Grand Army
or tbe Leyal Legien, and who la found
guilty of wearing publicly tbe button of
either order ahall be liable te Imprisonment
for thirty daya or a fine of 1100.
By Mr. Snlrsa, te regulate tbe renewal
and extenaien ei tbe charters et state banka,
Mr. llioeaV AmaadnMBt,
A Harrlaburg dispatch te tbe Philadel
phia Prets nya: Mr. Brooks la net ben
tonight, but there see res te baa general
impression among tbe members et tbe
Heun that he will net Introduce bis sup
plement te tbe high lleenn law until he
Em modified It somewhat.
Many el tba leading members de net
hnllate te aay tbat the supplemental bill
could net pan tbe Heuse in lta original
form. lta previsions are ae nvere that
many et the supporters of blgb lleenn
deelare that they would draw tbe line en
tbla new bill. A leading member of tbe
waya and means committee and a gentle
man wbe took a prominent part in pre par-
lng tbe exiatlng blgb lleenie law said to
night that be favored some ebangn te
tbe law, but ant aueh aa these proposed by
Mr. Brooks. He Mid be would net favor
an amendment te provide for the transfer
elllcsnsea. Hadoeenet believe it would
be right te make a lleenn an article et mer
chandise, te be aeld at the death et tbe
lleensee. Ha auggnta tbat It would be
mueh te amend (be law te provide
that a rebate ahall be given tbe licensee,
which ahall be proportionate with tbe
length el time tbe lleenae has rnn. It ta
quite probable, be aald, tbat aueh an amend
ment will be offered.
Tbla gentleman also said tba law would
undoubtedly be changed with referenee te
tbe aecurlng of bands by msklngthe oeunty
tbe limit within wbleb an application en
obtain bla bondsmen. Tne applicant Is new
limited te the ward In wblcb bis saloon ii
located for bis bondsmen.
Anether alteration which this gentleman
nya will be surely made la the repeal of
thataeotlen wbleb prohibits every citizen
from giving away a glus et wine In hla
own home ou Sunday. It will be amended ee
m te apply te only lieenaed saloon keepera.
Ha nld that aeotlen wm Inserted In the
bill near tbe close et the session by aa
enemy or tbe meunre, wbe wanted te
make tbe law m obnoxious aa possible, and
It wm net detee'ed by tbe friends or tbe
bill until It bad become a law.
Water Oenimlti Klset OBltr..
The water commlltee el councils paid an
cfflelal visit te tbe water werka en Monday.
Tney visited tbe vacated works at tbe old
city mill and tbe new werka near Ranck'a
and teund everything in geed order.
The committee deelded te ask counella
for an appropriation of f3,HX te pay tha
bllla due rer materials, &., In 1888, ae tbat
they can atart the jeir 1589 with a clear
balann sheet
The committee re-elected the old offleera
te their respective positions occupied during
tbe reign el lha waler commUslen. Tbe
tffleere are: Day engineer, Jamn Fallen
beum; night engineer, Win. Helelne; fire
men, Martin Rene, Wilten Fisher; laborers.
Geerge Hmllb, Jamea MeAlnr; coal hauler,
P. W. Genccht.
B.artsg oeotlnu.d.
Christian Sbewalter, the young man wbe
la ebarged with rape, wu te have been
bnrd before Alderman Spurrier lut even
ing. Mln Walten, tbe young women wbe
la aald te have been aauultcd, wm a'.ck and
unable te appear, and tba accused gave ball
beaen Mayer Kdgexlay for a baarlag ea
goal Tgaajay gmaf
he asisaaam Tara.r B.U.lf la AthteMe
BAtaJBa A4iiMl. am aha
Oa Meadey evening the GermealaTar
aer eeetety et tbla etty held lta first
eatertanmtat la MHaaereher balk Thle
aeetatylabnt thrn andahairmoalaaeM,
yet It hn forty-two membere. They ealy
aava aa opportunity of oemlag together ea
Friday aad Sunday et each week,
but they have shewa great prcgrna,
A rery large crowd gathered at Meea Meea
aeracer hall teat evening. Tbe lrlaaets
bead kept the people la a geed humor
until 8:30, when tbe athletic performaaee,
whleh wn very creditable, wm begua,
Sixteen atbletn el tba aoelaty took part aad
they executed soma aaw aad difficult fnte.
