M M' f r $ " SV if'- Dally Intelligencer. LANCASTER, DECEMBERS, 1888. HerUm charges. the members of the Betka count v bar fmk rety serious charges against the tjMiWet their court. They allege that s-'IfceyTlelaletbelaw by appointing rein. t te plaees of profit and that generally hew favoritism. A committee of i members of the bar was appointed LfarUteaecure redrew from the judges. & Who declined te meet tbem. Thereupon t of them boldly reported these charges theaeaoclatlen, which sustained them i hut three dissenting voices. We will hare te assume that the charges sjn mainly true, net only because they sin thus sustained by the bar, but because jara knew that some at least of the mem- hers of the committee that formulated Av. mahIiI tltiiarlaua hattA maiIa i.aamai wuum u """" "" uime then; they are net men te sec an j thing town in mallee, or te permit prejudice or faetlen te OTerceme their Judgment. And iaany nave aune uum wiug u'uu neiu S& 'k lit? but the clear truth will J ustlfy. II is r1 . & m tr. itftf. tavrnrt nfcanll M.aI jVaW WSJ 5" "JV'" " "' men '(? laitrM. They have tee much Dewer te .:(j4e them Injury. ESS? It Is a sorrowful thing that this Indictment of the Berks judges Bheuld 'heealledier. judge uagenmannas always , en a umicr puuuuuiu imu n j uuge, euu :'-'l m aatntilA nf Hi a rlfl nf min whom nur "fepular sj stem of electing Judges puts Upen the bench. Tbey achieve their "fosltiens by their partisan skill, and can. "'Mt help exhibiting partisanship and , eMsTeiftBltt ii r tfiA lienrh nafiit-a And C'lautflifMtlnn all Ira lnnrl f.hftm in t. fPh .Judicial character cannot abide iu the fcarttsan : and judeea cannot profitably be Ukenfrem among working yeliticaiiH ; p. iiinii uiey (uuuauiy mnuje mil uc, nuu vu j i must be content withEiich justice as we K Te. L .1 SfWJUerKs county suitere, as Lancaster 4jieunty does, from tee great preponder prepender preponder ifance of one political party. All Us officers are elected b7 the nominating "jjoenventlon of one party, and there is no ig)ectlen by the people. The tklllful -t?rNnn1lfliliin eteMn lilmnelf hv rnt.Hn'r .- rr"rr". wv. "-- -' ?n -ve friends chosen te the nominating convention, nnd combining feices with Wether riwdtrtAtM tn nut thrmiffh llieir 'S . . . , .. ... . ,' ... " ...,.. r41HIVei UU UIU JOU 13 UUUUUUUUblUlCtlullJ f;wheu the nominating is tlone at primary ' ?mlilnna an tn rnnventlnn. Tim llrlffl R.rvw ".":..."" v tpuages are net uau juugn unuer 'tbe circumstances. They lire net corrupt or malicious. The charges of favoritism brought against them, we ,:j"iar, weuia ee as wen ureugut ngainsc Smany, and perhaps, n majority, of our '.Judges, who, as we have Bald, are neces isarUy and constitutionally partisan. Per- bapa few of them are se indiscreet ns te Vt lelate the law prohibiting the appoint- ifateent of relatives te ofltce ; but favor te &-1aHv0 la Tin U'nrBA than f.tvnr f n narLI. f'laans. -, Sj Jndge Ermentrout was considered a gMd no complaint ia made of hia ability ilaaaiudtre. The Darks bar wants hlch .L-t.M..Ail..1!t.. a.. Hi.1t Ma 1.I..I. nltl4(... .... jOUght te have it , but It asks a geed deal SKere, we fear, than our system of choes. .' 1...... ,t .... bp.fi wB jhujjm ("uuiuCT ua. ;i .- ,.-.. rr. .:.;: F xiid jib j nen ijiuujuii'. f.'!?' KMrAnrv TtavHril has nntil ivtlli rnm. endable vigor in the matter of the selz- jure of the American steamer iiayiien 'Sepublleby the government of IlujtJ. .Th lilnrknrin pRlnmlahPd liv Miat vnrv 'rLdtAnVxtf.il ttiitVinrllv itfan nttf. flulir nti : iMi"" JwHrinnT.iiii nuuu.; i'hu mwm uiu &u- as international law requires, &m unced &k ad the whole proceeilng se far us the Slicts have been made publle baa the 4 'aspect of an outrage, and a wanton insult SK'tannr flaw. Ttwainnltn niitunil fnr Ilin Wj Iiesltime faction, who hamiened at the s'tlme te be en top in the everlasting Hay & L4tn .