Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 12, 1888, Image 1

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Largs Attendane or Keekers aad TMIr
rrteads-Ceaaty BapsttataadMt tMefcl's
Address Aatwettag ta entlei at tun
Conventien'sThe Scheel Exhibit.
The thlrly-ievsnth annual session at lbs
Laneaster county teachers' Institute wai
opened at tbe mart house te-day. Tela
morning wu Uken np lathe enrollment el
teacher and np te neon tbe number en the
rella was 651 tetebers and 75 who we
re'. teieher. Tbe secretary and bla as
sistants were kept baiy all morning, bat
everything wte se arstematleally arranged
that then waa no een fusion, Aa each
teeeber wu enrolled ha or ahe received a
card, tbla waa preasnted te Mr. Yeeker and
his assistanta and aeata were secured ler the
evening lectures.
Theinatltute waa formally opeeed thle
afternoon with an addreia by County Super
lntendent Breeht. He aald:
Yeu are familiar with tbe faet that there
la a general feeling in tbe publle mind that
teachers' Institutes sre net success, Met
a few ate disposed te go a step further and
proneunoe thorn a failure. While etbera
snrienely doubt tbe wisdom of closing the
schools and spending time and money te
consider tbelr Interests In a general conven
tion of the teachers. These different opin
ions de net arise from nothing. Tbeyare
grounded upon several things directly con-
-...mwu nun no KluniU M1U lUlIHjn Ol U38
publle sobcels.
Tbe first source of opposition
arises from tbe singular prejudice
still bti bored by some Individuals
and communities against tbe schools
and their usefulness. This spirit
of antagonism te the cobeols naturally
breeds a spirit of war against a teaeaeta' In
atitnte whose primary object is te promote
educational work. These maloententa are
few In number, yet have sufficient voice in
some localities te rxelte a suspicion and
"tens of small talk" against the object of
their attack.
A second and mere pepularclement may
be found wboae faltb fn tbe schools 1 or
thodox but wbese sentiment la against
teachers' institutes. The peculiar view
which Is held by this portion of our people
la but seen when it la remembered that
wblle it believes the school as necessary as
tbe eburcb, law, medleine, or oemmeroe,
yet it sanctions meetings and associa
tions of all these bodies until It
reaches tbe teachers when te the sur
prise of any reasonable mind its moral
courage falls and Jt preaches a ernsade
sgalnst tbe felly and extravagance of teach
ers engsgl ng in a practice which It approves
as oemmendable and Important for sll
ether professions. Mew It would puzzle
tbe ordinary mind te discover anything in
logic or etbies why teachers in their pro
fession Bheuld net be sccerded the same
privileges that are granted without ques
tion or veto te ether lines of labor and liv
ing. But tbe little mother wit that we all
iunerlt In oemmon Is suifie'ent te explain
tbe distinction made In pointing it out aa
tbe arbitrary ruling of a surviving preju
dice. Here the matter would naturally rest
were It net for tbe faet tbat back of the pre
judice several sources are discovered that
feed and pamper it te a certain extent The
most Influential of these Is a complaint
against tbe value of Institutes that is en
couraged if net dlreeted by the members
themselves. Wltbeut any particular griev
ance there seems te be a disposition or a
most unfortunate bablt frequently among
teachers te disparage tbe eflerts and the
Instruction of tbe Institute and te convey
the Impression abroad by speech or ao'.len
tbat ita geed results may be honestly
denbted. Me motive may exist te hsrm or
prejudice tbe cause, yet en tbe principle
tbat we rely upon tbe physician te diagnose
tbe disease or the attorney te knew tbe
quillets and technicalities of tbe law or the
minister te expound tbe principles el
Christianity with authority, se tbe publle
expects a teaeber te knew mere ana talk
wiser about teachers' institutes than any one
e'se. Therefore It fellows tbat every mem
ber or an institute Is challenged with the
significant fact tbat he is responsible In a
larger degree for its moral and financial
support than any one outside of tbe mem
bership. The application of tbli simple
faet abeuld caution members against
the bsnelul praetlce of promlseuous
comments where sueb grave Interests
as tbe welfare of the publle
schools Is at stake, and furthermore ahenld
Impress them with tbe spirit and example
whieb the members of every successful
fraternity must pledge themselves te put
into its business and record. Unless ite
feeling is shared in common tbat tbe In
stitute's light la eaeh and everjece's
fight, there Is of necessity a vague sense el
responsibility and lndillerent ambition for
Objectionable features are found in the
management and exercises of these bodies.
These mnst be corrected by the numbers.
Bat tbls should be done by Judicious criti
cism, In tbe way open te all exeeutiye
bodies and net by agitating It In plaees
where It ferments only a spirit ofsntsgenlsm.
Free and unresirleteu criticism given at a
time and place wben Its value can be tested
la alwajs wholesome and in order. And
every healthy, Intelligent organization
aa we claim a teachers' Institute te
b, never shuns, but always invites
honest criticism frcm til sources;
bat It Is a serious blunder te mistake tbe
tbengbtless talk and gossip wbieh pulls
down and blocks the wsy of progress for
tbe open, manly criticism tbat seeks te
build up.
A third ereund of orpesltlon te teachers'
Institutes is the claim that the character of
tbelr work Is net what it should be. If
tbese critics tre asked what It should be,
the answer Is some glittering generality
that is as clear as the Sphinx's riddle. It
Is safe te ssy. however, tbat tbls notion Is
held largely because tbe nature of tbe work
te be done and of tbe work done at tbese
meetings Is net understood, nor Is It aa
easy te understand as tbe gain and less In
any ordinary business transsctlen. it
would be a strange proceeding tbat would
enable a man who baa only given Inci
dental thought te a matter te knew mere
about or even as mneb aa tbe man who baa
given bla whole time and thought te
ihe subject, Yet tbls Is the point In
tbe criticism; tbe individual who gives
his lervlces te tbe cause Is called te account
by another who occasionally leeks that
way. However, it Is admitted, and obeer ebeer
fully admitted, for Institutes claim te be
progressive, tbat tbe work at teaehetV con cen con
vintleas is net wbatweexptet It te be in
future, but this critlelsm applies with equal
feres te all public bodies, and hence If they
are entitled te the confidence and support
of the publle wby sbeuld teachers' institutes
be crowded eat of the king's highway into
tha weeds ?