Part first of tbe entertainment wn M fel
Iowa : Overture by tbe band ; premeaade
march by tbe Turn are free bodily axer
clses ; exereli n with ateS ; oxerelan ea
awlnglng ruga by first aeotlen Jumping
tbe vaulting buck by aeoead aeotlea exar.
oten ea parallel ban by first eeeUea l axer-
etna en awlnglng bar by aecend erotica i
high leaping by first section ; Jumping tbe
vaulting hem by tbe aeoead aeotlea.
Then wm aa Intermission between the
first and aecend parts, and during tbat
time membera of tbe Mtenaeroher and
Llederkraca aoetatln Bang nlaotleaa.
Part aecend el tbe abew waa funny, aad It
Included tbe following t Introduction of
the best trained equine j parformannea
horiaental bar by company el fine aorebeta i
riding acboel cxareien of the dlrectreuT
appearance el tba nnewaed aharpahoetor
Jumping bem by gymnuta ; appearaan
or tba two Hereulea' French wmtllag
eentnt pyramids.
Attar tbe athletle petlermann the danc
ing began, but the promenade wm delayed
until alter eleven obleok. About nveaty
oeupln participated In tbla, and a tre
mendous crowd enjoyed themselves until
a lata hour tbla morning.
Tha committee el arrangements for tbe
ball oenslsted of H. Feerater, L. Market,
G. Bauer, O. Bauer, J. Kamm, F. Wcebrle,
J. Kinder, a BnyleT
The fleer managers were : J. Kamm, C.
Beyle, e. Bauer, L. Market
Tne Anaaat ataMaent.
The following left em tbe annual report
of Prealdent Cerbln, et the PhUadalphia e
jaeauing raureaa :
Gress earnings
katlread tl.6JI,M7.i3
anal giHOllse
Bteamt'clll.ra... 7,L70
aUobmend coal
Ket Varntegs.
S7S.2M 02
Ineeme from
eihsr source...
S7B.KS ci
Total ler li..i:e,eis tu an- 1 9,et).4 et
Total ler 1087.. 21.iei.0B.0S 1U,V81,67L11
tirees Ksrnlngs. Met Xarnlngs.
KerlKSS tlS,8;S,8819j
Fer 1837 ).423t.78J
kiu total rer-68 w.av).P8( u.
Totals for 18:7... 41,181,7-6 88
Hnmberef pvsen-
gera carn.d U,;5,83t
Tuna of eeal car-
nea ie,UJ.4s
Tens of merchan-
12.M0 it
B.077.W1 18
eiaecarnaa 7.8S7,;s; sut.ess
Then wm expended en betterments
during tbe ynr 11,180,670.00. The decrease
In 1688 of tbe net earning et both companies
WM 12,762,005 E5.
Tba value of the securities, properties,
railroads, coal lands, collieries and lmprove lmpreve
menta of both oempanln amount te 1204,
119,327.80. Notwithstanding the two great
strikes, the March blizzard, tbe extraordi
nary expendlturn and deduotieu by tbe
oeat company for sinking fund, tbe net
earnings show 4 7 10 per eenb upon the total
valuation el tbe property, wblcb U 110,000,
000 In excess et tbe entln debt or tbe com
pany valued at par, Including capital atoek.
But Bar Bbeaa Ware Be Tight That Bit
Caassa a sensation.
She wu a very pretty girl, and many a
glanee et admiration wm cut npen her sa
she took ber sst in a car el a Hlxth avenna
11 L " train at One hundred and twenty-fifth
atreet yesterday atternoen. She wm a
blonde of twenty summers, and wss most
bewltehlngly arrayed in a dark green dress,
ever wbleb, snugly fitting her well rounded
form, wm a asalskln sacque. On bar head
uueliy perched a pretty little felt bat wltb
a big black feather. A black veil grace
fully tied ever the bat fell In a pretty wave
ever a pair of laughing blue eyes, brimful
of mischief, but did net bldMbe sweet lit
tle month with rosy lips. Frem bar nra
dangled little hoop of geld, and bar feet
were eneased In a brand new pair of aheea.
