wimPi fyy i?1 'ssrT'-iivsiiwri ' :.-., -i.-: 1,r tH.'-' n - - . ...M THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, FRIDAY, DECE2HBE. 14, 1888. fkwmp.iivm1j .. & ? m &r i;c IK Ik f: K lA. rc !(. I I- H A H W & rj rx YJr H LIT a T R. ; the Dally Intelligencer. IilNOASTBH, DECEMBER 11, 18. & Am flwftiiMi f. Tbe auit with which Wlgden & Sen;, Ctetrfleld coal operators, tbrea'en the ; XVttuuylrania ratlread.ttaybe brought and ,;, ,iwmj no ; ua 11 oreugm may or may uu fee Pressed teiudement. It is a business -'Ittw vtlh Ihnm. anil if thfl PmllBYl- .. . :. : :r ... ' i mw railroad company biusucs uiem, VV lll .(. t..I If Intn Mlltf Thnt r'iegr bare geed causcofcemplaintagalnst - rtafc S-.m...1 mifcallnn Tliatr nnle (mil. !-'; b'e will be te prove it. That the railroad CJiTAnmnantr hail hul nnil nrnhihl v etlll hn. A-Javertd shippers in the coal rezlen. every . knows who knows anything et the ST m i . ... 11. i.- panneBs. xue .uerwinu nniie com- piny, in whesa preflta A. J, Cassatt was .. i ,a expesta; years age as uavieg a uig m- .?.;'. fUnut am lh phlpf of ilMVfl uhlnnfri : -.,-, 'wart thalr tinalnKn hi prnwn ns that of "ik UKUcr uuciatvie una huiuua nmyi .ue &,? tendency of bituminous coal mining la the CleArfleld region has been te con- a nfrallnn Intn fnw tianrld ltf(nii nf f 1m xJ'-j anrKTAm nf rallrnnrl tavnr In f rplelit vatefl vr ---- -- - --- ;' snd car supply. It8emed,ayearortwe " ute. that this favoritism was te be broken Hp dj Bnu-aiscrimimuien laws unu uy Tsfce advent into the Clearfield region et a lew carrier, tbe Beech Creek railroad eempany. Uut tbe two railroads ccem te have made nn alliance ; und the state legislature refused te prescribe n punish 'Beat for railroad discrimination; be that tbe old abuses flourish still. Ceal is hipped te tide water at Fhlla-Jelpbia for . great deal less than it is supplied te Philadelphia consumers. The local trade in Pennsylvania is taxed by IVmn tylvanla railroads in excetslve charges for furnishing it Pennsylvania coal ; and tLe trade of districts outside et the state stimulated by the supply et cheap l'ean ylvania coal. If we had a Pennsylvania governor and legislature, who were honest ser vants of the peeple, these things would net be thus; and they always will be while such peer tools ns Heaver are ma Je governors, uud the legislature is selected by corporation ngents. E veryone k new a that Heaver Is net of the fair stature of ft governor; and it he had net been of the Stuff that tools are made et he would net have been governor. A Pennsylvania governor is net often n commanding figure ; and there is net one among the I nen named te take the Republican I nomination for the next gubernatorial term who may net be relied upon te pre tect and defend the influence that have se long and steadily held the state under tbclr hoof. The pf eple may net generally realiz that the Demoeratle candidate for gev-'J -nor at the last election was defeated be- aiuse of the railroad and corporation in i- fleences solidly arrayed against him. Tbe tbleresknew there would be trouble it an honest man became governor. The non et Jeremiah llluck was net made of the material that suited them in n governor. 'Nature and education would have made CeaunceyF. Dlack a governor for the j -..people ana net ier vue ruurenas, nnu iney il Wjected him. Plain as was the exhibition de net understand te-day that it was his expected devotion te their Interests that defeated him. Republican partljans voted gainst him, however much they hated -, Republican domination ; and the "ileat- n" were driven along with them. And se it has ceme te pass that the Democratic councils of the state are brought te consider whether they can longer affeid te antagonlze these great . Interests, that control elections te suit them, by their money nnd the intluence they exercise through their many subor dinates and great ramifications ; and this will be the question te be met next year. (Shall it be patriot against tool, or tool against tool? It the people want n saving chance, it beheves them somehow te show that patriotism will win their Totes; erprajtical politics will discard it. These Had Railroaders. Judge Coeleyand theiuter-statocem-msslon seem te have been astonished by the demoralization they discovered among the Western railroad agents, who luve been disobeying the plain command of the inter-state law; and have been telling their tickets through scalpers te whom tbeygaveablg discount en their prices, Which enabled them te tell them te the pnblicata discount; practically there fore the railroad rate