"J-;-' "sr-y-r filt- '"' r- '-vr.'r' j ...yu-"' THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIOENCEB, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, : &m faf tk S A 1 V ." r Dally Intelligencer. IvAXCAbTCB, MOVKMBKUlllsn, The EbtIebi Era. Tm 3Ttu W ban a learned editorial r'wtltled, " Something About 1'elltl. i;Lylng," which has given us untold In the first phce, the tople has ' been treated bv 83 competent; an t. and then it is leasing te find k t) Era feds se keenly the manifest itv of Its news service. This is lataifi reason for Its eavsge and inter- tcemnemscn ine superior uuueun Wwrrarh service of the Iktelu- rem, and accounts for its absurd nation that this Dacer should liave sated the early and doubtful rumors of ; BapuWlcan victory. What Chairman Qawy aaid that night was ret of any mtequence te Democrats, and the early Opinkms of Chairman Urlce did net Hycti upon the Era blackboard. As Ik,, the Era's characteristic lussr lussr Mem that we knew the t elf grama wm Dublished te be untrue, we might H the lira bad any reputatlonfervcracily, quire hew it knows that we knew this. Of course all readers e the Era realize 'S'tbtt it is probably In the wild incoherence ; silts wrath, thlnklngeftue course it rol rel rol rlewcdin 16S4 when it tried by means of ' m heisted flair kept flylmr for many months it ""te convince people of the election of Mr. , f JWaine, Ab for attempting any cempari- tem with the telegraphle aervlce of tue Mrvnft.T.tnr.vrpii pillinr en that nlffht or &' ether nlcht. the Xao Era tried that k ita sorrow leDg age. Geed wine needs y bush, and these who read nnu compare j jtba two papers knew that of gcnulne tel- fefr,rJ,u,"""':l "" vuu """ "" -'"" ' it Vlr nnitin anA fnl.nltf InllAlfll. tllO JWtO S . VIB .'V. MM .M.....J .www. --. . '& JEra has verv little. The extra published ' before daylight en "Wednesday morning '.imby the Intellieenckk gave all the Im. pertant news found In the Philadelphia Fa papers and contained or eeiu, genuine fei-yt trtoernnhln rentier morn than twice the '',meuntgiven by the Era. The Intel- ?&' Tolving blackboards illuminated by clcc. & trie llaht. and the news chalked upon O them was net obscured by the crawling ipjiormei ineoperaiercopjjuB iruw ivni rjLciatcd Tress messages which had been pumuuy carrieu across me tujic vy overworked boys. By means of its unrivalled telegraphic, ft,, HWiuues unu revumug uumun, mm y,ijic -;i'; was enauieu te give iue uuwa iiiuiui:nj , hether geed or bad, it was never i mmA of If act trdfl ltuinltr Cfllfl tf (lift yVL -ll U JtfcCJUUluaui?f u ua v w.a w .0 flS 7rTnniiii- in cea if thin Ih (run." 7V..I, WMW M.WIlt. W WW - -. ---- LlV fPM nnA ,t.Arn nf lltaca fnnle 11m 111. a u vud uuantue u. tntw " "" ,- rbumoref our contemporary might appear ?k altnna CnH cifrnr a Tl aniihltnntl vlnl .rV. p zr".."."1." '::,;' Sj Dusinme Jigmenne aueve cempiuiBun Ki', . .,n1.l If nil ftM ""' "f""" " "'" ;v 'one te Unload. , Governer Hill, in a speech made last v Thnrflfltiv AVpnlnf fit. Allmnv. ilfrlared t-Kk' iw.a. 1111.- i l.l. ...l. .,,.llel,t.. fWJ kUtlb IUUICW CAIH."U!13U1 W1JU irailiiu; f aheuted free trade nnd attempted te rlde p,''v In the Dimecratlc coach, and whose sup- I., pert hurt President Uleveland mere man C It l.tfilrtml film Wtllfif 1 in 1 1t ll nl 1 Oil 11 !- Thtt frnvernnr was lnvlnff Hifi T)p.nin. ki& cra.Ha national ili-.feat unen the tariff Jl? DWUW ..w .Hrf.ra ...w . ar' nV. I.Mia A.iA tin .(na .iiIIa lnlil rcfk ImllAtta Asaue , uuu uc ntu iuiiu iiiti, no utuofe la thinking tuat theso in our party wne Rj-fe .- hplrl nnd pynrpRP(l pxtrpnin views np.llnst !!? nrnfnetlnn rflil crrunk iliirrvifrp. Ii;rnilln tllfiV ,-W rV.VWVM .. unM-xni.. -..