Wrfr-rryr- wiu !' ' s.. ; '"- THE ILANOASTEIt DAILY INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1888. Dally Intelligencer. LAKCABTXK, MOTXMBBKS7, 185 . V lllli uui.iiiaciH W will knew mera about Mr. Harri. 0ft.. Wilt tM VfAtttl4H ill Mbr than wa de new when we see bem be nelecls as the Pennsylvania eref Lis cabinet. Of couue the i will have a member, and the matter t tatcreat Is as te whether Mr. Harrison 111 select htin or permit someone else te A aft 4 mi IiIvm tm Hiinif la nnvtntm In s$r",uuL' " i.': "r.". ;: frHsTviee jeu uuu cecuiiugiy caccis iu jrfemK; and the rank and filoet the sety appear te think that he commands situation ana tne patronage mat is te flew into Republican hands. There ir hardly anyone abaut who docs net train under Quay. The Philadelphia Negation in the lower Heuse of the MglMature has just declared for nn ABet heny chief cleik of the Heuse, who (l the fee of Quay's Allegheny an taRenist Miffee. The old chief cleric, iiescn, Qmy'sfee, is te be turned out; along .iwtttti mir ntrn f!rtplirftn. wlinqA fnrmpr V ?sW appears te claim and get his own. F. ji' "But it may be that our Republican r-frlends are ever hasty in their tumbling in fender the Quay blanket. If they will re- . AAf. m IMHa 4t,Atr wtlt lnA Ihnf flnav tvad &T:r,;:r. "!' "'". Tr "T-y.' v;: i. : smnui3i.uppuueni. ui mimsuu jur iue .ayMBinatlen ; and it was only after he vriu awaiuatednd when the choice wnsllar- Jkiwa or Cljveland, that Quay turned in v7!Jfac Harrison. He had no place else te , wirn. Tne pssiuen or cnainnan which was ';gtren him, honored him. He wielded it , j? sceessf ully and deserves well of his parly. j he has no personal claim en Harrison. iaHS!r.,.v:.r .mH e vauuiuaw;. fS And it will be noted, tee, that Mr. kS Harrison has a laree acaualntance with pfeae politicians of the country and that i V Mlawa dm llinea In PdtinBvtitnnln ti'tin liaud Jr&bMQ his original and earnest friends. smMf uitipiMiwuu ui rewuiua wuiuii llaaves them eat in the cold, sup- j&Jpesea a state of suspended animation 9 "-. la Harrison, which will mnkfi lii.i mlmln- filtration anyone else's than his own. If i.,v;X Harrison is te be president in fact, it Is liU.dear enough that Quay, Wanamuker and ; S.tbat let of trash will net sit supreme pt'i.ipen prostrate Pennsylvania. 5y Ana our own judgment Is that this fifewill be the future's showing, liar- :4nn Is llkflv tn unilprtaVn nt. Pkaat, te have something of his own g.-;'jway about things; and especially te p - aweci a caeines te uis iikidr. ue is net a !' awwuiuu ui turtioe uiau uuu ia uuu imeiy 4baveany such about him Intimately. vJfHe has culture and refinement; which his f XObesen associates will ba likely te have, y .tma it is hardly necessary te say that the ..Qeay covey de net have. Mr. Harrison ,:j,'ay or may net have fibre enough te Sn(rSnjS. tin eernlnar. tha nrnurfl nntl If mne I1 VMrAvAnm a anil villa film Itnf If la antn tr winwwD nuu Aura uiiu( uuw iv la diud iu . ': fhf If nU1 Mal f n,.lf ,t MAH.. 1.H9 Will b TT1IA UC1M I'll JiUlf HUU UUUUCi .IsKere it gets control; and any Republi can In Pennsylvania who thinks that Harrison is a strongman,need net be in a tSlnay te prostrate himself before tlie men tiwhe have set out te take 'possession of rX Fendfr nnrt Mnlclipn. f'A prosperous business ruined, a large ; family homeless and destitute, withsick . and the hand of death among them, ;Iakl the father blinded. This is the work 'at one narler match and ntin tnir nf nnw j- . . . . 7 ' aM fl&llllB.lw flfntinlil Inn.Minii AaaM f Im ,4W VC1CDJ UIUU(UU lUOIUU liCni bllU Qap, en aturtlay- Matches will drop en or, and the only way te avoid these allaaatAra fa trt tiaa millma i Viaf will ntile "iatrlkpi en tlin ltnr. Pnwdpr will ivnlncln Without notice, and the only way te STO'.d this danger Is by retailing jp in geaieu cans, xne ireuuie &1 that the tin cases in which i1,; small quantities of the best powder are Sfiww put up are ee expensive that people i jpwv.VA w uuj uunuci luuau tu liijt uu flHAfAl tfl .in.. r.fn tnxun .. n ,1.a. .. .Mgar, and occasionally a scale-pan full I?ban)B the whiskers from a careless store- JktMper. There should be a legal regula- .Hen of the sale, of powder compelling rlthe use of cheap tin cans and forbidding '''tb very dangerous practice of shaking it ( '.Aflf r n lrew itre Ilia l r Mti.i..H ...1. 