iWlWIfftpfSUg .; tf.,VFiS4ii'exrAH 3 i i " dpvb j ,-' -: p a.! .r .'ttjra- .nvre "jwa.-w1 ' ' vj- i- !(' whj rAi ar .Tft.r"" " - 'Wrf " .'Ti - iw -v-- THE LANCASTEB DAILY INTEIiLIGENCEB, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 19, 1888. IABY. MDHHOI) IB ' THB WUUIV TALB." I. I IMttMUblWIlHlleBltltHMi Bra yet the ntaitai caught Laeataa' bretstt I tea the, beautiful, wtt b-acWsbs arism, rHudsroiixaM,tMfteca L . Ah, stainless wHtvthe sweetest ana tha bast ! issiBSBsttbsfawisaecatBi. Lit still by eaMUtpa,,elsj8X-peiate Baraei" I kau ikr vote t ik telBmad ita fti istappel te great Apelle's assae, WMa saefwd etaaM stakes wait tky flame I W . -' - n. I aaa thee ta tha bloom of maidenhood Make glad Bohemia wltk thy happy faea Theu aaaaut a aplrlt of tka flat aaa weed, A dream of levelUess ant sylvaa gmea, Tat ea thy brew tka itamp of royal taea. I hear tfey toJce of musle t ling e'ar lbs nan and atery ettby gataerad lewm I sea tky glaaelag feat aeen tka Boer ladanee thtt wlaga with Ugkt tka sUstUtfl hours Aa all the Jey tkat Bhtkaapaan gtraa te eata 1 in. Bweetlstbemtraoryef these ptetnrea twala wMt li tka tbeagbt that Uey srs wholly tktaat Tka i reltage of tky b'ended heart aaa btala Slewa la that aatlva air a tklag dlvlna. Vhen only art Interpreter, I ween,! Of high-born ihepherdsss ana peerlMi queen. " t baa rmtbar b a Htten ana say mew " :han s-roan all nlaht and aenid ill at with neurits la, wkan one little bettla of Salvation ou weaia make at gentle aad welL fatty weuiani you I Cenghi, hoarseness, asthma or any Irritation At the threw or bronchial tubes will a re lieved by taking Dr. Bull's Coegb ftyrnp. It has eared thousands. Beoemmend It te year friend and nelihber. m tm m BtsiaSwre ears guaranteed by Or. J. B. Mayer, 31 Arch street, Philadelphia. Baaa ateaee, no operation or delay from business, attested, by thensanda of enrea after ether fail, advles free, tend for circular, marie lydAw 8am BoeUa People Allew a couch te run nntll It geta btyend the reach of medicine. They often lay, "eh.lt will wear away," bat In most caws It weara them away. could thybe Induced te try the successful medicine callel Bemp'a Balsam, which we sell en a positive guarantee te eure, they woeld Immediately ea the axeellent effect after taking the flnt dot, Fries tee and 140. 1 rial sue ires. Atalleraggtstt. (I) QtrmmirawAitm. H IGH A MARTIN. China, Glass, QUEESSWARE, -AT- CHINA HAIL ALARQR LINK OF Holiday Goods -IN- Fancy and Staple Article!. OUTCLASS, UAVILAND CHINA, DOULTON WABF. BOYAL WOBOBSXBB, , i TEPL1TZ WABB, 8TBLLMACHEB WABB, BODBBBAOH WABB, 40. Toys! Toys! Toys I Umbrella Stand from II 80 te 18 50. Deoerated and Printed Dinner, Tea and ToUet SetU at Bettem Hitcei. Antlque Dcoerated China Tea SetU, 66 plecei, for 17 5'. lmp In Hall, 8tand, Library and Piane. The Kechester " 1UK BKSr ', 4rXxamlne enr Bteck and get l'tlcei fce fore purchasing. High & Martin, Ne. 15 East King St. octie-tfd WATCHES. w ATOHKS AMERICAN I Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Bpecs. Kye-Ula BUS., at I.O WKSr K B1GB8. Optical Soeds. Telegraph Time Dally. Kvery Article In this Una carefully IMpalred. LOUIS WBBBR. MO.OBDC 9. Queen St., Near P. K. B. Station. H OLIDA-Y GOOD3. GILL. FANS, NOVELTIES HUD HOLIDAY GOODS. We Are Prepared for the HOLIDAYS wttb a Large bteck el DIAMONDS, WATOUKH. GANK9, JKWBLUV, Kte. Ne. 10 West King Street, LANOABTBB, FA. N KW UOODS I NEW GOODS I HERR, Jeweler. GRAND Watchea, Silverware, Jewelry. Diamonds, Novelties, J9-0ALL-PUIUKS ATTBA0T1VE ASOUtt GOODS. 