- , j 5y excited apprehension in the minds $5 or tue voters ns te me tiincemy Ev- of th numnenitin ilefensft of nretf ctlen. E'V Bnt finvprnnr Hill nhnnlil liava noted that there was no appearance of such ex treme views during the canvass. They &? were YLiy luuuiy luutiaiiutu .uiui iu ituu ms about the time of the bt. Jieuis ceuveu- tlnn. Imt. iifrpr tlin.illmlnunv! ntiil tlin'n W who professed them, came into tune with theDemecratic choir, and declared that i-jJ, KUCUJItUV Ul IUUU4ILV UCUii.UUt'U UULUU1UB ' protection for our industries, and was 8? wholly antagonistic te froe trade. There ET1 were no free trade utterances 'rem any lv Democratic spokesman of any cense quence during the canvass; and we have y. vreij reason 10 oeneve mat me piny wa3 r-i- Mlnnprplff itnlTPrl nrtl ivnnllv npfinlaanrmr gi Jn the announced policy of " reveuue re- wf ierm- vnai weuiu auequaieiy protect saanufaclurers. j;ven the Intrenlil wat- pf tersen and the fanatical Philadelphia fe Xtcerd sang sweetly In unison with this t democratic opinion ; nnu an me miscnie f Ss they did was done before they came te face the practical question of electing nu B&i Aitmlnfatrnttnn In nnvnm Oin nniirlnr lr ff .......... .K.W. W nW1k.lMhU MUUUIIJ 1U its present situation. Se that we de net have any "extrcm- " whom we need te unload. They bN baveallsbewnthemselvesaensitiln eunuch te work in harmony with the party. i& Avifl f. ftnnnra (n im lnf ti.rlinni n r umiu uuuiimniu ivi; unucvwaai uu leading," In this tariff business in the past. Mr. Randall and I1I9 particular ad herents were deemed extremists, nnd were shoved out in the cold. JJu. they U, nave alaid in the party, refusing te be shut out, and their standing is quite as geed as any, new. The " ex- & ! t. .. . ... i-i ireuiibiB, irem ueui enus coalesced with m the main body of the party, which went te the polls with solid ranks. Defeated it was ; and defeated probably because of the tariff h;ue; but it was net because it Fplit the party, but because it served te check i"' the accessions which were ready te come Kj" te it,by reason of its gee J administration t-.j racera;anu wnicu were uaiteuucu turned K x suiifA ltv f lin 1pwa nnqiinlt. tiifwla lit ffin , --,' T ...'.:. Sf peimcai enemy upon me party w 1111 mis warpianu weapon mat was put into its band. )Uut They Sheiv. The election returns show te us that U Democratic partyenan heuest vete has lest nene of the strength that it had four years age, and that In many sections it has gained votes. If its growth had net been diverted by the tariff alarm we have reason te believe that it would bava swept the country. It gained la New England, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Ohie. In tie cities of llosten, New Yerk, Albany, Newark, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Cleve land and Chicago its majority was greatly tecrtau-d or the Republican majority largely reduced. It carried Connecticut and New Jersey ai It did before. Itie dueedthe majerliy in Pennsjlvaulaand Ohie. la New Yeik alone of the Intern Mates, es we understand, from the KturnJ si far at hand, was the Republican plurality increased. Aud ken it was increased in nearly every ewity ; or the Democratic plurality was 4eercRffd. g universally is this the m hi the state of New Yeik, and ee contrary is this tendency te that shown In the adjoining states, subject te the same natural influences, that we cannot resist the conclusion that there were unnatural influences at work in New Yerk state te produce it. Vfe knew that Chairman Quay Bat down in New Yerk te carry the state by the use of money, with which he was abun dantly supplied for the purpose. We put this well-known cause behind the effect, and we have no trouble in deciding that it produced it. New Yerk was carried by the use of money supplied In un limited quantity for the purpose, and used in every county in the state, as the returns prove as clearly as though the fact was written en them. And this largely serves te explain why Cleveland ran behind the state ticket, of which naturally he would have run ahead, as he did even tn that het bed of protection, Philadelphia ; and hew Gov. 11111 may have been per fectly loyal.netwlthatandlng, te the Dem ocratic electoral ticket. The money may have been wholly applied through Repub lican channels, through which its abun dant flew sufllced te