- ,, Ki f" ft rti' ac v3. V-3''' "' tVrV f . ' t ' ,l .,- "" - , -J ii niE IiANOASTER DAILY INTELLIGENOER. THIIRSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1888. v . , , r. ' ,. ' w-f--. w -r-'-Trf r -: . " r: 93 l Mr" If r v m ftTtS 2tiC !& r W, 'W 5 sm &i. :j !? 4tJ Wn , i" m Mh fA& m f:M, tm 'i3 r,s Th Dally Int!l!ffncer. LAMCAKBB, DECEMBEBlO, 1868, f Way Harms Harrinal F Mr. Harrison seems te be a great deal jswrs aeaeible than the pelitlclana who 're arranging hts cabinet for htm and totting into it Tery peer stuff for the farpeee, however geed it may be for uuc purposes. Cbalraaaa Quay has ' Mecseded Vice Presidentelect Morten Indianapolis, and it is said that 'either earns away with what they asked ' far; or rather with what they are credited Y JiWlth aaUsg for ; for it is net at all cer :tta ahat Chairman Quay is expirlngwith Taativ te Mcnra tha Mlecttnn of Wana. ff- ff Maker for the cabinet, or that Morien jpjPeares amen for Piatt. - ?v nvsuewniuy miubc nuu hsouuje 10 ; ncNew Yerk B&n secretary of the treasury, ,V' and he further objects te putting a New : 'Terkman into his cabinet who will net be acceptable te ail the llepubllcan fac ttoes; and that he declines Wanamaker for the reason that he is presented for a reward for nis activity in providing funds for Quay; and Mr. Harrison is of opinion that it will net leek well, te be ;t laaung out caninet eiiicea in rcwara ier ?fa lnnitvnentrihntinns. ?B Tfc ati-Hrna iia flint. Oinna renm-liul n1ilw- '.; iilrmanf Mr. TTarrlnrm In Mm nmnrliul tuu r "w .t : . : :r . "r"- leoueris 01 jueasrs. Morten and Quay ere exceedingly sensible, and we are tliere ' . fore inclined te believe that he has made tf. them. Ha has been mnvlntr around since 'M- the election in a quiet and mysterious I j?r way, which has served te ,'prepare us te !.". believe that he is a sensible man. who will be president himself, or will make a ;y desperate effort at any rate te that end. V He shows signs of having a policy and i-4, ideas vnav -wui net, accera wiinine puuey ifm. taa raeas or ine macmne politicians. Quay came away early from Indlanap Indlanap eils. lie was out there a whele day. He stepped into Mr. Harrison's parlor after breakfast in the morning and staid with him until be took the train at 3 p. ra.; and home with him comes therumer that Wanamaker is out. It is quite possible that he is dropped with the chairman's aieent; for it would seem that he is able te see that Mr. Harrison's objection te ?tp taxing a man into tue cabinet, wne is & rushed for Ihn nlace bppnusa hn managed A.f fciilwtAMfiilta ftin mnnnv nn1 nt Ilia rnm- .-.'' 'm1vn. it trail tnlren. St. la nnftrele tan h'., clear what the "Wanamaker recemmenda- tienis te make it a Judicious one; and .w4-OUairman Quay ought te be thankful te the president-elect for taking this stand nd relieving the parly of the danger of fulfilling its chairman's premise. The independence aud decision which Harrison la showing in the selection of bis cabinet is found nlBe in I1I3 Indica tions of his governing policy. He baa , Blade it clear that a chief purpose that ht entertains is te break up the solidly a xjmecrauu deuiu : anu 10 secure turn ftv- - . . ...... p;, via ne proposes 10 urep me negre ?.. B'lU UULO UII LUU HiiilU UJU11. If u J& m iv expect te tee weak-kneed Democrats ', fy receive their reward all threuah the Seuth: !'. C nd it is likely that there will be abundant Lit CDnverslens of white men te Republican- ism. It is in expectation of the reward of efllcefand in return for the premise te i n ... AvMln ... .... nft1lll.nl fil' control of Its white inhabitant:. A - u vi. fiuuiiucuv iiuu junuutue turers from Ulrminguam, Alabama, ksve Just visited Mr. Harrison and have gene away delighted with his premises. He has made no concealment te them of his proposed Southern policy. He wants it advertised. He wants the Southern peeple te get ready te welcome bis inauguration, his offices and his offers. This Birmingham delegation embraced him at once. Nene of them, however, ever had voted for Cleveland, and they were in n mental