HmIpW A. THB IiANOASTER DAILY iNTEIitlGENOEn. SATUKDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1888. bbs 'T-1 A - hb VABawatx e uu tavAav WkM the aaeteeats t MsaeeMp are teted, That the ler wkM te Uawatar aaa Una feared ' iftkHHtlitMl WearsfistaawswttaeYe ieaise HaWaaer Through aua.hlae aad tteraeWt weather, BlttteOMlWBIItll. Aaa wMte ta year hearts wBl awakea A bitwr regret, Aad the etna ttat year teal hare f Make Toaeunetforg-iL Tat I pray yea te ameera aet My awea lh.aghWehsreteeaftleBas. WkM am t bat eaa Billew, waese Bewwt M.a teaeesd shore sad eeee t Aaa tka ta'e et tay Jny aa! aiy Live, batas tke traee Of the wart, Uutthe tMaa of tka r la twain than mm . Tat I letre you, aa wares leare lUtr tnaaana Of cot aland shell, A gift, paita Ktnii aad pleasuree. Our friendship te te.1. Hear ea the MeedeMpa, wheat grewlag Bat brea from by btrtk t There la aaaght tka tide bring la flewbsg Cam equal Ik lr worth. rer aa I htlla I rem tka nnrai i of cot an Steal echoes that laat, e la frieadshlp It atln ed tka eaaettea Vt tears that are past -France WUHan Mturdttlm. m m A VISIT. Be timidly climbed up tka brew ttaaa tlepa, Ha timidly rang tka bell t Be rait that tbta r Islt might ba Mi tut, Bat w ky ae ka could aet ttll. Aa he itend at ih flew tka winter wled Wattled ta the (treat about. Bat abere lta rearing ha haatd bar say, ' Jehn, tell Mm Oat 1 aaa eat." As tie goer waa opened with stately aaeta. He said te the batler tall, Fray, go te Ml,s Jenes with ay eeaipU menu, ' And tell kerl did net call." -WiMant WttUv. Brervene la entirely willing te be hla aelgh ber'a phj Helen t yet tried remedies should emy be employed. Th popularity of Lbsa der li ceitsttntiy Increasing, wklca testlSsa te the real worth of ihU valuable family atad lclne . It eim only v emi'i. Always reliable and tffloseioos. Dr. Ball' Baby bvrep earer dlaappelnu metheiiaad annea, bat enrea at onee tka tronbiteeme dls euei tf babyhood. Beld everywhere at M cents a bottle. Berne Foolish Ftepla Allew a comb te ran until It gett beyond the reach of medlclt e They efien say, "h,lt will Wrar away," bit In me,t eewa It weara tbemawav. ionidthybfi!Dduecdtetry the auoeaasfnl medicine callet Kemp'i Baliam, which we sell en a pojitlregiaranuetecnrr. thnjr uenia ItumedU.eljr iee the eseellent aireet after faking the firatoeae l-rloetOeand ll.oe. analauairte. Atallcrnggtste. (t) Kaptera amregaaraataad byjJr. J. B, Mayer, MI Arch atreet, Philadelphia, Baaa at once, ae operation or delay from bailneee, atteetad by tbeuianda el cnrea after ethera fall, adTlea tree, lend for otrenlar. marlOlydAw MPMOIAL HOTIOM8. atamaieii MaebentB Are yen dlatarbed at- night and brekea el yenr rest by a alek child anSertag and erylag with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth t If ae, go at onee aad get a bottle of MAS. WIKBLOWSBOOTBIMUBTBCF. It Wfll n Uaya the peer UttleanfArer lwmed lately 4a pend upon tt there la se auataka abeattt. There la set a taetkar en earth who haa era maadlt,wbe wiu notteuyenat eaeathat tt wlU regulate the bewela, and glre ratt te the Btether, aad relief and healU te the ehUd, operating like magte. It la parteeUyaafe ba aaa ta all eaaea and pleaaaat te the taaa, aaa la the prescription of naef the eldest aaa beat female phyaldaaa aad aaraaa la the Uattet States. Beld eTerywhera, aaata a battle. ntaylMydaw THAT BACKIHQ QOUUHeanbe aeqaleklT eared by BhUeh'a Cure. We guarantee It. Beld r B.B, ceehraa drnggiaL Hee. UTaadUB erth Qneen St.. iAneaaBr. pa, fl) Bavid the Baby, "ary baby, aaed fifteen mentba.was attacked with crone.bnc waaanmd with two dose of TfteftUM' Meltctrie Oil ; hare need thta medi cine ter the elder ebllareu. Hare the gmaieat faith in It." Mrs. Daniel Mann, en Beranth atreet. Buffalo, N.T. Fer sale by H. B. cceh ran, druggist, in and IS) North yueen atreet. lAneaster. JD8T AB GOOD. Dent allow anyone te make yen beltera aay Other remedy Is Just aa geed for tick headache aa Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription, for It Is net true. This is the only remedy In the world that strikes at the root et the dliwssa aad drtres tteuu Qlre It a trial. Is oenaumptloa Incurable. Bead the follewing: Mr. O. H. Merris, Newark, Ark., says: - Was down with Abscess ei Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me aa Ineurable Consumptive. Began taking Or. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am bow en my third bottle, and able toerarsee the work en my farm. It la the finest madietae erer made." Jeaae Middle wart, Decatur. Ohie, says: "Baa it net been for Dr. King's Nesr utsoerery ter Consumption, 1 would hare died et LnngTrou LnngTreu Mae. Waa given up by doctors. Am new la beat et health." Try It. Sample betUea tree at H. K. Cochran's Drug store. Mas. 117 and 1 erth Queen street, Lancaster, Fa: (I) A Bad nraattt la Inanffdrabla. we don't like It. A person with a strong breath most net make himself rery familiar with n. An Impure eieath ts eauseariy aaeuneinny .loieuo. nuraoea flood Buttri will oerreo thu evil. They are the best stomach medlilne known, for sale byH. B. Cochran, druggist, U7 and 1JB North Queen atreet, Laneaater. What One Dees Did. B.a. Oravaa. of Akren. N.Y .had Asthma Of thewor.tkted. ToeaooednMof Thomai' Me Isefrte CHI and waa rsllered In lire mlnutea ateaaas: "neuia wata tan muts ler ibis aaaoieloe and pay at a bottle ter It. It cured aay wife of rheumatism like magle Fer sale ky B.u Cochran, druggist, U7 aad IN North Queen atreet. Lancaster. amLOH'B ceuqii and consumption Cara I la aeld by na en a guarantee. It cures Ceav Iaamptum. eutu uy a. x. uauiui, whbii tee. 117 and IB North Qnaea BL, Laneastar, r. ei Klcctrie lilttara. Thl TAmntv la becemln ae all known aad ae popular as te need no special mention. All wne nave umki junene eii.ub hbiuw same song of praise. a purer medicine does aet exist, and It U guaranteed te de all that la claimed. K eotrte Bitters will eure all diseases of the liver and Kidneys, will remove Flm- r4ea.0OUa, Bail aavam aaa uvoex- utreuum Sansed by Impure bleed. Will drive Malaria from the systera and prevent aa well sa cure all Malarial Fevers. Fer eure of Head ache. Constipation anu indigestion try anwuw Bitters -KnUre satisfaction guaranteed or soeney refunded. Frlea eOe. and ILW par bev tie at H. a. Cochran's Drug Stere. l) that terrible oeugh. Bhllea'a Cure la the remedy ler yen. Beld by H. B. Ceehraa, drngglst, Ne. In aad IB) North Queen BU. Lanaaater. ra. ft) Nerved Him Bight. i hv used Burdock Bleed BUttri. and am I happy te say they have done me mere go d than anything yet. eend a further quantity at once" 'ihts man was a sufferer frm dye- csia ler twenty years, uu uaiua ii ie- Fer sale by 11. B Cochran, druggist, UT aad IB) North Queen street. Lancaster. "" BalUfoUea CalvsrsaL In the nast three months I have anld ena hundred and six bottles el Stomas' JMselrfe OU. Never saw a medicine lu my lite that gare such untr-ral satlsraotlea. Cured an never failed te relieve my children of croup " C B. Feraalaby H. B. cechrau, druggist, 117 and IB) North Queen street, Lancaster. OOUU1L WBOeriNUCOUOMand BrenchlUa I taataadutelv relieved br Shlleh's Cure. Beldb IB. B. Cochran, druggist, Nea. It aad IS North Qaeaa BL Lancaster. Fa. () Berne Doubt tbe ttibie I Aad the motive et Its author, but none who hare used them doubt the efficacy et Bwraee Bleed BUttri. ! his splendid bleed tonle is without a t eer. Fur sale by H. B Cochran, druggist, U7 and UN North Qaeaa street, Lan- Wat three weeks I was ntTririnir from a severe cold In my bead, accempinled by a pain !n the templis ltnedaomeet the many catarrh remedies without auy relief. Kijrs Cream Balm was reeemmended te me. After oalystxapp'tcaUensot the i; aim every trace of my cold was removed Uenry n. Clark, 1st Fer sereial years 1 hive been troubled with catarrh Nty (.ream Balm has proved te be the article deities. 1 bellrve Itths only cure. tuvururacreiuiuti vwtuu r-k. en twdendAw Beakiee'e Aruiea aauve. Sma Basr Baxva In the world for Cnta, BrahMB uieera, eaii uimn, sever oeres,Teuar, Chapped Bands, Chilblains. Cerns, aad all IBsam anpueu, ana raeiuvtu; real iy curse FUee, or kteen te sdre aes ,y required. Itlsrcaraat satis tactien, or a&enay refunded. Fries okew. in km n a,s, aa, ui aaa taa araa .re. OUTlUUaU. BatatKPA HOW I BUFFI 110 Atthaaaa sanataa B SBSB fw1 BriH'-r-ibT.