r; W ! ' CM ra- ; i.w'V m ,;?y xtf : BVa, SSif r& ' t'TVdi VSiJ.t 0 jt Sv Itf w - , Kff. m V' - IS"5- E?" OS! 7 5.- iiii run :m IS. 1 Pally Intelligencer. s as. i t m aVAKOABTEB, MOVKHBEKtO. 1SJS. ' The 1'nrchtscd States. vtfe print elsewhere the very particular at made by Blakely Hall lnlhe ' Yerk Sun of last Sunday, detailing Means used by the Delaware Ilepubll I politicians te capture tlie lpglslature. 1 JkM We teed his story. It is that Chairmen nDMper and Quay turned deaf ears te the i made te them for money for Dela Cooper doubtless because be had ) te ipare and Quay because he was ng for bigger game than the Dela laenatershln. We have heretofore this same story from ether sources, ad there seems te be no doubt that '?,tbe glory or shame of the Delaware r ;9webaae does net rest upon Quay. r-,It baa, however, been claimed for Jehn p ? W anamaker ; Mr. Hall's statement VlasMMH that rMnnlitAliln nnlltlelan ntul .Ifjpriillnir vntA.Vinrer rink In (tin mid P'la the Delaware performance. The i credit of the contributions Is given te nr 'ip wcu purses, e.s is net important te ine If ertery who gave the money ; the fact that 3'".l,hl.u. . ..a I. .- w. ... l... .l -'i"Hlxl In rmvlnir vn)i9. This U Min ilia. i"wXif ... I;wP" nve nB Iact ueiere us mat in f-. nlaw nrlr In Ifljllani nnrt In nalntfnra Slfce Republican success came from the -aw ,f?Hw uae ul uuuejr iu uuiuk ill" lur IP "! W !!! .SA nf . t. I,...I.m . 1. .. ...... use of money in K? 3Vs mmnnuie vuiu; c&ueu in Jimi.iuu -- uom uem Ki'.i4rars. " but net ns rat rececrnlzpd in tlm Twl ut-. - . -n-.i i ..11 11 .-. 7? ' " fc - .Jkltiar l(slea l.rr n .llaflnnt nniullnl In.. !& i't" sinwe a n uieimbu 'iciiaviuii 5SThere will be no dispute about such pur- 5 enase In Indiana, where Dudley's letter Z llOl a41ssA?nOl lliftf If ntnanhlnvnilnml M.nt- i;.' a the needed money was supplied for the y purpose. It Is conceded as te Delaware ; l'i in ew Yerk, the returns dlaclose it .yaa nm n iv. The evidence is clear that the Kepubll eueruniNew xerK mate was con- f- lined te the cutting downst-tileDemo. T( vtmue eiltffeni- "elr B"" ticKet PXJP anight in iate. The .Republican E&iTiif . mssnea irgoverner new claims miu W(l "I IU UUlk UIOVCIIIUU. US uuucu ft tl v willing sicrlllce for the purpose. Sw'wi nuutu nuve us unuersianu iimi n r?iis,en. veil settled between himself and KAQuay that he was te be put te the best ptwdei possible use te help forward the Harrison Sf wf1 iTOte euca peuiicai immoiaiien is quue :Iiv, jlaevel, and will demand a high reward -rwsr,Jne president-elect. Bfek HilrSDnarentlv was net mnklnir that ,'& ... - n-l.l mi ., . " . mil ui u ukui, a. no uviutiiice ueua iiui envict him of abetting the defeat of the Democratic electoral ticket; and it does net by any means show that he was ready te sacrifice himself for it. He get ns Many votes as Harrison ; and Cleveland &$f ' no mere U&n Miller get for governor, itfT fllVB fha ftirn nr Mirita IlirtnBinrl Mint Mia ,&& eJeoteral exceeded the gubernatorial vote. y?$?!lestead of Harrison and Miller and f-XfV Cleveland and Hill running tocether. the Mites were Harrison and Hill, Clove Cleve land and Miller; which isdecldedly sng- mstivfl nnd rnlnipnt nf nn llilncr ilpn tint rSJf an honest vote. sM' Few will be persuaded that Cleveland M WASCUtsa far lxlnwTIill liv thn tnrlff 'ih , lame, which is shown te have had no n auch peeuliar effect elsewhere ; especially When it Is remembered that Hill would after a like cut with Cleveland from this eiuse, it being the Democratic position ; and when it is also remembered that there was a Mugwump vote that CIeve land get and Hill did net. It is clear as crystal that Hill's vete was bought from Miller's or Unit llarri llarri aen'a was bought from Cleveland's. The former is the theory of these who place Hill's