state te be delighted with Harrison, a They were aeaked with protection feeling, being Alabama iron-makers. They had a very high affection for money. Prlnci plefl'seemed te them te be quite tfnberdlnnte. They have had none .ItlPA flu. uar DnA fit tfiam Aa. iS clttrttl that thfiv vmntnil tlm Snnt.li t.n -';' make money, and they would turn them- r-'g.' selves into Republicans it that brings the i-MJl., mill) Hr- TTnrrianr. rll. l.le .,. ' "" """vui u fc"" euiium. geiueub lur uia tuea, may ue expecteu 10 persevere in his purpose te threw him self Inte the arms of the Southern white men. It may be a little hard en the egre ; but he is used te being spat upon. It may be somewhat disappointing te the "WnrthArn Tlnnlilliftn nsillHMnn ipIia hn. . been expecting te monopolize the flash- jgu; out ue, 100, is usea 10 sucn uisap '4' peintments. liefere and after election '$ are two different things. The politician h a nig man when the work, is te be done ; but when it la done what is he ? Tire Criminal Problems. We publish te-day an account of a strange robbery case in New Yerk that furnishes several kinds et feed for tbOUKht. Prem the GVidenm nnrl tlm Opinions of the physicians It appeals aiulte probable that these robberies were llM, cummltte,i by the woman robbed when r'ir- a trAmi linn nl 4aunu. 1.1. 1 ,t. sf" jvujuu. uuu iucDiiunaiuie menial c'wnoiuen, resemeung mat recently In- - Terngavcu wim uuuiiing results by SsA the intelligence and activity of Police 1K-- Captain Thompson, an innocent man j might have been punished for this purely J -n-g'nary offense, and possibly men y5"have been hanged-en similar evidence by ffct people just enough out of balance men. fes tally te be dangerous, and yet seemlnir ra. i feenal and harmless. In Bplte of all M en these matters, and the recent ex- fc-Aif, T 7: "ijuu-""-'i ujsiena ana u iuraiser(lers only make the depth of j "temmM Ignorance appear mere profound. i i1"'"" P0"-"- empnasized by this case . uec upon ine punished et our iSsadera system 0! punishment et crime X?id man Wltte was simply arreaUd 'g.btcause he had been charged with a ,'stsjillar offense seme time age and up te C two years age had a bad record, Possibly VJUs empleyer was net aware et his past '.SSOOrd. but at all events he at nnen ii.. (''ikimd him nnrl nnnr rofneaa tn .1. i.i MHk, This Is quite Iq accordance with iVMNice, as no one cares te have a man . him who has been a criminal no Sjtter bow decided may be his wish te ssterm. We weuldlaU prefer that some. 14? else should Uke the chances with bmb, and he has himself te blame for Ms difficult aed almost hopeless position. It weald be well it aemelhlng could be 4?tMd te make it less hopeless, te it possible for a man who 'Ttt ty jail te regain a position in the community that will be at leasf tolerable. At present the criminal fat forced back te dishonest means of live llhoed because no one wants te give work te a jail bird when there are plenty ofbeneit men eager for it. Se our prisons are great colleges for professional criminals and we force the graduates Inte practice. We knew of no practical sug gestion te make in the matter save that the government should afford te crimi nals discharged, for a first offense at least, opportunity te labor for it for a time and thus re-establish a geed char acter. Justiek is wilt and punishment severs te burglars in Getham." William Sullivan and entries Armstrong pleaded guilty ea Tuesday te a charge of burglary In bieak Ing Inte Ne. 237 Eit Ons-tiandred-and. ninth street, en December 0. Thay carried a buretra and ether articles down twefllghta et stairs, and were detected. Jndgs Mar tine en Wednesday sentenced son of the defendants te tea years In the state prison. Mew Jersey Justice Is new probably one lap In the lesd. Tun ordinance which lequlrea that the sale et all vegetable, fruits and berries In the city et New Yerk shall hereafter bs by weight Instead of measurement, snd that the weight and contents et every package bail be leglbly marked thereon, was passed by the beard of aldermen en Tues day. It Mayer Hewitt signs