P(PSlpfSP!fWSfF V . fi1 -fln ' THE LANCASTER DATLT? INTELLIGENCER, THURSDAY. JANUARY 10. 1889. amarn wwiwn aap. M Immm gases ratal! sta U0 I MatA. Jm. M. Jaeeb Jehnsen, et . tHsXI OB WNIHUTi aged DMtk malted from paralysis OftMMWtta. HlbMMM et laws for the peat tbirtee ehUdreu. all KtewB.iarriT. (Mtnl will ba belcl m JTridajr after- eteek. of WeeNwetfay rtwaoea did hut dung ! Utla place. Sema aad treea wara kewb oewb, im w atX. W. saiub'a pianiag mm tad the appar ball la lying en of tbe mill. The (and dradglng tea el Adun Bodnheneer waa annk IM tlilr. A portion et the deck had waieTaa for repairs ana uiwtw iUtsc Ika beat, eaaaed It te link. The rlMlega Oleppat'a sand wharf was tern kway by Um high rlrer. The river la aUll ttrjr blgh and ea tbe Increase. ,eaAB.AdamiBBd company will be In 'M opera boeaa te-night, In the amusing lay et Re, She, Him, Her." Tna com cem aawwwiu be graatadwUh aUrgeaudl- iaaaa. Mr. Adams, who wan letaasrly a ', laaaeaa clowe, la new one et the tiling young comedians et the country. The . MDeertlne: company Includes Tama Han. 'Ien, tbe charming aeubreite, formerly with IM "Little Tycoon" and .eat" com . saam Rimar.1. tha fnnnv Tintnhman. ,ymjf WWW """.l - - 4 . Bad thirty-five ether comedian, danoers, ' aaageraaad pretty glrla. Wbb, MeEnnlr, et Frankfort, Ky., la ;twlUactrlenda In town. v .Tba beard of directors et tbe 0 antral JlaUeeal bank elected the following ofneera jeeterday; President, Andrew J.Kauuman; Jan. H. Zeamer. it The Oelambla accommodation east aa jfernraabeurlate this morning caused by .' 1 wreck te train et engine Ne. 101 at Bain- ViBtMga. A ear and oibeoee Jumped .iba 'Itraakat the switches, blocking both main iCfeaeka, Mtaa 8 wayne, et BtUtel, waa given a re -eepUeB last evening at the residence of H. " M.Mertb,sq. 'V Darin 1883 tbe the crews of the P. It. K. , -J ware supplied with tbe following number ;! coupling links and plna from aba round 'keese'.at this place: Fins, 24,050 ( links, n.623 ; making a tout of 40.G73. .The weight .we tba couplings waa 331,413 pounds and tt.lBalr ces, waa 18,318 18. & Tba Columbia National bank lisve de- '-- alrai. a uraLinnml rilvldnnrl nf 81 nnr MM Oa WNMMH l 1'amu yaaterday. ,.$? OfilK Wlttick arrested David Dink, a 'kfcvy et Harrlabnrg, en Saturday night tWlsttek received word yesterday ftem of Police Welkert, et Hcrrlebury, I bias te keep tbe boy until be comes r bia, aa be la wanted In that elty. : US " M JANUARY TBIAIUSTT 1 A ." ' r-A IJM SfCMII toMaySDlspessdOf Bttbe KtX ? -..Oaartaef Bastions Court, ' ntatrlnt Atternev Weaver te-dav I sinful Bla trial list for tba January quarter sos ses sos '..SaJena court, bee-Inning en the third Monday 'S,el January. Following are the cues for jtrlalt , , r'O. R. Brackblll, tslse pretense ; Otiss. K. 'vSOehs, embeuement; Hyman Ebrnart. , "aaanry aacAieer, jeun ivane, aassuii ana 7 tbauary i Jacob Keble, J. Martin Htyer, ' sDmvld K. Titnes. vlelatlna: llauer law : Jas. yarmer, assault ; A. II, Bauni, Bliss Htnltb. "dafrauding landlord : Ohaa. U Bueb, Kll bralaar, Chaa. Heflman, Chaa. Loring, k'Jemea O'Brien, Adam Fulmar, Henry j wniuv, uiwwdumuwi iruuu Ajruuicr , uwi Siri w owner, xieurjr euiuiuviudiu, miuvujr) t;tlekata : William Wataen. Geerge Leaett. IObarlaa Benaen, felonious entry ; Fanny ' HaUlagar, Jsoeb Jehns, adultery. : , Tttbsdat, January 22 UbarieaM. Bean, vf M. w. nsyier, Bimuei n. eycr, Micnaei B-dlW, larceny ; Win. Hmltb, Milten H. ;iewaMner, lornicauen ma Dasuray; VABBte Kllngler, oencrsllcg dtatb of bastard child j Edward uni-ner, jewia Oraan, Jehn A. Wtstenberg, Lesnder , ufflBH, anmuu nuu uaiwiji, auk. xjuiuuimi, r,v7dtatnrDinK religious meetings; 11. W. Dlffen. A'bangb, defrauding turnpike company; i'.Jeten Btreblr, adultery and basurdy; ; aamuai u. Miner, ariung nnwnoieaeme ? PM , u . A..au, vv..uB hbiuwiiu ' i Wm. H. KvAiiB. fnlnnlnim entTV AhMin OrdMtn. navrvlntir nnnnAalArl aTAinnnk iWaf 9M VBa'p maiava aaK WVVftVVaaaiaarVaa WW ffaVa1aaiB ' WXDMKaDAY, January S3 Martin Iltx- ,m T.a.a. Ukl.l. InhM U U.Miaaw Tm7 fatMWSi UHU OUUA, UUU If a ...UiRDJ, IIUli je Jacoba, forulcailea and bastardy ; Wm. fMJTrmwilttnTil. Artnntlnn (IharlntlA Olarlr. t J, conspiracy; Dtuiel llrenucr, et al, 'lixaalloleua mlichief; J. Milten Keep, i TMlaUng liquor law : Julia Oillshen, for- 't.Bloatlen ,- Andrew lludnele, adultery; ., ObrteUan Hlldebrand, bawdy house ; U. W. ,JBlUier, Albert Auxer, William Chandler, '.'UKKIn Wellral. T. II V1I larnenv. &-t.aaB....w. v.w. v., . ..x. .wh " Thithiht. Jimlavrv 24. K. flalan Hrr. f? Sat al.. vlnlatlnv alnntlnn law! Ilhirlna V. JUrd, at aL, false pretense; Jehn Jacksen, SJs5P"T. .... ,'.t .r bid at, January . jenn rianer. laise .lBMtaaaa. '.'5 batijbday, January .o-wei, r. Ubrist, rjeba W. Miller, James U. Hwaln, James ' "gO. Wilsen, Jehn Miller, Iemuel B. Clark, 4,XUieeln K, Harris, Henry Urban, Jehn C. tfJl'WeeteBberg, Charles Lee, A. 1,. Krelder, I'ii- F. Crawford, Jehn Harrison Maurlng, -,-rvuseim juarue, w. w. weiaier, liimer Xjlsrsbeck, G sorge Ebrbart, surety et tbe l& TBK AMBUAL OUAItlt'Y UALU : Jtbe Attendauca Net ae Ijngsss Year Agi, ;., Af But It Was a beeetss. U. xne annual