Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 05, 1889, Image 4

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i Bs sf By-lase Tewriaslm Keren Time
unlet' By
i MsmMa Daring Capt.
1 frl-al Mk Vnnr Detectives,
w ;"j ij,.
' Knows that there u a rtwh
run into every country
iiteh tariff, and Mint
Ska wim of the case nearly all of
I af article In which thore Is much
I Balk, jutu orcrreouy ueca
I few would suspect, that
I It ae of the smugglers favorites
Itaeynave Deen se successful or
UiMte arive many regular
i eat of the business. Thetire-
weidd be thnt ench ncrsen
i very mall nn nnieunt of opium
tkaethat thonrice would be of
icessssawwce; but careful investlgn-
ISGH US inat since icwv wiecunsuraj
luf the drmr
the United
hag ln-
"rased seven
fBtsei M fast as
tae population,
BBi tee Imports
.gtlatly nn-
DM In the
nt re
ars start
la thelr
1- Iffbat must we
nHHte when it is
'fcaewa that they
Mir exceea tne
m fca-pkr, that though (he duty is $10 per
ebssmsjh) price sometimes sinks nitnest
e teat, and that in the single city of
! wojena, iflittsn ueiuuium, ever 4W,ikw
rands per year nre manufactured?
Thus are in that city twelves lnrge facto facte
lias or "ceuk houses," each consuming
several tens of nennlcs dnllv. each ten
'yielding about ten pbundaef opium. Tim
las very smnu, ami nt iikj lactery me
r aells for tH ter round. The peuffies
shinned crude from India. China mid
.Japan, and the value of thecntire maim
lecture in British Columbia is nbeut
j tfS,000,000. As at least 1,000,000 pounds
K'),f it gees into the United .Slates, the
; revenue, sneuia de a pretty penny: out ii
5 Is new conceded that nt least threo three threo
jfearthsof it is smuggled. The margin
created hr a tariff of 810 is tee crrcnt for
';,the average international cenDcieuce.
r W"At flret the operators heldlv leaded
c -their little vessels and took their chances
;; running into safe points en the Call-
sernia coast; mil tne u-ucrni ticteetivea
si "spotted" their agents, nnd tlicir
it field was along the, St. 1-nwrence
'b)PBppiiruugii uiu luuuiumua imu iiiuiui
. 'jJ f7.ilk T1.. . ..... k..n. ,1...!..
ijhuiuuu. jjuii vi taw jixta uii-u
-favorite spot has been Sarnia, en the
Fert Huren. Mich. It ia vcrv convenient.
-'Jm they have the whele of Laku Huren
fe.-;.-; te run into and all its shore en which te
.; ' land their cargoes. Tlie smugglers nre
ataionaveonnuiizcu n rccuiar bvihii-
cate at Victeria, with 81.000.000 cnniUd.
ff- At any rate, their agents nt Sarnia and
f."- vim American uetccuves nave long been
;;. paying mueu game ei cnance ana
i;j klll, which, at first nmURing, coon be-
quite exciting and unaiiy tragic.
r- s sy common consent uapt. linrry Jl.
l, JDurant and Geergo nnd CJiarlie Weitzel
aw the chiefs In nctlvowerk ncre&s the
'S berder: but the men who de the ulnn-'
A .
f. 5,ning and watch the American efilcials
a iuivu ui Bevp cuiirciy in me tiaric, ns
,!-''( they must maintain eome character ns
"P law abidimr citizens. Cnrit. Ihimnt wns
& f ttfc IftAt m in tvwnr n n Mintili-mi i-il.1nr-
' Bi.- " m 7 " "V" " "" .'. "" .
v-nesB b iew wecKs since, niter tne ue-
tectives had followed him n year, and a
L jV;feur detcctivca emptying their pistols nt
KrfgCtbe daring smuggler, and inflicting but
; ;;,coeBJignv weunu. ine capmin nnil ma
.-., two lieutenants nre euiet nnd ecntle-
.;4. ntaniy at their Karma home, uee neither
HL'j liquor nor ioltacce nnd enjoy a fair fdinre
Kf .tjS of respect. It isn't the business of "that
t'-f.i', republic, and as the captain often makes
i$t f -W "- elngle venture, he need net
p V spiring in the epphauces necessary te
. r- local reed will.
A heavy operator whom the detectives
' knew as Bess Harris had his first con
aignment of opium shipped te Sarnia in
& amall tin cans, and his trusted men car-
ried it ever in their overcoat pockets, en
ueir regular uauy trips, as uusiness men.
Once within the charmed clrcle it was
easily put into big boxes, well dis
guised, and in four weeks after leaving
Victeria it was in California mid paid
for 10O,O0O being its value there; Mr.
Harris' preflU being $30,000. The de
tectives nre pesitive a rich Sen Francisce
t is in tne syndicate, but the
10 preve it. in fact smuggling.
wmsKy illegally, it ene ei
l thimrs in which nobed r can
-ft legally prove what almost everybody
'tr; t-knews te be a fact EvcnCapt. Durant
'n oettrt, until in the last hunt he was found
ife Tne hunt far him was long and" curious.
-V$.. ..'.
fe mercnan
- -.- BXHUM6 IS
m 3 a npn ewiy m August, wucn tne utue
C-.aMOener Emma took en 400 pounds of an inlet near Sarnia. Aweman
'.v ijvma. tint Tiit-nrit wee ivin,(M.rn.i.i.
