.taw. J T rtlE LANCASTER DATLY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1888. m ?' ti"' .K tm 1.1 Sii'- ft fes- i,rt-w S, i'lfr- W . f-y ,& Dally Intelligencer. &AMCABTIK. ftOVXMBBRU, 1SS8. Wliter art TTtrk. i it a black cloud ever the Motion- Juraller. The operators and shippers bituminous coal along that river have I te atop shipments and close their I Indefinitely from the first of Decern ad ever 0,000 miners and many I of river boatmen will be thrown k'ef employment In the opening of the , This means that about 20,000 men, women and children, are iiy ana hopelessly deprived or I of support and as their work has Irregular and net very paying are desperate limes ahead many. The operators explain ; their action was rendered necessary 'the overstocking of the market due te Ok unusual continuation of the cendl- r VImm favorable te coal transportation by trer. According te them the market is - flatted with their coal and the landings '. aa crowded that neat le33 would fellow 1 lafwtthatnr a cnMnnftrifiwzlnff the river. I k aellUy of commercial Interchange is I j . . ..i .ut.. ,.. I saappuexu te ve n very guuu iuiur, uu are ia a disaster of alarming proportions barfed directly te unusually favorable Inneportatlen facilities. They can g. aaaiKec weir ceai se casny mat tuey cau- awt anera hi mine it. xue icmuh hivku "mmj be the true one,though the operation fkaa a trusty leek. But whatever the auM the incident certainly reveals a ;r',; sort unhealthy state of Industry, and the - thousands who will find tliemselves en ,jecember first without wages, or iue tprotpectef any.wlllbe very apt te wonder twhat is the matter with the American tystem of protection. It mayoccur'te V-Tieme who lately cast their ballets in np. Vvxehensien of free trade that if the la- idestrles that use their coal, or the east- gLwta competitors of tbose Industries, had a ffif rjabance te sell in foreign lands they would mftaeed mere fuel and pay better prices. But the die is cast and labor will have te fatrnggle en as best it may with mtny a vt"VLttet lessen like thatoftheMenongauela. faMd'an1"11 Dd Hnnier. te Cellins and serta of slang of varl wheu It was lvalue, but of nil the living. His natrere is none mere ut ut mend, living in , graphically expres waa placed In the . V-wiu ' i,Ji .v.;..i,M.-'te drivelling idiocy aW -r-pTamen oPhrase that New Yerk lb, v.y,mgw arm men, w uiitau iiupu at. The value of slang lies in its pleas es ln ami 'nfetitrpsntin fnrcp. lint lliprn la l5f BOthlng pleasingly plctureeque in the latest metropolitan slang-phrasa " in iue J-'-'aeup." It suggests an unfortunate fly gv-siB DpUllOU UUUIDO Ub UIUUCI,UUU Ik ucce'Bfully achieves nothing but the If n man ;,v elimax of vulgar repulsiveness. has bad luck, or is in serious trouble, he la said te be " in the soup," and most '.& MODle will feel sorry for the spoiled soup : v tsr. bat this Pj"!,1'13 the peculiardisadvan 4stagethat4jer te pi-educethe eilect E-ife intended. fyi,iimust have heard the 'iFatery of its origin. The legend runs us i.t a11m- 11 T --l-nn.lMM .nl.nn irilnl.i 41in W tvuuHD. AJnavevkivft) vvtiru jvi.iaiu, btiu -'iv; pugilist, returned from urepe en the S'v Canard eteamer Etrurla, his friends in S,New Yerk prepared te give him a grand E(,?rreceptii7u. A party of Kllraln'a friends, ;ljeiisiderahiy the worse for liquor, pro pre Kt cured a tug and went out te take their KM here off and bring him ashore, but the captain of the Etruria swore the drunken tt'i-' crowd should net enrnn near, nnl thev JW'iilM net. Whlln rrnlMncr nrnimcl the ateamer one of the tug's passengers, a man named Jehnsen, in leaning ever its aide, le)t his balance and fell overboard. One of his companions, who witnessed bis fall, but who was tee drunk te threw him a rope or offer oilier assist ance, contented himself with calling out : He I Jehnsen's fell in the soup 1' Com paring the Atlantic ocean te n plate of annn wiu mn 'sunramniv t-TrllnnTmiq flint. l.i- when the Incident was related in the ijsfervlfew Yerk papers the expression atruck KW thn nnnnlnr fnnnv Anil, wnmnvnilrt. the popular fancy is yet reeling from the , W1UH. Thn Inplilpnt. ven liidlnriiii lint. Mm Jt- ' l$i application of the phrase te all sorts of '? ueuuie vy people wne never uearu me t??V' itnrv ! nne nf Minna n'jInr.iT nffnrfa nt nn CS '"""uirimiuvlw U...UU that is saddening. Man is said te be the only living being with a sense of humor, and he alone has the sense, of moral re sponsibility and the consciousness of the awful solemnity of life. Laughter, wit ' and humor, seem te ba given him as a counterpoise te the crushing