Pfj 'Mfc ri i sssin. She wxa$jtf vSm wmm VOLUME XXV NO. 113. LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 18S9 I?RICE TWO CENTS. 'ja ssbbbbbbbbbbW' ,, E" GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE! Hit CkmmunioitieD Doieted te VtrleM Subject!. a eeyiewep m'mm mam. OLD RETKNrjKt..W SHOULD MOT1 BXATBBIAIXY AUXDU. asaUeemaaeadsthe reeple BtOlHiHOf pertsstty te Tete Upsa the rraUkWil Aaalani te tne Ceasdrailea ae Mgts tatare Baked ta Isasedkter CtHMW IM Kesalatiea rropesteg a SabaaleMea ! tee taMMM Be That a SfweBU BBseM Buy Be Meld la aaay or Jaaa-ladaatrtal Bdseatlea Apptevea ThaaeTwaat'tTMW ea Agilealtaral Bad Olhsr BUttsra, Habbisbube, Jas. L The follewlag la tba message of Govsraer Beaver, whleh wai raid before the Lsj'sUtate tela after boob t thb uevaaNOK-a buhssqb. Te Ihn Benatt and Jfouie of Rtprttenlattitt of the Commenutattb of I'ennivlvania : Ubbtlkmbx : Yeu oeme together under favorable anaplees. The oemmooweslth prospers. Her population Inereeees. Her vote at the lMt general election aggregated within seventeen hundred of one million, being about one hundred thousand la ex of m el tba vote at any time previously east Tula vets,msseured by the atandard of 1880, would indicate a population approximating, If net quite equal te, Ave millions. Plenty orewna tbe year which has Juit eleaed. Agriculture hae been rewardea by genereua returna from the aell, In greater degree than In tOTeral yeara peat The output of our tnlnee haa steadily increased. We easily bold our place in tha front rank of theprodueeraef oeal and Iren. Tba busy hum of Industry haa indicated the oentent or employment,even It manufacturers have been denied a fairly profitable return. Internal and lnterttate oemmerce ahew In creased and increasing tonnage, and glTe employment te oemtautly lnereaalng num bers. The growth of our railroad system, although oheeked in aeme directions, haa been healthy and rigorous elsewhere, and baa tended te the development of our vast reaonreea heretofore untouched. New territory far the production of oil and natural gas has been discovered and opened up. Tee utilization of natural gaa and of tba vast accumulations of culm In the an an tbraelte oeal regions, and tbe development of new bituminous oeal fields In several puts of the state, have proved of great advantage te our manufacturing ludusirlee In all portions of tbe commonwealth, and offer superior attractions te these desiring te locate new manufacturing Industrie, especially aueb aa relate te the manufacture of Iren and tbe preducta thereof. The vigorous growth and healthy devel opment of tbe smaller elties, indicated by lncreaaed attention te the paving of atreeta and tbe introduction of eleotrie meter, and horse railways, are evldeneea of general thrift and commendable enterprise. industrial Ibrllt haa been bnt slightly retarded by strikes and lookouts, dsstruo dsstrue Uve alike te all tbe intereeta effected thereby, and an Increasing disposition be tween tbe wager-earner and tbe wage payer te oensuit before differeneee arise, and te arbitrate after tbey have risen, gtvea premise of mere esllsfaotery results in this direction In tbe future. The health of our people baa been gener ally geed. Ne serious general epldemiea have prevailed, increasing attention te sanitary precaution as a means of prevent ing the Inception and spread of epidemic dlseuer, end the valuable suggestions and praotleal work of the state beard of health in this direction may, In part, account for tbla gratifying condition of public health. Oar cattle have been usually free from contagious diseases. Lawlessness hsi bJen minimized and repreated, and the publle peaoe nowhere aerieusly threatened. . Yeu come, therefore, te the discbarge of your duties es tbe promoters and conserva tors of the publle welfars at a goodly time. It la net lutended by this brief eurvey te oenvey the impression that there are no evils te remedy and no benefits te be con ferred upon tbe pseple of tbe common wealth by tbelr obeseu representatives In general assembly met On the contrary, tbe favorable condition of affairs which confronts you will enable you te give intelligent and serious attention te many, subjects el Internal polley and con cern whleli have long demanded ap propriate legislation. Yeu are solely respon respen slble for the. lawe wbleh are enaeted. Yeu come fresh from your saversi constituen cies with a knowledge of tbelr wants and desire. Yen are te meet theee wants and gratify these desires, te far aa the constitu tion, your own geed Judgment, the beet in. Uresis of tbe whole people, and tba re re re eoeroee of the commonwealth will allow. it la aet the intention, nor tbe desire, of lb executive te Interfere In anv way with your funotlensaa lawmakers. It ta hie Inten tion te confine himself etrietly te the con cen con atitutlenal command that " He shall from time te lime give the general assembly In formation of the etate of the oemmon wealth, and reoemmend te their consideration aueb measures as be may judge expsdlent " CONSTITUTIONAL AMEXDMKNTM. Your Immediate predecessors, by two aeveral joint resolutions, took the first step la eubmltlleg te a voteef tbe people amend mania te the constitution el the common wealth ; the first of said resolutions, ap proved the tenth sy of February, 1887, proposing te prohibit by constitutional aaaetment the manufacture, ealeer keeping for aale, of any Intoxicating liquor te be need aa a beverage ; and tbe second provid ing for tbe amendment of tbe first section of the elghtb artlele of the constitution relat ing te suffrage, abolishing tbe payment of a tax aa a qualification for voting, reducing tbe minimum residence in me dlstrlet where the eleoter eilers te vote from two months te thirty clays, and extending tbe suffrage te oltlzensaetually engaged in mili tary aervlee and te tbe Inmates of any home for disabled soldiers and sailors in the dls dls treot where aald home U located. In regard te the first of theae resolutions, It may be confidently said that very many people of tbe commonwealth desire te vote directly upei It They should have an opportunity se te de; and In order that sueh aa opportunity may be afforded, at a time when no ether consideration than tbe direct question Involved can bits tbe mind, It la recommended that tbe resolution be pasaed Sr the present Legislature aa esrly aepoaet aepeaet e, and that a time be fixed for a epeelal auction -say In tbe month of May or June at whleh the people may record their verdict tnereupen. The amendment proposed In tbe second Of said resolutions seems te meet with gen gen eral approval, and might be aubmltied at the same time. ....... Tha governor tben refers te tbe legisla tion of tbe session of 1837. Tne epproprta