was what It get from the "scalper "for its tickets, plui tbe profit the scalperchargtd the traveler; and the published railroad rates were net at ail its real charges. Judge Ceeley seems te have thought that rail road men could net be ee wicked, notwithstanding his large experience of them ; but there is no depth of dishonesty which may net be safely charged upon railroad management. There is no flavor of honesty about the business. The men at the head habitually use their pener for their own enrichment, in some snaps or ether-, nnd their suber dinates all the way down fellow suit, according te their opportunity. Katuraliy the people, who nre in the power et these men, are made their Tictlms. Katurally every dollar that cn be seeu is pursued; and though there be no dollar seen, tne hounds are ardent Upen a faint scent. They lejk for busi sees by hook or by creek uud ure careles as te whether it paja te get it In their ardor te have it. They become brutes a'l ertr. The ,V-w JliBhep. 8t. James church sustalnn its repute as the nursing place et bishops. Dr. Knight is its laWat evolution, l'he par ish seems te have the ability te smell a future bishop from afar; and It is a very feed, reputation for it te enjoy. Because flood priests are net generally euppastd te be unwilling te become bUbeps, iu the f ullntea of tlme ; and naturally the geed priest will have a tender regard for the call from a parish from which many priests have heretofore arisen te derv ns ' bishops. And it maybe became St. James hi early luck in this Hue, that it has iNeeaie new se well treiden an avenue IpUcepalseas. Aud it is te bj ea'd for St. Jame3 Wsbeps tbat uet.e of them have been fallnres. And we can,testify very flrmly tfcK Dr. Knight, the latw!; graduate, Will Hut be. Ills talents are et a cuhmc . n r let Uut will be sura te make him a - Particularly geed bishop. Ha i iieniy ;.s adew.d wltu a rewI eeuss btrved by ability ar.d an energy tempered by tec., vHkat will make him useruj end popular , ;4 Ue Leii et an plscenal ee. lilt i particular ability had been largely wasted in this parish, which is net partic ularly oppressed with godliness and charity, and badly needs a shouting erangtllst te areue it from a torpor et many fttbems' depth. That Canal. We find it necessary te amend et.r comments enFerdlnand Da Lessep3 made yesterday for the reason that that old gentleman has turned his tears of Jey into tean of sorrow. Through a mistake, that reminds us sadly of the blunder of press bureaus and party commit, tecs en election night, be was given te understand that a howling mob of patriotic Frenchmen had besieged the efflces of the canal company throughout France, and subscribed for bends et doubtful value in a way that would set his company solidly en its financial feet. Yesterday we were treated te ths touch ing spectacle et this venerable enthusiast sfandlng en a table, shouting, "Onr ad versaries are confounded 1 the subscrip tion is safe I the canal is made 1 " Te-day the cable tells us that when the anxious crowd of shareholders called for the veteran they were answered by his son : " My father is younger in spirit than I. Ills remarks were made en the strength et a heperul report that I made him. The result is bankruptcy or the winding up the company." It seems that instead et 820,000 bends as reported j esterday, only 180,000 have been taken. It this sudden turn of for fer fer tune does net kill Da Lessep3 he must be considered a monu mental example of toughness. As for the spoiled example of national enthusiasm it is mnre pleasing after all te And that.even in France, common sense prevails at times ever love of glory and victory. It would have been a fearful sactiilce te sen timent if all these bends had really been tiken by the peasantry and small proprie tors, and pity for Da Lesseps, is ns noth ing compared with the pleasure of the no a a of the escaps et the country from a ceurse that may have led te the com pletion of the canal, but must have resulted iu uoanclel ruin. It appears possible that tbe French government will eventually assume control of the enter prise, ns tin shareholders and bondholders are se numerous as te exerclse great poli tical lullueuce. In that event they will Btumbla ever the Menree doctrine and I we may have something te y. Tub New Yerk Herald publUbca a rumor of mere (reuble ever tbe Harkvllle Incident. It wai stated en Tliu ndy in tbe IJuute or Commens thsta note bad been received at tbe foreign ofileo from MlnUter Faelpa relative te tbu matter, and referred fir nomrnent te Lord H.ckvllle. The