-4i . ' n - -v. 1 i V ' Kf V J"- tV Vy, -x S ;v "?c? "V'vf-'vW ,T' :: 1;HE LANCASTER JAtLYlimLLlGEypEBt SATUltpAY, JAOTAIIY 6, 1M0. '&! -- '"',, mniv Dally Intelllflftnctr, .JABCABTt, flM lelfn Treves. tktem tealontkeaeet aBengtt ant there mm tebenlall- I HartMMfc whit premises It tt honest MMte Of t0 I MM tuMOBlBMatarr " we hvn born eWlged te M7 bout ; we seem te neTOBepawi- ;tM WW an Psmy or i who think quite M meanly teef'Qmr and et all the sharks la tit eoe.Mlean political sea natter et interest 1a the en the ead death of the I bill; which Get. Beaver declares that fee was Jatt about te i ha wae shocked te discover IAdi4aotbaT6theaigaatureef the of the Senate ; and that en r be found that the bill had never i te tee Senate, which had then lint tnsaA sawte.. rilrasilif tr fevteva A uui uau vue uutvti; iiwiu I te tbe state department. The aMMer. however, declare that tit te the Senate, which? was in t. , ....,.. te It, .U...SMM, B, 1M9 uiamn v ue iAufw ndlnr. The governors facts r te be shaky and his statements te ItMrly founded. It has been univer- rbeuevM that he was very glad te be l te avoid signing the revenue bill, lOfpoaitien te which was well known. li promptness with which he te zed tee aosenee 01 me signature president of the Senate, te refuse signature, sustained that belief. great readiness he shows in sage te put the trouble at the ,of the Heuse, tends te cenflrm a i that he had knowledge that the , work was done in the Senate ; en ' that he is seeking te get his splices out et the scrape. The tasien he reaches that the message fet the house was in fault, is con cen cen rte all the evidence; and is almost patently incorrect as his statement i the Senate was no longer in session. ( H does net give the Democrats of Fenn- pleasure te knew that many faUeane agree with them in their low I et the character et the governor state and et some et its chief Te believe that the governor lift Conspiracy with corporation ti te defeat a law, by the menlpu. i of the Senate officers, that he was brave enough te sign or veto, is sly set a pleasant belief te any ylvanlan. But we have been se i Humiliated during many years past the character et our llarrlsburg i that it does net Irritate us as it itode. eH surprises us often, when we review l outrageous conduct of the Bepubll- majority in the state and the lest et its officials, te think that i se patiently endure it. If their sense could be appealed te, apart I their partisanship, they would net it te It. But the devotion of the ity te the Republican party exceeds r patriotism. They vote their ticket I Mind confidence that with all Its faults tfc still the best. Lee It happens that with an unln- ipted record of the subjection et the r te the control of monopoly, it still Tne votes which it trams by ely Influence and money power rsigh the votes it loses by its sub. cy te It. Tbe people are net Med ; and show no signs of being se. Tne constitution of tbe state has been ttjxlsteace slnee 1874 and still its previ- are nullified by the failure et tbe store te obey the mandate that it enact the laws and provide the ties te make the constitutional pre- i effective. 1 The Legislature new assembles In the year et the decade without having lened the state under the census of 9, as was Its duty ; and it is proposed i that duty ever te the Legislature ! Ml, under the new census of 1S90 ; uinai legislature may Just as well I, the duty along te the next, and se Loatinueusly,untillt suits the party te a new deal, it Is said that the are congratulating themselves I they did net make the apportion- ituey proposed at the last session. lit would have lest them four sena- i ; and this Is their sole idea of duty; up u their sole thought. r the party seems te have a solid Iwpea Pennsylvania ; and one man I te have a solid held UDen the tmrtv: libe one who has achieved favor and I through unscrupulous partisanship. niy it is nut a seeming strength : (the fever flush that presages decay. my it is nam te believe that with junweh moral rottenness can be pelltl- lemaaness. i- One Geed Deed! i best thing that has been done bv I resent administration of this nut. lisjiaeubtedly Attorney General Klrk- Vm suit te forfeit the Western i property and franchise in Tenn- even though it does come a behind time. There is a fair offered for this delav the difficulty found In secur proper evidence of the Durchasn ;'the Baltimore & Ohie lines