ice-., iv; - - . rv '; -w '31; ,f & pt M Wfi ft fe I jt 'M t -r- tH The Daily Intelligencer. II I I ! LANCASTkK, HKUKMUKK 7, 1BS8. Tke Hnntrd lUrrlteiw The New Yerk ZW&une'ngurs,ivh!ch arc alwajsa vast deal better than ltaleslc, record about a hundred thousand mere Tetea for Cleveland thantlarrben. ltepub. Hcan presidents are riot leth te take seats that they get by the skin of tbclr teeth and de net eeui te think the efllce any the less w erlh taking because of the way la which it comes te them. II ayes took It, although he knew It was stolen; and It did neither hhn nor his party any geed. Gaifleld get It through the evident treachery that lest New Yerk te Hanccck ; and he never profited by it. Harrison gets it, against the will of the people, through the purchased electoral vote et New Yerk ; and it is net likely te de Mm or bis party geed. He is in a minority of half a million, and has a hundred thousand votes less than even a plurality. The Congress is nearly tied In both branches. The ltepublican party is required te start its administration with a party discordant upon the main issue et the campaign and upon the most prom! n?nt feature of the Democratic adminis tration. And if it does net come te grief upon the tariff and upon civil ser vice reform it must have a kinder pro tection from Providence than its corrupt slzure of power has earned for it. " lieslde this, old leaders are at swords' paints. Their ambitions clash. Maine, who has net been invited te be secretary of state, and who plainly will nep be unless it is forced from Harrison at the muzzle of a gun, , has caused his friends te make public his de mand for the place, and te threaten dire results if he does net get It. There is mere trouble ahead for Harrison in settling the cenllicting claims of leaders than has ever been premised in advance te a president. The trouble of this klndlthat killed Ills grandfather was nothing te that whieh opens out before him; and he will net next jearat this time ferl like gunning for grouse; be will by that time be one of the hunted himself, and will have ym patbywith the peer bird that cannot :ly away from the guns. ' ' It Seems hilly. We think that Bishop 1'elter, et the Episcopal diocese of New Yerk, hat! done that which he will find it hard te Justify, in applauding the Kev. Henry Auld for marrying a woman whom he declared at the altar that he would net live with. It appears that oho held an old written agreement of the clergy man te marry her.and that Bhe demanded itsexecutlen. lllshep Tetter advised him that it was his duty te de whathehnd premised ; and atler he had dene it lie wrote te him that "lie had behaved honorably and saved a ecandal." We de net tee hew n bishop can recon die himself te leek In this wny at tlm net of a man who gee through the marriage ceremony, but adding te the essential vow a declaration that he will net live with the woman and does net want her ever te enter hia house. If that Unet a mockery et the sarvice we de net knew what may Ira be called. In n legal aspect of the case, such a followed by the immediate separation of the parties, is no marriage at all. It takes intent and consent te marry tocenstituto marriage. When a man says te a woman that he will take her as his wife but that she shall net live with him, he talks nonsense) and utters a self-contradiction which nulli fies the ceremony In the eye et the law, se long ns he persists in his determination net te treat the wemun ai his wife. We de net understand that the Itev. Henry Auld was dulymarrkd by that ceremony. If the Episcopal church recognizes such performance as marriage it iuiulrea less nf tlm marriage ceremony than does the law ; and one would think it would ask mere. Bishop Petter gave peer advice te the Bev. Auld, and has a falsa idea of the proper thing for a man te de who is en gaged te be married and does net want te be married. In such a case he has te cheese wbe'lier he will keep or break his engagement. He caunet keep and