Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 05, 1888, Image 1

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LKASRU Br.B.aYl-1.
Secretary Bayard Bays aa ImiIm ataa-ef-
War trill Be Mat te rert-aa-Prlac 10
Demai-d tbe Vessel's Baleata.
What the Skip Unu Bay.
A. lellflr from Secretary Bayard te the
ewneta of tbe ateamer Haytlen Republic,
which la held by theHayilena ee a prise,
having been oendemntd ler running tbe
blockade. tl made nubile la Nav Yerk
oe Tuesday.
Tbe secretary declares the te'ture Ille
gal, and atale that an American man-of-war
will be dent te Port-au-Prtnee te de
mand tbe ateamet'a releaae. It la expeeted
that within the next tweniy-foer beura tbe
V. B. corvette Galena will eall from tbe
Broek lyn nary yard und.rerd ere te pmeeed
with all dispatch te Pert-au Prlnee, Haytl,
the aeat of the revolution en tbe laland, and
demand from the Haytlen government the
release of tbe American steamship.
Secretary Bayard en Taeadsy wrote the
agents or tbe 111 fated Amerlean eteamahlp
that "the validity of the eeliure and of tte
aubicqaent proceedings of alleged oondem eondem oendem
nation of tbe Haytlen Republic cannot be
"J have ee Informed Mr. Preston, the
Haytlen representative at thla capital,"
wrttea Mr. Bayard, "who baa been ln ln
atrueted by hlsseyernment te refer tbe eaee
of the Haytlen Republle te the government
i of the United Btatea."
" I knew that we wenld win, end that
the eelzire of our ship was an illegal pro
ceeding," Bald Mr. lord, of Lord fc Aui
tin, Hie agents. "The Haytlena baveaelced
enr ahlp, have Injured her, exposed the
Uvea and property of Americans, and they
mn.t new stand the oenicquenoer. Presi
dent Cleveland In hta message te Oengrere
struck tbe keynote of the situation of attain
In Haytl when he says that tbe tenure of
power baa been se anatable amid tbe war
of fictions that haa ensued alnee tbe ex
pulsien of President Salomen that no gev.
eminent constituted by the will of tbe
Haytlen people has been recognized aa ad
mlnlstratlDK responsibly tbe affairs of that
oeuntry, and that under oeverot a blockade,
of whteb no reasonable notice had been
given end which deea net appear te have
been efficiently maintained, a seizure of
vessels under the Ameilcan flag haa been
ML Auatln aald that the owners of the
ahlp would leave everything te the govern
ment new. "We sbslt bring suit against
tbe Haytlen government, under General
Legitime," he added. "The passengers
were Ul-treated, one of tbe crew baa died of
vellew fever en beard while at Port-au-Prlnee,
and tbe Uvea of all tbe offleera and
crew have been endangered."
Mr. Preston, the Haytlen minister, aald:
"1 think It would be verv Improper for
me te make publle tbe official communl cemmunl communl
eatlons which 1 have with your govern
ment." Admiral Gherhardt aald be was sur
prised at Hecretary Bsyare'a declsen. "If
the navy department deetdea te asnd a ahlp
te Haytl," be said, "there Is the corvette
Galena. Bhe can te get In readiness at
short notice and la an efficient little ahlp.
Then there U the Yantle Just out of the
dry deck. She, tee, will be ready for aea
within a (ew days, and tbe Blohmend may
be cleared in a week. I think tbe Galena
la tbe vessel which will be aent, if the navy
department abeuld order me te dispatch a
ahlp te Fert-au. Prlnee te-morrow."
The Washington correspondent of tbe
New Yerk Herald telegraphed bis paper
en Tuesday night:
X called en Secretary Bayard at his resi
dence te-nlgbt, and although very buy
he consented te aie me. The information
that I gave him concerning the release of
tbe Haytlen Bepnblle was the first news
that be hsd en the subject
He told me thru If tueshlpwaa released
it was dene In pursuance of the presenta
tion made by President Cleveland. Se
seen as the real fae!a In tbe ease were
brought te the attention of our government
it was net long in reaobleg a decision as te
Its psrcgatlves in the matter. A small
republic was engaged In a domestle brawl,
and assumed, without any authority,
the position of a belligerent nation. In
this capacity it aaw lit te aelze and
detain a steamer flying tbe flag'ef the
Uilted States. The alleged reason for
thla net was that the Haytiea Republle con
tained arms and ammunition, and tbe
aelzare a few days later of an ISngllsb ahlp
abews that tbe Hytli n government bad es
tablished a blockade against all nations.
This is in direct violation of all Interna
tional law. The custom Is. when any gov
ernment contemplates nueb a step, te have
tbe blockade first effected and established,
and then te notify the maritime nations of
the world that tbe perta of the oeuntry are
blockaded. This was net done by Haytl.
"When thAe facts were brought te the
attention of the atate department prompt
action was taken by our government.
There ia no telegraphic communication
with Pert-au-Prince, and all newa by cable
must come from Santiage de Cuba a two
days' sail and the news you bring me con
cerning the release of the ahlp must have
been aent from there. Tbe erew of the
Haytlen Republle and Mrs. Compten, the
wire of the captaln,bave given their version
of tbe atialr. Before this information waa
published, however, tbe government had
taken decisive steps In tbe matter, with tbe
result whleh you have Just told me."
Te Dliplaes tbe Bteo'eral Collage.
Representative Stene, of Kentucky, en
Tuesday introduced a Joint resolution pre
posing sn amendment te tbe constitution
providing that the president and vlce pres
ident aball beobesen eveiy fourth year by
the direct votes of tbe people.
The resolution provides that the beard
autherised by the laws of each state te
count the votes for state ofileers, aball also
count tbe vote or the state for prealdent
and vlee president, certify tbe result under
oath and transmit the same te the proper
officers of the government before the
second Monday In Dseember next suc
ceeding tbe eleotlen. On the first Tues
day after tbe second Monday In De
cember next succeeding tbe eleotlen the
speaker of tbe Heuse aball, at 1 o'clock
p. nx, Inform tbe Heuse that the hour has
arrived for oeuntlng the votes. When the
votes shall have been counted the speaker
shall Inform the Heuse of the result
Apsragraphef the joint resolution for
bids the holding of any loeal or state eleo elee eleo
teon, except for members of Congress en
tbe dsy set span ler ins election ei prti
dent and vlee president. The election la te
takeplaoeentbe first Tauday of Novem
ber. Threatened Hy Whits caps.
Mr. Welch, of Columbus, Ohie, has re
ceived tbe follewing: "Dear Sir I am
eaptain of the White Caps, and am looking
up men who drink and abuse their famllle,
and you are among them. Take warning
from thlr. It you don't we will use tbe
blacksnake." Tbe signature te tbe letter
nlntnrn nf a blacksnake whip. Mr.