the ordinance esbbagm, pears, strawberries, etc, will rest en Ine steelyarda before being dumped Inte the buyer's baiket, This method may prevent fraudulent transactions In the big eltlea, but the mode of measuring in tnli neck et weeds Is entirely satisfactory te both buyer and seller. BKrenn large audience or doctors and indents Sebastian Miller proved himself a modern Horeulee en Wednesday in Phila delphia. MUler la a young Qerman who called en I)r, Morten, of the Pennsylvania hospital, for treatment for a crushed nnger and aatenlibed that gentleman by bis apiendld museular development and slreriRth. Bis cheat was measured, show lug 47 Inches ; the bleeps 15X inches, and the ;clroumferenee of the right arm 10yi Inches. ( He placed a cobble atone In an iron ring and put an iron ball en top of It. Three blewa with his bs.re fiat shattered the stene te small bits. He claims that he cm ralse with ills hands 1,800 pound, snd with harness ever lila body 3,G00 pounds. Dumb bells weighing 210 pounds he lirts ever his hoad,end be ene day breke a block of Qulney graulte six inehea lulek and four by five feet square by simply striking it thrlee with his (1st. Altogether he aeetna te be a fair spuelmen of the sort of men who made thohcreos et ancient tlmea,and whosefeala et strength as told by chroulelers have been regaided as pleaiant fairy talea with a very mall bula of taet. Heretofore we have been forecd te bolieve In the superior strength of old tlme warrlera by the ovldeneo of the very heavy woapena prciorved In foreign museums, but a man llke Hebastlan Miller could awing two hand bread awerd like a broom, nd in the days when strength had a much greater value than new we may be sure that It was cultlvateJ and that thore were many like this young natlve et Munich. It aheuld alie be noted that in Miner's natlve land physical culture ia mere thorough and universal than In any ether country en earth. Every young man must go through course of military discipline which in cludes eeveral hours of vigorous gymnas tics every day, and In the schools close at tentien i given te museuiar as well as mental development et children. Chicago Catholics are telling glee, fully of the withdrawal of Cel. Ingeraell, from a discussion that he was te have held with Dlshep HpaldlDg, of Peoria, In the Forum Magazine, lhey say that the bishop was inylted by the editors el the Forum te champion religion sgalnstlthe notorious Rebert, and he had accepted, snd the preliminaries had been arranged when Ingersoll suddenly withdrew, saying that hlswlfe would net consent te such adls adls cutalen at thla tlme, and In the manner proposed. The bishop's friends say Inger soll was afraid of him. PEBSONATh riNt.Kv IheaKit. a former register of the treasury under Prealdents Pleroe and Buchanan, died at ltashvllle, Indiana, en Tuesday night, aged 82. Hen. William H. Barnum, reoent re ports state, la unable te see even Intimate Irlendf, and the prospects ler his restora tion te health are net enoeuraging. The Itnv. Isaac Riirktt, of the Christ ian chureh, one of the eldest and best known divines In it, died at his residence in Cincinnati en Wednesday at a very advanced age. Mn. Olivjsr Wknukll Helmks writes: "Many years age, In walking among the graves at Auburn, I came upon a plain, upright white marble slab, which bore an epitaph of only four words, but te my mind they meant mere than any et the labored Inscriptions en the surrounding menuments: She was ae pleasant.' This was all, and it wa enough. That one note revealed the musie et lire of which 1 1 knew and aaked nothing mere." Charles f. Maykr, jr., a prominent civil onglneer of Baltimore, died en Tues. dsy. He was flfty-elgbt years of age and a native et Baltimore. Mueh of his llte was spent In surveying and engineering rail roads In Ueuth America. Before the late war and during It he was In the engineer oerps of the United States aervlee, and waa aboard the Brooklyn, of Farragut'a lleet, in the engsgetnent at New Orleans. He was alee aboard the Unusatonle when the vessel was blown up In Charleston