break it, us the Rev. Auld pro pre poses. Te a woman who would haul a man forcibly before the altar, as his Widow bauUd htm, little considera tion is due; and a man who would jniny under such duress would be fairly eet down as a goeeo ; though when he acts under the dures of the ad Vice of his bishop the hitter must take the big end of the iesieusib!lity. Aud bow can it be that a bieUep and a clergj man together cau combine te argue that a man can marry and reject a woman In the same breath. I it net silly ? OvBRtwoilyiharepielBlnotttheboJy eta well d replied young man whs found en the railroad near thin city, aud the esbb re mains an great a myptery an ever. The fact that ue money or valuables were found upon nlm m In with the tlioery that 1 e wat-Jtlilra while trying te steal a rlau wnicu he hail ue money te jMy for, and It is aald that the place where he was leuud Is a favorite point for learning, trains. Hut this young lellew wai tee ell drcusetl fir aprofctbleoal tramp pasted ou the best places for etealleg rldw, aud the preemp tion Is that a lad with be many shirts te at bwk should liave been able te mieril u ticket, nnd there U no suiucient reason why be should net te supposed tehavd lailiu from a pjBstu)jtr train. It appears also possible that the jeuug nan was murdered, robbed of his money, and lelt cm the track for a psaalng train te unfile, though hew he hippaned te be 'Wandering in that neighborhood U hard te Jtueas. Ua may have beeu ou h la ay te town Irein a country home, wearing a bluu ki 1. Z rre,C3' lt rest of his wardrobe, ;$k walea be thought ujoreenllycirrled when 'L 1 thaa U v,euld 1" bundle, J'e- muuiui. an point lean accidental dentl . bat the whele cae In tnxiiBr ., .'! &.lt7 e Jtettlnu a Btet reputation for bloody "& Z.1 V 1 .. "uij'uwiik that the 53- Ks of the country ha net inade Hits n pj infilling sensation of JUuway prnpmienr. fjrt, 'xaejuain facts are leiitble. Tat, of Pu " strong boy of teventctn Muadlna Pt mangled condition milieus the leant K' AltlS til fiffctlfltl' B,iH ..., ... -. ,al r- out inennv hut ultiumt u .,i,,. ;i;. BOOlK. It la eile tOHIV that nr.lnriM u...n if 'dMe4 ycunu wrnu in several thcmat,d J WfinM li vi.... . .. i.l . . .. f,Z;'0t.".!,lndJn ,,u Pcee'i e without a t,jrwwu i a watcn, or at lent a ehaln. A, yPUiK "la has ben blotted out. i(r.wlm or aecldent will never be known, iC -"" ,""i lamuy or devoted .K.Werdef ihulad whs went feriii ii, dsfreaterUht with the wnri.i , .... StUia. Wfl HllUUISlhlt hln nhne.....u ... , . rHV"fiiliu rill ii taken before he is burted. It the alma kMmm hat n; appropriation for the pur- r . a tcua iuv Bin te HI, THE Thk Kew Yerk Jit raid fill many oelntnna with a pathelie aoeount of the mlicrlraefldleneM is exempllfted in the three great prisons of the Empire state. A measure known m the YatM bill wm pwefd by the laM legislature whleh did way with all fcotlve power 1 prltenr, and een fined the labor of the men te the nuking of neh articles as are required In the penal Institutions of the stale. The prison efBctals oendemn the law a ctlme against the people et the state. The con victs condemn It as an outrage against themselves, and what llttle prsylngthey de Is for Ua Immediate repeal. Men ahut In cells all day with nothing te de are in desperate state et mind. The superintendent of Sing Hlng showed hundreds of appeals for work of any kind. They ran like this: "Fer Ged's cake, don't keep me ahut up doing nothing. Give me a ohanee te work." "1 was sentenced te hard labor, 1 am kept in solitary confinement. Are you net breaking the law" 'Fer the love ei Qed, please give me something te da" Very expensive machinery stands Idle while the men de what little work they have te de by band. "The great engines were still, the heavy shafting motlenlets and the bread leather belts hung Idle," "A convlet was trying te saw a big plank with a band saw. It would take him hours te de It By his aids there was a machine that wculd de it la a few seconds. Te use the machine