,- get the stuff landed and concealed in
,,) Michigan weeds. A second cargo
K'wut landed at Sand beach, fifty-flve
V' Bailee UD the lake, en the American eide;
TAeofflcergetthcrolntimoto6cizo the
T KihMti but there was no opium en lxard
censeauentlr no proof. Then four
,-"i - 4etectives took tin a rarular watcli of the
, .weeds, where they knew the stutt te be
,vy", buHed; but the weeds were se dense and
- paws se intricate iiiat capt. uurain nl
i i wava vadl them. At last hnv lrv.ite.1
fe;Wte immedlate vicinity of the concealed
i vmmu ituu iisvu un umuuBii ler mu cap-
Htaln. He rede into it and the battle le-
1an. Each side alleges that the ether
''-V red Ant. He sa vs Uie v could net reii-
' -tJtiet bias, and therefore designed te mur
:rbim; they, that he fired when thev
-.eresroe nini te neit. xjiey were nil
around him and well armed, and still he
-get away. Ilut they captured 1.000
.wwnda of opium. Tills excited the neigli-
,Bunas lerwers, se uiey numcu l 1 1 (gently
.aad iisceveved the rest, $!0,OOQ worth
Oapt, Durant and his colaberers nre
rSlet for nwhllc This is their fln.t
wa,but ther leek, en it t-oediuv.
Wreaiy ta one or tae tsaaneei "of warj
and te be sure, the less of atW.OOOcnrge
isn't much, when 90,000 can be made en
the smuggling of one geed cargo. Of
course, tncy will open a new reute some
where olseforn time. The sad fcature
of the inquiry into these cases Is the
proof raade that the two of opium is in
creasing se rapidly. It is asserted by
soine investignters thnt thcre nre today
mero "opium caters" in the United
States than in any ether nation except
llullngi Dormitory at Ilnranl anA
th New Itullillnc at Till.
Harvard university is enormously rich
nnd getting richer every day. They
have thcre already n memorial liall, An
observatory nnd philosophical buildings
without number.
New they nre te have n new dor
mitory. It is hi process of erection nnd
is te be railed Walter Hastings Unll. It
will contain accommodation for 115
Mtidents. Its dimensions nre te Iks 210
by 120 feet, te be built of mottled brick
from l'crth Amtxiy, N. J.
There isn Huiteef rooms for the janitor,
rooms for proctors proctors nre young
men who constitute n sort of defective
ferce for the faculty nnd studies with
lodreoms attached. The studies will
have either ene or two ledroe!ns, nnd
ench ttudy will have a Ixiy window,
where the undcrgrndunte may rlt and
nbserb knewledge, or the contents of
fimrtlng papers nnd French novels If he
Iki net Btudteusly Incliurd. Tlie (tudica
nnd Iwdroems tire nil te be provided
with dadea of oak tlnee feel h!gli,tiu ex
cellent prevision ngninst injury from
Fticli btuuents ns may uiah te turn them
into a gymnasium.
As te tlie Iiall.n, the walls nre te hoof
red faced brick mid the floors of tiling,
'llie building Is le be heated by steam,
nnd there will be fi eight elevators In
every hallway.
In front thcre will 1k n flne slojie of
lawn laid out In walks, nnd n driveway
entering through n bread Iren gatewny.
The new dormitory will cost 9230,000
nnd will 1k ready for occupancy nt the
beginning of the academical year 1889.
Yale cellege, tee, is looking up In the
matter of handsome new buildings, and
the memorial structure that is te be
formally dedicated at the commence
ment of 1880 will 1)0 a netable addition
te the Institution. Tim style of the
btmcture is comjiesitp. 1U total length
will be 153 feet, width 102 feet. Included
in these dimensions nre the north ell,
which is D5 feet in length, and the went
ell, which Is CO feet. The building will
1 two stories high, with n very roomy
basement nnd commodious ntMc, which
will be equivalent te a four btery build
ing. Over the main entrance, which U
dodecagon in form nnd Eomewhat pro
jecting, the top of tlie caked reef will
rise 75 feet from tlie ground and be cov
ered with nn open ventilated tile reefing,
whlle en either hltle of this will be u
tower, the ene en the Chapel street fclde
lwing 18 feet in diameter and 80 feet
high; that en College Mi ect blde will Iki
El feet In diameter and 00 feet high; the
two ells nre each 00 feet high, the end of
the west ell being niiuare nnd that of the
north being hckiidccngennl hi form,
with an entrnuce en each side.
Thcre are, in nil, four entrances te the
building. Over blxty men nre new nt
work en It. Tlie estimated cost of the
new structure runs anywheie from $100,
000 te 200,000. The nanie of the liberal
donor of tliis Mnlely gift te old Yale re
mains n mystery which, piebably, will
net be revcaled until tlie day of dedica
He Is New In Iiiillumt nllti 111 Instructor,
I'urnlnc C'lvllljitlijii.
There la in Indiana u diminutive ppec! ppec!
iiicnef an African prince. llisnatueis
JTCocule, and he is tl years old. He has
but recently ceme from Africa, wheie
they have MngH, te America, where they
only have presidents. N' Cecele is net
the ten of a king, but the beu of u king's
bister, nnd nmeug his jieople the eldest
(en of the eldest sister is heir apparent.
N'Cocelo's elder brother is heirnppaicnt.
And hew did the little prince And his
way te Indiana? He was brought ever
by Sir. Cnrl Steckelman, u German who
Is engaged in the trading business en the
west coast of Africa. The child's natlve
country is tlie Ixiauge Laud, which ex
tends from the mouth of the Conge river,
which Stanley hna explored often, le
Jlayumba, and into tlie inleiierbaek te
the Portuguese btntieti of Siella Com Cem
pleda. N' Cecele's jKxiple used te de a
profitable business hunting b!aesin tlie
Interior nnd selling them te tniders en
the coast; but tlie skive trnde begnn te
lauguish ns Knglith nnd Americans be-
canioinerccivilized, and the Africans new
nre ambitious te enter the service of tlie
Europeans en the coast. These u he nre
net fitted for assistants in trade or for
servants live in the forests, gathering
hery and rubber for the white trader.
