'f! rtj. ifc- .- W-. . !',... .J.. . ..JJ-.J-. ...... . '....1 " iw?1. fft " .-Sk'JJ 'XiYL MJk 1 K-jj-ev 'li ia t v i "Ji . v, !;- ts' f- 'ir . "i', r . - ' r- - J -. i J;$ VH ''. ' i 3 TJ.H LANCASTER DAILY TNTELLIGENCEK, MONDAY, DEOEMBEB 3M .- f'f u",1- llylritel.ttfiiufer, ,BNIHMM,I i sTecfcHet Teletf"aei Maes, istKtMT immmI at aee atatesar. iMbv ukliut for IheforteUttreet ITlGCaVlMM4Bri(taMn& Ohie ltsta la reeaeylvanla te the I C tbe vtoJetlea or Its ran. I sew bV the comWaetlea of the This ubIoe eecurred ever fafeVaad we teen lied epen the antral te de wdm ne new j.lMMnf wtntatlntl nf IVU Waw !: www w. .www -. , aaaVtsje penalty heald have been ,aBfl"U. nucrauie iwwrt- iiuaene sign until new, t wlHnfen ha makes it bow, we de kfcaew. like Westers Union bought the t of the Baltimore & Ohie Telegraph ay, It undertook te evade tbe jlvaala law by keeping tip the or. i and apparent operation of the I company In Pennsylvania. It Ma efllces epsn and their signs out ; these precautions seems te have l abated. In this city, for instance, refice te abandoned. Their para remains, but the operator has himself, te employment as ' in a cigar factory, lie ex- i the battery dally, we understand, l that it Is in order, bnt beyond that (Baltimore & Ohie office is abandoned I undisturbed tenancy of tbe coal who are its cetenants. we pre t that the batteries and wires would I taken ent but for the fact that the irnne Inte the IxTKLUOENCcn office, !u a loop, te supply our news. I enjoy the sole use of the Baltlmerti& telegraph system .se far as Lancaster Isjencerned; and it cannot be disputed kitebnelBeashas been abandoned te (Western Union and Its operation prac- ly discontinued. ffltmay be that such plain evidence of lenment as this has been forcing (of late upon the attention of tbe ey general, and it is possible, tee, tbe late change in the presidency directory of tbe Baltimore & Ohie has made it easier for him te lit proof of the fact that the pur- )e( the telegraph line of the com. was effected by the Western Union any. The attorney general's sreluen lty coincides closely wlttxttw BaUt- tOble's changed -directory , and cU;.-y It is understood, was in by with tbe desire of Rebert Gar- i te preserve the telegraph line te tbe company. The western Union, ih Jay Gould, its president, having laced Samuel Spencer, then acting at, and the directors of tbeBaltl- ) ft Ohie, te sell its telegraph line te i Western Union, at a price less than I been before offered Rebert Garrett tt by that company, and te de this, ; the known wlsheset the Garretts, i aaay be reasonably supposed that tbe ett Interests, being new in control of i property, will have every disposition i roast the rascals who robbed them of telegraph property; and it is Just able that the present motion comes them. RTlX- L That KefermaUea. ; It la said te be written that the old Re- i chief clerks of the Senate and are te be decapitated by the t of Quay, with whom they have net (d. He gives a very geed reason for eg (hem out, however, declaring they are net honest enough. this is se we have often maln- 1, and we cannot regret that new go, even though one be from I vicinage. We are satisfied that the i of geed government will lese netli. ; by the eviction of Messrs. Cochran ! Leach from office ; whether It will anything Is mere doubtful. Mr. tt was chief clerk of tbe Senate be- Mr. Cochran, who was then his ilnate ; and from whom, when he ndered his place te him, he is said tiwii cw;m:u a wmicu yiuuuisc iu tit en demand. JiW de net knew that in his time legis- i was mere honest. We de net knew t time when it has been se. If it is r the purpesa of Bess Quay te reform atien, we shall be glad te knew it ; ; before we