" " &&kMatti.Mh4tt STJje yJttcf 8 m iT. J.' ) Ht ViJ r VOLUME XXV NO. 88.-SLX PAGES. LANCAfiTEB,"PAM SATUIiPAY; DECEMBER 1, 1888. SIX PAGES -PEICE TWO CENTS.1; .ij JfnteUnsetC THE NAVY DEPARTMENT. OBBtABT WHITNBrS BJCFOBT FBMHDElfr OZ.BTBLAMO. TO RS Belted SIMM Gaining Rtseagth M BUM- Ulnae retir-ArmnM Vassal, ud CrabMre OemmMd.d-Kzp.aM. ftedaeed Twenty rn Cut. Seeretary Whitney bM presented hi. an nual report te thepreeldent After giving abrlermlew of tbe nary aa It wilt exist en March 4 1889, In comparison with its condition Marati 4, 1835, and furnishing a Il or armored vessels heretofore author auther m J7 Cengres, the secretary aaya : ' Be far aa armored ablps sre concerned the aubjeet la yet te be treated In a bread way by the department and by Oen'traaa. At the present time the condition, are auehthat everything necessary te anrat elate fighting .hip can beprodneed and far n lined te thedepartment in thla oenntry aa aoen aa In the oenrae of construction any element or feature la required : but thla hu never heretofore until the preaent time been true, and therefore the oenalderatlon or the subject haa bean neeeaaarlly pest. Ttened by the department nntU the preaent time. The effort, of the department In .hip oenatrnotlon have neceaaarlly alnee March, 1885, been devoted te nnerinered vessels, and aa te theae the department la able te report that when the ahlpa In oenrae el oen.tructlon and thee authorized .hall have been completed the United states will rank eoend among the nation. In the poaaeaalen et nnarmered eralaera or oemmorce de. streyers, having the highest characteristics, vie, of a .Ira of 3,000 tone and upw.rda.and peaaenlng a speed of nineteen kneta and upwara. xne importance which haa been plaeed upon thla branch el naval armament will be appreciated from the atatement that Kngland and Franee pesaeaa 05 veiaela of the claaa known aa nnarmered cruisers. We cannot at present proteet our coast, but we can return blew for blew, for we .hill aoen be In condition te launeh a fleet et large and faat cruisers agaln.t the oemmerce of an enemy able tolnfllet the most aerletu and laitlng Injury thereon." FOWBB EQUAL TO ANY BIVAL. With regard te the production or power by machinery the report y: "An examination of the atate of the art In 1885 led te the conclusion that the machinery of naval veaaela euaht te ba an dealgned aa te produce ten herae power for each ten of maeblnery; and It waa de termined te make that the atandard, and te enter Inte no oentraota that were net baaed aub.Untl.lly thereon The eflerta of the department In thla mBtter have been cordially seconded by the bureau chiefs; and It I. believed that, at the preaent time, the department haa reached the point where entire rellanee can be plaeed upon It for the production of war veaaela equal In character te tbeae of any ether country." Notwithstanding; the large expenditure, for the new navy In the last thre years, it? reduction In ether dlreotlena haa made the total expendlturca of the department lea. for theae years than for the three years ended Juce 30, 1884, tbe ordinary expense. et the department having been redueed ever 20 per cent. The expenditure, for tba years ended June 30, 1882, 1883 and 1884, were (47.070 307. and for the veara ended June 30, 18SC, 1887 and IBS?, (40,830,630. Under the head of harbor and ceaat de fense Secretary Whitney says : 'In the laat annual report of tbe depart ment the conatderatlena were given leading te the conclusion that It would be nnwlae for tbe department te fellow the course of the European powers in building unprotected torpedo beats ; and In the S resent uncertainty regarding the praolloa praelloa praollea lllty or aubmarlne beats, and while wait ing the practical trial of the dynamite gunboat, it haa been deemed wl.e for tbe department te build one light-draught, heavily armored, harbor-defense floating battery or ram, for whlei designs have been prepared by the bureau of construc tion and steam engineering, In consultation with the chief or the bureau or ordnance. The advertisements for this vessel call for the submission of bids In February next" The business methods of the department are discussed at some length, and a his tory given of the eflerta being made te simplify, systematiza and Improve them. Upen this subject the report aaya : During the years of 1884 and 1885 ever 50 per cent. In value of tbe supplies et the department were obtained by open pur chases without competition. During the last year tbe proportion of aueh purchases was less than 11 per eent , and In tbe course of tbe next fiscal year It Is believed that the open purchases ean be reduced te about 5 per cent" NAVAL rnOQKESl AT IIOMK AND ABROAD. A ebapter Is devoted te naval pregresa during the year at home and abroad, ana In It a atatement la made that the necessity for Increased numbers of fast protected cruisers, whether for purposes of protecting or destroying cemmerse or for servlee with a fleet aa scouts, haa been emphasized dur ing the naval maneuver, of the year, and la fully reoegnlzed by all naval power. But with the Increase of the number el cruisers It baa been recognized, In view of the recant Introduction et high explosive projaetllea, and the lncreaae of powder and rapidity, of fire, el rapid-fire and ether guns, that re newed attention must be given te the armored fleet, and tbe prevailing opinion In England, France, Italy, Germany and Russia la atrengly in favor or additional armored ahlpa te be built at an early date. In these new vessels the armor will be mueh mere widely distributed, and will certainly protect tbe battery and crew as well aa the water line and machinery. Tbe destructlvenes i of high explosive abell lire Hgalnat unprotected aides empbaalzaa tbe peculiar advantages of tbe monitor type for esast defense aerviee. The aeeretary considers the subjects of Improved powder, projeetlles and torpedo beats, aaylng In regard te the latter that the recent naval maneuvers abroad have ahewn that they must still be regarded aa meat'uaeful for ceaat and harbor defense. Secretary Whitney 'a estimate for tbe navy and marlue oerps for tbe fiscal year ba. ginning July 1, 1889, amount te $20,707,677, an Increase of 13,674,653 