.(,- V t" THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, FRIDAY, NOVECBER 16, 1888. ZZ'i'H S if! ?& l.-! 13 if &; r if U ? II :r st Daily Intelligencer, sVAKOASTEK, HOVEUBEtl 16, 1S88, r False FraUclIcm. fke triumph of Blaine's parly is rap r followed by a boom in trust stocks; I Mew all the great carpet manufae i bare united te raise the price of ttsatr product. They claim I bat some of carp;t hare been selling at cost, L'tbat the only way In which Ihey can MM a profit is by some mutual ngree- i m te prices through their asiocia asiecia It is thought that the price will be 1 lire cents a yard. &? Th ilnlw nn pfirnull rnna frnm ii 70 ftr cent, en yam Venetian, and two-ply , ; tMrnln te 73.02 cer cent, en printed anu 1 otered druggets. The duty en Brussels arpeta is CO percent. Here is an industry offering under our tariff system which ikl4e its establishment possible. Suffer- M because it, by the deformity and u 'abuse of that system, .is chut out from B..-i ivlAulna. Mnvt.etfi nl eniiif( find unruiAli te de at fair prices at home. Under the 'i ! nf l.tff Mkwtalnn Afltrrmaf Ail livfllA Democracy, this industry would have had '.;? the ample protection of a 40 rer cent. , '?;uty, and foreign markets would bate liJfm a - ik t. l. I..tlt., f ?,' JBSi Ul'CUCU Ml Jfc Ujr lug lurjuuuiiuu hi a:.. " . ...-i- T. ... i ...... i.i "tree raw materials. J. I ee uui MUUIll manufacturers te T.&.'tlAtHk fmntlljlfl tllPftA Lnnuike carpets cheaper and better than ;.L ifBJ JII IUO WOnUjUUUJU Itmiu iui '" i -2iaperted raw material, in return for the 1 V. Jf il a t lt.a 1..Mt.na aV CKnniln lflHOi epain, anu mu juiuuui ui vyaiinun, f$&m could Bend the works of American Kff looms,:; triumphs of incentive skill and '& mechanical genius, In a blind panic Vv wr a false alarm of free trade, tne 5peeple have chosen instead of this wlse KM course te keen en discouraging cstab- sittshsd manufactures, nnd driving them Ef into combinations and trustB. It may i"-; aeem a parauex, uuii ib is uue, iuenu combination is for protection against pre- fi urnnn ntrniimL mih iiiili:iuiiiiii v iiu rt tfrmtA nrntflfttiffA tfirifT tliAt is nillni? iin X money in the treasury vaulls when it is '? needed .in (business, excluding the raw 1m. .I.J.1. f.....l.1 fn Irlefi n ., ,1 all P rtiLjJ JHBICI1UIB jl.ttutu iu juuuaiij, iuu 014- 5$ loredarie3 when it ought te dominate ? the world. Sft- .. i.. .. W,t JLUICTLH XBUIUK Villi "si After b. while there mavue neuiMK left of the foundation upon which has te flddenly srewn up te great proportions r& the fame et Matthew Stanley Quay as a yf1 manager of presidential campaigns. "We g' bare It en the authority of the Palia $ delphia Timti that Quay's original plan f $ was te abandon New Yerk nnd expend ra-4 1.1a ..a. nn.l Inlirt- An t Vntldil 1 1 . 1 1 f VflW UUCUCIgJT UUUinum UUVUUIILVMbllVtuii Jersey and West Virginia. He was overruled; and we are left te suppose that the Philadelphia fellows who contributed - the money decided also where It should be pp;nt. And new the Philadelphia llccenl comes along with the announcement that Quay refused te the Delaware Republi cans the $10,000 with which they premised Sussex ; nnd that the mere credulous "Wauamaker gave it te them. Te him is given the glory etcarrjlng'.u senatorial seat in Delaware for n Repub lican. As the matter new stand?, we de net see what there is te Eiiatuhi the glory of Quay. lie did net contribute the cash; bat is said te have made $80,000 out of the performance. He did net select the field in which the cash was te be apent te lect the Republican presldent;and did net win the Delaware senator. Xer has he accomplished the feat of securing a Re publican mBJerity In Cengrcsj; te which he and Dudley are said te be giving their preient attention in "Washington ; n very neble pair of conspirators. There are several reflections forced upon us by these rovelations,u3to Quay's imbecility, which come te us from Phila delphia, and evidently from the home of the rich manufacturers who were bled of their money. And the first is that there is some ene amongst them who