(vnmflA etimilrl utifln.ivnr Ia E.t.i s'-f'ifTassel engaged in transporting arms and : itflrenns te their enemies, und that is fust ... --.,, , ,---- ' sue reason way iney bueuiu uu siiurpiy ssaugut me amerence ueinewu me vessels "' an enemy and of a foreign friendly mmta. niKn afw.tvivlae n9 fa .f Inn nvu b gflecce in Ilaytl, and the changes of govern- Xaaenfc'se frequent, that utiless tha protec pretec protec j'litten of our flag is enforced, our ships can wt be safe In these waters. Ne captain I tell certaiuly whether his passengers troeDS or net. and it is net a ;"'pirt of his business te Inquire into the M!lUtlmate destination of his cargo and passengers, even it he knows they are r; assigned for war. This steamer ia said Mia have been seized when iwund for I' ?-, another land, but even if Bhe was Bailing l&airect for l'ert au l'rlnce with the avowed fi-' eblect of lunulnc troens and war material L tl U a vrt I vmil1 Iietta find nr -Irli t eaUa I'f. blockade, and te maltreat nasaentrera nnd cnw.Shemlehtdoanythlncrivitlithecarse si.whcn landed or even prevent lauding. tt, " " j - fV,-It Is rumored that the vessel has already i Men released, hut if net she certainly will j'fceaa seen as the decision of our tesretary $. state Is known there, and our little nfe'Oalena will hardly be needed te enferca !$;tbe demand. This vessel ia a wooden gj erntser of the tlilrd class, carrying eight ; smooth bore guns and in tonnage Is about ?.ee-thIrd the size of the Chicago. She is Krene of the most serviceable relics of the teKaia navv aud It sunnlied wiLh n few sacblne guns might be able te take care Erjnf Kq Tine en .,.,.. (P 41. l.l..l. in. W "' i;neu unij ti tue umuiv IC1JUU11U sbews light. "& The ITcit Tlrulnla Contest. ;?W, iir..iin.i .-.. , .... ff$r " tv ' B,U1D;A'! lUllUVO UCCU (IfkriiX .nisily the prey of the election manipula te. :uetu patties claim the rernetra- .' Hen of fraud ; and It is clear eneunh that one Is guilty. The state is a new en Pi the course of rapid development of its fcswwraj weanu. it has a rugged contour Md a scattered population, largely jaibered in mining hamlets. It has . ih men Interested in its lands and rall- 'jsttds. They are Democratic and Ke. Wlcan in their politics, but chiefly lie- feUIcan. The facilities afforded for tUsgal vetlcg and fraudulent returns have.beeu taken nd vantage of. The U Yerk World is investigating general suhjict el frauds corn el at the late election nmi West Virginia te be u fruitful Mercer and McDowell counties nr the southwestern corner of the state the coal development of the Ner. & Western railroad occurs, miu nd Simmons Creek are mininir Atthelatterlllandatthefermtr' WxH were cast in the name of people eaa no legal resiutnce ibir , ht Elkhorn precinct of McDewtll J 125 such votes were polled. mrtlh l!Wt ew BeruWlcan Tim majorities, and it is evident that the Republican workers were handling them. The railroad which runs in and out of Virginia and West Virginia, en the way te the coal Celd through the mountainous region, facilitated the colenlzjtion of voters and the repeating of votes. It Is net strange that the Republicans counted se much en having Vest Vir ginia. They knew that they bad paid enough and worked enough te get it. It is ene of the states that Quay started out te win ; because of the favorable r gen cles he formed there for carry ing it, They seem te have just missed getting held of it ; the legislature bsing Democratic by about ene majority, the Democratic congressmen having very narrow majorities, .and the Republican candidate for governor being apparently chosen in the face of the returns ; which however will be scrutinized before they are permitted te give him his seat, the Democratic candidate having given no tice of contest. IX the BpanUh province of UsUlenla, according te consular reports a leading In ilmtry If the manufoeture of bricks by lnd at 15 69 a thousand, whleh are chiefly for expert te Cuba. Considering the faet that Catatonia Is tbeuiands of miles wy and the machine made bricks of the United suites close te the