Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 03, 1889, Image 1

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    hiiaRMm'.?m-MmmiMim. uigwKrjfrp
SHa'- "7rriy
ifiV." fiHBCBBS'efiSTVi
&u. T. ?
I! ntcllvgcttM i
BteaasaBU By Mm sMattvuer, MM eeastals
sleeae aaa antsis mm mra m Mim
eta Fvf An BISSwIS Ugh reset.
Beleet Md common eeaaetls met statedly
ob Wedaeeday evening IB their nhemlisiB.
city hill. "" '
la MtMt oaanell than wan present
Messrs. Berger, Haloes, Lebb, Riddle,
Hsuiler, Btermtelis, Bchnm7w.Be aal
Peiident Evens.
The minutes or ths Dseember BMetlag
ware read aed approved.
Mr. Rlddla piesented a message freta tha
mayor, with the resolution of the managers
or tha Lancaster and LltltB tnraptka com
pany, abandoning that part of taa tnraptka
la tne elty llmlifc The raaolnUea waa ap ap
preved by a unanimous vote. Oommea
council eoneamd.
Mr. Rlddla preaanted tha Mil of Olty
Engineer Blsymsker and tela saststaata for
1133.25. for making a plaa of the elty aawar.
A reeolutlen providing for the pay meat or
the bill from the oentlageat faad waa
adopted. Common oeunoll eoaeurred.
Mr. Rlddla Intredaeed an ordlaaaea ap
propriating 1100 te Gharlaa W. Befawebel,
for ezra work la bnlldlng the North Qaeea
atreetaa wer.In explanatlonef the ordlaaaea.
Mr. Rlddla atated 4hat through a tats
take of the engineer tbe proper depth waa
net given, and when theoentraotor reaehad
tha depth, provided by the plana aad ape
elfioeitens, It waa found that the aawar
would net be of any benefit unleaa made
alxteen lnebea deeper. The ordlnasee waa
referred te the flnanee committee.
Mr. Riddle preaanted the report of the
treat oemmtttee ehewlng tha traeueea
traaaaetad during the month, lie also
eaTered the following reaolullen :
Jtetelved, That the earn of $1,500 be
tranaferred from tha contingent fund te
the fund for grading and guttering, te pay
the defleleney for grading and guttering
Kelt King etreet opposite the reservoir,
the eame having been done by dlreetlea of
council. The resolution waa adopted.
Common oeunoll eoaeurred.
Mr. Bchum presented the annual maaaaga
of the mayor. It It aa foil ewa t
Te tht Jlonerablt (At Btlttt and Common
Geunellt of the OUyaf Lanecuttr.
Qbntlbmbn In aoeordance with the
aet of May 2i, 187, It la made the duly of
the major te communicate te counella at
their first atated meeting la January of
each year, a statement of the ocndltfena
and aflalra of the oily, In reaped te Its
government, finances and Improvements,
and te recommend the adoption of such
measures a he may deem It expedient for
the atcurlty, health and best interests of the
The duty and labor required te conform
the municipality with the provlalene of the
new law, and te erganise Ita aeveral de
partments, baa been no ordinary task. The
law being new, It waa no leas embarreaslng
toeonnollaand the legislative departments
than te the executive department. While
mueb earneat and laborious work haa been
done, the time baa bean tee abort te prove
Ersotleilly the beneOte and advantages te
a derived, and will probably net be favor,
ably eppreelattd until mere fully under
Having no official knowledge of any
change in the law of May 21, 1887, 1 am
required te make the annual atatementand
communication In oenformliy with tha
E revisions of this act at tela mealing of your
onerable bodies.
The flscsl ye.r new begins and ende with
the flia. day of January in each year. The
financial atatement ter the elty and the
etatementa of the aeveral departmenta
cover from January 1, 1888, te January 1,
1868. The ordinance appropriating the
publle moneys of Ins elty te the aeveral de
partmenta for the nasal year beginning tha
first day of January, 18S8, laeludea the un
expended balance In the approprlatiena for
tha year beginning the first day of June,
The following Is tha financial condition
of the oily up te January 1, 1889 :
BALAMca of ArrRorauTiea jaxdabt 1, 1889.
Te pay interest en leans .....I 8,531 0J
Priuclpalen leans.... ..... ...... ......
State tax en leans 1B9J 14
atreet utmuei -,si de
aepelr.ef streets (from License tax) 180 U
Bepair of street. 88
(trading and gnttertna- 73170
Paving with Belgian and Asphalt
blocks 10,012 93
Steam atieet reller and cresber 7 81
Water works general
pedal appropriation ler laying
pavement at reservoir 181 19
Laying waVir pipes 1.SO ui
Batartrs. ....... .......... 4.88ISO
Petleeand turnkey 1170 70
alartesfer nre derattment t,BSl 61
aire department general 1.0,8 it
Mew Are engine .. se iw
Lighting city l'.nxt 89
Abttement en cliy ui 8.780 ej
Abat:menten waver rents l,en in
Collection city tix arrearages 018 10
Contingencies 6.UJ8II
North Queen .truet .ewer ts 17
Be we rage and water work, improve .
meat..... .................. a.ase w
Printing and stationery SO
Merth itaaesueet sewer 7 8
Thefnnaeddebtef the clly bearing
six per cent. Interest swvui n
Ibe luaded debt et the ally tearing
Bve percent Interest 41,700 CO
The funded debt or the city bearing
tour percent Interest -.. Sou.eooto
Lean of January 2, 183!, for Beweraga
nd water works Improvement,
bearing lour per cent, interest W,e(0 00
1861,211 02
Of wbleb the eoramUiteners of the
stnklnw fund held :
bendsbesxtng six per cent,
interest .
IK8.U8 08
VUsnAm rukirtntrflvai nAra?BBl.
inure.t 41,400 00
Bends beating lour per cent. ,,
"""" uZSJSjWM
Total amount el debt outstanding, tMI.ZH M
Total ameuut et debt out-
sundlng January l.8i..tli.2SS 90
Total amount of debt put-
standing January 1, 18S9.. 6tl,aM 90
lnoraase of city debt January ll8-,
eauMMl by lean et January a. 1888,
feresweraaje and water works Im
provements ....IMO.WW UI
Total amount of bends In sinking
fund, January 1,188 S9),968 OC
TetU amount el binds In sinking
tuna January j, us u..-,v .
Inereueln the linking fned from
January 1. isas, te January 1.1899.
tJlt J!t2-L12l
Tlila exhibit or tha financial condition of
etanding the lean of January 2, 1888, of
126.000 for the building et the large sewer
la the northern part et the city, and for
the ereotlen of the new water works, there
by Increasing the clty'a Indebtedness te
that amount, there has been purchased and
tranaferred te the sinking fund bends te
the amount of 20 000, making an actual
debt reduoiien te thla amount alnee April
1,1888 Fer a mere full and detailed ao ae ao
eoum of the reeetpta and expendlturea et
the city, 1 respeeliully refer your honor,
able bedisa te the annual report et the oily
The addition et the read roller and atone
eruaber for the macadamizing and placing
ofeuratreeta in proper repair baa been a
valuable acquisition te the atreet depart
ment. Tee large amount of work acoom aceom acoem
pllahed and ita general quality and
character fully Juitlnea the puichaae of thla
saw machinery.
