m i" ' -' " -ri . Wqz yattfa$tc !M i -CV3 VOLUME XXV-NO. 105. LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 18E8. PRICE TWO CENTS. is r AFTER THE BRUSH, DIO CnasK BEGINS AT TBB GAP ON mURsDAY AVIBBKOOlf. , .Jh.'f Over Hundred Bounds and Scores of Horse men Get en in Trail sad rreBnrd Uatll HigfcUaU-Masy People Tliw the Spottef Bart Bad Hnntera. The levers of fox-hunting la the eastern end of the county have been staking ar rangement ter soma time put for the chee whleh took place at Gp ea Thurs day afternoon. It was held at Bellevue Ien, kept by Jaoeb -K. ."Butter, who la a well known, and DODular huntar. and enlevl I , nothing better than a dty'a ran wltb the -p dogs, A better atterneiB oenld net have neon cocbbe ter tne sport, ene, aitneugn there were squalls of enew about neon, the . weather waa etear later but aemawbat oeld. h This, together wtthrifce premise of a flee afternoon's sporty drew a large crowd of people te the chase. , Among them were a number of well known hunters, some of whom hare been following the dega with freat suecess for many yearn. The lit Ineluded Harry Bktle-, of Mount Vernen ; Jaoeb A. Blr, Williams town t Jehn Kk Balr, Bedsburyrllle, Chester county s JBrUbln ' Bkilee, Gap ; A. B. McCtoSrie, ap J Amen Balr, Bird-in-Hini ; Ann S. U&, , Gap ; Milten Kcep, Green Treet Frank BBldemrldge, Lancaster; Jeseph Keep, Klrkwoed; Abraham Keep, Andrewa Bridge; Jehn Myers, White Oak ; Weed Warrel, Bear town, and many ethers. Lancaster city la revar behind In any kind of sport and it aent qnlte a delegation down te tbe chase, arriving at Gap abertly befere 2 o'elook. The crowd had already begun te come and It waa a ahert time until the Tillage, especially aieund tbe hotel, presented very lively appearance. After everybody bad had a pleasant ebat and the hunters had warmly greeted each ether, dinner waa announeed, A table of great size had been spread, and It waa leaded wltb everything that man, and ea ea peelally theso with geed appetites, oenld wish for, and it was filled numerous times before all were aerved, It waa aftnr three o'clock when consider able excitement waa eauaed by the an nouncement that the fox waa about te be dropped. Mr. Ratter' hotel Is situated en the side of a bill and tbe back of It faces the north. On that aide of tbe beuse there la a very large poreb, from wbleh an excel lent view of the beautiful Pequea valley la te be had. On tbe perch many of the crowd gathered, while the yard and the surrounding places were filled. It waa but a short time until Ames 8. Beaa emerged from the hotel, carrying tbe fox in his arms. He waa a beautiful animal, of large alie and had been ought but three weeka age, at Coopers, about three mllea north el Oxford. Mr, Hess and Mr. Butter took Reynard te a point in a oernlleld, at the bottom of the gently sloping bill, and he waa dropped about 100 yards from the hotel. lie started off rather hastily but seen Blackened hla pace. lie ran In a north east erly direction seresa two grass fields until be came te a large frame barn. A big beuse deg here saw him and gave cbsse. The fox waa tee qulek and he slid through tbe fence, while the deg, which waa rather large and heavy, was unable te g6t ever. This little excitement caused the fox te hurry along and he seen crewed the Lan caster pike lute a cornfield ; in a few mo me menta he waa lest te the sight of the people at the hotel, who were se anxious te fellow him with their eyes. At first it waa be lieved by many that he had turned toward the eeuib, and waa making for hia old haunt, but be sserns te have kept In .the direction wlileh he started, going towards Housten's dam. Alter the lox hal been dropped there waa great oenfualon about tbe hotel and In a few moments all of tbe humors who Intended te participate in the cbase were In their saddles. They s'atted OH at Intervals and could be seen going Id every direction aa fast as tbelr homes could carry them. After twenty minutes bad elapsed from the time that the lox was dropped, the hounds that had been keeping up a terrible noisy serenade In a Rhed, In wbleh they ware penned, were let loose Se anxious were (bey te get out tbat they ran all evor each ether. The pack was a very large one, numbering ever one bundred. They were a splendid looking let of animals and as they made tbelr appearance tbey stirred up tbe bleed of tbe anxious spectators. The dogs were a little wild at first about taking the trail, but finally a big red deg get It and Blurted in the exact direction that the fox had taken. He was qalekly followed by the remainder of tbe pack, and ill cresBOd tbe fence at tbeoerner of the barnyard, where the fox and big deg had had a lew words just bofero Tbe dogs oressed the pike Inte a oercfleld and then seemed te ecatter somewhat, tbe majority of thorn veering around In a mere easterly direction, for houie time tbey could be plainly seen Iretn the hotel and teey locked very pretty as they passed along evor tbe hill tops. They finally turned and going towards tbe northeast earn anon nut nf Blcht Before the Lanoaaterpepplfl.arneng whom waa the Intbllkiencwi representative, had left the hotel some of the riders bad returned. Tbey reported that they bad gene te The Compass, which la between five and six tulles from the starting point, and the general impression then was tbat be had eluded his pursuers by getting way. Whether be did or net will be known later, but one thing Is certain and tbat Is tbat It whs au afternoon of rare sport heartily enjoyed by everybedy whetber tbey followed tbe hounds or kicked ihelr heels together te keep warm en tbe hotel poreb and neighboring olevated places. Keperts from Gap te day showed tbat tbe fox wati net caught and the bounds were taken ell about haU past Buvcn o'clock In tbe evening. FUmy el Keiee. Brlabln Skltes Is tbe eldest fox hunter In the county. He resides at the Gap, where be keeps hotel. Although seventy years of age be takes as mnch iutereet In hunts as he elu wneu iiuue juuug. greatest epert, and be will never give It up. He devotes ruueb of Ms time te hunt ing and keeps a paek el twenty-five dogs. He has exaetly thirteen fine foxes at the present time. These are all kept chained In a abed near tbe barn, where tbey are fed three times a day en meat and ether things. One of them waa caught en Wednesday. The abed In which tbey are kept Is dark, and when a person enters It he finds thirteen patrBOf eyes shin ing like balls of tire and fastened upon him. There Is plenty of epert ahead In these animals. Jehn J. M. Knub, of Qaarryvllle, baa become a great hunter, and he new has at least half a dcrsn foxes at bis home. He also has a