is net content with the credit of giving the money but who wants a big share of the creilt of managing its distribu tion. There- evidently Is net glory enough te go nruund betwixt him and Quay. Jehn Wauamaker we spot as this discontented and ambi tious spirit ; the great .battle was wen by Wauamaker, he would have us think, with Quay as sleeping associate. Appar ently Jehn wants te be the Pennsylvania bes under Harrison, aud aches for n cabinet dike. Having made a fortune in trade he wants te make a name in states manship ; like Jeb Chamberlain, who has made a hit at both businesses. Or It may be that Jehn lias become se used te seeing himself exalted by his advertising agent that be . is quite unable te uuder stand a situation in which he takes part but in whtch he is Bet down In the newspapers as a e )nd Q Idle. Or it may be again that Jehn has beensheckcl at Matthew'a unmerality, pref.inlty and peer clothes; and thinks that no such man Is worthy of the kingdom, or te get In anywhere ahead of Jehn Waua maker, illustrious as a tailor, a Sunday school teacher, and a drygoeda seller. And it seems te us that this late fraternity between Quay and Wanamaker needs explanation even mere than the evident dlssclutlen of their relations. Hew could se pIeub n mau and one se Impious work together for common glory and the euicess of the great and geed Harrison? And hew could Sunday Ssboel Jehn buy these Delaware votes with 410,000 ; or the New Yeik votes , with 81,0CO,0O0. And if they weie net bought with the money hew did the money CM mem j" aha votes were get aud the money get them ; these two facta are Utd upon JohnWanamttker'sautherltj ; and new it is eminently in order that w e heuld be te'.d by the same authority hew a Sunday school Uacher can spend money for the purchase et votes, directly or indirectly ; and hew it ;maV:eJ it any better it the wicked Quay did It in 'ew Yerk ; and hew Jehn W. iaanv leas wicked or j-nendlnir U. nil by his lone self In Delaware. We pause for a reply; nnd de net susiejt tbat we will ever even hear an echo. And still the v'rlueui Wanamaker may ,acend te the cabinet council of the geed Harrison. It mayle that the much lauded and really imbecile Quay may be taken by the president-elect at Wanamaket'a estimate ; and Wanamaker at the name. And it may be that this will be lovely for Jehn ; but hew will it be for Harrison ? .4 v f. Ol'nincM. I'ni.LlllN. nf thn mla-nr. jeW eewpiny, rys that In Dtccmber a regular y waakty train between JSew Yerk and San : -f Vrmeolsce wlU enable ttavelera embarkluir , .tquffj:u5'n te cover the entire dUlanee te the Golden CUte of the PaoIOe In cloven days. The dUUnce from Quecnttewn te Ban Franolieo U 0,800 milca, and tlx days soil hulf are allowed for the vejurb from Qaofrnttewn. ana four ana a half days for Uie rail (ttlp acreu tha continent "Tba meat rapid tralna en the Union and Central Pad no rotdicemumefourdijaln making tbodlaUnceeri,8COmllea from San Fran Fran ciseo te Omaha, while the aebedule of Mr. Pallman'a train centemplaUa the reduotlen et that time te two ana half daya. The jonrney from Mew Yerk te Omaha will be made In two duva. The meat aplendld palaca alcf ping eara ever oenttructed are te be placeJt upon the rout, and ene train at week win be run eacn way." una train wiu be known aa the Oelden Gate pedal. Thk Adama express company la reach ing out westward and haa aeenred an outlet beyond Chicago, where It haa been en tirely unknown. Trie contract for operatlng the cxprets line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad has been taken by the Adorns company and they are thus given fall aweep ever 4,000 miles of read In the Kerthweat, This will eenalderably modify the exprecii rates te Bt. Paul and ether pilots en this system. It Is sild that this Is only the flrat move of a great plan ter the expansion et the Adams terrlteiy. It la expected that the company will begin te receive express matter for Kurepean points stout the last of February or first of Mareb. Nearly overy sleatmtilp sailing from Mew Yerk after tbat ttme will carry txprets