-s.' ttxrjsx7!? mm. BTBaal BBBaBBBV. bWsbUbWwI til n99 !' tVtaBBaBWaJftialt aaVaimasaiaW ariaeViaaytlshagwtthU. Aaefber Beraa. wassa asm snri wes-aar, lttaaa7 "eae at theat dtdnteaBy aaawaiBsT Baebaedt tt awraaa te aay bMB BaSaVdl aaaaa lllaTsl TaWaal W dfresa ewmr HeabaisBttasvsB ee that I MMBUjaeatteief aeatd gat areaad the bewee aa atyaaadaaai bwtieeaiaeagt aay elejbaaieaiataW, hasitewsaraserVef d raaatag go wa. Uf BSBT aad all aasiud dewa or taUan . aaT. aad as haaa,faeaaa4aaalwire ete seaa and I ha be h ire e tewat eat asr head ellj ike Titaia i lathe aaanaar te keep the ilea ear. My Bamtaeea. eaitad a twaueeat phyatataa aha aargeea hen la Chwavge (the ether syaMaaa jMtarja aaaataaBed iwere Tat uaaa aaaaaatutOB, Saaada) araseaeolddeBotWaaBe. Be waaVad te eat the alaawa a Biy.lan, ae iiaeaiawaiKt at t is" 'S122t if I M cat hatter 1 waala hare aa eeatrat for Aaraaa aeattaaed ta that aaaMac aaM I raateaa yrara ate. east ne day la Waa- aary, Mm I raaa aa aaaeaat ta the yrtsasssjOj year uvnuuaa kbhwas & .w.v ear aa aaaetiy t aaa i taaagaa aa a uat sw Wbaaaarataspitad theaa I waa all raw aad Bletdtac, fttWaerttehiar asyseif. tat 1 jreat BsleevTalaMMt iamealetty. seasethlag I had am eaefar yaara, the waa aa aeuthlag. rw tmmm a ana. sa bvubs iwe weaas a oeaia wmmm hehsi, bat aat walk,! waa ae weak, tat nay aorta were aearlr wall aaaaatf aaleaalaega the OUXI0UBA KIMKD1KB earetv ata.ia abeai ax ta eight weeks, aad ap tetkwdate (t. . aa aary, istb, te t aamarr issj i beaa sick ib aay way or her had the least . Wa. ma Daaiberm at. Chlesaa 111. Jnraaa,lAi7. Beld eteiysheTe. Prlea, Ctmetrat, B9ct Beat, ate t KasetravT, (Lee. Freparad by the FUXTBB DBUtt AND CHBaUOAL CO, Bee- B-BeBdfer - Hew te Cara Bkla Diseases." fhWBBFLBB.Blaiikhaaaa.Bea. Bough, Chap rim pad aaaeuy Bkla prarentedbyctr prarentedbyctr prarentedbyctr notriASear Oonstitutienil Cktarrh. . Ne single gtsease has eatalted atera aater. tag or haeteaad the break lag ap of the constl censtl constl tatten than catarrh. The san3e of smell, of taate, of sight, et hearlag, the hemaa reier, the mtnd, one or mere, and sometimes all, rleldtettadestrnetlreinBaeaea, xbepoleea It distributes taroBihent the system attacks erary rttal force, aad breaks op tka most ro bust of eeasutnllOB. Ignored, because bat little naeerstend, by ant pkystelaas, Impo Impe taatly aeaallad by quaeka and eharlataaa, these aaffertng from It have little hone te be renared of it UU aide of the grare. It U atme.taea, that the popular treatmeat of thta terras disease by remedies within the reach of all passed tate hands at enee eempeteat aad trust worthy. The bow aad hitherto un tried method adopted by Dr. restore la tee preparation of hla Babieai Ctraa haa wen the hearty approval of theaaaaea. It la lastaata neene im aaeraiag imiwi IB au aeea eeras, aaeaatag, saaffllag aad obstructed breathing. ipany remena aaa meat oppressive atoms, elca ring the head, sweetening the ilk. raaanrlna the ansea of small, taate and rlu. aad Bemrallalna the aonautntienal tandaacy of tee dlsessa towards the lungs, llrarand kidneys. aABSeaa'a Bameal Ctraa censtsU of one bot tle tf the Bameai. Ccu. one box of ca ca TABaaAi,set.rBBTaaaa aa laraorxe laaAtaa, prise, l. Fema Dave A CaaaaeAL Cot, Boatea. KIDNEY PAINS, Btralns Bad WamknaBBati, Bailered la one minute by that marvelous Aa Udeta te rata. laBtmmatlea aad Weakness. tke CuUeura AnU Fata Flaatar. TbearstanA only pain killing atreaatbealng plaster. Ba specially adapted te Instantly relieve aad speedily cure Kidney and Uterine Falas and w aasw Warranted raatlr annaler te all ether plasters. At all druggtats,Jl cents I Ave for 11.00 1 or, postage f rer, et Fettbb Dave abb, Boatea. Mass. JanaiydWAIAlyw IKHBOM'B PLASTKB. DUB1NQ AM IX01T1NQ Many men are unmindful of tee lawa of health and expose themselves te all hinds of weather, aueb lm Srudenee often results ta ancernus Cenahs. Colds. FBBSIDBNTIAL chest Falas. BkeumaUsm, Solatlea and ether painful OAMFAI0K sftioUens. Bassea's tflAS Tsswlll be found the most reliable external remedy known for the piempt relief and cute of snob aliments. It keeps np a healthy