Weloh,whe resides en Msplestreet, la badly
frightened, and says be will never drink
another drop. Burr MeCnwan, a colored
mall carrier, of Delaware, Ohie, received a
postal card, purporting te oeme from tbe
White Caps. On tbe card was tbe follow
ing : " B. a. U. and D. Destb. Ne negre
Democrats allowed Upheld ctuea. Cheese
ye Republicanism or death. Beware of
White Caps. Dead men tell no tales." Mr.
MuOewen leeks upon tbe matter aa a Jeke.
The exeltement about "White Cape"
ia Southern Oale continues. Just new a
troublesome state of stTtirs exlils in Cler Cler
eont county, growing out or sn ttfert te
drive oelored children nut of the schools.
Seme eblldren were forcibly ejected, and
their parents went bale.-e tbe grand Jury
and gave testimony In tbe matter. Htnee
then tbe beuses of these colored people
have been assailed after nlgbt with atone,
and windows and doers broken down, in
some plaets tbe oelored children are
guarded te and from school.
Clly Prepsttlcs Withdrawn.
The properties belonging te the estate of
tbe lata Jehn A. Helmsn, en North, Locust
and Beaver atresia, offend at publle sale en
Teaaday evenlag.wect wMfaenwn ter wast
Tbe ;BeS7 of a Yeung Man ironed en the
Batlread Traela Ntar DllletvlUe.
Seme time Isat night a young man met
with a terrible .'death en the railroad sear
DUlervllle. About half put two o'clock
thla morning, William Hlck.y, track watch
man for tha Peneaylvenla oemrany, en the
eat off, between DUlervllle and the Cones Cenes
toga, was walking along en Jduly. When
he reached a point probably ten yards west
of the overhead bridge at DUlervllle, he
feand the dead body of a man lying along
the aide of the north track. One leg waa
almost tern from the socket, nothing
holding it but a alight piece of flesh,
Aorees the body there waa a terrible
cut. The watchman, assists! by Might
Operator Walten Bellinger and Mlehael
Hartley, earrled tha body te the tool house
where it waa kept nntll this morning. The
body le that of a mere boy net ever 17 yeara
of age ; he la tee well dressed for a tramp,
and there are no pepera upon his parson by
whleh he could be Identified.
Thla morning Corener Henaman waa
notified te held an inquest, and with Dr.
Belenlua he went te DUlervllle. A Jury
waa Impanelled consisting of W. F. Wll
eon, Michael Barlley, Michael Maleney,
Frank Allwlne, W. C. Pyle, and
O. A. Jeffries. A close examination
of the young man'aclethlng was then made.
He had no lets than flve shirts en. The
one next te the body was a geed undershirt;
then came one of calico; two fine white
laundrled shirts were next, and ever all
waa a geed blue il.nnel shirt He were a
blaek derby hat HI shoes were tern com
pletely from his feet, and as they
were found east of the body it
It believed that the man waa dragged
by the train and his feet struck against the
ties. In one pocket of the young man's
oeat a pound of rock candy was found and
In another waa a Bermuda onion whleh
waa se large that It was only taken from
i tbe recket with the greatest difficulty. Tn
another pocket 01 the doming were nve
laundered plccadllly cellars. Frem the
clothes there is little doubt but that the
boy waa a traveler, and who was tak
ing the frelgbt simply bceause he had
no money te purchase a tleket He probably
met with his death while trying te beard
the train, aa this point Is a favorite place far
train Jumpers. After examining tbe body
and hearing the evldeneethe Jury rendered
a verdict of accidental death. The body
was then brcngbt te Lancaster and taken
te tbe almshouse where It will be burled
unless It la Identified.
Important D.clileu in tbe Ces. of a
Ilteken rltl.barg Dank.
Judge J. H. White, of Pittsburg, hca
handed down an opinion which Is of vast
Importance te stockholders and depositors
In banking Institutions in this state. TLe
German-American bank, a atate bank
specially chartered, became insolvent in
June, 1875. leaving an array of debts wbleh
Its assets en hand were almost wholly
Inadequate te pay. In 1877 the assignee
and many creditors filed a bill In equity
against all the stockholders te enforce a
clante in the speclsl charter which pro
vides thst stockholders should be individ
ually Uable for double tbe amount of stock
held by them, and have the same applied te
the debts.
W. F. MoOeofc, master in 1831, recom
mended the dlninlf sal of the bill en tbe
grounds tbst at tbe time It was filed tne
assets of the bank hsd net been exhausted
and that the condition of aflilra was a nec
essary precedent te holding the stockhold
ers. The court dismissed the bllL In July,
1831, mere tbsn six yeara alter tbe bank
hsd closed its doers, a new bill was filed
against stockholders for tbe same cause.
Master McOoek reported adversely te tbe
stockholders, holding that the atatue of
limitations did net begln te run until tbe
assets of tbe bank had been exhausted,
wbleh occurred In 1870 and that tbe stock
holders were liable ler double their held
Exceptions were filed, and were argued
at length by oeunael en beih sides. Tbe
amount Involved was tl,CO0,C00. Judge
White new sustains all the exceptions and
accordingly reverses the master's report.
The decision will prove a great relief te the
stockholder?, some of whom are widows
and children. The dcolslen Is the first of
tbe kind made In tbis state, and clearly
defines tbe meaning of tbe clause "double
the amount of stock held."
Dr. Apple's Lccturs.
A fslr-slzed audience of students and
friends from tbe city assembled In tbe Col
lege ebapel last evening te hear Dr Apple's
lecture en the proceedings of tbe Alliance
of Reformed ohurehes under the Presbyter
Isn form of government as It was held In
Londen last summer.
After referring te the objeets for wbleh
this alliance was organized and the different
places at which it haa held its meeting,
referenee waa made te Its plaee of meeting
last summer. Then It was related bow tbe
delegates were received and entertained.
Due reference was made te tbe ability and
character of the papers read during tbe
session of tbe alliance. The lecture stated
that the European delegates Bhewed a
higher degree of echelatsalp than tbe
American, but tkat the Americans were the
better orators, He oencluded by showing
the grand tendeney towards unification as it
is becoming mere and mere evident amerjg
many of the cburehes.
Trenbta About a rarcmant.
Mount Jet, Dee. 6. During the past
autumn Shee Merebant Elam Wenger bad
his pavement relaid before bis store and
dwelling, en East Main atrcet, raising it te
the level authorized by tbe borough. The
pavement is new higher than these adjoin
ing and would make serious trouble in
winter unless the grade was changed tbe
where way. At tbe November meeting of
oenncll It was decided that the pavement
should be relaid. Last week pert of It was
taken up and en Monday the borough bad
a large force taking up the pavement and
carting away the ground te bring it te its
fermsr level. About hall the work wss
oempleted when tbe men were stepped
work by tbe sberltl, Mr. Wenger having
tiled an lej unction against the borough.