knew it, we must see tbe Its of his geed Intentions. It Is Able that he has tired of rotten i : or that he thinks that, In the pres- t political condltlen.bonesty is tbe best ey for himself and his nartv. We de ("particularly care what his motives , se that tbe results are geed. If he bad enough of corruption in buying I election of IIrrisen,and new proposes r te let virtue reign, we will be glad. luting Cochran and Lesch is, hew . win pigu ui iuiu uiuieuium ; vtiuf tly, as Leach says, when he leaves Librarian Delaney's bead en. flverthelws we tave no tears for the de- ated. t?n m r. 73 Hew lear Calls. ZbeNew Yerk correBpendent of the lphla LtHqtr says that tbe New ' call is no longer fashionable in m Yerk's first circles. In Brooklyn, says, and ether circles which are con id provincial and " middle class," ncements are still published of re. s by people in geed society; but w Yerk, where, according te one teler, there are but four hundred lrst cut" families, will have no meie of Year calls. Ard it is well for Xew Yerk if this ba because the custom bacame bd badly and grossly abused there. It in it an excellent recommendation. 'that it enables people once a vear paatere and renew their acquaintance eaen ettier and keep themselvej en terms, without any great draft their time. But it !s bitter suited te arlnclal than the city air? .temlngly. Lclty there are tee many te call oe many places te call at. The ita9ees are net conducive te an reception. In the provincial tbe crush is less and the caller ha. neepresibilHy upon him for his idual conduct, and the hostess has fpertucjty te exercise a proper con ker Rueats that the eheuld s retain. It is net likely lhat tfew eaUlug will fall out of favor in i where it U net abused and where a uteiul purpose. bteause of their attachment te ;Hteas, provincial towns m el net lMr the contemptuous reference of seiily, ea the " mlddle classes." It a4her tLelr dktiiiguUhed merit tber aa use and net abuse (w Year call, which city society Ka It U suprfatf eeaaM for thesoeletyofoity that li bigger than another, te leek de wa upon that of the esMllertowaasseeeBdelaeB. It there ie any looking down of this kind possible, it should rather be the privilege of the society of smaller town, it it is at the same time elder, as it often is; sinee age is supposed te be the hallowing in fiuence in society and furniture. Lan caster enjoys a high prerogative in this regard, because of its antiquity; and tbe town which the geogra phers se long recorded " the largest inland town la tbe UnlUd States," and which ever a hundred years age held the cream of society, can afford te smile disdainfully at the suggestion that there is anything " middle clan" about her society, or anything wrong about its customs. The proceedings of our wooden men of war In Htyilm waters were decldely threatening end bunlneM like. It 1 eaty te reallts the whole exciting scene; tbe hips sailing In with tbe 30 feet ensign and bread pennant streaming from the maintop mast of tbe Galena, the end et tbe pennant long enough te reach the deck where everything was ready ter action. When tbe smooth water of the bay Is reached the crewa are seen busy with tbe final prep arations ter battle, leading the guns, and preparing ping, te sill the ahet holes that might be made by the enemy. Then the dmlral'4 pennant la shifted te the mailer yemel, which crone tbe bar, Rteams close te the Uaytlen gunboat Deaialalne, ancheta broadilde te lbs city, and eenda beat aabore with peremptory demands ler the release of tbe Uaytlen Kopublle. Meanwhile an English ateatrer makes haate te get out from be twesn the Hayllen war ablp and ths Galena, her crew waving their band te tbe Amorleana, The Uaytlen