flew of the bleed when the body ts exposed te the ravage of the most In clement weather. Careful buyers will ask for Bassea'a plastbb and refuse all ethera. AaT Band two eent stamp te Beabnry A John John Jehn eon, tl Matt street, N. Y., for a coey of In In ttruttieni from (Jie Docter, a valuable hoee heee hoee heldbooa. (2) LAD IMS' OOATB. rnHK PEOPIaK'B OAHH 8TURB. Reduced Prices AT The People's Cash Stere, MO. 20 Bmht King EtTMt. WBOIFKKOUBBHTlBBBTOCKOr Ladies' and Children's Coats ATSKBATLT BEDUCKD FBICK8, LsVdleB Plush Oeats, Plush Jackets. Plush Medjeekaa, Cleth Medjsku ud Jiektts, Ltdies9 k Misse.' Ntimarkeis, ladin' HiTeleth ud Gre'clius, Gee. F. Eathven, MO. BO staVBT KIKO BTBHaT, LAB0ABTBB.PA. marli-lTdAw MAHKU. "lg-OrHINQ IB NIOKR FOR A 0HBI3TMAS PRESENT Than a Blea gmblt.mstle Fin nr charm, atthar U solid Ueld or Triple Flatad. LO O.F. F.O.B.Of A. LO.B.M. K.efP. K.OIO.B. A.O.K.B.U. U.B.OIK.F. K, of L. B.L.B. V. O. of F. O. U. A. at. Or aay ether society. Alse Charms and Pins SOT the FAIKIAKCBS MILITANT. Call early and make your selection from the awsrasaaatrrreaaaaksB atBaaaee-OeavM wvmbwi aw waa aiwswawai mmim UM4VHI TTIIJlllj E R I SMA N ' S AalWaattUM BfBJUT. JJBr 'VaTmXT aWOat TO OOUatX ByTJaU. A FOIITIVal BKDDOTIOH BALK Or" LADIES' & CHILDREN'S COATS ! Oa Thsradsr we will eemwea-a ear Oealaa Bale of tAdtaa'aaA CWldrsa'a neats. wehara SI ate throne tJramttret eat uefamatMt aad reaMraea every garmeat npiara Bgarea tall may read. hsrtdaeteaaWreba'B green alwaystoaeMeg Beat, aad aaa Masse getaa: awn. VhSalasiaalirvalrthalaatiBdBaUeaef thlsaaaaaa. The loilewtaa kt a aet tilt Bstef what we have dew kBUerBiamaiaiimaBiBji tt idhw'Newaisrkstsataat Las a. Ladlaa Ba' Let a taaies' i-ewaetats all i arm li 111 I ai SintifBarkaia as ail 9 I at HI i Let B. S Mmsea' Bewmarkess, is te is ai Let AlBWIaaaa' BtMi ware 17 M te Me. let 7. SNisaea'NeaBarlMts.iateiayeara.atMMtweretata; A n. Lit a 1 Mtaea'Newmarkwta,M talk years, atvfaa- ware au ae as HI ta Let Ala Ladles' raeaets at Bust ware Has. Let i A at Ladtaa' Jaeksu at at at i were at ca ts at 00. Let li ai Ladles' Jaekett aad Meaieskas at at tit war Wim. .... leAltMLadieeWaeJkmaadMelmkasats7mi werellitiOteMltt . .. CHILDaBh'B etAT ail Dtaayea and Slave, a teilyears,kavemtttheaamaMtaaitaa lA4Hrasraeate.sB4allroferasaeg. FlUa flgaraa ea aaak coal . . . . . rLCsB aaBBBnTaiatresJieaadeiYOBeareristea of piietsai-d hare beta pateaaUrel With the rest or tbe coat Bteea. Tobeeearuee4tsa4to-Ay'asiateaatlaeerraMeaJitoaviowaBdBUkkaaaaaAmtMUoa, aaauiaaeedei a Ceat we hare ae fear aa te theratdlet. FAHNBSTOOK'S, MOB. aaS aa mi VaTXaUMwl ST., JBWBLMX. & KHOADB st BOM, HOLIDAY NOVELTIES! We an new effarin b stock of KeTeltfcw, eowtlttteK et Sterltnff RU Ter Stamp 8eab and Mate Bexea, Cigar and Clraratta Cad,Qlorand8heej Battoeeta, Boek Mai ks,PAMr Uatterr, Letter Opearrs, Peoeil and Pen Held eiB.ete. fiealdea tbrtM we dbtb b ttieiamnd RIeks that we will tell bC wonder fully low pilots. And Watches thatoannet be equalled for the aeney la Lau easter or any market. We would like te hare you all come and leek at them. They bib always open for your lctpeotlen. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, JEWELERS, Ne. 4 Wtt Kins Street. OABtBT BAKaAINBI ae SHIRK'S CARPET HALL WILTON, VMLV1T, BODY BRUSSELS. Tipeitrj, Iograle, Diuik and Yenetlan. Rag ud Chain Carpets, - OIL OLOTMB, WINDOW SHADES, tie. We nave tkc Last Bad Beart BHoek la Um Olty. H. S. SHIRK & SONS. Cerner Waft lit Ml Wit Stmts, hneutir. Pk VLUTU1HB. JJlAliL, 1888. Fine Tailoring Fer the Latest Mereltles, eesBned styles. Largest ataertmeat of riae Woeleaa, aad prlees as low aa aay, go te H. GERHART'S Oftiy Direct LnpertlBf Tailtr. tt NOBTB QUKBN BIEHBH. T O OLOTH1NQ BUXKRa 66-L.Gansman&Bre.