N' Cecele, Itcing tee young te Ikj of me
In n mercanlile way, lived in ene of Ida
uncles' huts in the illage of Melisse.
w tt
Mr. Steckclman came te America, and
went te Cehuubus, Ind., when he was
quite young. He nftcrwards went te
Mayuniba, and engaged in trading trips
into the interior. Seino young Africans
whohadgeno te Eurepe or te America
had learned n great deal, and had geno
back te beceme accountants in the coast
trading stations. N' Cecele's laicnts
lagged Steckclman te take the Iwv te the
white man's laud, nnd te teach "him te
read and write, In order that when he
returned he might bonlwekkeeiier. Tills
may net teem a very dignified jiositien
for n prince of the bleed, but it is better
than living in a hut hi the forest and
gathering ivory nnd niblier, Steckeb
man brought the boy with him te Colum
bus. Tin; There the trader rr?, s. -t -
BTHBnaajBHiBaj" gj i aajmxji
VISITS Xj"-!-' iiulll I
C?lwW Nr" S
III !! Ill IIH l'-' i...ll
of African goedlwMch he has sent ea
from time te time.
K Cecele was' taken (e (his tore,
which, when he arrived, was partly used
for Christmas goods. It must have been
n singular sensation te the boy te be act
down among se many toys. The tioeple
In Africa go wild ntetit n few trinkets.
Be great is this passion that explorers
lake with them Immcnse coils of brass
wire, which they give te the natives te
make ornaments of. One may imagine
that nn African boy, 0 years old, placed
in n Christmas store, would almost burst
with pleasurahle though avaricious emo
tions. Tlie youngster took position in the
liack of the store, where he nt ence be be bo
came nn object of great interest, espe
cially te children. Seino of them thought
he wouldn't understand their remarks,
but n pnrty of boys nnd girls who were
criticising him ene day were surprised
te hear him say!
"Oct nwny; I ain't no monkey."
Tlie child is te be put te school, but he
will deubtlcbs only learn te rend nnd
write, for Mr. Steckclman expects te re
turn te Africa ncit summer, nnd will
tnke N Cecele with him. After the liey
is sufficiently instructed he is te be Mr.
Stcckehmih's bookkeeper. He Is dressed
in white man's clothes, which he takes
te qulte naturally, except the shoes.
Although he wenrs bIzcs altogether tee
large for him, he prefers the barefoot
Htem of his natlve land. He thluka
merlcn is a line country, but he re
gards thoclimatecold. There Is certainly
enough influenza, catarrh, bronchitis and
ether kindred diseases in America es
pecially In winter te Impress nbey who
lias lived in tropical Africa with no
raiment save a breech cloth. An neon ns
the youngster get te living In houses
ncated ny mouern imprevcu processes
nnd te wearing geed clothes, he caught
n tremendous cold. This Is the first thuijr
civilization did for N' Cecele; but If it
Buccecds in raakintr rt bookkeeper of him,
he will Ira looked up te with respect by
his cople In Africa.
A Noted nitlne Dead.
The Baptist denomination, has lest ene
of its prominent clergymen in the Itev.
Dr. James l'etigrit Heyce, who recently
died nt I'nu, 1-rance. Dr. Uoyce was
liern in Charleston, 8. C, in 1827. At
that time tunny southern students of
KintibUTnmilies were educated nt Urewn
university, n Uaptist Institution nt Provi
dence, It. I., ami there young Uoyce
went when he was 10 years old, nnd was
graduated ut 20 with the class of 1817.
He btudled theology nt Princeton, nnd
in 1851 licc.'iine jinster of the First Bap
tist church nl Columbia, S. C, but thrce
years later was
made professor of
theology In Fur
man university,
In Greenville, 6.
C, and in another
three years he bo be bo
caine professor of
theology in the
Southern Uaptist
Theological semi
nary, tempor
arily established
nt Greenville. In
1H73 friends of
tlie institution in
Louisville, Ky., offered te give it 8300,
000 if removed thcre, nnd provided 200.
000 could lie rniscd beslde. Tlie semi
nary was removed, but financial treuble
followed, necessitating nsnistance from
tlie private fortune of Dr. Uoyce, which
wns given. After home seven years of
financial embarrassment Dr. Uoyce
Fticcccdcd in carrying the Institution
Dr. Uoyce published sermons, ad
dresses nnd nrtlcles, which have licen
largely read by IlnptUts. He was presi
dent of the bcininary and of the southern
Uaptist convent ion.
ITiutn Jiina t'Htthct Ilia Ilrlik Veung
Nilmtr linllulliii; Illm.
"I nin en tlietin-f new," bald n flashy,
black eyed young man, xtill in his teens,
te an acquaintance! whom lie met at the
Giittcnhurg laces. I am out for money,
and ove. j thing gout."
"When did you quit your uncle's heck
bhepV" n-shed tlie ln's acquaintance.
"Las' week AVe'n Ydy. lie fired me out
for tiyiug te work ciie of his own gnmes.
One of the fimuietit rackets you ever
heard of, and I'm just sero enough en tlie
old man te give it dead nwny. The old
man was going up Center sheet ene day
last summer, and he stepped in a hecend
hand tool bhep te bee ti friend. Whlle he
was there he get menkeying w Itli uiteeend
hand signal box. It was u little cast
iron thing with the word "pdlee" en tlie
front and a braiis button en the top.
When he pressed the button it bet n let
of clockwork going In the box, nnd innda
ns much noise as nn alarm clock. He
wns stuck en the tiling and Iwuglit it for
a half. I asked him what he was going
te de with it and he teid he would btick
it tun en the wall imd ring it if any
tntiKlis tried te make treuble in the shot).
Well, that'll just what he did with it.
He screwed it up in plain bight behind
the counter nnd fastened wires te it te
make it leek ns If they vt cut bomewhere.
Then he took rome hreii70 piint and
touched up the letters no that nelxxly
could make any mistake in reading them.
