SSFIrH'FiF' 4 , t- r- v (,w r'asTiT'' f'.'iV'Jj , V THE IiANOASTER DAILY DTTEUilGENCEIl. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1888. ?T"W A HtXtMCS. t held htm great who, for tore, aeha. Can live with imnai, auto tl will I TM ha who UkM ter love iwhInM, I think 1 held mix geaereu BttU. I bow before the nebl.mlaa That freely mm gre tt wrM tsfgtTM. Tat nobler ta the ae ferglve WM MftTt that well aa live. . It may be fcara t fata, aad attll i t heap .lowly, steadfast heart f 1 YethewholeteihastetU A harder and a truer part. eiorleaa It U te waar tha crcwa Of a deserved and para aaeeaaa t Ha who kaews hew te tall haa wea A crewa wheaa lutra la aet laat. real mr - ba who Ban eemajend Aud tnla with J uit and tender away I Tat U diviner wisdom taught Battar by him who caa obey. B'aaaaa an titay who die tot mi And earn ths martyr's crewa of light Tet ha who Urea for Sed saay ba A grea'er conqueror in Bit tight. Adtlaidt JrYoefer. m m Areycnafflieted with dlsataes-, or a dall, hearr letllnc throughout tha Irm heart and temple, f ihla etien indicate, torpor of mm liver, which Laxader will promptly ear. It only oeata J cents. l-iedanum and eplnm mlitnraa pafy and a laem cur, for. dlaaaaaa of lataner r, ue Ur. Ball Baby Syrnp-whlch la safe lit B:e la lla effect, price sieents. a eM every- . waere. ; Baptare cure guaranteed by at. J. B. htayar, Ml. Arch .treat, Philadelphia, Baaa atewee, ae operation or delay from business, attaatad by thousand of cures after ethera fail, advlee free, aend for circular. taartO-lydAw Taa Population of Laneaaur la absat BtLSea, and wa would aiy at iraet eaa-half are troubled with tome aavotten of tha Thett and Lungs, aa these complaint are, according te stat atte. mera numerous than ethera. Wa would advise all aet te negieetUe opportu nity te call en their drnnlatand gat a bottle of Kemp's Bawam for the Threat and Lance. Frlee BOe and 11.00. Trial lUt ret. told by alldrnggUU. (I) BOOTa Airp aneica. anLOSINQODT AT AND BKLOW COST "k 1U UL.U3JS suaiHiu, Aa Ifcaveabeutmade up my mind te go Inte the manufacture of .hets, 1 will cemmtnce ea MOSDAT, DWjmBBB 10, TO CLOSE MT BBXIBB STOCK. Of BOOTS, Shoes & Rubbers iTAND i BELOW COST. aw This is a rare opportunity for tte public te get bargains, aa my entire stock consists of the Tery best goods that the market affords. Be come early and get your choice) as 1 mean business and they must be sold at once. D. P. STAGKEOUSE, OS 8$ 80 MABT KINO, 8X, LAX OABTBB. PA. aJO-lyO lOOTS AND SHOES. (SjISTMAS PRESENTS. We hive the largest Assortment and Stock of Medium Priced Slippers IN 1HS 01TT. Men's Slippers and Beys' Velvet Zmbrel dered Slipper, C9e ; sixes of Hen's 8 te 11, of Ladles 8 te 8, and of Beys' S te 5 lastyearwa 1 aeld mere than se raira of the Men's Blip, pera at Ne, and having had se many calls for Ladle and Beys at the aame Iprloe we suc ceeded in getting them this year. The Men's Slippers we sell at Toe. Have a White Kid Lining and White Kid Insoles. Onr 11 OJ Men's Slippers Is embroidered with Chenille and is same