metsen. gers In ebarge of goods bound for Liver pool, Qtargew, Queenatewn, Havre and llremeti. At these points the English and continental cilices will take held of the goeda and forward them te their destina tion. We may have te straggle with an express monopoly before many yeara, m Wb bave received wltu the compliments cf Dr. K. E. Illgbee bis annual report en the aeldlera' orphans of Pennsylvania for 1683 Tl.e Mount Jey aoheol is represented by Principal J. U. Bmlth In bla report as In excellcnt condition. He says, "aa time obliterate the remembrance et the 'Merris Investigation,' with all ItsdcmerallzInK in fluences, the discipline becomes better aud easier te maintain." Dr. Ulebee enys tbat the cchoela during the pal year bave been In a very tatlarao tatlarae tatlarao terj condition and rpjaka In the warmest terms of pralse of the character and attain ments of the teachers and the discipline and training et the scholars, lien. Jehn M. Ureer has been especially aottve In ad vancing the sanitary condition of the schools. He notes tbat by the law the soheols terminate June ,1600, and shows that there will then be In them 1,649 deiti deiti lute children under the age of alxteen. "In most cases the children will be homeless, and It tent adrift will be left te Idleneiaand vagrancy. The leg's'ature abenld take seme action In relerenoe te tbese young helpless ones," He considers it Impossible te apprentice them or te find private faeilllea willing te take them and thinks that the only thing te de la te send the youngest te permanent orphan asylums until they are 10 or 18 ycara of age. "Takecaroef the yeunp," he says, "let no vagrant child be found In hed go, highway and byway. Let the commonwealth goeut aud compel thorn te ceme In. Tncn Jail and prison expenses will rapidly decrease. This will overbalance Ite fold nil cost such proper care may require We with that every destitute eblld In the state bad the fnll prlvllegea of an education, cost what it may; and Chris tian olvllliiilen eventually must accomplish Ihh." An appropriation off 230,000 la naked for at the coming aesslen et the legislature which Mill run thOHChoela until thelr close! Itlaahewn that there bave been 11,831 ad missions te the schools alnce they were opened ; the coat of the syatein slnca goleg Inte operation has been f 8,003,623.60. The appropriation for the year 1SS0 waf3J0,. W2 77. Tin: total vfllue of our experts et beef and hog products ilurlng the last twclve months was 170,081,455, against 178,000,1)07 during the previous twolve mouths. The total value of our experts et dairy products during the Inst bIx months was (7,120,028, ni;lnBt I8W1.0J2 during the aame ilx months of 18S7. PEllbONAL,. Mil ItcnnitT l.euis Hikvi:.nse.v la rr rr rr porled in oapltel heallh and spirits und tic lighted with overy feature of bla Seuth I'd I'd clile wnnderlngs, l)it. Lkland Mir.i.Kn, et Bheilleld, has glen t-10 000 te Williams oellegoto eatabllsb a chair In Amerlcan history, lit erature and blecju juce. Itr.v. Anthe.nv Atwood, the Ntster of the Philadelphia Methodist conference, tiled en Thursday. He was nearly lllly years tin active nud eUectlve minister. Uklva Loeuwcod called en Geverncr Hearer en 'Ihursdayjend madoaspeeob te the etonegrapher'a grapbophene, explaining why ehe was net elected president Ki:v. Ma, Kn.NDiueii of Columbus," O,, via chosen missionary bishop ever the Jurisdiction of New Mexico and Arizona, by the KplMepil heusa of bishops at Wash ington, en Thurday. Hen. Jamks Monitew, of West Virginia, who was a prominent candldate for tbe Domreratlo fsUbematerlal nomination last spring and wua defeated, has goue ineane ever the disappointment. He la new at home carefully guarded, but will seen be removed te a hospital. His friends have no copaei uisncevery. TUK OltEAT S11MIO UATTLC. lllcliuienit visitors Witness b Urana Bill! tary Cutuuu Uavalty, Artillery aud lutauiry I'sttlclpals. On Thurr day at 4 o'elook the much-talked-of t-lmtn battle tcek place in front of the L-raud stand of the exposition at Klcbmend, Va. The 11 nld which the race track