bv the era Union. It is supposed that thla ally Is new overcome through the i of the present authorities nf Baltimore & Ohie railroad te furnish PfeuM evidence; and it Is further. m; 5 ww sack iu6 ice auuse JfOJUmere & Ohie lines In the. i new, after the lapse of a year, i in;gna cavu. ( that President Green, of the Union, sais ha u t MSf tne suit; because he de- ;ihat his company did rmt the Baltimore ic Ohie tele- spany in i'ennsylranla. If se find it hard te explain hew he te come into control of the ejt et the company In this state. .awxemeat u essentially false. any doubt. Trebably the Union In making ita te get away from the Penn. vaUtutien; but it certainly . - w , wuue euving tne Unlit. I Ohie teiegraph root, and hrannr. IvMkwblediydld. I it as very silly Indeed for xfr. 1 1 say that the state cannot con cen con Vkte oeespauy's property within. ,rer violation of the state Uw. jae United States law author- eospaaies te ODaraU In all the states. They certainly mast operate that iaeaeh state aeeerdlsff te the state law ; ani Mr. OfomweHknewiti, TaeUnlUdBUtes eaanet, and nobody evar prepesei that it should, eaetaia in a state a corporation that the state weaM destroy. ! The Mlcamgna Canal. TheNtearagaacacalbiUas passed by the Heuse te a very harmless measure incorporating the company and especially providing that nothing in it shall be held te de anythlBg mere than this. The com. pany will probably begin operations nt an early date, as the Senate will hardly waste much time hi discussing the amendments wisely made by the Heuse. It te net prob able that the final birth et this sew canal enterprise will have any deterrent effect upon the Panama canal builders, but it will rather tend te stimulate them te mere vigorous efforts towards the success ful completion of their gigantic task. It seems te be generally assumed and te be well supported by government and pri vate surveys, that the NIcaraguan canal will prove quite feasible and a great sue cen;and the general comment of the press has been that it is at all events a decided Improvement upon the Da Lesseps plan. There is one point that does net appear te have received due consideration in this comparison of the canals ; the effect et frequent earthquakes. The Nicaragua route will net be troubled with floods as great as these of the Cbagres river at Panama, but it runs much nearer te the region of volcanie disturbances and it is plain that in a Und se shaky the shortest canal Is the one in least danger from earthquakes. 1m the current number of the Scheel Journal Dr. Edward Brooks, a former clUr.inef JjtncHter, has a snort attloleen the "Dingera et Object Teaching," and the Rev. ObwlM L. Fry, et this city, a very Interesting treatise upon the ednoatlen et tbe American negre. Tbe former ebews tbat there le a wall grenndsd tear that tbe mind will bs enfeebled by tbe exeeMtre uie et cbjtet teaching by tbe constant depondeneeon objects and tbns b dm qaallfled for tbe abstract and general notions of solenee and llteratare, and tbe cans et thorough scbelarablp and high Intellectual training will bvJairlted tbersby. Mr. Fry' 1eaMry,oempiled from addresses delivered at tbe eduoatlenal convention at new Orleans, Is a vary impressive presen tation of tbe great problem of tbe ednoatlen et tbe great Illiterate mass of colored people, la New Yerk Tribune has a thrilling story, wbleh It aserlbea te Mr, Uloed, of Bethlehem, Fa, and loeates "In a Mora vian settlement near tbat town," where It Is sstd te have occurred recently. If there It a Mr. Bleed In Bethlehem be should at once arise and deny autbersblp or confess tbat tbe bleed of all tbe lists Is In his family. The story runs as fellows : "One et tbe many cartons customs el that strange aset (tbe Meravians I) la te marry off tbe young peepla by let. Of course It Is net te bs expected tbat a yenug coeple abullled together la tbls meohsnlesl tray will always feel tbe ltomce Juliet degree of pssslen. In order te be generous, therefore, tbe Meravlsn Intellectual ancestors made it a rnle tbat both tbe young woman and the young man should have tbe right te refuse, ones, tbe helpmeet drawn In tbe lottery et love. In the present esse, a young girl waa first allotted te a middle-aged suitor who had been watting for years te see bis name drawn from tbe wheel. Hhe oeald net reoenolle herself te his physical dtfloleneles and exercised her right te withdraw. Tbe