Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 26, 1888, Image 1

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Mr. -raraatr Trampits Cpeaa Batch Which
Igallss Kfg el rewdsr The Banding
DtaWB te lees-Haaua His Children
Injarsd-Bcrtta DIM of Bar Weandi.
Gap, Nev. 10. The meat appalling cot.
dent reoerded In the rattan Md of the
county for many yeara occurred at Pleea
ant View, little hamlet en tba aenth aide
of tbe Weiau mountain, In Ballabury town
ship, en Saturday afternoon.
Pleasant View, eenalatlng of about lea or
twelve well built leg cablna and frame
heuaeaand a aubatantlal acboel house, la
altuated four mllea nertbweat of tba White
Herse, and la tbe borne of a number of
hardy, neneat mountaineer, who, by their
thrift, perseverance and Industry, bare
secured themselves email traeta of land
upon which tbey hare erected comfortable
dwelling beuses. Among theae la Geerge
Parn-er, who In connection with day'a
work oendnotaa email general store. A
sheeting match waa held In the Immediate
neighborhood of Palmer's atere en Bater
day afternoon, and daring tbe early part of
tbe day he was kept buiy aupplylng eua.
temera with powder. In dealing out the
explosive article a small quantity of It waa
apllted en tbe fleer behind the counter,
around the place occupied by tbe powder
keg. The keg contained about twenty
peunda when tbe explosion occurred.
Shortly after two o'clock In the after
noon the villagers were atartled byater byater
rifle explosion which shook their heneea
and shattered tbe panea of glase in the win
dow aaabta. Tbe report came from the di
rection of the atere building which a few
aeoenda later waa heaped In a mass of mine
and enveloped In clouds of smoke. The
keg of powder had exploded. The walla
of tbe house were foreed outward, letting
tbe fleer of tbe second atery fall, and the
reef, splintered Inte kindling weed, waa
scattered ever a radlua of twenty yards.
Broken bedateadsand chairs, and tern bed
clothing were found' quite a dlitanee from
tbe scene of the dlaaster.
A horrible apectsele greeted these who
were among tbe first te arrive. Parmer
had miraculously made his exit from the
ruins and waa rushing blindly away from
tbe aeene, completely saturated with bleed
and enveleped In flinua that were con
suming his clothing ; while hla wife waa
frantleally Imploring the orewd te rescue
her cblldrep, who were imprisoned among
the ameklng debris,
Several men removed the clothing from
tbe unfortunate man and took him te a
place of shelter, and then devoted their ef -ferta
te reeeulng tbe three children who
were known te be In tbe ameklng ruins.
After considerable exertion en tbe part of
the people, the children were reached and
tiken eat badly lrjared. They werefeund
In the kltehen and aoen alter their removal
tbe room waa in flames, and erelong the
whole of tbe ruined building waa a rearing,
crackling mass of flame and smoke. Only
a charred spot new remains te mark what
was but a few hours age a thriving atere
and tbe home of a happy family.
Bertha, a little girl of eleven-years, waa
found lying unoensolons under a heavy
beam that bad fallen from tbe second atery.
Her akull waa badly crushed, and tbe
brains were eczing from the ghastly wound.
Mabel, aged eight years, waa found lying
en her baek, near her sister, with a heavy
leg reeling upon her Btemacb. The two
year-old baby, Maggie, was taken from an
adjoining room. The latter was sleeping
In a cradle In a room en tbe aecend fleer
at tbe time of tbe explosion, and it is a
queatlen hew she escaped being killed, for
tne eradle was shattered te splinters, and
abe had fallen from the second fleer te the
The unfortunate family waa removed te
tbe house of William Laflerty, a neighbor,
where restoratives were applied until the
arrival of medical assistance. Doctors
Aaren Martin Bnd M. H. Dlller arrived
about four o'clock, and did much te alle
viate the Bufferings of the vietlms, Par
mer'a bands, face and legs were found te be
badly burned. One of hla eyca waa burned
put, andjda hair and wblskera were alngcd
oleae te hla akin. With carelul nursing te
may possibly recover.
Bertha, hla ll.jear-eld daughter, died
about tan o'elock Saturday night. Little
Mabel la badly bruited in the face and haa
her apine slightly injured. She will re
cover. The babe, Maggie, sustained an
ugly scalp wound about five Inebea in
length, which la net considered dangerous;
and Harry, a nlne-year-eld son, reeelved a
slight scalp wound.
Mr. Parmer, although soflerlng greatly,
remained conscious and explained the
eauie of tbe explosion. He was in the room
naed bb tbe store and, bis wlle and children
were in the klteben. While walking be
hind tbe counter he tramped en a
parlor match that waa lying In oleae
proximity te the powder keg. It Ignited,
a email flash followed, then the explosion.
He waa within a few feet of tbe keg and
had the tops of hla beets tern off by the
force of the explosion besldea sustaining
the Injuries atated. Hew be escaped from
tbe building he does net knew.
The Parmer family consists of ten mem
bers, and la rendered destitute by tbe un
expected calamity. Tbey are deserving
aurjects for charity. Great crowds of
people visited the aeene of tbe disaster en
Ephrata's District Institute.
KrnRATA, Nev. 21 The exoeatlve oom eom oem
mlttee of tbe Ephrata local institute dis
trict met In the Kpbrata primary school
building te day for tbe purpose of arranging
a pregramme for tbe Institute te be held en
tbe Mm and 15th of December.
The committee consists of J. L. Dry, E.
E. Lelnbaeb, F.8. Kllnger, Sadie Bewman,
Theodere Glass, J. B. Hsag, Gee. S. Over,
helaer, E. 0. Eshleman, H. 8. Newcomer,
and B. T. Farver. They were all preaeni
exeept Meears. 01 as, Eshleman and
The meeting was called te order at 2
o'clock by tne preeldea, J. I.Dry, and the
following questions were adopted ler dis
cussion : Hew mush technical grammar
should be taught In cur publle aobeolt T
Hew te ereate a better publle aobeol aentl
menb Hew should composition be
taught? Hew can we best secure tbe
attention of tbe pupils during tbe recita
tion? Methodaet teaching history. Hew
te teach geography.
The oemmlttee will meet again en
Saturday afternoon te decide upon tbe
place of holding the institute, and te take
final action upon the entire pregramme,
Unclaimed totters.
The following is a list of unclaimed Ut
ters remaining in the postcfllee, Lancaster,
Monday, November 20, 18S3 :
Lactie' List Mra. E. Deaner, Mia, Ed.
Everett, Miss Jetsle Fergusen, Mrs. Kite
Hartmau, Mra. Kate Lawrence, Mra. M. A,
Kaepleyea (2), Miss Margery Thompson.