There wm a leek of sorrow lu the lair race,
and every new and then tha flub et tbe
eye and twitching of tbe mouth denoted tee
plainly tbat aemethlng wm wrong aome aeme
where. Tbla aemethlng was a pair or very
tight new boeta. Uew they did tqueeas
then little feat and eaun their fair owner
no end of Buttering ! At first abe Buffered
bravely, but wm seen compelled te give
way te tbe pain. One moment her fnt
were drawn up benntb tba ant, tba next
they were stretched out full length and
than oreased one ever tbe etber. Uew tbeaa
reay lips did suffer from tbe bite Inflicted
by the pearly teeth, and berabapely bands
opened and abut lu tba paroxysms el pain.
The lut straw tbat broke tbe mmei'e
baek was Inflicted when a lady of consider
able avoirdupois, while passing the fair
sufferer, planted her whole weight upon
one of tbe little fnt. A ebarp cry or pain
atartled tha anrrouudleg passengers, who
stared with astonishment at tbe little
blonde, cow covered with blushes. Tbla
'wm tee much te bear, and when tba train
atepped at Twenty-third atreet aba beat a
buty retreat amid tbe admiring gsze or her
fellow paasengera.
A Jary Mast O.elds.
Justice Williams, el tbe supreme oeur',
In tbe ejse or tbe commonwealth agalnat
Reybnrg, gave an opinion en Monday In
wblcb be helda tbat tbe psaltlen tbat elder
Is a non-letoxloatlog liquor, wbleb may be
aeld without lleenae, ie ae doubtful that lha
quntlcn muat be decided by a Jnry. Rry
burg's esse en thst charge wu sent back te
tba court in Warren oeuuty.
Tbeeun'y oeurt beld that the proiocu preiocu proiecu
tlon agalnat Reyburg would net lie because
elder wm net an intoxicating liquor, but
tbe anpreme oenrt bold that it ta net a
queatlen et law for the court te decide, bnt
one of fact, which a jury must paw upon.
In tba opinion delivered tbe auDrema
court sj: "In common acceptation cider
Is net understood te be either a viceua
or spirituous beverage, and yet when fer
mented, it doubtless oentatna a percentage
of alcohol eutHclent te bring it within tba
fair tanning or the term vinous,' and
although net the product of distillation, it
may, wnen mixea witn spirituous liquor
and sold In tbat oendltlon under tbe name
of elder, be regarded a spirituous within
tbe meaning of the prohibition,
The evidenn en tbe trial wm very weak
indeed. Me skilled person having know
ledge el tbeoe in position et cider waa called,
and there wm no direct evidence as te
whether tbe liquor aeld as elder wss vlncus
or spirituous. We de net mean te Intlma'e
tbat tbe mere unrermented Julee el tbe
apple la In any circumstance U be regarded
aa either a vinous or spirituous liquor, but
we de net knew and cannot uy, u a matter
et law. tbat lis character may net be ae
changed by fermenteotlea as te bring it
within the meaning of the term 'vinous-
Of oeuree, au admixture wltb spirits might
rindsr the cnuiDnund olrltueuL "
Blading A Columbia OBlesra.
The following are tbe oflleera of the Read
ing d; Columbia rallmd company : Preal
dent, Austin Cerbln ; dlrecteia, ;Oeo den.
Kelm, S. A. CaldwMI, A. A. MoLeed,
Tbemaa Cochran, A. J. Anteln, Geerge F,
Baer, J. n. nuioninaen, tdesu uaum
gardner, William Latimtr Small, Ben J. F.
Hlestaud, Parle Ualdeman, Adam ICKever;
aacretary, Ueward Hancock; trauurer, Jobu
Lest lb Tep of u Flsg.r.
Muanr Campbell, an empleye of Philip
Lebxelter fc Cc.'a mill, had the top of a
eager takes oil yesterday by having It
age-gat by Uekalvnef the ipeag UUe,
Lataa aaaRKBT atx aetr amd wat
aa arjROBBBO an aeraaa.
Beeau gae Katassa tetMaant te aa aer-
iiaga Be raaaes tba Ufa Oat t Br
WHa a mm -A Meh, Aaaten te
Lraeh, Oathtra at the Jail.
CaioAae, Jan. 16. A 3mj special from
Katea, Ohie, nya thai Elmer Sharkey,
arrested ynlerday end en fined la jail then
for tha murder of hla mother, yeeterday
confessed hla crime aad gave the da
telle of tbe terrible eflalr. Tha aewa
apread rapidly and early la the evening a
big crowd collected around the jail. Oaly
the determined ataad of the mayor aad
eherifl, aided by the ad vim aad exertleaa of
leading eltizsDS, praveated tha mob mm
dragging Sharkey out and lynching him.