Cuban market tbla Is a commercial curiosity. Anether fleurlnhlnjr luduitry Is the manufacture of fleer bricks, white and red, and ayi Indus square, The bright red color Is obtslned by applying befere cutting a bath or worm need te the brlckr, using a very plaille red clay. t n i. Tji&RBBppearstobea lair pretpect of another Soudan campaign for the conquest or the Mabdl by England almpjy because the followers of that African myatery will net let their neighbors alone In the laud of Kfcypt, and oppese all movements by way et the Conge or otherwlie ler the exploration and civilization of Africa. Knnlleh pipera are new talking of "amuh ingtheMahdl" Juat as though the little KeglUh army had net come very near being aeiaahed by the Mahdinet very long age. It Ituula could be left te faaat ou Turki-y, while England, Italy and Germany go te weilt en the Inglorious cenqueat et savage Africa, the result might be alto, gather geed for the race and clvlllllen, but there ia no very brilliant hope of aueh au Intelligent use et the Immenae military ettabliihments or Kurepa. They are all stralil of llueala and l'ranee, while France It Rtratd or them all and Kuaala ia afraid of heiself, her own people. Therefore, Knglnud will probably have le fight it but aloue if he cuociea le capture Airlca. A omtiesiTT.ln Journalism la the Guato Guate mBia ,stur the wcekly Kngllah edition or "La UUrella de Ountmnlr." The page li about thoHlijeltholKTKLLiaiSNCKii, but tbe type li enormeu, a leading edlteral en the first ptge leeks like a selection from a child's primer, the letters being a quarter of au Inch long. Thore ere four page, one belng tilled with a few advertHernenta and the prlce of th la weekly la 76 cents a month, fO a year, advertising ten ceuta a Hue. Tjih Philadelphia Evtnlng Telegraph, whleh loses no strength na a Kepublleau organ by lta dlipoalllen te be fair te lta political opponent, declares that the Dam Dam Dam oeratlo natleual administration bu glven an honest support te civil seivlee reform In the face of tllfneulllce whleh the world will never appreciate; and ltelteathe fact that twe-lhlida et the 8.000 olerka at Waah Waah Waah lugtonBreIlepubllcanaj which will be aid knowledge le the cxpeetanl horde of ollleo holders, And did you ever knew such a hungry set et wolves as the Kepubllcan party in being resolved Inte 7 There must be aome dllftrcBee in a Democrat's and a Kepubllean's pbyaleal constitution j both are hungry for elllce, but the Kepubllcan hunger ia et a distinctly atteneer degree, even maniacal In Its foree. Just leek at the swarm gathering about our poa'.etllcel It includes almeit every city politician that you ever heard of j an J aome you never heard of. A DlBFATCU announcing the arreat of an Irredentlat at Vonleo waa crowded from our oelamns en Monday by the preaaure of mero Important telegraphic matter, but the lnoldeut la of aueh profound ahrolileanco that aome notice of It appears le be nocoa necoa nocea aary. Kxaetly what It signifies we are net prepared te state. The facts as tereely given by this cable message are tbeae: An lrrcdenllit en his way from Reme te TrliHte was arrested upon suspicion of having dealgna upon the llfe et the Era. perorer Austria, "it la believed that the man Intended te carry out the plan dur ing the stay et his 'majeity at the eaatle or Mlramare, en the Adriatic, where he pissed the fortieth anniversary or hia ascent iu inn in rene. " This Blguiaeant arrest must produea a feeling et uneasiness and creeplnesa all ever Kurope and wherever the Irredentists ream they will be regarded with suaploien If they aie net arrested with the same. Perhaps the gentle reader would like te knew what an Irredentlat la Tell it nnt in Oetham, whisper It net in the streets or Asoalen, but e would we I Unless "Irish dentist ia Kngllsh for Irredentist tbe nutter li entirely myatleal. We could underBtana tbe arrest et an Irish dentist en suspicion et anything particularly hearties beoause