Herald correspondent preteases te have dUouveroU tbe lubatanee of Ibla myaterleua note, lie aaya that the United H la tea net only refines te modify Its attitude terrarda Lord Hackvllle, but refuaea te be boycotted and tbat Mr. Phelps has Intimated that his m!?1en will net last long If Lord Salisbury pertlaia In bla present oenrte. Great Hcett I 11 ew big is Canada, any how e Tbe Canadian minister et cnatema, alter reading tbe Butterwerlh roselutlona regarding the annexation et Canada, Bald tbat counter-prnposltlon would be made tbat Canada abeuld buy the United Btatesl II MI Tjie Philadelphia liteerd almanac Just Iteued Is, like the provieu number, re plete with valuable information. ltn political department 1 Baulking featnrr, aud en Its ulnety-alx pages la Information tbat will ba of great value te everybody. JaT at this season that part of tbe Med iterranean caastj where the earthquakea insilieled net long bke, aud wbura the wealth, nobility and felly et Eurepe have gambled and loitered through tbe winter months from tlme Immemorial, the French and Italian ltlvlera, tbe sunny Beeth and Flerida of Europe, Is crowded by the first rush of tbe winter. " Sunny Nlec," they call It ; but when it la net aunny It la mla erably cool and dreary. Like tbe famous little girl of the nuraery rhyuie : " Wfcen It 1 Rcea, It la veiy, yery BODd. And when 11 is bad, It U henld. Itlsasieathaunt of tbe Americana and English, and favored by that large and wealthy clasi who think they are Invalids, ee It happens that an American cbnrehbas Jnst been built there, and was consecrated en Thursday, by Bishop Lyman, et North Carollus. It appears that Mr. It. J. N6Vln, a daughter of Cem med or e Vanderbllt, and ether wtaltby New Yorkers, bere tbe brunt e! tbe txpeusea. A New Yerk dry goods dealer bai been explaining te a reporter the advantagta et the credit ityalem te both buyer and aeller If kept under proper oentrol. "Fer tbe cash cus'emera e take no risks and grant no farers. Fer tbe credit customers we de almost any and everything they ask of us. We are glad te get them and make every tjffjrt te swell their number." This will be quite startling te many readers, but It must ns understood that the credit here alluded te la net the long tlme credit that ae encum here buslueea In this section. Bills are Bent quarterly. " Heme homes take note of where ruirehaies are sent, and whenever a ftshlmibble address appeara en their ship ping books write tbe lady at that addreae. irlerieg te put her name en the credit list Other lieuuea, like ours, dislike te force tbat trade, aud elmply wait uutll such a lady asks a faver et a day's or a week'a accem. modatlen te pay for a heavy purchaie, or elie cornea and asks in plain term te be allowed te run a bill here. Then, though she does net knew bow eager we are, we jump te accommodate her." Then he proeeedatoglyea very plain and ecnidule rtw-en for tbla eagerness te sell en credit. A lady who has u bill at our store spends all tbe way from 50 p6r cent, te 600 per ceut. mere than it ahe hadn't. Net only doe she buy everything ahe wants at this aiore where she has a bill, pmlng all the rest every day, but ahe buya thlnns ahe does net alwaye want and can net always afford, Yeu need net laugh; men de the ssme tblUK. We are gUd te get men te run bills here ai well at wemeu. itwaa only yesterday that a gentleman told tre that he had never been thoroughly well dressed until we let him run an account with us. lie used te bate te put with money ter things he could pejilbly de without, but new be has dreeslng gown', psjamav, silk bore, ftc&rfs a-plenty, uud the Lord kuevs a what net. He saj a that when he gets our bill oneo a quarter hB Is always pushed Inte doing eeme extra pleee et work he la an artist In order te get extra money te uitet thla expense. IIe la dlUer cnt I rout most men because be taya thla ependlng meuey cauata him te make money, elnce he 1 driven te earn a great deal mere than he spend each time our blltceuitu In. Hut the kdiea c.nnotde ttat, you sy. Ne, they simply llsm a out or coax It out of their husbands." Thla prautlce U net half ae risky n it p. pcara te be, because there la amulet time usually te Inquire Inte the atandluK of the panic through commercial ageuulet. "Iltit ob! h auim:d mlnutts tulU li jet imini, but r h maktu up bUulodte uiiu uv hi Jan. twemy-nToceau wurthui t)j.UUju 1 , tbu pad u ire Ibey sis- the hvi-rnue pu'ltlclkn liKtitnip ntur, imUIiik abem tiritTana no Uuir. but Lecuretbliceia wvery uUhtwltn Dr. iiull'g UwuSus'lark1.11 be8'n lrr,Unxtlern- e 