harbor, and he narrowly escaped with his lite. m m A gryjit many remeaiei nre aaverttaea te brlnit tlietu bolore the imblle, who aeclflei whether the itrtlole H iroea or baa. Tha ueak reputation which Ur. rfnil'j Cenijh Syrup Sn. Jnys u 11 stniiainz Kuaranlce el its merits. Vrlcoenly 23 rents. mm, Laxailer u the govereljrn reraeay for flvs flvs pepilaaed ull aifruntlve dljerdcra. VrlceM ctnmapaekaKO. formleby all Orugglsts. r-n T?OKO HOAP. Koke Seap. ir WILL FLOAT. - IX WILL FLOAT. PUKK, UNIKOKMand DUUAKLK in nual. lly,-cenomlrallnuse. A vegoUble oil seai) ler the LAUWDKr, TOIl.kr and 11AT11. MMPtte?..B,,nral houehla ue. or la M1LL.H1NK or BUOf. Ityeur grecerdees netkiwpit.sena us 0 ctnu ler postage, and we will until a cake FllKs;. Address H. & Q. A. ROEVjah. HQV27 'VTu.Tb.B CINCINNATI, e. ceMj'jtjtxwtr ru wduk. QOMPiEXlON POWDKK. LADIES! WUO VAI.UK A KKFINKU COtll'LKIION MUST US IU" POZZONI'S XKDIOATCD COMPLEXION POWDER. ten and beauuiuL luSnuSSs no mJ wVf,1 lead or arsenic In three 1 ihaaetV!nS nrftL'S' white and brunette. M' VUk or fleh, JOK BALK UT All Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers tfverywhere. aprTits" IM"AX10HB,, WAirAMAXaiCB fsuuilis&tmiAt ThunOay, Vta. SO, lass. Stere open every evening till Christmas. Keep te the right. As far as convenient take parcels with you. Little folks and big folks, tee are wondering what the gladdencrs will be. Almest in sight. Bewildering te leek about in the gift-quarters of the store if you try te sec it all at one coming. Were there every mere quaint, pretty, handy, helpful things te tempt your money from you and leave no re gret? Think of real Duchesse Lace Cellarettes at $1.75 ! By geed rights should be twice that Special let ; net a day with us yet Twenty ether prices up te $9,50. Chestnut street side, eastef main alile. A new long counter for Handkerchiefs ten new. Only quickest bargains en it Per haps fifty styles, all for women, 6c te 25c. One: Linen, printed border, and initial, $1 a dozen. Southwest and southeast of centre. Where is there such another Bookstore ? Maybe a hundred and fifty people who only sell, sell, sell. They wouldn't be needed ii any right Boek were long lacking. It isn't. We get it quick if net here when you ask. Yeu can measure any Boek stock by the Beeks in sets. A few as they come : These Sets lu Cleth landing, Ko;dlype- 'inckens, 1ft vels It M r. 00 0) ROO 3 tO 6 00 2 90 7 M IIS 3 M A 14) 9 W J 25 neon, ix ve-s 1 hackurar. 10 vels... Victer IluifO.O vels McorKeXllouc vel waninRten irvinir, vnls Uanllnsens Anclant Monarchies, a vels llunkln, 12 vels Ulbben's Heme, ri vel...., Ten's Preso Works, U vels unlcet's France, s vels Marryatt, ID vel Hume's hnftUnd, 8 vels bhakexpeate (Ulehurd Urint White), 0vel8 ' 6 no Kmsrsen, 11 vels e DO Tales Frem Many Sources, 5 vels..., a oe Knight's UUlery el KnKland, 8 vels. r 00 These Bets In 11 air Call Medlng, geed typo type Scott, 11 vels no W) IHckens, Uvel 13 (0 J liSckcrny, luvelj u (pe tleorge Kllet. 0 vels 6 40 liulwer, 11 vels n 70 Cooper, 10 vels t 40 ltuskln, Uvels je te Hume's Knitlanfl, 6 vels ft n tilnben's Keire, 0 vels 5 40 (iulzel'g History 01 Franca, 8 vels... 7 SO washingum Irving. 10 vels 000 Dickens' Works, 15 vels., American hairuussla 10 00 December Boek News (112 pages, illustrated will lift the covers of every Holiday Boek and put you in the way of sav ing a dime or two or three en every dollar you put in them. 5c, 50c a year. Thirteenth street itas. If your mind turns te lenses for any purpose, what you want is at the optical counter. 100 picture - Kodak Camera, $25. The Opera Glass te be appre ciated should have either Le maire's or Bardou's name en the top. Our prices for the best are from $4.50 te $36. We've Graphoscepes, Cam eras, Geld Spectacles, Ther mometers in endless variety. Last circle, ncsr J unlper street entrance. Ne brighter corner of Up holstery than where the Cevers are. They fit in famously with Christmas doings. Piane Cevers : P lush, tapeitry beranrs, 117 te 123. Jute Velear. SlSteltu. Felt (Upright), II te 1175. Plush ( U prlght ). M 25 te IM.50. Plush, emhesiea border, s."