I don't believe lie thought of what n
great graft the box was until he had it
up alxmt a week. Then he made it use
ful for the first time. A young fellow
came in w ith a diesa coat w rapped up in
n newspater nnd wanted flvu cases en it.
Uncle Jonas held the coat up and bieil
it up witli Him fellow that was trying te
Feak it. The coat w ns big enough for
tne like him and the old man says;
'Det's a nice coat. Em id v our evv n'f
" 'lieteher life,' wrya the young feller.
" 'Valt till I call my brudcr,' bays the
old man, nnd he turned nnd jammed the
button down hard en the bigual lox.
The young feller iust gave ene glance at
the Ikiv, mid he uliet out of the deer nnd
lett the coat lieliind. lie nin't lieen seen
nreiind thcre since. After that the old
man give me te understand I was te
ceme along kinder slew miv time when
he rung the 1kv. se that If poeplo didn't
bcare, they would tnke it that tlie call
was for me, mid thuu he would consult
me nlieut the goedi thatweie offered.
He worked the call en n man with a
geld watch ne.t day, nnd tlie man
bimtchcd the watch out of his hand nnd
kipped. After that he wns mero care
ful, and when a creek came In with n
ring n day or two later, he laid tlie ring
down out of i each and touched the but
ton, baying that he would call his bon
anil get hU opiuien about the Mone,
l'he cioek looked nt the call lox and ran
ids oye nleng the wires which ran toward
the front of the shop. Then he lngan te
swear, and made a lump for the blde
deer. Next day a nlce looking fellow
came In nnd descrilicd the ring, and bnid
that it was stolen from him, nnd that he
had cornered the man who btole It, nnd
learned where it was.
" 'All right; I vill send for it.' says the
old man, nnd then he touched thu button
" 'I will ceme in ngnln in a half nn
hour bays tlie niee loekingyoung feller,
nnd sklia out the deer. Did he ceme
back? Naw. Well, thu old mnn worked
thouevv6uapoery chance he get. but
bemctimes he get fooled, nnd then 1 hnd
te ceme te the front and lw consulted,
always nskin': 'Did you ring, sirj' One
day when the old man was out te dinner
feller ceme lu with a ntud. It was n
leal bug and I wanted te win It. Se I
sprung tlie call box en him. He 6het out
of the tide deer and I dropped the ring
in my iecket. Twe minutes later me
undo put his hand en my shoulder, and
tw-e big tears ran down his nose ns he
told me that he was sorry that he had
found out that I wns net honest. He
gave me n calking old lecture en heuestv
being the liest policy, and told me tha't
he had lieen watching me from the back
part ei tne biiep and seen me git the
, 'cheiiuine tiauient.' I had te give It un
te him, and he Is wearing it new wlille I
run en my uppers. Oh, yes, he fired me
'yust ns seen us he found I vasn't lien-
' wt',. Yeli K "1' t,iere te-morrow and
i f J,10 don't ring tlie box en veu nnd
try te bluff you out of your watch. Then
nsk him nbeut me." New Yerk Sun,
the pateWWie Gifts;
Death of 1M Oreaet Maker Mew th
Ones lireta Are Made Fat Apocryphal
Merr of Thmas The Faauras Me of
HtrMbnrt OIHnc Them a tkrah
At Celmar, In Alsace, died in his 71st
fear n worthy bourgeois named Jean
Mangold, who, In the opinion of nil nave
uonie members of the medical profession,
deserved well, net only of his own coun
try, lnit of the whole world. Celmar,
the antique Celumbarln of the Remans,
noxt'.te Strnsburg, is unsurpassed for the
fabrication of "pates de fofe gres." Tlie
friends of the late M. Mangold, Indeed,
who was for many years tlie leading
pastry cook At Celranr. claim that his
pies were even auncrler te thorn made at
Strasburg. M. Mangold was a poet te
beet, and composed a large number of
local idyls, satires, vaudovilles nnd songs
for music. Dut it will be with his pics,
nnd net with his poems in his hand that
he will probably. go down te pesteslty.
It mlvht be dcslrable in the outset te
stigmatize as wholly npecryphal the story
te which Alexandre Dumas the elder, in
his "Dictionnnire de Cuisine," has given
currency as te the horrlble tortures in
flicted en the Alsatian goese in order te
fatten their livers te the degree required
by the pastry cooks. Starling with the
postulate that the liver of the bird can
only Ikj fattened by the tumefaction of
that organ, nnd that for ple making pur
poses the goeso livers should be ten or
twelve times the normal size, the author
of "Monte Crlste" gees en te say that
the wretched bipeds nre nailed by their
VAih feet te IxKirds, that their eyes nre
put out, and that they nre Incessantly
ntulfed with pounded nuts nnd deprived
efv water.
Anether alarmist, Improving en Alex
andra Dumas, nsscrts that the nailed
down geese nre placed bofero a raging
flre and allowed te drink as much water
as they like, thus leading te enlarge
ment of the liver. As n matter of fact,
the birds, like capons nnd turkeys, nre
no doubt systematically crammed,
usually with n paste made of Indian
corn and millet; but there is no mero
truth in the wild stories of the nailed
down feet, the blinding nnd the bciuI bciuI
reasting in front of nn ardent flre than
thcre is in the tales that turtle soup is
made of conger eel and the sauce called
soy from cockroaches.
Toulouse, in the south of France, Ruf
fec, In the Chnrcnte and Nerac, In the
Uerdclals, have in modem times, rivaled
Strasburg and Celmar in the making of
"pntes de fole gras;" nnd there nre culln
nry nntiquarles who maintain that
iinstlcs of fatted goeso livers nre n
Gnllo-Remau survival of Apician origin.
