Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 09, 1889, Image 1

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- 3
(fctye ftofeitef
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Aetret lsTt m lBST- HsM te Be
1st tonal MM Yerid, M Sssenatlag I
or BpeeM LetsUtee-Hei
I the Uftetea m Beaaete.
Judge tJterrtu, deeldtaf Ayare' isjnMal
from, the Wfiw eawrt, attar rettrrbaBM
Is deoMea which declared rmastlhitleasl
the act of 1874 making tkrw elsAM at
cities, and te subsequent deetileaa whkm
showed the eupteaae court te btavantte
permitting cltMiacatlea aa a e'.oak for total
legtelatlen, geea en te say that :
Tela court never Intended la aeaeUea
classification aa a pretext ter apeeiel legle
latlea.. Oa the contrary, tee nadertyTag
l(iiMipis vi an iav tun ins otaemaon-
tiea with a. view el leglalettng feafeetber
elaaa separately la essentially uneenatlta
tleaal nelcaa a necessity therefore exlats, a
necessity springing from maaifeat peon peen
liarltlaa clearly distinguishing tbeaa of oae
elMa from each of the ether elaaaaa Im
peratively demanding legtsletteB for aaeh
eiaeseepiretely that would ba eaalaaaaBd
aetrlHiaatal te (ba ether.
Lawa enaetad ea anon elaaalfloaUeB aad
for each purposes ate net, properly apeak
tag, either local or apeeial. Taey are
general lawn becanee they apply alike te
all that are similarly altaatad aa te their
peculiar necessity. aU latteUUea la aaoaa aaeaa
airily en a deallocatien of lta subjeets, aad
whea such olaeslHcstlen la fairly made lawa
enacted In conformity thereto oannet be
properly characterized aa either loeal tr
apeeial. A law preaerlblng the mode of
Incorporating all railroad eetapaatea la
apectal la the narrow eenee that It la eon.
fined la lie operation te one kind of corpo
ration, only, aad by the earne teet a law
providing a .Ingle ayatem for organtiatlea
aad government of borough, la the etate
would be a local law. Bat everyone con
versant with the meaning of tbeaa word,
when used In that oeanaotloa would ochee echee
Itallagly proeonaoa aaeh atatutea general
lawa. Betes it le Bald In Hoewdea'a appeal,
an pre, olaaaiflcatle& wbleh ta granted en
no iieceialty and baa for lta aela object aft
evaalen of the constitution, la quite a differ.
eat mug.
The parpeee of the prevision under eon
sidsratlen waa net te limit legislation, but
merely te prohibit the doing by local or
apeclal law. that whleh can be eoeom pinned
by general lawa. It rel.tea net te tbe sub
aunce, but te themethodaef legIlatlen,and
Imperatively demand, tbe enactment of
general In.tead of local or .pedal lawa,
whenever tbe former are at ah practicable.
The act or 1874 dividing the cltlaa of thla
atate Inte three elasaea, namely, theae con
taining evtr 300,000 population, tbeaa con
taining lea. than 200,000 and ezeeedlng
100,000, entt these containing lea. thaa
100,000 end exceeding 10,000, waa auetelned
as te aush or Its previsions as tnd bssa tr.
Telved la adjudieated eases, because It waa
oen.idoted within the aplrlt If net the
letter of the constitution. Aa te the num
ber of elasaea created, that act appeara te
have eavered the entire ground of elssslfl.
ostlea. It provided far all existing, aa well
aa every conceivable prospective necessity.
It la Impossible te suggest aay legUlatlea
that la or may hereafter become neeeaaary
for any member of either claaa that oannet
without detriment te ether member, cf the
aame class be made applicable te all of them.
It cieaalfloeilen had atepped where the act
of 1874 left It it would nave been well, but
It did net
Without the ellghteat foundation la
necessity the number of elaaaea waa aoen
nor eased te five and afterward, te aeven,
and It thevioleus principle en whleh that
waa done be recegnised by the oeurta the
number may at any time be further in
creased until It equal the number of cities
In the commonwealth. The only possible
purpose of such classification la evasion of
the constitutional limitation, and a aueh It
ought te be unhesitatingly condemned.
Tee loot that the clasalfioatlen of 1870,
and mere especially thatet 18S7,launneee
aary, and therefore unwarranted, ta mani
fest from an Inspection of the acts them
elves. . With very few and unimportant
exception., the oharterpewereof the fourth
te the aeventh elaesea inclusive under the
latter act are precisely similar. There la
nothing In either of tbe points of difference
that can possibly be regarded a. essential.
Aside from tbe Improper consideration
that five elasaea furnish greater facilities
for apeeial leglsla'lea than one eUee would
de, there is nothing te prevent tbe laat
fenr classes from being Included In
the third class, provided by tbe act
of 1874, which comprises ail cities
or mere than 10,000 and less thaa
100,000 population. Their nerds are all
ae similar that ae charter power, required
for either of them will be unnecessary or
detrimental te any of the ethers. The
larger cities or aueh a claw, that Is, a claw
embraelnir all cities of ever 10,000 and leas
than 100,000 population, would doubtless re
quire a larger representation In each branch
of counells ; but that, of oeurae, would be
easily regulated by the adoption of a aulta
bta ward and population basis of represen
tation. Baterenee might also be made te several
apeeial previsions of tbe act el 18:7, aueh
as relating te publle aobeola, taxation, ma
nletpst claims, creating and oentlnuance of
tax, 116ns and aalea of reel estate, I hereto,
eta, but It la unnecessary, la greater or
leas degree they all cil end against tne pro pre
visions prohibiting apeclal legislation. In
addition te that, tbe subject of publle
aoheola la net even hinted at In tbe title of
the act. Moreover, aoheol districts, aa
quasi corporations belonging te the publle
school ayatem, have no necessary connec
tion Tltn municipal government It Is ex.
preaaly required, as we have seen, that all
taxes shall ee levied and oelleoted under
general laws, and it is Impossible te suggest
any valid reason why they should net be
thua levied and oelleoted.
Whether In any given ease tbe Legisla
ture baa tranaoended lta power and pasaed
a law In oeuttlot with tbe limitation la
essentially a question of law and mutt
necessarily be decided by tba oeurta. Te
warrant the conclusion that tbe people In
ordaining auch limitations intend te la
vest their law makers with Judicial power
and thua make them the official arbiters of
tbelrewn acta would require thecletreat
and most empbatie language te that efieet
Ne each intention Is expressed In tbe con
stltutlen and none can be Inferred from
any of lta previsions. That these limita
tions were designed '.te establish a fixed
and permanent rule cannot be doubted,
but It the ultimate application of that rule
were te rest solely In the Judgment of tbe
body en which It waa Intended te operate
nothing could be mere flexible.
Me aueh preposition can be Intended by
tbe oeurta without abandoning one of tbe
most Important branches of Jurisdiction
permitted te them by tne fundamental law,
namely the power te ultimately determine
whether or net tbe given law la loeal or
special and has been pataed In disregard of
tne constitutional limitation that haa been
placed upon the power of the Legislature.