fine let of dega. A Cnfllaef lrne Beard. Farmer F. 1. MeOrtby, of II -mover township, Ijuzsrneoeunty, csme te Wilkes barre en Thursday and netitlad l'oer Di rector Marx iienu that en Wednesday a Pelander named Bcualenaul tore down a portion of Ills (McUatlby'O farm feneeaud madeaecflln out of It te bury bis dead daughter. Inveatlgatlen showed tbe story 10 be only tee tru. Hobalenakl carried away the lumber Wednesday eveticg and taktug It te his cellar put together a wooden box and planed lhe body in it. He then burled lu Tbe father la a miser and could Wll afford te buy ace til 3, Apply Fer Trout It Is announeed from Hairistmrg that tbe Fcnnavlvanla fish commission are new ready te receive applications for breck and (Jalllernia trout try. Parties In the eastern part of tbe stute desiring te make application (for publie streams nnlv), will Address these commlMieneia : H. O Ferd 1823 Vine utreet, l'ntlaielphta ; W. L-. Powell, Harrlsbnrg s H. U. Detnutb, Lan caster 1 8. i). Httllwell, Hcranten. Urelu Walk Inte a Kltcheu far Felk. A full grown bear en Tburaday night walked into the kitchen et Geerge Unaimers, living a few miles from Mount Pleasant, Pa., and carrled off about twenty pounds of fresh perk. Only tbe female members of the family were, present and tbey were (oe tenlfied te tblnk of reaUtanee, TBB Vl.ee IHOIDBMV IN MACON. It Baa Awakaasd ffatrletle Sptrlt-Bemarks r J edge Hewer aa Ofemlag Caw. A Maeon, G., paper en Thursday room, lag latlmalsd that the tadlgalty te the flag meaUeaed la Wednesday's dispatch was Jeke Intended for a loeal candidate for eity aexteev who was defeated for re-election, tbe flag being nailed at half-mast en a tel ephone pole, anion down, a Indicative of orrew for hla political death, and that It waa net United Mates flag at all. The facta are that the flag waa a large twelve. feet banner, with 33 etara en a bine; Held, with the regulation stripes, but having one stripe and the bottom tern off, a true "Star and Btrlpie," It was suspended just where' two afreets meet, through one of wbleh the judge was compelled te pats In going te court. It waa nearly square from the sexton's. There were sev eral telephone poles between the sexton's house end tbat point, and one right In front of Ik Ne person his yet made publie acknowledgement of the hanging of the flagand avowed that It waa Intended as a Jeke. Before theceart convened Tnnrsday morning Cel. .Lamar, tbe marshal, assisted by the members of the Jury who had fur nished the flagsUu", unfurled tbe captured banner ever tbe United States court house, where It bow float. The Incident has awakened a strong national spirit, and It la said tbat a new and beautiful flag will be presented te the court by prominent elttxatiaaa a Christmas present On open ing the court Judge Speer said: "The pre siding Judge and the gentlemen who acted with him en Wednesday In attempting te redress what appeared te be a deliberate and publie dishonor te the flag are aa mneh delighted as any one could be at the pub lished statement that It was net with aueh purpose that the flag waa exposed and reversed, but Irem a thoughtless and Idle s plrlt of merriment We trust this la true. We were aware tbat the flag was mutilated, That did net detract from the significance of tbe incident. It waa none the leas what the eloquent Webster ealla tbe gorgeous ensign of cur ooun eoun oeun try ; and whatever the motive that prompted the parpetratere of the aet, or whatever ethers may think, there are theso Who will never beheld any apparent in dignity te the national colon without the meat poignant sensibility and tbe meit gloomy forebodings for the careless and un un un patrloile spirit such wanton action local cites, if there was ever a people whom It behooved at all times te show devotion te the symbol of government, law and order, It Is the (Southern people. The flag, whose mutilated beauties and whose re versed union was exposed en Wednesday te the contumely and derision of tbe passer by, may te-morrow be the rallying point at which geed men and true will assemble te defend or enforee tbe law, te proteet wife and little ones and all tbat men held dear, There la bat one solution for all our trou bles In the Seuth, and that Is a respeet for law, Its ateidy and impartial enforcement, obedience te the national law, a devotion te tbe flag of our country and all the prin ciples or geed government whteh It typifies and represents in the minds of all men. It la well te be sensitive for the flag. It la well for tbe youth of the country, the ris ing generation, te be apprised and te knew that there are tbeuaauds among na who honor lis stainless glory and who will never wlthent pretest the meat vigorous, see Its hallowed felda floating In dishonor be It Intended or na" WALKINGI TBI 1R40K ASLEEP. Clothed In HI Night Bntrt a BemnnmbaUst Is Discovered Promenading en tne Bdge el the Elevated Betd. Mr. E. G. Glrard, manager of the braneh or tbe American Dlstriet Telegraph com pany, en Fulton street, Brooklyn, waa at an early hour Thursday morning one of the principals In an affair the memory of which will probably remain with -blm until his memory eeasea te be. At 2:30 a.m. the gentleman in question was walking down tbn southern t-lde el Fulton street, between Bedford and Frank. Un avenuea. He had just finished the In spection of tbe several beats patrolled by tbe pollee otlieers of the company and was Sroeeedlcg te the cilice already named, uddenly be caught eight of a ghostly white fUure which was gilding slowly and nelaelbealy along the extreme edge of the elevated railroad track. On It came, Its long white garments flut tering In the keen night air, until it was at a point nearly ever the head of the wateher. Then Mr. Glrard saw by the aid of a neigh boring electric light tbat the spectral ap pearance resolved Itself Inte tbe form et a man, who, clad in one garment apparently hli night shirt waa walking In tbe narrow pathway or the track used by the workmen en tbe line. Mr. Glrard shouted te the weird nromenader, but without avail, for tbe myaterloes figure continued te move cautiously forward. The telegraph man followed, yelling at the top or his powerful longs, but bta shouts and exhortations weie unheeded by tbe ghostly track walker. Then Mr. Glrard hunted for rocks and pro ceeded te bombard tbe still moving form. Kven these aireug arguments were of no avail. Aa he drew near the man took no notieo of hla appioaeb, but moved forward with a regular and undisturbed step. When only a few feet divided tbe couple, Mr, uirard saw tbat the eyes of thetraeK walker were partially opened, but that tbeeyeballa were fixed In a