election te the credit of the liquor Interest that Is supposed te have solidly out Miller for 11111. Uut we de net see that the evidence shows the result te have lJeen mainly achieved in this way. Hill ". doubtless gained Republican votes from this source, which may have compensated him for these that Cleveland gained from , the Mugwump element. Jlut it Is clear t1) us that the Hill vete represents nearly the Democratic vole of the state nnd that there was a direct purchase of it te . the extent te shlch the Democratic ?4 presidential '.fell below the guberua- terial vote. This is shown by the vote ;.c-ii. t ,...,. :r "v . '7. Ma bau luuui kuiiuiiuiwiu lii n.r-1. L't'iir'i Wf mujt in ipctua llilllUiy m me VOIO 01 v-t , a urn. cuy. jli, is nreveu py me iaci my that all the state eUlcers ran up with and vs aucuu ul jiui-.iiiure ueing no es pecial reason Whv the Itenubllean llimnr ?' Interest shenld;desert Its candidates for - Niem. am u u is saiu mat inn carried VfhAw tnUli Mm 41. it fa; " "j -"e uutuuan nniur- c3i ftllv nidiira .li ,11.1 l.n ., l!l.,.r. IA Aftrrv With him f tm npmnpantln nluMnml ticket; te which no satisfactory reply can ee made. Republicans se loosely titd ta party as te vote for the w hole Demo Deme eratlc Btate ticket, would hardly hae ae unanimously gagged en the presiden tial ticket. "When they had get ae far they would have been llKely te float along with their company. Clearly it was money, bujlng the 2few Yerk "floaters," in every election district Of the state, that carried It for Harrison. And it is notable that no denial lm? ever appeared of the statement se freely Made that the Republican national enunlttee had all the money supplied te It that it desired. The fact Is even gloried in ; and claimed as the great redlt of the Philadelphia financiers, who raised it. Upen it is based Jehn Wanamaker'a new distinction us a pollti pellti eal creator. He is himself a creation of this cam. !j&lgn,andef itsselectlen. Herepresents k'thlldMnf Ih.n.nnl ...,II.I.1 . . . "JD ul uumuueu uisa 10 . iZ i . ...wnviu umv cauneii omer emer S3& Wise be eained. llfUnM.,r.,.n t. i Meney ladler. There seems te have been no &U e te de alike effl:e for Chairman Brlce. a . ' w nave cigseu up His accounts icT. w,l,u uu QWD cuecK rer 150,000. V(, IHT 111 wvatwrm .1 .1 , .. ... Ollaw bis wagers added twinen . bank balance: and divided life I$K 'MB'yc"ucu u'aaue uuieng tue con X 'lbuter8. One committee was poer: 4 ether was rich. This is net denied: ! s a4 the peer side lest. Rut the peer are f.4 Wre numerous than thn rich, nml n,. ..J , wle tr aaaair will recKen with themafteruwhiin. Ueeree In Eu2land. l.h'j-X' Henry Geerge has bad 11 warm . f.' A?l,?Uen ln D8lanil and we are net sorry , -"7 or no appears te ba mere -jTT, u ,u "U1"ica, and if he WtU only sUy away from ns wa can tier- 'lata be proud of him. He is quite as el- ftsant and brilliant a man as nvsr. , 'fSi11 fc0 danRereli he appeared JJixturuIug te his native land after treat starring four nt itpii.i,. . appeated te bj Kreund for M'03 that a respectable portion I TIIE of the American people would bs carried away by the subtle rhetoric of this falie prophet, but the followers he gained were neither many nor generally ienuential.ur d found chleflyameng the foreign population of New Yerk. The geed sense, the hard common sense of the American people, was quite tee much for his theorles, nnd he failed te satisfy any one of the practi cability of a Just application of them. Henry finds a congenial browsing ground in Great Rritaln, nnd no doubt be is needed there ; for if thore is a spot where society needs an upheaval, it must be in England, which furnishes at various sea sous pictures of Trafalgar Square riots and misery in theslums, te contrast with the disgraceful and magnificent doings of