en clrekH looked like a piece of weeds. Pine Ireiahad been planted thickly, and about twenty Iho while and red line Usks had been plsced. Mera than 5,000 men, nmbraclng the city mlltlU artillery, eavalry and Infantry and twocempsules lieui Keldaville, N. O,, ene company from Norfolk, the Lynchburg Artillery, the hurry Ueuuty Oavalry aud tbe Hanover Trtep (cavalry), of Uauever county, took part. Ine lighting was waged all ever tbe let Inside the track and en both etiXHer the Pompeii structure. Instead el calling the opposing armies Federal and I uotnulirate it waa thought hotter te dealg ii bih iijuuj as uuciibivu anu aoiensive lerces, as the cee may be. The delonalve poaltlea wan iu the bunch nf pluea te the right of the grand stand. This gave an ldta of the maneuver!1. The Icrcfn en the defensive established a picket pest and put a platoon of lufantry, which nui)ieiiuentlyform;dasklrrnlshllue iu Btuliutt. A scouting pally from the tlfenrhe tide moved up the rae tiack In the direction of the pUket peat. When they dlscetend ihe picket they ittlrtu te the main lli.e fcr rolufeicomeats. With an increased numler they again ad vanced and lutt with a volley et musketry from the defonelve Inrantry and plckeip, which made them ratreat rapidly. Beth Blut-H thou tatablltued picket llui a aud tbe artilleiy of both arinlee opened tire. The skirmish llnea advanced toward each ether, ttrlcg as they marched, The 'eiecalvcr, alter reinforcing thelr Unci), e intlaucd te advance, nnd tbe ellcnalve ujey leurea 10 tneir second line, where they were nisi reinforced. The Una of battle moved up te the skirmishers and be gan flrinc, continuing the advance, whleh caustd the men ea tLe derenslve te retreat, ihe skirmishers retired te the main line and hue uiade a brave stand. 'Mid the becmluK of citllltry from both sides the main Lcdy eitued fire. Here the cavalry cbBTKtd m Kallant elyle down the east side of the race uatk and llankcd tbe defensive forces. The battle waged hotly for awhile, arid was filially wen by the cOenHvealde Then ihe filing ceased. The prisoners were marched til captives by tbe victor, all of wbouipetsod in lient et the grand stand from riKht te lelL uu"lttuu Thee met of drastrlarurgullves ts very en. eivatli nana ottmfjl'ewea by nnre irlm, pieitrail ni. v,iat yen wat.t i a una sp sp ltrrlALiuuaslteiuilve, which are huduUv com. Llued In J.Hxuler. CryliiK u u prime ovldence of pain. When the baby Is Jietlul and luulluea licriinK sr-elis,"rmevethcuueby ujleg Ut, UuT H OOD'H BAKSAPAUliiLA. Catarrh in Is acernplnlnt which arfoeUneMlrevcrjboljr, moicerl'M. Iterlstnstcsln a cdIiI, or sue suo sue cessien cf celfls, combined with Impure bleed. lliagreat)!e no from the nrsr, tickling In the Ihrea', offensive breath patn err and be twe'n Uieeywi, rlDKlnR ana bursting nolie In the ears are the rnoie. common symptoms, Catarrh Is cured by Heed's Barsaimrllla. which' strikes directly at Its cause by removing ail Impurities f.em the bleed, building up the OJcoued Hi sues and giving healthy tonelotbj whole system. Hundreds of toitlmenlals prove bsyend question th&t aposlllve euro ler cuuihlifrundln Heed's SarsapariUa " rer21 years I hve been troubled with ca. Un bin the head Indigestion, and general da unity. 1 concluded te try a bottle or Heed's earstratllls. acaitafdmesotnueh geed that 1 continued Its use till I hnve taken flve bot tle. My health his greatly Improved, andl twl like a dlffurent woman." Mrs. J, V, ADk.n, 8 Ulchmnud, street, Newsrk, M, J. I feel It my duty te saytbiitl stw Heed's Banuparlllaadvertlied and took two bottles, lam completely euro! of Irregularities and constipation et my howe's, eaiiirrh and hron hren hron chtel nni,ttlens," 11, II, Udiuik, Atlantle city, N.J. Heed's Sarsaparla Beld by alldrugsists. II t six for as. 1'repared only by C. 1. UUUU CO, Lewell, Mass. 100 Deses One Dellar. ryji'Px-'B MALT W1I1BKKY. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY, A EOIEHTIFIO IIHUEDY, -OT- JL BBVBRAOB. Ke diseaie germ can reSUI'.LV rjicaln ledgod In the bony II thin (Hint lleinpdy U camlully andcenstuntly urrd, l'ref. Win, X. Cutter, elate fihnintiter Conneetlcut, says I "lhave analysed a gieat many samples of Whiskey, Wines, Ales, ote , nurt wasurprlpnd te nnd upon analysis that liutry'a itiilt Whls Whls kev was abtclutelv puru, ns I never found this lobe the case la any ether Whiskey 1 had ox ex amlned. Ihese facts must commend It te genernl use nnd public favor. un sare and eoeuro Un guiulne, and laue no ether. 11 Is Fer Hale Universally WANAildKKR'tl l"niti.DiLrmi, ntlay, Nev. 10, IMS. Yeu naturally leek en "Rem nants" as pieces in some way out of the swim and quickened by cut prices. When we tell of Remnants that's what we mean. Is it se in every store ? Can it be that the Remnant Idea is ever used as a blind from which te get an unfair shot at your pocketbook ? The ether day we told you of seme66 inch Table Linen, a quality that should by rights be 85 cents. We made it 60 cents, and for quick handling cut the stuff into pieces of 2, 2, 3, and 4 yards. Suppose we'd said " Remnants" and put the price at 85 cents? A cheat, but plenty would have called for the "Remnants." Telling the truth sent them bounding out. It's the only winning way. Here's mere 85 cents 66 inch Table Linen te go the same way, and another quality at 50 cents. Southwest or centre A big part of the Dress Goods stock is made up of plain stuffs, of course, Net a bit of blare or bluster there ; they stand en solid worth. Yeu can't skip the extrava gant stuffs the rich Borders, the gay Novelties, and all their following unless you try. Counter after counter is over ever lull of them ; bright, staring, aggressive. It's only after you begin te leek that the plain stuffs pull hard en your fancy. The longer you're with them the mere of a grip they get. Every color that gees is among them ; every weave that takes. Just as much newness and novelty in a quiet way as in these wonders of wool and silk and weave and dye from Paris. Ceras of thread te shoestring bulge el a dcann (grades 'JrUeu Uknaeldlursu-inarrh ironies flew ny as a peach's ihenk llublt Cleths selt as a lueuse'd eur and se the story runs in a broekish sort of way. Fifty cents a yard will take the pick oftener than you suspect. Geed, honest wool, right in weave and dye. Southeast of centre. Overhauled Women's Col Cel lars and Cufls. Dropped out all the broken lets and every sort at all behind the preces sien, rasnien is uckie. just a mite tee much or tee little of height, tip, tilt, or turn, puts a shadow en a Cellar ler some people. Most of you don't knew ; most of you don't care. But we can only have a clean, healthy, bounding stock by weeding out everything that hesitates. Btunrtlni? Cellar (white) be kind ler Je llajtlnd lerM) )(. una lse kinds rarlOs l'leaOUly Cellars (while)i 9ealnd for ta lie Mud far ion Turn down UnllM (white) l'JX anl SCe kinds ler n c Cellars una e nir,. (b'ack una whtu ) fi and rue kinds ter 15 j a , et ,, UuffMic f m iu, celiais, te front 11 Cellars una CulTj (colored) lusktudlnrftuittet OnlTj, Se trem te JCuibreldui ta Cellars ( w hit it lieklua ler lle eec Una ler 15u IhemlsAttisi 5!J una is kind for 10c ltlbben Cellar and Culls i (0 and 73e kinds Jie it set Llueu culfri Ita kind far Se lOe kind rer 6e And about K) Cellars, vaileus t-ari's, silxbily soiled, tu luckjuuset S, Hu u bunch There are biggish lets of some of them, but such things go en the jump. Chestnut street step, test ei n.alnalsle Would you rather buy Toilet helps where the stock is slew the Head Dangerous tendencies chtraeierlte Hut vsry common anectlen.'catarrh In the head. The font matter dropping Inte the bronchial tubes or lungs la very liable toleaatebron chttls or consumption. As calatrh originates In Impurities In tee bleed, local application (un de but HtUe geed, The common sense method of tieitutnt Is te purify the bleed, andferthti purpMttnre It re prepiratlen superior te Heed's Barsapullla. The powerful action of Ih's medtclne npen the bleed expels the scrofulous Ulnt which feeds aud sustains catarrhal dlseian, while It tanjs and builds up the I (Teele 1 tnetnbraue. OureB Catarrh, "Ihrdtha