At 3 a. m. tba crowd had aearcsly dt-
mlaUhed, bat no attack had been made ea
tbe Jail.
Eatex, Ohie, Jan. 15 Yesterday a
raward of f l,oeo wm cflered by Sharkey for
tha detntlea of hla metber'a Hurdarar.
Just baton neon a special efflnr arraatad
Sharkey, wbe wm just starting te tela
metber'a funeral. He attended that aelama
aarvln under geard. Alter Ue iatatmeat
Sharkey breka dewa and oeataaaed tba
crime, He nld that attar going te bed
Friday alght he theaght the matter evr
aad oenoluded tbat m hla mother bad re
fund her oenaeni te hla marriage te Mln
Straw, thrntealng te disinherit blm It he
did, the only thing te de wn te kUl hla
He get up, allppad out et doers, went te
the woodpile and get a maul, entered bla
metber'a room whan he killed her with a
alngle blew. He hit her again te be aun
and then partially dragged bar out et bed.
Ue took the mallet, amubed la the panel
et the deer of hla bedroom aad alae hla
window. Ue bad net dressed te de all thir.
Pieklng up a pleea of glan he ran te a
neighbor's, cutting btmnlf en the fan aad
wrist m be ran with it Ha expresses no
Berrow ter tba deed.
The Hen Mew ceaateattag vabMh.r t
Admit a ronten et tks Tannery I ataUbaad.
Washington, Jaa. 16. The Heun
passed a bill for tbe establishment of a
lightship with leg elrnel at Bandy" Heek at
Senate .bill ;rer the admission et Seuth
Dakota and tbe erganisatlna eltba territory
of North Dakota wm then called up.
In ithe senate te-day Mr. Voerben re
ported a Joint resolution aceeptlng the
donation of a battle awerd et CapUIa
Samuel C. Reed and providing for tha
presentation te hla aen et a geld medal.
BUI referring le tbe oeurt of elalma the
elalm of tha State national bank et
Louisiana for cotton taken by ageata of the
treasury department after June 80, 1808,
wu pawed.
The Senate tbea rnuraed consideration
of tba UrlB bill. The quntlen of admitting
salt f rn of duty waa debated at length.
TliOpr"iloMet'aneBbrtb Cem pas j tjr Jsaaal Wtastea.
Lucuter people have alwsya bnn partial
te oe aile opera, and they bava had but little
tbla season. Fer years past they have been
In tbe bablt of listening te thle kind of
entertainment for wnka at a time. Tbla
season there were nveral geed oempanln
here, and they drew largely. Lut
evening a troupe, headed by Mba
Jeannle Winsten, opened a thrn algbta
engagement at tbe opera beuse. Tba prleea
were somewhat higher than thou ebarged
for tbe mrjerlty of the attraotlena tbat have
bnn ann at the beuse tbla year. Tbe
audience present wm very large, end it
filled the beuse In every part. Tbe people
were tbe best In tbe oily. ,
Tbe company which la very Urge, la aald
te be backed by William Barnle, tbe Balti
more ban ball man. If tbla la true,
It must be aald that Mr, Barnle
known mueh mera about opera oom eom oem
panln tbaa he den about ban ball.
He bM gathered together a very large aad
strong let of artlsta who gave tbe beet of
aatlsfaotlen lut evening. Tbe opera wm
VonSeppe'a "Beccaccio." Mln Winstea
had tbe title role. She la a lady et fine
pbjalque and wall fitted for male charac
ters. She le an exeellent singer, and
although ahe bM been ann and bnrd la
Laneuter before ebe never appeared te
better advantage tbaa Ian evening.