Their assignations Accepted.
The trusteea of the University of Penn
sylvania have accepted tbe resignations of
Prof. D. Hayes Agnew from tbe chair of
surgery, Prof. William Oiler from tbe
chair et clinical medicine, and Hen. J. I.
Clark Hare from the ebalr of the Institutes
of law, all te take etleet at tbe end et the
current session. Dr. A. Sydney Roberts
also resigned tbe Instruoterablp In or the -r
te 31a surgery. Fer the position te be
vacated by Dr, Agnew, Jehn Asbhurat, Jr.,
professor et clinical surgery, was nomi
nated. The l'fltan.
After their meeting en Monday the prison
Inspectors came down street, when they get
together again, and decided net te held a
special meeUng In the Jacobs' matter and
te take no action for the present Tery say
that they first appointed the wateamtm and
tbey are yet their officers.
Visiting dayi at the prison have been
Tueaday and Thursday ter aemi time pt
It has new been ebanged, and hereafter
people will only bs admltted en Friday
afternoon from 1 te i.
Ulll's Plnnlity 10,171.
Tbe official vote et the atatH nt New Yerk
Is as follews: Governer. Hill. 650.461; Mlllr,
631,210; Jenes, 30,215; Hall, 8,338; Pge,318;
Wardner, 30; biaak. detective, eta , 1,667.
Total, 1,S17,2&0. Lieutenant governor,
Jenes, 650,851; Crnger, 628,617; Powell,
80,288; Pattberg, 3,049; Blskeney, 3,010;
MarUa, (7St biaak, OefeeUTf, tte., J, WW.
TO i,UT,4ff,
rRtaarret. btjmaway which rex
Twe Hen. a Kan Inte a cab Oetraplad By
Twe Ldlrt-Ttj Driver of the Tablets
Tfcrewn rrem UtaS.atasd Brelatd
A Hunaway at Ltinaa Place,
On Tnstday evening a terrible runaway,
la whleh aevrral persona made narrow
escapes from being killed, occurred In the
western part of tbe clt). Stephen Market,
a dealer tn produeo, stepped at the butcher
shop of William Fuhrmaa, en Mulberry
street, above Chestnut street, te unload a
oenple et calves. After tbe animate bad
been taken from the wagon the horses
were left atone. Tte horses frightened
at the squealing of aeme pigs thst
were being killed, and atatted down
Mulberry atreet en a run. They fit at ran
agalnat a wagon of Christian Quade, break
tog cfl one ahalt As tbe tunawaya nsared
West King atreet Jamta Carberry, tha
haekman, was driving out that street. In
the cab were Mlsa Carrie Klpp and Miss
Helen Sherwood. Carberry saw the horses
oemlng at a furious rate, and pulled aside
te get cut of their way. The horses turntd
slightly, however, end dashed Inte him,
The tongue of tbe wagon ran through the
cab, breaking a panel. The four springs et
the carrlsge were broken, together with the
glass and one wheel. One axle was
slightly bent Carberry was knocked from
tbe seat et tbe cab and thrown aeme dis
tance) he was considerably bruised. II
was si most mlrsouleus tbst the ladlea were
net killed. Miss Klpp was slightly brntst d
about tbe head, but the ether lady was net
huttln the least Beth were se badly fright
ened that they have aearcely recovered
from the aheck yet After the horses had
done tbe damage te Oirbsrry's team they
ran en down Mulberry atreet te Straw
berry, where they collided with a oeal
wsgen. One of tbe animals was thre wn de wn
and badly cut The wagon was slightly
A nig uenawar.
A aerlens runaway aoeldent eccured near
Leaman Place en. Monday. MartIn;Reed,
waa driving a fonr-herse tesm belonging te
J. Perter Mcllvslns and was engaged haul
ing aand from Bellemont te Paradise,
After one lead had been dumped the team
was en the read back te the quarry. Juat
east of Leaman Place tbe 'hones frightened
end tbe driver was unable te control them.
Tbey rsn for a mlle and a half en the read
before they could be stepped. Frank Axe,
a boy, was riding en the wagon whan the
horses stsrted. He attempted te get off
andladolngBefelLnnder tbe wsgen wbleh
passed ever both or hU legs, -it Is believed
thst bis let leg is broken, but the ether
Is net Beth are ee badly swollen however
that Dr.Leamtn, who Is attendlng him, can
tell Ultle about (he extent of the Injury aa
ir ia rLOUiusiiiNa.
Many Visits te lb Y. St. O. A, Reems Dor
ics the Tear. UOlc.ra Chessn A Oym Oym
nailein project
Last evening the regular meetlnget tbe
beard of managers of tbe Yeung Men's
Christian association waa held. The an
nual report of the secretary was read and It
showed a marked degree of Interest in the
work. Frem January lit, te December 1st,
23,-31 visits were made te the reading
room, and 2 310 te tbe parlor, which was
furnished last Msy, The tetsl attendance
at the varlens departments during the year
at the.bulldlng only was 20,233.
The'matUr of a gymnasium in connection
with the association was discussed at this
meeting, and n motion wss made thst as
Boen aa the young men report te the beard
subscriptions and receipts sufficient te
warrant the undertaking, tbe beard e
managers will place tbe basement of the
building, or aeme auitable recmrat their
After tbe adjournment or tlilsmeellrg
the esjocUtlen business meeting wss called
te order, President H, R. Fulton In tbe
chair. There was a large attendance et
members, It being the evening for the
eleotlen of officers. The officers elected
were as fellows : President, H. R. Fulton;
vice presidents, W. A. Heitshn, S. M,
Myers, J. P. MeCatkey, H. S. Williamson,
Gee. K. Reed : recording seeretsry, W. A.
Heltshu ; financial secretary, D. S. Bursk ;
treasurer, S. D. Bausman ; general seo see
retay, W. 8. Bpeece ; beard of managers,
O. H. Frey, A. F. Hostetter, 8.
L. Levsn, Dr. B. F. W. Urban,
D. H. Bartholemew, Hiram Stamm,
D. O. Uaverstck, W. K. Eckert,
J, M. Davidsen, H. W. Hartman, F, L.
Krautkep, Jno. D. Sklles, Dr. IX F.
Yeagley, B. K. Maynard, J. F. Sener, W.
Z, Sener.
A committee was appointed te arrange a
pregramme for the 10. h anniversary et the
association te be held some time In Janu
ary Short spoeches were then made by
President-elect H. R. Fulton, Financial
Secretary-elect Bursk and several of the
young men regarding the gymmslum
The Second Week el lUe November Term
Tbe Iluelneaa Tiaeaaeted.