It fellows that tbe decree of the oeart be
low la correct, net only en tbe ground that
as te the city of WUkeebarre the set of 1887
la net yet operative, but also en the broader
ground that tbe act la unconstitutional and
What lbs 8 1st. frlntteg Celt..
The report of W, Hayea Grler, auperln
teudent of publle printing, shows that for
tbe year ended Jane 30, 1883, It cost the
state for printing and binding f 168,817,28,
and for paper and supplies, 160,171.15, or a
total of t2O0,C0l 43. In 1885-0 there wet
?rlnted 240 ICO volumes of reperts, and la
6S7 8, 4C5,7G0 volumes.
A llns BeiBM.
Cerkerhlll," the suburban residence of
Vma Peeldent Frank Thomsen, of the
Pennsylvania Rillrted company, at Marlen,
Montgomery oeanty, witbmottef lta con
tents, was destroyed en Tuesday by a fire
wblea Is attributed te a defeetlve flue,
Lena 175,000; Insured.
lUtaraed Hene.
Charles Yecker, who since the beginning
of tbe aeasea baa ben traveling la advaaee
of BiaaenA. Brady's " Little Nugget " com-
paay, returaed boom laat avtalag. The
BQBIfBBT St" -- ,
Tee Mew Yerk IYmm BabUakea a letter
elgaed re BeUd Meat," ta wkleh M
relate editorially ee tbe work at aaaaef
algh waaraeur aad latelllaeaee, a etweea at
eae af tae Beatbera aeatea, keUUac aa
efnee, aet aetitieaL that Bee eaamid aJaa ta
ebeaia a aoreaga kaewtedge of tae re.
aeareee. eaternrteea, aad laaaetrtal bteb.
aecsa of that regtea, aad eattrety eeaapeteat
! J edge tkeaa mi eeasaaihw wrtk toeeeet
etber Bertleae af tMUakMaalaf Kaglaad,
Fraatee,eaUsraaaayaaweU. Hiaeeaetu
eteaa ere taeae at eaee el a earernl etadeat
aad apraetstel bmb, aad weaid be rewarded
with reapeet aad eaafldaaee by aU who
kaewBiaa were wa at llaerty te give hie
aaaee." Tee letter la aldraaeeff te tba
"Weatera rarater" tereailadbim that la
htadaaee of glee ever the victory ever tba
aelld Seath aa ta aaakleg a apeetaele cf
blmeeir. Be aetata eat that the three
bUlleaa of Western mortgages held by
Kastera Baaa la the enrels, of Esatara ure-
tected laleretu for whleh tee Westerner
The prestdeBt deataaded that money set
aeededfer lecltlmate axeeawaotaevera-
mentaheutd remalala the poekeiaof the
people. BelM Seath aaatru that the West
era laraeer ta mera Interested la thla thaa
he, bat.heeaaee ha hi a aeatlmealaltet la
poUUeabe waa willing te aid la ebtatalag
rellet Be ha ahowahew afUla aad tbe
Breeklarldgea of Keatueky aad Arkaa
saa, MeMlUla, Wilaea, Taraer aad ether
Beuthera leaders acting la direct oppeal.
tlea te tbe Intereet of their asetleaa urged a
J eat revision of tba exeesalve tarifi lawa ae
enrtfnl te the Western farmer. Hew the
bill psrfseted by them wsa practically re-
Salad by tbe Benateand the appeal made te
e people. Bew It waa thought that tba
laborers la manutaeturlag dletrleta would
be frightened by tbe free trade ery white
the waatera farmara would eagerly take
advantage of the ohaaee of dellvaraaee by
the dlsinureated aid ettered by tbe Seuth
"But J ust the reverse baDDaaea the laborer
haa begun te de hla ewa thinking. He
beard the arguments pre aad deb, aad there
waa aa taereeesd Democratic vote la the
manufacturing dlatrkta of the Beat, while
yen, aimple, aulllble aenl that you are,
allowed our Eastern brother te de your
thinking for you. Heeenthia epekeamea
among you te warn you agalnet voting for
a measure that waa favored by men who 23
years age ware 'rebel brtgadlera' aad In-
iiueneea rawer y your prrjuaieea laaa ey
your reason, you riveted tbe ahaklea or pro
tection' mere firmly upon yourself. Mew
neighbor, atop and think a while what
hope of relief t ava you te except from me T
And new that you nave spurned my pref,
fared help, what hope have you abeuld I
conclude te go Inte the moaepollat and
trust business myself.
He then indicate, a number of ways In
whleh this might be done In lumber, Iren
and wool ' Discarding aeatlment and
looking at tbe question from a cool, ealcu.
latlna; business standpoint It would aeem
that I ought te yield te tbe solicitations of
my protectionist wooer aad unite with him
la fastonleatbat policy mere firmly ea tbe
oenatry. Whether I will or will net yield
I cannot new knew. 1 de net new think
that I will. My political taaehlng In.
dines ma te broader views. I verily be
lieve that honesty la tbe beet potley. and
that right la tbe only expediency. But
looking at the subject aaa pure matter of
bualneas I meat oeafaaa te you, my
friend, that of late 1 am ae buoyant with
hope as my magolfieent peaalblllUca are
unfolded te me-
"Four par eeat of tbi area of Texas can
produce all of the oetton new used by all
of tbe cotton mills ta the world. With my
eheap power and the cheapest cotton why
abeuld 1 net compete wltn Or eat Britain
for tbe werld'a market
"These people cannot pay me la money
for my oetton fabrlee, but they can pay In
wool and rawhides, In Jute, manlia and copper ere, aad the many crude
artlelea whlen my representatives Tin Con Cen
grees tried te have admitted free of duty
articles en which weoeuld make a profit in
the carrying and exchange and a greater
profit by converting them Inte the finished
predueta te the advantage of eurekllled
laborers. Aad for this you denouneed my
representatives aa 'rebel brigadiers,' allies
of free trade England.' Wbleh polley la
the truly patriotic, tbe truly American' I
leave with you te ponder."
Reviewing ether Industries he shows hew
It might ba te the advantage or parte of the
solid Houth te favor extreme protection
regardleaa of Its effect upon the nation and
especially upon tbe farmers.
The MeOlare-rianalgaa Murderer's Btery te
a aching Bapertar,
The Associated Press reporter and an
acquaintance of Michael Rezllle, alia.
"Ked-neeed'MIke," visited the latter en
Tuesday In hla cell In the Lucerne, oeanty
prison. After talking ever matters of
mutual Interest ter aeme time, Mike re
laxed considerably and talked quite freely,
though no effjrt waa made te bave him
oemmlt himself. He stated that be baa been
mueh misrepresented by the eeneatlenal
reports eent out concerning his extravagant
use of money. He baa aet squandered
money In fine clothes, and be still wears
the autt In which be left WUkeebarre sev
eral months age. He aaya be bad but f2
when be was arrested. He told tbe reporter
that after hla hearing he would make a
statement that would astonish these who
read the falae reports In circulation.