11. .aaaekJng men stand all nreuud scattering aparka and parlor matches en the lber. A great many gossips will have some- i .tiling te say about the carelessness of the y wwertunate mau at the Gap, but he was vae a Die mere careless than ninety-nine eat el a hundred men in his position. Many sell parlor matches and powder Tar the'samecounter.erat least use these tlftBlfntlAa llflAWnllw In .1. n . .. I ..1. 1 . .. 1. .. .1 e j t-mvuw uuuaiij iu ujd JiCJijuiluiUUUU 01 m powder. It may be a very grave ialt, but it is a very ommen one and Mi. Parmer's misfortune should net only taaelte pity and active sympathy but lead m precautions for the prevention of isiaUlar accidents. HISDOSliie cf Wcallli. S. .'T-alnh V U'llllumiinn (l.,u ti.nf n . g-nannet even trlve flvs mUlinnn r tim IfcfaMc, wltlieut being abused by these uw no net get any eeneut from the !'iaewer. Mr. Williamson haadetprm!ni jtla eenflne his benefaction te white folks ; "waereupen tne colored cltizan, or his eUtlcal leader, howls. On Tnrvi p rhiladelphla negre, thinks it really in- , nwras inac jur. Williamson should Ps wasa sucn a aisuncuen. 1'urv s ! cv . j& SBtIy of thesa who favor the most inti- 59 cemingung or the white and colored as and doubtless would maintain timt. f. Mm mixture is an improvement te bjth. r. Williamson does net seem te have been uaaea or mis in ills eighty years of life; iMtrg a white mm himself, naturally 1 te cenune his gift te his own When Mr. Purvis disnnuM nt m BBulatlen. it he bus mnin nn v nn nn t Wttl object te his confining its benefits te 'WHIP! 1UIB. i . ' Mr, Williamson dee3 verv wpii t .t UWfbenefactlen en its legs before he dies. man wne wants his menav hm.ii ?Jhe directs, after he dukm nvnv l well te execute the direction hlm- , It is net often that execu. susceed In doing as they are I te de, Mr. Williamson has selected I a crowd of men ns trustees : iind iaty be able te get them fairly started i 'se ei the five millions he gave a he would have it used. Ilia 'Stema te b te nrnvMn me una J-n OflllaHn l 1 it .. Haiakst'iat bejs are net offered suffl- t wsuiiKB for learning trades. It is ar luat.hls opinion is sound. The I are all open. If nny bDv cannnt lH:rtuuity te learn a trade it can MttDscausj there is an ever supply of saaa wis trouble Mr. WJHiamwu's i.WiU jjel wrrect. " The lows EtIcMebs. There is very general sympathy with the Iowa settlers who are being forced te desert their homes because the supreme court has declared that the land right fully belongs te the Dss Moines Navigation nnl Rallrcad company. Thelrrespenslblllty for their misfortune is directly traceable te the reckless legis lation of the Republicans in the matter of land grants te railroads and the justice et the decision of the courts under this legislation does notseemepentoquesuon. These eviction! are enforced by United States marshals.wbe take the precaution te go well supported and heavily armed, but se far there has been no evidence of the least necessity for this precaution, and though bitterly rcsentfnlat the treat ment they have received, these American victims of a soulless absentee landlord submit peacefully te the law Berne of them have been prosperous enough te save the money needed for the pur chase of their farms from the company, but by far the largest number have confidently put all their earnings into farm improvements that must new be abandoned. A very few knew of this company and its claim, but thought there was nothing in it. A gieat many imagined that they were quite secure against all moles tation when they had secured a United States patent te their land, and new the company which has had no share In the work of reclaiming this wilderness for n;rlculture comes in for all the benefit of its Increased value. Congress should temper this hard justice with mercy. FenTV elergynien of the Ephcepil church met In P-IUdelphU, Monday, and illectiMOd the eellbasy et the clergy. Xbey dlUered politely en every point, and were divided cver the question whether HI. I'aul was inarrleJ, uutll a qulet dlvlne tug tug getted that the apostle was widower. Jehn 11. Doing ought te bsve a geld medal or h two Inch Alaska dUmend net in brass. Jehn It. Deris should rocclve the thanks et Congress, and the earclul atten tion et the peet LoweU In an