Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 12, 1889, Image 4

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WraTt5T'??l'ftV5 ., .iP -- -- ..!.(.-.. ' .
, -t v: -r J nARTim tatt,v mrosT;rxritenEii. A-TrmnAv XAWTTA-nv -id
( .(" uilf Gil J IT W ''. r -'"' K- "' T Tf i) ( I . T Ha- T . - BSW
O'S'5 fl
-" ' - .--- . " " - -, - - -- j sbbbbbbkmbv,'j W 4-sbVssj.V M, JLsaMf
u''.'1 " THt MA MOCEftS. .
-S '-a i.
sa s1isaait TUw of the
, WmnIi Mm TleWaas sHsnk
la Wlit A Mm ABeged
was Carried Ow.
M flMfaut that eapttal is ttaM ha
Md diMrarer la tba recent
of On neat Etectrk) Sugar
at new xetk. de
swindlers, or te guuible
thai the stock of the
ar m sellirur In Londen &t
mb. ri nfe in Friend, the
rt tha mmrkable secret, Is sap sap
te Mvaceta te Ula lass sleep long
JN) 4eBeaenent csma, and fin
r with brand vt ae he is net
te parttelnata in the crash. lib
, who inherited the secret, survives
.'Qna of Ot neat fntereetinir features of
tMfiH te the report of Mrs. IL M.
mttm, DroekljTi dressmaker, who four
Man age Hredin the same heuse with the
i ui riven her obserratlons
for The New Yerk World.
' It waa reoerted te her that thcre
i te ea an experiment The professor
itad eight barren of unreflned sugar
I, iet wnicnne waa te get
i the company It lie executed
Or. lira. Balllla wns
f la her room ene day. tust ever the
L occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Heward,
ra tatner ana mother, 'me
i encn. and mm. Balllle heard
rwaa talking te his wife. This b
a account ex tne cenvcrsa-
ML tillle. that was otreod dav's
ea uay s i
, I ceutdl.
yand I I
, waani iir saia no, ana
i chackUntr te himself.
if Yea.' aba answeradBMaittr1
t pretty wed, Ufell you. Thore nln't
r wDmearweuia ae wnat x nave uene
r thcre ain't many would have
came the deep rolce of old
Yen had te lift out all Hint
with jour hands, didn't you.
r -xee,- ane a&swcrca; 'ana men a
tpntltlntheaink and. let it run
my nanas are aere rrem it.'
' all besrnn te Iaurrh tetrnther find
itHk el hew easy it would be te make
aey. 'ineywere all in high spirits,
1 Berer thought of being overheard.
? i
' 7.
K-' r.t 1
v I
nifvh ennin WArfrrtiv.
W 1 am te be paid $20,000 for the next
mtruneev laughed the professor. I
rang xe nave a great Dig macuine,
ft will make thintri hum. I tell veu.
fan ate we pan make the box as big as
en that way for an hour or two,
I lust hew thev 'reuncd' the
rbr'elecnicity.' The pref caser had
le box of a m&chlne In his room by
i be purified reflned sugar in small
lUes. This he nut into his machlne
Lsroundeut. the 'cemnanv' thlnkliicr
''tni the raw sugar tbey had sent.
i sua. cnena bad bunpiy let that no
ad threush the sink. I remember
inrofeaser aalds
'Why, I don't enre If they box me tip
i nau me into my mocume ami pue in
r raw sugar uenmu me. i nave me
d easar In there, and nil I have te
tie te toss it out te them through the
seems te have been eorae dissnt-
den after that with the dressmaker,
a thev Invited te ee elsowhere. and
, Beiltle retorted that if tlicy wcre
tte de anv moresuirar rcflulnc tUcv
Id better keep the register shut.
j Kew It transpires tliat stepfather IIew-
1, wne naa carricu en uie bciicme with
I daughter Miss Friend since the pre-
-or s ueaui. cuviueu ms iime between
"rellncry" and 6treet prcaclilng. On
ik days he would doveto himself te
former, and en Sundays he would
peaims anu preacn in ueuth
Jvn. or from the etensef the cltv
in Veyr Yerk. Mcamrhlla his
atine son-in-law kent astulile in New
Ferk with twenty-seven horses in it
t It b said that his ceupe bills outslde
use ei uis sunned wcre UBuauy
ucr mentlu He reenrded bramlv
I only borcrnge for a gentleman and a
I UVd In stirring times; times fitting te
dthe Ufe of ene who liad lived at such
k rapid ,cei the time of his death being
nuunceus witii tlie great iiiizzaru en
t Atlantie coast last spring.
Aim1 Xftl funentr this nihnr tiifctarfefi
-tea wiin tnis celebrated JJectrie
oemoanv. thcre is e. mvBterv about
.. tt. ..". . : ."!""-"
death of tne professor. A man who
te go about with Friend in New
declares that the death was very
end surnrisincr te him! Hint lie
several times during the HhWi.
that be was told the tirofcsser m-uh
111 te see him. He says that he saw a
way from Friends houseon
rickety bob elciglu On the front
ej were two men, while two ethers sat
I fM Dec ameiung. One of these men,
i Heward. Thb was Friend's
Then the oucstien arese in tUn
rsmind. "Was the nref eliser dead
After Friend's dcatli Mr. lleward, who
Hpeea mccKnnu lewiy, ana ureesed
shabby apparel as he preached the
i zrem the city hall steps, blazed out
at strle. The nolice wcre netlfliMl
1 there were suspicious circumstances
ica wun vne xunerai, ana looked
i matter, but no thin tr enme of it-
Friend went te Milan, Mich., the
M and furniture in New Yerk wcre
. and Mr. and Mrs. Heward went n
I at the Madisen Avenue fiotel in New
E.". . .....
aue transpirea that l'rorcsser
Javed the euzar rcllnlncr cranie
I the Chicagoans in 16S0. He kept his
till 180,000 hed been paid in for
and then put oil inquirers by
gthem beautiful samples of re-
I sugar made from glucose, At last
reneMiers nocame lmnaucnt ana
Tliey kicked in the deer of
'and found nothing there
no Lnr&ctlcsJlv virtlilAju.
episode the professor took up
M in tail for thn Inm nf rTin
' The president and treasurer of
w euning company ear, how hew
the nrofeeaor vm nn Intunvi
,w denly remained in jail one night.
wuuv uju uui uem oemo, ana a
Pjlest i te the aggregate perhaps a
i r-mftnmt u umiu, out ttiore
ays Doenle who have it who will
tSklT schema bllndlr if it is mik
them attractively. That the stock
i bogus affair should have cold at
II hundred ner cent, nremium: that
(Street" should liave been gulled, ia
r ei surprise. I
Of the CUbolle Chnrdi
4 Colored American.
eeeat coeTentlon of celnmi re,.'
I Waahingtea may be toted &
f foeb. W the progress both of
sate and that church in Amni-w
emveaUen did its work se well
We publicity te facts of se much
aua imporance that reading
IM eeniMS curra-Ua nk Kn
Ilwt)aia, both present and hb.
