Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 02, 1889, Image 1

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H) c ymtgagtef WMf tttdttget
amu coarse rsea a tbam a most
fH Mea WMmM aa Ml
MM dtvea medtaal AtBMIIsa.
TM mystery earreaadleg tke bleady hat.
wklek wm feaad m tke railroad traak at
Keht'a areaslag en Tuesday nnliftwn
explained la lb mala llMaagtd la
Freak Rnyar, a yoaeg etgarmeker, wke
m hurt by lb earn, Taa kerne et tke
yevmg bii ta la Ephrsta an ka formerly
worked for the Ottlnger Bretkera, la tale
eHy. LtUlyhebMbeeelaOhle. MeedryJ
Bight ka wm la btncester aaa early Taas.
day. aaeralag tarlad for kerne. Ha lock a
tretram la the neighborhood et Dlller
villa, which ka supposed wm going te
Xpkratt. By mistake ka beard a
trala of tb PenaeylvaBta railroad, wklek
wm running ap tha Mt Jey branch.
After be bed ridden Mme dletaBee, ka be
eama frightened, tklaktag that ka might ka.
arrested, ka lamped from Iba ears, and.
felltag keaTlly, atraek kla Bead. Ha eat a
atrata geek aa tka left aide, probably three
iBebai la leagtb. Tka young ana asad
kla way te Heary Klekl'a bara, about 200
yarda from tka track. Ha retaalaed there
aatll lait evening when ka euaa eat Heme
of Mr. Klekl'a felka aaw alas, and alter
kearlag kla atery, brengbt klai te Len Len
eaater. Ha waa takes te tbe atatlea koeea
and altarwarde te tbe oeaaty betpllaL Or.
Lsadta attended kla weanda aad feaad
tkat tbe ekull waa aet traetared, ae waa nrat
a BAKas-a auur.
A Trala Betake lata Bile Wagea, Wreeaieg rt
Tbla aterelag tbe wagon of Jamb Fee
Bacbt,;beker of 622 North Duke etreet, was
oeraplotely wrecked at tbe Pennsylvania
railroad passenger atatlea. Mr. Feeaaebt
aad bte ten were ea their way te market,
aboet 6 o'clock aad drove dewa North
Qaaea etraet Arriving at tbaststicn they
foend. a freight trela elaedlag ever tka
erenlag, Mr; Fesnaeht turned arenad aad
drere behind tbe etatlea teOhrtetlaa etaer,
fcopleg te be able te oreta at Walla' hotel.
Tbe englae of tbe trala bad been ebtrUcg
and the oabeoea wae etandlag seer tbe
ereealng. Mr. Fasneeht get out of bio
wegoe, and, taking the heree by tbe bead,
attempted te ores tbe track. Tbe heree
kad Jeet creeeed when tbe train began
backlog, ae tbe engine bad again beea
klteked te tbe front. The oabeoea went
eraablng Inte tbe wegoe, teralag It
completely ever. Tbe bone waa thrown
down, but net hart The body of tbe
wagon waa net damaged, but tha rnnnlag
geere were badly broken. Twe epladlea
were broken off and left atleklng la the
wheele- Tbe front axle waa broken la the
middle, aad tbe epekea were brekaa eat of
two wbeela. Twe apriaga were tore
apart Tbe bread waa aplllad all about tbe
traek, but It waa picked up and auflered co
Cass Hurt bj tbe Mayer.
Tbe mayor diepceed of a dotes eaaee tbla
mornleg. Among tbe let waa Edwetd
Lloyd, an old eOender. He waa eeat te Iba
worknenee for 30 daya Jamea Sullen, alae
a bem, wae aent te tbe aame Institution.
Kdwln Chattle, wbe wai fennd en Beeth
Qieen etreet, acting In a bus plolena mea
ner by Special Offleer Arneld, wae aent eat
for 10 days. Tbe list case dlapceed of waa
Jehn Brown, a blind man. He bad a ticket
ea tbe Pennaylvanle railroad te LsncMter
aad waa pat oil tbe train in tbla city. He
kad no plaee te go, and no money and
waa taken te tbe etatlen lietue. Brown baa
bean an Inmate of an almahenie several
times before. He deee net belong te thle
county and tbe LaneMter autnerltlee get
rid of him ae apeedlly ae psaalble, but be
tnrna np here two or three tlmea a year.
He wee aent te the almaboeM by tbe mayor.
Tee remaining eaaee were dlamiaaed.
A Mlalster Barprlied.
Efbbata, Jan. 1 Laat evening ebent
76 membere el the Lutheran ohareb, aateav
bled In the baaement et that building, and
akertly after 7 o'clock they marched te tbe
paraenege, only a lew doeta from the
- ohareb, te surprise Rev. B. 8. Brewnmlller,
tkelrpaa'nr. Tbe various glfta which Mr.
Brewnmlller and hla family reeelYed oenld
set all be beeped en a large extension table,
The membara of tbla obnteh make theae
donatlene every year. In a brief addreea
Uqalre Seltcer eetd that l bey bed eaaembled
te ebew tbelr affection and reapect for their
minister, and that tbe trlbutee tbla year
ware rather lncreaeed than deereaeed. Bar.
K. H Brewnmlller i eepended by thanking
them and aaJdtheMPoeaalona ate tbe hap
pleat In tbelr Uvea. Vecal and lnatrnmen
tal mnale wm a feature of tbe evening.
Brew tlie Lewar Knd.
Hilltown, Jan. L Thle village, thiee
mllea eeutb of Quarry vllle, wm vtilted by
a mad deg a few deye age. All tbe doge
and bege In tbe nelgbborbeodVere bitten.
Tke eernera et tbe animate bitten kad a
oeaaaltatloB,and attar a lengthy dlscuailen
II wm dcelded te kill the bege and keep
tba doge Ued.
Joaeph M. Ham la Improving bla farm by
buildlag a new barn.
There will be a fox chaae at Spring Greve
ea Thuredey.
A. W. Oroff laahlpplng Urge quantltlce
et wheat te Philadelphia.
Tfce Biaetele Ugbta.
The eleotrle llgble, whleh are need en
the atreeu, were tamed en ImI night and
they burned fairly well tbe greater part of
tbe night It la believed they will ax be
In geed working order. Twe new englnee,
betlereand tbe old dinamta, wbleb were
need at tbe chemical werba, bare been
ploeed la the building recently erected and
tka oempany will beve plenty of power.
IM Ket fnii tae cata.
The ault for larceny preferred by Frey fe
Bekert agtlnat Jehn Buoaaeao, before
Aldermen Halbeeb, bai beea withdraw.
Buebanaa oemmtited tbe theft when be
wm ee mueb under tbe Influence of liquor
that he did net knew what be wm doing
end ee the ebeea were returned Meaere,
Frey dc Eckert did net aeilre te prate tke
A ttaiqaerade Ball.
At the Mwineroher bell laat even
leg there wm a maiquerade bell,
la tke grand matek of wbleb about fifty
esuplM eppeered. Tbe attendanee wm
large. Tbe menagere weie: Samuel
Heward, Jebn Slmpien and Jehn Fteber,
aad tbeM wbeattaaded kad a geed time.
Like Bpriag.Tune.
The weather bu beea ae pleeeent of lata
that aa a'der both ea tbe premlaee of Jobs
Qruel, 507 Weat Walnut etreet, bw begun
te epreut Becall leavM have made tfcetr
appaaraaee en tbe branebM and they leek
vary healthy.
Dr. VIBaay te Leetara.