worst symptoms ei thronle ca tarrh for two years, se troublesome was It that 1 could net smell nor taits, i found Heed's SarsapariUa a sperdy cure, and lam now.free from this awlul dlitas e." J. H. Sax mis, Day Shere, N. Y. "for eeveral years I had a catarrhal affec tion In my tbreit, and had triad several medi cines tut could and nothing te help me. I must say I was very much benefltted by using Heed's f)arstpal)ls, and would rceemmend It ver? hlffhty." Ilus 1. Dkvsiu, Umata, Neb, K. It. I f you have doclded te tuka Uced's Bar Bar Bar siparllUdoiietbalnducod te buy any ether- ecld by all druggists. II six for $5. Vrepared only by C. 1 UOUU CO., Apothecaries, Lewell, Mass. 100 Deaes One Dellar, tPAIfAAKMJUt'H and generally old, or where it changes all the time ? Where such a tide is run ning there's sure te be a drift of things with prices away out of the common. Here are two both in that wonderful Cellu loid that has crowded into the places of a dozen costly sub stances : White CHInlelfl Crune Tray and lirnsh Ndatr, novel. It a set. Wlilia Colluleld Wlirer nnd Brush: both strictly lltst-class med, l'ialn and fanry bucks te intitrh. 85e ceuts each. Usuut erica flana II 23 Most of the favorite toilet soaps, preparations, and perfumes from all parts of the world. Daintiest of all the new odors, Queen Mary extract, toilet water, powder. At centre of the stare. JOHN WANAMAKER. PAI.AUHOr FAHHIO. A SriUOH'S PAIiAOK OF KABUION ASTRICH'S BROS.' PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King treet. Lancaster, Pa. It is Black Skirt Laces te-day. Net narrow laces, but all 45 inch Shirt Laces in Spanish, Spanish Guipure, Chantilly and Escurial. All arc reduced, and anyone who knows the value of these goods and has seen them at their regular prices in our store, will knew fully hew te appre ciate the bargain. One piece of real handrun Spanish Lace, the finest in this city, reduced from $6 te $4.98 a yard ; real value $10. Black Silk Chantilly Skirt Laces, nice new patterns, large flowers, reduced from $1.25 te $1; from $1.50 te $1.19; $1.85 te $1.58; from $2.50 te $1.98; from $4 te $3. One piece of Striped Panel Patterns, reduced from $2 te $1; lrem $2.50 te 1.50; from $3 te $2. Spanish Guipure Skirt Laces, reduced from $1 te 79c; $1.25 te eac: Si.71; te SI.-J7: extra heavy, from $2 te $1.48; $3 te 2.29. Escurial Skirting, reduced from $2.50 te $2.19. Black Chantilly Drapery Net, silver mixed, reduced from $4 te $3.25. Black Silk Spanish Net, re duced from $1 te 79c; Spanish Mattlassee Net, reduced from $i.7S te $1.19; Chantilly Net, reduced from $1 te 79c; $2 te $1.48. One let of Remnants, i4 and 2 yards in length, sold way down. Beaded Grenadines, reduced from $1 te Sec; from $2.50 te S1.S5. One piece of Brown Yak Net, reduced te 50c a yard. Several pieces of Green and Brown, reduced te 25c a yard. Pink, Light Black and Cream Silk Drapery Net, 56-inch wide, 75c and $1.25 a yard. ASTRICH BROS. KliUCATlONAL. )ON'T IUT IT OFF I Dcii'troitetrthnmattornf pttlng a "Hull- S,V,!,,M2uUn"'.'.'. .'r,ul ' 'h" kind et nn f"r"" bat will boiiellt j ou i(.e.t in a. gain- li,v1ni.,1AtK,Uoi,,'e,J,!at0 " Ua8t ft00a BODK-KEEWSO AND BUSINESS FORMS, S?"iV'3Si .vrUl1 a KOf d handwriting, K9 a gr. M vay In accempi integ ml. Day ttUO KvenliiB eestleus, lOM KAST KING BIKipiT. DRY UOODB. pUlUE LIST. BAE13 cVlfeELROY, 33 and 35 Seuth Qrieen St., (Opposite reuntala Inn ) PRICE" LIST : Wn name a f w of the many bargains we are Offering. 8HAWLS. shoulder Sbawls at 10, ,0,anflMetsatdup. BiDKinehawis at i te, si., n.oe, ii.