4 UK K7?recs,Bnd the Cr.thnfla
emtreBT 11Mre"are la the United
Btatet twenty distinct colored Catholle
churches, each wKh school attached,
though the church does boa encourage
separate organisatien, sad most of lie
colored cemmualeaati attend white
churches. The colored Catholics also
have eixty-flve schools, eight orphan
asylums and 4hree ref ormateriei ; seven
educated colored men are new prepar
ing for the priesthood, and there are
190 colored women in the various sister
hood. The echoeb new include 0,000
colored children.
It b net generally known that the
first movement towards general emanci
pation began in the Catholle church,
that mere than one pope has made it an
object of special address, and that the
confessor of Charles V of Spain was the
first te inaugurate a crusade against
African slavery and the slave trade.
As te the abolition et white slavery in
England, Macaulay, dcrpite his strong
anu-Catholie feeling, gives thb testi
mony! 'The church of Heme creates an
aristocracy altogether independent of
race, inverts the relation between the
oppressor and the oppressed, and com
pels the hereditary master te kneel bo be bo
jeroth .ribunal of the hereditary bonds
man. Te thb day (1849) te seme countries
where negre slavery exists, popery ap
pears in advantageous contrast te ether
formsef Chrlstlaultyj it is notorious that
the antipathy between the two races is
ny no means se
strong at Rie
Janeiro as at
Hew great
a part the Calh Calh Calh
olie ecclesiastics
had te the aboli
tion of villcnage,
we learn from
tcstlmeiuc JWfewv
jme uywg slave
holder asked for
the last sacra
uicnts, his spirit
ual nttenuants
rccularly n d
vr. wjdd.
jurcd linn, as he
rrcstdeet of Convention.
loved his own soul, te emancipate his
brethren for whom Christ hed died."
In the United States and adjacent
Islands thcre wcre peculiarities of race
which long hindered the natural ten
dency of the churclu In Louisiana nnd
the Indies the white colonists wcre
Catholle, and se the slaves wcre bred in
that faith, and after the revolution in
San Dominge about 8,000 educated nnd
well te de colored men removed te New
Orleans. They speke the French Ian Ian
gunge, wcre Catholics, and educated
their children in France, the northern
Btatcs or in private schools at home.
Tims thore has existed for many years In
New Orleans n colored society unllke
any te any ether part of the country.
Victer Be lour, oncetho private secretary
of Leuis Napeleon, and n famous dra
matic writer of Paris, was a natlve quad
roon of New Orleans.
At the clese et the civil war the best
nnd probably the largest colored school
lu the United States was that directed
by the "Catholle Soclety for the Instruc
tion of Indigent Orphans" at New Or
lenus, nod its history Is an rncourngo rnceurngo rncournge
rocnt for all the race. In 1837 thcre died
In New Orleans a black woman, n natlve
of Guinea, known as Widow Dcrnnrd
Convent, who had acquired her freedom
und n small comiietcney. Dy her will
ehe gave n let nnd the buildings en it for
n school for colored orphans. Ten influ
ential t rccnien of color associated them
selves te gire oiled te the bequest, wcre
incorporated under the laws of the state,
nnd en the 20th et April, 1847, the insti
tution was founded. It received eoine
slight help from the ntnte nnd city, but
was chiefly maintained by contributions,
andtel8G0 contained S00 pupils. The
recent growth of frce tichoels nnd col
leges for the colored has made It rela
tively less Important.
In New Orleans, nnd probably thcre
only, are the colored Catholics able te de
what they wish in church extension.
Evcrywhcie clse lhcv nre confronted,
net ny the "color line," na in ether
churches, hut by the far mero prosale
fireblcin of poverty. The great mass et
he white Catholics In America have net
vet been In the country long enough te
hnve created many large fortunes, nnd
the colored CntheUcs nre much poorer
Etlll. NeverthclcsR, they have nclileved
foiue btrllclng cucccsbcs. The Church of
St. AugUHtitie, In Washington. Is n mag
nificent edillce, built entirely by the col
ored Catholics, nnd the musie, especially
the vocal choir, la noted even in that
city of excellent choirs. The plenary
council of Cnlhellu prelates et the United
State, held In llaltimore In 1881, made
consldcrable prevision for churches,
pclioel houses and priests for the colored
people. The recent convention wns In
furtliorance of that object. After n busy
ncsslen of several days nnd n call upon
President Clevcland the convention ml ml
teurncd Jan. 4 te meet a year later nt
Iliclimeml, Viu
Ailvantuje of lining u Ulomle.
Every year we gt the cry from fashion
writers, "lMoudcsne lenci in style: they
have been supeneded by their darker
Mstcre," etc. Kew. thnt'H nil nonsense.
Yeu cannot denwtiy with the blonde, nor
can you de uwny with frizzled, bauged
hair, l're-euiiiiently, the blende is the
beauty of civilization. She is among us,
te stay us bitch, and bhe cannot bedrivuu
nway. A brunutte new and then may
rise supreme ever her by reason of
wonderful loveliness, but we are speak
ing collectively. A woman can dieHs
mero effectively with blende hair tlian
withdaik. It lij-htd up better nnd is
mero youthful. A well kept blende Imu
ten years' advantage, in point of joutli jeutli
ful leeks, ever tlie nvcmge brimette.
Once in n lifetiuioerso thcre arises u
miraculous brunutte who completely Mir
jwssea her, hut for bteady, ordinary geed
leeks that make no pretentiens of great
beauty, the blende carries the palm.
Yeu cannot ovpuuge her in favor of the
bnmetteeven In literature In tlie novels
turned out during the past year there
have lieen !19 blendes te 100 brunettes.
American Hairdresser.
A ;ilT i:s$.iy en the Cetr.
The following is n little girl's essay en
the cew: "A cow U nn animal with four
legs en the under tide. The tail is longer
than the lc'L's, hut is net used lest an J en.
The cow hills tllcs-wlth her tail. Thu
cow hai big care that wlggle en hinges;
M decrt her tail. The cow is bigger than
tlie calf, but net se big U3 nu elephant.
She is made fee small that she can go
Inte the barn when nobody Is looking.
Heme cows are black nnd fconie hook. A
deg wen hooked ence. She te&icd the
deg that killed the cat that wor
ried the rat. lilac k cows glve whlle
mllkj be de ether cows. Milk men uell
milk te buy their little girls dresses, which
thev put water in and chulk. Cows chew
cuds, and each flnils its own chew. That
U nil there ii about cows." Exchange.
1'erjH'tual Motion.
Tlie man with n perpetual moilen ma ma
chiue has at la&t get u friend ut court in
thoperbon of Chief Clerk Lipscomb, of
tlie patent elllce. He uayfl :
"Perpetual motion Is en assured fact.
We liave models new nt work that will
koep at work continually until the wear
nnd tear of the machinery bteps them.
The machines be far have sulllclent iiewcr
te run theiubelves from new till dooms
day, but they liavouet theburplus power
that could be ucd en ether machinery.
This is the point new tliat the penietual
motion man will have te work en. Some
day a machlne will coine here that will
have the required jwwer te keep ether
machinery going, nnd It may ceme nt any
time." Wobhiugteu Cor. New Yerk
L, " A Short XeUure ou Tobacco.