dull, unmeaning Blare. Instantly he resllisd that he bad te de with an extraordinary case of semnambu. Ham. Glrard then waited until tbe sleep ing man was midway down tbe platform, and then seizing the somnambulist around tbe waist threw him right upon the beards. It need hardly be eald tbat tbe waking was Instant and efleeiual. With a wild sbrlek tbe terrified man suited te run, but his rescuer was tee quirk for him and caught blm, holding him until be was fully awake ana reeterea te a aeijae ei dm situa tion. He gave bis name as Ernest J. Llnblln and stated that be lived In a lUt en Fulton street, between Bedford and Franklin avenue. Glrard aslated the half-frczsn man te bis home, wbere he relapsed into a dangerous unconsciousness produced by tbe terrible exposure. Hy tbe use of warm baths and restoratives he was brought around, bowever, and tn a ceuple of hours declared that he foltnene tbe werse for hla escapade. He has net the slightest reoellootlon et leaving bis home or et ascending te tbe elevated read. Hew he did ae Is mere or leas of a mystery, only explainable en the hypothesis tbat be climbed a ladder left by workmen en new buildings at the (udoUeu et Franklin avenue and Fulton street leau lng agalnat one of tbe pillars of tbe elevated strueture. Iiteblln Is a bookkeeper in tbe employ of a Wall street firm. Jamrs Dafl'a Larg Estate, Amea Bewman, executer of the estate et James Dufly, deceased, filed an inventory el tbe personal es'ate of decedent In the register's rillce en Thursday. It foots up 1289,002 (Handle made up cteioesf, oenas, promissory notes, judgments and roert- Sagea. Barr Hpangler and Jehn Ornll, of larietta, were the appraisers. Loukeut Oat for tbe Tbltf, Ohlef Smeltz has recotved lnteruifttl'n et a robbery at Harrisburg and a request te be en tbe lookout for tbe thief. HU name is Frank KrauBe; he Is live feet eight or nine Inebea in height, slim build, weredark suit, cutaway oeat, baa a small blaek mous tache. Among tbe articles stolen were a geld hunting case watce, chain ana charm, a pair of opera glasses, thrlty two calibre revolver and let of silk handkerchief?. The AmerKae Catholic Uelversltr. The letter sent by Cardinal Gibbens and tbe Atnerlean bishops te the pupa, with ref ref erenee U the Washington university, announces tbat tbe sum of 13,000 000 has been collected ter tbe new Institution, and that the university buildings are new In proeess of erection. The cardinal and blabepa request tbe oenceaaloa of academic privileges te tbe unlverelty, and ask the pepa'a approval of lis statutes. Sheeting ler Turkeys. There was a sheeting match at Greil'a mill, en tbe Coneatega creek, near New Danville, en Thursday. A iiueab6r of Laneister folks attended. Tbe snoeting was wltb shotguns at 40 yards. But six turkeys were disposed of, and Charles Ullnkman, an employ of the City Transter company, succeeded la winning three that welgbsd I9tf, 19 iu4 17 pound., TBE SCHOOL FESTIVALS. eantstMtti XKRatsBS bkld bt bbvkn TBtS ArKRHOOM. The rregramines Which Ware Bsndsred by the replls Tbe Maner Street Scheel Re- ctlit a an Orgaa-freeents Bicaaaged by Teachers and the Childress. Ghrltnias oelebratlena were held In a number of tbe public schools of the oily this afternoon. The soheols, were decorated with greens, tbe selections and inosle were appropriate tn tbe coming great festival, and were eoeyed by all who attended. The participants acquitted themselves with oreilit,abewlog the txcellenoeet the system of Instruction Imparted In the public schools of this city. Teachers and pupils exchanged tbe oempllmonta of tbe season, and each made tbe ether feel happy with some token of the merriest fesilvst in the year. Belew will be found tbe pregrammes observed at the Beveral soheola : AT TUE MANOR STREET SCHOOLS. The soheols or Misses Llnd, Htitlel, Ham phrevllle and Brimmer, Maner street, united la a pregramme of exerelaea this afternoon. Tbe room In which they were held, Mlaa L.ndls', was handsomely dec orated with evergreens, and aoreas tbe room In lance letters was the greeting, ' A Merry Christmas." The exercises ware made additionally Interesting by reason of a handsome gift received by the school. It was an organ and was paid for wltb money donated by tbn patrons of tbe school. Fol lowing was the pregramme : Heng, "Christmas Tlme Is Come Again ;" aeng O, Touch These Chords ;" recita tion, " Father Christmas," Peter Moere ; aeng, "Sinta Glaus;" sang, "Mrs Banta Claus ;" recitation, Imitation Japanese," Naemi Hunter ; song, "Tbe Kerry Danee;" song, Christ is Bera in Bethlehem t" German recitation, "Heht Hier in der Krlp- Sin ;" sentr, Children's Day ;" song, In otlen," by the smaller pupils ; recitation, "Christmas Morning," Mertha Bpeldel; song, ' The Helly Wreath ," aeng, The World In Full of Beauty ;" recitation, " Kris Ktngle," Katy Freltag ; aeng, HL Nicholas ;" son or, " Deck the Hall t" reci tation, "Twe Belter Than One," Katy Etter ; song, " Pjgeda Balls ;" addresses by Prof. Bnehrle and Dr. J. P. Wlekeraham ; recitation, " Christmas," Maggie Lets ; song, " Christmas Is Coming t" reoltstlen, "number One," Kaly Dreppard ; recita tion, Forlorn." Lizzie Woleert ; aeng, "Guide Me, O Theu Great Jehovah;" song, " Autumn Dreaming." miss lela zua's SCHOOL. At Miss Iiela .tig's sabeal the following very excellent pregramme was gene through with : Mnalc, "Christmas Has Come;" recita tion, The "Christmas Kiss," Alfred Frltchey ; violin sole, Willie Cochran ; re citation, "Homebody's Mether," Walter Barr; recitation, "Kobln'BTreublo," Willie Jaoebs; mnste, " Carel Sweetly ;" recitation, "In Mv Pocket," Charles Paullek ; recita tion, "Fannies," Lew la Hprecber; music, "It Came Upen tbe Midnight Clear ;" re citation, "Grandmother's Story," Kdgar Deltrleh; reoltstlen, "Willie's Christmas Gift," Carl Wldmaver; mnalQ) "While Hbepberds Watched ;" violin boIe, Leen Dedgo; "Gems of Thought;" sole, "Tbe Dearest Spot;" recitation, "The Last Hymn," Harry Conn; music, "Merne Xmas Belts; recitation, "Tbe Leem of Life," Hareld DIUendetUer ; music "Beauti ful Christmas." AT MISS MUSSELMAH'a SCHOOL. Following was tbe pregramme at Miss Mussleman's grammar soheol, Lemen street building: Singing, "Bright Morning I Hall I" recitation, "l'he Grand Old Day," Nellie Richards; recitation, Christmas Carel," Bertha Marshall; recitation, Ged's Providence," Stella Oitet ; recitation, "The Old Year and Tbe New," Berth Ploae; recitation, "A Christmas Carmen " Kmma Herzeg; singing-, "Little Children's Day;" recitation, "Christmas Kve," Gertrude Mayer; recitation, "Christmas Bella," May Htautler; recllatlen,"A Merry Oartstmas," Naemi Watfel; recitation, "The Little