make and pattern tha wa sold se many of last year, In two style, with and without tees. Have also a very large assortment of U.M and 1180 Slippers, which for styles, quality and durability, oannet be surpassed In the city. They all must be Been te ba appreciated, therefore will have our Kast Window filled with them until Christmas, and It will ba well worth your while te step and take a, leek at them, aa the prices will be attached, knowing that Ne One Gin Undersell Us in lueuter. Tke One-Pike Cuh Howe. & Tin Leaders of Let Prien IB BOOTS & SHOES Ne. S East King Street, UUf OABTBB. PA. V1.HAXIXU HALM. a -VTO. 5 EAST KINO STREET. TWENTY DAYS CLEARING SALE: All Goods at Le than Half Price. Muit (live Up the Koein en Account et property Being sold. Ladles' Trimmed Hats, (1 00 up. Ladles' Ontrlmmed Uais.lCeup. Ch'ldren'sHMs, 10c up i Untrlmtned, 13e up. Velvets, JOe np. subbens. Be a ard. feathers and Huchns, lie up. BaUus, 2Si np. 'Ladles' Coats. Bl.'.S up. Ladles' Jntseys, !7e up. woolen Caps, He up. Ladles' Cleves. 7e up. Ladlrs' esU.tSeup. BllkUsnakerchlftts.xieup. Linen Handker. chiefs, soup. Lidle'IIee,6aup. Children's Hese, 4e up. Large assortment Mufflers. 1V up. All these aoeds at lets fian batrnilea. uents' Hats. 41c up. Caps, 29e up. under wear, 2Sa up. Knit Jackets, 41c up. Laun dried White ehltts,2Se up. Colored chlrts, sse up. Woolen hhtrti, 15e up. Gloves, Be up. Hese, Se un. Call and examine our goods. Watches, 18.60 up. Chains. 24e up. cellar But But eons, Se up. Kings ter Laales and Children, S)3. eiaasea of. every description, re up. Dells, B3 up. Chrt.tmu noed el Ml kinds. These aoeds muit be sold by Januaty 1, 189, aa we must give up the tte e en account of It bslng sold. Don't miss It. Yeu can eava money. e trouble te show goods. m. 5 EAST KIM ST. Ce7.B,10,ll,17,71, BOLIDAY GOODS JUST OPKNKO A Bee selection of pottery in beantiral decorations. Including- plain and decorated aatln. porcilsie and Bohemian waia Kara styles and designs, laclndlng Limoges, Jsrdl nres, lme, fnlka Uet, etc. These goods cannot tm described, but must he seen te ba appreciated, aa t bey am the nnen spetlnens et the potter's ait ebulnablr. The latest nor in artlsile pottery li Data's" ware. Wa hare it. fUAlLBY'S BABT BND PHABM ACT. (Opposite Kastern Market.) W8 will reaarre any styles chosen and lw UaataUaferchxUtataa. M,w,rw FREY MED DRT e PN EVERT EVKCUNO. J. HARRY MEW BOSTON STORE Ne. 24 Centre Square. 001 SOLE 0BJEGT--A Ylilt IT'S SORE THAT 10 Dress Goods ! IS GHOWIHQ TOWARDS THE ENft A PEW DAYS yet remain In which you can take your share of the benefit. Old Kris Krinkle Haa been te aee e. The way he instructed us te treat yen will make you with that Santa Claus Mether had bad twins, be as te give you two Christmas Seasons In the Year. Liberal Prices for Silk Mufflers! -AND A GENERAL BTOCK OF- HOLIDAY HANDKERCHIEFS. We'd Like Yeu te See Oar Display of Plash Flowers, Plash Ornaments, Silk Plastics, Fmcj Sitines, AND OUR CELEBRATED Menkey Muff at $3.50. Unlentand Thoroughly, Santa Clans has maie us