5. TV,5llL...iri.jL. THE lANQASTER DAILY INTELLrGENCER, SATDBDAY, JANUABY 12, 189 V -' v;h I TWO NOTED IHPHAXT&r i TtP, LATELY MtMCNTCD TO THE CITY OP NCW YORK. CkHiM M Wm ta Ha nat -He Oaty a KM le, I t "taaeletlwMcawagwceeU tnirnie te tie cRy of Maw Yerk by Aeaaa Forepaugh, Is living contentedly a kit very oemfortebU etepfaaatiae fMten InOantnl park. THE ELErtlAHT TIP. 1 Tip la ene of tlie largest nnd finest ele phants In America, lle standi ten feet high In his stocking feet, and weigh five tana, "lle Is only a kid yet," his keeper say, being tint 18 yean old. With cars and geed habits Tip ought te llvoahtm llveahtm dred years yet. Ills tusks are the finest In America, and each ene te worth if 1,000. He was with Ferenaugh'a circus for some time, and is n iiolile looking brute. His habits of life could net be called feethetic. When he gets out of bed in the rooming, though lie knot particu larly thirsty, he clears hi threat with sixty gallons of water, sometimes mere; and at 0 o'clock he lms breakfast. The menu k usually something llke thlst l One bushel of carrots. , Twenty-four heads of cabbage. Fifty leaves of bread. Twe hundred and fifty pounds of hay. Fer desert he had peanuts, offered by scores of smnll leyH, nnd nftcr dipping his trunk in his big wooden finger Bowl the great fellow eccnied eatistlcd. The bill of fare will be varied. Unco a week he will get 100 pounds of bran maili te keep him In condition, nnd later en he will hare a bushel of eats. Crowds of peeple visit him every day, and it k probable that he will bcforelong be as popular In his way as the la mented chimpauzee Crowley. The largest elephant in America, Chief, for years nttachcJ te Robinson's circus, was sonie time nge condemned te death, nnd was te Buffer capital pun khment by the new method of electricity at Cincinnati. The execution was de- MAKDJO CniKIT "HOLLEB." rSSjgt layed. hewever, and has new dropped out of mind. By a curious coincidence another elephant named Chief waa killed at Philadelphia at about the tlrae act for the judicial murder of the Cincinnati beast. But the Philadelphia Chief was choked te death by two elephontlne com panions. Chief has committed almost as many murders as the notorious 1'rade, who was recently guillotined at Park, France. Indeed, Chief has wen the title of "man killer," and within the past few mentlm has beconie be vicious that 'despite the fact that an elephant of hk sice k worth $10,000, hk owners have determined te prevent his maiming or killing any uiore keepers by executing i In the eame circus as Chief there k an elephant called Mary. Bhe has been Sltli the Robinsons for forty years and nearly a hundred years old. Slie is very docile and grateful for email favors, such as an npple or a pipce of candy. Formerly Mary used te mannge Chief. When he would beceme mischievous she would administer n whipping that cured him of his tricks for months. New, even Mary k afraid of him, and as for the ether elephants they all let him alene. Chiefs first murder was of Jehn King, hk keeper, at Charlette, N. C, in 1871). King was very fend of Chief and would never whip him, therefore the murder . showed net only bloedthirstlness, but in v - gratitude, and had Chief been brought te trial and convicted the judge would doubtless have discoursed en this In hk sentence Indeed the elephant's vicious character was manifested two months before the murder of King. A small boy who wanted te see the circus, but 'objected te the admission fee, crawled under the tent. lle didn't bee the cir cus, but he saw the elephant te hk heart's content Dy mlstake he get in among the big brutes, and right under Chief. Chief struck the urchin with his trunk and was about te crush hkn with his head Chiefs emotional insanity always leads 1dm Inte thk means of murder when Old Mary discovered the situation. Bhe broke, her chains, rushed ever te Chief, knocked him aside, picked up the boy with her trunk and held him away from Ids would be murderer. TUB DEABT IN CI1A1SB. One tlme, when the circus was en the Ohie river, below Loukvllle, Robinson determined that Chief, who had lately been very ugly, deserved a whipping. King was fend of the elephant and pro tested, but the next day, when the circus party came te an Island, they stepped te i de the flogging. They put a rope around each of the brute's legs, and throwing them ever the limbs of trees pulled away till the elephant was off lut feet and swinging in the air. hack down. Thfin the cemnanv becan te belabor him with hammers and stakes and pitch forks, and kept It up for an hour. They were ordered te thrash him till he bel lowed, but the beast was garae and never uttered a sound. King meanwhile was se earnest in hk protestations against the punishment of Ids favorite that Robinson was obliged te send him away. At last they lighted some hay under Chief. Thk brought him round. Be began te quiver, and when he felt the fire he bellowed. Then he was taken down and was a very geed elephant for quite a while. But King's kindness was all lest en the hardened criminal Three months after bk unsuccessful intercession he was tak ing the elephant out of a cer at Char- lette, N. O, "Come out of there, you big loafer." said the keeper. Chief stepped out, and when he get en