Mike la much disheartened, and spends
his time writing out his gloomy medita
tions in a neat Italian hand. He is also quite
a poet, and writes very smooth-sounding
verses quite readily. The subject of alx
atanxta which be read, be told the reporter,
waa that be waa eon y he get Inte trouble
by Tielplag ether people ; tbat when be
helped himself be was all right He Inti
mated that whatever part he had In the
murder he waa led Inte by ether parties.
Hs Is quite well educated In Italian, but
does net read or write English. Ha expects
friends from Itsly te oeme te bis aaalalaaee.
He expressed a desire te aee Captain Lin
den, whom he oenaldera bia friend.
m Bed Mem Mia.- GlT.n a Heariag.
Wilkkseabbb, Pa., Jan. 9. Razzelc,
alias Red Rese Mlkr," one of the mur
darera of Paymaster McOlure and Hngb
Flanlgae, waa given a bearing before Justice
Rooney this morning. He refused te make
aay statement Captain Linden, of the
Plnkerten egency, waa then put upon the
stand and awern. He read Mlke'a confes
sion aa made te blm laat Thuraday. In It
Mike eaya Angelle Belvenne, M. Luchl
and himself did tbe aboetlng, and that be
(Mike) fired four shots from a pistol at tbe
Angcle Beravlslane, au Italian banker,
doing business at Newark, was lecktd np
here thla morning.
He la accused of being accessory after tbe
fact, aa be eetedaa the backer for exchang
ing the money taken from the murdered
man. Rebert Pelloelle, of New Yerk,
Mlke'a brother-in-law, will alee be arrested
In connection with tbe crime.
Appealed te ta. Highest Oeart
Appeala bave been taken te the supreme
oeart of the United States In ths ease of
Jehn Wanamaker against the collector of
tbe pert, relating te the duty en allk rib
bons, In which suit Mr. Wanamaker was
auoeessful; also In the case of Jehn W. B.
Earn sbaw against the collector of the pert
for duty en iron ores, in which tbeplatntln
claimed that duty abeuld be exacted alter
and aet before tne moisture in us ores csa
been evaporated, and In whleh contention
he wa auoeeosful.
i m
Oladeteae's OoagratDlaUea '.te Bdiiea.
A small oaken box, about a feet long,
recently received from Liverpool, waa
opened en Tuesday at Manlo Park, N. J ,
by Mr. Edisen, who found a number of
email iwaxea cylthdera, wh'ch were la
belled, Gladstone's speech," "Merell
MeKeexle'e epeech," &&, together with
a letter explaining tbe contents.
Mr. Gladstone .red. highly complimen
tary werda te Mr. Edisen and his voice
rlaga eat dearly irem .the metal threat of
the phonograph. Hla concluding werda
are : "Allew me te offer my geed wishes
aad earnest pray era tbat you may long
live te witness your oeaatn'sltriampha la
aU that sBsamlas te tha weu-belsg of
AgsBiBBia ssaaTsMssBfey eae nsraaere
Oliriiiilasrtaataa Bss swat-
Vhe A tehees eeaty saaae Pp at IS Oeaatlss.
Mev. J, B. rratf, at (N. Jakaw March,
Elected AreMeeeea ea Third Ballet
Wsa. Beg. Atlea, Biq., Beaerea
The flrat meeting of the Episcopal arch arch
deeeenry or Harriaburg waa held la Bt
James church, of this city, thla morning at
0 o'clock. The eeaaiea epeaed with the
oslaeratlea of the holy eoamaalea, the
Bight Rev. M. A. De Wolf Bowa cettbrant,
aaaleted by tbe Riy. Dr. a F. Height, of
8t James, aad Rev. W, B. Merrow, of
TM arch-deeoeory waa formed at the
last dlecsssa oeaventlon te give greater
effleleacy te the mlsstoesry work of the
aieeesa. The diocese of Central Feaaayi
vaala haa beea divided lata four arch,
doaeoaorita. This, the Harriaburg arch.
deaoeary, ceaatata of thirteen ceuntlcas
Laaeaater, Daaphla, Cumberland, Yerk,
Atlanta, Fraaklle, Fultea, Bedford, Blair,
Huntingdon, Ml til in, Jaalata aad Perry,
Btabep Bowa erganised thearohdeaeoary
aad Rav. J. R. Pratt waa eleeted secretary
pre. tern. The roll of tbe members of tbe
arohdeeeoory who were entitled te vote
waa than called.
The olerteal members were Rev. Dr. C.
F. Knight, of St. James, this city ; Revs. J.
E. Pratt, of Bt Jehn's, this oily Dr. W. C.
Ltngden, Bedford; A.B.Woedle, Altoeaa;
B. B. Rleb, Orblaenia i B. Oralkahaak,
Lewletewn; L. F. Baker, Bt Paul's,
Harrisburg; T. B. Angle, Bt Stephen's,
Harriaburg; F. J. O. Moras, Columbia. '
R. L. Chittenden, Paradise ; V. H. Bsrg
bans, Chambaraburgt Dr. Smedes, Mechsn-
lesburg ; w. B. Merrow, Carlisle i H. C
Masterlus, Lykena; Ment R. Heeper,
Testes Institute, this city; Bishop M. A.
DeWelfe Bowa. Tba lay members present
were : Mr. SehaU, Yerk j W. A. Morten,
W. A. Atlee, J. B. Llvlagetea, St. Jam,
thUeltyj J. M. W. deist, St Jehn's, elty j
Qee. H. Richards, Columbia.
Tae bishop appointed two clerical and two
lay membera aa tellers te oenduot the elec
tion of offleers. The names of Ray. J. E. Pratt,
Rev. L, F. Baker and Rev. F. J. O. Moras,
had been presented from which one waa te
be chosen aa archdeaoea. Three balleta
were taken before tbe contest could be
decided, Rev. Pratt waa chesea and bis
election was afterwarda made unanimous.
Rav. Pratt returned hla thank a for tbe high
honor conferred.
Rev. Dr. L F. Baker was obeaen seoie seeie
tary en tbe second ballet Tbe eandldatea
were L. F. Baker and W. B. Merrow.
Rev. Merrow withdrew from theoenteet,
aad Rav. Baker waa eleeted unanimously.
W. J. Rese, a lay-member from Harria
burg, waa eleeted treasurer unanimously,
be being the only candidate.
A motion waa than made that a lay mom
bar of the archdeaconry be eleeted te
represent tbe archdeaconry la the dtoeeean
beard of missions. W. A. Atlee, esq., of
this elty, was eleeted. All these officers
wUl serve for twe years.
Rev. Mr. Meran offered a resolution
whleh waa adopted, tbat a committee be
eppelnted te examine the constitution of
the late oenvooatlon, and report bow mueh
of that oenatltutloa waa adapted te tba
wants of tbe present arobdeaeonry.