Xa view of the rapid growth and extended
area of the clty.and the large aumaaunually
appropriated and expended for conetruetlon
and repairs or streets, It is highly import
ant that the beat attainable math -ids eienld
be pursued by tha atreet department te
aecara a nrepsr equivalent for the money
expanded. Out of tha approprlatiena ler
repairs of streets and graoleg and gutter gutter
leg for the nteal year ending January 1,
1869,' there baa been oenstraoted 3.663 feet
cf new atreet crossings, 10,159 feet of new
guttere, one bridge, sixteen squarea graded
and macadamize). Oat et the appropriation
for macadamising, It squares were graded
and macadamized by contract, two betsg
by the city out of aama appropriation.
Tha nreeUcel details of the BBaaaaemaat
! the water deaarfeat swing clasaa la
at tat MaHs m WBwsaaiails
ateaera aader tha aew taw, taa awyet of
taa elty, formerly ehalrsaaa at the water
eematlHee, M relieved from daty la that
slepartmeat. It la dae te tale deaartmeat
le aay that the aupply et water aai beea
Beaataat aad ahsmdaat iartag taa year,
with feat a alight aaa aaavelaaMa later,
raatlea, aflaettag aeme'parta of taa etty.
eaused walla eleaaleg taa reaarvetr and
eeaaeetleg tha aew mala with tha aaaad
Spa. Taa aew water werka, araetsd aader
e awBetinteadeaea of tha ametai eeaa
mltteeef eeuneUa aaa the BBeyeraaehair
aaa are about oempleted. Taeeaepnrap,
enlarged from a eapeetty et Urea aallllea
galleaa of water la twecty-tear heata te five
aalllieae. aaa beea la opereUea for nema
tiaie aaa gtvee eatire aatiefeeUea.
Taa aU-Bltlloa-galleB pump la vary
aearly oeaaplated, and there le ae doubt
lie working will be aa aaUetaetery aathe
former. The etty will then have a pump
lag eapaetty at tbenaw pleat of elavaa mil.
llea galleaa every t weaty -four beurr. Tht
weaid eacure tha meaaaj for pumping
water aearly three tlmea aa feat aa the
average consumption, and would seem te
provide the elty with water aupply for
oeaoe time te come.
The new water werke eaterpriee te a pro pre
BCuaeed enceaaa, aad the elty may well be
proud of thla fine publle Improvement.
la oeaneetioa with the water department
I consider It of Importance te the elty that
judloteua nae be made of the property
ewaed by the elty eleng the Ooneetega.
We have aew the Kaaek mlll,the old plant,
and the water rights and property next
below the old plant. These prepertiee and
rlghta ought te be made available te the
greateet possible extent Hew thla le te be
done, whether by leaaleg, selling or other
wise utilised, I will leave you te determine.
The peat year haa added another year
of etanding rapulatlea te the ifflolaneyof
tha fire department.
It le eafe fe aay. t bat the fire eaauel.
Mas were wnnautily few and unimportant
Having added aeveral new engiaea te the
equipment during the .peat year, thla de
partment, under the prompt andeiuelent
management of Onlef Venderamlth and
his aaslatant, la equal te any and all emer
genelee. I would recommend that the
firemen be provided with eullable unl unl
lerma. A dlatlnet aervlee will la all re re
speeta be better la uniform.
The lighting et the elty. 1 regret te Bay.
baa net been aaUafaotery throughout the
year. The Pennsylvania Glebe aaa Light
company aad the Lancaster Qaa Light and
Faeloempaay save given reaaonableeatle reaaenableeatle reaaonableeatle
faeUoa. The unfortunate exploalen of the boilers
furnlahleg the power for the United Statea
Electric Lighting company eauseda fsilure
en the part of thla oempany te furnish thla
meat desirable light. That there have been
Inexcusable delay Is a matter well known
te oeunolla and ncede no explanation en
my part at thla late day.
Tne oempany In default give aaanranee
that In the new plant new oem Dieted they
will be better prepared than before te fur
nish and aupply tbe light contracted for. 1
fondly hope that thla may be ae, and that
their expectations may be realized te the
oempany and te the elty at a very early
The large eewer in the northern part of
the elty la oempieted a far aa North Queen
atreet Thla Improvement la valuable te
that growing part of tha elty, wbleh before
had no aeweraga at all. 1 would recom
mend that tbe original deatgn be fully
carried out by continuing the a ewer te
North Frlnce atreet.
The change and alteratlene made te the
city ball in providing better aceeas, and
larger and mere comfortable oeuaoll onam enam
bere,ta edditlnn te the mere convenient and
suitable c ffleea for tbe aeveral departments
of the elty, waa a much needed improve
ment, and Alls a long felt want The com
mittee deaervea credit for the attention
given te thla work and the manner of ita
The police department la in excellent
discipline. Tbe absence of brawla oraerlena
disturbances of tbe peace la largely due te
the sffloleney and etreellveneaa of the police
force. In referring te thla matter I would
be remiss In my duty without acknowledg
ing tbe Intelligent and cordial oe operat'ea
of the chief et police and hta assistants in
perfecting all matters or discipline relative
te pollee duty. Tha wllllngneaa and faith
ful discharge of every duty en the part of
the whole force Is a subject of oongra.ula eongra.ula oengra.ula
The uneertalnty of tbe law under whleb
we have been working the put year, and
In view et tbe anticipated decision of the
supreme oeurt of the state deelartng It
unconstitutional, tbe execution of many
measurea eeaamlal te the geed governmont
of the city baa been prevented.
The altuatlen In certainly quite extraor
dinary and no little embarraaaing. There la,
however, no eauae for alarm. Tbe geed
common sense et the people will exert
Iteelt upon all occaalena te meet any emer emer
geney that may at taa.
Notwithstanding this unfortunate situa
tion, tbe edmlalatratlen of the affairs or the
elty baa been well and oeneolenttoualy per
formed. The ebarltlea of the elty, embrac
ing the Buchanan, MoEvey and Reynelda
fund and tbe aeup fund relief, ate in full
operation and being dlatrlbuted te the peer
of the oily.
In oenoiuslon, 1 desire te ea'l special at
tention te the many blessings wbleh we
6neyed dutlng the put year. Geed health
prevailed tnrougueui ; it waa iwuu ui
plenty ; bnslneaa was talrly prosperous and
labor reaaenably abundtnt
Tbe peaee and geed order of the elty waa
gratifying. Although we paaeed through
all the excitement of a presidential cam
nalan. the streets orewded efteu dsy and
nlgbt, there were no aerleua disturbances
or dlaerdera at any time.