Headquarters for BILE MUFFLERS. NO. 24CENTRE SQUARE; tVSTORR OPEN ravNxa r OLID AY GOODS. Holiday Goods AT- MJABERBDSH&SON'S. ROBES, BLANKETS, TRUNKS, BAGS. POCKET BOOKS, BILL BOOKS, PURSBS, CARD OASES, TOILKTSKTS. TOT TRUNKS from fifty Cents te Ibraa Dollars ana a-HalL Bandsema WHIM BABT COACH BOBIS. aerKemambar wa earrr tba Larcaat ana Cbcapast Btoekof thaae Qoeas in tna Cltr. AT H. Ealerlrasli & Sen's 8ADDLE, HAENE88; TRUNK STORE, Ne. 90 Centre Square, LAM0A8TBK. FA. 1'IACiOti AND ORQAtfa. c HOICK HOLIDAY GIFTS. Choice Holiday Gifts. With music, mirth ana a multitude of sweet sounds, wa grtet you I a. Merry Chrlstmai ana a liappy aw lear I PIANOS AND ORGANS, Aoeerdaans. Anteharp, Banjos. Unijles Clarinets, Cornets, urums, IfUer. Vlageeleu, flutes. Qnllars. Uarmoelras, Jews llarps, Mandolins, ecaslnas, flccolet, lambeutlnrs, Xtungles, Violins, Urchestial ana llna In ksV U Ul VIA wBJ e w11m aBera are a few of tha Cholea Musi cal UltU wa have tn suk for the HeliaaT Sea son. Wa also hire a fine eeleeiloaelMUBlO KOXIS. .Kirk Jehnsen & Ce,, 34 WH3T KINO 8TB1BT, LABCABtEB, FA. nJlyflw MAHK3. -TeTOTHING IS NIOKR FOR A OHRMMAS PRESENT Than a N Ice Kmblamatle Pin or Charm, ellbar tn Solid Ueld or Triple riaied. toe,r. V. O. B. Ol A. I. O. K. at. K. of V. K. Of O. B. . w A. O. K. M. U. U,lt.efK.P. . K'ef ;, . A U. O. Of f. O.U.A.U. Or any ether society. Alse Cbaimi and Pins for tha PATBlAslUHd Mlt.1T AN 1'. Call aatly and mike your selection from tha numerous drtlcna, ERi8MAN'8 aMWBKTKUIw STBUT. GOODS. STAMM'S Frie Yeb. RBSDLT - Yoir RBSDLT - Yeir Fituc PatreDlge, DAY SALE EVER EVENING. QvasmwAR. H IQH & MARTIN. Holiday &oeds -AT Just Beeelred from Burslem. England, a Fine Line et Fancy Articles 0! the celebrated Doulton Ware. Alie Dinner Sets of same. Among these are some of the finest articles ever exhibited in this town. TOYS! TOYS! TOYS I Allueef New Toys. Out, Pressed, Blown and Engraved. GLASSWARE at the Lew. est Prices. LampsThe Rochester. The largest and best assortment of Holiday Goods at the Lewest Prlees. sarExamlne our Stock before making your selection. High & Martin, Ne. i5 East Kleg 8t. OAJUtiAuma, s TANDAKD OABR1AGB WORK. EDW. KDQEULEy. Hei. 10, ti, U. Market street. Bear of Post Pest Post emce,, Pa, I new hare ready-for the fall and Winter Trade the fluest and most select line of strictly flrsvc'as Uarilagea aud Bleighs of all deacrlp liens In the market. New Is the time te buy anlceCarrttgeer Sleigh at a cbriilinaa Pre-ent. Therels noth ing that would be mere suitable. 8 racial Bargains lnBecend-uand Werk, both nnnnea or nnnnitnea A lew mere et thru flne Hesd Carta lalt at pnias te suit the tlmei. All work fully guaranteed. My prlees (or the tame quality 01 work are tae cheapest In the butt. impairing and Bepatntlng promptly at tended te. One set of weramea epeelally employed for that purpose. HAT DO 1-OU KNOWT ANY. Till HO NKW t Can you kerp books by Single and Deable Xntryl can you write a go -a Uu,lau Letter t De you undeittand the short mnthi.d of intereit and uuceanu partlil and