All of Tuesday atternoen was taken up
In the argument by counsel of the Hei-Unger-Evans
damage case for allenlatlng
tbe directions et UelllDger'j wife. The Jury
after a deliberation of several beura reached
the conclusion that Uelllnger had suflered
18 dsmages. B. F. Davis for plaint)!!, B.
Frank Eshleman for defendant
The suit et Jehn 11, vs. C. B. Ren
nlnger waa attached for trial this morning.
This is an Issue te determine tbe ownership
of property levied upon by the sheriff. On
January 4'h the sberlfi levied upon the
effects of William D Snader, et Brecknock
tewnablp, en an execution Issued by C, B,
Rennlnger. Among tbe articles leyled
upon wire some claimed by Mr. Spalr, the
owner et tbe farm,aud the remainder Hpatz
claimed that be purchased from Snader be
fore the execution was Issued against him.
Tbe hearing of testimony In tbe Webb Webb
Hegg cae was concluded yesterday after
noon. Tbe case was argued this morning
and given te the Jury shortly before neon.
An Issue was granted te determine tbe
amount cf damages sustained H. S. Ratb Ratb
ven, S. C. Fisher, J. Fred Fisher and
Susan E. Powell ty reaen of the opening
efClsy streeet, from North Queen te the
city limits.
May MftSe further Infjelry,
Congressman Ferd, chairman of the select
cemtnltie) en immigration, asld en Tues
day : " Ktcent developments warrant me
In believing that the committee will decide
te make further investigations of tbe Immi
grant question In Pennsylvania and Rhede
Island. Wehave information which shows
that the contract labor law has been grossly
violated In tbe.e atate, ami we de net
tbluk our InveatlKstien would be complete
without a carfrlu! txamlnatlen into the
charge, that have been made. At a meet
ing en Friday we shall determlue when
thtse Inquiries shall be made, and we shall
also settle tbe question as te wbetber the
oemmlttee will go te Caltfurnla te leek Inte
the Chinese question."
Heads Aseutanca,
Mrs. Edwards, living at Ne. 433 North
Cherry atreet. Ia reported by the polio aa
Beat Bleed Hoends, Ueld Ies and Gray
Whtifcered Donkey la (ha Drama.
"Uncle Tem's Cabin" Is a drama that
deea net aeem te lese Its popularity with
the people and It still draws crowds. It has
been played hundreds of thousands et times
la thla oeuntry and has been aeea In the
prlnelpal ettlea of Europe. Among the
men who have made money out of tba
piece la recent yeara la Mr. Peck, of Peck A
Furrman, who for several aeatena baa been
running oempanlea around the oeuntry.
Fursman la new a partner, aa ha la In ether
enterprise They are wide awake
bustling manageta who can sea a dollar a
mile away and leaa no time going after It
The company of this firm appeared In tie
King atreet theatre last evening, and tha
audience was very large. It Included many
ladtea and children, some of whom go te
aee the play every time It oeme, no matter
whether tbe prloee are high or low, just te
take a geed cry. The company of last
evening was quite large, and tbe
play was put en aa well aa waa possible In
this theatre. The eelebrated Hyer Sisters,
two oelored girls, who have made great rep rep
utatlens as actresses and singer, appeared
aa the two Topsy; and Introduced
songs, dsncea and ether specialties.
Gus L Wallace did well aa
Untla Tem, and Little Letta was
an Intelligent Kva. The ethor people
were fair, and a number cf colored folks
were Introduced In the cotton field scenes.
Bloodhounds ehised Eltea Harris en lea
all ever tbe theatre, and an old time
donkey, who has been In tbe play ae long
that he can take any obaraeter, went te
aleep from overwork and night travel
ing. A pretty pony waa also aeen t barrels
of tears were shed dnrleg the production.
The company left for tbe Weat at 0:10 thla
morning. At Centre k'qusrr, while en the
way te the station, two of the large blecd
hounds began fighting. They were net
separated until the railroad was reached.
One had an car almost chewed cfl In the
aklrmlih and the ether was badly bltttn
about the eye.
Q.nsral Reger A. Pryer'a Vigorous Attack
en Monopoly.
Oeneral Reger A. Pryer In New Yerk en
Tuesdsy morning opened tbe sugar trust
prosecution before Judge Barrett, In the
apeclal term of the supreme court The
particular trust under consideration waa
tbe North River Sugar Refining company.
A trust he defined as a combination of
merchants or ether persona for tbe pur.
pose of enhsnelng the value of any goods
te the detriment of of the general public.
"Net In a civil aense only," said Ganeral
Pryer, "bet in a criminal aense also, are
corporations whleh hsve for their ebjajt tbe
increasing et the prices of artlelis te the
Injury of tbe people amenable te the law
and the punishment attached te tbe viola
tion thereof. It Is net necessary that tte
general competition be destroyed or that
the value et the artlele under consideration
b) considerably enhanced, Jt will be suffl.
elent te prove a violation et tbe law te se
cure a forfeiture of Its eharter If a corpora
tion abews a tendeney te produce these
lhe object nf tbe company under prose
cution, Mr. Pyor said, was tn control tbe
prices in its own Interest. It bad pre
vented competition by controlling the sup
ply of production. Fifteen per cent, of the
capital et the company was reserved for
tbe purchase et ether refineries. And an,
aald Mr. Pryer, It has taken Inte Its oapa eapa oapa
eioua mouth every rcfluery In the state et
New Yerk.
When General Pryer had coneludod At
torney General Taber areas te argue the
prlnelpte el the legal points Involved In the
prosecution, and cited instances or de
cisions bearing en similar caws.
A Ladles isenuur.
Last evening a bazaar, ifnder tbomansge
ment of tbe ladles of Grace Lutheran
eaurcb, waa held in the large stere room in
Frauk Meltfetl's new building en North
Queen street. Theeburch baa a debt of
several hundred dollars and It Is for the
purpose el assisting in clearing that away
that tbe bazaar is held. The room had been
handsomely decorated with flags, bunting,
evergreen, &, and it made a very pretty
appearance when lighted In tbe evening.
Among the things offered for aMe were
aprons, which were made by the ladle,
candles, ejkts, Icecream, fce. There was
a tremendous crowd present last evening
and the room was se full that It wss im
possible te crowd any mere In. Buslneaa
was very lively and tbe receipts encourag
ing. The affair waa aueh a big success that
It has been arranged te repeat It this even
ing. A Burglar Willi Nerve.