crew were aeen leading their guns and pointing their heavy rifle at our peer old war ablp. Suppose Uaytl had been In deipeiate earner., bv.w many et our men wenld bave beec killed before the miserable row waa ever T Aeatlral Luce and his men ertalnly managed te scare tbe enemy pretty well esmlderlng the ships and guna they bad. If we must show our teeth In this way new an thee, we bad better get rid of the decayed and fteble war ablpa that are new our cblef dependence, tbe heritage of tbe mlinianagement of the navy before the days of Whitney. The Unytlen luoliient has demonstrated that the peraenai of the nayy remains at the old high liaedird, for though ue shot waa ,Hr.i aotne pluek waa needed te sail wooden ahlp close by well armed armed forts and the Desialalnea with Its modern cannon, Ne one oeald tell what drunken freak ei the negrees might have made the business very serious Indeed. Tub annual report of tbe dlroetora of tbe state Institution for tbe deaf and dumb makes an interesting pamphlet te one who hta noted the wonderful advanes of recent yeara In the training et these unfortunates. There are new In this Institution ninety nine pupils under oral Instruction. They can net bear a ateam whistle or a book agent, but they are Ictrnleg te underatand what people say te them by simply watch. ingtUe lips of tbe speaker. There are 433 pupils In the aylum,oeatlng 1251.20 a head, of which the etate paid f2J0, The Institution uied (11,000 of Its own fundi for the support of pupils daring the year. Considering the great trouble and expense attending tbelr peculiar syitem of Instruction, and the feed absorbing and oletbes destroying capacity of the average child, this per capita coat aeema very low Indeed. Of the 400 pupils sup ported by the state sixteen come from Lan caster county, twelve boys and four girls, one of tbe latter having been admitted dur ing tbe pMt year, Of the 33 ethers one la fiem this oeuuty. Ne applicant of sound body and inlnd was reluied admission and Mwere renelvcd In the year. Of these 23 were born deaf and Ufteen lest their bearing through seme form of fever. Tbe agei of admission range from 7 te 22 years. Twe were under 8 ; 21 wero 8 and under 10, and 25 were 10 and evor. lii-oept la special caiosehlldron are net received uu der 8 yeara of age. The principal, Mr. A. U li. Orouter,notestbal'in ene farullyaendlng a eblld the parents were both deaf and hsd deat brothers and slttera en both sides. In another family, whlle tbe parents both heard there were four deaf children and no deaf relative. There has btten much written of late en tbe Intermirrlage of the deaf, and Principal Creutor believes that It la wise te discourage these alliances because of tbe Increased tondaney et these families te deafness. Our experts In November reached a total vsltie et 170,370,615, a million mere than In November, 18S7, Onrlmperta were f53,6G0,151, rU millions less tban'lu Ne vember, lbS7. in addition we exported In tbe same month (3,4 15,4 le.ln geld, mere than we exported, and the cxeesi et silver experts ever Imports was (711,820. Over thlrty.thue millions of the Imports of merchandise, and mere than twenty Ave and a ball million et tbe experts were through the pert et New Yerk, while Philadelphia bandied only (2,292,845 lm ports and (2,303,651 experts, iioslen and Hu Francisce ara both ahead of Philadelphia iu foreign commeree, both expert and Impert, and Baltimore, Galveston, New Orleaux, Klobtnend and Savannah are far ahead of the city of Penn in value of ex. ports. In November we received 25,419 immigrants, about 0,770 less than In No vember of 1SS7. 