101 NOETH QUEEU ST., COUNXUOFOUANQB. WE UAN BEKVK YOD WKL.L, AND save you money In advertising. Bstl mates free, ADYEBTI8ING GUIDE-BOOKS. The most complete and original ever Issued. Sent en receipt of M cents te pay for packing and forwarding. AnvMTiaisa Warnse ABraetAirr. The L. Jefl, MUbeurne Advertising Aganay, lliaaA IB) Bast Baltimore Street. Maiumere Holiday Attractions ! . UTIOURA RBMKOin. HOW I 8UFFJBID reateea Tire rreaa a Bala Dtaaaaa Oaald M Walk ar Dress Myself-. A Btaee af DM. aaas Braaa Bead ta raet-Oarad la Sight Weeks ay tk eatleata BMaaadtea. At tka age of three month a rash (which aflarward uend ta baaeaema or aaltrienml madaltappaiaaoaetiaylaaai Aphyaldaa WMeilM. aasiMteethfag was the caaae; ka prasetlbtd aaaaa oeollag atedletne, but the i iprsaa te my can aaa itw. near '.was eaaaaV He profs id te knew ail ktiJB. urefasaf i It " BH about tka ease, calif a " KUIE MTIIi DU King's BTll."aad preeitbd gnnpewder, brtautene and lard mixed into a salve battaadlseaae continued. Taayennid net de anything with It. Anether Braserlbcd borax, water and flour t another, nsesd poeltteea. one of them did me any geed at ail, bat ssade ma worse. Tka disease continued naabated It spread te my arms asm legs, till I was laid up eatttely, and from oatiaaaliyaHUageatheioaranapUlowmy Mmbacentnetad se tkav l leat all control of thsm.and waa utterly helpless. My mother would bare te lift ma out and Inte bed. t eeuld get around the house en my hands and set, bat t eeuld net get my clothes ten at all, aad had te wear a tort of dressing gown.. My hair kad all matted down or fallen off. and ray fcead, face and ears I wt re en scab, and I kad te hire a tewal en my head all the time In the snmmer te keep the flies off. My parents con suited a prominent physician and surgeon here la Chicago (the ether physicians before mentioned were of Duadas and Hamilton, Canada) He said keoenld de nothing for me. Ha wanted te out the sinews of my legs, se tkatloealdwaikt but I wernd aet let him. for if 1 did get better 1 would hare no oentrol of them. lhe disease continued in this matter nntll I was seventeen years old, and one day In Jan nary, ins, l read an aocennt In the Trtbunt, of year UUriUUBA BBMKDlKS. It described my este se exactly that t thought, aa a last ia sorWte gire the in a trial. When I first applied them I was all raw and bleeding, from tcritchlng myself, but 1 went asleep almost immediately, something I bad net done for years, the effeet waa se seuthing. In about two weeks 1 oenld atand stralaht, hut net walk, I was se weak, but mr sores were nearly well, aanear aaleanjndge the CUIIGUH. BBMBD1K8 cured me In about aix te eight weeks, and up tethtsdate (I. . from January, IBM, te January 1867) 1 have net been sick in any way or baruhad the least signs of the disease reappearing en me. W.J.U0DOMA.LD, le. I7M Dearborn bi, Chicago, ill. Junal0,U37. Beld everywhere. Price, Ctmcvai, Beet BeAr, 9Se 1 BaseLYsaT, tl.00. Prepared by the PerTJCK DBUtt AMD CUBMIOAL CO., Bos Bes Bos eon. Man. asr Bend for Hew te Cure Skin Diseases." Df BJfPLEB,Blaekheafl,Bed, Keugh.Chap. rllll pad and Oily BkinpreTentedby ctt. tieusa aeAr. Constitutional Catarrh. He single disease has entailed mere suiter. Ing or hastened the breaking up of the oontil eontil oentil tntion than Catarrh. The sense of smell, of taste, of sight, et hearing, the human rolee, the mind, one or mere, and sometimes all, yield te Its deatrucllTe Influence, 'ihepolsen It distributes throughout the system attacks erery vital force, and breaks up the most ro bust of constitutions. Ignored, because but little understood, by most physicians, tmpo tmpe tently aaalled by quacks and charlatans, these suffering from It have little hope te be relieved of It this side of the grave. It ta time, then, that the popular treatment of this tenlble disease by remedies within the reach of all pataed Inte hands at once competent and trustworthy. The new and hitherto un tried method adopted by Dr. ranferd In the preparation of his Kidieal eras has wen the hearty approval of thensanda. It Is Instanta neous In affording relief In all head relds, sneeslng, snuffling and obstructed breathing, and rapidly removes the most oppressive symptoms. clearing the head, sweetening the breath, restoring the tenses of smell, taste and hearing, and neutralizing the constitutional tendeney of tee disease