would have been a violation of the new law. A half desen con viols lonnged about waiting for that plank te be sawed. The competition of convict labor With the factories led te the demand of the labor mn for a remedy, and rollttelans eager for the labor vote hastily passed this measure, The labor men Insist that It Is all rlcht as far as it gees, but that the convicts should ba given ether work and that they Intend te rudest legislation te that end. They point te the prosperity of various branches et manufaeturlng that have been relieved of prison competition and say that if the olllelals desired they ,oeuldglvotheeonvl(ti enough work en the reada and breaking tone. The prison question la a bard preb. Ism but the enioresd idleness et thousands ci Rtreng men appears inexcusable even as an experlmsnt. It Is announced that about 10,000 miners of Dlstrlet Assembly 133 have de serted the Knights et Laber and will form an independent orgsnlistlen. Steadily end surely the great organlsillen Is split ting up and the strength that lay in united labor as well as the danger of Its tyran nous abuse la passing away. The grand dream of union et all trades te force up the pries of labor and resist the natural ef forts of capital te cheapen produets by ebeapenlng labor seems te be In danger of remaining ferevfr nothing but a dream, liut It must be remembered that first at tempti in any great reform are often mero crude than this has been, and tnore cer. tnlnly deemed te failure. The Knights of Iiiber might have proved a great suectsi If laborers were all saints c Ulcered by a select corps of angels, but as mortals are net often te be trusted with power se absolute as some et the leaders held, and as men are mere ready te quarrel when tbey feet the power of a great order back of them, tbe plan of such an organisatien demanda for Its preper formation skill and discre tion rijual at least te that required In the framing of a nation's constitution. And If this work dees defy human Inge nuity It may be better In the end betlerfer laheilug men and all geed citizens, te study the vmllaroef the nation rathar tbun any claes, and te se develop our industries aud commerce that it tnny net be necessary te oelleot money from werklngmen te aus tain ethers In the Idleness et strikers cansed by overproduction, combinations and ex. cosslve tnrltl taxes. What geed there is in the idea et united labor will be retained in the smaller organisatiens, and the Ameri can workman will continue se deal with his empleyer through oemmittess for the sale of his labor lu solid masses, but we need no grander labor unteu than that et this laboring nation, a union te secure the equal rlghtHet ail. Mn, FOWDKIU.Y aay a that he has been weeding out troublesome olements. What a terrlble let of weeds there were In the order, nud hew troublesome the elements must have been, INOUariull, ritAl.MKO. The New Feature uf JCaaeatlun In the Cum Cum tneu tcnoel. te be Developed l(aildl. All the normal sohenls in the state were represented in Jiarrisburg en Thursday at ...- vi.4 tugeilirr at loe deprlmmt of Instruction by Pre'eswr Atnerten. president of the oemtnleslou appointed by the governor te inquire Inte the lea&ibllliy el Introducing industrial training into the schools of Pennsylvania Net only tbe principals of the normal sohenlN, nut b number of the trustees were present at the meeting, which was full of Interest te all who took part in it. There was no division in sentiment as te the advisability of establishing industrial training In connection with the studies new taught in the common schools. The members of the commission, as well as the ethers la attendance, regarded the proposed aobeme with enihualaaiu, and luime wuu npaaa en me sat led thought this new educational feature would net euly contribute te the usefulness and welfare of the sohelars, but would have a miiueuujr iu unuruMB crime ey enoeuraging industry. The work of the couiruUaleii thus far wsa uuanloieusly endorsed, and