As already Implled.the Ideal teachers' In
stitute has new been held and what la still
batter, It never will be held. Yet this fact
be Masen te be disaeurBKtdt no te Jeel
Ik) tbe present Institutes an net Held days
uisstneasleeal work reaching out te every
grade of teachers of high aad low profs prefs profs
saeaftl degree, sad tasptrteg them with
nobler else aad loftier ideals. What tbe
character of the work at these
aheald be la what educa
ters are trvlaa- te find eat as fast
as, brains aad expertonee eaa point
out the way. It this thing were
a millionth part a easy aa son
people would bavs us Issagtaa that it is
tbese meetings would anticipate tha
mlUenlum aad would have te be held ea a
farm te accommodate tha people.
Perhaps it ts Bearer the truth when we
remark that there la net be much wrong
with tbe ehsracter of the work as with tha
spirit la which It la eftea viewed and
received. Tha modest ratad which seeks
te knew mere because 11 feels the need or
it will find ample prevision te gratify Its
laudable purpose, white the Pharisaical
humor tbat comprehends the whels and all
the amendments will return home be
wleer than It cam a. Let net any of ns
commit the felly that because we have bean
attending institute for a dozen or mere
years therefore It Is ae longer of any help
te ns though It may be very helplul and
Instructive te new teachers. Dees net tbe
old oak, with Its.theusand arms, asslmlla'a
mere sunlight, air and moisture than when
it was a tender sapling T And shall It be
aid taai tne eiaer leaenerv, tnee wne were
In the strength and maturity of years, are
net benefited as rnueh at ateeehera'meetlng
as the beginners T Oemmen sense and tbe
lawa of growth oeuvlot the Idea aa false and
en the contrary teach us tbat where all
things are equal the teacher who attended
longest Is the member tbat ought te learn
the most. The net gain In eaeh case la
determined by the disposition, the mental
maturity, the Intelligent application and
net by a longer or shorter stewardship In
the profession.
Superintendent Breeht, who presides,
announced the following as the officers and
committees of tbe Institute :
Vice presidents : Hup'L R. K. Bnebrle,
city; B. H. BefJmin, Oelnmbls; M. W.
Metsjer, Lltliz, and W. JR. Nauman, Man
helm, Seeretsrlna : A. R. Stamy, city ; J, H,
Heffman, Ellstbethtewn,
Treasurer : J. P. McCaskey, city.
Auditing committee : J. F. Eppler, East
Hempfield ; Geerge Davidsen, Karl ; J. F.
ADgie, voney.
Committee ea Keiolutlens : K. M. Allen,
Mt. Jey ; Mrs. Mary lb Blackburn, Utile
Britain ; Mlsa Rebecca Sauerbeer, Colum
bia ; Miss Mary Msrtln, city ; Miss Carrie
E. Myers, West Hempfield ; Scott White,
East Hempfield ; J. R. Hunseeker, Para
dise. Committee en Neurology : I. N, Blean,
But Liimpeter ; A. U. lusher, Ksphe; Jehn
A. Hern. West Hsmnflelrt : Mlas A nees
Costelle, Maner ; Mlsa Laura Hess, Dru Dru
mere. Committee te oenduct election of com
mittee en permsnent certificates : J. P.
Hnrobleretb. Eat Denees! : Cvrua Dibble.
Warwiek ; W. H. Blnear, Peine,
Superintendent Breebt has leased tbe
third fleer of Ksblerasn's building, and In
It will be placed the work of the several
schools of the county. Tbls room will be
open te the publle eaeh dsy of tbe institute
Irem 8 o'clock in the morning until
Rev. Jeseph Cook will deliver the open
ing lecture of the evening course at tbe
opera beuse tbls evening. His subjeet Is,
"Deth Death Knd Aa" The Iowa City
ZW&une says that "he la convincing,
logical and tbengbtful. Bound by no sec
tarian ties, be waa under no restraint him
self, and bis bread open views of tbe great
questions of our existence bring with them
the revelation of a spiritual planeoftneught
above and bejend tbe con fines of ordinary
mind. "
Congress Id Doubt,
A careful recapitulation of tbe authentic
returns se fsr received from tte oongres eongres oengres
slonsl elections gives tbe Democrats 1G1
dlstrlets, tbe Republicans IDS, and
leaves 6 doubtful, namely : First dlstrltit
of California, Thompson, Dem., and Da.
haven Rep ; Fourth Couneetlout dlstrlet.
Miles, Rep, and Heymeur, Dem. ; Second
Louisiana district, Elliett, Dem., and Colo Celo Cole
msn, Rep. ; Tenth Mleblgan district, Fisher,
Dem., and Wheeler, Rep ; Ninth North
Carolina district, Johnsten, Denufc and
Kwarr, Hep., and tbe First Virginia dls
tritt, Browne, Rep , and Kendall, Dam.
It tbe Republicans carry five et these six
districts they will have 103 votes, which la
a bate msjerity. If tbe Democrats carry
two of the six tbey will have 103 vetes, aud
tbe msjerity. It is therefore, tbe closest
Congress tbat bss been seen for some time,
end the only one for years tbat has con
tained no Independents, All are elassed as
Democrats or Republicans,
Hate, et our Property,
Geerge Huater, auctioneer, sold the fol
lowing real estate belonging te tbe
aulgned estate of Henry Burger, at the
Cor par house, en Saturday evening :
Ne. L The dwelling house en Seuth
Queen street, occupied by tbe late Ames S.
Urban, ler f 4,050.
Ne. 2. A two story dwelling beuse en
Seuth Queen street, near Woodward Hill
cemetery, for fl.&OO,
Ne. 3. A two story dwelling house, ad
Joining Ne. 2, for 1,600.
Ne. 4. A heuss and let of grcund en
North Mary street, for (1,800.
Ne. 0. The dwelling beuse en Columbia
avenue, occupied by Henry Burger, for
Ne. 0. A earpenter shop adjoining Ne. C,
for 1900. Frank I'eltler was the purchaser
of all the properties.
Dipped In lb Greek.
About two thousand people gathered at
Relgarl's landing, en the Conestegs creek,
Sunday afternoon te witness tbe immersion
of seversl colored people, who sre members
of tbe Faeglejsvllle cburcb. Tbe air was
quite chilly and raw, but tbls did net
frighten the eandldater, who were Jonathan
Sweeney, Themas Dlggs, Annie A.
Sweeney, Mary Myra Sweeney, Maggie
Carsen, Ojear Oermsn and Jaoeb Yellets.