weight of his Dense of immortality, and the parrot like catch-phrases that serve some, iu teid of witticisms, prove a feeble sense of humor that indicates an equally weak feeling of humanity. Men who treat a hollow phrase as a fine joke cannot be Tery manly, especially when the expres expres slen Is applied te the misfortunes of u fellow man. Heller Explosions. We publish te-day a letter from a prac tical mechanic en the cause et the recent mysterious boiler explosion at the chemi cal works, 'and would be glad te have the views of ether experts as te this im portant matter. We also publish an account et a similar explosion in the Weat which killed four men instantly aud fatally wounded four mere. Considering the very general use et batteries of boil ers, and the fact that the best of human ingenuity and skill, has been concentrated npen steam power for the past 100 years.lt eertaldy appears surprising that unac countable explosions ever occur, lly thia time we ought te thoroughly under stand the principles necessary for the safe handling of this force, and the ceinpar.f tlye rarity of these mysterious explosions k no excuse. There should be no rays tery whatever about it, and the verdict of the coroner's Jury In this case Is net at U complimentary te this branch et mod med rn science. It theie is an unknown amuse that mav at anv merr.nnt rmnA ; r' 'lapetltien of this accident te boilers pie (L Tided with every safeguard against known ,.. vwvuv v. cauv0.vue , 41. u BjJire ui bUU . t . ateepifs) vigilance or tue men in cuurge, f MHaathlng that they cannot control may ;'.; preparing sudden death for them, k first et all imperatively necessary ;;ilhtvt the best of human skill should be r wt4 te the discovery of that something. '" We strongly suspect that there is no myattry whatever about It in the minds ; genuine experts who all have their tbaeriM te account for the .tricks of ,, but they should progress from 3y te established facts and meet ' with the precautions needed te The trouble is that few Heina Btaam in tlila iv can ftejr klfhlyducaUd jre- feaser of Bteam engineering te leek after their power. They must depend upon the great army of intelligent and worthy men, who with a thorough practical knowledge of all the plain facta manage thousands of boilers all ever the land with such rare discretion that explosions are few and far between. When these trusty men venture te theorize they sometimes come te grief sadly, and ene of them makes an interesting example of this in the dispatch from Mentana explaining the disaster before referred te. He says: "In three of the boilers the steam gauge indicated seventy-flve pounds pressure. The ether ene indicated flfty-Qve pounds of Bteam. The steam was evidently turned into the boiler that exploded from the ethers, thus giviBg 200 pounds addi tional pressure when It rent asunder, one halt going forward and the ether back ward, carrying death with it. The boiler was a new one and was considered safe, but could net stand 200 pounds pressure going into it at once." This plan of Increasing steam pressure I would be of commercial value it prac tlcable. but it is well-known thatpres- aare is equalized much as water finds ill lnvnl nrwl thn Jnrnlnir nt Ktanm into the level, and the turning of steam into the one boiler would net mean an increase of its pressure by the pressure of each one but simply an Increase sufficient te bring it te the same average pressure as the ethers, which would fall in proportion. As all argument helps te a conclusion consideration should be given te any who have a claim te write about boilers and their curious ways. m m Tub Beys and Girls National Employ ment association has a convention in aea- aten at lndlonapella that is net making quite be mueh noise as the Knights of Laber convention in the tatne elty, but is proba bly doing mete geed. The alma and eby Jests of the association are the looking alter the truant, tramping and neglected clanca of youth. This society, has been instru mental In finding geed he in si for 8,000 vagrant boy, their work extending ever .270 cltlea of tbe United States and Uanadc, Attention lias Intcly been called by correspondent of Science te the pecullitr use and meaning of the word billion. It should, aoeordlng te etymology and math ematics mean a million of a million, but for Berne unknown reasen French mathemati cians changed the rule of separating figures In groups of six te the present separation in groups of three. A billion te a buelncs man is a thousand millions, while te an atlromemer and mathematician ltretalns its old and proper meaning