j fimfvi. i'Ptwiii ; v" v !"-- .'- '-.iTKUT '"OTiWM II - -w:' ? ymatef 41 VOLUME XXV NO. A CYCLONE'S AWFDL WORI . niutatixnr en WBORI A BTMUMS. (Nay ef.aM OaeswMvse JtM-rf t the WUSSSfhsa A melons swept ever thtBinlhsraBaolle of Reedlag abent s o'eteak WedaetdaT !il?a f?d "' a terrible teas of Ufa, imiiiniDnnin nam tMeetlawted' b,T bMa IiBW0M,1y It bad been raising vary hard all tka BBOralOr, btlt tOWMd bem It ecas id SlBlOSt ntlraljr, sad by 4 o'clock than waa every ln loaUea that there would smaatlreesa. setlen el tba rain alarm. Bait aa our afterward a bright ana made every effort te penetrate Ue cloud. Tba refulgent Uata ofuralnbewwereescala tba eastern aky, iwrtendlng a beautiful euueet. Than waa a clear aky overhead. This continued for ball aa hour lennr. Tum ii an. ehenged with a suddenness that waa ap. palling. r Tba flseey clouds gsvs way te tba ominous signs of scorning storm. Dark, heavy banka et olenda marshaled Uem selves toward the front,andagleom aeemad te have aettled evar tbe elty. Tbera waa a atlllaata aa et coming danger. Then tba wind whittled, reared and tore a anad oeatutlon. Tbe storm clouds grew heavier still, aBd leader reared tbe wind. Xa the weetern aky tbe storm waa aeea approaching, with a thundering noise. Tba swsth It ent waa narrow, but tbe effect waa terrible. Persons raaldlng along the track el the aterm ear that tbey aaw tbe flret algna et danger in a iunael.abaped maelairem, ..!r ?" gather up everything within Harmen andeait It right aid left Oat lu tbe country houses snd barna were unroofed, farm outbuilding overturned, crepa rooted tip and destruction rpr jad la every direction. Tbe track of thla dMtruetlve element waa net mere tban 200 feet wide, and It la lucky that It only touched tbe anburba or the city. It eune from tbe west, but pawed along the northern border of Reeding, Flrt it louebed the Mount Penn stove works. Hare tbe corner et tbe building waaatruek aad a portion or the toot was out off aa nicely an If done with a pair or scissors. Then tba storm-cloud, seurrled across nema fields, took oft a portion of tbe reef of J. H. Stern bergh'a rolling mill, and a number of dwellings were unroeted us nleely aa if tbelr tin roefe were paper. Tne aterm then hurried aoreea the property or tba Reading railroad company and crewed the railroad. Here a paaenger ear waa atandleg. ThU was overturned as easlly at If It had been a toy and la pllntera scattered In every direction. Meanwbile tbe rain poured down In ter. rents, tbe atmosphere became heavy and oppressive, and it was almeat as dark aa night. Directly alongside the tracks of the Reading railroad waa situated the paint- abep of the Reading railroad oempany. It was a one story building, about CO by 160 feet. Here about thirty men were em em pleyed in painting passenger cars. There were eight or nine or these cars In tbe building. Tbey weie built at the company's abeps In that city at a cost et fa.COO each. Tbe building waa etruek square In the middle, aad the bricks scattered about aa If tbey were playthings. Tbe care were turned tepsy-turvy, while the men were burled under the debris. Seme et the bricks were carried a square away. The chamber et aaeh et the pawanger cars was already filled with gas, as they were ready te be taken out en tba read In a lew days. These exploded one after another with the fearful bang et a cannon, causing the people te run out of tbelr houses, think Ing that It waa the sound et an earthquake. Tbare was a considerable quantity et gaso line In the building, and tnls added tuel te tbe flames. A sbeatb of flune shot heavenward with tbe rear of musketry. Berne twenty of tbe men had a chance te crawl out of the debris, but four of their com pan tens were enveloped In tbe embrace et the flames. Tbelr erlea were heard for a moment by tbe terrified workmen, and then their velcea were hushed forever. They were quloklyreaatel te death, and tbe Ure from tbe nine pas senger cars lit up tbe heavens for miles around. It wsa a beautiful sight, and oeuld have been enjoyed but for tbe awful calamity wbleb brought It about. In tbe meautlma tbe lira department had been . eilled out, but Its aervleea were unavailing. Tbe building and ears were consumed In fifteen minutes, and nothing left but tbe blackened, amokleg ruin, under which lay tour human beings burned te a crisp. Following are the names of these burned te death: Jehn Kahler, Albert Ltndberger, Bberldan Jenes, Geerge Bahaefer. Following are the namea of these Injured by tbe explosion : Aaren Dawalt, an em- Sleye et the pilot shop, arm broken; serge Knabb, Injured Internally, and, no doubt, fatally; tne leas te tbe railroad oempany la fully 175,000. While tbls wsa ge.ag en tbe aterm wsa traveling forward with tearful rapid Ity. It mess have traveled at tbe rate el 100 miles an hour. It unroeted a dczen private resi dences, Tbe huge sheets of tin ware earrled half a square away, and deposited In aa eutlet, Then the aterm proeeeded In lie fury. THB READ1KO. SILK MILL BLOWH DOWN. Directly In Its path, at tbe corner of Twelitb and Marien streets, steed tba Read, leg silk mill. Here about 176 happy girls were wetklng. The building was a huge atrueture, meat substantially built, four stories in height, and had a basement besides. It occupied an entire block of ground. The building Itself was nearly 300 feet In leegtb and about 160 feet wide, and surmounted by a massive tower, tally ICO feet from tbe ground. Tne funnel-shaped storm cloud struck the building directly In tbe centre en Ha oreadeat aide, whleb faced tbe week It fe:i te pieces as if composed el se many building blocks. Nearly 200 human belnga went down In the awful wreck. Human tongue cau never tell the terrible scenes of that hour. The walls gave way, tbe floors fail down one en top of tbe ether, and carried tbls grest main of human belnga te the bottom. The bricks were pi led up In tbe greatest confusion, while amid tbe hurricane and whistling, ruthtng, rearing Wind, terrible erlea for snoeor were sent up te Heaven. It waa a moment that tried men souls. Almest simultaneous with the rail of the building came tbe awful erlea for relle'. Quia with blaekened facts, bruised and broken limbs, their