The mode of fattening the geese was
somewhat cruel. The birds were cooped
in belilary confinement in very narrow
cages; three times n day they were
gorged with maize, and, en the twenty
second day of cramming, n spoonful of
peppy oil wns added te the corn; wntcr
was freely given them, but it was nlwnyB
mixed with sweet wert from the
brewery. At the end of forty-two days
tlie goeso liecame 60 fat as te be in dan
ger of suffocation and was therefore
killed. Its proper weight should then 1k
alieut sixteen pounds, out of which the
liver should weigh thirty-two ounces.
Anether quicker but mero eqnirecal way
of fattening the gecbe was te mix nnti nnti
meny with the farinaceous paste with
which the birds were crammed.
At Strasburg the construction of n pate
U n serious and even solemn nflnir. Six
fattened livers are tlie ordinary pabulum
for a pie; they must first be washed in
many waters nnd then parboiled, nnd are
next scrupulously trimmed se as te free
them from all fibrous substance and from
any matter approaching bitterness In
flavor. Ench liver Is then cut In two,
nnd, out of the dozen, three nre chosen
te be beaten in a mortar and passed
through n eiove with bacon, shalets,
parsley and mushrooms, se us te make a
"farce," or forcemeat, which 13 lwiled,
nnd forms the basis of the pie. The ether
half livers nre then larded with the finest
l'erigerd truffles, cut in the shape of
dice, nnd thocententsof the piourumade
te consist of layers of liver, truffles and
fercement. Twe hours nre sufficient te
liake this dainty dish, fit te be bet befere
n whole congress of kings nnd emperors.
When the ple la withdrawn from the
even the top cnist should lw delicately
lifted and u large glassef Jlndclrn poured
into the interior. Then it should tie her
metically closed, be as te Ikj lit te be nt
ence packed nnd dispatched te the utter
most ends of the earth.
It remains, however, te ehevv hew
these famous pies came te be made nt
Strasburg and Celmar nt nil. Only 100
years have elapsed bince tlie French
military governor of the provlnce of
Alsace. Marshal de Centades, brought
with htm te Strasburg ns cook a Nor Ner
man by the nnme of Clese. Alsace was
already remarkable for It "tcrrlncs" of
fat goeso livers, which were preserved In
earthen pipkins with n layer of clarified
butter tinder the cover. They were
somewhat rudely prepared, and lacked
ene miprcme ncccssery. The artistic
Cleso practically exclaimed, "Pipkin,
thou shalt beceme n pie I" He discarded
the earthen jar and imprisoned the rich
livers in u casket of piecrust. "The body
in there," continued the enthusiastic
chef, "we must new give it n seulf nnd
he found a spiritual element for his pie
In the exciting iicrfiune of the Perl Perl
gerdlan truflle. Cleso, the Nerman, must
assuredly lw considered ns the inventor
of the Strasburg ple. Londen Daily
Hew Cellrge Bleu Turn Out.
Tlie "ten year book" of Cernell uni
versity shows that during the Inst twenty
years the total number of degrees con
ferred is 1,437 and the total number of
graduates is 1,852. Of this number 45
nre engaged in agriculture, 51 in nrchi
lecture nnd building, 0 in nrt, 23 in bank
ing, 11 in chemistry nnd assaying, 160 in
civil engineering, 240 in education, 80 in
electrical engineering, 01 In newspnper
work, 235 in law, 30 in manufacturing,
43 in mechanical engineering, 05 in meil meil
lchie nnd surgery. 116 In mercautile pur
suits, 1)0 in the ministry, 6 in publishing,
l'J iu Bcientltle investigation, 05 in study,
One hundred nud twenty-ene nre with
out occupation or nre unreported. New
Yerk Tribune.
The "Turned Around" Mjsterr.
One of tlie annoying things of life Is
what is known ns lwing "turned around"
tliat Is, confused aa te the points of the
cempaw. Probably nearly e very ene lias
had something of this experience, but it
U much mero vexatious in sorae cases
than in ethers, A friend of the writer
thus describes his exjierience: "The only
place where I have been thoroughly and
liersistenlly nstrny in this matter is
Poughkeeiisie, which I have had ccca ccca
bien te visit a fevv times in the course of
my life. Lvcrybedy has heard of the
orator who, in nn Impassioned moment,
exclaimed: 'I knew no north, no south,
no east, no west.' Well, his condition
was greatly te lw envied by the man who
thinks that west is cast and north h
south, and who cannot lid his mind of
the idea.
"Tlie first time I went te reughkeepsie,
eoine fifteen years age, it was tlrmly im
pressed en my mind that the city wns en
the west bank of the Hudsen nuu that
theprlnclpal street, which runs directly
liack from the river, went in n direction
exactly west. Passing Poughkeejisle en
ene of the river steamers, I am well
aware that it is en the cast side, but the
moment my feet is 6et en the sliore a de
mon takes possession of me and inv no
tions of direction are all awry. I am
even in doubt when the train enters the
btatlen whether It Is going north or
beuth, nnd If left te myself I should nrol) nrel)
ably take the train bound for Albany
when I wanted te go te New Yerk.
"The ether nigh. I had te wait half nn
hour for n train there, nnd during the
interval I made desperate efforts te Bet
my mind right. On the uewgpapcr in
inxJianil JLdrew. a mental maiuif. the
mm ntaMMM wtarMTafc
uredfact thai Itaghkeepaie Meatk
eat bank, I tried te coaTinee nyaett
of the true state of thing. Batmynkad
refused te stay convinced. As I think of
Peughkeepaie new, Maui street, aa you
F- tip It from the river, ran Just west,
wish seme one could expiate tibia phe
nomenon for me. One part of my men
tal make up knows positively which
direction Li north and which la south, m
well In Poughkcepeie as elsewhere, but
the ether part (and the ene which la con
trolling) refuses te accept this knowl
edge. Why kit? Where te the philoso
pher who can explain itf New Yerk
She Palatwl Her Up.