ever the estimates of tbe current fiscal year. The list et armored vessels of the United States navy ineludea tbe Maine, new build ing at New Yerk ; the Texas, partially laid down In the mould left at Net folk ; the ceMt defense, whose plana are new com pleted, and the five monitors Puritan, Turrer, Mlantonemab, Amphltrlte and Monadneok, whlcb, after many veara of delay, are new at last being completed for aerviee. The construction el another armored vessel baa been authorized, but plana have net yet been prepared, A stray Uull.t Oaeas. aa Xxploilen. On Friday morning Jehn K, Gress, gen eral freight and passenger agent of the Northern Central and Fennaylvanla rail road In Yerk, entered MeOlellan fc Oetwald's store, in Yerk, for tbe purpose of purchasing cartridges for bis revolver. After fitting one in tbe cylinder from some unknown cause it waa discharged, the ball entering a can of powder, which exploded, blowing out tbe store's entire plate-glass front and aide wlndewa and scattering hardware all ever the store. Mr. Greea waa terribly burned en tbe head, faee, neck and bands. A. O. Fulton, the clerk, waa slightly scorched and several pawera. by injured with flying glass. The damage te the store will reach nearly f 1,000. Official Tet. of Tbraa Statei. The official vote el Oregon la aa fellows ; Harrison, 33.203 ; Cleveland, 20.524 ; Flak, 1,677 ; Btreeter, 303 ; scattering, 0L Total veta of atate, 01,018. Harrison a plurality, 0,769. In the atate election last June Her mann's (Rep.) total vote ler congressman, 32,820; GeamMDem.), 25,413 Uermann'a plurality, 7,407, At the laat presidential election Ulalne's total vote In tbe atate waa 20,860 ; Cleveland's, 21,694. Blaine's plura lity, 2,206. The efllalal vote of Kenlueky Is aa fellows : Cleveland, 183,800: Harrison, 155,131; Flak, 5,225 ; Laber, 022 ; Belva Loekwood, 2. Tba atate canvassing beard of North Caro lina en Friday completed the count of tbe veta for Judge, and tba constitutional amendment Increasing tbe number of an. premt court Judges te five. The Demo Deme Demo ersile snalertUaa xea from 15.900 te 17,313. Tba amendment was earrled by a majority "k XRTXB-STATB COBMBBOal Tka Aaaaal Repert and ReeeaaneattUaaa et the Comsatartea. Tba aaaaal report of the Intar-etate com- nana commission places the railroad mlleagaetthe country en the 30th day of Jobs, 1888, at 162,781, of which 2,812 mllea aaa been completed and brought Inte oparatlea within the alx mentba preced ing that dav. Tba railway oenatraotlrm In 1886 was 8,471 miles; la 1887 It waa 12,088 miles. The number or corporations repre sented In tba mllesga is 1,251, but, by iea iea een of leases or ether ean tract arrange ments, many corporations held control et and operate one or mere reada owned by ether corporations, and the whole number making reports of operatlena at the data eaaaaa was uoe. A'.summary et the termal complaints brought before the commission during the year la aa follews: Cases beardanddeclded, 60; cases beard, net yet decided, 6; caea hearing, net completed, 9; cases withdrawn or settled, 23; eases suspended by request, 10; eases assigned for hearing, 9. Total, 1U7 Upea the subject of the operation of the law the commission say: Te what extent, It at all. ths administration of the act hen been harmful te the carrier., la a aubjeet upon which tbe vlewa or railroad managers have from time te time been pnbllely ex pressed, sometimes te the effect that tbe damage baa been very considerable. The oem mission Is possessed et no evidence showing tbat the general result baa been otherwise than beneficial. Unquestionably the railroad bnslness el the country baa suffered many and very severe losses during tbe past year, but these have net been due te the aet te regulate commerce. Dlsensalng railroad trusts, the commis sion say ; Anything equivalent te oensoll datlen et all the reada or the country nnder a slnele head or even these of a. enn.iitar. ableaectlen, whether by merger or by the formation of a confederation which aheuld have powers of legal control, or by the ereatnre of what la new technically denom inated a trust, could hardly be supposed possible, even If the parties were at liberty te form It at pleasure, If the parties oeme into harmony en tbe aubjeet, an arrange, ment of the sort would be se overshadowing, se powerful In Its control ever the bualneis Interests of the country, and ae ausoeptlble or being need ler mtsohleveua purposes In many ways, that public policy could net for a moment aanctien ir, at least by statute, unless it were held In close legal restraints snd nnder effectual publle supervision and oentroL The vel untary arrangement of the kind en ether lines et business are already umcieuiiy inreatening te me puone inter est, and tbe most ardent advocate of the concentration or railroad authority ean net reasonably expect that anything et the sort te control the transportation of tbe country will be provided for by legislation. With out legislation te favor It, little can be done beyond the formation et consulting and ad viae ry associations, and the work of these Is net only necessarily defective, but it la also limited te olreumiorlbed territory. In the ebsenee of any aueh oenoeniratlon n' authority the oarrlera by rail have it In their power te de very much towards estab lishing better relations with the publle at targe ana tow aras performing netter servlee ter the publlaby first establishing better re lations among themselves. The need of this Is very Imperative. The first requisite te tbe establishment of hotter relations among tbe carriers by rail would seem te deb recognition en tneir part ei tee laet tbat they seem te the publle te constitutes cfas, wltb, te some extent at least, common In terests, and likely te be controlled by the aame motive. The commission sums up its conclusion en the subject of uniform classification by saying : Uniformity In classification, as faat and aa far as it can be accomplished without aerleus mischiefs, la desirable. There la gratifying progress In the direction et uni fication, aud It has been very marked with in tbe last year. Se long as tbe earrlers appear te be laboring towards unification with reasonable dlllgenoe and In geed faith, It