ft. 'tyj KlfSfAww?-V,s5'i,'A' T; ' r'K' 'V ''I'V ' -: -. VVSV" --v-- - r-.ivv;- ' :-'?""t - - -5 -,-" ..snj' THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 1888. .'L: .. iMBHHESSW.!;1; -P SflrrAKR' rv.y.FtfT.a Wk.Sfi'&mr,:J''- i JZLrZlJ'? &;?"' 'l -":. "'..?. Et Sv Daily Intelligencer, t aVAXCABTKH, XOVKMBKU S3, lSSR. , Tie Death renaMr. i Is no evidence that the law lias lend la the Showers case in Inflict- t the extreme penalty, but is It net a utter te fix a penalty that prevents the tkm et error V " What's done can I be undene1' and no amends can be ifocthehanclngef an Innocent man. I the natter is new arranged, though ' RUllty men escape, it may happen, bM happened that some innocent i are punished ; ana it would seem te l far better te fix some penalty of great KHirerlty that would admit of correction I compensation in case of error. One j,Sjlw icacuu wujr ou uinu cavsys uu -.- V -- . ....n. 11 teuinment for murder is trie general Ttnten te the taking of human life, and fcitj juries did net have this sense of re- 1 jeiiiillilllir for weed resting upon ' than they would net be se easily Worked upon by the emotional rhetoric :v HvnuuiiM mnjcie. j.riuiug vuuuw 'itfuets would net have such undue Vffemlnence, and the personal appearance -iad demeanor et the prisoner but little i tv)fht, while the Insanity plea would fiwably vanish altogether from murder tarlala.afl tuut men wnnld nrpfern fall nnd 'AMnntfl(lAn fArannllv in n Innnffn flHV. lua. Over in New Yerk they havear- ft. ; ttiged te kill criminals with an nrtlflcial v thunderbolt, and te men who are ,' 'Ank in the lowest depths of crime, void ?-, Lt conscience and desperately carelees of '., tithe hereafter, this short step te llfewill .be doubt be finite attractive. It is cer- Tiidnlv mnnh Iem hnrrlbln than thn idea of I; dangling from the gallewaln a grotesque & y stance ei ueaui. as we go uacs iu uu- ftery we find the deatu penalty mete Si V largely used, and it is net se very long since K.Vx'saen were hung for stealing. As we go &. -f;ferward in civilization perhaps the death jtananBirv tmi nmw mnrn run iinii i nn jfTOW-; Rivir -waw -"'M ww anisbment and prevention of cilme ' am ftatf nl ffinrAiierh nnrl flMnnHflrv fc&i sr w Onr urazuian commerce. A-correspenuent or me xsewuneans ft JPkaywu, in an article that has been rat ' un ivi'jmvn jftfanmlltlnn nf our IrflYln vILh ltrnxll. nnd :tL&. : ' Sn 'argues from it that our government aheuld straightway subsldlza steamship lines te that country '"it", "Oar annual Impert olfirszlUen ceilee, Muir. rubber, tildes, .te.. Iihte amounted H-'JSstf lata te onwards nl f-M 0T!0 COO en an aver. Oar tout expert te that country, ..SMT""11! llgbt mitetilnery, iron nnd steel, tjoeocaouves, agricultural implements, pe troleum, hareware, cutlery, , Ae, ,. . amounts te about (0,000,000 annually en an Xi itmu. w Thn halance of K I?, Brixlliau trade against us averages, there H 'fyten, 111,000,000 per year, Mated in round "tyBnall In caab, which la sent from that neonntryte Europe and ezponded mainly &' parebaalng produetsot Kegllab, German i&aad Franeh mannfaoture that can be made 'Mnm well, and Beld aa low, K our bev- ,.;)g looting with these of Kurepe." v; no piaces quue tee mucu vame ' ''if Vlvwlm 4fia IrrtnDnnrfnHnn nwiMnm nnd mM: totally neglects the endemic effects of s-Atie excesjive tariff. We ought te pay jg-fftrflw our ceilee in manufactured goods, jpsfcut we pay itfcash.'becauselthellrazUlans tkein get mere for this money In England jp!an they could in America., They can g-.. wi vuuj uctu:e iue Pinion wnuuiucilULT im nu raw materials crieaper, and the yfrmgnt te iirazii from .England is less st?ttaa the freight te Brazil by way of ! ,?