Old Gentleman (te young man with
unlightcd cigar bb. his mouth) Yeung
man, I waut te say a word te you about
the evils of smoking. It ruins the diges
tion, destroys the appetite, shatters the
nerves, is otferuBlve te nlmekt everybody,
and weakens the mental and moral fac
ulties. These are but a few of the evils
which are caused by smoking tobacco.
Yeung Man Yes, tir; have you get a
match in your pocket? New Yerk eun.
4isBM Of afsBssni
The Qreat Majority of Camhlcri Are Cn Cn Cn
fortniwte nig Winning from Small
8UkM A llr Tenderfeet TThe net
$(1,000 en the HUek.
"Tlie caprices of rhance or fortune,
whichover you may call it, nre singular,
te say the least," remarked n well known
gambler te nNcwnman,in recounting his
up nnd down nt roulette, fare, tekcr
nnd various ether games. "Net long age
I made n nlce little winning nt fare, nnd
was cashing my checks, when n rather
needy looking fellow, with n gannt, hun
gry race, nsked me te glve htm 23 cents,
I didn't knew him from n crew, but
having wen out pretty well, J tossed
him a white check and told film te go
and make a winning. What de yen sui sui
pese that duck done? He cashed the
check, took the quarter, dtrode overto
the tub dice gam 2, placed it en the tlx
radio and wen $15 tlie llrfltttimef the
wheel, "(llve me the money," he ex
claimed, nnd away he went te get the he had preliably eaten
in n week. He might liave made that
pnme piny n hundred tlincH again nnd
lest every bet, but iiome peeple can fall
into tlie river and they'll ceme up with n
(IhIi in lxith hands."
"Tliat reminds me," said nnetlicr
knight of the cloth, "of nn incident that
enme under my olwcrvntien lout week nt
n Rambling heuse en Sixteenth at root.
A fly tenderfeet from the cost, who, it is
Bald, had weu $25,000 en election, saun
tered up te the wheel nnd asked the
dealer tlie limit en the colors.
" 'Any nmeunt you want te etake,'
was the reply.
" 'All right; there's $."!,000,' said the
rpert, putting ten $500 bills en the black.
Just flip the ball nnd hce what she'll de,'
coolly chirruped the fellow.
"Tlie dealer, who had picked the lall
out of the ttecket, stayed his hand. He
hteked ut tlie money, hlzcd up tlie player
te hce if he was blufllng nnd had a cable
tied te it, nnd seeing thn fellow meant
buHlnesx nnd hed u big wad left, willed
nnd refused te roll. Dy this time fifty
iieojile hail gathered around the table,
tlww en the outslde craning their nooks
ever the iilieuhlen) of theso In front of
the dating utmiiger, who, with the ut
most bang freld, tlrew n cigar from his
Iteckct, nsked the dealer for n match,
carelessly scratched it en his pants,
lighted tlie cigar nnd looking Impatiently
nt tlie dealer, leinnrkcd:
" 'Ge nhend; win or low. Giveusn
roll nnd we what my luck is today.'
"The dealer Mill refused (e turn, nnd
the fellow was nlwut te take up his
money nnd leave when the proprietor
rame e er. und after a Illtle inedllntien
told the denier te roll the ball nnd he
would pay tlie bet If he leht. The little
ivory ball wen went spinning nreuud,nnd
after making ten or twelve circuits
M ruck the jieckets, nkippcd ever the
metal etlgea, and llnnlly, after bobbing
first into ene und then another, dropped
in three in the odd red. The heuse nnd
wen tlie money. The stranger nhoek the
game, bought $1,000 worth of chlpti nnd
lackled fare with iiullirerent tuccess.
"Anether well known gambler lior lier lior
rewed 100 of n friend, nnd sat in n gnme
of fare en llelluday htreet. Ilcfore 1
o'clock he had wen $2,400, broke the
lank, nnd would liave wen tlie proprie
tor mid dealer had they net closed up
find jumped the game. Twe days later
tlil.-i iiaine gambler didn't have n dollar,
but the following night he borrowed $00
und wen $y,100.'r
A CHANOn in Tiitn.
"Tlie funniest play I ever witnessed
came up the ether night." chipped hi
third party. "A young fellow whobonii whebonii whobenii
pearanco waa iiuggcutive of u railroad
ilrcmun or brakemau bought $10 worth
et clilirt nnd tackled the wheel. In n half
hour he had lest $03. He was consider
ably discouraged, nnd wnsulieut te Icave
when he turned te the dealer und said:
Yeu can't beat me for $3 en the colors.'
He had (SO cents' weith of chips left from
previous deals, and, throwing n $3 geld
piece en the red. he straddled the deuble
and single Os with the chipn In order te
protect IdinseK ugalnst the percentage.
Tim ball went spinning around and had
made several circuits when the fellow
Hwltehed geld piece te thu slngle O and
transferred the chijiM te the led. In ten
voceudq the ball drepHil and caught the
blngleO. Huleht HO cents in chlp-t nnd
wen $175 oil the $3. He e.xeiclsed n
whele let of bense then, for he cashed in
und get nway with the money."
"How-ever," soliloquized the sport,
"gambling don't pay. In the Instnncea
Mated the parties wen by a wcratch, but
ilfty ethers leM. These rare winnings
lemlndmoef the freaks of fort mm in
the geld mines of California. Kvery Kvery
liedy heard of the Floods, O'Hriens,
JIackeys, and n few meruibrtunatcs, but
the world nevcr stepped te think of the
thousands upon tlieusanda wlie lest.
Most of the money which supports
the ten or fifteen gambling heubcs
in Denver is wen from ixxir laborers,
who take $10 or $13, the earnings
of n whele week, nnd try te win n
fortune. The amount they draw U net
enough te protect them. They simply
play their money against the theubiuuU
of the bank, and they nre IhjuihI te leso
in the end. Occasionally foiue fellow
makes a winning, but. If he itayB long
enough, it will break him. The only
ones who make money out of gambling
ure the proprietors et the houses. It l.-i
u costly amusement for the players.
They ruBtle around for n week or month,
earn $15 or $75, us the euse may lie, and
lase it. They might us well march up
und hand it ever te the dealer, for he is
mire te gobble it in u few hours." Den
ver News.
The Majer1 AVhUky Shet.
Some interesting things nre remem
bered by Sherman's Atlanta campaign
veteran in connection with Lieut.
Dundy, commanding u battery of m til til
lery, new known as Slaj. Dundy, nnd
ene of the editorial writers en Deacon
tihcnard'ti New Yei lc Mail nnd Express.
Lieut. Dundy had n teeth for u geed
teddy, nnd ene morning at KVnnesaw
Mountain had sampled home "Diamond
IV commissary w itli nome ether efllcers,
und reached his battery in excellent
spirits. Soen Cel. Geary rede that way,
nnd, observing the lieutenant, grullly ad
dressed him thus:
"Lieut. Dundy, you nre drunk."
Dundy unswered back, us quick as n
"Cel. Geary, you nre n d d Harl"
Here was n hituatien. Geary waa
nbeut te put Dundy under nrrest, saving
te him: ''Yeu nre be drunk you den t
knew that gun from n hollow leg."