20,431 of them came iu through New Yerk harbor and 8,213 came from Orcat Baltalu and Ireland, whlle but 850 were from Poland and 1,233 from '.Italy. Germany sent ui 0,15(3 and Bohemia and Hungary 1,C5., PEU3UNAU Mn. OtADSTOSE bits he cauquets fratn memory auy page of Hemer of which tbe Urt line Is glveu te htm. Henateu HawTKn. bntere be went te Congress divided (1,000,000 between his two dsUKtiterH end his only -Da. It la his in. tentten te make further settlements upon hit children until his estate iadlvlded pretty erenly between tbem. (ikoiiek W. (Juilds and A, J, Drexel are te eatabllah a free school for the higher eduo.tten of young wemen. Tbe building aelected for the purpose Is the Leyellamau. alen, en the .Lancaster turnpike, cast of Wayne station, en the Pennsylvania rail, read. The building la of Mone, la three stories high and oentaina eighty rcma Moses MoneFCAt died en Hunday In Baltimore, aged b5 yeara, He was a naiive of Houth Carolina, and represented that atate In the Untted titates SenateJer two terms before tbe war. Mr. Mordeeal was Identified with tbe Heambeat Interest et tbe Houth, and waa quite wealthy, though be lest heavily ty the war. His claim for a large amount sgalnat tbe government for carrying malls before the sectts:eu of the Seuth la still pending, Professeb Themas G. Caret died en Saturday from cancer of tbe lb 0)t, at Cambridge, Mass. Professer Carey was deeply lntena'el in the Agasslc museum and acted as an aislatant with tbe late Pre. feaser Leuta Aeaa.lr. Deeeased was born In Bosten in 1824, bnt bis early Ufa wis spent In California and the Wear. He wrote many uri'cle en tbe early hlatery of tie ueltlen state, which were contributed te magtx'nes, newspapers and seversl his. terlcal aocleltes Iu whleh be waa Inter ested. Mbs. EoneFiELD, the wife of Majer General Jehn M. iBehetteld, cenunatidinic the United Htatta army, died l Waabluc. ten en Hunday. Mrs. Hoherleld had been sutl.rleg from heart trouble tad nervous prostration for sews time, but her dfcatti was nsvertbelefs sudden and unexpected Mrs. Hobeneld waa a daughter of J'rofener lUrtlett, teacher of philosophy at West Point, and General ti hefleld married her while be was detailed as Instructor at tbe military academy. She leaves a daughter, recently txsrrled te Lieutenant Andrews, etthe Jfiiih Artillery, and two sons, WU- Iltss B. P-hee-ate-, la kesieesef Hew Yerk, eat mi Fees, Team B. BehelsM. el rrasa Tk !aeaats. Pa -t an .eelilaj sacra of Or. oeuak sraB tkaaali i etisat eertgh syrups awaabtase, aafl the assaja ts stfH la eraastat. 1. 0 "Thcta'a suet, divinity Beth .tMaawa ktaff taattrsasea" fasts tezumebhtaa. Bavrkaa naU.ra Is ae mpeeter el perseas, aaa rmral ty weald de well te patrenise Salvation ea,UM great akin ears. oeMfLHXtoir re wbmm. at-t v' i"i" "sa aieaaai raya S ,0ti,'-A'wsii QOI MPLBXION POWOJCK. LADIES! WHO TALUB A BriNBD OOHPLBXIOM MUST USB POZZONI'S MBDIOATBO COMPLEXION P0WI)ER. It Imparts a brtuiant twmareraaey tptte akin. Semeves all pimples, i reeklea aafl Oi. edormtleDS, and makes lbs skin eellaatelj soft ana beeatuul. lturaUUns be lime, whiti, leaa or arsenic, in tares shsses, piak or Bask, waits aaA brunette. C FOB SALB BY All DrugarlsTtB aad raaey Goods Deetlera aTrerywhere. B-BBWAKB OP IMITATIOHS.e apraiv (i.UMI. 4VSWWWV-VlwA M TBKa at IlATJajrON, CLOTHING AT AFTER CHRISTMAS PRICES. This la Ib9 Tims You'll Want le Buy at Lew Prices. We're Prepsrsd for Your Demands With GOODS WELL MADE AMU PRICES RIGHT. ear You'll net oxpeot aueh a large atrort atrert raent at this season, but tharu's enough ycl te ploaae jeu. Myers & Hathfen UlLtaUbK 0L0IUIKK9, NO, 18 BAST KINQ BT LABOABTBB T. rrne CLOTHING UUYERS. 66-L. Gansman & Bre.