Tbe lecture committee or Little Britain
Praebyterlen church will give tbelr third
lecture ea Friday evening. Jaaaaxy 1 Bev.
aaTifUey.D. D,of New Yerk, lathe
MBjtkeaufci "Amert
Iaa iBflBBiMia "
a tin aw in a wmms.
While Tvskeg AveMttwraMea.
Tkeaaaa W. Vines, far eeveral yeara waa
mylejed ae mekeeaer fat tka Aaeme
aaaf WaaMakw Maaafertarkig eemaaay af
eawaga. eaee ovary waatt aedMmeted
aaa etaer employee iaa weeaiy
aetiee were given a geed daaartptlea
TaefagMve dleeevered tkat tka axHaet
tka etiy were ee well watabed tkat aay
ateamai la eeeepe ' weaM ka fraagkt wltk
eeaaldaraaie daagar. Heeatlad te kla aa
alelaaei a eeeJeaarete. A. ktg Baraaege
traak waa parekaaed by tka oeafaaama,
aadTkemae and aacatei km boodle ware
depeaHed la tka traak. Tkemaalaalxfaat
kigk, welgaa IN aattada, aad tka, traak
waa .pretty fall whoa Tkeaaaa waa peeked
la. HelM had beea bored aader tka aaadlM
aad tkreagk tkeaa Taemaa labeled air.
Taa traak wm carted te tka depot aad
eaecked teBt Leuie en Monday alght
Tfcaeaafaderata took tka check aad waa
tokaveotalaedthe NerategBM boebm it
arrived. Tbe nrat baggage camber that
Mixed It atoed ThemM ea kla bead, aad
then wltk tha eealatenee of aaotker emeeter
nltebad him twenty feet into a ear. Hla
kead awam aad availed, bat ke wm game.
Antvlag la tka ear aad ertagtag ap wltk a
violent eoaenaelea, aaotker pair of traak
tkampara pteked aim ap and leaeed Mm
keif war aoreee ue ear. la a mlanta a bur
May, uuei wai Miaaavrisg oewb en
htm aad aboek all tka pluck eat of klm.
Tbea ka wm atoed ea kla kead aad bom
barded wltk trnaka and ether pleeM of
baggage naul ha wm threatened wltk
apoplexy and aufloeatloa. He eaya :
f bey banged end elemmed ereund In a
frightful meaner and made axleteaea mle.
arable for ma I wm teaeed about la all
manaer of waya SmetlmM I wm etaadleg
ea my bead and eemeUmM en my feet.
While tbe trunk wm etandlag etlll I wm
ell right Mykande were eeratebed. My
kead wm bumped aad bedly bruleed. I bed
taken a bottle of water wltk ma aad kad It
la tke-beek pocket of my treueera. A tern
et tka trunk broke tka oettle and tba water
poured dewa my aeek. Tbe flret hundred
mllM or ae la tba ear I get along nicely aad
Ue air wm all right Tbea It beeeme thick,
aad after going another fifty oreeventy-nve
Un I began te kick and yelk I eeald
atand it no longer, and determined te get
oatef tbetraakatallkixirda. Taa aeite
attracted tbe attention of tba men In the car,
aad they pulled ent tka trunk, wbleb bad
another trunk ea tba top of It aad broke It
When dlasovered Vwm told the m m
tealehed Baggage maatpaletera that kla
name wm Burke and that be took tbe trunk
la order te beat bla way. He wen tbe men
ever, and when tbe train readied tbe Hi.
Leu la depot ee mueb aympathy wm
developed for tbe peer yenng man that a
aubeorlptlen wm taken np and ka wm
presented with 15 and told togetaemethlag
te eat At a reataurent ke told tbe waltere
be wm Taaoett, tbe murderer of Snell,
whereupon be wm promptly arreated.
Vineaend tbe trunk were teken te pollea
beedquertere where a eeernb brnuabt te
light 3 800. He wm Identified m Vlnea by
one et the deteetivmand then be oenieeeed.
ihbj xeLirsa or tuc avir.
The wMher favorable la eelirrnU aad
Heveaa-bBpertaat Obeeitrailaae ataaa.
Tee oendltlona were generally favorable
ea Taeeday betb In Uellferala aad Hevada
for a clear obeervatlen of tbe total ecllpee
et tba eun. In Ban Fraadece tba eellpae
wae only partial, about eleven. twelftbe of
tba auQ'e euifeee being obeeured. Tbe
WMtber wm perfectly clear, and the ecllpee
wm wltneeeed by a great number of
During the period of tbe great eet obaenrlty
It became quite dark and one etar wm
plainly eren. MoeclentlfleobeervatloawM
made In San Freucleea Half of the totality
In California wm from CO te 100 mllee norm
of San FrancUoe, end tralna from that oily
ea Monday morning conveyed a large
number of people te 'tbe varlone'pelnta
favorable for ibe obeervatlen. The weather
at Maryavllle wm very dear.
Tne diet oenteoiwu about 12:30. During
tbe pregrtte of the ecllpee tlie weather
became quite cool; eeveral atreake of
llghtnlOB; were ebaetved during tbe
totality. Several expeeuree of wet and dry
plateewere made during tbe totality, and
vlewa will be aent te Amberat college.
Profeeaer K. 8. Helden, of Llek obeerve ebeerve obeerve
tery, telegrepbe tbat tha beglunlng of tbe
ecllpee waa kuoeeeefuily ebeerved et tbat
point, and aleo the laat contact Photo.
grapha were taken at Orrville, tbe cleuda
oeaouring the view of tbe totality, but a
geed view wm bad np te a few mtnutee of
tbat period. Tbe oendltlona were all
favorable at St Helena.
Tbe neereat epproaeb te totality wm at
J.60, wben ebeervere notleed plainly with
tbe naked eve a narrow circle et light en tbe
nertbeMterly aide of tbe eun'e dlea, and ln-
an inatant tee nngnt epet wm trauaierrea
te tbe ether elde. Tbe appearenee of the
entire valley In a abadewy light wm weird.
Tbe party from tbe Lick obeervatery, In
charge et Prof. J. E. Heeler, made a ana
eeretul obeervatlen at Bartlett Springe.
Profeeaer Kteler telegrepbe tbat tbe
oer en a wm beautifully dletlnet, end that be
aew remarkable ebanKea la tba length of
the oeronel 11em Profeeaer Barnate ob
tained nine pbotegrepha. Profeeeer
Hill photographed all the oentaot
and etudted tba etrnetura of tha Inner
oeroaa. Prof. Seneebne madeMven meaa.
una of light during tba totality.
Beb Uurdeue VoaebBUao aame adrlee te
YeaBg Man Wbe Wenld Marry.
Frem the Burlington liawkeye.
Yeu aay you demand a domeetle, uaeful
woman aa your wife, If tbat la be, merry
Mera Mulligan, your laandreaa' daugbter.
She wean cowhide eheee, le gulltleee of
oereetr, never bed a alek day In ber life,
ttkee in weaning, geee out kouaeelMnlng,
and oeoke for a family of mven cbildrea,
ber mother aad three eeotien mea wbe
beard wltb ber. I don't think ebe would
marry you, becauae Cen Reagan, the track
walker, la ber atyle of man.