Thla expression of the peace and quiet of
the community la a high tribute te tne in
telligence et the whole people.
Yours, very respectfully,
Rew. Kdqbblev, Mayer.
Lancaster, Jan. 2, 1839.
Mr. Sehum also presented the report of
Chief of Pellee Bmeltc, Following la an
The report of Chief et Pellee Bmellz for
the nine mentbe ending December 31,
snewa that there were 847 arreata made by
the clly pollee, or which 35 were remaiea.
The arreata by mentha were aa fellows :
April, 67: May, 60; June, 62; July, 45;
August, 40 ; September, 82 ; Ooteber, 84 ;
November, 173 ; December, 223. The fol
lowing disposition waa made by tbe mayer:
Committed te prison, 100: te workhouse.
99; paid coals, 64; committed te station
beuse, 12 ; te hospital, 7 ; arreata en war war
rantefrem alderman, 33; discharged, 633.
Tne offenses for which these arreata were
made were ; Burglary 1 ; drunk and die
orderly, 812 ; disorderly conduct, 20 ; falaa
preteear, 2; larceny, 20; aurety et the
peace, 2, and vagraney, 478.
The egaa or theae arrested were : Between
10 and 20 years, 71 ; between 20 and 30,
232 ; between 30 and 40, 210 ; between 40
and 60, 152 ; between 60 and 60, 00 ; between
60 and 70, 61; between 70 and 80, 14; be
tween 80 and 90, 6,
Ths nationality or tbeee arreatea were :
Austria, 6 ; Belgium, 1 ; Canada, 8 ; Den
mark, 2 ; England, 33 ; France, 2; Germany,
160; Helland, 2; Ireland, 146; Italy, 1;
Russia, 4; Scotland, 14; Switzerland, 10;
Wales, 2 ; Syria, 4 ; New Brunawlck 3 ;
Sweden, 8; United Biatee, 448; NewBeuth
Wales, 5.
Ninety-one ocjupitleoe were represented
bv the above, aud 392 were laborers.
Although the riheere get no reee for arrests,
the number of arreata made waa 847 against
882 made In the same nine mentbe le 1837,
Tne cblel'e report eeta forth at length tbe
system of detalia and re perta, all et which
haa appeared In the Imtelliueneer,
Mr. Sehum preieeted a petition from the
members of Bt Paul'a M. K. church, pray,
leg for tbe privilege of connecting with the
Seuth Queen atreet aawar free et charge.
The prayer of the petltleneie waa granted.
ComBea oeunoll oenourred.
Mr. Berger preaanted tbe petition of a
aura bar of eitlsana et the Seventh ward for
aa eleotrle light at Seuth Ana end Jualata
street. Referred te tbe lamp committee.
I Mr.Borgarptaeenteatbenreeommltue'a
I report for the month, ehewlng the bltla
I approved durlag December.
I citr cebtbqiabb'b BiresT.
s aw mmmm awaasaasaw waaaaaaaa wsai
of the etty eontreUer.of whlea taa follewlag
Taa aaaaal report ef City Oeatreller
Daaaea waa made aa te the eoadiuea af tbe
elty treasury from Jaaaary 1, 1888, le Jaa
aaryL 1889, and aa te ell ether aaaMera. It
eevara tha Mats he has beea la oBee, from
April 2, 1888, te Jaaaary L 189B :
She ba'anea en hand en January 1, psr audit '..aiiHM
The following ware the rteslpta dating
the year :
Benes sold ,,..,.... ti!,sti oe
sKiTinc lutaeiu
from elty solicitor
Delinquent taxes
Bewsrsgs ...........................
i.lcssss tax. .................. .i.....
siarkat rant. .................. ..,......
reta mayor.......... ..................
Old pipe sold
ItoeeM from county treasurer.......
crater rant. ,......................
tyity lav.... ........... ........ .......
Sewer ssestmsnl :
Merth Duke street
Werth Un.en street
north trluBt street....... ...............
1.UB1 VJ
ISO oe
Less is
e.en 10
U8.i00 11
...SMI.tSt II
Balance In treMnry tta,U7 at
The report of Controller Denues as te
expenditures, oevara many pegee of peper
and ehewa each Item cf expenditure Bad
the appropriation from wbleh It waa paid ;
all of wbleh will appear la the annual re
port te be Issued by the elty authorities.
Mr. Riddle presented the annual report
el tbe atreet commissioner, announcing
that It waa 24 feet In length. Following Is
an abstract of the same:
.Amount or work done-nrst ward...! 1,731 28
" Second ward. MM 70
Tnira wara..
i ,i h renrthward.
nrth ward...
" m stct b ward...
.i -Seventh ward
h m gh'h ward.
Mlnth ward..
2,868 50
2,408 19
4.053 87
8,894 it
During the year the following sewere
were built :
en North Dnke street- l.ersrest.
On ertb Plum stieet ion
On North Queen street 491 '
Commea oeunoll waa called te order at 7
o'clock and tbe following membara were
preeenl: Messrs. Auxer, Bare, Bartholo Barthelo Barthole
mew, Baumgardner, Berlzrield, Bltaer,
Brintea, Eaby, Kberman, Bverts, Kraals,
Freeh, Frltacb, Krelder, Uarr, Meyer,
Mlley, Bherlsw.Btng.Bturgle, ZmIc, Beard,
Tne reading of the minutes was dis
pensed with.
rar. ueermsn preseni sob report ei eiiy
tresserer for. the month of November, whled
shows lest month's receipts te have been
13,030 31 ; expenditures, 814,709 35 ; bslanes
in treasury, (38,317 28.
Mr. Frants preeented a report of the
water oemmleloner,of which the following
Is an abstract :
The commissioners recommend tha pur
chase of tbe ground en the north elde of tbe
reservoir, bounded by Bread atreet en the
east, and tbanee along Bread atreet te East
Orange, tbenea along Bast Orange te a point
where Orange atreet would Jein the reser.
veir grounds, for by se 'doing tbe grounds
would be squared and a fine park made.
It la the unanimous opinion of the com
missioners that the old pumping atatlen aa
well ss Ranck'a mill should be atlllssd by
tbe city ler eleotrle light sutlens for tbe
purpose of lighting the streets, aa one hun
dred and fifty herae power oenld be devel
oped at thetwe points by water power alone,
and at tbe pump station there are already
In position two geed water wheela equal te
one hundred herae power. By the nee of
tbe two water powers and with ateam com
bined, the city could be brilliantly lighted
end at a aavtng te tbe city et from 15,000 te
18,000 per annum.
Since tbe oemmlsilfmera assumed con
trol tbey have laid 2.052 feet of inch pipe,
82 feet of 8 Ineli pipe, 1,823 feet et 0
Inoh pipe, and 829 feet of 4 Ineb pipe,
a total of 6.716 feet Fifteen gate vat vee
and four fire hydrants were eet .