A very funny accident happened at a
reception where a bright woman, who
was out for the first tune after a long
illness, was the victim. Just befere she
left home seme one Bald that she had
better put some color en her lips, aa they
looked perfectly blue. A serpent In the
ehape of n charming girl volunteered bcr
mixture, ene of carmine and glycerine
(which, if any is te be used, Is meat de-
Jlrable. nnd she carefully painted the
n valid s mouth, putting the most color
In the centre, te give it the desired rose
bud effect The newly painted was
warned that Bhe could cut or drink any
tliing cold, but of anything het ehe
was te beware. Remembering this, ehe
declined going Inte the supper room,
and was the center of a group of men,
and having the largest kind of a time-,
when en imp of darkness, In the form of
6 footman, came along with a tray en
which were cups of coffee and glosses of
punch. Without a thought the "ladye
laire" took a cup of coffee) she sipped it
slowly, nnd then, horrors of horrors,
made bad worse by wiping her mouth
en n tiny napkin which had been given
her. She seen saw surprise en the faces
of someof the men. One gUnce at the
damask in her hand told her what was
the matter, and with providential pres
ence of mind she put it up te her lips
again, leaned en the man nearest te bcr,
whispered in muffled tones that she was
ill and must go home. Out of the draw
ing room, quickly she get en bcr wraps,
and when she was helped te her carriage
the man who had been her stand by
could net resist telling her that be was
sure she must be ill because her lips hed
grown se pale. However, the men were
Soed fellows and they never told en her,
leugh ehe swere by every ene of the
Suddhist gods nnd all of the Chlncse
evils that ehe'd submit te green lips
again befere she would get In such a fix.
Dab In Philadelphia Times.
Baying Historical Chmln.
An incident of Gen. Sheridan's visit te
Eurepe during the France-Prussian war
Is emitted from Ids article in theNovcm theNevcm theNovcm
iier Scribner's, perhaps, through igrior igrier igrior
nnce of the facts. When the general
reached Berlin he asked the American
minister te recommend te him seme
young American, who could speak Ger
man fluently, te act as en interpreter.
The minister recommended Mr. Charles
F. MacLean, better known te New
Yorkers as a pollce commissioner than as
en interpreter, nnd he followed Gen.
BhcrldfH through the campaign. The
general relates jn Scribner's new Bis
marck the great andapoleen the little
satonrude wooden chairs in front of n
cottage near Sedan, discussing the situ
ation, nnd there is a picture showing the
two men, ene triumphant, the ether
downcast, in the peasant's garden. A
few days later Gen. Sheridan dined with
Bismarck, who began te talk of the sur
render. "That meeting," said the Prus
sian chancellor, "will be historical. I
sent ever yesterday nnd -bought theso
two chairs from the peasant for ten
frajics apiece; new I have them aa
mementoes; and I euppose," he added,
with n laugh, "the English will goon
buying theso chairs for years te come."
There was a general laugh nt this re
mark, but ene officer had mero te laugh
at than the ethers, nnd gave Ids reasons
te Mr. MacLean afterward. "Yeu see,"
he said, "I knew as well ns Uismarek
that the meeting would be historical, be
the very ncxtlny I rode ever myself and
get the chairs for flve francs for the
pair." San Francisce Argonaut.
I-oek Out for the lluu Saw.
A folded sheet iron newspaper (imita
tion), designed for theso prowling nnd
dishonest persons who steal papers that
de net belong te them, is nn innovation
that will le hailed with delight by oil
honest newsdenlcrs. The paper contains
a rat trap attachment nnd a buzz saw,
which is worked by concealed machin
ery, duly and properly wound up hi the
morning. A tramp or dishonest person
euncing en the newspaper bets the ma
chinery in motion; the iron jaws of the
rat trap clese ever the hand of the thief,
nnd the buvv gets in its line work with
the most discouraging effect en the
kleptomaniac. San Francisce Argonaut.
Wliy It Went Out.
J'Kccp your beats, please, ladles and
gentlemen," bold a theatrical manager,
"thore Is no treuble whatever, but for
ceme incxplicable reason the gas went
Then n Iwy shouted from the gallery:
"Perhaps it didn't like the play.'' New
Yerk Sun.
VteB of Old 8hecs.
An American who has been traveling
In Eurepe thus describes the industrial
uses of old lioets nnd shoes which nre
thrown out into the streets and into abb
pits: After being collected they nre
ripped open, and the leather is subjected
te a treatment which renders it a pllable
mass, from which a kind of artistic
leather is derived. Tills in uppcarance
resembles the best leather of Cordova.
In the United Stntea patterns nre stamped
en this, whlle in France it is U6ed te
cover trunks and boxes. The old beets
nnd shoes nre also treated in another
way by which they nre converted into
new ones. The prisoners in Cen
tral France nre employed in this
way, the old shoes coming chiefly from
Spain. They are taken te pieces ns be
fore, the nails being all removed, nnd the
leather is soaked in order te soften it.
The uppers for children's shoes nre then
cut from it Tlie soles nre also used, for
from the smaller pieces of the leather of
the old soles, the 60 called Leuis XIV
heels for Indies' ehees are made from the
Lirger atjd thinner pieces. The old nails
nre also put te use. for by means of mag
nets the iron nails and the tacks nnd
brads are separated and sold. The con
tractors of tlie military prisons nt Mont Ment
pcller say tliat these nails nlone pay for
the old Eliecs. Nothing new remains but
the scraps, nnd these have also their
vnlue, for they nre much sought after by
certain specialists for agricultural pur
poses. New Yerk Mail nud Express.
A Iteg't Suicide.