a titled aristocracy. Henry Geerge leaves his country wllh a reputation for eloquence, sincerity and pluck, and we hope he will remain in our geed graces, nnd maintain his reputation by persistently sticking te the English until he dies. Net tint we fear him, far from it; he is as harmless in himself as Ignatius Dennelly or General Boulanger, but he Is just the sort of man te become intoxicated wllh eloquence, and uninten tionally excite a mob te deeds of violence. A genuine American mob would find him interesting but net exciting, but his speeches make tee strong a mental'lenlc for the mixed mobs of New Yerk. Let Geerge remain in England nnd evelve revolutions te his heart's content. Ik New Yerk the ether night a man wa requested te leave theatre- box because ha imisted upon wearing hli hat te keep cfl a draft or air. lie obstructed no ene'a vlew or the atige, but bunilreda of ladles among the audtonee were high bata with Impu nity. Oujteui and fashion role, net charity and tute. Mr the purty was only an nrgai!d appetlte for cilices It would deserve te stay beateD.". Y, World. Aibtag an organlted argument against high taxee, the surplui and extravagant oxpendlture It hua rallied already and la determined net te atay beaten In aplte or Republican appetlte for clllcc i m Tnn British Admiral Hymends makes tbe folio wlDg atatementain the Fortnightly Ilcvieiv: "Of really cnielent modern tight. Iiik ahlpa" the British ftave only aoventeen, three of which are armed with obsolete mu7.le leading guna, whlle the IVoneh have twenty. live, and eight aplendld gun. beats." lie hoei en te emphailce and prove this startling assertion showing from olUelal reports that the French veasolsare supplied with modern guns throughout and h&ve armor from end te end, while the Kngllth ships aroenly partly armored. The French 'new have aetually three thousand inore dockyard workmen than tha British," and a mere fully manned navy In every rospeeU Perhaps there will be a llvely boom In tbe Ironclad business when England gets awake te thcae facte. It has been olaliued that the use of light belts by runnera and athletes Justlfled the much criticised use of corsets, but the drift et a controversy new going en lu tbe Eng lish papers Is against this. "A rocent graduate from Cambridge, where be waH dlillngulahcd as a runner and long dlstance blcyole rider, pretests tbat nolther runnera nor oxperts upon the wheel, at that univer sity, ever used, or showed a doalre te use, tight walst-belte. On the contrary, It was their custom te gird tbeinselves an loosely as poulble In order te allow free movement of the diaphragm." A belt need only be tight enough te held clothing easily lu plaee, though In aoine cases an atblete may work boller tightly belted. This Is much mero gcnerally rouegnlasd than It used te be, when soldiers were compelled te wear tight belts, but the custom still survives at the military academy at West Point where young inen are systematically defermed by tight belting. A beat erew of theso cadets with thtlr coats buttoned would be a pain. Jul spectacle In comparison with a college erew. PERSONAL. Vkhy Ki-.v.Mauhieh A.Wai.s, LL V Vieir general of Pblladelphla, la dyliitf; Okokei: H. Dksit, whehas been eiipsnu' eiipsnu' eiipsnu' tondenter tlin publle soheols lu Jlotlile- neru since jsni, died en Hundav. Mr. Dnnii w at well and favorably known as a thorough Kf-helar In educational circles In Kastern Pennsylvania, having been aotlveln school work alnce MS. gJUn. Gkouek e B. Keim, cx president and i-x-recelver et the Keadlng railroad company, and at present prosldeut of tbe Blading Ocal aud Iren cempiny, was elected a director or the Baltimore Jt Onie railroad company at the aunual moot meet ing or stockholders yeaterday. The eleo elee eleo tlen et Mr. Kelm was regarded