of m million millions. Fortunately buslneta men bave but llttle uae for It. Tub Squirrel II 111 gun olub.el Pittsburg, will en Thankiglvlng day alaugbter S00 KnRllih iptrrewn which will be liberated from traps In the tame manner aa plgeeni, and ehet at a rlae el 25 yards. This Is cer tainly a great Improvement en the llve pigeon sheeting, and the aparrew en the wing la by no means an easy mark. Tun Keely oase, apart from its legal aipct, la peculiar. A party clalma te bave bought n maoblne from blm many years bro and the court haa ordered that Mr. Keely Bbew his uiaohlneao that It can be decided whether it Is the one seli'. Keely reruaes te show thorn anything el Impor tance either because he baa nothing Qt that kind te show or because It may be claim oil te be the aame that he told te them. He distrusts everyone and demands that everyene should trust hi in. lie says et tbeother party: "II Ibey will ahew the description or the inaohiue el 16C0 and then ay they have net neon enough el my protent maoblne te show that they de net corres pond, 1 will make thorn n k1" of my soerot." This sounds lair, but the claimants may reply that the old aud new meters may be tbe tame though dlllorent In ap. pearanceJUBt as two steam englnea may bee m totally unllke In general appearanoe, though both use Bleain by piston and eylluder. He also says that he will glve his meter te the world In four months, but the world would be better pleased te have It moteat ten days with llve per ceut. oil ler HpOt Mill. Amone the cargo el the steamship deer go W. Ulyite, which sailed for Han Dominge from New Yerk en Tuesday, were the fol lowing war Bupplles as shown by the man! feft at tbe custom house : G0 eases of earliidgcs, CO caics of rllles, 11 cases of beltn, three cases of scabbards, four casta et carbines, 310 cases of leather bellf, and 10 cases of drums. As all require ments of the law were complied with nnd Hsu Dominge Is open te commerce, the colleetor of the pert refused the request et the Uaytlan consul te pre vent the dopartureot the steamer, which the consul felt aure was taklng'arma te the Uaytlan Insurgents. He Is no doubt right a te the ultimate destination of the arms, but he cannot atk ua te provent such ship, ment te poaeetul open pert of Han Do De Do mineo, any mere than he oeuld Interfere with similar shipments te Kurope. PERGONAL. Colonel Daniel H. Lament, private aeerutary te President Cleveland, em phatically (Ienics a report tbat he Is te be appoluted Judge advocate general et the army. ltuv. C. H. Blaelu, paitoref thoKo theKo thoKe foriued ohureh at Westminster, Md., is spending a low days at the home of his futhcr-lu.law, Hev. T. Q. Apple, D. D., where Mrn. Hlsgle has been visiting ler several weeks past. OLD K.NOUUU TO tlK II1S BlOrjtKlt; Grj-IUIrca Mti, Menduttr Sacs te Keceter Her Uey llabua-Slie Sjt Hlie Leres Him S11IU Judge Walsh, or Brooklyn, en Tursilsy callett tliu nafte of Anna Mendeaur, nged 01, ugalnst David Mendoser, her husband, aged 21, charged with desertion. The latter walked quickly te the tpaee fronting the Judge. He looked tired but detlant, and boldly stared tbe justice In the eye. Anna was net slew In taking her place as com plainant botero the judge, but even her own lawjer, Prank O'liilen, amlled when abe pushed him one te aide ae that she could Btaud beslde David. The case waa about te no ou when Ulerk Jehn H. Btryker hur riedly Bppeated and atated tbat Jere Weruberg, oeunsel ler tbe derendant, waa trying a case In general sessions aud oeuld net be present, and asked that the case be adjourned. Lawyer O'lirlen diinurrcd at tbe delay. Turning te the youthful bridegroom tbe Judge vald : "tlew la this, young man T Were you te support her, or was abeteaup. pert you t" 'Hhe was te take care of me," emphat ically replied David. "She gave me f 1,000 te marry her and was te help me establish a business. Hho'aget plenty of money. 1 knew et lour bank books tbat Bbe has." "Well, 1 don't think she'll sutler any by BBbert delay," mid the Judge, "and I'll set the c&he down ter November -S, at 10 , in." At this time Anna had Bald nothing, hut steel beside Dald, devouring hi w with her eyes. Aa he went out et court with his Irlenus Bbe followed oleaoly after blm. On rtachlng the sidewalk David met mero frleudsand steed talking te them. Anus crossed the street and remained for teveral ailuutea with her gaze still flrmlv riveted en thoetijectof her BlIectlenB. When she saw blm walk away between two well dressed women with whom he waa con versing In the most animated manner, tbe tight was tee much for her, and, taking the arm of her