towards the lungs, liver and kidneys. BAsreiD's BADiaAL Ctnts consists of one bot tle of the Radical Cuss, one box of Ca- TABBRAL BOLVSST, and BU lttTBOYBD IVHALIR, prlee.ll. PeTTaa Dide A CirrmeAL Ce., Beat en. KIDNEY PAINS, Strains and Weaknesses, Believed In one minute by that marvelous An tidote te Pain. Inflammation and Weakness, the OutleuraAntl-Pain Plaster. Thenrstand only paln-kllllng strenkthenlng plaster. Bs specially adapted te lntuntly relieve and speedily cure Kidney aad Dtorlne Pains and weakness. Warranted vastly superior te all ether plasters. At all druggists, M eents 1 fl ve for 11.00 1 or, postage free, et Pernx Dams Alie CxaweAL Ce., Bosten, Mass. jun lydWASAlyw YEK'S OHKRRY JPKOIOKAIi. BEST COUGH GHEE. Fer all diseases of the Threat and Lungs, ae remedy Is se sife, speedy and certain as AYEB'd CUKEKY PBCTOBAL. ,An lndls lndls penslble famlly.medlclne. I find AVer's Cherry Pectoral an Invalua ble remedy for colds, coughs and ether ail ments of the threat and lungs." U. B. Ban daU, 201 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. "I have used AVer's Cherry Pec'.eral for bronchitis and; LUNG DISEASES. for which I believe it te be the greatest med 1 clneln the werld."-Jamet Miller, Caraway, H.C. 1 My wife had a distressing cough, with pains In the tide and breast. We tried various medicines, but none did her any geed until I get a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which has cured he. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, had the measles, and the cough was relieved by the use et Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I have no hesitation In recommending this medicine " Rebert Horten, foreman JleadUgM, Morrill Merrill Morrill ten, Ark. "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of a se- vereoeld which had settled en my lungs. My wife says the PecterAl helps her mere than any elhr medicine the ever used." Enes Clark, MU Liberty, Kansas. Iyer's Cherry Pectoral, rTABSD IT Dr. J. O. Ayer ft Oo.Lewell, Mam. Beld by Druggists. Price, 11; six bottles, IS. dBcietea S1 OHKNCK'H MANDRAKK PILLS. HKADACUE. The Stomach Is disordered. Cleanse and settle It with Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills. HKAUT11UUW. Pesd fermenting, net divest, lag. correct the stomach by using Dr. Bckenck's Mandrake Pills. INDIQKSIIOK.-Etart Ue secretions of the Stomach wltu Dr. SchenckM Mandrake Pills. INFLAMMATION. Congestion runs mad. Keduce Instantly by free use ej Dr. Bcheuck's Mandrake Pills. JAUNDICE. llloed poisoned by bile Correct the Ltverby using Dr, Schenck's Mandrake Pills. L0S1OP APPBTITK The Stomach Is fall ing. Plrttcleinss It; then tone with Dr. bchenca's seaweed Tonic NAUSEA. Keactlen of bile. Correct Stom ach and LlverwlthDr.schenck's Mandrake Pills. PALPITATION. Dyspeptic condition. Cure by using Dr. Bchenck's Man drake Pills as directed, T0UP1DITY. Inaction of Liver. Start It np with Dr. Schenck's Manvraae Puis. In Dr. Schenck's new work en the Lungs, Btemach and Liver sent free te any addruss. Address Dr. J, U. hcheuck A son, Phlladtl. phta, Pa. myl7-lydw aTlOIiDEN HPEOLFIU. DRUNKENNESS -OUTHB L1UUOU HABIT POSITIVBLY CUBED BY ADM1N1BTBB1NO DH. UA1NKS' OOLDBM BPBC1FIC. it mii ha rtven In a cud of coffee or tea with. out the knowledge of the person taking It ; Is absolutely ns. miles, and will effect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate mea who have taken Gelden spe spe elfle In their coffee without thelr knowledge, and te-day believe they Quit drlnklnget their own free will. IT NBVBU FAlLSVTThe sys tem once Impregnated with the Specific, It be be eemes an utter Impossibility for the liquor SDDetlte te exist, for sale by F CHAB. A. LOCUBB. Druggist, Ne. East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. augS-lydM,W,r IMPROVED CUSuIOjnED EAR DBUMS. CURE FOR THE DEAF, feck's Patent Improved Cushioned Ear Drums perfectly restore bearing; aud perform the work of the natural