Christmas Tree" Isabel Tomllnaeo; recita tion, "Tne Keepers aud Tne Fiewers," Cella Ploae; singing, "Mistress Santa Claue;" reoltatien, "LIHIh Gottlieb," Allee Byrne; recitation j 'A Ohrlatmai Carel," Carrie MoRlrey; recitation, "The Christ Child," Kather Ksplet; reoltatien, "At Christmas Time," Alice Itaub; slugleg, "The Pllel;" recitation, "The Settler's Christmas Kve," Jnnnte Whltsen; recita tion, "A Onrlstmss Blessing," Klla Amer; recitation, "The Christ Child," Nera Kurtz; recitation, "The Little Chrlstmis Spy," Agnes Tomllnaeo; hinging, "Christ was born In lUfiletienr," recitation, "The Christmas Hbuaf," Maggie Vellmer; reolta reelta reolta teon, "The Death of tbn Old Year," Millie Dlller; sluglng, "The Flre at Heme." miss matilda zua's SCHOOL, At Miss Matilda Zug'a achoe!, in tbe Lomen street building, the following was tbe pregramme : Singing, "Christmas Time is Come Again," school ; reoltatien, "Merry Christ mas," A. Charles ; reoltatien, "A Christ mas Greeting," girts ; recitation, "Little Twe Weeden Shoes," M. Dellet; recitation, "While tbe Christmas Leg la Burning," A. Martin; singing. "Deck the Hsll"; recitation, "Santa Olsus," M. Fi Heney ; reoltatien, "Christmas Kve." Datay Mingle; reoltatien, " Christmas," Delia Beat ; Ringing, "Mistress Santa Claus"; recita tion, "Christmas Gifts," Viela Sbaub ; recitation, "Little Christmas Spy," Lizzie Htiuilsr; recitation, "A Story for Christ mas Kve," K. Brubaker ; singing, "Cbriat mss Bells Are Sounding Clear"; recitation, "Hurrah for Old Ssnta Clans," Anna Haas ; reoltatien, "Tbe Little Minstrel," Anna Meweryt recitation, "Imitation Japanese," Mamie Kaby ; singing, " Christmas is Cemlncr ": recitation. " Uinta Olam and the Meuse," Klla Kaglea; "Charms for Christmas," girls ; rfacltatinn, "Christmas," Mary Kiddie ; singing, " Lltlle Children's Day." A It STAMV'S (1RAMMAR BOHOOL The prlnclpl Item en the pregramme at A. K. Htauiy'a grammar school waa a debate en a rt solution oflered "That fire la a mere destructive elonieut than wuter." The afflrmatlve side of the question waa taken by Maitera ueuseal, smitD, rranizana Myers. The negative was taken by Masters Wliller. Unwell. Baker and Kepler. The arguments used by the champions of tbe respective oleinenU showed thai these dle putanta had glven tbe subject considerable thought. After tbey had advanced tbelr masons for tbn faith tnat was in tbein, tbe subject was further discussed by ether pa pile of tbe school. The decision of the school was largely in favor el water being the most destruotive element. The oxerclsea closed with a spelling bee, In which the winner was rewarded with a handsome copy et "TneBuoeeasfal Mauef Te-day." Tbe centesr had net been decided vhnn vfl Wfint tn nf bfB. Mr. Stamy kltidiy rememberedbts pupils by presenting each wltb a box of candy, and be was also remembered by them, having received a bandaotne gift. A llandsamelj lle9ratd Roem The bandsemant decorated soheol room In the city li the one in which W. H. Levt-rgced ieigUgk. Ie twoet the cerners of the room Obrlattnai trees, finely decorated, are erected, aud en the walla are wreatr.s of evargicena and from ItieuslllDRS festoon h et green are suspended. An apparently endless cbalu of ornamented paper Intertwlncd wl'h tbe green ptr dueea a une cttect. un tne ntacKnearaa are maps drawn by tbe pupils wltb oelorod crayon", and the work Is very well iteae "A Merry Christmas and Happy New Ysr" greets you as you enter the deer. Tbe weik wnt dene by tbe boys, and they were assisted by Mr. Llvorgeod. There will be recitations anu readings en Monday morning. for this peer of thk city. A year ego Mies Clara O. Hplndler, of tbn West Cbcitnut street schools, adopted tbe Elan of tavlng each of her pupils as wisbed ring previsions and groceries te be dis tributed te peer families. Tne ttacbers of tbe remaining Ghettuut atreet sobeols Joined with her this year and the result was a large colledion of tbe uccBsnarlea of life. These were given te itsv. bai. L Fry and he distributed them te-day. Te What Base De the feiksr Was Fat. A Custer county (Neb.) farmer belabored bis wife with a pet pig the ether day and succeeded in killing the peiksr, but tbe woman. Will recover, A lUlnr OAFTOBEU. a Breaks Inte Werehense at LIUls The Bietas rreperty (Toend. On Monday night the freight station of the Reading railroad company at Lltlta waa broken open by a thief, who entered through a window. He stele ademtebn, with ten gallons or whisky, belonging te William Uuner, a Lexington heteIkeeper ; tea pounds of cream nuts of W. H, Bellinger and twenty-four pound a candy of I. F. Beraberger, all of whleh were in the station. SnsptoleB fell upon Wltllsm H. Evans, of Warwlek, as belrg the guilty person, Tbe ground of suspicion was that en the following morning a little stepson of Evans' was eating nuts and candy at school, and boasted te the ether children thatttey had large quantities et both at home. The family was known te be peer, and people began te wonder where they bad obtained the article?. W. H. Hamlin, a Philadelphia detective, who had beensent for, was pat en tbe ease Wednesday. He went te Kvem' beuse and found the cream nnts en Thursday, The oblldree were then eating candy, which was of the kind stolen. With Constable Kemper tbe detec tive arreited Kvans during the day. Tbe accused, at the office of Squire Miller, ad mitted having stelen tbe nuts, but denied taking the demijohn or etndy. While the Justice was examining him the detective ma te the prisoner's house and told his wire tbat her husband had made a fall oer. tesslen. The woman thea gave up all of the stolen property. Kvans was committed In default et ball for trial at court. AM AOKU HAN DIRS. Charles Then, Well Known in This Ctly and Ooecilr-Ilrli r Account of Bis Career. Charles Tfjen, an aged man well known In this city and county, died at the alms house last night. He had been In 111 health for a long time and died of a general break ing up of bis syatem. He was born la Germany, November lO'.b, 1807, and oame te this country la 1632. He remained at tbe Maner hotel en West King street for some time and then began work for tbe Frantz family In Lancaster township. Fer a time he taught! school. Fer twenty-UTe years he served as a Justiee of the poaeo et Lineaster township, Heaaved considerable money and built a beuse In the county near Wabank. In later years he engaged tn a map publishing scheme with some Chester county peeple end lest al I tbe money tbat be had. When tbe Kew Era waa started he began solicit ing subscriptions for It and was quite suc cessful In tbe work. He was the author of the paper known as "Squire Then's Diary " In that paper. He afterwards bad these published la book form and aeld them through the county. As tbe squire bed no family or relatives and was quite peer he bad been making bis home at tbe almaheuse for several years. His body will be Intered in the Lancaster cemetery en a let purchased for the purpose by the publishers et the New Era, AT TUB COUNTY INStllUIIONS. Uew ChrlMmas Will lie OUtsrved-lhe Bills of Fare tn the Inmates. The bills nf fare ter the Inmates of the charitable Institutions et tbe oeunty will be a little better than usual en Christmas day. At the county almshouse and hospital tbe bill of fare will be roast ohlcken, mashed potatoes, stewed corn, tomatoes, elaw and mluoe pie. In addition 0,000 cukes will be distributed among tbe Inmates. At the prleen veal petple will be llie principal dish and It will bi furnished te all the lumatea of the prison and JttammeiB Hall. At the Children's Heme the Inmates will receive presents and a special dlnuer will be served and at St. Jeseph's hospital there will le a speelal bill of fare, with which the lnmatea will be well pleased. Tbe Iroquois band will give oenosrts at the above Institutions and la addition Ken dig's parlor ercbeetra will render several selections at the prison. A Mlsilstlppt Toothpick. Mr. Jehn C. Bucklus brought te this office a "Mississippi toothpick" Whleh be will present te Peet 81, G. A. K. This piece of furnlture would probably give something morn unpleasant than toetnacbe te anyone subjected te Us vigorous operation. It Is n roughly forged Iren sword about two feet long from Its curved point te tbe butt of its woedoabandlo. The hilt has two loealy riveted bits of weed for the band te grasp and a clumsy guard at iron 2 Mr. Bucklus beleuged te company O, et the. 77th regl regl meut, Pennsylvania Volunteers, aud Is very deaf from tbe ex plosien et asbell olnse te bis ear at the battle of Shlleh. At that battle his regiment was aupperllng a battery against which tbe Fifteenth Mississippi made a sudden onslaught but were driven back by beavy artillery fire and followed by tbe infantry. A group of five Mtssls Blpplana had thelr heads taken nil by shells end from ene of the bodles Mr. Bucklus took this curious weapon. Tlislr Carriage Upset, List evening Priseu-keeper Jaoeb S, Smith and tbe ex-county commissioner, Hnnry F, Hartman, were driving down Prlrce street. At the oernor of Lemen they turned tee short- Tbe wsgen was upset and both gentlemen were thrown nut upon tbe hard frozen ground. Mr. Smith held te tbe lines and was dragged aahert dlaianee. The horse fell down twice bnt did net attempt te get away. Mr. Smith received an ugly cut in tbn head and his shoulder and Bide were badly brnlsed. In his hip pocket he earrled a revolver en whleh he fell, causing aa ugly bruise. It waa very forlunate that the weapon was net dlscbsrged. Mr. Hartman was pretty badly bruised and tbe top was breken from the wagon. A Teacher Murdered l!y His ruplli. Themas MoCennolly, a young toaehor, who oimete Knnsaaaehnrt time ego from Albany, N. Y., wsb en Wednesday fatally hurt by ene of his pupils. Hu was tenening at Andale, fit teen miles wist or Wiublte. He had some trouble about the organist itleu of the roheol, and had the ill-will et some or his pupils. While explaining a problem at tbe blackboard, he was called altar by n pupil. He remonstrated wltb tbe yeun bully, when a free fight ensued, in wbleh the teacher received a fatal blew en the bead from a poker In the hands et ene of the boys. Ter the feap Heuse. The mayor aoknewleJges tbe receipt of tbe following sums which were gtven him In tbe pst two days for the soup fund t A lady, te ; J. F, Sehner. f5; boarder at Ltucaaier County house, (1: Nathaniel Kll niaker, etq , 10; a lady, 15; Hen. H. G. Leng, f 15; Nxwten Llgbtner, esq , f5; C. U. BrnnnerflO. Kx-Mayer Morten lis gtven te Mayer Edgerley a eheck for ?IS2.28, which was tbe balance remaining in his hands for the soup fund. CeUbratsd Hi lllrlbdsy. Mr, Krnanuel Stene, the well kr.oncen. tiacter, residing at 201 Harrisburg' aveuue, yesterday arrived at his fiftieth milestone and te fitly celebrate tbe event be invited a nnmber et friends te Ills home In the evening, wncre a dellgbllul time was en joyed. Vecal and Instrumental musle was appreciatively rendered, and at a seasonable hour the guests partook of an elegant ban ban queu After wishing Mr Sinnomanymeie aueh pleasant events the party dispersed. A Severe I' II. Herace, a 10-year-old son of William If. lnman, of Linositer township, met with a very aevore accident yeeterday. He Is a pupil of tbe Abbeyvllle scheril, and while running at play trlppd; tn falling hla head struck the rait et the West Kcd Street cir track, causing a severe se te wound, A small artery was severed and tbe boy was made weak from tbn less of bleed, reaching Dr. M. L Hen's olllee in a faluting oendltlon, His wounds werosewed upaud this morning, though guttering pale, he la doing fairly well, Before the Mayer. Kdward Hughes and Harvey Freiberg, two bums, were sent tn tbe workhouse for ten days each. Klgbt ledgers, wboclalmed te be looking for work, were discharged. Gene te AUegbney City, Mr. William MoOemaey left te-day for a six week visit te AUigheny Olty, RUDY BR0UGI1T INTO COURT. ui cuunsRr. mire an Erreivr BKCUlti: A MEW TBI IT TO The lUaaen Astltiml Whjrlke Muulir rase Stieulil It Re Tiled The DUtrlrt At torney Cuetenda the Testimony War ranted llady's couvlctlen el Harder. Je'in W. itudy, convicted of murder In tbe first drgiie, for killing his eged letfcer last Dsoemeer, was brengbt from prison te court this morning te be present at the ar gument of the rule ler the new trial. His counsel filed tbe following reasons ter a new trial : L Tbevrrdlet was agalnat the law and tbe evidence. S The court erred In allowlngtbeoom allewlngtbeoom allowlngtbeeom monwoftlih te aland Jurers aside who were brought Inte court npen a speelal venire 3. The court erred inrefuslngtnallewthe defendant te prove ry Jacob Wtteh that Christian Itudy, tbe deceased, complained et the bad treatment received from tbe Inmates or the almshouse and te show that hn had enemies amongst the Inmates, 4. Tbe court erred in charging tbe Jnry that tbe cemmcnwcalth hasininlshtd full proof et the commission of the crime charged. 5. The court erred In net charging the mensure of proof required te establish an all hi. 0. That alncetbe trial of the cause It has been discovered tbat II. IC. Or oft did en Saturday preceding the killing order and direct tbe defendant te dig a holeferagato pest at a particular pelu, locating It by marks en tbe ground. 