Rev. Meran, Dr. Knight and W. A. Atlee
were eppelnted by the bishop aa tbat
committee, and they will report at tbe
afternoon sesilen.
On Tuesday evening services were ht Id
lest Jsmes Episcopal eburch, thla ell j I
The large congregation present were re
warded by bearing an excellent eermen
preached by the Rev. Dr. B. D. McDonnell,
of BL Stephen's church, Philadelphia. Hla
remarka were very Interesting with regard
te home mli slenary work.
Philadelphia ixmecrau Oelabrate.
Tbe anniversary of tbe battle of New Or
leana was observed Tuesday evening, by
various Democratic organlsstlena In Phila
delphia. At the banquet of the Yeung
Men'e Democratic aaiociatlen toasts were
responded te by ex-Mayer Vaux, Governer
Green, of New Jersey; Congressman
Breckinridge, of Kentucky ; Samuel Dick
eon and James M. Beck. Among tbe
speakere at the banquet of the Yeung Dem
ocratic Battalion were ex-Lieutenant
Governer Black, General Geerge R. Snow
den and Colonel Tbemaa A. Kdwarda.
Tbe It.Drew charity Ball.
The Hebrew charity ball will be held at
Mioanerehor ball thla evening, and will ta
a fine affair. The cause la a geed one, for
the money realised la divided among tha
eharillee of the city regardless of creed.
The managera bave disposed of a large
aumber of tickets. These who desire te
aid the fund can de ae by buying a tleket
from any of tbe oemmlttee.
A Beauraable family of Old People.
from Use Oxford Preii.
There reaidea in one beuae In Eaat
Dramere township, Lancaster county, a
brother and three sisters whose combined
Siee number 330 years. They are William
etzsr, aged 88 ; Esther 84, Catharine 82,
and Mary Ann 70 years, 'ihe three sisters
never married and until tha past year were
ant only able te attend te their household
aflslra, but did tbe milking of their cows.
O -
A Burglar Who Iainlred Fer Tobacco.
Monday night a burglar pried open the
abutter, of the heuae of Themas Smith,
residing en Maner atreet He then raised
tbe window when the blind foil down. Mr.
Smith beard the noise and called te the
man, asking him what be wanted. The
fellow coolly replied, "Have you any
scraps?" and rau away. It la believed thai
he was a burglar and Intended te rob the
Uommen Plea. Court LUt
The trial Hat for the oemmon pliaa
courts beginning January 28 and February
4,i waa Issued today. Among the caae. en
the list are the suits of Gee. U. Reldtr,
Geerge ft. Nertb, Isaac Stollxtea, Jesephine
Belfert, The Backer belts, vs. the Penn
sylvania railroad company ; Constantine
Magtnnls, Jehn Hpangler, Kate Melsal, vav
tbe Philadelphia & Reading railroad com
pany. A Paster KmI(i.
Rev. J. N. Kelwell, pastor of the First
Baptlat church of I this city, haa tendered
bis resignation te tbe congregation. Ne
action baa yet been taken In rrgud te It
A IIH Deg BbJpped.
This afternoon Jehn Sehaum, of the City
hotel, shipped "Dick," one of bis trio of
fine, large English mis tiff dogs which he
raised, te Tbemaa A. Gucker, auparln
teadent of the Philadelphia division of the
Pennsylvania railroad.
fValUca a Shew.
Waliack's oempany played " The Cattle
King, " at the opera beuse again last even even
leg te a medium alzad audience. There
waa no matinee thla afternoon, owing te a
very bad cold from which tbe atar la suf
fering. A Olgarmsk.r's Paecral.
The funeral of Jeseph Dally took plaee
from bis mother's reeldence,ea Eaat Waleut
street, this morning. There was service at
Bt Mary'a oburefa, and the latermeat was
aaede at St Mary's cemetery. A number of
aaeiamnta aketrbs tbab.
wee i
Bss.saiBa rtesMeat-Beaert af
iTsaaeris Beaev.
Tha Jaaaary aaeetlag of tha Leaeaeter
Beard of Trade waa hald ea Tuesday evea-
taf, wHh President Wkkerabam la tha
Tha ehalrmea of all the etaadlag coat
mlMees were nailed and reports asked for,
bataeaeef the committees bad reports te
Mr. Housten, of tha beard of trastrav,
reported that be permanent arrangement
had beea naede at te tha rent of tha room
eeeapted by tha beard, but for the present
IBM for every Bight tba roemie occupied
la te ba paid. Aa te the faralture, aethlag
deBalte haa been sgreed upon, it baa beea
offered te Mr. Bthleman for half Us oeat,
bat he haa net yet decided whether ha will
take it
The report of Treasurer Baser shows the
receipts slnee the erganlsitkm were
1,403,89, the psymeate 11,281,30 aad tha
balaaee la the treasury 1110 03.
Tha secretary reported that Herman
Birth, who was nominated for trustee at
the laat meeting, declined te be a candidate
aad also that he bad dealred te withdraw
from the beard. Tbe aame of Mr. Hlrsh
was thereupon dropped from the roll of
Geerge M. Reynolds, who waa nominated
for president at the lest meeting in hie ab
eenee, withdrew hla name as a candidate
ter that offle.
Tha following were elected offleers for
tha ensuing year : President, Chsrles A.
Feb Darsmlth; lstvloe president, Dr. J. P.
Wlekeraham t 21 vice president, M. Gels,
enberger; aeeratary, B.C. Moere; treasurer,
J. Fred Bener; trustee, Cbas. A. Helnltsh.
Mr. Housten moved te amend the by
laws se as te read tbat there shall be no In.
Illation fee, Instead of fjS aa bow, and tbat
the annual does ball. Be believed tbat It
theameadmentwaa adopted there would
ba 200 membera Beeured. New there Is
eearcely a quorum attend the meetings and
ter his part ha waa alek aad tired of attend
ing funerals.
President Wlckerabsm ruled that the
ameadmeat would have te lay ever until
the next meeting, unless there wssnnant
meus consent te Its paaaage.
Mr. Housten aatd the amendment ought
te be voted en te-night It would net hurt
te strain the by lawa onee mere. They bad
been strained ae far aa tbe election of every
member of the beard was oenoarned. Tbey
provide that membera shall be eleeted by
ballet, and net one member bad been ae
Mr. Gelsenberger fsvered making the
Initiation fee 12. He thought It waa better
te have 100 geed membera than 200, with
many of them net proper persons te belong
te tbe orgsnlaitlen, te wbleh Mr. Housten
retorted that It waa net a swell organization
te be a member of.
The propeaed amendment was withdrawn
and tbe teard adjourned.
MeTSasaay Gees toOelambos
The new Columbua dab of the Amerlean
AasoetatlOB premises te be a strong one.