"I don't, eh? I'll show you whether I
de or net. Bee tliat bunch of rein out
theie?" pointing te u group of Confeder Cenfeder Confeder
nte efllcers taking nn observation from
au cmiuence half umileuway. "Just
watch me bcattcr 'cm."
Seizing the tall of u gun, he jerked it
nreund, get the range, adjusted every
thing te his liking, gave the order te lire,
exploding n four teeh ihell right in the
midst of the group of Confederates, who
hastily ictired te cover, carrying with
them their wounded.
Cel. Geary withdrew his effensive re
marks, cemplimeuted Dundy ou Ids bkill
nnd rede nway. f
Lieut. Dundy was an expert artillerist,
nnd could land n bhell ubeut where he
wanted te.
The writer has often heard it said by
Federals who ought te knew that he
ilred the biiet tliat killed Gen. Felk.
Keuncsaw Gazette.
Docter (passing n stonecutter's yard
Geed morning, Mr. Jenes. Hard nt
work, I see. I suppese you finish your
gravestones as far as "In Memery of,"
and then wait for seme ene te die, eh?
Stonecutter Wiy, yes: unless eomo eemo eome
body's sick nnd yeu're doctoring 'cm;
then I keep right en. Dosten Gazette.
A tame crew belonging te a farmer'
near ltldgeway, Ont., lias been taught te
distinguish colors, and will pick out from
a pile of articles of various colors ene of
any color asked for,
A Pleasant Sert of tatorrtew.
Mrs. Allce J. Shaw, whose success as
a whistler has made a tipple of excite
ment in two continents, is very pleas
antly established at the Durnet heuse.
A Commercial Gazette representative
had the pleasure of n half hour's chat
with her. Mrs. Shaw is pleasantly nt
home in the prima denna sulte of rooms
en the parlor fleer, and In n pretty
neglige gown of btrlped bltm and red
wool, the front n la Dlrcctelre. with
rovers et vivid red India tilk, filled in
with creamy lace, bhe wen net only
worth looking nt, but worth Btuflylng
carefully, for bhe Is n brunette of the
June type, and ni glorious n bit of phy
sical jicrfcctlen as the reporterlal cye
often reste upon. After thu preliminary
civilities wcre ever, tlie question wns put:
"New, Mrs. Shaw, tell me hew ene
frmnll threat can held whlstle enough te
fill our big MuhIe hall?"
"It Isn't n small threat, te lxgln with,
nnd It sometimes seems te me, when I
getn particularly delicious nole between
my liH, I can held en te it ferever; but
I knew where the breath comes from te
make It. Loek herd"
Mrs. Shaw untied the ribbon girdle of
hr gern nnd drew liack the lace of her
lxxllce, disclosing the mi'icrb column of
her threat and u chest of extraordinary
breadth, whlle nn alabaster nnd firm as a
rock. The length of her llgure from
chin te belt is unusual, nnd stewed uwny
under her black satin corsets is tlie ma
chinery that has whistled her into fame
nnd fortune n fiplendid alref lungs.
Here Mrs. Bhnw just curved
her red lips a little, mipprcsscd n ceuple
of dimples, und whistled n bar or two as
sweet mid clenr ns a blackbird, ending
with n roulade, that vanished note by
nole into nllencc. Tlie listener thought
old Chancer knew what he waa ubeut
when he wrete:
Be was his Jeb nlibtal -roll r-wet.
Cincinnati Commercial.
"Mullet I'inylns" Miner.
The Scotch miner lias many ways of
nmuslng himself. Quoits is n favorite
game of his; no lu n game called "round "reund
ers" n sort of cricket and cricket itself
is popular among the younger men, but
with them foetlxill is the fnvorlte pas
time. Leaping, running, throwing the
hammer nnd teasing the caber nre nil
practiced, and in boiiie parts n game
called "bullet playing" Is in high favor.
Wohae never seen this played except
in the Lelhlaua nnd Stirlingshire, and
thcre It wns nt ene time crack amuse
ment ltathcr n peculiar nmusemenl,
tee. It is played In this manner: A cer
tain distance, say n inile out nnd n nille
te, i" fixed ii'Min nn the ground te be cov
ered by the players, nnd the man who
does no in tlie fewest uumlier of throws
la declared the winner. Tlie bullet is n
IKillshed ball of hard whinstenc, and
weighs from ten te fourteen ounces, nnd
thh ball the player takes Inte his hand
and running te n line drawn en the road
way, he swings ids nnn nnd throws with
nil his might. This is termed "hnlnch
ing the bullet," nnd n geed player enn
cover the mile In llve or six throws. The
game Is ene mainly of strength, but n
geed deal of skill can be shown In it.
Each player has n man in front te
dhow where the bullets should lie landed,
und his business l.i te bee that, if his di
rections nie followed, the bullet of his
player will have the licht part of the
read te run en. The gnme Id nlwnys
played en the best highway in the neigh
borhood, nnd the authorities object te it
ns lieing dangerous, although we never
hnve heard of nny accident arUing there there
feom. A bullet match U te the Scotch
miner what n deg fight is te ills North Nerth
umbrian or StalTorduhlre congener, or n
prize fight te nu East End Iondencr.
The fact that It is forbidden by law nddii
te its uttrnctivciiCHs,mid it nfferds nmple
opportunities for betting. Dots ure made
en the threw, en the distance out nnd
en the complete match, and when the
two "(Ieiib" ure playing excitement nnu
high. Scottish World.
A IScmurkuMe Volcano.
Tlie city of Han Salvader, (he enpitn'
of the smallest and populous Cen
tral American lepublie, waa founded in
lfi2U. It ban been three times almost en
tirely nnd cloven times partiallv do de do
btreyed by earthquakes nnd volcanic
eruptions. It is eighteen miles from tlie
ten coast, has nn elevation of U,t)U0 feet,
nnd la surrounded by n group of volca
noes, two of which nre net lve, San Miguel
nnd Izalco, nnd prewnt u magnilleeut
display te the passengers of Htcaiuera
nailing along the coast, constantly dis
charging macses of lava which Hew
down their bides in blazing torrents.
Izalco is an icgular us u clock, the
eruption occurring like tlie lientlug of n
mighty pulse, every twucn minutes. It
Ii impossible (e conceive of n grainier
bpoctaele (ban (his monster, rising 7,000
feet almost directly from the Ren, an Im
mense oluuie of smoke, like u plume,
continually pouring out of Its summit
nnd broken vtltli such regularity by
massea of llame liiing 1,000 feet, that it
lias lieen named El Eure del Salvader
tlie Llghthouse et Salvader. It is in
many ret-pecta the mett remarkable vol
cano In the world, liecuuse ita discharges
have continued be long nnd with mich
regularity, nnd liccause the tumult in
the earth a Ixiweb is ulwnys te lie heard.
Ita explosions ure constant, nnd nre mid mid
ible ii hundred miles off. Itia the only
volcano that baa originated en thia con
tinent hinee the discovery by CelumhuH.
It nrose from the plain In tlie spring of
1770 in the midst of what had Ixen for
nearly n hundreil years a mngnllicent
ceffee nnd indigo plantation. Guate
mala Slui-
Tliu llomliilen of Cinade.