eppreprta epproprta Ueoa amounted te 117,000,000; and the estimated rceelpte being less than 115,000.000, the governor, te bring the expenditure down te about the reaeluts, reiuied te ap prove the appropriation le enlarge the PAiledelpbla Heuse of Keiuge. WHr TUB BEVKMUB BILL FAILED. Tbe bill te revise and consolidate tbe several revenue laws or this common cemmon commen wssltb, wbieb Imposed taxes upon personal property and upon banks, corporations, Hauled partnereulps, bankers and broken, known aa Heuse bill Ne. 260, which eame le lbs office of the secretary of tbe oemmon wealth a few deys before adjournment of the last Legislature, reeelved tttry careful consideration at tbe bands of tbe exeeuilve. In sems of Its provltlene it was net be lieved le be all that was detired ; In ethers It was regarded aa pwlttvely faulty, and In some respects its tendency was te diminish tbe revenue. There waa popular demand for sems new revecus system. It wss be lieved by tha people st large that tbla bill met the requirements el this demand. With assay misgivings, out recognizing us reei lagapea lbs subject, tha executive was aaeat te aiga tbe bill wheat it was dtseeversd Msw M Mi Ml tasaj rag IM sjjaajaja af IM twMlsf eflewef IMSMntavaa required ay me uusesaiauush aqimii' aaiet waa an ea feet before any publicity gives te IM MMt. which rani iiieaia Ik llseevery that tM Jeurasl of im Seaete aawiMiiMMUaH ever mh roost red tremttoHeBtela ue Seaete for asgaatere. A fartMrtavoettsjsilm stewed that at tM time u Hease of m laKHn edjearsed, attar IM saga at K at MU tr IM speaksr, IM Besete waa act la aaaatea! II wm believed, therefore, tact IM mes asager Bad lakaa the Mil from lb Hebm i IM mm of IM aeerstary of thoeomi wealth wltheet bavtag am earHM It te IM Beasts. Be that wm very ctsarttettMbtll lacked eae of tM eeasa- or a law. sad oebm aet prep eriyteetgaed ead promulgated aa snob. Buestqasat lavastlgatiea of IM eableet and tMssUea of the cearts sines BBBOBBasd. lead te ue belief the H was perhapa well fsrtM general Interests of the eomaoa eemaoa eomaea wsaltti test ba Mil did aet become a law. It la aet believed bow by these wbe are beet qasUted te Judge that tea Mil, as psseed, weald asset present requirements la rals. tag tM rsveante aeeee-ary te provide for IM aseeassry expenditures of tbe oommon eommon oemmon waalth. Tha revenue commission appointed la 1887 te revise tha revenue is we havsprs pared a bill entitled "aa aet te revise, emend sad aoaselldsta tbessveral revenue laws of this commonwealth wbleh Impose taxes upon personal property sad upon corporations, companies, associations, limited pertaersblpe, banks, bankere and brokers," Is herewith transmitted. There are soma admirable featuree In tbe bill as proposed, and if It oeuld be put Inte Imme diate operation, with sueh atnsndmsnts s a later experience would Indicate te be desirable, it would doubtless oenstltots the foundation of a wise and comprehensive revenue system. HOT MUCH CHAMQB NKOKSSAltY. Without dlrcusslng either of the mess uree above referred te, it may be staled as a ssfe general preposition that the lees In terference with our existing revenue lawe, exeeptlng te remedy certain defeeta pointed out by the courts In reeent decisions, end te extend the operation of tha law se aa te bring within iia grasp all personal property Intended te be taxed under exlstlus legis lation and tbe requirements of the consti tution, tbe better it will be for tha revenues of the oemmoaweslth and ether Intereete which seriously oemplaln of burdens tee great te be borne. The governor believes It may be prudent te adhere te the revenue sat of 1870, because a new law may net receive Judicial sanction. If what is known as tbs capital ateck tax wars levied upon the actual value of tbe stock taxed, Instead of under tbs dual arrangemente provided In tbe second sec tion of the set sbeve referred te, and If whet Is known ss tbe leai.s tax ware levied upon tbs ee'.usl vslue of tbe securities sought te be taxed, manyoftbedlfflcniueeeomplalaed of and whleb are new undergoing Judicial examination might, It la believed, be hepplly removed and our revenues rendered much mera etabla, with a obanee for Increase rather then decrease. The expenses connected with the collec tion of what la known as tbe personal prop erty tax are onerous. It ta believed that if this tax were divided ee aa te give one mill thereof te tbe municipality making tbe col lection, In lieu of alt expenses oennected therewith, inueh d I ill cult y would be obvi ated, mere revenue would be reeelved by the commonwealth, and an inducement held out te the local authority making tha collection te bring within tbe grasp of tba law much properly whleh atpreaentce atpreaentce eapee taxation. This subject deserves care ful consideration at your hands. Tha Legislature ha, at different times and in various ways, attempted te exempt eertaln clawea of property from the general operation of our revenue laws. Tbs con stitution expreesly limits the power of the Legislature in thle direction. What ie property T A plain, simple, oemmon sense snswer te this queetleu will undoubtedly point out tbe blgnwey which tbe legislature must fellow in dealing with the whole aubjict of revenue, It the plain Intent of tbe oenstliutlun le te be obeyed. Tbe exemptions boretefore attempted have been made net only without authority, but are, tbe constitution says, absolutely void. If, in addition te the simple changes In tbe sat of 1870 asevs referred te, prevision were made fer-lM collection of taxes from these several species of property declared te te be exempt by tbe legislature, and aueb es ars In .effect exempt because net men tioned in existing Legislation, we would have ample livenne for all tbe or dinary purposes of tbe commonwealth, and oeuld extend yet furtber lb different directions the spproprlstlens wbleh tend te tbe Immediate relief of tbe real estate of our eltlzens. Let tbe full and fair Intent of tbe constitution be carried out In tbe direc tion Indicated, wltb no mers than the pres ent moderate rate of taxation provided for in existing laws, snd it Is believed that Immediate relief would be experienced by these who rightfully oemplaln of burden burden sems local taxation. A general Inquiry addressed te sll tbe eltlee snd counties of tbs commonwealth has elicited tbe knowledge of a condition of affair, se fsr aa local taxation Is oecotrned, wbleh will be ss great a surprise, no doubt, te tha Legislature, ss It wss te tbe executive. Tne roil estate of tbe com monwealth is taxed In tbe various clttea aad counties thereof at istee varying from sixty mills, which Is probably tba highest, te twelve mills, whleh Is probably tbe lowest Tbe blgbsst rate, unfortunately, prevails In