effect its purpose Indiana, the ether close Democratie Btate, had a like deluge of Republican money, and went down under the out pour. And it leeks as though the Vir ginias liad a heavy shower of it. The elec tion returns demonstrate that the Demo Deme Demo crateo national tlcket was beaten by the free and crafty use of money. The agent who achieved the result receives the enthusiastic plaudits of the Republican party, which halls him us the Nupoleen of our politics ; and fitly halls nnd names hltn. lie Is the conquer ing 1 ere, however dastardly the weap ons nnd devices of his victory; ns te which Napo!eon3 nre net scrupulous. Rut the country faces the question ns te whether In the future Napoleonic methods ure te rule its destiny. Such methods shortly will bring their legitimate fruit, In success wen nt any hazird ; and neither la ws or constitution will balk them any inore than they balked Napeleon's usurpation of the Imperial power in France. Think of It. f-ciioer, teachers irem every neetlen of the county will litve tbe freedem of 1-an-caier Una neck. The bright woather will enferce the nmlAble d If position of tLe pedosegup, cnprclally et tbe "achoelraarm" variety, te assert llaelf, and there will he jircllt te oltlzenH nnd vIMtem en this the thirty Bcvenili annual meeting of the Insti tute. Ne ether county can beast of a liner aljedy of educator. m m i A i.n the world seems st peace, but newa cetuta from Kgypl that the followers of the Muliill have attacked thotewu of Wedal, and after a repulee In which they lent 3,000 men, again attacked nnd cartumt the town. The pievlnca of Wady licit went of Datfoer, ntiU coine nlne hundred milts wcit of K hnrtmun.BO that thore la no direct monace otKiiyptbythlHnewvlotoryofthuMahdl.lt la elmply en cvldonce that the power el tl 0 falae prophet, el ecked for tbe Hue at least In its nerinwaid course down tte Nile vat ley, la extending, In tbe direction of tbe vast tcrrltcry claimed by tbe Conge frce state. The reiurn of the Ian at leal warrlera of the Mali ill te an assault that had already becn tried with ae great a lets of ll(o,abewa that the bmue vigor displayed In reilstlnc the Kngllsli will remain the atiaracterletle of the mople living aud lighting under this growing eavage power. It aeems very proh preh proh nble that lu n few ycari tbe ene great powerof central and northern Africa will be the Muhdl, and unicai Keclaad and Italy, with the Conge state, ceme te tbe protection .of Abysalnla, even that power will be overwhelmed by the falae prophet Instead el thin Italy has dene what she ccutd te drive King Jehn te an alliance with hh naturul enemy, and the vlave traders have hailed the Mahdlain great protector. Ti:i.i:(ihaimi peles are annoyleg the merchants or Itiltluiore. A pale wai out down en Friday nnd the cutter arrested. New thore w 111 be n spirited contest between the corporation nnd the tuorehnnts. Tbe latter nre dotermlnod that nalaanees will hiive tn go. The time is coming when wires will net be overhead, Tin: following pleasant aentlments with mero Ilka them are from the pen of Mr, ltltk, el the J'xamiiier ; "The nvorego Demecrat haH n 11 rm belief that all men who de net vete his ticket are thieves, Harp, scoundrels and ballet box alullera. ThChe nre his familiar and favorite terms when speaking of the opposition party. The nvorego Democrat rcada no paper but his own and very little else." He lira further Information te the t licet that the Democracy la an "unorganized mass, full of Impulse and lime, very largely foreign, with a divided lealty either through creed or leve of former laud. It la this capricious ruaea which forms the strength of tbe Demrcratle party iu point of numbers and Its wcahiietp, tee because It la net trusted by the born aud educated Amerlcan." llemSly obKrtesthat he la well aware that iemi) Democrats will get angry at what be brjh, ler he repeats his worn Idea that tienupfeinaey et hit party la due te the work of the common achoels and the puhlle library, As 1 nceakter cannot beast a