iieurew enarity nan waa jfcald ea Wednesday evening at Mien ', 'AarnhAr hall. Tha atacm vriui df.nnrAtAfl ';? with greens, ferns and petted plants, and t Braaanted a handsome appearance. At 10 ; .aeleek tbe festivities begun with tbe -rrsBd march, Dy unrist uarger'a orchestra, ,lad by Brune Astrleh and wife, alter whleb 'tlaselng was Indulged In until an early 1' : jMHir thla morning. wnue mere were net as many nutlet- .Batata as at the ball of tbe year before, last pievi uu waa eu'.iwfi. Aiier lue grana )w WW)Uu ui 1UB a)vituiB JVIUVU ill UO MBUTIUBB UI .UD UVOUlUg. xne eaii wai uncer tne direction of the swing commlltee of arrangements : Al. I'fejleasBsteln, chairman ; L. Aatrlcb, M. uKeaenthsl, A. Qansmsn, J. Ledennan, :? Missis Kstell Q. Ulrsb, Berlha Lceb, ' jctasea Kosensteie,ceitieueug. 'tZ Ik Astrlch was master of ceremonies. M. : Rosenthal llier macafier and Pnillp Uer- J-.;BBel, A. J. Btrauss, M. B. Bendbelm, Men fjiea B. Ulrsb, M. Htrauts, D.Hlmsen. M. M. F.lteratrd, L Ltdermen.l. Btrautu, ll.Hder, 1 fleer committee j J, Lederman, (chairman,) (iBLiaOeb, is. m. cenn, u. UanBtean, 1), '.JjederniaD, Jes. Oitlielw, B. Aatrlcb, B. It. 'Jktcas, A. Jessel, I. Lsvl and L. Htrauis, it. -swpuen oimmuieB. - wf That flleera and msnagerael tbe ball were taatlHnC. ttt Ihn'a iWntm n .nub A I, rla.a.nt a. .v ... ...v i. hw. ih u a.Mnw ,. iGaa.ut pr these In attendance, end the euceeas et tsa ball la due entirely te their ellbrts. frjkttaff tbe committee bave settled their tflkwUlra, the amount for distribution will ba ' Bftarllened te the several city charities. V' m IHatery Kfpaata Hull Afiar Mary Years. niaUana at lha Ul..i.k.. d. . . f aa'.N"' MWajff fcre,fjr O.XUO. iJltOr i.ary aoelaty last evening in discussing the taafgaeat city government. BfBdder Gardner. Slatah Lloyd, what Saaallall Irlncv am Ha nlte n-.rAlf. AltewT f? -& Rtatab Llevd I elves dat un. iavBaeer utraner. unariei ue nrat .Oaae da law has chonped elf Brudder aa" bead, b Ii'.eyd, 'Dat feel ulcgcb em tee t " . At tha aiatleu lioeaa. U Tba evilly Windser lut evening drove v wew.inte tne siauen neuse. Xhls BBMBlag tba tnayerdlschsrged them. Tba rtperla or tbe police for laat nlplit that tirtecn eifctiic, twentylluie and live gas lights relu.ed te burs. Plflaaad IJactarad. Cerawall, Ltbuien & Colcbreok eeaarany baa declared a semi- (at d vldaad et two par cent. Many ' aba bvi.dtv .-l! J"ti are h?id ic Ln- BPrrOBBD WJKOtAMI. Twe resag area. rer Anug susDgtij At a at near. Aa Oflleer Sherla waa asaklBg hla rounds between 11 and 12 o'clock last sight ba waa attracted by tba erlea of Mrs. JameaRltehle. Ne. C01 Baavar atreat. She aald that two man, who aba believed te be burglar, bid tried te gat into bar beuse. They first attempted te open tba abnttera and then triad te tarn a key In tbe baek deer. Tbe oflleer made a aeareh bnt found be one. Ha then started away, bnt bad net gene far before ba tuned and aaw two naea at tba boeaa, He went back and the men taff4My4 fti rnn. ft. fnltntHr! and ninaht them, taking them te tbe station house. 1 Their names are Jehn B. Slckman and A.1 L. Snavely, and reside In tba lower partef ' town. They are geed loeklngyonng fellewa, and no one would tblnk they were burg lars, A reporter et tbe iNTKLMeKHcan bad a talk with them thla morning. They aald that tbey bad never besn locked up before, and tbey told bow tbey became Involved In this dtillcully. They aald they were well acquainted wltb.tba Rltchles. A young lady In the family bad a pin belong. Ing te one et them, and aa they were pasting last night tbey aaw a light, and oenclnded te atop aud get tbe pin. They were fingering around the deer and ahut tjrs In their endeavors te attract attention. When Mra..Kltehleaaw tbem,shecencluded tlat tbey were burglars and bad them arrnated. Tie young men bave been complained against before Alderman Bpurrler by Mr. Bltchle and wife, for aurely of the peace, and drunken and disorderly conduct They allege that tbe young men weie drunk, rnd that tbey threatened te de Bltchle barm. The aoeutsed gave ball ler a hearing. lilad at BrtddecK. Werd was received In thla cliy yesterday et tbe death In Braddock, near Pittsburg, et Charles W. Marrow, formerly of Lan caster. Deceased waa a machinist by trade and learned tba trade In thla elty. He lelt bere about eleven yeara age, and waa lut home en Christmas, 1887. Ills mother re- aldca at Ne. 4C0 East Orange street, with Mra. J. C. Neir, ber daughter. G. B, Mai row, the Ice cream manufacturer, Is a brother et the deceased. Ha left en Tues day for Braddock, after receiving word that bis brother wsa ae seriously HI. lie resehed bis bedside shortly bofero bis death. The eauie or Mr. Marrow's death waa pneumonia, and ba bad been atek but atz days. He waa In tbe 30th year of bla age. The body will be brought te Lancas. ter and the funeral will take plaea Satur day afternoon. m A Larceny Cam Frem Tew Ulll. A User t Turner and Jesephine Turner, bis wife, were beatd by Alderman Hal Hal bieb last evenlug, en a obarge et larceny preferred by Mary Lloyd. All tbe partlea te tbe Bulla live en Tew Ulll, Columbia, and the allegation la that while Mary