these oeuntles where the people ere lesst able le bear It Admitting, ss It probably abeuld be admitted, that tbe ssseesment Is mads at 1 litis mere then hslf tbs value of tbe real estate aaeessed in many localities, it Is nevertheless true that we are allowing, under our pres ent laws, tbe taxation of thete least able te bear sueh a burden at the rale of from six te thirty mills upon every dellar'e worth of value, whilst wa ere si lowing millions of oerporste property te esesps taxation altogether, end imposing upon personal property, whleh yields greater returns tbsn reel estate, only from ensbslt te one tenth of the burden of taxation borne by the Isttsr. Is It net, therefore, true tbsteur farming popnlstlen and ths owners of medeat homesteads have a right te oemplaln? Is It net also true that, In our efforts te prevent money from aeeklng Investment outside of tbe common wealth, we are driving men from home T Men are mere essential te the life of tbe commonwealth tban money. They can make money, but money can never make men. PBBSBNr CONDITION OP TUB rtBVKKUE, Yeu will learn Irem the report of tbe attorney general, aa you have doubtless heretofore learned from the publle prtntr, that tbe supreme court of the United States, In several well considered opinions two of tbem In eases removed from our own oenrts bss decided that what is known as tbs gross receipts tax, se fsr st leset as It relates te commerce carried through tbla state, from another stats into this state, or from this state Inte another stats, is net subject te taxation, being an interference wltn commerce between tbe states, and therefore in violation of tbe otaititutlen. This decision has very seriously crippled our revenues during the last two years, tbs less for the present year amounting te about 800,000. Tbla less threatened serious disturbance te the treasury and Ita ability te meet ordinary obligations. Thanks te the effielenl sad snsrgetle d ministration of the auditor generai'a efflee and tba active oeoperetion of tbe attorney generai'a offlee, and through the forbearance el the cflleers entrusted with the sutberlty te drsw warrants upon the treasurer, no S roper demand baoked by a legal warrant aa been ignored or postponed by tbe treasurer. In doing this, however, It must be remarked that all our reserves bsvs been exhausted. Unsettled cases upon tbs books of tbs auditor general have beea pressed te eettlement or collection, and It la believed that thers sre net es much as 1125,000 of unsettled clslms ntT7 pending in tbe auditor generai'a oniee. At no time during the last year baa there been any diversion from the general te tbe Bin king fund, by reason of tbe balance la tbe treasury at the end of any qur.ier being la exeees of tbe smeunt required by law. Yeu srs rsspeetfully referred te the reports of the auditor general and of the elate treas urer for tbe lull details of receipts and ex penditure for tbe fiKwl yeara closing the SOth of November, 1S9? and 1888, respec tively. TM total pabUe debt November SO, 1886. waa I17.aes.mgg: 1887. b1&810 47L2s 1 1888. sw,fe,wisi -abb asaies la fnad wata,188B,9ia,iJai748 4$, Uavtag pab lle debt aasrevided far 18M. 17,078,36 82. The paMle debt (sea Interest bssrwa,) Hevember SO 1887, wee 8113.W7.W ; No Ne veaaberSO, 1888, 8118.867 W, Ovatdae leans apea which latsrest has been stepped, 1887, 184,21186 1 1888, 891.188 N. Interest bearing Mabt, 1887, 16,889.600 1 1888, aie.Q0a.19a, Tne assets of the staking- read were, 1887, 110,681 988.43 1 1883, 10,062,607.38. Balance of public debt unprevided for, 1837, 6,166, 108851888,i,676;818.95. TM amount of reduction of debt faring 1887 was (1,922,126.07) 1888, BSt reduction, 496,704 00; aresa amount of debt paid la 1888, U18660, XI Will DS OOSetVM IBM IB IBS SDOVS it. thsrs ars sundrr 1 terns otaen Interset bssrtai debt aad of overdae leans. apea which latsraat has beea stepped, wbleh appear la tbs sutemsnta from year te year, aad whleh ars carried upon tha books of the treasurer, sad ragalarly priatsa1 labia annual recert Many of these Berne ate believed te have ae aetuel ex ex ttteaee. The relief aotee hsvs probably beea dsstreysd by Ore aad seddent Other Items, sueh sa latsrest esrtlgeates un claimed, are aetaally la tbe vaults of the treasury, and hsvs never beea delivered. It weaid be well, In order te eimpllfy the boekksspleg of tbs efflee sad IM statsmeala which srs annually promulgated, If author. Ity were;lven te the treasurer te oacesl these items, without, la any way, Impairing the obligation of the oemmonwealteto pay tbem in esss they should M preeentei ; but lassmueh ss no eevmants hats bwa mads apea tbem einee 1870, it la fair te presume that the eoeimonwralth will never be ealled upon te pay anything en their soeount. If tbeee items were can celed tbe debt statement would, undoubt undeubt edly, mere correctly represent tbe actual facte. It will be observed tbet no portion of tba publle debt le presently payable, except by and with tbe cencent of the heldere thereof. Tbe bslsnce of tbe five Eir eent lean, authorized by act of 20th of sreb, 1877, amounting te 84,430,600, exn be paid in accordance with the terme thereof in tbe year 1892. Toe cash balance in tbe sinking fund and tbs bends of the United States held therein, whleb can be sold at any time, are mere than sufficient te nay tbla balance new. Tbe oammleatenere of tbe sinking fund have endeavored te pur chase these bends by psyieg a reasonable premium therefer, but many are held by trustees and conservative individuals te whom the premium is no inducement te sell, snd their efforts In this direction seem te hsvs soeompllsuad all that Is st preeent attainable. It is difficult upon any known business principles te soeount for tbe fact of the refusal of the holders of these bends te accept the full fsee value thereof, with eight or ten per eent premium, In view of tbe eertalnty of tbelr payment some three yeare bene?. The' governor calls attention te tbe pas sage by Congress of tbe direct tax bill, and aaye it will return marly a million dellats te Pennsylvania's treasury If It becomes s Isw. 1NDUSTBIAL EDUCATION. Industrial education meeta the hearty approval of the governor. He outlines tbe work done by s commission appointed te Investigate tba subject, end egrets with tbe reoemmeudkttous it makes te the Legisla ture. Your Immediate predeofssers extended tbe minimum of the sobnel yesr te six months. This Is, perhaps, as far salt would be well te go In tbls dlreotlen. Tbe Im provement in our eoheol system required for te dey is net mere time for eoheol, but mere Instruction In aueb branebea ss lend te fit men and women for tbelr iegltlmate place In practical everydey life. If we srs te attempt anything like a general Intro