drum, invisible com. fertable and always in position. All conver sation and even whispers heard distinctly, Band for Illustrated book with testimonials, vbeb. Address or sail ea r. uuoee, mi lsraaAway.stawtes. JtaMwM,W,t'Aw ruturirvMM. e lUKHAOIBBS. A,siatM'W.ii' Mutt Sold. Otiu & GibbS, td. 31 aad ilk neon, NO. II IO0TH QOBBJT BT. Tco Large a stock et Beautiful Christmas Presents. They Must ae at Fscrtflee Prleea. This Is Yenr ChancetoOetaBlerKMsUIX for LltTLB MONBT. ' Be Sure Yeu Find tka Plaee. OCHSTOIBBS, 99,84 A Itk Floers, aprUlyd NO. II BOUni QUBBN BT. CPKCIAL. t Hoffmeier's Special ! There yet remains a numbsr of CHRISTMAS GOODS IN STOCK, And this week, rather than carry them ever, they will be sold at Bargain Prices. Iijeu wish te make profit tble purchases and acceptable ptesents examine ear assort ment et J HOLIDAY GOODS. dgr near in mind they must be sold. Be membei the place la HOFFMEIER'S, He. 25 Xaat Klngf Street. dl8tfd G TO WIDMYER'8. TELL YOU?. FATHER. Mether, Bister, Brether or Ft lend v Buy Yeu something UsKrULas Wtll as Pretty. One of the Many Thtnga that can be Picked Up at WIDMYER'S. Ne Foolishness About There. The Most Sen sible Yeu Can select. Our Increased Ca'es Prove This Fact. Don't Put It Off Till the Last Minute. Come, SeleetaNlce ROCKER, OR- Well, Ne Use Try te Mention Them. Yes, they are Cheap tee. Ne Mistake lu Bnylng AT Widmyer's Cerner, Bast Kl&ff and Dnkt Street", LANCA8TEB.PA. A RARE VBAST. A Rare Feast reu HOLIDAY BUYERS. HEINITSH'S, 27 and 29 Seuth Queen Street, We have cleared our first fleer and arranged our HOLHJ AY GOODS all there, se as te save you steps and time The most beautiful goods ever shown, and the virlety Is se great that we cannot enume rate, but ask you te see ler yourself. Prices almost cut In two; they never were te low. It coos net require a long purse this season. tree our window displays, Newgoodsexhlb Newgeodsexhlb Newgoedsexhlb Hod dally. HEINITSH'S, 27 SB 0 BOTJTH QUSBN BT., LAN0ABTKB.PA. DRN1TURK 1 KTJKN1TDRK I THB UNDBBS1QNBD HAS BBOPJCHBD HU BTOBB AT THB OLD STAND, Ee. 38 East King Street, Which was destroyed by Are some Ume age, and kas a perfectly New Bteck et all kinds 01 FURNITURE. PABLOB BDITXS, UEDUOOM SUITES, .TABLXB..CHA1BS, XTO. UPHOLSTERING In All Its Krancbes. Alse Painting and Or namenting Old Chairs.; HENRY WOLF, Ne. 38 East Kins Street tea ua CONFSOTJONB. pAKAMEI, COMPANY, Tbe Lancaster Caramel Ce., Ne, 385 Oburea Street, Offers te aneemmndate the public In a retail way, ever the Uelldsys, with their Faney Can. ales sundry ecboeis supplied, Manufac tured by Bteain fresh every day.J HERSHEY'S Fine Een Behb. Ohccelatep, Caramels, H ller, If c 1 1 B. Bex, Ti and 80e ; 5 1 Bex, 11 This Is tbe finest candy ever offered In Lan es star. W Invite you te come and ate the varieties and be convinced. Caramel Company. dl2-!d OOAU T UMBER AND COAU AJ TOilaCCO UHI1MKB AND ICASE". WEBTEKS HABDIWOOUS. Wholesale and Betall, at B II. M aKTIN A CO, 421 Water street, Lancaster, Pa. ns-lyd TAUMGARDNBK'B OOMPAHT. GOAL DEALERS. Omoai-He. is North UueenStrast, aad Be, IM Merth Prince street. TaasaJtena rrtaaaBHaef, aaar aaaatag LAKOABTsU, TA OROOBMIMS. TMHBSr HRW CROP BAKING MO. JD LABSXS, vary geed baker, at lle per quart. Best quality Baking Butter and Kggs. BheUbarkand Walnut Kernels. High flrade Fleur, new Citren, orange aad Lemen Peel. Mew Currents aad Seedless atattlns. Pare tjreuad Bptced, Flne Flavoring kx trirts, stese Waur, eta., and a full steak at Holiday urecertee. All are Invited. Oer. West Klag aad Watet Bts. E 1KB GOOU3 FOR CHRISTUAB. W. A. Eeist ft Ce., OBO0S1U9, COB. BAST KING A DDKK STB. Loek for our Display of rtneCandles.Oakes, Bute and Frnlu. Nothing but the Best New Huts and Pare candles In Bteck. Five thousand Pounds Candy, Special Prices ta Pall ixit,. Best Layer Figs and Layer Balttns. Bspe stsJiy selected for Fine Holiday Trade. Mew Almonds, Cream Nuts, Filberts. Eng lish Walnuts and Pecan Nuts. Special Prlcei la Ave pound lets or mere. Baking Melaases, Fere Spices and Flavoring Kztraets. AVTAKB NOTICE.