kquitlen of Payments, etc T Hew Is yrur PenmanthtpT can you wilte both Legibly and vapidly t Alter taking a a count el lnktructlen at the 1.aNCabTU 11U81MESBCU1.I.KUK you aa say yes, te al cf thsaUoTequeillens. Apply at Collage Beems, Be, VH Sut King GHNAHALL reniriTCMM. rOFFMKIKK'& What ti Bsnra ntarnl or accapUbbta prasaat, snnsthlBS: that will recall f ena ramemeranew than aa article et FURNITURE. sucn as A Plash or Iesthr Reeker. A Rted or Ittian Mecker. A Large Upholstered Mecker. A HaiTatand. A weed or Marble Tep Table. A Writing- lsk cr Boek case. A atuile stand or Werk Basset. A staying cabinet or root Itcst. A Blacking case, aa Umbrella atana or fasU, and many ether things tee. In either Mahogany. Oak or Walnut, call, leek eyer them, aad place your orders early WITH HOFFMEIER, NO. SO IABT KIHQ R. aeplS-Smd A GRAND EXHIBITION Of Christmas Presents ! FirelUre Beauties, Cemtinlng Beamy, Comfert, Durability and j.owrnets. four Rtreaa; Points, ana they at sending out the goods, bat the strongest u the) LOW PRICES I Which will make Present-firing aasy. 5I Kltfr10"1 u worth seeing bat mera worth TO BUY. 1 he Marly Bnytr gels the best ehefee. The y are going. The number getting lets BTerydar Dea'ipat off acetng aad getting some of ear GOOD THINGS. Don't aik na te mention I hem. coma and aee them ana you may stumble ea the thlags you waau v Widmyerfs Cerner, aat Kins and Duk Street?, LAMOASTKB.PA. A RARE FKA8T. A Rare Feast reu HOUDAY BUYERS. HEINITSH'S, 27 and 29 Seuth Queen Street, We hare eleares our first flew and arranged enr HOLIDAY OOOWS all there, se as te aare jeu step and time. The n.ett beautiful goods erer shown, and the rtnety Is se great that we cannot enume rate, but ak yen te see ter yourself. rrleesalmcstcutln twoitbey nerer were se low. It dots net require a long parse this season. see our window displays. Mew goods exhib ited aauy. HEINITSH'S, 27 CO BOOTH QTJaaaUI ST., LANCASTER, FA. e OHB A GIBBS. Fer Holiday Gifts. We have gathered from all quarters the Latest Novelties in our line, suitable for Holiday Gifts. Many et them te be seen nowhere else in this city. All of them new this season. And the prices se low that you can make a handsome present for very small money. Call and see them, make selection new, and we will held the goods until wanted. Remember the name and number. OCHS&GIBBS, ad, 3d and 4th Floers, 3i aprU-lya Seuth Queen street F IURHITURK I FUKN1TURH I TUBTJMDKBSIQMKD HAS BBOPKNED IlIS STOBB AT TUB OLDBTAMD, le. 88 East King Street, Which was destroyed by Are some time age, and ae a perfectly hew Stock of all kinds of FURNITURE. PABLOBBDITBS, BBDHOOM BUITJCB, .TABLEBlOHAMU, BTO. UPHOLSTERING In All IU Branches. Alse Painting and Or namenUng old Chairs.; .HENRY WOLF, Ne. 38 East Klflg Street leaud MACHINMHT. v ssve'wrVieiva QKM'BAIj MAOH1NK WORKS. W. PARKBOUMMINQa, Central Machine Works 1M 188 NORTH OHBIHTIAN HT LaaeasTaa, Pa. Bntdnes and Boilers, of from tte it hone power, of our own make a specialty. Meat In design, of full power, durable and cbeap. ttteain