all present were pledged by resolution te co-operate with the oemmltatoti in pushing industrial training te a auccetslul con clusion. (Joverner Beaver delivered an address en industrial ednojtten the conference. In whluh be gsve bis warm approval. The remarks et lbs oemmlselonera indicated a puriee te start with the education of the teaehurs In the normal schools, and grad ually Introduce the rystem into the common school. A resolution wai adopted Instructing the commission te reoemumnd an appropriation by the LegWnture of 10,oeo te eich state neruiHl school for building and equipment, aud J30.000 additional annually for each ccunel ler luntruoteia' expenses, eta The prliipipiis and trustees of normal schools lndfuateil that they would be glad te accept au appropriation every jisrfiem the state te build und equip worksLepa and te pav teachers for Imparting Industrlaleiucitlen. The cmnmlsiilen. whleh oensinta et Dr. Alheiteu, of the Pennsylvania State col lege, Ontroneunlyt Professer Luckev, of Pittsburg; ProtHwer behaetter, of Kills, town; Unleuel Umu, of orlstewn, and A, ..". ,.tt,,M0"i ' Oleard oellege, have vl.lted Chlwge, at. Leuis, KoeterV, New leirk, Brooklyn, Tulede, O j Tldeoute, Pa., and ether points at whleh induMrlal train ing eoheoli are In operation, and Dr. Alhorten exteuded bu luveitliratlen te various portleue of Karene tn ehtuin n.rer. uutleii en the subject. Kch membbr of the commission bus been assigned the dutv efdratllUKB portion of the report which ii te be Bubriltet te the next Iexlslaturts embracing lib work snd containing sugaes. tionsaateutedloRlalatlonon the question of industrial training. H Atlbecles of the conference the prlncl pals of the normal eoheolti adopted resolu tions xpre-flni:doeplnlerejitlu the weiiure et tbe sold ierVo-paens of PunneyivanU, Hnd piedglng their oeKiperotlon with the auto in training mob of these young pv'ople S"i."J!h "u,"Wegeand dniie te p'rep're Pruiioneft(j,MOtnnohtstonnrmil-ohool. in Increase of Mw, Prlnelrul K n t ,i OM IHKhCBXr. A fllitbnrisr llu,iiiuK nmxnnt K4Hlkts sa.b..M. . On in from the rittibarK Telegrsph. lVirle bava found natural cai wiwt of SSlV 'h0uW " "tMbeWfeSnndr In Hp!i of tne testimony of the reeks I SO llf (lQBrillv lrilkr,..u,... . ui at Kl.tT, a geed any rnert'efThVr. gheny mountains are aatuaci that i, Jjenuerlul fuel exlsts there; and th.n btpla'ce,00 -y ?teSS & Heme lacnthssgoasynaicsteef capitalists LANCASTER DAILY was formed across the mountains te prospect for the gas, and secured tbe sertieee of Dr. Enrloe Heaenci, chemls', nuU'.lnrgHt and geologist, el this elty, t conduct Uie soareh for them, lie had durlBg , the past two jesre quteur devoteal much tlrne te pieipMtlng for pitreletsm and cgas In the eesieru half nf the state, aueT new claims te be the first one who has dliceversd Indubit able indications of both nil and gss. These were se f.verttls ihst the syndicate autberlzDd Dr. Kotenel te loase or pnrelme as much land In the vlclnltvss he could get, and it is learned that he, has obtained control of a large tract In Chester county, bnt a short distance from Philadelphia. Paahlng his explorations still farther he made similar enoeursglng discoveries In Montgomery county, and the favorable indications have ten new traced up te within four miles of our eastern metropolis. Here also he baa scoured osntrelot a large body et land, worth la the market from ?90O 101,000 per serf, which will in the eariy months of 1SS9 be ilareleped for oil and gas. A company with ample eipltal will, It Is understood, be formed immediately te sink wells for oil and gas, and, If Dr. Kosensl is net mlstaken.Pbliadelpblans will be enjoy ing the blewilnga et natural gas by the Winter cf 188P, m m Trial Attul IrrlltetitlM. from the Pittsburg Is'.cgripb, "An IrrldentUt Is suspected of wanting te kill the Kmperer et Austria," asld Mr. Sbsbbs, glaneing up from the paper. " What in tbe world would an Kris den tist want te de thst tcrT ' asked Mrs. Uniggs. Dr. Ball's Rough