rejected suitor sought revrnge by refusing another young woman, wbe bad been is signed te him, and In tbe meantime tbe heroine of tbls story bsd herself been re fused. The two names were thereupon thrown back Inte tbe wheel, and after several month, some strange freak of tste brought tbe two nsmes out together sgsln. Neither could refuse te wed this tline, and the unfortunste gill, rather than be tied for llfe with unweleume bends, Jnmped into the Bethlehem mill pond and drowned herself. Tbe mourning bridegroom, ssys Mr. Bleed, Is new wsnderlngdlsoensolstely about the village, walling for another bride." We may next expcet from tbe Tribune an account of the reeent drowning et a wlteh by "tbat strange sect," tbe Puritans of New England. A oennxsroNDBMT of the Johnstown Democrat, writing fmm the ruins et Fom Fem pell, appears te think the remains in the museum rather "fisby." He says : "Five years age 1 saw tbe bread, egg, etc Then tbe bread was like your common home leaf, but new It Is mere like the shape of what you call a pound eike. Here I see bread, eggs, cotlefl, rloe, prune, olive, beans, meat, rsw and roasted, and In short every. thing tbat a well furnished house oeuld have or need te live en, all taken from tbe ruins el Pompeii. Here I asked for the eight bodies I saw five years age in Fempell, (they told me In Fempell they were here) and am told they are sUll In FemneiL Ynn understand." TuupolltlealanU social struggles going en in the old world de net make rnueh noise Just new and the mutterlngs of war are stilled for a time while the cable chatters small talk. The event meat thoroughly written up by the foreign correspondent Is the Irving version of Mscbeth of which tbe crities wall "It is tuagnlneent but it is net Shakespeare," or words te that tlieer. Irving' Faust was orlllelsed In tbe tame tone, but with less force and severity be cause in that truly wonderful production he made no pretence of adherence te Goethe's work. He has ventured en mere dangerous ground In the enterprise be baa new In band, ler he keeps the play as Shakespeare wreta it and yet rearranges the characters te suit the make-up of his cempuyand hlsewn notlensof pleluresque cnoet. The conventional Lady Macbeth would net at all suit Mlsi Ellen Terry, se she Is permitted te defy convention and Shakespeare and te represent Instead et the neree, ambitious and msjeatie queen of this dark tragedy, a charming womanly char acter as different as possible from wbst Is naturally coneelved from the reading of the play. Irviug himself prefers te represent Msebetb as deeply worked upon by super, stltien ratbw than ambition, and It may be Imagined that Irrlna'a version i m. tragedy would provoke a feeling of disgust with the miserable tool Macbeth, and pity for his Isdy. It la well aneunh te cut ir from conventional rules of aetlng,but there should be some effort te fellow the plain meaning of tbe author or the works com monly called Shakespeare. Of oeurse Irving will eoere a grand spectacular and financial success and It would be strange If with all their proved talent his oempauy did net act impressively. Perhsps bis warmest critics would enjoy the oestly performance end be would coin money In America; bnt he will net change tbe old desperate Macbeth. ' FKBSONAU David Irwin died near Waieba mi. nweta, en Thursday, a "I alleged 'si.'cf 113 years, at Is sitd that "be was ae quilntjd with President Geerge Washing", ten sad ether statesman of his llineand served In tbe war el 1812." ' a Sxnateb Kxaeax, of Texas, cannot think en public question unlsiibe'i.ebew lag psper. Tbe New Yerk Weria 'uuVil would be a geed thing ler some et his oel. iftsgues if tbey would adept tbls habit Tbey might then talk leas and think mwei .K?Iirnep N,BW.J'w headed a delegation et tbe Women's (Jnrlatfan Tmnirun. tii wbe en Friday presented te the Senate ESSE? l0"1 "i peten, ter the suppression of the llqoer Iriffle la I me nsogsfree mate and among the Indlane of she uaMcel Masse. Pnor.BeusA, the leader of she Marine as naassrws, sms mum as rrasMM Wlleaau ism wau n-aewa oteessteoewra. Prat neusa net ealy posed IsttsaaiBtaLtmtwreM the beak. The orraHtetN)eellauTMWoll"asto w be unseated la New Yerk wKhIn a year. Rsrv. Dm. Bmitk, presMent of Trieky college, Hartferd, feas received a tower of advice aad exhortation from Mark Twain oeeesrutag tae Ohie btebeprss, te whleh fee hsa been eteetad, bat whleh he has net