The services were conducted principally
by Rev. B. W. Ferd, tbe blind preacher et
Fert Washington, Montgomery county,
and Deacon Edward Sayler, et tbe First
Baptist church of Columbia. Tbe
Immersion was oenduoted by Ed
ward Hunter and Mr. Sweeney,
Tbe crowd In attendance manifested a great
Interest In the services.
I'uijdlf r. Stria at Naeuu.
Sevbert's rolling mill, at Naemi, Berks
oeunty, employing ever 2&0 hands, was
thrown Inte ldleners en Sslurday. A new
puddle bete named James Andersen, of
Columbia, was employed, te whom tbe
puddlers objected and they refused te work
under him. 1 he action caused a stoppage
of tbe entire mill. Tbe iron trade is brisk
and It Is hoped by the management tbat
the men will reoenslder tbelr action and
resume work next week. They have a labor
union grievance against Andersen,
Dedications et Cburcb and Ncboel.
Tbe United Brethren church at Silver
Springs waa dedicated en Sunday. Ser
vices were held at 0:30 a. m. and 7 p. m.
and were In charge of the presiding elder
of the district.
Tbe new school house at Akren was ded
icated en Saturday evenleg. Tbe sddrws
wis delivered by Prof. E. Oram Lyte and
tbe music was fnrnlihed by tbe Akrrn
Seng Circle.
A Peculiar Leaf.
Ell Roberts,' or Washington borough, an
extensive tobacco raiser, bis discovered a
peculiar lest In bis crop. In addition te tbe
regular leaf an extra leaf baa grown te tbe
stem, forming a perfeet pocket. The leaf la
quite cariesity,
While the Weman was Asleep Bar Siajei
tlsesaa , splitting Her Head The
AiMMln Flees, net I. Osptered
andB. Admit, the Killing.
Portland, Conr., Ne v. 12 Mrs. Kllen
Cooper, aged 82, was found by a servant
girl In tied tbls morning with her head
badly cut with an axe. Tha weapon was
found lying ea a pillow covered with bleed.
The woman's husband la a harnessmaker
and had been working la a shop In
Merlder. He came home two weeks
age, and aald he waa ent en a
strike. UIs wife mlatrusted hlu state
ment, and wrote te the Arm. Tbey
replied tbat he had been discharged for
neglecting his work, snd ibat If be would
return be would be given work. Mia
Cooper urged him te go back, saying she
oeuld net support the family. Cooper was
drunk Frldsy and Saturday, but sober
yesterday. He prepared te go te work. Ha
bad quarreled with his wife, and had been
reading an account et tbe Wblteehspel
murder and was greatly exelted. She told
a neighbor that he said he would fix her
before Monday morning se m she would
net trouble him sny mere.
On Saturday night Mrs. Cooper went te
tbe posteffles and showed an open letter,
claiming that the letter had been opened in
tbe posteGloe. The postmaster said tbit
tbe letter was In perfect order when he
psased It out te her little boy a few moments
before. She was greatly excited and made
some insulting remarks, drawing quite a
The murderer was srrested in Middle
town tbls morning. He gave the letter
te the chief et police, acknowledged tbe
killing of bis wlfe and said the letter
Justified bis act, as It was from a preml.
nent business man In East Hampton and
abewed tbat bis wife was unfaithful.
Cooper Is In JsIL He ssys he waa
sober wben be committed the deed. He
went te bed with tbe axe handyand waited
until his wife wss asleep. He then get up,
struck her a blew which stunned her and
then finished the work with the edge of tbe
axe. When he was eatltfled she was dead
he tied and was arrested.
Reports et lb Yield Made te the Department
el agriculture,
Tbe returns of the yield of corn msde te
the denartment of sericulture Indicate a
yield rer acre quite aa large as that of 18SS
and larger than any ether crop since tbat of
1880. The aggregate, grown en a larger
area, will exceed tbat of any previous
American product, being very olese te 2,
OCO.000,000 uusbels, or about 32 bushels per
capita. The aversge yield of tbe corn sur
plus states per esplta Is as fellows : Oble,
.15.2 bushels; Indian, 35; Illinois, 30 2;
lows, 37; Missouri, 31; Kansas, 27, snd
Nebraska, 30 These seven states produce
04 per cent, of tbe crop segregate. Tbe
Beneral average will fait somewhat under
27 bushels.
There Is a geed supply et mstzs In nearly
all parts of tbe Bemb, ae tbat comparatively
little will be required from tbe Weet, Tbe
yields et the Atlantte states are moderate,
seriously reduced by frost en the northern
After three years of low yields, potatoes
give sn average of about eighty bushels per
sere, or nearly the rate of yield et 1870
The averages of prominent potato growing
states are aa follews: Maine, 110 bushels;
New Yerk, 82; Pennsvlvanls, 82; Oble, 80;
Michigan, 7D; Indians, 75; Illinois, 80; lows,
00; Minnesota, 03; Dakets, 80; Nebraska,
80. Tbe yield baa been increased In tbe
Seuth. It Is high In tbe northern belt of
territories. The total product, en the bssls
of tbese avers gen, Is about 105,000,000
bushels, or 01,000,000 mere thau tbe
estimated produetof 1887.
Tbe average yield et buckwheat Is ap
proximately 12 bushels per acre, and tbe
crop neai ly 11,000,000 bushels The sversge
for New Yerk In 11 bushels; Pennsvlvanls,
II; Michigan, 12 C; Indians, 114; Illinois,
12 0; Wisconsin, 0 C; Mlnnosetn, 11; lows,
10 7; Ksneas, 0.6; NebraiKS, 11 3.
Hay Is a crop slightly above the average
In yield, or 1.22 tena per aero. It has been
nowhere seriously injured by drought.
There Is a strong tendeney te Increste of
area In tbe Seuth, and tbe yioldsupen
cultivated areas, rather than natural
meadows, ate'relatlvaly large.
A Flgbt Over Telegraph Pele..
William Reed, a prominent business
man and a member of tbe firm of Morten.
Reed A Ce., of Baltimore, was arrested
en Saturday, charged with maliciously
destroying the property et tbe Inter
national District Construction com
pany. The case, which will be beard
en Thursday, is sn outcome et the fight
of the merobsntsef tbedry goods district
sgalnst tte telegrsph poles. Tbese poles
have been a nuisance In tbat locality ler a
long time, and wben tbe construction com
pany a few days age planted a pole In the
pavement before the store of Morten, Reed,
&. Ce., tbe firm came te tbe conclusion tbat
forbearance bad ceased te be a virtue. A
delegation called upon tbe mayor and upon
tbe police oemmlssioners. Mayer Iistrebe
Instructed City Solleitor Carter te sue out
an Injunction restraining the company
from erecting any mere electrle light
poles alODg tbe streets. The empleyes of
Morten, Reed it Oa, however, decided te
take the initiative in the war upon tbe poles
snd sawed down tbe piece of timber before
their store. Tbelr triumph was abort lived.