Canada h cenqwsed of seven previucea
nnd n number of vast territorial districts,
which cerresiwnd te the teiriteries of
the United btatcs. The provinces bearn
relation te the individual Mates. They
nre unequal in bize, liritish Columbia
having llOO.itll square miles of nrea, nnd
little ItIiice Edward 1 bland containing
only SJ.llt'l fsqunre nillea. OueKx) htu
10il,eT3 tupiare miles, Ontm ie lias 107,780,
Neva Scotia 21,701, New Drunswiek 27,
1S22, and Manitoba possesses 118,0(11, The
enormous Northwestern territory, which
has been bulxlivldcd Inte AlUrtn. Sas
uruciunvHu mm jinnacxisiia, c"suxv;
1,010,503 sipiare iuIUmi, Meewavtln bV3,
800, the Arctle islands Ut 1,700, und
the islands of lludseu'ri bay 23,400.
Here la nu nrea in the aggregate of
!),40tl,512- hquare mileri of Ged's earth
under the icgls of Great Britain, l'oly l'ely l'oly
glet is the iKipulatleu thinly scattered
ever the land. There ure 1,200,000
Frenchmen, the Emerald LJe has con
tributed O23.C0O, nud the Land e' Cakes
lias 553,000 representatives. Three hun
dred thousand jierbens trace their near
decent te Germany: there nre 70,000 rela
tives of Taffy the Welshman, and the m
called Scandinavians number nbeut 11,
000 souls. Ontario, the meM thoroughly
English province, has u population e'f
1,700,000 m round numbers; Quebec con
tains 1,000.000, of whom 1,100,000 nre
French. Neva Scotia contains 450,000,
New Drunswiek nearly 400,000. lrince
Edward Island 120,000. Dritlsh Columbia
120,000, und Manitelu approximately
170,000. Exchange.
lUMr Vi)t llcr Dun llejrtl.
A correspondent of The Maine Taimcr
speaks a geml word for the cat, nnd ud ud
vises the farmer te keep Fur
thermore, the correspondent says, the cat
ought te be kept well. JuM keep your
hired man, or c en yourself, se meanly
that you have net Mreugth towerk you
nccemplkh but little. Just se 1th your
horse, with your cows, with your cnts.
The case of u man who lest $100 worth
of property by mice girdling young
npple trees is cited, nnd the moral drawn
that if this man had kept half a dozen
cats it would have been money in hb
pocket, lie might have had the credit
of haviug tlie bebt in town, and taken
comfort himself, besides making lib
family happy nnd saving his trees.
IvcwUteu (Me.) Journal.
Tlie first great canal in England was
the Dridgewatercanal, which was begun
by thoduke of Dridgewater in 1759, nud
completed two yeara later. The length
of the canal is about tweuty-one miles,
A IJoeejinoon Spent la m net laaport laapert laaport
anre and I-enrr of the "Fetich Maav"
1 It CetU SIO te Oct a Wlfe from a
' Mclghlierlng Town.
J Happier (ban seme ether races of men,
nene of these West African tribes prao prae prao
tlce infanticide. On the contrary, it is
considered a misfertune net te liave
children, nnd thb desire Is the Bource of
tsome very curious habits nnd customs.
Among the Decsas, n trlbe further te the
north, n banana trce Is planted en the
day of marriage, and If en the day of
its first producing fruit n child should
net liave been born the contract Is con
sidered void nnd the parties marry
I With (he ICablna the bride and groom
immediately nfter lnnrrioge are locked
in n hut which must never have been
occupied befere, and are thcre kept clese
prisoners for three mentlis, except that
nt every midnight the old men of the
town take the groom nnd the old women
tlie brlde nnd escort them te the "fetich
man," Ie whom theynppcnl for children.
During this time, however, they nre well
supplied with Iwth feed nnd drink. At
the end of the three inentlia n great feast
is held, when the prisoners nre released
nnd the hut where they have been con
fined b burned, and thus their honey
moon is brought te an end.
Tlie ceremony of marrbge among
tlvcse peeple b conducted by the different
tribes in n manner that b common te
tliem nil.
i When n natlve wants a wife, if thcre Is
nene in ids own town te suit him, he
bench) te Gome neighboring clilcf asking
if there is n girl in hb town of tlie age
dwlrcd. If the nnswer b in the affirma
tive, he then presents his case te the old
men of lib town, nnd nfter a "palaver,"
or talk, nt which thcre b the drinking of
much rum, they ngrce that lie may bring
home as a wife a woman from another
I After Dccurlng this permission he, with
prcsente in hb hands for the propitiation
of the spirit powers, visits the head
"fetich man," nnd nfter listening te lib
many prayers receives n charm. He b
then ready te beck bis bride.
In tlie meantlme the women of lib
town maids, wives nnd widows having
been advised of lib intention and being
incensed by lib slighting them hi select
ing n stranger, nre prepared, ns they nre
allowed by (heir laws te de, te prevent
his leaving until their charms hnve been
admitted nnd their indignation allayed by
many presents. This custom, dcsplte
every precaution of the man, often enda
in disputes which nre settled only by an
nppenl te the "fetich man" and "siissl "siissl "siissl
woed." "
i However, having ovcrcemo the diffi
culties of lib departure, he arrives nt and
is received in hb prospective bride'a
town by the old men of the place and by
them conducted te the "palaver house,"
where there Is mero talk and mero rum,
The presents he has brought having been
found ncccptable, he is then allowed te
knew the parents of the girl hob seek
ing, nnd from them learns the sum In
Ixxida, rum, cloth, etc., he'has te pay be be bo
fero he can eecure her. This usually
representn in valite nbeut $10. Tills mat
ter hnving liepn satisfactorily settled, he
returns te hb town nnd forwards the
goods ns agreed upon.
At the betting of the sun en the day
nppolnted for the closing of the contract
the bride, naked except for lieing painted
with different colored chalks, accom
panied by her parents nnd friends, ar
i Ives nt the home of the groom. There
they nre received with much rejoicing,
gun firing, drum beating, dancbig nnd
feasting. This is continued until Ixith
man mid woman nre exhausted by their
orgies, when they nre bundled into the
hut te remain for the customary time.
The customs surrounding the bringing
up of these girls and their conduct nfter
having bccoine wives nre f.trange and
interesting. All women, unless they are
blaves, until they nw married or reach n
certain nge nre under the care of the old
women, und nre cnlled "cutta de em em
guage," or grlgery bush glrb. Theycnn
be easily recognized, for, no matter what
may be their age, they nre always en
tirely naked, with only n small horn
hanging from n btrlng fastened nreund
the neck. They nlse plaster thickly their
bhaven heads with clay nt frequent
intervnls. This it is "fetich" te rcmove
or touch wilh water, nnd must be taken
off only by their husbands.
Fer ene of these glrb te be forgetful
of her irtue is n crime, but for which
ulie b net cnlled upon te pay the penalty,
The nattire of the punishment is dentil,
but hew inflicted it has been impessible
for me te learn, it lieing "fetich" for nny
malote interfere in these matters. Tlie
old women have bole jurisdiction mid
me6t jealously guard the secrets of their
calling; but, Iw it ns it may, the man,
nfter having been nccused, b never froe
from esplonage until seme day he is
missed, when after :i time he b found in
n mutilated condition dead in his hut.