-68 NORTH QUBEN ST, Our Illg lleductlen Sale of Oveiceats and Ulsters Continues te attrist the attention of every sbruwd purchaser. The lUrgalna wa new offer cannot be cqualed la tha whole euuutry; Kzaralnnnurlrge assortment of Overcoats utH(u,H,ti.ai. Kzuulne our flne assert rnent at S9, IS.llO.tli, IS. uurUlitrs or storm Overcoaurcaucednow te $4(0, S3, SI), S, 111). They Are Goel Value for the Hienej, Men's, llejs' & Clilldren'a SUITS Frem the Cheapest Uradn te tlin rtneit ata CoriuapeuamK KeCuclloe, IlefarA bUVlnr Clnthlnir uw nnr Immanaa ateclc. We nave an saanrtinent that cunnnt uijuaiuu, ana price inaicaaueT, ue uiatcnta. L. GANSHAN & BRO, MANUTACTUlilNa CLOTUICBB, S. W.COU. NOUTU QUEEN A OUANGK ST. IlKWAUK-Brime stores claim te be or bave couniictlen wltrt ours. Loek oelr for tbe beuthwm Cerner Aertb yuesa and orange SMVVH! niCYOLBH, QIOY01.ES, TUI0Y0LK8, TANDKMS. COLUMBIA Bicycles, Tricyeles, Tandems. UUBABLB, BIMPLB. QUAUANTKKU UIOUK8T SUAUE, lULUBTUATBDOATALOaUB FUKB. POPE MF'G. CO., 79 rUAMKLIN ST., B03TOW. 11KANC1I HOUSKS-n Warren St, New 1 en j an Wabaab Aye eblcaa, aun-lyOeed ArrOMMMTM. rUTUKK 8. KAVtnrUAH, ATTOKMBY.AT.LAW, Second Fleer Kableruan lw lluliaina;. Ne. 41 North Dukn Blns.it- -.Viiw H A1H BALAAM. l'AKKKK'3 RA1U BALSAJM lleautiflea, Clnan.ea aud nreiervea the hair. Keeps Uaert and allken. Prouielen a luzurl autKret-th. AlwayaroatertiaKruy hair te Ita erllual color. ITevenla hair falllnK and nan drull. Uureacalp(11eaatt,&e!.at druirclats. lUMDKll ClOUNS. uaais. 8areaU surrat ana beit cura for Cerns. Du. leua.etc BWps all pala. Meyer tails te cure. tcatdrugnlats. U4lh(S) NOTIOK. ... Jrreulkana aJter Jannary J. 1S, tssre will be market held regulaily In the armera' Beutbern Market lleute en 'xuwiday, Weanea day ard Batnrday morning- early and batur. day afternoon at 4 o'clock. Ail athllheldtiia are entitled te the adTantagt et tbe add I. tlenal day (Wedneidayi In connection with th etbera. 11 Y OUD&U Or 1US no AHii U. L.. I aiiLBT, eecrettry. dis-stdeed BOAKOINi. NKW BOAKUINU AND I-edKlriK Heuse, Ne. JIentb Ltuiostrtet. i-ncaauir.Alex Uerve,(Bl.uarck) eronrlfeter. first elm. Herman table berd. steala at all S?.- m"0."1? ceiutprta ler permanent bear. dera. Ueala furnLhwd premi.uy and In flrat. cilia atyle te wedding and blnhday Mrtlw. rCr ' .r.r "? muun nouee. a .care of the public's patronage. Jtespecttully aoileltsd. aJWma -e. usmiaiTC Street. nOOD-g BAMAPABIU.A. THE PLAIN TRUTH la tkat Beea's aejaaserfite has easea thea aaas et tasesla who saCacaa savaeeir with raaasaatlasa. It Beuttailaaa taelaettaaaaaiB tkaMeee, wkieh cautaaa tlMsa UrrHtle eataa aat aakaa, aaA also vitalises eat aarieaas tee kiaae, tkaa praTaatlaa; the raeariMee ef the aissaaa. Tkese taeu warraataa la araiae yea, U jreB saBsr with rfceaautiSBa, te give Heea's SamBarlliaatrlAl, -Wet m years i have safaa4wttasetaUe Bhsamattsan. Last Mersmber I waa taksa wena tham aver. aaA waa asaMe te tat eat of tea house. I waa almost BLriiBSS reB 40 PATS snffertBg -ireat ateny, la Pecambat I erm maaetauilBtBOwA'sSaraapatlila. Atttrtaa seeeaa bet .a l waa able te be. out and areaa sad attar te baste. I took Sv betuea. aaa a aew ae fres freaa rasama'tsm that eaty jeaaateeaiiy X tl It auhtly ea aaa a aeaekaag ef weathtr. I have srreM eonB eenB daaealB oeS'a r-arsaparUie. CBAStaskiAB. BAB, CarlsUe, Clark Ce, Was. lRPI.aitHATOBT BBBUBTATISst MBavlBtbaeatreBblaAwlih tauUmmetery nenmatlim for many Tears, my favorable attinUen waa ealied te Heed's SaxsaparUlaby an advert liement of carta It had aSaetea. 1 have bow asedlkree bottles of Boefsaarsa. patUla and eaa atraady testify tebsastelal result. 