waa la J.l'. the Tamers frost en te ber .furniture and household goods. The evidence failed te oenneot Mrs. Turner with the '.eflenie charged, and the case "gainst her was dlsmUsed. Albert wai obliged te give ball for trial at tbe Jan uary terra et court. The eases against both were dismissed by Aldermen Deen some dayasge, but the precceutrlx brought new complaints. Tha Water Gemmluta Will Tak Charge City Bolleltcr Brown bas ofUelally noti neti fled tbe beard or water commissioners tbat tbe decision of tbe supreme court declaring unconstitutional tbe municipal aet, under wbleb they were elected, legislates them out of cfllee, The water cornmlttee an printed In April by tbe chalrmen of aeleet and common councils will at ouee take eharge et tbe water department. Mayer EJgerley, by virtue cf bla cfllep, will be fie chairman et tbe. committee. Tbe com cem com mllteo will meet fhla evening and elect cineera. Thcsoehoseii by tba water com missioners will be reelected without op position. Bant te Jail lerBwearlng, Alderman Bpurrler this afternoon com. milted te prison Frederick. Llpsley, for pevcnty-lwe hours, en complaint of Jehn B. Rellly, for swearing three .pre'ate oaths. The set of assembly fixes the pun ishment at C7 uenta line for eaeh or au Im prisonment of twenty-four hours. Ltpsiey refuscd te pay the line and was in come quence committed. Llpsley and Kelllylbada quarrel a few weeks age which resulted In a surety of the peace case against Rellly, In wblcb be wi a required te enter into bis own recognizance te keep the peaes and psy tbe.oeets , wblcb amounted te about 130. Bats or City Properly. B. V. Rewe, auctioneer, aeld for Allan A, Herr, en Wednesday evening, the two aiory-btlek dwolllngGeuse, Ne. OU West Chestnut street, belonging te the estate of Isaac B. Weaver, te Mrr. Elizabeth Baker, for 1,4?S. mat Kifermed Church Officers. At tbe meetlng of tbe oengregstlon et tbe First Relermed ohureb en Wednesday evening, the following clllcera were elected: Elders, Philip Bailsman, Henry B Hhlrk; deaoens, Heward Wernlz, W, M. Ranck ; trustee, Harry Raub. m Jebl L. llAtass, auctioneer, will sell tbta evenlng at tha Cooper house, at IX o'clock, theKepiier property en North Water street, bstwevu Orange and Chestnut. W. O Ue'bkii baa christened bis BCboel to day "Koyaienu lluilneas College," aud by tantnamu tbe tchoel will be known hBrealler. On account of tbe rainy weather yesterday, the Special t-ala of Coats will be continued lc lc lc uonew, Friday, January 11, all day. Bpeclal bargain leta al One, Twe. Three, Four and rire Dellar. aBIIUCII llUOIltBUB. Atlractlva California leurs of Fabrnary, Tbere will be three excursion. In Meaars, Kaymena A 1 hltcemb'd aeries of Winter Cali fornia tour j 110x1 month, February 7. 11 and 21 are tba Uts or doparture; and the first party will go out evor tboBantaFe route xia Kansas Cliy.tbu e hera taking the " Biinael Hen te" wntwaril Hum New Orleans. Tbe party lei lng bure ou the 21th will witness the Mardl Urai carnival In New oilcans. All tbcau partlea, und also tbe Mexico tourists te leave 1'bltadelphl January 14, February 11, and Uarenn, will travel In elegant trains or vuitlbulud Pultn.au pAlacedlulng-cais Includ ed, west et Chicago and Cincinnati. In con nection wltb the California excursions, pas senger ImuthtlrentlrdtlinB en tba Pacific Coast at tbelr own dltpetal. the passage tickets, bstb ler traveling about California and homeward, being geed until nut July. Ibero U a choice of Ova dlOeraut reiurntng route i, with a number of parlies under special escort. 1 he tickets are equally geed tore turn Independently en any train, llcscrlp tlve circulars of the various tripi may be baa by addrtsstng llstrj, Vuymend A Wbltcemb, 111 Seuth Ninth street, under the Continental lleul, Philadelphia. Janie-ltdlh Til la la tbe Beel for Ms." Don't buy your rubber beet! until you bave eeen tbe Colchester " wllh sole leather heel, Thla la tbe best mtlng and meat durable beet In the inirket, made of tbe beat pure gum stock. Tbe eole lcalter heel saves money te tbe wearer. Don't buy your arcllcs until yen have seen the Colchester Arctie with outside, counter. Ahtad et all ethers in style and durability. If yeuwant the worth of your money try the Colchester wllh outside counter. Eoldutio Eeldutio Eoldutie tall by Jcbn lllamenz, North Queen slrtet, Lancaster, 1'a At wholesale by U.O.BPAIIU A80NB, BlS-Smd Yerk, Pa. D B A TUB UitaEaz -In tbla rlty, Jan. 8, b;9, Francis Z. Illumine, In Ibe 76th ye.i et hla age. lha relatives and friends et tbe family, are respectfully Invited te attend the funeral from hla late reildence, be. sit North Queen street, en Friday morning at (.30 o'clock. lUxinleie Masi at Bt, Antheny's church at a o'clock. Inttrmeut at tt. Antheny' ceme tery. MAksew.-ia j.rau.e:k, Fa., ea tba lb in st, etiu W. Marrow, agt vein, a Bteatha and 11 days. I he relative, and friends of the tacailyare respeeUutly invited te attend the laaerai, from tba resilience et bli brother-in-law, J. c. Heff, He. K Kiit eritur street, en ratarday afternoon at I o'clesk. Intarmiat at lUaneaf terceaaelery. Std tatarta.