1'BILAllKLrBtA, FrldlJ, LlOO. H. IS. -morrow evenintj store Te open, and evenings thereafter until Christmas. We haven't said much of Blankets of late. Ne need te. Yeu were quick te find where dollars went farthest in these things. ThemanletfjrM'O Jho l!lnkellerl5( lh JJ.unkrt forsa.te Either is geed enough te meas ure anybody's Blanket business by. Take the $6.50 one. 8ex 84 inches: weight seven and a- haU pounds. A Blanket big enough te cover a big bed gen erously and tuck in generously. A Blanket te give Jack Frest the warm creeps. All our Blankets are big, whole-seuled fellows. The only scrimp shows en the price-tags. Same sort of sctimp, but bigger, in Down Quilts. What are Iclt of the English models trr.:f A. :,i-,.. i,iil 11 a.iieiul;ium mi iulusi eiiuii go for three-quarters. 7 j nut comrnnauie rnr til 181 frllk comtertabiu ter tit IMI SUK comfortable for si Shouldn't last till sundown. Near Women's Watting lloem. Women's Lisle Hese, black leet and ankles, with top up-and-down striped in contrast ing colors. The handsomest fancy hosiery we've yet had. Get especially for the Christ mas season. $1 a pair. tilth ceunter from Chestnut street aUe. Net one of these 25 cent " Fownes " Cleth Gloves for men is worth less than 50 cents as stores go; many are the 75 cent kind. Hew else can you warm fingers and hearts at once for se little ? ltcth ends of the Stcre, mlCdle cntmcce. Santa Claus spots all through Children's Clothing. Special lets shall go for a trifle. Here are 150 Children's Dresses, plaids, trimmed with velvet, combinations, and plain colors, Nene ever hall, some less. Becead fleer, Cheilnet tlrtelatae. four ele vators. Japanese Twilled Silk Muf flers, 32 inches square. Seft, warm 75c two-thirds. Seuthwcit of contra. Seme Portieres and Heavy Curtains in short quantities and odd lets are marked te go en the jump : Nell Tep, Cbc-nltle flale, iSteWnpitr. Cbnllle, nguredollevtr, and pllln top, ntlhdaae, frUeijSbOap&lr. Turkeman Curtains. into fit a pair. Tape try CurUle?, (10 te Z3 & jmir. BlriRle Tapr-ktrj' curtalnf, twlU'Jle for couch cover, teiusucacb. rinih CurUln. rraSy tcsae, with bilk Uapeilry borders and dido, t uud iceh pilr, Second fleer, north of Transept, reure'.eva ters. American Club Pattern Skates that were $2.50 last year are $1.75 new ; $3.25 grade ier $2.50. Price-ice broke through. Every worthy sort 50c te $4.50. Baymond Fxtonalen Skatcs-blup, JUwi ulcktl.is&i. lisymena Kzlenslnn, mcers. 15 La!V fkntcp, H 13 te 13 73, i'aseuiunt, neith of csntre. Wish corner of the Basement. An acre or se. Every toddler knows where it is. But the myriad things for playtime and all the time that crowd it ! Who can name them all ? If there's any fit thing missing, we don't knew. lSMtmsnt, northern cf centre. JOHN WANAMAKER. COMPLEXION FO WVXK. QOM FLEXION VO WDKi.. ' LADIES ATUO VA1.UB A UEF1N MUdX V Kl) COMl'LCXION as POZZONI'S MKUIOATF.D COMPLEXION POWDER. It imparts n brilliant transparency te the sstu.. llomevtis all pimples, truckles und ols els ols celorations, and ludhes tbe ekln delicately settandlMiautltul. ItcentAtiis no llme, white, lejd or ttrenlc In three shades, pink or fleeh, white and brunette. Full BALK BX All Druggiata and Faney Goeilo Doalera iDvorywhero. -WBKWABK Or lllTATIONa.-W aprju-ivd irANrKi)-niijiAnL,Ki.eiJAi,AND " TravellDK hBleaiiixn l'oiltlens pr jnanenu UnicUl lnduucniunts new t lasl-ell-lair spuclaltlcs. leu't duiiy. fulary (rem dJHmdoed Nnrserymuu. Koetestcr, N. T. JgKST FITTING COHSKT. c e. C. B. a la Spirite C.B. TUK BUST JTinivn (jeitSET l.V THE HOUI.U. Fer Bale by 1 eadlni; McrchiiuU. MA.YHR, 8TUOTJHE & OO , Manufacturers, lUDUOAmVAY. N. Y. o.t-6riU,lh,i.eow "" .w,n, j. "TCTOTIOK TO TKKSJ'ASHKiia AND J--a UUNNKtta. au poren tktu riereby ter! V17Ji!!AIia 0PWiUMtaWa in U.tmnen or uoeea, either ter tLu parpetie et sauetlxk or Attetnavs tex jt. w .uwaatsji'i llelrt WANAMAKF.n'B UHEM KQEUMA.TII3M. Q Rheumatism According te recent tnvesttgtttnna is csused by txerrs of tacUe acted In us bloed-Thlj acid attatksthe flsreus ttttuci, partlcnlarly la the Joints, and cans" tbe local tnanlf etUtlena of ths eirntti, pntns and aeh s In the back and chan'dere, and In the Joints at tbe knit's, anklet, tlfa and wrlita. Tbenandt of poepln hwe found In Heed's EataapirUlaa petllive and Txinnanunt enra for iheumitlsm. Thts tneClclnp.urUinurirvlniraravltAllKlnB'acUnn ceatinllzes tbe acidity of tbe bleed, and also buUds up and sltesgtbana ths whole body, llced'a Barnnparllla " 1 was laid up for ilr months with rbootna rbeotna rboetna tlam,an(f used many kinds et medicine with out ajoed result ttllonecf my nelgbberj told tne te take Heed's Bsriapirllla. When I bad med hair a belt's I fall better, and eftu tak liiK two bottles I think 1 wis entirely eared, at 1 have net bad an at'aet of tbeimaltsm ilnce" tceasa U. Uixes, Uotsvtlle, Blaten Island, N. Y, Ourca Ztbeumatlfim "Iliad atticks rf ibcuxatlsm wtleh In. eraaatd In levnrlty. X took tbree bettlat et llecd'x earsanarllla and I am p'ouedtesay the rbenmntte pains ceated, tny appetlte and CtMtlen became better, and my ganeral hciilth KcaUy Improved. 