puhlle library Mr. ltltk might hnve glfen ull the credit for lis Republicanism tu the schools Oh, no; we are net angry, onlyerrowlul at the evidence el mental disorder presentcd bythecbiuid conclusions quoted. When cultured llettcn gives a heavy Democratie uipjerlty veil b large number of the prc prc icsteia in our edit rcs are Democrats the&e siyltigi need net be dignltied by a reply. Tin nu hurfctnt need of a prevision In our municipal law that will enable builders te enter upon adjoining property for the purpose cf performing their duty, lu pto pte pto tte lng tuch Ldjeinlng property from damagu by reason of thelr building, if It Is a fact, ns City Solicitor llrewn say, that thore Is new no such authority ; nor any power In the municipal authorities ta promptly teke possession of a danKereus building cr wall le prevent caUsliepnr, Ac esrdlng te his interpretation, a wu'l ap parently about te fall must be permitted te de as It will, unless the occupant of the preinlee8de3tr(H le permit II te be luadotafe. The l'ellz estate Is erecting a bulldieg en Uhcbtnut street, opposite the 1. it. K. depot. The cellar has been dug, nnd leaca tbe cellar wall of the adjoining hotel ea tbe west, also owned by the estate, In a dangerous condition. The Uniut Mused cnSiturday toaljwtae contractor for tbe building or the owner te enter his cellar for the purpese of sheilng up the iloer and rebuilding the insecure wall. The mayor and city aollulter went around te Mew the premises, talked softly te the Hiloen-Uceper, viewed the wall and con eluded that ttey could net de ntythlng without hie consent. They could send pollcemen up te kee p the peace and pre ent the Inudlerd or tenant from doing vlolence butboyend that the city was powerless; andtLe wall that was likely te fall and bring the building down with it muit be permitted te de se, unlets the landlord could nt getlate with the tenant lertheprlv liege el entering the cellar te prep ue the building. AlU'fwhlah may be geed law, though we doubt it 1 at any rnle It is net right that a builder, 'desiring te de his duty te an adjoining properly, should be thus put at the mercy of the occupant. McaAndUK writes te the l'hlladelph.'a Times a tale of a new paper In Philadelphia te be Issued both morning and erenlrg under the editorial management efUatthew Stanley Quay. On Stanley, en I but dent bank en the management of great paper without the nsa of telegrams of the press associations'. The correspondent eltes lire Bosten Oleht as an example of a paper managed in that way, but the Oleht happens te have the Unlle Frets report, the tame tolfgrapble servlce nted by the lNTELt.raK.xcKn. H OOD'3 BAK.SAPAIUL.1jA. Almest a Wreck It a often the ease that a person gote into a ran down condition, the cauiecf which It Is JaiC4t impossible te dotermlne. Fromnwcar Fremnwcar Fromnwcar ened trstem and lmpnre bleed, mere and mi a (orleut dUerflers appear, nntll the constitu tion breaks down and soma definite pewerfa dlsenae ic&lns a firm held. When that tired foot ing comes en It should be overenme at any cestt Heed's Bsreaparllln fheutd be tskonte levlvethedecllnlng power?, res ter 0 Iheappc lite and vitalise the bleed. , I feci It my duty te tell what I think of Heed's Sarsaparllla , I was in a very peer state of health for sevcral months t for four weeks I was unable te work, and nothing snemed te be what I noednd. My ppttlte was peer, I could net sleep, hid hcaa hcaa ache a irreit deal, pfttns tn the stnnll of the book, my boweli did net move regularly. Why 1 1 seemed almost a completo wroek. In this condition I began te take lfoel's (Ursa partita, and In n short llme it did me se mnch geed that I feet Like a New Maa I can't beiln te Ull all the geed It did me. My pains and aches are relieved, my appetite im proved. IUd I real I red hew mnch ceed n tin gle bettle of Heed's Sarnapirtlla would de me, 1 would gladly have paid ten dollars ler It, X my te ethers who noed n geed medlclnp, try Heed's Sarsaparllla and sce." CIeeruh K. Jack eh, Jlexbury Station, Conn. Heed's BarEepfirilla 80'd by all druggists. II t Mx fcrti. t'reptrcd only py C. 1. 