OtnW LUt Jacob H. Brewbat, Walter
Enrlard, 8. Mills Herr,F. K. Hllderbrandt,
a Hehman, Jehn Layman, Igami
Maegby, Leeadsr 0. Mania, T. X. Martin
QtSm Maid, (Me. WaJtceu
Mew Be la Iear,and la Soaking Bis DaeghUr's
Vergivsaaes and Aid.
Alexander R Laird, onee a prominent
and wealthy lumber merebant of Kala Kala Kala
maaoe, Mleb.. reached Huntingdon, Pa.
en Saturday footsore from tramping and
elad la tatter. He la en hla way te Steel
tee, Pa , where hla daughter resides. Five
years ego Laird was eualdered million
aire property owner, but a disastrous con
flagration awept away hla property, and by
aucweedlug misfortunes he waa left penni
less. .The past three yeara he baa been
wandering aimlessly through the Western
etatee, living en the charity of strangers,
until infirmities of body have foreed him te
eeak for auoeor at tbe bands of his daughter,
whom Ihe had onee banlahed from home
and renounced forever.
' In 1884 hla only eblld and daughter
secretly married an empleye of her father
named Albright, and when the newa of tbe
marriage had leaked out Laird, in a moment
of passion, drove bis daughter from hla
deer and refuaed te held any farther Inter Inter Inter
oeuree with her, In spite of her appeals for
forgiveness. Tbe banished daughter and
her husband then moved te Steelton,where
Albright la still pursuing his trade, New,
stnee failure and misfortune have overtaken
Laird, ba haa set hla face towards his
daughter's home, and hopes that in aplte of
hla past unfriendliness hla present needy
condition will awaken in her a feeling of
compassion. The old man had walked from
Johnstown, nlxty miles distant, since
Friday, and hopes te reach hla daughter's
before Thanksgiving.
Tha Williamson Scheel.
I. V. Willlamaen, of Philadelphia, the
aged pbtlaotbreplsr, wbe has decided te
devote (5,000,000 of hla fortune for the
establishment of a great Industrial eoheol
for boys, has completed bin arrangements,
and en Saturday took the first step in tbe
direction of establishing the school by
selecting a beard of seven trustees, all of
Whom are well known business men. A
meeting between Mr. Williamson and
these gentlemen was held en Saturday and
Ihe plana were discussed in detail, but tbey
were net given te tbe public Tne trustees
will have entire eharge of tbe plans, as Mr.
Williamson's great age would net permit
of hla participation in the management of
tbe proposed Institution.
The Institution will be known aa the Wil Wil Wil
HamsonlFreeSebotl of Msehanlual Trades.
It will be deveted te tbe education of white
beya In tbe old-fashioned trades. It will
net be confined te orphan boys, but will be
opened te all, with or wltneut parents.
Neither Is there any restriction aa te re
ligien or race. The school is te be In
Philadelphia or tbe immediate vicinity
Montgomery, Buck s, or Delaware county.
Aa te tbe amount of money with which
the Institution shall be endowed, It is
stated tbst even Mr. Williamson does net
knew that himself yet, but it is understood
that Ihe fund will eventually be many
millions of dollars. Tha plan el endow
ment will be printed In Its modified shape,
Ind wlthla a week's time the trustees ex
pect te be regularly organized Inte a beard
and at work.
A Twenty-two Months Infant TJiss ripe and
Tobacco Like it Veteran,
Winchester, Tenn,, prfebably possesses
the youngest smoker In the state, if net In
the world. His name Is Wallace L:ehrldge,
and be la 1 year and 10 months old.
He will smoke a pipe nr cigar with as
mueh esse and apparent comfort as a con
firmed smoker et adult years. He cravea
tobacco, and Indulgence in tbe weed never
makes blm sick. Yeung Wallace has
smoked ever since he was a year old, hla
father says, and I he habit Is evidently
growing en blm. Your correspondent saw
the "baby" pulling away at a pipe in front
of bis fstbet's livery stsble Sunday morn
ing and tbe little fellow aeemed te relish
tbe narcotle immensely and te greatly
enjoy the great wreaths of smoke issuing
from bis tiny lips. He seems te have a
natural appetite ler tobacco, and crlea If
deprived of asmeke. He Is an unusually
bright and intelligent child, is line looking,
ateut and robust and is aesurealy a wonder.
A crowd collected In Irent of bis father's
cilice en Sunday attracted by the little ene
pullllng away delightedly at an etd and
nloetlne-Boaked pipe, and much surprise
and wonder were evinced at the Infant's
singular performance This 1b certainly a
remarkable case, and an unusual instance
of perverted taste in ene se young.
The parents of tbe child are well known
and highly respected poeplo, and tbey are
at a less te account for their baby'a extra
ordinary passion for tbe soduetlve weed.
Illegal Annual fanes.
The Inter-state commerce commission,
by Commissioner Walker, rendered a de
olslen en Saturday In tbe case of Slater vs.
tbe Northern Paclfle nltread company,
which states that a complaint made ler the
purpose of retaliation for a fancied wrong
ae as te get even with a carrier for tbe revo
cation of oemplalcant'a past doss net com
mend itself te tbe commission.
A carrier which haa oenformed te the
ruling of the commission should net be
prosecuted for alleged violations of law In
that respect which have occurred before
snob ruling waa made, and under a con
struction of tbe laws then approved by tbe
carrier's counsel,
Ptee transportation Issued In the form et
an annual pass te a person net In the
regular and atated service of the carrier,
nor reeelvlcg any wagea or salary under a
contract of employment, but requested by
him as compensation for throwing In lis
way what business he conveniently could
Is held te be Illegal.
A Supposed Bnbtcrrantnn Illvt r.
A dispatch from Duluth, Mian., cays:
A sink hole has been discovered en tbe St,
Panl it Duluth read, at Mission Orcek, a
few miles south of Hinckley, by workmen
wbe were raising tbe grade. Soen after tbe
track began sinking. It most have been
sustained en a mass of roots and vegetable
matter floating en tbe water below, and tbe
additional weight put en the mass by tbe
filling In broke down tbe support. Fer
three weeks past mete than one hundred
ear leads of filling a day have been dumped
Inte a space no mere than 90 feet wide, and
tbe track la in fair shape again at tbls point,
but another spot a short distance away la
sinking out et line.
The surface of tbe swamp is seamed and
cracked in all directions, and in some places
upheaved and turned completely ever. In
one place a pile et tlea has been csrrled 40
feet away. In helea that have been opened
Bounding lines have been dropped down 35
feet without Hading bottom, and a number
of curious specimens et fish have been
caught It is believed that there is a sub.
terranein river, as tbe fljh caught de nut
live in the swamp peels.