lu Btltl Btltl Btltl more as Indicating cloaer tratlle relations between the Baltimore & .Ohie and ttie Beading. Captain Jeuji Spknc, the eldest In habitant et Aocemao county, Md.. aud prehUly the eldest In the United Htates. died last Saturday at his home en Hykcs' Island, lie was born In 1770 and was therofero 112 years old when he died. His first vete for mealdent was cut fnr Timm.. Jctlerfea In 16C0, and he voted In eery subsetiuent presidential eleotien with one exception, ills mental faculties reinalned unimpaired te tne last and his memory was .illiiurb.lilu .ni. ..... ..a . .. daily in regard te matters that occurred about Iho beginning or the present century. Tolenkuron a bright, beantirut baby and rciimailiortlmttcseiiiyiiioillolnoltyvertaxsi Islir. Hull it lUUy eyrup cmulnly cearuris annlher lau lly te tbn utn or tlm muieOy. ThuflKht of an ugly luttainea bell or tore te faviiottiliiKOlllsuniiserousl.inaondi-. Bheuhl Inducauiiy surrernrtu try Laxafler. Uitilnul. .v.u.ww.Wa .1. IU.H MUUUiUJUlIlO uiesd uu COill'LltXlON PO WDJIJf, QOMPLKXION POWBKK. LADIES WBO VALUE A KKKlNrn'COUl'LKlION POZZOIMI'S MEOIOATKU; COMPLEXION POWDER. It lmparu a brilliant transparency te the k n. Ueuieves alt pimples. 1 ruckles una 01. coerntloBs, anduakus the skin OellenUily seu ana beauuful. Itcentatns no lltne. white, leja or an,ute. In taree shade, pink or neat. whtte una brunette. rOU SALS BT All Druggista and Faney Doalera verywhore. Geeda apSTlva:WAUK 0r I"AXIONS.- WAiYAUAKXX'tj I'miADHLrHu.iuwaay, Ker. 20, IteT" The story of these 5,000 Dress Patterns fell like a thunder-clap en the dry -goods U4UC. Of course there's nothing like 5,000 new; don't knew hew many. Enough te keep you busy for some time carry ing them away. A mere unlikely thing couldn't well have happened in Dress Stuffs. Exactly the weight and weave and colors IiAKCASTEK DATLY WANAAKMKK'B you most want and 25 per cent below the very low general level of piece prices. SSwoififerM.TS H wet til 101 II S-U1 worth for SI t7M worth for H2J t wnrtn ferlfl IB worth forts 7S Mere than 225 styles and col orings. ItomnttntcennUr.TCit of ecnlre. Flannels are at the top of their bent. All the sorts and qualities arc in sight. Snowy, rainbow tinted anything in colors that the finest Flannel ever shows ; anything in quality above the mean. We don't knew a weak spot in all the Flannel line. Mere than two hundred and fifty sorts of Fancy Flannels, Saxony French Printed Knit Jersey Woven Jersey Eiderdown Net one of them but has had some touch that pretties or bet ters It beyond what you've known. Silk Embroidered and Weel Embroidered just as much be yond the old mark. Three hundred and twenty distinct styles, counting colors. Rings and dots in unexpected com binatlens are the newest, but there's no familiar beauty of bud or spray or curley-cue that hasn't been brightened and freshened for you. Colored, 1 te 8 in. wide. White, 1 te 13 in. wide. And we haven't said a word of the pyramids of Plain Flan nels. Norths ast or oentro. As geed news as we've had in Women's Shoes for many a day. Hand-sewed, straight goat, opera tee, $3 50, regular price $4-50. Hand-sewed, rebble goat, common sense last, $3, regular price $4.00. Twe lets of strictly first-class goods that we've just come by. There used te be a great quality - gap between hand sewed and machine - sewed shoes. There's still enough te make the diflerencc worth pay ing for if you don't pay very much. Hand-sewed soles are a little mere flexible, a little easier te the loot than almost any machine work, and there's quite as sure te be geed stock in them. Enough are glad te pay for the little mere of com fort and worth they are almost sure te bring. But here you have, hand made, spick and span new goods, suited te the season, for about three-quarters the price of machine-sewed. We have done much te bring hand-madc shoes within everybody's reach, out never belere anything te equal tins. These shoes will be put en sale this morning. We start with a full assortment of every size and width. llarket street front, wait or Main Alile. Twe Handkerchiefs that strike the keynote in Linens. 