friend she walked hurriedly down Adauia street towards her lonesome home en the top 11 car of Ne. 21 Film street. When queitlened by a reporter David spoke very freely about the case. U Bald the old woman had almost annoyed the life out of him with her attention , and during the absence of bla parents la Uoeten had talked him Inte marrying her, although be told bar he oeuld never love her. The alluic&iMi et fljOOQ la cold cash was tee tnneh ler a young fellow who hud nover made mere tban f7 or (8 a week, and se he married her. m m Bbet ft Weman rirs Tlmei. Jamea Nelan, a worthless character, fired fife abeta Inte hli paramour, Kmtna Uueb, In a heuse In New Yerk en Tuesday, be be be oanse abe rofuaed te live with blm any longer. Hue will die The lint two aheta took cfleet In one wrist, breaking It; two mere were Imbedded In tier abeulder. At tbta point he roll. Aa abe lay pretlrate and shrieking In agony he fired the lest shot Inte her abdomen. e PhyVe'nm rccommend Dr. Bull's Conge Bytup, when all etner medicines tall, OS a Cer ium euro ier urencnuis, son? mru, nnu coughs or colds of lenK ilandlDg. Fer tela by in rer mere win never yet a Philosopher that Duldondntelha toothache tia'lenlfy." I'er- haps nel-but there' llttle wit In enduring It at nil. whoa one bottle el Salvation Oil will euro It. COMPLEXION I'O WDBU. vsJiAVvi flOMPIiBXlON POWDEK. LADIES WIIO VALUE A RKriNBDICUMl'LEXIOM HUSl UOA POZZONTS mbdieatxd: COMPLEXION POWDER. It impart a brilliant transparency te the ln. JtemeTOR oil plreplei, irecklea and Ols Ols Ols coleratlong, and maken tee akin dfcllcntely selt and beantlf nl. ltcentalna no llme, whlte, laid or arwmla. In three shadow, pink or float, white and brunette. FOK SA.LB 1ST All Drugglats Doaleru and Faney Goods fivorywhero. srllKWAHE Ot IMITATIONS.' nraMvn WANAMAKKH'a riiiLACULi-iilA, WtdueiOay, Nev. 21, UtS. Cleakings and Ulsterings. Warm and soft enough te let you smile at any nip in the weather. New styles are crowding in all the time. Stripes, tfi.75 ; stripes, plaids and checks, $2. Beavers, As trakhans, and all the thick luz zly family. Norlhaestotcsntro. Rarely beautiful Raglan and Ulster stufl among the Paris Novelties. Snow-flake; that's one sort. Wavy curves in long graceful sweeps close together ; in faint rcliel en a heavy serge ground. White bits and specks scattered ever the whole like the sprink ling of a snowstorm. ft (jrecnlRh n Rnrncttfli apiumitu an euvisa 47 inches wide, 3.50. Anether has scrawley figures like bunches el grass. 50 in., $6 ; plain, 44 in., 2. Yet another comes in minia ture tiger stripes. 50 in., $5 ; plain, 44 in., $2. aoulhwest of contre. One of the newest and odd est of the rich bordered stuffs is a Camel Hair splashed and dashed six inches deep with fuzzy strokes of color sharply contrasting with each ether and with their ground. Green, blue, mahogany, bfewn, 45 inches, $2.50 ; plain, same width, $1.75. There's quaint beauty, tee, in the zig-zag border, braided effect, en heavy serge. Half dozen colors, 42 inches, $2 ; plain, $1.25. Seuth est of centre. It's a long counter where the " 5,000 " three - quarter - price Dress Patterns are heaped. Most of the time yesterday there was some spot at it where you could leek without being elbowed. It's likely te be se te-day, but when Dress Patterns goat 3.75 te $6.75 each which only the ether day were $5 te 9 at a low piece price, there's no telling. Ueinuant counter, southwest of centre. Prices have swung low en two lets of Toilet Chamber Sets that have hung back a little. English Ware, blue, brown, and pink, deg rose decorations, $7, including jar ; regular price $10.50. Bird and flower decoration, with jar, $5 ; regular price, $7-SO. isecend fleer, Juniper street bide. Four ulu ulu uters. Holiday bloom is showing in Stationery. Little knick-knacks and pretty nothings and some seme things peep at you from the heaps ei every-day goods like flowers in a hedgerow. We keep step with all that is fresh and new in Papers, En velopes, and the writing-desk fixings generally. There isn't where you leek te be surprised. The surprise would be if we didn't have them. There are plenty of wonder spots. One is hew the "Wana maker Linen," new well known as having all the geed qualities of se-called " Royal Irish Linen," can be sold at about half the price. Anether, hew the 25c box of paper and envelopes comes about. It certainly is a very big quarter dollar's worth. But you are used te such things all ever the store. Noir Thirteenth street entrant. Please bring or send receipt when your Furs are te be taken out of storage. JOHN WANAMAKER. TOBACCO. LD 110NK3T. ineuu reruiiAii imAHD Old Henestu Will be leund a comb! nation net always te be nad A riNK QUALITY or n.UO TOUACCOAT A UBAeUNAULK 1'KIO. Loek for the red H tin tag en oaeh plug, EIRST-OLASS ARTICLE -1N- Chewing Tobacco. DON'arAIl.TO (jlVK OLD HONESTY AFAtU TIIIAL. Aakyonrdealerferlt. Don'ttakeanyother. JNO.FINZER&BROS. LOUISVILLE, KT. m rOK UALH OK HUNT. TJOH BAIjkIaT PK1 V ATK BATjE, J3 the tbroe-stnrv Htore and Dwnlllna' 11 onto Ne. 48 North Cjuccen street, Lancaster city, l'a., lniiulre of ' II. C. KltKADV, Ne. 27 Knst King- street, Att'y for Esuitu of Jacob V. Kready, eepiuM.WAEiia pUIJLlO HAliK. 