-'EnRland, ns Americans goods have te &4.,:travel. Our exnerts mti3t fellow this Pi wry circuitous route, because American frjj.v bnut steamtrs can net compete with the g-, cneap ana ueavny suusiaizeu iiritlsii $ ahlns. The cevernment is urned W& te force this competition by subsidizing Sh.. Amprlf-nn llnpa nf stAnmpra mjIiIMi nrnutl K(iw muVn Minnnpl.q nf (r,nln In llnull Tn m&i ether words, the neenle are askf d te rnv. ji?;. In the form et a postal subsidy, the differ '& tmr In frulehft hot.vrepn thn ltrllleti nt.l 1'the proposed American line, and the fact iuutiau me. great powers or x.urepehave aepieaKBimuarpian or suesiaies gives ''Wtfflf tn thn niirrrreatlnn s.rci. ;".: .j JJut even with , i-iMiie BrnuiKCiueub iu la very doubtful ttfpsfaether we could, without a modlflcatieu 5yt ipt our tariff, Induce UrazU te take pay fec coffee in merchandise made costly by ivfitoe highly taxed material and labor, and plftt should be noted that the history of .KaabBidtzedsteamshinllneslsnetaUnc'Ptrinr '. record of prosperity. Trance has made '.' notorious commercial failure of subsl- (tdlea though she still maintains the lines ?p,M a matter et pride and military policy. The mere natural and proper way te build V. tinan prnnrf. trnrtA with ltmTll aa trail uu s'&Z?aZ ......w n... ..e -iWitn einer nations, is 10 urat maice the '!tnde American and then the ships. wm -zzr-zz :.:, .rv, .r " .. .t fcX WW AUUiU VUUJC3 JIULU IUO UUlltU v Duivca uia Duiya vim iuke IUO p.'; atiertesc route with their cargess, feiitBritish will then eoen tire et navine fetf nbsldiea te lines working solely for our te-f Mneut. we can and should control pv;wlth our manufactures etHier markets our own, and under a tariff Hfepreperly arranged our mere intelligent lg& labor and better machinery would enable &. .. j -. t-. .. . .. p-:, us te ue se. cpain, me .Netherlands, jSVBtUBia, Belgium and Australia take f .Wirn of nur trnnds llinn (Iipv qenrl m lint fclStem most of the world we get mere than S?M fflvn nnd thn linlanne nald in fili la IMiully expended for British manufac- d tures. It should also be remembered H'that when ships only carry cargoes one Ktray thg freights are heavier. The Costly Census. 'IsTlthln a. lltHa mrva ilifi.t 1 ran. Af 1.A feVr -""i- M.mi utv.v .unu H ; cat Ul mc i.r ; 'ub uui.ui:r census we are tniermeu fet the twenty-second and last volume $. tnetenth ceeEus has been published. ffyjM, addition te the twentv.twn vi.,mp i$iW unwieldy work had a preliminary '&Tlume en population and a compendium ,has been published et two quarto volumes i'(K l,7ia pages, and large and costly folios frM engravings accompany the books en .tgfMStry and en vital statistics. Who- wm una motuuieso iu tvuie. mm 61101'- kstaeusmlne et statistical and economic wnjcugc "i uuu iu iia yj,iH pages )ttrldence et a large amount of careful conscientious labor and. cnnsldprlne- the eeat, it ought te be a maryel. The total Baa net yet beeu clyen accurately. without ceuntlntr the irreat finpnKA C printing, engraving and binding this jarkiiaHcest 1,857,850. This is only a IsMi ever nine and a half cents te each an, woman and child et our nenuiaiinn la 1880, and is said by the authorities te a lower cost in proportion te population ler any similar work ever published, a authorities also announce elae. thkt BO similar work has nvpr tun f ? at Uwt they claim tbat this tenth census is the most elaborate work et the kind ever undertaken In the world. That being the case it Is a little hard te sec hew the comparison of cost per capita can have any force 1'erbaps five millions or mera is net tee much te pay for a monumental work, accurate, thor ough nnd perfect in every way, but it can be gravely doubted whether the tenth census gives the worth of the money, nnd it our ten year census is te cost five mil lions each time it would be a geed deal better te give a .halt million a year te a cellege of social and political economy, or te seme ene et the many scIentlUe and educational enterprises already es tablished in Washington. It has been decided at last by