1 hlfhly necsaaMBd tt as a Meed pa niler." J. e. Avaaa, West BicemsaH, K. T. Heed's BeUMParlUft Sold by all arafftsta. fit six loess. Prepared only by 0. I. OOP CO, LewaU, 100 Deeesi Oa Dellar. DBT UOODB. e UR 8TORE WILL BKOLOSRUOM Taeaday, "sw rear- wsy, .aaaary t, ism. BIG REDUCTION IN PRICES, A Ooel Way te Invest Your Ready Cash at a HlihlUtee! latsrestUte Bey at Oar Stere. LADIM'AKD CUtLDaBX'B COATS. BLA3K AMD COLOBBD WCOL SHAWLS. BLACK CABUMBKB SHAWL", WIBTBft DBBS8 GOODS, BLiMKKTI", rtiAMNRLVSKIKTS, ItlfDIB nUU, UliUVBF, UU.lBKI,a. Jehn S. Givler Q8 Neith Quesn Street, LAHCABB,rA. J. MARTIN A CO, Great Reduction OF LADIES' Winter Garments. Seal Plash Cea's Reduced. Ladles' Wraps Reduced. Ladles' MedjeekaB Reduced. Kisses' and Children's Goats Reduced. ear Don't Fall te lasreet .Our Stock before Paichaalug. J. B. MARTIN & 60. OPKUIAL KEDDCrlON SALE .OF UDIIS', HISSES' 1K0 CDILDEEN-S Fall and Winter Goats AT TUB New Yerk Stere. UK a I. l'LUwll Jackbts reduced totieaad SIS 00 each. 8EAI, ".I'LUSU MODJBSKAS reduced tens, IU and IIS each. seal flush aanrjUKS rcdueea te U7, and Ml each. LaUlIS' 8TR1PXDNKWM AUKKI8 rcdueed te), te ana ajsoeich. LAUIKS' NBWUABKKTS In Naryaad Qreen reduced te 110 and liate. MISSES' KKWMAitKKTS.'ll andl6yrars.il each; leas than one-hall their Tslue. LAUIB3' IitrOKTIAD HIUI.tN JACKKTB, flarst euaJlty, 17 racht tuiportedle retail at 110. LA1UK3' 1IKAVV BTOOKtNXTT JACKKTB at S3, i.W, ft and 15 each. Children's Coats, Flalnl and Striped, wtth or without Cape, at Very Lew rrlcus. WATT&SHAND r p aad 10 East Klig Street, LAKCABTKlLyA. jrtAIOMl9DTMa, BmSOBLT Brilliant s.. Durable DYES Economical Are Diamond Dye. Vtaey aztal au elaers la atreasta.l'Biltyaaa Fastaas. Meae etatie areaataeeoed. Beware el IsalUUeaa -ay armadeiek3spaad latener ssasarlalssaS tira peer, waair, ereafey eolera. 88 Celere ; 10 aetata esteB. aad postal for Dye Boek, aaatpte Care, aH. reetteas for eotertna; Photes, aaaklag Use flntlakoTBintB(iectsaqoan),eta. fMd byDraniataerby Wells, KtchariseaACe., rllefte,Tt Fer audlaler BroeatBf Faaey Arfetelaa, USB DIAMOND PAINTJ. Geld, stirer, RreasA, Copper. OnlrH eaate I CLOTBIVV. rAQKRA BKOTHEK. Merchant Tailoring Department! A LARGE REDUCTION IK SUITINGS AND TROUSERINGS. Scotch and English Chwlet SalMn in Stylish Plaids and Sttlpct down te 920. Fine Cuslmere Saltings leCbeek and Strips Effects down te 126. Scotch Cheviot Treuserings in Latest Styles down te 98.00 te order. English Cheviot TreuseriDgs In Latest Styles, down te 96.00 te order. Winter Overceatings. Frem an $18.00 All-Weel Heavy Beaver up te the Finest MonUgnae at 910.00. Full Dress Suits. Your cbeiw. from the lowest te finest grades of Freneh Worsteds, at prices whleh.by cempatLwD, will be found the lowest. Finest Finish, Latest Styles, Perfect Fit Guaranteed. HAGER & BROTHER, 25, 27 and 09 West King Street. LADIES' COATB. rnHE PEOPLE'S CASH BIORK. Reduced Prices AT The People's Cash store, II ). 25 Eatt KlOK Btreer, WB OFFXU OU K XHT1BB BIOCE OF Ladies' and Child e's Coats ATOUB1TLY BE DUO KM l'BIOKS. Ladles' PluBh Coats, Plush Jackets, Plush Medjeekas. Cle'.h MeJjisku .id Jickels, Lidles' & Misses' Newmarkets, Lidiu IT&veleeks and Gf.tehtnj, &ee.-F. Eathven, HO.535 BAST KING.BTRBBT, LANCAwTKB.I'A. aarlt-lraaw MUSICAL. c HOIOK HOLIDAy GIFTS. Choice Holiday Gifts. With music, mirth and a multitude of awect aounes. we greet you I a Hsrry Chitatmas and a Happy Mew ett I PIANOS AND ORGANS. Bccerdeans, Autoharps. Banlos. Uaalej' Clarinets. Cornets, Drums, Filer, rlageeleta. Flute., Uulurs. Harmonicas, Jews llarps, Maudetlns, ncaalnas. l'lccolea. Tambourines, Trlanglra, Vlellni, Orchestral and iland In strument. asr-The Deve are a tow et the Choice Tdusl. eal Ultu we have In stock for the Holiday Baa son, we also have a Fine selection et MUSIO iiexas. Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., 24 WE3T KINO BTRbWT, LANCASTKll, l"A n21-lyaw TOBACCO, AC. XPUlAULlwUED 1770. Demnth's IJIgar Stere. FIMKBMOKINQ TOBACCO. lMPOUl'Jtl) AMU KIT WX8T C1UABS. FBJCNCU 11111AK AND MKBBSUUAUM riras, CIO AB HOLUBHS AND C ABBS. aerourOelden Lien and MlaQuertSaClfan, BnutT Hei's, cunec, as., aultaele Chrliuna 1'icjenU ler imekui. Ne. 114 East King Street. a Telephone. Fleeat Brands el ClKarettes. dwCll-llLd w ATOUSPIUNU COK3KT. BUT THE FAMOUS WATCIISPRJNG CORSET. WILL MBVKK BBBAK. eUAKABTacn TO OGTWBAR ANY CUS- lOhtaiAUK ceuar. Mayer, Strouse Ce., hfAMUFACTUBIBS, 1siaavAarr ai. a. x. O0lMKMlTa,SOW FINE'S e$mi GURE8 PROOFS "FajasransiaryOasa aeaae aai sjt ray aerr aus.UA. Aflar. tlaaaf ralai1 caawwBB.aBs ea nm iamaa B muwmr eeai iiaeanalsa, B. B. "HI ItwrMdasfSlasaaa mj wwrar mw ABB naner, testy, team. AUU "Pataarw STsaTaea Saaa aaaai aBBTBsaBBrsaraTaBaaB BsBVaTPBl aTMSJ ) WWvH sV Pawav VTJpMI HTVwa laaieasitea, aad eav aUBiit,sassasa,Vs. MOOTS AND MBOKS. JT4V1 YOU SEEN The Pretty aad Wall Mads HOLIDAY SLIPPERS We have for Gentlemen la Beat Alligator eolera Black and Vhestaat. Our Flush and Velret Embroidered Uppers, at prlosstrem 7te te as 00 are la different eolera and hand some patterns t la sty lea. Opera and Bverett. iheUent'slmmltatlen Allijrater atfl.oe.and Maroen aad Tan Opera at tl.SS are flrat-claaa slippers for wear and oemiort. Alse a com plet atoek et faaer suppera for laaits.mltsts aadchUdren., H. Swilkey'i New dash Stere BO.MHOBTH QOBBK BTBBBT. eetU-SaaA e LOSINQOOTAT AND BELOW COST au.oLess BusiaasB. As I hare about made np my mind te ,"" into the manuf aaturn of shoes, I wlU commence en MONDAY, DIOaUf BIB 10, TO CLOBB BIT BBTIBB STOCE OF BOOTS, Shoes & Rubbers ATAHD BELOW COST. ear This 1 a rare opportunity for the public te get bargains, aa my entire stock eenslsta of the very best goods that the marrcet .affords. Be come early aad get jour choice, as I mean business aad they must be sold at onee. B. P. STACKHOUSE, M 80 majST aOHa.BI, LABOASTBB. FA. aSMydA IOOTH AMI) SHOES. Holiday Presents. Wa hive the Largest Assortment and Bteek of Medium Priced Slippers IN 1H C1TT. Men's Slippers and Beys' Velvet Bmbrel dered Bllpper, Ise ; slaes of Men's 6 tell, of Ladles 3 te 8, and of Beys' S te 6. Laityearwe sold mere thin BtO Fairs of the Men's Blip. para at Ne, and having had ae many calls for Ladle and Beys at the aame .price w sue eesded In getting them this year. The Men's Slippers we sell at7Se. Have a White Kid Lining and White Kid Insoles. Our SL0) Men's Slippers Is embroidered with Chenille and Is same make andpalterntha we aeld se many et last year, la two styles, with and without tees. Have also a yery large assortment of ll.SS and SltO Bllprers, which for stylns, quality and durability, cannot be sarpassed la the City. They all must be aeen te be appreciated, therefore will have our Bast Window ailed with them until after the Holidays, and it will be well worth your while te step and take a leek at tbem, as the prices will be attached, knowing that Ne Ont Can Undeiwll Us in Uncastir. The One-Pilee Ca&k Henae, I t Tub Litders of Lew Prices IB BOOTS & SHOES Ne. S East King Street, LANCABTBB. FB. OOAU LUMREK AND COAU TOBACCO BUOUKS AND casks. WB8TKU." UABD WOO US. wholesale and KetaU, at BB.MABTIMA CO, sU Water atreet, Lancaster, Fa. nJ-lyd -DAUataAKDMKK'B OOhtPAMY. COAL DEALERS. Owruat-fliaHerra.qaeaatreatlaBa Ha BM OCta rj-aaje swawt, TiBaarawsa "A FRE ECKERT emeemmiag. gUOMDX ORAMUBaV, i.Diaa 17;--MirBlBrT Baaaaas sad wrap, aad a fan saesk ef rtaw ime eaadtrs atdsaa at BsawaM mesa. earritaes itre as year eeear. , cer.WastuaeMesvaesvW e rmm all miqut. W.jLEeist&Ce. COB. BAM BUB A BVKB Ma. Tea, we are esea e assist, la edaisaesata our trad Brad la year Christ. a.. u.ki imxi ivr in. frnaa aaa. waa. eta