clothing tattered and lern, dragged themselves from tbe ruins. Be probably 75 te 100 escsped through their own frantic tfTerU or were dragged out by tbelr friends. These, of course, worked en tbe upper II ors, and were tbrewn near tbe top of tbe debris. At eeme piaea tbe brlcke ware piled twenty feet deep, and underneath team are lying bnman bodies by the eoere. About 250 girls and young women are usually employed lu the mill, but af 4 o'clock about eighty were relieved from duty for the day. Tney returued te their hemee before tbe aterm came. Tbe alarm for relief was Immediately sent out, and In a abort llme theuiande of eltlcana arrived te help get out tbe dead and dying. Tba scene was a harrowing one and beggars description. The mill Is situated near tbe feet of Mount Prien, a high mountain overlooking tbeeity. When the people arrived everything u envel eped lndarkne.a. Then huge boefirei were built wbleb east a dismal glare en the aurreundlng seene. Tbe fire oempaoles lait the barnlne pelnt-ahep and satiated la tbe rescue et the dead and the dying. The entire pel loe force waa ealled ent; tbe ambulance and relief oerpe and a thousand people were tn among tbe debris, carrying out bricks, pulling away timbers and assisting wber evertbey could all at tbe same time ; but tbelr work waa alew compared with tbe demand for tbe rescue of the victims of the disaster. Hare a young woman was taken out all bruised, suffering with cuts and bruises. Oae body noticed as It waa dragged out bad Its bead out off. -Others were in various posture, tba living all suffering from tbe ateat terrible wounds aad seme almeat aeaxad te death. Up le aildalght a dcasa bodies were re- ruimgiuaesj few yeaa 121. age The bnHeera were Headtag eapHallesa, mi sb nimiisus nss wws bbb.bb The aiH waa taea baaed le GrtaastMW wetaete, efFaiarsca, if. J., where they, else operate similar mllla, aa they have' beta raaniag It ever eteea The saeehlaary tbey put la the mill eettftAeea. Thai Ma total ieaa. DK4D TAKBN PBOK THB BUMS. RaiDine, Jaa. 10. At S oetoek thla Bseralag there were between twenty five aad thirty dead takea eat, end It te eup. posed there are aheat fifty atiU maelalag la the ralaa. ABMagtaedeedarf: HalHeSejIer, Aaale Glaseer,Xaara Heaeaaa, Katie Bewasaa, Mary Bvaaa, Aaale Qlasaer, Harry, Oreeker, Aaale Randanaer, Martha Tay ler, Msenle Less, Kila Bldenhewer, SaUle Btefcal, Harry Oettereil, Kva Leeds, Sephie wiBaieaaaa, a.atie ljsasLssuiieunriauBaa, Barbara BllvenbMmsr. asr, vri fm. Beyder, Gee. Hleaaaa. There M meuraiag and Berrow la Baaay households la RsadTag te-day. The pall of death haaga evar the elty. Fathera and mothers, brothers aad alstere, relaUvta aad rrlenda are grief stricken ever the work of last alght Over one haadred eptrlta are huehed forever la death aa a result et the wreck aad rntn wieeght la thla cliy by the aterm. The nydene leit the entire elty la dark Bees, wbleb wsa only relieved by eloetrle llgbta aad hage benflrea which aned their' Biare ea mi scene ei asate. All mgnt long rave and willing haada assisted in tbe work of rescuing tbe dead. The disaster la lully aa bad aa reported la the dispatches et last sight. Tbe Hit of fatal easee will reach one hundred, aad auy be mere. Hospitals aad undertakers' establlsbmsata are all busy, aad many private henaea have beta opened for the aoeomaodatloB of tbe Injured. When the first gray streaks of early morning appeared lr portended a beautiful aad happy day, but net for the grief grief atrleken residents et Reading. A smiling ana appeared aad everything waa directly In contrast with the fury et last night. Mayer Kenney at 2 o'elock thla meraine: Issued a call for meeting et ettlttaaatltSO tbls afternoon te devise means te aid the injured and assist tbe families et these who perished. xne were: or rescue was greauy reiaraea from the alagular manner la wbleh the silk mill collapsed. It did net blew ever, but waa bodily crushed down, falling la upon Itself In eae mesa. Aa the building waa steam healed, meat fortunately, the rulaa did net take fire, otherwise net one or the unfortunates oeuld possibly baveeseaped death In Ita most appalling form. Teamaet every description, omnibuses, funeral ecaches, fire wagons, hospital vans and private vehicles were pressed Inte service, and were running rapidly te and from tbe scene of disaster all nlgbt long, bearing bodies of the wounded, dying and dead, te their homes or te the different hospitals. Mr. Gwrge Qrlmshaw, one of thepreprle ters of tbe mill, wbewaa himself injured, seya thla morning that te tbe best of his knowledge there were 276 persons, princi pally girls and boys, In tbe mill at the time of tbe occurrence. Mr. Grtmabaw reports missing 20 young men aad 03 women. The low te Philadelphia fc Reading rail read oempany by tbe burning of Ha paint shop and passengers care Is probably $05,000 and te the silk mill and Ita machinery about f 110,000. The following la Mayer Kenney's precla- I hereby earaeelly appeal te the proles preles proles atenal, business and ether cltlims who may be able te favorably respond, te meet at the courthouse at 1:30 tbls afternoon tedevtae way a and msaas te aid the la Jured and assist tbe families et these who perished last nlgbt In the fall of theaUk mill and the Philadelphia A Reading paint abep. Tbe fearful oyelona that atruek this city at 6:30 laat evening has brought sorrow and want te many of our people, who are la aueh circumstances as te be unable te meet tbe emergency, and the occasion calls loudly for immediate action. Qulelc le re spond te ethers In distress, let us net fall te deapeedy Justice te our own grlef-atrleken people. SUB BISBSTBK IN PIRBBUBO. KlgM Killed ana MIHt-Uts Irjnrsd Twe Uvss Lest At Banbury. The disaster In Pittsburg en Wcdnetdny was net attended by tbe lest of life aa drat reported. A new building 30 by 80 feet In dimensions and aeven stories high, wsa la course of erection at Diamond and Weed atieets, and tbe front had net yet been put In. The wind entered tbla shell and parted tbe walls, one falling each way and partly wrecking nearly a detan aurreundlng buildings. A number of peraeaa ware bnrled In the ruins. Frem tbe bast In formation that oeuld te obtained