duction of manual training In tbeaobeola In tbe near future, we must first teaeb tbe teaebers. Te de this, our normal schools must be prepared le equipment and In structing force for the demands whleh will be made upon them. There exist, under tbe law regulating their organlcttlen, thirteen nermsl eoheol district, it is tee lata at tbls day te dlacnas tbe propriety of fewer nermsl schools. What we hsve should be strengthened end fitted for doing thorough work. In ad dition te the Industrial training, a thorough course of instruction, involving a knowl edge of tbe fundamental law of the state snd nation, aud of tbe duties of citizenship, should be Insisted upon as a necessary pari of tbe equipment of every teacher In tbe commonwealth. Tbe school dlroetora throughout tbe commonwealth are required, enes in three yeare, te attend a conven tion, held at the county aeat of tbe several ecuntlee, for tbe election or a county superintendent Tbey ere also ex pected te attend tbe aeaalens of tbe annual county Institute, at least for one day. Would it net be both wise and Just te give eutberlty, by prevision of law, te school directors te charge tbelr setusl, necessary expenaea In attending tbeie meetings, te tbelr respective constituencies, whom tbey serve without compensation T Closely silted te tba general subjcet of education, ta that of the care and education of the ehlldren gathered in our soldiers' orphans schools. On ths 1st of June, 1890, there will be left under tbe esre of the state and undergoing education In her soldiers' erpbsn schools, 1,649 children, wbeee eges will range at that date from five te fifteen yeer. Forty five of tbem will be eight yeara old snd under, and 867 of them fifteen yeers of sgr. It la believed tbat the people of tbe com monwealth expeet and Intend that tbeee children shall be maintained st tbelr ex pense. Hew ebsll tbls be done, if done st sll 7 Tbe remainder could be eared for in exletlng cobeole, tbe "umber thereof being diminished year by year until, aay In June, 1895, only ae many children would remain aa could be easily transferred te and cared for in hemea whleb are eitabllabed and on en ducted by churches or charitable organiza tions. Tbla wruld be a simple and easy mode of disposing of the children slra&dy under the care of tbe commonwealth. Demand is made, however, In many quarters for tbe reepf-nlng of the doers of tnese eobeolr, se tbsttbe ehlldren of de serving men, wbe eerved tbelr country faithfully end have since died, might be admlt'ei te the etme prlv;legee wbleh hsve been eej-iyed by theee wbe were left in like oenditlon in former yesrs. It is dlflleult te see wby sny distinction should be made among these children. These who sre orphans new, are as needy and sa deserving aa these who reeelved tbs benefits of the system ten yeara or mere ego. Would it be possible te care for tbe enlldren remaining in tbe schools en the first of June, 1800, between the sges of eight snd fifteen years, in, or in connection with, our stste nermsl schools T AORICULTUBAI, INTERESTS. Commending tbe work of tbe state beard of agriculture, snd espeelslly the holding of institutes ter tbs dlkcusaloe of practical questions, be notes that tbe agricultural experiment station bas been fully manned and equipped under tbe 115,000 appropria tion made by tbe government of tbe United btatea te stations already established. Tbe governor ie hopeful tbat tbe free dissemi nation te sll spplleanta of ths results there reached ttreugb experiment, may de much, for agriculture. Uuildlegs and eqlpment needed must b) lurnlshud by the state. Neighboring states having complained tbat tbey oeuld de nothing te stamp out pleure-pnnumcnla, unless Pencsyl vsnls, oe -operated, an eight mile quarantine was established around Pbtla uelnbla and a tboreugb inspection wes car ried en ter mentbe without the discovery of aay well defined and clearly developed cases. A number of cattle were killed under tbe extatenee of auspicious symp toms. Tbe work bas been carefully done, end is s gratifying tribute te tbe thorough ness wltb whleb our own work, undsr slats laws, has been heretofore conducted. A proclamation baa lately been Issued BbellsbluK the quarantine, and It maybe meat confidently elated tbet no contagious disease exlite In epldemle form within tbs '." eent qnsrsntlne limits, or In any put of Pennsyivsnla, ae far aa is known. Pennsylvania cenaumts from 250,000,000 te 300,000,000 pounds of sugsr suuually. At a low estimate tbe eugar con sumed within our borders oests our pteple 116,000,000 each year, lie suggests tbat it would ee wie eoenomy en tbe part of Pennsylvania either te otter a bounty for tbs production of sorghum sugar st s eertaln rate per pound, or te provide ler experiments te teet tbe practical questions Involved la the growing of tbe cane en our sell, in our climate, aautbe manufacture of Mgar tMratren. lUssaMIMIIMsiviilatUogefacoaatrv Is marked by Its reeds. If this M Ira. Psnnajivsnla cannot dales te have ranked highest In civilisatien, it Missis tessy that ae expenditure of nubile aaeaeys vmm ae little in retura es tbe read taxes of Peaasyl Peaasyl vaela, Our entire system of read laws or rather enr resil lawa whleh lack system should be tborengbly revised aad eedlfled. TM governor also reoeoamead a thorough revision of the peer laws aad of tha fsaea laws. A reduction In, or the entire aboUttea of, tbs cost of fencing, has beea heretofore re gardsdai the greet deelderatara la there peal of our fence lawa A new elessBat, entirely, enters Inte the subjeel whea wa come te regard it from the aund potato! the preservation of the forests of the eess moo wealth. Much of our yeusg timber le wantonly destroyed In prevldlag cheap fencing for cheap lands. He sasxesta a commission te consider tbe mstter. Ha oemmsnds tbe report of the aammlesiea eat rereetry, and thinks that it might be well te continue and enlarge It with liberal sp proprlstlen ter Its setusl expsndltures. He notes tbet In the observsneo of Arber Dsy bnt little sttentlen Is paid te tha aelual planting of tree. BXKMTTION OF THB HOMX.1TBAD, Without In any way Interfering with enr present exemption lew, would II aet te a great encouragement sad hslp te many of our ordinary wage earners aad tbelr families, if a real homestead exemption law were ensatcd, which would exempt from levy and sale tbe setusl homestead roeupIM by the family eey, te lbs value of fOOOT Tnts would make the property exempt by law Iras than 1.000, whleh is the amount exempted In many of our states. The passage of such a Isw Is cordially commended te your serious con sideration, wltb a clsuse forbidding a waiver of the benrflts of tbe lew, undsr anv (I'cunr etsuce, by the head of a family. Referring te proposed