11UUI) A CO., Lewell, Mass. 100 Dosea One Dellar. (i) AKK YOU CONHUMl'1'i.VK T UBK 1'AllKEIl'rt OlNUKltlOVlO without delay. A inni mrdlclnnl ceuipnnnd that cures when all clse falU. His cuud ttie worst cases of Cough, Wrnk I.uniis, Asthma, Indigestion, Inward 1'iiliis, Kxliaiixtlen. In valuatile for Ithttumntlsin. reinalu W'tHknctm. nud ull pains nnd dtserdern of thu Slomueh and ilewuls. r0e. nt lrug(ilstn Kt.OHKSTON 7,01. (HJNK, Most fragrant and Lasting of rcrtumes. 4"e Hmgltj (I) WAKAMAKEH'U "" I'niLADSLruiA, Monday, Nev. It, lbes. It is something te have a Silk stock within your reach that hasn't a hap hazard thing in it. Geed, true, genuine silk-worm Silk, dyed for color only. Picked by a buyer who chances noth ing. One sort that Black Faille Francaise, points the gen eral moral. It has set the ladies talking all ever town. Ne wonder. Perhaps the best value el this sort ever offered in Philadelphia. Whit win tl.71ls nnwi SJ Wint wfui-lfoidtiewtl 81 M hit was VI Mis new (1 7A hit wns IVi Is new li no V tiiit n as UM Is new tl 10 Warranted net te slip ; rich, lustrous. Every lady knows these Failles. The hard thing te sense is that fifty cents or a dollar a yard can be dropped from such a reliable, all-thc-time Silk if everything is right. Everything isn't right. But the trouble isn't with the Silk, it's back of them. At the rate they're going the end isn't far oft, and then old prices again. Weit Transept. We are doing mere than ever with Table Cutlery. The stand by sorts are always here all and plenty el them, and every litde while we get held of lets where price has no bearing en quality. Here are some desir able things third and half under the market : Celluloid Handles : (1 Dlnnir KnUei. fjndrreu SI tU llruakftiu Kmvi'D, l ai a dozen si ne'uttt Knlvus, (.'.73 u d zen tUTGCurvu and lei'B, tl Vi Ivery Handles : I Carvtir and Ferk, 12 J( Uc.wrt Kulve, tiudczrn Carver, Tork nnd Meol, Carvt'd Walrus iiandlts, 15 ler the thiee piccm Everything in the Cutlery way that hotels, cafes, boarding bearding houses, or private families need. ccind llecr, near centre. The Bible that Jehn Milten used may be seen in the Boek Department. In a glass case and open at a page made mere precious by the name of the author ei Paradise Lest. All the Holiday Beeks are marshalled. Never se easy a time te cheese among them as before the Holiday rush. Last December one hundred and forty-six book sales persons were at times put te it te serve visitors. Yeu can pick new from a full stock and only here and there a place where ether folks' elbows will at all bother you. Boek waifs are turning up every new and again. Here are nine sets ei Appleton's American Cyclopedia, a little out of order as te bindings, mostly for less than half price : IsM, cle-h, ltels,l.e S te'-, ciMli 1 vel. aud Index, fj) 4 i U, bcui, ltl vels, una Index. 112 2sei;,sbrp. nivilfitn 1 Hit, lislf iiiorerao, le e!s (in lkit.ahMp, 1UmM , imlex, ntd 12 nu nu nu cualj,j.Ua.oeidir,lS0 In all this sea of books Boek Nuws shines for all, like a light house. November number (64 pages) has portrait of Prof. J. B. McMaster. 5c, 50c a year. Kcir Thtittenti strcst etitlunce $2.50 and $3 a pair was the price of Men's Old Geld and Red Plush Opera Slippers. Werth it. First class in every way. Chenille embroidered, quilted insoles, chamois lined, hand-sewed. They've dropped te $1.75. You'd pay that for Slippers that seem common place beside them. Market street lrent, wen of ilalu Aisle. JOHN WANAMAKER.n TOBACVO. QLD HOHKSTX. INOUK FOrULAKBftAMD Old lenestu Will be found a combination net always te be had, A riKK QUALtTT (K ILUn TOBACCO AT A HKAtONAUL 1'BIOJ. Loek for the red H tin tfssT ea oueh plug, EIRST-OLASS ARTICLE IN Chewing Tobacco. UO.N'XrAILTO GtVB OLD HONESTY A FAllt TBIAL. Ask your dealer for it. Don't take any ether. JNO.FINZER&BROS. L.OUIBVIL.t.B, KY. UVOTU AKV ene mm. A N ADMITTED FACT. That tte prices we quote nre the very lowest nt