late Wedneaday night, eight peraena were killed and 35 etbera Injured, aeme of them, It la thought, fatally. At a late hour the Inspec tor or pollee waa of tha opinion that from 16 te 25 peraena were yet la the rnlna, A rain and wind aterm came np sud denly at Banbury, Pa., Wednesday even Ing, and blew ever two of the sucks et the Banbury nail mill. Tbey erasbed through the reef of tbe puddling department, killing O. O. Bbewsrs and an unknown tramp, and Injuring ten etbera, one fatally. Four men are etill mlsalng. A wind and rain aterm swept ever tha Oambailsnd Valley, doing damage esti mated at 110.000. The government train ing aoheol ler Indiana, tbeGebtn guarda armory and a number et dwellings in Car lisle were unroofed. Barna and out-buildings ware blown down in the surrounding country. It was also reported that con cen siderable damage waa done at Mechanics burg. A large school balldlng In Hsrrlsburg waa unroofed by the tornado and a panic among tbe children followed. Many were trampled, but it la thought none were aeveriy Injured. A numberel ether build Inga were damaged, and two peraena were Injured by flying debris. Tba aterm at Wllllamspert damaged a number of buildings, a portion et tba new Dsmerest Sewing Maehlne factory being blown down. Tbe less at tbe faotery la placed at 110,000. Many telephone wlrea were broken. At Yerk a new brick market house waa destroyed by tbe wind. It oest about f 12,000 te erect. The Uttlcens' Gas company's tsnk, In Brooklyn, wss struck by lightning early Wednesdsy nlgbt, and It blew np. A aeoend tank also exploded, and all tbe llgbta from Atlantic avenue te tbe bay were extinguished. Great damage waa done te property for squares around and several peraena were Injured, but no Uvea were lest A cyclone followed tbe explosions, blowing down 300 teet of tbe barracks at tbe navy yard, and doing much damage te ether property. Nermal Anniversary. Millbrsvillk, Jan. 10. Tbe thirty aeoend anniversary of tbe Nermal Literary axlety will te held In tbe Nermal ebapel en Friday evening, Jan. 25. A yttf Inter esting pregramme has been prepired fcr the oeoaslon. Prof. R. M. MeNael, ennly superin tendent et Dauphin oeunty, and a graduate of tbe Nermal in the class of 70, will act sa president; Miss Carrie H. Ely, of Ysrdley, Pa., e! tbe class of 'EG, will be secretary; Miss A. KUribeth Barnbart, of Greens burg, Pa, of tbe class et 'SO, will read an essay en "Mr. Grundy." Hen. James R Kanney, mtyer of Read leg, will give ' Readings Bllgbtly Humer eus." Hen. Henry Houek, deputy state anperlntendent of Pennsylvania, will de liver tbe honorary oration, subject, Bound te Win." The exercises will be Interspersed with music by Carl TherbabD, assisted by bis pupils, and by Mlates Fos Fes ter and Procter, muile teachers at the Nor Ner mal, asa's'id by the Nermal Glee club, Windmill Uiaaagtd. Daring tbe storm et last Balurday the large wheel en tbe windmill of Alexander Fergusen, at Union, Celeraia tewnsljp, waa blown te the ground. It was damaged beyond repair, Optra Company Uelg Bast. The a Jaaaale Wlnstca ipaayweveBBBBtaflere ea beard Oast B SBBSJ BBBjBWt ( u.-. LANCASTER, IN THE COT AND COUNTY. Laneurea vairas BTaareaai watea BIB LtrTLB BBBtaaa. resetti la the Geanty SiaVs-Twa I sasttsaas trjsM. eae iMalty. la Baa barr-Maeas rail Ubeb a Baatag Bull Where Ihsv Are 1 The dull rainy weather of Wednesday gate Utile ladleauea of tha botsttreae wind storm that waa aweepieg dewa apeaPttta aarg with gathering fury, bat whea the dispatches aBBonaetng the calamity la that elty were published with the brier etate meet that the aterm waa moving eastward, readera twgta te leek for the apeedy ar rlvalef a howling eyolene, Fer tale rea son .be enddea cleertag of the sky at four o'elock waa a great surprise, bul close ob- eetvere et the spectacle la dendlend noted the headlong speed of the snowy meases silvered by the nearly level aaa aa they went flying after tha furled a wb leget heavy cloud that had hnng all day above the elty. The heavens had been " rolled np like a aereU," but the pe were of the air revealed aaeaargelle purpose te awcep everything eat et .the way for a grand elemental war daaee ; and when a lowering black oleod eams up across the faoeet tha retiring ana many thought that the eyolene wet about te whirl down op an upon ut with all Ita fury. The wind aterm that swept through the atresia staggered pedestrians and threatened te blew down a few market henaea and banks, bntU la plain that wewereapared the fnU power or the storm that worked aueh fearful devastation la ether cities, DAMAOB IN THB COUNTY. There waa aeme damage In different parta of tbe oeunty from tha high wind. At Keuffman'a aiding, ea the Pennsylvania railroad, about half way between Laneaatsr and Iiindlnvllle, eight telegraph pelea of the Weetern Union oempany were blown down se low as te Interfere with the run ning e tears. At a point Jnst east of Bellemente and at Wltmer'e atatlen a number et pelea were blows ever, and tha linemen of tbla city were put te work early In the evening. Many wlrea were blown dewa In thla elty. The wind was very high In Btraaburg. The tin root en the large warehouse owned by Philip IbxlUr waa twisted off aad blown for ibe dlstanee et a square or mere down the Paradise read. A large tree at the residence et Mrs. Edward Eberman, who realdea about the centre of town, waa btewn ever. It fell upon the reef et a two twe two atery building, which waa once used aa a blaekamlih shop sad went owning through It te tbe first fleer. A large apple tree en the prem'aea of Nerman I Waldley. proprietor or the Btraaburg atage Una, waa blown ever, having been uprooted, On the farm of Abraham Leamsn, near Sblssler's meeting house, aad net far from Neflsvllle, a wind pump waa blown down. It fell en a beg pen badly, damaging the balldlng. The barn en the farm of Abraham Lane, near Oregon, en which Daniel Ludwlg la tbe tenant, waa unroofed. One end of the bnUdlag waa also blown out. Samuel Martin's wind pump at his resl. denee,neer Neflsvllle, waa blown dewa and badly broken. The reef was blown from the large cov ered bridge wuleh spans the Coneatega creek at Busheng'a mill, near Oregon. The rafters were nearly all blown