One of the cheekleat burglars that has
been heard of In a long time was tbe one
operating last evening. He broke Inte the
house el Geerge Delmotte, a plumber, who
resides en the Philadelphia turnpUe oppo
site tbe almshouse. Tbe entrance wis
effected through the back deer, whleh waa
loresd open. The thief went Inte the
kitchen, where there waa a fire, and made
coffee. He then partook of a lunch, con
sisting et bread, butter and meat He
disturbed nothing In tbe hnnse. Before
leaving he took a cellar of Mr. Delmotte,
whleh was en tbe balcony. He fastened it
te a stlek, one end of wbleh he stuck In a
leaf of bread. On the oellar be had written
these words : "Thanks ter tbe slim lunch."
New Uaslle Itulgnis or Oelden Eagle.
Lancaster Castle, Ne. 292, Knlgbls of the
Oelden Eagle, waa Instituted en Tuesday
evening by Grand Chief Lewis K. Stills, of
Philadelphia. Tbe new castle starts with a
membership el forty and several applicants
for membership. The following (.Ulcers
were Installed : '
Pist obler, G. F. Bunting; neble cbler,
Harry R. Bickell; vice chief, J. Harry
Buebl; high prleat, J, 11. Kittenbeusej
venerable hermit, M. B. Weldier; air
herald. Harry Goe: W. bard, James
Prangley; M. nf R , Silas W. Shuils; K. of
Kr,, Jehn 8. Wnite; K. of Ex.. Thee. Mc
Donnell; Ens., Cenrad Cann; Eiq., Hobt,
C. McDonnell; W. C , Jehn W. McCauley;
1st G., Samuel McDennell: 2i G F. Viet
terer; Rep. teG. C, G. F. Bunting.
Il.lvie I lie Majer.
The mayor disposed of seven cases Ibis
morning. One was Adam Waverllng, 62
years old, wbe has been an Inmate of tbe
J ill the greater portion et tbe past 80 year.
He wassent te tbe workbeuse ler 15 days.
A young man residing In the Ninth ward,
who was locked up Isst nlgbt st his own
request se that he could get sober, was
discharged. Flve lodgers.leoklng for work,
premised te loive town If they did net se
cure work and were discharged,
A Prlis Fighter One Hand.
Cincinnati, Dee. 0. A prlss ll.?bt be
tween Wsnnep, the English pugilist and
Cen Riley, of Mlddletewn, O., took pi ice
lis: night en the Kentucky shore et the Ohie
river, a few miles bast of here. Four
rounds were fought end were all In
Wannep4 favor. He really whipped
Riley with his left hand, tbe right
net being Ireught Inte play. Before
tbe fourth round ended Riley was bloody
and wluded, The filth round had scarcely
tegan wbenserm nne in tbe crowd ralxd
the cry et "sberltl" and Riley leek te his
heels and was found aemetlme alterward
In a skiff In tbe middle of tbe river. He
would net return aud the figbt wasdeclared
off. Thi fight was for f.200. and tbb winner
te get 60 and tbe leser 40 percent 'lhe
referee's decision was withheld.
Baa VI ra Ueer,
Jaoeb Btlvely, of Quarry vllle, who was
In Virginia hunting, arrived In Lancaster
at neon te-day with five dear whleh ha took
A Motion te Lay It Astds Is Def.aUd By tba
Repobllean Hembera-UartU nods HI.
DemocratletleUragnisOppoMil te
UenslderlDg a Monitreslty.
Washington, Dee.8. Atlhsoenclutlon
of morning business In the Ssnate today,
the Urlfl bill waa taken tip and read by
atotlene for amendment, Senater Harrla
aald that te test tbe aense et tha Senate ha
would move te lay tbe flosnes oemmlttee'a
amendment te tbe Heuse bill en the table.
The yeas and naya being called for, a
vole waa taken with the rsault that the
Benate re f need te lay tbe finance commit
tee's anbati'ute en the table yeas, IS; nay,
20. The division was en party lines.
Sanster Diwes Introduced, and the B.n
ate adopted, thla afternoon, a resolution
calling en the aeeretary el the Interior fcr
Information concerning the alleged eutragea
en Indian femslea and ether in Alaska,
and tha action, It any, taken by the
department te prottet the pirtens tt
females In Alaska, from outrage, violence
and restraint et liberty. Mr. Dawes said
he had no ether Information en the subject
than that contained In the publle prints,
bat It these stories were true and tbe de
partment et the interior had adopted no
measures te oerreot the outragei, tbe matter
wss a gteat publle leandal.
The Senate baa agreed te take up the
Union Peolfle funding bill for considera
tion next Wedneaday, at 2 o'clock.
Tbe Heuse has made the dlreet tax bill
a speclsl order for Thursday and Tuesday,
a final vote te bs taken at 4 o'clock en the
latter day,
North, Central and Beatn America te Volts in
m Jubilee at Washington.
WAsntNOTON, Dee. s. If appearaneea,
enthusiasm and premises count for any
thing, and In this case It Is quite certain
that they de, Waablngten will witness In
1800 snd In 1602 sn exposition snd a eelebu ;
tlen that will attract the attention et the
whole world.
Fer some time past the Interest In what
Is briefly known aa the Three Americas
movement cf the National Beard cf Pro
motion, in this city, The project for a
great exposition te promote the commer
cial relations and national sympathy et
American natlena haa been liberally ad
vertised and vigorously peshed, and cltl
una of Waablngten hops that thla werld'a
fair of tbe western weild lll draw Im
mense orewda te the capita'.
Yesterday, the dsy set for the gathering e
the beard, saw the parlors In Wlllsrd's
hotel filled with a group of notable men.
There was Gov. Biggs, white hslred but
vigorous; Bishop Newman, whose colossal
head and frame are familiar te Wash
Ingtenlans; Qustav Llndenthal, the Pitta
burg engineer wbe designed a rival
of the Brooklyn bridge; Gen. Clinten
T. Paine, wbe waa the Maryland commis
sioner at the Philadelphia Centennial
exposition ; Mayer Amer Smith, of Cincin
nati; ex-Governer Beutwsll, of Mssisohu Mssisehu
setts ; ex-Mlnlster te Spain J. L. Af, Curry,
and many ethers equally noted.
Allet theae gentlemen spoke enthusias
tically of tbe proposed celebration, and
argued that the United States could net
afford te fall in the undertaking ae auspic
iously begun. Congress la expected te aid
the enterprise.
Il.avy LeeaCatead Hy Fire.
SYitAOUSK, N. Y., Dee. 5. Flre was dis
covered at 1 o'clock thla morning In the
extenslve werka .of the Cortland Wagen
company at Cortland, M. Y., and before it
could be extinguished, two-thirds of the
plsnt wss destroyed. The fire started
In tbe second story of tbe black
smith department, which was In a
building altuated between the two main
buildings, eaeh 500 feet long. It extended
esst te a connecting bridge, and from there
went te tbe main building en the south,
dratrey Ing It. The flames then returned te
the blacksmith building, burning the
end In which are the company's officer.