-Wi Ware prepared te give your orders Special Attention, and all orders received by us will be delivered promptly and carefully. Send in yenr orders before the rush. W. A. EEIST & GO. OROetms. K EIHT'H PREK DISTRIBUTION OF Cards enBATUBDAY BVBN1NO. Oa Tep of Ua Fetp. Just Unleaded, Twe Carloads of HOLIDAY QBOUEBIEa. NOTB PBI0R8 Twenty barrels Finest Old 'crop New Or leuis Blrg Melaases and Best New Crep. 1 he Old bakes a beautiful golden yellow cake. Prices, s, le. li. 14, is. 18, 17 and 18 cents ur quart. 60 barrels ansar-almeat rinrn white, at 7e. S carloads Table Meissses !(80 barrels), light as honey, se per quart. New Citren, SV) per pound. New Orangn and Lemen Peel, lta per pound. English currants, 4 pounds for me. axtrseU 8 large bottles for ate. Pure Bese Water, Pearlash, Saleratua, Baking Seda, Cream Tartar, Clunamcn, C)ev a, Qlnger, All All All sploe.Meca, lintmegs.Ae. Shellbark and Wal nut Kernels, Sweat Baking Butter-nothing finer In the market and going fast-sail qutek. Pure Heney, pounds for SSe. Mine Meat, S 10 and II cents per pound. Sweet Cider, ine per gallon. 6 pounds le'lyaJe. 4 pounds fat sins, sse. S pounds Figs, awe. pounds Pru nellas, SJe. Sugar Coated Pep Cern, se per quart, . S and 2 pounds Prunes, asc. 4 cans com, Ms. 4 pounds candy, me. 8 pounds Candy, He. S pounds Candy. We. 4 bennes Crackers, 160. 4 boxes Qeatiae, me. 60 bozos Oranges, le. 13, It, 20 up te se eeuts perdesen. 1 cask New Prlncnxs Paper shell Almonds, tSe per pound t this Is a decided bargain. ihey are selling everywhere at te per pound. 10 boxes finest New Persian Dales, Se per pound I 4 pounflp,e. BO banels Mixed Candy never aaw the Uke-tSKe per pound, is bar rels Oum Dreps, Koperpeund.orSnounds for SSe. 2 bales utencb'ewalnutf, ltKe and 18e per p aund. 10 bags cream uts, One new, 100 per pound, or S pounds for ate. 10 bags At-mends-neversaw their eqnal-18n per pound. 1 bale New Pecan Nuts very fine, 11KC I bale rtnest Filberts, 16e per pound or 2 pounds fertss. 10 boxes Finest Mixed Table Nuts, ISe par pound, ft barrels Mack Walnuts, loe per naif peck. 2 barrels Shellbaxas, lOe per quart, or s quarts for 96c 10 barrels White u rapes, lOe per pound or S pounds for SSe. 90 bass Peanuts. Be per quart. Grated Cocea, nut, 1110 per pound. wVposltlvely carry a larger stock of Groce ries than sny two ether houses In the city. Buy larger, and are always en the lookout fur bargains. We gtve yen thebeneflt of these bat gains. J. FRANK REIST, WHOLEBAXB AND BETA1L QBOOBB, Martkeut Ccraer West Klif asm Ftiaca Streets, LAMOABTBB.PA. gsr-Telephene ana Free Delivery, rera, a. WYS. FLIN & BRKNEMAN. TOYS. Our Stock el Toys and Clirlstmss Goods Is new en exhibition and Is largeracd finer than ever, MKOitANIOAJj TOYS, TIN AND IRON TOYS, VELOCIPEDES, EXPRESS WAGONS, DOLL OARR1AQES, SLEIGHS, TREE ORNAMENTS, aa. Our Bleck Is for the multitude and our price a are away down. AHandsome BOOHESTEB LAMP makes a Fine Chtlstmas Present. We have them cheap. FLINN&BRENEMAN, Ha 162 North Queen Street, LANCASTER PA. VMBRKLLAH. TTMBRELLA AND CANES. OUB ADVICE TO HIM: Qet "Her" a Nice Umbrella. OUB SUGGESTION TO JIEU t Get ,Hlm"AnUmbrellaerOane. Our Advice te Hlm,Her and All -rer your Umbrella and Cane ceme te us aud tie will gladly serve you. STOCK LARGEST, l'UIUK3T LOWEST, ACSOBTMBNT 11E&T. THE MANUVACTUBEUS, R, B. & H.f 11 BAST KING StBEET. aar-Any spcc'al kind desired male te order at short notice. sepSeid itlLLINBKY. XF VOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY GO TO "WEIKEL'S FiiBt-OlasB MllllDery Stere, NO. 33 H.OUTII QOEKNST Eer BiBQAINB. 0L1BIWO OUT. Every tblntt roust be sold. We carry the finest Hue ei goods In the city. . , a sne oppertunl-y te cocure a flrst-class MUlluery Stere. PETER WEIKEL, 8 MORTU QDEEM ST., LANCASTER, PA. dS-tld N OTIOB TO TRESPASSERS AND aUNNEUB.