William A. Dunn, president of the con
struction oempiny, gathered a foreo of men
and en Friday night re erected tbe objec
tionable pole. The business men express
tbelr determination te defend Mr. Reed
sod te push tbe matter, it ts an Interest
ing fight.
A Uorllisder Liberty.
from lb.3 Philadelphia Ueceid.
At his request, 14-yesr-eld Ira Bleacher
was yesteruay sent te tbe Heuse et Refuge
by Magistrate Batrd. The boy walked Inte
the Ninth district station beuse en Friday
night and said that he bad been living with
his grandmother In .Lancaster oeunty, but
had become weary of country life and had
started out for Philadelphia, taking along
bis gun te sheet rabbits en tbe way. Near
Bryn Mawr tbe gun was accidentally dls
cbsrged and tbe oentents ledged in his
baud, lie said he bad been In tbe Beuse
et Refuxe and wished te be sent tbere
sgsln. His wound Is net serious.
Bent tu Ibe Wurktease,
Pnlllp Lane was tbe only Inmate of the
station beuse for disposition befere tbe
mayor tbU morning. He Is a colored msn
sud was arrested by Officer Ehrman for
drunkennees end dleorderly conduct and
begging. Te these who i tiuced uim money
he was very abusive. Tbe mayor sent him
te the workbeuso for ten dsje.
Crass Cuded,
Gottlieb Yeung waa beard by Alderman
Halbacb en Saturday evening, en a charge
et forcibly entering the premises of Gotwald
Wallz. The prosecutor was unable te make
out a case snd tbe alderman dismissed It,
Wallz was prosecuted by Yeung for
drunkenness and disorderly conduct, be
fore Alderman Birr, Fer tbe first nsmed
etlense be was sent te Jail for 24 heurr,
The sssault snd battery case wss amicably
managed and tbe costs paid.
Death of Eamutirabuetteck,
Samuel Fahnestoek, a retired farmer
living near MUlwsy, Eparata township,
died en Sunday afternoon et heart disease,
aged G7 years. He was a Democrat In
politics and was held la high esteem by
bis neighbors. His funersl will take plsce
en Wednesday morning with interment st
Middle Cnck cemetery,
TRUTJBLB at an ex roast.
Several Mta assanlt BWmbsr et tha Qearry-
vltle Band.
Saturday evening the Republicans had
an ex roast at Qusrrjvllle. In the fore
noon they purchased several large pieces of
beef, but when they learned that eae et
tbem was from a cow they refused te accept
it. They then purchased a steer and
roasted It by sections. The affair was held
at Wellet'a hotel and there was much
drunkenness and disorder. Among these
at the mtellng waa J .me Je ffriea. He Is a
member of a band, belonging te the village
tbat furnished the music. He went Inte the
barroom for some purpess when be waa at
tacked and badly beaten by Ames weimer,
Jee Weimer and ".Skip" Or off. The affair
grew out of trouble en election dsy. The
father of the two Welmers waa the Repub
lican Judge of tbe election la Eden town tewn
ahlp, who la new under ball for trial at
court for rejecting the vote of a qualified
eleoter. Mr. Jeffries wss the Democratic
Inspeoter and he refused te sign the return
et voters because he did net think tha elec
tion was oenduoted fairly. This led lean
at'ackeaMr. Jeflrleeby tbe young teugha
and It Is altogether likely that tbey will
have te answer for the effense la court.
A Namliir or Orfrnaei. Against tnl"Aw who
Bill D.ftnd Tb.m.tlT.,
Jehn Stein, Jsmes Hlnkle, Edward
Hamaker and Harry Fin dley, tbe Columbia
men who are charged with assaulting
Edward Keller and F. O, Foreman, and
were heard before Alderman Deen en Sat
urday, have been returned te court.
Saturday alternoen Annie Wall, the
colored girl wLe waa arrested en numerous
ebsrges of lareeny recently hsd a hearing
before Alderman Deen. Sbe was com
mitted te answer tbe charges at oeutt. At
the same time Rebert Prtaabury and wlfe
Rebecca, wlth'.whem tbe girl lived and In
wbese house tbe goods were found, were
held for court en tbe charge of receiving
stolen goods.
Seme time ego Calvin M. Delllnger had
a hearing before Alderman Deen en the
charge of stealing a watering ean from A,
S, Buckwalter and a tub from Susan
Shenk. The alderman reserved hla deci
sion at the tlme, but has slnee returned the
cue te court.
William Procter, Jr., colored, had a hear
ing en Saturdsy at Alderman Spurrier'a
charged with an assault and battery .en Mary
Cllneb. It seems that en Halloween
Procter met the girl en the street and
struek her an ugly blew in the face. Tbe
alderman held him for court.
Squire Evans, of Oelnmbls, has held for
trisl at court en the charge of malicious
m'se ilef Wl.'l'sm Yebn, Samnel Beekman;
William Yelin, Christian Sbslr, Hnrman
Blnkley, Ames Ceburn, and Cal Wolf.
Tbe accused are boys residing in Mount Meunt
vllle, and It Is alleged that en Halloween
they took a carriage and placed It en the
top 'of tbe root of tbe Dunkard church,
where It remslned until, last Saturday,
Wben Officer Wlttlck learned of these facta
he made complaint against the boys, it Is
ssld tbat neither the owner of the carriage
nor tbe church people wanted the aulta
brought. The sccused refused te psy tbe
costs before tbe squire and Ihe case went te
A Hetel K.tper Wounded While
Along Ihe Street.
Jehn Gnrzsnbauser, pioprleter of the
Seventh Waid hotel, at Rockland and Lew
streets, had a rather singular experience en
Sunday evening. He waa walking along
Seuth Lime street, near Locust, snd wis
Just passing a let which is filled with high
rank weeds. Suddenly he felt something
strike blai In tbe calf of tbe leg. Be
also heard a nolte behind but, pay
ing little attention, walked en. He
seen felt something warm trlekllng
down his leg, and taking ctfhla beet found
tbat It was full of bleed. He rolled up his
psntaleans aud saw tbat be bad received
an ugly looking out In the leg, which waa
bleeding freely. It was about three Inches
in length and quite deep. It waaafterwarda
sewed np by Dr. Albright. It was dsrk
when Mr. Qunzenheuser get his wound
and It is likely tbat some eue bad laid In
Will for him at this point with the Intention
of killing him. They were net successful
although a painful wound was eaused.