te terra firms be struck King with hk trunk and then crushed him with bk head. Chief, who has ail tne cunning and In telligence of human murderers, at ones AWT MTOMTmKeTM tamrtosJilMSMt,deM tamrtesJilMSMt,deM tamrtosJilMSMt,deM rUiehanitaagfaeaef Um aamkafead mdend Twa filsnhanta Old starr and en aaated Pi bit. wawfeeaaUtutad a pease aad teat attar tVe faftMve. They orte haM kirn la tkawecda. Mary went up beatda kte, aad Ike man. by kasptag tndetker, ware at last enabled te chain iik afkaa the eaaswitk wke are "worth" a great deaLCalers Tama aavea nan rrem paying um aaata paaaHyfer thk efleaasV HewM.qulet for a while perhaps te restore coafl-dsaes-bat tweysara after ha UOadhk aseper. ueervs Duwvan. -uus tat aider wa was done in the same way King iaa kad been killed. Tha IraekSaUlTaawitk hk trunk crashed aim with bis head. ChW k chawed In a corner of tbs win ter stable. In the center k a Mg store around which the stable apen aft. Net long age tha condemned brats found a pile of coal la big lumps. "While the men were talking, suddenly a big piece of coal whkaed past them aad crashed against the side of the stable. A can nonade bad begun which lasted as long as the ammunition held out Of course tha men get from under the firs In a hurry, and If the store had net been se cure fastened it would have been knocked ever, and perhaps justice would bars been defeated by the burning of the table, with the prisoner. HENRY a PEARSON. Postmaster or Maw Yerk City for Nearly BlgM Tears. Henry O. Pearson, who waa pestmater of New Yerk before Mr. Cleveland be came president of the United States, was born onBeek enBeek tnan street in the metropelk in 1843, and entered tha postal ser vice when but 18 yean old. being given a numble position in the New Yerk office bv the late Gen. JehnA. Dlx.whe was then pest-1 master. Frem that tune he lias ..wit01! UKNRY O. PEARSON. with the handling of mall matter almost continuously, hk Recerd being as fellows! Oct 18, 1800, appointed stamper and distributer of New Yerk postefiico, dis charged In the eummer of 1808 for non political activity, reappointment for knowledgo of reute distribution. Oct 15, 1863, assistant elerk en New Yerk and Washington railway poeteffico line. Jan. 1, 1800. clerk en seme line. Aug. 4. 1871, head clerk en the line. Sept 20, 1871, chief head clerk. Feb. 1. 1878, superintendent of mails, New Yerk post pest office. Ner. 7, 1B78, acting assistant postmaster. Ner. 25, 1878, assistant post master. March 23, 1881, postmaster. Appointments te extra services with out compensation, 1872 te 1870 Included, special agent postefflcq department Feb. 0j 1673, te November, local agent at New Yerk for Inspection of mail equipment May 3, 1878, te March 22, 1881, chairman of New Yerk postefQco civil scrvlce beard. March 23, 1881, te June 20, 1883, custodian for treasury department for New Yerk court heuse and postefiico building. Hk record as postmaster of New Yerk k known of all men. Hk term will expire next April, and the statement printed seme time age that lie purposes resigning seems te be entirely without foundation. President Geerge E. Reed. Dickinsen collcge has a new president Dr. Ooergo El Reed has been selected te fill that Important pest, and hk elec tion gives great satisfaction te the friends of the college. Dr. Reed was born In 1640 at Brown Brewn Brown riUe, Malno, but spent hk youth in Mas sachusetts. Ue was graduated at a Wcs- leyan university at the head of hk class, and after after eords atudled theology at the Methodist semin ary of Bosten. He entered the Providence con ference and seen became promi nent In the pul pit In 187f he was called te the church, Broek- lyn, which bes the largest Methodist congregation In the United States, and when he retired from that church was accorded a publle reception by the cit izens of Brooklyn, Irrespective of creed, in Dr. Talmage's church. Dr. Reed was elected te the presidency of Dickinsen collcge from the pulpit of Trinity church. New Haven, Conn., ene of the largest Methodist churches. He kin the prime of life. of commanding presence and of a genial disposition. In the pulpit he has displayed fine oratorical powers, and has been especially effective in Influencing young men. TheDUltMMurdt' Decline, Theatrical managers have lately been discussing the question of the most proutable manner or advertising uieir ehews. A few years age the billboard was the only recognized method of com munication between the manager and hk patrons. Spaces upon every fence nnd corner were eagerly bought up by the enterprising advance agent; saloon windows were utilized te held the litho graphs, and a frce pass accompanied each picture displayed. What wai the result? After the agent hnd pene hk rounds and papered the town the ticket Bcalpcr also began his pilgrimage Ue bought up the free passes at a small cost and sold them nf terward at a geed profit te himself and filled the heuse at a direct less te the original management. The bcbcme was a cemplete failure. Later another plan was adopted nnd with similar results. Season tickets, ad mitting the holder te four performances a month and net transferable were Issued, and en each perfonnance the deer keeper waa obliged te punch, out ene of the dates, as In a railroad