Syrup is a purely vrReU vrReU vrReU hliirompeuna, innecunt in naiure ami iron dertul tn effect, rerehtlOren ltlslnvulnatOn, curing;, croup, whooping cough, eta , In a lew MUM.U.UUAVKB et Wotriaredvllle, 'Md., writes I I suffer seinntlrnfs with arute ihou iheu mttsm,and sear Balvatlrm ml gives tuelu. ataninseas reUef, I ceifllUly rccemuicnQ It as a sure euro. WAXAMAKMt'U 1tfwyvwMnrWM , ratLADatrHU, frl Jey, Dee. 7, 1S8. You'd guess Christmas near. Stere 3hews it. A whisper of Santa Ciaus all around. Think of a quarter acre of gift things bright with the colors of brass and silver and geld and Plush! A wilderness of table and mantel ornaments for house helps. Quaint, outlandish shapes, maybe, but with the touch of true art in every turn and wrinkle. The cunning workers of Vienna and Berlin beat the world in these things. Every year new extravagances in form and mere lightness and brightness and airiness. Take brass. Hammered, rolled, drawn, fire gilt, burn ished, and with the ' old " dead finish inlaid, enameled, or with dainty figures in bas-relief. Mere shapes than you ever dreamed el. And a use side te everything. That's what catches you. The thing is pretty and unique and it's sure te fit in somewhere. Hunt the quaintest get-up of the let ; maybe a mercury tube stewed away in itmere than sixty fancy shapes with ther mometers hatchets, anchors. About as manv mere with table (gong attachment faint tinkle te sounding " boom." Presen tation gongs cutely and curi ously contrived te show em blems of various sports. Card receivers -- ink stands candlesticks watch stands ash receivers vases and the myriad spread of erna ments were get en the same generous plan. When you see these you see the pick and choice el everything going. Olive Weed army tee en dress parade. Never finer or fitter. Near the centre ct the store. The biggest value we ever gave in Japanese Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs. 25 cents each. Importers price $3.20 a dez. lialtar and larger, 16 1 and 13:. iSlrsb, eie j ;.4 Inch. 75e. kxlia Leirv. SI and 11 v(l Cream Chinese Silk Handker chief, 24 and 27 inches, 50 and 75c. Misses' sizes, 20c, 25c, and 35c. Brocaded Silk Handker chiels, old designs, 25c, from 40c ; new designs, 40c, 50c, and 75c Southwest of centre. Way out of the common prices en a let of Women's Fleece-lined Hese. Yeu can have 100 dozen of them at 25 cents a pair. They were brought across the ocean te sell at ZlVi and 50 cents. Just at hand. Navy blue, seal brown, and black. Chestnut etreet stdj, est of mln ulale. It was never harder for the man of affairs te keep up with the whirl and rush of the book world. Mere books, mere of everything except time. If you de much of ether things, some one else must de the book hunting for you or it won't be done. Hence Boek News. It's veur book hunter. The welcome friend that takes up the books of the past month, tells you their drift, their cost (at the counter or by mail) and sets them down again. Yeu can get helps enough te pick books and buy books, but they are apt te be in some ether body's interest. Boek News is made te help you. The biggest, brightest, full est, best number of Boeic News ever issued is the one for December, just out. 112 pages, and maylje fifty choice illustrations picked from new INTELLIGEyOEB, fflUDAY. DECEMBER 7, 1888. WAlfAlfAKKK'B Holiday Beeks. If you care te knew what the publishers have been doing for this Christ mas season, ask JBoek News. The whole story is between its covers; a complete list, some thing of the scope, and charac ter efjmqst of, the books, and in every case the Wanamaker prices always fair and gener ally below anybody else's. That's the Holiday side of Boek News; the ether sides are there fjust as usual. We mean Boek News te be your quick and safe guide te every? thing that counts in books or among book people. 