-AU persons are hereby for bidden te trespass en any of tbe lands of the wau ana speeawsu eiau u ieeanim ei dar aeunues. whether Inclesed or anln. alosed. either for the purpose of stunting or Esabuc, as the law wtll be rigidly enteseed against all trespass trig en said lands of Uwnn. assigned after tats aetlaa. " Wat. OOLBMAsT EBBBaf AB, &r BEQT ALOBB, IWTO.VBMMAB. Assfsi sse aVW OBmiil Ueln DKY TJAaER A BROTBElt. HOLIDAY BARGAINS Mies' Winter Cloaks and Wraps ! AT 1 GBEAT REDUCTION IN FRICE. Lister Beat Pluab Oeatfl. Satin Lined, at 190 ; worth 935, Braided Oleth lledjeekaa, at 85 ; reduced from 98.60, Plain Oleth Newmarkets, Fur Trimmed, at 19.60 ; redueed from 117 60, Berne Striped Oleth Raglans and Newmarkets at 97.50 ; redueed from SIS Oleth Jaekets at 91.00; redueed from 90.60. Lister Seal Flush Gents, Kegantly Lined, at 930 940 ; worth 940 A 950 Lister Heal Flush Medjeekas, Braided, at 933 ; worth 930. Children's Oestiat 93.60 ; redueed from 96.00, HAGER & BROTHER, 25, 27 and 29 West King Street, LANCASTER, TENN'A. TO AHD A MeELHOY. Bard & McElroy, Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. EXTRA LOW PRICES. HOBIRKY-We have Just closed ent of a manufacturer, balance nf a let of I.s dies' Weel BtoeMtiBS. made te seU attoe per pair, our price only v. We give barsjslne In all grades of bleckings for Ladles. Men ana Beys, ss a customer said tbe ether da vi 1 nTO baen buiteKall my atoealngs bera since yea eened,and 1 bave never beuibtas goedwoarlDgSiocatnssfor the money aa I et betw. aiNuUAMtiEUNAil'rB OneLotefaingbtmHemnantsatTeperyard.rsRoodasanysold at 83 1 bey are selling fwt. All perlest and tntdlfletent lengths. We clt' u have ll mnant el dtiferent goods thataia less than regular prlecs, and when closed out cannot be replaced again. 1' ANTING In the Panting Line for Men's and Beys' Wear we de net hesitate In ssytng that wehave the brat line et goods at tbi prlces vversbewn In this city. Jmnsatiec l'lH'M.e and np extra value at the prices, tee our line of styles and qualities at SSe, Jle, 57H. "e, ec, Me and up. Han i,KKKGniXF-8pretal Bargain in Hsndkeirhlefs, fan color btrdera atS.lte and tip Initial Ilindkerrhlers fremlOeup. Men'a l.lnen UsndkeraiiteMattOr.Ukeandup, hnmslltebrd or plain hin. silk llnflkerohl'iet 10e net all silk, half. All llk at lBn. JJe, 4ue. Ma and up. Breelal Bargains la Mufflers at We, Da and up. Extra value la Bilk Mufflets at 73e, II W, 11.1) and up, linen TABLE OLOTHS-tztta Bargains for the flblldsyTride Bleiched Qertnan Linen Table Cleth, wttb or without Tnrkey Ki-e Berders.ln all lenatbsup tesyarda long Alse the lowest price en Turkey utd Dcinask Table Cleth, everstlven la alt lengths. Mapklus te match. Heavy Bleached Linen Towels Knotted fringe, aiSM.BM. liouidWe. HLANBRTB-wearehavlngagreatdemand lerattuveruray Blanket at 11.(1) perpalr, nice and soft, and cbeaper Utui shee-s. ssay washing, aud warmer. Bargains In all grades. wehsvanowlnstaekall thnslroiet our o'e Ladles' Vest that we sold at fd &. if you want tbe best vslue In Hlark asbmnres ul Henrlettss In the elty at sue, 80c. 10a, me and np T seoeur sieck. It you want the Best rcatcerit fleer or Table oil uleth t come and see what we are en ting. His net the sa'e we make te you tttday, but It's year trade and Influence In tbe lit tine. j nd hew are we logout t By sellieg goods eheap. Come and sea ter youtseltts. Bard & McElroy, Neb. S3 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. T ADIK8' BKAI, VLVBU COATS. Metzger & Haughman LADIES' SEAL AND SEAL PLUSH MODJESKA WRAPS. Superior In Make, Bhape and Finish. Ladles who bought our Coats during the pa.t two or three winters are lavish in thsir praise and are brluglng In thelr trlunds te buy them. Metzger & LABQENEW CHEAT? 8T0BE, Nes. 38 & 40 West King Street, SB-01'F081TB ru COOl'EB IIOUSE.