1 Men's hemstitched, with borders printed in twenty or thirty styles dashes, splashes, dots, spots, and stripes, iac each, $1.50 a dozen. 2 Men's plain white, and 1 inch hemstitch, "unfinished." i2c eacji. We knew of nothing outside at 20c that will match them. Southwest or centre. JOHN WANAMAKER, janinvt.. ffUMPUKEYS' jqrOMKOPATIIIU SPECIFICS t'itt -J??? J.1 ?.P Y.?' " or AU ""eases, X.ia ula i'Jn'Hnif. Paires. with Suiul Se" ww '. y u liii,c- Aaareas, r. v. Llt or Principal Nc. Cures. rrlce. 1. "sysRBc:onestlon. Innamumtlens M i. Worms. Werm rover, Werm Celic -a J. tBio(JOLie,or'li,ethln( et Infanta. ... J. UURimoiA.ef (Jhliarun or Aaults... ... 6. DTBBHTSBT.OrlplnK, Jttlieus Celic... '31 6. Chelkiu. merbus. Vomiting..... ....".. ,.& 7. Coughs, Colds, Jlrencnltls.. , ,, & 8. Nsuraleu, Toothache. Faccbe...":!"v5 10. MvarKi-siA'.UUieus Hlemibh..".." ..'."".'.a 11. ScrrKl8gKn nr Paiwvitt l.i,.n.. If WiiiTsa, tee lreiiiHj l'ertetls ..'""'"'"Si : S5 re rii. f!iM 1.. .v... i,..-.. ... Wiioerino Couoh. ini,.t .v......." """ Sf."2"L..",BaiTr i'&l 'cal WuttkneValiw '17. KlUNKT DlSIAHB. 2S. Nu.vnpa ll..iii .... f'O V. UBIHARV WBASMS88, Wetllntt Hed - -; ...v." ... .1, .,..,.. .......... .lux) "infi" ?,J"5?,0,T?? J1"iBTl l'H'ltUen"'.:il W DOI a liv Armrtrtm. nt ust.i n..ns "iL zr co.iwruttenst.N. y. iDih,aaw(") JJDNSOX'S PLAST12K. AndallnatnraaatuTnnnii cimn. aspect, Jhoje i he ure prudviit tcocein cal tMii begin t loeif about jer protection sRalnut cold weather, rbauge of U'uirler. WIIE.V Biura.auuineiriikulta. Wluter TU E 1-tiAu'llilt ara receBUlxed as tbe inrat liuperthiit el fcouviheld ,,,,,,, "S?81"1"1 '" Plaster has fe. I.KAK3 cured a peruiuuiut place lit aj the most valuable vxternsl remedy kuewn for Ceuvhr. old, .'Chut Inlns, IJackuchr! LIDl V Will IMlfll Mil II linnLllhAM UEGIN TO TALL ucHuiiiailain, tjclatlca, Luiubasd Uliu HJ1 HCDfafinn TIAInH lnnnll.v te this seuien of the year OwIlk i'.J,1.1" k'et popularity JIKN ONa fi, AST fc.lt has befn la,rly Imtutt-d, heme bujera SuJ,i.ft,w"Y tfer lieiikt.ii-; find Tl Ftl.A ull r...... .1 . - fntr werthlr ( products. ZtfttirWWiSFWs: Z7 a-.svkf , 4 , j ter a copy et Ju. rueiienj tela boeig VXSvzX. rpfrv Joer, a, valuable toute- H. BALTltiiauM, Kr-slpelas, Jtruptleu 1J. UKsnuATian, Uheumatle l'alns......."" if f."u.u """"i cnuis, Malaria 17. Pitas, llllnd or Uleedln....... " !! i. liATAHRU. Innunn m INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY; NOVEMBER JeLA.NE'8 LtVKR PILLS. TUE8KNU1HKDK.C. McLANE'S CMLEU14.TIIJ LIVER PILLS. READTHIS ! FllOM DAKOTA. Flemtna Wrei . Dim Pins Fer a long time lnufTflrctl from toesaicU of IndlircHlen nd slekliiadacLS, anrtim trylnir our Dr. c. MaLane's Celtbra. ted l.lrerl'llla 1 found qntekand calUficlnry rsllef. A Tsry fw draes does the work and 1 neuld net u without them. Blcaxralli, Dakota. N1TKR KNOWN TO WKlh. Curastek besdaehs. blllemueis, liver cam rlalnt, ludlaaitlen, dyapspsla. hearibum. ina ina Utle, pimples en the fneasnd body. Impute bleed, etc., ly usliiff rtKUlarly lir.U. Mc Lane's l Selcbrated Urer fills, prnparrd only by riotn rietn n llrethsrs. Flltstiurir, fa , the market being full or Imitations et thunams MelAnc, spelled dlUorenlly bat of tha dame pronunstatlen. Always leek for tbe signature of FKialng llres. and U. UeLane, ruuburg, la.,enths wrapper. All otbersaro werthims when com pared with the gennlne HoLane's, nev )-iy oeaxu,! iij x w QUKltmWARB. TOT 1QU A.MARTIN. ' DECORATED CHINA -AT- KAIH l) AVe liave