50 cents a year. The mammoth Holi day number at the counter or sent te any address for 5 cents. Near Thirteenth street entrance. JOHN WANAMAKER. COMPLEXION POWDBM. QOMPIiKXION POWDKK. LADIES WHO VALUK A KXriNKD C0MPI.KXI08 POZZONI'S MKD1CA1KD COMPLEXION POWDER. it Imparts a brilliant transparency te the skin, llonievos all pimples, iruakles and etls etls etls coleratlons, and makes tbe skin delicately son and beautiful. It contains no time, white, lead or urxonle. In three shade, pink or Oesh. while ana brunette, rOU BALK BT All Druggtata and Fancy Goods Dealcra flvorywhere. - r,B5WJUtK OW IMITATIONS.- J'lAdOHAND ORUAHS. QUOIOK HOLIDAY 01FXS. Choice Holiday Gifts. Wltbmn;lr,intrihanAaniiiltltndnofsweet '"ana?. e greet you I A Merry Christina) ana a Uappy ew ear I PIANOS AND ORGANS. AccerJennr, Autehirp?. Itanjes, Utmles' riarlnets. Uornets. mums, Klicf, Flageolets, Flute, (Jullar. llarrneulrnj, Jims Harps, siaudellns, ecnulnas, I'lroelon, Tambourines. 7rtanglFN, Violins, Urchastral ana liana In' slrmntintJ. r 1 hu nbeve are n few or trio Choice Musi cal Ultta wnhnvolnrteckiorthu Uellday Bsv "' wouliebvoiirineaelocttoaotMUBIO .Kirk Jehnsen & Ce,, 21 "WHST KING STREET, liANOABTEU, l'A. n!i.ur w MA KKU vv - vww. Ol'HlNC. 13 N10KU POll A CHRISTMAS PRE8ENT . Tbun Mm Kmblamatta Tin rr miarm, either In Selia Ueia or Triple fluted. OO. V V. O.8. el A. I. O. H. M. Iv err K.eftl. K A.O. K.M. C. U ll.crK P. K of L. li.UK. U. t). Of r. O. O. A. M. Ornny otlinrecloty. Ale Chtttim and I'lns for the i'AT III A llUllS Ml LIT AN v. fall early anfl mike your celeollen from the numcioudde.lgus, AT E R ISM A N'S NO. 42 WEST KINO STBKBT. UllOVJlKIIIB. VfKWAND FKEslT Holiday Qrec3ric8, "ew Citren, Currants, flexes I!alles Orange ana l oiueu J e. rure Spices, Uesj Waturnna FlavnrliiK Extracts iuthtn(r von -iint Jer your table we ern supply. Will try ana pleiwn you. HWJKUK WIAKT, Cor. Wntt King ana Water Ots. R OL1DAY tlOODS-JUST OPENED A deoerutlins, Includlntt plain una decei-atea Bnttn, perci'lnln and Uelirmlan wale. Hare ttylni aud deslKiis, lneluaiiitf Llmeurs. Jardl ntres, cameo. lelka Det, ote. 'I hose iroedj cannot bu du'erlbed. but uiutt be seen te be appreciated, as they un the nuiit spot I mens ct trie potter's ait obtainable. Thelatestnov Thelatestnev in aitlstle pottery lr Duke's" ware We hi volt. I-itAlMt i'8 KA8T KND FHAKMACT, '"PP0" Kietrn Market,! We tll reserve any styles eaeen and jay tlmm anlde for Ulirlstuiaa. M.W.r'iw w ATUliSPlUNQ COHSET. BUV THE FAMOU8 WATCIISPRING CORSE WILL NKVEU BBKAK. GUAltANTKED TO OOTWKAR ANY CU8-10M-MADK COUSK1'. Mayer, Strouse Ce., MAHUrACTUllIUS, U111UOAUWAY, K.t. OCl452tM,Th.?eew TWKOVED OUH.ilOivKD KAK OUHE FOK THK DEAK. I'eck'a 1'atent Impreved Cushioned Kar Ururns perfectly nwtore hearing and perform the wera of the natural drum. Invlslbleeem. lertanln nnd always in position. All conver sation and even whispers fliHIncUy. .,;uSJer.,1,."Btntle1 lMKk wn teetlmenUl. rilKK. Address or call en r. lllb(;ei.853 Broadway. Nnw) eik. i .2wdM, rj.OLDlN HPK01P1U. DRUNKENNESS OK TUX tlQUOH HAIHTVOSITlVieLY CUUEU BY ADM1.N13TKUINU DU. 1IA1N1U' eieLUSN st'Kciriu. It can lie given lu a cup of coffin) or tea with, out tne knowledge of the person taklnv It t Is absolutely hiirmluw, and will etrect a ponna penna neni und speedy euro, whether the patleut Is a inudnrnlei drinker or an alcoholic wrek. Thousands et tlrunkanla have ben made tinprttte men who have taken Qolden Bne- u rst 4 fkjl .in KaI t-.v. aWv J .. .. and KMlAy belKivu they qultdrlnklniret their own fn-uwlll. lTA'KVKh lTAllAThe s l. TbB v. lem encu lrur Inmrvsrnalud with the Sneclne. It he. a its- ttbe- comes an tutor linpetnlbtlltv for the Hener niinoille te uxMt. ter mil bv ft ibTta lraiilffea-H CHAS. A., UniKKlst, Ne 9 Kiwt Kln Htroet, LaiiQisler, Pa. BUKB.lvdM,W,r rpLY'a OKJ4AJM. iAi,w. CATAREH-AY FEVEB. kLY'8 CKKAM li ALU cures Celd in Head Lumrrh. UoadUid.Uayrever.Ueafness.Uuad. KiSie. 