Colen d Bodies Dtnlrd Admission.
At a meeting of the Central Laber Union
e! New Yerk, en Snnday, tbe Freedom
Laber club and tbe Walters' union, com
posed entirely el negrees, aagea aatniuien
te the central body, bnt were refused. It
was argued tbat the colored men should net
form sep irate unions, but should be mem
bers et unions with tbelr white fellow
workmen, but their admission In these
eases waa denied en ether greunda. On
livltatlen of tbe American Federation of
Laber It waa decided te aend a oemmlttee
te St. Leuis at tbe annual convention next
A breczs was started by a motion te peti
tion tbe legislature te make eight imuraa
cay's work, beginning June 1, 1800. It
waa referred te tbe building trades ; but In
the discussion of tbe causa of their failure
in the same movement in lSSfl T. V. Pow Pew
derly waa rated aeverely for working
against them, aa waa alleged. It waa de
cided te renew tbe bojeott against l'oel
Cainp-FIra at Mllleravilla,
Geerge H. Themas Pest 81, Q. A. R , will
bold a camp-fire In tbe chapel et tbe State
Nermal aobeol, at Mllterville, en tbe eve
ning of Thanksgiving Day, ll'wt 84 will
be met at Millersvllle by Safe Harber Pest
Ne. 571, and tbe old soldiers of Maner
township, The pest will meet at their
headquarters, East King street, at 6:45
o'clock, and will take the cars for Millers
vllle. Tba Ussellae Ll(bts.
Thirty five gasoline lights were rererled
m net burning en Sunday night, and a
Jeyea) BRBbac of eUafB ,s, burning poorly.
or rBae CASH disPosbe or.
Tha Court Dseldea That easa Bas Baaa
edaent Against tha Canny Appreatleta
l'rosecntsa by the K.yiteaa Standard
Watch Ge.-BBUB08s SatpMdsd.
Saturday Afternoon. Christian Warfe
and Elmer Heraheck, who had brought
oress aotlena agalnat eaeh ether, oenolnded
te aettle their aurety of thepeaoe eases by
each paying their own cost'.
Fer carrying concealed deadly weapons,
of which he waa oenvloted early In the
week, Warfel waa sentenced te pay a fine
of(20 and costs,
Ceunael for Mrs. Henry F. Swenlasl
made return of the proceedings before At
dermen Barr and Deen and their finding
tbat Henry F. Bwenlael pay (25 per month
for the maintenance et hla wile and eblld.
Counsel for Ihe Swenlasl estate asked that
the order of the court fixing the amount te
be paid be net made until It la mere defl
nltely known what tbe share of Henry F.
Swen'zsl la In hla father's estate. The
court took the papers and will make an
order next week.
Abram Bltner, superintendent of the
Keystone Watch company, filed with tne
court a certificate tbat Jehn Wolf, who la
new working en probation, has behaved
properly since tbe last term et tbe court.
Tbe unruly apprentice eharge agalnat him
waa thereupon continued te the next term.
Jaa. H. Swayne was charged by hla wife
with deaertlen. Before tbe conclusion of
Mra. Swayne'a testimony reconciliation
waa effected and Mr. and Mra. Swyne left
tbe oeurt room together.
William C. Dlttman and William H.
Manby wee heard en the charge of being
unruly apprentices, en complaint et tbe
Keyatene Standard Watch company,
through lta superintendent, Abram Bltner.
The testimony ahnwed tbat they were
regularly apprenticed te the wateh company
te learn the art et motioning, matching and
finishing ; Uiat tbey were negligent In doing
tbelr work, lelt tbe faotery without per
mission and refused te de the work assigned
te them.
The defense was tbat tbe young men
were net negligent In their work and It waa
claimed for them that tbey did net work at
all tlmea because of a soarelty el work In
their respective departments. It was denied
tbat tbey left the faotery or remained away
without permission.
The court decided tbat a ease had been
made cut agalnat them, but te give them
an opportunity, sentence would be sus
pended. If tbey worked properly tbey
would net be sent te Jail, which is tbe
ecntenee prescribed for tbelr cflense. If
they de net obey tbe foreman and properly
de tbe work assigned them, Mr. Bltner la
te report tbe matter te tbe oeurt and Judg
ment will be imposed.
The eurety of tbe peace case agalnat
Edward Harris, preferred by his wife, waa
dismissed, aa be is new in Jill serving a
term for wife beating.
There are two clalmlnta ter tbe county
reward of 20, offered for the detection et
horse tbtevfa, for tbe arrest of William
JJtehman. Ttiey are Officer Olt and Jehn
TSIgman. Oil's application was filed by
direction or the city authorities, aa unaer
tbe preaent order of things If the reward
geea te him It must be paid in the oily
treasury. Tbe merits of tbe applications
will be argued at tbe December termet
William Gamble, city, was granted a
renewal of bis Beldler's license te peddle In
Lancaster oennty,
November Common Pleas.
The November court et common pleas
was opened at 10 o'clock thla morning with
Judge Livingston presiding. Of tbe SO
eases en tbe list 17 were declared ready for
trial and 13 were oentlnued. Nene of tbe
eises were ready for trial thla morning and
tbe Jurers were excused until this alter alter
Isaac Kauflman, city, waa granted a
renewall, of hla soldier's license.
Reuben Landls, who served a term for a
misdemeanor, was discharged aa an lnaol lnael
lis Takes a Des el Laudanum en Batarday
Biget and Dies Frem tba kffrcts.
Jehn M. Kaemp, living at Ne. 23 North
Mary street, committed suicide en Satur
day night by taking a dose of laudanum.
He waa found dead in bed en Sunday
morning by hla wife and the coroner
notified. He empanelled aa hla Jury
Geerge Wlnewer, Jehn DeHaven, Jehn M.
Ganse, L. K. Kote, Jeseph S. Kautz and
Henry E. Heller.
The testimony taken at tbe Inquest
showed that he ate hla supper en Saturdsy,
after whleb he read tbe evening paper and
then went down atreet. When he returned
It waa about ten o'elock and bis wlfe and
children had retired. He slept in a room
ever the back building and Mra. Kaemp
heard him go up atairv. When abe get up
In the morning ahe went te his room and
waa atartled te find him dead. Sbe gave
an alarm tbat brought tbe neighbors te tbe
house, Sbe at first thought be had died
suddenly, bat upon going down stairs sbe
found upon tbe table an empty vial which
plainly told tbe cause et death. It was a
two ounce bottle labeled laudanum. It
had bsen bought at the drug atore of Dr. S.
B. MeOleery.
The eause of the tulclde Is unknown. He
had been drinking freely tbe past few daya
andle may have taken the poison when
Intoxicated. The Jury'a verdlet was tbat
death resulted from an overdose of
laudanum, administered by his own hand.