yet accepted. "We want te besreea yea," wrote Mr. Twain, tell these Ohie people aad make It sharp aad strong, se that they will understandthat people are vary well satiated with yen where ea are, and are tired of this lateraseddnur. We eaa't afford te faralsb bishops fee every Maryland and Ohie thatoemeealoBg, aad we cannot have enrseivee being aa aa aeyed and made uneasy all the time this way. Ol oeorse It Is a dsllcate Ulag for yen te write these people tbe klad Tetter needed, and se if you would rather have m de it, I will attend te It, and It will probably be beat all areand te fix It tbat way. 1 csn aay very strong things when I am warmed up, and I ana warmed npaesr. lean write a letter tbat will Just make these people aever mlad latent detail. Yen tern the whole thing ever Inte my binds, leave tbls Ohie Insurrection tome I'll make sbert work of it" m m OjftsraCMagtrp, There Is a decided tailing off la the re re eelpu of oysters at present la Baltimore, and a rise et from D te 8 esata per bushel. A geed grade of oysters eells at from 66 te 70 cents per bushel. Thla decrease In receipts seems te be due te tbe reeeat activity et tbe Maryland oyster navy la promoting tbe forbidden beds from the ravages e7 tbe dredgers, Tbe latter being forced te depead upon these beds wbleh their previous reck' lessnese has stripped of their treasures, have found It almost Impossible te getaa adequate supply. It Is said tbat If tbe dredgers were allowed le de aa they pleased It would ealy be a few years nntil oysters wen id be as soaree in tha Chesa peake as buffaloes new are en tbe prairies. We de net ba'leve in medlelnc for children, bat we de believe In Or. Hull's Baby eyrep and ariDrt thai no baby should be without it. l'rlce 230. Laxader, tbe great remndy for dyspepsia. Is free from all deleterlens subttuce, ana there la no danger of havlnr one's Menth salt vaiea tr in me, wnicn u irrquftnlly none by prepumtlonieonimiDlng polteu beta by tfJ oemainiDg poiteu, ecia ny an utughjiais ncems, TT OKO SOAF. Koke ir WILL FLOAT. Seap. IT WILL FLOAT. FUBR, ONirenUand DUKAIILO In qual ity, eccneinleal In use. A vegetable oil soap ler the LAUnimr, TOILBr and 11ATU. Alapted te general household me, or in MILL, MINK or 8U01'. It your grocerdees net kp II, send us Scents for postage, and we will mall acakerilKB. Addrsi, H. & Q. A. ROKVHB, UOV27 lyXu,Tl,8 CINCINNATI, Q. MBLIUIUU1. R KL1GI0U8 BRKV1CES WIXIj BK l held tn the follevlnir nhnnhMnn Rnn. day, la the morning at lu-.!). In the evenlnc atT.lS. Bunday ichoel at lti p. m. When the henr Is dlO"erent It la specially notedi CauacH or Ued Cerner et Prince and Or ange. Preaching at 10-ae a. m. and at 7.49 p. m. by the puter. Habbath school at l:ts p. m. Prayer in tetlng at 0 p. m, Umitsd jJaaTaaaa im Cbsist (Cevssakt), West Orange ana concord sireets-ltev. J. it runk, pastor. Prnachlnvat 10:30a. m. and7:IS ft in. Dunusf i Dg at 6:1B p. in, weak. Sunday school at 1:13 n m. PniumMk BOTirat services dering the nasT HArrisT.-Ilev. J. N. Velwell, pastor, rreicfclnr at 10:30 a. m. and 7:1 p. m. Sunday soheolatip.in. avenlngiubject, "Thsttets oinharen," Ilaptlam at cloiaet evenlDgacr evenlDgacr men. rrayer ruietlnK en WeOnesdayaiTae p.m. 1 he Lord's Bnpper at close et morning service. B?.fw. Cntscu -Hev. W. r. Ponflleten, of rhllatlelpblii, will preach and administer the Kaoratnent or tbe LerO'a aupper, at Loen's butldlrg, Ke. 10 North ijueen atrcet, en Sun- bsoesd KvAHaatieir, CBtiacn. Prejchtua by thepaateratlOiJUk.m.and at 7:30 p.m. Snn. diy scboelatsp. in. Yeung people' meeting ate.:ep.m. KeTlvalserrteeat7:3Up.m.each evening except Saturday. Olivbt llArrisT Chuheh. Ksit Vine near Dnke itreut. Preaching at 10.JJ a. in. Hub. Jeet, "Kntlre Coniecratlen." The Lord's sup per will bs admlnlatered at thn olese et the morning service Sunday .oheol atscep m. At7.1Sp,ro..parents and chllOran' meeting, snbjce' "llenie" Tbe mltslen bancs will meet en Tunaay, Thuiedsy mid Bataraay eyunlngan.tOj) in. ' St. Lekb'b itareaiiBD HaxletU Avenne.Kev. Win. P. Llchllter, pastor. Divine service at 10-30 a. m. alemertal mlsilemry survlee at 7:13 B. in. Bunday sobeol at a p m. rervlcelnthe ..SI?1!" !WIW ?l B p. m , with aorinen by Prof. H. u. achludu Kvasoblieal first Ohnrch (Oennan) North Waurtinwt, JXev. . P. Lehr. pastor. Preach lug at 10 se a. m. tn the Uerumn language, and7:i8p m. In the KnglUb lAnguage. Sun! day soheol at B a. in. leung people's meeting at 6 p. m. CHtiSTLDTKiiUB Church-West King itrfet, K. L.Ueod,paster.