Big Dava Orr, lata of Brooklyn, will play
flrat base and BUly Greenwood, of Balti
more, has been secured for eeoend. Guy
Hoeker, Louisville's great pitcher, will alee
play In Thurman'a town. James MoTam MeTam
any, who la known and admired by every
lever of base ball la Laneaster, where be
flrat made hla mark, haa been purchased
by Columbus from Kansas Olty for 11,000.
Other clubs were anxious te secure the
popular centre fielder and Cleveland would
have paid mere than Columbua did for him,
bat tbere waa an erj action te bis leaving
the Association. Tee Kansas City elab
some months agerefasedaa offer of f 1,200
for blm from Ven der Abe.
The Columbus correspondent el the New
Yerk Herald eeys: "McTamsny waa ene
of the beat all round ball players that ever
played ball In Ksnsss City."
Mac will be glad of tbe obaego, as he was
very elck of Kansas City.
Stele a Steve,
Jehn Cranford and Jehn Buckley have
beeu prosecuted before Alderman Hal bach
by Abram Hlrsh for larceny. Crsnferd
lived la Hlrah's beuae en Jehn atreet and
when about removing could net pay the
rent due and gave Mr. Hlrsh a stove In pay
ment Mr. Hlrsh moved tbe stove te a
house adjoining. Daring tbe absence of
the people of this house Cranford took
Buckley, who has a local delivery, te thla
heuae and bad blm baul the stove te Hairy
Sbenk'e etere, where it bad been sold.
Buekley claims tbat he had no knowledge
tbat the stove belonged te Mr. Hlrsh. He
gave ball for a hearing and Cranford was
Maehelm Oreemsry Bobbed.
Hershey & Relat'a creamery near Man
helm borough, waa entered by thieves en
Tuesday night, and 124 pounds of butter
were atoten. The batter waa in pound
paekageaand each waa atamped with a
abeafet wheat. 'J be theft was committed
by men who dreye te the creamery lu a
wagon. In addition te the butter a allver
watch and aeme money were taken from the
offlee. The theft haa been reperted te the
Lancaster olUeers, and they are en the
lookout for the thlevea.
At tbe Station Uoe.s.
Thirty aeven of the elty eleotrle llghta
were reported by the polleo as net burning
en Tuesday night.
Three bums were sent te the workhouse
te day by tbe mayor and ten lodgeis were
A Perm.r Laueirlan Marrltd.
Peter T. Hellly, who formerly resided In
thla city, waa married In Ht Peter's
O.tholle church, Jersey City, this
morning, te Mlsa Berths E. Bensen, a
charming young lady of tbat town. Mr.
Rellly baa een living In Jersey City ter
aeme years, and la connected with the New
"Jerk end New Jersey telephone oempany.
He haa charge of the repairs of ever 4,000
telephones, and of all tbe supplies sod
material for the Jersey division. Tbe
many friend a of the groom in this city wish
him and hla bride abundant happiness.
Halt (or Uamagae.
Geerge Nauman, esq , attorney for
Elizabeth Kedkey, haa entered suit for
damage, against the Philadelphia Jc Head
ing railroad company. The earrlage In
wbleh she waa riding was struck by s trsle
at Columbia. Hbe was injured and brought
this suit te rcoever damages for the lejurlta
ahe received.
Beb UortewUB Tieubl.
Frem the Kxainlner.
Where, eh I where le the lea crop coming
from T And where, eh 1 where Is the price
of ice going te 7
A LaDcamima llejs a farm.
The heira of William H. Davis, deceased,
have aeld the farm of 222 acre, ea tbe
Ooteraro, In Celeraln township, te Milten
K. Hener, or Lancaster elty, at about (GO per
Dedicated te Maith.w B-'aalry Quay.
Frem the Wllkeibarre Leader.
Flrat Printer What are you ae out et
aeru" about T
Second Printer (at work en Harrisburg
copy) Why, iuia darned thing ain't half
eat bb aad there ala't Mether q la tha eaee.
raexeta x. hikhbmz. wre lived in
i.a0AsTBR rirrv ybam.
Its Lf aves Hla Berne la flsnaaey Whtn Klgh-
teea Veers at Age Dr, Jeseph B. Tfeemr,
a Prominent rsytMaa, Diss la Matters-
Tlll.-Sk.ients of Thsir caseers.
Franela X, Siemens, an old aad re
spooled eltlasn of Ltneatter,dled at hla home
310 North Queen atreet, betweea 0 aad 10
o'eloekTuesday evening. Deceased had beea
111 for a long time, and had net beea able te
eat any solid feed for sbeut fifteen meathr,
Hia death waa very easy aad ha seemed te
sleep away. Deceived was bera la Dleburr,
Besae Dsrmstadf.and at tbe time of hla death
was la tbe 7S'.h year el hla age. He came te
this enuaty 50 years and sge settled la Lta Lta Lta
orater, where he resided np te the time of bis
death, except In 18u3,when he removed te Bt
Leuie, where he remained but alx months,
returning te Lancaster. Mr. Blemena waa
a sheemaxer by trade and followed tha
busineae ter many years here.
In 1885 be and bis wife started ea a trip
te Germany, and tbe latter died seen after
reaching the ether side. Tbe ohlldreaef
Mr. Hlemeti are: Franela X., the well
known ahee manufacturer! Heary, a
machlnlat In the Pennsylvania railroad
shops, In Philadelphia; Jehn W., who
kcepa a shoe store la thla oily;
Miss Mary E., who te at home j Catha
rine, wife of Henry Draehbar j William, a
aheemaker; Jereme, a printer at tbe
Inquirer publishing house, and Misses
Anna and Oella, who are at home. Mr
Hleniene waa a member of St Antheny 'a
Catholle church of late years, but waa one
of the founders of St Jeseph's church. He
waa also a metnber of St Jeseph's society.
The funeral will take place en Friday
ekstu or us. Jes. a. thumb.
A Fbf slelsn eiM.njr Tears Experience
Away A Hs.tch of Hie Lite.
Dr. Jeseph S. Theme, rf Mastersenvllle,
died at bla residence en Tuesday, aged 09
yeara. Deoeased waa born ea December
21, 1810, at Manhelm, where bis early boy
heed was spent In attendance at the
common aoheol. after wbleh he en
gaged In labor or assisted hla father
la aurveylag and serlvenlng. Be oheea
medicine aa a profession, and begae hla
atudlea with Dr. The Veizy, of Manbeim.
On the death of tbe latter be entered tha
offlee of Dr. Daulel L. Carpenter, where he
finished hi. studies. After graduating be
settled In Lebanon oeanty end remained
tbere until 1803, when he removed te Lm
eaater oeuniy. in 1880 he made Masteraeu.
vllle bis home, and since then baa resided
there. He had a large practice, and was
considered te be a skillful pbyalelan.
Hla wife wis Mies Sarah Brown, of Lon Len Lon
dendsrry township, Lebancn county, and
hla surviving children are Jehn J. Tbema
and Dr. Win. B. Theme, associated with
hie father la tbe practice of medicine. De
ceased waa for many years a member of tha
Laneaster City and County Medical society,
In politics he waa a Democrat.