1'rtiw W CunUi. KASY TO UBk. Kly llre's.OnCKO.N.Y.,U.8,A. CKRAU ltLM Cleanses the Nasal I'iUt.aiK, Allajs l'uln and lnnammatlen. Heals tne. Seres, Restores the Beutce el Taste audHiuelU TttyTUiTcuuir. A particle Is applied Inte each nostril and Is acnxuible. Pilco M ceuta at UruvKlsta : bv mall, rvgUlerud, 60 eenu. KLYI1UOTUKUB, -.!., u Warren Btreet, Mew Yer. nevlMydAw DRT UOODH. s PrOIAL, BAKQAIMH - WINTER GOODS AT THK New Yerk Stere. eevOBty-rive Dctees I,ADII8'MRKt0 VKHT8, Fine QttsJIly Silk, Oat stltchea, Pearl Buttens. l7KcJCach Befttlar PrUe, te. Ona 11 und red Deaens MKX'5 UKAVt OKKYlBJllBVn, KOXach) Ecgulsr Price, JJa Fifty Desens MK K 'fl N AT UB AL . WOOl, 8 IIIRT8, 75e each thought Cheap at Seventy-five Doten MEM'S OAMKLS HAIR HALF BOSK, in Mat- nrat Weel and Solid Celers, Me Pair EosruUrUKaeeodj. LADII&' ALL-WOOL BTB1PKD rklftT8, 11.00 Each Cheap at L. Blity Fain WUITK WOOL BLANK KTB. A Bargain at 2.60 a Pair. . V-i OKKY BLANKETS At 11.(0 a Pair t Lewejt Price heretofore, 11.11. Bpeclal Bargalni in nKAVTCOMrOBTB at 11.(0, I1.M, ILBO Each sse each under usual price. LADIES' STOCKINETTE JACKETS, At 13.10,(1(0,11001018.00150 best value, t sees for the money, WATT &SH AND Nea 6, 8 ud 10 East Einc Ht. J. B. MABTIN OO. Grand Opening -or- HOLIDAY IN- ETEET DEPAETMEIT. CHINA DEPARTMENT. A GBKAT MANY KOTKLTIKB THAT WK UAVXSOLKCONIEOL or 1R THIS CITY- A-3ele Agents ler the Famous Brle-a-Brae, BKLLKUK CHINA, in this city, and the as sortment oeu.lsu of the Lateit Novelties. SPECIAL NOTICE. Te make room for HelUay Goods, every Din. ner Sethi neen Iteductd te Cost. Large as tertment. HAYILAND & GO.'S CHINA. IN ALL THE LATK3T SHAPES. Fish Fets, Gams Set?, Tete a-Tete Bet), Bete BeU, Pudding Kelt, Bene Plates, Bread and L'uiter Plates, Fruit Plates, Soiree Plates, oys ter Plates, iHucre Plates. Immense Assortment of Tey. Are being offered and will be ready for In spection en Saturday. J.B. MARTIN & CO. tVH OH MKST. PU BLIO TJAIiKTeP a" valuable suburban Kmiajnce, .. ., . 'IHCRsnAT, uacuiBSR 1M658. At the leepird howl, tf.xt Jinar street, the prepurty ajjetnlmr Clark's Villi, consisting censisting consisting ntatweHtory Brlek Dwelling with Mansard itoer.conUlQlnir V Uoeais, Ustern, Ueattir In nenlypalnud. Let 40 by sse feet, filled with choice fruit tree j. tmlote.roraiuoooi at 7.:e p.m. of said day, whuu terms will be umdu ki.ewn by dec&-Ud AUU. rtelMOKUL, Auet. 09ITIVK SALK OF VALUABLE ClTYPHOPEUrY. OMTurasDiV, I)rcMBR 13, 1S-8, will toseldatpubllosale,attbCooperHoue, WHflt Klnv street Lne&atMrp.ltc. .. h fal lowing dttteilbeU real eitan, lite the prea. otyef JncebU Krtaly, deceased, te wit i All itatrartMu thiei.stnry llrlaa BtoreHnd Dwelllbv Heuse, situated Ne. , nn the wmt s'deet erth Qoe street. In the city et Lun. raster, Pa,reutHtutiKln Irenton Bald Neith Queen street U feet 3 Inches, nnd extending In de,,th westward of tbat width Si feat 3 luetic, luetic) wliluulng en tne north bMn tn the wldlh et 1'tfrtet (Inches and of ttm wtathlt extend luiiherwtmwardes tuet bHInchts te irreuDd c f i). U. lltrr. adjoining prrpunlts of Jehn L. Miller, C.u. Ilerr and A. C. Kepler, together with Bewer, yard end attev rights, etc. ale te commence at 7 o'eloca p. tn. nf said day, when attendance will bu given and tertus luadeknewnby ALliKUt' H KuKaOY, 1IKNKYO KUKAUY, Fiecutorsef JaoebO Kreadydnn'd. HAWLHg Aurtlnmnr. dl9'd Ai'TOttNjtra. TT UTHKK U. KAUKKMAH, ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW, Second Fleer Xshlsman Law Bnlldlng, Ne. 4 Werth jJekv Street. CM-ifMw SATURDAY, DEC. 8. I raju, stat QKLEOT FAOlt TH LKADKRa aENUINEi" FURS BY THK . LEADING FURRUM.. PLDSH OOOU3 nade te order. A Partem Fit ALeillV IJUT QDALITY ALASKA f?5a.aJmis r,,,TttM .! AtaettSBtat fit V. AfSLf TeJlBi i;lrW .! tbsj KWtWB&8S?J ,IOOO, aasassMs C FDK BOBir, FKOH K $t. CHILDKKH'B TOY TKOKKS for Christ maa. Alse a liaadseaa Ltna of TKAVKLIJia BABS. AU Styles m au pHm. , " Stauffei- & Ce., 81 as 83 North Qaeaa BtresJT, LAKCATKB,rA B OB OBHIBTMA8 I LADIES! COKTKMPLATIHQ TBI PCKCHABK OF Fun or Fur Parmenti FOK CHRISTMAS, MO0LD PLACE ORDKKS AT OKCB t 1N8UKK PROMPT OKL1YKKY. LHAVK YOCB XI1AUSK FOR A CHOICE BEAL COAT OR JACKET, OR 8KLK0T ORB FROM STOCK OK HAND. AMEK 