-tiervlceat 10-jk) n in. and 7.1S p. m. Sunday scbeel at 1.4S p. m. PaaaBTTSsus! Hbmebui. Oonaea, Benth Oueen street, Themas Thompson piiater. PreacMng at 10-.su lum.ln the svenlng lbs tminiutmt of tbe Lord's supper. SunQay stnepl at 1:11 p. m. Teung people's meeting at 0 p. m. reaching vedneiflay evenlng. St. BTBruBB'a (Ubvericbd) cucaen OettBua dr. Paul's KurouiKe-Hav. J. W.Sfemlnger. pastor. Hely communion at 10J) a. m. Preieb. leg at 7.18 p. m. suneay acboel at 1:13 p. m. eug eervloe at 8:13 p. tn. Catechotlel elara day at7Tle p. m.P' m i'rrer urvlce Wednea br. Paul B'M.k. CBuaea-Charles Bead, pw terj-Freachlug at liww a. m. uunday atfioel at It j p m Xoung poepio'a meeUnu at 0 n m. rinnsi ui t a.i & jb . . m!.JTV. v r . 'i'.v" " "rmen. a p.) BunOayBC&oelt 7.18 p. ra. Iiely communion. v' u,.Wu,r Sree te-morrow at le-sj a! in. and 7 13 p. in. Sunday a oheol at 1:3 p. ui. Tha commuuten will bs administered beih at the morning and at tne avenlag tervlce. LalecbetlcU tnatrncllens en Tneaday evening fi7c SSV,0a " wtneeaay evening between the hours rr7 and l) o-deoa tbe annual een- wuFbe tela meel,nK ter ll18 eoUe" of ollleer UBAOB LUTHSaAH. Cerner nf Nnrth n. 1 IHT HinUfin l!.n.nu U mmw . k. nw.... and James streeb ltev. C. Elvln IIeupT, pai. ter. Uatui Atvin. ur.1. . ,.. n . Jl rr. 7: :18n,in. Paater'atnnrnins, liu.i- ni. .. 1.... temlnmrnH for the Kc'nVbSr. of iSS acheSi only, at 7.30 Monday evening. Uauaj mlSt week aervlces pu Wednetday evening, fed ?!&iF """ e t the Laaiis' a la aeclety. I hurch council rneeu en Tbutaday evening! pffdfy'oVenlng. D0W "tecll8i euss en ,1"il-1'UT,,".'u"-8erTlC0 morning, after-SP?- ana .ev"?i SDeetally apnrenFiate te &. m. Hntlril. BAhnnl . u "- u-.T. 1. i5!ae?A& '.": ini8.??(Jnpr"re.r ment en Wedneeday even iS55i?: i?- te?ttl'cl lectures rrlday oven even Ingai7.15. bervlces every evevlngnnrfng tae WKJ?flbr7,,u,t0 tne Wee " Pray-r. tJL1 T, M' " "Du.-ttev. J. U.-1'.Uray, naa. JSr, cl5f " meDS at v a. m. leTj I . m . the Lerd'a supper ,1.43 p. m. Bunday iS.'i (mlaatenary cv) i s 18 n m. Christian eS eS deaver prayer ineUDgt 7.18 p m" pVeacblnir by pastor. HpecUl services every evenlSS (except Saturday) at 7 39 r evenlnlf PaaaBTTBBiAB-i'reachlcg by the iater Bev. J. T. Mitchell, u. u.. at the ujual henrj morning and evening, in the evenliS L evangeliatie and auug fervlce. SerVlcei everv OOMfLltXWN re WDMU. QOMFLKX10N FOWDKK. ladies; WliO VALUB A KKriNBU COMPLEXION MUST USK v"JBr-"" POZZONI'S AixmvAijtu COMPLEXION POWDER. .i.I.illnJru brilliant transparency te tie !!?;. ,"nuves all pimples, irecaiee ana oii-rejpm"-!!. and uitkea the sklndellcatelV sett and beauufuL It contains no lime, Vhit wranrbrneItnteVlr8e W ATfiJS FOU BALE 8T All Druggtata and Fancy Qoeda Uealera slvorywhere. pSn-BKWAltn OP IMlTATXOKS,f dajlngtbe weTk XeeprtaSra" y." Twy "'" Dl . "Jlt"iJ f. ",lr' u- u- PMter. lo-se unvivai etitpw a. conce day. Vestry ineefng en Monday, Cate Chumena1 elua en Ihuraday at 7 30 p. ui. ifli teu. LUTBBaAB.-n.jv. H. r.1 Alleman. 1). D. paater. BervtcHut mm. ...,.. a. MM IIUIITBI MW STttlllli WAWAMAJtMtta . aaba saw. Action, net argument. Why we are telling such vast lets of most desirable things at prices that give sixty cents the purchasing power of one dollar has been told you o'er and o'er. The argument is past, the fact is here. Alse the ceunterpart: you are buying, buying big. Therefore you and we are agreed. Loek down the resume of the Special Bargains. Third Fleer. Bedroom Suites. Mahogany, Antique Oak, Walnut, Sabicu, Maple, Cherry, that day before yesterday were $38 te $2000 and arc te-day $25 te $ioeo. Second Fleer. Carpets and I .. . Hft.!. 17 1. t? uB,, ,vuc A-rcnui wniua, , i Hungarian and Rhenish Crown Bric-a-Brac at half ; Muslin Under wear and Corsets, Jerseys, Wraps, and Jackets. First Fleer. Worsted Dress Goods at 75 cents, 85 cents, and $1.25, from $1.25, $1.50, and $1.75 ; Cheviot, 52 inches, at 50 cents ; Robes with elegant novelty garni ture at $4 te $ie, or half prices ; Men's and Beys' Clothing; Shoes; Millinery; Beeks. Basement. Many housekeeping and hardware things. In all of them the prices arc blighted, but the goods are bloom ing. Mere Carved Furniture carved where you will appreciate it in the prices. We told you of Bed Roem -Suits at $25 te $1000 that the day bclerc were 38 te $2000. About 150 of them; away short of that new, but the kinds arc as many as ever. Te-day the word is of Parler Suites. Bargains as big as in the ethers. Bear in mind, the reduc tions are from prices made talk all through the Furniture trade. The knife has been through all the stock. These are a few of the marks : Parler Suites : Were. Tapestry and Silk, plash trlmmlng.S pieces US sua Plush, 63)iecei ra Mlk Flush. B piece sua JVeu. WW loe ira am 143 1SB 110 110 100 88 78 81 M W una-Tapemy ana finih, Bnletea are Damask, a pieces 178 lUtnuk, a pteeee ,,... 