Goods and (Supplies in great ratlety, consisting et Valrts, uecks, Lubrteamrt, Whistles, Injectors, sfiecteis. Pumps, Toels, Wreugbt,Mailaable and Cast iron flttlngs.and WreuKht and east iron Pipe, etc. heal Job bers' discounts te the trade. Bpeclal marhlnery built te order, and re pairing promptly done. Alse Iren and Brass vaaungi, reuvrus iuu uueih BTBAal flTTIMO AMD BTXAK HKAT1NO APP,aUATUS. OOOD WOBK. PUOMPTNX88. BBABOM- ABLXCUAKOBl. Central Machine Works. denS-Ud OOAU T UMKKK AND COAU AJ TOBACCO BIHIUKS AND tCASKS. WKSTKlt UABU IWUUUB. Wholesale and IU tall, at II B. MABTIN A UOH til Water street, Lancaster, Pa. nS-lyd -OAUMUAitDKKU'S OOMVAJalX, COAL DEALERS. Oti0b:-He. 1W Werth QneenBtraat, ana Me. let North Prtnce street. YAKse: North Prinea Btraat, aaar heading Mglklt LABOASTBB, PA I row; B 10 BOSTON BTORE. SANTA CLAUS HAS COME WITH CARLOADS OT TOYS DOLLS, CHINA SKTT8, HORNS, BRITTANNIA SRTTB, RATTLKS, WHKRL BARROWC, QUN8, SCHOOL COMPANIONS, BALLS, WORK BOXES, HORSES, MAGIC LANTERNS, DOOM, MECHANICAL TOTS, BHBEP, TABLE CROQUET, DONKEYS, FLOOR CROQUET, PUZZLES, TREK ORNAMENTS, DRUMS, 8M0KINQ SETTS, BOOKS, 8UAVINQ BV.TVC, STOVES, TOILET OASES, KITCHENS, SALT BOXES, WATCHES, CUPS AND SAUCERS, MITALAPHONES, AND ALSO THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs and Mufflers. CHARLES STAIM, Nes. 35-37 North Queen Street, COPPOSITR rOSTOFFlOB, LANCASTER.) BIG BOSTON STORE. vxraoena. TJ ARD A MeKLHOV. Bard & McElroy, Ncs. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn, THIDKTBUaWD-lteroreyeubnyaTMbetBbawi ixek at our nenMeBhawl.atMJJ, (0. 17, 18. it, 110 and up Blnale Shawls K the prien of l he Deuble Bhawls. . We claim thr.e gnosis at the prlue te be limit anthlrg erer offerert. dingle and Deuble lllanket Hhawla and ' boulder Bhawls at bargain pries. We vM especial mention te enr Druhle Blanket i-hialiat IMOsnd IB, which mukl be seen 10 be appreciated. Deuble Bhawls at , N, M and II BO. . . DHK8SUi)Oin-.hj)eclalraluin Ali-Wrel llenrlettiMln ill.ek and Celers. All-Weel rieth Butting. 1M yards wide, at inc. In Black and Co'ers. plaid nulling from &e u t elesant stvle at 10c Wlnteiburn Cleth Plaids and Stupes. TO Inehrs wide, only fts. bca our tl Uacktllkll 10a want something extra for the menry. f Igurrd Hrp.atlSHe. MUSIKUYACU UNDKUWAAK-WMhareeatabllahedaUadaen Heitery ard Underwear, and tt l Inereaslr g right alrng, and there mutt be a reason ter It, and it Is this t We sell the b st feed, that uan be old ler the money, in ether words we iell en. the amallst ptyflts pet alble, hereby gtrleg extra value for your money. Deuble KnseA atoeklnga ter etlldren. If you wantaayihlegln Hosl.ryerUndt-Twtarlook atoursteck' UUMfeaiB, UbaN K k ra, ueUNTKUfAM BBTea will find ua tight In the 'price sn . these goods, fr-m the lowpiietd te the flnestgoeda. rATHkMS-uur trsia en reatbera Is something like our Oil Cleth trade. Wa told yen about that, that we don't hellere has been equaled by another liense. We ar h.rlng aruih en Iaiherr, and you will find us lower than ether hone en best rd, and