-sand up. Deuble saaw.s at 13, liw. m, lieu, M and up. Hs dsfy any house te beat these goeda at BLAMKSTS. While or Colored at 73c, 11,11.28, II. te, tl, W K, as and up per pair. UNDBRWMAB. Children's Un'erwear. smallest sire, starts at 8c i next at 10 1 .'He, 19c and up, according te sire and quality. I.ad'a' atctine Underwear at Me, lie, 10c. 7Je and up. Our Inequality Is all we elalut ler lUa67cgrdc,and it shows It by the war we are sullfng them. Indies' Bcarlit Medlca'tyi TJnff erwear at 75c, 11, II and I-.17. Our II .S3 number will com pare with anything heretofore sold at 13. Mens Unaerwear in white or colored at Sic, also, wemunp, Men's Scarlet 1 MpfltttitnA tTn1rwT. Sn- 75e. II, H a ana IL87H. Camel's Hair anaMatnrai Woelatlowprloea. FLOOR OIL OLOIH. The trade wa have established en Fleer and Table Oil cletn, we venture te say, has never been equalled by any ether house. We have the reputation and we mean te keep It.el sell Ing the beit wearing, beat seasoned oil Cletn that ever was sold ler the money. WINDOW BHADBB. ruin or Dade Shades, .best goods, spring flxtuiea, attcoeech. DRBS3 GOODS. rztra bargains in Dress Oceds from M per yard te II, lu all the latest styles and shades. GLOWS. Mcn'stllevfsr.tM.2i, 10, 4B0,e3,73 eta and up. We call especial attention tnourlfie Weel Knit Olevo. Ask te sea It, and If yen think you eyer bought anything better ler lets than tee don't buy it. Wn carry an Immense stock of Uleves. Watch fjreur advertisement and prlces et Gloves, Impossible te give It new sdsce will net allow. Wn srli gend en small profits. We adver tise whit we get, When you come for it yen get It. WhotiUelsuaanrassma.ll an expense us we are only H iquare from Centre f We can sell goods en small profits, ana we de. BARD &"lcELE0T, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen St. (Opposite fountain Inn.) rpUE I'EOPLK'H CASH STORE. Plush Sacques, Plush Jacket: Plush Medjeskas. High CIas3 l'lualisa Only at Unusually Liw Prices. Our Stock of Flush Garments is worth your while te Inspect if you contemplate purchasing anything in this line this season. Alse all the Popular Styles in Cleth Garmenta for Ladles, Misses and Chil dren. The People's Gash Stere, MO. 85 EAST KING S1RQBT, LNOASTEU, l'A. aiarlMydAw D KE3S GOODS, WATT &SH AND Nes G. 8 and 10 East King St , I'rcsenta DhpUy et Black Dress Geed?, MeurDing Dress Goedp, Colored Dress Reeds, Uur.valed In the Country for variety, quality ana raeaeratu inlce;. llulng rtaflj rath huyers we h&ye made muuy srecUl vurchasesln the last two weens highly Interesting te closehnyers. 60 rlcces UauilltonCeahraerc, Ueuhle fe'd, lOsayatd i rtgulur j rice In large cities, 15e 3d Inch Heavy 11. Weel Surges, 25c a yard; iuiJ value 4"if. All-wool Tricot Cleths, iic. nafle te sell at 37Xc. l'latd, Checked nndbtilpcdr.aunelSultlngt S3e and 370 ; regular 63c goods. IS Inch Flannel SulllnRi, COc u yard i lately sold at 75c. rrench llemlultis, 40 Inches wide, Ke and G2e a yard i usual pilots for this quality, 750 and 11.00; clot lug out purchase of 19 pieces, forde t Henriettas, 10 Inches wide, 6"Kc a yard; cost bis te liupeit, and thtslet cannot be dutiltcbUd ler ou) thing like tin money. 10 riocest'e'ored Satin llludimcs, extraor dinary cheap at 75ca)ard, New Yerk Stere. B(;BDINH NEW BOABD1NO AND Lodging Heuse, He. It Seuth I.liut) strrut, , ancastci , Alex Ueerge.t Hltmsrck) Proprietor, first class Uennan tuhlu heard. Meals at all hours, ilomeceinloiu ler permanent boar bear ders Munis lurnlshed promptly und In drat' eluss style te wtddlntt and birthday patties, balls, hops, etc. at snort notice. Aihueet the public's patronage, liespectiully solicited. v ALKXUKUUOK, s!ina Ka iX Beum lima Street, TOBACCO. IMtMAMMMMMI I ,f? .s, e LD HONESTY TOBACCO. FINZER'S Old Honesty. The Cbewers of OLD HONESTY TOBACCO will Boen find Outfit UaU longer, tastes sweeter than ether tebave oes, and will please you. Ask your dealer for it and insist en getting It. Genuine Haa a Bed H Tin Tag en Every Plug. DRT UOODB. E VKRYBODY INTITKO TO O ALL AT GIVLER'S. 6 aid 8 North Queen Street, And get thn riccst Sstertment of Ladles', Mlstea' and ihll iren'a Goats, Wraps & Jacket?, NEWMABKEIS, IUULANS, &C. Our Pl.esn GOODS are pronenneed the finest and yet the cheapest In the city. TKe trouble toStewgooai.S Jehn S.Givler, O As 8 North Queen Street, Near Contre Square, LANCASTER. PA. umrlO-lydAw QHARLE3 BTAMM'S NEW STORE, 85 & 87 Keilu Queen Street, (Opposite Iho Fosterace,) 13 THE rLACK TO 09 TO FOB TBS LAUUI8T ASeOilTHKMT Of Dress Goods. VELVETS, DKE3H SILKS, PLUSH COATS, 8T0CK1NETT JAOKETS, VKDERWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, HANPEEROHIEFST