ticket. The result was that the holders of these passes held oft until they liad accumu lated a dozen or se of aduiisnleas te their credit, and then swooped down upon the thcatre In their might and owned the heuse. In Buffalo last season ene man ager was forced te glve away 1,700 free admissions In ene week, and only saved himself from ruin by getting the differ ences In the prices of these of hk pa trons who wished te obtain better beats than their passes admitted them te. It k generally conceded among ad vanced theatrical managers that the newspapcr k at ence the chcaiest and the best way of reaching the great thcatre going public. Such k the cendi tien et nillaaejplila at present mat ujieu the principal streets there are no places for the billboard and the lithograph. They must be oxiled te the suburbs, where the theatrical patron iiemml ven turer, and the small boy who cjhnet read unites with the equally illiterate goat for their speedy destruction. An afternoon's shower will erase the work of days, batter down the signs, blur the colors, and generally destroy the most ambitious bill petted. TUe newspaper k, in truth, the only reliable means of theatrical as it k of ether advertisement. It k cheaper, further reaching and np np peaktea better cllentele, and the con stant Incrcase In the space occupied by the theatre advertisements in the leading papers bhews that thk fact k understood. rniiaueipiua nuiea. A number of plants have been dis covered In the Phllipplne Islands whose newers are almost a yara in aiamcicr. the petals, five In number, being oval .and of a creamy white color. ri. j . : - - JCcaW fawfrjHjsflHEEv tO eLfeAB"c6rTtMt"lUUUHOAOt. A aster BfaeMaa Watch Mains the 1 Fsrkaps after the bttaavd of last March ea the Atiaatie coast tbs raUread eCeklf of that region will lay la a stock at snow plows. Scarcely a read but was than impassable for several days, when it a tolew had been at hand ths track could bare been cleared in a few bears. Perhaps they had the excuse the United States government se long had for set building .ironclads that the improve ments ware being made se rapidly that any ironclad constructed would seen be a thing of the past But the western reads are using, and have been for soma time, a machine which clears ths track effectually. Ths part which at- A WBfTON KNOW PLOW. tacks the drift k a wheel revolving rap Idly and cuts the snow, tossing It from 100 te 200 feet te one side, and at an angle of 20 degs. from ths track. It k placed en the end of a cer which con tains ths machinery te give its rotary motion. The two wings projecting ever the wheel from each upper corner of ths car breaks the circular current forming two separate ones at an angle of 40 degs. All the snow coming in contact with tne wheel below Its axle passes out by the lower or side current, and that which comes above the axle passes out by the top currant When the plow k work ing In a deep drift It will threw the upper current out where the snow k higher than the machine. The wheel can be reversed, thereby taking advan tage of ths wind, low sides of cuts, and hlfl sides. One such plow as thk en every read would be a friend In need: and In the case of storms widen only block a por tion of a read would be sufficient The western reads have always kept efficient snow plows en hand, and they are sel dom blocked for any length et tlrae; but in the cost, where blizzards are net ex pected, there has been no preparation whatever. Even If a snow plow rusts in a shed It k better than the rkk of thousands of passengers being delayed en trains without feed or bedding, as was the case en the memerable 12th of March, 1888. The managers of southern reads may well congratulate themselves that they are net called upon te add the clearing of their lines of snow te their ether ex penses and annoyances. E. O. WOLCOTT. Something Abent the Next Senater from Colerado. The dashing young lawyer. E. O. Wol Wel Wol cett. of Denver, who will teke the place et Senater Bewcn as senator from Colo Cole rado in the senate chamber of the United States, k described as being of a lively disposition. He is but 84 years old, a graauate of Yole college, a railroad law yer and In receipt of 150,000 a year, all of which he spends. He k a pet of the ladles," brainy, handseme, eloquent and thoroughly reckless. Last summer Mr, Wolcott went cast te have a little fun, and brought up onedayatahorso raoe at Leng Branch. He het en the winning bone, and rede away with an armful of bilk. Taking them te hk hotel he threw them en the table a plloef dirty, ere. Hinging for two waiters, he paid them $20 anloce te sort the bills in piles. E. e. WOLCOTT. "What shall I de with It?" asked the coming senator. "I don't want te carry it around, and I don't bcliore I want it any way." Some ene suggested Phil Daly's gam bling heuse, and Wolcott gathered up hk bilk and proceeded te Daly's. All limitations were removed from tnogemo, and pretty seen Wolcott had all the chips stacked befere him, being $20,000 ahead. Then luek turned and Wolcott's pile began te diminish. Finally he bet every thing he had en ene card. Sevcn thou sand dollars were up. Wolcott lest, drank a bettle of wlne with the winner, went home and was seen fast asleep. Wolcott nnd hk brother