-.Tannary a, lan, Uaenre Ihtaflle, rged eavtnly-eU yean, four tneaUis ana four teen days. 1 he relatives sad frlaadt et the family are retpeetfelly Invited te attend the funeral, from bis late residence, Ne. 4U Weit King atraM. nti lfrldv. JannarvlK at 11 a. m JanMtd MAMKMTB. cava Bam Liaaarv. OatUa BeatpW. 711 ablpmenta. 100 ; market fair I prlme.tMlZM flr te aoed.fiSellTSi common, is fiel oe t stekera. S3 ! 3 ue cars snipped te He w Yera te-day. . Hen J&eaJpt. l.sne bead t shlpnunts 1S00 market flrmt PhUadnlphlaa, sft K a Vi; mtzed, 15 sflS tfi t Terkera, an te bwi common te fair, MlMISaS) pbrs,BSea 6 SS t no can shipped te Mew Yerk te-day. aheep-Keeetpu. IWOt shipment. HOOi market falrrTJtlmp, M (0I7S fatrtogned, n 74 SB common, Heets 00 l.ambi.tste taauj. Brata aad srvensiaas. rnrntsbed by a. K. Tnndt, llreker. Osiciae, Jan. 10, liU) o'clock p. m. Wheat. Cern. Oats. Perk, lrd, Jannary........... .. . 7. se rebraary....... M .... 13.12 7 ffi aiarrh B5 .... .... 7.41 April.................. .. .... .... .... .... May UW8GX ISM 7.M uiine...... .......... .... .... a... .... July KH nepiemuer. ,....... ... .... .... . UTUde Oil. a. a..... ...,.... ....at. a ....... .. Consels (tilt Closing Prices 2:15 o'clock p. m. WhHat. Cern. Oau. Pern-, lard. January. ., Ournary March April , at av...... ...... June July i-fljHetnbcr.... Your.... Crude un. Consels M SSK 2IJ B G 2l .KM .... ait? .... fO)J 2!K 1II..3 7.M , 01 li.1I 1S.8S 7.40 7.43 .10 U 14 B7 7.t7 BCK Car lxiia. 31 eeeeaeaee eeeeseeaea AoceIpU. TTlulOr vTDee.lJsiitttit 44im fiptlni Wb0ataateaaaea4iaaaseeaaaaas Geth iiMttsiitiiit4iMi Cataw e a a a a a a e a a a t a a a a a a a a a a a a a a HyO eaeeee esee e esaaasaeete esse else see e aWbtlOy aassasaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaas 4 1SI 8 .... Head. Kneeints Hogs litoce neeeipts came... ......a.. ........ ....... 0.4141 Btees saaraata. Quotations by Ueed, alcUrann era, Laneaster, Pn. BW TOM LIST. 11 A. M Canada Paclfle... .... u. u ii,ai a......... ....... Colerado Ceal., Leni-ai raeuiQ. .....,... OanaaaSeutbem OhUBt. I.APbg lVj tin xen. as me w.... Del.Jiaj Vf a4 1s VTasaaaaasaaaaaaaaa 1(0 Isaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i7A 2Qla.a lvH eeeseeeeaee Bria Jer O.aaa.aaa.aaa... ........ Vlti K. 4S T....aaa. ,aaa..taa.aaa IHB Uid. .a H ................... b. LaBhere..... ...... ......... lfj MlOha OOn. aaaasasaaaa MiMenrt racine UOCkValle7..a.aa.sa 5 Peaaatsaaaasasaas easaa s r ATCfsaaaaasaaaaasaaaaa Ha WaMt teaaaeeeeeeseeeeeeees If YaOsaaaaaseaaaaeaaaasaaaa Kew Kngland... a. ftMt TennwBOO a Otntibasr a a a a a a a a a a s a a a OiTffen TrnniportaUeu,. OUt&liO j Wssseaeasa-ssaas FAQlflO MaVll.... KlohmenO Tennln&l., Bla lstlleeaeaaaaaasaai Tezu racinc Union Ffvoifle Wabftali Cem. WtbUQl 'rOlseaaaaasaeaaaaa WOStOni Ueeeeeeeeeeeeaeae fNlOaUlU AMIUUaltsasssaaa sa niULOBLmiA LIST. IabBu VaUaasaeeaeaaeaaaaa taa B., if.Y. Phila Pa.ll.U MX mi Beading 21 C-10 21 Mil iu3D NaaTsaeeeeaeeeetaeeeea HeatenVe Tess... 1 aft art)eeaaaaaseaaeaaa aaa If 1 wOnt aaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaa eeae 1'COplOt laU4aaaaa a as iMJIf 4aiaaasaaaaaaaa as ml 2t S-'O paaj t6)i 01aaaaaaaaaa W4 si.'i iambi tnecm ana nouns, HepertcdbyJ.il, Leng, Par Last valuj. eale. Lancas'r e per cenu, isoe 100 los.eo " 6 l&tt 100 u 4 Boheol leanlMU 100 103 " 4 " In ler 20 years. 100 lue " 4 ' In Bera) yeara. 100 100 " . 4 Inioeraiyoars. loe lei u In Borseyears. 100 103 Q If anhelra Borough lean 100 102 UKmiXAWSODS SVOOSA. Qnarryvl.leU.H....- 60 l. MlllersvUle Utrvet Car 60 Ca Inquiring Printing Company....... DO M Ueallght and Fuel .Company 2B 28 Bevona Heuso (UeudB).. , loe loe Columbia (las Company.. 35 Columbia. Water Company , la 11 BuMuebanna Iren Company 100 205.23 Marietta lUollew-waro 100 210.10 Btevena Henae.. de 1.05 MtuenvlUe Nermal Scheel an is Northern llarket.... , BO be JCastern Market 60 (.J60 Oa Company Henda loe IPS Uelnmbla Uoreugb Henda loe lw Quarryvllle 1L U 7's. 100 no Heeding A Columbia 11. K.. 6's lue 16 Kdlsen Light Company go 67 w ffestem Market.. , 60 61 60 LancAater City Htreet Hallway Ce.. BO re Bast End Btreet Hallway C3 ressria btoekb. A Heaver Valley 21 H aa uurauauue a UK ii.ie Cbeatnut HUl ae 27 Columbia A Waahlngten.a...... ..aa. 20 au Conealoga A ltlg Bprlng aa 20 Marietta AMennt Jey SB SA60 Lane Klisabethtewn a Mlddlet'u, lue n Lancaater A Frnltvllle ;. te ee.7a Lancaster A Lttlta. as 75 Lancaster A WUltamstewn SB 110, Lancaster A Maner 60 lib Lancaater A Manbelm 2t 40 Lancaster A Marietta at si Lancaster A Hew Helland loe 11 Laneaster A Susquehanna. bee an. Lancaster A New Danville as 11 Columbia A Marietta 29 2.1 Maylewn A Bltsabethtewn SB 40 Lancaster A Kpbrata 26 i Lancaster A WUlew Street as 4f& fltraaburgAMUlpert SB nn MaiietuA Mavtnwn 23 te BASK STOCKS. First National Bank , 100 Be Farmera' National Hank 60 lltf Fulton National Hank 100 19) Lancaster County National Ban... 60 116 CO Northern National Hank 100 lift I Peeples' National Bank 100 118 Keystone National Hank, Manbelm 100 KB Columbia National Hank loe 133 Christiana National Brak luu us Bpnrata National Hank 100 Its First National Hank, Columbia 