A Narrow Escape.
Edward Leber, of Kphrata, had a narrow
escape from death this morning. He was
driving a four-berse team and waa ensuing
tbe railroad track at Epbrata. Net noticing
tbe spprescb of the passenger trsln from
Reading, some of tbe passengers at the
station saw Mr. Leber's dsnger and called
te him. Fortunately for him he did net
lese his presence of mind. The horses
were already en tbe trsck, wben by a great
effort, he pulled tbe horses te the side of
tbe track, and tbe train pasted by wltbln
two feet of them. The sudden turn of tbe
horses caused the tongue or tbe wagon te
snap, but that was the only dsmsge done.
Tbe Pralm mothers' Su'.t,
In tbe lecal published en Saturday about
tbe suit brought by Miller W.
Frslm sgsiust Edwsrd T. Frslm,
It wss stated Ibat Edward secured
possession of certslnletteis intended fcr
Miller. The postcfilce authorities ssy that
letters addressed te tbe Fralm Leck werke,
were given te Edward by order et tbe post
master genersl, te whem his attorney bad
written. Edward claims that he filled no
orders exsept these properly addressed te
V. M. C. A. Notts.
Speelal services for young men will be
held In the ball of tbe Yeung Men's
Christian association every evening et this
week, beginning at 8 o'clock, except Wed
nesday evening, wben tbe hour will be 9
o'clock. Mr, Willis Hawley, general
secretary of the Ilarrlaburg association, will
oenduct tbe aervlces this snd te-morrow
evenings. Every young man Is Invited.
Tbe Ladles' Anxlllsry of tbe association
will meet In tbe building every alternoen
of tbls week at 3:30 o'clock te engsge in a
service of prayer in bebalf et the young
mec All members of tbe auxiliary and
tbelr friends are urged te attend,
Tbe Revenue Collector III,
Tbe many friends of Hen. Jehn T. Mac
Unnlgle, collector of rcvenue for tbe Ninth
Internal revenue district, will learn with
regret tbat be is quite lib On Friday
evening he was taken with an attack of
indigestion, and this was followed Saturdsy
evening by a stroke of paralysis. His
condition during yesterday snd te-day wss
sueb aa te cause alarm.
A Vliltms Orcneilrs.
Sunday tbe members el tbe orchestra
connected with tbe tbeatre In Wilmington,
came te Lancaster en a visit. They were
shown around tbe city by tbe members of
tbe opera beuse orchestra of tbls city, snd
were entertained at a fine dinner at Oebs'
Cemmerclsl hotel In tbe afternoon, Tbe
leader of the visiting orchestra Is Prof.
Jeseph Burgauer.
Reward Increseed.
Tbe people of BIrd-ln-Hand are leaving
nothing undone te bileg te Justice tbe per
son or persons who have been starting the
lneendtsry fires In that place. The reward
for their arrest and conviction baa Just been
Increase 1 by tbe owners or tbe barns and
telgfabjie te WOCi
Italy's rosrrieN,
Tee Qevtrnmsnl's Organ Ql. Netlcs That
Italjr Will Assist Her Neighbor II
Trance Attacks th Uerman Kmplr.
Why Ik Course Is Takes.
Bemb, Nev. 12. The war official organ,
the Kn.nrUi) Jluliune, prints an artlele en
the relations subsisting between Italy aad
France, signed - by Its editor, who Is
accepted as being high authority en mill,
tary affairs. It say is "Beth Frsnee and
Italy with perfect geed faith - pro pre
test tbat they de net Intend te make an at
tack. Nevertheless, war Is Inevitable en
tbe first rcculen, France must sooner r.r
later endeavor te burst the Iren clrele In
whlchtheunlty of Oarmany and Italy has
bound her. Let no one name her
for such an effort Itsly cannot
de olhetwlse than continue In allt allt
anee with Germany beesuse tha success
of these Fr.neh arms facilitated by Italian
neutrality would seen be bitterly felt by
Italy. After a victorious war with Ger
many waragalnst Itslyweutd be Inevitable,
Italian statesmen who have fslled te re
cognize this would lead tbe country te de
Tbensanil. of People Visit th Chemical
WerS. en Hand7-roeeral or th Victims.
Tbe most Interesting place about Ibis oily
yesterday was tbe Lancaster ebemlcal
works, where tbe terrible explosion took
place en Wednesday evening. Tueie was
a great crowd at the werka all day, and the
pike leading te tbe plsee was filled with
pedestrians and teems until late la tbe
afternoon. Although the company are
busy making repairs persons oeuld form a
geed Idosel the terrible sflslr. Everybody
msde the most minute examination of the
building and surroundings and tbere were
very few peeple who had any Idea of tha
extent of tbe damage by the explosion until
tbey visited tbe place
Funeral, at th Victim..
The funerals of Jehn L. Riddle and
Mlcbsel Klann, tbe two victims et Wed
nesday's boiler explosion tcek plsee en
Snnday afternoon and weie largely at
tended, Tbe funeral et Mr, Riddle was attended
by tbe Seven Wise Men snd Knights of
Laber, of which organisatiens deceased waa
a, member. UIs remains weie Uken te Bt.
Stephen's Lutheran ohureb, where the
funeral sorvlcea were held. Rev. Melster
preached tbe funeral sermon.
Tbe funeral sermon ever tbe remains of
Mr. Klann was prescbed by Rev. Meyer,
or Ien's Lutheran chutcb. Beth Inter
ments were msde at .Ien's cemetery.
On Tbls Week's Trial List In Chester County.
TlieCult Yer Steny InenMnd Dellar.,
The county commissioners and a number
of witnesses and attorneys went te West
Chester tbls morning. Tbe suit et H. R.
Fulton, against the oeunty of Lancaster, Is
en this week's trial list. It wss brought In
this oeunty, but en motion et the
counsel Interested a change of venue
wss hsd te Chester oeunty. Mr. Ful
ton claims several thousand dollars commis
sions for overpaid Isx by tbe county, recov
ered from the stste. UIs claim la based en a
contract be bad with the oemmlasloners,
under whleh the commissioners sgreed te
psy him twenty-five per cent, of all
meneys recovered. After the money
wss psld ever te tbe tressurer et Lan
caster oeunty the commissioners refused
te keep tbelr part of the agreement and
alleged tbat Mr. Fulton bad nothing te de
with the atate refunding tbe eveipild tax,
thst the revenue commissioners ascertained
the amount due and sent tbe same te the
treasurer et this oeunty. The county will
vigorously contest the claim and it Ihe case
Is attached It will take several dsys te try it.