out. On tbe farm of Peter Brubaker, In tbe aame neighborhood, a stack et grata waa picked up and carried aeme dlstanee by the wind and then upset Other stacks In the vicinity were tern apart, and manyfeneea and treea were blown down. Tbe wind waa very atreng, but the fall of rain waa net se heavy. The aterm was severe In tbe vlelnlty or Brownstown. Pails of tbe reefs of tbe dwelling houses of Joel Wenger and Clay ten Wenger were blown off and tbe entire reef of tbe oeunty bridge near that village waa blown off, Tha oernlee was blown from the store building of Jeise Mamma at Brownstown, and for a time It waa feared that the build ing wenld be demolished. The oeunty bridge at EarlvlUe waa un un un reoted. Between Brownstown and Laneaater many treea and fences were blown down. TKHBIBLK AOOlDBRf ATBUMUUKV. Twe LsecMtsr Haa fMdly Injured By tbe Bie wing ever of Braeks Stack. A terrible accident occurred at Bunbury at 6:30 Wednesday evening. A rain and wind aterm came up auddenly and blew ever two of the stacked theSenbary nail mill. They crashed through the slste reef, completely demolishing the paddling de partment et the mill. Tbirty-nve men were employed In that department, and half of them wete burled In the debris. The fire alarm was sounded and seen hundreds surrounded tbe mill. Among the men hurt are Rebert Beasley and Albert Williams, two well known puddlere, formerly of this city. Tbe former had his bead crushed, seveial ribs broken and was Internally Injured. WlUlama had a leg broken and his bead waa eat. Beasley oemes from Rlohmeod, Virginia, but for a number el jeara he waa employed at the Penn Iren werka et tbla elty. Twe months age be went with James MeQready, Andrew Bhay, Ell Brenner, Albert WlUlama and etbera te Banbury, where tbey have atnee been employed. Beasley la about 28 years et age and Is married te a Lancaater lady. Last summer be wss manager of tbe baae ball rlub of tbe Penu Iren works. He haa many friends berr, wbe will be sorry te learn et tbe terrible accident Albert William, the ether Lincaater man, la about tbe same age as Beasley. He la married and has eae child. His mother la Mrs. Christiana Hambrigbt, who hat been twlee married, and resides at Ne. 309 East Chestnut street. He Is a nephew et Csptaln Abraham Ssiley, of Hetel Veteran aad Prison-keeper Jaoeb S. Bmltb. WILLIAMS DIES OF HIS INJUIIIEH. A telegram et Inqatry concerning the Injured men wss sent te Bunbury by the Intelligence!! thU morning. BherUy before neon an anawer was received stating that Williams bad died of lilalrjarles at 4 o'elock tbla morning. Beasley, although very seriously hurt, may recover. Tbe relatives of Wllllami also reeetved tele grama bringing newa of bis desth tbla morning, and arrangements will be made at once te have the body brought te Lancas ter for Interment. The mother et tbe dc ceased la a widow, her aeoend husband, Reuben Hambrigbt, having died about a year age. Skater Ueasgbiis Agsla Bsaten. In tbe speed skating contest ler the amateur championship of tbe world Ven Panscbln, tbe Rnsslsn champion, In Am sterdsm, Helland, en Wedneaday, wen the one-mtle raet, covering tbe cutanee In 2m. 63 3-6. Jee Demgbue, of Nawburgb, N, Y., America's representative, made the mile tn 3m. 1 6a. Wwk of risjar, Tbe attendance attune meetings In tbe Presbyterian eburcb, held every evening thla week, la evidence that they are deeply Interested. The B3ng service,' Uteraperaed with prayera jaad a abort, bbhbbi by r, aft MMUaaM M M PA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1889. WrOBtABg TAX BBOBWOK. Ta bsmmbmbm bbmm aaataet cssgeiaUsaa rwum rive mhhssmi. Harrltburg Dispatch te Philadelphia Tiam. Tax settlements araeuntlag teapwardt of nve sBiutewa or aeuara nave jBeseeea ataae by the accounting effleers el the state against rattrcad and ether eorperaUoaa for taxes, which It te claimed have beta withheld frees, the etate through laearreet or fraudu teat reperta made te the auditor gtatnd'a dspartmeat during the past flneea or The history cl these dalrnt la InteresUag aad Martllag, aa showing aet ealy hew eerporattena habitually seek te evade pay lag the taxee wbleh by law they are re quired te pay, bat also the loose way la which Berne former auditor geaerald have allowed tax aeeeaata te be aettled. The attaatiea et the late Auditor Oeaeral Nerrle having been called by Ratne E. Bhapley, or Pbltadelpbta, when he waa mining the revenue laws, te the ameuat et taxee whleb. had thus been Ien te ue state, he employed that gea. Ueman aa sneelal eeunael for the commonwealth te Investigate tbsee claims aad prepare the aeeassary evidence te euppert them. Accordingly claims against the oerporatloaa ware daly filed by hint ead were Battled by Colonel Nerrla shortly boferehla death. Colonel McCamenr, the S resent auditor general, having aaUsfled Imaelf that tbey were Just and ought te be pressed, arnt them te auto Treasurer Hart, who has also approved tbem, although ex pressing eeme doubt ae te his power te thus revise accounts which have been eeUled by former state c doers. It will bessen that, If the contention et tbe commonwealth be oerreot, tbla oondl eondl oendl Uoa of affaire haa resulted mainly from under-valuatlene of capital atoek or failure te report oerreotly the fall amount of capital stock taxable la thla state. The following are the oempanlea affected and tha amounts thsy ewe: The Delaware &, Hudsen Canal oempany, 972 863 20 ; the Lehigh Valley railroad oempiny, 1714,319 64 ; the Delaware, Lacka wanna dc Western railroad oempany, f 900, 70186; tee Philadelphia dc Reeding railroad oempany, KS5.708.79 dhePeaaiylvani com- pany, 11,206,272 1 the Erie & Weaura f Transportation oempany, 1209,173 04 ; tl e Philadelphia A Erie relltead cempan), 419.741.67. " Tee claims thus unearthed and aettled, Including thst against the Penn Mntnsi Lire, of PhUsdelpnts, for nearly 1300,000, whose appeal wli I be tried here next month, amount te 16,328400.66. Tha amount thus Involved wenld about ray cB the state debt ; and, If but a portion of the text a thua claimed abeuld ultimately bs recovered, the lessen whleb will thua be Unght corporations aad the accounting cilleera of tha elate will probably result in something mere