which a Koed.ieiviccnhlo shoe can be sold for. Indies' Jlutten Shoes at ll.ffl. tl re, fl 7S. Tliose shoes nra made lu Uougelu, Kid nnd l'clilile Levlier. Men's f-hrns at l M (l.rn nnd tZOO. Belld Lnnthpr, tu liuttan, Lace and ueuurtei, Bread liinl Harrow 'loe. Unis'Khncs. slats 11 te2,nt7V, 11.00 and It .! And 111 Btes3ie8, ll.ojteti.w. JIlMeiB Mi 003 rretn a dollar up, heel and spilnghcd H. Swllkey's New Cash Stere, NO.51N0UTH QDKKN STBKKT. CtUSrcd F OOT WKAK. Ready New I Yes, NOW KEADV, with uiy Cornptete ftoete of HOOTS, HUOK8 and ltUHHKUS (or lall ana Winter Wear. Naver berore dldl have surh a l.urire and Varied htecK et the Very Best that the Market AlTnrds and Marked and Quick SeIIIdk rlces. Alse 1 cM our atteutlen te uiy $3.00 GILT EDQE SHOE. This Is ene et the best Thice-Dellar Shee fir men tliut Is lnnde te-day. Cull and see them t It beats nil ethers. D. P. STACKHOUSE, (ONK-miCESTOUU.) 3B & 30 HABT KING, ST. LANUABTKB. l'A. a-lydA TJOOrs AND HUOUS. WE AUE ItErAILIKQ BOOTS - BOOTS AT WHOLESALE PKICES, Hew Can We De It? KOUMAYAbK: WIS WILL EXPLAIN. Alter the last Beet Sraien we beuqlit fllty nlnn (Si) Ciues et Youths' Beys' and Men's lKwits t a 1'ilvHle AeslKnieKalf, for Spot uash, at such ftxcecdtnirly I ew Prices thitt we can new sell ycra thorn Untall at Uckjular Wholesale l'i Ices, and j et rnake pretlt enough te keep us atlve. We Can Sell Yeu: Youths' Belld Kip Beets, sites 11 te 13, ter VS rexnlnr price, tl 60 aud 11.73. Heys' lte.ivy Knets, sizes 1 te 0, ler tl.OO, tl 25, tl r-0. tt.75 anrtVue. Men's Solid Kip Beets, sizes 6 tn 11, II GO, IU3 and sioe i iVKiilar price, $t ee, tisa and liw. Our Beets ler 11.60 and SS.te we defy anyone In the county or et&te te beat ler Irit, Dura bility and t'llcii. We could mauii an immense JpreOt en tliose 69 Cases of Beets by soiling them at the old prices, but our inolte U Oaick Sales end Small Profits, We have stnek te it, and te our " Bule"of Klvlnt; our customers tne udvatitnif" or our purchases. We hve the largest stock of LadU-s', Bllrsns' and Children's Heavv Luce and Itatten h tux s for full aud Wlnter Wear In thuclty, (which we dely any et our competi tors te dlsptiU) at puces te suit the times. Cell In te ste thorn whether you wish te pur chase or net, us we consider It no trouble te Bhew goods at the prices we sell them. The One-Pi ice Cash Heuse, ft & m The Leaders of Lew Prices -IN- BOOTS 8c SHOES Ne. 3 Est HiiiR Slreut, UANOABTE1U l'A. -9tore closed nvrry nvcult e at e p. in. ex. cept Suturdaj uud Meuday. UMiriiJAIf. TIiV PANTALOO.N 1'ATTKhNd, OVERCOATING. Llbiir ANBIIK VVYNKWIMI'OUTATIONS US' blHilNUb AC McGrann & Newlen's, MKIIOH tKTTAlUmS, NO, 4t WKBT KlNQSTUKKr. FN w yALUKJ Satisfaction Is what has Riven me the extensive natrensKO I luvuitcelvid from tlm public Myltuoef KerelKiiand liuiuis tests uuuiriiaaata in the thj city. , tlCES AWAY 1JOWN, AS USUAU TROUSERS I SeeeiM attention Is eilled te my Tremert, In which t lend ASKEW, Tailor, NOB. 34 AND WEST KINO HTiiKKT, e27mar,a DRY U OODS. pRIUK lilST. BAED &"lcELE0T, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen St., (Opposite Veuatala Inn ) PRICE" LIST : W i name ft few cf the many birgalai w an OtTetlOtf RHAWLB. Jheutder Sbawls at Je, n, te, an fl re ett aed np. pins; eabawis at it oe. ai.e,fi m,$i. aandup. Ueuhle Bbawis at ll, uee.W, M te, 14 and np. .vW"JH" an' hcnB w beat these goods at turn pnes). BT.ANKSTS. 13 and up pi r pur. UNDWRWaAB. Children's Un'srwear. smallest slaN starts ?X ..i """''"''''no.Jaeana up, according te siie and quality. Lsdija' Meriue Underwear at He, Me, ten, 7!e and up. Our asoqeallty Is all we claim ler lt.a8aegrdf.and It shows It by the way wa are s-ltln j thorn. ..i?1' W1.".1 "edlea'ed Unflerwear at 7e. II, tl and imm our ll . number wilt com pare with any thing heretofore sold at H. .tJJJI,? Unjerwear in white or colored atMc, 17Kb. (00 and up. ., .?i'.fJMl.eiJJ,alcatea Unaerwear, bes, 75c, U'l!.?..n0 ,L,7H Camel' Ualr ana Natural Weel at low prices. FLOOR OIL OLOIH. ?