Let ue examine Inte your qualification a
m a model huaband after your own matri
monial Idea, my boy. Can you eheulder a
barrel of fliur and earry It down cellar T
Can yen mw aad split ten oerde of btokery
weed In tbe fell, ee m te have ready fnel all
winter T Can you epede up a half acre of
ground for a kitchen garaeaT De you
knew whet will take tke lime taateoutef
tba clitern,end ean you peteb tbe little leek
la the kitchen, reef T Can you bring home
a pane et gleea end a wad et putty and
repair damagee In the elttlag-roem win
dew T Can von bang eome cheep paper en
tna krenen r uaa yen nx tne irent gate ee
It won't ewagT Can you de anything about
tke heuee tbat Cen Reagan can T
My deer, deer boy, yen eee Nera Mulll.
?u wante a higher type of true manhood,
ou expect te nlre men te de all tbe man'e
work about tba beuee, bat you went your
wue te ae any tnmg any women can aa
Believe me, my eon, tbat nlne-teniba of
tbeglrle wbjpley tbeplane and elng ee
charmingly, whom you in your limited
knowledge Mt down m mere butieirtiee
of faeblea, are better fitted for wIvm man
you are for a tauabaud. It you want te
marry a flret-elaee oeok aad experienced
boeeakeeper de your courting la the la.
teliigenee office.
bui ti yen weat a wue, merry tne gin
you love, with dimpled nande aad a race
Ilka tbe eanllght,and ber love will teecb
ber all tbeM Ullage, my boy, long before
you have learned one-bait your own
fUtalU of aSUly rraellee.
Jehn Neery waa killed and two men and
a boy were wounded by platcl eneta fired
between midnight end lire o'clock Tueedey
morning in New Ycrk. Tne eboetlng la
eappoeed te have beea accidental la each
eaee, and te have twen tbe work et pereene
oelebretleg tbe arrival of the New Year by
firing pletela.
A Barprue Party.
A aarprlM party wet keld at tbe Leme of
Jeba Burger, of the firm et Burger A Bea,
eaTaeaday eveelag. Tha Iroqaeu bead
aad tka mama, tin nag and
wpiaa is wane way wavw eatiwew. uh
weak ka aeaketad tka'eaeaay ta tka
eavetepea, aaMaatMgte Haak Tka eat.
fceaaleaieat wae etm dleeeTared. aad tka
Bfeajama mamma.
Where fcewerBed Mea eaa fee
taa avat et abvU.
Kiaxe Millb, Fa,. Jaa. 1 Tka
ahaala of tha lower aad wiwHimplaai Beak
tag aaaay ekaegea by April L
Taea. R. Antrim Oa, et WekeaeM,
wtU move te Kllm, LIUle Brttew, wkera
they tatead doing aa exteaelve iMetaam la
gianel merekaadlea. Tke Irmwlllkeed
a habile eala ea Jaaaary S, darlag tka
afteraoea aad evening.
Bdgar Faltea.aa exhmelve marekaat el
Bttm, will move te Cherry Hill, Faltea
Kdgar Wllaea A Brc of Ckerry HU1, wlU
dleeelve pettaerehlp la tke apruig. Kdgar
will repreeeat a wfceleeale greeary beata et
H. M. Wllaea, merehaat at Q oaken, will
occupy tke atorekeaM at Wakefield, ta
partaaraktp with kla am Oeerge, formerly
of Cherry Hilt -
F. M. MoDewell A Bra, aeerekeate at
Beck Bprlaga, will move te CoBewtago,
Md. They are tbe meat exteaelve aad ea ea
ergetle merebaate of tka lower aad.
The atore keaae at ;Kltk'a Mllle, wklek
hMbeen vacant, will be eeeupled by April
Hatlaa Staatea, employed m clerk for
tke Wllaea Bre'a, at Cherry Hill, will go
with W. T. Drennea, merchant, at Oak
Hill, tba flret of Aprlt
AmbreM Singleton, employee, m eiera
for Harry Mareb, will go wltk a. J. P. Reub,
the "Wenemaket" of tke eeuthera aad of
Weeeen A Oenrtd, butehere at Oak Hill,
Little Britain, will dleeelve partnarenlp by
tke flret of April, and deveta tbelr time te
A. A. Kirk, of Wakefield, ageat for
general agricultural Implement, bw pur.
ebeeed a beuae and a let occupied by
Jeba Evene, frcm AlfredKlng, of Phlla
deiphle, for l,76a
Mecere. Herr A Weeeett, wbe have a
creamery at Glen Rey, Cbeeter county, In
tend reoelvleg milk at Ellm, ea January L
Tbey oentemplete erecting a eepereter there
tba lrt of April, It tbe enpply of milk re
ceived will warrant tbe eaterpriea,
Mr. Lewie Cauffman, of Helltown, Jeffer
eon county, Weet Virginia, ta vlaUlng bla
brother, C. O. Oauflman, of Wakefield.
Mr. CiuOinan bu net vhlted hla brother
for ever 48 yeara.
Bboeilag for reeltry.
At Telt'e Hetn, en Tueedey, tke Laneaa
ter Habuelzan Vereln bad Mverel matcbee
for turkeye, dueke, Ae. In aeek of tbe flret
four tnatchea eeeb man wm entitled te
three ebeta. Tbe reeult waa ta follewa i
Wolfer 4 e 48
Demmelt.... 7 a 7tt
rrantiieaa a in i-rn
Martta If e 10 '.I
JjAllO.... ....... .......... .............a 4 la 10.0
Kiicaer a 4 lfl
icat. .......... .......................... e , e
Wolfer .. 4 4 4-tl
Demmeir. . ....11 7 S at
rranclicua 1 If lt-ll
Martin. 1 S l- 4
whiu,...,. , e le e-st
Klrcber a 6 11 ai
Beat 10 S -
Welfur I It 6-11
liemniell , , e 8 a-j
Franelteua .' .le i S-17
aiei tin ........ ......................en vSj
WblUl.. .................... ...... ...... 8 10 4a3
Klreher ................................ a e 1 IS
Beet.... . ..................... .......... t 7 7 i
Wolfer 1 4 0-8
Ueinmtll.. 7 8 8
rraneucua a toil M
Martin... e n a a
White , 7 7 9-11
Klreher lu e 7-r
Areata... .....m... ....... ................. e a l ii
Tbe fourth matcb wm for a big turkey,
and each man wee allowed, but two ebete,
wltb the following reault :
-jCSt............................. ........... l e x
Mni-Un u-
rranclieui 0 K 8
Uemmell 10 9 -19
white 4 4-e
Meutaer e e 0
larptnter... .....11 718
Woffer 8 9-11
Klreher 8 08
The Teaag Mb' IftutocrsUe geetatv.
Tbe Yeung Men'e Demecralla eoelety
beld tbelr regular monthly mMtlng laat
Tbe action of tbe executive oemmlttee In
lowing tbe two eterlee of Jebn O. HaM'
new building wm ratified by tbe elub.
Tbe following reeolutlene en tbe deatk of
William B. Shertzer and H. H. Zecber, two
membere of tbe club, were panted :
Whkrbab, Tee Yeung Men'e Demo
cratic Society " of Laneaater, Pa., -baa
beard with profound regret of tbe death of
two of Ita eateemed membere, H. H. Z-cher
and Wm. B Sberlier, tried and true De jio jie
crete, and model eitlaene la every reepeet,
Jtuelved, Teat the alneere eympetny of
tbla eoelety be extended te tbelr femlllea In
tbelr eed bereavement la theloMefa fend
Jtetelvtd, That a copy of thaM reaoln reaeln reaoln
tleue be forwarded te tbelr femlllea, and
plaoeden tbe mlnutee of tbe eoelety and
publlebed In tbe Lancaeter Daily iMTat
The Mew Yerk Ltdie' Lateat Cnae.
from the Kew,1 erk Bun.