ede te Democ racy. Jehn II. Is dreldcdly the greatest Amerlcan in his line that has et late been found wanderlng en the pavements of New Yerk city. Ills claim te undying glory la founded upon the following stroke cf genius : Among the Englishmen of title, who have raade the greatest effort of thelr lives by visiting Ainorlea disguised as gonllo genllo gonlle mon, there has of late appcared certain Marquis et Queensuury. lie has se far failed te announce exaetly whleh Amer lean helres he Is dlsposed te marry, and take home te bis aneestral halls for the rebuild ing and support thereef. Ueslmply hangs around feative gatherings In the metropolis and aiiutues the air of sport, though he lreks huugry and unhappy. Ills sporting proclivities may only be cultlvnted with a BBDne or fitness te his title, which should make him the prlnes of brulsers, but at any rate he appears te seek this kind of noterloly, and that Is hew be oneountored Deris. Mr. Deris is a circus man, and when six podestrlans started en a grand tramp In Madisen Hquare Garden en Monday night he fixed bis eye upon thelr starter with a blszs of line artlatte frenzy, The starter was noneotborthan thebaughty mnrqnl', and his gracious but dlgnlfled condescension drew around him admiring hosts et the glided youth of Amorlea. The ettcus man advanced and shook the right band of nobility, "wlilte all the world wondered." Theu be said : "My Ijerd, I will pay you f2,&00 a week te come te my show en Eighth avenue and ait lu a chair for three hours a day. Oh, I mean It. 1 am In the circus buttneRs,and It's a straight otTer. I'll draw up the contract right away, ami " "De you mean te Insult me, sir," thun dered the neble Englishman, "Net at all," replied the circus man; "but I thought as you had epened this show ter uethlug you might want tc " Hut the marquis bad vaalshed. We repcat, let ull honors be heaped upon Dsrle, and let there be created for hlui a national clllje of "nquelchcr et Imported nebillly," am m The Nineteenth Century for Novembcr publlstiei a decument that Science does net hoillate te say " will rank as ene of the most Important end significant of medern tltnea." This is very extravagant lan guage, r.a the address referred te Is nothing mero than a pretost, signed by eyer a hun dred et the uient Influential men and women of Oreat Urltaln, against the prorall prerall lug ay atom of examinations. The document roeords the "strong pro ton et the signers agslnst the dangareua mental pleasure, and mUdireotlen et ener gies and tlras, which are te be found alike lu nearly all parts of our educational ays tern. Allke In publie elementary coheols. In ecboela et all grades nod for all classes, and at the unlversltiev, the same dangers are tee often thawing themselves under dltrerent forms. Children are treated by public department, by managers and eoheolmatters, as suitable Instruments fcr caruleg gevurnment money ; young boys of the middle and richer classes are elten trained for sobelnrshlps with as little re gard for the future as two-year old horses are trained for races; and young men et real capability at the universities are led te bellove that the main purpose of educa tion la te enable them te win some great money priz9, or take some distinguished plaoe Iu an examination. We pretest most emphatically against such a misdirection of education, and against the evils which noeessarlly arlee from It." The physical, Intellectual and moral evlls resulting from tliii examination abuse ate then Indicated, aud the pretest la followed by .pelnttd comments by learned uier, Professer Max Muller, who many years age favored civil service examinations Is new vigorous In his objections te their abme.and Frederic liarrlsen says: "I de net deny that examination has its uses ; 1 de net sy that we can de without It, Isay tbit It Is a geed Hervdtit, but a bad master ; and like geed servants turned bad masterr, It is new bull leg, spoiling and humiliat ing education,' Perhaps this pretest with tfcoondorso tfceondorso tfcoendorso mentof se many famous men will receive seme slight attention lu this euuntry, where the evil coiuplilned el is quite bad enough. With us It Is net the teachers who are te blame se much as the system they have te work under, which makes the examination the test of their ability