89WB8XKINQST. Laactstcr'i Uifat Prwlicil Hitler I Femir emu QUBBmWA&B. I IUH k MAKTIN. Fancy Goods -AT- GKINA HALL We have new open a Large Assortment of Fancy Goods for Holiday and Wedding Presents, m Doulton, Hungarian, Bodenbach, Stell macber, Carlsbad, Royal Worcester, Japanese Ware, Ac. Haviland Decora ted China In Tea, Dinner, Ice Cream, Chocolate, Berry, Game, Dessert, Pud ding and Seltaire Sets, Ac. Biscuit Jars, Fruit Plates, Celery Trays, Desserts, Teas, &c. Cut and Engraved Glassware, Tea, Dinner and Toilet Sets in Decora ted Porcelain Ware. Antique Decorated China Tea Sets for I7.S0. Piane, Parler Library, Hall and Stand Lamps in large variety and at lowest prices. The Rochester Lamp " The Best." High & Martin, Ne. 15 East King St. OOUJ-tfd TMUNK.B "viv.K H OL1DAY GOODS. Holiday Goods AT M. BABERBUSH & SON'S. ROBES, ULA.NKKTS, TRUNKS, BAGS. POOKET BOOKS, BILL BOOKH, FORBES, OARD CAHES, TOILET SETS. TOY TRUNKS from Fifty CenU te Thre Dollars and a-H&tf. Handsome WUITK BABY COACH ROBES. awitomember we cirry the Largest and uneapeii etecx or these ucefls in the CUV. AT K. laberbusli & Sen's SADDLE. HARNESS; AMU TRUNK STORE, Ne. 30 Centre Square, LANG AST It, FA. w. U KXHUKB, UKNTI8T. Fartleular attention irlTen te fllllrur and preserving the natural teeth. 1 have aU tha latest lmpreTementa for doing litre work at a very reasonable cost. UaTlngyaarsef ex pertenee In the large clUealamsureteglrer the best of satisfaction and aare 'you money heetajrtUolaIteeUealyW.OOpcsA. sMOMra ate.MagjuSaiiaeauuiwr, CLOTB1X0. JULL, MR. Fln Tailoring for the Latest BteralUea, eeaUeM stsriea. UrfSM atsesnasMt of FlasiW ewaWlTSsi tloesialewaaMy,goto - " v H. OERHART'S WyWrw4 lMllaK TtOm. slSOttHOCIII bWBBBh. "y l. Satisfaction v fics awat bewar, as esual. . TROUSERS I ASKEW! . 'XAlLeB Oa, m AD M WMT IIIS srTalUT. r , eBteaaF TKKa MAtturem. IT WILL PAY YOU! IT WILL FAY ANY ng TO LOOK OYIB eca GOOD B1LIOTION OF OVERCOATS. KVKBYSTTLR AND KtND.fBrjaC ST.oexomsoe. OUE KBOSKY OVKBCOATS AT lit, 117,111, AUK VTOHTU BKBINQ. Kyen if yen aent buy of us, you'll knew what te eipeet for thn prlee. Xrery ear taken for your comfort ana every eftert used for elegance and beanty. PBICBS ABB YIBY. BCABONABLB. Hyeis & Eathfen, BXLIABLB OLOXBIBBS, NO. 18 MAST KLNGr 8Tn LAHOABTBB FA ,111''i'"W'""'afswsjwMsBaismisa i . mBE PEOPLE'S CASH BTORK. CLOTHING Made te Order AT The People's Gash Stere. Don't forget it. We can make you a Suit of IClethea, an Over coat or a Talr of Trousers, and give yen as much satisfaction as any Tailoring establishment in the city and at leas cost en the. average. The People's Gash Stere, MO. 95 BAST KINO BTRaWT, LAOAtTKB,FA rALOTOF ' READY;-MADE OVERCOATS, OF OOC OWN MAJlUFqCTURE AT MODERATE FBICE8. wiarl-lyOAw UMBHKttLAH. "VVN.AVVifAV"' - YU8T THE THING. JUBT the thing for a ChrlstMisFreteotter Father, Mether, Sister, Brether, Cousin, Un cle, Aunt or Lerer, is the eyer useful Um brella. JUST THK PLACB. J U8T the place te get It is at tt. B. A UVs 11 Bast King streer. ihey carry the largest assortment t bare the latest styles t ana tbeir prices are lower than the same grades of goods can be had anywhere else. JUST TUBTIMB. JUST (he time te get It-NOW, while thfl assortment Is complete. Select yenr handle and pattern of stlejr, ana hay the goods made np and referred ler yen. Yours truly, R. B. & H., eep29-3md NO. ) BAST KINO ST. MUiaMM snsrismfsmawAiaw. piALL AMD BKJi -THB ROCHESTER LAMP Utyeauidie-Lighti Beau tkeas aU. AnotaarLetof OHBaf aLOBBBfertlM MS ODSterea. tes "paRnaoneM" KBTAL MOULDING BUBBBB OUBHIOB WEATHER STRIP Beats them alLrThH atrip outwears all ethecs. Keeps out the old. step ratling est windows, include the dust. Keep out snow and rain. Anyone ean apply It no waste or dirt mads In applying It. Can be fitted anywhere no hnlMUi hrn. ihSt few naA. It will net mllt. warn ex shrtak enahlen strip U the most Mrfaet. At U Burrs, iUatet ana Bang K5"a -or-: JeLm P. Schaum A Inn, 84 SOUTH QUMMNBT, ' I. a wgi . raw f- - as B rrfi i. .