The ereae for putting lad lea' watcbM In
odd pleeee le deveieptng te eucu an extent
tbat one may expect te aee tbe felr enee
wltb watebee ou tbe teee of tbelr ebeea
or en the backe of tbelr glevee or
wherever tbey ean eaally eee tbe timepiece
at a glance. In a Broadway ear yeetetday
three ledlea .'met and took eeaie beelde
one another. Oue bad a wateh In the
handle of her unbrelle, one had a wateh In
the catch or claap of ber pocket book, and
tbe third carried a tiny wateh In a bracelet
en her left erm. Tbe laat example et Ibe
or ii 9, tbat et tbe bracelet, le a Vlenneee
Idee Juat Imported. Tbe bracelet wm of
leather, ana weaunqueetlenebly theuglleet
ornament any lady were en Broadway
A " flout et tb aoed Bbrpberd."
Tbeprrjtct te eetabllib a Heme of tbe
Geed Shepherd In Reading, a Catholic In
etltutleu for tbe restoration of fallen young
gtrla and women, baa been oeoeummated
bytbepurcbaaeeltbeJ. A. Lelppemecelen,
aiiuated only a few aquarea from the
centre of tbe city. The home oentalne
aeme twenty roeme and la located en the
eentre of an elevated lawn en a let 100 by
800 feet In eiaa. It will be fitted up te
accommodate unfortunate women at once.
Tba borne bM already been chartered en
the appticeuen or uainarwe rt. Murray,
Catharine Blake, Margaret Ma' one, Annie
Hvndea. Ellen Crowley and Mary A.
Elllgett, all of wbein are elatere connected
with the Philadelphia "Heme of the Geed
Shepherd," an inalliuileu oenduoled en
prlnelplee almllar te inoeeeithe propeaed
reading home.
b B3M.OOO Fer a Sulaai7,
The Oblcaice the?leglael eemlnery, an In
stitution under the oeutrol of tbe oengrege.
tlonalehurori, beuau tbe new veer wltb a
gift of $360,000. Tbe iMt 11.800 of tbe 1300,.
000 required te eeeuie tbe fcSO.OOO of K. U.
Peter, of MaaUtee, Mlcbigau, wm pledged
en Meadey.
H.wui te Oram.
In turning ever te Mayer-elect Grant tbe
mayoralty et New Yerk yeeterday, Mayer
Hewitt eald: "If you bare belt tbe
pleaaure lu taking up theee datlee that I
nave In laying thorn down you muat feel
a Terry nappy man.-
, City rrvpniy lUdrawe.
Tbe dwelling beuee and lotef ground,
Ne. 35 Eaet Lcmcn etreet, belonging te tbe
Mtate of Henry Corde, offered at pnblle
Mle ea Tueedey ereutng br Auotieneer
BelBeeblr-WM wltbdraain atf2,2&a
Haul at a fcteiglar.
A burglar entered the boom of Abraham
Detroit, auperiBieadeat et Potu Bretbera
Irea werka at PottetewB, laat Saturday
eveaaaBdBteuB?61a eaak, wklek Mr.
Daajtaiawa Wdddat gaAajf tJaf earBae,
A Meaaara rreecaied ta eteaeel aietteaa af
"taeOeart rreenee net A OeaaaMetee Aa
yajVaaeWaB ww-AaB wwvVlfaBvS eTwMaajVar tUajTHaa V
atlietteaMeih naebee Afjeara.
Habbubube, Jaa. 2. In tba Senate to
day Mile were latmdueed m follewe I
Mr. Bmtlk, of PbUadelpbla, exemptlag
eellegee from municipal texailea.
Mr. Newmjer, of Allrgbeny, repeelbag
aeeUeaa 4M aad 457 et tha court practice aet,
lee effect et wbleb le te repair tbe pertkm
of the law which abeltehM tba dteUaetlen
la tbe forma of action j te make a Ilea et
alt taxee, aad mualelpal Imprevameata te
eeallaae for five yeara unlM renewed t
making it a mledemeaaer for any offl effl offl
oer of a beak te reoelve depealta knowing
tkolaatltnUeatoba laeelvent
Mr. Watree, Leekawaace, two bUla ! eaa
for tbe geverameat et eltlM et tba tklrd
elam aad tke ether dividing cltlM Inte
Urea claeeee (betb prepared by Ue later
maaletptt convention).
Tbepraeldent pre tern, appalated Qebln,
Allen, Thompeea, Uppermea, Keefer, Re Re
publleeae, and Rem and a roan, Demecrata,
tke oemmlttM te Inquire Inte tke legality
of Beaeter Devlln'a election.
la tbe Heuee, at tbe auggeetlen of
Speaker Beyer, no bllle were Introduced,
beaeuee tbe oemmltteee remain te be
Tbe petition of Jebn Finley, Republican,
oenteetlag tbe eeet of Henry Nlote'e,
Democrat, of PbUadelpbla, wm preeeated.
A concurrent reeolutlen wm edepted
eutherlalng the printing of S,ene eeplee of
the book entitled Blrdeef Penneylvaata"
for tbe tut et theSenete and Heuee, and
providing for tbe printing of 9,000 eeplee of
the governera maaaage, two theueand la
Beth bemee have adlenraed until
Wednetday evening next
Fourteen pegee were appointed la tbe
Heuee today, but none from LeaeMler.
Andrew Pyne le eblef of tbe peg
Membere eene ere well repreeented.
Jeanne Plvree and Hla aoe Wetkmca BeBT.v
ffVeBi Ur J aat TarlnT Taxatiea.
Tbe failure of Jeabua Pierce, proprietor
et tbe Ltviugeten mill', et Brlatel, nncke
oeunty, will be a aevere blew te tbat town.
When running et full capacity tbe mill
employed 250 handa, and tbeM will be
thrown out of work In ratd.wlnter, wltk
little proepect of finding any remunerative
employment In tbe village.
Mr. Pierce bM mode an Malgnment te
William H. Grundy, alae a large woolen
manufacturer of Brlatel, and one of the
beavleet Individual oredltera. Tbe llablll
tlee amount te 1157,000, and the aaaeta, Mr.
Pieree eaya, would reach double tbat eum
If tba goedn could be eeld at a felr valu
ation, but nnder tbe hammer tbey are net
expected te reel lae mere then enough te
meet the demanda of the oredltera. Tbe
mllle kave been lealng money ter tour
yeara paat, aa tbelr line of goeda wm
were ted a, an Induetry wbleb la net thriving
under tbe preeent tariff.
In epsaklng et kla failure en Tueedar,Mr.
Pieree eald I "I have been In bualueaa here
Juet twenty yeara te-day, and 1 bava net a
dollar new that I can call my own. Tbe mill
le worth 9250,000 and bM but $15 000 Incum
brance agatnetlt, while I bold $lB0,000werth
of reel M'ate In Brlatel, whleh la ruort ruert
aeaed for 180,000. If tble property could
have been kept together It would have beea
very valuable, m tbe mill will be a veri
table mint dormer tnti next m w yeere under
tbe feeterlng Influence of the leatnlatlen
expected from tbe next Cengrtiee. I bleme
tbe Farmera' bank for precipitating tbe
failure, m It held ell ae long from giving
aaaent te my proportion, which wm aiinply
te relecae my real estate an that I oeuld
tranafer It le tbe new oempany, that an
aaalgnment wm Inevitable."
fXilered OatBelle in CnnVtntlea.