In their profession as well as the uieature of the capacity of their scholar. m i Therk is leta of sarcasm In story that comes Jrem the upper Mississippi of the dlscovery of another source te the father et waters. The new rivals of that brazan ini pesier, uaptam Ulailer, claim te have found a number of springs three miles from Lake Itasca flowing Inte a lake 40 reds in diam eter. Tela lake has an outlet-i creek about a red wide-whleh fiews neithwest for a mile and a half and forms another lake in a raviue. This creek Is from 0 lnonea te 20 inches detp at this season of the year, and In the et Masen mneh larger and deepsr.end Is fed by numerous ether smaller '.reami', as Is also the second lake. TLe creek runs en through the second lake which Is about 00 reds wide by CO er Oj long. After leaving this lake the stream llowsen towards Itasca, rapidly increasing In width and depth, till It is from one te two feet In depth, and in the neighborhood et EO feet wide. If this Is true Glazier's note l badly breken, but what a fine pl6ce et nonsense is this seareh for the source in the track lets wilds of the United States where the land has been aurveyed and quarter-sectioned for many ycarr. m A nisrATen from Cincinnati te the New Yerk Star removes all doubt as te the real cause of President Cleveland's doteat In the late olectten, 1 1 gives tbe vote of Ohie aa follews: 'TeUt vete, 811,911. A. Jt, Mattex leads lbs Jtepublluan Hat with 1110,051. Irving Duncan beads the Domi Demi orals with 301,435." Republican dollars did It. Amenci the various speculations of what might have bcen e curious specimen la furnished by the Washington correspon dent of the Pittsburg J'eit, who represents that the torriterlos qualified for statehood are simply wild en tbe subject, and would have given their eleoteral votes te tbe Democratle 'parly it the Uouse had con trtved te admit tbem bofeio the elec tion. In tbe past fourteen years Mon Men tana has only twice geno Republican, and there does appear te be geed reasons for the belief that a Dotnecratlo meve for her statehood would win her firmly te the parly. The territories new olamerlng meat urgently for admission, are Dakota, Mentana, Washington and New Mexico, and it tbe Uouse passea tbe re quired bill te make thein states, the Bsnate can hardly object te the latter and oppose it without losing Republican prestlRO In the Northwest. New, there Is really very llttte in all thtr, bejausa the peeple of the Northwest torrltirlesnow feci astured that they will be in the states in a few months at any rate, and are hardly likely te go wild with gratltnde te the Domeoratlo party for hastening thelr ad mission a little. The claims of the terri tories should be oensidorod at once,beeaueo tbey will be euro of mero Impartial treat ment tbsn can ba expce'.ed of a Ueugress thoroughly Republican, Ne doubt the prcsldent will make this nu Important tople in bis mes&age next v, eek. PERGONAL. J. U. CnAie, ollewa City, Is billeved tn bs the largnst innn In the world, tle is 112 years eid, Gfnt4 InehOB Iti hetgbt, and weighs new "Oi puumlc. He has weighed 833 pounds, but uses tobacco te keep his weight below 600. Jehn W. Monmsetr, or Pittsburg, will sucoeed Namuel A. licj'mti, nf Bcliuylkl.l county, eh chlef elerk et the llouee et Representative. At the caucus of the Philadelphia members et the legislature his nomination was agreed tn. C. K, Kttla wltbdrew from the contest before the caucuB met. Quay recently had a fipht with IjOfch, anu the M.te new formed by tbe "boss" will net be breken in January, Morrison was Journal clerk of the lint Uouse, llore Ir the Iralnnue of the slate: Hpoaker, llenry K. Itefer, Philadelphia; resldent olerk, Uhsrlns K. Voerhooc, Dauphin; reading clerk, Harry lluhn, Philadelphia. ' Hen. J. Smith l'uTiiny, prosldent Julge of the Uhemer netiuty oeuit, Ulna Monday morning In Wnst Chester. On (Saturday morning Judge l'utliey was taken 111 suddenly wlthanllghtiitlnuk of paraljslB and did net rally. Overwork was probably tbe oause of the attack. Judge Putliey wns born In Cheater county Heptember 3, 1820. He studied law In Yerk, and upon belug admitted tn the bar opened nn efllce In Went Chester. l'Vetn 1840 te 185U hn was district atterney, and iu February, 1870, Ooverner lieyt appointed him prosldent Judge et tbe