& yfi$.wJ haTe established ea Fleer and Table oil Cleth, we venture te say, has never been equalled by any otter house. We have the reputation and we mean te kwp It, of tell lng 1 ha best wearing, beat seasonedeu Cleth that uver was sela lur the money. 'WINDOW BHADH3. Plain or Dade f had tt, .best goods, spring flxtutcf, at tee each. DRBSB GOODS. Fxtra bargains In Dress Geeds from lie per yara tell, lu ail the latest stylet and shades. GLOVM3. MensOleyesat!O,249,4B0,65,7S cU aed VP:. V.e eaa wpeclal attention te ourJBe Weel Knit Gleve, ask te see It, and If you think yen ever bought anything better ler lets than Wp don't buylt. We carry an Immense stock of Uleves. Watch fir enr advertisement and prices el Gloves. Impossible te give It newt spsce will net allow. Ye spII goedi en smslt prefltt. TTeadver Use w lii two get. Whim you come for ltyeu getlu Who else Is under as small an expense ns we are only K square from Centre t We tan sell goods en small prenu, and we de, BARD &McELaOT, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen St t (Opposite Fountain Inn) 1HE 1'KOPliK'S 0A8H BIORE. Plush Sacques, Plush Jackets, Plush Medjeskas. High Class I'liiBbea Ouly at Unusually Lew Prices. Our Stock of riuah Garments is worth your while te Inspect if you contemplate purchasing anything in this line this season. Alse alt the Popular; Styles in Cleth Garments for Ladies, Misses and Chil dren. The People's Cash Stere, IiO. 25 BASI KINO STREET, LANUAXXU, f A. merlMydAw J. D. MAKT1N dc UO. Certicenes, Lineleums and Oil Cleths. These who have used CORTICENE m a lloer ceveiln knew its value for ex treme service. Price, J1.00 a yard. All the Newest Patterns. LINOLEUMS, We are showing all the desirable pat terns made in Lineleums, and the 60c grade will out-wear three Oil Cleths that sell for the same price. OIL CLOTHS Frem the lowest price te the best qual ity. The 5s quality is the same that is Beld everywhere at 30c a yard, Queenswara Department. ARLINGTON DINNER SETS, in ten different decoratleus are tnking the lead. Call and examine them. LAMLJS. The well kuewu Rochester Lamps t.t reduced prices. COO Lampi with hand, painted bowls and shades and deub'e burnere, 2.00 each ; worth S3 00. Our assortment of low priced lamps is com plete and range from 10 i each up. J.B. MARTIN, & CO. TALACM or rABBIOtt. yBTKlCH'fl FALAUK OF FAJ9I110N. s ASTRtrU'C none 1 PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East Kine Strut. Lancaster, Pa. An zarly reduction in the prices ei Dress Trimmings at the very time when evervbedv is en the lookout for thenv Hverybedy must have them, and there is no need te wait until the season is ever, ler we have made the reductions alreadv. . Our stock of Trimmings is large, much larger than we had expected or wanted. We are full and we must unload. New is your chance." Read the reductions. All our Braid Sets and Panels, black, colored or fancy, regard less of color or style, whether they sold fast or slew, reduced te cost. Price 50c reduced te 39c; 75c reduced te 58c; $1 te 79c; $1.25 te 98c; $1.50 te $1.19; g2 te $1.37; $2,50 te $1.98; $3 te $2.38. Braid Epaulettes, reduced from 50c te 39c. Fancy Braids, Braid Trim mings, Cord Trimmings, and Fancy Gimps. One let reduced te 5c a yard. One let reduced te 10c a yd. One big let reduced te 25c a yard. We call special attention te this last let, as it consists of all goods and most desirable styles and colors, such as were sold at 75c and $1 a yard. There is no room for them in our store. They must go. All our Colored Silk Che nille Fringes for Wraps, at 25c. a yard; former price 50, 75c and $1. One let of remnants of Black Silk Wrap Trimmings, reduced te 25c a yard; short pieces for merly sold 75c te $1.25 a yard. Black Braid Ornament Trim wings, 5' te 6 inches wide, re duced from 75c te 50c a yard.) Heavy Silk Cord Ornament Trimming, wide, reduced Irem 75c te 50c a yard. One let of extra fine Black Braid Trimming, silk net work, reduced from $1.25, $1.50 te 75c a yard. Bead Fronts and Sets reduced from $1.50 te $1.25; $2 te $1.50; $2.75 