100 1M First National Hank,Btrasburg no ln First National Hank, Marietta 100 210 First National Hank, ML Jey loe 160 LltlU National Hank 100 1874 Meuntvllle National Hank 100 lue Manbelm National Hank 100 160 Union National Hank. Mount Jey., no P2t0 New Helland National Hank loe lis (lap National Hank , loe 117 Quarryvllle National uank IX) la labothtewn JtatleuaiBank lAi Philadelphia Prednca Market. PnaiDBLruu, Jan. 9 Fleur dull 1 sales SS) bbla 1 Minn, linkers, fl 2SOS bS 1 I'enn'a. saintly, llc:XQ 75 1 Western de, I4 7501M; Winter I'atunm. iMnfleeOi Spring 46 000(0 '.: Ue Heur, 3 00(13 V6 Whbat Jan..MHc: Feb., OCer March, DSc ; Aprll.10; May, 1M Cern Jan. 41Ker Fub., 41J.C; March, 41c; April, 4Je t May. tSJia. uau-Jan., 83,'Jct Feb., E4H0.I Mach, SiKei April, sue t May,aiic. yaw ad r tjummkh iw. B A KINO POWDKK. ROYAL BAKING POWDER, Absolutely Pure. muiB powder never varlc. A marvel or A purity. streDHth and wboleaomenesa. economical than the ordinary kinds, and can net be aeld In cemtxillUnn with thn mnititnAai economical than the ordinary kinds, and can net be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate Powders Hettt eniv In earn. HevAL lUaiia ewnu Callus Wall Street, (aw Yrrk. 111 usw ft Ce, bank- ism. im, :::: 8 SttJi 2V Wim a-vx; .... im .... la 1I0S 14 H 27H V7$2 liw iiu2 7 H liK UH rv$2 urn let 101 rci ri ) 74 72 rx 84 2V tW.i COM 69'H ll7M W7H W')i 101' HUM 1U7M 4t 4iJ 4I,1 u re , 3 : 3x ue;k i '.'". '.'.'.'. 3b!- .... un tin ai .... n . tux u3 .... H .... ni ci-i ct MK UX BlS it aw ad vazTtaaMaxra, FINK AND 1MPORTKD AND D0UR8 no WIK AD LIQCOHS, UKKRIXa A BPKCI ALTT. KUUBBB'B LIQUOR STOttK, Ve. sj Osntre aquare. Laaeastar. Pa. WANTED-AaiKIilODUOBMERali koaaawerk. Apply at jlDtta WUmWOt.THDOKKBTP.BKT. rrO DP-MTKUY KATS. M1UB AND JL ether rermln, either et tbse three prxp- wt vuiuiia, qiiuh ui iD'nmiDBpn. I gle Reed rranlt. 1 lis Taunsn K nch l'atte, Fboipherus 1'asie, at aratlena t and Heich and PnUened (ir&ln. rnri.lnut UUilLKI'S DKOOBTdRE, as Went King BU-iwit, WANTED-ONKCAKKIAOKBtiAUK. smith te wera en platform were Ap ply te ltd B.r. lUlIiYftCO. A WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THK day or week, and a young girl wants work by then eek. Apply at ltd !MfcBT VINK STKKKT. NOTICE AliLMKMBEKH OK VUL TON Heme. Ne. t4,are requested te be present at tbelr meeting le morrow (aiiday) evening, as batlutsi el Imrtoitinee vlll be Uamacied. M aUulB LOLLAB, O, AtteHt Kats Mu-t, H.H. K. ltd OT1CE. I.AK0ABTKR, I'A., JBB.1, lf83. Tte beard of directors et Tba Kdlsen Xlectrlollluintnailngce., rf Lancaster, fa." baa tbts day de( 1 irei 'a semi-annual dividend rt SM rer cunt, payable en and after Jannary iu, ijji, at me nennirn national cans, ui Lancaster, Pa. 11 H.n.COCIIUAW.Eocietary. tatPJ -flfs BUYS NO. 0 "SUPREME" ipiJ.XjXJ ttANUK, wllh lve Lengths Of rin-. at ).nl0-.i NO. 4CS BAtT KINO ST. F ORALDKRMAN, A. P. DONNKLLY. Having faPhfully performed the duties of tbe 01710 et alderman of tbe Bevnnth ward, I no hiinnunrn tnyKHf aa a candidate! ter re re e'ecttnn, aut Ject tnthe declalnn of tbe Demne. racy et the Bevenlh ward. J10 ttd-M.W.HK COMRADES OK P03T NO. 405, Q. A. It, will assemble at headquarters en Filday. January '11. at 2 SQ p m . In full win ter uniform and canra. te attend tbe,luneral et Comrade Jehn . llercber. Pest 84 la cor dially Invited te accompany na Hy order of J.B aM IT 11, Commander. Jenn FLiet. Adlnltnt. U B OME TESTIMONY THE BEBr. Sir. lvtnr Weldman. Ne. 215 West Straw- be i rv atrett, I ancaatnr, Pa ,says he bad pneu monia very cad i sutfered frejn tbe effecis of It ever two years ; used lets et medlelnes, and wai treated by several physicians, but did net get any relief. He tried CUOHUAN'B l.Ollull OUKB and tbrte IB cent size bottles OHK.tDblm. Fersalaat C'ICIIUAM'S D11UQ8TOBB, 137 A 1TO Nena Queen Bt., Lancaster, Pa. Tuib.i TKWKI.BK AND OPHUIAN. GILL. Jeweler and Optician. If veur eyes trouble yen attend te them lm mi dlatxly. Tbe me -of PllOPKK QLABSKS restores lights, glvej comtert and pleasure. i.nnoiater bas long felt the need et a BPK CI AL il'lli.lAN. -Ve are new prepared te mroMireyour eve, lit glostes with tbn 1'UK CIBION or AN OJULl&T, hlMngn lull and romplcte entntnt tait lentos required In per fect moaaurement Batlilacvten guaranteed In every Instance. OIAELBS S. GILL, Ne. 10 West King Street, LANCA8TEB.PA. G OlNQTObTAK I Going te Stay. As 1 could net complete rnyar rnyar rantemeuts for tte manufacturing or Bbees at present, 1 will con cen con llnue In the retailing et Beets and Sbeus, nnd will continue te glve you some et the best bargains lu BOOTS and SHOES that has ever been offered In this market. I bave cut tbe prices In nearly everything, nnd In the nncr tbe quality the greater the reduo redue reduo t'eu t te come early nnd we will try andploaseyou. D. P. STACKHOTJSE, 28 ds 30 BAST KINU, BT LANCAHTHltaPA. aXVlyd A WOltD. WEAUKNOWOrrBllINa arlakue and PINK A LINK UP WATCHES -AND- JEWELRY As can be shown, aud at LOWBlt PU1C1B than have ever Lusnqueled rer goeJsj( equal quality, COM S AM) UK YOUK OWN JUDUK. Walter A. Herr; "WO. 101 NORTH QTJDQN BT., (OllNntOrOllANUK. XTOTIOF. IB HEl.KHY OIVKN THAT Jw an app'lcatleu will be ruide te tha Uev orner of ti.e Mute el Pennsylvania, en Satur day. ybruaryy, ISii. at 12 o'clock m., by Hen. 11.0 Long.Kebort A, Kvana. 