-W JXWKLHT. iWiiWM. JVyJVlVVVVNlA H; Z. RUOADH A BON. HOLIDAY NOVELTIES I We are new offering a sleck of Neveltlns, coeslsttoK of Sterling HU vcr Stamp Seap and Mutch Bexes, Cigar and Cigarette Cases, Gleve and Shee Uiittenera, Boek Marks,Paper Cutterr, Letter Openers, rencll anil Ten Hold Held em. etc. Besides these we hare a thousand Kings that we will sell at wonder fully low prices. And Watches that cannot be equalled for the money lu Lan caster or any market. We would like te have you till come and leek at them. They are always open for your inspection. H. . Z. RHOADS & SON, JEWELERS, Ne. 4 West King Street. Tern, B 1Q BOSTON STORK. SANTA CLAUS HAS COME -WITH CARLOADS OF- TOYS EOLLS, OHINA 8ETTB, HORNS, UHITTANMA SETTS, KATTLES, WUEELi HARROW", OUNB, SCHOOL COMPANIONS, BALLS, WORK BOXES, HORSES, MAGIC LANTERNS, DOGS, MECHANICAL TOS, BUEKP, TABLE OHOQDKT, DONKEYS, FLOOR CROQUET, 1'UZZLES, TREE ORNAMENTS, DKUM8, BMOKINO BETTS, BOOKS, BHAVINO SKTTr', STOVES, TOILET OASES, KITCHENS, BALT BOXES, WATCHES, CDPS AND SAUCERS, MITALAPUONES, EXPRESS WAGONS. AND ALSO THE LARGEST A8S6RTMENT OF Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs and Mufflers. CEA1LES STAM1I, Nes. 35-37 North Queen Street, (OPPOSITE P03TOFF10E, LANCASTER) BIG BOSTON STORE. TOBACCO, lO. TrnSrABLISUED1770. Demett's Cigar Stere. KI HE 8M0KIN0 TOBACCO, lMl'OUI'Jtl) aWU KEY WEST CIU ABS. yUENCli BItlAU AND MKEU8U1IAUM Pll'KS, CIOABHOLUEBS AND OASES. aarOurGelden Llentnd MI&Quertfla Clsjars, Bnutf llezrs, Caner, Au, suitable Chtlstmas lic,enU ter ameaerj. Ne. 114 Bast King Street. AjfTelephone. Elnrst Brands of Clgttrettes, decU-lma GOODS. PLUSH COATS Haugh man's Lavneaater, Pa. WJWJt.MV,VJS AO. 1 1RONTOYSOF ALL KINDS, STEAM ENGINES, ALBUMS, FIOTURB BLOCKS, CLOCKS, MIRRORS, MUSICAL BOXES, COMBINATION BANKS, SWINGS, TENPINS, ACCORDKONS, MATCH BOXES, TELEPHONES, PAINT BOXES, SHIPS, CHECKERS, DOMINOES, PIANOS, BELL TOYS OF ALL KINDS, CRADLES, CHAIRS, TABLES, MOUTH ORGANS, DESKS, SILVERWARE, VASES, UMBRELLAS, WRITING DESKS, GAMES OF ALL KINDS, OAMmajaMu. QTANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEy, Net. 10, 42, 13, 4) Market street. Bear of rest- offlce, Lancaster, l'a, I new have ready for the Fall and Winter Tradn tbe duest and most select Ununistrlctly tlrstclim UarrlsKea and Sleighs el all dustrip- lieustniuenmrawi, , Nuw Is tba Ume te buy a nlce Carriage or BleUbas achrlttmas l'te.unt. Theralsueth. Iuk tht would be nicue suitable. . Sredal UargHlnslnSeceud.uand Worsr.beth flnuhea erunflnlabed ... ., Alow mere ei thrwe flne Read Carts loll at prties te suit tbe times. u- .,. ,. All wera fulty gunranteed. My ptlcs fpr the same quality ei work aru the cheapest in the buite. wepalrlng and BepalnUng promptly at at Undedie. One set of weramen cptclaUy employed for that purpose. THAVJILSIU HV1DM. T BANON LABOASIKK AJ UNBBAILBOAU. Ajrantwent at Fasssagat TiafM ! ( iav, a ev, la. tssa, r MOBTHWABD. .iw a. st. .M. OnarryvUla..., Bins street. Lane.. IM ltae Laneaster 7.07 itss Manbeta 7M us Cornwall , 7M IN . Arrl7e at Lebanon Ml KB BOUTUWABD. . Leave a. at. i. at. Lebanon 7.11 1 Cornwall 7.t7 1EBB Manheira ?M l.M Laneaster. , in let , Arrive at Xlqg Street, Lane. MS 1s A. It. W1LBOH, Bunt. B. 0. B.S.IBFF.Bnpt.tX,B.a, T3EADIN0 A COLUMBIA D Ai PHILADELPHIA A UBADlBs) AND BBANCHBB, AMD LEUABOB t,AHUASTBB JOISTT LLWE B. B. ,VS . ON AMD AFTEB BUNDAT, HOT. ML TBA1NB LBAYE BBADlBe. " ; Wet Columbia and Unnutsr at 7 WaBSl ntntndHIAnm. - Fer quarrvvllle at7 7. 110p at,wiltaaat Eer chickles at 7.re, it le p m, and . aV! TKA.1NS LEAVE COL. USE BIS. C't Fer Heading at 7 80 a m.ltS aad US p. aa.; TRAINS LBAVB QUAKBTTlLLst.! Fer Lancaster at 8.40. asm.aa4MI ins p.m. - vi rer aeaaing ai r, w.n a m, aaa as w ax? Fer Lebanon at 130 and 5.08 p at. , ; i'K LEAVE KINO BTBBBT (LanrasSV.) Fer Beading at 7 SO a m. llBOaael S.49p.tt. Fer Lebanon at700am,M.0asMtpfi . Fer Quarryvtlleat 8Jft,vJaaia,ltSs4tJ P.m. ip LBATB PBIKOB BTBBBT (LaaMsSE.) Fer Beading at 7.1 a m, 11M aad IM p am,', rori-eeanon Bi7U7am, iiniBDtia.p. Fer Quarry rills at 17. ID a as, 101 S ut. m Ki. TBAIMB LBATB LEBANON. Fer T anesstnr at 7.11 a m, US) and 7 J Fer Qnarry vule at 7.11 a aaa iissaMa pm. SUSDATTBA1WB. TRAINS LBATB RE Attiwa. Fer Lancaster at 7 SO a m aad HO p tm, W wM SS'tv' rerviuarryviiieais.iupn. . -;?:,-; TRAINS LBAVB Q0ABBIV1LL f&JS I-a Fer LancMtsr, Lebanon and Beadlajtatl m. ,14, -a THAINH LEAVE KINU BT. (taaMsiar.l .A Fer Reading and Lebanon at IManssstasf pm. . te!' au ssa aaml mm roruuarryvutaatB.iepm, ? vm TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE BT. (LtBfMtBBli Fer Keadtag and Lebanon at IUbbibM 401pm. rf, rnruiiftrrvvllifh Ataesntn. 