like an hone at enforcement or the revenue lawa in future. Between tbe ptrelitent and often success ful effetta of oerporatlone te evade paying taxee, the loose wey In which settlements have beea made, tbe loose wsy In whleb our revenue lawa have been drawn and the recent decisions of oeurls, by which acta which have been enforced for halt a eentury have beea recently declared unoenatltu tlenal, It la evident that aeme vlgoreue re form meat urea are absolutely necessary somewhere. BXPLOSIVB EGOS Oesd By a Barn Bnralag Lunatle la Yerk Oeaaly. There have bean a number of mysterious barn burnings In tbe southern part et Yerk oeunty, close te the Maryland line, and notwithstanding the offer et rewards fcr the Incendiary no clue had been found until a fewdayaage when a curious dlioetery wsa made. About dinner time aeme one ea the farm of Mr, David Newcomer, who Uvea two miles west rrem eisnvllie, a hamlet ea tbe Baltimore and Hanover read, heard a hen cackling at a vigorous rate and when found aba waa In a ahed attached te tba barn and waa hurling her protesting cackles at an egg at her teet Aa the egg waa picked up It waa Inverted and a amail stream of black powder poured from one end. This proved te be gunpowder. As seen a Mr. Newoemer and bla neigh bera realized that tbe egg contained an ex plosive they were net long in reaching tbe conjecture that another egg had been hidden near tbe point wbere tbla bad been and that It would explode before six o'clock the hour In tbeaiternoen at whleb all tbe previous fires, wltb oneexeeptlou, hsd been discovered. All the farming Implements were removed from tbeabed,and tha sbecka of fodder, whleb inclined against the ex terior of tbe frame, were also quickly taken away. If another egg bad been oenoealed It was thought thst It would bt among this fodder, wbleh weald prove a desirable place ter ststUng tbe flames. Esob shock waa picked up separately and violently pitched ten or fifteen feet, ae that an egg or any oenoealed Infernal maehlne would have tumbled out, but tbe expected event did net transpire. Each shook waa then dragged aeventy-five feet te en old nnoo nneo nnoe oupied oil mill and then set .np against It. It was tben three o'clock, and Mr. New comer and his neighbors waited for tbe ar rival et tbe hour el 4:30 or 6 o'clock, when It waa anticipated tbat an explosion would take place either In the fodder or In the bam, and buckets iwere filled wltb water and all preparatlene were made te extinguish the flames aaiesn ss tbey sbeuld appear. At 4:30 an explosion waa heard and ait eyea were Immediately turned toward tbe barn, but no 11 imea were seen. Mrs. Miller at tbe aame moment saw tbe flames lssp 30 feet from tbe abecka around tbe old oil mill, and there the explosion waa located. Tbe Ore was neon put out. Beven barns have been burned and all but one were In Manbelm lewnablp. All were burned lata lu tbe afternoon. Oa New Year'a day David Meek ley, near Glenville, beard an explosion as be wss climbing bis hsy me w about 11 ve o'eloek In tbe afternoon . In a moment tbe rick was In llamea and bis barn waa deatiejed. A TOBNCIKE COMPAN fS OAHSL Tery Uileg Belt te Ittcavsr Tan Cents ana Get Judgment for four. AmeBg persons wbe de a grest deal et driving in tbe ceuntry,tbere baa bsen much complaint for years about the condition of tbe different turnpikes. Tbe company controlling ibe read between tbls elty snd Mlllersvllle have bad trouble wltb many people, who have refused te pay tell, and several Isw suits bsve resulted. One day recently F.Sdhreeder,a well known tobacco buyer of tbls elty, drove through tbe gate en tbla pike without piyicgbla tell, wbleb, between tbe cliy snd Mlllersvllle, Is ten cents. Tbe oempany at once brought a evil sultsgalnat Bohreeder, before Alder man Halbaeb, te recover tbe dime. The:e waa a bearing in the cate en Tueaday. Tbe gate-keeper gave bis side et tbe story and tben Mr. Habieedei'e defense wss heard. Tbe latter claimed that the turnpike la in need of great repairs and that In many plaeea wbere It baa been repaired tbe condi tion la worse tban before. It was alie shown tbst as the street ear traiks runs along the west side of the turnpike It Is net the width that It should be. Mr. Bcbreeder lurtber testified thst he did net drive tbe whole distance, for which ten cents Is charged, but only a mile or ae be yond tbe gate. Tbe alderman reaerved bla declaien, at a little llme was required te study ever a case of such magnitude Hebssnew given judgment In fsver et tbe turnpike oempany for the sum of four cents. Ibe defendant cannot takeout aa appeal, bat tbe case will likely be cer cer tlerarled, and may yet reach tbe supreme oeurt. BUeck By a Hlrsat Car. Oa Tuesday evening aa Henry Banm gardner waa crcMlng tbe trackacf the East End Passenger railway at East King and Bblppen streets, bit buggy was struck by a car. Tbe vehicle was thrown te a aide and bidly twlatedup,but fortunately Mr, Baum gtrdner was net Injured. Tn lutudlt King," Ltat evening tbe Wallaclc company played "The Bandit King" In Fulton opera beuse te a fair audience. The play baa often been aeea bete aaa la weU kaewa. COMMITTEES NAMED. MRraBWttTAlIVK 'HANKLIM OHBIB AH Or VfJB LOCAL JDOIlllAHV. tsaetsfs BTiHa aad slehaaea rkteed Oa lav- oral tapertaat esmaatttsss-A Ml Frs- ssMsa la taa saaete te suae tbe Term el Atsstsers lkree lasts. HAttRtflBuae, Jaa. 10 In the Senate te-day bltle were reported favorably author lalag the printing or 10,000 espies of a re vised edition of the report ea blrda of Pennsylvania"; making the term of as sessors three years. Judge Arneld's bills, providing for a simplification of Judicial actions, were ordered te bs prints! te enable the Judiciary oemmlttse te give them proper exam- laaUen. Bills were Introduced aa fellows t Pen. rose, Philadelphia, te establish a beard of directors for a nautical aobeel ; also, pre vldlng for a state beard et medical exam iners and licensers. Steele, Allegheny, te oentlnue charters and extend the time ler railroad oempanlea te complete their lines. Bbewalter, Bearer, te prevent sale of IntoxleaUng llquera ea Decoration Day. Beaalager, Lehigh, providing for the ap pointment of llbrarlaaa for court