high legal authority that "nearest relation" doea net mean "nephews and nieces," but the great point et Interest has been left qnlte un- touehoJ, for net a word is aald of cousins, YlcoCbanceUor Hlrrtbaa Juat decided that the term as ued In eertaln will meats brothers, te the exclusion of nieces, and unfortunately there does net seem te have been a alngle cousinly claimant. a a. Bar. Arthur Brooks has astonished and shocked the Episcopal church cengreiB la session at Iludale by opposing boldly the views of several college presidents who had spoken en the relation or colleges te the church. "Mr. Brooks woke up the audi ence by saying that the Ideal college la one tbat Is controlled by the churcb, but the colleges must be open te men who say daring things. It Is better te have this kind of men Instde than ouUlde the college. The facnlty should net tell a man that lie must go out as seen as be begins te think." (Ap plauie.) He didn't like the Ides or seclar. Ian coHpres narrowed down te tee fine a point. "ir,"sald be, "the Episcopal church fenea lUeir oil, you must expect the l'ea by tnrlans te de tbe same, and ae en, I don't object te our bojRRelng te ether colleges. 1 bollevo the ether churches have made such great suoceaaesot their oelloges becaute thoee ctmrches were less well organlxed than we," (Applause.) He said that Har vard bad lu med out mere Episcopal schol ars than any ether college. When a speech llke this In nn assembly of tbta kind can win applause, who will aay tbat men are net growing mere llborel ? A snenT two weeks age tbe Mew Yerk Tribune was giving great protnluenoo te foreign opinions about Amctlsan politics, but new that the froe trade ssare has dene Its work the tcalca ero falling from the editorial eye, and It "ittCMtlcaly finds that "the Intelligent forelgner Is always Inter esting:. He turns up new In tbe clllce of the ChriiUan Werhl. This la one et the most widely circulated of the religious Journals of England, and still It remarks In an odlterlal article en 'The American Presidency' that 'the thlrty-alx electors et New Yerk, en many of whom President Uloveland ceunted, veted for General Har rison.' 'On many or whom' Is particu larly geed. The Intelligent forelgnor seems te have a positive genius for misinforms. tlen about American politics." Tub crulHer Atlanta, one et tbe Hench oruiserscomploted by the government, has been orderod te "go en a three years orulie around the,werld and Bhew the stars and atrlpes in rometo pnrtB where our regular eruliers de net go." Though net iu any way up te tbe standard of tbe new navy the Atlanta Is by no means a disgrace te the Hag and hai a very formidable nppenrance, se that In the course et Its roving nations that bave net teen ear ensign for many yeats will form exalted notions of the peo pee peo ple represented by this steel war ship with olectrle appliances and search lights, uia. chlne guns and her battery of alx and eight inch rllled breeeb loadera. Htie la net very fast and her armor does net thoroughly protect her, but tbose things need net be talked about te foreigners. Ne vcesel has recoWed a roving commission llke this for ten years, tbe voyage of the Tloendcroga te Africa nnd tbe .Seuth Bea Islands being tbe lest et tbe kind. Tub Manbclni ei(iner publishes a io ie io vlew el tbe bearing and couduet of Showers, as neted by his spiritual adviser, the ltev. Ueyl, from whleti It appears tbat be at no time showed the leant alarm at bis ap proaching fate, and noted throughout as an innocent man might bave done. This is net evidence- of great value, as a man bad enough te be guilty et bis crlmes might very well be ee oeld.bloodod and brutal as te assurae and maintain an Innocent de meanor, but tbe age cf the criminal, the strangely ovaslve obaraeter or his answers, his oenfesalon and subse quent retraction under tbe plea tbat be was se frlgbtoned tbat