-68 NORTH QUflEN BT, Our Big HeJuotlea Sale of Overcoats and Ulsters Ceattaties te atlnet the attention of every shrewd purchaser. The Bargalna we new offer oannet ba equaled la tha whole eenntry. Xxamlaa enr large assortment of Ovaroeats at m te. at, is, at. Kxamlne enr Una assortment at tt, B9,U0,II, enr TJiiUrs or storm Ovaroeats rednesd new te 10, at, S3, They iri Geed Vilm for the M0017. Mb Beys' CklMrea's SUITS Frem the Cheapest Grade te tbe Finest at Corresponding Beduotleo, Before buying Clothing aee ear Im mease stock. We bare aa assortment that oannet be equaiea aaa prices that oaanet ae maicaee. i L. GANSMAN &BR0., MANUFA0TDB1NQ CLOTH I BBS, B. W. COB. NOBTB QUKBN A OBANOX BT. BBWABX-Bema stores elalm te ba or have eonneetloa with ours. Loek only ter the beuthwtst Cerner Aeith tjuten and orange streeu. rera. se. T OYS. FLINN k BRtNEMAN. TOYS. Our Stock el Toys and thrlstmssQoedsIa new ea exhibition and Is largerand aner than avsr. MEOBANIOALTOYS, TIN AND IRON TOTS, VELOCIPEDES, EXPRESS WAGONS, DOLL CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, TREK ORNAMENTS, &c. Our Bleck ts for the mullliude and our prlees are away down. Allaudsotne BOCHE3TCB LAMP makes a Fine Chilstscaa Present. We bars them Cheap. FLINN SBRENEM AN, Ma 168 NertB QaasM Btrewt. LANCABTBB FA. B OABDIN. NEW BOARDING AND Lodging Heuse. Ne. 41 Reeth Llnwstnet, iDCaavar.atex eerge,( ni.marcsi rmpnever. First daaaUerman table beard. Heals at all beara. Heme comforts for permanent bear, den. kteala furntabed promptly and la first. e'aae style te wedding and birthday parties. Delta. Bene. ew et um bumm aiunut the pubUe's laareaaga. Baajtetfallyael halted. I AlSiTwsWBwB, ' I BaeatBnBiMvBBst I Be,ti WOODS. weraaica. wsragrsetetitn. i were aieteiiim. ware BM te aw. yaara, at eat were at go LaVMOAatTaB, PA MALZ. BASOAJHa I WATOIIBX iexswsea'N- m w TyATOHKS AMERICAN I WaUha..c,fl.KaaU OpttaalOoedi. Telegraph Time Dally, Brer ArUela In this Line carefully BepalraB, LODI8 waiaw, Ne, UBK B. Qaeaa BL, Bear F. B. B. BtaUea. rOLIDA.Y QOOD3. GILL. FANS, NOVELTIES HUD HOLIDAY GOODS. We Are Prepared for the HO LID ATS with a LaigoBleokot DI AU03 DS. WAT0HK8, OAJMKB, JBWBLBT, Km Ne. 10 West KiDg Street, LANOABTBB.FA. N EW GOODS I NEW GOODS I HERR, Jeweler. GRAND Watchee, Ellrerware, Jewelry. Diamond, NeTeltien, A9-0ALL-FB1CKS ATTBA0I1VB ABOUB OOODJ. 101 NORTH QTJJ.EN ST., COBNXBOr OBANOR. raaa, e. wvwa sj was m eawxsaswe' -rtARQAlNH. AFTER CHRISTMAS BARGAINS. awaawasea BKAL BAUO 11N8 IN ALL FUR GOODS AND FUU TillMUINaB, BOOKS, 11LAKKETJ, ftO. ALL TUB LATEBT NOVELTIES 1N1UTB. TUB DUNLAF UAT And tbe Celebrated Light Weight "UOflTON iiEAUiiaa." TECNK8.TUWEI.INO BSG8 andBUBUBU UOUDiat Blglnaucements. Stauffer & Ce., 81 tfc 33 North Qneea Street, LANOABTBB.FA. ABrBUhest Cash Prices paid for Baw Furs. N1 OTIOK TO TKHFABKBH AMD ttUNNEtta.-All persona are hereby ter. bidden te trespass en any of the laeA, of the eerawau aaa npeet well estataa ta lAbaaaa or bather Inileaed or aalsv a oaneec of shoeUaa or leaesstsr aeuni either feri Bahlag, i aaaaaaa aa the law will be rlctdlr eatuaea all trespaaslag ea aald laaaa ef tke aa- anar uia Bouea. z?BwrBssm5,rumm' s'lirssVal mBreaa-taa BHataafS Holiday Mtracw! rOM BALM O MBKT. V OR RENT. Aiaaaa Tkrte-fi(wr Brick Bwelltag, With bi't'tnnt attached. sl'naUd ea the eoreor rf net urattt and hirry streets, with raaturaittana arrysireeie,wiHs ipiw.rbfiterardaneferatnr. s wiihlLg terlewU seme wlltalaaie LKWArPi a w anrse retseus aall en decltfdS He. HI Vast Blag Street. PUHLIUHALU. Oa WKDNEKDAT. at tha lairiard howl.ea Bast Kbig street, will ba sold that Two-Merr itMlCK UWBbUMw, with two-tety Brick Back Building aad frame Blteben att.ehnd, altaatehe. nit v eat Chest nut street. Hall, six rooms, two kltnkeas aad farrt.ia.e'atra with dutp. hydraat,Ae. et si by lift tf at, te a nubile alley. Tata pre per tv loecated In a rapidly giewleg nttsh nttsh nttsh borheod aad la worthy the aitentlea el bay art. ALLAN A.HBBN, Brat Xstate aad iB.nranee ageat, 10J BMt Bteg BtreaL B. F. Bowa, 1 net, deerT-tad pUBLIO HALK OT REAL KSTAT1B. Oa Tacaaaar, Jaartar sVIVB, Will be sold at the public hontteel Philip Walt, en Wan King suset, an that let of ground, situated en the corner of High and Derwart streets containing ta fient en High atreet Ity-tsree feet, and la depth te Ruttcuwned ailey tn hundred fret, atom erl.ts, en which tl srefted a one and a-half story Hrtek Dwell Dwell lavHente. with frame Butcher Hbep, "table and ether Intprnretrents. this property waa e.ed aa a batcher stand for