Next they attacked the ether main build
ing and burned 200 feet of that The less
will be very besvy. The Insurance la
t.Ul,000) and tha less will exceed tbst
amount Among the properly burned
were 79 finished cutters and a large stock
of materlala. Three hundred men were
employed, and considering tbe aeasen of
tbe yesr, many erdera were en band.
Syracuse, N. Y,, Dee. 6 A. G. Nettle-
ten fe Ce's shoe fsotery, J. C. Westen's
tricycle words, and several smaller con cen con
eercs, were bnrned at 1 a. m. te-day.
Total less fOO.000.
MeNTiisAi., Dec 6 Last night the ware
house with ita contents, et Lyman, Sens
dcCa, wholesale druggists, was damsged
by lire te the extent of 1100,000. lnsuranee
1150,000 en stock and buildings.
A Witness In tha fa.u.ll Ca.e Threatened
lly lhe dollar Tba Uommiktlen te
Take m Ueews.
Londen, Dee. B. Tbe Farnell commis
sion today agreed te adjourn en Friday
next until January IS. At te-day's session
several witnesses testified te vsrleus caiea
or boycotting and outrages. On cress ex
animation they said tbat they knew people
wbe had written themselves threatening
letters. They also admitted tbat the
National League denounced outrages.
Ex-HtereUry Welsh, of tbe KUdermtgh
branch el tbe League of County Maye,
testified tbat by direction of the League,
several persona were boycotted for refus
ing te Jein the plan et campaign, Hlr
Charles Huisell, of tbeParnell coucsel, ob
jected te tbe lnoluslenof evidence regsrdlng
tbe plsn et campaign, en tbe ground tbat
tbe plan was net ineluded In tbe allegations
aet forth by the Timet, Presiding Justine
Ilsnnen overruled tbe objection and ad
mitted tbe evldenee. Toe witness
waa then cress examined by Hlr Charles,
who forced him te admit that he had
been charged with pilfering tbe fuuda et
tbe League and had been expelled from
that organisatien. He also admltted that
he had mode fraudulent claims for tbe
windows of his methei's heute, en a glass
insurance company, of whleh he was tbe
agent, and was en this account discharged
from the agency.
In reply te a question by Michael uavitr,
Walsh aald tbat the police bad intimated
te him tbat tbey oeuld net say wh.t
might happen te htm In connection with
the lesurauce matter if lie refused te testify
before tbe commission In bebslf et tbe
Uv a Ueotlleu,
A brilliant reception was given by Miss
H.rau Buck en Monday evening at her
beautiful borne lu Weat iirldgeten, N, J.
Among these pieeent were Mr. Fred bcull,
Mr. aud Mrs. Paul Kevts, snd Mrs. Plcs3lxvlllt, P.S Mr. and Mrs,
Ueerge Franklin aud Mia. MameHteleman,
of this city ; Mr. Jehn Keeves, et Philadel
phia, and many ladles and gentlemen
prominent in Undgeten society,
Appointed, restmatter.
David K, Kehrer has been appointed,
postmaster for Dlakley'a Bildfce, this
r- - -- -
? fi s
a -j w ;g
BXATI3. I 5 H1 ?
? I M r
Catifdini. ....,.,
COlOl-tOO ........
117 7AI
121 8U"
74 Mi 74,95 I. it
11.W l'UII 4 0
31639 SDIfll 'S
llllnCIs ,
9 III)
.... .....
'U.II3 li(H;j
870,0 0 ltt;l,Ml SI If, J
a-e.s-11 iti.ei. hi
?1!9 17ICI7 SSv
)H(1 2 1IJ.M1 IIM
15MSI 1S1MH' 0. 1
ai at no. .....,
10191 M.14I It
71.711 te 41. a iM
bo.em inf a 7i0
111417 13UU0 HIIII
Ml0.QI.OtA. .......
M la'ltslppt .......
Mt-seutl,. ........
New Hampshire.
New Jeraey ......
New Yerk....
KOI 7 111 UK 1,0I
U0.1H Will 15i
sum 7i lie
tKSIM til Ml 4 310
luaijt rti.&ej u.isti
8 67J
Titi" n ii 4i
4V7i 41 3w l.'K
141.314 1M,0J 79
roe'v em in' 30,131
North Carolina....
urtie.... ...........
Uhede island
Seutb Carolina...
"Texas ...., ...,. i
WUoenatn ...,
410,if4 INI'DO
8,-V5 Mt.ll
10 i
m0l 41101
SI.MC 17..VS
13.711 H S
MS-0 tS'.tSI
,ij ie,7t
IV 4 1- 1M.971
7MS1 7a
10 48
mtV 1SW(S 14 37 H.U3
lt,;W,a.ltM7uS Jll,0i4 ftt.9.8
I ll.VJI
In the above table Cleveland Iuh n plu
rality et 110,1701, net counting Colerudo ; If
the estimated plurality for HarrUun In
Colerado Is allowed Cleveland' plurality
Isroducedte 03,201. Oiullt'rg the void of
Colerado, the atiovetable thuea IhatMriett
1S34 the Republican vote haa tiu'rimscd by
870,103 In the thirty i even autes, the
Democratic by 410440 and tun I'm.
hlbltlen vote by 01,333, Willi 111)
Union Laber tmnv save U0.-1M ltmi for
Ntreeter than lbs Greenback parly itltl for
Butler In 1884. The toss en tbe oemblned
I.abnr vote will be somewhat lower than
80,444 when all the returns of the Untted
Laber party for Cowdrey are mail p. Uut
alde of Colerado tbe total vnte or fie four
leaitlnir parties was 10,603,44 nualns',
0,08J,007 In 1684, an lnoreaae of BS2.1S7.
Btadlcs ta ByaUria Hy tbe rreucb Sptelall.t
Professer Charcot, tte famous French
specialist In nerveua diseases, porrerniud
Interesting experiments upon two hysteri
cal women en Tuesdsy boiero a large audi
ence of students and dociern. Tiie 1'arls
edition of tbe New Yeik Herald says
The distinguished specialist began by ex
plaining that tbe two subjects bhfere him
werelu different stages et byterls niKjer.
The elder women was alll'etrd wilt,
paralysis of tbe legs, whleh had kept her
in bed for two years. Hhe was nt present
In a profound hysterical sleep, which had
already lasted eighteen daje, and from
whleh human eclenee knew no means et
reusing her. She might remain In Ibis
condition for weeka or mouths, during
whleh time ahe would only receive In the
Way of feed certain nutritive liquids
which he swallowed automatically.