be did net knew what he was saying, bis eagerness towards tbe last te bave It all evor and his Innocent ap pearance, all tbesu make or the Hhewers case one et the most remarkable In criminal history. Were It net for the dislike and suspicion mantrested by bis neighbors, and their suggestion et his respenablllty for ether crimes, It is probable tbat the public would have sympathised with this man and believed bis declarations of lnnoccnce, as the clergyman appears te de, simply because et bis childlike and Innocent demeaner. The Sentinel says: "Some peeple about his neighborhood say 'he locked mere like a fiend that a human being,' n statement tbat our observation et him does net bear out Te ui, and Key. lieyl bears us proof te this faet, .be appeared as tbeuib. It were absolutely lmpojuiule.fer htm te commit the crlme for which he died. Hlsoeuntouinco was calmness borderlng en the eerene, and bis bearing tbat of a venerabloeld mau who bad never com mitted anything te merit any one's dls. pleasure, much lets a murder." His demeanor when near te death, was eertaluly remarkable: "Daring the last hour Kev. Hejl spent with blm, net 15 minutes before the execution, he was again pressed with the enormity of bis guilt, and asked for bis soul's sake te ao ae ao Unewledgo tbe truth, but In the most un un un oencerned lndllieronce possible he replied, 1 have nothing te eanless. I am Innocent of tbe crime, and go te tbe gallows doey. lng tbat I killed thorn. I am quite ready te go, uud tbe soeaor the batter.' in tils second last prayer be most devoutly thanked Ued tbat He had preserved blm bis bis 'right mind,' and bis 'strong body" tbat be was able te undergo the terrible erdeal' with an unlllnchlng spirit ;' tbat he understood bis hour of demlsa ws te-morrow at 11 o'clock,' and be was " glad be was se hear his home.' This was uttered with much feeling, but entire want of dread, and we learn bis lait prayer was almost tbe same." PEB80NAU Mrs HAnAU W. Oaths, of Kansaa f5itv. has a fortune estimated at (10,000,000, whleh all caeie from a successful venture in real mutt a bit et land wh.cn. oeat her husband t-,uuu. bor.eMo Hohee, ex-Mayer ofllullale, New Yerk, and a Cleveland nod HeudrlekH presidential elector In 1SSJ, was stricken vrltn aperlexy u row days age, and Is In a dying condition. . Mns, O. O. Cesveksb, of Waterbury, Conn., Is an old lady et aeventy.elgbt who bad a band In tbe education et two pros", dents of the United States. Whlle leaealna wboel at Meuth Bend, lnd., BenJ,mm Harrison, president-elect, was one A hit pupils, and sbe taught blm bin alphabet. When teaching In Ohie, James A. Oarneld, then fourteen years et sge. was ene or her tchelars. He had been driving a horse en the tow-path, and, bla beat belug frozen In. be devoted a few weeks te her Instruction Mrs. Converse is very proud of the fact tbat sbe shaped the mluda of these famous men. Abbreviated fulttdicu. Frem th Chicago Tribune, Uentleman in crowded street est te lady Juat entering tbe car Madam, permit ue tectler you a sest, Lady (coolly taking seat) 'Bilged. Oenuemaa (trJgldjy)-J'tall, Welk, A Oreat Snow Plew. In order te be prepared for any future event like the great bliszud of list Match, when tbe country's railroad triflle was paralysed, the Philadelphia & Heading company is having an Immense snow plow built at Us shops In Heading. It will be shortly given a trial and then taken le Phila delphia. The object of tbe trial trip Is te see whether It will pastthreush the bridges. It Is tbe pnrpose of tbe cfllelals te prepare in time for any polble omergoney. It is claimed that tbe plow will threw the snow 20 leet blgn. It la shspd llkea plewshesr, except that it divides the snow and tbiests It en both sides, llke tbe great snow plows en the Western teids. Alter vainly irytnarallthn vortepa romefllfs recommended for tLe troubles of tcethtntf. Dr. null's