After taking tbe laudanum he left tbe
bottle en the klteben table, went up stairs,
undressed himself and threw himself
acresa the bed.
Deceased was 69 years old, and was a life
long resident of tbls city. He was employed
for many years at tbe cotton mills and for a
tluie held a responsible position, but was
removed from it for net giving bis duties
proper attention. He was an active mem
ber of tbe Sun Flte company In tbe days of
the volunteer department.
At the time or his death he was a member
nt tbe Monterey Ledge or OJd Fellows,
Lancaster Ledgo Knights of Pythias and
tbe Insuranoe department connected there
with, and of tbe Conestoga Death Benefit
association. He leaves a wlfe and three
Tba Bfwansrcher Concert,
The Mtuaneroher concert en Wednesday
evening premlssa te be one of tbe best in
tbe history of tbe society, Tbe entertain
ment will consist et choruses, quartettes
and soles, Tbe large orchestra will be
composed et tbe beat musletana of tbe city,
Including Prof. Tberbabn and his full
orchestra. Among tbe numbers will bs
tbe prize cLerus et the Baltimore
Mads an assignment.
Frederick Ueas and wife, et Ellztbeth-
town, made an assignment of their proper,
ty en Saturday for the benefit of oradltera
te Jehn U GraWir, et East Hempflald
A Buiband's rropetiy Is Met Kismpt Prem
A married man In Pennsylvania can no
longer borrow money from hla wife with
Impunity, aa the aupreme oeurt haa just
doelded that the married parson's property
eotefl8S7 glveatbewifethe right te take
her husbind'a property In execution and
without hla oenaant. Tha following opinion
waa made by Judge Hand, reversing the
decision of the oeurt of common pleas of
Indiana oennty :
The queatlonet the Jadgment la this easa
haa bean before thla oeurt, and la reported
In 118 Penna. St. 601. The sela question
bow Is whether an execution may Issue at
the inatanee of the wife without the consent
et the husband. The law Is reasonably pre-
!;reea!ve. There la no stronger evidence of
hla than tbe statutes of thla commonwealth
and the decisions of thla oeurt en the subject
et the rights and prlvllegea of married
women. It tbe curleua wish te verify tblK,
It may found In the reasoning of Agnew,
J., In Williams' Appeal, 47 Pa. St. 80S!
Trunkey, J., In Rese va. Latshaw, 00 Id.
239, and Williams, J,, in tbe ease between
theae aame parties, cited above. Were we
seeking for another reason than tba logic
et tbe law It might ba found In tbe facta
of thla case, tbat the bend en
whleb Judgment was entered waa given
In consideration et the plalntlfTa premise
te marry the defendant aud live with him
as his lawful wife ; tbat ahe did marry and
live with him ; that for the sake et thla
home abe gave up her pension, her meanaef
support ; that for oeme eiuie husband and
wlia are living apart, each averring a deser
tion, or what ameunta te the aame thing.
The law for many yeara abhorred lta
benefiolent use as a son roe et contention be
tween husband and wife, but It haa found
tbat Bourees of discord worse thsn an
execution can creep In and mar tbe family,
harmony, and in faet If It depends en. the
delicacy of tbe law te Interfere it la leaning
en a broken reed. It la perhaps well that
people abeuld learn that conjugal bappl.
nesa abeuld be sought from ether sources
than law. When thla case waa here before
it was said by way of quotation tbata law
ful execution may Issue upon such a Judge
ment. We are of tbe aame opinion still.
O'Connor Dstssts Taemer.
Wllllsm J. 0'Oonner,the Terente sculler,
defeated Jehn Teemer, et MoKcespert, Pa
bolder et the title et onampien earaman of
Amories, en Saturday, In a three-mile raee
en tbe Potomac river, opposite Washing
ton, for the championship of Ameriea anO
a stske of 2,600 a aide. O'Connor rowed
In splendid form and led from atart te
finish, Teemer at no time being able te
overtake him. The distance waa three mllea
and O'Connor led Teemer about ten
lengths at the fantsb. The time waa 20
mlnutea and 33 seconds, O'Connor will
new go te Australia te meet Searle for the
championship of the world.
Wm. J, O' the champion oars
man of Ameriea, was born In Terente. Can..
about twenty, five yeara age, and first aame
Inte prominence In 1882 as a member of the
Den Amateur Rowing club of Terente. In
1883 be wen the amateur championship of
Canada at Hamilton, Oat, having a abort
time before, with hla partner, Enrlgbt, wen
tbe championship for tbe doubles from tbe
Lang brothers He became a professional
ersmsn in 1885, and challenged Rltz, of
Pittsburg, te race ter f 1,000 aside, but the
latter declined te row. In 1887 he defeated
Albert Hamm, but In hla next raee, at
Buffalo, his beat was swamped and he only
took third place, Uanlan winning.
In Match of tbls year be defeated Peter Peter
eon, tbe Paolfle slops cbamplen, at San
Francisce, and subsequently he met and
defeated Geerge Lee, Gaudaur and ether
flood men In a regatta. He la 0 feet 10 lnehea
n height and weighed 103 peunda te-day.
Hla trainer for Saturday's raee waa Geirgt
Lee, and Albert Hamm looked after
Itsv. J, H. r. Oray's Bf elsncheljr Exhibition
el Fr'Jndlcs or Ignorance.
In his sermon In tbe Duke streetM. K.
ohureh en Sundsy morning, Rev. J. R. T.
Gray, In tpaaklng of the Ira perfect atate of
the science of pelltlcsl economy, the contra
dictory theorles entertained, etc., Illustrated
his thought by an allusion te the great po
litical campaign Just closed j with the people
divided Inte two parties, one In favor of a
tariff and the ether of "froe trade." Refer
ring, oteourse,toth8R9publloanand Demo
cratic parties.
If the reverend gentleman would take
tbe trouble of reading tbe Democratic plat
form and Grever Cleveland's letter or ac
ceptance he would net only be belter
qualified te exerelse the right or franehlse
In thla Cbrlstisn nation, but would find that
the Democratic party did net espouse the
cause et free trade, but that of tariff reform
and revenue reduction ; and, In denomi
nating it as such, he underrated tbe intelli
gence of hla audience, and at least showed
his fund of political knowledge te be In
urgent need of revision. M.
Racing at ManbSlm.
There are two pacing hersea in the upper
part of tbe oeunty between whleb tbere has
been great rivalry for aeme time past. One
et them Is Dec, owned by J. H. Apple, of
Manbete, and tbe etber is Ralph Jenes,
owned by Baker A. Bre, llvory llvery
men of Lllilz. On tbe day tbat Ihe
Manhelm driving park was opened
the horses were put against each etber,
The result was a clese and vary exeiting
race, wbleh was wen by Dec Since tbat
tbe friends of both horses have been
anxious for anether meeting. Saturday
last was flxed upon as tbe time for the
second race, and It took place at Manhelm.