The plslntlU Is represented by Brown &
Hensel and the oeunty of Lincaster by 11.
M. North, K, K. Martin and County Solici
tor Shenck,
ukxtu or jeun m, Helland.
Prominent In Cburcb and Bandar flcboel
Matters-Ills Funeral Tomorrow.
Jehn M. Helland, a well known young
man, died at bis residence, Ne, 300 Seuth
Prince street, en Saturdsy afternoon, after
an Illness et several weeks from bronchitis.
He attended tbe picnic et St. Mary'a Sun
day school lsat August, and engaged In a
game of base bill. He beesme everhaaled,
eaugbt cold and hsd net been well since.
His cold gradually became wersp, settled
In his threat and for the past alx weeka he
has been confined te tbe beuse.
He was a tailor by trade and was for a
number of years employed at tbe store
of Hlrsb it Brether as tbeir principal eutter.
In politics be was a Dotneorat and was a
momberot the Yeung Men's Demoeratlo
club. He was a consistent member of St.
Mary'a Catholle chureh and was one of the
Sunday school teachers ; he was also a
member of St, Mlcbael'ascclety, HeJeaviS
a wife and four children, two beya and two
girls The funeral will take place Tuetdty
morning at 8 o'clock, and tbe remains will
bj taken te Philadelphia for Interment
EU.mstilps Collide.
Tbe Ounard strainer Uinbrla, which
sailed from New Yerk for Liverpool en
Saturday morning, ran Inte and oarrled
away the stern et tbe Fabre Line freight
steamer Iberia, eft Leng Beacb, In tbe
alternoen. The Umbrla's collision bulk
head was partially crushed In above tbe
water line. Tbe crew of tbe Iberia, 30
men, were taken cfi by tbe Umbrla. The
Umbrla then returned te her deck at New
Yerk for repairs. Tbe pilot beat Calvin U.
Celt put a salvsge crew or three men en
beard tbe steamer Iberia en Sunday morn
ing. Sbe lies three miles til shore,
directly opposite tbe Leng Beach hotel, In
an easy pssltlen. The cargo lu tbe held la
said te be in geed condition.
List or Unclaimed Letters.
The following is a Hat of unclaimed let
ters remaining In the peateffice at Ltncai
tsr for the week ending Monday, Novem
ber 12, 1888 :
Ladle' LUtiUt. Catharine Diem, Mrs,
W. J. Miller, Mrs. H. Myers, MIim Lizzie
Steener, Miss Orace Welser,
Ocnts' LUtM. U. Eberly.Qee. Qandets,
Hall Safe fc Lcck Ce., 11. iiatbert, Willie
Jenes, Win. B. Jenes, Dr. War. Kempt, J.
L. Klllbttler, B. F, Ktrkpatrlek, L. W.
vyaisen, joenAimueriuan.
Seized by Ihe Bberllt.
1. N. Levan, sr,, te-day Issued exoeutlon
gilnatblsaeD, 1. N.Levsn,Jr., ferll,023 31,
and his stock in bis store, at Epbrata, waa
levied upon by the sheriff this alternoen.
Will Jein lb Blnsbsrt..
Jehn Wise left Ijancaster today te Jein
tbeKlnebart Sisters' comedy oempany,wlth
Which be traveled part of last season.
Wbe Can He.t II ?
Mis. Jehn Huber, Kllzibeth farm,
Brlckervllle, raised a radish that measures
33 Inches In clrcumferenoe, 23 Inehes long
snd weighs 30 pounds. Tbe radish Is solid.
(itjunlDg in Virginia.
H. Clsy Miller, Uuiburt E, Andersen,
Jsmes C. Wiley and Jeseph R, Trlsslerlelt
Saturdsy night en a week's gunning trip te
HI. Claim Rswlered.
Indianapolis, lnd., Nev. 12. General
Herman Sturm, a man who once possessed
great wealth but lest Itlhreugh hie dealings
with the Mexlesd government, baa, after
many years of persistent effort, procured
the allowance of a claim whleh will restore
his fortune with Interest. At tbe time of
the Maximilian Invasion be entered Inte
a contract te turnlah the government
a large supply et arms and ammunition
at a greatly advanced cost. Philadelphia
capitalists were luterested with him
In tbe transaction. Through the
wrecking of a steamship contatnleg a large
part of the cargo and the failure el the gov gev
erment te pay ler Its purchase Sturm was
bankrupted and ethers asscelaled with him
lest hesvlly. Sturm endeavored te recover
Insuranee en a part of his leta and the case
was In court many yearr, Twe years age
there w.a an adverse ruling en the claim in
oeurt Sturm pushed the matter, however,
and has been rewsrded by receiving an
allowance of 12,215,000 en bis claim. Tbla
Is te be psld In Mexican bands and he will
net realise tbe lull amount. He ewes
heavy attorney feea which will also tend te
reduce the amount received.
Died In IllsSwelbarl'. Presence.
Monferdsvillb, Ky., Nev. 12 Details
of a shocking trsgedy reached here yester
day from Rowletts, a village several miles
back In tbe oeunty. On Tburaday after
noon las', while out with a nutting party,
Henry Rewe asked bla sweetheart, Sally
Legaden, te name the day ter their mar
riage, Sbe replied tbat she would de te
when he took his last drink of liquor,
Rewe said he had done se and would preve
It then and there. He stepped ctl two or
three paces, pulled a revelver from his
poeket, and before snyone oeuld receh him
sent a bullet through bis temple. Mlsa
Logsden fell te the ground In a swoon, snd
when she recovered was a raving maniac.
Rewe waa a telegraph operator and be
longed te an cxoellont family. Us is be
I loved te have been temporarily insaue,
Over ISO Victim..
The lateat reports of tbe mlne dlatster st
Fentensc, near Pltt.burg, Kansas, say tbat
out of a total or 104 who went Inte the mine
only 14 have been taken out alive, and most
of these are fatally burned,
Firrsnunci, Kans, Nev. 12 While the
relief squad et reseuers were working at
the feet of tbe main shaft of tbe
Frontenae mine yesterday tbey were
astonished te see a man approaching tbem
through tbe shaft from tbe Inside. It
proved te be Henry Burns, who hss for 30
hours been counted among the lest. He
was dellileus and did 'net seem te compre
hend what was going en, or te explain hew
he had saved his own life. He Is new
being well eared ter, aud It is thought tbat
he will be all right In a few days.