Tbe professor ataied that the paMmu'M
bodily functlena duricg tbla hysterlcel aleep
were acting aa It were at low pieture, the
condition resembling tbat of vaileu animals
during tbelr period of hibernation. Tue
wear and tear en the tissues was redue'd tn
almeat nothing. Hh added that seme
women of a hysterical temperament were
liable te fall Inte a similar abnormal slate
even when awake and appaiently In
ordinary health. There would then be
weeka during whteb they would aearcely
touch feed. Tbe arma of tbe patient would
remain rigid in any position tbey might Im
placed iu and abe was like a well made
wooden Jointed dell.
The ether woman wss In n lethargy, but
efadlUeient and mere sensitive uge of
hysteria. The pteeaure of a pencil en the
facial nerve made her smile en tbat aide
of her face, while It had no ttfeoteu ten
first pst'.eut A blew oe a gong made lmr
alt upright with eyia wide epeu, but tlxxri,
and he bad passed at once from a slttU) of
letbsrgy te catalepsy.
Tne profeaier lilted the girl's right hand
te her lips, as If she were klsc
Instantly the nnoenvcloiis association el
ideas caused tbe right side of the Una te
smile. It was the same when the left hand
was rslaed, and when both hands touched
her lips the entire face radiated the mind's
happy thought. Tbe young geutlemeu
present enjoyed Ibis greatly. After ether
experiments, and making her frown with
one aide of her face snd smile with the
ether the doctor again thraw her Inte
lethargy by closing tbe lids and gently
pressing en both eyes. Dy touching the
right eye he cbsnged tbe girl's right aide
Inte the lethargic condition whlln leaving
the left aide under the influence of cata
lepsy. The final experiment consisted In wsklrg
the letbargle girl. Tbla was easily done ty
braethlniraharnlvln herfaen. Hb'i started
up.glanoedabeutherlnadssM way, sr.d
then realising tbat she was only half
dressed before a crowd of Jovial modieli
students, she seised her scattered garments
and disappeared from the aeme with a.ton a.ten
l.blng rapidity. Tbe attendants wbeelul
outtbeetner patient, wbe calmly continued
her hysterical sleep.
DisccsiiNt) man liuemk.
Philadelphia Saleen - Kreprrt
Brooks Law MedlUed.
The Liquor Dealers, llruwers snd not net
tiers' Henefielal annotation metenTutHday,
In Mtennercher hall, PhlladelphU, ler the
first ttme slnoe tbe panie et Uih
Brooks high lleense law. The proponed
Droblbltlen smendment te the statu e inn'.l-
tutlen wss discussed, but no formal sctlen
wss taken In referenee te It PriHdeut
William M. Van Oileu made a brief nd
dresi In whleh he expressed the sentiment
of the members by saying tbat all they
aiked was tbe modlealton of the Brooks
law, especially that section which prohibits
the transfer of a lloenso te the hulrs of a
deceased saloon keeper,
Tneexpenaea of the association during
the pest year amounted tn 9 600, and the
reeeTptawerell,C00i U&00 was paid for
alek end death benefits. The preent mem
berablp Is 740. The following etnctrs were
elected for the ensuing year t PeaUlent,
William Van Oiten t vlce president", C. A,
Widmaverand Wllllatn.BioekB jrecretary,
Jehn H. Daly J trea.urer, Jeseph Magulr;
doorkeeper, Jebn Wharten t trustee, Pat
rlak Gallagher, Edward O'Uerman, Chas.
Mahler, Themas MoDenougb and Themas
Hmylh; flnauee oemmlttee, Jehn Hiller,
Dennis Murphy, Jebn McAvoy, Frank C.
Hreyth, aud Miehael MeArdle. A oumpll eumpll
imntuT banauet was tendered te the
friends of the association alter the meeting.
Aa Order ADecUus Turea or Jeur Thuu.and
It. adleg lUllread JCniliJc.
Thnihnfiliiiiife UttJUluK Itnllruad com
pany poeted notices In Ita beplu Hearting,
Tueaday aliernoen. notifying Its empleyes
thateu and alter Wednesday, eight hours
will be a day's labor instead of teu, as here
tofero. There will be, nf oeurce, a propor
tionate reduction In wages. Hlmllar notices
were posted in all tbe company's shore
along the entire ayatem and bratehes from
Philadelphia te Wllllamspert, and from
Harnsburg te Aiientewn,
The cause et the reduotlen in working
hours Is due te a suspension el tbb ueel
mines, ard all persona conneeted with the
oeal tiaffia will also be reduced te eight
hours. This will enable the company le
keep all Ita men employed, but at shorter
beura. Thiee or four tbeustud men Is
BDeut tbe number sHoeted along the euilrt
system. Tbe eight hour ayeuun uiy be
oenllnued anveral months The uif" aP;
pear satisfied. Twelve bundled are slHctia
in Heading by the rtdoctleu.
Team U ceier d.
The horse and phaetun belonging te II.
8. Nlaaley, et Mount Jey, which waa stolen
from iu front el the Whlogten ilrauw, at
Maytown, Monday nlgbt, was discovered
UedtoapeststBalnbridge. Tne supposl suppesl supposl
tlen la that aeme parly wanted te go te
BambrldgV M4 tuff tha Vesta for that
i-'r i
.. - V&
jvvierary uenerat airland ItreemiaeS4b
Unllitleg Be Krectrd Ia Which te Oea:
errenden Against the irrtralLaw-Hia;
Depattment Labors faithfully.
Washington, Dee. 5 Attorney
oral (larlaud, In hi animal report,
en earneat appeal te Cenereia tepr
for the construction of government pen I
tlarles and reformateilea. Recent lawat
have been enaetsW by states with respeet 1
the labor cfprlsdlfefs prove uiore rjeBetwt
eiveiy iniu ever, no savr. tbe absolute I
of snob au Institution. Prevision shcu! M
ence be made looking te the erection of M
ieait one United Btatea penitentiary
and, If pe Bible, a reformatory. The etjaet 2
nun iu iue uuuua ei many wi ISMS
cost of conducting sueh an leKlltatte :
would be se mueh greater than tbe exist, '
lng arrangement, la being almost evers
by tbe fact tbat the favorable oecUatMf 3
whleh the department hta heretofers J
able te enter Inte, can no lnnver h : from tha f.nt Uit Una - &
reiantly by seversl et I he sUrTes anrl'M1
Congress prevent the employ roent of prtssf
enera en oentraot laoer. This neeesaitaMK J
n tuavt .u eA,aiiuiuiiin in uiuur nyetfjratvaf
ms prevision must uoe'Biarlly he made for
the working of convict, It discipline Is tot
be maintained and the prisoners' bealHf
and comfort considered, J.