Chester euunty court. The people con firmed the appolntment at the polls the next fall, in addition te his Judlclaldutlcs lie did a large amount of llteraty work and published a number et historical books nd pipers. Kkv. MvitON W. Kkkd, of Denver, for merly General Harrison's pastor at Indian apolis, once went en a hunting trip with one of his prominent parishioners, peslb)v (Jeueral Harrison himself, On arriving at the happy bunting grounds, Mr. Uoed was dismayed te find that be had brought with blui a quantity et cartridges only halt leadod, containing powder but no shot An ingenious idea struck him. He rrennsed te bis oemrado tbat they sheet together at thelr game, which was ducks in Hecks, and that they divide the spoils equally. Uls unsuspecting partner assented te tbe pre pesal, anu -nr. rtoeu uiu net return with en empty game bag. The trick finally came te the ears et his trlend, who was very Indig nant at the deception that had been practiced nn htm, and would nover go hunting with t ie conscienceless pastor sgaln, A cry much rr human mlmry and fllstrcri Is cnimd by tletcncsi. 'llie trim method 1h tn provent BlckiutK, which nan be Baluly ami ciri;lincrniiipllshiabylhuueu el LuxaOer. l'llcunnly iS cntitH, A -wera te juuiitf mothers.-Denotfloanrour flarlliiKs ltli tivnry nut Brmiilinetuur's in coif t, (no aisiespect.) nut liee th it liivuluiblu linjvoiitlve et ihliaren's UlseustB Ur. Hull'd jtnbvHyiup, K OKO 80AP. Koke Seap. IT WILL FLOAT. IT WILL FLOAT. PUKK, UNirOKSland UUKA1ILS lnqnat. lty,econeinlcnl lu uee. A vegetable oil aenp ler the LAUNDltV, TOII.Kf mid nATH. Adsptud te general houselieta use, or lu MILL, MINK or 8UOP. llyeur gro;erdeo4 net keep It, scna us ceutj ler pestairv. aud WOWJUunllacHeFUKK. Adilr.sj, H. & Q. A. ROHVtfB, nevSMyln.l'ti.s CINCINNATI, e. OOHPLXXIOA' FO WDHR. .-, -.- -n-s-g-jy-M-lj-S.-ul.ruv'1tn.T.-lfLI-ul. .'I-'UUI- L . " QOMPLEXION POWDEK. LADIES WHO VALUB A UKK1NK1) COllPLKXIOM POZZONTS UKl)IOATD: COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparls a brilliant transparency te the sslu. Uouieves all pimples, iruckles aim ols els ols eoloratlons, ana makea me skin delicately seu and buautlful. ltcentalns no llme, whltu. wWtS'aSffD?Sne,ty?,W8 ' lak 0r nch' reu sale ur All Drugstiata and Faney Goods Doalera vorywhero. ap5TlvOWAUE r 1M"ATION8.-W . - pur a ue nn. QOLD WEATUISR AND HNOW. WHKHK TO UOV 6 & 8 flerth Queen St. UNDERWEAR KOlt LADIKS, OKKTLKME.V, (JIllLl)ltEN AND INFANTS .Scarlel, Whlie, ulural Weel, Camel's Hulr, And FJue Cashmere. Without doubt wb have tha cleanest and cteipril ft4ertuiints et Unserxeur Iu Lau cisiur. ..fi0n,ii,,tW0bRVan6,Te''tIl,8lnLartfs VI k ,'h,."'ren ' ceits and shuwls at Lewest Cain rilcus. JehnS.Givler, 8 & 8 North Queen Street, Near Centre gijaare, LANOAiTKtt.PA. uiarie-iraw U'AXAMAKXira AA i-i rwwwu-rwxjfcfVL rynjxr I'niLAnstrara, luesday, Nev. 27, lbsa. Closed Thanksgiving Day. Five mere big surprises. The manufacturer's way of getting out. Brand new this morning. I Kent Beat Pkln Plush Jacknls In tle JnirstMyln. Patln lined llirouxfient, worth IremtV'tniUt eurprlcelltM. 2-ltcnl Seal PtB riush Wripf, tisndsnmn ly trlmmd, r-atln Lined lhfeulnnt, it) Jutlhalt what they ve been puilleg for, 3-Eniteeal Skin Plush Wraps, elegantly trlmmiil nnd lined, price SZ0 same as 4 V frash Inrolce el Ihose wonferful Hlriped Miwinarknts with arirnl Meeye and rnncsemn nrrauicnu lduntlcal lth IhoieoOldatlK! ourprtte ts.te. N-lteintlfal Ulste's and Kasltns, UtMt rtrlpes ana uislnrUK, and b'stxork b'stxerk b'stxork iiiaethlp, epun teams, tle, l, i, IG usuully twlce that. Pull assortment in colors and sizes. But first choice is worth being quick for. Bccend fleer, CLaitcutstreet side, reur ele ele vnleis. As unlikely a thing as we've done in Dress Goods this sea son was te give 65 cent colored heavy weight French Cashmere ler 50 cents. Fine wool, spun and woven and dyed by one of the most famous Cashmere makers of the world. Every yard we knew of anywhere at the price is new en our counters. Every yard you're likely te see this season at 50 cents is under our reef. The end is in sight. 