188 llamaak, e piece IDS Btik Pluth, a pieces 128 bilk Plush us Tapestry, e pieces loe Tapeatrr.B pieces 100 Tap'Stry.npteees 110 Nehalr Flush. e pieces.... Its Tspestry, s pieces 110 Pretty Plush-scat Rockers are in the march : IM kind for s SiO kind ter 17 IS se kind forts S3. JO kind for S4 and se en. Third fleer. Pour elevators. Hosiery and Gloves will catch it next. Seme of the following we have owned 24 hours, ethers longer you needn't question which is which. Ne difference. They are in the " movement." 300 dozens Wemen'sjblack fleecy lined cotton Hese of the sort we sell at 50 cents a pair : the price is 25 cents. 59 dozens Women's black cash mere Hese, that means all wool, were 50 cents yesterday; te-day arc 25 cents. 325 dozens Women's all-wool ribbed Vests; the 3000 dozens late ly imported. Our price has been $1, is new 25 cents. 3S dozens Men's kid and leather Gloves, asserted, at 50 cents a pair, that have been Si. 50 and $1. Geed picking here. 25 dozens Men's degskin Gloves. It wouldn't be fair te tell the make when we name 75 cents a pair in stead of $ 1.50, but did we give the name you would jump at the Gloves. The clustering crowds near Chest nut street, west of the entrance, will tell where you may find these things. Quantities geed for two days only. Chestnut street side, westef main able Curtains are down with all the rest ; some of them away down. Light or heavy, no matter which, you'll find a handsome harvest among them. Somewhere in the house you've a place that would be the better for a little Curtain light ening and brightening, Don't hope Ter less. Swiss Tambour Lace : S3 kind for S3. 8 69 kind for (1. II kind for UW 8T andSS kind far 86. III kind ler 19 fit kind for 87 SO.) SIS klud ler Slew. txuh- 15 kind for It. Hkinaiersx Brussels Lace : 820 kind for IIS. m&eand 123 kind for IV. ISJ kind for 8S3. i) kind ter 187.80. Sash lis CO and lit kind for 112. sit kind for sis ts kind for lie. Cluny Lace Sash : S3 and 13.30 kind for It. 87anas7Mklnaierl'. Sie kind for S840. IlikludterilO. Applique Lace : 19.80 kind ter 3 W. t) kind for llnee. Colored Madias : ' 7 kind ter IS. 7 60SlDQterlfl. S3 kind for 17.60. Chenille Curtains : Plain tops, fan 07 dados. 14 su a pair from SB. 13 eea pair from S3. Vienna Chenille Curtains : Slgared all ever, Persian patterns. Ol a pair, from M is se ana . 87 60 a pair, fromlie. 810 a pair from SU 60. SIO a pair f reuiH8 60. 113 Mi pair Iieia U. Tapestry Curtains : noidered,allareandsulUbieforWlndow Vuruie, for uer. a and Couch. Cevers. Si a pair from 0. Ilia pair from sis. ficoend fleer, north of transept. Sixty miles an hour is quick, WAKAMMXMWa sixty cents for a dollar b quicker. Se proved the great company that trained in our clothing stock yester day te the tune of $2$ for 40 Men's Schnabel Elysian Overcoats. Who doubts that our advertising is read? The movement of the occasion Is prices. The whole Men and Beys' Clothing stock feels it. See yesterday's story. Here are a few mere pulsations in prices. Large Beys' Overcoats, asserted Elysians, some Schnabels, that were IS, but new are iie. Alse a let of Diagonal Cassimers down from mMyNM I5 te $10. Sizes of both lets 8 te 16 years. Small Bey's Storm Coats of Fancy r..im, ,-,1 t.:.u ni...! j - I. v' iv. llll v-ucviut, uunii from I2 te 8. Sizes 5 te 10. Large Beys' Fancy Cassimer Suits of Irish Cheviot, sizes 12 te 16. ft 5 and $12 te 10; and small Beys' Norfolk Suits of same goods, sizes 8 te 15, jie te S8. We tell these prices just te illus trate the movement. We have told prices before, but never such as these. De the people listen when iwe speak, and de they believe ? Our Clothing Stere said "YES" yester day, and it will make the same re mark te-day. Market street, eastef eenUe. The merest bit of a hurt takes the merchandise out of a Boek. Real hurt only in the price nine times in ten. If it were net for the signs and the crowds