libraries. Thompson, Dauphla, requiring the names of principals doing buslatsith rough agents te havB thtlr name registered In the re oerder'a cfltee et the proper oeunty, At 12 o'clock the two houses mat te count ths vote for auditor general. Mr. Mylln introduced a bill te repeal Ibe read lawa of Salisbury aad Fallen town ships. Tbe Bsnatf, after Joint convention, con firmed tbe nomination et Pennypacker for Judge la Philadelphia, and adjourned until Tataday morning. CHAIRMAN OF HOUSB O0MHITTXKS. la tbe Heuse te-day Speaker foyer an nounead tba following atandlng commit tees t The chairmen are t Waya and means, Graham, Allegheny; Jodielary general, Hall, Maresr; appropriations, Dearden, Philadelphia ; railroad. Breeke, Philadelphia ; agricultural, Hickman, Cheater ; corporations, Blltlngalsy, Wash Ington t municipal corporations, CobbeU, Philadelphia ; city passenger rail ways, Keyser, Philadelphia ; Judiciary loeal, Franklin, Laneaatsr; education, Beau, Montgomery; Inauranee, Baldwin, Lancaater; constitutional reform, Drave, Beaver; vice and Immorality, Kendall, Ferest; legislative appoitlenmenLHuahe?, Somerset; mllltsry, Jenes, Blair; labor and Industry, Msxey. Buiqaebanna; mines and mining, Hager, Wayne; mannfacturss, MoOennell, Cheater; banks, Trulr, Mercer; elections, Oapp, Ltbanen; oenntlea. Evans, Beafdrd; publle buildings, Bsrner.Daupbln ; pension and gratuities, Stewart, Pnlladsl pbls; geological survey, Sbeemsker, Ment gemery; accounts, Mrewn, Beaver; retrench ment and reform, White, Allegheny; printing, Thompson, Warren; Irea and coal, Stewart, Allegheny ; bureau of statistics, Ltffsrty, Allegheny; federal rela tions, Bnlra, Allegheny; library, Themas, PbUadelpbls;', eenteanlal affaltr, Ktdd, Philadelphia; oempars bill, Hellxeeb, The Heuse adjourned nctll te-morrow morning. cexmrtBKs APreiNtan. Tbeas Ballet! By Us frssMsat el lbs Bb ate Bills Introduced. President Grady en Wedneaday nlgbt announced the following Senate oooimlt eooimlt oeoimlt toes; Judiciary Loeal Messrs. Wstres, chair man; Hobbles, Brown, (Montgomery,) Paekert, Hennlngsr, Hlnea and Green. Judletsry Special Messrs. Allen, chair man ; (ebin, Ne wmyer, Alexander, Brown, (Montgomery.) Penrose, Weeds, William, aen, Packer, Rees, Shall, Henninger and Slean. Judiciary General Messrs. Newmyer, chairman ; Reyburn, Mylln, Rutan, Ttaemp aen, Watres, Penrose, Tayler, McCreary, Delamater, Ress, Sbul), Sebnatterly and Meizger. Corporations Messrs. Uppermsn, chair man ; Cooper, Bailtb, Newell, Hsr Ian, Bella, Sbull anTwilsen. i i Finanee Messrs. Maefarlane, chairman ; Cooper, Delamater, Harlan, Htebman, Rutan, Smith, Mylln, Belts, Wilsen, Me Aleer and Bchnatterly, Appropriations Mesarr. 'Reyburn, chair men ; Stebman, Smith, Wattes, Allen, Mylln, Rutan, Gebln, MeAleer, Belts, Martin and Wilsen. Railroads Mst Bra. Keefsr, ebalrman; Cooper, stshman.Delamater, Lemen, Mo Me Aleer, Betta and Watsen. Municipal Affairs Messrs. Mylln, chair man ; Cooper, Upperman, Smith, Watres, Rutan, Rsyburn, Msisjar. Daobredt and Green. Bsnks Messrs. Delsmster, ebalrman; Packer, Rebblns, Rutan, Betta and Metx ger. Canala and Inland Navigation Messrs. Lemen, cbslrman ; Rsyburn, Williamson, Steel, Sebnatterly, Daobredt and Wilsen. Federal Relatiene Messrs. Cooper, ohslr ehslr man ;8teel, Alexander, Bates, Weeds, Mete ger. Green and Sebnatterly. Military Affairs Messrs. Gebln, cbslr man; Watres, MeOreary, Steel, Daobredt and Slean. Pemlena and Oratultlca Messrs. Mo Me Crssry, cbslrman; Gebln, Allen, Watres, Dachredt, Blean and Devlin. Mlnea and Mining Me'srs. Thompson, chairman ; Reefer, Watres, Lines, Rebblns, Belts, Bbull and Watsen. Agrleulture Messrs. Harlsn, ehslrmac; Stebman, Steele, Mcbard, Lines, MeLaln, Brown (Yerk). Dachrediand Martin. lcaurance Mtetra. Newell, ebalrman; Newmyer, Maefarlane, Brown (Ment gemery), Mylln, layler, Usilsn, SbuU. Brown (Tork), Sebnstterly and Green. Constitutional Reform Messrs. Brown (Montgomery) chslrmsn ; Gebln, Lines, Tayler, Bates, Mebard, Weeds, Henninger, Brown (Yerk) Blesn and Hlnea. New Ceuntiua end Count v Beats Messrs. Packer, chairman ; Lines, Weeds, William- eon, Brown (Montgomery), Henninger, Sebnatterly and Martin. Education Messrs. Stebman, chairman ; Maefarlane, Alexander. Me Lain, Mebard, Hhewalter, Brown (Yerk), Martin and Ulnes. Publle Printing Meaair. Alexander, chairman ; Harlan, Newell, Bbewalter, Wataeu and Hlnea. Library Messri. Bbewalter, ebalrman ; Maefarlane, Penrose, McLaln, .Thompson. Brown. (Yerk), Blean and Brsen. Pablfe Uelldings-.Metsra. Rebblns, chair man ; Mebard, Lines, Weeds, Henninger, Msrtln and Devlin. 'Retrenchment and Reform Messrs. Mo hair, ebalrman ; Upperman, McCreary, Wlllistnsen, Melterand Brown (Yerk). Centennial Aflalra Messrs. Penrose, cbsirmtn; Drewn (Monlgemery), Bates, Newmyer, Williamson, Brown, (Yerk) and Uinta. Vice and Immorality Messrs. Lines, chairman ; McLaln, Bates, Rebblns, Weeds, Wilsen and Devlin. Elections Meesrs. Gebln, chslrmsn ; Allen, TbompseKeeter, Upperman, Ress and Green, Account Messrs. Mebard, chairman ; Keeler, Newell, Bbewalter, Watsen and Devlin. Compare Bills Messrs. Steel, ebstrmsn ; Penrose, Tayler, Lemen, Slean and Devlin. Congressional Apportionment Messrs. Smith, chairman ; Newmeyer, Alexander, Newell, Seel, Dvismster, Brown, (Mont gomery,) Lemen, Williamson, Bates, Pscker,Bfaull, Bebnattetly, Wllson.Wataea, Ulnes and Devlin. Legislative Apportionment Messrs. Ru tan, chairman : Macfarlane, Lines. Upper- man, Allen, Newmyer, Keefer, McCreaxy, Gebln, Thompson, Bmltb, McAlcer, Ress, BBtts, Wilsen, Hlnea and Daobredt. Tbe following billa were read In place and presented : Mr. Harlan, te prevent tbe spread et con tagious diseases among denieaud animals; providing for quarantine and punishment as a mlademeauer of any peraena violating tbe quarantine, and making provlalena for alaegbter of cattle affected with any eoata eeata eoata gteus disease and Indemnity by the etate ier the aame. gjhMiguyi fate -naeaaaB a i for three vest. Mr. Brewa (Yerk), te regulate tbe li pprtatiea of dressed meate) leteaded te enage u aet step ma aeieef aressea meats. The bill te entitled "Aa aet tar the areteo aretee areteo Uea et tbe public health, by preatetiag tbe growth and aala of healthy