Tbe oempany autreundlng her wm
admirable and it Ineluded Annie
Lnt as Jfiamttta, Marie Bartlette m Ftro Ftre
ntlla, Louisa Beerle m Isabella, Stuart
Uareld as rrince rittre, William Wlith
m Ltenetta, in. Claude H. Breeke
and Leuis Carlberg m Lambertueele aad
Lelttringhi furnished tbe fun et tbe evea evea
leg. Tbe choruses were strong, well
trained and tfltetive and pretty girla ware
plenty, but a orltle would hardly have been
able te praise all tbe alnglng. Tbe
orehestra or tba opera beun wm raluforetd
by a number or etber muslelana and did
Tb Bnsla.a TraoMccae at lta af sating of ma
Bs.catlv VeBnmllt
The executive cemmlttn of the Law and
Order society of Laneuter city and oeunty
met atatedly In the Beard et Trade roema
thla morning, with Ezra Relet, pruldent,
n the chair. Tha proceedings were opened
wltb prayer by Rev. J. E. Pratt
Mlaa Kllen Wrlgbt wm cheien aecratary
pre tern.
J. E. Crawford was appointed agent of
the society In place et J. B, Helsy, re
signed, Rev. Charles Reads, J. E. Crawford, J.
W. Mamlnger, Geerge E. Wlsner;and Mrs,
L. D. Zsll were appointed a committee te
arrange a series of pablle meeting In city
and county, lu tbe Interest of law aad
A letter was read from Captain Wisbart
agent et tba law and order aoelaty et Pitts
burg, makleg suggntlena u te tbe
pracllca 1 work of tbe city,
A resolution wm adopted '.Inviting Cspt.
Wishart te be present at tbe next muting
eltbe executive committee te deliver an
addren en the .practical werka of law and
order eeclelle.
Luther S. Kaeflman, tha 'aoelety'a attor
ney, wu.lnatrueted te have forms of remen
strance printed against tbe granting of
license for distribution In tbe city and
oeunty and Icstiuotlena for their general
A resolution wu adopted fixing the
membeiablp fee in the society at f 1.
Mrs. Jacksen, of Bart township, reported
a donation et 1 10 from the Bart W. C. T. U.
te the Bsclely and a vote or thanks wm
Cbargfd Wltb AsMnlt and Battery.
Jacob Lttman bu brought a autl against
his brother Isaac, cbsrgleg blm wltb
assault and battery, and tbe accused baa
been beld ler a bearing by Alderman Me-
Fergtd Hi rathsr'sName,
ThemM Shutter wm en Monday arruted
at Cornwall and committed te the Lebanon
jail en the charge or having lerged bla
BelaBsMia Ball te Aaswn M lb CaMcd
BMMa OeBtltarkUM.lBhUi.
The Men of Jacob F. Sheaffar, which waa
nlasd ea Meadsy by government cmelala,
Mwtlil aimed. Oa Meaday evnlag com
plaint wta made egalaat Mr. Sbeafler,
ehargbag him with violating tbe lateraal
nveaae lawa. Tbe aeeuaed wn arrested
by Deputy Marshal Mlebnl Bana ea a
complaint made befen Commlealeaer
Keaaedy by A. J. Dantap, a
deputy la Collector Heaau'a efflee.
Mr. 8beaflar furnished tall ta tha
earn of S.oeo, with Geerge BeaaealgMhla
aunty, and waived a bearing for trial at
court ta Philadelphia,
Tha men wbe made tbe dteeevettu ea
which the oemplalnt wm breeght are J. B.
Dillen aad J. H. Hulbert, nvnue offleera
et Philadelphia. They wen la thla city ea
Friday whea they teemed aeme facts of
whleh they notified the efflelel la thla oily
aad the district attorney la Philadelphia,
mey nturaed te Lancaster ea Monday
and the olealng et Ihe aten wm the result,
The oemplalnt egalaat Bbeaflar ebargn
him with violating aeotlena 8,241, 8.818,
8,279, 8,466 aad 8,824 et the lateraal ravmae
lawa. The following an the ebargn against
him i That he faUad te make traaaerlpt,
tailed te eater 03 berrela et cologne aplrlta,
obtained wholesale ataeap or atampa taken
from packagn of cologne aplrlta te cover
goeda marked Wild Cherry" N,' E,
Bum" and 'Old Rye Whisky 'i having at
hla plan etbuslaan a quaatlty of eherry
Juln la bamla,fermerly oeatatnlag oelogae
aplrlta, marka and atampa aet dutreyad,
purcbMad oelogae aplnta, entered It as
whtekyanddlepewd et It ai wblaky aad
ether aplrlta, Carefully laid away netlfiara'
atampa, removed fromsplrlteuks,bad empty
barrels la hla plaes et buslnna with marka,
brands aad atempa latent, htd la hla poa pea poa
aemlea eherry Julee, piune Julee, barrel
et Bugar, and empty bettlaa tbat had
i formerly oentelned matter uaad for reetfy.
tog, nuing goods at wheleaale that had
bnn turned ever te him m a retailer,
falaely affirmed that he bad aet carried ea
the bualneia et raetlfyar prier te Jaaaary
let, 1887, baviag la hla posseasiea eaakB,
theeoBteaUel whteh did aetagnawlU
ginger marka Uereea, carry Ug ea
buslnna et notifying without paying
apnlal tax.