The expenditure: from April 11 te De
cember 31 were : $13.091 14 for water werke
general, including coal, labor and sundries;
$3,810 73 for pipe laving and $1.676 97 ler
aalarles total, $18,687 84
Tbe appropriations el wbleh the commis
sioners assumed control were water werka
general, $10,032 80; pipe laying. $3,119 00
Thernenlpts from water tenta for the year
were $52.311 67.
Tbe finance committee report waa pre
eented by Mr. Baumgardner. It abowed
tbe number and amount et bllla approved
during the month.
Mr. Eberman preaanted the report of the
chief engineer et the flredeparlment, which
waa read by title only. Tbe following la
an aba trad:
The exrwndlturee for tbe fire department
were$13,910, and the balance In tbe treasury
te the credit el tbe fire department aalarlee
la $2 854 01, and for fire department general
$1,110.11. The elty ewna 4 eteamera, 1
truek, 4 earta, 4.000 feet of beae and 14
heraea,Vnd the valuation of tbeaama is:
Ne. 1, house and apparatus, $11,492; Ne. 2,
house end apparatus $10,311; Ne. 3. $17,176;
Na 4, house and apparatus, $11,251; value
et tire alarm apparatus, $7,387.76.
Tbe total lesa by fire durina the yeer waa
$18,077.28, Insurance, $5 1,760 ; lnfluranei
ever fire, $33,67272; Insurance paid,
$18,674 28 ; tbe number of Area waa 36
In 1887 the number of firee waa 41, leaa
$53,213 I3,lnsuranee,$102,435 ; and lnauranee
paid $47,455 80.
Mr. Sing presented a communication
from Frederick Begle asking permission
te use tbe atone erusber and boiler
ter bis drill at different tlmea during the
winter, any accidents te machinery te be at
the risk of the petitioner. A resolution, Jn
accordance with tbe above pstllloe. waa
presented by Mr. Sing. Referred te etreet
committee with power te aet. in aeleet
oeunoll action waa deferred ter one month.
Mr. Beard presented a petition asking
that North Christian atreet, between Nerm
Queen and Orange atrceta, be paved with
asphalt or Belgian blocks, it waa algned
by many property helderr.
Mr. Beard offered a resolution that work
be done at once and tbe money taken from
tbe aspbaltum aed Belgian block fund. It
waa passed unanimously. Select oeunoll
deferred action.
Mr. Bltner piesjntad the report of the
lamp committee, whleh wssread.
Mr, Franls introduced an ordinance ap
propriating $765 89 for tbe payment of the
new eewer en Plum street, betweenOrsnge
end Chestnut, that sum te be taken from
moneys net otherwise appropriated. Re
ferred te the finance oemmtttee, and by
them reported with an affirmative recem
The ordinance appropriating the publle
moneys of the city of Lancaster, te tbe aev
eral depirtmenm thereof, ter the fiscal year
commencing en tbe first dsy of January,
1889, waa read a second and third time.
After some disccsilen and explanation by
Mr. Baumgardner, tbe ordinance waa
passed by an ucanlmena vote. Select ooun eoun oeun
oll concurred,
Tbe erd Inane providing for the appoint
ment of a j.nlter for city hall, defining tbe
dnttee and fixing the aslsry of the aama at
$375, waa read a aeoeud and third time and
passea unanimously, eeieci council oon eon oen
Mr. Ebermsn thought this waa a geed
time te bring up the question eta new
market house, lis renewed his motion
made some time age authorizing tbe mar
ket committee te prepare for tbe ereotlen et
anew central mirketteuas In accordance
with tbe plans aed apecineauene new in tee
mayor's cllloe. A resolution te thla eOect
waa Introduced.
Mr. Auxer did net think it geed polley
te erect a market house en the present
plans, aa In bis opinion tbey ware net et tbe
best He thought different arehltecu
should be allowed te make plana, and of
fered an amendment Instructing tbe market
committee te advertlae for plana, epeelfica
tlena and eatlmatee for new market bentea.
Mr. Kberrnan eoeepted the amendment,
end the reeolutlen as amended waa passed,
Select oeunoll adjourned before the reeo reee reeo
luteon reached It
After the mayor's message and aeveral
annual reports had been read, common
council adjourned,
Scheel tteard Meeting,
Tbe January meeting of the Laaeaater
etty aaheM heard will be bald this svealag
at 7 sjPalaaki Mt ejaea aajatU efcsmbar,
afc Mvaa RALr aw beer AvtBR valu
tKO ntOM A Mt)lt.DtRU.
Wllltaaa taadla, WhUa Aiding fa rutting a
BteetOa a Bailer Haaee at tsteoeaaty Bee-
pttal, ralte Xhrengh a riser te the Osl-
tar OeacoMtea ef the Brain Basalts.
William Landls, aged 22 jeeia, met with
a terrible death at the Laaeaater oeualy In
sane asylum ea Wednesday afternoon. The
deeaaaed waa an apprentice of Aldus C.
Herr, tinner, whose store Is st Ne. 40 Bast
King street, aad was assisting Harry
Seaders te put dewa a galvanised iron reef
ea tha new boiler house, whleh la being
erected la the rear or the lneane asylum,
A portion ef.the old Insane building, which
waa partially burned some yeara age, Is
aew being turned Inte a boiler honee. The
reef Is a covered one and about half-past
four o'clock Lindla waa working en the
northern end and Banders was some dls dls
taaeeaway from blm. Landia alerted le
go below ; he crawled ever the north end of
the reef te a window In the end et the
building which le a few feet below the reef.
He paaeed through thla window and then
Jumped te a temporary fleer, a oeupleot
feet below the window. Aa he touehed
thla fleer one of the bearda broke. There
suit wss that tbe young man fell through
te the eellar beneath, ad litanoe et ever 20
feet In falling bla bead atruek against a
stone wall which extende out some distance,
about alx feet from Ite bottom. He then
fell down upon a pile et soft earth,
Jaoeb Wolf, another empleye around the
building, ran te tbe eellar and found tbe
young men lying en tbe ground nnoon nneon nnoen
eolou". Wolf waa seen joined by Constable
Sam Shaub, who la the watchman ever the
tramps. The two carried the wounded
man te the hospital, where Dr. Landia
attended him. The physician found every
ugly out In the head and bruises en the
body. The young man did net regain oon eon oen
Bolousnees or apeak a word after the acci
dent, and dUd about 6 o'etock.
Corener Henaman waa notified of tbe
aecldent He weuttetbe hospital In the
evening and impannelled the following
Jury: Jehn Weaver, Samuel U. Bhaub,
Henry N. Breneman, Charles Bsrlsnlz, B,
B. Hertsler end K. B. Landia. Dr.Belanlua,
the oeroner'a pbyalelan, examined the
body and found that the young man had
died of concussion et tbe brain. After the
evldenee had been beard a verdict In accord
ance with tbe faets waa rendered.