smendmsnls of tee mining lews he says tbst miners should be protected te the In Heat extent by wise pro pre Visions for the care snd lospeetlon of miner. Under tbe hest of "commeres" be refers te tbe contemplated Improvement of tbe harbor of Philadelphia by tbe removal of Islands, for wblcbporeosetboUnlUdBtates has appropriated fM,000 ter beginning the work. Oaly 1390,000 el tbls can be used for acquiring tbe title te tbe Islands. "It Is believed thst tbe amaunt neeeessry te psy for them, under oendemnstloa pro ceedings, will equal 1700,000 te 800,00a The work rsnnet be commeneed until this Is psld. Yeu will be ssksd te oentrlbute, by enspproprlatlenfrom tbe stats treasury, 200,000 or perhapr mere, for tbla purpose. It would seem te be s proper expenditure for a worthy purpose." He says, " Tbe entire ceit nt this work when completed, will exceed 10,000,000." FBNAt. AND REFORMATOnT INSTITUTIONS The LegUlature st Ita Isat meeting passed a bill In rotation te tbe imprisonment, government, and releaae of oenvlota in the Pennsylvania reformatory at Huntingdon. Tbe bulldlngi have been furnished and the Institution equipped and erganised; and he oengratulatou thu manager for securing aa superintendent, Mrjer B. W. Oleugury, formerly warden of the Jelist prison in llllnelr. Iu order le put tbe Institution Inte practlesl operation at once, It Ie rcoom rceom rcoem inended that the mnnsgera be autherised, by a concurrent resolution of tbe Legisla ture, te use funds appropriated for furni ture Snd otlier purposes, new In tbs treasury, ier maintenance, until an appropriation for the letter purpose can be regularly soeured. If tbls were denn tbe governor would be sble te make proclamation, end tbe oeurts of the commonwealth exercising erlmlnsl Juris diction, oeuld thereupon, sentence these who am, under the law, entitled te admis sion therein, te tbe satd reformatory. This ie important, net only because it is desira ble te send all new eases, entitled te tbe benefit of the no; referred te, immediately te tbe reformatory, but because there Bbeuld be a transfer from the Eestern pen Itentlary, which Is crowded wltb Inmates, of aueb as are entitled te tha benefits of the new Institution. ' Tbe work upon tbe Western penitentiary approaches comple tion. Difficulty bas been experienced in providing work for the inmstes. It prl. eners are te be roferuied aud returned te society better then when tbelr Imprison ment ocnimenced, they mutt be furnished Wltb Borao employment. Tbe Kaitern peultenttsry oentlnues what is known as tue t.elliary confinement plan, ae far at ila crowded oenditlon will permit it may well be doubted whether this sys tem, wbleh liai long prevalled in Pennsyl vania and elsewhere, is tbe beet for tbe reformation of criminals. What can be mere unhealtby,merally, tbsn tbe thoughts of a man, morally unhealthy, turned in upon himself 7 Tbe Houre of Kefuge in Philadelphia la about te uiRka a new snd Important depart ure. Through the liberality of two of our eltlzfne, large funds have been placed at their disposal for the purehaae of a farm and tbe erection of new buildings. It assistance should be asked for, tbe institu tion la oemmendod te favorable oenslder atloe. CARE OP TUB IDOTIO AND INSANB. Pennsylvania has msde largs snd liberal previsions for the care of ber Insane. Heme of tbe beet institutions In tbe country, adspted te this purpose, srs found wltbtn nsr Doruers. four exclusive state institu tions, end ene which bss been built and maintained largely by stats sid, afford ac commodations ier probably four tbeussnd of tbla uufortunale claislef our fellow oltl eltl zens. Ita says that the effect of reeent leg leg ialatlen bas been te oeuipol oeunty commis sioners te ennil insane from the oeunty homes le the elate hospitals wbleh bio hereby overeromdod and tbe expenae of their care is largely increased without any compensating advantage, lie bellevee tbat 26 per cent of tbe hospital Inmates could be better eared for If transferred te tbe oeunty homes, lie refeis.t!) theclasa net receiving medloAltreatmen t and but little supervision. He recommends the enlargement and ta Luildlogel the llnrrltbtirg inssne asylum if any appropriations cau be inade for tbe eare of the Inainu but 'adds tbst unless the ,loglla'.ien alleging revenue sbsll have the elfret of largely lnereaalng revenues any appropriation of tbe kind would be inappropriate. MH.ITAUY MATTERS. Tbe Reldlrr's aud Ballet's borne st Erle receives favorable notice, and tbegoverner eppreves of the suggestion tbat Penuaylva nia volunteers honorably discharged should receive en enginved certificate. Tbe OHttyehurg memorials, the national guard rills practlce, and the dUplay of military forces in the eolce regions sre brleily referred te. The hoards of health and of charities bio warmly oem mended, TUK TK LEU 11 ATII COMPANIES. Hptclal attention is oilled te tbe attorney goneral'H statement of tl facts of the pur chase, by the Western Union Telegraph company, of the lUltlmere & Ohie Tele graph company of Pennsylvania, and the oensequeut merger of competing lines. Although inventlgatlen of this subject bas been going en for sems time, it was net deemed expedient te begin legal proceedings until sll tbe facta neos nees sary te establish a merger were thoroughly in band. The cane is one of se much Im portance tbat It will b) carefully oon eon oen ctuotort, with n full knowledge of all tba difficulties attondleg It, and a determina tion te test, fully a-j(t fairly, tbe validity of tbe prevision of tbe constitution snd laws relating thereto. He recommends en Increase of tbe forea of tbe bureau of siatlstlca, snd liberal eppropriatlens for the puiehase el books ler tl:e state library. "Tbe work dece by tbe beard of pardons will oemmend itxetf te your deliberate Iudgmeut snd that of the people si udioleus, conservative and wise." STATE hUILDINOS. Tbe present legislative building, which la a splendid specimen of Colonial sreblteciure, should by sll means be pre served In its purity, snd, ss nearly ss pos sible, ss originally built. Oas new fiie fiie fiie proei building ier the accommodation of tbe executive departments, tbe library and tbe art ireaHure nt tbe commonwealth, would, together with tbe present building, give all aoeommodations needed for many yeara te come. Hucb a building, wltb tbe expenses oenneoted wlib a thorough remod eling and rtpalr of tbe ether buildings re ferred te, cngtit net, under any clruum clruum etaneer, tu coat mere than 1,000,000. Might it net be well te provide for tbe erection of such a building, limiting the entire cost te tha sum neueed ; provided tbat se steps BjMBiwtataaBHaiutM mags? m IM state of PeaasylvsaM frost ths Vailed Btatea geveraeasat (under IM direct tax bill bow landtag