Ynterday mcrnlng Mr. Shnflsr took
outaaraelallloaaae at the nveaae offiea,
by whleh he oeuld carry en notify lag, bat
the ravanue cfflelala ai,y that he only did
thla alter he nw that he had been cornered.
Sheiflsr takn the matter vary coolly, and
nya that he can prove bla iaaonnee.
Twe Mere Viree en meaday Night klf Bags
Burn te B at work.
Then nsms te be a gang et fin bugs In
tbe lower end et the oeunty almost equal le
the one whleh existed la thle city aeme
yean age. Within the put fix meatba
quite a number et barae have been baratd
aad the Ien hM beea very hnvy, yet aeaa
et tbe guilty parties have beea apprebeeded
Tbe barn el D. G. Bteaey, at Georgetewa,
la Bart township, which wn burned Men
day meralag, wm undoubtedly the work
et aa Inesndtary. ItWM with gnat diffi
culty tbat the live atoek wm nvad with
the exception of two oewa aad two hege.
The fin gained aueh hndway that they
could aet be taken out All the farming
Implements, barneas, hay, atraw aad a let
of wbnf, eats and four and eae-balfaem
of very flue tobacco ware burned. It la
auppeaed te have been tbe work of aa la la
eaadlary, m no paraea had been te the
bam. It being early, tbe family had just
rleea. Then la an Inturann en the build
lag for 92,100 la tbe Souther a Mulual com
pany and tha oententa an inaured la tba
Wllllamtewn oempany for 12,060.
On Monday night about 10 o'clock, Ihe
bone mill, eltuated ea Ooteraro cm-,
batwnn Qusrryvllle and Puny vlllr, aad
but a ahert dlatann from Wnlsy church,
was discovered te be en lira. Tbe building,
whleh wm owned by B. Dener, wm of
frame, and It wu aoea reduced te ntee,
together with lta contents, consisting tf
machinery, Aa. Tbe building wn
eltuated ea a tract, of land, which,
a few ynra age, wm a weeds,
and wm known m the "Scotchman's Plaea"
About seventeen yean age D. D. -Hen aad
L. T. Heanl, of Quarry villa, erected a boee
mill, when they maaufaetunl phosphate
and ether fertilisers, en thla tract The
building wm destroyed by fire aeme yaara
age and another wm areewd la lta place,
whleh mme Inte tbe potaeaalea of Mr,
Dinar, it had net bnn la operation ter
thrn years. The building wm Insured.
The barn and large tobacco ahed of Geerge
Sberr eltuated near Pane Hill wm burned
between 12 and one o'elock tbla meralag.
One hog wm tbe only live atoek burned Bad
ell the bey and etber crepe la tba bara ware
dutreyad together with about thrn aem
of tobaeoo wblcb wm la a abed. The fire
wm of Incendiary origin.
Bew Meen ter a Umbm T
Aa the Lebanon court Is about te grant
liquor llMusea ter tba present year tha
county treasurer finds hlBuell la a quandary
aa te wbat be aball charge tne applicant.
Under the aet of 1687 Lebanon wm a city
or tba fifth clan and tba tM wm 300j but
tbat act having bnn deelared unconstitu
tional tbe oily rteu te tbe third class, for
which tba lleenn fee under the Breeke
law la 1600. It Is contended, however, by
tbe liquor men tbat the tee wm fixed by
tbe claasinoatlen m It steed at tbe
time of tbe passage of the law and
thst their right cannot be effected in that
way by mere Implication. It la claimed
en tbe ether aide tbat by reason of
tbe law el 1887 being a dead letter tba pre a
ent llcenan are Illegal tbe proper fee net
having bnn paid, or at lent every llcenan
aheuldbe compelled te pay Inte tba treta
ury tbe dlfferene between (300 and 1600.