aad Fmtta, ke rtaart aaiaae aaaaaa aad Hetfa Oraaiea la the atty. if tee Usaad saadtaga basket ef flBta.Fraltsaaeaetsa seyear Maaa, we wUl rarBbh yea wtta a hsaSscasa eaat fra of eaara. relavltataspaetloaefOBratete. BetAtae; aat traah stock ea htad, Tstesrapaad tats a.rkSecBYheaas Blfh ansa vietteaai wUl aBMitMfcat.' Wa eaa faralsk yea gees, awaat fnilt at spassai pneaa. "w DhkBBch Baistas la ths atty, ha qaartar, hall aaa whole hue. BOTiCBriesaateBeaMkraryewCartsi. asas rraseet uahtt Meaday, as we are very hasy, W. A. EEIST ft GO. COB. B. KIMO AXD ETJKB BIS. aarrrcaipt DallTery. Telepheae. T aANKs TO A QBBBBOTJS POBL1C Fer their liberal patrenac a durlaa: the past year, and especially ler their kUd ressesa. braaea of u. la the purchsss of their Chrlst raaasapplks. Gewi Goe4s at Lefreit Frtees Inrt WlB. Wa Call Attention te the Following for Tear MBW YBAJt'STABLB. The Wauman Indian Blver Flerida Oraage. Aaaanas, Whlti Q rapes, .Paradise Maanew CTanberrl's, Onr Fine kraperated Bagsr Cera, Onr Fine uaaced Cern, Onr Csllferaia Apricots, P aches, eherrler, Ac, la eaas. I enr Oholee BTanerated tialllerula anilnnfa. Kdam or Ontethead, Pineapple, BaMaaew Boeuetcrtana Ycrk eute uream Cheese. ' oiiTeila.Batad Urassing, PleMei, Besets, Sardines last, bnt net least. i h j Finest coffees and Teas la ths city. BURSK'S! NO. 17 jTA8T KINO STRUT, ' X.AHCASTBB, PA. 1Q BABQAINa 400 cuss Canned Sugar Cern, 4 cans for He, orneperdczen,ll40percs(SdeseB). Cost tha packer 8e per dezsn te peek It j bnt ha failed, and we seenree part of the bargain. We ire yen the ben at of it. 100 barren Light and Heney Table Molasses at Be. We ha lncreued our order for this Mousses te loe barrels, hrlng along your Ings, kettles and kegs. se gallras Pure Bztracted California Heney, sasferSSe. Never saw the like. Asktesee tt- Is going last. B0 pelts Jelly-SO hi te pall-Bl 40 per palL loe boxes Large Layer Balsins net a steal ea them 10c a a. 100 boxes Large Valencia Balalnr, S a f or tSa. loe boxes Large Valencia B&lalns, 4 as fur tle. SB boxes Bag flums, lSe a a. ts boxes I lneat Pared Evaporated Callfor Callfer nla Peachf s,S!e a a. Bxtra Dried Beer, UX a . Fine Oriel Beef, Se a a, Picnic Hams, lie a a. Soaps 1 Soaps 1 Seap I Soaps are up In price lc a a. wa have a big stock, ana are telling at old prices. Olelae, Se j Babbitt's se, and a geed large eake.SKa. We hare many ether Se brands. Ooed Soaps ate for Me. Anether let of h-se Breems, 1 for He. A let of Cranberries at Se a at. ab Invetra of Fine OUtes at ISO a bottle Beld elsewhere a. S'c a weet Liner, ISO a gallon. A let of Oranges at loe a dezen. J. FRANK REIST, WHOLESALB AND BKTAIL QBO0BB, MerUteut Career Welt Klag aai Frlace Streets, LANCABTBB, PA, eepTalephena ana Free Delivery. QUMMNHWABM. riQH k MARTIN. CHINA HAIL OUB LIST IMP0BTAT1ON OF JHaviland China Arrived te late te sufficiently display before Christmas. It con lalmd some veiy hand'eme Fish and Gama Sals, A. P. Coffees, Covered Cike Dishes, Cheese Dishes,:. Sema of these tave BlncebjenseM; cfiers still re main. They will rrae elegant New Year or Wedding Trasenti. See these before selecting. We express our gratitude te our friends who have contributed te making this se successful a Hol iday Season, and wish all a ' Happy New Year. Sigh & Martin,. Ne. 15 East Hag St. ecti9-ua NOTIOK TO THKSPAHSKR8 ARD euiNBKa.All persons are hereby ter. bidden te trespass an any ei the leads et the Oom wall and Speedwell estates in lbaaea or XAaaaater eeunuea, waetner ineiesea or bbib atthar ter the purpose el shrettag ar , aVi.w wiu beTrtgidiy eateteau &1LTT It YOU .M..U...,.h.M. rttmeej1- It aure lUiet. "" " fBObeaADBB. " , b.w eetssssaiMairs Rem s Big Bargains. w, . I! -Ja.'i&ai . i.ty ..v