39 inches (the trade and most stores call them 40), and just the weight, dye, and finish you want. In mere than fifty shades. We used te get 75 cents for precisely the same Cashmeres. Near the contra of the stere. There's a special bargain flavor te everything in these lets: KO Caps rer Inf.inU and Children, accu mulated, no matter hew; you thai lnvn thm ler tte. 60c, 7Ae, nnd tl each ; net u quarter the first prlre. EuTeral Heavy Coats for mltei of 3 and S cars, maue 01 plush and nevtl cloth', ier II, H, te , and V; Knnrrnlly about half Win in tutor Hklrta Inr Mheea andChll Orn, flannel, uialtens, and ladlts' cloths, tte ti 11.50. as Ie s1re nnd qnalltv. Weven Weel BMrts ler children, cardinal uud hlne, wlih body, 8'e te It CO, without beay, 1A0 in tl 7J. Quilted tatln BRlrts ler Uumt, navy, ear Inal, hlaclr, SJtOeAch. Every price right; se are shapes and quality. Bocend noer, Chestnut street front. Take clc clc Vaterd. What a reminder yesterday was of Storm Coats! It's in the range of possibilities that te-day will be another. We have the genuine Coats of rub ber vulcanized by a new pro cess, making them much mere durable than of old. Fully guaranteed net te slip in the seams. If one does, you get a new one. Made by Charles Macintosh & Ce., with Byers' patented ventilation. $8.50 te $25. With the Heuse and Smoking Coats, Dressing Gowns, Bath Wraps, etc. Ncsr Cbcutnut sttaet sntiunsa, Direct from the best maker in Stuttgart, Germany, w2 have received some Women's and Children's " Union Garments" ; that is, vest and drawers in one piece. They are made from undyed wool, called by some "normal," by ethers "sani tary." They come in white or gray, $175 for children's, $4.75 for women's. Men's Night Shirts in the same qualities, $4. When you see the texture the price will surprise you. Chettuut street side, west of main aisle. Seme of the French Table cloths have about as much art and elegance as ever gets into such goods. Memie weave and the silvery glisten of the finest flax. Hemstitched, and hand-drawn into pleasing pat terns of fancy open work. Prices are by sets Napkins included : iY"i yauli I V.jxlK yards I StfrS yards $37 I $40 ' 1 '45 Irish Linen, hemstitched and fancy open work, $22.50 te &n a set. German Sets, hemstitched, and with fancy sewing. Very fine Silesian and Dres drensets, $15.50 te $44. Scotch sets, 2x2 yards, with $i Napkins, $375 te $5-50 ; 2x3 yards, $6 te $12. Knotted Fringe Cleths, two rows of open work. Devlies te match, $5 a set; extra fine, up te 8-14 size, and $15.50 price. Bleached Deylies, $1 a dez. They would be geed value at $1.25. Same, red borders, 75c, $1, and $1.65. Extra, sb, red borders, fringed, $2.50. By rights should be $4. That's a peep at one corner of the Linens. We are deinrr just as remarkable things in every sort Handkerchiefs te Sheets. Soulhncttef cent te. JOHN WANAMAKER. NOTlOB TO THKHPAHHKKa AND (lUHNKlia. .ah persens are hereby for bidden te treitpajs en any of tbe lands of t&a Cornwall and OjK.iHen twtates in Lebanon or Lancaster centitlm, vhutbBr Inclesed, or nnln nnln nnln oleaaO, (ilthr for the purpose of sheeting' or flshinr. us tbe law wui Im rlifidiy enforced st-alntt all trtananslntr ng sela lands of tfca nn nn aeHjjni'd alter this uotlee. WM. UOLXKAM rttUMAK, u. raiier aluim, lI)W, U.rUXXMAIf, Aliernaia. ter K.W.QeIsmaa'j u JJeLANE'H lilVKH 1'ILX.S. TnESKNUIlUt DR.C. McLANE'S UELEUSATID LIVERJPILLS. Intemperance a Disease, When the celebrated Or. llahdeclarea that diunkunnts was n. disease, haoeunrliteaa truth which ths eaperlencn and ebiervatlnn el tnndlral mn latiTeiy day cenflrmlni. t ha ;uany nrpMently lnane-zcesses ollheeewho lidiiiKtstn ihensn of splrltnens liquors may thu be aerenntd fnr. 'iii.ivn.Miii.nri.iin. duct, which li Ukon for talatuatlen. Is rery Ireqn ently a dlseaied stats of tne LUer. Ne or 8nn In the human system w Iren deranged, pro pre pro uccsanieroiilghiful catalogue of elsrejes, And If, lnstd of applying remedies teths nmntfrstatlonser the illseatc. as Is tee etten the case phyjletans wcaid vrcsetltie with a view te the original canse. rower deaths would result from dlieises Induced by aderannea sta'eofthe Llve,r, Three-fourths of lha dis eases enumerated underthe held of Censnmp. tlonhateir.olrnatina oliem 1.1 rer. ahe vennlne lir. f. UeLaun's l.lyer I'llls , prepared hv riomteg .l-rea , 1'ltuburg, Fa, are a sure euro. Mr. Jonathan Ilevghman, of West Union, Fark 1.0, Illinois, writes te the proprietor, rietnlne Ilietbers, of Vittsburg, Fa, that tie had sufTrred from a sivore and protraeted at tack el fever and ague, and was completely loiteredtn health by tle use cf the trennlne ur. u. noLsne s Liver rills aienn. 