11. J. McUrann, l-ainuul 11. Heynelda and Adam J. kberly, undurthtiAct of Assembly et tbe Common Cemmon Commen welthot Pennaylvanl'i, nntltled" An Act te previa j for the Incorporation nnd regulallnn if crriatn eerporatlena," approved April 2, 14.1 unit tbe tupplemeuts iheiute, ler tli" cbartoretaiilnteiidedcorporatlcnlobo called ibe tancasUT eunty 'Irust tndfatetio tndfatetie tndfatetio pesit company, the chura'.ter ana eblect of wbtch areas fellows : 'le receive anU held, en deposit an 1 In trus', and hs security, estate, real and personal. In cluding the notes, bondi,pillgttlens et siates, Indlvltlua a ceuinanleaar d ccrporatlenr, and toiamelopuichaio, celliet, nljuitann set tle, sell and dlspose of lu any manner without proceeding In law or equity, and for Bucb tirite and en such tonus as may be agreed en Htwfcntbeui and tbs parties contracting wllh them 1 te make Insurance for tbe ttdrltiy el psikens heldlnc places of responsibility and cf trust; te Insure owners of real estate, morUaxes nnd ollie's Inlercaud In real Male irnm less by reason et da!oeUo tltlfs, Hubs and lucumbrinces t te receive en depe.lt for saM keeping Jewry, plate, stock, bendj, and valuabla property of every description, upon such terms as may be agreed upon r te act as as stgnttes, receivers, guardians, executers and administrators, aud te ext-cute trusts el every description no". luceuiUlent with tbe laws of the atate el Pennsylvania, or of tbe United Btatra of Ameilca; te act as agents for the larroseel Issuing or counter.lgnlniMhecer ceunter.lgnlniMhecer counter.lgnlniMhecer tlncaieser sleck, bends or ether oblliatlers of any corpeiuilon. asto:lalleu or munici pality. Mute or public authority, and et re ct lvlug and managing any alnktngf and there of, ou such terms a may be sgrtxd upon 1 te beoerue sole surety lu any eve wbere bylaw nne or luoreeuu tics uny bereqntred or th falthtal performance el any trust en nice; te take, lecelve and bold s ny and all snen pieces et real prjpeity aa may have been the ulject el any Insurance male by such company uuderthu powers ceulerrtd by their cb trier, aud tbe lume te granta bargain, sell, convey and olspeiu of In such manner as the said company may tee pieptr. I a nd for rhee pun esa te have, possess snd I enjoy all the righu, bneets and privileges el J tbi I I laaiu at.ui nmiuu y uu iM.gpiiinw. uia. 11, U SSUIiCHAa, 1). MOMULLK. lanOHaTb o4eiior, raw ABvaaTtaaaranra. WlbD OHBRRY, BLAORBBRRY, tilager, KiasaMl aad Oraaga Rfaady . JACOB r. seplD-tld MO.MOBMTBKBOOAKK. STOCKHOLDERS' MKKTlNU. The annul meetlna of the Bteefehelders of the Lancaster Bteam Badtateraadliaati ftcurtng company will be Held In taa Beard of Trade Koemt, Sehieman's Bulldlatr. Me. SB worth uuke strut, at 8 o'clock p. aa.afaaaary n, U9. fnr the eifirilen of seven Dlraetera, and for the transaction of sncaetMr baataaaa as may b proposed. janimmiii n. b. niGH. Bee. Pra Tesa. K EYSTONE BUSINESS COIiLKQR. 1.11 rtlLt, DAY COttUR. t0 r OLL XVKK1KU OOURSK. All Tluilneai Brsnches taught. Alse Type Wilting, (abort Uar.d at extra eest.) Write orctllen W. n.MOSBKK, Mn.Si Weit King Street, 3d fleer, Lancaster, Pa. BU-ieadlt COURT PROCLAMATION. Wherein, the Honorable Jehn B. Living ston, Pn-aldent, and llonerablo Iiavld W. Pal tenon, Additional Law Judire of tbe Courts of Common Picas in and for the county of Lan caatcinnd Aaatatant Juatlces of the Courts of Ojcr and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Senalens et tha Peace lu nnd for tbe county of Lancaster, have tunned their precept, te me directed, re- nulrltiK nw nmeng ether things te make pub lic pnicmniHiien mreug e tireclnmAtlnn thmucrriniit mv bailiwick. inni. n umn ni uyer anil xerminer ana a uvn uvn eral Jatl Delivery, also a Court of General Quarter Scaatonsertbo Peace and Jail Dellvl cry, will commence. In tbn Court Heuse, tin the city of Lancaater, in the Commonwealth of Pennaylvanln, ON TIIK THlltl) MONDAY IN JABUABY t .... i...: . " . - (tbe nut), issj. Inpnrsnance of which precept public notice la bcreliv irl ven te the Mnver and Aldermen of the City of Lancaater, In tne said county, and .IV.lljr -'. I.UIIUUIIUII .1. IUU DUIU IAIUUIJI.IIW nil tbn Justices of the Peace, the Corener nnd Censtablca of tbe said City land County nf Lancaster, that tbey be then and there In their own proper persons, with their rolls, re co nil nnd examination, nnd Inquisitions, and their own remembrances, te de tboae things which te their offices appertain In their be- nan te ue aeuu ana aise en ineae wjiu wm presecute against tbe prisoners who are, or then shall be, In tbe Jail of tbe said County of LnncuMer , are te be then and tbere te pros pres pres ecueo against them as shall be Just, uiuca at Lancaater, tne in nay or uceam- bni.DSS. II. K. BUltKUOLDBB. JanlO-lZ-19 3tdAItw BherltT. -yACATION EXCURSIONS. RAYMOND'3 VACATION KXOORSIONP. All Traveling Kzicnses Incluflcd. A Winter ii California. aboriflb,Blz1handBevonth Parlies of the ecaien will leavn I'blialclpbla In February. All travel bovend Chicago In Sneelal Trains of Mnuninrcint VaatllmUd Pullman Palace Cars with I'nllman l'aluca Dining Cara Included. 