naby bjmp gave mnjlcul teller, rata cur neighbor. Meil machinery must have porreSs or abso abse abso Inte rest ter oxauiinttlen ifd rupalrs. Hut thn great organs el the body, thn stomach livr and Bldneys never mil, and ycttey can be kept In period order by the meet Lux Lux aaer, l'llceU ecnts. WANAMAKKH'H ratLiDixrniA, Monday, Nev. 23, 1B8. We knew these things can't be matched at the price. Perfectly" fresh goods, some here this morning for the first time. The manufacturer's sea son is closing and he cuts prices almost at the middle. Yeu shall reap the benefit. Judge by these. Four big surprises ; lA Kaplan such as we m-ver seM bolere: fnll tntler made, GO luetics long, bell leaves ana culfr, open scutiis ana faelDgt, prlreftOO; you'll J ude It worth H. S-0eKUls.r'lHller-tnailu Jaektt, In present ftuMenslilB olelhn, prien II SO; worth S3 hs the market (ters. C A beuutlltil linn efjiuuty 'XftllOMnaae unv'u.. n.iiiui vniui'. . ' prloe !?.'. 4-Xnnllih 'l miur inrtn TTIsteis In fiulilen. Rtild colors, W Inches Innir, -with euro una bell 'pove, en an teams, prlcoiaei: ri"s;aliiriir!cllu, We Mve tLe rnatiufselnrnr's werfl ler It tlmt It cost bin) 2tmrrent tuore Una no aik te make tbesu caimcnt j. The rest of our line will show hew far we lead in price, style, quality. When you arc look ing around town carry these prices in mind : Ulster nnd ItagUns. pliln unrt fancr ltnuver, all tbj Ulcst btvles una mate rials, 8.S)np. TbolarRPstaiiBertxentnr Iiraldcdnni Km Km breltlered llanlnnp, IMstam, unrt Wmp tn ezciujlve stj lea ana uilaita at rclull ut 110 up. Itnpertra Jaekets In every Ta-tety or cnle', etjlf, uud inMerlul, from U te as mucb mere as you cam te ruy. A lnru let et edit .Inciieti, which lmve lioen soiling nuJIly ler 9, uu und 112, you ran Imvn Inr (4, IB, nnd IU. A snort let of l'jnld li'uver Cleih Ulstcri ana liuiiliins, weith at any ether ttnm 118 and 20; you inuy tatu tticui forts andSlO. Our gutrantrca Real riusb Wraps ero tte best we've ever ela you al tne prlce, 110 and 112. Onr Kiiaranteea seat Plub Ceals, flne quilled satin lining, 4U Inches lunir, 119, formerly l.u. Boeond Doer, Chestnut strcet front. Take ele vators. Whether the girl is big or little, avc have the Thanksgiving Ceat or Dress that will meet her fancy, however set. A gorged market has let us keep the stock rounded out with Gretchens, Newmarkets, Leng Garments, and the like with and without angel sleeves at prices much below regular. Second fleer, Chejtnut street side. JTeur ele vators. Baby things, and for the little tots up te 3 years. They don't care, se the stuffs are soft and warm ; but mamma docs. We've had both in mind com fort and geed leeks. Quilted Cashmeres, Novelties, warm and light weight Lamb's Weel or Eiderdown, Silks, Plushes ; any worth thing in any going color, $2.50 te $25. We are headquarters for all such things. Fer little children's Plush and Cleth Caps, and for everything the budding bits of humanity wear. Second fleer, evor BUk Counter. lake ele vator. Almest everything in Paris Novelty Dress Stuffs is pecu liar. Audacity with richness. One of the oddest of the let shows a design as if a handful of match sticks had been flung ever it. Ridiculous te think of, but quaintly taking after all. 7 shades, 40 in., $1. Southwest or contre. 150 Smoking and Heuse Coats. Japanese plaid silk, $3'5. We sold identically the same last season at $9. 