la better tbat they should be en -oeuraged and stimulated te continue their eflerta than tbat tbe work should be taken out of their hands. The commission recommends that some Slaee of greater capacity than Castle arden be provided ter the reception of Immigrants, located soraewbere upon New Yerk barber ; tbat all regular Un6s of interior transportation be allowed te have agenta at the place se provided, who may aell tickets under regulations prescribed te secure equal privileges te all and te pre vent abusea ; that tbe payment of commis sioners for I he routelng el Immigrants aud for providing tbe shipment of immigrants from fetelgn countries, be deelsrcd Illegal and made pnnlabsble, and that the com mission be authorized te prescribe (area for tbe transportation of this class of passen gers. The commission renews its recommends recemmends recommends tlenaof last year with reference te express companies against the sudden raising of rates without notice. Other amendmenta te tbe law are also urged upon the attention et Congress. The commission believes tbat notlea el Intention te reduee any rate whleh auy carrier, aub aub jeot te tbe act, makea or Joins in, ought te be published net less than three daya before the reduotlen eheuld be given effeet, as provided In the amendments new pending, and that the penal previsions against falae billing, falae weighing, etc., should embrace also the owner of the property or any party acting for the owner or consigner of prop erty who shall be a party te any aueh un lawful oenduot Ab "Uncle Temer "Sold. Same queer artletea are sold at the auc tions In Centre Square en market mornings and the collection of old atuir Is remarka ble at limes. Tbls morning in looking ever the mixture Auotleneor Fred. Williams found an old and sorry looking mule, which bad been left for sale. The animal waa put and brought exactly fllty eent' Of this sum the auatloneer reeelved ten per cent The purchaser was Jehn lrwln, the street sweeper. Although the mule waa very aleepy he made It quite lively for a number et beya who Insisted upon teasing htm. Buvcd by a let Orew. Mrs. Themas Llpsett, near Mlnersvllle, Fa., en leaving the house te call at a neigh bors en Thursday evening leltber children looked In tbe house, romping with a tame crew. In their play the oeal oil lamp waa upset The beuse took tire and but for tbe crew flying up tbe oblmney and cawing out an alarm the eblldret would have been burned te deatb. The neighbors who responded and rescued the little enea say that tbe orew was perched en the reef caw caw leg with all Its might as though fully aware et the Imminent danger el the children. Verdict for I'Ulnilfr. The Jury In the suit of Samuel G, Wecbter vs. e. G. Hull it Bre,, tried before Judge Llvlngsten,thls morning rendered a verdict in favor el plalntifl for 1 112 10, the full amount of tbe elalm with Interest. Brown &Henselfer plalntifl; J, L.8telnmetz for defendants. The oeurt granted an lssne te determine the ownership et personal property levied upon by the sheriff, In which Frank H. Beatick et al. were made plaintiffs and Hpangler & Rich defendants. Death of Mrs. Ansa llambrlgbt, Mrs. Anna Hambrlght, wife of Geerge M. Hambrlght, who resides at 415 West James atreet, died this morning, She had been In ill health for a long time past, but last evening ate her supper and retired. Karly thla morning abe was taken with a hemorrhage aud dled In a few minuter, The deceased waa a daughter el the late Jaoeb Wltmer, who during bis lifetime was a miller and resided near Washington borough. She waa forty-nve years et age and leaves no children. Yeung People' A(toc4ailen Netting. The December meeting of tbe Yeung People', association et HU Paul's Reformed church waa held en Friday evening. Dr. Geed, of Philadelphia, lectured en Palestine and Illustrated bUleotero with atsreoptlean views, aad Miss Dromseld. of Yerk, bbbb- JjBmnlwle LET THERE BE LIGHT. ran CITIZUta OALLIRQ or LANOJ8VBR LOUDLY VOB If. HOW Delay at ths O.lud State. Maselrte LtgM Desssaay InarttlagUp It. Plaat Catalog WMi prs ad R tares The Osaapaay Try. lag te DUpeaa el It. I.t.rc sts Set. say It la little lata than a month alnee the big explealdn occurred at the Lneaater chemical works, almost destroying the plant of the United States K lee trio Light oempaay, which has the con tract for Illuminating the afreets of the city. After the accident the company gave out that It would aoen ba In operation again and In the meantime gasoline lamps were put up. Although three weeks have slipped by tbe light oempaay baa dena nothing whatever te aeeure a new plant or repair the old one. The company la net la a better position te-day te give the city electric light than It waa en ths night of the explosion. It was reported that the com pany had leased two properties In thla city, in whleh te put the works, but such Is net the case. The truth el the matter Is that it baa for a week or mere paat been trying te sell out te the Edisen oempiny. Councils will have te approve any change el con tract. While the United States company la making the snail-like progress, the city Is compelled te de with gasoline lamps and what tew gasllghla are up. Tbe lamp oemmittte seems te be. asleep, and la doing nothing In the matter, Meanwhile the people are howling all ever tbe city about the condition el affairs. Berne et the streets are very dark, and aeveral persons are said te have been stepped, en their way home, by men whom they were nnable te recognize, owing te darkness, In .the past lew evenings. A member or the lamp committee said te-day that they will report tbe exact con dition et atlalrs te oeunolla at the meeting en Wednesday evening without a recom mendation. As far as he waa coneerned himself he waa in favor of compelling the preaent company te furnish a geed light at onee or get out of the way. IIOLL I'tJPfl. Interesting Observations of a Student of Zoology. Editors Intetxicienerb : I own a bull pup, and I am lntereeted In the atudy el zoology, ae I take the liberty of recording my aolentlfle observations In the columns et your valuable paper. First, I have observed tbat the bull pup haa a ahert tall, because he deea net need a long one te keep bis balance when