ene of them was dotrcted net long Bge in an etlert te extract our skeleton by meansef a wisdom ioeiu mat naa grown around the bone. Webster fall hopelessly te threw any light en thin ebwure question aud the rule being "when iu doubt take tbe trlek" we would aegKest that the Immigration or Irish dcu tUt be prohibited at onee. They may ba ou u par with Anarchists. PEKbONAL. ..I!KN Y' lu i'AUKKn, pna'er of Christ ISplscepal church, of Oawean, k. H mtst-lne, Hin! ills famllv anil frlfniian, ,..,. no trace of him. OKNEiiAr. K. E. Sn.N.NKn, ex-treaanrer ? ,l'Hunited Htatee, who in at l'able Bench.tja, writes te a frlfnd that he la nearly blind, lie has a aere ou his lace that his phyblclan, Dr. Mitchell, or Chicago. BS3SI4U Bpeclcs ofeanror. General Hniu ner Is rerblddeu either te read or write, and he has Ulsnbnyed orders iu thU cawe, he says, with diaieully and palu. Ue iaeleutv. Bix yeara uld. " J MAJen GKNKnxr. Remetn H. Atiik. U. IS A., died suddenly atD'eit ilamiuuu en TucsdBi', Btier uu Illness of fcbveral luentba, gced Ci veara. llevnflmn.,n missiened brevet second lieutenant et the fourth Artlllciy July 1, 1847, aud tesa by tucceiTe promotion te brevet ualer-Keu-brel March 13, ISM. He was promoted alx times ter gallant and merllorlena sorvleo during tbe late war, and waa mustered nut of volunteer service April 30, 18C6. In Da. ceuaber, 1870, be was tranifdned te the ., J'd AHillery. with which he remained until January, 1879, when he waa appointed colonel or the Heoend Artillery, and atatlened at bt. Francis' Barracks, 8'. Augmtme, Fia. He had been en the sick wiiiMuiy eixut iceuthH. a wile and two daughters survive him. """' 1'Hrer.M rined tar VtatWj. Geerge Heehellt, aelerk, and blsvflf nf OatitOD, O, were ou Tuesday find TlO and oeHieaslj by the mayor ler burning thir 0 year-cld dhUnter en the hand wliti aud het poker at a punishment ter story tell we. ATI Intelligent parson wbn hnrtwiu "'Ni rne.um a oeit'e' nfalmin Uli H - tfS l h nirtucureswelllum.buns.orwennn. AU drut.ts fcuu it at IwSniyn?; ceiaa S Kl t!!1."".'? Coagh Byrup ahenld ba kept In LANCASTER DAILY WA17AMAKB.TH rsstADBiraiA, Wednnaaar. Dee. 8. IMS, We are doing from fifteen te twenty-five per cent the best today en Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs. A bread statement, Yes, but there Isn't guesswork about it. you say. a bit of We keep a careful finger en the pulse of traae. we knew, be can you. Held up the first one we come te. Sheerest Linen Cam bric with the seeming of silk that only comes te the finest hand spun flax. Machine worked linen never gets that delicate lustre. Swiss work ; like a silken cobweb, Net overloaded with embroidery ; just a delicate scattering of sprigs and sprays, and a daintily scalloped edge. The quietly rich sort of Handkerchief that any lady would joy te carry. Twenty modest designs, 75 cents each, The linen alone is worth $1.25 as linen prices go. Flowers have bloomed but once since we sold precisely the same Handkerchief at $1.75 each. Here's another glance : Wemen'a Hnmuitchefl atfl Kmlirr)t!eral llanakerehlpfs, nxr. Ma 23c sw u . 0e e, 10c, 0!e, 75c, Wr.sJe, u. ' Women's ticaliejwa ncd Embroidered. llnnakerchlBfs, e, n)c, Mc, 435 6De. 8Vj, t 75, si, 18 23, SI, lotOeacli !'""' llemmittliea und Kmbreidcraa UlndkorehloN, ai and 'i3a. Hinia' Hoaliepot nnd Kmbreldsiel lland kerchlefi, ), S3, uuauc It's hand embroidery, net ma chine, that we're talking of, and the purest of linen every time. The cost of embroidering has gene up in Switzerland and Ireland, but you'd never mis trust it from these prices. The Handkerchiefs come te us di rect from the manufacturers. Yeu would pay mere for the same goods in eitiier Londen or Paris. Outside these regular prices there are four in Women's Handkerchiefs that specially te : we point Wemen's 1'liHn Whlte Ilomilltctiefl, un. Hunfletciil, 73e n dezrn. aaine, luinnlurttl, Mj '0. H 8, ii 10, li 10, 13, IU.O, nnd Women's llnrestltrlird InltlM HftnOkcr. jsume, a llttle better, lXkckch. "ulIJ,V Weiiieu-d 1'ilntwl liijinstltehfd IHnflkcr- chlefj, prlutad initial, very prow, II 2J Quite as ready in Men's styles : lln'a rialn Hommefl Tape LorJere.l IUiutknieliltf', litotarbte 17 filudcxen. Sami, cxlm larKi., ti 4, i.kii K rtemm. Men's UeiuttllLhed und rtiubroiatred.GJe tnen M ".'