1 urn flrmly con. vlnccd tbat lIe3l's Sarsaparllla cared rte, ni 1 bava fait no reearrence et this bleed dli cite." Wm. Ccoe, Ueneva, N, Y, Heed's Sarsaparllla Sold by all druggists. (1 1 six ter I). Prepared only by O. I, HOOD CO., Lewell. Mass. 100 Desea One Dellar, YKK'H SAHSAPA1ULLA. REISONS WH V ATEIl'S SAU3A1AUILLA IB rnKPIK- AULK TO ANY OTIIRK FOB THE CUKE OF BLUOU U1SXASES. llvcaute no poljenoua ordoUtcrlouslngTC erdoUtcrlouslngTC ordeUtcrlouslngTC dleuu enter Inte the composition of Ayer'a tnrjapsirllla. Ajfr'sfarsaparllli contains only the pur- etland most nfoellvo mmedlal properties, A) or 'a Paraspiillla Is prepared with ex trcmucatc, skill, and cleanliness. Ayer's Sarsaparllla Is prescribed by leading phyelcUus. Ayer's Bnnapnrttla Is for sale everywhere, and lucommended by nil first claw druggists. Aycr'sfarsaparlllaU a medlctne, and net a boveraKe In dljgulse. Ayer's Ear.apatlUa never falls te effect a cure, when portlstently used, according te directions. Ayei's Farsaparllla Is a highly conoenlra cenoenlra coneenlra tiwlcxtrACt, and thercforetbn most economi cal Bleed MedlclDO lu the world. Ayei's Sarsaparllla has had a successful onruernf nearly halt a eenlury, and was never se popular as at present. Thousands et testimonials are en flle from these benefited by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. VKirAniD ST Dr. J. O. Ayer it Oe,, Lewell, Maae. Sold bv nnik-guu. l'rlce, itj ttz bottles, 15. docietoit OOUENCK'S MANUUAKK 1'ILL.S. 11.SADACUE.-Tts Stomach Is dlserdsrtd. Clxanse and tetUe H with lr, bebenck's Uandrake rills. HKAUTBUKKrejd fermentlnir, net dUeat. lug Cerract th etemarb by nlng l)r. tctccck'a Mandrake Fills. I.NU1GKS110V Ftart tl-e secratters of ths tstemacb. with Dr. fechenck'4 Man drake I'll ju IS KLAMMATIOK Concession rant mad. JUxJuci luitanUy byrie-euiee? VT. bebsnek't Mandrfck riila. J AU.VMCE. Bleed polened by bile Correct tbe Ltvrr by ulrjg Dr. Sctenck's Uandrake i'llli. LOS 3 Or APPKTISt The Btnraach It IaU lair. Hr.t clitiiult! than tone wi.h Dr. tthanck'd tcawced leulc. NAUdKA. lteactlen or bile. Correct Btotn Btetn mhundUviirMUhUr. btbenck's Muudrake fills PALPiTATIOV.-nyiprptle condition. Tern by unlnK in. bihtuck's Man drake i'lilj us directed, TOl'.PlOlxr. Inaction of Llver. Btartltup with Dr. fccbauck's Manaruka Villi. In Ilr. Bth'mck's haw work nn Ihe Lnng, Steinach and J tver soul ireu te any adflreup. Aditrt-ss Dr. J. U. bchtuek A den, Philadel phia, l'a. uiyl7-lydw tlIjX'H OitttAhi UAL,, CATAKRH-HAI FEVEE, KLY'S CKKAU BALM cures Celd In Head Citarrb, Uiwe Celd, Hay F(ivor,I)uiitnc8,lload F(iver,I)uiitnc8,lload F(ivor,I)uiitnc8,llead aaao. i'rloe M) Cenu. JSA3V TO tisk. JCly Bra's, Owego. N. Y., U. 8, A. KLT'S CBKAM BALM Cleansea tbe Nasal Peiiaagcs, Allays 1'atn and Innammatlen, Hivtis the Beres, Uesterea tbe Censes el Taste and a moll. THY TUK GUUK. A particle Is applied Inte each nostril and Is agmeable. l'rlte &e cents at CrugglsUi by mill, registered, CO cents. KLYBKOTUKUS, M Worreu Street, New Yerk. nevlMydAw G OLDKN HJKOIlflO. DRUNKENNESS -OK TUB L1CJUOU HABIT P09IT1VKLY OOltKU BY AUM1.MHTKUINU lilt. II A1ML3' (4U1.DKN BPKCIF1C. It can be glven In n cup of ceiree or tea with out the knowledge et the pttraen taking It ; Is abxeluuily hiimilmn, und will etTuet a penna penna nent and f ixuxly cure, whether the patient la a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wrek. Thousands et drunkanls have been made temporal men whehuva taken Qelden Bpe Bpe ctfle In thi lr cotTie without tbulr knowledge and tixliiy Imlleve tbey quit drinking of their own fTOewllL IT NKVKB FAILS. T'he sys tem once Impregnated with the tJpeclQc It be be be oeuiea an ultr lmpesstbtlity for the llqner appotlle te exist. Fer sale by CHA8. A. LOCUKB, Druggist, Ne. East King Btreet, Lancaaier, Pa. augS-lydM.W.r IUPltOVED DUUMB. OUHjIOinKU KAK OUKK FOK THK DEAF. Peck's Patent Improved Cushtnned Bar Drums perfectly rcHture tieartnK and perform the wnrx et the naluialdrum. In visible com cem com lertublu and always In position. All conver cenver conver aiitten uud even whlupers heard distinctly, bend ier illustrated bonk with testimonial, FltnK. Addredi or cell en r. IllSCOJ.gii llinhdn-ny. New Yerk. Iv A'iwdM.W.FAw 30HACCO, fiR rialAiji.isuKU 1770T Deranlh's FI.SKBMOKINOTOBCCO, jMPfjiiritHAND Buy wnar cie.tns. FBKhClt llltlAK ANt MBXbBCUAUM PIPKB, C1U Alt 110LUBUB AND OA8K9. rOurUoldenl.lenand MlaQuetlSa Cigars, Hnutr lleirs, t,autii, Ac , sullatile Chrlltumi Pruiuati iei biueati j. Ne 114 Emit King Street. 