In New Yerk n deg committed euicide
by jumping off a ferry lieat The owner,
nn old woman, asked a jwliccman te do de
him at tlie deck until ehe get aboard,
but as seen as the beat started the deg
jumped for the deck, nnd, by n preat
effort, succeeded in pulling himself en
beard. Then he ran through the women's
cabin with his nese te' the fleer, and
found his mistress en the forward deck.
His stumpy tall txbbed se fast thnt it
was nlmest invlsible, and if a deg ever
laughed he did. Tlie old woman was
angry. She scolded him ns though he
had been stealing meat, nnd his tall
f;radually stepped wagging, while his
lead sank lower and lower. He walked
slowly forward until he was en the edge
of the deck, nud looked mournfully
ncrem the water, no was the plcture of
deg despair. Suddenly he gave n bound
far out into the river and in a moment
the ferryboat had passed ever him.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
There can be nothing 6adder than the
expression which creeps ever tlie face of
the man who lias en a twice round scarf
when seme sympathetically inclined in
dividual asks 1dm if he has a bore
A tunny little man refused a hat with
a very loud lining because it might make
AccorSinster atlavslMtws Is
tucks the Shrew Uhin, srustart la ths
jstafr , ana sa tas ial mmUmmtm t
tM si, paws aa acViiatlMtftakawl
Bbea'Csrs, ana la the J'rfats at tha kaars
ahktes,iilpaawrl(U. Tkeasaais eCaaa'
hve featid la HneA'a prills a yssHive
M perftiiBeat cam ler rktaaaUssb tM
aeatraiisMtlMaaMUjrettk Mea.aa alas
baBSi ap nt au gifaMM wkefci kl.
Heed's ffmnrngmttUm
l was laM ap far lit meatta wHa rfcwu-4-tlsm,
aas need away klate at, 'SlWaa.wB 'SlWaa.wB 'SlWaa.wB
ontgiseflr alt Wl e f my asiffcbers teM
netoUkaHeoS'sSsrBWIIIa. Wksn I k4
n,ed half a bottle I felt batter, aa after tak
ing two bottles ltblBklwassaUrelyemrM,
as t kavs dm ba aa atlaeUef rkeajuMsw
lines." Ktresm H. Dixes, earviUs, fttatsa
Island, N. T.
Cures RhaemaMasa
' 1 ka4 attteks ci -rheaauUssi watea n
crsJird in verity. 1 took tares battles at
Heed' earpartita an. I am pletssa tesay
the rhennatte pains ceased, my appatltajM.
eifmUen became better, and my fsaeral
fctatia ateaUy improved. 1 am flrmly sea sea
vlseed that Heed's SarMparilla sated me, as
1 bavs felt no reearrsnes of this bleed dis
ease." Wv.toeos,'Osasva,N.T.
Heed's laraaparUlm
8eldbyaUdrantsts.nt ilxferbt. ITspartd
only by C. I. heed CO., Lewell, Mam.
100 Deses Oae Dellar.
High Pressure
Living cbaraeterlies the modern days. The
result Is a fearful Increase of Brata and Heart
IMsae OenertI Debility, Insomnia, Faral
yils and Insanity. Chloral and Merphia aug
ment the evil. The medicine best adapted te
de permanent geed U -ysfs MpartUS, It
puriaiw, enriches and vitalises the bleed, and
thus strengthens every function and faculty
of the body,
" 1 have nted A y afs Barpartita In my fam
ily, f or j ers. 1 have found it Invaluable as
for Nervous Debility caused by an Inactive
liver and a low itate of the bleed." Henry
llacen, Xenla, Ohie.
" Fer lame time I have been troubled with
heart (Usees 3 I never found anything te help
me untu i began using Ayer't sarmparlila. I
have only used this medlelne six month', but
It has relieved me from my trouble, and ena
bled me te returns work."-J. P. Carsanett,
ferry, III.
" I have txen a practicing physician for
ever half a century, and during that Una I
have never lennd se powerful and reliable au
alterative and bleed purtner as Aver a Buna
pinna." Dr. M. ataxataxt, Louisville. By.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Dr. J. O. Ayer Ce., Lewell, Mass
Price SI ; six bottles. IB. WertH8 abettle.
They have been tried for evor fifty yean, and
are te-day the meat popular in ute.
Yeu-lathers and mothers used them. They
ae the Saiest, Pmcal and Beat Heinedy ler
Liver and Stomach Dlseisea ever com
pounded for sale bv all DrunalUs. Tries SSc mr box r
SboiaiferOToi or aunt by nmll, pe-iagn lre,
en rocetptof price.
Dr. it li.SchenckaeeD,
1 hey buve Imn tried for evor flttv yean, and
iir.i tn-itny thu lamt popular In use.
Your f&thurs and mothers used them. They
lira the Milusl, l'lirest, and Beat uumedy for
l Iver nnd bummcli Diseases evor coin cein coin
peundod. for sale bv all Druggls'. frlce !5c per box
3 bozos ler tltc i or sent bv mall, psstuge free,
nn tvcelpt of price.
vt J. iLBcimncE non,
riiim , i a.
-. -OBTBB-
it can be given in a eup of coffee or tea with
out the knowledge of the person taking It t Is
absolutely bAnnlesa, and wlU effect a perma
nent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a
moderate drinker or aa aleehelle wreak.
Thousands of drunkards have been made
temperate men who have taken fjeiasn spe
cific in their coffee without their knowledge.
and te-day believe they quit drlnalngef their
own freewUL IT MEVEttrAILsTThe -system
once impregnated with the BpeclSc. It be
comes an utter Impossibility for the liquor
appetite U) exist. or me ey
CU AH. A. LOCUKB. Druggist,
Me. 9 East King Street, Lav ncaiter, fa.
Catarrh, hose oeld. Bay rever.Deafneas.uuad.
aone. JPilee su Cents. EASY TO UBE. Ely
Bre'a. Uwege. N. Y U. H, a.