you'd hard ly knew when you were with the damaged Beeks. It's a little hard te pick them most of the time tee many ethers trying te de the same thing. But if you want Beeks and want te save money en them, this January offering is your op portunity. Beeks of all kinds Cyclopedias te thin, big lettered Juveniles. You'll be surprised that such a range of Beeks have had one or ether degree of rough usage mere surprised te see hew out of all pro portion the prices have suffered. January Boek News shows a new sparkle illustrations. One of the features that makes the Heli day Number se popular is the pic ture gallery chosen from the repre sentative books of the season. Why step with December? We won't. Boek News readers shall have the best. When sample illus trations will help te give a juster notion of a new work they shall ap pear in Boek News pages. Four this month, besides a plate paper portrait of Themas Nelsen Page. 5c, 50c a year. With Uoeks, near Thirteenth street entrance. Lively work, the last Three Days in Women's Wraps, Ulsters, Rag lans and Jackets. Livelier te come. All we've told you of bargains holds geed, and there's a new showering te-day. Wraps and Jackets : Beaver and Cleth Wraps, handsomely trimmed, II, si and Ml from 18. 3 and nWantly bratded and Bentach trimmed m rape, blaek and colors, HM30 and S. Juathalf.t Beaver and Helten Jsekets tn great va riety, St. It and t t from s. SS and 113. DeauttfUiiytrtmncedatoekieetand Beaver Jaekau.latsst styles, IS, 17 atd S8 1 about halt the usual price. Ulsters, Raglans, etc. : B tripod and Plata Cleth Outers and Bag Ian, ai. sa and is i from is, no and ill Black and colored Diagonal ana Plain Bearer Ulsters. 3 1 from 18 and 110. Bicn Plata Beaver bisters and aaglans 19; from 111, rtneat JPur-bsek Beaver Ulster, rich men men mon key tnr trimmings, 117, Finest imported Binned and Plaid New markets ana Baglans, exclusive ttyles, 118 ( from a. Seal Cleth Plush plete from 110 te tee, Heuse Dresses, etc. : WM Striped Zephyr Ueuis Dresses for VelTet Striped Tea Oewns, beanUfut trim med with bnrah and featln, S3 60 irem Second deer, Chestnut street side. Four ele vatexs. $i R. & G. Corsets for 50 cents. They are seconds, but you'll wenj der why some of them aren't firsts. May be they arc. They go for half a dollar just the same. With Muslin Underwear, Second fleer, Junl a per street side, JOHN WANAMAKER. J(aW AD VJWTJaBMJCNTB. TJOK ALDKRMAN, GXO.M.BOBOKB, of tbe Seventh Ward, city. Subjeotte the de cision of the Deinoeracy of said wara. daMtd8,af,WAB TOOK AIjDKU&IAN, A. T. DONNELLY. Having fatlhrully performed tha duties et tbe office of alderman of the Seventh ward, I new annennce inyteif as a candidates ler re election, tutjectinthe decision et tbe Democ racy of the beventh ward, dll-Std-M, W,8 REDUCTION IN FRIOEa January, 1889. Eeductien in Prices Te turn Bleck Inte tttaljrCash. BIU CUT IN PB1CBS or LAD1KV FLUSU COATS, LADIES CLUTU HODJBSKAP, LAUIKS' CLOTU NXWMABKKTS, AND UAOLaNS, OniLDUIN'JNKWjfABKKrs AND OBBT- C11KN8, 81IAWL8, 8KIUT3, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, COVtrOUTS, UNDMWMAB, CABP KT9. TAULX LINENS, Ac , At Bargain Piles for Heady Cash, at Jehn S. Givler 08 North Queen Street, LANCASXn,PA. M Mi annua Mc LANE'S . OBUtaatAMnw. LIVER PILLS. SICK HEADACHE. MeJs tseerurr that Ihaveaiatka'itver bssbUus lee eta ears, ssl 1 never eeM at gsg'sii te aeia aae aaai l reset isaa m i ur.g.aeiaukva Liver nus. anr.ra. i aavaaasa Urmr. Trrtaeaa. hey win ear. at aaUAnva: Insist , 00 ate Lewis at. jT.T. . ''J'. 5?mT saa asamtsMi ut. e. i L!S2iT.'ul vpeey riemie an !?.MJ5!!' PtlesSseeata atxwnfaMi HI sniiini. OlOTBlirV. F4"- FIn Tailoring roree Latest NevelUea, eealaeO style. H. OERHARTS Oaly Dlicet laiajrllf Tallsjr. et nennt Qunna OTnaatt. M TMBJI MATaurea. CLOTHING -AT- AFTER CHRISTMAS PRICES. This U the Time You'll Want te Buy at Lew Prices. We're Prepared for Tour Demands With GOODS WELL MADE AMD PRICES RIGHT. r Ten'U net ezpeet such a Urge assort ment at this season, but there's enough yet te please job. Myers & RatMen, KBLIABLa CLOlHIBEfl, NO. 12 IABT KINO ST., LAHOAaina pa. EADINQ OLOTHIEita Sniping Redactions I Hirsh & Brether. Every Clothier Is reduelrg the prices nt this time of the year. All claim te have the cheapest, beet and lowest prices. Their logic Is geed, but very often they fall te come up te their claims. We manufacture all our Cleth leg. At present we are busy