te $2.25; $4.50 te $3.50. Large Bead Cord Ornaments, reduced from 25c te 10c a yard. ASTRlCH BROS. QUlCtiXtJWAJtlS. H 1QU & MARTIN. DECORATED CHINA -AT- CHINA HALL We have just received our Fourth Fall Importation et HAVILAND Decorated French Ohina. Dinner and Tea Sets in the best deco rations for the least money ever offered In this or any ether market. Fuddleg, Chocolate, Ice Cream, Selitair and Game Sets, Decorated Plates and Teas, Biscuit Jars, Cheese and Butter Dishes, A. D. Coffees, Berry Dishes, &c. Carlebad China Dinner Sets quality and style of decoration the best In the maiket. Trices the Lewest. The Rochester Lamp has has no equal. Try one and be convinced. High & Martin, Ne.5Ea8t King St. ccirMia lOVOmVVttXtMtHMtt utu. c Atib AND BKK -Till ROCHESTER LAMP SlztyCanOle-Ligbti Uftau them all. Anether Let el cheap glebus ter daa aeu ou Btevea. xbb "PHaraoneH" UBTAJj MOULDING lb BOBBBB OUSHtOJI WE ATRER STRIP ueata them alLTThU atnp entwean all ether Emu eat the cola, btep rattling et wtnaewa, Xzcfnae the ansU Keep ent snow ana rmln. Anyone can apply It no wait or dirt made tn applying It. Can be nttea arwhere-.ne holes te bore, ready for nae. It 111 net ipllt, warn or ahrtiik- onahlen itrlp la the matt (, At the Burns Heater ana Bast atena -or-; Jehn P. Sehaum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUBBN ST., LAMOAAXUU FA. CLOTB1NU. (1LOTHINGM CLOTHING! L, Qansman & Bra, CLOTHING! Clothing! Clothing! WE WILL BAT YOU MONEY. -J??" boyrenradf any Butt or Ovareeat without looking at enr geed. Met aatnaie fPSSPi.'J?.0.'" ; "Sat net wil.b" f'thlDg thit U chtantjr or pnerly BtaOa. aatt alltobetejd en enrVmaUeii-maklDcmlier. Bereral flellara leai than yen would bara te pay at any ether atom ler tbe aame aoeOi. HrAr the Facts. pe.rv,isHiriViis.T8r rtu- Merchant Tailoring. L GANSMAN A BRO., MA UFA CTUBKBa OW Men's, Bejs and Children's Clothing, B. W.COBHXUMOBTII QUCKN AND OBAHQK BTKEETa.LAKGABMB, PA. M YKRH dc KATHFOH &00D CLOTHING -AT- I0W PBIOES ! Xrenrbeay aayentces CHEAP CLOTHING, tu.ore8a7eTjnoVrnt'to,S.TeVohae"?nOM: EXCELLENT QUALITY 00HBI5KD WITH REASONABLE PRICES. ..I1'8 ""W1 of Belfale Clothing, but It'a the wear that proves It It's taiy te talk of Cfceap nothing, but It's the quality ana prloe oemblaea that tell whether Clethes are cheap or net. Who Wanta Lew Prleea If They Don't Get Geed Value for 1 heir Meney? MAKB YODR INVESTMENTS WITH OS. AND Q KT GOOD. RELIABLE OLOTHING, AT VERY MODERATE FIGURES. .r.HJni,,?."onrJrtce,'anrt lf y na thorn tee high we'll net bone yen te buy. Myers & RatMm, UKL1ABLK CLOI111KU3, NO. 12 BAST KINO ST.. LAXOABTXK FA. H lRbH A BKOrHEK. $10. $10. PRICES ARE DOWN. Institute Week ! WE ARK READY FOKYOU. & Cheap articles are net always the best articles, but our $10 Suits are worth fully $3 mere than we sell them at, making them unapproachable by ethers for the same money. Pifly different styles const!, tute the variety. We have them in Ca88imereg and Cheviots for business wear, and in Worsteds, Corkscrews and Diagonals for dress. Such beautiful garments have never been offered before for the price. Yeu may ask hew we can de it. It li easily explained. We have the ad vantage ever houses who de net manufacture their ownCIetbing. This is always why our jm'cc are the leutst te be found in the city. Our Merchant Tailoring de partment is busy with Overcoat orders. A fine Melten Cleth te order for $15 Is taking the lead ; $20 is our price for a fine H 0 D D Fur Beaver ; $20 buyB finest Chinchilla te order. the HIRSH & BROTHER, Leidicg Clothiers & Merchant Tailors, CORNER OF N QUEEN8T.&OENTRESQUARH, LANCASTKU, l'A. $10. $10. JUST OPENED LEATnini GOODS, rocket Uoeka, l'ure, Card Caies. Nete Koeti, Letter Catra, l'eckel Companion, Cigar Cawe, a c , In large variety et deil-ni at lewmt uneer. flljULKX'S KAST END rilAUHACT, (Oppoalte Eaatern Market.) Silk Cevering Bettlef, Vrsei, Cologne Bot Bet tles iTalley'i Bj rap ulncdroet. Wild cherry ana llcrebruna U the best ter eianpaana colas 1 10. 80 ana 00 cent. M.n,Bw HIRSH BROTHER XsHstx