la Congress) should be received T Of the executive atsasleB ha says tM balWwg la dlgnlBsd aad isa. Prssatve, as btOMsea a pablie edifice te. ieBftiaf, te a great eomeaeawesUh, aad le WaafareaMa faroagaeat, Ha argea the aiueisslty for a almpll almpll eatlea of tM laws reguTstlng decedents, estates aad also of tM rales tevsmtag tha practise of tha ssvsrsi eearia of ths .commonwealth sad be aaggests that If tM executive should te aulhetisad te appoint a oemmtssloB of say two Judges of tne supreme court, three of tbe common pleas Jadgse, aad Ave members of tha bsr, the experience of all IM oeurts and of the bsr oeuld te segregated, and a system of rules formulated, whleb, when promul gated Botaeritettvety by the supreme oeart, eeuld bcoeaae rates of the eommenweelth. TosavetbeUBMeftbesupremeoonrthepro. poses Ust tls minimum Jurisdiction la etvll esse should te limited te Justices of the peaoe. He refers te tha decision of tbe eu eu prease oeart invalidating tba ajanldpal aet t oesamenda te consideration the work of the aaunlelpal oemmtaalon new preparing a bswIsw. it is recommended tbat provi previ sion te made for the adoption of a stand ardlasnrsaes poltey, te which all polleies leaned la this stats i insuring against Bra, must te made te conform. Attention ta ealled te the abuse of child Insursnce." He Betes thst the oemmleelon having ta charge .tba constitutional eeatennlal cele bration In Philadelphia, returned sa aa unexpended bUanee of the appropriation therefer, f0,B79. Be recommends that this stats should te represented st ths New Xer k celebration of the Inauguration of Washington, and at the world's t sir in Pari. He warmly sulegttss the Iste Auditor General Colonel A. Wilsen Nerrte end the late Judge Jehn Trunkey, of the supreme court In oenoluslon he say ii Your desire te serve the common wealth well le relied apea te meet end wisely deal with tha suggestions whleh hsvs been made. Our work le net for a dsy. Its Influence outlasts tbe generations. We deel with greet leauee and bear lerge responsibilities Let ue most them bravely and bear tbem resolutely. Jambs A. Bsavbr. THE VKAH's IKON TBS.DK. Ths Outsat Eqaul te Thst at Any Tear With One Xxesptlea. The BulteUn of the American Iren and Steel association In Its Isat Issue revlewe tbe Iren trade nf tbe oeuntry for tbe past year ss fellows! Ths past yesr has been one of lessened aetivlty in tbe iron trade of this oeuntry as compared with 1887, but If mere production be considered it will te found, wltb one Important exception, te have been fully as aetlv e a year ae 1886, whleh waa the mett productive year in our Iren history except 18S7. Beth 1880 and 1887 ware booming years for the American t tea trade, but the Isttsr wss net only mere productive then the former, bat It wss also a mera prosper ous yesr. Our total production of pig Iren In 1886 was 6,083,320 gres tens ; In 1887 It wss 6,417,148 teus ; in 1880 it hss beea in exeees of tbe production of 1880, snd Is probably ab:ut 0,000,000 tens. Ths decrease In 1888 bas been altogether In Bessemer pig Iren. Oar production of Bessemer steel rails In 1886 wss 1.674,703 gross tens In 1887 It wss 2.101,904 tens ; in 1888 It bas besti about 1,' 360,000 tens, whleh Is a grsat shrinkage as oempared with 1887, and Is considerably below tha production of 1886. Thle le tbe exoeptlen te the aetivlty of 1880 whleb Is above meutiened, and It has grsat signifi cance. In the production of bar Iren and plats and sheet-Iren, and In tha sggrsgsta pro duction of out and wire nails, tbe figures for 1888 will net vary greatly from these for 1886, while our production of etruetural Iren and steel wss greater la 1888 than in 1886, and probably gresfer tban In 1887. Thle oeuntry bas In lata yeere developed a large demand for Iren and' steel for ail structural purposes, particularly In the ereotlen of publle buildings. Tbe consumption of Iren and steel In the United Btstee In 1888 was muen less tbsn tba estimated figures of production wbieb we have given would Indicate. While our Importations of iron and stsel In 1888 were neerly, It net altogether, 050.000 gross tens, tbey nevertheless fell fsr below tne Impor tations of 1887, which reached tbe enormous sggregsteef 1,783,261 tens. Wltb reduced firoduetlon and reduced Importations of ren and steel, exact figures ler neither of whleh will for sems time be eoeosslble, we hsve esttmated from such dsta ss srs st hand tbst enr consumption of pig Iren In 1888 bas fallen fully 600,400 tone as oempared with 1887, and our consumption of steel rails about 800.000 tens. The Beeth's fneaettlal rregress. Tbe Baltimore Manufactur' Jleeerd, In lie annual review of tbe Beutb'e Indust rial progress, ehewe tbst tbe capital re presented by new mining aud mannfactur lng enterprises erganised In 1888 waa 168,800,000. Dunns- 1888 there were erganised In tha Seuth 3,618 new entsrprlses.agslnat 3,430 In 1887 sod 1,676 la 1880, a total for three years of 8,623, In addition te whleh there were hundreds of small snterprtaes, sueh ss grist mills, gins, ete, net counted in this enumeration. in the Seuth, since I860, 20,000 miles nf railroad hss been built snd ever 8700,000, OOO beve been epent In building new reads and Improving old ones. Cotten mills hsve Increased from 180, with 16,222 looms snd 713,1139 spindles, In 1880, te ever 800 mills, with shout 38.000 looms snd !,800,b00spindiet, while many new mills are under construction and many old ones being enlerged. Tee value of cotton goods made In tbe Seuth waa 821.000,000 in 1880 and neerly t60,000,000 for 1888. In 1880 there were forty oetloueeed oil mills in the Heutb. New there sre about 160, with 12.000,000 lnveated. Tbe value of tbe Seuth's agri cultural products for 1888 wss about 800, 000,000, Bgsinst 671,000,000 in 1879. The value of the Seuth' live stock is new t676, 000,000 while in 187V It wss (391.400.00a The prodnetlon nf gral. rose from 431,074, 030 bushels in 1880 te 620,303,000 bushels in 1887, sn Increase of neerly 200,000,000 bushels. A Quatrlr Worded UhttK. Shortly before hUdeatb, Harry If, Zeeber, loiter- earrler, gave MraSirah S. Der wart a obeek wbieb read, Northern National bank pay te Mrs. Sarah S. Derwart all tba money I have In deposit" She bas taken out letters of administration en his estats and In tbat way will aeeure te ber as ad ministrator tbe deposit te his credit in tbst bank. UU Aet Is Ge. Tbe Impalement aet of Prof. Uoraee Mone, of tbls city, has become quite pepuar with tbe theatre-goers, and has made a great bit in tbe mussums of tbe oeuntry. Oa January 14th tbe professor opens et Brsdsuburg's muisum, Pbilsdsl phis. He then gees ever Kehl ft Middle Middle ten's circuit of houses, end bss made a oentriot te travel with Koblnsen's clreus during tbe next