Hla paternal (ancestors were prominent
men In their day. Hla great grandfather,
Arthur Theme, was of Scotch descent and
emigrated te Amerlea at aa early date. He
settled in Lebanon, where hla bob became
a oltlzen of mueh prominence. The latter
waa Justice of the peace during the revolu
tionary war, wbleh be assisted liberally
with his means. Hla father, Jehn Theme,
waa a civil engineer and aurveyer at Man
helm and for thirty yeara be was a Justice
of the peace. Daring the war of 1812-1814
he waa an aid de-camp te Gen. Hllsman. He
waa also prominent In the building of the
Union canal and ether works of like .char,
actor. .
formally Itcstdsd, In Incastr.
Frem the HarrltburK Patriot
Mrs. Mlehael Flynn died yesterday
morning at the residence of ber husband,
Ne. CIS Seath street Bhe waa formerly a
resident of Lancaster, where abe married
her husband, and both bave lived here for
tbe psat twenty.flve years. She waa an
estimable woman, an eUeotleneto wife, aad
deveted mother. She was a devout Catholic,
and when la geed health oenatant In her
attendance upon ber religious duties. She
leaves a husband and three children, ber
daughter Llezte being the wife of Mr. Jehn
T. Magulre, the Jeweler, of Ne. 430 Market
atreet Tbe funeral will lake plaee ea
Friday morning next, at 0 o'clock, from tbe
Pre-Cathedral, Weat State atreet
Death of Jehn B. jtetcb.r.
Jehn S. Beeeber died at his home, 30
West Lemen street, of en seute affoetlon of
the atomaeb, In tbe 43d year of bla age.
Deceased wss a native or Barevllle and a
eon of Samuel W. Beecber. He came te
Lancaster many yeara age and for aeven teen
yeara waa a freight handler at the Pennsyl.
vanla railroad freight station. Daring the
wsr be served tbree yeara aa a member of
Battery A, Fiflb U. 8. Artillery. He was a
member of Admiral Reynelda Peat, O, A.
R , and of the Veteran Legien.
Democratic Becl.tUS Organlrleg.
The executive oemmlttee of the Demo
cratic Society of Pennsylvania beld a
meeting en Monday In tee rooms or tbe
xeung liemocrane uaiuuien, i-oiiaaBipeis,
whleh waa presided ever by ex.Lleutenant
Governer Cbauacey F. Blsek. Beperta
were read sUewIdk tbat ths organustien la
In a splendld condition. New societies are
being formed in all puis of the stata It
waa resolved te held a convention In May
next at Pittsburg or some ether point te be
named by the president, tee organization
new number. 400 associations.
A Jem Ueum UedlcsMO.
The new Chinese temple, tbe second
Chinese place of worship in America, was
dedlested In New Yornen Tuesday and
Joes duly Installed In bis new quarters.
The unlque dodleatory aervlevs were con
ducted by tbe chairman of tbe Chinese
munlclpit o3uncll,aetlng high priest of Jesh,
Weng Sin Nam and Ah Hi, both latter
being well-to-de merchants of Mett atreet,
and acting ai assistant priests, and the
Cblneae council, In full mandarin oealume,
Among the carious proceedings were tbe
carrying of a big reasted pig painted and
decorated, and many chickens, pigeons,
cakes, etc., te Jess.
Vegantvllla and Vicinity.
The Reformed congregation et this place
celebrated tbe Hely Kuebarlat en Sunday
forenoon. The ohureh was crowded. Fifty
communicants partook of the sacramental
symbols. Rev. J. Stewart Uartman
delivered a very Impressive eermen. Rev.
Uartman will held servleta In tbe Union
eburch next Sundsy evening.
The Vegansville Lyceum held an enter
tainment en Tuesday evenlng. Instru
mental and vocal music, dramas, duettea,
recitations and debatea were tbe principal
topics of tbe evenlng'e pregramme.
Tee Ulnklctewn Literary aeclety will dls dls
eusa whether "wool should be put en the
free list" or net. The aeclety numbere
about 100 members.
Tbe P. O. H. el A. have bought some very
beautiful ilaga te present te the schools,
each school te be presented with two of the
national colors. te an Kngtn..
The engine el Pnlladelpbla acaommo acaemmo acaomme
dstlon, en the Pennsylvania railroad,
broke an eccentric, a mile weat of Dlllsr
vllle, yesterday afternoon. The train was
elayed W minutes aad Fast Llae west a
hall hour by this aoeldaat
These er Ceaaty fastHatleas Who Were
Bteetsd ea Taseeay.
Following are the officers of beaks la tha
county eleeted ea Tuesday i
The Christiana National beak eleeted tbe
following directors yesterday: Baaael
Srokem, Atrea Hartmaa, Abas. Heep, T.
J. Philips, T. M. MoQewao.W. 8. Kennedy,
Jehn 1, Hartmaa. The beard ergeat tad m
follews: President, Bamael Blokem;
cashier, I. W. Blokem; eealataat eaahler,
& Blokem, Jr.
UUis national Baaa.
Dlreoters : Jehn B. Ktb, I, G. Krb, Sam'l
Erb, 'P. J. Roebuck, Wm. Evan, Israel
Karlmaa, Jaoeb u, Keller, A. WBbeber,
J. H, Sheak.
Bllsebethtewa national Hank.
Dtreoterr? A. Dlaslager, J, Dyer, M. e,
Keller, B. G. Graff. J. G. Stanffer. J. 8.
Kisser, A. G. Btauffer, W. & Smelt and
F. Oldwlter.
Osp Katleaal Baaa,
Dlreoters : Jes. O. Walker, Jonas Bby,
O. Blmes, U. & Rutter, A. C Baldwin,
Jaoeb Eby and B. K. Walker.
Bpatata Ma'lanal Hank.
Dlreotere : David Burkhelder, B. Burk
holder, .Gee. L. Bard, J. B. Keller, Adam
Konlgmaeher, J, W. Laadae, L. W.
Mealier, A, J. Ream, W. ',. Bener, Cbrle
tlan Bmltb, Sam'l Weehter, J no. Y. Weld
man, R. H, Bltssr.
Banasra' M.t.eaal Baaa, Laaesst.r.
Directors t Joeob Bauamaa, S. M.Bel
demrldge, J. W. B. Bauamaa, J. P
Wlekeraham, W. D. Bpreeher, Martin P.
Bwarr, B. M. Mayer, P. T. Watt, Ohm,
Herr, Jr., Lsvl R. Rhodes, Gee. M. Frank
lin, Jaoeb U. Land la, Tobias K, Krelder.