'I hi dates and r ittes ate as fellows i Thursday, February 7. Via Wilmington, Baltlmern. WeshtnRten, Pltubnnr, Chicago, Kan ins City, Las Vegas, Hei Bprlngs, BanU Fa, Albuquerque, Uaralew, Han, Hernadlae, ete. Monday. February 11. Via Wilmington, Hal tltnore, Washington, Parkeraburg, Cincin nati, Mammoth cave, New Oileana.Oalves ten, tan Antonie, etc, Alenday, febrnary 23. Via Wilmington, I! U tin ern, Washington, I'lttsburg, Cincinnati, Mammoth Cave, New Orleans, Oalvraten, Ban Antonie, eic This patty will be In New or. loins at tbe Mardl Utai Carnival, March 5. Fifteen Hamming Parties, nnder special escort, and a choice of Five Different Heutea. llHturu tlokets also eoed en all trains unlit July. Independent '.tickets, covering every expense both ways, and giving entire freedom te the passenver whlle In California, and also In making the homeward Journey. Hetel coupons aunpllsd ler Ien or short sojourns at all the Leading Pacific coast itescrfs. Dates of Other California Tours, March 7 and Date el Mexte Tours. January 11, Feb ruary 11, and Match 11. Ninth AnnualBprtng Bzcurslen te Califor nia. Slav 2. msth Annnnl BpTlcgTrlp te California and Pacific Northwest. May 2. Aar?end for descriptive circulars, designat ing particular trip detlted. R A.YMOND "ciTwHrrOOMB, 111 Eenth Ninth Street, (Under ConllnentalUotcl), FnaaniLraia, Pa. 103ulln,BTu A HrillCH I1HOS. ONE DAY'S SALE -OK- STAMPED LINEN GOODS AT ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 1 3 East King Street. Lancaster, Pa. FRIDAY, JANUARY iitii. Fifth Day of our GREAT THIRTY DAYS CLEARING SALE. Nete the remarkably low prices which we have put en all Stamped Goods, for this one day's sale. Let i. Stamped Tidies and Memie Cleth Deylies, regular price 5c ; price te-day 3c. Let 2. Stamped Tidies, Splashers, and Memie Cleth Deylies, regular price 10c; price te-day 5c. Let 3. Stamped Towels, fringed and opened work, regu lar price 1 7c ; price te-aay I2jC. Let 4. Stamped Splashers, heavy linen fringed, regular price 13c; price te-day 9c. Let 5. Stamped Towels, Splashers, Tray Cevers, Wash stand Cevers, some knotted fringe, some lace open work ; also Bibs and Napkins, regular price 25c; price for this day 17c, or 3 for 50c. Let 6. Stamped Tidies,, Splashers, Iray Cevers, long Bureau Cevers, some fine Memie Cleth, some knotted, some sewed fringe, price 35, 37 and 40c ; this day 25 c. Let 7. Stamped regular price for Tidies, Splashers, Towels, Side-beard Cevers, - etc , all extra fine Memie Cleth, satin dado, and open - worked borders, hand sewed fringe, regular price 50c ; price for this day 36c. Let S. Stamped Tidies, Towels, Splashers, Side-beard Cevers, Tray Cevers, Bureau Cevers, Bureau Sets, etc., all finest cloth, fancy fringe and border, some of them herring bone all around, regular price G5 and 75c ; price te-day 49c. Let 9. All goods formerly sold at 87c and $1 ; price for this day 67c. ASTRICH BROS. -b ADraanaauaittB. JjJWt'B rURMMMIlKMl aaaWM HAGER & BROTHER, Hen's Furnishings t UMD1RWBAK. All Kinds aad QealiUae, la Merine aad Weel, At Badneed Prlees. SO0TJIRT. Merine, Weel, Cotten, raaetes atd Balbrlg gana, at ateaaead Pricas. WOOLBN SBIRTB. Bpa:lal V.laea In All-Weel Shirts, at 75c, axe ansaLti. - OLOVBI. Bucks, OU Tans, Ossbmeres, Astrakaas, An gelas and Fun, at Bettem Prices. HAGER & 25, 27 a a ir ad vaHTiaattatiTB. WUATK TUB MATTER WITH THK L ANCSBTBB BOBINBBS COLLBOK t Well, If yen mean the largest enrollment of pupils for the Brat week of January alnea Its nrganlzaUen, It uanledlcatlrmibat It Is meet meet leg wltb lis rjward and that IT'S all riant. Tha L. B. C. does net held out such induce ments aa "Full Course feri ."which has been characterized by a somewhat cauatle write', aa a" Bair Peit BULL aaaea." and vrblla tbat Is a rough way of putting It, It le true that the dull boy la the only one te profit by this arrangement. Tbe brlaht yenng fel low must pay ter tae excessive coat of tbts Instruction for lbs dell one. DO YOU UMDBBSTANOT Our patrons are our leadleg citizens and bnalnaaa maa and te Uiam wa vnniii mrnrair applicants aste standing of this Institution. ray a visit us oenege ana spend a aay there, and then Judge aa le the merits of the KUOUl. J.UUITSS. B. C. WtlDL. Principal. GOOD RULE. "I always buy home manufactured goods If tbey are equal te these made elsewhere," re mused a prominent business man of Lancas ter' That's a geed rale, and, as LBVAN ft SONS' FLOOR IS AS GOOD AS ART OTHER, AMD A GOOD DEAL BETTSB THAN SOME OTHERS. Lancaster peeple are right in standing by it, as most of them de. Ask your grocer for it. There Isn't a section of the city or county where Itcannct be bad. LEYAN & SONS, MKRCUAMr MILLERS. CdS-lyd B IQ BARGAINS., Reisfs Big Bargains. 