going around cor ners. Thla appeara te be the objeet of tall. If a long deg aheuld turn a corner quick without b la tall, bis laat part would get swung away off ita legs, and the precession of deg become demoralized. When he car ries a long tall, the long deg glvea It a vig orous outward Bwlng aa he whlrla around the corner, and se managea te keep himself In line. I onei bad a long deg that get his tall out oil by a bioyele, ridden by a Mr. T. Bias Bur. He tried te.run awaylrem the pain at the ether end of him, and turned a oerner se qulekly tbat hie rear swung out and hla head awung In, and Juat broke his neek sgalnat tbe wall. 1 ean voueh for the veracity or thla U1L My bull pup went out and ate It up. He still remains a short deg and gees around oernera with impunity and lmpudenee, aa be ran Inte a German mastiff In tbat way net long age, and then growled about It. I have also ebserved that the pugnaelty, tenaelty and intelligence of tbe bull pup have been overrated. He don't waut te fight mere than ether dogs, but he can't run away with swiftness or safety. He la se squarely built that be can't see around himself snd while he Is running away another deg might eat up bia ejberend before he could knew anything about If, If there were any trouble back there he could net Interfere because he la tee short te turn himself much. Se the bull pup Is compelled te faee his enemies, and he knewa he la email, ae he naturally and stupidly clamps hla Jawa en the threat el his adversary te keep himself from being swallowed whole. It la net asvage thirst for bleed or Intelligent art of war, but simply the blind lnatlnet el self-preservation. The bull pup Bees before him the yawning cavern el another deg's Internal economy, and he don't want te fall in, se be Just holds It shut, and the ether deg shuffles his canine oelU Lastly, I have observed aa a meat Interesting zoological fact tbat tbe bull pup docs net chase after hersea and carriages and bark at them with the persistence common te small dogs, or with his mouth. This la because et his peculiar anatomy, above noted, whleh prevents him from keeping an eye en the whip and makes It rather awkward for him te prance along aldewsys and bark at tbe same time. Thn reoeil et hla bark appeara te blew him around In a straight line. Considered from end te end, or mere properly from all four ends, aa he is about square, tbe bull pup Is a flne piece of zoology, I keep mine In the parlor because he bit a tough bcek agent aud could net unfasten himself. He Is stuffed and dead. Yours truly, J. FnesT, A Ueitltute Faintly. Mr. Jacob Jehns, et 135 Seuth l'rinee street, wbe has a family of alx small chil dren, nene of whom ere el auy assistance whatever te her, la In destitute circum stances. She Is unable te leave home te obtain a livelihood, and nor husband la tee wortbleis te provide for or live with her. He Is the man for whom the oflleora were searching en Thursday, as he Is wanted te answer the obarge el ad ultery wltb a woman In whose house he Is said te spend meat of his time lnitsad of looking atter his wife aud little ones. An Oid Lad audi? liarntd, Mrs. Nixderf, metber-ln law of Constable Ruth, el this city, was brought te Lancaster from liltttz yesterday. She Is quite an aged lady aud for some time past bad been en a visit te friends in Lltitz. A few days age abe met with a terrible burning accident In that place. In the evening ahe atarted up stairs carrying a lamp In her hand. After reaching the top she was overcome by gas, which was escaping from a stove down stairs. She fainted and fell heavily te tbe fleer. The lamp In her hand exploded and tbe burning oil spilled all ever the lady. Her clothing took fire and she waa terribly burned about the arms and body before assistance arrived. Sbewai taken te the residence et her daughter, Mrs. Sarah Bboine, at 327 Lancaster avenue. lit lore in. Majer. Tbe mayor disposed et sixteen cases tbls morning. Frederick Kaultr, Charles Brown and Jehn Dlxea were Inmates el the station heuse en Thursdsy nlgbt and discharged upon premising te leave town. They were arrested yesterday for begging. Tbe mayor sent them te tbe workhouse Hiram Byer, arrested ler a similar offense, waa aent te the aame Institution. Twelve ledgers were discharged. Killed by HU Employer, William Thompson, aged 45 years, wbe waa employed at the coal yard of William Yeung, in Philadelphia, waa abet and killed Frldav sight by the accidental dlaehsrM of J a mUtat te ttii ba04 of Mrt Yoesg, WHO WILL QBT THKRJCT Tba Mm Who Tula Thsy BaeaM Ba Laa etittfi raetmaatar. Tba Kepublleana of thla city are bow worrying themselves ever the postmaster pestmaster ablp, and quite a number an very anxious te euceeed Mr. (Haymaker. The fight Is beginning te wax vary wars, bnt it baa ealy begun. The gentlemen whose namea are bow aeatleatd are Themas Whltscn, Kllwoed Qrlest, Charles K. Leng, ex-Postmaster James H. Marshall, Themas O. Wiley, Geerge W. Eaby, Capt Abraham Bettley, Capt William D. Btaufter and Alderman Geerge W. Pinkerton. All et the above are well, known and some of them are old offieu seekers. Beroe of the policemen think that the man closest te Breslus will be tbe win ner, bnt ethers say that Quay is tbe one te tie te. The candidate who la doing the meat work for the place is Charles B. Leng. He is pushing around every day and la busily engaged " seeing " people. Kllwoed Grlsat haa aald that be doss net want tba offlea, bnt ethers say he would net only take It willingly bnt la after it het feet Many people think he is the atrengest candidate of the let. Whit son's elalm te ths ofnee la that be comes from the aama neighborhood aa Breslus. The elty politicians think that neither he nor Bettlay have lived long enengbin town te ask for the best oOice in It, The ether eandldataa are all well enough known te need no Injrodnetlon, A knowing pollllelan aald, with a wink, thla morning, "mind my words, the appoint ment will be an unpopular one when made." It la said that In addition te the above candidates Jcahua L. Lyte la willing te take the offiee If the lightning aheuld bap. pen te atrlke him. Jesh thlnka be haa put out tbe returns en the Kxamintr baloeny for a sufficient length el time te get aeme- thing. SHKlrVEB