SHAWL8, CORSETS, RDOHINGS, COLLARS, RIBBONS, FOBS, BUTIONB, FURTRIMMINQ3, Remember, Ladies TUKSK G03D3 AUK ALL NKW AND WILL BKBOLDCBEA1. BIG BIRGHINS ATTUENEty SlOUKOr Charles Stamm, 35-37 North Queea SUeet. Bosten Stere. JlAMDKKKVHJKJ-V. DECEIVED TO DAY A Let of thesaHlnlalure Harrifien and Morten Eeuve cir JuqB, InaUsliee and colors, with and wltheutlabelr, i AND M CENTS KACH. TOY CHARM JUGS, lCKNTKiCll, Are being extenslvely used Instead of fringe and ornaments te dtcerate embroidered aud fancy needle wersr. Come and tee them, at ERISMAN'S, MO.S3WMTK1MQ BTEXBT. SVOTB AND BBOl F00 IWXA& Ready New I Tea, NOW KIADT. with my Complete' tteek of beets, smebs ana hubbbbs (or rail and Winter Wear. Mever before did t have anch a Lara; and Vartea Stoc of tea Terr Best that the Market affords and Marked and Quick Salllag t rlees. Alse I call ear attention te my S3.C0 GILT EDGE SHOE. Vhls U one et the best Three-Dellar shoe for nun that Is mads te-day. Call and sea them t it beau all ethers. D. P. STACKEOUSE, (0X-Ml6lBTOBS.) M 80 BAIT sUKO.sTT, LAHCABTBB, PA. MUrs B OOTH AND BHOK8. W ABB BETAILINO- BOOTS - BOOTS -AT- WHOLESALE FBICEB, Hew Can We De It? YOU MAT ASK : WB WILL EXPLAIN. Alter the last Beet season we bought fllty nlne ISA) uases of Youths' Beys' and Men's Beets at a Private Assignee Sale, ler Spot cash, at such Exceedingly Lew Prlces that we can no w sell you them Betall at Begnlar Wholesale Prices, and yet make profit enough te keep ns alive. We Can Sell Yeu : Solid Kip Beets, sties 11 te 18, for 11.33 ; retrnlar price, II 60 and 11.73. inw, sieuanttSM.'a. Beets, sues l te s, for ll.oe, tl SB, neya' ueavy uoei 11.60, IL75 and xca Men's Solid Kip Beets, slses 8 te 11, tl 50, U TO andfLOO; regulrprtce.tlue,ti.2Bandi aus&txj unr Jfoeu rer sr.i ana su.w wa ue fy an anyone in the county or state te beat ter JMt, uura- hllltv and Film. We could main an Immense rpreflt en these 69 Cases of Beets by selling them at the old prices, but our motto la Quick Sales and Small Profits. We bave stuck te It, and te our " ltule" of giving our customers the advantage of enr purchases. We hwe the largest stock of Ladles', Misses' and Children's Heavy Lace and Butten shoes for rail and Winter Wear In theclty,(whlchwedetyany of enr competi tors te dispute) at prices te suit the times. Call In te sea them whether veu wish te nnr chase or net, as we consider It no trouble te show goods at the prices we sell thnm. The One-Pilce Cuh Heuse. d The Leaden of Lew Prices IN BOOTS & SHOES Ne. 3 East Eing Street, LANCASTKB. PA. swstore closed every eventrg at 8 p. m., ex cept Saturday and Monday. QUBKNHWAKB. H IQH A MARTIN. DECORATED CHINA -AT- CHINA IAL We have just received our Teurtb Fall Importation of HAVILAND Decorated Eienclf China, Dinner and Tea Sets in the best deco rations for the least money ever offered in this or any ether market. Fuddieg, Chocolate, Ice Cream, Selltalr and Game Sets, Decorated Plates and Teas, Biscuit Jars, Cheese and Butter Dishes, A. D. Coffees, Berry D!sLe3, &c. Carlsbad China Dinner Sets quality and style of decoration the best in the market. Trices the Lewest. The Rochester Lamp has has no equal. Try one and be convinced. High & Martin, Ne. IB East King St. ectiD-ua CO A It SFEOIAIi ATTENTION 18 INVITED te our assortment of Indiana and ethrr firsUclua Wntern hard weeds. Ash. dak, Maple, l'eplar, Cherry, Ac. Sett kindling weed piopared for the teve, also for sale. J 11 II.MAKUN ACO, Ceal aufl Lumber Yard, :t Water street, Lancaster, l'a. ns-lyd XtADMQAitONBB'H UOMPANY COAL DEALERS. Omca:-Ne. 133 North QneenStreet, nd no. VA North rnnce streut. Yaaee: North frlnen BtreeV, near isifllng uepet, sar Utrd ANCAl ft. I A Wh F1HUEK, DENTIST. rartleular attention given te fllllrur and preserving the natural teeth. 1 have all the latest Improvemeuts for doing nice work at a very roaaenablo cost. Having years of fcT pertence In the large cities 1 am sure te give the best of satisfaction and save you money beat arueeial teeth only stepper set. iJiMTa me. MVumsT qussji wt, FREY mm . ' , Ai