-0 Plush, machine ewbroiaered, 7i. Table Cevers : Plush ombessia heraer, $3.50 te tltee. .lute Vlour,S3teS18. Plush, machine embreiaerea, IIS te I 0. Plush, hanaembroiaerea.riUU te MS. Mats: rjush, tapestry borders, 10 in. sauare. He Jtush, tapualry borders, l in. square, SSe 1 lush, tapestry borders, 10 In. suuare, We Plush, tapestry berdem, 7 in. square, 7J0 Bocenanoor, nerlh of Transept. Feurcleva- Engravings, Photogravures, and Etchings are all in the quickest of the swim. Framed Artetype engravings, $3.50 up. Exquisite copies of French Salen pictures, gilt frames, $1 te $5. liaaement, northeast of centre. We hear of Men's Alligator Slippers at $2. Don't swallow any such story. The chances are a hundred te one that the stuff is stamped sheep-skin. It can't be alligator unless the merchant is making you a pres ent of $1.50 or se with each pair. Make-believe alligator leeks very like the true until you come te wear it. Like any ether fraud- you want nothing te de with it it you are te tret your money's worth. Our Men's Slippers run tills way : Alls"iter, W, smoke, tan, black. ?2.'' ."UI " aft "'n. O,taWenU.VS.0, t01100' waroen Every Slipper comfort and neatness for women and chil dren. Market street Irent, weit of Main Aisle. JOHN WANAMAKER. P " HATH you HAVE HOC Lie (ii?uA5l,lLa nn? r,sUlDK tel as a suit. ..,. "&.(" r,th"'. hrether orson.orabur erson.orabur orsen.orabur 5.2aU:,,el or UHulcal Thermometer ler your physician niena. Gut them at HUUHTf'B, W West King Btrefit. 0Iili.,lI4HI!i WANTKD-THK HIOH- uetai nattem nn.. .V.'W r-" .";. rates. .m &. lu .. . -T" M. vr.uT:VX2 ".""" a at JteaT Lh.'SS 5 A5? .TL P.". 1R M.H Mtwr..vw - MttUUI HDUOIDI uanklnc Uuliaing. vu,Ba)0ua, pAIMK'S OKLKKY O0MF0UMD. MY POOR BACK. SSBklBBBBHBSlBBiaSBBBllllBSBaSBiaiaMB ft That's the common exclnusAtlen et these eufferlrnr with rhenmstlsm or kidney troubles. In either disease Pslne's Celery Compound will surely eSeet a cure, and there will no longer be any cause te complain of " peer backs." Hundreds of testi monials like the following confirm our claims for that grand old reaaedy, Palne's Celery Compound : "Twe weeks age I could net sleep mere than an hour at a time any night, was constipated and kidneys did net act, and bad a geed deal of pain in the back, blnce I took Palne's Celery Compound the pain left my back, and I can sleep like a child." Zenas Handera, West Windser, Vermont. " Having been troubled with rheuma tism for five years, I waa almost unable te get around, and was very often confined te my bed for weeks at a time. I have used nearly all medicines imaginable, besides outside advices, but te no advantge. Having seen Palne's Celery Compound adver tised, I gave it atrial. I have used only bottle and am perfectly cured. I can new Jump around and reel lively as a boy." Prank Carell, Eureka, Nevada. Price, 1.00. Six for 5.00. ' 8em r DnuaaisTS. Send reit 8-rAaE Testimonial Paper. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO,, Proprietors BURLTNOTOy, VERMONT. JMWMLMT. H;2 Z. KHOAUH A BOH. HOLIDAY NOVELTIES I We are new offering a stock of Novelties, consisting et Sterling Sil ver Stamp Heap and Match Bexes, Cigar and Cltrarette Cases. Qleve and Shee liutteners. Boek Marks,Paper Cuttere, Letter Openers, Pencil and Pen Hold Held ei s. etc. Besides these we nave a thousand Kings that we will sell at wonder fully low prices. And Watches that cannot be equalled for the money in Lan caster or any market. We would like te have you all come and leek at them. They are always open for your inspection. H. Z. RHOADS & JEWELERS, Ne. 4 West King Street. BL OOD'S HAKBAI'AHILLA. THE PLAIN TRUTH Is thit Heed's BarsBparllla has cured then. tanas of people who suffered severely with rheumitlsn. It neutralises the lactic acid lu the bleed, which causes Ihesa terrlble pains ana aohes, ana also vitalises ana onrlches the bleed, thus preventlnK the reourrenee el the disease. These facts warrant us in urging you, 11 von Buffer with rheumatlsm, te give Heed's earsspai Ilia atrial, " Fer 23 years :i hsve