were taken out te Colerado by Senater Hill, who started them en the read te fertune. The brother k new a millionaire, and Ed Wolcott could seen be one if he should held en te Ids gains long enough. Sel Wlilte, of Windser. Among the prominent men of Canada who have expressed themselves in favor of the political union of Canada with the United States, ene of the most outspoken k Sel White, whose candidacy for the mayoralty of Windser, Ont, recently excited se much attention both in the United States and Canada. Mr. Wbite was the first In south western Ontario te come out bold ly for annexa tion, lle raid that annexation was inevitable, nnd that If there was political union Windser would frew te a city of 00.000 inhabi tants. Mr. White se'' white. is a man of great perseverance, and an able one. and his itorsenal character k respected by all, whether annexationists or net Victeria Getting Economical. Besides the abolition of the buckheunds as a means of reducing the nuecu's house hold expenses, there has been a large cutting down of salaries of various functionaries. The naiades of the lords in waiting have been withdrawn, the equerries have been reduced from seven te four, the grooms m waiting from eight te four, and the pdges of honor from four te two. There will no longer be a Bergcant-at-arms, and there has been a large reduction of the lords and women of the bed chamber. Cincinnati Com mercial Uazctte. Quart! Dirt Ceruumrrtlnn. A local physician says the provalcnce here of coughs, hearbcnes.1 nnd phlegm expectoration Is net pieduccd from tak ing cold, but from inhaling line jiar tlclM of quartz dust, with which the air has been tilled for several months. These f articles are carried into the lungs and hreat and cause irritation, and the fre quent coughing h the ineffectual effort of nature te rid the system of the foreign particles. The physician further stated tlint constant Inhaling of thk flue quartz dust will produce symptoms almost iden tical with and mere speedily fatal than hereditary consumption, lle cited the well known fact tliat the fatality among miners employed lu the Crown Point and Belcher k due te the upper levels of these mines being constantly filled with quartz dust, which has played liavoe with the young men employed there dur ing the past live years. The doctor re ferred te chrUtened the disease i "quartz "Uust consumption,'' and 6aje the only remedy for it Is te emigrate te meistcr Vlimates llke Oregon or Washington ter wry or lecate "en sands that are salt )in thn kisj of the sea." The prevent 1 is te keep the streets thoieughly wet d ra and te cease ballasting them with qv. rU, Virginia (Key.) Chronicle. I as? . at -hnaTBaisw h. ysm. BnaaaaaalBxaaanBisMHtkrlrBTA Vl3KsnEa- 1 $ y LDIKGS.n Li'iii jPj THE CAPITOL OF QCORQ1A AtOUTi COMPLETED. rr- .'532 It Win Be aa Oraaeneat te die Capital City ef the sktatre State T Mm SaataJ CuieiuuMBl BaBeUeas at Wftaatagtaev H. a aad swat Astasia, Tata. Oeergta has long ranked as ths empire, state of the south. Stretching from ths mountains et the middle south te tha sea. ths chances of elevation making variations et climate three times as great as de the changes of latitude, the stats Includes In its products almost every. aEOROtA's kxw cArrret. tMns native te the temnarate and sub tropical regions from the hard whits corn of the upper valleys and wheat of. the pUteaus te the cotton of the lows lands and figs of the coast Add an equal variety of timber, from oak and, hickory te tne yellow plne, with a re-j markable variety of minerals In ths mountainous regions, and it will be seen that the stats is commercially and in dustrially indeed an empire in itself. Atlanta, the capital and principal city, lies at the gateway of the lowlands en the pkteau of the last line of bilk as ena gees from "Chcrokce Georgia" (the' mountain region) te ths gently sloping plains of the east and the wire grass re gion et tbe south. The enterprise of the peeple has Improved the natural advan-; tages till Georgia ranks among the first of American commonwealths. Such a state can afford a beautiful capite), and' such a ene they have. The legklature has just appropriated $70,000 for furnish ing the same, and it k expected that tha nowstate heuse will be ready for occu pancy by the 1st of May. Seme Idea of i the destined elcgance of the nowstate heuse may be gained by a study of ths estimates made by the legislative cenw mlttec There are twenty-six Items, ranging from 200 te.