tenting season. KUctlea el Oflletrs. At the last stated meeting of Washing ton Conclave, Ne. 9, U. O. of S. W. M., tbe following officers wsre eleeted for tbe ensuing yesr: Grand msster, Jacob Kt linger ; chancellor, Jehn Keller ; provost, Leuis Stark ; secretary, Philip Keller ; treasurer, Geerge Hitter ; trusee, J, Ii. Ottermeyer ; D. D. O, M. Jacob Ottbefer, representative te Grand Conclave ; Ex. M., Martin Blnkle and ilsnry Oitermsyer. Death el a retter. Jehn H. Weber died at his home, Ne, 423 Seuth Queen street of general debility, eged G3 years. Tbe deceased wss a potter by trade and carded en tbe business at his home for many years, Tbs funeral takes place en Fridey morning. Leg Broken. William Beas, living at Ne. 221 North Mulberry elreet, while at work at Teller Brc's wsxsheuse ea North Prinee street ea .Mendsy, had the mlefortune te hsve bis leg broken. TM aesldaat bappeaed fey a Im a laiiaaaa salilaa aa it. aBBssaj aa) TassBBBsav BBawsiaBVBj pam bvbbj MBIT KBQgPTtQW. rreeldeat sad sirs. OUvotead Tasted by tae tHptessetie eeras sue Msbs. Wasrinoten, Jsa. I. The New Year opened beta with a bright, elesr sky, aad tbe air sa warm as that of sptisg. The grsad eveat et the day, tha reoeptieaat IM exeeatlve bmbsIeb Prsatdsat Clave lead's fourth and last reeeptlea of course overshadowed every ether festivity. Tha msaslea, with lla sesthstle deeora deeera deeora Meas, was readered still mera attractive by las usual protaslea of tropical ptaalaaad flowers displayed la tha eorrldere aad priBelpel rooms. Nothing had beea left andoae te furnish brUllsat aad smltabls sarreaadiags for the notable oeoas4oa,sad tMseeaa from first te lest was eas of brli llenee aad grsadeur. TM cabinet party who were te aaatet la the reeeptlea arrived early aad wars shows directly upttalrs, where IM preaideatead Mrs. Olsvslsad were awaiting their ar rival. Aa usual the Msrlne toad la brlllleel uniforms wss stationed la Ue aula tell at the msaslea, aad with almost military pusctusllty at 11 o'deok, the hear fixed for the reeeptlea te tegta, straek up tha New Year's grestiag marsh (Scute) as tha presides! aad lira. Clevelsad appeared at tha head of tha sialrwsy leading from tha seoead fleer te tbe blue room ea tbe fleer below where tha formal presentatleaa wars te te made. Immediately behind thorn oame tha receiving party. The members of the eablnet wbe were preeent were reeelved taterauUy, and with tha ladiia net of the Immediate reoelvlag party, they took their plaeee behind the cfflelal receiving line. The receiving party coa cea slsted of president, Mrs. Cleveland, Mies Bayard, Mrs. Falreblld, Mrs. Whitney aad Mrs. Dloklnsea. It required bat a memeat'a time for tha arrangement of positions te te made aad than the reoeptlea began; the dlptomatle corps wltb tbslr ladles enuring first Many of tbe foreign representatives were la mill-'' tary uniform radiant with laalgr.ia of vsrleus orders. They predated a spectaole of grsat attraetivsae aad splendor. The diplomats filed iate tha Bias room ta the order of, their eppolat eppelat ment, aad la tarn presented the stUehee of their lsgetleaa. Mr,. Prestea, tM Haj ttsa minister, tbedeaa of tbsoerps, was use use veidsbly abssat from the city, ae Barea Ds Favm, the Italian minister, preesated tbe memberset tbe corps te lbs presldeat and Mrs. Clevslaad. The oerps wltb tbslr ladles passed through the blue room aad Inte the large Kast room, converting thst spartmeat Inte a scene of animated splendor where every thing In tha way of brilltsutoestumlng, gsy dseorstleas, geld lacs aad rich trimmings, mlagled la dazzling array. Thsa followed the reeeptlea of tba supreme oeart justices, session aad repie. eentatlves. Alter these eame the army aad navy cfneers In full drees uniforms. All grades wsre represented, from the two euro and four stars of the major geasi al' sad sd mlral, la the army and aavy, down te the single bar aad silvsr anchor of the army lleuiensnt sad aaval eaiiia. Following these esme tbe offlelals of tM government aad thsa tbe aseoelated vet erans of the wsr of 1846, the Grand Army or the Republle and tba members of tM Oldest InbabllsnU' saeoeJslioa of tbe ?ls ?ls triet of Columbia. All of the eallsrs were preseated te IM president by asme by CeL Jeba M. Wil Wil eon and Lieutenant Duval of tbe army. They passed through the red parlor, at tba deer el wbleh these two officers steed. TM reeelvlug line extended across tbe blue parlor te the deer lesdlng iate tM great Kast room, tbeaoe through a window wbieb bad beea transformed Inte a temporary exit, adder a eaavas awning aad eat of ths Ktst gate of the White Heuse grounds. All pedeetrlana were admitted te tbe grounds through ths east gate. The seeae In front of the grounds waa animated. A guard bad been placed at either gate te keep out the orewd whleb began te as aemble at aa early hour wsitlng for tbe publle reoaptien. The polies arranged tte expeetaat visitors la a doable Use pest the White Heuse greuuds aad dewa tbe avenue. The poblte reoeptlea was aa aouneed for 12:36, but It was nearly 1 o'eloofc, whoa tbe galea were ibxe vn epea te admit the visitors la small squads aad de.aebmsnts. Frem tbat time until tbe olese of the reoeptlea the orewd poured eeeetlessly through the parlors. At 2 o'clock, tbe hour bxtd for the oenolueioa cf the reoeptlea, tbe orewd was still grsat aad the president said that ba weald re main aad receive all who cams. Senater Ingalls le abssat from the oily, and tbneengrsMlOBsl Mae at te-day's re re re orptlea was heeded by Senater Merrill, of Vermeat la the absence of Majer Geaeral Sobefleld, Brigadier Qeneral Beaet led tbe army. qevetnerHIll Issegarated. A lb am tj N. Y., Jas. 1 Charming weatber ushered la Inaugarsl Day. Six thousand people participated In a monster parade. Gov. Hill Joined the pro pre cession st tbe executive msaslea, rldlag la a carriage. He was greeted wltb frames done cheering all along tbe line sndrs sndrs eelved a msgutfleent oretlea. Tne gover nor left the parade aa It passed up Wash ington avenue, and when the oeluma moved down State street with bis military sun wss en tbe reviewing stand. As tbe vsrleus orgsnlzatiens passed cheer after cheer went up from these In line, The parade waa dismissed at the feet of State street bill. Tbe Inaugural oeremenlee took place la the assembly chamber. Prayer was offered by Bishop Deane and tbe oath of cf&ce waa administered by Seeretary of State Cook. There tbe governor delivered hie Inaugural address. At tbe conclusion the governor held a levee In tbe executive ebsmber. This even, leg be gives a dinner te hlsmlllUry family. American Macbaales' Oatears. Tba following were eleeted etneers of Coaeetege Ceunell, Ne. 8 O. U. A. M. st their meeting en Monday evening : Coua Ceua Coua