The Mfcnaeraner,
Tbe stoekholdere or the Lancaster Mwn -nercber
Hall aaaoelaUoa held a meeting
last evening, at whleh the following beard
et dlreotere waa eleeted t Heary Garhart,
William Wehlaea, Bdwla Ebermea,
Gnatavua Greeslager, Frederick Hoefel,
Christian Getlleh, J. P. Stermfells, Geerge
Shnlmyar. Chrlsilaa Blamaasteek, Jeha
Oehs, William Bala, Geerge Plainer aad
Henry Draehbar. Tba only aaw member
of the beard Is Heary Draehbar, who takes
tba plaee of Heary Deerr. The beard will
meet ea next Taesday evening for ergaaU
Nsw neilaad OasUaOMeers.
The following are tbe officers of New
Helland Castle, Ne. 157, at New Helland,
for the ensuing elx months' term t Past
Chief, O. A. DehuS ) noble chief, V. D.
Hull ; vice chief, lsratl Ealr ; high priest,
Jasen Balr ; venerable hermit, E. M. Wal
lace) master of reoerds, Fred. Sweps;
clerk or exehequar, Jamet F. Keiiey ;
keeper el exchequer, 1. V. Miller air
herald, Jaoeb Behrelner; worthy bard,
Harry Davis ; worthy ehamberlain, Freak
Raezsr ; ensign, David Watterson ; esquire,
Geerge Davie; trustees, D, B. Grube,
Israsl llslr.S. B. Wanner ; respreaentatlve
te the Grand Castle, B. B. Wanner.
OBeers lasssUsev
District Deputy Jeha B. Buaheag, et tha
Knights of Mystte Chain, ea Meaday eve
ning Installed the following officers of
Cleister Castle, Ne. 18L of Ephratat
Paal commander, O. M. Hsmmead; B. K.
C, J. S. Bewer; a N. C, B. Meyer; first
Lieut, A, Nauman; Cbar, Jehn P. Klag
Trees., F. W. Bull; F. 0., B. B. Keller; K,
B., A. B, Beaar; A. R. a, G. F. Orefff O.
of a, C. Milter; A. O. of a, B. Fry, I. O ,
Geerge' King; O. G,, D. D. Flke; Rep., D.
D. F ; Alt., C. M. Hammend.
Atlaa Castte eausrs.
At BlUabetbtewB, Taeaday, Dejuly
llusheng Installed the following offleers of
Atlas Oaatle Ne. 130, KnlghU et the MysUe
Chain : Past commander, Jeha Miller;
a K. O., Simen Snyder; B, V. 0.,
Harvey Feltzj flrat lieutenant, Charles
Dlflenbaagb; ehapisin, W, H. Yeung;
treasurer, A. J. Klneer ; F. &,C. A. Weaver;
R. C.,0. O. Reese; A. R. a, J. B. Glsh ;
C. el a, Bswsrd Brenemaa I A. O. of a,
Geerge Pierce ; L G Geerge Felia ; O O ,
D. M. Raeae; trustees (18 months) J. E.
Herobelreda ; representative, C, A. Weaver
alternate, W. U. Yeang.
A Test In Maw Yerk by the Katleaal Aaae
elation or Aaaertes.
There will be a scrstch meeting gives
under tbe auspleea of the National Associa
tion of Amateur Athletes of America, at tha
S rounds of tbe Manhattan Athletic elub,
lew Yerk elty, ea Saturday, May 18th, at
which tbe English ofaampteoablp pre
gramme will be decided : Half mile run,
100 yarda run, putting the shot 10 pounds,
120 yarda hurdle race 10 hurdles, 1 mile
run, 410 yarda run, pole vault, 4 miles run,
throwing tbe hammer 10 pounds, running
high Jump, 7 miles walk, running bread
jump, 2 miles steeplechase hurdles 8 feet ;
and en Msy 20th, 10 miles run.
Tbe winner of each of tbe above events
will be entitled te go te Europe ea tbe
National Association of Amateur Athletes
of America international team for 11180.
Thla meeting will be open te all amateur
atbletea In the United atatee aad Oaaads,
all et whom are invited te take part In thla
meeting and try for a place ea tbe team,
Irrespective of uomeersblp In any associa
tion, club or oeilcge or whether attached or
The team will take part In limited hand I.
cap meetings In Ireland. England and en
the continent, and will also compete In all
championship meetlnga beld la the above
The entire expenses of tbe teem will be
defrayed by the National Association of
Amateur Atbletea et America. It Is ex
pected tbat the team will aall from Nsw
Yerk en Saturday, June lstsnd will return
te thla country about August 15th. Athletes
who Intend competing will please address
P. O, Bex 3,478, New Yerk elty.
KametrrS Prem lb. Il.rrUOerg Asylans.
David Uatebla, who a few yeara age waa
widely known aa "Slgner Blitz," tbe
magician, la at the hospital at Flatbuab,
L. I., hopelessly Insane. He was lately
transferred te tbat Inatttutlen from lbs state
atyium at Harriaburg, Pa. Mlsa Msrle
Van Zandt, the well known vocalist, la hla
granddaughter, Batchla la a Jew and la
about 70 yeara old. Hla wife lives In
Brooklyn, and ber object In bavleg him
removed te the Flatbuab asylum Is te bars
blm near ber.
The onee famous preetldigltateur waa
reduced te bla present condition by rarely.
sis. He apeake plainly, and occasionally he
shows glesms of bis former art A few
daya age he asked for a pack of cards and
wanted te give a performance ter tbe benefit
of bis fellow patients. His Isst public
exhibition in Brooklyn waa given at ths
Atbenwum club tea yeara age.
Tb.y Beld tan 'apse'. Ball Ust
The New Yerk Voice, tbe Prohibition
organ, baa Just published confessions by
Cbarlea A. Durfee and James I Sampson,
two former empleyes, ststlca that thev
took ths mailing list et tbe Vetes te the Re-
oubiieah headquarters, ana tnai mey ware
paid 1250 for It and some unimportant ser
vice a.
Durfee make a sworn oenfeeslon and
save that Mr. J. S. Oiarkaen aad treasurer
W. W. Dudley gave him te underatend be
would be given a Waehlagtea elsrkshlp
for hla ahare in the work. Sampson says
in his oenfeaslon tbat Clarksea gave him
f?60 for the lists, IM et whleh waa la two
checks, ene of which waa algeed by W.
W. Dudley and one by Dudley and Quay.
He saya Mr. Quay waa present at one
conference, and that " he did net eeem sur.
prised te aee tbe list." The stories of Samp
eon and Durfee de net egree aa te dates,
but are In ptaetlcal aoeord In meat ether
Death ela Herse.
A valuable horse belonging te tba Adams
Express oempany died thu morning et lung
mim.a nu innaiS
A BalidMg Oaatalalng evsv a BaaeaH j
seaa H Blewa Down by the '
Gale.Baay Baa Its Taken rreae aa i
KBMS.TBS atoms snvsag Baetware. sfj,
. . . u?ii
Jaetbeea received by the We
Telegraph oempany thstalerae
aojewiBg the WssteiB uakm
offlee at Pittsburg waa blewa ewwa
afteraoea. '-v
Seventeen mea have beea take eat
thirty-eight seriously Injured aa4
rananln In tha hnlldln.
a ireaeaaeaa wiad aterm Brevalls. i
ta moving eastward. $
prrTSBDBO, an. p. aa. Twaaty
bodies hsve beea takea fraai Mm balleUBfjf
atiuek by the wind aterm, aad tha iMkBaV
Isg la eUU falling.