while prlcethara been adraneleg for the lest few months and am still advancing tn the wliilcstle market, we are oiler. Ing bast goods lewur than any ether beuse, come aud see our fraihets b'fere you bny. Uneltet naw silk Twlitrd Table ierer.l 1 former ptlea 11 Bv Ladles' Inltlalliandker chiefs, all linen, only im t regular prtceKc, Une Let Mrw HleiebedMudln.ojet reaular prfe Itwe. Ladles' woof steckinette Jstiey feata atMt regnUr price M I at4t regular ntlRH as all slsts from 81 te 4 1, 'tbeee era tallor-msdegeodsand are barsalns. iiamatns Inttlik Medleis. bee our Medicated Bed Twill flannel at 3te j worth I7NO. hargalaa In 1 lannels or all hinds. Bard & McElroy, Neb. S3 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. T ADIKS' SEAL PLUSH COATS. Metzger & Haughman LADIES' SEAUPLU8H COATS 1 - SEAL PLUSH MODJESKA WRAPS. Superior tn ICake, Ehape and Finish. Ladles who bought our Coats during tha past two or three winters are lavish In thelr praise ana are bringing in thgir friends te buy them. Metzger & Haughman's LARGE NEW CHEAP STOBE, Nes. 38 & 40 West King Street. Lancaster. Pa, ssropresiTB tub coepbb ueusb.-w N EXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE. A CHRISTMAS With tha approach of tha Holidays cornea gest SHAWLS !. Harts alwaya made a specialty of Bhawl, getting the beat from whit'ver acuree they coma, wa have le4ay an unrivaled selection of this ever iahtenbleand very anrrlceubie Wiap Black ThtDHtBbawls.juit a' rived from our t)ltr Bepublloet rranee and made by tbe ole ele ole bratedLUPlMB,areVDelenndhare. These Bbtwls, Deuble and Hlngle, are thbit uadeln thu world. te lJ Weuble. ItJUtelUW. Kvery one reenmmrndad for superior finish and wear; Woolen thvvtsln prelusion, elngtaand l)onblnlnallst;Usef Brown, Otey, Bine antt eren. fancy and Klark. tingle, 75e te e.VM. ueuble. WOO te!70ti. paisley. Jirenbe andlmliatlenlndlaBbawl., both cbenpand beautiful, A Bpeclal hargala In a Denbla Imita tion el India at 110 W. FAHNBSTOCK'S, MOB. 85 aw 87 MABT KINO ST., jawMLttr. H; & RHOADS ft SON. FOR THE GIFTS of All Kinds at prices within tbe reach of all buyers will be found In our stock, and te guide you we give the following : Nut Picks and Cracks, Fruit Knives, Butten Heeks, Manicure Sets, Fans, Lunch Rolls, Comb and Brush Sets, Whisks, Match Bexes, Cups, Child's Sets, Bronze Clocks, striking quarter hour, Candelabra, Opera OIusbcb, MuBical Bexes, Paintings, Noveltiesfrem Paris, Venice, Florence, Vienna. In our Jewelry Department will be found all the rare Gems and Finest Geld and Silver Werk. And we offer bargains In Geld Watch Cases from the famous Dueber Factory. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. mutmmruMXlAHlnu uuuti. iris- jiia-iji JUO ufmf i'i'i'i i " r " - i " -.