ft BLABJCLT'S OOMFAMr. Tba Troops Il.ad.d by Th.se Com.dlae. flea, the People, Among the popular novelty companies new before tbe publle Is that headed by Sheffnr & Blakely, whleh waa at Fulton opera house last evening te a medium alzed audience. The performanes waa a very geed one, and the " turns " of the different people, whleh followed each ether very rapidly, were highly pleasing. Obas. Reach and Ada Caatleten opened with a fnny sketch entitled "1 Will Net Fight Tbee" and Mlsa Emlte Pesre followed, singing ballads which were net a big go. Shelter and Blakely, wbe are great as dellneatera or the negre oharaeters and well known as authors, appeared In their specialty with sneeess, Adams, Casey & Heward, a trio et noted musicians and alngera, pleased everybody, while Sherman and Morrissey astonished and delighted the audlenee by their wonderful tumbling in mid air, contortions, dts. Other creditable features of the show were the Irish comedy el Sheridan and Flynn, banjo playing et Dan Regan and reals en the rings by Senera Nannie Tatall. Griffin and Marks, wbe de a very funny act as Chinese laundrymen, and Maria GHehrlst, the lightning change artist, who were widely billed by this Outnpany, were net seen. The psrty opens at the Londen, In New Yerk, en Monday next Slake KesctDg n.text. The town Is full of tramps who subsist en theohsrltyef Its elllzens. These tramps make begging a pretext te commit petty larcenies whenever opportunities present themselves. On Friday evening one of thla fraternlty called at Alderman Hal bach's heuse and asked for a drink of water. The tramp auppesed that the young man who answered the ring et the bell would go te the back part of tbe house and wblle he waa absent he would skip swsy with tbe overcoats en the raek In the hall. The tramp waa greatly disappointed, ler Mr. Ualbach'a aen called te one el the family te bring the water whlle he remained at the deer. The tramp took only a alp of the water and then left American Mechanics Handing Association, The tenth series or stock et the American Mechanics Building and Lean association haa matured and 30,600 will be distributed among the owners of that series et stock. Jehn B. Rebm, the aeeretary, Is resdy te pay out tbls money upon presentation le him of their books and eertlncatea by the holders. With January another flaeal year begins and a new aerie, the twenty-first, will be atarted. pond, et Kecerder Itelnheld. O. P. Brleker,eaq., aolieltor ter Recorder eleet E.L. Relnheld, te-day presented te tbe oeurt snd had his official bends approved. One Is te the state In the sum of 18,333 33, and the sureties en this bend are B. F. Hleatand and Paris llaldeman. The sec ond Is te tbe county and Is for 1,500, Pennsylvania currency. The sureties en this bend are Lew! S. Hsrtman and Jehn A. Menk. i m The aia Hlewers. This la the laat day or Prof. Thompson's glass blowers In tbls elty, snd the business this evening will no doubt be very large. Artber Newell, aged ntne months, of Ne 8 North Chsrlette street, was voted the handsomest baby las', evening and he re ceived a beautiful prlzx Te-day the meat popular lady aoheol teacher will get one alto, The company has had a very suc cessful engsgement In thla city, and they will open In Uarrlsburg en Monday. Tlie llay Club Hepper. The Bay elub held their regular monthly meeting at tbe aaloen of Jehn A. Snyder, en North Qaeeu street, last evening. At the butlness aosslen tbree new members were elected. Afterwards the boys were entertained by Lewis S. Uartman, one of members of the club, at an exeellent turkey aupper, whleh wsa prepared In capital atyle by Mr. Snyder and family. The party adj eurned at a late hour. Want te Mlddletenn. This morning tbe variety ahew of Geerge Whitby, whleh Includes tbat well known acrobat, Charles Wltmer, Prof. Mehn and a number of ether performer, left Lancaster for Mlddletewn where they appear thla evening. VUltlna- Ued Men. Onondage Tribe of Red Men, Ne, 83, of Ceateavllle, will ceme te Lancaster en next Wednesdsy evenlng, te pay a fraternal visit te Melamera Tribe, Ne. 2, et tbls city. Anether Execution Agaimt V. W. Myers. In addition te tbe execution for (2.0C0 Issued against C. W. Myers, of tbe Cooper house, en Friday, an additional one ter f500 waa issued te-day. Beth executions were Issued by Frederick Eegle. Many Kays Veand. Officer Cramer found a medlum-slztd braaa key last nlgbt, and Officer Bea found a small rteel key, Theae are attheatatien heuas and Alderman Deen haa a houie key and a small dead latch key that he picked up en the atreet Will O.neten'. Subject. The aubjeet et the lecture et Will Carle Carle ten, In tbe oeurt home en Thursday eve ning next, will be "The Chain et Success," Thla gentleman pleased Laneaatrlana ae weU at the institute that they wanted him bwk. COVERING MANY MILES; LIVTLBWOOD, TUB BM(lU9liAir, BCATIMO THK BROORD. IS Al the Bad of the 133d Hest Ha ? Bight MUM Ahead of BU Reere al IB Rama Slate la the rravlens radeetrlaa Ceatiat Hrrtr la aseead. Nrw Yentc, Dec, t 12 o'clock toere t Llttlewoed, 580 ; Herty, 519; Moere, 529) Oartwrlght, 516 ; Noremae, 608 ; Hart, 600 1 Cenner, 603; Hewartb, 601 ; Gelden , 407 ; Masen, 405 ; Oampana, 425 ; Tayler, 418 ; Peach, 318; O. Smith, 105 ; Klsen, 402. At 1 p. m , the end of the 1331 hour, Llttlewoed waa exactly 8 mllea ahead el hla own prevleua world rroerd of 685 mllea. He went off the track te be rubbed down ahertly after 1 p. m. S r. m. aoere t Llttlewoed 000; Herty 670 ; Moere 630 Oartwrlght 625 ; Noremae 620 : Hart 618 ; Cenner 614 ; Howarth 614 ; Gelden 508 ; Masen 604 1 Campana 431 ; Taj. ler 427 ; Klsen 400 ; Feaeh 220 ; O. Smith 105. There were at least 8,000 people In Madisen Square Garden at 4 mlnutea past one thla morning when Herty aame en the track again after a rest et two hours. Seven teen mlnutea later Llttlewoed made hla ap pearance and began te trot around after the records. Beth men remslned en the track and kept along at a geed rate amid the applause of the audlenee. When 7 o'clock eame there were barely 600 people In tbe garden, bnt when 0 o'clock waa marked by the big deck, the attend ance waa increasing. Tbe walkera were all en the track going well. Llttlewoed waa In excellent