DalegatM from neatly all the colored
CatbolleobarobM and enoletlMel the United
Htatea were preeeet at the national oouven eouven oeuven
tloa which began In St Auguatine'a
cbureb, WMblngten, D. C, en Tuee
dey morning, wltb tbe celebration of
high mam by Rev. Father Telton, et
Qulney, III., tba only colored Catbolle
prieet in tbe country. In ble aurmen Oar
dlnal Glbbena Mid tbe gatberlng would
mark an era lu tbe blitery et Ibe colored
people, and be euggeated that tbey eheuld
atacuaa ibe rellgleue education of tha obll ebll
dren, wbleb wm neceaeary te the lire of the
republle; that temperance eheuld be looked
Inte, and be referred te Ibe equality of tbe
Catholic obureb aa abewn by tbe tact tbat
a colored prleat bad celebrated the mm
la company wltb two white clergymen. In
eabeequent addreae tbe cardinal Mid tbat
tbla wm Ue happleet New Yeer'e day et
kla life.
Tke convention wm erganised by tbe
election of temporary effleerr, lucludleg
William R. Btnltb, an prealdenf, and then
adjourned for tbe day.
A Child Killed bv Drink.
Hugh Dyke, of New Yerk, bad a half
gallon of wblaky In tba beuae en Sunday.
There wm an empty helf gallon wickered
bettla kleklne about tbe fluer en Tueedey.
aadSarab, tbe7yeareld eblld, wbe made
three in tue tetany, wm aeea.
Dr. Coeke eaya ibat wben be wm called
In en Mendey tbe child waa lying en a
lounge peifeeily limp, and etnelt etrengly
erwniaky, -inenuaeena wuioearuniu
talk. Tbe wife told Dr. Cocke tbat ibe
child Mid Juat before abe became etupefled
tkat ber fetber had given ber two wine
gleeeee full of whleky. Dr. Cocke made
out a death certificate, giving pulmonary
cedema aa the immediate rauteel death.
Tbe women celled at hla cfllce en Monday
nlgbt end oentradloted her previous atery
about tba wblaky, and uld tbe child died
et oreup. Tbe father eald be gave tbe cblld
wblaky, but "only a tute." She bad beea
need te tMtleg It alnce aba wm In tbe
ct ad le, he eald.
rope Lee te Ibe IrUb People.
Arobblabep Welab read from tbe pulpit
In Dublin, a meMige from tbe pope te the
Irian people, lu wbleb bla bellueae aald :
We bave el wave buld In apeclal affection
tbe Catbollee of Ireland, who bave been
leag sorely tried by many tiilhtlens, and
have ever cberlabed them with a love which
is mere lettnee became et tbelr irerveleua
fortitude and tbelr hereditary at at
tebment te their rellen. lu tte
ceutie'.a we bave given from time
te time and in our recent de
cree we were moved net only by tbe o.n e.n o.n
Blderatlen of what li conformable te tbe
trutb, but alee by the danlre te advance
your tntereatr. Ouratfrctleu for you does
netautfer pa te allow the raue for which
Ireland la atrugKllcg te be weakened by
the Mntroductleu of anything which oeuld
fairly i be brought In reproach sgatnat It
In order te epeclally mauileat our affection
we Mnd you a number of gifts which are
specially b leased.''
Beneaaiati Fer Mettt-Kee pen
Tbe time Is approaching for the
filing of applloatleua for tavern II II
eenMS for the year 1BS0. Applicants
should bear In mind tbat tbelr
beudsmea meat reelde in the aame dletrlct
m tbe applicant ler whom tbey become
Oeetrsf d Us rreparty HlaualC.
Jebn flutter, n eed Frtmobmee, died at
hi beiuuear Poieroff, Mtlee, en Tueedey.
Oa Moodey be et Bte te IbH buildiese be
encupled, killed bt hone and goats, aiebbed
himself tour tltnee end took Parte green.
ICIUcd til Comrade.
Leuie Bekmldt an Inmate of tbe Bel-
dlera' Heme In Milwsuktr, Wisconsin, ea
Taeeday slabbed aad killed W. F. Ruder,
a tetlew vataraa. Tkey aaaneUed aaeat
IHBUeg a flea? aad Three Dab.
Wktte Camp (W Va,) atery la Ihe Cincinnati
Tae memlag I met tke beare," said
Bpraee Wlllteme. ! ataried dewa tbe
creek te aay eernflatd, about a quarter of a
mile below tke keasa. I took nothing with
me, except a big kleary stick, aet expaetleg
ta bm aaytklng at tkat late beur la tha
meralBg. I bad entered Ike field, but hart
net passed a desea eera akecka before I
beard a lead snort and a grant at some
aalmale, wklek 1 Instantly recegnised m
bear, aet twenty feet away. While I was
loekiagaroaad for tha beare a kalf grown
cab raa eat of a shock at fodder oiesa
te my side. Without stepping te think I
rrn an en the cab aad hit it a welt wltk the
elab. The beer tumbled ever ea Its beck
Md began te cry eed white. Before I oeuld
bit It again tbe old eke beer came tearing
up, followed by tbe ether two cube, and
tbea I kad my Beads fait There wm mere
fight la tkOM tbeae three baste tbaa I ever
aaw before. They were la dead aaraeet from
the start aad gave me ae ekaaee te beck out
or react). Tbe old beer etna np aad when
within a tew feet et me reared herself upon
bar two hind fast and tried te oateh me In
her arms. I gave her a welt ever tbe
ncae which Milled bsr beck en all
rears for a second t bat before 1 oeuld bit
her egetB one et tbe ousted cube
bad slipped np behind me end gave me
a rsariui rip witn its snarp ciawe en tna
right leg. The clsws tore my trousers an d
hide Inte ribbons SBd penetrated tba flseh
almeat half aa Ineb. Than It wm het work.
All thiee earnest me at oeee. 1 levelled
one et the smell oem bat get a ripper from
behind agla, and Juat than tke old abe
bear get olneneaeugh te strike me with
ber elsws. Bbe raked me, a you aee, from
my cheat clear down te my walet, and
would probably have killed me tben and
there If I bed aet been lueky enough te
puneb ber la eaa of ber eyes. Tke blew
most have hurt terrlblv. for she laid down
and rolled and wblned, but I did net have
a ohanee te finish ber before tbe two big.
cubs eeme at me from bath aides. I ra'ned
blows en tbelr beeds and bodies, mil didn't
sueceed la aetllna In a real geed one before
they bad about tern my bide and eletfaM
J net at this time mv feet struck a stone,
whleh I mw wae a bla boulder weighing
about eight or ten piunda. I dropped Iba
etiek end ptokeUeip the rock In a second,
aad let tbe big one bare It right between
tee eyes. Tbat eeuiee nsr. i new nsa
mere lime le devote te tbe cub, and
although I waa mighty eera and bleeding
from deaeua of wounds. I euoeeeded In
flnlahleg tbem. After tbe I dragged
myeelf totbeereek aad Jumped la. The
cool water revived me some w bat and I
finally get ent and managed te get te tbe
beuee, wnea tbe old women put me te bed
and went te work te stlek ma together
again. I am getting along well enough,
1 euppeer, but you'll never oateb Old
Spruce while be Uvea la tbeM meuntslns
going out again very far without a gun or
some ether weapon."
Mew Tear' Rseeplleea.
The eeclal aide el New Year' day wm
quietly ebeerved by many ladles, wbe re
ceived eallers, but among tbe netsble re
ceptions were tbeae beld In tbe BatM
manelen, at tbe realdenee of Mrs. ThemM
O. Wiley and at Meple Oreve, tbe Me.
Govern bemeelead. Mra Wiley reeelvsd
wltb Mrs. B. Frank Kibleman and a bait
dcxan yenng ladles.