Just recclved our Teurth Fall Importation of HAVILAND Decorated Eiench Ohina. Dhmer and Tea Sets la the best deco rations for the least money ever offered In this or nny ether market. Tuddlng, Chocolate, Ice Cream, tielitalr and Game Sets, Decorated Plates and Teas, Biscuit Jars, Cheese and Butter Dishes, A. D. Coffees, llerry Dishes, &c. Carlabad China Dinner Sets quality and style et decoration the best In the market. Trices the Lewest. The Rochester Lamp has has no equal. Try one and be convinced. High & lartin, TK UXK8. L,: ADERB. WK LEAD IV OIJIl MNK IN 11II F. QtJAL 11V AN1J blYLK. HATS, FURS, ROBES, TRUNKS, -AND- TRAVELING BAGS. Stauffer&Ce., 81 & as North Queen Btroet, LANOASTKU.l'A. V ALL AND WINTEU GOODS. M. DABERBUSII & SON. Fall and Winter Goods. Our Stock of Tall and Winter Goods la new complete. We have Uie Largest and Finest Stock in the city of II0IU3E BLANKETS (All Grades.) j-np Blankets, In riuah. Weel and Pelt. Black and Grey Geat Robes. Hudsen Bay and Prairie Wolf Kebe. Buffalo Kobes. Siberian Deg (Black) ltebes. Fex and Coen Skin Kobes. C3 We consider It no treuble te show our goods -.T- E Haberbtisli & Sen's SADDLE, HARNESS, -A XV TRUNK STORE. Ne. 30 Centre Square, LAMUAIWEU. PA. TyK CAN HKKVK OU WKI.Ii AND matostreoeOUUionBy la adverOslJig. KsU- ADVERTISING GUIDE-BOOKP. Ranmic.0,ni,:,u nrt original ever Iwued. AcvaaTiaiaa Wmxiae aSheialtt. ns infliMfcf.V0.? W8 Advert Utn Ageney, I lie. -itunew oumuflaltlmer, I CLOTIIINU. WALL, 1888. Fine Tailoring for the Latcat Keraltlaa. cenflnad strlM. W.'i.raenV.iter,M WO0,eM- "0 H. GERHART'S Oniy Direct Impertiag Tailor. a NOKTH QUKRIT BXKXBM. -y ALUE 1 Satisfaction Is what hu Riven tee the extentlva patrnnSKe 1 have received from the publle. My line of rerelan and Demtstlcs is uniurpassed In the tha cur. P ilCKS A WAT DOWK, AS C8UAL. TROUSERS I Sprntai nunntten la .called te my Irouters, In which Head. ASKEW! AkT-TAlLOIl.- M09. B4 AND IX VYX8T KINO nTit'KT. en imdr.B riue ruiNa i cjjLeiuiwa i L. Gansman & Ere., CLOTHING! Clothing! Clothing! WE WILL SAVE TOU MONEY. Don't bny yourself any Suit or Overcoat without looking at our goods. Met aslngla garment In our Bleck teat Is net rellab'a. Nothing that Is cheaply or poorly made, and all te be sold en our euslnesa-maktng policy, eoveral dollars less than you would have te pay at any ether store ler the same goods. Here Are the Facts. The Kelt Stilti you cava evor scan at the prices ; t 17, tt), 111, 112, ill, IU. Merchant Tailoring, rme Bniu te order at 112, 114, 113, lis, 20 and IIS. Made nnd Trimmed In the best et style. It la net only the prices which make our goods eheap it Is tha splendid qualities we offer you at the prloe. L. GANSMAN & BRO UAMUrACTUUtus or Men's, Bejs' and Children's Clothing, 8. W. COUNEU MOUTU QUKKN ANDOUANGK8TUKKT3.1,ANCA3TEU, PA. M YKKH dt KATaiTOS, MiaUe Clothing. The word " Reliable " meana much te buyers of Clothing. In n lice of business as in the Cleth ing business, where ee much de ception is practiced and se much cheatery Indulged In, it amounts te a geed deal. Yeu don't want te deal with unreliable merchants, but you de want te deal where you can get a dollar in value for a dollar In vested. If you deal with us you deal with thoroughly reliable pseple, who want you te have just as much as jett pay for. lyers & Rathfon, UKLIAULK CLOT HIKE?, NO. 12 BAST KINO ST., UANCASTBK FA. T IUK PUOPLK'S OAhU HTOHE. CLOTHING Made te Order -AT- Tbe People's Cash Stere. Don't forget It. We can make you n Suit of Clethes, an Over coat or a 1'alr of Trousers, end give you as much satisfaction as BDy Tailoring establishment in the city and at less cost en the average. Tbe People's Gash Stere, NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, LAHCASTEU, 1'A. A LOT 01' READY,-MADE OYERCOATS, or etm OWN MANUFACTURE