$12,000. Including! Carpets, rugs and mats, f 13,000 gas fixtures, 10.000; 1,100 chairs and gallery seats, 7,(00; 210 desks in heuse and' senate; chambers, 10,423; thirty-seven document flle cases, $4,000; shelving In libraries,) 10,000; roller shelves, book case,! drawers, eta, $7,600. and the remainder for stands, tables, settees, railings, sptt-j toens, bat racks, lounges, wash and um- brella stands and all tbe miner adjuncts. It rakes a smile te read In the newipa-j pen et Atlanta that the report Of ths commlttce "was received In the legkla legkla tueo with plcasure nnd surprise, as the members were uudcr the Impression that' it would cost from $100,000 te $100,000, te furnish the capltel In appropriate Btyle." Publle furnishings which cost less than was anticipated are Indeed a surprise in theso days, but Georgia will have an elegant capiteL I The United States custom house, pestJ office, eta, at Wilmington, N. O., will be tnree stones in qeignt aoevo uase- aerEnxiTEKT mnxDiNa.wnjaKOTOtf , k. a. ment and 00 feet deep through tower by, 120 feet in length, te be built of Wades Wades Wades bere, N. 0., brown stene with brick backing, the basement walk being rock faced. I The style of architecture employed k Italian Romanesque the design of n Deiu anil pleasing cnaractcr, sutiicicnur enriched with carvings te glve it rank among the best class of publle buildings,, The first story Is assigned te postefiico uses nnd te railway mall service; the second story te United States courts and the various offices belonging thereto, te Internal rovenue, chlef engineer of land office, eta, whlle the third story contains land offices, jury rooms and blgnal scrvlce offices with station for observations.! The basement Is assigned te customs.! heating apparatus, closets and general sanitary arrangements. The structure generally will be fire proof. The cost of alto k $39,620.80, wliiJe the total ap propriation k $200,000. Tne new government building In pre-' cess of erection at San Antonie, Tex., k of Ronianesque style of arcldtccture,' with general dimensions of 00 feet by 184 feet 0 inches, cxcluslve of ene story bay projections te Incrcase the area of first fleer. The structure will lx of ctone with brick backing, three sterlca high nbove basement, with a snuare tower OS feet nigu aoevo ground t line. aOVEKNMENTmm.DISO, BAN AHTONlO.TEX. The first story will be used exclusively for postefiico, working room, postmaster, money order cilice, ctc.j whlle the second story will be for United State courts and the several elllciak connected therewith. The cost of building will be about $180,000. , HOPE. ITope U tn anxious, craving dream, Aiul lingers bere until the Uaiu Ot life shall fade away; And la the bhLalng sac Jj that glram Aleuj life' treacherous, bounding ttrcan, Wa trace her name today. Hew oft upon life's sandy shorn LihaUens sweet te 1Iekj we pour, Expecting much te gain ; They kink lu sound, are seen no mere , Our moment's dream et Wlsn U o'er, TU1 charmed by hepe again. Hew lightly wfll Uope's roernlOK dreams Ieare us ben Ufe'n noonday Uuuns Upen our beads shall fall ; TU her bright dream alone that deems That future life with riches teems And strives te erup them all. Though chitted by storms of changing life And wounded by the darts et strife, On lowly cot she lie: Though tyrants ragu ami tate should invk, bhe will recover from the shock, And net entirely dlu. Her star still guides the sailor's eye And s eetly seethes the maiden's tlgb, And binds them soul te teul ; A something In the human breast That will net sleep, that cannot rest, Ner yield te fate's control., Uln Ufe's ;ath It Is the light That guides each traveler aright. Te every soul 'tis given I It Is the Christian's light divine, And ou his elh will ever shine Te guide him home te heaven. -J. WaUtr Henry la New Yerk (J rafale. FINE XEW'BUILDINGS. aV 'aasvTlT. TVB4B9H52Sa9fi ' BBBBBBwflllBUaiaBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBlBBa'HaBTB AntiSTS' WITH SOAP. " Erratic Oratlencn Wan Mirror Thebr fucle la Art Bstfeeas. Of all classes of art and artists, from the highest te the lowest, from Michael Angcle down te (he brush wicldcr who whltewaihcs the back fence, there k brebably no class with whom the publle b mere unfamiliar than that known in Ivery day phraseology as "mirror dec pratlng." Vet almost ovcrybedr has n decorated mirrors. They abound n saloons nnd places et publle resort, ind, though se common, It k n rare hingte catch the artist at hk work. Elaborate scenes, graceful flowers, ferns Mid figures, or nn "advance notlce'' of teme coming theatrical attraction stand out en the pelfehcd glass, but hew they came there or by whom they were dene Is a mystery te the nesscr by and the man who tarries befere the bar. "Who docs It?" repeated a cocktail dis penser en Madisen street te n Mall repre sentative, looking up at a huge mirror which exhibited a foreground of reeds half concealing n meditative stork, al lowing tne spectator te gaze ever a lake upon which a beat was sailing, and bringing hk eye against a range of moun tains In the distance. "Well, lets et fellows around town de the work as n steady job, nod any number of 'scede tramp the country picking up drinks, grub and occasionally n quarter, because they knew hew te handle n pencil or, rather, the soap in thk kind of work. "It's dene with soap, you knew pure, white soap. The man who did .tills plece of work was a traveler, nnd from the way he looked when he came In the ether morning and struck for the job, I should judge he entered the city in ene et the side deer palace cars, lie had a pocket ful et soap, mid I told him If he would apply a little of it te his face and hands. In conjunction with seme water, he could two the rest en the mirror. Tliat'a the result of hk work. Leeks llke quite n job, doesn't it? The fellow did it in about mi hour, nnd thought himself amply paid with three or lour drinks and S!3 cents." Thoartef mirror decorating, llkoevcry ether specialty of the kind, appears te rcquire n peculiar knack for just