shape and covered the mllea rapidly. He ahewed little or no evidence or hla long walk and went ahead easily and apeedlly. Herty waa also in geed ahape. Feeling secure in the second plaee, be did net try te oateh the leader. Tbat was a hopeless task, he aald. The respective scores or the two leaders at that time were673 miles 4 Isps and 654 miles 7 laps. The best previous record for tbe same time waa 670 miles 1 lap (made by Hazael) . Llttle Llttle Llttle weod was new ahead et It three mllea and three lsps. When Albert made bis great record bis aoere at thla hour waa 601 miles 0 lap, nearly nine mllea behind Llttle Llttle Llttle weod. Moere at 0 o'clock had aoered 622 miles and waa aafely In the third place. Oartwrlght waa fourth with 622 miles. When 10 o'clock waa called by tbe scer ers and tbe horn's work had been added te the aoere sheets, it ahewed Llttlewoed alx miles and seven laps ahead of tbe reoerd (whleh waa his own) made In the Garden laat May. He was then eleven miles and three laps ahead et Albert'a aoere for the same hour. When Llttlewoed mads thla reoerd in May be did net euceeed In beating tbe alx day reoerd. Hla feet then were In fesrful condition and It was Im possible for him te go any further, This time is in exeellent shape, and fully capable,, et winning by a geed margin. Hla feet are aa hard aa reeks, and hla gait la almost aa springy ss when he started. His eyes are a little heavy with sleep, tjut be Is well ahead or the reoerd and will keep It te the end unless some unfoiaeen accident happens. Trie Bl .valor Wee Ovirloatfed. PneviDKNOB, K. L, Dee. l. This morn a powerful ateam elevator employed by N. B. Horten In tbe erection of a large brlek barn at Oeleyvllle for the Union Railroad company, fell from tbe eeoend lift owing te tbe breaking or a cable and waa precipitated te tbe cellar Where It was smaahed Inte fragments. The elevator contained five men and four large barrewa full et brlek and cement Fred Horten, aen of tbe con tractor, had hla leg fractured and one heel tern of! and bla spine was aeverely con tused. Twe workmen Buffered compound fractures of the leg and were brniaed badly. It Is feared that they will net survive, aa they are well advaneed In years. The ether men received bruises snd were severely shoeked. n. Will Net IUtract. Londen, Dee. 1. In the Heuse of Com Cem Com eons today, the speaker ordered Mr. Cunningham Graham, (Radical) member for the Northwest division et Lanarkahlre, te withdraw from the Heuse en account of his accusing Mr. W. H, Smith, government leader, of conniving at a dishonorable trick and refusing te retract tbe atatement In an Interview, Mr. Graham aald in explana tion of tbe affair, that be held Mr. Robinson (Conservative) member for Dudley, guilty of a dishonorable trlek In putting a motion en tbe paper prevent ing discussion en tbe grlevaneea of certain cbslnmakers. He had also pressed the be lief that tbe government Inatlgated Mr. Robinson te the action. Mr. Graham aaya aaya that he de net Inland te apologize for hla language whatever may be the result Scheel Beys and Girls Vrtqaeet Haloe n, Cer.UMiitiB, O., Dec L A startling dls dls cevery'made by the Weman's Missionary aoeletyot the Methodist Kplsoepal church or Columbus waa made publle last night The members of tbe society, one of whom resides In one of the prlnclpil thorough fares ever a low saloon and restaurant whleh haa for aeme time been under police survelllanee, recently noticed young school gtrla entering thla aaloen by the rear deer, whlle boys et the same age entered another way. The. girls came out In a hilarious drunken condition. Some or them were traced te their hemea and found te be members et prominent families, A list of the girls and boys shows that there are about 30 who have been visiting tbe place nearly every day ler a month or mere, They are membera et tbe high school, Reports Probably Rzsggerated. Wahhinciten, Dec 1. Full reports from Cspt Leary, of the U. B, B. Adama and the U, B. consul at Apia were received at the state department te-day about tbe Bamean treubles. The reports which are voluminous hsve net yet been thoroughly examined at the depart ment and cannot be given te tbe press te-day. Capt Adams, however, re ports nothing startling In the aituatlen there. There baa been no fighting, but at the time be wrote expected that there might be trouble. At tbe department It la be lleved the newspaper repot ts previously published about complications and prob able disturbance en the Island wero yety much exaggerated. rira In the Copper Mine still ll.gtng, Calumkt, Mich., Dec 2. Fire In Ne. 3 abaft of tbe Calumet & Hecla mine la still burning fiercely and la apparently beyond control and will consume a large part or tbe mine. Ne hope Is enter tained of reaculng tbe eight miner and tlmbermen wbe were out off from escape at midnight Thursday. Mine officials are pre paring te fight the Are with carbonic acid gaa In the same manner aa last year. Im mense volumes or smoke are issuing from tbe shafts and orevlees, though all are covered. A Obaeg. of Proprietors, Jaoeb W. Baker, formerly of the Arm of Baker Brethers, liverymen, of Lltllz, has purchased the atoek and fixture a el Ubebafa Katie hotel from Harry Myers I aad will at onee take posaeaaleB, A MTSTKRIOTIS BULLET. It Kilters the root el Aaren Stodtnreth aad Phyiletaa rails te R.mev It. Cet.uMniA, Dec L Aaren Btudenretb, R lad et about IS years, was with several companions en the reservoir grennds when he suddenly felt a severs pstn In his left feet Upen examination he fennd that a bullet had entered the feet near the instep, Ne report waa heard and the boy deea net knew where the bullet esme from. The boy was taken te his home and medlesl attendance given. Tbe bullet haa net yet been extraeted and tbe boy suffers con siderable pain. Jee Keeaey was at the new Prrsbyterlan church with a number or small bejs, and commenced turning a grind stone Jee bad tbe mlddle flnrter et his right hand caught by the rope, and befere tbe atone oeuld be atepped the finger was broken, The fuueral or Mrs. Ann Truscott, widow of the late Samuel Truscott, will be held en Monday In the Preabyterlsn churcb, after the arrival of 10:05 train from Laueaatcr. Offlcera