The track was quite .heavy, but tbe raee
was geed, De: wen In three straight beats.
The time was 2:38, 2:10 and 2:31.
Alter tbe horse race a match was msde
between " Fatty " Gill, of this city, and Jee
Yeager, of Manhelm, te run a ene hundred
yard loot raee for 20. GUI wen easlly In
twelve seconds.
A I'blUdrlpbla Firm Ass'gns.
William Larzslere it Sens, comprised of
Wllllsm Laizslere, William Lsrzslere, Jr.,
and Alfred I.arzelere made an alignment
te Nicholas N. Lsrzslore,ef Norrlstewn, for
tbe bentfit of the arm's creditors. The lia
bilities are between 160,000 and fC0,000, the
nemlnsl assets being from tf&.OOO te lhO.000,
consisting et outstanding book accounts
and stock of goods new en hand.
The firm have been engaged in active
business as wbolesalo dealers in foreign
fruits and fancy groceries In Philadelphia
for the past ilfteen years. The assignment
is attributed te losses lneurred In a recent
purchase of lemons, and also te heavy out
standing account, which, if oelleotod,
would mere thau pay all the debts.
Jurers te lie Drawn.
The Jurers for duty In tbe January and
February courts will be drawn by Judge
Livingston, Sheriff iiurkbelder and Jury
Commissioners Dlller and llyus, en Mon
day, December 3. The names will be drawn
from tbe new list of names put In tbe Jury
wheel a few days age.
Jebn L, Cballtnce Mitchell.
Jehn L. Sullivan has offered te glve
Cbsrlle Mitchell fl.&OO If tbe latter will
stand up befere him for elgbt reunda with
gloves, Ihe mateb le oceur within five
weeks. Mitchell replied boastfully bnt did
net name a date.
Dlatarbsd a Congregation,
Complaint baslbeec made at tbe atallen
house about a number of boys wbe con
gregate every Sunday In the vicinity of
SU Luke's Reformed church and disturb
the worshippers. Yesterdsy an cflleer waa
stationed near tbe church. Any beya
offending In tbe future will be promptly ar
rested. Qlvsn a fsnslen.
Pension bas been granted Geerge H.
Carpenter, Warwick,
Tha Draw Less Their Uvse-IIlBh Winds
Aloag tba Kngllsti Coast Bltands a Mrllltb
Bbtp Tbe Damage Crsatsd Along
tha Atlantic coast en Bstarday.
SciTUATK, Mas., Nev, 26 The large
fishing aoheoner Edward Norten, from
Bosten, la ashore and went te pieces. Fif
teen men were drowned.
Londen, Nev. 20 High winds are ie-
ported all along the coast. The British
ahlp Dunesn haa atranded en the break
banka. The crew waa reteued.
The Clyde haa ever run lta banks.
Several factories at Polleokshawa ware en
Saturday Inundated by the e vet flew et the
river, and the temale werkera were reaeued
through wlndewa and conveyed te dry
Tha Bterm or Bandar Widespread as Will as
B.vsra-Daniage te Shipping.
The signal ofllea In Washington en Sun,
day furnished the following A severe
storm, whleh Is new central eff the Seuth
New England coast, will probably esuse
anewa In New England wnleh will Inter
rupt railway travel and rain, changing
Inte aleet and anew In Southeastern New
England, will probably interiupt tele,
graphle communication with tbat aeotlen.
The force et tbe gale reaebed a velocity et
80 mllea per hour thla aftornoen "
A rain and hail aterm vlaiied Atlantle
City en Sunday, and there waa an extraor
dinary high tide with tremendous aeas.
Mueh damage was done along the ocean
boulevard, a part of wbleh was washed
away with a number et email frame
A hABSfSf sisiAbv MarM sAitimnsn I Art t-t
i Hvar auun euriuif puuiiuu ajtaas ieu fc'jr
I high wind, prevailed in the vicinity of
wuaesesrre, en rsunaay. adeui four
Inebea of anew fell In the city, and a depth
or aix inenea is reported in tne neignoor neigneor neignoer
log meuntslcr.
There was four Inches of snow In the
Mebawk Valley In New Yerk Sunday
night, and tbe aterm waa still prevailing.
Tbe Erie canal la filled with beats atalltd
or fearlng te move.
Snow began te fall at neon In Pcugh
keepsle, New Yerk, and en Sunday night
the aterm still prevailed.
At Claremont, New Hampshire, five
lnehea of anew fell en Sunday. Snow
varying In depth from two te five Inehes
also foil at Battle, Vermont ; Naahua
and Keene, New Hampshire, and Salem,
A fierce northeasterly gale rsned at Bes
ten during Saturday night and Sunday,
The tide waa unusually high at Ceney
Island, but the chief damage reported waa
tbe washing away of aeme small frame
buildings and shanties between Norten's
Point and West Brighten. Tha aterm raged
all day In Westchester oennty, blocking up
tba reads In many places with snow drifts.
Four and a half Inehes of snow fell In
Provldenee, Rhede Inland, en Sunday,
Tbe anew turned te rain at night and a high
wind prevailed.
A gale prevailed at Lswea, Delaware,
Inter ferlng with telegraphle communication
with the breakwater. At Lewes, tbe bark
Hannah, from Philadelphia for Limerick,
and the aoheoner, William D. Marvel, went
ashore. A aboener of about 30" tens la
ashore at Rehobeth life saving staileu, The
craw and cargo were safely landed,
The ateaiuer Parthian, from Llvorpnel en
30th ult,, arrived at Charleston, Seuth
Carolina, en Sunday, after a stormy
voyage. On the afternoon of tbe 22 J Inst,
in a violent northeast gsle, GO mllea south
southwest of Hatteraa, ahe sighted a dis
masted vessel, apparently Amerlean, of
about 400 teca burthen, with people en
beard, Tbe Parthian rounded te leeward
of the wreck at great risk, but the steamer
waa unmanageable and the bes waa tee
high te render assistance and kept the ahlp
away. When near dark ahe observed a
steamer heading close up for tbe wreck,
wbleh prebsbly reseued theso en beard.
A telegram from Bosten says tbat the
aoheoner K. L. Hlgglns, el Calais, which
recently foundered en Devil's Baek, and
subsequently floated off into dtap water,
went te pleeea en Sunday during the heavy
There waa a rough sea in New Yerk bay
en Sunday, and tbe Statnn Island ferry
beats had difficulty in making tbelr slips.