-a-i - " CAIO. AUD SK ROCHESTER LAMP txty Candle-Llht i Baata them alL ABOtaarLotef uuBAPaLOBBBferttas j2 OUBtevss. TBI "PRBjrBeneH" MBTAL Bt OULOIBO BUBBBB CUBHIOB WEATHERSTRIP Beats them blLTTkla strip entweais all ethers, Keepa out the cold, step rattling of windows. xeinae ue aust. Keep out snow ana rain. Anyone can apply tt no waste or dirt made In annlvlnaT It. uau un aw sidy for nae. be fitted anywhere no Fer nse. It will net snllL boles te bera, ready for use warn of STmnk finsklen strlD ei stirlrk a cushion strip u tha most ner&et. At tha Bteva. Kaataf ana Basse Stema -of-! Jehn P. Sehaum & Sens, 84 SOUTH QOMN ST, I.IHIltHTIK, FS BOAKDIN MKW UOAKD1NQ AND Lodgteie Heuse, Ke.ll "oath Ltmsirtet, Jancaiter.alextJeorKe.lHIimarcklfreprletor. first class Uerman table beard. Ueals stall hours. Uoinecumferu ler permanent boar ders. Meals lurnltbed promptly and In first clssi style te weddlna and birthday parties, balls, hops, eta at short notice, a .hare el the public's patronage, slaspecttully solicited. ALBX.OKUUOB, gsBia ste.tisUJUla.StreU a' lRON'SOYSOP ALL KINDS, STEAM ENOINE9, AliBUMB, PICTURE BLOCKS, CLOCKS, MIRRORS, MUSICAL BOXES, COMBINATION BANKS, SW1NQH, TENPINS, ACCOHDEONS, MATCH BOXES, TELEPHONES, PAINT BOXES, SHU'S, CHECKERS, DOMINOES, PIANO!, BELL TOYS OP ALL KINDS, CRADLES, CHAIRS, TABLES, MOUTH OHOANS, DESKS, SILVERWARE, VASES, UMBRELLAS, WRITINO DESKS, GAMES OF ALL KINDS, EXPRESS WAUONS. AND - SUGGESTION! the uncertainty of "What te Bey." Letus lug. LaVMOJJBTBR, FA HOLIDAYS. BOOKS, tC. IRKSENTS WI1H EVKKX HALE. Herr's Bookstore. TwoBeomi fullet Holiday Splendor. . QAMBS, TOYS, AMUSKUKNTS, BOOKS, BIULKii, ALBUMS, Anything and everything you want In my line, MiOtlh-aPQOODS.batallgoeJuo'd at inch low prices as te astenisb you. 51 & 53 1. Queen St, augU-lyd TJZAVBLMM BUXDM. A1IANON ft L.AN0A81KR J LINK KA1LAUAU. jeim :. A; Arrangement et Pasaangar Tralas em, m tv after, stmnav, hey, is, IBM, ir' nvwnw .. BwaAaar' S Leave a. at. r. w. narryvllla. r.w. Ing Street, Lane- IM it JO Lancaster im uea atanheim..... 798 Cornwall 7.9 in . Arrive at Lebanon Ml 1.0B SODTHWAUD. . Leave a. at. v. w. Lebanon 7.11 II M, .-' aee a Mats asp t. ass i i ,.- ...rJ MM W.BM fjjgfP rp. Pi k.n. .. Z-SL" 9MSW uprnwan ,7.17 IBM Manhelm IM LM Lancaster. an tei , Arrive at King street. Lane- lis AMi.WI,JSOW "npt. B. it 0. a. a.MBrr, Bnpt c. b. b. v ait s tn IS iiis.e tSkq. aasei .tBIUM IM RBAD1NO ft COLUMBIA DtVIBlOW.t&'l FHILADKI.PU1A A HKADIRS B. J?7 S AHII UKAHIJHBS, AMD LEUAMOM ABStjV. - nvu.ju.iviniMflaa.B. .. Oil AMD AFTKB BHWDAY, WOV. IS, TBAIN8 LBATB BBAD1SQ. Fer Cel nmbla and LaaeuUr at 7 a at, UM g . tluii)UDlupmi .1 f or bhtcklra at 7.M, 11 10 p m. and 9.10 . Su if 1 TUAlNSLkaVB COLUMBIk. tt for iteadlng at 7 SO a m, H.U and AH B. SB. Mi IVU.,Wa . W.AUM....&BUW.W..WWW. K.'l ,BAinewBa,Buaaiiiiww. A'f Fer Lancaster at aia nti .... 'J J 08 p.m. . tsJI for Lebanon at S.S0 and S.0S p m. Lhavr kimq 8TKBRT (Lancaster.) Fer Rradln at 7 S3 a m. lUDand S.Wp. BS. for Ibanen at 7 oe a m, :i M and aA p as for Quarry vUle at a.u,.eam, AeSsiai.! p.m. LBATB P RIB OB 8TBBBT (Lancaster.) Fer Beading at 7 41 a m, it u ana AM p aa. rer i eDanen at t 07a m. 1 1 u and niiaa. .vt for QuarryvUla at S27. . a m, 101 ail $MrM Dm. ? . TRAINS LBATB LKBINOW. 