? """"tljched. nnnnlshcd, 1!XJ rsch. usun .elltnH rer voe. WS.,.'5.1'AV,li,w.I:KV ,mlt-hcdJi llnnd. ,?'.'lK',f'.1'.,ln"1Mue11 " I'U. mVa?.5 )M ?.j w " 7 i. 311 deaun Men a llvtujittchud llundkurchlefi ii.w, u . $3 10. is, i7 te. tn. tn 11 ai, ; m. ' s1UmiUlehtrt una 1'Hnte.l, 13 new ?in5J,Ifr,',";?;t at'b'u en Ke:d qunltty imVafAVft ?.".' lMg6r' Buc ' .'ii",'".,fn''' ,tt n Joe". Kxtra large fiuaan"'' 'wtastle detljirs, 7 2?a llxn's Iultlsl, unlAiindered. l!e each ! latinflexxd. aj.4u.Kaaaoeou.il. ! thlerdlnicsi!uboies,l03abex. A wera about the "box" business. The common way is te sell you a box and threw the Handkerchiefs in that's about what it amounts te. Even coarse, common Handkerchiefs have a chipper leek when in a lancy box. We turn the nlan end for end sell you the hand kerchiefs cheaper than you can get them anywhere else and threw in a fancy box with each half dozen. Have you a doubt as te where the handkerchief trade of Philadelphia centres ? Just the same with Linens of all sorts. Southeast and southweit 01 contra JOHN WANAMAKER. OOMVltHXWN I'UWDBK. QOMFLEXION POWDKii. LADIES WUU VALUK AriNEU COUl'hlUlON POZZONI'S MEDIUaTEU COMPLEXION POWDER. .iillmir.ru bTlni.nt transpartincy te tie ciSm.iOTeal1 l"lt9.irwkleH ii-d ou. 01i SALE 11Y All Drugarlate and Fancy Geeda Doelora flvcrywhore. f"JWAUK Or lMlT.VriO.NB.-M mirJUvd yATOHsrfuNu ceitsar. BOV TllK FAMOUS WATCHSPRING CORSE WIl.Ii NKVElt UUUAU. OUAUAKTKKO TO O0TWKu ANY CUB-lOM-llAUK tuuiisr. Mayer, Strouse Ce., MANurACTunr.11?, 413 KUOAUWAV, N. Y. octJMtU.Th.Seow i.fl. 1. Wl.Y'H OlllIAM JiAlii:, CATAEEH-AY FEVER, RLT'fl CKHAM Ba'lm eurw) Celd in Head tftUrrh.KoseCeJd,lIayrover,l).aJnMs,Iload. Bre's, Onge. N. v., U. B, A. y fSg'I'lg" " Cleanses the Na-al BM?ffli5,!! i.alu Rna luflammatlen. anaHiSefi8010'' Ketere tn Sen.es et Taft itOTlWjMw Warrea Btreet e fk. INTELLIGENCE!, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER pUKE MAbT WHISKY. DUFFY'S Pere -yea- MEDICINAL USE. KO FUSEL OIL. IhU Ore&t ItemeHy li net a beversRP, but edb of ite UreaUst I Itcoveilea in medern tntdtcal sclnce. ihnra are mere thin four hundred phjrslelans In Mew Yerk almia tbat rirescrlueniiduiBlt cunstantlr tn taelrprae ice. imffeolliie prevoet Fneomenla and Consumption 1 avoid Malaria and reretat tone np tbe system nnd bnlld rip waste lluue. It ta ondericd by tomprance men and women ana commended for lta medicinal qualities ny me eierv. it is etd universally, elne. Becure enly the gen- THE DUFFY MALT WHISKY CO., ) KUOUKBTKB.M.Y OIjOTIITPru. ! hi m sai'sssiis M; KROHA.NT TA1LOKINO. Mc&EANir & JSTOWEBI, MKUOIIANT Tlt.O US-NO. 41 WKST BINUttlU&Ur. sarepea KTcrjr EvonlnglhtsMentli. IVl'KN KVUHY KVKNINQ IN DB V VI JKUDEK. The Secret of Success, t Yeu will readily understand It filter you have seen our goods nnd heard our prices ; it makes otlier merchants Bterm and pout when they see our goods worn and the prices paid for them ; you can tell this by remarks we hear. Nothing is Impossible at this ndvauced stage of civiliza tion. Pair Dealing, Lewest Trices, Uest Qualities and Choicest Styles. Yeu will find a large and well selected assortment of GentB', Youths' and Beys' Clothing at Positively the Lewest Trices. Plfty Dezen Nulural Undycfl Weel Undertveir, were ai.GO each ; new ei.2C. These goods are equal te any 82 00 goods Iu weight aud durability; ether grades in cndlejs variety, from 17c te S2 00. Special Inducements -A Gent's riuolmperted Far lieaver Over coat, made equal te custom work, in Llack or Brown, 10 ; these are fully werlh lfl. We have about CO of tlieni, and as the goods canuet be duplicated we will sell them off at this price. Any ene in need of a co!d blast protector should call nnd leek at them. Gloves I G!ove3l Such an assortment. Yeu would get tired waiting were we te show you all. We have a flnoletof Working nntlDriving Gloves, genuine Deg Skin, 1 25. A Streng Oil Tan ned Leather, wool top and ileece lined, 75.3 ; worth $1.00. Genu Genu Ine Buck, wool top, ileece lined, dl.00. Heavy Scotch Woolen Gloves and Mitts, 25c te COc. Alse a full line of Dress Gloves. HIRSH & BROTHER, Leiding Clothiers & Merchant Tailors, CORNER OP N QUEEN ET.