Anarcblita Use Plcrjr Langutge.
MiNNKArer.iH, Nev. 12 About 300 peo
ple assembled last night te tske part In tbe
festval of sorrow evor tbe banging of the
Chicago Anarchists, The speeebes were of
tbe most fiery order, Tbe press was abused
In IIib most violent manner, . Seme of the
speakers attseked tbe reperteta who were
present They all said the press waa re
spensible for tbe Hsymarket riot, Tbere
was no disturbance. Several policemen
were stationed In tbe ball, but their services
were net needed. Tbe hall wtn decked with
red flsgs, and tbe glebes ever tbe gia
Jets were bleed rsd.
Adding te th Ostnutu force.
Brrlin, Nev, 12. The German squad
ron en the eist Atrleau coast Is te be In
creased by three vessels. Possibly Prince
Henry wllloemmand the lleet. The block
ade will extend from tbe Cape et Cardaful
or Maasewab te Madagascar,
The plantation company, It Is said, will
enlist men In tbe Butch East Indies, snd
sbeuld the bloekado preve Insufficient It Is
believed that tbe governtnont may adejt
like measures.
en Fer tbe Rattle (Wound.
CitiOAtie, Nev, 12 Damlnlek Mc
Caffrey, the pugilist, arrived In the city
from Pittsburg yesterday snd left In Ibe
evening for Minneapolis, where he will
fight Pat Klllen en the 30th Inst. He wss
In geed condition aud expects after a fcrt-'
night's training te be able te make a very
Interesting flgbt with the Northerner,
although be Is, wben in training, twenty
five pounds the lighter man,
A Weman Ilaugs Uerseir.
Teiihk liAUTK, lnd., Ner, 12. Thewl'e
et Dr. Cooper, a wealthy physician recently
removed here from New Harmony, tbla
state, committed tulclde yesterday by
hanging herself from a deer transom. She
had been mueh depressed slnee tbe desth
of her eldest son a few months sge. She
leaves four children.
A Crimean Vettrau Dead
Londen, Nev. 12. Ueerge Charles Bing
ham Lucau Is desd at Ibe sge ci 88. He
served in Ibe army during the Crimean
campaign and took part In tbe famous
charge et the Light Brlgade at Balaklava
and was mtde a K. C, B. for bis services.
UIs eldest son Geerge, Lord Blngbsm, tua
e eds him.
WlllUave te lUinalu in Ills Cell.
Wahuiwqten, Nev. 12. Tbe supreme
oeurt of tbe United States bss refused te
grant tbe mandamus applied for by David
Terry, el San Frauclsoe, te compel tbe clr clr
cultceurt te Issue a writ el habeas corpus te
release htm from confinement In Alsmec'a
county Jail, te which he was recently tent
for six months for oentompt of tbe United
States circuit oeurt In connection wltb ihe
notorious Sharen will ojie.
Could Net Hl.nct L'rlllclmi.
Londen, Nev. 12. Sir Charles Warren,
commissioner or tbe Metropolitan police,
hss resigned his pisltlen. This resignation
is due te tbe popular outery evor the com
missioner's failure te capture Ihe White
cbapel murderer.
Benlenced te lite.
New Yeitic, Nev. 12, l'atrlctc I'ickln
ham, tbe old mail who has been found
guilty of murder In tbe first degree, having
killed his wife by cutting her threat wltb a
razor, waa tbls morning sentenced te be
hanged January 4, ISS'J, by Recorders my lb
In tbe goneral sessions court
Hitumi FromCa'Ifernla
San Francisce, Nev. 12. The total
vote ler president In this state as shown by
additional returns glve Harrison 110,734 ;
Cleveland, 108,208. Places representing
6,000 te C,C00 votes sre yet te be beard from.
Tbe complexion of tbe congressional dele
gation has net been chanjed by tbe returns
up te tbe present
Itetcued Alive.
Vienna, Nev, 12. The miners who
were supposed te have been drowned by
the flooding of the coal mines at Salgetarjs,
Hungary, a few days sge, hsve been
rescued alive.
Mr, Haruuui Impierlpg,
New Havkn, Conn., Nev. 12 The 9 s.
m. report from W. H. Barnum from Lime
Reck shows a slight Improvement and the
physicians new have a slight hope thst he
pull through,
Kut.lls Wlus.
Londen, Nev. 12. Tbe Cbesteifield nur
.... ...,,. 1 1r. at tha Derbv November
meeting te dsy, wss wen by Eulalla
II III Meres That the Solid Nerm Dews
th solid Seeth Ucctui Ml la rM4.
the Tariff Illli-Reierm In L.tIcb"-!
T.x.i still lb lainrl i'l
Washington. Nev. 12. Ex-fses
Jee McDonald, of Indiana, when asked I
wnat he attributed Democratic defeat;.
saldt "Te the sectional Issue." y1i
" xeu mean the bloody shirt T" f$,
no, i ae net mesn the bloody shirt I
i mean me arrsy or the solid North I
the solid Sonth. Even Republicans wtesf'
isvereu isrui reform did net like the
oihavingareformblllcomefrom books
mil, ,tin Una. In a. U......... .a ,. I,1 .
- t,uu ,,,- ,u m nuuiueiu Bine," Ajjr S
"Then ycu don't think It wasthetaiBt
that did it T''
"Ne. shows thst we asacstv
gains in every one of tbe mannfactBrtefJ
centre, asenrit ena. Th.l - .! v
mrmm N.w A than KM.t .... ,.. -
slight there. We made gains among th'
weiklngmen, but suflered lotsessmengtlr '
farmers, wbere we least expected Ibem., Itt
K me .eciiensi issue mat aid it.
wise we should hsve hsd the farmers wttlk'l
us. And hew else will yen account for tk-a'f
grest Republican majorities rolled 7Bf-j
"."" " u j.uuuie, micuigBD, liSMeeejsyjt
buu utusi tunica nusrs were is sereatajj
isrin reterm stntimeniT" hJ
"De ycu think tbe tariff will be the fawVl
again in '02 7" jfi
"xes. -xne uemocraile Tarty
reoede from Its position en that
1103. Tbe paity Is net dispirited of J
denersllzet'i It ts esioetlslly a tariff r.