Contrary te what might lw expected, be
btrict ure these ioeplo in the ebservance
of this custom that no sum of money
will purchase immunity, und even being
n white man is no protection from their
( After a woman becomes n wife differ
ent laws affect her. If convicted of mi
faithfulness she is punished nccerding te
her hubband'a pleasure. This, ns a rule,
finds expression by his belling her into
blavery. A lieculiar belief is their find
ing ivaseu ler the failure of nny en
deavor or undertaking they may liave in
hand in their wives' fergctfulncss of
their duties.
A natlve chief, when about te start en
a journey, or go en n hunting or trading
expedition, or te war, en the day befere
his departure, calls together his many
Wives nnd advises them of his intention.
He then remind;) them that the bucccsa
or failure of his effort de-ienda upon
them, und nsks if (hey have been guilty
of any fault of whieii thev bheuld be
purged befere btaitiug en lib journey.
Tlds, of course, b answered in tne nega
tive. Salbfled with their denial, he
then instructs them na te their conduct
during Ids absence, and then leaves te
proceed en his way. Cor. New Yerk
(. The Rabbins, who have n Ftery for
everything, uiy tliat befere Jacob men
nevcr sneezed but once, and then imme
diately died. They assure us tliat latri
arch was the fin.t who died n natural
death, befere him nil men died by sneez
ing; the memory of which waa ordered
te, be preserved in all nations bv a com cem
iniuid of every prince te lib subjects te
employ cenn) KiliUary exclamation after
the act of bneezing. ' -it.
A Story or llUiuitrck.
The peceiul velume of the memoirs of
the Uuue of Oetha, which has made such
n ctir in the becial and wlltical world of
ticnnanv, contains nnetlicr anecdote of
Dimiarek the latest uccessien te the
ranks of doctors of divinity. When
secretary of the Prussian legation
nt Frankfeit, he was nuked by a
lady why he objected te the ap
pointment of Count Tlum te the
position of ambassador. He replied that
it waa net a lit place for n man of lib
extraordinary talents, there being w
little te da 'Then," centluued the lady,
"why de you retain your elllce?' "OIil
madam, it is another thing with me. I
have ulwaya liecn n lazy, geed for iiotlt iietlt
iug fellow, nnd cared for nothing eave
my gun. Here I can hunt as wcllas en
my farm mid enjoy my blesta." The
years liave dinnged Dismarck did lib
ideas. Sau Francisce Argonaut.
"I declare, Eebert." fald the old man
Irascibly, "you are the most stupid boy
I ever saw. 1 wonder at your ignorance.
It bccms te me I'll never be nble te leam
you anything."
T,'.,-?0 u-can 'cac, me nnvthlng,
Pa?" nsked Debby calmly, picking a
loving wife, who was a "phaateaa et da?
llght'r te him. Themas tlayaea Bayly!
Lad a wife who bestowed ccaspM
happiness upon the poet, and towkea'
he wrote a sonnet en her birthday every,
year. Barry Cornwall had a meat con
genial wife. It was said of him that ha
was willing te shut out the whele world.
If he could have her bcslde Jdra. Laman
Blanchard's wife was se necessary te his.
happiness tint he would net llve with
out her, nnd killed Idmtelf. Deth La La
martine and Jehn Stuart Mill had wives
who wcre perfectly congenial. All of
these men wcre fortunate te their choice.
Tlie Writer.
The "Mrs. ToedleaM" of Wruhlngtan.
Auction cranks are ene prominent fea
ture of Washington life. A red Hag te
front of a building will attract a crowd
of thb class as quickly as n sugar hogs
head will draw a swarm of files te sum
mer time. Tlie eale of the unclaimed
odds and ends of the dead letter ofllce Is
a perfect harvest for thb element. And
they spend money, tee. It b n mania
with them. Pittsburg Gazette1.
Lithlumis the lightest metal known,
nnd is worth ene hundred and sixty
dollars per ounce. Gallium is the costli
est metal known, nnd b worth three
thousand two hundred mid fifty dollars
cr ounce. .
That CaaUakeroej Old Weman
Described In the nunerr ballad, -he "llred
upon nothing bat victual and drink," and
jet "would never be quiet," was nndonbtedly
troubled with chronic indlgcitlen. Her
victuals, like these et many ether elderly per
sons whose digestive powers hare become Ira
palrcdilld'nt ngrce with her. This was before
tlie era et Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, or seme
one et her numerous frlcwl anil relative
would undoubtedly have persuaded her te try
llie great spccllle ter dypciM.v constipation
end bl!lenncss. 'J Ills would nave been a
measure of self-protection en their pari, for
alie would loon have been cured ami ceased te
illnturb them with her clamor. Tlie meat ob
stinate cases et Indigestion, with Us atlendnnt
ficartburn. flatulence, constant uneasiness n(
he stomach and et the nerves, are completely
ovcrcemo by thi severclirn remedy. Chills
and fever and bilious remittent, rhrumailsm
nud kidney troubles are also relict cd by it.
The Ilandaemm Laxly in Lancaster re
mtrkea ie a frlenfl the ether day that
he knew Kemp's Balsam for Ve Threat
and liunsi was a superior reraear, as
It stepped her cough Instantly when elticra
had no effeet whatever. Be te prove this ana
convince you et Ita merit any rtrugn1t will
Rive yen a Sample BetUs Fre. Large size R e
Knptnre cars -raaranteea by Or. J. B. Mayer,
831 Arch street, I'hlladelphl t. Kase at once,
no operation or delay from business, attesU-a
by thousands of cures after otheni fall, edvtce
free, send for circular. marie-lydjkw
Speaks Klfht Dp.
11 tlavs tried Thema? Eelettrit Oil for erenp
Hid colds, and find It the best remedy 1 have
I ver used In my family." Win. Kny, ftte l'ly
ii enth Ave., Buflale, N. Y. Korsfle by H. ft.
( eehran, druggist, 137 and IX) Merta queen
itreet, Lancaaier.
Immediately relieved by Bhlleh'n cure. Beld by
II. B. Cochran, druggist, Mee. 1 and 13J North
Unpen St. Lancaster, Ja. (4)
Don't allow anyone te make you helle ve any
Other remedy lsjust as geed for sick headache
as Dr. LeM Id's Special Truscrlntlnn, for It U
net trne. This Is the only remedy In the world
that strikes at the root et the dlaease and
drives It out, uive It a trial.
The New Discovery,
Yen have beard your frlenda and neighbors
tilhlng about it. Yeu may yeursalf boenept
the many who knows from pemenal experi
ence Just hew geed a thing it Is it you nave
evor trltd It. you are ene of Ita staunch
frlenda, lmeause the wonderful thing about It
Is, that when ence Riven a trltl, Or. KIdb's
New Dlsoevery ever after holds a place in the
beuse. If you have never used It and should
bouflllcted with a cough, cold or any Threat,
Lnng or Chest trouble, recure a botue at onen
and give It a fair trial. It Ii guaranteed every
time or money refunded, 'ulal Bettles Free
at If. B. Cochran's drng store, 1X7 and 139 w.
queen Btreet, Lancastur, fa. (6)
aiiUPLKSh N1U11TS, made miserable by
that tern bin cough. ShUen'a enre Is the remedy
i or you. Beld by U. B. (Jeehran. erugulst, Nik
n and IS) North Ouenn 8U. Lancnatr. Pa. 12)
Mrs. Langtty,
And ether famous women wen a repntatlen
ler facial Linuty. A nue complexlon mikea
ene handseinp, even though IIih taenia notet
perfect mould. Jiurdeek Jlloett Hitter net di
rectly upon the circulation, and pe viva the
skin a clearness and smcethncss olherwUe
unattainable. Fer sale by 11. B. Cochran,
flmggut, 137 and IK) North Quecn street, Lnn Lnn
euster. A Sound Legal Opinion.