50 Leng Dressing Gowns, same sort of silk, $9 ; last sea son $16.50. As near the sensational as such prices ever were. They would be marvelous if the goods were odds and ends But they're new; just lrem Japan. Shown te-day for the first time. If you are. thinking ei a present of this sort you can save a geed share of your money. Chestnut street side, west of main alsle. A big part of the Basement is getting livelier all the time with advance notes of the Holi day hurrah. Of course It's where the Toys and Dells and Games are gathered. Play things, and study-things that have all the seeming of play things, A little world of amuse ment for Children. It's as geed as a circus for the little ones te leek about there. Wonders in mechanical toys sure-enough cars that run en the merest bits of track; trumpeters that trump, and all that. Let the little bright eyes come with you ; you'll feel younger and they'll feel cheer ier for the treat. Basement, cast ana northeast of centre. JOHN WANAMAKER.l IAINE'8 CELERY COMPOUND. MY POOR BACK. That's (he commenexciamatlon of these sufTerln? with rheumatism or kidney troubles. In either disease Palne's Celery Compound will surely effect a cure, and there will no longer be any cause le complain et " peer backs." Hundreds of test!, menlals like the following confirm our -claims for that grand old remedy, I'alne's Celery Compound : " Twe weeks age I could net sleep mere than an hour at a time any night, waa constipated and kidneys did net act, and had a geed deal of pain in tbe back. Since I took Palne'a Celery Compound the pain left my back, and I can sleep like a child." Zedbs Sanders, West Windser, Vermont. " Having been troubled with rheuma tism for flve years, I was almost unable te get around, and was very often confined te my bed for weeks at a time. I have used nearly all medlclnc3 imaginable, besides outside advices, but te no advantgn. Having seen Talne's Celery Compound adver tised. I gave it a trial. I have used only bottle and am perfectly cured. lean new jump around and reel lively as a boy." Prank Carel!, Eureka, Nevada. Trice, fl.OO. Six for 15.00. Ser.D by DnvaeisTi. Send reit 8-rAarc TESTistesui. PArEn. WELLS, RICHARDSON 8c CO., Proprietors BURLINGTON, VERMONT. TOBACCO. e LD HONK8TV TOBACCO, FINZER'S Old Hqiiesly. The Chewern of OLD HONESTY TOBACCO will Boen flnd that it lasta longer, tastes sweeter than ether tobac cos, and will please you. Ask your dealer for it and insist en getting it. Genuine Has a Bed H Tin Tat; en Every Plug. ( TRUNKS. KADKH3. WK LKAU IN OOll LINK IV Pit I ;K, Q7AL- rrr anu xti.e. HATS, FURS, ROBES, TRUNKS, -AND- TRAVELING BAGS. Stauffer&Ce. 81 & 33 North Queen Streot, I.ANOABTKII.PA. jrjAi.. Al.li AND W1NXKH UOODM. M. IIABERBUSII k SON. Fall and Winter Koeds. Our Stock of Fall and Winter Goods is new complete. We have the Largest and Finest Stock in the city of HORSE BLANKETS (All Grades.) Lap Blankets, in Flush, Weel and Felt. Black and Grey Geat Robes. Hudsen Bay arid Pralrie Wolf Rebe?. Buffalo Robes. Siberia Deg (Black) Robes. Fex and Coen Skin Robes. (3 We consider it no trouble te show our goods at I. Haberlmsli & Sen's BADBLE, HARNESS; AND TRUNK STORE, Ne. 30 Centre Square, t.ANOASTKH. PA. ruun, sv. m sjrvVnlvs'evNfvvi''Sy CPKOIAL TO LADJES! CALL AND CKK OUU CHOICE FURSI YKUY UEBr 8KALSKIN COATS AD JAUKKTS. LAHUK AND C1IOIOK ASSOUTMKNT Or I'UllS. AMEB 30WESXKIKQ6T. Laseutfr'fl Ltadteg Paclical Ilitlef 4 Furrier. spkcial rxnaeNAij Attention given te rarajurtair ter sua rr. Inir stUUln uaruicuts te order, retftet snUdtautlen guarantee tn every particular. , eMlM TTOllUIj. Te I'Hliat-a.&bttUa AND ;?. aUNNBais,All persona are hereby ter. exaeii te tretpas.! ou any et the lands of the Cornwall ana Sik dwell estat.es lu Lebanon or Lancaster cenn tle,wnetaer tnclosea or onto. elqaoe, either for tiie pnrpose of anneunf or Drain;, as tee lair wju be rtjrtaiy enteteed agalmt all trespaMtnK en saltt Unas eXUUtw OeAltmca after tbiti notion. WM. COLEMAN VBSMULW, IKUW. O.a-MSIBIIAJS. AttorasnariuWtgeuaM rALAUt ur rAUHWH. A HTKIOHB VALA.OK OF FASHION ASTRICH'S BROS.' PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street. Lancaster, Pa. We have offered you bar gains in Skirt Laces last week, and quite a number of our cus tomers have taken advantage of the opportunity and secured what they thought was the big gest bargain. We advise you te come