ELY'S CBEAfcl BALM Cleansea the Nutat
Fansagrs, Allays Pnln and lnnammatlen,
lioalslhe Beres, Besterea the Bonses el Taste
and Smell.
A particle Is applied Inte each nostril aud is
agreeable. Trice 60 cents at Druggists i by
mau. registered, 6ocenuiijYijiieTiiK
SB Warren Btreet, New Yerk,
rock's Patent Improved cushioned Ear
Drums perfectly restore hearing and perform
tha work of the natural drum. In visible com
fortable and always in position. All conver
sation and even whispers beard distinctly.
Bend for Ulustrated book with testimonials,
FBBE. Address or call en r. I
Broadway, New Yerk. Iv&.?wdM,W,rw
Haviland China
Arrived te late te sufficiently
ilbpluy Lufere Clirlstmaa. It con cen
tHlntd some very handsome Fish
and (Jama Sets, A. I). Coffees,
Covered Cake Dishes, Cheese
Di8hea,txe. Seme of these have
f ince been sold ; ethers still re.
main. They will make elegant
New Year or Wedding Presents.
See these before selecting.
AVei'xpreesenr gratitude te our
friends who have contributed te
making this se successful a Hol
iday Senseu. and wish all a
Happy New Year.
High & Martin,
Ne. 1 6 East King St.
ecsr SV
wb'll rur .pet
talk it turn ra.
roateu thaw retJB
It wjmt take a schooled eye te sas that
much Iws than a dollar buys a dollar's worth
aersT Yourepportaatty ter mosey saving.
ClatklBf sat rirahklBf llwasa,
a meeth qubbb bt.
rrem preaeatlndleaUeas our Plain sad Beasst
Mark Dewa la
Mea's, Bsjl' aaa CllUrea'i
Stjllsh Slits ifld OracMti
Will terminate In the entire disposal of
our present holdings.
.Prospective buyers should net stand npea
the order of coming, but come at eace. Bring
your mane's,
Loek th Bargains ever yea will be sn's te
And something interesting and a profitable
If you are net In need of of either Butt or
Overcoat remember the old price Is marked)
upon (lament Ticket. The new piles la
marked npea the Tag.
Here is an in vestmentvine Worsted Drees
Butt sold for tii. The must-go pnee tstis.
Come and see thorn.
Bargains ia Underwear.
Men's White and Colored (Merine fhlrts sad
Drawers, all slits, at see.
Men a white Weel Bblrts and Drawers, We.
Men's Natural Weel thins and Drawers,
All.Woel Scarlet Shirts and Drawers at 11 00.
Men's Camel's Hair Bhirts and Drawers at
Dr. Warner's Natural Weel "and Camel's
Hair Shirts and at II BO.
Holreyd'a Derby nibbed Underwear la Bear
let ana colored.
Onr Bptclal cap of Blue and Brown Cerda
rev, made In the Windser Shape, with a heavy
roll band, just tbetblDg for stormy weather,
at 40e. tils our best ler the money andeaa't
bs beat.
Other shares of Corduroy caps at 9Se and
Talk abett your Bumma'v, what's the mat
ter with our Uenl's BKYBTONE shoe, made
In Plain Tea and Tip, congres; and Lace, with
smooth Innerselcs, at 02 a pair.
Williamson & Fester's,
SS. 54. 36 & 38 & KINO HT
Our Big Ueducllen Bale of
Overcoats and UJsteis
Continues te attract the attention el
every shrewd purchaser.
The Bargains we new offer cannot be equaled
in tha whole country.
Examine enr large assortment of Overoeati
at W 60, 03,f4, S3.
Examine our flne assortment at te, 18,110,112,
Our outers or storm Overcoats reduced new
te $110, S3, SO, f8, 10.
They Ara Geed Value for the Nenej.
Mcb'b, Beyt' & CklldrcB'g
Frem the Cheapest aradn te the Finest afa
CorrespenUlng Beductloe.
Before buying Clothing see enr Immense
stock. We have an assortment that cannot be
equaled and prices that cannot be matched.
BEWSBE-Snme stores claim te be or have
conneeilcn with ours. Loek only for the
beuihwtsl Cerner Metlh (Jucen and Orange
Choice Holiday Gifts.
With music, mirth and a multitude of sweet
sounds, we greet you I A Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year I
Accerdeana, Autoharps, Banjos, Bustes
Clarinets, Cornets. Drums, Flier, flageolets,
Flutes, Guitars, Harmonicas, Jews Usrps,
Mandolins, ecaslnas. Piccolos, Tambourines,
Triangles, Violins, Orchestral and Band In
AVTheaDovearealew of the Cholee Musi
cal Ulna we baveln stock for the Holiday Sea
son . we also have a Fine beloctlea et MUSIC
Kirk Jehnsen & Ce.,
Net, 40, 4A 43, 49 Market street. Bear of Pest-
offlee, Lancaster, Pa,
I new have ready for the Fall and Winter
Trade the ttneat and most aelectllnenf strictly
nrsvclass crilagea and Blelghs of all descrip
tions In the market.
New Is the time te buy a nice Carriage or
Sleigh as a chrlitmas Pre.ent. There Is noth
ing that would be mere suitable.
Special Bargains In Second-Band Werk, both
nnlsbea or unfinished.
A low mero el these flne Bead Carts left at
prltei te suit the times.
SU work fully guaranteed. My prices for
the same quality ei work are the cheapest U
me state. .
repairing aud Repainting promptly at
tended te One set of workmen espcetaUy
employed for that purpose.
est rash price paid ter old Brass and cop
per. The finest brass caatlnga made te order.
Metal pattern work flnlin.d at reasonable
rates. M. W. FuaiM'sLeek works,
Bear Lecher's Banking Bulidlag.
' . y "JUp
Jr- f-
'. "t
V-AM-ii -'. ?C