With tMlelul floral decorations and ex
cellent mnale tbe following ladlM received:
Mrs, L, A. Keller, Mies Hswtberna,
Mlaa Bewman, Mlaa Malene, Mlaa Kbeade,
MIm Reglna Malene, Mlaa Sbeaff, Mlee
Rellly, Miss Lewell, MIm Margaret Re.lly,
Mlaa Marker.
At Ibe Betas msnsler, 443 North Duke
street, tbe gueits found tbe following ladles
receiving In rooms tbat la every detail were
models of decorative art aad tsatet Mra
Martin Bates, Jr., Mia A. J. Btstamaa,
Mra William Hendersen, Bireneee Ven
Oiike, Mrs. J. Wllks O'Neill, Mra Walter
M. Franklin, Mra Charlee J. Bwarr, Mra
Samuel B. DUIer, Mre. Hareld Wlckerebam.
Throughout tbe evening an orebeatra
furnlahed excellent muale and tbe danelng
wm prolonged te morning hours.
Harglar Toots gonad.
On Taeeday afternoon a man nsmed
Werls wm walking along the Laneaster A
Mllleravllle turnpike, a short distance eaat
or tbe village of MlHeravllle, wben be
found three burglar tools under a email
bridge, benMth tbe etreet ear track, Tbey
were net wrapped In paper of any
kind and consisted of a Jimmy, a bar
and a ripper. They are very heavy and
lock m though tbey bad been used before.
Wltb theee tools It la eald te be ae eaay met
tar te cot open tbe top of a ssfe. Tbe toele
were no doubt need by tbe msn wbe robbed
Jacob Warfela beuee in Mlllerevllla en
Friday nlgbt and blew open bis safe. Tbe
deer of tbe Mre bears msrks Indicating tbat
toele of tbla kind were uied upon It. Mr.
Warfel brought the toele te town tbla
morning aad tbsy ean be sees at the cfllce
of Alderman Desn.
Lissem Heim Oeaapany.
The annual election for officers of the
Lincoln Hene oempany wm beld en Tuee
dey, at Hacker's helelu Lloeolc, and tbe
following were eeleeted as dlraotere i Levi
Bblrk, David Melllnger, M. B. Kline, R. W.
Bard, Benjamin Wiaeler and Martin 8, Fry.
Tbe beard erganised by Ibeeleollenot Levi
Bblrk m president and M. B. Fry m secre
tory, after which tbe riding end railroad
oemmltteoe were appointed. The company
baa been In exlatenee for 24 yeata.
Tax volteetere Battle.
J. Aldus Herr, oelleotor of taxes for West
Lampeter township, waa tbe Brat oelleotor
te settle ble 1SS8 duplicate wltb tbe county
treasurer. He paid ever tbla morning 7,
029.17. 8. B. Frankfort, of Katt Hcmpfleld, alie
settled blidupllcate tbl mornleg. He paid
te ibe treasurer f 10,312 GO.
Ztea'a Ubaieb OBlene.
At the meeting of Zlen's ohareb members
en Monday aftsrnoen, Wlillsm Weblsen
wm eleeted trustee and tba following ves
trymen were cbeien I Henry Deerr, Geerge
BobarOer, : Geerge A. Klabl, Adam Bauer
end C. Ueek, Jr.
Toek tbe Oalb el oatee.
Recorder-elect Rein bold and County
Sallolter. elect Geerge A. Lane leek tbeeatb
or cfllce before Deputy Recorder McLine
this morning. Theie cfflelala will go ea
duty next Monday,
TrMMnrar Aceoenls riled.
Tbe Account of Stephen GrlMlnger, trees.
uter of Lancaster county, was Bled te-day
lu reiiUtei'e cfllce. It will remain en file
ler thirty deye.
ofleceua ur a.
Jebn Mulbellaud.eged 64 yesrs, a wealthy
counselor, wm found dead In ble rcem In
a hotel In Uarlem. New Yerk, en Tuesday,
having been eutjecated by gaa. He
eeparated from bla wife aeme lime age, and
AllagMl rrai cl awarlssns.
Nzw Yekk, Jan. 2. Tbe Mail and Ex
pre In an extra edition te-dey prlnu a
dispatch from Pert au Prince dated Dee- 81,
stating that tbe U ay l leu newspspere treat
Mr. Thompson, Ibe Dinted Slate minister
te Uaytl, lu a very violent manner and tbat
Mvetal Americana bave been placed under
erreit The dt, patch also elate Ibat tbe
American core ttate la filled wlib rtfugiea
Legitime le aald te bave announced that be
will, If neceeaery, choet foreigners wbe In.
terfere with tbe pet'tlca et Hsy IL
P'WAXIVttTOf, D. U, Jaa. 2-Fe
JhaaBm PaaBaylyvalii Fair, waraMn
Leglilallea Heeeaaary ta Carry lata Bflect tbe
Hateeta Aruele et Ihe Coaalliallea,
Tbe following has beea Inserted In
Governer Beaver's message!
Your attention la respectfully aad earn
estly called, aa tbat el fettuer Legtalatarae
have lieeu by provleua executlvee, te the
neeeaatiy for well considered legislation te
earry into eUect the 17 ih arUele of oeaalUa.
Ne argument ta needed te enforee tba
msjeatlc command of oer fundamental law
la tula retard, which la that tbe general er
aem bly shall enforee by appropriate legis
lation the previsions of thle article.
Consiltuilecal requtrsmsat, plighted
polltlesl faltb and f be highest welfare of all
concerned demand the rtieeherge et this
duly by tbe Legislature. It la a mistake te
suppose tbat proper legislation upon tbla
subject Isor.eughttobelnsny wsy inlmieal
te tue beit laterMt of our eairy Ing oerpora
The snbjeet ta te be viewed from tbe
Btatdpeiat of three esverst uasts the
coeinonweeltb, Ibe oerporstloea them.
eelve, end, most Important of all, the
people. Tbe oemmoawMlth eraatM tbem I
she is Intereeted in their welfate ; a leige
art et her revenue le derived from tbe
taxes levied upon them. It la both her
duty and Internet te eee that they
prosper. She muat see tbst her cretta-e
oeei net commend Ita creator I but
being kr creature, ebe must aei tbst
Its Intirista are promoted and pro
tected. The blgheet Interests of tbe ear.
porattens will be themselves promoted by
prepsr lealeletlen la tba direction Indicated
and required by tbla article of tbe
oejetltuuon. lie previsions were net
lutended te cripple the prosperity or hinder
tbe operstlene et theee corporations. It
wm believed when this article was framed,
and It le believed new, tbst Ita whole,
soma previsions, fairly wrought Inte
spprcprlsta legislation and faithfully
earrleu out by ibe corporations them
selves, would reeult lu tbe highest pros
perity or the neeeeeery faotera in modern
olvlltattlen and progress. The Interests of
tbe people are alae in be considered and
guarded. Of all tbe people, these who here
tbelr limited livings loosed, up ta theetcek
et our rallresd enterprise, m well m these
wbe out of ibe ebundence of their msans
are able te tnveat largely therein, but are
net depsndent upon tbelr dlvldende for
auperl) these wbe shipped aud theee who
received ; .heee who are developing our
veet mineral rcBeureee, and muat neeeaaa
rlly ehlp tba produet of our mlnM te
market theee wbe are manufacturing aad
muat receive the raw material and trans
port tbe finished product through the help
of our rallreadat these wbe are tilling the
soil aud depending upon transportation for
a market i all these Interests are In a eeme
Identical, all are te be conserved and pro
moted by wise and Judicious legtslsUen,
whleh slisll enforee the previsions el the
Seventeenth article.