7.; jv iruitiiii.iiiv. issuns fi."la. ForT.nTieutQrat7.MamandS,Spmi - X FerqiarryvllleatlSSptn. t Fer connection at Cnlnmbta, If arietta JfM Hen, Lancaster Junotlea, Maekstia. mmMmM JB l.,rt.MM au at... a SaklaaSall ssssSkaai v 2! MUU A3LmuUlla P 1.11IIO ist Jisjattwi , . A, U. WILSON SUDerlBMadSStS, T1KNN8TLVAN1A RAILI a BGUED0LB.-1B astjet from MOW IBM C: Trains tuva LAaeAaraa aad laava aaB i rtve at rhuadelphla aa fellows I t$ i Leave WB8TWABD. ractfle Expresst News Expresst Wav Passensert ndladlpBJa. ui p. m( SJOaVaa. $:a. m. Mm. as. Mall train vlaMt, Jey ae. a Hail inuDTwMi Niagara Eipreas..., Hanover Acoem Fast Llnef via Celambta 7:40 a. aa. via Columbia ituna. m. IRIUVnUR AUWUlMll via Columbia ftM via Bt Jey.. IslO Lancaster aocem.. Uarrlsburg Accem. Columbia Aceem.. 4:te p. a. B:Sep.as. 9sP.bs. Laava Laaeastar. KS0a.. KB a. w, B.lea.m. BMu. m. feeea.m. lie a. as. liww p, at. 8KBP.B1. S0p.Bl. :4Sp.at. liarrltburg Express' rrestern suipressi..! EASTWARD. PhUa. Expresst Fast Line Ilarrtsbnrg Bxprsss1 Lancaster Aoeom... Columbia Acoem... Atlantle Bxpresst.. Beaahnre Exnresa.... xtz 04 a. as. naslidft isi-r 1'hliadelphla Aceetn. Bunaay Mau.... Day Exnresst Ilnrrtsbura' Aceem e:p. fXhe only trains whteh rua dally. Dl except Sunday, On Sunday tka lull RWV aJUOBj uvwauiwuiawviBs BBs VVs WMWASBM a, I CUAB. A, ruuti uBena t?u TMVffMB MSWMtWSyhA ,. H OLIDAY GOODS. Holiday Goods s 4.1 -AT- 'j M.HABERBUSH&SON'' (JTC-y MBfeS- Cat-? P. SB, J bsa&.K .& mm 2fc ROBES, BLANKETP, TRUNKS, BAfl POCKET BOOKS, BILL BOOKS, PURSES, CARD OASES, .efi-t TOILZT .&t TOY TRUNKS from rifty CsaU te St Dollars and a Half. ?& Handsome WHITE BABY COACH SOBM.V ea-Remember we carry the Largest assBg M. HaMbtisii&Sen,l SADDLE, BlXKOSi TRUNK BTfiHEfl.fl ?. Ne. 30 Centre Squirts LANCASTBB. TA. MAOHIXMMT. pKNTKAIi MA0H1NK WORKaV W. FABKB OTJMMINaa. Central Machine Works' 131 A X88 NORTH CHRISTIAN ST ;; LAsaAsraa, PA. aHnnaa anil ItnllAfa rtf frflrrt 1 tl 1 1 Bnsrafssl Vis . T ' ssiiKlunn stuu uisus -t - ip-c Sewer, of our own make a ipUAUr - VY1 ealjcn, of full power, aermbie ana ebem p... t? HtiVHtncinedBRiidbaDDilutn KTet Tilwr i Kiwm . uui buiu ssasa sssbbbb t.t r . cenJiUii(f et Valv-es, cocks, LnD"t A7 kl.llaM InlaMlM JE2J wroughCualleable and Cast Iren Fittings, ahlmnII'lUt.lKin sMLtlOsTsBBsVst? jfJ TJ StS5SPTrti7.t irVwatA. bbssBK bers' discounts te the trade. Special machinery built te order, aaa V IUUBUS w ww ."- "sra - ' " " DainnK pruuuuy uuua. ,u uvu mw Castings, rattems and lledeis. STEAM FITTING AND STEAM HBAT1M APPARATUS. GOOD WORK. rBOMPTNKSB. A11LECUABQB3. BBAtJOsTtf Central MacMiie Works, AflS.t !.fU jiuvssTs'a'suriasUJrsf siueiM. x . ? . t. s I rVLUU AMU BM -jg -TMsT- M nnr:Mnimnii V hMWP& tWJKjntui i en juiaTsar; stxty O&ndla-Llght I Beats lasss au. ,. irMturLMBl CUEAJ-OLOBBBIOCwMaiai : oustevss. r: TTtsi ipsuurKrneMr, s' MSTAL MOOLDIua BHBBMI OTBaOal&! J WFATHBRSTiUx' ,W .. ... ...... - - all nsbaev . BeuUhed. BtoptuinTefwia 5rcl?deUu.t. 2,22J?ff&m InVplSylnTtL W tHr2ISSf' ZSLZITEr BtevTiiaiaT MTi w. n .1 aV Baaaii. "' jenn r. senauin a eun 24 SOUTH QOTB-W BTa, LANCASTER, re. . AN 1 KD-11KL1 snw S"?" ZZ. W Traveling alsmn. resltt manenL Special IndueemenU bow t n TravtUlng runui. u....wu DBS : tMMlll.'l s&ir BBOWMBBO. , KuneriiMa, Heatastar, MJi aaidsed i r Wk fzZrV ,1 3&I n.3u m M W "Set 'H i Si Wft '?J ----- ' . ft t . r '$ Jit .M''1. V&f. .1 msi& Ka'4-i "Ah. A V -T:.