7 re-lerhone. Flui tt Brands et Clgurettce. am ll-lu d WK CAN HKKVK YOU W'KLL AND suve ou inoney lu adYt-lHslng, Ksll liiitOilnu, AUVKKTISINU GUID.I00KF. 1 he UHMt ceuiplt-tn and nrlgtiiat ever lisued. bunt i in rie tpt of Hi uiuU te pay ler packing aud terHataii'g, Adykktmimi WlUTIHO A KriCIALTT. The L. Jen. Mt.benr e Advunlslng Agenay, l'-iaiid lAi nut iltlnieitifciuijt iialtliiLdtu- M Tt.1ll e.w w. Lu UNHKIt, IllSMIhT. l'tnl-'Ulur altniilliin jtvan tn fllllnu aud prnjrrviiiK u nuturui Ufth. l have all the latent luiiuvvituieiits t or doing nlcu work atavtty rat.unuliiti i en. Having years el ex lMirumie in ui iaKu cities lam enru te give Lhe best et satisfaction and savu vun mennv eesi arunciei Utethenly ati.ua rer set. marUHyd Cigar Stere. ne.MUkiiuquBtl BT, DRYUOOtlB. OODH FOK CliKlHIMAtJ. CHRISTMAS I DUYaOOUSrOUraBSBNTSATBIDUCKD 1'JUOKS. r.Iack Dress et,'ks, Black and Colored Dress Ooedf, Illicit Cahmernand Weel Shawls, Col ored We:l ehiw a, tadlct' 1'luih andAatra cban Ceatt, slodjcekas and Jacket, Cleth Noamarkels, Baglans and fJteketf, Mliata' and Cblldran'a MewmarkaU aud Uretcbens. Onr Coats are all Marked at ttcdnced Trices te tell them while people axe bujlng for the Heliaaya. Blanketa-Bed, White and Gray. tLadles', Gent's and thlldreu'a Merine Underwear, .Hosiery, Olevia, llandkercblefa, Silk and Caihtiere Mnflltrt, Ladles' rnr Mum, Elite Umtrellar, ChanUie and Felt Table Cevers, Tidies, f car f s and Mantle Ltttnbrtqnlna, Che nille and Laes Curtains, Curtain roles and riilurer. Kverjthtng utefuh l.tnen Table Cleths, Kspkins, Xcweli, &, all at Bargain l'rloes. Jehn S. Givler 6 at 8 North Queen Btroet, LAMOA9TXS,rA. QUKISTMAH l'KESENTd. Holiday Heeds. WATT &SH AND Are Showing Hundreds of Useful, Nevel and Ornarcantal Atttclcs Specially Belted for Christmas Presents ! An eleianl nssertment et Ladles', Gentle Gentle reen'a and l htiaxm's Uandkntelilats, Hem stitched. KmbrelCeredand 1'rlnted Berder. Bilk Handkerchiefs In beautlfat colorings at I3e, 37Ke. tec, 7Se, (t acb. Japanese Mlk Handknrcblrfa. colerpd bor ders, elegant unaittv, tv.oeioh i worth Ite Choice line cf Heavy Brocaded bilk Mufflers at very moderate pi Ices. Ladies', 4ent s and children's Eld Gloves In every variety nf stvles. Gout's Ties, eearu, tuipenflers. FANCY GOODS. Plash Albumr, Toilet Cases, Werk Bexes, Manicure tutu, hvllg Bettr, cellar and CntT Bexes, hasel', Mteb fares. Picture Frames, t ancy Basket'. Bisque Figures, Tey. Uiuit, fnssles, M ux. Patent Head and Bisque Dells of our own Importation at low price. CnU19TM AS DABDS. PICTUBK B00R9, ILLUBTBATF.D STOBY BOOKS, CLOTH BOUND BOOUB. t X0 TetusiM 12 me. Cleth Bennd Beeks, 2!e each, only i; alt pilce. bnnsblne (or I Utle Children. The Easy Boek. Heme Picture Boek worth tt'B. are sold for the Mnedt or Grant Msmerirl Unlyer slty ; all ihKC ler O.Nk, DOLLAU, -AT TUX- Uew Yerk Stere. rpHK PEOPLE'S 0A3H SIOItE. Christmas Presents! -AT- Tbe People's Gasb Stere, Ne. 25 East Kin a Etreet. We offer many Chelto and Serviceable Things buttable ter the Holiday Season. T.etnsrugirestafew of the many HiIWrb we have which would make a useful present. A P laley Shtwl, a Plush Ceat of any deilri ble cut, a Silt Dress at any price, an Kmbrol Kmbrel dered or Braided Bebe, a Muff or any et the desirable Fnrs, a pair of Blankets or a Mar seilles Quilt et any grade, a Fine Linen Table Cleth with Napkins te match, a Lace Bed Spread with Pillow ibanu. a Down Comfert, attawSllker J ute Table Cever, an Umbrella of silk. Gleria, Italian Cleth or Gtnghim, with any style haud'e you may desire a pair of Kid moves, anile or cashmere Mumsr, irem the cheapest te the lejt, a pair of Suspenders for Gents or Beys. Linen Uandkcrehlafs fir Ladles, Gents or Children In Endless Variety. We respectfully solicit a call from everyone about purchislng anything In our line. Our prtees will ba found as Lew as CASH can make them. Who CauBcav. Cash t Tbe People's Gasb Stere, NO. 26 BAST KING STREET, LANGA3TKB, PA. merli-UOAw FLO V 11, AC. bVAN'tl I LEYAN'S I GET THIS BKST-GKT T3E CHEArElTI WHY 13 IT TUK CIIEAPJE3T ! Because It vte'dt mere bread te the pound than theerilluary flour. Becauia it produces lighter, sweeter end morn nutritious linml, Becauss it never fills, and tbeie Is edbs-j-qnnntly nolesaot nrutiMlal. Thts cannot Oe f aid el all flour. Ac yourtlreier tar U, aad r solve-If yen would uakn n cemp!eui surreas of your Christmas llaklus-te ha e no ether. UsYfiJi & SONS, MKUClIiNT M1LLKB3. 