The deeeaaed was a eon of Daniel Landls,
a carpenter, residing In the village of Lam
pster. He had been In Lancaster for some
time. Forelxmenthshedroveecoeiwagon
ferC. J. Swarr A Ce, and efterwarde for
Bsumgardnera ; be also drove a oeach for a
private family and worked la one of the
oetton mllle. Bome time age he resolved
te learn the tinning trade with Mr. Herr and
only went te work It It laat Monday
morning. Fer some time and up te within
a few daya he bearded at the Lancaster
County house. Ills family were notified
of the aoeldent seen afterwards and hie
father and alater arrived at the almshouse
laat evening, after hla death had taken
This morning tbe body wss taken te
Lampeter, where the Interment will be
The OrHeers Olies.n ey tbe Lancaster Olty and
County Medleal Society ler 1880.
The January meeting of the Lancaster
City and County Medleal society was lisld
en Wednesday al tern een with the; follow
ing membera present : Doctore Berntbetael,
Black, Beardman, Blackwood, Compten,
Craig, Dtaver, Evans, Kbler, Uanee, Herr,
A. J,, Hens, B, F., Herst, Ilyus, Kehler,
Livingston, Lehman, J. R., Musaer, J, H.,
Musaer, II. E., Miller, Newpuer, Neteher,
Rebrer, O. R , Rlugwalt, Reed, Bbartle,
Shank, J. H , Weaver, D. II., Wltmer, J.
M., and Welcbana,
The election of cflleera for the ensuing
year resulted aa fellows :
President, Geerge R. Welebana, elty;
flrat vlee president, Q. W. Berntbelzel,
Columbia ; second vlee president, Waller
Beardman, elty; recording aeerelaty,
William Blackwood, city ; corresponding
Beeretary, Oliver Reland, clly ; treaaurer,
Geerge R. Rebrer, elty ; beard of oenaers,
A. M. Miller, East Lampeter; J. M.
Deaver, Buck ; William Compten, elty.
Dr. Helm, of New Providence, waa elected
a member of tbe aoelely.
Dr. Hence, of Meuntvllle, read an Interest
ing paper en mloresoopy.
Tbe report et pbjslelana present abewed
that there was some diphtheria and typhoid
fever prevailing In tbe oeunty, but that tbe
general health waa geed.
Doelora Craig, Berntbelzel, Livingston
and Hsnce reported aeveral Interesting
caseaand adlaouisien followed.
Tbe hour of meeting waa changed from 2
te 1 o'clock te give tbe country members a
chance te get home earlier,
The Accounts el a rbJIad.lphla Ol.rk Kx Kx
amietU While lie VUltad LaecasUr.
Before Magistrate Lennen en Wednes
day Jehn M. Oaruthers, aged 40 yeara, of
Ne. 3.924 Brown street, Philadelphia, a re
ceiver and clerk for the Philadelphia Trac
tion oempany. waived a bearing and waa
bald In $10,000, in default of wbleh he went
te Meyamenslng. The charge preferred
against him la the embezzlement of $6,C00
of the company's innes ana tne alteration
of hla books acd aoeounta te hide tbe al
leged peculation.
During tbe past seven years Iho accused
man has been connected with tbe Traction
oempany, being atatloeed at tbe main clllee
of tbe Market etreet branch of the read.
Hla duties were te audit tbe bay and feed
aoeounta and te aaslst In counting the dally
receipts of the entire system.
Oarutbere waa temporarily absent en
Christmas morning, when In looking ever
tbe accounts one of tbe cflleera of the oom eom oem
pacy discovered a discrepancy of aeveral
Hundred dollars. When Caruthers returned
tbe matter was mentioned te blm, and he
la reported aa saying: "There must be an
error somewhere. I'll leek It up and rectify
On December 20 be left for Laoesater,
and an accountant, who examined tbe books
while he was away, aaya tbere ere discrep
ancies extending ever a period of two yeara
amountleg te about 15 000. la matter
waa left In tbe banda of Detectlva Hendor Hender Hendor
aen, et tbe company's force, and late en
Monday afternoon he arrested Oarutheraat
the Bread atreet atatlen Just as he alighted
from tbe train from Lancaster.
Marital Trouble.
who proeeeuted ber husband for beating
ber before Alderman Haltaeb, appeared
before that magistrate en Wednesday eve
ning, withdrew the suit snd her husband
waa discharged from custody.
H, P. Coulter, living en Middle street,
wss complained against by his wile for
abusing her before Alderman Ualbacb. On
Wednesday the parties agreed te llve apart
and she withdrew tbe suit
Hade an Aislgnmsnt.
Henry Wel barber, aed Eva Wolf, hla
wife, made an asalgnmentef their property
today for tbe benefit of creditors te
Jeremiah Rife.
It Was Net Kline.
The man wbe shot and killed himself at
the Oirard beuse, Philadelphia, en Tues
day night, baa aet beea Identified. It waa
believed ea Wedaeaday tha eolelde was
Kauaaei KlUe, ef Traatea,
three Lnesl Mm Atur B30O la the Oo-ir-Tee-Please
tea at Mmaaeteher BatL
The big walking mateh between
Frank Beheld, Harry Keen, and fceerge
Lawrence, whleh boa beea tha cblB topic
of conversation la sporting circles tm some
dsvspaat, ianew underway la UnaVerchcr
hall, and will continue until Saturday
evening. All dey yesterday men were
busily engaged laying a track, wbleh la
made of sawdust and taa. It la the beat
one ever need la thla elty and requires but
twsaty one Isps le the mile. Dutlng tha
afternoon tbe men were numbered, Rash
receiving 1, Behled 2, sad Lawrence 3.
In the evening there was quite a crowd
at tbe hall and 640 link els were sold. The
piece wss quite full, and as there le bnt one
row et seats down stairs many et tha spec
tators took their plaeea la the gallery,
where a fine view of tbe track Is te be had.
Resh and Beheld occupy the tworeomaln
tbe rear of tha hall, whleh they bad filled
up aa tbalr quarters, while Lawrenee haa a
room under the atage. All the men are re
newing the beat el attention. Bhertly be
fore 8 o'etock laat evening Samuel Lavan
read te the audience the artlole of agree
meet under which tha men are walklnr-.
It sets forth that each of tbe men haa put
up $100 and the man covering the greattet
number (of miles la te take all. Provided
tbe whole three cover mere then 200 miles
tbe net gale receipts will be divided aa
fellows : 65 per eent te first, 20 te second,
and 15 te third. In ease the winner makes
200 mtlee and neither of the ethers de he
will take all the gate receipts In addition te
tbe etake. If the first and atoend men
eech oever 200 miles and the third falls te
soere that number, tbe 16 per eent. of gale
recelpta that the third man would have
otherwise reeelved will be divided between
the flrat and aeoend man In abarea of 10
and 5 per eent By the terms of this agree
ment it will be seen that there are great In
ducemeute for escli man te strive for first
Promptly at 8 o'clock the men appeared
ea the track and wars given the word go
by Valentine Heffman. Rash and Law Law
reeoe both ran their flrat five mllea whan
they eame down te a walk. Beheld waa
Inellned te take tblngaeaster. At 9 o'elook
after tbe flrat hour had beea taken up the
thaaoere waa: Raah, 8 mllea and 0 laps;
Bebeld, 7 mllea, 11 laps Lawrenee, 8 miles
snd 4 laps. Resh and Lawrenee oentlnued
te keep eleee together up te midnight, wbta
tbe latter had a alight advantage. The score
at 12 o'clock wsa : Resh, 27 mllea ; Beheld,
24 mllea and 2 Isps, and Lawrenee, 7 milts
and 13 laps.