K. Balnbrldge Munday, Ksq., County Atty.,
Clay Ce, Tax., Tex.,'rays: "Have naed Klectrle
Bltiers with most happy results. My brother
atse wns very low with Malarial fever and
Jaundlce, but was cured by timely useet this
modlclne. Am satlafled Klectrle Bitters saved
bis Ule."
Mr. O. I.Wllcoxsen, nf Herse Cave, Ky., adds
a llketeatlnieny, saying: Ue positively be be
lleves he would huvu died, had Is net been ler
Klectrle Bitten.
This great remedy will ward off, as well as
euro all Malarial Diseases, andferallKldnuv,
Llverand stomach Disorders stands unequal bd
Price 50a end (1 at U. B. Cochran's drug store.
137 and IS) N. queen Bu, Lancaster, Jfa. (C)
eared by ShUeh's Care We guarantwt It, snift
bylL B. Cochran druggut. Ne. l7 andlw
North Queen St., lneaaUr, Pa. nj
De It With Pleasure.
Waegler Bres , druggist, et Wateiloe, Iowa,
write t We can with pleasure ray that
Tltemat' JCelectrie Oil gives thu best saUsfae
Uen,of any liniment we soil. Kvorybeay who
buys will nave no ether. This remedy Is a
certain cure for all aclies, sprains, aud nuns.
JC2l.ltey- ". Cochran, drnggut, 137 and
US North Queen street. Lancaster.
My boy (three years old) waa recently taken
with cold In the head. It seemed finally te
settle In hi nose, which was stepped up for
day and nights ae that It was dlillcult fur him
te broathe und deep I called a physician,
who prescribed, but did him no geed, finally
1 went te the drug stere and get a bottle of
Kly's Cream Balm. It seemed te work like
magic. The boy's netu was clear In two day.,
and he has been all right iveralnce.-i: J
Bazaard, New xerk. J7-"
BIIILOU'S OOUQU and Consumption cur
' sold by ns en a guarantee. It euro con
i caption. Sold by II. B; Cochran, druggist.
' ea. 137 ana 1W North queen 8U, Lancaster.
' ()
A Clergy man's aealluaeuy,
W. K. UltTerd, pastor M. K. ehurch, Both Beth
well, Ont., was lortweyearsatutrer with dys
iepU In it worst form, until as he atatei
lile became an actual burden." Tnreeboi Tnreebei
lea ei Burdock Htoeii IliUtri cured him, and
re tells us In a rereul letter thu be considers
It the beat family medicine new hufore tce
country for dyspepsia und liver rerpialnt
or sale by It. U. Cochran, druggist. 1J7 and
U North queen street, Lancaster;
Baeklea's Arulea salve.
Tsa Bbst Balts In the world for Cuts, Bruises
Beres, Ulcers, Salt Khenu., rover ttereVfelUir,
Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all
Bkln eruptions, and poeltlvely enree Plies, or
no pay rtKinlmt. tttguarantpteglveiwr.
feet uUstacUen, or money refunded, l'rt&j
M eenu per liex. rer esle by IL li. Cochran.
Druggist, New. 137 and Itt) North qu(n street!
LinnjuUr. Pa. InnerJ.lvd
Tbrsw Away tils Crnicbas.
" Sufferf d from ibeuiuAttsm se badly had te
use crutches, but threw them away after ap
plying TTiomej' Kcltctria Oil teiuy limbs I
new u ut belter than 1 have for uars.'' P. L.
Ulbbt, 3 9KIk street, buffalo, N. V. for sale
by 11. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and Vu North
queen street, Lancaster.
De Net Move Mindly,
tin carefully In purchaalr g uiedUlne. Many
advertised remedies can work great Injury--ate
worte than none. JlurUeek Jltoetl Jltttert
are purely a vegetable preparation ; trio mmll mmll
eat child can take them. They kill disease and
cure the patient In a aafe and kindly way. rer
aale by 11. B. Ccchran, druggist, U7 nd la)
North queen (trvet. Lancaster.
sBeiner 1 1 asetner I n
Are you disturbed at night sua broken ei
your rest by a sick child suffering and erylng
with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t
If se, go at ence and get a buttle of KUS.
lleve the peer little sufferer tmmediat!y-4e-pend
upon It ! there U no mutake about It.
There U net a mother en earth who has ,ve
used it, who will net tell yen at once that It
will regulate the bowels, and give reet te tie
mother, and relief and healui te (he child,
operating like magic It Is pnrf.cUy tu te
use la all case and pleasant te the bunt, and la
the prescription of jnoelthe eldust and best
female physician and nurses In the United
States. Beld everywhere, K rent a bettia.
eat cash price paid for old Brass and Cop Cep
pr. The finest brai caatlng made te order.
Metal pattern work finlsned at reasonable
rates. M. W. rK AIM'S Leck Works,
BsarLecaer's KaalUng KuUCUng.
Trtie Hest Ageatslaf, HsnsiHtls, n
Bcsiy, man trarawg ncaaas ars.l
use uBtieara luneaie, wi
M1 AU OUstr stncraslM rail
. aTS tew tffilet(4 tint le tt Mate With a
kin eiteaua the doctor caileaKia'ssa at
It.XM wwrsst with ealrs and seraa.aai
it? tuhJS burning ' e a SMit antNiar
tvii2?,'B,J """ ccncufi KsasstM se
Ji!',lL,il0,I'c,", B UMwraaaeAF
SH!!-,,iS?.,,,,etT",T laterahUy ter four
which 1 scake this publle aUWm-itu
1 110 ATll; BOOK, COnUf -..
Bcsssaa rkiwriesMsOwaal.
tSSJ,i?mi-E??'-,2.5 fJ8 Mtreatastsiai1l
elnee ou earth Had ths weraT esss of Salt
Bheum la this cons try. My mother had It
twenty year, and In taetdied f men Ik 1 1
Iteve cotaeaa would have va fasr Ills. My
arm, brnaat and beast were oevered fnrthnTs
yara. which nothing relieved or cured anUl i
tuedths ceticvsa KsaOLVSST
J. w. AUill!, Newark.e.
Eranaa bis" Baby Oarest.
i.lf baby baa been trebbled with retem m
iT.J5lw-r-ta,-aer"aUr8bea1y. 11
JJK.?"? mV "fssabs, ana we war ebltswsl te
Hi5i,i,a.?,-! prsrentblitcmtchlnir. ThTO
spent dollars en rsaedlea without etTecu bat
?.rJll,L0""lHI ttmccaaanaonecaksef
trnccBA. sear the child u entirely eured. I
d-nnotlhinkyeu enough terUaemf
If. W H KlIW If
11 Mell Bt, BroeUya, K. DH it. T.
Cessna ea BaaSsOBr.