A three masted ship, anchored off Tomp Temp
klnsvllle, dragged anchors and narrowly
escaped collision with tbe cruiser Bosten.
A two masted aofceoner with a cargo el
brlcka, waa blown aabere cK Constable
Heek and went te pleeea. Her crew get
aahere In the yawl.
The ateamara whleh arrived at New Yerk
reported rough veyagea. Henry Salmons,
et Brooklyn, a paasenger en tbe Cdltle,
waa thrown down a atalrway and asverely
An Umbrella Bib tMerees tbe Drain Through
b Nostril.
Last Monday August Muller, the 14 year
old son of Dr. August F. Mailer, of Ger Ger
msntewn, was tbe victim et a singular aocl aecl
dent that will probably be fatal. He was a
bright, playful boy, and en his way home
from school with some companions amused
them all by ttsslng his open umbrella In
tbe air and catching it by the handle aa it
descended. One of tberlbaef the utnurella
waa broken and awayed backward and
forward with every motion. Just before
reaching bli home tbe little fellow
gave the umbrella a final toss and atoed
waiting for It te oeme down. As It descended
be leaned well backward with his head bent
ever, Tbe broken rib entered the boy's
neae, passed up through the nostril, pene
trated tbe tbln partition and touched bis
Hla nose bled a little, but tbat seen
stepped and be ate supper snd began te
Btudy his lessenc, but went te bed com
plaining of headache.
On Tuesday morning August did net
respond te tbe calls of bis brother Henry
ana the latter pulled the covers from him
and gave blm a plsylul shake. A mean
waa the only response, and the boy haa
been unoensolous ever slnee, while the
doctors are at a less what te de and have
little hopes of his life. It may be necessary
te pierce bis forehead te liberate matter that
is supposed te be preslng en the brain,
He is under tbe care of Dr. Jehn Deaver.
t-slar DlfTenbaugh, Who Was Itecerdtr or
Deads, DIM el I'o.emouU.
Ex-Reoerder Peter Dlfienbaugh died at
tbe resldenes of his son Frank, Ne. 3C5 East
Chestnut street, en Sunday morning, aged
74 years.
He had been 111 less than two weeks, and
bis death resulted from pneumonia. He
waa born In Lancaster county and waa
engaged respectively In butchering, drov drev
ing and farming.
In 1873 he waa eltcted recorder of dueds
and held that office during the years 1874,
187& and 1870. Uls wife died a few years
age. He leaves surviving threo sons and
three daughters. His sons are Harry W,,
ex deputy sheriff, Frank and Daniel, Hla
daughters are Mra. Emma Tomllnaen, wife
et ex. Sheriff Geerge W, Tomllnaen, Mrs.
Mary Oatells, wlle of Jacob Curella, of East
Lsmpettr township, and Mrs. Lstltla
Stamm, wife el Harry Stamm, of Dauphin
Hla funeral will lake pUea en Wednes
day afternoon.
tutor Ibe Majer.
Msyer Edgerley-tbls moreln disposed of
21 cases. Among the number was Jebn
Cummlngs, a cne-legged man who waa
arrested by Oilleer Samson for drunkenness
and begging. He gave the cflleer great
trouble by resisting him all the way te the
station. His punishment waa made 10 daya
In Jail. Six professional buma were sent te
the workhouse and 14, wbe claimed te be
looking for work, wtra diseaargad.
A Parly Taken Ovsr tha Cornwall I.ln by
Bepsilatenilsnt NfT a lianqast
Alter tha Trip.
On Saturday Superintendent ,H. S. Nefl,
et tbe Cornwall railroad, came te Lancaster
with a speelal train and met a large number
et hla frlenda, meat of whom are officials of
the Pennsylvania railroad, The whole
party lstt thla city at 2 o'elock In the
afternoon en a tour of inspection ever Mr.
Nefl'e read. Tbe company consisted et T,
Blaoksten, Jersey City; J. H. Murphy,
Philadelphia t S.C. Leng, Lancaster! W.
It. MeCaleb, Mlddletewn ; C. W. Mayer,
Mifflin; F. Rosenberg, Huntingdon; J. I.
Christian, Loek Haven, all supervisors et
the Pennsylvania railroad, and the
follewing: R, O. Mercer, Philadel
phia; J, Q. Humes, assistant super
visor of the Cornwall railroad) H
S. W. Husten, master mechanle et the
Cornwall railroad, W. S. Corcoran, Pitts
burg; W.O. Christian, supervisor of the
Philadelphia and Reading railroad, at
Lebanon, J, G, Humes, chief clerk, et the
Cornwall railroad, J. L. MeCatllster, clerk
of tbe Cornwall railroad ; U, C. Shirk, so se so
ltclteroftbe read; J. Celeman Boyd, as
sistant superintendent et the Cornwall Ore
Bank company; T. C, Wiley and Ribert B,
Risk, et Lancaster.
The party went rrem bere te Cornwall,
where they visited the turnacea and noted
ere banks. Tbey also took a geed leek at
and closely luspeeled the railroad traek,
which waa round te be In exeellent condi
tion. The part or tbe read between Corn
wall and Lebanon waa expeelally fine and
the run between the points waa very quickly
mada At Lebanon the whole parly waa
taken te tbe rooms of the social elub of the
town, where they were handsomely enter.
talned, Iutbeeventngeverybodyrelnrnod
te Lancaster and King street was reached
about halt past seven o'elock. They
all proceeded te Rsbleman'a hall, where
Mr. Nell gave a splendid supper. Jehn
Copland was tbe eaterer and he had pre
pared tbe following menu in hla usuil ele
gant atylei
lliie I'elnta-ahell. Celery,
Tomate. croutons.
Barntegn Ohlpj. rrenah Tens,
Clinmnarne-slniiim's Kxlrn. Dry.
1UK Ulth.AU.
llananw. Urajiej. Oranges.
Coffee. Cigars.
At the table a number el speeches were
made and Mr. Neff was unanimously veted
a prince nt geed fellows while there were
nothing but words of praise for his rail
Commissioner Miller's tUpert at Ibe Vast's
The report of Hen. Jeseph Mlller, com
missions! of Internal rovenuc, for the fiscal
year ended June 30 last shows tbst tbe telsl
receipts ler the fiscal year were tJ21,320,47C,
an Increase et (0,41)0,174 ever the receipts
for the previous year, and t4,320,47S mere
than the estimate. The eatlmatnd receipts
for tbe enrrent II seal year are 9126,000,000,
provided no changes are made In the exist
ing rate et taxation.