suffored with sclitlc liheunutlsm. Last November 1 was taken woee than ever, ana was unable te get out of thoheuao. I waa almost nxi.PLxaaieu 40 days sufferlnR great agony. In December I com -menced t&klug Heed's Sarsaparllla, Alter the second bettle I was able te be out and around and attend te batlness. I took five bottles, and am new se tree from rheumatism that only occasionally I feel it slightly en a sad den change of weathar, I have great conn cenn conn dcneeln Heed's earsapartlla. Chailki 11a. maii, Christie, Clarke Ce Wis. 1NFLAMMATOKY UHKUMATISU " Ilavlngbeen troubled with lmflammatery rheumatism ter many years, my taverable attention waa called te Heed's Sargaparllla by an advortltementef cures It had effected. I have new used three bottles of Heed's Barta patliu and can already testily te beneficial results. I litghlr recommend It as a bleed pu rider." J. O. atsrs, West lllcemnelO, N. Y. Heed's Sarsaparllla Beld by all druggists. l i six for 13. Frepared only by c. i. .HOOD CO, Lewell, Mass. 100 Desea One Dellar. JjlUT'H OUMAal HALM. GATABRH-llAY FEVEB. ELY'S OUEAM BALM cures Celd m Head Latarrh, liese Celd, Hay Fnver, Doefness , Head aehe. "Frlee w Cent. EABY te usk. Ely Ure's, Owego. N. Y U.B.A. y ELY'S CUJCAM HALM Cleanses the Nasal Ft"!?8' DAllRy?, Vala ana lndammauen, Heals the Seres, Uesteres the Henses el Taste anaBmeii, THY THE CUHK. A partlcle Is applied Inte each nostril and Is agreeable. Price Be cents at Druggists : by maU,registerod(teonU. ILTBKOTHIUS, es Warren street. New Yerk Yerk. nevlMydAw BOOKS, C. Herr's Bookstore, MEW A INSTRUCTIVE GAM ES& TOYS. MATHEMATICAL QAME HALM A ORUOPP1TV. MONETA. OU MONEY UAMK. YACUT HACK, ME8SENGEU HOY AND POLITICIAN. ANCHOUBTONE BUILDING BLOCKS a Bpeclalty. L. B. PiBRR, 51 & 63 IT. Queen St. auglR-lrd 2 0J1ACCO. JiO. WHrAULISUKD 1770, Demetti's gai Stere. FINE BMOICINO TOBACCO, lMl'OUrJCD AND KEY WK8T CMIAUS. FUKNCU UllIAll AND MEEUSCUAUM PIPES, CIUAUHOLDE113 AND CASES. aarouraehlen Lien and MUQuerlfla Cigars, BnulT liexes, Cannr, Ac, sullable Chriitmns l'roiuntsner smokers. Ne. 114 East King Street 479-Tclephone. Finest Brands et Cigarettes. Oecll-Imd VAKK1A.UMH, QTAnT)AKD CAKK1AQK WOKK." KDW. KDQKRTjEy, Nej. 40, IZ, 43, V Market Htreet. Uear of I'cst- offlce, i4inoaster, 1'a, I new have ready for the Fall and Winter Truan the dnest and meutselectllne of strictly itiDviasii uaruage uuu eiuigus ux su uescrip uescrip tiens In the market. New is the time te buy a nice Carrtsge or Blelgh as n Uhrlttmas Preent. There Is noth neth lug that would be mere suitable. Special Bargains luBocend-uond Werk, both nnUhea or uutlnlahed. A tew mera et thede flne Uead Carts leit at prices te suit the times. AH work fully guaranteed. My prices for the same Quality ei work are the cheapest In thebute. itppalrtng ana Kepalntlng promptly at tended te. One set of workmen especially employed for that purpose. HEADQUAKTKRS KOR THK KOL. lowing Champjgnes : Douche Sec, (J. 11. Mumiu Extra Dry. FlperHsldsledtiFemmery bec, aud Heeder, at ltKlUAUT'S OLD WINE BTOItK, Wl-ed East King btreet. JEROHANT TAILOKINQ. Ic&UAlOr & 1T0WIEU", MEUCUANT TAlLORS-NO.ilWKST EVOpen Every Evening This Menth. SON, DRY UOODS. lTU1V1jK1Vs! BARGAINS AT GIVLER'S. Lad Ien' and Children's Oeata, Broeho Ooahmero and Weel Shawls, Plush Oeata, Ellk Umbrellas), Drees Goods, Blankets, Oomferta, TJnderwear, Geld Medal, Grewn Jewel and Aurera Oarpet Sweepers. Oaipela, Ruffs, nllatBarsaln Prloea for OHRiaiMAS. Jehn S. Givler O At 8 North Qucen Street, lanCastee, fa. mUK PEOPLK'H OAHH HIOKE. Christmas Presents! -AT- The People's Cash Stere, Me. 25 East King Etreet. We odor many Chelca and Serviceable Things Bultable for the Holiday Season. Let ns sngeest a low of the many things we nave which would make a useful present. A Paisley Shawl, a Plush Ceat of any desira ble cut, a Bilk Dress at any price, an Embret Embrot Embret Cered or llralded Itebe, aMuffef any of the desirable Furs, a pair of Blankets or a Mar seilles Quilt of any grade, a Fine Linen Table Cleth with Napkins te match, a Lace Bed Spread with Pillow Bhams, a