at once, and are sure you will net regret it. Our stock of Handkerchiefs ler Christmas has come in. We will be pleased te show you through our stock. We are positive that we can please in prices as well as styles. We call your special attention te our assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Embroidered and Initial Handkerchiefs. We sell Embroidered Hand kerchiefs as low as 5c apiece, and as high as $2 apiece. Our line embraces several hundred different styles. A special bargain in all Silk Brocaded Handkerchiefs, large size, at 25c. Fine goods at 37, 50, 62, 75, 90c, $1 up te $2 apiece. Silk and Cashmere Mufflers. We never had such a variety, and our prices are attractive because they are extremely low. A complete assortment of Cream and White Japanese and China Silk Handkerchiefs, from I2lcup. Opened also a full line of Bareges, and all kinds of plain and fancy Veilings, single or double width, prices guaranteed the lowest. Our stock of Ruchings, Lace and Linen Cellars, Lace Scarfs and Fichus, Bibs, embroidered and hemstitched Mull Ties, Silk Ties, plaid, plain and clotted, and all sorts el fancy goods has never been se large and varied. Our line of Ruchings shows ever one hundred styles, from 5c a yard up. Se come one and all. The Palace of Fashion is the place te buy and you are all welcome. Handsome Souvenirs elven away with every purchase of one dollar ana ever. ASTRICH BROS. QfrifA'ajr'tiJJE, H IGH JtMAKTIN. DECORATED' CHINA -AT- Gill HALL We bave just received our Fourth Fall Importation of HAVILAND Decerat6d Eiencli China. Dinner nnd Tea Sets in the best deco rations for the least money ever offered in this or any ether market. Fuddlng, Chocolate, Ice Cream, Selltair and Game Sets, Decorated Plates and Teas, Biscuit Jars, Cheese and Butter Dishes, A. D. Coffees, llerry Dishes, &c. Carlsbad China Dinner Sets quality and style of decoration the beat in the market. Prices the Lewest. The Rochester Lamp has has no equal. Try one and be convinced. High & Martin, Ne, 15 East King St. ecti-ua CLOTIITNO. JjlALL, 188ft, fc 1 .--B"WJJXftj Fine Tailoring Fer the Latest Hereltl, eeeaasa style. H. GERHART'S Oaiy Direct iMfertlig Talter. IS NOBTU QUKKIf BTRKIu. "XT ALUK I Satisfaction ! V7iatiS 1!82 eatsnslra noreatga fhsefty. 1aMu SnsurpasseS tn the r XICKS AVT AT DO WW. AS USUAL. TROUSERS ! iBpS?!i,i,ti1nUen .esll te say Trousers, in wnlcn 1 ISM. ASKEWI 4sVTAILOH.i MOS. M ADD IBS W8X KINO STstSJBT. e77smar,s c LOTHINQI OLOTHIMQ1 L, Qansman & Bra, Hen's, Beys' ind Children's CLOTHING. Onr Clothing is strictly relUbls. Its excel lence el qna'.lty, style and at cm b as pendea upon. Hen's faults, II 0?, 17.00, 110.00, 111.00, ls.tO, 118.00. If en's Overcoats. IL50, 15.00, K.OQ, se.00, $10.00. 112.00, 116.(0 Men's X anta, tl .23, 11.00, 12 SO, 13 (0, 14.00. We can Eire yen better quality and making In enr garments for tbat money than any ether beuse in the city. Bee ear (treat line at the above prices. ' Salts and Overcoats At Kxtromely Lew Price i. Men's storm Orercsats at sj.oe, 17 00, ts.oe, 110.00, 112.00. Bee our All-Weel Baits te order at 11100. SU00,18 0 118 00. They are geed yalne for tbe money. HanOsome Overce&ts te order at 115.00, 118 CO, IM.00, 125 00. Immense assortment at moderate prices. Can you afford te miss this T L. GANSHAN St BRO, MAKurAOTUsms or Msn's, Bejs' ud Children's Clothing, B. W. COUNKli NOETH QUKKN AND ORANGE STKERTB.T.ANOASTKU, PA. M ykuh ttA-rajren. Reliable Clothing. The word " Reliable " means much te buyers of Clothing. In a line of business as in the Cloth Cleth ing business, where se much de ception Is practiced and se much cheatery indulged In, it amounts te a geed deal. Yen don't want te deal with unreliable merchants, but you de want te deal where you can get a dollar In value for a dollar in vested. If you deal with us you deal with thoroughly reliable people, who want you