'fe Fer r anci.ter at 7.11 a ra, Itse and 7 M bj for QuarryvUla at 7.11 a at and it te KilX,g pin. SUBDATTBAXKS. TBA1VS LKAVB BEAniWO. Fer T ancaster at 7 JO a m and 1.10 p m. for quarry vllle at 8.10 p m. TRAINS LKAVB UUAKB WILLS Fer Laneaatar. Lebanon and Kaadla aa IS) v am. . 1?3 TRAINS LIAVR BINO ST. (LancaitaT.t for Beading and Lebanon at 8.08 a mandlM ,rf Far Qnarryvllle at S.10 p m. tAfci TRAINS LKAVB PHINCB ST. (Lanf.rtar.lS a Fer Beading and Lebanon at lUsaul jSl 40lpm. fti or quarry vine at e.vt p m. r;i TRAINS LKAVK LBR.WOIT, S$ reri.aratterat7.KtamandSIBpai . O&X Fer conntKtlen at crlnmbia, Marietta Jane '''S nun, i,iicwaLQr duneuun, mAnnlTn. lee atBB t"3 auu ricoaueu, pre urns iseinat aii ttauena. V? i -DRNNSYDVANIA RA1LKOAD V -k. eutia.uui.Bi. in eaee. irem Jtcv. . im. ik-i Trains lbavb LAtteAana and leave aaA aft - rive at Philadelphia as foUewa i lava 4 WKSTWARU. PacIOe Ksprent..... New. kxpressf Wav Paaaenaart Philadelphia. IMwAaAww. 13" L iiiei p. m. 480a. m. iiea.m. Mia m. it?a.BV3f wa'Ba-i": stall tralnvla-lt.Jejt M.a 'hi nu x aiaii -riDri Niagara Rzpreas,., Hanover Acoem... Via Columbia 7-Ma. m. via Onlambta B-SHSu Ba Sit, V ftwiS.'m1 a.afcgr?5 'a. ..inrr litce a. m. f rederlek a coem . , Lancaster Aocem., Harrlsburg Aocem Columbia Aeoem. via Columbia via Mt. joy.. KID p. SB. l:B p. m. B:U p. aa. KM p. at. Leav Lancaster. ea.m. 8:10 a. m. BAia.m. ea. m. 11:80 a. m. 1MB p, at. Wp m. fcuep.m. 4'4n.aa. K&wft Uarrliburg Bxprest wesiern upieas.,. BASTWARD. Phtla. Rzpreait Fast l.tnct... lltMb.SB.,-' Harrlsburg Kinross HfcSLja.cKa XAneasmr acoem... Columbia Aocem... AtlanUe Bxpressf.. Seasbnre Bxnreea... aavlaa ma St -aT--y ....a ",rt m ammmvw r I1I0, em . i fcB6.W MaK-a.e', Aiau niBhi Philadelphia Acoem. Buuday Mali.. ...... Day KTtiresst Harrlsburg Aocem Ksa&au-A Bau 1 l.V tTba only trains whleh ran daJUy. OBV ezrept Sunday, On aunday tha atall W$mf wwt run. by way el Columbia. , p- J. H.WOOO. Qenaral paasesgar AtM J-; nun iii.ft. u..i ltiia-i- ',7 f; . .-. ,,- w-wfA: WATcuaa. jVl a. VITATOHKa UDDrniu i A-kllAASIABAVki-hAm S ..Sv' HaIih. rilnnka. Jnalrw. Imiu. Bwata '"- Kte.. at LO WkSr PMICBS. , Optical floods. Telegraph Time Daily, Mrmrjj , ArUele In this Line caret nlly Bap aires. 4tf r nnta vstwisivbt. ' "-i an. IBM H. Qnaen BL. Maar r. B. B. Statu. M .. . rm .... . . H OL1DAY GOODS. GILL. FANS. NOVELTIES RHt) HOLIDAY GOODS. saaaawNM We An Pranared for the HOLIDAYS wllk &? Large Bleck el rj DIAMONDS, WAI0HSS. JBWBLBT.BW,- Ne. 10 West Sieg Street, LAHCASTBB.PA. N KW U00D3 I SEW GOODS I HERR, Jeweler. GRAND Watches, Silverware, Jewelry. Diamonds, Novelties, a-n aw tllirrtWB A W-ff.U IflrlVV AH flffl A Holiday Mtractiens ! 4wTUAl.l.iM4Wi. AtiHAUtifM Viil j;" VVVUJi 101 NORTH -QUEEN ST.,'; COBNEBOFOBABOK. ' VMHHSLLAa. V-ar--" " ' aw vnaml Yeu Can't De Better Than Buy an Umbrella. R. B. 8c H., sepzMmd NO.HEASXKltiOBT. AtXUMMMt4 -JTUXII-.K a KAOJfKhlAU, ATTOBBB-'-AT-LAW, Second Fleer Bahleman Law UttUdlngjBe. MoxthUakeBtreeb t---ijr j' ,j,f h.j 13, i jm KZJ 3 ?fta m .sa V': ?J .aa it a Vi ''J ip j- -- Vtr -V r4wK.,i i-.lrtt' ,,, ."p-"