Wlttlek, IHrnheld and Sehlll ar rested fourteen tramps at the furnace last night Bqnlre Evans gave 11 ve et the gang & daya in Jail ; Squire Selly, the asme, and 'Squire Herabey, four. The members were taken te Jail In an omnibus. The O. M. S. club will held a ball In tbe armory te-night A labor meeting will be held In the opera beuae en Sunday at 2 p. m., whleh will be addressed by Hen. William Walls, ofPltU efPltU burg. m 1000 Net la II Leap Year. from the Londen Standard. The following explanation la given why the year 1000 will net be counted among leap years. The year la 305 day, & heura ana 40 mlnutea long t eleven mlnutea are taaen every year te niaae tee year 305) da) a long, and every fourth year we have an extra day. Thla was Julius Caeaat'a arrangement. Where de theae eleven minutes oeme from? They oeme from the luture, and are paid by emitting leap year every hundred year. But If leap year I emitted rcgu larly every hundreth year, In iheceurae of four hundred years It Is found tbat tbe eleven mluntes taken eaeh year will net only have been paid back, but that ,a whole .day will havn been given up. Be Pepe Gregery XIII, who Im proved en Coeiat's oalendar In 1582, de creed that every cenlurlal yesr divisible by four aheuld be a leap your after all. Se we borrow eleven mlnutea each year, mere than paying our borrowings back by emitting three leap years lu three een turlal years, and square matters by having a leap year in the fourth eeuturial year. Pepe Gregery's arrangement la ae exaet, and tbe borrowing and paying bsek bal ance ae closely, tbat we borrow mero than we pay back te tbe extent of ene day In 3,800 yeats. m ' The Nsw Collector Take Possession, Tedsy Geerge W. Hensel, of Quarry vllle, took poaaeaslen of the revenue office of this elty and assumed the duties of collector et the Ninth district of Pennsyl vania, The transfer waa made te-day and tbat In Itself waa a very large Jeb. The ferce or deputies, clerk, ifci, In thoellloo will remain the same as umler Collocter Mao Mae Mao Genlgle, although nnder tbe new collector eaeh bad te be again awern In and furnlah new ball bend. Everything had te begone ever, again the aame aawhen Collector MacGonlgle went In. The collec tor and hla deputlea bere aa well as Deputy Collector Geeaey, of Yerk, and ethers were sworn In by Rebert Clark, notary pubic, tbla morning. Ooed Werd. Sere Uuiel Clerk. from the UeUl atsn's Uulde. Mr. Harry Haldel, who stands behind the desk at the Cooper home, Lancsster, la ene whose ability a. a popular olerk Is beyond question. Popular because be shows no partiality te auy ene, but treats each and every guest In tbe aame pollte and courteous manner. He haa an oye te business and carefully leeks afler the Interests of his employer. Harry hss many Blauneh friends amongst tbe travel. Ing boys, who would greatly mlsa blm were he te change bla quarters. Preseentsd rer Larceny a. Iltllte. Mlehael U.Iger haa been proaceulod for lareeny aa bailee by Peter Les. The com plainant alteges that In December last he took from an envelope addressed te him (3 et hla pension money snd hss failed thus far te band It baek. Thaaoeuaed admits tbe accusation te be true and premises te pay blm tbe meney next week. Tuesday baa been dealgnated aa the timofertbe hearing. A irrmr'a Pall. Frank G. Mellteger,a young farmer, who Uvea about a mile baek of Mlllerevllle, met with a actions aocldentycaterday. He was working Inside the barn at distance el 20 or 26 feet from tbe fleer when he tripped and fell. He lay unconscious for some time and he la bolleved te be very badly hurt internally. Hint Oat for Ten Dj. Andrew Mattern, a young man residing In the aeuthern part el the city, was aent te Jail thla afternoon for 10 days by Alderman McConemy. The ceminl tment was made at the requeat el the man's parents, who aiya be la worthies. i Could Met Sell the cabbage. A low meults age tbe cabbsge growers near Fmdlay, Ohie, formed a trust and refused te aell any or their eabbiges for Ips than flveeents a bead In the field. Ne buyera oeuld be found at this figure, and tbe growers have had te bury their cab cab bsgeM until spring, when they will be glad te taxe wnat tuey can getier tneir crop. Mntdered Ills (inter. Mrs. Emma Jacksen, aged 20 years, was ahet and killed en Friday at her home, In Glasgow, Missouri, by her brother, Harvey Ballaw, aged 11 years. Bbe aaked Harvey te get a bucket of water, and he refuueJ. Bhe threatened te whip him, and went alter the water berself. Aa she waa enterlng the deer et tbe room ber brother shoved the muzzle of a shotgun at ber face and fired. Has All tbe Julllletleni. from the Lancaster Inquirer. The appointment or Geerge W. Heneel aa collector of Internal reveuue, te succeed Collector MacGonlgle, la an unusually geed ene. In thla appointment tbe Daiuocratle party ha put Its best feet f or e most. Mr. Hensel haa all the qualifications ler a first claaa officer. Probably Murdered. Washington, Dec l Fred MeOlellan bookmaker for W. it. Jennlngr, thewel known turfman, and himself a popular man among horsemen, was found dead en tbe Baltimore it Ohie read track near Ivy City last nlgbt His Identity was net dis covered until te-day. Facts have been dis covered which point te murder. Fulllran Want, te Fight. Nkw Yeitir, Dec 1. Jehn L. Sullivan, accompanied by aaveral ether sporting men, arrived in thla elty form Bosten this morning. The pugilist looked well and said be bad come en from Bosten for the purpose of arranging a match with Kllralu or Mitchell, A Mlaaiiig Purine r. The family of Heuiy Highly announced In Norristown en Friday tbut a reward will be paid ter Information leading te the whereabouts of Henry Highly, or the re covery of his dead body. Highly was a prominent farmer of Lewer Providence township, Montgomery county, 01 years of age, acd departed en the 10:h of November, alter being told by a member el bis family "I wish you would clear out and never ahew your faee here again." He left at onee saving, "I will." It la believed that be drowned himself In the Schuylkill near his fans, '4fi A TOUHO LAW STCDKXT UP NIW SJeVI HOT lienx OK trk irBtnm' m -----. v...s nn Slayer, tba Bea of a BaloeB-Kasaer. J Inte a Hetervelr aad Drewa J.aloesy 