that kind of business. The drawing kdoue with soap, and whlle the lines must lw boldly marked, there are opportunities for dcllcate shading nnd requirements of correct pcrsixjctlve which cannot be neg lected If the sketch k te be a success. And whlle the decorating of a mirror In u barroom with ti piece of white scat) cannot be called very high art, it k still an art in thosense that many a peer tramp who k working only for n drink, can turnout n better piece of work in quicker tiine than n way up nrtist who has had hk picture displayed in the academy. The mirror decorations commonly seen are in only ene color the white al though many of the "soap nrtlata" attain te higher flights mid inuulge in colors. What the mixtures they use are com posed of they consider n trade secret, but net a tow of, them can. with their white soap and their little pets of tinted paste, preduce really nrtistle results, imitating flowers in their natural colors and ob taining a perspective, with the aid of the mirror Itself, tluit Is well nigh perfect, The work k dene very quickly bv theso who de It, at a very low price. The ma terials used are inexpensive, nnd the artist Is generally satisfied te make 50 cents or 61 an hour for work which comes no easy for him. There are two or three of these mirror decorators in the city who make it u point te spread the merits of theatrical companies through tlie medium of their Boap. The manager pays them for their work, and the owners of the mirrors rc rc cclve complimentary tickets in consid eration et allowing a neatly lettered an nouncement te appear tern few days upon the glass. And in thk connection n pertinent story has liccn heard. It k nwcll known fact that the men who handle the paint brushes, and especially the sign writers, are decidedly reckless in tlie matter of orthography. Once, when "Hearts of Oak" was te be given at the Academy, Cel. Dan Shelby, then in charge, concluded te work tee "mirror racket," nnd, hired a man te de the job. When the 'colonel went nf ter hk matutinal cocktail the next morning he gazed at the barroom mirror and saw "Hartz of Oke" inscribed thereon In large letters. It was that way all ever the west elde, tee. Tlie bartender bald he should linve corrected the soap artist In any reasenable error, but he se effec tually disguised hk words that he sup iwsed the play was a new ene seme- uiing about "Air. liartz, et uke." Chi cago Mall. Made ltlcli In Half an Heur. S. It. Itoger and hk brother left their homes near Hastings, Mich., nlwut four years age and went te lircckenridge, uole., where they worked in a stamp lull). They get iiossessien of two claims. tlie "Iren Mask" and the "Kewanee," and worked them during spare hours, putting considerable tlme and money into them. The claims had been worked previously for six years by an old miner, who failed te find paying era Kegcr recently put a man In the lower one, nnd went te work liimsclf. In less than half an hour, after digging about two feet, he struck geld and silver tearing carbonate of silver, said te be the most valuable and easily worked deposit in that state. The vein was followed te the surface, when it was found that all the previous years' work liad been within eighteen inches of tlie vein. The Itegcr brothers have been offered $100,000 for the two mines, but want $200,000. Within a week nftcr thk find 6,000 men were en the spot establishing claims, but tholtegcrs had secured many of the most desirable. The mlne is en the cast elde of the mountain, and the snow necessitated keeping it reefed ever. Chicago Tribune, A Curious City. Imaglne u city with most of lis nlrceU narrow, muddy nnd crowded, where the seller of lottery tickets takes the place of the newsboy, where the pavers of the street, the conductors of the cars, the clerks in the stores, the policemen en their teats, the soldier with hk musket, the barefooted men and women who cddle their wares and the very beggars lit the doorways all smeke cigarettes or cigars. The btreet cars carry the cof fined dead te the cemetery, with the mourners in the cars that fellow. Men. women and children, lialf naked and without shoes, tear the burdens that v u put upon drays and wagons; water car car rfcrspcddle the limpid fluid from the uqucducfe from heuse te house. Every ether woman has n baby dangling con touted !v from n sack uiwn tier back. Imaglne the picture and you get a glimpse et the ttreet bceum tliat you leek u0!i ubeut the great plaza, facing the costly palacs and the magnificent cathedral of the City of Mexico. City of Mexico Cor. Albany Journal. Harlu ea a Stags Lever. Ateut 1850 the famous tenor Marie was at St. Petersburg bluging hi a com cem pauy which numbered, among ethers, Lablache and his daughter, then only a girl, but who ufterward tecame the cel ebrated Mile, de Caters. One day, In home opera and during the usual due of passion, te her amazement and indigna tion tlie heard Marie, whlle she bang alone, whisper ee low that the words reached only htr own ears: "Mia caral Mia tellal Auia mol le t'adorel" He offended was alie that nftcr Raving the btage she refused te listen te the tenor's explanations, and refused te sing with him again. Some days afterward, howevcr, from the wings she heard Marie sing the satne