'i'CKHDAY KVKMNO, KeVBMIUTRHi Will be bem at the Lenpitd hotel, the Two Twe Biory IIKIC'K 1IU1LU1NU. Ne 3C4 Beuth l'rlnce street. Lancaster, ta. Let lrents Jt loot, depth 105 loot, with a thrca feet wide iiUuy en Conestexa stieet, net yet opened Henrn contains hull, soven roeuis ana attic. Miwly pnpnrcd and puluted. Cellar under wim'ubulldlnKt a, ote. bule begins ut 7 'u p. m. MAKTllA M. O. SNTDKIt. J OKI. L. HA1NXB, Auct. neva,10,17,'2l,'2 27 UHLIO HALE OF A VALUAHIiE Uotel Property. On Wbdkibdat, 1)xe 6, 1815, Will lie sold en the prttntics, the larire and writ known Uenaral Tayler Hetel. Ne sit Rast Klnir alreei, l.ancaster, l'u. Let fronts 82 feet, Ce i) Hi 'J451ccU te urantstrect. 'JhU property Is In tlin hesl pesslbln condition, and preaenls an opportunity saidam ettered. Fer further Infnrainiten uddrejs or call en the owner la la la slOlnKthorren. biiii) te corninunce ni i.yi e cieck p. m., wnen conditions will beinade known by LKWISHIKULKU. Ain F. ltBIKOenL, Auct. nl2-M,W,rua OKl'UANU' COUKT 8AI.K OF A VAI.. uuble North I! neon Street Uualnesa Stand. UK KMDAY, NOVKMDKn23. U8j. ntthe Kranklln Heuse, nertn Queen street, Lantaster, l'u., the nndnrslKned executers or the will of Jehn A. llehman, deceased, In obedience te a decree et the Orphans' Court of Liuicasterceunty, will otrer at public sale all 1 hat very valuable real estate, hes. 1M and 1W North Queen street, latu the property of said Jehn A lleliumn, deceased. The let lrents en North (jueen street 32 feet 1i Inches and extends In depth te Market street 231 teet and liu en It a t we story itrlck llnuse and ether Improvements. This let ti only ene halt square from the l'ennsjlVAiila railroad station, is one of the uca Biiuaiea sianas ier unsiness in moony, mid i worthy the atteutlen et business meu and Investors. One-third et the purchaie money will re. liinln charged en the land during the llle of the - ldew. Bule te commence at 7 o'clock, when attond attend attond tuice will be ulven und tenns mnde known b WAHH1NUTON 1UKHTKU, (1ATUA.L1NK K. HOI1MAN, Kxccntera of Jehn A. llehman deceased. Jdku I.. Hainm. Auctioneer. e.-7,n3 W,17,2I,Wlt PUIILIOHALKOF VALUABLE CITY 11KAL KBTATK. On TiicnseAV, KevaMBin 22, 13:6, the underslKiied, administrators dn benis non euni tostauientonniiuio, of the will of (led tiled . thin, late of Lnticastur city, deceased, will tell nt public sile, at the Btves Uouse, thufollewlnKdrscrlbna r.ul estate, viz: Ne.l. ftll thatlotef irreuna slluated en thn wist slde of North Vilnre street, fronting 82 leet en unit and extending of tbat wluth westward Hi feetaleng Urantttroetto Water. 1 he Improvements nu Slid let consist of a splendid two story llitck Dwelling Heuse, Ne. 3.1, with twontery brick back building, con taining all the modern Improvements, such nt bath room, new heater in the cellur, sewer connection, eta. 'J here re also en tbe premi ses u weed mid cost shed, hydrant and well el rprlng water, with pump therein. This let will be sold sublecl te the right and privilege cf the purchaser of Ne. 2, his helm and assigns te use In common with the purchaser of Bald Ne. 1, his hi Ira and UFstgns a passage way or ulleyet the width et thiee feet, bcglnnlngat the southeast corner et said let, and extend lug In depth wealwan! of the width el three itet along the south line the OUtance et SO feet. Ne.!. All tint let or ground situated en the wpstftde of North l'rlnce street, fronting 32 feet ID Inches, morn or leis en tame, and ex tending el that wldlh westward along the southsldeef butd let Ne 1, tte distance of ltd Icet, te Water street. The Improvements en fiild let censtat of aone'story iltlck Dwelling Heuse, Ne. !8. a well et water with pump therein andactiternwlihpumpthernln. With tliM property will also be sold the privilege te ua feet wide alley-way as above cat lerlh. He. 3. All that let of ground situated en Water striel and adjoining the reir of tatd let, Ne. 2, en thn south side, fronting en Water street te 'feet 6 Inches, mere or less, tbencc