7. The court erred In net charging the Jury that tbe defendant could net be con cen con vletetl et nny crtme higher tbau rnurder la tbe second degree wltheat evidence et a deliberate intention te kill, and there was no aueh jivldonee tarnished by the oom eom oem ninnwealtb. The opening argument In support of a new trial was mode by Jehn A. Ceylf, esq. lie read dopenltlon taken In support of the rule. Among the witnesses examined was Charles Butcber, tbn oelorod oeaobman of Kebsrt A. Kvane. Hla testimony was that en tbe afternoon when the murder Is alleged te have been committed he saw Jehu W. Itudy en North Ltme street, going towards bis home en Seuth Lime atreur, at 15 mluntes of 5 o'clock. Mr. Ceylo argued that as tbe murdered man wni seen alive at halt-past-four and the acottsed waa seen Ctteen ruinates later a mllu away, be could net bave com mitted this murder, covered up the evi dences et his orltne and reached tbe point where Hntober eaw blm. As te the bleed en bis batcher, tiie depositions of Abraham Kllllae, Goeruo Uaveier and Geerge Shanlit taken, prnve tbat enine weeks prier te tbe murder Jehn Kudy out his leg with the same imtcbet, aud, as Dr. Davis, who ex amined the hatchet and awore te tbe human bleed being en It, but oenld net tell from his elimination when it did get en, the Inference is that the bleed get there when be cut blmself. The argument In opposition te a new trial wi made by Dlstriet Attorney Weaver, K K. Martin and W. N. Appet. They argued that the evldence was entirely circumstantial, but tbe Unka In tbe attain of evldence were no oempleto that but one conclusion could be reached, and that was that the defendant was guilty In manner and form ns indleled. The closing argument for the prisoner was made by Marriett Breslus, esq , and at itBoencluslun lhe court took tbe papers and Kudy was taken bsek te bla quartera In tbe oeunty JsIL Adeolslen will be rendered en the Saturday preceding the third Mon day et Janur.ry. CUB KENT 1IURINKRS IV COURT. Mary Clinch and Benjamin Green, Who served terma for costs, were discharged to day aa Insolvents. Tbe order of court directing an Issue in which the Kent Iren company, nf Wilming ton, was plaintiff, and Jehn Faegley, de fendant, was rescinded, the plaintiff net being In paMtbn legally te have tbe isi'ie grsnted. IttR P Ire lu Yerk Connly. Yeiuc, Dde. 21. At neon te-day Mayer Neel roeeived a telegram from Glen Beck, this county, asking blm te send h fire en en elne te tbht piano as a large tire was raging. The engine was sent down en a special. Mnagre particulars from there say a bank, printing ollleo and bakery have already been horned nud the tire is still raalug. L.VTKn The fire engine sent from tills place was stepped at llanover Junotlen en orders from Glen Keck and returned bem", the tire having been gotten under oentrrl. A bakery and dwelling house were destroyed, lhe bank and Hem buildings badly damaged. The nre originated in the bakery In onrne way esyet unknown. Les !, 000 ; partly Insured. OH t'rles rait. I'lTTsnur.e, Dec Ul. There wan great excitement hdU almost a ptmlc at tbe oil excbHnge this morning caused by an unex pected break In prices. The market opened firm at OIJi and advanced te in, when goueral selllug began. A man u unload followed and In a short time 3,000,000 barrels had changed hands and value had dropped te 8SJ. A reaction then set In, at noea fc9; was bid. An EuterlalntDg Lecture. Befere the Chautauqua Literary and Soleu Seleu Soleu tltle Circle, l'rnr. Buehrle read a highly In structive paper en " Karly Education la Groeoe. " The gentleman confined his remarks tn the education of the Spartan youth and malden. The musaular de velopment of tboMe brave and daring peepln wan fittingly portrayed. Twe weeks lience Pxef. liuobrle will continue his locture and tell of the god-like graces nod intellectual ebarmM el the early In habitants of Athens. ituu In Vium itourerstewn. Thin afternoon n hnrse,oevered with foam and hitched te a cart from whleh ene wheel bad broken, dashed down West Kleg street. As be reached the rise near the Stevcin'i house bis pace sleekened, and In front et the Conper houiie be was easily eauuht by Arthur Augustine Hmltb, aoI aeI aoI erod bn. The loam was taken te the Surel ilnrse hotel, and it was afterwards learned Hint It belonged te Bankeen H. Smith, hotel-keeper nt Knhroratewu, Irem which place the horse bad run te town. Four Little Glrle Leit. This rnnmlng three ltttlodaugbteraotGeo. Hardy, nt Cnrnl street, and a young com panion natni-d Dlssloger, carae down a'reet and tern time walked around looking t the many pretty CbrUtmaa things in the H'ercn. Tlify finally turned, up un North Qecen street, where they kept wandering around until they did net knew where they were, Tbey told several peepln that they were lest, and alter they had warmed thrmoeUes in Hull's grocery store tbey were shown hew te reach their tomes by Officer Weaver. A Dlisnge of Quarter. 0111 cer Lundy, at the Pennsylvania rail road paseenger station, no Innuer has his quarters In the telegraph tower but U new stationed in the unritlemen's wattlngtrnnm. Smith Swords, the dispatcher, lias bts OfllCO in the first fleer et the tewer new. Trantfcrt te the Secondary Grade, Superintendent Buehrle examined n IsrKnclAHS en Thursday ler transfer from the Intermediate te the ternndary grade. Theso who euceeesfully ptssed the exami nation will be transferred after tbe holiday recess. AnetherTanilk CoDdemnstlen The nrellmlnarv rroceedlngs have been taken te view and condemn tbe whele of t is Mnner tnrnptke read, beginning at West Klnit and Miner streets aud ending lu the vlllsge of Mlllersvllle. Trsin Late, Harrisburg Accommodation, en tbe Pennsylvania railroad, ts a train tbat la very seldom late. Last evening it was Just an hour and a quarter behind In reaching this elty. The eue et tbe delay was the pull lng out et a "bull nose" el one the ears. new the Western Union Was Hotbed. Bosten, Dte. 21 Irregularities which aggregate a considerable sum have just been discovered In the main office of tbe We item Union Telegraph com piny here. Three methods were employed te dxfra.ua the cemprny, viz t The de struction of conies of telegrams Died here te be sent te ether places, the destruction or oeplea nf telearama received bete and the plaelng upon delivery slips numbers representing fictitious dispatches for whleh the meeeengera were paid by the company according te schedule. By the first two mentioned methods the mesey paid ter dispatches was retained, and the copies et the dispatches destroyed. By the last mentioned method some of the messengers soeoeodod In obtaining ss high Mvt5psr week. The reeetver, who steed In with