Down Comfert, a llaw Bilk or Jute Table Cever, an Umbrella of Bilk, Qlorle, Italian Cleth or Gingham, with any style handle yen may desire. A pair of Kid Gloves, a ellk or Cashmere Muffler, ;irem the cheapest te the best, a pair of Suspenders for Genu or Beys. Linen Handkerchiefs for Ladles, Gents or Children In Endless Variety. We respeetfnlly solicit a call from everyone about purchasing anything In enr Una. Onr prices will be found as Lew us CASH can make them. Who Can Beat Cash T The People's Cash Stere, NO. 25 BAST KIKQ BTBBHT, LANCASTER, PA. marlt-lveaw TOYS, rc, T 0X8. FLINN & BREMAN. TOYS. Our Stock el Toys and Christmas Goods Is new en exhibition and is largerand Oner than ever. MECHANICAL, TOYS, TIN AND IRON TOYS, VELOCIPEDES, EXPRESS WAGONS, DULL CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, TREE ORNAMENTS, AC. Our Sleck Is for the multllndeandeurprlccs are k way down. A Handsome UOCUESTKIl LAMP makes a Fine uhilstmes Present. We have them cheap. FLINN&BRENEMAN, Ne. 162 North Qneen Street, I.ANCABTkK PA. B OAKDINt NEW BOARDING AND 1 Ledirins Heuse. Ne. 41 Seuth Lime street. .'incasur,AiexueorKe,iiuanrcKirrepneuir. FlrstrClassUerman table beard. Meals stall hours. Hotneoomlorts for permanent bear den. Meals furnished promptly and In first. class style te wbddtng and birthday parties, balls, hops, etc. at short notice, a hare ei the nublle's patronage. Bespeettully solicited. AHfX.GKOM.OE, . ".V ., .... .-.a. . ' me. u sniw ivesas SHtft, rama.a aiLaOT UMCruij 6hri8tnasPr8iit8 1 OUR LIST. tXALSACQUBS, SILK HATS, SKAL JACKETS, Burr hats, rLcsnsAcquBS, EO FT HATS, SBAL MUFFS, SEAL CAPf, MOHKET MUFFS, FUBCOLLAK, OTTEB MUFFS, FOE GLOVES, LYHX. MUFFS, rUK ROBES, FLUSH EOBES, HUHKB, TliAVELINGBAQS, OMBELLAS,1 BUBBBEQOODS,ae. BOAS, STOLES, HOODS, rUgTEIMMUTGS, LOVES, te. Hethtn mere Ceilrabla than rme et the above nsefal OUBlBTM AS PKEBEnts, allot whieh ws save la first quality and at lowest pnees, Stauffer & Oe., 81 83 North Queen Btreet, LAKOABTRB.PA. . N IDEA. -A HANDSOME- SEALSKIN GOAT OR JACKET OKA- MUFF Fer a Ohriatmas Slit -FBOM AMER'S Choice Stock. NO. 39 WEST KING STREET. SsF-Setlskln Coots and Jackets male te order from best Alaska. Londen Uvea ceal. Fit, Unallty and Price specially guaranteed. Forty years' ozpeilcnee gives us special nd vantages, eKMfd SOOTS AND BI10B9. TXAVE YOU SEEN The Pretty and Well Mads HOLIDAY SUPPERS We have for Gentlemen la Beal Alligator colors Black and Chestnut, our Pmsh and Velvet Embrotdered fllnners. at mices lrem 75c te t2 CO are In different colors and hand some patterns t in styles. Opera and Everett. 'i'he Gent's immttatlen Alligator atl.U0,and Maroen and l an Opera at si.Ss are first-class slippers for wear and comfort. Alse a com. plete stock of fancy Bllppera for ladles, misses and children.; H. Swilkey's New Gash Stere NO.MNOBTH QUEEN BTBEBT. ectll-Jmd CLOSING ODT AT AND BELOW COST TO.OLOSE BUSINESS. As I haveabeut made ap my mind te go into the manuf aeture of shoes, I will commence en MONDAY, DBOBMBBB 10, TO CLOSE MY ENTIBE STOCK OF BOOTS, Shoes & Rubbers AT AND BELOW COST. say This is a rare opportunity for the public te get bargains, as my entire stock consists of the very best goods that the market .affords. Se come early and get yenr cholce, as I mean business and they must be sold at once. D. P. STACKHOUSE, 98 & SO BJLBT KINO, 8T, LANCASTER. PA. 020-lydA B OOTB AND SHOES. (gJISTMAS PRESENTS. We have the Largest Assert men t and Stock of Medium Priced Slippers IN 1IIS CITY. Men's Bltppers ana Beys' Velvet Embrel aered Bllpperi), COe ; sizes of Men's 0 te II, of Ladles 3 te 8, and of Beys' 3 te 6. Last year we sold mere than ZiO Pairs of the Men's Blip, pera at 59c, and having had se many calls for Ladles and Beys at the same ;pnce we suc ceeded la getting them this year. The Men's Slippers we sell at 78c. Have a White Kid Lining and Whlte Kid Insoles. Our II 0 Men's Slippers embroidered with Chenille and Is same make i and pattern tha we sold se many of last year, In two stylet, with and without tees. Have also a very large assortment of S1.C5 and