ellor, D. Stuart Grlflltts; vice councilor, Randelph Bupplee ; recording secretary, B. B. Kurlz; assistant reoerdlag eeore eeere ttry, J. F. Yeeger; financial seeretary. William H. Powell; la la due ter, William H. Auxer; ex aminer,! Arneld Smith ; outside protec tor, Christian Dean ; tins tee, Q. Edw, Kck msn ; representative te Bute Council, Adam J. Auxer. A committee was appointed toarraagefer ths celebration of tbe 43d anniversary of the organization of tbe oeaaoll, Itsasrred His Decision. Jehn Aultmse, of Fesglsysrtlle, who la charged with larceny as bailee la hiring Fred. WlllUma' bone and falling te return it, was heard before Alder mas Dees tale morning. The caae was a rather weighty one snd the aUermaa reserved bis deel. alen. rather Agaisst Boe. Geerge Krelder wss beard by Alderman Barr en Monday evening ea a charge of carrying oenceaied deadly-weapeasy-pre-ferred by hie father. Tbe aideimaa dis missed the esae. A eareiy of the pesos preferred by tM aesaaaiaalblafalMr w setajnaea at oeart by Aiaemsai HsJaasa. DIHATID. T MasnvmteNLT sura tomb awl BrUfHJCAK aAMMML I - i. efjj tyHa aad aeshassa AMegaay Beasten "" MBwnn wnpsaswaj r , . - .. . ... .SJ . 'ii -r., Habbisbube), Jeb. L TM opened with prayer by Her. whleh returns of the vote fat ateeted last fall were read. The abseaee of tba beurne's old dletrteti tlee. Rem wanted te knew stead at i tba president of lbs Beasts (Davte) ami I awerewy or the oemmoawaallti him that they bad net baas tssiltBi, :M : thle Juncture Secretary of Male Wmti:'im Beuueed te tM elerk that tM ret la the package preseated by kiss, aad .tAMr-' investigation taey were feead saw Democrat, was swers Is wttketMr I recently sleeted. Fer srasldeat pre tern, of IM Nswmysr. of Allecbear. aamed Jsa. fa Grady, of Falladeiphie, aad sUAIser, t -rauaaeirniB, semtd oeerMKosa.ef 1 gemery. Grady waa eleeted bytM.agsda j vote, except that IM esadidates voted far each ether. Oa tab tag tte abate afedyeaMV; u was revocable te isgwiatteaisaigBilBSBji ship la at Ua lowest ebb, . 4. :4 After the eleetlea of oaeata Mb bad read aa article from a i hie opposition was dae te Deisaey'a i te snow liquors te be kept M rooms. Kutae, wltb great dlfBealty, ae account or iiibsss, stated that UO "saw was a lie la Ita eoaefpUoB, tnat no aad ethers ta Mai had the Beasts bsr eboltehedTTU' whan ha waa wall Iia imUal naaBSssi ' TOM COCHRAN a -am .ft... .!. ..-. - --- - WA -rfj tw Dftlaasy, said that geatleeeea mat gd inapirea ibe Bxiieie. - .' Smith preseated Oabearae'a fsMMlai oeBHsuBg irsviwa BOBS , . ... M s AresolnUea waa adopted teadJiMSlaasaj. te morrow aatu WMaeeaay tmttmmar ; Habbisbube, Pa, Jas L La aMl Beyer, of Philadelphia, aad .Wadaj-V uamberiaad, were voted for. far i bat before tbe vote wee i Dees., moved Beyer'a sstieB, whleh was adopted. attention of the Hebm te IM feet that M weatf plsdged te pass tha oeastttatloaal tery atneadmeat, whteh epplauded. He also saggeeted rales te facilitate leglaiatiOB aad the early flxlag of a dsy for Baal MJetUaV , meat. -v DsUmaterBemmstedRasaeU Mattilm, chief clerk aad MarUa MeAIeer, of Haatuglea, kntst eleeted by a party rote. rutr, ust or tbs oTrtesga, The follewlag sppeiataMste t Hsseege eterk, jobs Mccaee, ' tranaasiBBselerks. Jas. B. Fieter. Iia, Qta W. MeOraskes, Mtemmm esrgeast-at-aims, jobs d. Dauphin; aeslstsBts, Alex Beyd,rred 1 maa, Faiiadsipbw, use, atvaaa. K, L. Bear, Atta-beay ; paiimawar.aa B. ThOBiss, Pblladsiphts aaOatasM, ;iH Barten, Allegheay t aoerkeepsr. Bebi, Jenes, WMtmerelaad ; assjaaa -arasasy avifBl vamr,ui tt. ajwanaj i dea, Adam arimm, emerstt ; of retunds, Jeba Ktehser, Fallalalgdila i j messsager, Edward Bkleles, BBsUtBBta, A. Hsoksaseht'.rkilsdsjjkia t A. M. Nlobelsoa, LeekawsBMi UiXmt Rtehtmeyer, Weyriit superlsteaaeajt faM lag rooms, cnas,' Hmitb, raiisdeipbail pasters aad feld'jrs, L.'. Melatyra,' iNaar j. p. HarritiBfea, etw i ratrtesx jteseasa, Fsystte ; David H. Bee, IadteM i Btem ab Raider, Lsnesster t Geerge Dlx, Lswissbsj suss Morten, mckmebi e. rleb, Tiega; Charles W. Venango; Sydney M, Wetkle, Belie ehsplsla, Rev. B. F. Beek; faesM'gk basemsat, Timethy GueUa, jMadsssJ flremaa, W. . Walaled'', AUajfeaByi Janitor of cost room, James Fyla, Falsa. Janitors of Heuss eemmlttea rooms, OkMj, ateamsr, Bchuyikui ; Jstses sraasa, wa ren jjanltere of bssemeat, D, aV MleMei) Sasquehsans ; H. F. uakilag, AraseaNSf r.- waubmsa, wm. r. wiikina,raua 7;i- : K KEr O Bt-IOAWa tM OAPC4aV Csshisa Dafaatad fee eaureiereiel tM ateA fsstev aad gewev PerMea ef Use Ol Habbisbube, Pa,, Jas. L TM JJasvaui. ess BSBatertal eaaeaa tut tbs slate. Myllamadea late Cochran's same far that el but the preposition reeelved vetss-tbess of Rey ban, PSllsdslpbaH Mylta Md Btsbmaa, LssBSStsri Dslawsrs; Harlsa, Caeateri SehuylklU ; aeblB, Lsbswea; ITenrrman. "----- Itlaaa 7.'T "TTTf-TtrTrrf " -Z J nuian irem Doing presoak. . Allea, of Warrea, presided aad Taysar,'? Philadelphia, was secretary. ;; Among the selsotlens the Hi can caueus ebese the follewlag t elerk, Charles B. Verltses, FallMelphbH readlag elerk, J, R. W. Raker, Merear message elerk, Jno. MeCabe, WeBaisgesB i. elark te nreaident nre teaa.. J. L. .'; Chester asttstaat ssrgsaat-atermi, B, L.; 'I Bear, Allegheay ; aesutast peetmaaier.wm. ; Barten, Aiiegneay ; deer-keeper, Rebert ' a M. Jenes, Westmeralaad ; pasters feldsrs, Patrick Resgsa, Fayette E, Helder, Hlnkletewa, rawiniaier seaaty.'.y 1 - ajb Addltlea te the aliieagsi -r. HABBiancBO). Jan. L 2:16 p. II. IB taai governor's ueassge aest you,seaeaaa sm ;: beea made la wbieb tbe governor arses shs' eaforesmeat otibseoastUutieswlprevMam . BgalnstdlscrimloatieBtefTelghteaadmvasa .f the abelltiOB of grade oreesmaa, 'The message la bow belag read V houses. ?$-. mrnaiuta hm ,$ ? " - mm. E. F. OsSercs A Oa, plambera, afls. ' Paul, are involved; llaeUHlea lmjmr? capltel (40,000. TMy Mve 160,000 worth el work. William P. Hlggubethaas. president el the Blue Valley beak of bsttse, km., fsllsd yasterdey, te Kemble, sr, with 111.090 lUeHlsfm asst 200,000 sassts. "i':.rf Leuis A. Hsraer, aelty sstessaas si hsi employ of Henry A. Hsraer St Ce., sale erasers, el Obloece. le sa ami te tbe extent 200,000, aad U teaeite-adM has flsd te Canada. - V Tbe msmaeth slxfery teUdlst at Rtobsrdsea Drag oempaay. corner of Fourth street sad Olerk i Ht Leuis, buraed at 8 c'eleek tale i Ing. Tbs less Usbeal7K,0O obi 8160.000 ea buUdiBia The balldleg ssd eteek le teQN, Daring a druakes brawl tsattlyi mldBlabt last sight m New Yerk, J Crew sgscL, wee. etabeed ta death ba asm; of a party of five mes wfcte whsmMwag;. quarreling. r . ' 7 -? iTssat iBHsaatsvass. . v P WABBIBOTOSr. A, O. JaS.A-SSf SaaBTaraaaylveBlat Falr,- I BSt' sssas)j) iSBBt' IlllhSII ; v.V If i : is --wat. .' JN . .W .eev .JZ hid-s, . .-Si A uirtr.;.. V'ii.f"