03-lyd IK YOU WANT lOHAYE WO.NEY GO TO WEIKEL'S First-Olaes MilliDery Stere, NO. a NOlUll QUEKNST., Fer BaBOAINK. Ll-xStvu OUT. Kvrry ihliw must be told Wecatry the lined Hue tt geed lu lie city a nnu nppeituul-y te tecure a flrstclass Millinery Stele. PETER "WEIKEL SJNOHTUQUKL'NST., LANCA8TkB,PA, dS-Ud rex balm ok xmrrt. KslATK. Oir TBDMSA.T, hSOMBBII 17, J SSI, Wilt be sold at pabllctale by tb ttndar.ina aisignem or ryiast V. Mayar r wlln,aTtc Leenard hetl In the city of rancater, fa ibn following Real karate? town I ""r'" Ne. l, a two-ntery iiklOK UWKLT twa HuU8ir.wlthatwo-.teTy Fraiae Baea Bulla Inn and let et ground, stiaatel de. Til, en the e ist stile of fturlh i'rlnee strest, rnntatn'ng In front 16 lest, 8 Inches, anQ ladeplkUMtaet, luu-v uriusa. Mi twojter? HBICK PWKL1.1NO HOUBI'.wltbatwestnry Frame Ban Build aiatttde nf North J'llncn suect, eeiitalnlng in Irent is fnnt, t laches, and la. deptt 100 fcci.moraerlew. , a twottery BtICK DWILUMS HOUS a, with atwoteTy Brick Back Building nndlotef kteuiiO, attuate he. WJ en theeait stee of North lilnce street, tentatnl la irentli lest, inches, and in dep.U lWIeet, viToerlPss NO. 4. All thatcAlfAfn Irl. ftf rirnnrrl. aflna led en tin seutb Hfle et UNriy tUMt, be tween North Prince nnd Market streets, con tslnlng tn fronton said Lietrty stretrt, ISMir, mera or ies. ana el tbat width standing southward 65 feel 4 Inches, thenee et tbe widtS nl infest mere or lets, attending south 11 feet atnche. innoer lei, tbencaet lbs wldlk of iv met, mera or ies. irineranuuiesieet.niOTa or Ins. tin the south end et l-ttserecteda large two-story Bilck Cigar Factory. ny ptrieu wisningte viewanyoiineaeova preps rues, may call upon tunci r. Slayer, no. 99 erfh einnAn alrpftL Ianniatar. fa. Bale le eanimnncn at 7 a't lock e. m.. when terms and conditions will be maun known by JACOB L. BKUBAKKB, n. F. row. Aueu Assignee. OMOtdlb.e.U rusa, ta. gKLECT UaKFUL Christmas Presents I OUR LIST. CEAL BACQUX3, BKAL JACKETS, PLUSH 8ACQUI8, SEAL MUFFS, MONKKY MUFFS, 3ILKHATS, BTIFF U1TS, '.OrTHATS, 8KAL CAFS. run COLLAR, OXTKU MUFFS, FUBaLOVXS, rUE BOBK3, PLUSH KOBIS, CBUMKS, T tt AVE L1NQ BAGS, OMBHELLAB,' LTNX MUFFS, BOAS, STOLES, 1I00D3, lUUTUIMMINaS. OLOVKB.Ac UUBUKIltJOOUS.ftO, Nothing mere deilrnbln than one of the above uteful CUIUS rM AH PUKSKITS. all Of which we have In flist quality atd at lowest prices. Stauffer & Ce., 31 & 33 freith Queen Street, LANOASTEB.rA. MEK'S FUR PARLOK. LADIES! -VISIT AMER'S FUR PARLOR, 39 WESTKIU(JST. rirtandOnlvOne et thi Kind In Lancas ter. Where will be found tbe Largest and Firesttarltty of choice Furs this tlda c: PhUadeliLte. SEE OUB ELEGANT SEALSKIN COATS & JACKETS AND I tJB-LlNED CIECULAB. -LKrget Tar.'etv of Chnlce Muffs in Lan Lan Lan oaeter. bnalikln luirmenta Made te Measern. UurUnatantte or i'orlect baUefiictlen la our Leng and successful Lzperlenoe in this line. e7 ttt Tors, iter T OV3. FLINN & BRliNEMAN. TOYS. Our Stock of Toys and Clrlstmes Goods Is new en eihlbitleu and la l&r&urand nner than ever. MECHANICAL TOYS, TIN AND IRON TOYS, VELOCIPEDES, EXPRESS WAGONS, DOLL CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, TREE ORNAMENTS, dec. Onr Stock Is for the multitude and our prlejs nre h way down. Allundeome BOCIIE9TEB LAMP makes a Flee chilslLcaa rresent. We have them ChOip. FLINN &BRENEMAN, Ne. 102 North Queen Street, TjAlfOAPTieK PA. CONFECTIONS. QaRAMEli company. The Lancaster Caramel Ce., Ke, 336 Obureh Street, Offurs te a'-cemmndate the pnblle In a retail way, ever thi llul1dy, with their Jfancy Can. dies Hnndy schools supplied, Manufac tured by steam litsh every eay, HERSHEY'S Fine Ben Eons. OhoeolateF, Caramels, X ft Bex, ire j 1 It. Uex, 21 aud SOe ; 5 ft Bex, II This Is tte flueat candy ever offered In Lsn custnr We invite you tn come uud ate the varieties aud be convinced. Caramel Company. ClJd l.lUAl4 AOJ.ICrfrt. ESTATE OV UKN'ftY P. OAKSON, latHer lauiaster city deceased. Letters tetamuutury en aid miote having been pr.inna le he underpinned, all pren lu lu lu dtbtedthuioiearn rxiiuiBiiia te mae inline dliUw pij uiMiit. ana theKB having claims or de laaudi HKatut ihu taiue, will ptestnt them without tte'ay fr Bittleuient te the under slKned, or ti hr attorney In net, uenry . Larjeu, at the istluoiesr