yrara. Itaaaa geed well et water and aoed sewerage. Bale te romtuenee et 1 o'elook wbaa the turns Will bs mala known by 1 M R II NIBS CF JOHN i ABLV, Jacob Gcxdiksi, lteceaed. jkuuitencar, drc1t,tt,tlJanl ADMlNIHTKAIOrVH HALK. Hv vltt-e et aa order of tke Orphans Cnut tef Lnnesater ivutur, the undersigned administrator of Jehn Dally, deea.ed, will offer at pnblla sale, at the Leepard hotel, la Ihec'tyofLretst'r, ca BatuBDar, Jaaeaar a, laje, All that lw.,. trry HKICX DWBI.LtNO house, en the north side of Vast walnut atreet, between Lime and eblppan streets, ta the city et Lancaster ai.d knen aa Ne tit. Tbe let el icmand haa a frantajen' (if-et andadaptbef IS1) fret, n alt feet wide alias. This property Is sttustrd in a neaUabie nelh nelh beth edand Is a leaaant home. Persons Cis.lrli g te ntw lta prmlss can de ae by calling ea Mrs. Dally, residing there nn, Bala te rommeneeatTe'cloek rn the evening of the above date, hn leiats will be made hnewp ty tmeb r. MoBi.i.iueti'. Administrator of Jehn uall. drcard JesLL. llaiaaa, Auct. declMtdS VALUABfiK MAMTr-AOTtTKlNQOR Ceal and Lumber Yatd Het at 1'Ublle Bala. Oa Tbcsidst, Jaatraar I, tm, will ba sold at r nbllc sale, at the ''oeper Beuse, ail thtt Let et utetit d, N.w. Hi, itland lU Aerth Vav-rttreat, bounded ana deserlbedaa fellow, trmlt! Commencing at the lenthwcit corner of Water and Marlen Mtreti eittnc leg south, frnnttnaeit Wctr ntrtitUliet, ihaoee wast 111 leet.tbence net thlt Ickt'O Inches, thsnee west let leew te rob alley, tbeece north along arch ally 48 let, tbrnen tait along Marien street Hi leet, te place of belniilng,en which are errited a Intm one-story Mene Bease. a onetery Heugh ;s-snda we-stery Brtek, all fronting en Water aueet, and two ear story rratna uwclllngv fronting en Ark allry, and a twe-nfny Frame Cigar Bhep, fronting en Uarlen atrtet. Bete 1. s n opperinnltT seldom effsred t a lanrn ulotef g'eund leuatnd about the centre orhecliy,otinuinlng shout 11 H0q.uere feet eraruund. havleg a fienuge en three slrxete, with tbe rery bt at xeaatage aud an aacelleat erring of watersufQalent te snpply tbe largest demauds; suitable for a cml or lumber jam, or any roanutaeturtng buslnr.a. The Bead leg A Qaairy villa rallnd ra-ses the property ou t ater street from whleb a siding eaa be run Inte tbe same. rale te lemmence at 7:81 o'clock p. tn,en a.ld day, when coadiuens LI be mails hnewa by bUBAN APMKK, J en L Harass, Auct, dl.lMMl RAREOUANCE. The Wiley Mansion, Ne. 140 East Obaneb Stbbbt. Th Hut DMirable Prepetfy li thi Giiy, WILL BB BOLD AT FUBLIO BALB, ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1680, ATTBBSTETBMB HOUSB. This Is a rare opportunity te secant what la regarded by most persons aa tbe most dosira desira ble borne lu the city el Lancaster, of oommo eommo oemmo dloua slse, and with a let floating Mteet.)f Inches nn Kusl Orange street, ana intending la depth 111 feet 4H lechis U Grant sTcat, Tbn dwelling Is l.rae and dl.Ued Inte ad mirably apiMtutcd hails and rooms, bavins la tbetn ail the meat anpreved con venianeta la ute in tbe beat of mndern henses, and all tbete otnvenlenesateif tbe btst make and In tke bent petslblu oenditlon the Interior walls bava all been f resoeod In tbe heat manner, and the entire prepity Is In cempletn tatalr, It Is a me.t desirable home, and such an ena aa II rarely ettered at public sale. Persons wishing te view thn pram tin can de te by calling ou Jehn ILateulerorTbemaa V Wiley. Bala te commence at 7iloe'clock, whan condi tions will be mads known by 1 UOS. C. WILEY. dl t?,l,ttl JW.IUMO 17d B U1LDING LOIS, Building Lets SECOttEDFOB FIVE DOLLARS. Balance in Monthly Payments. Brmeeftha Choicest Untiling Lets Intha City, sltuiwd en i-eliiBib'a, fark. Marietta aaa West and avenuts, and en Ceral, Kuby. Fearl. rrstand laoenntrret..lnthn Wmtera p.rtef thediy, and wllbestldeuth INATaLMKNT FbAN. Fared sidewalks, rlty water, gss, elrcttle llsbu stteitear facllliler, Ae. Batralnduec meats te DUllOen. Call at the eStca and se plsns, Ac Alie great btrtalns In Impreped preperUas for sale en same plan. Kemember at FSB MONTH will itcu-e a heme. A rare chance for pxsoes uf small &UBUI. ALLAN