0sllsv.d le Basel the Tenug Maa te Mardsr, '. Nkw IUvkh, Dec L Jehn B. XI law atndent, wai murdered ea Tka evening, in front et Donevan's saloeslij cny. mng wis snot m the head ana 1 a tew moments after recelvlna- the Laat night the notice discovered ev atrengly pointing te Gee Donevan, i son et the aaloen-keeper at whose plaat 1 inuruer ws. oemmuted, as the murda young King. The Donevan family,. uonireniea Dy tne evidence in peeseai the deleellve, admitted that it waa ; van who did the sheeting. After the i lng Donevan ran home and bid In that Yeaterday Donevan's cost and hat velver were found en the edge of tba i veir, indicating tbat be bad oemraltled i cidc $, ths MunnxHsn commits buicibMbY Nkw IUvkn, Oenn., Doe. L Tba or Gee Donevan, the murderer et Je King, waa found In the reservoir thla i leg. The motlve of the murder la yet te icarneu. it is au ppesea jealousy preas me crime, no new development ' expeeted te-day. a King moved In geed aoelely and feavj m uuie wm eranieyeu as a etnmim. Lefgbten & Oc, of tbls city. Wall Waterbury be met Mlas Susie Meebra. taw -a ileniyhlAp nf VAvtmrA &tAh- ! ! .ia.. J ."r lit:... " -.--r:.""-"'.j "- "rww ivuueubuiiuuuuiwui roe cueKer e Maehlne company In thla elty. Meeban Is a handaome young lady,' eas spent most ei ner me in a Waterl convent. ShametKlngatWaterbjrri he was en a business trip. An acquaint sprang up whleb gradually rlpsnedtt a warm friendship. One of the rattan tae convent la that no young lady i ctrry en a oerreapondenoe without tba t asnt of her parents. Thla put put a dassf en lung-, wooing, nat when Mist J returned te tbls elty be renewed his I liens te tne young lady. jfx Upen her return te New Have " - Meeban went te live with the famlla-ef 1 Jeseph Preck, a wealthy relative reetda en Orchard atreet In the mean time. 1 entered tbe cfllee of Prentice W. CnaaaJ this elty,as a law atudent On Thursdays; last weea mra. x-reea ana Miss MS called en King. The young lady la i become a mother, ana ahe entreated Kb. te marry her and aave ber from al a sensations! seene followed, In ws King ordered both women ect of the el Mr. Preck had been out of town, aad I first lie knew of the delicate condition) hla niece was when he returned te tbat only a few daya age. He Is a man of ' quick temper, and tbe police were ef: I opinion mat be was the one wbe did i Bhoellng. xfa'tfi i-reck, wnen be learned this, cells the police offiee and declared that be 1 nothing el tbe murder, and claimed! tbe time of the sheeting he was faeae ' bl family. fflf it Mr. Sherman Burled la Bl. Lealf,'g" Br. Leuis, Dec. 1. The speelsl car 1 lng te remains of Mis. Gen. Bberma the funeral party arrived af tba depot j 7:15 o'clock tbla morning ever the Vaai railroad. The party oenslr.'d of GreaV'i Bberman, hla daughters, Mra. LlevaV , Fitch, of Pittsburg, Mia Thackera, -frf l'biiaaeipuia, ana Elizabeth Bhersaaa,, Miss Riebael Sherman and tbe generates. son, iiev. I'atner at. Hberman, a souelssHa In the order of Jesuits) Judge HaaaV Kwleg, Lancaster, O,, a brother of ust deeeased, and hla two sons; Gen. Ewli or Lancaster, O., another brother of deceased ; Majer Thatksra, el Phils phis; Lieut l'itcl), United Stales arnrjLi and his little son, and Mra Steele, aeMif A wim uer mug maa, The party was met at tbe depot j I aevuru au jjuuib irieuu. or me family a breakfast was taken at the restaurant ei I depot alter whleh tbe remains were I veyed from the speelsl ear te St. Fraaant Xavler'a church. Alter a low mass aad ,; simple funeral aerviee, tbe remains i taken te cavalry cemetery anddep In the family vault Corpus Indiscriminately Katsmbsdt Indianapolis, Dec 1 In an lave tlen by an officer of the beard of I some horrible discoveries have been In Green Lawn cemetery, the eldest banej lng ground In Indianapolis. In the vaaaV oeffina are pnea en eaen ether ana in soak ; parts of the cemetery, particularly in MURDER AND SUICIfiEi euruur wuuru i,uuu vjuuiouernio euiuieia ie y. three layers et dead nave neen interraa, In some of tbe vaults the bodies of lnfaaai have been deposited In paper coffins boaeaa m their parents could net afford a mera pon.lve manner of burial. The beard wft taxe action iu tne matter. -' u . HJi Dynamite Kill, rear Men, V" ' Luxinqten, Ky., Dec 1, The memmI fatal dynamite explosion en the Kentueky Midland railroad within ten daya occurred:-, Thursdsy afternoon. Four men ware-,. killed and aeveral dangerously wounded." i , lueutgunuiaiugBt uu .aua nuci. imw$i explosion occurred are convicts leased freaa , tbe state te contractors en the read. Tat) V , men were blasting reek In a cut when tae'J dvnamlte charge was exploded wnue atli were at work. James mew airy, tne of the gan, was among the killed. ! '$, Ifecklng Valley rarnaces Bar. CoLUUues, O., Dac 1. Reports from -Hj. Uccklng valley ahew tbat the Iren Industry Is enjoying an unprecedented boom. The) Hrcs have been lighted In the furnaces at Gore, Buebtel, Shawnee, Moxahala, Glaa guw, Bessie Qreendalc, Balrda and FleeaV weed and order, have been received seaV o'.ent te keep them busy ler month toeosae. The output or tbe rurnaeee new In blast tt' net less than 15,000 tens per day. i- California'. Official Tet. SAcnAMBNTO, CalDec 1. The electoral; , vote el California as announced by the see-)-'. retsry of state yesterday is : Harrison, 134, , bee; tiieveiana, u,.v; risxe, e,ui, um- i tte, 1.691. , -Jp3 TKXKaiiAr-IIIO TAPS!. "t k l.,na vnln nf nnal htt. IU9t baSB ellBi. covered eight miles south or On.mbwll,cul D. T. xne oeai nw i".r , discovery causes great excitement . -vj Thn Davten Plew company, capital MeasVt 176,000, made an assignment yesterday, It 7 in eialined the oempiny has asaetatetae) amount or (35,000 and liabilities that will ' nn- rfiiCh (30.000. ."-'" J Cel. J. B, Nulton, circuit clerk; Aauaas, Connole, A. u. Doughty ana vr. abmb Wilsen, prominent Domccratle membera a tbe O. A. R, aent in yesterday rn.ir re signations te Pest Nc 4i2ef Oirrolllea, Ilia. B. H. Hall, or Mlunesete, was te-daf appointed chief or the dead letter Onset. poateffloo department '., 1 1' WaATHKK IMDIOATIOXB. ' ' nWABHIMSTOK, D. O., D0. L DsV jcaataraPenaaylvaalat FaU, slsjai-T t I 1 1 .. .t a a a. s ' . -!,.. 1JS .V ""Vi-b-V t V" i i V; v "vc ,ii ; - '-.i-iL