Anether subject, which oencerne allketbe
Interests of our rsilreade end ihe people In
genersl, Is merely mentioned and reoom reeom reoem
mended te your consideration. It Is tbe
question of grsde crossings. Tbe protection
of the Uvee el our people and of tbe prep,
erly and treasuries or our railroads demand
tbst wberever practicable, the grade creM
Inga ahculd be sbellshsd. This particularly
true et elilM where street trsfilc Is Impeded
and the buey tide of humanity oenatanUy
endangered. v
A bill which panaed tbe laat Leglalslnre
relstlng te tbls subject fslltd te meet tba
executive epprevsl bsesuM of the failure of
the title te Is' rip Indicate Its oenteuui and
eaoendly. beeAUM It provided, among ether
things, for tba proportion In wblch tba
dsuisges resulting from tbe abolishing of
grade cresslnga should be psld by the oom eom oem
penles tbsmselvM and the cltlM te which
tbe bill releted. Tbls prevision seemed te
be of doubtful expediency, even If It were
entirely constitutions'. It Is beped tnet
soma wholesome prevision msy be onto ed
by tbe preeent Legislature wbleb will Mr ve
te lutroduee a wte eyatera through whleh
thle check te trsflle aad danger te 1IVM
may be mlnlmlxnd and finally avoided,
The lellnwiug are tbe gorsrnet'a vlewa
en tbe sutjeet of resds I
It Is said tbt the el vlllsstlen of a oeuniry
Is msrked by lu reads. If tbla bs frue,
Peuneylvan'a cannot elalm te bave ranked
blghvat lu clvillsalteu. it le aafe te My
tbat no expenditure of public moneys
yield se little lu return m Ibe read taxes
of Peunsylvauls. Our entire eyetem
of resd laws or rather our read
lews whleh Isck system sbeuld be thor
oughly revised end oedlned. Tbsy Mrved
tbelr purpose wbeu temporary read a were
te be laid out and ebeaply made through
unbroken forest and ever lauds whleh
bad but little value. Tbe llinebMoeino
when It will be eoenomy In every way le
build our reads permanently and substan
tlsliy. ,
The oemfort of ear people, eoenomy la
the transportation of our products, aavlng
In tbe weer ana tear of vehicles aad animals
snd tbe needles multiplication of high
wsys, all dsmsnd tbat tbe lawa govern Bgj
the laying eat and construction of e..-
resds should be rsdleilly reformed -and
This may bs considered a matter of mtw t
Importance, and yet It afleeta every labebi
tant of tbe oemmonwealtn. We must all
ute at aeme time or ether, lu aeme way or
ethsr, our publie reads. Tbelr oharsetsr
aud oanUttlen sliest tbe breeding et our
etoek, the style of our vebleies, tbeearrylng
cspaelty et Ibe fsrmer's wagon and tba
speed and enjoyment of all wbe travel tbem
for buslneM or pleasure, either In tbe oar ear
rlage, In tbe aaddle, en tbe bicycle or in
A thorough system should be devised end
aatherlsKl by the Lsglalstare wbleb oeull
m put lute immedlste effect by our eiuer
oetumunltlos end adopted by these wbleh
are newer as their ability and tbe wants of
their peep I e might require
UfC'stonetlba reaial D put mast,
A decision which Is et Interest te news-
piptiie In nil partael the country has Just
been reeelved In Bosten from tbe
pcBtomee de pertinent relative te a
oentrovoiay. Uemeilme age tba Old
Cclsny railroad gave ltsruolieas te
Its empleyes net te csrry man
uscript ler suburban oerraepondonta te
llieir pipers in nosieo, tney nsving tne
luiprecs'en tbst It was a violation el tbe
riesullaws soteda This led te the e be be bo
Itten et a very oeuvenlent and Mtlsfsotery
method et sending news te Bosten In the
evenlug or late at nlgbt altar tbe iMt malls
The result of the taking swsyef this priv
ilege would be et no ad vantage te tbe malls,
m far as postal revennea are oeuoerned, ss
It would simply divert newe metier te the
telegraph ciUees, thus greatly adding te tbe
expense account of tbe newepapars. Post
master Ceree wm appealed te for redreea
and he referred tbe matter te Washington
for decision wltb a atstcmant el lbs Import
ance of this ehannel of communication te
lbs newspspere. An opinion bM Juet beea
reeelved wblch asys tbst tbe railroad em-
fileyea msy csrry all tbe manuscript tbey
Ike, but that It is Illegal for any railway
pcstslemployeer any ether postal empleye,
ler tbet matter, te carry manuscript out of
tne mans.
Melblng UiUelta Uoe.
The Joint committees of the Preibyterlsn
church for the North end Seuth concluded
tbelr conference In New Yerk, en Tueedey.
After tbe long aeeret sessions, whlcb bave
extended ever a week, it w announced
tbst nothing definite wm done.
Tbe erlgliisl snbject wm te arrange
for united million work by tbe
brancbei lu tne Neith and tbe Seuth,
i 'Ihe various discussions," Mid e ptoml pteml
neut Southern member, Kev,Mr. Heg, of
Rlchmeud, Va, "leek a wider range tben
was anticipated. Tbe toples under ooneld eoneld oeneld
erstlou were of Bucb Importance that after
spending several dsys In their consideration
It w8 dtenitd sdvlrable by tbe Joint com
mittee te adjourn aud bold a meeting at
aeme ether lime and plaee. It wae accord,
leglv agreed te adjourn and bold another
mM ling in Aiiauia, ua., en Aini iu ubsi,
and coiielude dlacusaleu there." Membere
ststed tbst lie dlrcusstnn bad befn et tbe
meat pleaient and harmonious character.
Auaeal Maaa-ga el tee M.jer.
The Jsnusry meetlug of city oeuticlle will
be beld tbls eveulng at 7 o'clock. Under
tha muuleipal law by whleb tbe city ta
governed all the department reperta are
Vrasead at thle msetieg aad tba aaaaal
m tka aaayer is ataw awss .
dhtlfltaaTlfkla dtajs mmai arts MeBMaratam ' 'V
Mwawwu aaa ataiaar WeT Iv,
The Vppir Braaeh TaealM Its TattaT aaaMM
nasaUlava A1.A tiAata mM naa mm Vaaaal
A Oesspsalat
f tasa
WxaniNOTON, Jaa. 2 Tfcere
tee uaual quota of eenstete ;
Chaplain Butler delivered tka
prayer In tbe Senate today.
Paddoek, Senater Bteekridee.
Davie aad Senater Chandler vswraaMWBavn
tha ebambar. Beaater Baalabaty atllvwa ,:
aeme minutM before noea, aad sttm
uuwb hi iue iae 01 Bsaever isaaram ana i t
aapiainea te mm at gTBM
political atat us in Dalawara.
At boob SMSter IaaaUaeaUedtka I
Bgetast tne AeBMaa) ' -
artaaas n aaasaa. u.
toeraer. --'!,
Ralera tha anil nf tha mnralaa kABrtbaaa1.' 5i
wm a quorum preeent ThaaUeriMwaMvi
fairly well filled. The Mlesee Mesweeayi',
wuu aa am guana et aara. viavataww aa aaaj;
tt one ueass oeeapiea aaa eaaeaaiaar
gallery. A large baskst of dewera ad amid 'T-
tae ueea or n inater ntaaiera. . -.-,..
as tna oteee or tae meraiBg aear eas
consideration of tbe tariff waa reaamed,T,'f
nandlna Question belaa tha emsadmi '-
inskiag tha rate en yaraa IS per aaat,si';
vaieram, lBstsea h av eenss a pwaaer.