A. HERR, Real Eetate and Insuranoe Agent, 103 EAST KINU BTBEBT, LANOASTKH.FA. dIMWd BOOKS, AC. OTATIONEHY STOKK. Hen's Stationery Stere, tl A C3 NOUTU QUEKK BT, ENVELOPES AND BLANK BOOKS Are aptlnclpal feature of this Ftere. Ihn goods jeu wantate here. Styles and quality tbe finest and beat. Filets explain ttem-elvts. Have never been ebjectea te. It la enr greatest pleanure te show the goods. Jht lutereiti of dsaler aud ces temer are mutual here. L. B. HERR. angll-lyd f ' " - , OLD BRAfH WANTKD 1'HK HIOH est rash prlce paid for old Urssi and Cep Cir. Tbe flnret bra.s castings wade te order, etal pattern work Bnl.n d at reasonable rates. M. tV.rualH't Leck works, Bear Lechers Jlanklng ISulldlng. UTu.ThAHtM NOTICE rrem and al'er January 1. 1S9, tt-e'e will hami'tti lu-ld Mil aily In the rurunr.' Beutbern Matkut lloiiieen unday. WnJinrs dsy aid Oatutd.y morning tarty and t-atur day atte'noen at t o'clock. Alt stallhelders are entitled te the advantages of the addi tienal day (Wednatdkyi In conaeetlea with thai ethers, ax ukuak of xbb beabu. M. L. r BAtuiT, eesratuT. eUMMseS rVBNITVBB. G .0 TO W1DMTKRS. TELL YOUR TATHBR, Mether, lister, Brether et Friend f Bay Tea Bemethtag USBrULas Wsll aa Fretty. Oaa of the Maay Things that eaaba Flaked Upat WIDMYER'S. NoreoUshnessA'Krat Thate. Tka KettBea alkie Yea Cam select. Onr Increased rales Frere Thli lavsk Beat r at It OB? Till tke Last Mtaate. Cesta, Belcat SB lee ROOKER, OR- Wall, NoVseTryteMeatlonTttsra. Yea, they are Ckeap tee. Ne Mistake la Baling AT Widmyefs Cerner, Bit aQxur and Dnkt trMtr. LAB0ABTBB.FA. CIPKOIAL I Hoffmeier's Special I Than yet rtinalai a number et CHRISTMAS GOODS IN STUCK, Aad lhl weak, rattier than carry them erar, they will be sold at Bargain Prices. It jeu wish te make prrAttble purehaeee and acceptable pressats aaamtae our assert meatet HOLIDAY GOODS. SB Bear In mind they must be aeld. Be BMinbei lha place la HOFFMEIER'S, Ne. as stoat King Street. di tfd A RARE JTKASr. A Rara Fatt FOB HOLIDAY BUYERS. HEINITSH'S, 27 and 20 Seuth Quten Btrt, We hare cleared enr flrst fleer aad arranged enr Uuliuat weeds all there, ae aa te aare yea steps aad time The most beautiful gceda ever shown, and the r rlety la ae great ih.t wn cannot enuaw rate, bat ssk yen te see ter yirarself. Pilots slmrst cut In twei they never were se low. It does net require a long parse this res our window dlanlavs. Mawrraedaazhlb. I ted daily. HEINITSR'jS, 7 ea 10 SOUTH QUMM asT., LABOABTEB.FA. F CRNITURB I JfURNlTUKM I TBB UNDBBSiaNED BAB BBOFBBBD HU TOMB AT TBB OLD STAND, le. 38 East King Street, Which waa destroyed by are some time age. Bads-Baa perfectly BewBtec of all kinds ei FURNITURE. fablebbdites, bbdboem bditea, ;tables,ichaieb, bio, UPHOLSTEBING laAlilUBraaeaaa. Alse FaJaUag aad Or asaeatlag old Chairs.; HENRY WOLF, Ns. 18 East Klsg Stmt las tfd BOOTH ADO UUOBB. TTAVK YOU SEEN TbeFretty and WaU Mads H0LTD1Y SLIPPERS We hare for OeaUemaa laBral Alllgator Alllgater Alllgator eelors Black end hestnuu our Piush aad Velret Embroidered -Uppers, at prices Iren T'ote St 10 are lu different colors and hand some patterns I In styles. Opsra and Brerett. 'ibeUenl'almmtiatten Allyatcr, and Maroen and lan Opera at (1 Mare sili'pera for wear and oemlort. Alj a rera rlete stock of fancy Slippers for ladtts.mltsts aad children.; H, Swilkey'i New Cash Stere NO.M NOUTU QUEEN BTBEBT. OCtll-Smd CLOSING ODT AT AND IIKLOW COST TO.OLOSB BUBlhgaa, As I lave about made np my mind te go into the mauulaature of .host, I will coueunee ea MONDAVY, DBOBM BEB 10, TO CL0BB MT BNTIBE BIOCE OF BOOTS, Shoes & Rubbers ATAND BELOW COST. SB-This lsarare opportunity fortiepnblle te get bargains, aa my entire stock consists of the rery best goods that the market affords. Be come early and get yenr choice, as 1 mean business and they must be sold at once. D. P. STACKHOUSE, 88 80 MAST KOTO, BX. LANCABTBB. FA. BSD-lyd CAHM1AUMM. OTANDAKD OAHH1AOK WOKE. KDW. KDGERLKr, . Nel te, u, ts. Market atreeu Bear of Feat efllce, Lanessier, Fa, I new hare ready for the Fall and Winter Trade the finest and most selectlluenf strictly first-class canlsgee and Sleighs et all descrip tions In the merest. New la the time te buy a nice Carriage or Sleigh as a cbrl.Unas Fra.ent. Tbeiels noth ing that would be miie .ultablr. bpeclal Uamalea In Becend-iiand Werk, both flnl.be4 or nnBnl.bed. A lew mere el tbee One Eead Carts lett at prue. te suit the times. AU work fully guaranteed. My ptlcaa for tbe same quality et work are the cheapest la the aiate. aaaatrtag and Beaalallng prempUr at teased te. Oaa set of weruiaa eapaaaaUy BtBastTBS fat last aaiess. balaem ew rABMnm. .SrRIOHBROa CLOSING SALE g. ,;l --OF- I CHRI9TMAS GOODS -m -AT- '-jirs .'