the boys te tbe amount of balf tbelr profits aoer u leg from the fictitious numbers entered npen their slips, touched for all the returns, and aa there waa no attempt te go behind the vouehers the eoheme worked successfully ter months. The manager of the oempenysaye be will net prosecute these engsged In tbe swindle. The receiver baa been discharged, and everything Is new working all right Atsaelted by an Unknown Maa. 1'iTTsuune, Sea 21. About 030 o'clock this morning aa unknown mm aoeoeteJ Cpt. Alexander Wl inert, speelal agent of the Law and Order soelety, as he was pass ing along Diamond street, above Smith Held. The stranger said : Areyeu Cap WlsbattT" "Yet, sir." "Xou will prosecute me, will you ? Take that" He then atruek Mr. Wlshart a stinging blew en the mouth with hla clenched flat, knocking him Inte the atreet. Captain Wlshatt'a lips are badly cnt and bruised, and the side of his head, cut by oemtog in contaet with the loe en tbe atreet His assailant waa pursued through the street several squares, finally making his escape uuieoegulzod by anyone, ' m Charged Wllh Killing Bis Mettisr-ln-lAW, PeuaiiRXBrsin, N. Y., Dec 21. Uoerge Hberew, a com doctor et tbla city, la under arrest en ausplcleu of having killed his mother In-law, Mrs. MeAnlsrney. He and his wife were drinking with Mrs. Mo Me Aniercey yesterday morning. He banded the latter some whisky whleh. she Crjnk and Immediately complained of a smarting sensation In her threat, Hberew tinted her glass wllh oeflae and banded bis Wlfi some whliky. Mrs. MeAnlsrney asked him what he bad given her. He ie piled "the same as te Nellie". Boen after Mrs, McAnlerneyi fell ever and ex plied. The coroner viewed the body last night and pbjslelan are holding an autopsy. Twe Brethers Riddled by Ballets. HeNitv Orevh, Tex., Dec. 21 A deeper deeper a'.e sheeting aC, whleh reanlted In the death et two men, took place at MolkteWn, en Wednesday, Twe brothets named Floyd and Walker Tedd, recently from Marabfietd, Me., became drunk and boist erous. Jack C beats, a deputy constable, tried tn arrest them and was shot In the aide. He called a citizen named Hebbs te hla assistance and both opened Are en the Tndda. The latter were riddled and killed. Cheate waa again shot and In thought te be fatally wounded. Why the Scheel Were Closed, G hard Ferks, D. T,, Dec. 21. The school beard at KastGrand Ferks took a re markable atand yeaterday- morning In ordering the soheols dosed until the city council shall permanently remove the houses et Uliepute. Tuesday morning some el the disreputable women get drunk and used obteene Ian Ian guagete young girls and boys. Wednesday ulgbt the mothers of the children bold a meeting and deelded te keep their children at home If some decisive action was net taken by the authorities. Fearfully Ueatsn by White Caps, Wauash, Ind., Dee. 21. An outrage by White Caps was reported last evening from Claysvllle, a small town near North Man- cheater. Jeseph Cullers, a realdent et tbe plaee, was caught by a gang of masked men and given a fearful beating be cause of bis alleged III treatment of bis wile. It is believed the reitu lata are neighbors of Cullers, as tbe feeling against him has been bitter. Cul lers was glven te understand by bts captors tbat be mast reform or tutler soma thing worse Given a Lear cT Absence, Wabhimoteh, Dec. 21. The secretary of tbe treasury has granted Surgeon aeneral Hamilton et tbe Marine hospital service, a leave of absenee et sixty days from January 1, whleh period tbat oflleer will spend in Chicago. Surgeon Walter Wyman, of New Yerk city, will be temporarily In charge of the bureau bat all matters beyond these of routlue character will bereferred te the surgeon general for Instructions. Coonly Bends Declared Void, Benten, Ills., Dec. 21. The opinion et Ibe United States supreme court declaring void tbe whole about 1250,000 et the bended Indebtedness et this (Frsnklln) county has Just been received. This eue, which has been In litigation for ever eight year, is or great importance te many coun ties in this state and will doubtless result in having declared void millions of dollars worth of .municipal bends. Matched te Fight. Minneapolis, Dee. 21. Jim Fell, tbe Mlehlgan giant, and I'atay Cardiff made a match last night for a 15reund contest, Marquis of Qneensecrry I tiles, for fOOO a side. Twe-ounce gloves will be need, and tbe light will take plaee within titty mlles of Minneapolis, January 21. Why Lecal Unllen Will Net Prevail. Macen, Ma, Dee. 21, The circuit court has decided that the local option which took effect In Macen lest January, is net legally la effect because the records of the elty council made at the time the result of the eloetlori was declared, were Irregular and uiegau Net UnlKy or Harder. Wauahh, Ind., D30. 21 At 1 o'clock last night the Jury in tbe murder trial et Kliss Jackaen, charged with tbe mnrder et Curtis Jacksen, reudered a vordlet et net guilty. The prisoner tendered bis thanks te the Judge sad Jury. m 1 Match Factory Iltirned. Suhanten, 1'., Dec. 21. The Scran teu Match company, which was established In this city about 000 year age. wis burned out tbla morning. Less f 25,000 5 partly insured. Seventy five hands are thrown out et employment CmU Htees Oleee. Kt'RINO. Vallkt, Ills, Dec 21. Owing te the dullness of trade throughout the Northwest two coal tulnc In tbla city be been closed, threwiug out of employment about 1,200 men. A Grocer Utile Ulmselt, Klmira, N. Y., Dee. 21 Andrew Mltzel, a German grocer of Olean, killed himself yesterday afternoon by blowing out his brelns with a pistol. Business trouble was tbe cause of the deed. Herein iieslnts Was Ball. Kansas City, Dee 21. A. Dalley, who travelled ler tbe Bradley Paper company, Chicago, committed suicide laat ntgbt by taking strychnine. Despondency because of bad liuileeaa was tbe cause. Will Live Slily Oays Mere. Tucson, Ariz, Dec 21. Gov. fiullek granted another reprieve yesterday for elxty days te Flrlmtnn Papoge, tbe Indian, whose execution ws flxsd ter te-day. WBATUKU 1NUIUAMONS. P Washington, D. tt, Dee 2I.