tirvies. ivf.rtAMAUlAOAB-tlN. Btewjr ft lmiBKl. i1.' Attuiueys. detectdih ESTATE OF A. H. JONER, late et Lancaster city, deceajed. LetfMsotadiulnlUratleiiousaldeii tote having own uranied te the undersigned, all persons Indelitrit ihentear rtusud le make Imme diate leiyuienl, and Ukkmj bavlnie claims or demands ailut the am, will piesent them without dnlay ler sbtlluiuent te tb nndur sIkuwI, maiding at Ne. .'t North Mnlbenj street, Lancatler. ' JUUNTONEB.Aamlnlstrater, Srtewx k Rsxist, Attorneys- ul-vldV CLOTIWTQ. TkEROHANT TA1LOHINO. Ic&KiM & NOWLII, MERCHANT TAILO1B-H0.41WM KINliBlBkCr. ayOpaa Bvery KvenlngThU Mealk. JUXL, IMS. Fine Tailoring for the Lafwt BevetUwi. eennnad atvlea. H. QERHARTS Oniy Direct InpertliR TalUr. 4S NOBTH QUUlf ITIUh, -yALTJKl Satisfaction Js what hat given me the extensive patrenag I have teeslvea from the public. My llneet fR?. ana iXJnusacs u un.urpaMtd la U rwcHAWAIDOW, ABCBUAJ, TROUSERS ! ASKEW! rTAILOB.g AUD WBST KINO km. m BTKBKT. OfTlBEUl QVKRCOAT8! L. Gansman & Bra, 6368 N. QUJINBT, (Cerner of Orange.) Overcoats ! "Overcoats ! Overcoats ! This time we ealy speak of Overcoats, as enr unusual large stock mnst bs rdueed. Wa therefore Initiate enr great reduotlen at one-, and Intend te save you at leajt from IS te 10 per cent, en all Overcealsbcught at enr store. Beyond a'l deub tenrlS.CO. rr.oe and IB 00 Men'a Overcoats arc worth Irem 18.00 te lll.ea. Our Kersey, Beaver and Chinchilla Over coats, some are silk lined and ethers slik faced, reduced te 110, lit, ills, US. Theyarw equal in make te line custom work. Beys' Overcetts are gelling at reduced figures. 12 00, 12.80 atd WOO wBIbuyagoed weatlng ureroeat. Utxt m.ce, hee, as CO, IT 00, 8 00, a hanflsome Overcoat of all.woel mate rial. Seme stores would caU them cheap for double the money) but they mnst go before the holidays. -- Children's Overcoats, ll.re, it 60,1240. All-Weel Overccau at fiM, W 00, t oe, U oe, so.ce. Are you prepared for ttsae Kstnerdlnary Bargain Prices T if se, call at ones, as go they must, regardless of cost. L. GANSMAN & BR0 The Cheapest Kxeluilva Clothing Heuse la the Ctty. M TKRts KATUJTOCT. IT WILL PAY YOU! I IT WILL PAY ANY ONE TO LOOK OVER uua GOOD SELECTION -OF- OTERGOATS. EVEBY STYLE AND KIND, FIIOM 7.001O5O0. OUB KEKSEY OVKBCOAT8 AT HM17.I1S, AUK WOBTU SEEING. Even If yen don't buy of us, you'll knew what te expect for thit price. Every care taken ter your enmfert and every etlert used ler elegance and beauty. FBICKS ABE VXBY SEASONABLE. Myers & Eathfen, BELIABLB CLOIU1EBB, NO. 12 BAST KLNQ BT.. T.SNOASTBE PA. EXCURSIONS. TTAOATION EXCURSIONS, RAYMOND'3 VACATION EXCURSIONS. All Traveling Exjeuscs Included. A Wintei jT California. Twe Parties wilt leave Philadelphia in Jan uary ter wouttern California. All Travel be yond Cincinnati ana chlcai-olnBpecUl Trains uf MagnlOeent Veallbnicd trains el IaBaan l'alace ('an, wltb I'ullman Palace Dining car included, 'j he dates and routes are ss fellows : Monday, Januaiy 7- VI Wilmington, Bal timore, Waahtiigteii, Psrkersbuig, Cincinnati, Mammoth Cave, New Orleans, Galveston, San Antonie, ote. 'ihursdsy, January 10. Via Wilmington, Ballliueie, Washington, Pltisbnr, Chicago, LasVes Het iprinys, Santa Fe, iilbuquer que, San Bernadlne, eie. sirtcen Betarntng Patties, under special rscert, ondaeholoeof rive DlBereut Boutes. BetnrailcietsbliOKOOdensll Tialns. Inde pendent Ticket', oevenn a-HVery expense both ways, end giving entire freedom te tee pas Hunger whllu In culllerna, and av'ae lu making tbejeurney homeaard. Hetel coupons sup plied ler long or short sojourns at all tbe Lead Inir Keserts . . . Dates of Other Caltfernl Kxoarstens, Feb ruaiy 7, llandSti A1arch7snail. Dates et Mexico axcu-siuss. January 11, Febiuary 11, and March 11. .sa-send for descriptive circulars, designat ing putleujarulp dedted. RAYMOND As WHITOOMB, HI Seuth Ninth Street, I Under continental llettl), f BiLADurBia, Pa, ' dWuis.xu.fh aiieuAttims. FINEST NEW CROP BAKING MO LASES, very geed biker, at lie per quart. Best quality Halting Butter and Eggs. Bhellu.uk and Wal uut Kernels, High Grade Fleur, ew citron, Orange and Leinea Peel. Mew Currauts uud Seedless Batilas. 1-uie oreuud t-plcrs. Iue Flavoring Ex trirn, Kn.e Water, ets., and a tullstcekef Uellday Groceries. AH are invited. Cnr. Wt King and Wqte'BU. irwirrtl.KY'S UIOH UKADK TOILRT rleire. Lavender. XI Water Bouquet e nlegne. Heliotrope. Flerida, violet ana my iar Wateis, are rich, nsgrant. and lasting odors. Bett'ed in a variety u( alxei, or filled Inte hot het Us, te suit Prebk.t dkue WMtXiMMlMt. --j it ".-, tABS&gSISZ&e&U