. 'ft TRICH'S PaALACE OF. FASfflOW, 13 East Kine Stmbtt. LjtNflAOTBB. Pa. . . , Our offer geed until Jtnvmni "t, 1889. J Frem new until TMratrsair r t : ." " a ..T'r-r'ff jduuAry isr, we ener mil vnriaw;:--ifS mas uoeds, such as DeOev; Photograph Album, Autr4: n..L AtL..- T!1-. '.,- KiJ"i muuiiu, AUUCt VaTiavBBt--xV Manicure Cases, Jewel CaseAib Handkerchief CaseB. Ts-b Smr n:..- tc! ta .sT u4uc A-iurcs, orenECB, wmaaT.; Helders, Brass Easels; Teel V...U19, AKStCU aICB, BIH1 awaarsrv. ..L S Kit utner goeas 100 numerous se; mention. ' All these coeda will be nlaud) en one counter, ana you may, come and select whatermywr wane at exactly nail tn marxea en tt. .- One dollar reeds at Fifty cent reeds at sjtc. Twenty-five cent ceeds at 12c. a en cent goeas ac 5c. &! This offer is geed until JaM-V ary first after which dav & theaflVenrla will en hautV t , - as, - . " a- -" .-" ineir original pricer Our store wiU. be closed New Year's Day. S -"w4i; A Happy New Year te All. ASTRICH BROS, UBOOMMIMB. "afwajf nDfn A sTU AV BflglmBBBB j..a . INDIAN B1VBE TKB FINBCT OBAB1B1 -yJrS IN TMa MABEBT. vmmmm 0 IItt - Taiiiii 1 1 suit iiiiistiBiiiaaikiiiilies. aarFlraaa aire aa renr t . wasuiw, cer. wast Blag aaa Watat Ma. rnUANKB- TO A SEBBBODB FUBLIO Fer their liberal r liberal. paueaMaarlaaMBat Mpeataily for their aSt swaaaav aa ta tteparsjesMSf tBeUQaawa Eear, and ranee of masSupplati, Geed Goods at JLewrst Prlws Hist Wit. WeCaUAUeaUoate the FaslewtasaWTeBt If mmn laaasiaassi -v: The Baamat la' tea Blrer aTertaVa Oiaasaa, AaBanaa. Whlf Oraeea, Faradlea MaSteav craaherrlsa. . Oar Flae hragiraast Baaay Cera, Onr fine uaanedOea.UwOelavaiB Aprteets, Ftaeaea. eherrlev, Aaa, ta aaa. I ' our choice a vspermtad ialtteraatAwaivM. Bdam or Date! head, Flaeapase. BaMsje. Boqnetertaaa fcra ataucieaatCasaaa. tilire ulls, taad Dressing, aeaMa, Bsaeig. Bardinea last, bnt aet leaaiV "" hi Ftaaat VrOBses aadTaas Bt tfee esW. BURSK'SI NO. 17 VAST KINO ITBUT. LAMCATBB,FA. B IO BABQA1N& Heist's Big Bargains. toecatai cancad rugarrera.leaasstrsaa, Oeet ih" packer ivj per dessa te peek tti bathe failed, aud we stcurbO pan of Om kirgatBi We give you the bentBt of lb 100 barrels Light aad Ueaty Table Mnlaasra at se. We have lucre ued our order ferthJe Moi.aseste 100 barrels. Urugaleagyearjsga. katlleaand kaaa. AO aaunna fun Bztneted Calllanda I SBslorBte. Never saw the like. ASBWI Ib Is going fasb 60rTisJ.lly-soaitepaIl-ttatraaB. lt) boxes Larue Layer HtleiBa-aet asM en intra ice a a. 100 boxes Large Talanala Balslas.l Be far lee. leu besas Laiga Valeaeta Baulaa, i Bs fawBhs. B.buxaaEags'luBia.lteaB, ts bexea sineat Fared EvaBSfatat CaWtar nUFeaeea,eaB. Stztra Dried Beef. UXa a B. Fine Dried Beef, Se a B, Flcale Haats, lle a B, Beapal Soaps I Beapsl Beaps ate up in price le a B. We hare a aif steca. ana are lalilng at old atlaaa JtBaSaa, set oaeoiwa pe, anu ." laiaw Me we bava many ether ta braaaa. weed amer no. Anether let of ihiee Breems, fee I A let of Oraabsrrtna at ta a qb a a invoice of flae OUvaa at Ua sold etsewaare a-. . Sweat cieer, IBs a gallea. A let of eraagea at Wa a detia. J. FRAM 8EIST, WBOLBSALB AMP BETAIL B0Uaa, KsrUesat Ceraer West Kief aaa MaM Mntss. LANCABTBB, FA. SgrTalaphene and Free Pallrerr. WK CAN HKKVK YOO WBIO.A1IU sarejoataeaey U adrartavlaa. BaaV mates free. ADVERTISING GUIDE-: The most eeaipiete aad ertgtaal erer pens ob cveapt w. sw .. i aad ferwardlsg. m aaataft eaawataaBBBBaaBaw aj BBjaj twBfsBaffafMBBaaW t jl 1 1 f " ',- . -a. V. aaS'' rSi 1J ffi 1 J&Vi ii-i IE m M f- J5V t-t rfAlLA&J&&&if'i'. &..-& AK'-a v 9l " If : r5.'.v.-yaB aJ- i I tJ t-.'O . -