cattle, sheep and awlae, naklag it a misdemeanor te aeil the asms, without IsspeeUea before slaughter wlthla the state, and te autherise oenntlea aad mualdpalllleate appoint laeptotera." A TBMT BBMtOCS BtOBt. Rrtteetmiiy Drdisatsd te ea ell and tba 11 was a wild bleak stormy alght and the wind waa howling salt ealy hewlala novels, whea a melancholy gsatlsmsa la a high bat aad a low spring wagon came driving dewa a oennwy rued chasing before his eqntpsge a BeUtary able boiled hets et flty meia aad smoky nostrils. The weather was aet odd. Thla may partially acceuat for the absence etbumsn remains, whea the etrcutntteaees we are about te relate bad transpired. The man above described bad stacked carefully upon tbe seat beside him a ateat young eennirymaa, wbeae uaceent aad childlike disposition, serenity et mind and uashak abl solidity of uadsrataadlBg were evidenced by every word he altered. Aa ths solitary horse aad pair of mea crossed and rsoressed obstruetloas la the raad.wKh Jelts thst eauaed Ue :mslaaohe4y asaa te bite hie upper Up with the top aMoef hie false teeth, ue callous yeaU Inquired aa te Us moral sad laulleetnal eoadlttea of a oemmBBlty Uat oeuld tolerate the promis cuous dlepenaatlea et fenee raUa la Ueeentre of a public highway. Te this Ue melancholy maa replied from ever hut teeth thatUe youth knew net whereof he talked, for Ue rails wsrs aet et Ue feaes bat of Ue street ear oempany, aad their pressaoSBpea Ue highway waa evident that ike read led through a oemmualty of asstropelltaa re finement aad pregreattve wsya 8e la M lance Uey Jolted ea ever these aad ether obstructions, Inte Ue deep guUles ea etUsr aids of Us track, aad past several brUllaat electric llgbta which revealed te the as as teulebad yeath glim psea of the heases aad pavemsnts of a oily. Thla, thee," he reflected, tnstbeasiitet, aad ae doubt it te undergoing repairs, or aaa beea tern ap for the iaaerUea at alee alee Ulesl subways for tbe wires Uat bow hang sadly from Uetr anstghtly polar. Truly Uls is sa active community aad we will boob oeme upea a well kept and comfortable highway. And thsy did. Tbe read suddenly became better aad eoea was sloping grandly toward snot hsr street, the two aa thsy cams together making a bread aad imposing expanse of roadway Uat under Uemoeallke glow of tbsslectrle llgbt was aa level aadsmoeUas the head of tbe late .smutted Horses Greeley.' This," said Ue melancholy maa with a amlle or saUsfsctlea ever the deceptive sfleets et tbe electric light, Is the Jaaetlea of Orange street wlU Columbia avenue." Hie olvle prlda was aroused aad, urging hut bores he bagaa te tall of Ue wondrous werka et Ue steam read reUsr which bad plainly beea busy npea Uls street He weald sweep around Uat carve la flae style, aad turning la a -mile) he dastMd ever Ue rails for ue last Urns. The intelligent animal paused as for a least. aad than disappeared from Ue level of vision ; Uea Ue two frost wheels et Ue wagea plunged alter him, tbe eeatre bar of the vehicle snapped, la half, Ue rstr end turned ever npea Ue borer, who promptly kleked It te ssaall bits aad the widows aad. orphans and relations of Ue melasohely maa aad Ue trusting youth have brought salt agalnat tbe oily for several hundred thous and dollars damagst, for the catastrophe resulting from Ue erimlaslly daagerens condition of Ue streets. AH Uls would hsvs besn appiexlmstsly trus if thseealie bar of the wagea bad net happened te be exoeptlenslly strong, Ue horse remarkably Intelligent, and Providence particularly kind, Tbe subsequent researches of Us expedition, and tbsadvlosef a considerate relative, enabled them te dleoevcr uat a vehicle might actually be drivsa rrem Orsnge street Inte Colombia avenue by arglag Ue bores npea the crossing stones provided fcr pedes trteaa. Othsiwlse a formidable preei plee must be deseeaded or sealed, aad at eae point Uls hslght Is flanked by a bread expanse of water knows te Ihs Inhabitants as Like Berts. Hoaaaer fUfsgeOSlears. The contributors te Ue Heass of Refuge bsld tbstr annual meeting at Philadelphia en Wedneeday and elected cfllesrs. Among tbe msnagsrs chosen for a term of Urea years, was Samuel H. ReyBolds,;esq.,ef Uls elty. Tbe beard et managers hsvs purehassd terms sggrsgsting 386 aeiea la Delaware oeunty, upon which they Intend te erect suitable buildings. Tbe property Is located en tbs Una or tbe Phlladelphta fc Weet Chester railroad, twenty miles from Bread Street atatlen. Tbe structures srs te be ea a large aeale and wlU take two or three years te oemplete. During tbe year 005 bejs and 270 girls have been Inmates or Ue Heuse of Retuge. On Ue first of ths present year the institu tion contained 038 beya and 1C0 elrls. Tha donations from philanthropic peraena have been very large and have decided Ue man sgers te provide better aoeommodailou a. Tbe largest oentrlbutora were William Massey, who save 1100,000, and Isaiah Y. Williamson, f 106,000. eausrs Install. Dlstrlet Deputy Jehn B. Bushong, et Ue Knights of tbe My ttl e Chain, went le Terre Hill last evening, and Installed Ue follow ing ottleora of Terre Hill OasUe, Ne. 116 : Past commander, A. D. Menttu ; 8. K. C M. C, Nelsen; V. C, J. S. Stauter; first Ltsat, M. J. Flleklnger; tress,, Samuel Zimmerman; R. B., J, J, Kerabnar; A. R S., J. W. Rojer; chap,, B. F. Mo Me Qualte ; O. et B., David Nelaen ; A. C. of B , laaae Muekle ; L O., Nat. R. Hagy ; O. G., S. Celeman ; trustee, N. O. Nelsen ; rep, Bsmuel Balr ; alt , S. S. Wsaver. Tbe eeetle baa flfty-alx members.altheugh still young, aad altegewsr It Is In a vary flourishing condition. After tbs Installs Uen a banquet waa held at Ammen's hotel. Te Build a New Hall. A meeting of tba committees from ths ledges snd encampments of Ue I. O. O. F,, of tbls elty, met last nlgbt at Odd FeUews ball, and It waa proposed tolermaaOdd Fellows Hall association for the purpose of bending a hall en tbe alto et Us old hall ea Seuth Queen street. Tbe capital stock hat been plsesd at f 30, 000, at 1 10 per share, and Ue subscription books will bs In Ue hands of Us cetnmlttse In a fewdsjs. It Is the Intention te Inter view every Odd Fellow in Ue elty, and bellave tbey will hsvs very little trouble te raise he required ameuat