Olbaic, N. Y Jaa. 9 A naart
here says last a terrifle eyeleM Biraek
elty of Plttstrarg ebeal 1 e'e'eek tali
boob, aad that two large batMtafla
Weed street were wreaked. Up la
hour, (2 p.m.) tha repeat Bays, a:
people have beea takea from tha raJaa.'Stti
1m .. .. . . .. .- .w.;aia
e whw uiwi M.m iHHm tan. i, i
least thirty people reeaala burled la bm);
PiTTSBone, Jaa. ft The aeeMieBt wl
......, - -'
upee or a aew eaves etery baiidtag aft i
oeraer of Dlamead alley aad Weed i
II fell ea three aawUarballdlaga,
ware crashed by lie weight
orewd la gathered atar tha seeae erf Marl
aoeldaat aad the exeHeeaeat la wteasa, '
Tha buUdlng that was wreeksd,!
tha deeuBotlea of three balldiaaa
la former bulletins, waa tha Gi
balldiag. XJ"1
4 p. M.-Tblrleaa killed.
Deer Haatere Bsvs a ratal Qearral y
BPRiMartBt-D, Ma.Jea.A j
a wealthy aeaeral merehaat of Wa
Shade, Ark., waa InataaUy hilled ta.
White river hetteme aeer tha Mleaearl I
yeslerdsy afteraoea. Matthews weal
lag aeer, aad ha and a atea ay thai
Streng fired at a large buck slatest i
taneeusl v. In the dlannte whleh ana
the pcsaeealeB of the salatal, Matthews W4j
brsiaed by Btreag, who atraek hua WwX;
Uebntlead of hie rifle. aHieBteacafMl
tha weeds, bat la being puraaed by a i
Maw YeBK,Jaa, ft Jadga Barntt;ta I
aapreme oeart te-aay reaaeeed a
la favor of tha attorney geaerat aad i
tha aagat trust Tutsan was
tha people of tbt state et Maw Yerk i
tba North River sagar RMawa
by Atteraey aeaeral Tsber ta fcaiett
NMttter of the North River Meaatat
paay, thU elty, en tbe greaad that Jt
virtually passed out of sxteteaee uy ai
eat all Its stock te tat seger trust tea
tlea sad oleslag up Its works. '
The Headrlekt elab, af ladlaaapeltB,
avaatn tetad the Aaatrallam avataan-!
voting. They patted a resoiauea (
tha method and.ealllag boob thtLrglalatai
te adapt it for tha geverameit of
Harry D. Boball, aseUteat eathltr of i
Ohleage North weetera railroad aeati
is sn embezzler and has fled Ohleage. -llsffcj
amount et nie snertsge w aoeuitit,wo.
Clerks and Msobsales Btuidlag aad
aasoelatloa, el whlea be has waa
loses 12.600. z&
The Burllagtea tUlkera have reeatvteVi
aa offlelal oepy of tha agrtameat by y
the strike waa terminated aad art erdtftA
by the Richmond oemmlttee te report awi
work te ua Buriiagtea omeiew ea jneeri
h The airlkers aoeept the sitaattea
isiiy. a
Tha business portlea et Batherfera, W.
was barasd thla meralag. Tha leas teffl
030 1 Insaraaet net knows. e
The MaahatttB tlaf, Mtw Yerk,
dsmsced 112.000 worth by Are early i
Tha Brla railroad eempaay
charged ever one hnadred atea t
arTerl" Jtrvls, M. Y ewlag te tjtf
Commander Ltary, of the
cruiser Adams. aadOeBeal Ttlaeklnek af
mmnnmmA h IhA RatIIm .! SMaM
offlelal and unemcial, of laatigetlag tbt rav
belllen In Samoa and lurnlehlag
wl th suns and ethei arms.
. A
5 a
M WwKllMIAif s? 1
-- . f-rv
tee aiocBneiaers or tne user urees ex
Butquehanns railroad held a sat
leg la Bslslr, Md., ea Tuesday aad
re eleeted tbe beard of dueatera,;
Mesara. Jawett aad Bsrlsa were eleeteai
respectively, president snd aeeretary.
The contract (or theeeaatrtietlea at ttMt
read with Mr. Jeha Heary Miliar
waa ratinee, ana tne tease et
000 et mertgaaa beada waa
Iced. Tbeaa bends, together WHh
unsubscribed Bleck and the oath eelV
from tbe loeal subeeriptleuB alter tMpay
meat of expenees,te be given tethsseatrasi.
ler ler tha oeDatraetloa of the read freak i
Belslrtethe Pennaylvanla Una Werk la
te ee oemmenoea en tne ta ex jaaaary.''
sod ths read le te be reedy for tha eoatrar eeatrar eoatrar
tleatrala Its entire length by tha 1st at
BepUmber. f.
it u understood that the BabeaaW'S
traela will be glveaputat oae, aa;B
is honed tbat thla read will Bt
by an extension et the Keadlaf
system :trem Qiarry vllle ever thteavai i
miles Intervening and se furnish a ahtlt
route south. s '
AaetbsrrireOnaMd by a OBHStssBS TtSB.'
Children est fire te elOhrlatatMtiae!
tbe aeoena-suwy et HetBert
grocery atere thla alttraoea. It
extlngulabed with a few jmekeBet
A uerrssBsuMi Appasasae. ;
Charles G. Btrlekter, formerly ta hat
business of tbt Examiner, hat beta',
appointed I? eaater eorreapeadeat of ttst
Columbia Kews, s;
Obargsa With Laressy. ti
Artnur vavis, anoteer oey wan aswa
with belna one el the party that heal
stealing from Diller'e hardware sttea,
evening entered bsu wr a ssenag ss
Aidarmaa DesB. Mitt WeMaeleleei
. .. . -- - - - -
nail taat insi ' " m u
autlea house.
Harry SUphena who is charged wtttt
belBK one of the gang has alae eatered ball 1
for a hearing.
Broke Ber Leg.
Mist Emma Oarpeater, a dlalag
airi at the Freak lia hesjat, wet I
oemafna laat avaalBB with aa ether af
girls, whoa ehe fell,breaklg eat at her lega
above the ankle. Vr. Ilyae aUeade hj!
nWASHiaereB, D. C Jaa.
Kaatera raaaaylraBM; BalB.t
l-Jaeutheaetarly winds, fellawtt
Thureday by cleaiiag.mBth eaMtr,
watttrly wlaaa, .;,r
.wii6 J8f-i --.
. v ,4rjr:K
-. i..
q-...fc8'fc, A-' ,4?l,i.
. W3--j
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