400 cues Canned Sugar Cern, 4 cans for Mc. OT76cperdczen,S140percase (. deten). Cost the packer 8le per dozen te peek It i bnt he failed, and we secured part of the bargain. We give you the benefltef it. 100 barrels Llgbtand Heney Table Molasses at Be. We bave Increased our order for this Molasses te 100 barrels. Bring alongyeurlugs, kettles and kegs. w gaiiena a-ure jExiraciea vaiuernia Heney, ttsforsse. Never saw the like. Asktesee It. la fast. CO palls Jelly-80 Hi te natl-st te ner nail. 100 boxes Large Layer Ralslns-net astern en them 10c a . 100 boxes Large Valencia Ralslni.S bt for SSc. loe boxes Large Valeneteuaulns,4 as for 35c boxes Egg Plums, lse a .. .& boxes finest Pared Evaporated Califor nia Peaches. Via a A. Extra Dried lleef, 12Wn a It. rine Dried Beef, Se aft. Picnic Hams, Ue a ft. Soaps I Soaps! Soaps I Soaps are up In price le a a. We have a big stock, and are telling at old prices. Olelne, set Babbitt's 6c, and a geed large cake, sxe, We have many ether Se brands. Geed Soaps ate for i3c Anether let of these Breems, 2 for 2Bc. A let et Cranberries at 5e a qt. An Invoice of fine Olives at ISc abottle. Sold elaewhere at 2'e. Sweet Cider, 18c a gallon. A let et oranges at loe a der.cn. J. FRANK REIST, whelesale: and retail orecer, Northeast t'araer West Klag aa4 Frfse Street. LANCASTER PA. aarTolephene and Tree Delivery. J. MARTIN & CO. SPECIAL SALE or- Thursday, January 10, We will rlace uprn our Counters some Spe cial l.ers of China at Pi tees Away llelew ht'jular Prices. ABOUT TrVaNTV-riVK UO.KN French China Dinner Plates, ATWeADOZKN, Which la I ess than Price et Iroutteco Ware ABOUT TEN DOZKN 80ALL0PBD DINNER PLATES, (rUKNCU CHINA) At IU1 a Dereu Werth Mere than Uouble. Let Of rUKNCMI CHINA SOUP PLATES al&ca Dezen. ONE LOT OP Decorated After Dinner Coffees, That ferrceily sold at CCc and 750 .Kacb, AU H educed ui ISc ALntef rUK-fCU CHINA OUPi AI SAO. C'KttH, iu Small Lets, frcm Matf-Dezau te Taoueien, at Half Prlce. ODD PIECES Or WHITE FRENCH CHINA, In Havllands, Consisting of Covered DUhes. Went Plat ters, Ac , at Less than Cost. J. B. MARTIN &CO. French Ghma, inOrOIAIUlT, (t40KDeseB.TjBtamBard. PB'krkCTriT- T1W, wbli. at AUM BBlBte. bomb aanmu. YSOBMTaOIIRT, Bacellent Materials, Bunerlee Werkmaaikla and ru, are all geed petuuet taa shin. fiOOBNTBHIBT, kelnrereed Back and Frent, One Ffeee, Plae- qneu and Gussets, an L1NBR UOBOM. Jiksx Bhirt la tbe Market at the Prtee. 80O1MTBB1RT. Its Vlae will Bnrprlse Yen. LAWN &TOOK TIbbB. (latest for full Dress Wear.) BROTHER, and 29 West King St. it a w ad ran rittaMaara. -IVERCOATH, Vf as the season Is advancing wa have re duced the prices considerably. Our Una et MOOTAUNaUa, KkKSKTH, MELTOHB, UHlNimiLLAB, KLTSIANB and rU BEATKRS, trr storm coats, cannot be ex celled In quality and assortment. We ere only the best linings, and at sure a stylish cut and perfect fit. A. H. BOKH8TEI, Fine Tailoring, alO-lydH 65 north Queen streets. PHOTOGRAPHS. All the Leading Styles -or PIOTO&RAPHS AT ROTE'S, NO. 60 1-3 NORTH QUMN ET. JBsye ABINET l'HOTOS, 11.00 a Dczen. janl-Smd JTOS. CI AND 65 NORTH QUEEN ST. PARAFFIN E, OU WAX PAPERS, IK ALL S1ZEJ, AT LOWEST NEW YOUK PRICK 1. This makes tbe most deslrable Wrapping for Butter, Meat, Lard, Ac. Manufacturers and dealers using large quantities will be quo ted Special Prices en application. L. B. HERR, BOOKSELLER AND STATION EH, NOS. Bl A U N. QUEEN ST. augls-lyd 27 AND 29. 27 AND 29! rasa, a a jyia MARK DOWN IN ALL Far and Winter Goods. Owing te the mild winter and an overstock or Winter Goods, we will make reductions en all such goods that will pay you a handsome Interest en y ear Investment, AN ELEGANT LINE Or Ladles' 8c Gents' Furs, Ol Every Description, first Quality tioeds Only. PilcfsQuarantoed the Lewest. Big Line efROBES from 13 23 np. TltUNKt, TK1VKLINO BAUS AND UM B11KLLA1. -HlgbeitCash l'tlce Paid for Raw rnrs. Stauffer&Ce., 81 & 33 North Queen Btroet, l.ANCASTKU.PA. WATCJISB. w A'lOUKS AMERICAN I Watches, clocks, Jewelry, Specs, Eye Ola Etc., at LOWEST PRICES. Optical Heeds. Telegraph Tlire Dally. Kve.y Article In this Llue t arelnlly Kej aired. LOUIS WEBER, Ne. lauX N. Queen St., Near P. R. R. Station. ItMUAli MUX turns. ESTATE Of ELIZA KHOADS, LATE of Maner township, 1 aceasu-r county. Pa, dec-ased 'lhe undersigned auditor, appointed te distribute tba balance remain lng In tbe hands of W.T Brown, administra tor of tbe estate of Eliza U heads, deceased, te and among tbeee Irgally entitled te tbe same, will ait for tbat poipese en 1 ma day, J anuary 22. l-9. at 10 o'clecic a. in , In the Library Roem of tbe Court Heuse, in tbe city of l.ancAstcr, where all persons Interested in said distribution may attend. REDMOND CONTNGHAV, dec27-3tdTh Auditor. TIISTATE OK 11ENKY 1. OAK80N, AU late of lancaater city drcessed. Lettets testamentary en said tstate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons lo le lo debted thereto are requested te make 1 in me diate payment, and these having claims or de mand against the same, will present them without uelay fur settlement le tbe under, signed, or te her attorney In fact, Henry ST. Carsen, at the Isibliiobsesb Oines. ANMA MARIA UAUdON. Baew A Hisskl, Axecutrlx. Attorneys. (- iiTh AXXUMJIMtm. T UTHUtt S. KADKf MAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, faaoBriearBsUasBAa Law Baliainfcjtp. Trissaiaaataaa. .. .Jlyasa . i ,v M J X