Theoeatof collection of Internal taxes for
tbe year was 3 078,283, being less than 3 2
Yr cent or the amount collected j 1,074
vlolatlena of Internal revenue have been
reported by revenue agenta during Ibe
year, 781 persons have been arrestel en
their information, property te 'the value et
1132,744 35 has lieen reperted by them for
aeizure, and 173,010 14 for ajsetsmenta for
unpaid taxes and penalties. During tbe
year 018 Illicit stills were aelzed, resulting
in the death of oue cllloer una tbe wound
ing et another.
The number et distilleries regtstered
during the year was 3 001, and the number
operated was 3,010, Toe commissioner ro re
newa hla recommendation of last yesr tbat
authority be given for tbe distillation of
all klnda of fruit under the regulations
which gevern the production et brandy
from apples, peaches or grapea exclusively.
The aggregate amount of taxes collected
from tobaeoo dnrlng the rear waa 30,C0i,
431, an increase et 1&01,C04 ever tbe previ
ous year. The expert aoeount shows a de
crease in manufactured tobaeoo of 221,700
pounds, a decrease in the number of cigars
exported of 402,425, and an loareaae In the
number of cigarettes exported of 40,834,600,
Tbe number et clgara imported duilng the
fiscal year ended June 80, 1888, was 84,203,
780. The valne et the manufactured to
bacco Imported was 188,637.
Tbe report glvea the following aa tbe re
ceipts from the Pennsylvania ri 1st riots :
First, Frederick Gerker, 3 041,3(13 82;
Ninth, Jebn T. Ms'.Genlgle, Bl,70l,010 25 ;
Twelfth, Charles B. Staples, (&2 270I5;
Twenty-third, Edmund A. Blgler, U.UW,
700 62.
Bsnater Allisen en lbs Tar I IT.
Senater Alllscn waa Interviewed In Des
Moines, Iowa, en Saturday, aa te the pro
posed course of tbe Repnbllcsns In Congress
with regsrd te the tariff. He asld that If
there waa any probability tbat tbe Heuse
would agree te tbe main features of the
Senate substitute, tbe Republicans would
preas It promptly for paasage. If the Re
publicans have a majority In the next
Heuse, aa seems probable, tbey will pars a
bill in tbe next:Cengrtse, if none Is passed
tbls winter. The Republicans, ha said,
recognize tbe necessity ler a reduction in
tbe revenue, and also tbe necessity of tariff
revision. If they have both beuses, the
tariff will ba revlsed and the revenue re
duced praetlcslly upon tbe general plan
proposed In the Senate subttltute.
a me rau.uitE.
Twe r.llltz riims Confess Judgments and
Slake an Aislgcmtut,
The cigar manufacturing firm of F. 11.
Bueh A Bra, at Lltltz, maile up of Frank,
lln B, and Jaoeb A. Bueb, and the lumber
Arm et Jaoeb A. Bueh it Bre , at tbe same
place, made up of tbe aame parties, have
failed. Beth these firms and the parties
Individually have made aa assignment for
Ihe benefit of creditors, te Jehnsen Miller,
of Litllz. The liabilities of the firm are
net yet known, Since Saturday they have
confessed judgments ler 117,360, as follews:
Te Lltltz National bank, (7,600: Tobias D.
Martin, (3,200; Win. M. Amer, (C50 ; Jehn
W. Holllnger, (3,000; Henry S. Frederick,
(1,000; A. W. Sbeber, (2,000. Oa tbe
Lltltz bank Judgment execution was
Issued before the assignment and tbe per
sonal property et tbese firms has been
levied upon,
Halts el Itcal Estats.
Jaoeb Gendakur, auctioneer, sold for Ihe
eitate of Elizabeth Scheld a two-story brick
beuse Ne. 635 Chester streer, te Barbara
Xusch for (1,210,
The property belonging te tbe (state et
Catherine Swilkey, en North Queen street,
occupied by Mrs. Theu; te and H. W
Swllkey, was sold en Saturdsy evenlug by
Samuel Hess, auctioneer, te Shaub & Burna
for (29,100.
Joel L. Halnev, auotlencer, Beld en Sat.
urdsy, for Wm, D, Spreoher, the following
resl estate :
Ne. 1. The dwelling heusea Nes, 303
and 305 Seuth Queen street, te Mrs. Auna
Barbara Leng, ter (705.
Ne. 2. Tbe dwelling Ne. 461 Seuth Queen
atreet, te Albert Ztteber, for (0GS
The property corner of Lew and Freiberg
atreet, was withdrawn,
Inventor Kdlsen In a llueawar.
While Themas A. Edisen, accompanied
by bia oeaoh wan, waa driving ta Llewellyn
park, N. J., en Saturday the hersea started
te run away. The Inventor held tbe reins,
but oeuld net oentrol tbe brutes, and both
Mr. Edisen aed tbe coachman weie thrown
out, Tbe former's lnjuilea era slight, bat
tk QQswatBsBB'B axe aawt aerlena,
The Oltlasns of Elgin Indignant Ore'
Treatment et tba Toeth-Pnlltt
Kzpstlsnes en Batnrday Mrght-
Frsltrs Ibe Prlsea le Liberty,"?
uei. u. v. ssbln, who beat Dentist I
In Elgin, Hi , ter an alleged aasanlt
en m. caein, ngurca in another sens
Saturday nlfibt. When tha chareeai
him were called he waa fined 1100 feri
Ing weapons, held In (1,000 beadw
assault and fined (50 en a third ebarg,
auvr iraviDg me court room ami ara
charge was made and n civil ault for M
damsgea was eniertd. A warrant aa
former and a summons for the latter
given cflleers te serve, Sabln heard of
new proceedings and tried teeteapaaBl
carriage!. i. numuer til persons gavaOM
andseversl efforts were made te atop
uarriagis ui eauin emoenraKsa mean
te urge bis team en and tha crowd
seen left behind. j ?
This carriage was driven In het' I
tewarda Cllntenvllle, a amall station
mllea esster Elgin. Habln was accema
in hla flight by Mr. Walker, one of
aiierneyr. xne pair were rapidly n
the village when tbe hsrneia gave was
me enrriiRa was Drengnt 10 a nail,
waa de time te make repairs, and
and hla legal adviser, Jumping is
started acresa lets for tha railroad ati
They retched Cllntenvllle utterly used
vy weir wanuennga ana misnapa, B
hid himself In thu busbca until thai
otme In Bight, when Walker txekcneg i
Mm. 'jp
Aa luniugiuve erawiea irem unasrii
bushes several men who bad been oenoeel
near tbe station stepped forward and aala
him. Cel. Sabln despairingly appealed I
Walker te defend him. Tbe lawyer aaata
me tnen by what right they were taking
ftlendcaptlvf. -?.