Daring ths stlerpart of tbe nlgbt the men
were oft for aeme time. Beheld and Law
rence both became sick, and the former win
compelled te be off aeme time te recuperate;
hia atomaeh aeemed le have weakened,
Resh went off at 11:48, oemlng back at 12:30;
he left the track again at 1:05, oemlng back
at 3, when he aeemed te be better, and
remained en until 7, when he went of! fet
quarter et an hour, Between midnight
and 8 o'clock thla morning Beheld waa
off about alx heura. Lawrenee was
off at Intervale for aeveral heura; bla
atomaeh and feet were In geed condition,
and while the ethers were off ha made
time ; onee he waa almost ten mllea ahead
et Raah.
At 0 o'elook tbta morning the soere steed :
Resh 44 miles 18 laps, Beheld 30 miles and
17 Isps and Lawrenee 49 mllea and 10 laps.
By 0 o'clock Reah bad gained oenaldarable
and the soere waa : Reah, 69 miles and 12
Isps, Beheld, 30 mlleeand lOlaps, Lawrenee,
01 mllee and 4 laps. At 10 o'elook allot tbe
men were en the track and Lawrenee waa
leading Resh by a mile and a halt while
Beheld waa away back.
At neon all the men were ea tbe track
and the 12 o'elook score showed Resh and
Lawrenee te be very dose together. It
waa : Resh, 70 mllee ; Beheld, 47 mllea 18
laps ; Lawrence, 70 miles and 3 laps.
At 3 o'clock this stternoen there was a
large crowd at the race wbleh waa
quite oleae between the two first
men, although Resh bad pasted
Lawrenee. The ecere waa : Resh, 83
mllea and 14 laps ; Bebeld 60 miles, 10
laps ; Lawrence 88 miles 7 Isps, Beheld's
friends are etlll confident Ibat he will win.
Aug. Demmoll, en enterprising huckster,
has put up a big refreshment stand In the
building where the walk ts In progress.
a mtgarBureB adultkbt.
Batty Stearics; Cnargad With Criminal Inti
macy Wlttt Wiaew Olaas Wfeat Jehns
and Bits. HelllegsrBey.
At the same time that Jaoeb Johna and
Mrs. Fanny Hellln gar, of thla elty, wete In
the Reading atatlen house, charged with
adultery, there waa another Laneaater
county man In the asms box, and
It ae happened that he oecutUd tbe same
cell with Johna.
The man'a name la Uarry MeUrlgg,
and he waa arrested by Constable Jeseph
Weaver, of Cairnarven township, thla
county. The accused lias been living with
Mrr. Lydla Glass, a Ciorcarven widow,
wbeae farm be baa been superintending,
and tbe ault la brought by ber aen. Mrs.
Glaas accompanied tbe constable te Read
leg, and tried le get ball for McGrlgg. The
latter is a married man, 60 yeara of age,and
baa a wife In Yerk, with whom he deee
net live. Beth he and Mra. Glus deny
their guilt
While In tbe Heading station beuse Mra.
Helllngerand Jehn luld aeme fairy stories
te tbe reporters et tbe newspapers. People
of Lancaster who knew the parties csn
Judge the.trulh or tbe etatementa. Mra,
Helllnger said : "I bsye been living In
Resdlng rer a year and a hair In different
families working aa a aervant. I waa at
DIek Btelgerwald'a about 0 months and
worked there last I left there about 7
o'clock last evening te visit a dressmaker
en Elm street When I get near 91b, I met
Mr, Jebna and 1 spoke te him. It was tbe
flrat time I had seen him slnee I left Laness.
ter, where we had known each ether. We
atoed and talked a little when two cfllcera
auddenly arrested us. 1 defy anyone te
ssy anything against my character. I have
net the slightest Idea why I abeuld bear
rested with Mr, Jehns, unlese bis wife and
my hatband are back of It 1 knew hia
wlfe when I aee her, but wasn't In Lancas
ter since I have been living here. I left
my husband aeme time before I came te
Heading. He drank and treated me badly.
1 have four eblMren, and when my eldest
aen, wbe supported me, married, I had te
etru my own living. My three ether
children are In Lancaster and well provided
for. Ne one can prove anything agalnat
me en the charge of adultery, and aa ter
assault and battery 1 knew nothing about
Jehn said : ' My wife chased me from
home. We had three children and I tried
hard te get work and le live peaceably, but
her oenduot tnade it Impossible, She never
had a pleasant word for me. 1 left home
because 1 waa afraid of her. 1 worked
whenever 1 could and was at Bowmana Bewmana
vllle and different parte of Lancaster and
Berka oeunty. 1 wsa begging my supper
last ntgbt and met Mia. Jebna for tbe first
time for ever a year. She brought me
something te est, and while we atoed talk
ing we were arrested."
tStfere lbs aisyer.
The mayor disposed of five casta thla
morning and four of the prisoners were
sent te the workhouse. Jatnee Campbell,
one of the man, sold a monkey-wrench
yesterday aad tbe suPBoaltlea M that be
stele it
Am.ndBsat te tfee latin mil.
Washington, Jsn. 3. The sub-committee
of tha Benete flnsnee committee
having la charge the tariff bill has praett praett
eilly sgreed apea a number of Important
amendmenle te be offered In tha Senate
before a ycte la taken en the bill. These
amendments are te be ettered laeattetaetlOB
of aa agreement reached before tha bill waa
reported te tha Senate that after tbe eiee
tioaeertala oeaMaaiona would be made te
certain eeotleas of the eeantry. It has
been practically sgreed te give te sugar
producers a bounty equal te a redue
tlen of 60 per eent la the daty
for whleh tbe bill provides. This bounty
will be one eent a pound en all sugars
Wbleh are produced In thla errantry. The
committee baa praolleally rejected a propeal.
tlen te admit free of duty for ex
perimental purposes for a year machinery
used la the manufacture of euger. The
duty en attuetaral iron will probably be
redueed from oneeeut and one mill per
pound le 8, or at tha meat 9 mills per
pound. Theduty en lumber will probably
be redneed te $125. These amendments
will possibly net beannouneed finally by
tbe oemmtttee until they are proposed la
the Beuate.
There will be no division la the Repnb
llcjnranka, and the tariff bill, aa amended,
wiilpasa the Senate, Januaiy 21.