due, nnd this tlrae with u very ugly woman, who had assumed thu aban doned role. Again did the tenor fill in his "rests" with the saiue iinjiasslened w hlsjiers "Mia caral le t'adorel" Then alie understood. The burning avowals were only u means of keeping himself en train of retaining the emotion neces sary for the continuance- of his role. Ban Francisce Argonaut. Tne monster 111 ten camion recently manufactured in Germany carries twenty TK a MeLaNE'H CBLXBRATKD Vtrmifugw, for Worms. MOTHERS KltAD. Anflrnw Downing,' nf Crsnhnrg township Venango county, gsTehta chtldnne teaspoon fal nfuiROtiulnlr. U Mci.mie's Ce.ebratefl Vennllufr, and shn passed 117 worms. Meat mnrnles; In repetition of the doss the passed 111 mere, Jeseph O, Allen, et Arntiey, srnvn a Aem et Urn genuine Dr. . WcIajie's ltlebrr.ua Ver tnlreirn te a child et six yrats old, ana It bieaaht away N worms. Me seen ariar (tare smnher erne te thesun.e child, which brought snr te mere, making 111 wetms In abeuils hears. Mrs. Qnlstiy, fro In Rf otstreet. New Yerk, write us that she had a child which had been nnwell ter better than two mrniht. eba pro cured a bettia of ihegeantnn Ur. u. MeLaa s Vnttnlmsja and ad-ntnlilered tt. The child passed a unto quantity it worm, and In a law days was n heatly aa ever it had eea. Tarenu with such tendency bctma iham should net hea'.tatn when tbernla any reason te suspect worms, and lean no Urns In admin taring the gnnuinn Dr. U. MeLaue'a Verml lngrt. u nkver Isl's and Is perfectly sate. 1 his tstoeertlly that 1 was troubled with a Uimwnrm for mera than six months, t tried all tbe known tnmnflli a Inr this tembla aflllfl. len, but without being able te destroy 11. I pet a bottle el lha gvnulne lir. U. Me lira's Vruillno,praparea by naming Bres , ruta Imrg, l'n., whttli 1 UMk acoernl.ig fidltro fidltre tlut.it and lha m-mlt was 1 niarharged nnn larr tapeworm, maaautln g mera l hau a yatd, bi slilei a uumbtir el small ene?. MU8 M.ECOtT. 1'rl-e u cents a bottle. Insist en having ihe genuine. ( SWlKT'asi'KCtriO cured rue or malignant nined Poison after I had ben treated In vain with nld se-called remedies of Mercury and retmh. R H. 8. net only ennd tha Bleed Pet. son. but relieved thn Mheninatlim which was otusedbythnretsnnonsrnlnorala. Utfe. MO VKI.U 5111 Sd Avenue, H. r. Scrofula dnvolepod en my daughter-swelling and lumps en her ncek. wa gave bar wi r r's ! dot riu. and i he result was wen detlul and thn rure prompt. a. A, dbaHMUnd, Cleveland, Tenn. awirx'.t sl'EGlriUH entirely a vegetable rouiedy, and Is the only re.nedy which par tnnunntly cures Scretnla.ninrd Humors, Uau Uau eer and Contagious llioed l'olten. Bend for books en Weed nnd Hsln Diseases, mailed irrn. THKBWIKr BI'ROiriUUU.. Janl0-Tu,Th.8 DraaerS, Atlanta, da. S' UUKNCK'8 MA.KDItA.KK PILLH. Schenck's MANDRAKE PILLS, FOll IMLlOtm AND L1VXKCOM. 1'ttAlNlB. They have been tried frir evor fllty year, and nru te day the mrsl popular In uta. Yen r fathers and mothers used them. They ain the Kftiett, Hnrvat and Hest Keinndy ler Liver and stomach Diseases ever com pounded. rer aala bv all Drngelits. r rtre I5c pr box i 3 box os Inr (l Vi t otaentbv mail, poitage tree, en receipt el ptloe. Dr. J ll.bchonea eeu, hblla.l'a. VJOHKNOK'H MANDKAKK Vll.Ui. Schenck's MANDRAKE PILLS, ruit 1111,10118 AVI) MVKKCUM. XL.A1NT8. They have been tried for evor fifty years, and arn tMlay thn tnett popular In use. Your fathurs and mothers inert them. They Rie the Hafest, l'urrst, and Heat aemedy for l Iver and bteuiach DUnasts ever com cem IMiunded. rer aale bv all Drngglata. l'rionSSeparbox S boxes ler uvi i or aeut by mall, p Mlage tree, nn receipt el pitie. Dr. J, II. rclmnck A Hen, I'blia , i a. mylT lydaw TT.ZiT'8 OBaYAM BAIiV. GATARRH-HAI FEVEB. LVa caAM BAi.it earaa Oeld ta Haaa UaUUTb, HoelielQ,uy gBTHj.DiwujMijjiajO neim. (rlee n tlentaT RABY TO UP. )f tire's, Owego. M. Y., U.B.A. KLT'B Cits AM IIAt.U Cleanses the Nasal Pananitea, Allays J'aln and inflammation, Hnals the Boies, Uestores the Bennee el Taste anasineil. TstYTIIRCUUX. A partiele Is applied into each nostril and Is axrmmble. 1'rlcu ou eanu at Druggist I by mall, registered, SO cenn. . (W Warren Btreet, Mew It eik. - akin ,ivu.v. eerlMydaw IMPKOVKU UDHulUnKD KAK DUUMB. OURR KOrt THE IKAK. l'oek's l'atent tmprevnd Cushioned star Prams perfectly restore lieartng and perform tlm work of the natural drum, invisible com. formula and always In position. All conver sation ana even whlsiwra heard distinctly, Mend for Illustrated book wllh testimonials, ritRK. Address or call en r. HIBCUX.ses llrnadway, New yerk. H.iw0M,W,rAw WIN HH AND LIQUOR. UHOWNilHAND. SPECIAL; aUi Vai -,. f axajaawJ f lgtifct2l m i ;OUR OWN BRAND" FOB BALE BY H. E. SLAYMAKER' Ne. 20 East Kine; Btreet, LANCASTER, FA. CAHMJAVJU. s TANDAHD UAKK1AUK WOKK. KDW. KDQRRLKY. Nea. 40, 42, 4i. 4A Market street. Bear et fost fest fost emce, Laucaaler, ra, I new bave ready for the rail and Winter Trud the anestandinestseleetllnentslrtctly first class Urilagus and Sleighs et all descrip tions In the marset. New la thn time te buy anlcaCarrl'geer Bltlxb ai a Chrl.tmaa fre.nt. There la noth ing that would be mere suitable. apedal llargnlns In Boceud-aand Werk, both flnlshed ernnOnlsbed. A tew mera et thrwu fine Uead Carts lett at prlcu4tesulttbQUmes All work fully guaranteed. My priens for the same n uauty el work are the chtupett la the b tale. aapalrtng and Repainting promptly at at teseaa te. One set of wotamen especlauy aaialeyad fat that puiveaa, r. BaWl! lB BaB-yiiaa I i IS Ail 'i& &(p&r) ,SBaaaaaMaMaaBBaaaaaaa ,.r.4s KBANON liAHOASIXB teinr-: aea mailku AD. Arrangraient et Paseaagar Train ea, '- rtar, BewBAT, Ner. la, ism, ; MORTHWARO, ... jaTa. a,bt. r.a. Quarrjrvme... ...... tat Btreet, Lane 7.M 11.59 leaster im tins Maaastaa. .......... 