A large number of prisoners oenvlcted hi
United Htates courts are these who havt
committed but a alngle cHanae. and yiki
havu but commenced a career of crime, ili ,
thny could be prevented from asioclatte '
with hardened crlmluslr, and net oenisxil,.,
luau institution which In everyway
goats a criminal lite, mauy, perhaps, eevtef
be rorerrued,
Dosldee, msny are young men who
held pcallteua of trust and responsible
and wbe, through temptation, have
milted aome orlme against the law of J
country. The te, and the clasa relerrett
hbjve, should net be confined In a prises
but tbe government should provide a MM 1
able reformatory where proper leflus
oeuld be thrown around them and ti
reformation etleeted, ta la done new tsV"
several aiates.
. . - i.i
In addition te all this, he says, It wraMi
room that the Untted States should bav ,'
model prisons and reformatories et Ifa OW -$
In whleh tocennne its criminal, and Wt
vlaleua could be made for the empleyment7
of the Inmates at aome suitable Industrie
en a eystem of labor which wenld net
violate the rem nt act of Cemrrcea. nor I
lecODsluteut with the lawa paired by wf-i
aeveral elates and the prevailing eptnlOM. j
rtlatlvu te tbe subject of een tract labor. u-
The attorney general recommends? JJ
special appropriation ei t37o,we for feea aaj v
expenses et U. a. deputy marshals, and
readjustment of the insrebsl'a fesl
whleh has net been revised ter th
years, lie also suggests tha re-organ fa
tlen of the cffialal lerce of tbe departs
and an Increase of tbe foiea te cerreal
with the Increased amount et
done during the last four year. O
this eurjeet the attorney genetat
sayst Tne work of the deparUc.9
during tbe pait yesr wss s continuation al
what has been lu policy during the WMM
iff the present almlnla'.rattoe, a strict attsl,
vliroreus enforcement tt the laws. Fct v,
nearly four years the department has kept M
this eiject in view, aea tne rwuiss ,
et Us sctlen are very apparettt.
Because et the diligent ptcaecutlestB
nf suits for the cancellation Ot
faiil,il,it Tt&t.nta atnl uealnet tlmharl'
trespaeers and plunderers et the publle S
ileiimln. It haa oemo te ba understood that 3
. . , - . ., ...y'':
mn inws ttnaeieu ler tne regulation m isnj
tinlille lands both ai te their funeral dta."
position and management and at granted 1" "3
te railroads snd ether corporations are 'eh
binding foree, and are te be rigidly aam
impartially exeouiee. igr, -
...... . " .j . ir.e
urie tncct.srMS!ii. $?&,
Thlriv Teulld Acres Taken Frnm RnllT
lii.u Who failed te Ucmply Willi LMW.iSftlLX
uiiKTBrniii, "J"., ui,,-iuun.uniir
a, t.K ilru.1 i-.i.l e.ilvfai IiaI.I Inr nrtAlta. !
u, VVv..v....uuu... "- - "----"-: i
tlen by the general una cuiee, aeoisieno-'-
were rendered yesterdsy by iteglaler Wll-
eon und Heceiver Garrard, of the CheyennCi,
1 B..I m,., Blll.h ..AW...BI Kl yV 11. ...iIbI .. "K .
covering 30,000 urm aud dismiss fiicfaj
Perty-alx of the entrymen live In New'",
Yerk, Masaachusetta and New Jersey ; fly
In Wveinlmr and four cannot be leued.'
The entries were made In the interest;,
of Themas Btnrgls, et the Union Cattle
cempmy, and the Geshen Hele Irrigating
company of this territory. In each case tha Vr'
(tefonpe moved te dismlis for lack of juris-,: -iimilnn.
hut the motions were evenulatl iv
anil doclalens were rendered en the merlt:; rj
et tha canes, -lesiimeny unn weu iei iuaj ;,k
of the dltnhes for irrigating purposes ics',! xj
reclamation of tbe lands were alugle plow
furrows, run without regard te depth '
Inclines for conducting water and tbat ha.
many et the dllohei water was never turned
bocause the ditches were et no practical OMj 3
IU. ....K ,,V ..MB ,'V.. . WV
The land, which will ba opened ter lent- ,i
iliiml eGttlement embraeus one of tbe
" - . - .... . m. 1.
floett dlstrluts In Eastern Wvomleg and ta ?F'J
.7" ...... .,.. ,....- 'iff'
Ull Hvaimuia tur imiu iiuui, J ,C:J
Tbe Indians Sainutd. ; S J
DonANeo, Cel., Dea. 6. The cerneals. 9;s
slen appointed te tteat wun ma euuiucra j & j
Tricnviiih rward te their removal te their Zi''.
new reaervatlen, oempleted thalr work $J
yeiterday ly giving me inuiana a oarureuo mj.
and after spending a day or two here wai jia
. IIT..I.In,.ln when thnlrilalvwlll 'A?
IDIIVO IUI ,1 HUIUl't' .. .uw..V.j .y.
be submltted te Congress for approval, la ,
Bddltlen te their lands tbe Indiana arete,:
receive fiO.000 or 3,oetJ eaea year ier issa t-,
wHm. and when located en the BewJ$
A.rv.ilnn. 810.000 worth of aheap. Tkw.-si;
Indians appear willing and many expreea 'jfj
H desire tnai iue iieatjr may ue nuuiu vj S-tfi
Cengiess duilug the present S68len. ki
. i-
Tin Olrla Drowned. )
Aant.jJi, Wis, Dec. 0. While Jose
phlue Dauemlnle, aged 15, and her slstewOf
Fratlcls, aged 0, with their cousin, Lltslo, Lltsle, Lltslo,
Dunetnle, were walking en the loe covered .
surface et Bad river near Clauah yesterday
en tneir way m eeuuui, iu im -- F
aud the thren girls were preo'pltated.'laleJJ i
tbe water. Their cries ier help atijacsastws
.,. n. nr Tiinmu CandSCOBi inV
,UU Uu..;r "----.-., d-lW , -J
laborer, ana ne iura-wi.u w- -- -?,
. , rl..i. n.nninlB. TbaOUM-.
euny in restumis - ' r
twn utri. were arewurMi. .-
Tbr IJtes Lest
" r'
Cocalla, Idaho, ye.teidsy afternoon, h cesi-
structlen train oeuiueu wim iu"ju ,
wrn-klng both engine, ami m.i.i ""'j
C 11. Morten, a unstmiu, ..-,7,
killed, and two ether Ualn handa laUUjr-,
Johe Urtght Uying. '
T.-r.v. n.11 RMr. fioen Bright as
r., i.mrti weim te-iisv. Tbe latest tttWH
lelln from his bedside saya tbat his dOAtsV
li momentarily expWM.
PWa.suine.TON, D. a, Dea B.
KahternPenBaylvwlai Fair, wuneVe
aUwtsalTirl4i ,r ,,,
-& .t .2"