I've get a warrant for blm," respen
a big man. "Here it Is." and be nreds
a murderous looking revolver of thai
deg persuasion. :
just at thla moment the train rolled I
tne uopet, Habiu was kept a prison
tha WdltiDK-loern. while tha blir
marebed the lawyer en beard tha train
the rnvelver drawn and saw that ha dtdl
get en. wuen the train atarted thai
bound their prisoners haudaand
with him ter Elgin. A bowling mob I
sued him te tbe Jail, where be Is kept Bli
Several kettlei of tar andattier
were toady for blarocepttanf buttbecaatjsaH
kept liliu rleaely guarded. Nearly TSJgrHg
citizen el Elgin has signed a documents
pressing lull fslth In tbe Innocence of ;
Stone and Mrs, Babln, and denettMaaMj
auui as b liar, :pc a
Cl.uin, Alie nuv, ZU, UOi, OBD1D WBB,
resting quietly In J all last night after ,'Mfcj
exciting go aa you please race with -I
minions el the law. In btawrestle with,?!
barbed wlrofenee during the last qu
of tbe raee, the oelonel'a trot
received aerleus Injury, but
damage te his wearing apparel
forgelten In the npprchenalen wblebr7,!
leu in regaru te nis treatment at tee aa
et the populace here. The ball In tha e'.l
eases was flxed at (5,600, but Cob
declined te give benda and insisted en I
placed beh Ind the bar a He asserts that I
would net ba safe from violence if ba wa
te venture Inte tbe streets of Elgin and i
fcra te remain In safely unlit tha feMB
against iiiui ouusiue.
TKDEUKAr-ll&i TArS. "
iie joyear-eia asugnier or will
Turner, of Amelia, O,, was shot and ki)M
Saturdsy, by her brother Aaren, 13 yaaM
old. Thobey is disposed te be Incerrlglbw
and reports dlller aa te whether the aut was)
accidental or Intentional, '"; , '
The l'est, a Demsorat'e newspipjr, wilt
make lta first appearance Saturdsy aitet-
neon In Columbus, Ohie. ' V
A veuns farmer named Stnwnrt Christ!!" :
rtrlvlne tr TCluln. 1ll.. with Mra. Jnha
. -- --, ., ......,. -.-....
.ivenyoe, nis metnerin law, yetteraay, wear
atruek at Ihe cres ing by a Chicago, MU.p
Beth horses were cut le pieces, Mra, Keni &
yen waa dangerously hurt, & 1
vThaa Ha.b1 las an Hmtniml 9 tt-ja nHakausat iaS
AUV uvntu tw RUUUUUVU UI uv -uwVMbmbw
of Sutherland. y
The ofllees et the Australian Town aiist
County Journal In Sydney, N. S. W,, hat
been destroyed by fire. They were In
finest newspsper cfflees In Australia. Lead
estimated trw iw,ww. i&M
. - tk. .... ... ... taf.lkl.. -. ? .
New Yerk, Nev. 2612 o'clock scorn
Llttlewoed, 77; Hughes, 69; Herty,
Masen, 08; Cartwrlght, 73; Noremae,
Ueldeu, 08; Uegelman, 70; Vint, 69.
"2JS d
A Dig Burprlsa. i
The children of Cbrlstisn MatMlmafJ,'
who resides near Breneman'a mill, taV
Maner tcwnshlp, treated their parents te a,
genuine surprise en Sundsy. Tbe twelve 4,
aena and daughters, all of whom are mar -
tied but true, iratharad at tha hejaa with ,5:
a number of Invited guests, ineludlng V 'i
J. F. Relet, j. ii. Yeung, Jaeew
Boek, and M. K. Mlnnlch, of tUa?'.
city with thetr families. They all aa
down te a flee dinner which included al-jT
lnrutt Avnrvlhlnir that was nhtalnahlM In tfckaT .
markets. Everybedy bed a fine time and
no ene was better pleased with the UtahN 1
than the old telka themselves. S?i
A Statement by Mr, I resien
tbe Hajllsst yJk
Minister te Washington
The unexpected arrival at the New Yerk
pert ei inn untied mates ateei
Bosten. Captain Franela M. Ramsey, whleh K
dropped anchor in the bay Saturday morn- if
ing, caused no little surprlse in shipping ,? .
anu eiuur circles, aa it was Kcaeraiiy uuuar- -,
steed at the time that tbe cruiser waa
anchored In the harbor of Pert au Prince, 1
x-iiyti, juuaiujt aue ,u uiwinw UI alue- j j
can en J-.our. jj.-
Mlnlster Preston, et Haytl, said en 8at-'W'
urdsy : " it was reported in tne papsra at :j
the time the Boaten was ordered te Pert- H
au-Prlnce, that she would bombard tha -
town, hut you soe tbere waa noiuteg in mat , a
at all. De I think the seizure or the Hay- i a
lien Horiubllealeirultraasaotlonr Certainly if4i
I de. The commander et the ahlp had no v4'!
rlsbt orautberlty te carry troops whleh. .'1
were hostile te the regular established gev.,
blockaded pert te another."
'Have you read, Mr. Minister, that Cap
tain Oouipten refuses te leave bla ship, and
tbat tbe steamer atlll Hies the American
flag 7" was asked.
"Yes, I have," was the prompt reply,
'and my government ought te haul down
that flag en beard tbe Haytlen Republic.
Yes, It ought te be hauled down."
And hew about Captain Compten and
"iney eugui te no lanau asuure auu jiui AJr),
In I. II rritfau aHnnlfl all hA lnfkfwt lln COT $3
.,.... , r s.i. ll -J.A
Wliivuil'iumuiits iit
i.L. . , ... j,-I.Ia that flntalA . '
1mMin fiiuiln ahandenhlashlD.whas. W;
in vnnrnniriinn. will be the outcemeolsuoJt i yj
"Ab, my country wenld send aeldlara ea
beard and capture the men of Ihe Americas
aiearnera and take them ashore by fprea."
Would ibey ba apt te kill anybody?
Yeu see tbe Americans are net armed,"
I don't knew about tbat 1 think tuey
am armed. Captain Compten may carry a
revolver In his pocket and tbe Hayilea ? j
nidtera would be perfectly lusllUsd In
dufeudtng themselves." &S
lease the Usytlen Republic, would yenr
pnviirnment Interfere T' .. 't;J
uiMn " ha tmiii. Hard want no war with . a
the United Stales, We are tee. amall fee i
that." T
Nnndav Scheel Teachers' Convention.
The Sunday acboel teachers of tha eT ' ;
....".. m knIH thAlr mnnthlv maaaSM -" ' '
in Mr. Paul's Rt formed ehuxek MM vf .
r .r
R,l j
S rif'-CJLyi. ! .. - '.& tf A'V4-TJ'"l
t A:i, . '.-"'iOr "VV.