extending custalnng south lineal Ne. 2. N) feet 6 Inchen, and thuuee south 9 feet 1 Inches, tbencu west 21 loot 11 Inches, thence south 21 feet B .Inchen, thence west Ml feet 7 Inches, tn pucoe beginning en Water street. Baldprepsrtles can be viewed by celling en any of i he underslgned. bale te communea at 7.50 p. m. en said day, when terms will be mnde known by ll.M.BlimciNKK, J.ritKDBKNKU, II. Z.UHUADB, Admlnlstrutersd. b.n e.t.a. Jekl lUlNIS. Aiict. nevl.3 7.10.U.17.2I.2I xxvojisiexa. yAOATION KXUUKSlONa. RAYMOND'S VACATION BXODRSIONS. All Traveling Kxrenscs Included. A 1'nUv will leave rhtladelphla Monday, January 11, ltifJ, for u Orand Tour of 82 Days, THROUII THK HOUTHEUN STATES, EX I CO AND CALIFORNIA 1 he outward reute Is via Wilmington, tVosh tVesh tVosh lngleu, l'arkcahurg, Cincinnati, New Orleans, etc. '1 he onttre round of travel throughthe Seuth nnd siexlce te le made In attpeilal irttnef Msgnllleenl Vesllbalid Pulluian 1'ulaceCars, Incluslvoef l'ullman I'alace Dining Car. All the leading cities aud placet of hUtorle snd iilcturesquuinterfkt te be vljiled, including luadaluj.im und the City el Mexico (whare ten das will he paused), A Mr Days"irlp ever the Mexican Hallway. Alse a Complele Hound of California, with special tralLS re turning thieugh the ijnind scnle sections of Utah, Colerado, etc. 4 he time In California te lie extended at pleasure, wtth seven dliTerunt datt of return under speclul eicert. The UolutSHlsegoodonuny train until July. bicendand LastTeur through the Southern Btatt s. Mexico und California. rehruary 11. FcUranaiouref 47 l)ys tbroughtbeBeuthorn Btutis and Mexico (emitting Lollterula), March 11. Caltternta Kxcurtlnnp. Uacembsr C t Jan nary 7 and 10 i reuiuury7, 11 aud 25 ; Match and 11. aSund for doicrlptlveclrcularr, designat ing the tour dutlrcd. RAYMOND t WHITOOMB, lit Seuth Ninth Street. tUinljrCoiitluuntillletil), 1'mtAinii.ruii, I'a. ul'J3tUM,W,r HOUVATIONAU D ON'TTOTITOFKI Don't nnt off the matter of eeltlnir a "Bast- nxs Kducatlen." Thtt Is, that kind el an edurnt Inn that will benefit you icest In a gain ing. If nut nu Independence, at least a geed living, A knowledge et BOOK-KEEMG AND BUSINESS FORMS, combined with a gera handwriting, gees a grert way tnaccempllihttigtbU, DavanalCvenlnir restleus. lDHKAilXHUlaBXajUT. I CLOTHING. TJIALL, 1888. Fine Tailoring Fer the Latest RerettlM. cenflnM style. Largeit atertment of Fine woolens, and prlcua aa low ai any. go te H. OERHART'S Oniy Direct ImperllOR Tailor. IS NOKTH QUUN STHKKH. TTAMJK I Satisfaction la what haa given me the extnnalve patronage 1 have received from the publte ? r line of rerei the c foreign ana Uemistlea Is urunrpaased in the ftilCKSAWAYDOWir, A8 USUAL. TROUSERS I HpncMt attention la .called te toy Tremers, lnwbtchllcad. ASKEW! frTAlLOU.- MOB. 154 AMU 23S WST KIND HTaKRT. en 3mar.s riLOrUlNU I OLOTHUSQ I L. Gansman & Bre., CLOTHING! Clothing! Clothing! WE WILL BAVB YOU MONEY. Don't bny vnurself any Bnlt or Overcoat without looking at our goods. Net a single garment In our stock that Is net rellab'e. Nothing that Is cheaply or poorly made, and all te be sold en our uuslcess-rnaklng policy, several dollars less than yen would have te pay at any ether store ler the same goods. Here Are the Facts. The Cost Bnlti yen have, ever sieu at the prices ; 1 17, ftl.tll, 112. Ill, lit). Merchant Tailoring. Flne Butts te order at 112, 114, 118, 118, sm and 23. Made and Trimmed In the best et style. It Is net only t no prices which make our goods cheap It Is the splendid qualities we odor yoaalthe prloe. L. GANSMAN & BRO, M ANUrACTUltElifl OF Men's, Bejs and Children's Clothing, B. W. COIiNKlt NOUTU QUKKN AND OUANUK STKKETS.LANOABTKIt, FA. M VKltH A HATUFON. Reliable Clothing. The weid " Heilable " means much te buyers of Clothing. In a line of business ns in the Cloth Cleth ing business, where se much de ception is practiced and se much cheatery indulged in, it amounts te a geed deal. Yeu don't want te deal with unreliable merchants, but you de want te deal where you can get a dollar in valuofera dollar in vested. If you deal with us you deal with thoroughly reliable people, who want you te bave just as much as you pay for. lyers & Rathfon, UELIABLK CLOI111KH?, NO. 12 EAST KLNQ ST., LANUABTXR FA. T UB PEOPLE'S UAHH HIOKE. CLOTHING Made te Order -AT- The People's Gash Stoie. Don't forget it. Wecanmake you a Suit of Clethes, an Over coat or a Pair et Trousers, and give you as much satisfaction as any Tailoring establishment in the city aud at less cost 'en the average. The People's Cash Stere, NO. SP EAST KINO blRHBT, LANCASTER, I'A. -A