&OHNTRDBQUARB, LANC'ASTKlt, VA. rers, iC7. rpeYs, & TOYS. Our stock et Toys nnd Ch'lstmss Goods U new en eilllbttlOU una In larauranil nmir lliin ever. MEOII AN10AL TOYS, TIN AND IRON TOYS, VKLOCIPUDES, hXl'KKSS WAGONS, DOLL OAKK1AGES, HLEIGUS, THEB OUNAMENTd, Jte. Our Stock Is for tbs inuUliudoanaeurprlces ir,A"'J!l.a,.",B ttOOlIKSlKIl I.&MPmakesa FLINNiBRENEHAN, Ne. lfia North Qucfln Street, l.nuj.1, NOl'lUis. DJSTAJE OP A. U. TONKR, rrT.,la,e. if. .Lancaster city, deceased. LotUisetadinlnlstrailoiionsaldestAtehaTlnir bwii ; If ranted te the undersigned, all persons ludebtdtheinteani rt'niusud tomakelmuie temakelmuie tomakelmuie ilUte payment, and ihote having claims or denimidsHKulnst thu euuie, will prwent ihem Mtheut duluy for settlement te th under- :WtMSS5rM 0- er,u Un,be"y f. .J-UCKTONKB. Administrator. Lrewm A llimsst, Attorneys. nl-6tdw "CJOMDA Y OOODS-JUaT OPENED a ri..1!?0 Ie'fo,,etl "t petlciy In beautiful aeoerallniB, inc.uaiiiK f.un, ind 0eceried J;tii. leic-lli, md is.titralau waie Burn stytHSHUdaemgn. iuciuaiu Llmnves, Jardt. n.res. mmwi, c.iiit uet, ete -Jh-ue goedi SPl,.CiV.,'J,.,,,h.e'.'lrr11'0 a"" "PWl-nens Ti "".".".""Bitebulnabli.. '1 he latest nor. haveU. V0111? "Duke's" wuig. We JfBAILEY'a EAST KND l'HABMAOY. w .in -. 'Plelt Kasturn Market.) thWm Mii f2Jc.f, tny t j l4 chosen analiy wamuiaejerunrlitniai. M,W,rw Ma list HIRSH BROTHER r ALA OH Of rABIUOfi. Q.KAND OPEN1KQ OF CHRISTMAS GOODS -AT- ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East Kine Street. Lancaster, Pa., THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, December 6th & 7T11. Twe Grand Opening Days. We have mere surprises in store for you than we had last year. Bring your children with you. It is the grandest display of Christmas Goods ever seen in Lancaster. An endless variety el Dells. Mere than two thousand dells will be en exhibition, from the small ten-cent dell up te the largest French liisque. Thousands el ether and useful things, both mental and useful. Albums, Autograph Photograph, in plush leather. Toilet sets, Manicure fancy erna- and and sets and Shaving sets. Photograph Frames and Mirrors, Papeteries, Scrap Al bums, Beeks, Christmas Cards and Games. Brass Novelties, Ink Stands, Thermometers, Oder Cases and Paper Cutters. Baskets ler fancy work and flowers; Werk Baskets and Scrap Baskets. Leather Goods, Pocket Beeks, Purses, Card Cases, Cigar Cases, Photo Cases, Hand Bags and Writing Tablets. Silk Handkerchief and Christ mas Handkerchiel Bexes. Umbrellas, fancy hardwood handles, and geld and silver mounts. Handsome Souvenirs given with every purchase of one dol lar or mere. Souvenirs for Beys and Girls, i. e., Drawingfj.Slate;j, given with every purchase of Christ mas Goods, amounting te one dollar or mere. , We extend a general invita tion te all te our Grand Christ mas Opening. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, 6th and 7th. ASTRICH BROS. IjADUI& COATH. T li. MARTIH 4 OO. LADIES' CLOTH NEWMABKEIS. $11.00 Made of an Ali-Weel Cleth, with an InvistblH Stripe, Bell Sleeves and Corset Back. $11.00 Newmarket in Large English I'lalds, Braid Bound with Half iioeu. 117.00 NewmarkotsaremadeofaBlack leaver, Angel Sleeves, Gimp Braid and Clese Fitting. MISSES' NEWMABKETS. 