AT MODEBATE PRICES. aarlt-lTtUkw 20, 1888. xoexi& j DRTOOODa. fTOFFKKSI TKA8! OHOIOB OLITOOFFIES. rrwh Boasted DaUy and Finest Maw Crep. TBAS DrtnklnWailUe """ a QKOBOB WIAKT, e. lis West Sin; B. N KW JPKUITS AND NDrS. W.,A.Reist&Ca, PANOY GROCERS, Cerner East King and Me Streets. Jrtitln.flreift'ej of NF.W NUTS. Knallsn w"n'. FUbeif, Ua:d and eert BhsU Almend i. n?.? "" nAWDlE'.nnrnt Almeuflf, Gum Urepg, end Ihe Flnett rierlda Oranges. MMJCUATJtL CUlCaSE-frssri thU morn IDg Anether Kew tot of ARMOITE'3 rmiee baraat 5S.pe.r Puna- lnl decldea ..iA.C.fiB "OLDJS rAUU.T BnOKTKNINQ takes tha place of butter s-S pat la only We. the pnee should be $a apiece i but we are sell. Ina; them at three rer loe I this Is ch apar than Sswhere, but we must hare room for our 1m rtvPngVJtf X Cann6a 0xXlwWcliaresx- W. A BEIST & CO., COB. EAST SIK8 Si DCRK BTS. AT BUKSK'S. New Fruits, &c. ONE HUNIinnD BASKETS TOUK BTATE, CONUOUD AND UATAW11A GRAPES. Choice and Only Thirty five te Kerty Cents a JiasAet. HEW CUBBANTS, KEWClTBOy, MEW l'BUNES, MEW JIOS. New California Kvap. Apricots, Mew California 1'runes, frejh Cranberries. New Means and Heminy. Choice TorkBtate Cream chneee. Choice adam chaete rresh Imported Macaroni and verirlcein. Tha csl ebiated Yentzar kvanemed sugar Cern, the finest In the market. New Canned Goods. Finest Teas and Oef&cs. AT BURSK'S! NO. 17 EAST KING BTREET. LAMCASTEB, 1'A. VT THIS OUT 1 CUT THIS OUT I DONT BEAD PABT.BUr ALL OFRKUT'3 ADVERTISEMENTS. It will Unto your IiUerait te watch them up closely from row en until artnr tbe holidays. We hivemmy ceitly cards whleh will be given away at bueu time as weuinyspjclfy In our adwrlliement. Keep both ejj en them. SIMPLE EDLEJ FOR MAKIXQ COFEE. Use one part ceffe te seven parts waUr; have veur coffee ground as fine as ordinary granulated sugar, or se tlm tha laiger partf partf eles wl 1 net excerd In slaa tbe head or a pin ; place your eanee In the pet and pour tha bell. Ing water en It (be sure Urn water Is boiling); then allow the entire contents te bell three mtnutei, no longer, ihen pour Inte the het i e tree h. larse tubleapoenful of reld water; tfclj will fme9 the grounds te the bettnm ana render the liquid clear tu wlnet serve us seen ns these dlrteilem are completed, n delay el flltecu minutes will allow ruuohef the aroma and flavor te eicspe. In Teas and Coffees we leid them all. Geed Ttias Hern lle a pound up te 93s. coffees lrem liXoapeund np .Loek ent ler ihe big let of Dried Itsel nezt week at 10c a pound-Vine. Bweet nnd Tender. iiw usrni racK0T.4 ffij leraw; .40bexea Prunellas, B,s for Se; a lob let of Weed .Breems, a forste ; ten birreln Oatmeal, 8 fta for '.ti; rtteix Wheat Oerai. B As ler 5c; Olelne Boap,S cakes for SJa i Blaieher Feip, large eike, 11 cakes for Sis; hn f buahel bags rine Belt, each 2S3 ; New K gltsh currants, I in for ita i New Bulslns. S As foraSe ; finest New JTlgs.SftsferMs; tioeduld l Igs, ks for Ifie ; New Layer Elg', a B for 28c i New Italian Uasaronl.apckslerzso; New Italian Ver micelli, 3 packa for 9Se: finest Maiavaurapf, acufuraicj New Pearl lapleca, HiJorSJe; MewFlaaeXapleta,4irjr. " i J. FRANK REIST, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL OBOOKB, Kertheist Cerner West King and Prince Streets, LANOABTEB.PA. WTelephone and rree Dtllvery. BAKINQ I'O WDKH. a ",nii-i-i-ii-i sr r C wiiii-i-iim. in. i i no.. OTEKIilNQ BAKING POWDKR. STERLING BAKIN b WW. i Absolutely Pure- THIS Pewder never varlea. A marvel el purity, strength and whoteemenrs3. Mere economical than the ordinary kinds. Beld only In tans by all urecers. BTEUL1NU UANUrACTUBlNOCO 12 and U Bpruoe Street, New Yerk. angfiimd EDUCATIONAL. tSMfNAIMail D .ON'T POT IT OFF I Dnn't nntotTthauiatlerol cpIHdit a "Iluil. nets Education." 