7at i.xe earawau ...im m . arrive at Lebanon an se SOUTHWARD. .Leave a. at. r.ar. r.a UBoaAea, Hern wall T.ii ilea Mr 1 7.7 UM T. Man helm juaaeaaur. aw Rflt jarnvaat lag Btreet, Lane. IB) f s A. M. WILBOM, Bnpt R. A U, a. a.MKrr, anpt, ri. a. a. T3EAD1NO ft COLOMBfA niIRlfW.7l f "ff;.??i"Zir GffiSSS 1iiV . VUII aflklnuii av a...7.;jZ . aT ,.V uanvastaa nuinxusi at. M, OH AKD AITER BTJNDAT, HOT. ta, TRAINS LBAVS RRADUia. L05.0l',,?b, Ineuter at 7 a n n. Ann Ain.. Fer Onirratn "n lm ..iiuaB J TMAVMLMM VVIDB. aaaaf.V. 3 r,ni,s. r.a -;'n tSlH tM tl . 7 . -a ate ai',,r let m&Kl aa . aan v 3 iwfta Im'V' Raaaraaa, fr rer Uhlcklrs at 7.HL h 10 n ra. aa'a S.M av bl Wi .d ..u. .:.. x ----- -w -j,. rarIh.Knn.tn..a.M.M w Hv TKAlRSf.aivantTiakmff.a ?' ..w.. wv ....,.. nu n & Itr at i.40, bk a at, aa lit aad Dwutl p. SA. k. Per Lebanon at a&Oand aes p m. I LRAVR KINO BTMRBT (Lancaster.) "i JSE Paaiag at 7.M a m. UMand l.Wp. at. p. A Qa(n'Tlu at ats, je a n, as M M ' LKAVrBlNCRBTRRET (taaMSMr.) '5 rer Reading at 7 4n am. tltl and BW pav. A rorLebanenat707am. liuandsaipai rerOnarrrvlllaatarr aiOAia.ani un aaa , -. . , - TRAINS LRAYR LKBaJtOW. BTasa t awjiaataia) aaA J aa a a. aaaa .. at d aa a sa waajaar'a na ( , ay f ja,BW I 1 Fer qnarryvUleat7.ua m aad itMaaa 17JI BUNDAT TRAINS. TRAtVB LRAVR SKAD1NO. rer Lancaster at 7.W a aa aad S.M p at. ffnr Ontmvlll. at I IA n u. TRAINS LRAVR QUARRY VILLB ' rer Lancaster, Lebanon aad Readiag at 7.1 am. it .nA.nnMBafiiAinuaiijMaHnw.l et sewing ana lAuanes at aeea at aaa aai i;. rerQnarrwlllaatB.10nm. ' TUAINB LRAVR FRIROR ST. (Uaeattar.i ,;j or nmmi aaa aoanen at au a at BM s ui p m. rer yuarry villa at S.01 p m. TRAINS LRAVR LRRtlTOa. rorrAneastorat7.uamaada.afpm. M reriuarryTiueataupm. v 8 Fer connection at uelnmbta. Marietta Jaae- trJ tlen, Lancaster JuAoUen, Manhataa, Readiag 3 Attn I ftliTifit. M. Hm.l.hU.t. II .1.11... w v A.M. Wilbur Barrnlataadaat. iP ,M , b PKNNHTLVABU KAlMtOA.) M , eusaiuu.a. xa inn iresa av - Trains taava LaweAsraa aad Uava aaa a A; nveatrhlladelphUaatollewii V IJ.M Laavw WRSTWARD. nuadaiphia. rseiBD atspraaeT...., News Rxpreast Way PaaMBgert...... MaatninvtaMt.ier asaaTat. 4ue a. at. HA vteCfllaabtal mix a mwu rniii Niagara Rxpraas... Hanover Aeeem rast Llaef rrsdarlek Accera . . . T.ffiVt- VMCeinmMaJ Lancaater Aoeom . . . . via ssl joy. Harruenrg Aoeom.. Columbia Aeeem... KISP.BR. 1:40 p. at. 8:90 p. at. t-.Mp.a. Leave Laneastar. tMua,m, ssaa. ra, s.ina. n. la.m. ea.m. 11-JOa.M. UJWp,ai. taP at. Mp.a, 4:4 p. Bi. S!4Bn.m. Ilarrliburg Rxpreaal w aavara xpiaaa ABTWARD. "". piaaaf ...... S3&S: ran x.inet Ilarrlsberg axpreaa1 Laaeaater Aeeem..., Columbia Aoeom..., Atlantic Expreasf.., Seashore Rxnreaa.... L3 !Hia.HsirV , SSfcS: J : BtN.aB j ' ,ra?RC't iLmCbv A Arrlti -9. raiia, ltlla.Ba, , t rauadalnhla Aoeom. annaay ataii. Day Expreeat Hamaburar Aeenm.. fna enlv uaina waiaa n flail. srjar BfttCaa. p BialKaB! A) saw p. at jv t BieS at. St except Bnnday, Oa aaada the atail Mttalf' VfVJflat IHRI UW WB) Mg utRamitaB) LJ J. a. weed, eaaaral fasaaai Afaat, .1 CHAB.M.rUwfc.iiaaaraIMaajiar. ' tfJ TMurnca vtA&'ifAfjt 'Xi'V' H OL1DAY QOOD8, T) Holiday Goods AT MJABERBUSHfiSON'S. KOBBS, BLANKKTH, TRI1NKR. ruuam euubd, Blliti BOOKS, PUR8W, OABD OA8M, TOILET BlltT TOY TRONK8 'from rifty Ceats te Ikna Dollars rnda-Half. Mandsetae WBITR RARY COACH BORIS. awRemamber we carry the Largast B4M Cheapest stock of taeeaaoeds la taaOMr AT M. lalwrbush b Sen's AND TRUNK STORE. Ne. 30 0ntr SQuar, LANOABTRR. PA. MuwMMvmMiMmurm mummt. CKLU AND HUB ROCHESTER LAMP sixty caadie-Lighii Beats taaat all. i uevaar Let Of CHEAt ULORRB BK Ma aa OUBtersa. THS "vmawwanemf, uaTAL MOULDLRO RCRRRR OOBMlOa WEATHERSTRIP Beats them RU.mus strip eatwears all athaaw Keeps ent the eela. step rattling eg wtaaawa. axelnde tha dust. Xeep ent saewaadiaaa. Anyone Ban apply It no wast or dirt aaada In applying It. Can be flttad aarwBsra aa helea te bore, read for aaa. It will met aaut. or shrink a eaaaiea strip M tha i parfeet. Bteraa -0T- Jolln P. Sehaum ft 8011 84 SOUTH QUUN Wtm UAMQAmWM,, BlOYCLMe, nn t w in 1 1 1 aw 11 1 1 1 was.aaaaaav'W'al J10 YULES, TKIOYOIiKH, TAND COLUMBIA Bicycles, Tricyclef, TindeiM. DDRARLR, BIMMJb QUAKANTRRD U1QUEBT iJRADR, 1LLUBTUATRD CATALOtiUR fBaUa, POPE (C?F'G. CO., 79 rKANKLIN ST.. BOSTOR. UttAmvn uuuemmii nwii ni., .ww Yerk 1 l waeasa are uueage aaw-tya WKOAN HKRVK YOU WKLLAHD aave yen money ta advarMalBg. RaM mates free. ADVERTISING GUlDE-lOOKflL The most cenanleta and erhrlnal avar I aantoareeeletototlcanutopar Bar BaaklBal and terwardtag. ADvasruuaa 'Wama Braeuur, Tha L. Je, MUboerne Attvarttesaf Baaaaw, 1U aad tai Bast aMUaiera BttwigBitV ri&) At .". 1 M ' tZA F 1, t --- ' J J,rfg-- aA-taajt Js&'a, 4t Vi, jjs. 1 Jab- -A t vjT .-, -tUI(