te have just as much as you pay for. Myers & Eatnfen, RELIABLE CLOIUKBS, NO. 12 EAST KINO ST., l.ANOASTKK PA. 1UB PEOPLE'S OAbH BTORE. CLOTHING Made te Order -AT- Tbe People's Cash Stere. Don't forget it. We can make you a Suit et Clethes, an Over coat or a Pair of Trousers, and give you as much satisfaction as any Tailoring establishment in the city and at less cost en the average. The People's Gash Stere, MO. 35 BAB! KIKG BTRBBT, LANUABTKU,rA. A LOT OP READY,-MADE OYERCOATS, OP OUU OWN MANUFACTURE -AT MODERATE PRICKS. aaarls-lvdAw DRT UOODB. piOTiTJ WEATHER IS HKRK NOW J and we cannot expect aattUrg els. Yeu Are Hew Invited te Visit GIVLER'St 6ud8Nerth Qaete Street, j OB BABQA1NS IN LADI9lttSSl8' AStD OBILOBKH'S COATS ABD 8HAW18. Weel and.Mertae Uaderwaar. Blankets and Comfert. O-We Jut fceugM PlT Bargains Irlcatt dren's Ceau te sell at ll.SO upn atd. HO TROUBLE TO BHOW GOODS. JehnS.Givler, 08 North Queen Street, LAJGATE,PA. manu-iraaw pRIOK LIST. BAED &"McBIE0T, 33 and 36 Seuth Qneen St., (Opposite Fountain Inn.) PRICE" LIST : We name a few of the many bargains we are effarlnK. BHAWLB. Bnenlder Bbawls at le, S3, 40, and soetaatdep. siDKiBBhawls at (1.00, si. as, i.se,Sl.isand np. Deuble Sbawla at 13, I2.W. ss, ssee, u and np. We defy any nente te beat these goods at BLANKBTS. White or Colored at 7Sc, II, 11.25, (1 .te, U, W BO, 13 and up per pair. UNDERWEAR. Children's Unferwear, smallest size, starts at Se t next at loe. 12)ie, ISO and up, acoerdlng te size and quality. Ladies Merine Underwear at 15c, tie. Me, 75e and up. OnrSSeqnallty Is all we claim ler. It. a 50p grade, and It shows It by the war we are selttng them. Ladles' Scarlet Medicated Unflcrwear at 75e, tl, ! and SI.57X. Our 11.25 number will com pare with anything heretofore sold at . Men's Underwear In white or colored at iUi, S7Ko,S0eandun. Uen-s scarlet Medicated Underwear, SO?, 7Sc, ll,ll.9sanai.S7H. Camel's Ilalr andMatnral Weel at low prices. FLOOR OIL OLOIH. The trade we have established en Fleer and Table OU cloth, we venture te say, has never been equalled by any ether heuse. We have the reputation and we mean te keep tt,et (tell ing the best wearing, best seasoned OU Cleth that ever was sold ter the money. WINDOW SHADES. Plain or Dade shades, .best goods, spring Sxtutes, attee each. DRB8B GOODS. Xztra bargains in Dress Goods from se per yard te II, in all the latest styles and shades . GLOVBS. Men's Gloves at 20. 25, e, 4 se, 65, 75 cU and np. we call especial attention te enr rse Weel Knit Gleve. Ask te see it, and If yen think von ever benght anything better ter lets than Boe don't bnylt. W e carry an Immense stock of Gloves. Watch far enr advertisement and prloes et Gloves. Impossible te give it new t space will net allow. We tell goods en small profits. We adver tise wht we get. When you come for it yen get it. Who else Is under as small an expene as we are only X square from Centre f We can sell goods en small profits, and we de, BAED fcltcEIBOY, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen St , (Opposite Fountain Inn ) N EW WINTER GOODS. iR IS GONE -BUT- Charles Stamm IS STILL HERE, And doing business en the same old principle of Geed Goods and Lew Fronts. The seasons change, but Gbas. Stamm Dees Net CbaDge With the season, no is no Summer friend, but a geed alMho-year-reund friend te EVERYBODY WHO NEEDS IY MS And he prints this notice as a friendly reminder te old customers and friends (as well as these who are wondering where te go te flnd the best Dry Goods) that Nobody Excels or Undersells CHAS. STAMM. Bear the fact in mind. We guarantee satisfaction te every buyer, and that we give place te none when It comes te tbe sire of a dollar's worth or the quality of thegoedswesell. LATE STYLES, LIBERAL BARGAINS, LOW PRIOBS, AT TUX MW BIG STORE, 85 & 87 North Queen Street, (Opposite the Fosteffloe,) Bosten Stere. m r:-.,: .- -5' v;