'lbese rills unquestionably possess great properties, and CAU bu taken Wfthduf Idndllflvnnlirn rnrmintf dlteases re f lilting Invlgerailng remrdtes, but the I.Iver rills stindpro-euitnontasthomcans or rcstorliiKnaiiorKin'soailrerloheatthyao rcsterliiKnaiiorKin'soailrerloheatthyao rcstorliiKnaiierKin'soailrerloheatthyao tlont tence the great ce.ebrlty they have at tained. JnslstonhaTlngtheirennlneDr.n. MeLane's l.lTer Fills, prepared by Fleming llrei .Hs burv, I'n. All urugglsia keep thorn, Frlcn ui centiabST. (2( B ENbON'H l'LAHTKK. UUUIKQ Many men are unmindful of the laws of health and tzpose themselves te alt kinds et weather. Huchlm- Srudenee elten results in nncrnrnna lVmnf.a nnl1. AN II CITING F11KS1UKNTIAL Chent Fains, Uheumatlsm, ..... Bntatlca and etherpalnfnl CAMfAION nmictlens. Vxsseif's Ftaa- ., t. tub will be found tbe meat rellsble rxternnl ntmedy known ler the pietnpt relief una cute or such allmf-nts. It keeps up 11 healthy flew of the bleed when the beay Is exposed te the ravage et the most ln clemnnt weather. Carel nt buyers will ask for Ukkseb'b FLABTxn andrtluse all ethers. -.H0Da two cent Btamp te Heabnry A John Jehn eon, il I'latt street, N. Y., for n copy of In In ttruettent from the Docter, a valuable hcu.e hcu.e held lioex. (j) QUBKNHWARK. H 1UU A MARTIN. GLASSWARE. GLASSWARE. -AT- GUM MIL A Large Assortment et Glassware in Cut, rreBsed nnd Blown. Cut Tumblera, Fruit Bowls, OJive Dishes, Decanters, Oil Bettles, &c , pressed, blown and en graved. Pmlt Bowls, Water, Dessert and Wlne Sets, Pitchers, Oil, Vinegar and Catsup Bettles, &c, at Lewest Prices. A Very Large Assortment Parler, Stand, Hall, Library and Piane Lamps at all prices, from 25u te $M. The Rochester Lamp, " The Best," always en hand a1; bottom prices. Try one. High & Martin, Ne. 5 East Kiug St. CCtlO-tfd anoeteiiiks. ilOFFKESI TKA8I OHOIOE OLrTeOPPEES. rresh lteasta Bally and Finest New Crep. TEAS. UrTnUyuSllUes r,n 'taVer and Geea BKnUOlE WIANT Ke.lIS West King S jO-EW NUTS, 0ANUIES ANDFKUIT8. . A. Eeist & Ce., GROOERS, Cerner East King and Me Streets. We are new nreparel te furnlah thn trade with n uts. Ctindlea ana rrults. A low fluure. quality giiaianteed. ..'I,?a.1.ne8t TabIn I'uneh Dehesla Ilalslns at tviM.V. ana I SO per box. Aleelh flne.t Jriertaa uuu colored oruegc. in the city. SplceB ! BpJceB 1 Spices 1 Wohandle nethlrK but th9 W. L. Graver A Ce'a 1'uresplcea tjuarnntced UtrlcUy I'ure audyrxshtireucd, TUY OUll !!3c COFrKK AND BK HAFPY. W. A beTst & CO, UUOCKUS, COll KABTlvthQ A UCKK 8TS. VTKLKFllONK ANU FHEK DKLIVKUY. W'AN'TKI) Vby botween theane of 10 and lajeurs. Apply ihUovenlug. VMliRBht.AH. TA8T WKEK I TOLD YOU TO Put Me On Your List, And that I would let ycu knew where te get inc. 1 he best place. 1 tot MY MAKKU3, H. 11. All., at thelr tietall utere, Ne.lt East King street. In Laneiitur, l'a. They have me in uretuer variety than I can be had anywhere elsa. 1 heir display of me for the Christmas Trade will be very large, and anyone who unnet please iheuiiclves there will have atorleus lime In doing It any wtere else. Be when laying out your plans for Christmas lrtsents don't ovetleok me, but no te It. 11, & ll.'s and hive them mike me te your own order. Next week thywll hwe In thelr wlndeis tlinl,ATK3TKMlLlllNOVhL,riK31lII,ACti ItUUUKU IIA.VULkS. They are net expen sive. -LeDk for them. AN UMBRELLA. sepawmd cx.eraurs. XpAIib, 1888 Fine Tailoring Fer the Latest MoreltlM, ecmaaa sty lea. H. OERHART'S Oniy Direct IraperllHj TIIwr. NOBTU QUCKR STKKEj. "yALUK I : Satisfaction !r5JS8I,!f!.TfSrem lh Pnblie. tlyllneef fhseity UeB,"U rMurpMt In the ilCESAWATDOWjr, ASOBDAL. TROUSERS I SpeelM attention la .called te toy Trousers, lnwhtchllead. ASKEW! 4sVTAIL0B.M MOB. M ANU tX WEST KIHO HTitKET. eTf.SmdF.B (JLOIHINa I ULOrHINQ I L. Gansmau. Bra, Men's, Beys' and Children's CLOTHING. Our Clothing is strictly reliable. Its excel excel lanee el quality, style and nt cm be de pended upon. Men's tults, 13 01, 17.00, 110 CO, IU.W, I14.C0, 116 00. Men's Overceats. LM, IS CO, 16.00, 13.00, liaoe, l?.oe, sie.te Men's i'ants, 11 US, 12.00, 2 SO, S3 (0, U 00. We can give you better quality and making In our garments far that money thin any ether heuse In the city. Eeoeur ereat line at the above prices. Beys' Suits and Overcoats At Kxtremely Lew Prlcej. Men's Storm Ovoresats at 15.00, 1700, 18 00, 110 00,111.00. See our A 11-Weel Butts te order at IU00, 111 00, 118 0M18 00. They are geed value for the money. Handsome Overcoats te order at 116.00. 