Jehn Beyle wss burned te desth at Mer
it ttoe, On t, this morning. He waa Bleep
ing in ihe Lincoln pulp mllle, which waa
destroyed. Leaa $30,000.
The New Yerk dry goods atere at Omaha,
Neb., was te-day damaged by fire te tha
extent of $70.000 ; fully Insured.
Arohdueheae Marguerite Clementlta,
daughter et the Arehduke Jeseph of
Auatrta, haa been betrothed te Prlnes
Albert, of Hurn and Tax la.
Mima ft Moere, a firm of Richmond, Atlc,
here felled for about $160,000.
"Charles O. White, manager et While's
opera house of Detroit, and one of the beet
known msnsgera et the oenntry, died early
this morning. He managed theatres ter 12
years In Detroit He waa a native of Alex
aadrla, Va.
W. A. Tayler, traveling auditor for tbe
Southern Pacifle railroad, la dsad. He acci
dentally tamed en the gas la his room aad
waa auffoeated.
The marriage of Miss Gertrude Barrett,
daughter et Lawrenee Barrett, aed Mr.
Jeseph Andersen, Miss Mary Andersen's
btether, wss selemnised at the cathedral la
Bosten this morning.
Gov. Burleigh was Inaugurated la Au
gusta Ma, title mernlug.
Gov. Amea was this afternoon Inaugurated
before a Joint committee et the Massachu
setts Legtelstnre. He oeoupled about 30
minutea In the delivery of bit message.
The St Petersburg Journal Xe BUPtttrt
burp aaja that every nation In Europe
alneerely hopes that the oemlng year will
verify the taversble sugurlee of King
Humbert and Herr von Tlisa, the Hun
garian prime mlclater, wbe predicted la
recent speeches peaee for 1680.
In Ohtoage te dsy Judge Blodgattatn Bledgattatn Blodgattatn
teneed Oberkampt te five years la tbe
penitentiary sad Mlek te three years.
They were convicted et robbing mailboxes.
The presldsnt te-dsy nemlnsted Bolemoa
Clsypoel, of Indians, te be attorney et the
United Statea for the district of Indiana
(Leen Bally waa nominated Benne Usee
age); J. Carles Jswltt, of Mlanoeete, te be
a commissioner la and for the district el
Alaska, te reside at Sltkr,
Osmaa Dlgua's Story Dealest
Buakim, Jan. 3. A sergeant win for
merly belonged te the Egyptian army has
arrived at Suaklm from Khartoum, whleb
place he left en Nev. 23, He aaya that
Kmln Bay waa free at the time be left Khar,
teum and bad repeatedly defeated the der.
vlahea In Bahr-el-Gazelle. Tba sergeant's
Btery dlaprevee tbe report et Osinan Digns,
wbe claims te have captured Fmln en the
101b of Ooteber. Oflleers who knew tba
sargaant believe hla etery.
It Is thought that the white man reported
eiptured by the Mend lata waa prebabljjthe
traveler Neufeld. An (saeute among the
Mehdl'e followers Is oensldsred certain.
I'ulladslphla sealsg la Orala BaaUtsa.
Piiit.Ar)Ei.rniAlJan.3 Receipts of wheat
In Philadelphia, for the year 1888, were
2,660,6X0 bushels, egalnat 9,270,801 bushela
for the previous (year. The ex perta were
1,371,0X0 bushela, egalnst 8,317,101 bnahels
during 1887. The receipts of corn were
2,665,000 bushels agslnst 4,033,000 la 1887,
and the cxperte 817,109 bnahels, egalnat
2,280,258 bushela the previous year. The
receipts of eats lnereased from 3,815,200
bushela In 1887, te 4,002,760 bushela la 1888.
i i
A Olil Terribly Tertaed by Bey.
UericiNtviLLK, Ky.,Jea. 3 AtSalubrla,
Ky., reeeutly, Sally Wall, a fleyear-eld
colored girl, waa left by Mra. Wllaca, whom
abe was visiting, In cbsrge of her two belt
grown sons whlls sbs was from home, Tha
boys stripped tbe child et her oletblng, tied
her te a pest and beat her In a terrible man
ner. Net eatlifled, tbe young brutes thrust
19: In the lire and held her (here until ber
eyee had been burned out and her body se
mutilated that aha oannet petalbly recover.
Thetwe boys escaped.
A Parricide slanged.
Math Landihe, N. J Jan. 3, Rebert
Elder, sged 27, the parrlelde, waa executed
here te-day. The drop tell at 127 o'elook
p. m., and Elder died In five minutes.
Rebert Elder shot his fsther, Wllllsm J.
Elder, nesr Hsmmonten, laat August
A ranle In Liverpool.
LiVKiU'OOr., Jan. 3 A panic oeourred
te dsy en the Liverpool market In "Eleo "Elee "Eleo
treo Hugar" abarea, owing te a cablegram
reporting damaging discovery In tbe pro
cess. The sbarea fell from 82 te 15.
Again Respited.
llAiuusnuna, Ps., Jan. 3. Samuel
Jehnsen, murderer of Jehn Sbarplesa, waa
respited te day until April 17tfa. He waa
te have been banged en the 10th Instant
PWashikbten, d. a, Jsn. 3. Fer
Eastern Penney lvanlr: Fair, slightly
warmer, except along tbe coast nearly
staliensry temperature, variable winds.
A Drever Oerad by a Steer.
A telephone message received late thla
afternoon from Rohreratewn states
that Patrick Kelly, dreyer, residing
en Ewt Chestnut street, oily, was badly la.
Juredbys steer, that he was drivings!
tiat plaea thla afternoon. He bsd his
shoulder broken and wis also In
jured Internally by the herni et
the Infuriated beast. Be was carried tt
ths heuaa et Jehn Helta, near tbe station,
aud word was sent le hla family In this elty,
Watted a Baartag.
William Chandler, one et Ihe bers
charged with complicity In the larceny.' st
Isaac Dlller & Ben, hardware store, haa
waived a hearing tefcre Alderman Dees,
and given ball for court The otters are
being heard this afternoon.
Arrested ler Larceny.