1h U, that Vlnd et an edurat Ien tbat will bent-fl t you u.eu ln a gain ing, l( net an Independence, at least a geed living. A knowledge et BOOK-KEEPING AND BDJISESS FORMS, nrm, ".sirfi.mnfcJVi I ff -fc-i-e-i nuT r-.niiri t 1 1 nn( m cemb'aed with a geed handwriting, woes a great way Inaocempllthtagthls, Day and KTening-eastloes. ItH EAST XIXe STBEIT. 'IBIT GIVLER'S! 6 ted 8 North Qatea Street, E0B.BAB0A1NS IW BL1NKETS, COktrekTS, QUILTS AMD E1DEBD0WK AND AIIOT FLAHEELB, FANCT SKIRTS AND BKIHTIKQ. H03IEBT, OLOVKS AND OKDEBWEAB. MEHS TOOTHS- AHD B01B LAORDBIED UNLAUNDBUD eniETJ MENB'MISBTBHIBTB. C 1BPXT8 AMD OIL CLOIBB. OLL LINE. Or LADItS1 AND CH1L- DEEMS C0A1B AMD BHAWL8 AT BAU9AIN P BICES. 4VK0 TBODBLE TOBUOW GO0D3.-8S JehnS.Givler, O ft 8 North Queen 8treet. LAMCA5TEB, FA marlO-lyOAw IBIOK LIST. BAED & McELBOY, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Bfc, (Opposite Eeuntata Inn ) PRICE" LIST : effrt nam8 lew c the manjr brglni we are BHAWLB. Bhenldar Bbawls at 10, it, e, and BOotsandep. Single Shawls at tl 00, SI 2S,'.50, ll.BiSd upl Deuble Bbawia at n, tl M K, uie. H and up! Uwprfce W ' Uleie00ut BLANKETS. UNDBBWEAB. Chtldren'a Unf erwear, smallest slae, si art a at Set noxtatleo.l2Hc,lBoana up, according te else and quality. Ladlea' Merine Underwear at 250, Sks, Me, JJ an,a uPl Oer 9elualIty la all we claim for l.n.Bra?v,ana itahewstt by the way we are selling them. Ladlea' Bcariet Medlca'cd Cnfferwear at 75e. ?'jy-SfJ?a '.'W- cLar lM number will cod pare with anything heretofore sold atn. riJ!?n.&.Un2erwear ,a wUt or coterea at Kc, 87KO, COe and up. iH??? scarlef Medicated Onderwear.BOe, 78c, ?l,Ii?,2.'H27,- Ciunel'a Hair -and Natural Weel at low prices. FLOOR OIL OLOTH. rib JHrt?. wAn&Te eauwishea en Fleer ana Table oil Cleth, we venture te aay, has never peen equalled by any ether house. We hava the reputation and we mean te keep lt.el sell ing the belt wearing, beat seasoned Oil Cleth that ever was sold ter the money, WINDOW BHADB9. Plain or Dade Shades, best goods, spring flxtuiei, atsceeach. " DRBSB GOOD3. ??ra-.D&.ra,.ni ln Dress Goods from Be per yard te II, la all the latest atyles and shades. GLOVBS. Men's Gloves at 20. 25, te, 4 50. 65, 78 eta and p,. ?!? caU Peclal attention ta our 26e Weel Knit Gleve. Ask te see It, and If yen think you ever bought anything hotter ier lata than Me don't buylt. We carry an Immense stock of Gloves. Watch for our advertisement and prices of Gloves. Impossible te give It new i space will net allow. We acll goods en small prefils. We adver tise wnt we get. When you come for It yen get It, Who ele Is under as small an eirjenfe as we are only H square from Centre f We can sell goods en email profits, ana we de. BAED &lcEIE0T, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen St, (Opposite fountain Inn ) J. HAHUY STAMM. latest BTews in Brief. THE NEW Bosten Stere, Ne 24 CENTKE SQUARE, -IS THE- Het Bed of Lew Prices 1 During the past twomenttis the volume or our butluesj lias baen sleidlly Increasing a mil it has reached far beyond our fondest expectations. Goods being 03 ten every hand andlnconseqcenea we have a luge number REMNANTS or all kinds or Dress Goods, Which we are anxious te dlspoje of aa seen as peiiltle. ThasoBEMNANlShayebcen put aMdeby themselves, w here you can see them and pick at your leisure. MANY TUIKO) FOB TOU AT EXTBA LOW FBIOES. DDN'T FORGET THB REMNANTS AT M. 24 Centre Square. We are p'esred te eirer te you the beat values In rianntli ihu reaeh tar above any values hcrotefore offered by ut. FED FLANNELS, 10 CENTS A YAUD. K 150, 17C, MC, SJC. 230, We, 3JC, S5c, 370, 4i;,60c:Etc. Big Returns Fer Your Meney IN Dcdeiweir, Blankets, Comforts, &c VlUmember we mace no fta crust promi premi ses. uememberthU cntU BAT9UDAY, NOTEit II "it ill h, We win give all Spar cent, abatament en all purchases of Comforts & Blankets. 1 . H-