Iilrm nertv. nrri mn't Iwi mvlhlna l.-i-i
Innir.a IhitnriiajintrtiuiilHlrtn .,, If 4
Tli Democrat Ate Crew, :'f.
uiiicacie, Nev. 12. The DemeerawaV
gnosis at Snyder's hotel In Seuth Ohl
carrying out the stipulations of an t
wsger with their Republican fellow I
era, sat down te a mess of orew yestecB
the winning betters lattaklngef ai
dinner at the same table. It waa no i
affair but a genuine crew dinner. ,TlgV'
guests who ssteu tbe victim aids of
tsble admitted tbat their sppetltes wr
out ravenous, and that while, they
v.un, iua uiu uui unuKer iiwr m v
A Nensp.per M.n.gtr Dead. 'J jV .
St. Louts, Nev. 12.--Cel. Jehn Knspa,
for many years the business manager aael
ene of tbe proprietors et the Mlsneurl Jtew allied tbe St Leuis litpubUt
died at his home here at midnight lass
night Hs retired several yesta sgo'freat'
' - v
aotlve management of the paper and for te t
last six months wss In feeble health, I
was net thought te be In any Immediate
danger until yesterdsy morning. He '
about 70 years old aud bad lived lnW.
Leuis from ohlldheod. He leaves a wklwW '
and sons and three daughters, the oil
son, Obarles W. Knspr, being the
uuimen uiuhef ui iue itrj'wuuc ',.
Agslcat Ihe Bell Uemptny. ',&'
Wasiiinuten, Nev. 12 The suptssBaVi
oeurt el the United Slates has everrmMt
tbe decision of tbe lower court la the MB j
Telephone cate of Msssscbutetts and iaev
dered a decision ssalnst tbe company. '.:'
In Ibe case of cx-AIderman JethB, )(:
New Yerk, new In Sing Sing prison,
decision or Ibe circuit oeurt waa sfHratSsVi
This oemnals Jaehna te remain In nrfe.S
. tss a
ABlanBndUI.Wir.alard.rsd. a
Lt,SALi,K, iits, Nev. lz. a report re .
eelved tbls morning states tbat Petter
Heweand wife, a wealthy oeuplo of Wheat,
village twenty miles south, were murdered
lait night It Is said the murderers were
alter boetv. tit
nrenght tu Lancaster ter Dnrlak ti--
(Th. fnna..l V-ail tnl. !ala.& M
Columbia, leek plsee te-day. Tbe servleesv 1j
were held In Salem cburcb, Columbia, byr','
lav. H. Hnllnr this mernlne. Tbe bedrTJ
was then brought te Lancaster, arrlVMtffj
here en the 12:33 train. It wu soeom-'i-
pinledbytbe family and a large number,
of friends. They were met at tha
Paansylvanla depot by a number 'Of.
Lancaster friends of the deessaeeV;;
The body wss taken te ZleaYi
esmelery, where Ihe interment was
The pall besrers were tbe following
bers of tbe Ferest and Stream elub te whlek
tbedeceaied belenged: J. H, Bte'eaa, H. O.'
r .!- W If Uiuin t'hrtta T. -"- ,
IT. fl. Ynunir. Albert Charles. M. P. Rens, s
Geerge Lilly. There were msny beauiHBl j
FeiesdUts wire te Kilt Dins. ji?
A speetsl from Carben mil, se miiesi
of Blrmlegbsm, Ala, ssys: W.
Shnmake. nestmatter of thst Plse.
account of the anticipated less el his cl
became ueapenueni ana spproacnuear
wife demanded Ibat sbe kill hluv-
knife be handed her. Sbe refused and M
snatched away tbe knife te kill her. Hbs
protested and ssld sbe wculd de as he,
bade her. Sbe took a small pistol from aiT
uruwer nuar uy nuu uruu, iue uan iuan.
effect in her nusbana-a nearr. x-er.ens wswr
.......... ..... VA.r.. nl IhM tlb,S.I n llA labk
UOIIU IUU C'V v. uu j'lB.w. ftuauvw -. -
the wife unconscious across bis prostrate 5
. . .. ...-. . .. r.. -:-.
Deav. it wascenciuueu loaienumaaoDaat, 4
tsken bis own life, but en her recovery Um:&i
unfortunate woman told tbe facta and gavejr?
herself Inte custody. Sbumake was a .
popular young man ana stoea wen. is
wile is a refined girl only 17 years old.
Uncial V fllHccrfl PliOMIl. a-.
Tbe Society et Inquiry et the theoleglcti ;
smnlnary has Just elected the following;
cflicerst President. Qee. B. Walbert ; vice1
president, 8. L. Krebs; recording secretary,
J. R, Brown ; critic, is. v. inusaeimau. v
The Wemau'a Missionary society of tbe;
Reformed church holds its regular, monthly,
meeting In College cbapel this afternoon. '--K
Tbe regular monthly missionary meeting w
of tbe Society et Inquiry sudColIcgex'euBgy
Mnn'a Christian association Will be DSIO, Ml
in OniiBBB ehanel en Tueedsy eveBlBB,"
beginning at 7:30. The delegstes who BJ"
tended tbe Missionary Alliance stnesKBT
will report. '
Sermon te Xoung Bleu,
Iter. C. L. Fry preached a sermon la-
Trtnltv I. nthnr.n church en flundnv avail-
Inn nriAMtatlvr trr vftiincr tirtArt. ITI11 thAm)ji
was tbe challenge et the Prophet Elijah te
the people assembled en Mount Oarmel, as,
found in I. Kings xvitij si "new lesgv
tiMlt tn twtwpfln tvn niilnlensT If tkB
Lord te Ged, fellow him ; but If Baal 19
Qed, lollew him." "AiJ
Tii mia llreke.
Tha eiln nf a w.iren belonging te I
Minr. farmer, leaded with hay, broke'
xr.ii. nh.,tan atria, near Grant, tki
ui.t.i hnnni1 III frABS
morning, iw co""" 'ri- - -V3
of tbe stable where the nay was te am wmn
leaded, snd but lltwe inconvenience ws
Olvsn a fcntlefi.
Pension was granted en Stlurday I
Thorns Edwards, New Provldenee. ,
ThaBackmen le Organus.
Tha Hack-nan et this city will held.
rn itlng next Ssturdsy evening te organ
ter their own protection.
j Wahuinqteji. D. O- Nev. 12.-
bB tfaatnrn Pannavlvanla s Fair, a alias
"rlse in temperture j westerly wUeaV
beeOBtfajr, variably, v