-Fci Eastern Pennsylvania; Fair, slightly warmer followed by colder, wlnda becemlcg westerly. ':' GANG OF QgUM SMUGGLERS; rtVK MttXIUNrjLLARS BCHINO IB t T V unb&WVUrOPBBAfOB. Oue et the BujJsaUraitllelv rifderneta aadWitWaar Wifderneta gene DetceilTeMtaeaaaatally Av A-'l... ' "" 2 we d iy or xaeisXMa reusi. i ., , 1 " 5 ,v CittoAeo, Dte. 21-spee1t te Its 2',-tturie from Hsrnla, Ont, telle of IM existence or a syndicate of ea,pitaHti ergeBi izra ter tne purpose ei smaggirsg eftae into the United Stales. Three) et Mr aMll daring sinutglets are new la tb vWagsV One is Oapt. Harry F. Darsut, who bed tt hand-te hand encounter, with TJaJMsB, state government detectives IB Mlehlgan wilderness last weak, ajkt who esespsd unharmed from a ahftwajrV'. ui uuum ui BieiuH nans. aswsn known as U serge Rockwall, and UM tble -Charles Weltrsi. Captain Duranl'a viasaky lieutenant. All et tneca are young, mim&t ted and respected by all who knew ttejaw ' although tbey are known as tbe most datikE sinbggiers tbat ever evaded a rev ,! effleer, sod te be agenta of a rich syadleaag organized several years age for the axptaaa purpose of smuggling opium Inte faW United States from the msnateeteriea at Vlolerls, B. C. The syndicate has 16.000,01 lenlnd it and Is largely controlled byO,. Jolyn, et Victeria. ' - Tne speelal aiys the Trtbunt rtpertttt wnoeauia ever nere irera umcage dally te leek up eptnm smugglers, feflael Cant. Darant and bis tilentl Weitssl II ssr la geed style at the Belebamber boese, I aweu netei ei me town, ssa terdsv had a lerir talk inem, xney nave;.BBrBW amnfguaar. opium for the last two years, and haveeas ecastuUy landed thousands of dollars Werth - el tbe costly drug en tbe ether elde withal v being detected. But this last oenalgaoasM tbey took ever was discovered, and. was aelsid by government detectives, Bad 'II csme near costing Oapt Darant hie lire, Four detectives waylaid blag In ths weeds at night, took blm at a greet cue advantage, and atandlng aet BMlw than ten feet away fired twenty shots at hint, In rapid succession. Bat Cant Darant hag apparently a obarmed lire, for ha waa BM hit and made hla escape wltheat trying kill bis essalUieAsker sneddlng a drop efhfcl own bleed. Jeslyn M known aa " BOM Usrrls " and Is Immensely tleb. t-.- He makes no effort -te oenceal the lash that he la a amugglar. On the contrary 1st r brags of it, and entertaina nis rrienas stories or me expieiir. Aneiaer membsr of the "Harris" sana timtnf. Urn aeiiimnfl mmi et Rnaneam. attends te shipping tne goods from ViceetlB ', A rich San Franoiseo merchant taaatd -! be prominently Identified with thesyasB cute. A man ter many years In the employ nf tbe u. H. government as aa laterpretsg Is another member. $ ' Chief among the agents et this eyadteeja are Captain Darant and tbe Wettaet i brothers, Charles and Geerge. GeettaU Weitssl is the shrewdest of tbe two brc4kaaa and Is trusted with large oenslgBBseaM bofero and after tbey cress ths border, aw deea net however en-ouetsrlhs great ; annul risk: of wevluer KUOde from country Inte auettnr, tbe wiht' that rt.nnenlhtlltv falllnsi On CaDtDO and Charles WeltstL. Beth et tbe Welti luitiirnnnw In Strata and tccethaf Cap'. Durante awaiting Instructions rreaj "Bess Harris," wne naa Dee whwbssw telegraph et the seizure ei uh goeos week. (eserge weitxsi nas atweya known here as Ueerse Keckwell aad are net bait a dcasn persene In the till who knew that ne ana "txaaaseme ley" are brothers. f3 ifc : rKODBEDiNosernoxtaBEjr, jf The Printing lierJoieue mil, Apprewit 03,000, raised by tee Senate. Wahiiinuien, Dee. 2L Hinater deck made a reDOrt te day te the St - hA wnmt,l ni Ihtt SJ leeleAlaMS.7 IIUIU .ww .., . l.p-pA Iiver euu us uiuuiarwa ui leapusee w bk Bannte resolution adopted attbelMteeaaJatjn et Cengresa directing an InveatlgatlOB it tbe construction of tbe union Faolhe at Omaha. The investigation was orders jj at the lnstanoe of the owners et tbe beat Oen. Terry, which was wrecked JaM 101b nil,, by oelllslaa with the plere of IM bcldges then In process of demolition. .v Tne owners et the Terry elalmed tbat wMt railroad company caused the ebatrnattOB st j navigation by a failure te remove w ptesw of the old bridge while the new one was i oeurto of construction. Since lbs Invests . gatlen was ordered tbe memorial bas teas) S withdrawn and the oemmlttee reperttlsJ no additional lealslatlen Is neeMaaTy. , , Aaail'enai memorial) ireui uraegsn county, S. C. alleging denial el the 1 01 vetlnir at tbe lateeleotlen were or te the Senate today and referred, eras also neaaed srsnttna rlcht of ilia Pensaoela & Memnhls railroad 1 pany through tbe United Btates Baral 1 mimary reservaiieu in nerma. The publie printing defloleney bill i prenr latin g f 03,000 for that parpesay'i and 5,000 for tbe observation of tbaeeliBssi. of tbe sua en tne in 01 jauuiry aexi, waa alseDsaaed. rt- IN TUB HODIR. A ; The Heuse adopted a resolution HklssJM Ibe president for information teaehlaar arlalralu Madanaaear. .' 91 The Nlcamguau bill waa then takea bjhJ la committee 01 me wneie. Dentenerd te be Hanged. Nkw Yerk, Dee. 21 Ferdlnard Ca Hit tbe carpenter who was convicted et mu lnc Bridget McQasde, the woman whom be lived en MarcblB, Us waa te- sentenced te oe nanftea ea reera 1R89, and Henry Carlten, who mu: Oillcer Brennau,waatentenotdtetM en the same day. vi-. i TBLBQKAPBIO TATS. General BeDjamla F. Bruee, one of framets el tbe present conatitattea et HmN Yerk, formerly Inspector general. comtntsalenor and member of sasemMye died this morning at bis home la cns N. Y seed 70 years. The president te-dav pardoned Benjamin v Hepklna new in tne vaie aiaw prea isaj embtKllngtundseftbe Fidelity Natleaal bank of uincinnatt. v; The dead body et a woman was feend ah Lindou yeaterday, The belief la thatsM was a victim et the Whlteehspsl boteher.). & Ibe t'axden of Jeseph Berxeg. i.2, Tim rinlBV in ths narden of Je UeiXTg roaeblng tbla elty ia explained by 1 telegram receiveu mi aiwruoen. cm urv of State Cbarles W. Stene, a mei et tbe bMrd of pardons, negleeted te alga I reoemmendatlon ter the pardon, aadN hla signature la aeeurea the gev caunut issue a pardon, He left Ha hurst Immediately after the Ins; et tbe beard and did net word where be was Kilns;. Altar. errapblDir In different atctlnes of tbe asssfA be as finally found at Philadelphia, !'; messenger leit Harrisburg this meratSsHaJ? BFOuieblasignamie ana ne win go uses bb 1 Hsrrlsliurg this evening, upeapr lien te tae goveraerhe will alga the 1 and It eugut te reaca uum wij wi mnmlni. . tf. ' .' in.ih. peet Bfsdab v1 . 3 nh.ri miner, a young Ojy WbO with MtU Welizsl, wheu tne latter ai rair eriakstesat Dilier Ben's hardsii I,r. nn Wxdnesdav. was arrested tO-4 as an soeairy. Alderman Daen held hn ler a hearing. Tbla boy U another of ntrtv that broke late tbe atere of J' Biker, ea North Queen atreet, ieJuae and sitsr a convietlon was taraad 1 wltb a reprimand. Tbst always fit tn anttabiy or rameailj,' prestntflttllouseceaicrausojuini , Umbrella, or guaranioeu jwt , Cleth Rest variety and lowest prices. MAUTIN 11R08-. Clelhiara. Cnstew 1 ana ruruUhsH, 8aad :t north qua CilitA t rt t W. A tfei swrTv . kwasBsL SsWVjaSBPW ffSWtv. sssClO? T. I P ' 4a' A. - w rfif - ar -y'ls.V-s-t