The trauurer hM refused te d wide than
knotty problems en hla own responsibility,
and bla solleltor bM ssked tba opinion of
tbe oenrt en tbe subject Judge McPber McPber
aen bM dlreetad blm te prepare a can
stated and premised a speedy decision.
AarnKBdigguoeuHiaulf at Baaok.tewv,
Baa Lsjep.l.r Tawnahlp.
Aaren Kendlg, a man wbe rntdn at
Smoketown. In Eut Lampeter, committed
auleide this afternoon by aboetlag hlmnU
through tbe head with a revolver.
He wu found abertly after dinner ia a
room te which he had rallied tome time
On bla breast lay a revolver from which
tbe fatal bullet bad bnn ahet
Tbe deceased bad but shortly returned
from the West
A measangsr nme te town thla afternoon
te notify tbe oeroner, who went down te
bold an Inquest.
H's All Blgbt
Rebert Beasley, one of the men who wra
ae badly Injured by blowing ever et tbe
ameke ataek at the Sunbury nail works, en
laat Wedneday,aurptlaed all et bis friends
In Laneuter by appearing en tbe etrnte
hare te-day. Many believed that be wu
fatally injured, but be seems te be worth
many dead men ye. He still cerrleebie
band tied up, as It was badly crushed. Hlan
cape from inttant death was aemethlng
aaster Hm Be BMcted.
Bosten, Jaa. 15. Senater Hear wn tale
etteraeea rt-eleeted te the U. B, Baule,;
" "" w
smamb or ceRTsarr e aeaajj
Re faya aa cttMetssu wen MMBtneMJ
IT i Tasgir Tin ii isi nisiail at ami
risen -4aaui Pat Msstsa aal "
taga'a waraea Atee BapaeaACV
LoHDejr. Jaa. IS. The ParaeU
eleareauBaed lta leaatea te-day. Mr.
lamO'BrteBapaeared hewn ta
bkb anon eltalkm. He
mpeaalblllty for the artlete whteh
ImxtfVnUtdlrttand befen lha
erlttetBlai the work et the
O'Brtea denied he wn nallt of
ter the oeurt and etelmad Uatha feat
peted that the Jadgn wen net aen
duty. HaHidhadldaetaanmett)
te qunttea their terdahlpa' raliaae,
argea taat ae wm eatitied te n
mym turn waionies OTIU loe MM ;
aaminea, jib referred te the
the 2me end nld that Ha
toaehed n yetapea the ewe
the paper sought te prove t aameiy."
Praell fergsrtea. "Wedoaeteritteiae
oeurt," nld Mr. O'Brtea, batthe
of the Timea. We de aet weal aay
delay. WedealntoeemetouwMlat
and tbe matter." r'f
The eeart reserved Judgment ;
vrrsnea'a eaae.
Oeuaaal appnred for the wmdaa at
ten college, who wn cited te af pan i
laataaMef the ParaalUtn befen the
dey adjMtrBBMat for making
nrvatteaa la whteh ha likeaed Ml
Davltt aad ether Heme Raten ta
Whlttebapel find.
.. t
The warda&'a ceunnrdnled thai
wmpi naa eeea intaaaad.