Tba aaeratmr nf atata luaaanlliad aa
senate kdav tbe reeaite of ue veeaaain'
presldsntlal electereln Arkaaaur, Flevtda,1-";
Indiana, Iowa, MaeeMbBaette, Hevaa.&;
Peaeaylvsnls, Rhede lalaad, Taxaa aadi.
New Yerk. !rf
Mr. Delph preeented te tke Senate ta-desH
memertala of the national beard af tiedel
praying liberal approprtatleea ter paatta v
werka and particularly for river aad karfcat
Improvements and eeaat defeeata, ,'t '
Mr. Hear latredneed la tkeBeaaf ta day '
a bin te refund exessslve datiaa
extraordinary ever valaatleaa of tka
trlen florin la tbe year leTi. It M tad I
bill whleh hw beea lauedaeed hhadt
OengreM ter tea yeara pear.
Beaater Fry e bM net retaraed w) I
m ha bad expected. He le defeased aa J
home la Maine by the IllaeM af .
A letter received te-day Mated that Mats
i jm a iiiunaa net miuaaj ,. jij
oenaier ueanuisr pisaaaieu se taes
te-day the petition of Obertee JetM
111 ether cltlseneel Midway, 8 O , heaaf
qualified voters, wbe were dewritai
of tha right te vote for weat
registration' oertlfleatM saklag of tML
Cengrtsa of tka TJnltrd BlatM ktF
take alerw te eiaeader abellah taa eaak) i
law of regletratlea which deatlVM tkesa af '
tbe right Moltiseee te vote ha tka eieetsad
of nraaldtaa efflwi la tba atata aad austesLV,'
Tbe oraeldent aent te tke Senate aa-dawS? 'l
the following Bemlaatleti t Leslie OaileeB,
ci AeDueaaev, te em omieeior et swaaaaaa aa -Ibe
district of Pusei Beaad la the saataaf '
Oregon aad tbe territory et WMhlagSaa.
latbeHeaae. r.
WAiHinaTOir, Jen 2 Wken tka Beweg
wm called te order te-dey, aat aver It
membere were ta attendaaea.
iMileg of tba tbe Journal a bill wm l
granting annual leave of abeeaee af- tktrfc
days te empleyea of tba bareea of eaayaw-,
aad prlntlug. At preseat tbey are altewtd '
IS dsys' iMve J
aanta.1 i tUm nttnrm m BUAaanvt&l mM ! ak
... . ... -. -" W"."TJJJ
unemoaret uemmeree or aaa rranaattas
eaiung tee aiientiea ei taa newaa i aaw i
agaressive aotien of tbe uerauiB gavatd
meat In tbe Bameea Mlande, wklek It I
aieilB7a ae unuue,a aw ahiawiaa, laiaaT; 4
eat 1 cruel anu ur just te tee native luaaas
UnUand hostile te the United Btataa, It: -;
atatM that tbe Gsrmsa aevsramssn.'
leteade te eubjagate tke teUadeV;.
and m Bueh la tba evMeat latatt ' y
tlen Ibe Chamber of Cemmerae la tkd.Jf
name et the Paelfla oeut cells apea Oea'
grass 10 ube euen aeetaaa settetic
in Bsmea tbst Amerteaa latersekl
msy be considered, Amerkaei eh.'i,
lenshlp retpeeted aad tba egisematst i,
made by Gsrmsny with Oieat BrMala ewdj.; ,'
tue uuuu Dtatee, u lagasai aa taa,1 ;
lndepsndenee of the Bsateaa TalMda,
Inviolable. It farther Mya H la wettj wettj wettj
underatoed that a policy of laaetlTMy?:';
by tbe American gevsramsat ta
Bsmeau lalande will be followed mt
part et Gcmeny by tbe aame eggre
tbe Hawaiian laiaeaa.
Tba BaleMe Idaa UBea.
oemmltled eulelde at tke Olrard
. .. u..a.j . u.-l Vll- A
iruy ww uniiuw aw amawaw aa v
Trantea. N. J. ;
Friday eiternoen Mr. Kline weal has
Hunterdon oeunty, where ble felka nefcrr,
and eame bsck te Trenten darlag tka eve. .f
nlng. He remalaed abeat town a wmnm
time and dUappeerad. Mr. Kliae gawp
managed tbe O. W. Sharp Friatlag eetsv
pan j ever since tke stock company kaB?!"
nnntrnllMl It and la known M aaa af tba4.'-43
best prsetlcsl prinlsrs lathe elata. Ha wed &
elected anexeUe oemmlaeloaera year age v."
bv one et tbe largeat msJerltlM ever gtvad 1 ;
a eandldate In Trenten end kls admlBtetiB v-1 '
lien bM been fair and Impartial. Ha Wad ; ,.''
prominent la Mveral organ IssUeas aad kea'
been prominently meatleaed la bebbmBmi i
with tbe Rspaouesa Biayeraiity
tlen next spring.
Balmy Wcaiker la Dakota.
Sioux Falls, D. T Jan. 2. New Yaat'a
dey wm celebrated by plcnkw la Ue parka,
out deer sports, eta Tbe tern pent are waa
05 In tbe shade. Tbe day was btigkiaad
A t'lesa Ossae.
Mklbedbmb, Victeria, Jan. 2. la tka
base bell gsme ymterdsy tke Obleagea kaat
the All Amerlean team by a eoere of ta t,
Tm.inKiPHia TATM.
The opera beuae at Hickavllle, Ohie, wag J14
burned yesterdsy. Lem 120,000;
Four Rsdlcsl membara of tka
Cbsmber el Deputlee bava I
suspicion of oensplrlsg against the
Tbe MassaehuaetU Leclatatare ergaalaed.v 'I
te-dsy. ine senate cmeera arasaarrsssA ,u
Ilartweli. of Fltcbburg. president ; BATail
K, O. Dewse, et Bbsrburne, ebsplasai,
Cspt Jehn . B. Adams, of Lyaa, asA'
seanUst-arms : Henry D. Ooelldga. esstB.--" ;
W. E. Barrett, of Melreee, Is speaker af skdiu?
Heuse. Mr, Bsrrett ta publisher m&&
Boeten Advertistr. ,
r-i i-ii vi,a a whnlaaaJaalatkiaea :
'and turn'lihers, of NaahvUle, TaBtt,
Blgned this morning. LUbllUtaa
The body of a stranger, supposed ta add J,r',
tramp, wm found a abort dletanee eaataf y
uhantaibare-. mt the Cumberland Yalta i'-l
railroad, this morale g.
: Jsmes McTsgae, sgea w, a pneeaar we
RtymenA street Jail, Mroeklya, erswmlskid.
suicide this morning by hsaglag himeatf. VV
Mra Olivia Spear, wile of Ojv. OsiwiiedV
died tbls morning lu LsvUtewa, Ma, Msa ?
Oarorien's sister, hits seaster rrya, aaa
Dtan who ner ter me " -
ter Fije will retura te Waahlagted
t.amfi Hsraer. who arrived la MaabiesiJ
aa Monday wltk kla wife tram Oklaaae, wag '
Mr-ed lJg&mf
WrvM w.w --- -i
t i
" -: "s
- . . t.
... . . . V
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fft vy-xty
H.v.A.-w- vTl-i