l 60 Bltppers, which for styles, quality and durability, canuet be surpassed in the city. They alt must be seen te be appreciated, therefore will have our East Window filled with them until Christmas, and It will be well worth your while te slop and Uke a leek at them, as the prices will be attached, knowing that Ne One Cm Undersell Ds in Lancaster.' The One-Price Cash Heuse, (6 The Leiden of Lew Prices -IN- BOOTS & SHOES Ne. 3 East King Street, LANCABTEK.PA. ATTOHtfXTM. T OTHER & KAUJTJTMAN, ATTOKMEY-AT-LAW, Second Fleer Eehlsmaa Law BaUdlng, Ne. 43 North Duke Street. SlfMw FREY ECKERT c&BTHMam. WALli, 1888, iAAM-M-a-tv-W-, Fin Tailoring for the Latt Heveities. eealaas styMs. H. GERHART'S 0iy Direct Impwtl TalUr. 3H0KTUQUEEW8TREEH. JTKKM HATaUr-ON. Suits at All Prices. MEN'S SUITS at SVUC. MEN'S 8U1TS at 11108. MEN'S B01TS at 11300. MEN'S SUITS at H OS. MEM'S SUITS at S1SA MEN'S SUITS at nee. MEN'S 8UIIB at 111,00. MEM'S SUITS at SsDXO. MEM'S SUITS at 122 00, OVERCOATS. OVEECOATB at 18.00, OVEBCOATS at 110,00. OVEUCOA78SBI1201. OVEBCOATS at 113.00. OVEBCOATS at IKUO. OVEBCOATS at I1G CO. OVEBCOATS at 117.00. OVEBCOATS at 118.00. OVEBCOATS at 186.00. nr Alt our Make and Thoroughly HelUble. Myers & Rathfon, BELIABLE CLOXH1BBS, NO. 12 BAST KLNQ ST., T.ANtlARTER PA T CLOTHING BUYERS. 69 N. QUUBN.ST, 68 (Cerner of Orange.) ATTNTION,GLOTHING BUYERS The Big Beductlen Sole of Flne Overcoats and Ulsters Still Continues at L. Gansman & Bre.'s PBICES ALMOST CUT IN TWO. In order te Beduce our Enormous Stock be be be fere stock taking, we are making the biggest reduction sale ever known, te last fox two weeks only. Everybody concedes that we have had the handsomest and cboapest Over. coats and Ulsters In the city, We offer bar gains never bofero heard of. Here Is An Instance, Fer is, 17, 19, Chinchilla, Kersey and Beaver Overcoats worth from ts tells. Fer no, iij, tu. Worsted, Melten and Bumbe Beaver Overcoats, worth from l.e te, St. Fer 16, IS, 10, 112, Handsome, Durable and Warm Storm Overcoats, worth from HOtelSl. Bey's and Children's Overcoats at Greatly Beduced Prices. Men's Bulls of Gcea Quality at M, IS, W.: Men's Butts et better quality at s, 110,112, 111. IIS. Trousers at 75c, II 00, 11.23, 11.7 It 00. All-Weel Treusers at 12.10, 1160, W 00, 13 80, MOO. Bey's and Youths' Suits and Overcoats at corespendtngly Lew Prices. They are (he greatest bargains you ever saw. A call will convince you of the facts. L. GANSMAN & BRO., CLOTHING MANUFAOTUBEBS, 8. W.COB. NOBT11 QUEEN A OllANGE ST. OPKN KVEKY CEMBEK. KVENINQ IN DB Great Unloading Sale -OF- GLOmiNG ! lirsh & Brether. Hteck that Is carried ever from one year te another Is very un satisfactory te sell. Our Inten tion is net te carry any old stock ever, or as little as possible. In order te accomplish this we have reduced our prices te halt their value Read en and be con vinced. Where Will Yen Find Sudi Prices t Overcoats that were $25, are $15. Overcoats that were $20, are 110. Overcoats that were $18, are I 9. Overcoats that were 115, are I S. Overcoats that were 12, are 0, Overcoats that were $10, ere I 5, Overcoats that were 8, are 14.50. Overcoats that were 97, are 13.50. Overcoats that are geed and serviceable, 13.00. Only at Onr Stere. Suits that have been treated in the same way, we have tnade no discrimination. " Nothing liut Desirable Goods. Suits that were $20.00, are $10.00. Suits that were $18.00, are$ 9.00. Suits that were $15 00, are? 8.00. Suits that were $12.00, are$ 7.00, Suits that were $10.00, are$ 0.00. Suits that were $ 9.00, are$ 5.00. Suits will wear wear well, $ 4 60. Quality Unsurpassable. Yeu will wonder at such slaughter of prices. We don't. It's our way of doing business. We want all new goods or as many as we can possibly have, and Btlll maintain the lowest prices for the quality of goods sold. HIRSH &1R0THER, LetdiDg.Olelhiera & Merchant Tailors, CORNER OF N QUEEN 6T.s CENTRE BQUAUH, LaNOABTKlC PA. HK. SLAYMAKKR, rlOLK AGENT for Special Great western, the finest Charopagne produced en the American ceutl- "dU-eed AST KIK TBBET. ,fei. te$B8Uj-,