FreMdlag Jnatlea Reaaea diaMed
lartbaratapaia the autter wen
eery. V
The commlaelea then areeaaaad n
evuean regMaiag the evleateaa hi
rlia BBaaarsa
kelMr U Btag I
Bbbmn, Jaa. 16 Prlan
appeared la the
referrlag te Alrkaa metaeda he dl
the aewapeper reperta regardlag. the 1
Count Herbert Btaawrek. 'mlalaat
foreign affairs, nld tbetmauere wen I
arraagad -with refereace te tha
i eaiwaea Kagiaaa aaa uermeay. ,; f
mpiyiag te tbe eniielem aad ualriaa
uarr -.wnier, tae leader of tha Llbei
the Rttehataff, regardlag the aeppr
or tae suve trame la Amee.Prtan 1
shemaaUydeaeaaeed ea aaaaartetta
aotlea of the Liberal pren aaal dsetend 1
policy or the Fatherlaad far Ihebeael
feratgaerB m being embaraaaert few
r- w mmmttmim.- , ,",;
HawTORB, Jsa 36. TbeBewTwa
Cigar Beb f Mtery, Fifth atreet. wea
tale meralag, eaulltag a ten at eret I
Five girla wbe wan at work aa the,
uoer, wen ovareome by tha i
thrn of them lnt their Uvea. Tfceyi
JonphlaeFareakeph.agad M. of Mi
let! street Lean Btraub, aged Si, sat 1
r-iita atreet t Barbara Appal, of I7f 1
stmt Tbe girla had beea eaffneled
the deanaBBOka, their bedtee aa)
beea badlv bnraad. 's'H
The fin la auppeaed te have I
laendlary erlgla aad one maa. whan i
le-wlthhaid, hn beea ptend uadn ail
Deteware'e Oattad atam I
Devbb, D.I., Jaa. IS Tha Repabtl
nueua of tbe Delaware LeglalatBre,anig I
all sight aeaateB, tbla mecnlag
Antheny Higgtaa for TJalted Htetee i
ea the forty-third ballet,
WiLtfiNOTON, Del., Jaa. 15. Tha
pubiicaa nueua of the Leglalalurr,t
at 8:40 o'eleck tbJe meralag ea the)
ballet aemlnated AaUeay Hlgglu
uaiiea sutn eeaeier. it
Senater D. O. Moen had belted the i
agalnat Geerge N. Maany, who had I rtml
waM,aaa moea a goea eaann or i
Hlgglaa' Bomlnatten wn and '
by the remalnlne 16 maa. ? '
, -4
aanWaatha la Baw gUatea, ' &
ALBUQUBBquB, N. M., Jaa. la, QteaH
dlttrne among eattle aad Bheep H i
aad bundrada an pertahlag. Tha ptaamf jj
Md the meaateiaa an oevend wtthaee'
a 10 w aaa it w aara miss meesni
Met A drove of aatelere
frean te death la the
CBioAae,Jsa. M. Jadga Tatey,lathg
Arbtittr Bund lajoaeUoa eaae, HM
lng declined te great the tej
ilia dseiatea Is that tthay ban
light te peaceably aasemble aad that Mat
pelln cannot In ad vaan of a ceatrmplitei
muting amume tbat lagolagtebeilteWaV
aad make that amumpUea a pretext MB
lta prohibition. V?
i m
BsMmm ay au Xgn ldwr.
Sioux Citt, Iowa, Jaa. 16. A wfelM
woman named Halite White wm ma
last even lng by Heary Giiteeeu.e
with whom ebe had fatmerty UveaV
Ollteepte want te Miaale GsneU'a I
and demanded tbat Nellie abeald Uf waa''
him. She refund and while the Garnet
woman want te eall tbe polio ha ever-
Dowered Nellie White end deliberately
bar threat from ear te ear. U
FAs giarva Twe lafaata.
St, Leuis, Jaa. 15. A, woman aimed
Jennie Suffstt, wbe oenduoted a feahy
farming laatltuUen ea Can anaaa, la
under arrnt for nosing the
byatarvaUencf twebabiea. Four
la varleua atagn of decline wen feaad I
her apartmenta. ia cne room wen
dnd Infanta under alx meatba of aaa aaJ
woman aaia one neu m a
te take care of, but tbey paraleted tat i
m i
A Ohemist's Oaataa.
Bbrlin, Jaa. 16 A ebemtet aa
IT tmnmm. llvlniv ml lgllnlAh. mIaIham fa.
discovered methods whteh enable! la
daeomDen nbalt and alek eU'
1 A3? !
Mew in ma en mi garaa.
Fittbbdbe, Jan. 15. Hnry Clay Vt
of tne rtuzx veae oempeay, saw y -m
tbe laterset et David A. Stewart, of
n.ra.ia UriML and haa baan ela
nhalrman of Cam MiO BrOB. A CO., llaHMil
s.r.sns Psawan.
Londen, Jan. 16. Advlen from Slaga
pore etatetbat the steamer Paylpeketfea
Daeaia cjjh" wua hwh
au euak. Ferry-two
Beltana'a Ktag Dfteg.
LeNDOiq-Jaa. 16. PrlTata
f mm Tne Haana ranert thai the
then ta that King William la djte
waTMBBluijaA neaa.
pinalTaJa i Fair.
'loilewed darlaa Wedaeeday fea
or perHy n aaew ; augauy ar
ta aertfenet pertteeej aeariy
teapantan ante feinaian I
,i, - ,
- . L
H,-6 .,Vr