- we year and a-half age Fait KbeuiBbreka
put en my right hand. It appeared la whl I
blister, attended by terrible iwthltur, and
iraflually spread nntu It covered the entire
I ack of the hand . The disease next appeared
enDiylrrthiud. It led' many remeaiee.but
could find no euro until l obtained the Con Cen
ccaa KBMieiai, which effected a speedy and
permanent cure.
281 Weed Avenue Brooklyn.
"old everywhere. Prlea, Ctmetm. Beet
Bear, e t Biselvstt, I'.Ou. Prepared by the
ferraK vxvu and ciikmiOalcu Bos Bes Bos
eon, Mats.
..awBendfer "Hew te Oars Bkla Diseases,"
81 pages, M Illustrations, and loe testimonials.
RiRYiP. Bkln n1 Betl preserved and beaull
uau i a flea Dy ctmccaa Msdieatbd Bear.
A Werd About Gatarrh
"Itu the mucous msmbrane, thu wonder
f ul Mint-fluid envelope surrounding the deli
cate tfssnea of the air and passages, that Ca
tarrh makes 1U stronghold. Once established,
It cass Inte the very vitals, and readers lire
but a long-drawn breath of misery and dis
ease, dulling the sense of bearing, trammel
ling the power of spoech, destroying the fae
mty of moll, tainting the breath, and killing
the reflned pleasure or taste. Insidiously,
by creeping en from a Hmpla cold In the head,
It assaults the membranoeui lining and en
velopes the bonej, eating through the delleate
coat and causing Inflammation, sloughing
and death. Nothing ahert of total eradication
will secure health te the patient, and all alls alls
vlatlve are slmplv procrastinated suffering,
leading te a fatal termination, sanreaua
Bauieal cubs, by Inhalation and by Jnttrnal
admlntatratlen. naa never tailed ; even when
the administration, ha never tailed t even
when the dlaease baa made frightful Inroad
en delicate constitutions, heating, smell and
taste have been recovered, and the disease
thorenghly drives ent."
Baarorte's Badieal Ctnta consists of one bot
tle ct the BAnieAL Cua, one box of ea.
tamuial aeLvsrr. and ene in vbevbd Ibhalbb,
neitly wrapped In one package, with full di
rection i price, f l.
Btraina and Woakneosoa,
itelleved In one mlnnte by that marvelous An An An
tldoteto l'aln. Inflammation and Weakness,
the cntlcnra A nil-l'aln Plaster. The first and
enlysaln-kllllng (tronathenlng plaster. Ss
speclally adapted te Instantly reltezs and
speedlly cure Kidney and Uterine Pafas and
weakness. Warranted vastly superior te all
ether plaster. Atall druggists, jieents : flrn
for 11.00 1 or, postego lret-, et 1'eitbb Diva
Ann Cbmmical Ce., Bosten, Maa.
Jun23 lydWASAlyw
It's Pnblle Cenfi
It Won't
Take a
dence, net sensation
we're making, and It's
i he Big Values here
that's doing it. Most
cirefnlly selected goods
going at Bargain price.
Kvery Department has something te offer
away out et the common. Men's Choice Butts
and Overcoats at fJ.oe, tsoe and ti.oe oft of
the price. C htldren's and Bey's O vorceat at
such prloei that It won't take yen a minute te
see this li a money saving place te buy. A
big lat of choice Bilk Neckwear going at tte.
S ie the Kid Qlevcs at K)c and' warm Cashmere
(i loves at 15, 10, 23, is and W cents. Biggest
Values la Men's and Bey's Underwear. Toe
big for the papers te name off In this space.
Men's ana Bey's l'autaloeas that will net rip
ABOVK the Average In MAKK. BKLOW the
Average In .PBICK. VUlt our Custom re re
partmentandieair.CO suits andt5.(0 Pants
te measure.
ClethlBg and Famishing Gaadi,
a aa hebtuqubkn st,
Williamson & Fester,
The success of our Mark Down 1 manifest
from the volume of our baalnes.
The people knew our price are right, our
goods are right, and that we have no sleeper
te wake up. but have marked down (lent.
Beys' and Children' Bnlu and Overcoats of
thU season's fashion te prices that make
Beady and Willing Buyers
Children's stylUn Cheviot Hulls, All-Weel,
icgular price and 17.00. Marked down te
1 5,00.
Children's OvoreoaU-Old pilce 17 50; new
marked ss.ej.
Are yen en the lookout for any thing In this
'IneT If se. ear list of Special Bargain waa
i ever larger. Net only In cheap xoed, but
also among the better goods. Te get an Idea
nt gome of them notice enr window. Kvery
tl Ing Is marked In plain figure and you can
sioiier yourself, although nothing Is dl.
p ayed cheaper than tee. we have Hats and
ancy Caps as cbeap as 10c and Men's Ilata at
3c. Alae Jeraev Cami trt fltuvhnid fnrKn.
Heme et these goods won't last but a short
tlmet se don't put off buying If you w Unto
wuiu buiuu ui uiusu uarguius.
"Men's Heavy Grey Bhlrt and Drawers at
19e each, or four pieces at 75c.
Men'a All-wool Bcarlet Drawer, 16c, down
from 60c.
Men' Heavy Gray Shirts and Drawers, 24c:
were 31c
Men' All-wool scarlet Shirts and Drawer
at 60c, down from ,3c
Men's All-Wnel Underwear In White, Bcar
'Jtsna Natural Weel at 73c,, lltote
Ben's Derby Ulbbcd Underwear at 1109 and
Men's Kztra Heavy Cardigan Jacket at BCc,
reduced lrem use
A better cardigan Jacket at 7!c and S5c
All. wool cardigan Jackets at reduced price.
Men'a Working Ulove at 15c
A lull line of Gleve. Working Bhlrt. Bus Bus
penders and Hobe at cut prices.
We wlih te call your attention toeur Ladlea'
Old Unliable Shoes, made up of Dongola Kid,
Square Tee.ttralgbt Butten fly with 171 But But
eons and flexible Heles. Ab a fitter this Bhee
rtlgti suprume. Our price Is I2SU.
Williamson & Fester's,
S3. 34. 3K ft 38 K. KING 8T.., PA.
-faJtri'lUl. TU l'KKcU-AriSKHa jnh
J-w .Gt'NNKUa.-iAl! parrens are hereby u.
bidden tn ttjniru en any nf the lands if. uw
cunwitl a,ni iiptulvelKbtaU. In U.-bani.n e,
Laucaauir eencu, hnbHr tnutA et wur
elesnd, e'titJ aw Urt pnnHe m S'i.f ,
dsainK. t- tst lav tiu I nta-v uii-tf-tkltut
! tjvietiii en s-ktl t ! a;i-4-witrt'Vi
it Uju re'.te.
ti. raa, i u.uh,
MV)Ctft l-ir s.,UJnlaiaai1Mln
V"ti. "" .-'
. i-