1 18 CO, t20.00.K100. Immense assortment at modorate prices. Can yen afford te miss this T L. GANSHAM & BRO., MANUrACTUKKBS OF Men's, Bejs' and Children's Clothing, B. W. COBNXU N OBTU QUKKN AND OBAHUX BTUEETS,LAMOA8TXB, FA. TLJTERB k KATUFOR. TEN DOLLARS! $10 13 A 1' JI'UL Alt FltlCE JOH AN OVERCOAT $10 Is net a latg 3 outlay for an . OVERCOAT, AND $10 Beys an Elegant Overcoat Here. II ILWA-DOZKN DirrKRENTSlIADZB AT TBAT riiICK, ALL OUR MAKE. Dandieme Orerce&ts at Any Other Piiee. Just as you pick the quality. Mem here for the money thtnanywheieelse, we think. Myers & Rathfon, UELIABLK CLO'.UIEBS, NO. 12 BAST KINO ST.. LANCASTEB FA. rpUK VEOPIiE'H OAUH HIURE. CLOTHING Made te Order AT The People's Cash Stere. Don't forget it. We can make you a Suit of Clethes, an Over coat or a 1'nir of Trousers, and Blve you ea much satisfaction aa any Tailoring establishment In the city and at less cost 'en the average. The People's Gash Stere, HO. 25 EASr KINO BTR3ET, LANCA4IKU, I' A. A LOT OK READY.-MADE OVERCOATS, or euu OWN MANUFACTURE AT MODERATE FBICE8. y snarls-lfOAw cLOTUitra. JTOVELTll!.S. ALLTBEIOTfiLTIES Bnnft Wfti rlA rtmnwWAMtAjisi m.Hian. t5.. In nvcrceu, tutting ana fantalean rit terns, at McGrann & Newlen's, MSRCHANT TAILORS, KO. WBT KlNOBTBIRr. jyjAKTIM 11KOTHEK8. Ocs CeaU MA InlU They Don't Need They tell their own story Ot Brat Qnallt'aa and LewcstPi lees. They only neea reu te tkem. WerdtJ That's hew we were able te serve such crewOj el enstomen en Saturday and have everybody aatltaed. Bight Price, Bight Styles, Klght Qualities, Plenty cf Pick, .and Jxrorientoi salesman tofle the fltt ing. eterm OveroeaU, 17.00, I10.0", ts.f0, HMO. Leng wear, letg wcel, long coat, lage cellar, large e am fort. Best Press Overcoat at 110 00. rite Quality Fnr Beaver, lllte. Our icetch Chovlet and;cieth Batta at tlioe, combine great style, va'ne ana durability, finest Drers Knits. SMOJ and hiel Umi. wear. Hosiery ana Gloves, every stoea make and kind 10 pick lien, ft lees Uatsnttany purse, for supeiler work, lit and finish tu Clothing te messure try our cutter, J. r. Schumakar, el PhlladelpMa. Lar.e experi ence with finest work. MARTIN BRO'S Clethlna; aed Fnrnlshlsg G4s S MOBTH QUBXR ST. w 1LL1AMHON A JTOUTKH. THANKSGIVING, November 29. Oui'etterlg te please the peopte and ear Lew l'r.ccs have Bitted our Uuslness beyond our ezpeotatlena . Special for Thanksgiving. Beys' Dress Back Butts, sizes H te 18,1m, 17, IS. Beys' Overcoats, I3.I3.CO, 14, is. ChUdren'a Eherl Pant Sutt, tl, 12 SO, It, 13 U. Children's Cape OverceiU,t2,$'J5?,3, MtO. Qent's OveroeaU. at 6). S, 10. 17. Gent's Storm Overcoats te 50, 17,(0, $3, 110. Adjustable Far Cellars and Cufls Te Fit All Sizes dent's Overcoat. Williamseu & Fester's, 32.34.30&38E.KIN6ST.. -AKUASTXB, PA. ANU NO. 318 MARSBT STBUDtT, hauuisuuks. pa. BAKING rOWDBR- QTEKLINQ BAKING POWDKR. BAM b POWD i Absolutely Pure- THIS ewder never vartei a marvel el purity, strfingth and wnoie-emeness. Mere economical than the ordinary kinds. Sold only In cans by alt urecers. 8TKHL1NU MANUrACTUUINQCO., 12 and 11 Spruce street, Mew Yerk. TKVNJtB. P Alili AND WINTER QOODa M. HABERBUSH & SON. Fall and Winter Goods. Ourteck of Fall and Winter Goods Is new complete. We have the Largest and Finest Stock In the city of HOUSE BLANKETS (All Grades.) Lap Blankets, in Flush, Weel and Felt. Black and Grey Geat Robes. Hudsen Bay and Frairie Wolf Robes. Buffalo Robes. Siberian Deg (Black) Robes. Fex and Coen Skin Robes. ST We consider it no trouble te show our goods at M. Hatalmsli & Sen's SADDLE, HABNESSi ANU TRUNK STORE. Ne. 30 Centre Square, LANUASTKU, pa. WE CAN HERVE YOU WEIYL AND save you money In advertising. Esti mates free. ADVERTISING GUIDE-BOOKS. The most cemplete and original ever lsaned. Bent en receipt et te cents te pay ler packing and forwarding, ADYIBTUIIO WaiTIKQ A BFIOIALTT. The L. Jen, kUlbouree Advertising Ageney, lis and ISO Just Baltimore street. Baltimore, ERLNG tVi-jfaC-AA -