making up next season's goods. We de net wish te carry any old stock ever ; hence the reduction. Overcoats that were 25arel5 Overcoats that were 120 are 112 Overcoats that were ISarellO Overcoats that were tlOarel 6 Overcoats that were I 8 are I 4 All the prices of our Coats are almost been cut in two. Suits that were (20 are 110 Suits that were tl8arel 0 Suits that were 115 are! 8 Suits that were 112 are! 0 Suits that were 110 are! fi Beys' find Children's Suits and Overcoats have all been reduced likewise. We all knew it is an easy mat ter te advertise Great Reductions. All we ask Is for you te inspect our stock before buying else where, and we will substantiate what we aay. HIRSH & BROTHER, Lading Olethien & Mirch&nt Tailors, OORKIBOF H. QDjWM ET. OsTOTBHBQUAIUI, LANCASTER, PA. WK CAM BKRVK TOU WKLTj AND save yen money la aavartistns. Esti mates free. ADYEBT18INQ GUIDE-BOOKS. The most eesa plane aad original ever leanest. Seat en receipt el 50 eeau te pay firr raOIng aaaterwareinsT. ADvaarara wamse.'a Bracutrr. "LZ"ti '! i-nis. asaeiM, r ass gi jctc wv? gags ssss SaSrgys'sg1' t's"v yiiagarg. ra , 1 seataaaVeia aasuef wMsst liSt Sjisea fotatseDea, Ox two jjg g.PJ?a se smifctayHawss aag Oae sissiwlasisaavasBtasaesa wssikletresa stssYsusasshs. m. joanaten 11a , m v JDXauraea Msrr. :-P'3 I sit, aaatfvtat vnaav wasjBBi Me StT cast OTSBjeOisees. -:. ' 3K! a. W. tew. Aaesiea jaOR MKMT. AI Tluwfrflttry Brffk Bwelitef . wtn lBiisssut aetasnsa. sttaassO ssi the snsiref aattenuitaad rkuiij sasssavwHa a eanesae mf aetier M aa sAvaeeeT eaHem fUZS "" swvswwMse i irfSJJrl!8 istliaffetseat. 1.. Xe. IIS Cast VKJBUOBAI.K. .awaP2wnaBAT. JaimanT , le at KaiSL-..T 21. JT" w .,, easaa 1 la euVastchesu as. twe atlsisas e0 aiaa - Jka. ant sweet, stall, EwWavar property Ulecati IIWIMWW j mr- " m mBBBsTM anrftAla u h te m inspaazaaaa lai sa vai 1 wv m ampl uwy. X, i sT Cl.r.TZ WTT" east Is worthy HsjBmBe ! ewy- acal Batata aaa insaraaee Aawat. "B. r. Mowa,Anet. 0i East Etet street. SSCTI-IN RARE OHAKOC The Wiley Mansion, Ke. 140 East OnAxaa STnnar, Tkt Hut Ditte!. Preftrly k k Ciiy, WILL BB SOLD AT PUBLIC SALB, ON THURSDAY, JAUAllT 17, IBM, AT THB STEVENS HOUSE. This U a rare oppeitnntty te seeara what I retMOea by most persons as tbe most deetra 61c home in tbe city of Lancaster. Of oobubo eobubo oebubo aiona vise, aaa with aiotrrentlntMieetiK inches ea Bast Orange street, aaa ezteaaing UJtepth su feet H techsa te Grant street. Tbe tlwelltnsr la Una and dlvlflad f atn aa. BaiTBDiy appeuiica naiu a .z... i ri . r . -w . . - : tnem aii t; use in tbe t conveniences are of the beat maka aaa in thai beat possible eonattien. the interior walls have all been f resoeeO in the nest mswaer. aa tbe entire property is la eempieM repair, it U a raeat desirable home, and .neb an one aa Is rarely eaTerea at pnblie sale . Persons wishing te vie w tbe premiss, aaa Oa se by esUlag en Jehn fLMetalsrorTaessaa it. Wiley. Sals te eesamenee at7'Ko'cleck, when condi tions will be made known by TttOS, 0. WILEY. au.BS,Kla)aijB,B,lia,u,i7a LAD1BV OOATB. rpem PKOFLE'S OABH BTURR. Reduced Prices AT Tbe People's Cash Stere, Me. 95 last Kletr Etroer, WI OWTRHOVU XHT1UB BTOCK OF Lafe' w& Children's Ceat ATQBKJLTLY REUUCKU PBIOKB. Ladlee' Plush Goats, Plush Jackets, Flush Modjeskes. Cleth Medjuku aid Jtebii, Ltdles' ft Misses' Newmarkets, LidiM' HiTtleeks ud Oreteku, Gee. F. RathveD, HO. 26 asABT KINO STRBBT, LAMOASTEK, PA. marl 1-1 vaa OPEOIAL REDUCTION BALK OF udiis1, Misss' m wmm Fall and Winter Goats AT TUB New Yerk Stere. SEAL FLUSU JACKKTS reflacca totleand PS M ea;b. SEAL ;PLUJ II HODJB8KA8 rtdnceU t0!5, 117 ana III each. SBAL PLVBH 8ACQUES rtdnced te I17.IJD ana W J each. LADIES' BTBIPEDNEWM ABKKrS auca te IS, ana ISWeicb. LADIES' NBWUAEKET8 In WavranO Qreen redneca te Iio and lUte. UISBEa ME WM ABKETB, '11 and !l years, IS eacbt less than cne-half thslr value. LADIES' IMPORTED BBBL1B JACKETS, flats! quality, 17 nach t Imported te retail at Iio. LADIES' HEAVT SVOCKINETT JACKKTS at m. H-M, H and 13 each. Children's Coats, Plain and Striped, with or without Capes, at very Lew Prices. WATT & SHAN D 6, 8 and 10 f Mt Elig Htrwt, LABOASTEE.PA. JPUBUOBALK .. . eateaeaAT, 'Aatraar ten MJ0 UsiTwa aeiss. wut as eesa tea varasv SBgggervsjr.mtteaewnsast sssraecef SSA!Ma atlases, b vis Eke r3KyLllff??jagr.OsmssnsMt8, aCTEJ?'ye.TafQi en tret, esa. lea sal aetata a v v - J"v .. wery ' i- :r .. .t? ?.4L&k-AJZ4