1.00 Misses' Newmarkets, Meire Stripe, with Cape, the Latest Pat tern for Misses this Season. $5.00 Misses' Newmarket, Tlaid, with Cape, the Choicest Garment Made for Yeung Ladies this Season. LADIES' CLOTH JACKETS. $4.00 Steckinette Cleth, All. Weel, Tai lor Murte and Tape Bound. The above Jacket Is a Special Bargain. Ladies' Cleth Jackets at All Prices, from the Cheapest te the Very Best Manufactured $4,50. $5 00, $5.60, $3,60, $10.00. $500.00 WORTH OF SHAWLS Reduced te prices that will make them move rapidly. Deuble Blan ket Shawls, fu long, square and plaid centres. Extra Heavy Blanket Shawls, double, reduced te $0 and $4 25. Heavy Blanket Miawli. double, reduced te $3 60. Heavy Deuble Shaws that did sell for $ 1 60, new $ i 75. Single Blau kbt Shawls $1 CO SincIeiBIankt-t Shawls new $2 60. $250 Single Blanket Shawls new $1 60. $l 50 Single Blanket Shawls new $1 00. Shoulder Shawls $1 00 Shoulder Shawls new 75c. J75e Shoulder Shawls new 60s. 60a Shntiliier Shawls new 85s. Me Shoulder Shawls new 25c. Bhck Thibet Shawls at Lewer Prices than they have ever bcen sold. J.B.MARTIN, & CO. PIANOS A.D OKGAKX. QUOlUEUOLlDAy UIFT& Choice Holiday Gifts. With music, mirth and a mu'tltude ofswret eounea. no guet you I a Merry LhrUtmai aud Uappy alw leaxl PIANOS AND ORGANS. Accerdeanp, Autchtrp. Banjei. Bavles1 C artnets. Ceintts. mums. FIU. Hsgeelets, riulef, Uullurs. Hurmenlcm, Jews Harps, siaaaellns. uraslnas. l'lccrle-, TambeurlnrF. Triangles, Violins, OichastiiU and Band In' strumutiti. -lhoKlOTeuroaraw of the Choice Must. CftlUltts wahavalniiiK:tt for the Holiday Sua. K?t lUse ,uve a rmu ee'cilen el MUSIC Kirk Jehnsen & Ce,, 24 WEST KINO BTRBET, li&NCASIXB, TA. 2t-ygir 5, 1888. a ttoea tins. JjjEW AND FKKSB Holiday Groearin. Water ana riarenna; Kitraeii "" K0M An tnlDjr rem want ler your tabla tupplf. will tr ar.0. plauii Vu w" &KOKur WIAXT. Cor. West King ana Water a u. KTW CANNED dOODS. 100 CASES DEW DROP CORN JUST IN. W. A. Reist & Ce., HIGH GRA.DU QROOIIRS, An Meaainartsra for the Dew Drep Brana Conned ar.d uettlel Ooeaj. p wu Dew Drep Cern. Dew Drep Peaa, Dew urep feans. Dew Droe Tc matees. Dsw Drep Fancy 1'eichM. Dew prep 3 agar BlieeO. reaches. Dew Drep ivua Aataraica. Dew Drep Whole Salmen. Dew Drep whole lobster. Wh,u5 "P B?K BHcea Apricots. Whole Tomatcej iu glass and Ue for trying-. Fpeclal Prices in 1 Dcz. and Case Leb. !79Ie (toedsaretoaay theflncatpaekea centilning no pouenuus matter whatever. W. A BEIST & CO, COB. KAST KINO A DTJKB BT8. 4WTKI.KPIIONK AND ritEK DKLIVEST. T BURSKU TBLE SYRUP LOWER. 'J ha mannfsctn'ers or ninrmn irnnn righting each ether, and during the engage- ....!. ,ue uiiiuui leuemt it dropped Be a rat. Ien, and as Itttruck bottom we OAUOI1T A CARLOAD. TlIElll LOSS IS YOUR GAIN. We are newselllnR at 8c a qaart sane uaeia "" ""7 ey rup, mueli finer, only lOe. Pure Sugar Syrup. TIIK MKST IN THK MABKKT. m Crep ITew Orleans. lrOB CUKISTMAS 1IAK1NG. mrn a uniy jmy the Open Kettle, Genuine i"rew. uoeaujtBors. p7i,f?2i.A,i.if !,",? ftr "nee Meats and BrlUEa j we buy only tha bust. BURSK'S! NO. 17 BAST, KING STREET, I.ANOASTXB, l'A. (1KEAT BARGAINS! reTst AGAIN LEHDING OFF, OurlOaLtKht Table Melassaa reduced te 8e a quart, flew can we oe ltr Jly buying a whole oirleaii-whloh we did. lTrlu alea your HetUes.JuKS and I'ltchera. UW WJtIUAVK IT I That rine, Hweet UrlodBccfateoaBi. Take ?.,SSka.J,Jryj .V Window-West side. Be" at 9e s Jleef at UHe j Tenders and Knuckles at iSA,lc? "tt,n,8.ttt e- Inmost Beer Tenguf I B!7J0, I;.Beatbugar.I,eaI Cedflsh. ioek at tbe window long aud well. BTKP ABOUXU THK COKNBtt wtayi!? 