Jehn Lecbner, who haa been wanted for
aeveral mentha by tba authorities, wu ar
rested last nlgbt '.by Constable Ruth. He
Is charged with being aa aoeompllos of
Hanrvaoed. la the larceny of :old Iren
from the premisee of Geerge Malay ar,
The Trouble Cseeed By the
reity etscee et the Bpabttaaa
Beptaseatailvsa te Be Panted
N xt Rf ablleaa rrtsaary
Laeeaster oennty, with 12,0 1
majority, two eenatera sad Mb
Uvea, aeeared eae paster aad fbtetar, I
recent awrioufaeB oremose as
It la given eat that tha ceadMaey at i
ran rer entai clerk waa tha eaasa af I
ure of the Laneaater memaerata
number et the miner nnsjllraai
truth la that the bosses of tu Bag 1
vjuay reotieo.quarrelled ameaa
buu sua ivauii was iasy were sen,
... .kA&A.ut. . .
vniei boss Meeissr wsat te
oaaaenoay te secure the as
Geerge Bhlffeer, et Wsat lampetarl
amp, aaeaieer aaa ssgtaeerea taa I
this oeualy la behalf of Qaay.savii
think there weald he aay treabte la I
his man aisled. When ha arrive aal
rteburg hatband that bla lleataasatail
Hsrua and Jehn H. U
there before him. They bad' a
dldete for assistant UaaawrtMac
William Oelger, of Qearryvtlle.
could net be chosen aad the state I
se told Msntzer, Merita aad LaadM.1
aatd It eae man weald be agreed aasaVl
would be put threagh. Meatser, at
boss, thought bs wss entiiied ta i
men, bnt the ethers would aet grva ;.
Mentsar then eppesled te B easier
mater, Quay's representative.
waa coolly reeelved by taa
wbea he stated hie errand Pilamstari
htm if he waa a member of tba Heaaa '
staggered Jehn aad of eearee he.
that he waa net bat that te
entitled te recognition aa Qeey'a
hacker In Laaeaater oeunty. Taa
told blm he oenld de aetbtag far
tha chief et tha Heg Rug latv
awearlsg vengeance agataat
wbea be raaa for governor Mt,
eeld that Meatatr will go latajl.
tieawita bis former pmbism
beat Dalsaaater, &
Tba aatl-Qaay naea did I
thlagla tba dletrlbatlea of
were aet disappointed. Taa
Ohrlat Kaaffmaa, of CelaaH
Heg Ringer, waa secured
efforts et tha Columbia Ball ta
elans, sad wbea Harry Bcbeu, aft
wee a candidate for a poeUleaoa,
II was expected that Keuffatea
for him. Ha was ter a while,)
WlnfleldB. Smith bad agreed tgei
Ksnttmaa aad aama Bcbeu ss taa
tba membera from tba Nertaara i
Bebell oeald have beea laada. AIM
orltleal time Kaaffaaaa Jasaped taa
aad lelned with Hanek la securaMM
pelatmeat of bla bub Keidarsaa;
aad folder. js J
Tba seremble for these petty en
mads a great deal of bad bleed,
ahew Itself la the RepabUeaa arli
llea oentaet la tba aartaf. ,-
Tba oeurse et oeaaraa ta
withdraw by order et Qasy la
commended, Tba lleiteaaata af.,
used every endeavor te BAthlflsteJ
draw, fie was premleedaB caaas.aal
gift of the nations! admin wlswlBMV
weald pay blm muea bwttsr taaataeil
eierksbip, but M pereaeteaiiy
tan uMa. Jnmt tjafma tha aaai
wss tendered the peatmsstershlp r af "i
elty, bat he would aet take It Bg
ferred te,aat ea record tba i
Pennaylvaala Beasts wbe weaM
bossed by Quay, la a matter la wheels
had noeonosra,
rrass opiate..
from the Harris barg Patriot.
Laneaater county, the home of '
R. Onehran. was shabbily treated
distribution of lealslaUvacfflMa. Alt!
tbeoeuBty baa two aaaatera and six i
eera ei urn noose, ii rseeivea was as
poinimeer, ibbiei paster suiuiesaes, :
from ths Laneuter New Bra.
Philadelphia and Plttabarg seem te 1
divided all tha cfneee worth
Harrtabura- between tbeaa aad have I
tha remaining few te ether pert leaa
awe. Laneaater wee ainaiyra.
by reeel? lag a folder aad pester. .
rrem us Laseaaier inquirer.
Tbe Legislature of Peaasylvaaat I
atanlsad and the law aaaktag masali
beea set In order. Wa bavaaearfi
make .save thla i It was bad peUUes i
bad polley te aereet atr. Tnew. b. e
It waa net peraenal trleadeblp ae maai
tna sternal Justles of tblaga whtaa-
manaea inai Aian easier oeaaiyaai
prominently recegnised. That It I
oeme te pass wa very meeb regret, ,fy i
SUll. senators at Peaaayivaaie, laai
te sour atteatlea sa old. old aaylasr. !
miffs of (As god grind efewfy, et4;.4
cceutny ,nv. u s
rrem vne aaius secore.
The Lsalaiatara ertanlaed ea
Themas B. Cochran, who sought ta ,
re-elected abler clerk of tbe nsasis.
alter Qasy snneaneed that
Errett, et Pitteburgr wss slslsd,
back te bla Lancaster bome te taa I
Republlcen politics or the eeaaty
practlee law. Mr. Cochran has aarvw
senate elerk aeveral Ursaa. Taa
qutsltee et the cfflee bays swelled
puree, snd bs ought te be sat tall sd.
men in me state nsva arawa
offiee tbe amount be has. Ha
about two yeara stre. the VttMt
rlahta of Henull'a Haad-Baek. In
enterprlae he will be engaged natti 1
eaoeessor pays blm a tig pries
Tbe liana-Boek is a vaiuaeie '
Uoe, and tbe last Issued by Mr.
la mueb mere oempleta than tha
nnmbers. In tbe shifting of L
oeunty politic, alwaye hereafter, wati
mevemente of Themas, Ha will be i
bv a eltv newspaper in tne erasaaa i
the Beaver boss. The aewspeperse
punished a boss six years age
tela Bobbe WbUky.
Attached te the distillery of Jseaa)
Shaetfsr, en Eut King street,
the prison, there Is a small frame
In whleh llouera are kept la small qi
Ilea. There U a window la tba treat at
building and Immediately insta at at
tied liquors are kept Herns liaae last
a thiel broke one of tne wiaaew
end stele three bettlea of ana
There are plenty of tblraty mea ta M
end. and It would be bard te lad taa
narlv. ,'sh
... . -iWi
ai is uaugsreaa. ,-trAii
A spike In tbe eleotrle light pole at
Queen and Vine streeU la seplaaall
there Isdanaer of theae bevug
nasi that corner being Injured. Zt
low that a man of ordinary Bias la 1
nlnaat ta the DOlO WOUld IBB htS lata I
it The oempany has beea notified I
move it , 'Sj
Temmy t'eum. ia Tews. -r(
Temmy Cellins, ths duds paddUr, at J
.n hia old werxiasaiatass vi
,WM n . n w - -- B -
says he will get a nsw j enew aaa waxes
with geld fringe while bera, aad belt I
looking for a bank la wbleh te
money In the meantime.
G'f4wSelve Tease.
Un-niir. isaiBBanarehlat BOB'
insplrlngllaVaael8sta with
mite inspector boeuuu
i. ffhlnasrana WedBSBdey,
te twelve years la tba penllsmUary.
et sixty aaya wsa a ws
lUag af bill of easeftlsa
fatfjJt & . f Jr ,
. -V-wS&ss-a. jr-A -Vl&j&k
... SJk'V
S r iw W ,