from Ue large number belonging te Ue order. Almest a BUra. There waa almeat a fire at Ue reeldtaes of H. O. Moere, at East King and Lime streets, this morning. Mrs. Moere lighted tbe gai In her bed room, wbleh Is Ue second story front zoom. She opened Ue window and a gust of wind blew lbs gss against a curtain by tbe aide et Ibe window wbleh was seen In tUmea. Fortunately Mr. Moere was In Us room aad be qulekly wrapped Ue curtain up aad threw It eat el Ue roesa. It was almost eaUrely destroyed aad Ueearpel of tha roees was also slightly i. ' PRICE TWO CENTOS ITS SESSIONS C0NCLU1 BABKIlBCBa AKOBBBAf JODBNS WBUMBBBATAWgg A Meseiatiea Afffgfnfg tne Kalgfel as BNsnes) Is A Kalgat esftry Agrees te Meet la Wsdassdsy artcraoea'a narriseurg uohdsaeearv order at 2t30 e'cteefc bv Bishea i Rev. Baker, who had beta HiHisV tiryatiMtaernlBgsei reelgaallCB. Ha took tbe aeastlaa I mwarysnip aneaia be filled by a I ry. -xne members took a diaw I It, rsfeaed le aeeept his restga as taea saterea npea ue aaues or ue caee. Reg. Meraa, ehalrmaa at taa ea eonsutnllen, read the proBeaid i Ilea aad by-lawa which will awter amnasaeeary, aaa taey wets adsasstl. a motion iwBs ataae aaa ssiBtaai ixiag tae treasurer te rte Usasnrer of the late eeave papeta aad meaey la ale te uis body. . rv Rev. Merrow, et Carlisle. mvitattea la Ue uehdeeenary at I aext aesstOB ta uat tewa ead taa I was accepted. A mottea was made aad adeptet appetawteai or a eemmtuee te i approval of the areadseeeary apea:' i weeuea et ev. et. Kalgat MUwaukee, The committee Rev. J, X. Pratt, Rsv. L, W. . B. Riehard. . A -, l.AHk. . a. .- ..-- a Twin muH nn Ntraersa wsw I or, wardcaa aad vestrymen of BV U pissepsi ehdreh far i hispltallt, after whleh la body I ins ait. - .ft.e Ai7iieiata eveaiaa taere araa a-i elesaryatsetlaglaUe ehtueh waaaa sddreastd by W. Aag. AUee, Uv.r.Jwl Meraa ana Rar. W. a. w ' 4V . lkA .. m W- - -"f Kaight'a etaeUca as Msaswrwari Arehdeaeea Pratt lthtaslslhiwu.-' Tale areadeaceary. isaralas; at aw I esptaaee by Rev. Dr. Kalght7aesea e me otsaefrrw e tee aieessB e Bull kse, ere moved le express wHh tsMsT gratalaUeae te hlauetf apea aataaj this huh cffl:e aad wmk . snT ebareh olOed. taeUr seas at wmsaall with which thsy are. -2Jtmmi m X oewnasia una laoera legetaer wr tae aag atea of the klagdeat of ear LeraKtai a Kwsask BBa,sspeetaiiy a tats araaae We ehalleherltb Ue memery of haia examnie and unutermltMe Mthi pad asvoilea as epareshlal slatgjg leader la eeaveat ittba aad Ma est aa lasptriUfcg ad' aad a Jadleleaa af vi live B-aide ta i holycffles. We weald hsisla alee aally otter te Ue dlesese of MUwsaIbM sawnranaaueipBueaBM as bmi eat aad Messing, which wlU taare te that ss weBias', wnnri wiu mnrw sa iwa Bertaat Jurteaietiea freta Dr. Mi elevatleaae tMttaspltamaeaa asm snai'i ,1' V J. KBWABBFBAtK &. Arehdeaeea et HMiliiasml Lbbet r. tAaBVll asereisry ar tae Areaa Gaeaaa H. Riei After Uereadlax af the aheve Da. delivered a brief sddtses, fat wlaMtge) prsasea tae regrets or Dr. KBagbrs lataaieriy aa ate prBsaiid ether fields of ieber. Dr. Kasahs bristly aad feellagly, after whlak aba lag, Whleb dosed the servleet, wag aeaneea ey Arouaseeea pau. i . -. r CLAIMINO MAKIKirA TgUtUI j" ' .1 Twe Maa Arrssied istOssatalag BTeaeyl raise rm Twe msa alvlnn their Wersdsil sad WlUisas Dill. from Marietta, Laneaatsr eeaaty. uuiuiu etsw se cxmrv fsa WBBB Mayer Coatee, of Chester, aa tba fraudulently ebtalnlan aeeaav. 1 were eat In d merest wards et tMetty fe- ssvsraidayaeolleeUBg meaey. Thirfsjsa J bad small books, aad each saawlssiiHI name weuw ae pas aewa far waaay ameaatwasglvea. Oaselalasedte sat jeewag wr a peer weataa tact aaa aeea ever sad Injured; Ueeiher rellewa wse set n peer man. TBeyaaai quite aa ameuat or aaeaev la before tbe nellee were aeUfiad. Oaaafi men was arrested by Chief of PeUes Mew, some ea -veuna etreet aaa kaaea as lookup, tua pai waiaea late paites i fere later ea aad laaulred U a asaa beea arrested, te whisk the ahaaf yea," aad taea Invited Big ta baa ase tae prteeeer. uaee laaiis tae ksv wss laraed aa aim aad ha priseaer tee. Kaeagh evldeaee wag i auesa w sae w taat taa msa wet tail la tne atteraoea la chief of aelie I jftmauviu se amsuia jau. aa dcargu vbem AraaMiBT. An Old Man of eetaaabia U Tarawa aaversly Mated. Christian Hlldsbraad, who Columbia, made a Barrow. being kUled ea Wsdassdsy i hsd business before Alders Uls city la Us afternoon, aad tbat tbe beet way te reach J by taking a freight trala. He without nay tteuble te DlUervllle, us frsight trains switch effaad ran i Ue oily, by way of Ue eat off. HUdeetwedl remained ea Ue trala natU It rsseaati'. Rally's crossing, whea be tbeeght M' waa Ume te Jump. The trala waaraaakaa; . fast, but be sprang off. Hs was harMdk aeme dlstanee end IsU heavily la the): ground. He waa discovered by ssawr railroad man, who assisted him aad aaa him brought te tewa. Dr. Welch atV': tended htm and found Uat be bad ressfyet a cut about three inehes la leegU aa the' backet U bead, which hsd te betaw up. He was etberwlae bruised aawat bat body. Ha waa aeat te bis boese aal rtoburg.accemmodsUoa, leavlag hat g eaj. h ' Hlldsbrsndlsa maa betweea eeaxeldf ' years of age, snd is raUMiraBOldSBaYBs rids ea freight trains. -. resteaes rtgasea - ". Ths asnnai taaert of Pna-tauiar nan I Btevenien for 1884 shows aemt latetsat., lngflurtaUiegudteLtaeastsrBsanV which Is of Usssoead class. Theyaie aa follews: Gress receipts, ilBiseixj; tiOOO; clerk hire, 14.318.85; real, light heat, 2,S20; Incidental axpeaeet, 1184,71. istter-carrlars, 19.072 4S: total 818,741.03; net revenue, 119,867.38 peri of expsasec te gross receipts,?. ',it, la Us special dsUvery dssartmeat awe) mssasnaerwasempleyed. TMaaataeref spsclal dell vsry letters aad aejesia aittviBg 'r ea malls irem ewer iiisusb waa a,sie. twm number or letters snd paresis deposits saf ", in rfallvarv araa ISfL '""- """"""'" ." rex Obaes at Wlluaietewa, , ,X' JaksBalr, the popular fox haatar, U proprietor or ue hotel at Wlii Is having a eases te-day. The i Is quite lar;, aamber at dewa from Laaeaster, Tks Ota CsJea. . Ths Union fire company baa Ms orgaatatllea, allheagh Uh dsaatmeal wsa abellahsd i AAa.iaep sav wiu sela m TsaHas a aa WslbsahhB ' . ilBtnsatsl . v iil