LOT or- READY;-MADE OYERCOATS, or euu- OWN MANUFACTURE -AT M0DEB1TE FUICES. aaajgi-lyuw anoemsits. H Auav iVi !OFFKKS! TKA8I OHOIOl OLD OOFFEE3. rrcih Beaatea OaUy and riaaat Mew Crep. TEAS. We Guarantee for fine flavor and flood Drinking Qualities. OKOUC4B WIAWT, HO. US Wast King . N EW 1-RUITS AND NUT8. . A. Mst & Ce., FANOY QROOIRS, Cemer lut King tnd Me Stnets. Justln.flvera'ea of NKW NUTS. English Watnnu, rubeit. Hard and Belt Shall Almonds NEW MIXED OAND1E', Burnt AlniOttdl, Gum Dreps, and the finest Flerida Orangea. NKUCUATKL CUMBK-fraah this morn morn leg. Anether New let el ATtMOUR'3 DBIn Btier at lBe per pound, lhu U a declfled bargain. Try It. JACOB DOLD'8 FAUtLT BIIOBTBKIKQ tales the place of belter ; J-ft palls only we. ALASKA M 40KKHIL. ntee, white and tat t the pries should be Se apiece ; but wa are sell ing them at threa for loe t this Is cheaper than eisswhere, but we most have room for our Im mense stock of Canned Uoeds which are ar riving dally, W. A BEBT & CO, COB. KA8TKIRO A DUKE BT8. L T BUKSK'S. New Fruits. &c. ONE UUNDRTCD BASKETS YORK BTATI, CUNCUltU AN UAIAWua GRAPES. Choice and Only Thirty. flve te fottyCentsa Basket. NKW CUmtANTB. NEWCITHON, NKW TRUNKS, nkw vxaa. Mew California Kvap. Apricots, New California Prunes. Treah Cranberries. New Brana and Heminy. Choice YerkBtata Cream Cheebe. Choice Kdaraihoeee rresh Imported Macaroni and Vermicelli. The Cel ebrated Yentzer Xvaperattd Sugar Cem. the finest In the market. New Canned Goods. Finest Teas and Qoffdee. AT- BURSK'S! NO. 17 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, I'A. e UT THIS OUT I CUT THIS OUT I UOK'X 11KAD FAUT, BUT ALL Of UBliT'3 ADVEKTI3KMKNTB. It will be toyenrlntoreit te watch them up closely from new en until arter the holidays We hmomyiyceMlycunls which wl'l be given away at ouch tlmu en wernnyspsclfy lneur ad verUiernunt. Keep both t j e j en them. SIMPLE RULES FOR MAKING COFFEE. Use ene part cedes te seven parts water; have sour coffee around as tine as ordinary Kranulmea sugar, or se thit the Itrger parti cles wl I net exceed in size the heaa of a pin; filace your cotlee in the pet and pour th boll bell boll ngwater en It tbe euro the water Is deUIck); then allow the entire eonteuta te bell three minutes, no longer, then pour Inte the het teffee a larire tablespoonful of cold water: this will foieo the grounds te the bottom and renoer the llauld clear as wine : serve as seen as these directions are completed, a delay of fifteen minutes will allow much of the aroma and fluver te oacape. InTeas and Coffees we laid them all. Geed Teas from lie a pound up te Wj. L'etlees from 12Xe a pound up. Loek out for the bis let of Dried Beef next wok at lOe a pound fine. Bwoet and Tender. 100 barrels Cracker. 4 Its for2te; i0 boxes Prunellas, 2 Its for 213 ; a lob let of Uoed H rooms, 2 fer'JVc j ten birreN Oatmeal, 0 Is for '.63; rresh Wheat Utru. S Bis ter Ke; Olelne Eeup, S cakes for 2)e; K.'eicher BOip, large eike, 11 cakes for !3e ha'f bnshel bags fine salt, each 253 ; Mew Knglish eurrants, 3 ftj for 230 ; New Italslns, S Ks foriSe ; rtaest Kaw figs, 8 Its for Me ; Uoed Old figs, 4 J6S for 260 ; Mew Layer Fig;, 2 Ik. fer2sc; Mew Italian Macaronl,2p8cKsler2S0 Mew Italian Ter liiicelll, 2 packs foruei finest Malaga urapea, 2fi.!for2)e; New Pf art Tapioca, 4 ftjforise; Mew f lake Tapioca, 4 ftj for 2). J. FRANK REIST, WHOLESALE AND SKTAIL UltOCIft, NerthetBt Cerner West Kiag and Frlaee Street!, LAMOASTEU.FA. TTtlopheno and free Delivery. UilllKKJ.CAli. BUT MB ON YOUR LIST, About ene month mero and Cbrlitmas will be upon us. I am net going te watt until the lsst mo ment, bat will take thli arly oppexluntty te advl.e you te Put Me On Your List. Of all things suitable for Christmas 'Gilt, nene is mnrn acesptabln than 1. 1 nm geed ter rain or sbtae, and will glaed'n the h: art of man, woman or child. Therefore Put Me On Your List. Tlshighttmn yen were thinking et whttte get your relatives and friend, and 1 humtly otter my suggesllun. Geme time again I'll te'l yen where te get me, 1 am Yours Truly, AN UMBRELLA. sep)-Sind LMUAL. HUl.tVMB. ESTATE OFOATHAHINK D. KELLY, late of Lancaster city, fa., deceased. Letters et administration en sld estate hav ing been granted, te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are requested te make Immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will pre sent them wltneut de'ay for settlement te the underslgned, AtiMKB KKLLf, Administratrix. XraxxiU.EMtTii, Attorney. ehXtdW TJISTATE OK PATRICK KELLY, 'J late of i-arJcaMer, cuy, rennsyivanie, ae censed, non en Letters of aauilnwtrnlluu de benis