7."1 b0 at th5 'eurth Wtndiw West Bide. Here you will see a display or '."PW: "K8' Oranges, Ae. uup,a'01 ii?i,2J,.,5,.,Tr'-Wetwae' oentolni anna ?iffi iSfiS1 klnfls et 'erelBn and Domelue GeSSs!"1 W,naew a flne alsPIy et Bottled ,rs.t,w,naew' a,( P'Ry of Canned Gnefls. il.lJajr reu '""toralookattharnall '""teralookattharnall '""toraleokattharnall Thanks8yivlE1t.,0m0U"ng you mi,y want t0 Chase ft Sanborn's ramous Ccffaer-Jnstwhat whnyeu will want ler ThnksgTlng. ,n?uff',8I'urSBw6etc,(!er- Hncemeotet8e. i??Jna120 f.B- raradUe Meadow, OaoCea and Jersey Cranberries. Martha WashinirtnS ?.mery,Bn,t.tlea ri0T' rureHeney.Sfts ler 2,e (alsr.. Heney In bottles, with or with out comb. Hvaporated l'eachea. AcDlesTAn. ricets. ggg l-iums, Praneaaa. BuncSPBalslns; seedless nalslna. Currants, timen ina OrDKe K-!l!fg,lS.'5n t,t,I?n- 6henbarss ana wSSut Uncles'. ' WUU' Caaltt liMheStiV.1 "ne of Cann,1 ana BetUed Goods t,t!2i6mbr w nava 1n' largest Stere. C.aLTb,e9JeuS,TnCc,.a?na "" 'tlen! J. FRANK REIST, W1IOLE3AI.S AND BKTA1I, UBOOXB, Kerlheist Cerner West King and Frlaea Htreeti, I.ANOABTEB.fA. aWTt'inphene and rr-w l)llverv. UMBKZLLAt. TUST TUB THIKQ. . uiiAvvwwfiyiyrjvJ JUSTth9thlncer a Christmas l'rejent ler fathsr, Mether, Sister, Brether, CeuBln, Un Un eo, Aunt or l.u7er, is the erer.uselul Um Um brel'a. JUbTTUK PLACE. JUST the place te get It Is at B. B. A H.'s 14 Kast King street. Ihey carry the largest assortment) havatha latest styles i andttielr prices are lower than the same grades of goods can be had anywhere else. JUST TUS TIME. JUST the time te get lt-NOW, whlle the acscrtmsut Is complete. Select your handle and pattern et rtler, qui have the goods made np and resorted ler you. Yours truly, R. B. 8c H., snp2t-3md NO.HEASr-KINa ST. aU 6-M iT UMMJJUU, ,uOJJ. QALIi AND HKB -THE ROCHESTER LAMP Sixty Candle-Light Beata them aU, mother Let of cubai ulebeu ter uaa an'1 THB "PBBFDOTIOM" AX.tt.h MOULDING BUBBEB CUSHlO WEATHERSTRIP Ittalg them MUX his suit) uuiweara all etnera. Keeps out the cold. Btep rattling of windows. exclude the dust. Keep ent snow and rain. Anyone can apply It no waste or dirt made in applying it. can ea mvaa anyw here no holes te bem, ready for use. It iu t net anlit. warn or shrink a cnsHlen stn or shrink a cnshlen strip Is the most nerftset. At the Blare, Usater ana Bang : -op.- Jehn P. Sehanm & Sens. 84 SOUTH QUHN BT, bAJKLiMTBasirA. CLersiire. Fine Tailoring war tas LatMi KerelUet, enlna weetaMTalX Uttftrnm. prteea as low as any, go te H. GERHART'S Qftiy Direct IrapwllBf IVOIcr. OKTH QUKSH BTKKE.M. T7ALUE I Satisfaction wbt liven me the extensive Mlmau. thTcfty.0 Wesu -rpiawU tSttJ r lieta xwATDenm. as ubuai. TROUSERS I la8w?fchlVJa4UOn U-Uea . ASKEW! SfTAILOR.- 0. M AUD MS WUT KUTO BTatFET, . 097mM JIERS A KATHFOH, IT WILL PAY YOD! IT WILL PAY ANT ONE TO LOOK OTEB OUA GOOD SELECTION or- OVERCOATS. KVEBTBTTLK AND KIND, TBOM 7.00 IO23 00. u OVa KBBSRY OVKBCOATB AT 16, 117. :s. AUK WOBTU SEEING. Even If you don't buy of us, what te expeet for thit price. K knew taken ter your comfort and every effort ussd ears FBICKS ABE VEBY BEASONABLE. Myers & Eathfen, BELIABLK CLOSH1EB8, NO. 12 BAST KINO ST., LANCASTER FA riLOTHINQ I CLOTHING I L. Gansman & Bre,, Men's, Bejs' and Children's CLOTHING. Our Clothing Is strictly reliable, lta excel, lence of quality, style and fit can be de pended upon. .Men's fculis, 5 0?, 7.00, I10.C0, 1120, il.C0, 916.00. Men's Overceats, IUM, W.oe, 16.00, 18.00, 110.00. Men's rants, ll.M, 2.00, 91S0, 13 (0, M 00. We can give you hotter quality and making In our g-krments for that money than any ether home in the city. See ear srreat line at theabeve prices. Beys' Salts and Overcoats At Extremely Lew Prlcej. Men's Storm Overceats at I5.C0, 1700, 18 00, See our Ail-Weel Bults te order at 11100 IK 00,118 en, tis oe. They are geed value for the money. Handsome O verce&ts te order at au.OO. lis CO. 120.00. 123.00. ' Itnmonse assortment at moderate prices. Can you afford te miss this 7 L. GANSMAN & BRO., UANUrACTUBEBB OF Men's, Beys. and Children's Clothing, B. W. COBNEB NOBTH QUEEN AND OBANGE BTBEETS, L ANCABTEB, PA, mHE PEOPIiE'S CASH STOnB. CLOTHING Made te Order -AT- Tbe People's Casb Stere. Don't forget it. We can make you a Suit of Clethes, an Over coat or a Pair of Trousers, and slve you as much satisfaction as any Tailoring establishment in the city and at less cost en the average. Tbe People's Casb Stere, HO. 25 BAST KING STRBBT, LANOA3TEB, PA. A LOT OK- READY,-MADE OYERCOATS, or euu OWN MANUFACTURE AT MODERATE FBICE8. it r- LS : "VU&artri -v.