suld estate having been granted te tte nnderstned, all persons Indebted thereto ar requested te make Immediate payment, and these having claims or demands axalnit the same, will present them without (delay for attlHmantte tha nndenlimd. "' " ..fi..frtt AUE.A3 nauuij I. d.b-n. Ztein O, Sxrru. Attersey. Ad minis trauix. e OCt.Wl taw DRY UOODB. pRIOK LIST. BAED &"McELE0Y, 33 and 35 Seuth Qnen Bt, (Opposite Feuntala Ina ) PRICE" LIST : efr'S1101 w of Bumr bargalaiire ara Shoulder Shawls at 10, n, m, an fl re eta and np, Bingieahawis atlt t7a7Aaai!?Banaap; Deuble i Shawls i at ttaaSWai'aSd Sp! re aefy any house te baa Vhaae goeda at theprlee. BLAimrra. White or Colored at 750, (LILIB, Il.tO.H, tmsj, 3 and op per pair. UMDIRWAsVU. ChUdren's Underwear, smallest ilia, starts at Be t next at lee. HXe. 15c and up, aoeordlns te alie and qnallty. Laaiea' Merine Underwear at Ke, Me. Ue, Tteanslwp. Oar Me quality It all we claim ter it. a see and, and It shows It by thewawe are arllins; them. Ladlea'BoanatMedleated Underwear at 78c, n,ll.Maaaii.lTK, oer II . number wUl eora eera pare wttk anythlat haretofera told at H. Men's Underwear la wait or colored at 150, B7Ko.60eandnp, Men's BcarletMedleatea Underwear, BDe, Tie. 11, il.as and ILS7K- Oaasal'a Hair and Natural n x nu w pxieea. VLOOR OIL CLOTH. The trade wa have established ea fleer and Table uil cloth, wa venture te say, fcaa never been equalled by any ether house. Wa hava the reputation and wa mean te keep It, et tell lng the best wearing, beat aeaaenaa OU Cleth that ever waa sold ter U money. WINDOW BHADB8. Plain or Dade Bhadag, .beat goeda, spring llituies.atwaeach. DRB8H OOODB. Ultra bargains In Dress Qeeds from Be per yaratell, In ail the latest styles and shades. OLOvas.. Men'salovesat.,e,4BO,,T eta and np. we call especial attention te enr 9Be W oel Knit Ulove. ask te see It, and If yen ihtnk you ever bought anything better ter lets than BOe don't buylt. Wa carry an immense stock of Oleve. Watci for our advertisement and prleeaet Qleves. Impossible te give it new) pace will net allow. We sell goods en small profits. We adver tise whn we get. When yen come for It you get It. Wneelselsunderassmall anezpense as we ar i only H square from Centre T We can sell goeda en small prefita, and we de, BAED fclLeELBOY, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Bl, (Opposite fountain Inn.) D RE3H GOODS. WATT & SHAN D Nes. 6, 8 and 10 East King St., Present a Display et Black Dress Qoede, Mourning Dress Geed?, Colored Dress Poeds, Unrivaled in the Country for variety, quality and moderate prices. Being ready cash buyers we have made many special purchases In the last two weeks highly Interesting te clese buyers. 60 rieees Hamilton Cashmeres, double fe'.d, 10a a yard i regular price In large cities, 15e, 88-ineh Heavy All-Weel Berges, 25c a yard ; real value 5"Hc All-Weel Tricot Cleths, 2Sc, mtde te sell at 87Ke. Flald, Checked. and Snlpedr.anneiSultlngf 33c and S7He regular SOc goods. CS-Inch Flannel Suitings, COe a yard ; lately sold at 7."c. French Henriettas, 10 inches wide, Ke and 82e a yard ; usual prices for this quality, 750 and 11.00; closing out purchssa of 6 pieces. Corded Henriettas, 40 inches wlde, 6))e a yard; cost 85e te Impert, and this let cannot be duplicated for anything like the money, 10 Pieces Co'ered Satin Khidames, extraor dinary cheap at 73c a yard. New Yerk Stere. WSATUKR UTRll'H J. B. MABTlt. et DO, JUST WHAT YOU WANT UBFOllf. TUX- Geld Weather Oemee, FLEXIBLE CUSHION Tlila strip ia made of metal and rubter aud Is the only one that will de Its work completely ever uneven surfaces. A FEW DOLLARS Will put an end te cold drafts, rain anl dust entering your beuse, and will step all rattling of sasb, &c. The benefits and comforts, aside from a great saving of fuel, will amply offset the tbe expenditure tbe first winter. It is easily applied and at a small cost, or we will eend competent workmen te put it up at a small advance. This weather Btrip is the latest pat ented and baa met with the fullest en dorsement of the leading railroad and palace car. Black and lied Rubber Give it a trial, even if only for one deer or window, and be convinced. J.B.MARTIN, k CO. JUHT OrEHKD IiEATHEK GOODS, rocket Uoeks, furn, Card Cases, Met Beeks, letter Coifs, l'ecket Compaatens, Cigar Ceses. 4 e , In large variety et designs at liivmt price, f ttilLKI'S XAST XND FHABMAOY, (OpnedltH Kastera Markat.) Bilk Cevering Bettles, Vases, Cologne Bot Bet tles rralley's Bj rep Bloodroot, Wild Chsrry and Boraheund Is the best ier cramps an oeida i , aaa M caaU. . M. WjiW Weather Strips. ji"'f ff j r